24/7 Nocturnal Navigator Aug 08

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//periscope nocturnal navigator






0OF DBO DBMM $IJO $IJO (VUJFSSF[ B nPXFS DIJME OPU JO UIF IJQQJF LJOE PG UFSN CVU B HFOVJOF CMPPN GSPN by Mitzi Borromeo STEF JUAN JOREM CATILO OBUVSF GSFTI BOE VOJOIJCJUFE GSBHJMF ZFU SFTJMJFOU‰ Eco-conscious citizen ASSISTANT EDITOR LAYOUT ARTIST UIF LJOE UIBU BMXBZT GBDFT UIF TVO SJEFT JO UIF DPPM ERICH MERCADO CSFF[F BOE TUJMM XFMDPNFT UIF PDDBTJPOBM SBJO )FS WEBSITE DESIGNER QSFTFODF JT B QFBDFGVM CSFBL GSPN UIF IFDUJD QBDF JO 24/7 Nocturnal Navigator is a free monthly UIJT VSCBO KVOHMF BOE TPNFIPX JU GFFMT DPOUSJWFE UP FWFO UBML BCPVU TVQFSmDJBM UIJOHT MJLF IPX NVDI TIF publication of 24/7When Publishing with phone +632 it comes to painting the town red, try not to leave a big mess behind you. The more stuff MPPLT MJLF 4BMNB )BZFL CVU QSFUUJFSy 899 7915, fax +632 8110,and mobile +63917 we895 consume collect— food, clothes, gadgets and other unexplainable accessories— we 847 0247, and website www.mag24-7.com. contribute to our city’s garbage or solid waste amounting to about 5,350 tons per day. That’s " TFBTPOFE UIFBUFS mMN BOE UFMFWJTJPO BDUSFTT $IJO about five Mall of Asias full of garbage! (Well, maybe not exactly, but you get the point). Instead Please send your letters, event submissions, $IJO IBT BO JNQSFTTJWF MJTU PG BDDPNQMJTINFOUT JO of depending on our P.O. government leaders,UIBU DBSFFS QBUI BMPOF BQQFBSJOH JO PWFS mMNT we can take action and be part of the solution. Every contributions, and comments to Bel-Air Box thing counts. are a few tips for JODMVEJOH JO TJY JOUFSOBUJPOBM QSPEVDUJPOT TIPU JO the fun-loving urbanite: 88, Bel-Air 3 Village,little 1209 Makati CityHere or e-mail EDITOR-IN-CHIEF


UIF 64" (FSNBOZ BOE 'SBODF BOE UXJDF XJOOJOH editor@mag24-7.com and mag247@gmail.com. 1. Drive smart! Skyrocketing gas prices are taking a toll on our fun expenses. Save some BDUJOH BXBSET BT POF PG UIF mOFTU BDUSFTTFT JO "TJB Letters should include sender’s full address and money and lessen your environmental footprint by going easy on the gas pedal. Carpooling can 4IF IBT BMTP BQQFBSFE JO BEWFSUJTJOH DBNQBJHOT daytime number. No reproduction in also telephone save on gas, wear and tear on your vehicle, oil resources, and reduce all the associated MPDBMMZ BT XFMM BT JO )POH ,POH 5IBJMBOE *OEPOFTJB whole or inenvironmental part may be impacts made without written nasty associated with driving. "VTUSBMJB BOE /FX ;FBMBOE consent from the editors. 2. Easy on the plastic. BYOB (bring your own bag) when you:PV DBO BMTP BEE UP shop and say no to the We’d love to hear from Email usatyour ugly you! plastic bags the tiangge or your favorite shops. Ask the personUIJT MPOH MJTU IFS BXBSET at the counter to skip BT NVTJD BSUJTU BOE the earth-hostile Styrofoam away from that plastic comments, suggestions, and contributions to packaging next time you order takeout. Steer QSPEVDFS GPS Uyayi: stir stick, coffee junkies! An estimated 138 billion of them wind up in the trash each year. A editor@mag24-7.com. Collection of Philippine Lullabies B DPNQJMBUJPO 3. Kick the habit. Lose the unattractive smoker’s pallor, odor, cough, and other nasty side effects UIBU GFBUVSFT of cigarette sucking and keep the air clean. Buy yourself more time on this planet by sparing your body DPMMBCPSBUJPOT XJUI from more damage. The money you save from smoking all those sticks a month will go quite a long way BSUJTUT BOE BSSBOHFST into the fun funds. The city’s first free monthly TVDI BT #P 3B[PO +PFZ Nocturnal Navigator guide at your 4. Go local! Patronize Philippine-made products instead of scouting out those "ZBMB 5PUT 5PMFOUJOP favorite restaurants and bars. hard to find imported items that take so much energy to bring into the city. Think 5IJT JT $IJO $IJO T On the Philippine Daily Inquirer weekly about how much more energy it takes to get those imported products to you and iJOUJNBUF BEWPDBDZw through the 24/7 column at Super! your body – from producer to manufacturer to store, and toGPS QSFTFSWJOH UIF us.

get 24/7 anytime, anywhere!

1IJMJQQJOF )FSJUBHF *O TIF XBT JOWJUFE UP TJOH On the Nocturnal Moves radio segments! From5. 12:00 to 8:00 p.m. Beware of greenwash. Organic,UIFTF MVMMBCJFT JO +BQBO BU UIF .JIP .VTFVN BOE UIF green, earth daily on Dream 106.7 FM. friendly, “eco� this and “enviro� that - all nice buzzwords, but JOBVHVSBUJPO PG UIF 4IVNFJ /BUVSBM "HSJDVMUVSF PQFO between the spin and look for the substance - how are BJS UIFBUFS JO 4IJHBSBLJ 1SFGFDUVSF On your mobile read phone! Text 24/7 GIGS to 2851these for Globe & Sun and what’s the justification and context? terms applied; #VU XIBU TIF JT SFBMMZ LOPXO GPS OPXBEBZT JT IFS 2951 for Smart. Do keep in mind that very few products are 100% green. XPSL BT BO BEWPDBUF GPS UIF FOWJSPONFOU 4IF It’s amazing how many products that are actually quite On the web! www.mag24-7.com BQQFBSFE PO UIF DPWFS PG 5JNF .BHB[JOF T i"TJBO earth-friendly are packed in so much plastic that it basically )FSPFT w XIJDI OPUFE IFS GPS VTJOH IFS DFMFCSJUZ On Yehey! www.yehey.com negates any claim to environmental benefit. Look for UP GVSUIFS FDPMPHJDBM BXBSFOFTT 4IF XBT BMTP B minimal/recycled packaging wherever possible.

