MACUHO Magazine Fall 2017

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MACUHO magazine

If You Build It, They Will Come Building Professional Development Experiences for Professional Staff

Inside this Issue Reclaiming Spaces to Affirm Ourselves

FALL 2017

My Tool Belt Doesn’t Sparkle A Conversation with the Women of Facility and Housing Operations 1

FALL 2017

Table of Contents 4 MACUHO President’s Update 6 Committee Updates 8 Mental Health in Student Affairs 11 If You Build It, They Will Come

Building Professional Development Experiences for Professional Staff

12 Nuts and Bolts 14 Accommodating Tomorrow’s

Students Oversaturated Outlook

16 Leadership & Love 18 The Campus Challenge 20 Reclaiming Spaces to Affirm Ourselves

23 My Tool Belt Doesn’t Sparkle: A Conversation with the Women of Facility and Housing Operations 30 Women in Housing: A Set of Haikus 31 You Get A Job: 2017 Annual

Mock Placement Conference


MACUHO Magazine Staff Chair & Managing Editor

DON BRENNAN, Penn State University, Brandywine

Director, Business Operations & Communication

CONAL CARR, Penn State University, University Park

Associate Editor TORY ELISCA, Rutgers University, Newark Associate Editor

EMILY NANNA, Georgetown University

Copy Editors

KEVIN BATTERSBY, Alvernia University JENNA KONYAK, Seton Hill University

Features Editors

BRIAN ROOT, University of Pittsburgh, Greensburg

Committee Updates Editor CATIE BAXTER, Rowan University

Design & Visual Editor HEIDI MULLER, West Virginia University

Social Media Editor JACQUI ROGERS, Wesley College

Columns Editor

ARLEYNA LOSS, Penn State University-University Park


JENNA KONYAK, Seton Hill University SINCLAIR CEASAR, Loyola University Maryland For more information about getting involved with MACUHO Magazine, please email

Executive Board

President OLAN GARRETT, Penn State University, University Park Vice-President / President Elect DEBBIE SCHEIBLER, Wilkes University Past President BRIAN MEDINA, Frostburg State University Secretary GRACE REYNOLDS, Lafayette College Sage GRACE REYNOLDS, Lafayette College Director, Membership Development CRYSTAL LOPEZ, Caldwell University


Director, Business Operations & Communication CONAL CARR, Penn State University, University Park Director, Strategic Initiatives NATALIE SOWERS, Bucknell University Director, Training & Development DAVID CLURMAN, University of Maryland, Baltimore County Director, Annual Programs GENICKA VOLTAIRE, Montclair University Director, Information Technology JIM CLAGG, Marshall University

Leadership Council

Diversity Committee CURTIS CHAN, Rutgers University, New Brunswick KURTIS WATKINS, Stevens Institute of Technology Host 2017 Committee JACKYLN GENTILE, University of Maryland, College Park LAURA TAN, University of Maryland, College Park Housing & Facilities Operations Committee JAN MASON, Penn State University, University Park JENNA KONYAK, Seton Hill University Personal & Professional Development Committee GINA KIEFER, Alvernia University LIZ ALI, St. Joseph’s University Program Committee JORDAN TOY, Ursinus College VACANT Recognition, Education, and Connections Committee JOHNNY KOCHER, West Virginia University COURTLAND JAMES, Rutgers University, New Brunswick Recruitment and Retention Committee TORY ELISCA , Rutgers University, Newark MAX SHIREY, Bucknell University Regional Coordinators Committee LAUREN WAY, George Washington University (DC Metro) KATIE BUEHNER, Frostburg State University (Delaware/Maryland) MISTY DENHAM-BARRETT, Rutgers University - New Brunswick (New Jersey) VACANT, (PA-Northeast) CORY AMENTA, University of the Arts (PA-Southeast) AMANDA GEORGE, Dickinson College (PA-Central) RHONNA BOLLIG, Gannon University (PA-West) TONY SAMPSON, Marshall University (West Virginia)

Archives Coordinator LAURA TAN, University of Maryland, College Park Magazine Chair DON BRENNAN, Penn State University, Brandywine Strategic Planning Coordinator CAROLYN PITCAIRN, Notre Dame College Exhibits & Displays Coordinator LAWRENCE MORGAN, LaRoche College Sponsorship Coordinator TRACEY EGGLESTON, Marshall University Mid-Atlantic Placement VACANT Webmaster TIFFANY HUGHES, West Virginia University Systems Analyst NICK GRAMICCIONI, William Paterson University Social Media Coordinator STEVEN COURAS, Stevens Institute of Technology Financial Advisory Board Chair BRANDON CHANDLER , Rutgers University, Camden Senior Level Housing Officer Task Force Chair STEWART ROBINETTE, George Washington University Mid-Level Housing Officer Task Force Chair SARAH MARTIN, Marymont University Committee Structure Review Task Force Co-Chair DEBBIE SCHEIBLER, Rutgers University - Camden VACANT ACUHO-I Regional Affiliation Director JOANNE GOLDWATER, St. Mary’s College of Maryland ACUHO-I Foundation Rep for MACUHO DANA SEVERANCE, Frostburg State University 3


