1 minute read
SUNDAY 9 Praise God for MAF Arnhem Land and its continued support for part-time MAF Pilot Prabhu Pothula and his wife Christina as they work with Pioneers Australia. Our programme continues to support the couple through subsidised flights and housing, as they establish a ministry that helps Yolŋu believers to disciple one another.
MONDAY 10 On Galiwin’ku — also known as Elcho Island — leadership is historically the preserve of men and is the foundation of Prabhu's and Christina's ministry. Please pray for Christina as she builds relationships with Yolŋu women in the hope that this will provide a Gospel breakthrough that goes beyond tradition.
TUESDAY 11 Pray for David and the new role that God gave him, which brought him back to Galiwin’ku after he’d been to Bible college. ‘God gives me the words,’ he explains, ‘and I must speak what He says.’
WEDNESDAY 12 Consider the lonely path David walks in his commitment to sharing the Gospel. Although he is the rightful leader of his clan, David has sacrificed that position because of his faith and now has few Yolŋu friends. Pray for a change of heart among non-believers.
THURSDAY 13 Christina’s adoptive uncle George had an uncle who led a Christian revival in Arnhem Land. George testifies that God has told him, ‘You’ll be a leader. You’ll catch men.’ Ask the Holy Spirit to work through George to accomplish this.
FRIDAY 14 Pray for peace, protection and provision for MAF Arnhem Land as its fleet flies in support of the indigenous Yolŋu people. May they see that God is at work in the skies as well as on land in the churches that David, George, Prabhu and Christina are helping to nurture.

SATURDAY 15 Please keep the young people of Arnhem Land in your hearts. Violent behaviour, substance abuse and suicide are sadly prevalent, so please pray that Christ will reveal Himself to the youngsters before further tragedies occur.