24-7_insidesheet_B_200808.indd 1

//guest list JO QFSTQFDUJWF .Z NPUIFS PO UIF PUIFS IBOE TBZT SFDJQJFOU PG UIF 5IF 0VUTUBOEJOH 8PNFO JO UIBU MJGF JT BCPVU MPPLJOH GPS BO PQQPSUVOJUZ UP mOE PVS /BUJPO T 4FSWJDF 508/4 "XBSE GPS FOWJSPONFOUBM DPOTDJPVT XBZ CBDL UP (PE‰UP DPOUJOVF QBSBEJTF BEWPDBDZ 4IF JT B TPVHIU BGUFS SFTPVSDF TQFBLFS by Paulo Alcazaren IFSF PO FBSUI w BOE MFDUVSFS GPS &OWJSPONFOUBM &EVDBUJPO TQFBLJOH BU Columnist Phil Star, Editor-in-Chief BluPrint Magazine, WBSJPVT JOTUJUVUJPOT BSPVOE UIF 1IJMJQQJOFT 0O 0DUPCFS Principal PGAA Creative Design 4IF TBZT i* MFBSOFE FBSMZ PO UIBU ZPV DBO U SFBMMZ TIF XJMM CF HJWJOH UIF LFZOPUF BEESFTT BU UIF SE HSBTQ UIF UFSNT BOE USZ UP FNCPEZ CFJOH BO "OOVBM "MGPOTP :VDIFOHDP 4ZNQPTJVN TQPOTPSFE CZ FOWJSPONFOUBMJTU PS B TUFXBSE PG UIF FBSUI JG JU T KVTU 4. The UP Campus [University of the 1. The Balara Filters [Balara Filter Compound, UIF $FOUFS GPS UIF 1BDJmD 3JN BU UIF 6OJWFSTJUZ PG 4BO UIPVHIU BCPVU *U T JO UIF EPJOH UIBU XF CFHJO UP Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City]. It’s the Katipunan Ave., Quezon City]. Learn about our 'SBODJTDP VOEFSTUBOE BOE mOE PVU PVS VOJRVF SPMFT JO QSFTFSWJOH greenest campus in Metro Manila although earth’s water supply and how we can conserve it. itUIF FOWJSPONFOU PG UBLJOH DBSF PG IPNF w is deteriorating. 2. La Mesa Dam Eco Park [East Fairview Quezon $IJO $IJO JT TUJMM BO BDUSFTT TUBSSJOH JO i.BHJOH 4JOP 5. Quezon Memorial Park and the City, T: 410-9670, www.lamesaecopark.com]. Walk ,B .BOw JO "#4 $#/ CVU IFS TDIFEVMF JT mMMFE XJUI Ninoy Aquino Parks and Wildlife among the foliage, swim, explore, and learn more NFFUJOHT BOE TQFBLJOH FOHBHFNFOUT‰BT NVDI [Quezon Ave., Quezon City]. It’s a park about our precious water resources. BT UBMLT BOE FDP DPODFSUT B ZFBS 4IF JT UIF where you can commune with nature and 3. The American Cemetery [Fort Bonifacio, 'PVOEJOH $IBJS BOE 1SFTJEFOU PG IFS GPVOEBUJPO check out the wildlife rescue center. Taguig]. Yes, it’s a cemetery, but it’s also the best "MBHB - " ) " 5 NBZ CF DPOUBDUFE UISPVHI FNBJM BU classroom for tropical shrubs and trees. (Most are BMBHB@MBIBU!ZBIPP DPN 0O UPQ PG FWFSZUIJOH TIF identified with Latin and common names.) JT BMTP UBLJOH IFS 1I% JO 0SHBOJ[BUJPOBM %FWFMPQNFOU NBKPSJOH JO 'JMJQJOP 5SBOTGPSNBUJWF 4QJSJUVBMJUZ BU UIF 4PVUIFBTU "TJBO *OUFSEJTDJQMJOBSZ %FWFMPQNFOU by Enrico de Leon *OTUJUVUF JO "OUJQPMP Brand Marketing Specialist, Caltex 1. Limit the use of your vehicle. &OWJSPONFOUBMJTN JT EFmOJUFMZ HFUUJOH NPSF BOE Prevention is the best way for conservation. NPSF OPUJDFE UIFTF EBZT #VU $IJO $IJO IBT CFFO 2. Walk. It’s good exercise. (It’s not bad as PO UIJT DSVTBEF MPOH CFGPSF FOWJSPONFOUBMJTN XBT you think). GBTIJPOBCMF 8IZ EPFT TIF EP UIJT i0OF NBZ TBZ already). The extra weight in the vehicle adds to XIZ CF DPODFSOFE BCPVU BMM PG UIFN XIFO JU T KVTU PVS 3. Get the excess load out of your the work the engine needs to drive the car. MJUUMF TFMWFT UIBU DBO U SFBMMZ EP NVDI EBNBHF w TIF vehicle (like stuff left in the trunk for months 4. Carpool. It’s so high school and college era FYQMBJOT iCVU UPEBZ UIFSF IBWF CFFO TUVEJFT UIBU days HMPCBM XBSNJOH JT DBVTFE CZ IVNBO BDUJWJUJFT 4P JU T I know...but it’s making a strong comeback. BMM PVS MJUUMF TFMWFT EPJOH PVS MJUUMF EFTUSVDUJPOT UIBU 5. Plan your trip (what roads to avoid and when to hitIBWF SFBMMZ FYBDFSCBUFE UIF TJUVBUJPO the road). A carefully made journey plan will








7/29/08 11:49:45 AM



SIMPLE WAYS TO SAVE THE WORLD by Mitzi Borromeo Eco-conscious citizen

When it comes to painting the town red, try not to leave a big mess behind you. The more stuff we consume and collect— food, clothes, gadgets and other unexplainable accessories— we contribute to our city’s garbage or solid waste amounting to about 5,350 tons per day. That’s about five Mall of Asias full of garbage! (Well, maybe not exactly, but you get the point). Instead of depending on our government leaders, we can take action and be part of the solution. Every little thing counts. Here are a few tips for the fun-loving urbanite:


ECO-FRIENDLY PLACES TO GO TO IN THE CITY by Paulo Alcazaren Columnist Phil Star, Editor-in-Chief BluPrint Magazine, Principal PGAA Creative Design

1. The Balara Filters [Balara Filter Compound, Katipunan Ave., Quezon City]. Learn about our earth’s water supply and how we can conserve it. 2. La Mesa Dam Eco Park [East Fairview Quezon City, T: 410-9670, www.lamesaecopark.com]. Walk among the foliage, swim, explore, and learn more about our precious water resources. 3. The American Cemetery [Fort Bonifacio, Taguig]. Yes, it’s a cemetery, but it’s also the best classroom for tropical shrubs and trees. (Most are identified with Latin and common names.)

1. Drive smart!

Skyrocketing gas prices are taking a toll on our fun expenses. Save some money and lessen your environmental footprint by going easy on the gas pedal. Carpooling can also save on gas, wear and tear on your vehicle, oil resources, and reduce all the associated nasty environmental impacts associated with driving.

2. Easy on the plastic.

BYOB (bring your own bag) when you shop and say no to the ugly plastic bags at the tiangge or your favorite shops. Ask the person at the counter to skip the earth-hostile Styrofoam packaging next time you order takeout. Steer away from that plastic stir stick, coffee junkies! An estimated 138 billion of them wind up in the trash each year.

1. Limit the use of your vehicle. Prevention is the best way for conservation. 2. Walk. It’s good exercise. (It’s not bad as you think). 3. Get the excess load out of your vehicle (like stuff left in the trunk for months

3. Kick the habit. Lose the unattractive smoker’s pallor, odor, cough, and other nasty side effects of cigarette sucking and keep the air clean. Buy yourself more time on this planet by sparing your body from more damage. The money you save from smoking all those sticks a month will go quite a long way into the fun funds. Patronize Philippine-made products instead of scouting out those hard to find imported items that take so much energy to bring into the city. Think about how much more energy it takes to get those imported products to you and your body – from producer to manufacturer to store, and to us.

Organic, green, earth friendly, “eco” this and “enviro” that - all nice buzzwords, but read between the spin and look for the substance - how are these terms applied; what’s the justification and context? Do keep in mind that very few products are 100% green. It’s amazing how many products that are actually quite earth-friendly are packed in so much plastic that it basically negates any claim to environmental benefit. Look for minimal/recycled packaging wherever possible.

5. Quezon Memorial Park and the Ninoy Aquino Parks and Wildlife [Quezon Ave., Quezon City]. It’s a park where you can commune with nature and check out the wildlife rescue center.


WAYS TO SAVE GAS by Enrico de Leon Brand Marketing Specialist, Caltex

already). The extra weight in the vehicle adds to the work the engine needs to drive the car. 4. Carpool. It’s so high school and college era days I know...but it’s making a strong comeback. 5. Plan your trip (what roads to avoid and when to hit the road). A carefully made journey plan will do you well in saving you from those gas-guzzlinghigh-irritability situations called traffic.

4. Go local!

5. Beware of greenwash.

4. The UP Campus [University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City]. It’s the greenest campus in Metro Manila although it is deteriorating.


ECOLOGICAL ORGANIZATIONS TO SUPPORT If you can’t volunteer your time, you may pay someone else to do it. Recommended are WWF, formerly known as the World Wildlife Fund [T: 920-7923/26/31, www.wwf.org.ph], Haribon Foundation [T: 434-4642/ 434-4696, www.haribon.org.ph], Greenpeace [T: 4347034, www.greenpeace.org/seasia], Bantay Kalikasan [T: 924-4101/415-2272 loc. 4551, www.bantaykalikasan.com] and Conservation International [www.conservation.org].



SIMPLE WAYS TO SAVE THE WORLD by Mitzi Borromeo Eco-conscious citizen

When it comes to painting the town red, try not to leave a big mess behind you. The more stuff we consume and collect— food, clothes, gadgets and other unexplainable accessories— we contribute to our city’s garbage or solid waste amounting to about 5,350 tons per day. That’s about five Mall of Asias full of garbage! (Well, maybe not exactly, but you get the point). Instead of depending on our government leaders, we can take action and be part of the solution. Every little thing counts. Here are a few tips for the fun-loving urbanite:


ECO-FRIENDLY PLACES TO GO TO IN THE CITY by Paulo Alcazaren Columnist Phil Star, Editor-in-Chief BluPrint Magazine, Principal PGAA Creative Design

1. The Balara Filters [Balara Filter Compound, Katipunan Ave., Quezon City]. Learn about our earth’s water supply and how we can conserve it. 2. La Mesa Dam Eco Park [East Fairview Quezon City, T: 410-9670, www.lamesaecopark.com]. Walk among the foliage, swim, explore, and learn more about our precious water resources. 3. The American Cemetery [Fort Bonifacio, Taguig]. Yes, it’s a cemetery, but it’s also the best classroom for tropical shrubs and trees. (Most are identified with Latin and common names.)

1. Drive smart!

Skyrocketing gas prices are taking a toll on our fun expenses. Save some money and lessen your environmental footprint by going easy on the gas pedal. Carpooling can also save on gas, wear and tear on your vehicle, oil resources, and reduce all the associated nasty environmental impacts associated with driving.

2. Easy on the plastic.

BYOB (bring your own bag) when you shop and say no to the ugly plastic bags at the tiangge or your favorite shops. Ask the person at the counter to skip the earth-hostile Styrofoam packaging next time you order takeout. Steer away from that plastic stir stick, coffee junkies! An estimated 138 billion of them wind up in the trash each year.