FALL 2017

MACUHO President’s Update By Olan Garrett, MACUHO President and Senior Associate Director of Residence Life at Penn State, University Park

and the conversation focused heavily on how we

Committee, led by Jordan Toy and Genicka

as regional associations and ACUHO-I can better

Voltaire, have selected an outstanding slate of

pool resources and partner together to be able to

professional development programs for our time

support each other and the profession as a whole.

together! Please join us November 14-17, 2017 in

This represents an evolution in our partnership

College Park, and I invite you to visit the MACUHO


website to learn more about the conference!






transactional to a relationship based more on items Hello MACUHO Family, August is here-the busiest month of the year for us in housing and residence life. I hope this e-mail finds all of you having held successful professional staff and RA trainings, and I send my foremost best wishes for successful, safe, and welcoming openings across our entire region. Much has happened since the last time I wrote to you—nearly six months have passed, in fact. In that very short time

leaders. Joanne, thank you for your vision and for your 20 years of outstanding leadership as RELI codirector. You will be sorely missed, but we also know that with Debbie at the helm as the new co-director along with Jon, RELI is in outstanding hands. • The Executive Board and Leadership Council, along with a number of individuals who were very

• Our Diversity Committee, with support from host

interested in learning more about MACUHO,

liaisons Schentel Porter and Evita Oldenburg,

came together at Penn State June 5 and 6 for our

and host institution Delaware State University,

annual Summer Summit. Traditionally, the Summer

successfully held our second annual Inclusion

Summit serves as the start of logistical planning

Summit in April. The event brought persons

and the kickoff of the countdown for the MACUHO

together from around our region to discuss diversity

Annual Conference in November, and certainly a

issues in our work as housing and residence life

significant amount of planning was accomplished

professionals, and the impacts of those issues

during that time, but the meeting also served as a

on each other, both personally and professional.

fabulous opportunity for members to connect and

Many thanks go out to our Diversity Chairs,

build relationships with each other, and provided

Curtis Chan and Kurtis Watkins, Schentel, Evita,

the chance to conduct significant reflection and

and all those involved with this fantastic event.

feedback on where we stand as an association, both in terms of our strengths and weaknesses

• MACUHO and NEACUHO, under the leadership of

as an association, as well as our current progress

Joanne Goldwater and Dr. Jon Conlogue, hosted the

toward completion of the 2015-2020 strategic

20thRegional Entry Level Institute at the University

plan. The collected feedback has been provided to

of Massachusetts-Amherst. RELI has always been

the Committee and Leadership Council Structure

one of the premier professional development

task force to assist them in their efforts. A big

experiences for our entry-level professionals with

thank you goes out to all who participated in the

0-3 years of experience, and this year did not

summit, and special thanks goes out to Jan Mason,

disappoint. Congratulations and thanks to Shana

Housing and Facilities Operations co-chair, and

Alston, Darrell Johnson, Pete Galloway, Christina

Conal Carr, Director for Business Operations and

D’Aversa, and Dr. Malaika Turner on their selection

Communications, for their support of the Summit!

as faculty to this year’s institute. Additionally, this


20th RELI was the last RELI for Joanne at the helm

• I had the incredible opportunity to represent

as co-director. Joanne has served as an outstanding

MACUHO at the ACUHO-I Annual Conference and

mentor to many who have come through RELI, both

Exposition in Providence, Rhode Island, in June

participants and faculty, and her leadership of RELI

along with Debbie Scheibler, our Vice President/

since its inception has been invaluable to both

President-Elect. During the conference, Debbie

MACUHO and NEACUHO in developing our future

and I attended the Regional Presidents’ Meeting,

and goals of mutual benefit, and I can report that

• Thanks to Brian Medina’s outstanding leadership as

all of us as regional associations are excited about

Past President, I am excited that we are developing

the possibilities moving forward. I am also pleased

a robust slate of candidates for presentation for

to be able to report that MACUHO continues to

Executive Board elections at the Annual Business

be able to lead among our peer associations,

Meeting in College Park.

and our fellow associations continue to turn to

additional information in future weeks, but our

us for advice and feedback on our operations

association will be in outstanding hands moving

as a benchmark and guide for their efforts.

forward. Please note that we continue to seek

Brian will be sharing

nominations for Vice President/President-Elect, and • The Executive Board and Annual Programs Team

we have reopened nominations with a deadline of

met in Atlantic City in July in retreat to further

September 10, 2017. Please consider nominating

discuss the recommendations of the Regional

those you might consider most qualified to serve, and

Affiliation Task Force, engage in conversation

discuss your nomination with potential candidates!

about changes to our annual conference bidding process, and entertain a presentation and potential

• Finally, in addition to our Vice President/President

hotel site visit for the 2019 Annual Conference.

