Scottish Special (January-March 2022)

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Change is in the air ‘For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven’ (Ecclesiastes 3:1) Few of us embrace change eagerly, often experiencing stress as we’re drawn out of our comfort zone. However, when we become Christians, we repent from gratifying ourselves and turn to a life of glorifying and pleasing our heavenly Father — the most optimistic change we can ever make. In life, we often dress things up differently to make ourselves, our businesses, or our organisations more appealing to others. This year, we’re using fresh, novel ways to engage with potential supporters — new Bible studies, church workshops, podcasts and an exciting global prayer initiative — all of which will hopefully encourage new supporters to join MAF. Same message. New presentation. Thankfully, as we adopt these new communication methods, I’m reminded that Jesus never changes and is the same yesterday, today and forever. So, as we introduce new formats, we can be assured that He is always the same; always beside us — guiding and navigating the road we travel. Now that is a huge relief! Together for the Kingdom Heather Malloch Head of MAF in Scotland

New Year – new opportunities Story Chris Macrae

At the turn of a New Year, it’s always good to think about what could lie ahead. Often, it’s a time to start afresh and many of us resolve to do something new or try something different. Here at MAF Scotland, we hope we can inspire you to do just that! If you’re thinking about trying something new, we have lots of exciting volunteering opportunities to share with you. Just take a look at the many Volunteer Pathways available on our website, — maybe you’ll find the perfect ‘flight path’ for you! Alternatively, why not invite us to your church in 2022, where we can share about the work of MAF with your church family? We’ve a whole suite of resources that we’re excited to try out, including some new, workshop-style materials that allow for more interactive presentations.

If you’d like to find out more about what MAF could offer your church, please get in touch at We look forward to hearing from you!

Coming home Photos Ruth Jack, Joe Knighton and Lukas Schmid

Former Head of MAF Scotland Ruth Jack talks to Scottish Special as her successful three-year assignment in Arnhem Land nears its end We’ve been on a great big Duncan and I have worked as Outback adventure, and now partners in the leading of this we’re coming home to Scotland. great team. In January 2019, we made We’ve shared an office, a job, our long journey from Glasgow and the many challenges that to the remote airstrip at Gove came with completing the task Airport, Arnhem Land, situated we’d been sent to do — preparing on the northern tip of Australia. a unique MAF programme for The air an uncertain was very future. As we prepare to return, warm and Our son we look ahead with humid, the S a m u e l sadness at leaving our sun was adjusted with bright, and ease to his new team, joy at the prospect the dirt all surroundings of seeing family, and around was and new school, excitement about all that burnt red forming close God has for us next. from the friendships bauxite that quickly and sits just below the surface. doing well with a new Australian We were greeted at the tiny curriculum. He’s also grown a airport by a crowd of smiling, lot in three years and may well eager faces from the MAF be taller than me by the time we Arnhem Land team. This was return! our introduction to a place and In early 2020, we began the people that we would come difficult task of resizing the to know and love as home and programme, before responding family. to our sudden, new role as an Since that time, my husband essential pandemic service

provider to the isolated, indigenous communities here. Fortunately, due to tight local restrictions, Arnhem Land has remained COVID-free — without a single case. This is especially important for the Yolŋu people who would be very vulnerable to a local outbreak of coronavirus. As we prepare to return, we look ahead with sadness at leaving our team, joy at the prospect of seeing family, and excitement about all that God has for us next. We plan to enjoy several months in Scotland, carrying out Ministry Partnership activities before deploying to MAF Uganda. See you when we get back!

MAIN One of the nine GA8 aircraft MAF operates in Arnhem Land TOP Ruth Jack INSET Senior Flight Instructor Joe Knighton and Yalanba Munungurr

A decade of service Photos Dave Forney, Kelly and Mark Hawes and Jill Vine

Andy Martin speaks with Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Andy Swanson about a future beyond MAF for him and his family Andy, tell me a little about your journey to join MAF I was a Merchant Navy engineer before I married Heather. A job in renewable energy involved us moving to Pitlochry and a church with strong MAF connections. Looking back, it seems like I was being prepared to work overseas as an aircraft engineer — ‘the steps of a man are established by the Lord.’ You’re based in MAF Uganda, but where else have you been? In 2010, we moved to Ohio for my aircraft engineering apprenticeship. During three years there, I was also able to work on planes in Papua New Guinea, Canada and Florida. I’ve since had the privilege of helping MAF’s Liberia and Mongolia programmes. Both countries are very different to Uganda, and each other, and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the variety. The family moved back to Scotland last May without you. Has that been difficult? Yes, but it was important to get the kids into Scottish schools in the summer, rather than waiting for me to finish my contract in December.