1. Limit the use of your vehicle. Prevention is the best way for conservation. 2. Walk. It’s good exercise. (It’s not bad as you think). 3. Get the excess load out of your vehicle (like stuff left in the trunk for months

3. Kick the habit. Lose the unattractive smoker’s pallor, odor, cough, and other nasty side effects of cigarette sucking and keep the air clean. Buy yourself more time on this planet by sparing your body from more damage. The money you save from smoking all those sticks a month will go quite a long way into the fun funds. Patronize Philippine-made products instead of scouting out those hard to find imported items that take so much energy to bring into the city. Think about how much more energy it takes to get those imported products to you and your body – from producer to manufacturer to store, and to us.

Organic, green, earth friendly, “eco” this and “enviro” that - all nice buzzwords, but read between the spin and look for the substance - how are these terms applied; what’s the justification and context? Do keep in mind that very few products are 100% green. It’s amazing how many products that are actually quite earth-friendly are packed in so much plastic that it basically negates any claim to environmental benefit. Look for minimal/recycled packaging wherever possible.

5. Quezon Memorial Park and the Ninoy Aquino Parks and Wildlife [Quezon Ave., Quezon City]. It’s a park where you can commune with nature and check out the wildlife rescue center.


WAYS TO SAVE GAS by Enrico de Leon Brand Marketing Specialist, Caltex

already). The extra weight in the vehicle adds to the work the engine needs to drive the car. 4. Carpool. It’s so high school and college era days I know...but it’s making a strong comeback. 5. Plan your trip (what roads to avoid and when to hit the road). A carefully made journey plan will do you well in saving you from those gas-guzzlinghigh-irritability situations called traffic.

4. Go local!

5. Beware of greenwash.

4. The UP Campus [University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City]. It’s the greenest campus in Metro Manila although it is deteriorating.


ECOLOGICAL ORGANIZATIONS TO SUPPORT If you can’t volunteer your time, you may pay someone else to do it. Recommended are WWF, formerly known as the World Wildlife Fund [T: 920-7923/26/31, www.wwf.org.ph], Haribon Foundation [T: 434-4642/ 434-4696, www.haribon.org.ph], Greenpeace [T: 4347034, www.greenpeace.org/seasia], Bantay Kalikasan [T: 924-4101/415-2272 loc. 4551, www.bantaykalikasan.com] and Conservation International [www.conservation.org].

//track talk

Voice on the Streets

URBAN DISCOVERY PROJECT ROCKS BORACAY & BONIFACIO HIGH STREET The Urban Discovery Project CD rocked the sands of Boracay as well as Bonifacio High street as West cigarettes kicked off the release of the brand-new album across the islands this summer. West Cigarettes joined hands with Rogue magazine in two smashing parties, one at Boracay seaside featuring Lady-I, whose “Amanagetcha” is just one of the must-listen tracks on the CD. In Manila, the Urban Discovery Project CD caused quite a stir at the launch of Rogue’s first annual Philippine Music Portfolio issue. And there was no better time to launch this platform, featuring 14 of the country’s top indie artists. The Urban Discovery Project slides from rock to reggae to rap, r&b to hiphop and soul in one smooth move – with as much finesse as your favorite urban cigarette, West. Featured artist for the evening was no less than Blush, whose track, “Anybody Like You’ brought the house of music-philes down. The Urban Discovery Project CD is exclusively available with every purchase of West twin packs. Check out more details on www.urbandiscoveryproject.com.

Songs of the Free DRIP

Smooth, cool, sexy, and very trippy, Drip— the independent song-based electronic band that’s been heating up the live music scene for a few years now—is taking their music where few local music acts have gone before. From online in iTunes, Walmart, CDBaby and Napster, Drip’s new album Identity Theft has an interesting feature that enables anybody to sample and mix their own versions of Drip’s songs, legally, making the band the most-remixed act in the Philippines. And if you haven’t gotten enough of Ben Alcazaren’s caramel smooth voice and the electronic musical stylings of Malek Lopez at the synths, Ian “Morse” Magbanua’s beats and loops and Arvin “Caliph8” Nogueras’ spins and scratches at the turntables, you can check out the “Drip Channel” on their website (dripmanila.multiply.com) and download their videos via Bluetooth during their live gigs around town.

Photo courtesy of APIONG & BITE Cebu

THE BANDS Malaya D-Coy ft. Artstrong Lady-I King Antares Milagros Dancehall Collective KarmaComa Kenjhons ft. Knowa Lazarus

Ill-J Blush Away for the Day Monique Helen Nimbusnine ft. God’s Will Artstrong

Catch them at: Aug 1 Saguijo [7612 Guijo St., San Antonio Village, Makati City. T: 897-8629] Aug 29 Arts and Music Festival at SM Megamall [EDSA, Ortigas Center, Mandaluyong City]


MUSICALTRIPPINGS Wow, time does fly when you’re having fun, before we knew it, we’re already in the second half of the year, and the international superstars are still coming in waves to perform on our shores. Here are the two notables for the month August:

MUSET SE After four years, Alicia Keys returns to Manila, bigger and better than ever. The rhythm and blues, soul and neo-soul super star is in her finest form. In her latest album “As I Am,” her voice is bigger, her themes richer in emotion and plumbing even deeper into her unique interplay of soul, R&B and hip-hop. Hear her new hits such as the upbeat “No One” and “Teenage Love Affair” and the ballads “Superwoman” and “Prelude to a Kiss.” Expect nothing less than to be blown away when she hits the stage at the SM Mall of Asia Complex on Tuesday, August 5. For tickets call 891-9999.

Panic at the Disco invades Manila Vegas style—in all their pomp and theatricality. Dance and rock out to their eclectic sound. They’ve incorporated nearly everything— from pop, punk, big beat, electronic, dance, and rock, along with genres like psychedelic, folk and jazz. Catch them at the Araneta Coliseum on August 14. For tickets and information, call 911-5555 or 813-2612/813-2617.

l California Pizza Kitchen G/F Glorietta 3, T: 893-9898/9999 l Gilligan’s Island Glorietta 2, Park Square Drive, T: 752-8549,T/F: 752-8550 l Haagen Dazs, T: 752-7299 l Hard Rock Café 3/F Glorietta 3, T: 894-3611, 893-4662 to 65 l Superbowl Of China 2/F, Glorietta 4, T: 757-4231, 757-4592, F: 757-4593 l TGIFriday’s 3/F Glorietta 3, T: 752-7685, F: 892-8910

Greenbelt 1 & 4

l Chili’s Grill and Bar Greenbelt 1, T: 867-2727, 812-0225 l M Museum Cafe Ayala Musuem, Greenbelt 4, T: 757-3000, F: 757-6000

Greenbelt 2

l Bizu, T: 757-2498 l Cena, T: 757-4030 l Italianni’s T: 728-0291/89/83, F: 728-0291 l Kai, T: 757-5209 l Masas, T: 728-1454, 757-4030 to 31 l Mezze, T: 728-8895

Greenbelt 3

l Absinth Cafe Bar T: 757-4966, 840-5875 l Bedspace, T: 728-8036 l Big Buddha T: 757-4480, F: 757-4820 l Bollywood Bistro Bar, T: 757-3536 l Cafe Breton, T: 809-6805 l Café Havana, T: 757-4370, 757-4371 l Casa Armas Bar & Restaurant T: 757-4961, 757-4996 l Cyma Greek Taverna Ground Floor, T: 7294837 l Cascada 2/F, T: 757-4369, F: 757-4368 l Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf G/F, T: 757-6002 l Di’ Mark’s Pizzeria 2/F, T: 757-2888, 757-3888 l Gaudi, 4/F, T: 757-2710, T/F:757-2711 M: (0917) 814-4231 l Good Earth, 2/F, T: 757-4562 l Grappa’s Ristorante 2/F, T: 757-4908, F: 757-4897

Greenbelt 5 NEW!