Elect nominations, please consider nominating

Of the most significant points of discussion, the

someone to serve as a coordinator or co-chair

board and annual programs team members rapidly

on the MACUHO Leadership Council, as well

reached a conclusion that it is in the best interest

as nominating someone for a MACUHO award!

of the association to move the Annual Conference

Nominations are now open and will continue until

selection process from an institutionally-driven

September 22. Nomination for an award and/

bidding process to an association-driven selection

or Leadership Council position is a perfect way

process. This represents a significant, but necessary

to recognize someone for their contributions

change for the association in order to ensure that the

and encourage an outstanding professional to

Annual Conference continues to meet the needs of

become further involved in MACUHO! I hope

our Association family. The board is now engaged

you will encourage and nominate others, or even

about how to best move that process forward, and

nominate yourself, for an award or position.

we hope to share information soon. I can also share that, in May, the Executive Board formally voted to

As you can see, much has happened, and much is left to

select Erie, Pennsylvania, as the site for the 2018

do. I am incredibly thankful for the continued work and

MACUHO Annual Conference. Mark your calendars

support of our Executive Board, Leadership Council, and

for November 6-9, 2018 and plan to join us in Erie!

task forces, and I look forward to the efforts ahead. Most importantly, I want to thank you, our MACUHO family, for

• Candidate and Exhibitor Registration is now live for

your support of the Association. It is because of you that

the 2017 MACUHO Annual Conference in College

we exist, and it is our never ending goal to ensure that we

Park, Maryland! The host team, led by Jacklyn

serve you in every way possible. Again, I wish you all the best

Gentile and Laura Tan of the University of Maryland,

for successful and safe trainings and openings, as well as a

have been hard at work with the host committee

strong start to the academic year. In the meantime, please

and Association leadership to put together an

enjoy this, the latest edition of the MACUHO Magazine.◆

outstanding conference for you, and the Program 5


FALL 2017

COMMITTEE UPDATES Housing and Facilities Operations Committee Jan Mason, Penn State University

Jenna Konyak, Seton Hill University

The Housing & Facilities Operations (HFO) Committee wants to send out a big “thank you” to Albright College and East Stroudsburg University for hosting this year’s spring Halls to Walls event this past April. Despite the rainy day, we had two fantastic tours and some wonderful discussion. We hope to feature the tours in the next MACUHO Magazine. Beside Walls to Halls, HFO has been busy working on Senior Housing Officer (SHO) Engagement and Outreach. We have continued with our monthly conference calls, averaging six to eight members a call. Our Open Forum discussion of our monthly conference calls have ranged from furniture rental to cleaning procedures during cold and flu season. Conversations have been great! Please be sure to check out our newest member, Boltz the Squirrel, in this issue of the MACUHO Magazine in the Nuts and Boltz article. If anyone is interested joining the committee or looking for any information, please email us at jkonyak@ or   6

Johnny Kocher, West Virginia University Courtland James, Rutgers University Hello MACUHO! The awesome folks in the REC Committee have been hard at work on many trademark REC Committee events over the past several months and we are excited to share a brief snapshot of this work here with you. Once again, this past February REC completed our #MACUHORAsROCK initiative for RA Appreciation Day and once again received an amazing response from the region! This initiative is designed to allow schools to showcase their awesome RA Appreciation Day events with the rest of the region. Be sure to check out the REC Committee page on the MACUHO website for a photo album of all the awesome things MAUCHO did to show appreciation to student staff. Many of the schools that went above and beyond to show appreciation to their student staff on RA Appreciation Day will be receiving some awesome REC swag. REC has also started preparing for the next Student LiveIn Conference (SSLI). If you think you may be interested in this presenting or bringing your students to the conference, make certain you keep an eye out for the advertisements being sent out by MACUHO via email. You can also email us at REC for more information. Finally, we have a new Co Chair joining Johnny Kocher on the REC Committee: Courtland James from Rutgers! Make sure you drop him an email and congratulate him on the new position. REC would like to invite anyone interested in assisting us with Recognition, Education, and Connection across the MACUHO region to contact us at to join our mailing list and jump on one of our open conference calls. Talk to you soon! 7


FALL 2017

A Day in the Life

Mental Health in Student Affairs By: Arleyna Loss, Residence Life Coordinator at Penn State University, University Park *Arleyna Loss also serves as the MACUHO Magazine Columns Editor