I’ve been covering the Chief Engineer’s duties while he is on home assignment. Being busy certainly helps to speed the time while we are apart! So, tell me, what does the future hold? I’d hoped to stay in aviation but COVID-19 has had a huge impact on the industry, so we’ll have to wait and see. Abi is in her fourth year of secondary school — exams will be upon her soon. Matthew has a couple of years before he experiences that, and Eilidh is still in primary school. Heather has re-registered as a secondary school music teacher, having spent the last few years in Uganda teaching primary age kids. She’s working towards adding primary teaching to her registration.

How can MAF supporters remember you in their prayers? Moving back to Scotland involves ‘reverse culture shock’. In many ways, returning home is more challenging than when we came to Uganda. It’s incredible how much Scotland has changed — contactless payment, next day deliveries, digital TV — we’re having to learn so much. Please pray that we settle well, adjust to all these new experiences, and that friends and families will understand that we’ll make mistakes getting used to this ‘new’ culture.

MAIN Andy Swanson TOP In 2022, MAF Uganda will celebrate 45 years’ service LEFT MAF kid Sheena with MAF’s Dave Forney and Andy, in the Kajjansi hangar

For the Sake of the World

Story Heather Malloch Photos Mark Hewes

For the Sake of the World (FTSOTW) is a new way to connect with and pray for communities throughout the world — and for them to pray for us in Scotland, too! FTSOTW was established by MAF UK’s Prayer Communications Leader Victoria Fagg. A conference to launch this was held in Birmingham in 2018, and several prayer groups have sprung up as a result. Since then, the world ground to a halt and, with it, the FTSOTW vision. Last year, MAF Scotland reignited FTSOTW by working with Victoria and a group of leading church figures to reconstruct the vision digitally. We aim to bring a unified approach to prayer across denominations, cultures and countries from around the world. ‘So, how does FTSOTW work?’ I hear you ask. Well, MAF has partnered with other Christian international mission organisations, whose main goal is to enable and support people and see lives transformed by the power of Jesus. Through an app, these organisations will send you stories from a variety of communities containing prayer requests that will enable your prayers to be timely, informed and directed. The app will also relay to you the impact of your prayers around the world.

And, while we pray for many communities’ needs, they will be praying for ours — building an interdependent relationship based on prayer. Global digital prayer group meetings will eventually allow for us all to come together — united by the power of prayer whether you’re here in Scotland, Papua New Guinea or somewhere in Africa. Naturally, we want you to get involved. We want to set up FTSOTW prayer groups in churches and homes across Scotland this year, extending this network to the rest of the UK thereafter.

We also hope to establish prayer groups in MAF programmes around the world. For the Sake of the World is God’s idea. It recognises the broader picture of a hurting world in need of God’s healing and acknowledges the call and the promise in 2 Chronicles 7:14, ‘If my people… will humble themselves and pray… I will heal their land.’

For more information on joining this initiative – as an individual or as part of a group – please visit or you can email info@ Please come and join us. Be part of God’s bigger plan to see lives transformed.

MAF Scotland is considering connecting with our supporters through the news pages in Flying for Life magazine. From our next issue, we hope to engage with you in this slightly different way instead of through Scottish Special, but we are keen to know your views about this.

Please email us at, or phone us at the Glasgow office on 0141 332 5222, if you have anything to share. Scotland Office Challenge House 29 Canal Street, Glasgow G4 0AD T 0141 332 5222 E MAF Scotland




Registered charity in England and Wales (1064598) and in Scotland (SC039107) ® Registered trademark 3026860, 3026908, 3026915

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