l Chateau 1771 G/F, T: 729-9760 to 61 or (0917) 862-6467 l Fely J’s Kitchen 2/F, T: 728-8878/58 l Myron’s Place G/F, T: 757-9898, 757-8898, E: myrons. greenbelt5@gmail.com l l Restaurante Pia y Damaso Unit 2-053, T: 729-5511 l Zuni G/F, T: 467-3931, 757-0361

manila/pasay l Ang Hang, 1900 M. Adriatico St., Remedios Circle, Malate, Manila T: 521-6682 l Africana Restaurant Bar and Cigar Lounge 2/F 1903 M. Adriatico St. Remedios Circle, Malate, Manila T: 524-5526 Bed, Maria Orosa St. cor. J. Nakpil, Malate, Manila, T: 404-3662, T/F 536-3045, w: www.bed.com.ph l Bistro Remedios 1911 M. Adriatico St., Remedios Circle, Malate, Manila T: 523-9153 l Blue Frog, 614 J, Nakpil St., Malate, Manila T: 522-7364 l Cafe Adriatico Premiere 1790 M. Adriatico St., Remedios Circle, Malate, Manila, T: 525-2509, 523-7924 l Café Havana, 1903 M. Adriatico St., Malate, Manila, T: 521-8097

l Casa Armas Bar & Restaurant, 573 J. Nakpil St., Malate, Manila, T: 5230189, 536-1839, 523-5763 l Castro at Firma 2/F Firma, 616 J. Nakpil St., Malate, Manila T: 525-5001 l Diamond Hotel, Roxas Blvd. cor. M.H. del Pilar, Manila, T: 528-3000 l Don Henricos, 574 Pedro Gil, Malate, Manila T: 524-9141; 524-9134 Fluid Lounge, 1820 Maria Orosa St., Malate, Manila, T: 0927 447-8464, 0918 425-9881 l Hobbit House, 1801 Mabini St., Malate, Manila, T: 521-7604 Hyatt Hotel and Casino Manila l Market Café l Li Li l The Fireplace, 1588 Pedro Gil cor. M.H. del Pilar, Malate, Manila, T: 245-1234, F: 247-8688

l L’Eau Vive, 1499 Paz Guanzon Ave., Paco, Manila, T: 563-8559 l Lolo Dad’s, 899 Pres. Quirino Ave. cor. Leon Guinto St. Malate, Manila T: 522-2941, 524-2295, F: 522-2940 l Nicotina Garden Pavilion 110 Williams St. cor. Roxas Blvd., Pasay, T: 551-7907 l Pan Pacific Manila, Pacific Lounge, Lobby Lounge, Poolside Snack Bar, M. Adriatico cor. Gen. Malvar St., Malate, Manila, T: 563-0788 l Patio Guernica Restaurant 1856 J. Bocobo, Malate, Manila, T: 5214415, 521-4417 Ratsky, 1663 J. Bocobo St., Malate T: 523-8608 to 09 l The Red Crab, 536 Remedios St., Malate, Manila, T: 400-9979, T/F: 4009980, E: theredcrab@pacific.net.ph

ortigas/san juan/mandaluyong Alchemy Bar Silver City Mall Frontera Verde Drive Cor. Julia Vargas Ave. T: 706-1305 l Cafe Breton G/F The Podium, ADB Ave., Ortigas Center, T: 687-5974 l Cafe Metro, Megastrip A, SM Megamall, J. Vargas Ave., Ortigas Center, T: 687-0177 l Casa Armas G/F The Podium, ADB Ave., Ortigas Center, T: 687-0177 l Club Mwah! 3/F The Venue Tower, 652 Boni Avenue, T: 535-7943 l Chateau 1771 El Pueblo Real de Manila, ADB Ave., Ortigas Center T: 631-7340, 638-7023, 638-6963

l PHI Restobar, Metro Walk, Meralco Ave., Pasig T: 687-2758 l San Mig Cafe, G/F San Miguel Properties Center, 7 St. Francis St., Ortigas Center T: 683-0685, 637-4241 l Sidebar Cafe El Pueblo Real de Manila, ADB Ave., Ortigas Center T: 631-7339 l Superbowl Of China G/F Bldg B Megastrip, Ortigas Center, T: 634-7831, F:687-7767 l Terry Selection, Lower Grd., The Podium, 18 ADB Ave., Ortigas Center, T: 638-5725 wfwterryselection@vasia.com l Yaku, 3/F The Podium, ADB Ave., Ortigas Center, T: 687-5368

l Chef and Brewer Cafe and Restaurant, G/F AIC Gold Tower, Emerald Ave., cor. Sapphire Rd. T: 638-7023, 638-6963 l Chili’s, 29 Missouri Street, Northeast Greenhills, T: 727-2959 l EDSA Shangri-La Manila Garden Café, Heat, Summer Palace, Paparazzi, Nishiki, Lobby Lounge, E-Bar, 1 Garden Way, T: 633-8888, F: 631-1063, e: esl@shangri-la.com www.shangri-la.com l Florabel NEW! Unit 108, G/F, The Podium T: 638-7527, 667-3220 l Good Earth Tea Room Metro Walk, Ortigas Ave., Pasig T: 687-2881 l Pagliacci Sapore Italiano, 18 ADB Ave., Ortigas Center, T: 687-1414

bonifacio global city l Abé, T: 856-0526 l Balducci, T: 856-0676 l Brazil! T: 856-0671; 901-1805 l Cafe Ilustrado, T: 856-0947 l Café Mary Grace, T: 856-0858 Café Xocolat, T: 856-2146 l Chelsea Market and Café T: 909-7011 l Conti’s, T: 856-2352 to 53 Cupcakes by Sonja, T: 856-0308 l Duo, T: 856-1200; 856-1300 l Fez, T: 901-1840 l Guava, T: 856-0489 l Gaudi, T: 856-0473 to 74 l Hossein, T: 856-0632; 856-1278




Figaro Coffee Selected branches


eastwood CITY WALK 188 E. Rodriguez Jr. Ave., Q.C. l Agave Mexican Cantina T: 912-6989 l Basement, T: 421-2046/49 l Blue Onion, T: 421-1862 to 64 l Cafe Adriatico l Cafe Havana Fuente Circle, T: 421-9647, 421-9713 l Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf T: 687-7288 l Ebisu Grill, T: 687-1071 or 687-7806 l Ipanema, T: 421-7764/65 l Jack’s Loft, T: 421-2048 l Prince of Jaipur G5 Fuente Circle, CityWalk 1 T: 911-1204, 911-3346 l Shanghai Bistro T: 687-1077, 687-7103 F: 687-0614


l Larry’s Café and Bar T: 856-0576 l Mamou, A Home Kitchen T: 856-3569 l Mezzaluna, T: 856-0718 Miss Desserts, T: 8561429 l Polu Kai Grill, T: 856-0355, 901-1841 l Portico, T: 856-0581 to 85 l Tatami, T: 901-1870 to 71 l Tea & Therapy, T: 856-0111 l Thai at Silk, T: 856-0386

Little Cigar Store

(liquor & cigar store) G-4, Bel-Air Soho Condominium, 45 Polaris cor. Badajos Sts. T/F: 897 2113, M: 63-918 9369787 E: bripoll@pldtdsl.net W: www.littlecigarstore.com Laudico’s* Urdaneta Village, T: 750-1599 *by reservation only l La Vigne Bistro, 7435 Yakal St., San Antonio Vill., T: 894-1373 l Makati Shangri-La, Circles, Conway’s Bar, Inagiku, Lobby Lounge, Red, Shang Palace Ayala Ave. cor. Makati Ave. T: 840-0884, 813-8888 l Mandarin Oriental Hotel The Captain’s Bar , Martinis NEW! Clipper Lounge, Kipling’s Cigar Bar, Mandarin Deli, Paseo Uno, Tin Hau, Tivoli, Makati Avenue corner Paseo de Roxas, T: 750-8888

l Melo’s Steak Factory 22 Jupiter St., Bel-Air, T: 899-9403 l New World Renaissance Hotel Bocarino’s, Lobby Lounge, Emperor’s Court, Makati Ave. corner Pasay Road, T: 811-6888 l Old Swiss Inn G/F Olympia Courtyard Suites Makati Ave. cor Sto. Tomas St. T: 818-8251, 812-1010 loc. 511-512 l The Peninsula Manila The Bar, The Conservatory, The Lobby, Mi Piace, Nielsen’s, Old Manila, Spices Ayala Avenue cor. Makati Avenue T: 810-3456, 812-3456 l Prince

of Jaipur

Shawarma & Kebab

Shell Station, Mckinley Rd. cor. EDSA, T: 887-0038 l Queen’s Restaurant 146 B Jupiter St., Bel Air 2, T: 895-1816ag24-7.com/queens l Ricco Renzo Caffe G/F LRI Plaza, 210 N. Garcia St. T: 898-2542/43/45 l Sala NEW! Podium Level, L.V. Locsin Bldg, Ayala Ave., T: 750-1555 l Saguijo, 7612 Guijo St., San Antonio Vill., T: 897-8629 l Schwarzwälder, G/F Atrium of Makati, Makati Ave. cor. Paseo de Roxas, T: 892-5220, 893-5179, F: 892-5262, E: schwalzwalder8@yahoo.com l Shanghai Bistro, 3/F, Paseo Center, 8757 Paseo de Roxas cor. Sedeno St., Salcedo Vill, T: 892-8872/82, F: 892-8870 l Strumm’s 110 Jupiter St., Bel-Air, T: 895-4636 www.mag24-7.com/strumms l Superbowl Of China 28 Jupiter St. cor. Astra Bel-Air, T: 890-0006; 895-3409, F: 890-3935 l Terry Selection 2316 Pasong Tamo Ext., T: 844-1816 l Tiananmen Bar, 2/F, Next Door Restaurant, 7876 Makati Avenue, cor. Dapo, T: 897-1992, 899-1893 Warehouse 135 135-B Yakal St., Brgy. San Antonio, T: 8876265, T/F: 8870526 Website: www.drivenmanila.com l Wasabi Hawker, The Olympia Bldg., 7912 Makati Ave., Santo Tomas St. T: 840-4223, 752-0632, 892-3707 to 08 l Ziggurat G/F Sunette Tower, Durban Street T: 897-5179

quezon city l 70’s Bistro, 46 Anonas St., Project 2, T: 434-3597 l Alba Restaurante Espanol, Tomas Morato corner Sct., T: 925-1912 and 411-7052, One Luna Lifestyle Center, T: 631-2216 to 17 Cafe Xocolat, 172 B. Gonzales St., Loyola Heights, T: 929-4186 l Chili’s 199 Tomas Morato Ave. T: 372-5007 l Conspiracy 59 Visayas Ave., T: 453-2170 l Club O, The Loop, ELJ Center, ABS-CBN Compund, Mothr Ignacia St., T: 413-0603, 413-0609 l Don Henricos, West Ave. cor. Examiner st., West Triangle T: 371-7171; 372-7272

Live DJ and Dancing Live Music Cuisine Offered l American l Asian / Oriental l Continental / European l International l Filipino / Local



Your free copy of 24/7 is available at the establishments listed above as well as your favorite record bars, salons, fitness gyms, and specialty stores.