Having a mental health issue in this field isn't the easiest thing to have, and you know that if you suffer from any range of anxiety, depression, PTSD, or more. As Student Affairs Professionals, we have been trained on how to handle students with mental health concerns, and we know the resources we must provide them in any kind of situation. The general idea is to be kind and caring of these students, to not judge them for their situations or where they have come from. However, if you're the one suffering from any of these mental health concerns, it's unlikely you'll receive the same kind of grace. I once met a professional from Texas who suffered from bipolar disorder and depression. She was on medication and had seen many counselors and therapists over the years to help her cope with her struggles. She stated how hard it was to work at her university in Residence Life because of how judged she often felt. This woman was very open and honest about her issues because she was looking for support, but as it turns out, she didn't often find it in many people. If she would get angry at a meeting, others would claim she was just in a bad mood because of her bipolar disorder, and this was just one example of some of what she experienced. When I met this woman, she had worked at the same institution for about 8 years, and she was job searching. She said she needed a fresh start somewhere others weren't aware of her struggles and a place she might be supported rather than judged for them. I share this interaction because I too have felt this 8

way. The support we give our students for their conditions is fantastic, but what about amongst colleagues? I suffer from a decent amount of anxiety and occasional depression, mostly stemming from past abuse I endured in my life. I'm also a talker (and a number one Woo, which doesn't help). I have always been a talk-out-loud processor. And when you experience anxiety multiple times a day, well, talking to a counselor once a week just isn't always enough. You can't trust everyone; I'm a trusting person by nature. You might see how this could be a problem. I have sorted many things out in my adult life, so working on my anxiety and PTSD is of the highest importance to me at this point. As I previously mentioned, I love to process out loud. I love to talk to people. In Residence Life, especially if you're living on campus and working pretty much all day long, your colleagues are who you talk to. I would make the argument that you should pick a job based on the colleagues because they are who you will spend all your time with and depend on, but I digress. I haven't necessarily experienced what my friend in Texas has, but it's true that people talk. Expect most people to tell others what you share with them. I have always been an open book, so if I'm feeling depressed one day and someone asks me how I am, I own it. I talk about it. I personally don't think that you can solve your personal problems by ignoring them sometimes or pretending they don't exist. I suppose some might say to separate your personal and professional life, but I'm still a person when I'm at work, aren't I?

I say all of this so I can lay the foundation for the problem this creates for those of us with mental health concerns in this field. We must be careful about what we say and to whom we say it. If everyone knows about your personal struggles, it is inevitable that you will be judged and treated differently by some. Maybe you don't get opportunities you were hoping to get because someone thinks that you don't have the mental strength to handle it. Perhaps your colleagues will tiptoe around you because they have sympathy for you or don't want to set you off. Essentially, you have to worry at all times about what you say and to who you are saying it while simultaneously battling your own internal struggle. What does this create for you? More anxiety. My advice to those of you with mental health issues is to branch out slowly but surely to the colleagues around you. It is quite likely that one or more of your colleagues suffer from mental health concerns as well, and they are trying to keep it on the down low as much as you would like to. It will take time and some feeling out to discover who that person is. That person will understand you. If you've never had a panic attack or anxiety, you truly do not understand how crippling it can be. This person that you find, though, they will understand you. Trust me when I say that you need that person. That person knows how to believe that you are a mature, capable adult who can function and work just fine, even though you suffer from something you didn't ask for and that you wish you didn't have. Some people just don't understand mental health concerns and think that you aren't fit to run a department or get a promotion because you have these concerns, as if you can just grow out of them or get rid of them or something. That will be the most frustrating thing you encounter in your work. Let me assure those of you reading this that do not necessarily have mental health concerns that it is indeed possible to suffer from these conditions and still be incredible at your job. PTSD, depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues do not define a human being. Just because I have a panic attack one day doesn't mean that I'm depressed. It doesn't mean I should go home for the day. It doesn't

mean that I don't know who I am or that I need to grow up more. It just means I'm a person, just like you. Everyone with a mental health concern is just looking for someone they can trust and confide in. You can be that person we need if you remove all judgment and bias, just like you would for a student. Picture this: A woman is sitting in her office. All of a sudden, something has triggered her, and she begins panic attack mode. She wants to work through it; she wants to process it. She wants someone to help calm her down and to walk with her through her processing. Her counselor isn't here. She doesn't see her until next week. She can't ignore the panic attack. She wants to talk to someone, but she is terrified of being judged, or them telling someone about the incident and then that person judging her. This thought makes the anxiety worse. She ends up shutting her door, turning off the light, and crying silently while freaking out until it passes because she is too terrified to reach out to anyone. If this woman was a student, would it be okay? Why should an employee be any different?â—†



FALL 2017

If You Build It, They Will Come

Building Professional Development Experiences for Professional Staff By: Shana N. Alston, Associate Director of Residential Life at Temple University

“Own your own” are the profound words of Stephen

I remember feeling genuinely excited to participate in


professional staff training very early in my career in my first professional position. Year after year, as we listened

