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Jesus said to them, ‘I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst’

— John 6:35 (ESV)

SUNDAY 21 Praise God for a new partnership between MAF PNG, Bread for the World, and the Tribal Foundation. MAF is working with them to deliver a new community training programme seeking to prevent gender-based violence. Pray that those affected by violence will find healing, dignity and their true value in Christ.

MONDAY 22 Flooding during Suriname’s rainy season is always a problem, but last year’s unprecedented rainfall caused more devastation than ever before. MAF delivered about 30 sacks of food to villages cut off by the flooding. Uphold those still affected, and pray for protection now the rainy season has begun.

TUESDAY 23 Late last year, MAF Papua flew 600 metres of water pipes to Dagai. Give thanks that we’re able to help fly supplies to remote communities worldwide, enabling people to access fresh water. May those who receive this physical blessing also hunger and thirst for righteousness.

WEDNESDAY 24 Praise God for Genesis Waters which, thanks to MAF, distributed 100 water filtration kits in the DRC. The kits, which enable 100 households to access clean water, can be mounted on buckets to provide a simple filtration system. Pray that the grateful recipients will encounter Jesus, the living water (John 7:37-38) and bread of life.

THURSDAY 25 In Matthew 6:9-13, Jesus teaches us how to pray, saying, ‘Give us this day our daily bread’. Although for many of us food is readily accessible in the UK, put yourself in the shoes of someone for whom Matthew 6:9 is a desperate prayer. Give thanks that we have a God who cares about our physical and spiritual needs.

FRIDAY 26 Ethnologue estimates that there are about 7,151 living languages in the world! Uphold all the Bible translators who fly with MAF and work tirelessly so people can be fed spiritually by reading God’s Word in their own language.

SATURDAY 27 flew two coolers of fresh fish for missionaries living inland to keep in their freezer. Pray that, as the fish provide nourishment for their bodies, so the missionaries in Foya will provide unreached communities with spiritual nourishment.

TOP Dagai in Papua receives delivery of water pipes

LEFT 200 people watched a video about gender-based violence

RIGHT A village hit by flooding in Suriname


SUNDAY 28 Praise God for Pentecost and give thanks for the gift of the Holy Spirit! In Acts 1, Jesus told the disciples to remain in Jerusalem to receive the Spirit. There was nothing they could do but be still and wait. We may find this difficult, but it’s often when we’re still that we meet powerfully with God.

MONDAY 29 Although our pilots are busy flying, they sometimes find themselves having to wait, with poor weather conditions, local bureaucracy or operational delays sometimes leading to periods of inactivity. Pray they will use such times wisely to pray, listen and rest.

TUESDAY 30 Being still is something we rarely embrace in the 21st century. Even when we’re forced into physical inertia, phones, TV and other distractions consume our attention. In many of the places MAF works, the need to find the next meal, collect water or care for the sick often prevents people focusing on God. Pray that those we serve will have their needs met and receive His peace.

WEDNESDAY 31 MAF staff not only meet the physical needs of remote communities by providing life-saving resources, they also show concern for people’s spiritual requirements. Uphold our national and international staff as they seek to share Christ with others.

THURSDAY 1 There are different ways to ‘know’ God. Some experience His presence and hear His voice in nature, others through singing praise or silent meditation. The Word of God, read prayerfully and allowed to settle into hearts that are still, provides another way. Praise God that MAF Chad enables linguists from Wycliffe Bible Translators to give people the Gospel in a form they can understand.

FRIDAY 2 Daily prayer lies at the heart of our programmes, enabling our staff to still themselves before the Lord. Prayer needs are presented and words of Scripture shared. Pray that, as our national and international staff unite, their prayer times will provide refreshment, a renewed vision and strength for each day.

SATURDAY 3 Luke 10:38-42 recounts the story of Mary and Martha. When our staff are busily meeting people’s seemingly endless needs, we may wonder if there is more we can do to help share the load. But we can be like Mary, sitting at Jesus’ feet and upholding them in prayer. Visit www.maf-uk.org/staff to guide your prayers for individuals and families you may never meet, but who you can partner with in prayer.

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