Ongoing till August 9: Stranger by Frankie Callaghan and Symmetry|Duality by Johann Espiritu at the Silverlens Gallery, 2320 Pasong Tamo Ext., Makati City. Watch out for Urban Architect Talk on August 2, 3:005:00 p.m. and a Game Night on August 9, 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Call 816-0044 or email manage@ silverlensphoto.com. Ongoing till August 23: Muling Ptyk: Da Artof Nonoy Marcelo at the Edge Gallery of UP Vargas Museum. Call 928-1927 or email vargasmuseum@gmail.com.

metro wide


24-7_back_200808.indd 1

l Alba Restaurante Espanol 38-B Polaris St., Bel-Air T: 896-6950 to 51, www.alba.com.ph l Bianca’s Cafe & Vinotek 7431 Yakal St San Antonio Vill. T: 815-1359, www.bianca.com.ph l Bistro 110, G/F Dona Angela’s Garden, 110 C. Palanca St, Legaspi Vill. T: 752-5037 to 38, 817-3825 l Bykes Cafe, G/F 2241 La Fuerza Bldg., Pasong Tamo corner Sabio St., T: 750-0622/23 l Cable Car, 924 E Pasay Road T: 844-2369, 843-8213 l Cafe Caruso, 210 Nicanor Garcia St. Bel Air Vill., T: 895-2451, F: 895-8790 l Caffe Appasionato 215 Nicanor Garcia St. T: 899-5410, 896-9960, 895-7219 l Cantinetta, Karrivin Plaza A, 236 Pasong Tamo Ext., T:892-9873, F: 884-2212, cantinetta2003@yahoo.com l Carpaccio Ristorante Italiano 7431 Yakal St., San Antonio Vill. T: 867-3164, F: 817-1217 l Capone’s, G/F, Fraser Place, Valero St., Salcedo Village, T: 816-4394 l Casa Armas Bar & Restaurant 132 Jupiter St., Bel-Air Village T: 897-3605, 897-3542 l Cirkulo Restaurant Milky Way Bldg., 900 Pasay Rd. T: 810-8735, 810-2763, 817-4042 l Commons NEW! 162 Valero St.,

Ongoing till August 5: Manuel D. Baldemor’s Springtime in France at Alliance Française de Manille’s Total Gallery, [209 N. Garcia St., Bel Air 2, Makati]. Call 895-7441, 895-7585 or email cultural@alliance.ph.

l Trio 2/F, Forte Pointe Bldg., The Fort, T: 884-1601 l Zong G/F, Forte Pointe Bldg., The Fort T: 889-0479, 889-0472

Metro Manila Branches

Makati (other areas)

Salcedo Vill. T: 844-8939 l Dusit Hotel Nikko Fiesta San Miguel, Pejarong Thai, Thien Duong Vietnamese, Lobby Lounge, Tosca NEW! Ayala Center, T: 867-3333 l Elbert’s Steak Room NEW! 3/F Sagittarius Building III, 111 H.V. de la Costa St., Salcedo Village, Makati, T: 339-3363 and 315-1813, e-mail info@ steakroom.com, w: steakroom.com l Fiamma, 32 Jupiter St., Bel-Air Village, T: 897-1352 l Fig & Olive, 139 H.V. dela Costa, Salcedo Vill., T: 812-0016 Government 7840 Makati Ave., T: 729-1104 www.kokunevents.com/government Gweilos, 109 Palanca St. Legaspi Village, T: 817-6083 l Hossein, 2/F 7857 LKV Bldg . Makati Ave. T: 890-61-37 Email: persiankebab@gmail.com l Il Ponticello, 121 Valero St., Salcedo Village, T: 887-7168, F: 887-7159 l InterContinental Manila Gambrinus, Cafe Jeepney, Prince Albert Rotisserie, 1 Ayala Ave., Ayala Center T: 793-7000 w: intercontinental.com/manila l Kashmir Indian Cuisine Festejo Bldg., 816 Pasay Road T: 844-4924, F: 844-4927 l L’Incontro, 207 Nicanor Garcia St., T: 899-0638 to 39, 899-0635 l La Tienda, 43 Polaris St., Bel Air, T: 890-4123. 895-1651


l Prince of Jaipur Unit E, T: 884-1692 to 94, (0916) 335-3375 www.mag24-7.com/princeofjaipur

Starbucks Coffee

l Cantinetta, Retail 1, Block 9, Hidalgo St., T: 403-0145, F: 403-0146 E: cantinetta2003@yahoo.com l Crustasia, R1 Level, Power Plant Mall, T: 728-5463 l Dencio’s Bar and Grill, R2 Level, Power Plant Mall, T: 898-0601, 896-0660 l Grams Diner, T: 883-3966 l Kuretake Japanese Restaurant T: 898-0509, F: 898-0718 Myron’s Steaks Ribs & Seafood Level P1, Power Plant Mall, T: 728-9898/728-5555 l Press Cafe, R3 Level, Power Plant Mall, T: 756-5001 to 04 loc. 107 l Rastro , R1 Level, Power Plant Mall, Lopez Drive, T: 898-0957, F: 848-3745 l Via Mare Oyster Bar, R1 Level, Power Plant Mall, Lopez Drive, T: 898-0961 l Windows Cafe, R3 Level Power Plant Mall, T: 898-1863, 898-1862

l Freska 220 Katipunan Ave., Brgy. Blue Ridge, T: 647-8035 Hossein, 3/F Trinoma T:9015613 Gateway Mall Araneta Center, Quezon City, T: 913-8853, www.gatewaymall.com.ph Metro Bar 47 West Ave., Q.C., T: 374-7505 l Moomba Ma. Ignacia St. cor Roces Ave., T: 3711973, 371-2487 Ratsky 243 Tomas Morato cor. Scout Fuentebella Sts., T: 373-9882 l The Red Crab, 184 Tomas Morato Ave., T: 371-6869, F: 910-3281 l Virgin Cafe 308 Tomas Morato Ext., T: 926-7982


Serendra NEW!


l Ascend NEW! Quadrant 4 , Bonifacio High Street T: 856-1788 l Basilio’s Restaurant NEW! Forbeswood Heights, Rizal Drive cor. Burgos Circle, Fort Bonifacio, T: 856-1742 to 43; M: (0929) 420-8842 l Bellisima Bar & Restaurant 3/F The Fort Strip T: 815-8689 l Bistro Filipino by Chef Laudico G/F, Net 1 Bldg., T: 856-0634 l Caffe Puccini Unit 12 The Fort T: 816-3055, F: 816-3055 caffe_puccini@yahoo.com l Cav NEW!, G/F, The Spa Bldg, Quadrant 8, Bonifacio High Street, T: 856-1798 l Embassy Cuisine Embassy Club, The Fort T: 816-4195, F: 816-4199 l Good Earth Unit E, The Fort, T: 887-5100 l Gourdo’s Cafe, T: 845-1700 l Hai 2/F DLA Bldg., 32nd St. Justicia Dr., T: 815-9536 l Hossein The Fort Unit 5 and 6 Fort Strip Bldg T: 816-11-65 l Hossein Serendra 2nd LevelMc Kinley Parkway, T: 856-06-32 Email: Hosseins@mail.com l Jack’s Unit 10, The Fort Strip, T: 818-(JACK) 5225 l Je Suis Gourmand G/F Net 1 Bldg, T: 815-8801/02 l Jill’s The Fort Strip, T: 818-4557 l Kaiseki, G/F Forte Pointe Bldg., The Fort, T: 889-1005, 889-0520, l L’ Opera, Unit F, The Fort, T: 889-3963 l Le Souffle Unit B, The Fort, T: 887-5108 Mag:net Cafe 2/F Bonifacio High Street T: 856-3400, 0920-9793400 l Mingoy’s Restaurant G/F, The Fort Strip, T: 815-9187 l Murray’s New Orleans NEW! B6 Bonifacio High St., T: 856-4326 l Pasto G/F, Fort Pointe Bldg, T: 884-1592 l Piedra 3F, The Fort Strip Bldg., T: 856-0318/9 l Pier 1, T: 887-0115

Rockwell Center

Ongoing till September: Lopez Memorial Museum presents The


Get 24/7 event schedules daily on 106.7 DREAM from 10:55 AM to 8:55 PM Catch Early Years every Wed. 9-11 PM with replays every Sun. 5-7 PM. More at www.abc.com.ph

August 15-19: My Albion Muse, recent works by Risa Recio on view at LRI Design Plaza, 2F Suite 217, 210 Nicanor Street (Reposo), Makati City. Call 8951772 or email risarecio@ gmail.com. August 15 to September 10: Henry Bateman shows his Painting With Light, abstract photography at the Ricco Renzo Gallery, 2/F LRI Business Centre, 210 N. Garcia St., Bel Air 2 Makati City. Call 898-2542 – 45 or email art@riccorenzo.com.