Many managers expect that their staff will apply this

to the same colleagues give the same information, I felt

concept to owning one’s own professional and career

disengaged and sought out other ways to learn the skills

development. But that it is not the case for many young

necessary to do my job and to do it well. Yet, those days

professionals. With the ever changing and challenging

are fading quickly. To meet the expectations of employees,

landscape of the economy and millennials dominating

managers must assist by investigating the learning

the workforce, many managers are facing staff that need

opportunities available to their employees and by making

and want guidance in developing their professional

specific recommendations as part of each individual’s

development plans and could greatly benefit from

development plan.

professional staff training. While researching change leadership, one of the concepts According to Career Edge (2010), About 73 percent of

that left a lasting impression on my work as a trainer is

respondents cited continuous, ongoing and informal

that education must precede change. Ultimately, that

performance feedback from their managers as a leading

statement reminds me that we must prepare individuals for

quality of great workplaces. As managers in housing, far

the learning experience that we will embark on. And one

too often we focus on building a comprehensive training

of the ways that I look to prepare my team is through our

and education program for student staff and forget

training and professional development program. You may

about the continual education and development of our

ask yourself aren’t those phrases synonymous? I will let you

professional staff. Many of us have defaulted to sending

be the judge.

staff to conferences and put very little thought into developing our training and career development programs for our professional team. This article will explore the differences between a training program and a professional development (career advancement) program, along with tips in building a program that will lead to staff that feel supported, knowledgeable, prepared and confident. Research has supported the idea that millennial staff want to make an impact in their work and want their supervisors

Training vs. Professional Development A training program is the foundation for future learning. Training programs help to educate or prepare staff to do their work. Many would refer to such educational programs as orientations.

to articulate how they will create opportunities for them to make that impact. 10

...continued on page 30 11


FALL 2017

Nuts and Bolts

Where Housing and Facilities Operations professionals answer the questions you’re asking! THIS QUARTER’S QUESTION:

The ins and outs of residence hall room access – Which is better/ preferred and why – physical keys or scan cards? Our panel of professionals suggest –

Amanda Merson, Associate Director of Housing and Event Management – Moravian College Most days I wish we were on a proxy card system, given the number of lost hard keys that cross our paths. But I wouldn't say one is better than the other, because they both have pros and cons since we work with both. Most of our entry doors (building/apartment) are on our card reader system which makes giving and removing access a breeze for our office and Campus Police. On the down side, technology can fail and when a reader is down, it means we are usually issuing temporary hard keys or access is compromised until the vendor can resolve the issue. All of our bedroom doors are still on hard keys, which we know can be an antiquated and costly system: issuing work orders for lock changes, billing for lost keys, inventorying keys at the end of the year. The benefit of hard locks and keys is that it is managed internally, should we lose a key or a student have difficulty getting into their room because of a broken lock our staff can manage the repair and replacement pretty quickly. Have a housing or facilities operations question you want answered? Email your questions to, and maybe your question will be featured in our next segment!

Dave Campbell, Associate Director of Residence Life and Housing – East Stroudsburg University I still prefer keys. From what I have researched, a good card access system is still pretty cost prohibitive. Cheaper systems are out there, but require programming at every card access point, and this could

Visit Nuts and Bolts in the next edition of MACUHO Magazine for more answers from shining housing and facilities operations professionals in the region!

be a lot of work for someone. If costs were to come down on a card access system that could be programmed at a central location, I would be in favor of this over physical keys.

Brandon Chandler, Director of Housing and Residence Life – Rutgers University-Camden Scan cards, but only by a slim margin. Scan cards have quite a few benefits, but it really depends on how good the system supporting the cards is and how reliable the card readers are. Not having to re-key rooms, or even entire buildings, when keys are lost is one big reason I like them. Additionally it makes move-in and move-out simple as we can set all cards to activate and expire on the same day. We keep temporary cards handy for issues in the middle of the night. Keys are still simple and dependable, and I don’t have to talk with IT about them.

Rhonda King, Assistant Director of Residence Life/Housing – Messiah College On our campus, we have card access to enter residential buildings and individual floors and then keys to access each room. About 10 years ago all of our residences (8 residence halls and 4 apartment buildings) were on the same master and we had an incident where a student got a hold of the master. That pushed us to re-key EVERY residence on our campus and now every building is on its own master. That was a huge undertaking and a huge expense. We looked at going to card access for the rooms at that point, but even though we re-keyed every single room, it was still far more expensive to add card access because of the cost of the units, the software, and then the manpower to program the cards. We would love to have card access in each room and it provides better security, but at this stage, card access for each room has not become a financial priority.




FALL 2017

A to Z: Accommodating Tomorrow’s Students

Oversaturated Outlook

By: Jenna Konyak, MACUHO Housing and Facilities Operations Chair and Assistant Director of Residence Life at Seton Hill University *Jenna Konyak also serves as the MACUHO Magazine Copy Editor and a columnist.