Submit your events for free! You may submit your events every 17th of the month for inclusion in next month’s issue via email: events@ mag24-7.com and mag247@gmail.com. Please include event title, brief description, exact dates and time, ticket information and contact number. The information in this listing is subject to change. Please contact the promoter or establishment to verify information.

August 2, 9, 16, 23, 30: Get your fill of Spanish language movies every Saturday at the Instituto Cervantes, 855 T.M. Kalaw St., Ermita, Manila. This month features The Idiot Maiden, Obaba, Honour of the Knights, The Beehive, and Sound of the Sea. Call 526-1482 or visit manila. cervantes.es. August 26-27, September 2-4: The 2nd International Silent Film Festival features silent films with live music and original score at the Shangri-la Plaza Cineplex. Admission is free. Call 840-5723 to 24 or email program@manila. goethe.org.

//calendar TUE


Soundsgood’s Mondorama, Embassy Cuisine Freeflow Wednesday, Spicy Fingers Superklasse Wednesdays, Embassy Superclub Main Room Electrik Boutique, Embassy Superclub Fly W Wednesdays, Embassy Cuisine Soundsgood’s Mondodrama, Embassy Cuisine Acoustic at the Park, UCC Park Café Free Flow Wednesdays, Spicy Fingers Warehousexy, Warehouse 135 Composed, Tropezz Lush: Smooth RnB, Fiamma Faces Night, Mezze Hennessy Nights, Nu.Vo




Soundsgood’s Elektro Disko, M-Café Flirty Fridays, Absinth Fever Fridays, Embassy Superclub Main Room Snap Crackle Pop, Embassy Superclub Fly Sparkling Electro Beats, Embassy Cuisine Warehouse Sexy, Warehouse 135 Float Fridays, Ascend Decadance with Boyet Almazan, Jill’s Chill by the Bay, SM Mall of Asia House Sessions, Fiamma Jive Friday w/ DJ Darell, Temple Fever Fridays, Alchemy Absolut Fashion, Nu.Vo TGIF, Bed Sparkling Electro Beats, Mezze Bistro

Sleepless, Embassy Superclub Main Room Flaunt Saturdays, Embassy Superclub Fly Hotel Samedi, Embassy Cuisine Nu.Vo Live!, Nu.Vo Dragon Saturdays, Bed Sabor Latino, Café Havana Greenbelt Lip gloss Saturdays, Absinth Marie Garcia, Fiamma House Music, Mezze House and Hiphop by Jon Herrera, Temple Chemistry, Alchemy

Rick Astley, Araneta Coliseum Cinderella, CCP Noli at Fili Dekada 2000, PETA Theater Center Ballet Manila, Aliw Theater Decadance with Boyet Almazan, Jill’s Soundsgood’s Elektro Disko, M-Café Flirty Fridays, Absinth Fever Fridays, Embassy Superclub Main Room Snap Crackle Pop, Embassy Superclub Fly Sparkling Electro Beats, Embassy Cuisine Warehouse Sexy, Warehouse 135 Float Fridays, Ascend Chill by the Bay, SM Mall of Asia House Sessions, Fiamma Jive Friday w/ DJ Darell, Temple Fever Fridays, Alchemy Absolut Fashion, Nu.Vo TGIF, Bed Sparkling Electro Beats, Mezze Bistro

S AT Cinderella, CCP Noli at Fili Dekada 2000, PETA Theater Center Ballet Manila, Aliw Theater Sleepless, Embassy Superclub Main Room Flaunt Saturdays, Embassy Superclub Fly Hotel Samedi, Embassy Cuisine Nu.Vo Live!, Nu.Vo Dragon Saturdays, Bed Sabor Latino, Café Havana Greenbelt Lip gloss Saturdays, Absinth Marie Garcia, Fiamma House Music, Mezze House and Hiphop by Jon Herrera, Temple Chemistry, Alchemy

1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 14 15 1 3 16 10 11 12

Cinderella, CCP Noli at Fili Dekada 2000, PETA Theater Center Ballet Manila, Aliw Theater Jazz Sunday Brunch, M Café Raggae, Café Havana Greenbelt

Cinderella, CCP Noli at Fili Dekada 2000, PETA Theater Center Ballet Manila, Aliw Theater Jazz Sunday Brunch, M Café Raggae, Café Havana Greenbelt

Cinderella, CCP Noli at Fili Dekada 2000, PETA Theater Center 10 to 10 Town Sale, Alabang Town Center Jazz Sunday Brunch, M Café Raggae, Café Havana Greenbelt

Simple Plan, New Found Glory, Jamie Scott & the Town, Araneta Coliseum Happy Mondays, Embassy Cuisine Table 28, Jill’s Raggae Mondays, Kala Bar &Grill Lunes sa Yakal Live, Warehouse 135 VA-jj With Jihan and Johan, Absinth Arriba, Café Havana Greenbelt Captiva, Tropezz

Comedy Cartel, Spicy Fingers Happy Mondays, Embassy Cuisine Table 28, Jill’s Raggae Mondays, Kala Bar &Grill Lunes sa Yakal Live, Warehouse 135 VA-jj With Jihan and Johan, Absinth Arriba, Café Havana Greenbelt Captiva, Tropezz

Happy Mondays, Embassy Cuisine Raggae Mondays, Kala Bar &Grill Lunes sa Yakal Live, Warehouse 135 VA-jj With Jihan and Johan, Absinth Arriba, Café Havana Greenbelt Captiva, Tropezz

Alicia Keys, SM Mall of Asia Musiklokal.com’s Fusion Tuesdays, Il Ponticello Julianne, Jill’s Cuisine Royale, Embassy Cuisine Fusion Tuesdays, Il Ponticello Level Two Collective, Warehouse 135 Electro House, Absinth Guarana, Café Havana Greenbelt Myxtreme, Tropezz Electronica Night, Fiamma

Musiklokal.com’s Fusion Tuesdays, Il Ponticello Cuisine Royale, Embassy Cuisine Fusion Tuesdays, Il Ponticello Level Two Collective, Warehouse 135 Electro House, Absinth Guarana, Café Havana Greenbelt Myxtreme, Tropezz Electronica Night, Fiamma

Musiklokal.com’s Fusion Tuesdays, Il Ponticello Cuisine Royale, Embassy Cuisine Julianne, Jill’s Fusion Tuesdays, Il Ponticello Level Two Collective, Warehouse 135 Electro House, Absinth Guarana, Café Havana Greenbelt Myxtreme, Tropezz Electronica Night, Fiamma

Soundsgood’s Mondorama, Embassy Cuisine Freeflow Wednesday, Spicy Fingers Superklasse Wednesdays, Embassy Superclub Main Room 7th Soul, Jill’s Electrik Boutique, Embassy Superclub Fly W Wednesdays, Embassy Cuisine Soundsgood’s Mondodrama, Embassy Cuisine Acoustic at the Park, UCC Park Café Free Flow Wednesdays, Spicy Fingers Warehousexy, Warehouse 135 Composed, Tropezz Lush: Smooth RnB, Fiamma Faces Night, Mezze Hennessy Nights, Nu.Vo

Soundsgood’s Rouge, M-Café Musiklokal.com’s Boost Thursdays, Warehouse 135 Vynl Retro Nights, Embassy Cuisine Peppermint Jam with Marco, Jill’s Shayne w/ Brown Sugar, Tropezz Fabric, Piedra Hiphop and RnB w/ DJ Jeff, Temple Disco Retrograde, Warehouse 135 Bluefrog Thursday, Bed Salsa, Samba & Swing, Mezze Bistro

Hindi Tao, Hindi Hayop…May Buhay, CCP Soundsgood’s Mondorama, Embassy Cuisine Freeflow Wednesday, Spicy Fingers Superklasse Wednesdays, Embassy Superclub Main Room 7th Soul, Jill’s Electrik Boutique, Embassy Superclub Fly W Wednesdays, Embassy Cuisine Soundsgood’s Mondodrama, Embassy Cuisine Acoustic at the Park, UCC Park Café Free Flow Wednesdays, Spicy Fingers Warehousexy, Warehouse 135 Composed, Tropezz Lush: Smooth RnB, Fiamma Faces Night, Mezze Hennessy Nights, Nu.Vo