Every article, book, and blog post that I read about

we skip reading emails because we assume they are not

Generation Z tells me that the generation grew up on

important. We can't assume anything less for our students.

technology. Generation Z can complete the tasks of more than 5 individual gadgets with a singular device the

So how do we overcome what I would like to call

size of a deck of cards. Technology has shaped the way

“Oversaturated Outlook” and continue to connect with

Generation Z not only views the world, but how they impact

students through technology? Perhaps we start using

it as well. With 1 hand always on technology, why do we

text messages with quick references to dates and times.

find it so difficult to use is to connect with our students?

Or perhaps we focus our energy on depleting the use of technology and getting away from its use altogether.

Higher education professionals have strived to “meet

Perhaps this is the push we need to get our students’

students where they are” and connect with them through

faces out of the screen and back into the real world.

technology. Your institution may be different than mine, but here at Seton Hill University we use email to


communicate to students about everything – academic


registration, communication with faculty, marketing for


change with


is the your

supposed world. face

to You

be can’t




change your



programs, informing them of Housing Selection dates. You name it, I am sure they have an email about it. During a lunch conversation with colleagues, I came to the conclusion that we send out all of these emails because we assume that our students are going to read them because they are always on their phones or computers. That’s what we’re taught, right? These students are connected to technology, so let’s connect to them through there. But how many of us have ever been angry with a student because you had to say, “the date was in my last email”, or “why didn’t you read the email”? Are we oversaturating their inboxes with information to the point where emails are no longer a successful form of communication? We know how overwhelming our inboxes can get and how often 14



FALL 2017

Leadership & Love

terms of developing them as leaders while at the same time creating a safe space for all to learn and grow. As the Director, I used my transferable

Dr. Lenetta R. Lee, Director of Residence Life at Lincoln University

skills and immediately began to teach what I knew to be true and learn what I didn't know. I questioned everything

“The aim of education is to reveal an attainable image of self that is lovelier than that manifested in his or her present acts.” -Noddings It is a tough time; that is the sentiment across the country.

evolves collectively for younger staff and students alike.

The current complexity of the world in which we live affects

Four years ago I was invited to provide leadership

and infects our campus communities possibly shifting the


desired culture and the residence halls. Legalization of






a I





in job.

marijuana, sexual misconduct, social justice, the Muslim ban, social media, consent, and the confirmation of









DeVos are just a few examples of what we are facing as a community. With that being said, the role and

My career started at a local elementary school where I

responsibility of the Residence Life

completed a semester of student

professional and staff is critical.






graduate school, I returned to The aim is for balance and creating




feeling of belongingness while educating




keep them safe and steadfast to




Maya Angelou once stated, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will





but people will never forget how you made them feel.”


the same elementary school to begin my first full-time teaching


assignment. Shortly thereafter,


high school Reading specialist


later, I was invited to take a


Assistant Professor of Education.


I found strength in being an


I served as a middle and later for several years. A decade position at a University as an

I didn't understand. I listened intently to







everything I could get in my hands. Immediately, I became the student and my Residence Hall Coordinators and students became the educators. I learned all I could from my highly qualified RHCs. I challenged them to not get out paced. This pushed them to stay on top of their interests. In this new role, I held on to my ability to manage people. I began to manage my residence life staff and my students. My initial responsibility was to be a role model, an image for them to emulate. I vowed to be visible and approachable and to love. Our first summer together, I engaged my staff in meaningful,




opportunities. We assessed all areas of the Residence Life program for overall program improvement. We met with all offices that we directly impacted seeking advice

on how to improve the relationship. I included the history of student affairs and student affairs practitioners. We used the feedback to set the foundation, and we have continued in this same manner for the past four years. This high level of collaboration and support formed a bond. Trust and love were at the core, and subsequently, it spread to our student body, thus culture. Residence Life was lit. Also, due to the lack of funding, we engaged in grant writing as a team, and as a team, we secured four grants in four years – a Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board grant, a suicide prevention grant, and a Tobacco-Free grant. Through model,





journey and



The level of constant care is at the core.

educator converted Director of Residence life. And while I didn't

It's been four years, and our routine and pedagogy

know the role and responsibility

have not only changed the students and the

I am this leader; I desire to

of the Director of Residence Life,

incivility. There is a deeper sense of peace in


my role as a grade school teacher

the community due to the genuine connections




how I made them feel. With that being said, I embrace

and later tenured Associate Professor of education served

the quote and place it at the forefront of my role as

me and my staff of eight Residence Hall Coordinators

the Director of Residence Life. To feel and to love are

and 50+ resident Advisors and campus community well.

significant parts of how I supervise my staff and students.





Thus, in my role as Director of Residence Life, I have learned that I still have a lot to learn as a leader.

The goal is to be an influential leader understanding

Within minutes I fell in love with the students and staff.

However, some things continue to ring true – how you


I understood I had a huge responsibility to each in

make someone feel will always be remembered. ◆








FALL 2017

The Campus Challenge By: Brian Root, Assistant Director of Housing and Residence Life at University of Pittsburgh, Greensburg *Brian Root also serves as the MACUHO Magazine Features Editor

5. 6.