God’s Kitchen, A-Venue Sharon Cuneta, Araneta Coliseum Hits of the ‘80s, Aliw Theater Cinderella, CCP Noli at Fili Dekada 2000, PETA Theater Center Golden Child, CCP Little Theater Decadance with Boyet Almazan, Jill’s Soundsgood’s Elektro Disko, M-Café Flirty Fridays, Absinth Fever Fridays, Embassy Superclub Main Room Snap Crackle Pop, Embassy Superclub Fly Sparkling Electro Beats, Embassy Cuisine Warehouse Sexy, Warehouse 135 Float Fridays, Ascend Chill by the Bay, SM Mall of Asia House Sessions, Fiamma Jive Friday w/ DJ Darell, Temple Fever Fridays, Alchemy Absolut Fashion, Nu.Vo TGIF, Bed Sparkling Electro Beats, Mezze Bistro

Tony Hadly and John Keeble, Araneta Coliseum Cinderella, CCP Noli at Fili Dekada 2000, PETA Theater Center Ballet Manila, Aliw Theater Sleepless, Embassy Superclub Main Room Flaunt Saturdays, Embassy Superclub Fly Hotel Samedi, Embassy Cuisine Nu.Vo Live!, Nu.Vo Dragon Saturdays, Bed Sabor Latino, Café Havana Greenbelt Lip gloss Saturdays, Absinth Marie Garcia, Fiamma House Music, Mezze House and Hiphop by Jon Herrera, Temple Chemistry, Alchemy

Panic at the Disco, Araneta Coliseum Soundsgood’s Rouge, M-Café Musiklokal.com’s Boost Thursdays, Warehouse 135 Peppermint Jam with Marco, Jill’s Vynl Retro Nights, Embassy Cuisine Shayne w/ Brown Sugar, Tropezz Fabric, Piedra Hiphop and RnB w/ DJ Jeff, Temple Disco Retrograde, Warehouse 135 Bluefrog Thursday, Bed Salsa, Samba & Swing, Mezze Bistro

Cinderella, CCP 10 to 10 Town Sale, Alabang Town Center Noli at Fili Dekada 2000, PETA Theater Center Decadance with Boyet Almazan, Jill’s Soundsgood’s Elektro Disko, M-Café Flirty Fridays, Absinth Fever Fridays, Embassy Superclub Main Room Snap Crackle Pop, Embassy Superclub Fly Sparkling Electro Beats, Embassy Cuisine Warehouse Sexy, Warehouse 135 Float Fridays, Ascend Chill by the Bay, SM Mall of Asia House Sessions, Fiamma Jive Friday w/ DJ Darell, Temple Fever Fridays, Alchemy Absolut Fashion, Nu.Vo TGIF, Bed Sparkling Electro Beats, Mezze Bistro

Cinderella, CCP Noli at Fili Dekada 2000, PETA Theater Center 10 to 10 Town Sale, Alabang Town Center Sleepless, Embassy Superclub Main Room Flaunt Saturdays, Embassy Superclub Fly Hotel Samedi, Embassy Cuisine Nu.Vo Live!, Nu.Vo Dragon Saturdays, Bed Sabor Latino, Café Havana Greenbelt Lip gloss Saturdays, Absinth Marie Garcia, Fiamma House Music, Mezze House and Hiphop by Jon Herrera, Temple Chemistry, Alchemy

Soundsgood’s Mondorama, Embassy Cuisine Freeflow Wednesday, Spicy Fingers Superklasse Wednesdays, Embassy Superclub Main Room Electrik Boutique, Embassy Superclub Fly 7th Soul, Jill’s W Wednesdays, Embassy Cuisine Soundsgood’s Mondodrama, Embassy Cuisine Acoustic at the Park, UCC Park Café Free Flow Wednesdays, Spicy Fingers Warehousexy, Warehouse 135 Composed, Tropezz Lush: Smooth RnB, Fiamma Faces Night, Mezze Hennessy Nights, Nu.Vo

Soundsgood’s Rouge, M-Café Musiklokal.com’s Boost Thursdays, Warehouse 135 Vynl Retro Nights, Embassy Cuisine Peppermint Jam with Marco, Jill’s Shayne w/ Brown Sugar, Tropezz Fabric, Piedra Hiphop and RnB w/ DJ Jeff, Temple Disco Retrograde, Warehouse 135 Bluefrog Thursday, Bed Salsa, Samba & Swing, Mezze Bistro

Noli at Fili Dekada 2000, PETA Theater Center 10 to 10 Town Sale, Alabang Town Center Decadance with Boyet Almazan, Jill’s Soundsgood’s Elektro Disko, M-Café Flirty Fridays, Absinth Fever Fridays, Embassy Superclub Main Room Snap Crackle Pop, Embassy Superclub Fly Sparkling Electro Beats, Embassy Cuisine Warehouse Sexy, Warehouse 135 Float Fridays, Ascend Chill by the Bay, SM Mall of Asia House Sessions, Fiamma Jive Friday w/ DJ Darell, Temple Fever Fridays, Alchemy Absolut Fashion, Nu.Vo TGIF, Bed Sparkling Electro Beats, Mezze Bistro

Noli at Fili Dekada 2000, PETA Theater Center 10 to 10 Town Sale, Alabang Town Center Sleepless, Embassy Superclub Main Room Flaunt Saturdays, Embassy Superclub Fly Hotel Samedi, Embassy Cuisine Nu.Vo Live!, Nu.Vo Dragon Saturdays, Bed Sabor Latino, Café Havana Greenbelt Lip gloss Saturdays, Absinth Marie Garcia, Fiamma House Music, Mezze House and Hiphop by Jon Herrera, Temple Chemistry, Alchemy

2nd Intl Silent Film Festival, Shangri-la Plaza Soundsgood’s Mondorama, Embassy Cuisine Freeflow Wednesday, Spicy Fingers Superklasse Wednesdays, Embassy Superclub Main Room Electrik Boutique, Embassy Superclub Fly 7th Soul, Jill’s W Wednesdays, Embassy Cuisine Soundsgood’s Mondodrama, Embassy Cuisine Acoustic at the Park, UCC Park Café Free Flow Wednesdays, Spicy Fingers Warehousexy, Warehouse 135 Composed, Tropezz Lush: Smooth RnB, Fiamma Faces Night, Mezze Hennessy Nights, Nu.Vo

Soundsgood’s Rouge, M-Café Musiklokal.com’s Boost Thursdays, Warehouse 135 Vynl Retro Nights, Embassy Cuisine Peppermint Jam with Marco, Jill’s Shayne w/ Brown Sugar, Tropezz Fabric, Piedra Hiphop and RnB w/ DJ Jeff, Temple Disco Retrograde, Warehouse 135 Bluefrog Thursday, Bed Salsa, Samba & Swing, Mezze Bistro

Harana, RCBC Plaza Decadance with Boyet Almazan, Jill’s Soundsgood’s Elektro Disko, M-Café Flirty Fridays, Absinth Fever Fridays, Embassy Superclub Main Room Snap Crackle Pop, Embassy Superclub Fly Sparkling Electro Beats, Embassy Cuisine Warehouse Sexy, Warehouse 135 Float Fridays, Ascend Chill by the Bay, SM Mall of Asia House Sessions, Fiamma Jive Friday w/ DJ Darell, Temple Fever Fridays, Alchemy Absolut Fashion, Nu.Vo TGIF, Bed Sparkling Electro Beats, Mezze Bistro

Sleepless, Embassy Superclub Main Room Flaunt Saturdays, Embassy Superclub Fly Hotel Samedi, Embassy Cuisine Nu.Vo Live!, Nu.Vo Dragon Saturdays, Bed Sabor Latino, Café Havana Greenbelt Lip gloss Saturdays, Absinth Marie Garcia, Fiamma House Music, Mezze House and Hiphop by Jon Herrera, Temple Chemistry, Alchemy

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 31 25 26 27 28 29 30

Noli at Fili Dekada 2000, PETA Theater Center Songs for a New World, RCBC Plaza 10 to 10 Town Sale, Alabang Town Center Jazz Sunday Brunch, M Café Raggae, Café Havana Greenbelt Jazz Sunday Brunch, M Café Raggae, Café Havana Greenbelt

Comedy Cartel, Spicy Fingers Happy Mondays, Embassy Cuisine Raggae Mondays, Kala Bar &Grill Table 28, Jill’s Lunes sa Yakal Live, Warehouse 135 VA-jj With Jihan and Johan, Absinth Arriba, Café Havana Greenbelt Captiva, Tropezz


Sum of its Parts Benpres Building, Exchange Road corner Meralco Avenue, Pasig. Call 631-2417. Ongoing till September 23: Yuchengco Museum [G/F RCBC Plaza, cor. Ayala & Sen. Gil J. Puyat Ave., Makati City] presents Sulu: Beyond the Current. Call 889-1234.