MACUHO Consider having the meeting at the office of

Share on social media. Consider an inexpensive trophy or

the nonprofit you will be supporting, if the

plaque that gets passed to the winning school each year.

nonprofit is able to provide space.

Campus community members are more likely to support the initiative in following years if they see the impact and

During your collection of food, make it

outcome of your collection.

as convenient as possible for students to donate. The further someone must go out

Can’t find another institution to issue a challenge to?

For nine years, a group of institutions in southwestern

The Westmoreland County Food Bank has been

of their way to donate an item, the less likely

That’s fine. You can implement this end-of-year event

Pennsylvania’s Westmoreland County have been having

instrumental in the success of the Campus Challenge, as

they are to do so.

without having another school on board.

a friendly end-of-year competition all in the name of

it provides boxes and a pick-up of all donated food. This

collecting food for the county food bank.

year, the Campus Challenge picked up some local press,

Celebrate outcomes! Let your campus and

Questions? Contact me at I would

local community know about the outcome of

be glad to offer advice as you seek to start a food drive

your collection or food drive. Take photos!

challenge of your own. ◆

being featured in the Tribune-Review, Westmoreland The University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg (Pitt-

County’s primary news publication. (Read more.)

Greensburg), Seton Hill University, and Saint Vincent

College have been a steady part of what has been

Pitt-Greensburg has won the friendly Campus Challenge

dubbed the Campus Challenge, which was initiated by

for the past several years. In fact, the small regional

Pitt-Greensburg staff member Brian Root in partnership

campus of the University of Pittsburgh has donated 8,239

with the Westmoreland County Food Bank in 2009. Root,

pounds of food to the Food Bank over its first eight years

who was then a Resident Director at Pitt-Greensburg,

of participation.


contacted the Food Bank and colleagues at Seton Hill and St. Vincent, suggesting a friendly Campus Challenge,

If you want to start an annual tradition and friendly

which has been happening ever since.

competition with a local/neighboring institution, here are a few tips:

In its initial year, participation was mild at best. In fact, in the second year of the Campus Challenge, the three schools combined for less than 1,000 pounds of food. Last year after the 2015-2016 academic year, total food


A few years after its inception, Westmoreland County Community College (WCCC) joined in on the annual


State New Kensington. (Read more.) While the Campus Challenge was born out of an idea to


and Penn State New Kensington have added a new dimension to the Campus Challenge since neither of these schools offers on-campus housing.


Contact the agency or nonprofit to find out what support, if any, it can provide. For instance, find out if they can provide boxes

Identify your colleagues at other local institutions. Reach out to them well in advance to discuss the idea of a Campus Challenge partnership.

collect unused nonperishable food items from resident students during the spring move-out process, WCCC

food bank, pantry, or soup kitchen that will

or bags to assist in the collection.

Campus Challenge. This year, a fifth institution in Westmoreland County joined the competition –Penn

you will be supporting. Do you have a local accept your donations?

collected amounted to nearly 2,700 pounds. Totals for this year’s Campus Challenge are not yet available.

Identify the cause and what nonprofit agency


Set up a meeting with your colleagues to discuss logistics, which will vary greatly depending on the size of your campus.



FALL 2017

Reclaiming Spaces to Affirm Ourselves

history of the space that you exist in, and create a way that

acknowledging that history, and by making it our mission

other marginalized people can thrive there. For you, that

to connect in our struggle, and thrive as much as we can.

may mean creating a club, starting a non-profit, holding a webinar, or actively pushing for equity in your workplace.

Because the truth is- when we reclaim space, we reclaim pieces of ourselves that were once lost. We

By: Tiara DeGuzman, Resident Assistant at Rutgers University, Camden















reaffirm the fact that we’re here and we matter, and that is truly the best way that we can practice self-care.

history of oppression that exists where you stand. *I write this article in Camden, New Jersey, which

Jersey, so as I walked on the historic grounds of Delaware

was once home to numerous Native American

State, a historically black university, I immediately felt a



Rutgers University, Camden, and the 2016 recipient of the

tribes, including the Lenni-Lenape. We recognize

sense of deep peace. I felt comfortable. I wasn’t afraid.

Kellman, the Assistant Director of Residence Life at

MACUHO Commitment to Social Justice Award. She is also

Syracuse University, asked us to start off the day by

a freelance speaker and workshop facilitator who focuses

This space, I knew, was one of the few in the

acknowledging and honoring the Delaware Native

on leadership development, with a social justice lens.

**I write this article in Camden, New Jersey where


American tribes that founded the land we were on.

Tiara will graduate from Rutgers in May of 2017, and start

numerous enslaved people were forced to work









you. that

was that

created gave














at the Ohio State University in the fall to pursue a Masters Before






in Higher Education and Student Affairs. She hopes to


However, the land wasn’t always meant for my freedom.