l Haagen Dazs, G/F, T: 751-7570 l Haiku, T: 757-4597, 757-4598 l Ice Vodka Bar, T: 757-4472/73 l Kitchen, T: 893-5804 l Max Brenner, The Chocolate Bar and Cafe, G/F, T: 728-8801/10 l Merk’s Bar Bistro, T: 757-4721, F: 757-4720, mail@merksbistro.com l Mr. Rockefeller, T: 757-4802 l Oody’s Bar and Restaurant T: 757-4258, 757-4259 l Pasha, T: 757-4981, 757-4983 l People’s Palace G/F, T: 729-2888, 729-4375 l Recipes, 2/F, T: 728-0917 l Red Box Karaoke, T: 757-6188 l Seafood Club by Red Crab T: 757-4129, 757-4716 l Tropezz Restaurant Bar T: 757-4484, 757-4485 l Via Mare Oyster Bar T: 757-4020, 757-4022/23



l Nuvo, T: 757-3698, 757-3699, F: 757-3698 l Pepato, T: 757-2636 l Sugi Restaurant T: 757-3678 to 79, 757-3985 to 86 l Spicy Fingers, T: 489-0085, 817-4729 NEW! l Temple Bar & Restaurant T: 757-4813 l Una Mas, T: 757-3357 to 58



2nd Intl Silent Film Festival, Shangri-la Plaza Musiklokal.com’s Fusion Tuesdays, Il Ponticello Cuisine Royale, Embassy Cuisine Julianne, Jill’s Fusion Tuesdays, Il Ponticello Level Two Collective, Warehouse 135 Electro House, Absinth Guarana, Café Havana Greenbelt Myxtreme, Tropezz Electronica Night, Fiamma

MUSIC August 1: Here and Now features Rick Astley as he performs in Manila for the first time at the Araneta Coliseum at 8:00 p.m. Call 911-5555.

Lauchengco, Louie Heredia, Gino Padilla and Randy Santiago sing the old hits at the Aliw Theater in Pasay City. Call 911-5555.

August 4: Three pop-rock groups, Simple Plan, New Found Glory, and Jamie Scott & the Town go on stage together in a show at the Araneta Coliseum call 911-5555 or 687-6181.

August 9: Tony Hadley and John Keeble from Spandau Ballet comes to the Philippines to perform in the Araneta Coliseum at 8:00 p.m. Call 911-5555.

August 5: R&B and Soul princess Alicia Keys returns to Manila for another live performance at the SM Mall of Asia Complex to promote her highly-anticipated album, “As I Am.” Call 891-9999.

August 14: Pop-punk, dance and rock band Panic At the Disco takes over the Araneta Coliseum at 8:00 p.m. Call 891-9999.

August 8: Godskitchen stirs up a thick brew of electrifying rhythms and trance and house music at A-Venue along Makati Avenue, Makati City. August 8: Sharon Cuneta is back singing on stage at the Araneta Coliseum at 8:00 p.m. Call 911-5555. August 8: It’s a night of nostalgia at the Hits of the ‘80s as Raymond

August 29: The Philippine Opera Company presents Harana at the Carlos P. Romulo Audtitorium. Call 891-9999. August 30: Still to be confirmed is the much-anticipated Eraserheads reunion at the CCP Grounds [Roxas Blvd., Pasay City]. Admission is allegedly free. Check out http:// odysseylive.net/miggy/blog/613/

STAGE Ongoing till August 16: Lea Salonga is back in Broadway form, starring in Rogers and Hammerstein’s musical Cinderella at the CCP. Show times are at 8:00 p.m. on Fridays to Sundays and 3:00 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays. Call 891-9999. Ongoing till August 24: Philippine Educational Theater Association (PETA) opens its 41st season with Nic Tiongson’s Noli At Fili Dekada 2000 (Dos Mil). Performances are on Fridays to Sundays at 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. at the PETA Theater Center, 5 Eymard Drive, New Manila, Quezon City. Call 410-0821 or 7256244, or email petampro@yahoo.com. August 1, 2, 3, 9, 10: Ballet Manila led by Lisa Macuja-Elizalde opens its 13th performance season with “Halo-Halo Supreme,” a colorful and delightful mix of original Filipino neo-classical ballets at the Aliw Theater, Star City Complex, CCP Complex. Call 400-0292, 525-5967 or fax 404-3086, or email info@balletmanila.ph or visit www.balletmanila.ph. August 8: Tanghalang Pilipino stages David Henry Hwang’s Golden Child at the Tanghalang Aurelio Tolention (CCP Little Theater) at 8:00 p.m. Call 832-1125 locals 1620/1621.

//route finder For more information on events, you may contact the following: Alliance Française de Manille 209 Nicanor Garcia St., Bel-Air 2, Makati City; T: 895-7585, 895-7441 www.alliance.ph Araneta Coliseum Araneta Center, Cubao, QC T: 911-3101 www.aranetacoliseum.com Ayala Museum Greenbelt 4, Ayala Center, Makati T: 757-7117 to 31 inquiry@ayalamuseum.org Big Ben Collective (BBC) www.bbcmanila.com info@bbcmanila.com The British Council 10/F Taipan Place, Emerald Ave., Ortigas Center, Pasig City Tel 914-1011 to 14 http://www.britishcouncil.org.ph/ britishcouncil@britishcouncil.org.ph Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP) CCP Complex, Roxas Blvd., Pasay City T: 832-1125 to 39 http://www.culturalcenter.gov.ph/ccp@ culturalcenter.gov.ph Department of Tourism T.M. Kalaw, Malate, Manila T: 525-1805, 525-6538 www.tourism.gov.ph European Union 30/F Tower II, RCBC Plaza 6819 Ayala Ave., Makati City T: 859-5100/5120/5124, F: 859 5109 The Enterprise Center Events Venue Ayala Ave. cor. Paseo de Roxas, Makati T: 750-8012, F: 526-5425 Instituto Cervantes de Manila 855 T.M. Kalaw St., Ermita, Manila T: 526-1482 to 85, F: 526-1449 http://manila.cervantes.es Koiné Theater Foundation 2/F FORAB Bldg., 121 Kamuning Rd., QC T: 410-4485 Music Museum Greenhills Shopping Center T: 721-0635, 721-6726 MTV Philippines T: 889-9251 www.mtvasia.com NBK (Natural Born Klubbers) Club Promoters, Event Managers http://nbk.coms.ph, nbk@axti.com T: (0919) 305-9543 New Voice Company 8020 Tanguile St., San Antonio Village, Makati T: 896-6695, 899-0630, 896-5497 Onstage Greenbelt 2/F Greenbelt 1, Ayala Center T: 729-7777 Repertory Philippines C2-A Building C, Karrivin Plaza, 2316 Pasong Tamo Extension, Makati City T: 887-0710, 998-1246, F: 888-0887 http://www.repertoryphilippines.com/ rep@broline.com TicketWorld T: 891-5610 www.ticketworld.com.ph TicketNet T: 911-5555 www.ticketnet.com.ph


August 9 till Dec. 19: Repertory Philippines presents Disney’s “Mulan” Jr. at Onstage Greenbelt 1 with weekend matinees and evening shows until the end of the year. Call 887-0710 or 891-9999, or email info@repertory-philippines.com. August 10, 24 to September 7, 21: Theater Down South presents Rapunzel, a musical from the creators of the hit TV show “Friends,” onstage at the Insular Life Auditorium,Insular Life Corporate Centre, Insular Life Drive, Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa City. Call 891-9999. August 13: The Samahan ng mga Papetir ng Pilipinas, in cooperation with CCP, presents “Hindi Tao, Hindi Hayop…May Buhay.” For the first time, the pioneers of Philippine puppetry are coming together in one event including Teatro Mulat (rod), Anino (shadow), Roppets (hand), Tali Galaw (marionette), Black Theater of Manila (black theater), and Ony Carcamo (ventriloquism) at the Cultural Center of the Philippines. Call 912-7748, 439-1417 or email papetir@yahoogroups.com. August 24: Songs for a New World, a musical by Jason Robert Brown, is showing onstage at the Carlos P. Romulo Auditiorium, RCBC Plaza, Makati City. Call 707-3739 or (0906) 331-5961 or email peachy.atilano@gmail.com.

August 9, 16, 23, 30: Discover new aspects of your creativity and yourself in this four-day photo journaling workshop with Kidlat de Guia and Isa Lorenzo at the Silverlens Gallery, 2320 Pasong Tamo Ext., Makati City. Call 816-0044 or (0905) 265-0873, or email manage@silverlensphoto. com. August 11, 25: Comedy Cartel invades Spicy Fingers Bar and Restaurant in Greenbelt of a showdown of the best stand up comedians in the city. Starts at 7:30 with P150 entrance fee. Call 729-8761. August 15 to 30: Get a taste of Vietnam at the Crowne Plaza Galleria’s Seven Corners presents The Divine Vietnamese Cuisine. Crowne Plaza Galleria is on Ortigas Ave., Ortigas Center, Pasig City. Call 633-7222.






www.mag24-7.com RSARY SP VE E NI


Volume 6

Number 01

August 2008







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