Americans were murdered and driven away from

become a social justice educator, and create spaces for



It was originally meant for

the land that they cultivated. We honor that land by

students to have tough, but necessary, discussions. ◆




struggle, fight



under Marmaduke Cooper and other slave masters. We

Tiara DeGuzman is a third year Resident Assistant at




the institution of slavery. I’ve


been our

Yes- in the early 1700s,

relationship with space

Delaware State University

as marginalized people.

was a plantation where

If you are disabled, you

a wealthy family owned

grew up in spaces that





deny the existence and I

validity of your body.




If you are black, you are used to navigating

A land that was once home

spaces that demonize or

to whippings, depression,

fetishize your body. My

injustice and chains could

question here is a healing

turn into a space where

one: how can we go



about reclaiming spaces




dance, and where black




been oppressive to us?

learn, students



their minds and spirits. This















experience beautiful




reminder can



restoration if we build spaces for our bodies ourselves.

I attend a predominantly white institution in South

Today, I encourage you to reclaim space. Acknowledge the










FALL 2017

My Tool Belt Doesn’t Sparkle

A Conversation with the Women of Facility and Housing Operations By Debbie Scheibler, MACUHO Vice-President/President Elect and Director of Residence Life at Wilkes University

This article is presented in the ACUHO-I Talking Stick Conversations section style) Facilities Management. Housing Operations. Capital Projects. Assignments. Experience working in these areas helps to contribute to the long-term success and progression of professionals in our field to the higher echelons of the profession. However, it is an understanding in the field that these areas of Housing and Residence Life tend to be very male-dominated. What opportunities are available to women who have the drive and desire to break into the world of facilities and operations and why is it critical that more women are affording such professional opportunities? Originally intended to be presented at the 2016 MACUHO Annual Conference in Hershey PA, but canceled due to the need for alternative programming following the result of the US presidential selection, the following MACUHO members joining in on the conversation are:

Ashley Shaw, assistant director of housing systems and logistics at Rowan University

Rosemary Padilla, area director for 180 W. Market Street Apartments, Rutgers University-Newark

Brooke Clayton, assistant director of residential services at Lehigh University

Sarah Yencha, assistant director of residence life for housing operations at Lafayette College.




FALL 2017

Debbie Scheibler: How did you come to be in your role? What was it like to “make the switch” from Residence Life to Facility/Housing Ops? How/why did you make the switch?

Scheibler: What obstacles did you initially face when transitioning to a more operationally heavy role?

Clayton: I think operations is very male-dominated

the student’s experience in mind when making decisions or

because of traditional gender roles and professions over

consulting when it’s something they at times have trouble

the last 200 years of higher education. I am very fortunate

putting their finger on.

that I work in a direct department of 11 members, Yencha: Completely new body of knowledge! Lots

and eight of them are strong women. However, our

of learning about HVACs and how to explain them to

counterparts in facilities are comprised of 98% men. How

students and parents! Being comfortable asking what I

I see it, though, is like that quote from My Big Fat Greek

perceive to be simple/basic questions from my colleagues in Facilities.

Wedding– "A man may be the head, but the woman is the is how I see my fellow sisters in the field. We have a knack

posted. The job description was very enticing because it

Clayton: It was harder to see the more developmental fruits of my labor. Working in Residence Life you see students grow and appreciate you efforts. In facilities

was a little bit of the other side while still retaining some

management and assignments, I find that I don't get the

things I liked at the time – conduct, duty, student contact

same student interaction I was once used to. However, I

Shaw: I don’t know that women get exposed to this

etc. It was also the other half of what I needed to consider

ensure to keep my mentorships by engaging with student

field enough to even think of it as an option. At many

when I wanted to be a Director of Residence Life.

affairs committees, events, and volunteer for trips, first

institutions, men and women do not have a large role

year orientation, etc. I get the best of both worlds... I see

in the housing operations on their campus and so they

Rosemary Padilla: Magic. When I finished my graduate

something tangible in the work I do every day, but then I

may not even realize what opportunities exist. I use every

degree, our university was merging with UMDNJ and

get to hand select the projects and interactions I want to

chance I can get to include our graduate students and

gaining control over a residence hall that was being

partake in.

even our professional staff in what it is that the ops side of

Sarah Yencha: I was looking for a position that would cut out some of the LATE night staff meetings and include a different kind of on-call schedule. I had gotten to be the facilities expert on my current campus and really enjoyed it, so my current position really spoke to me when it was

privately managed. At the time, the stars aligned and my passions fit with the role that was needed for that building. The graduate population that occupies the building did not need the traditional residence life personnel but rather more of an area director that was geared towards daily operations,contracts, assignments, billing and facilities.

neck and she can turn the head any way she wants." That of planning, organizing, and dispatching; but even that is slowly starting to change.

the house does.

Scheibler: Did you/do you ever feel as if there is a double-standard or that you are looked at differently versus your male counterparts? Why or why not?

Moving forward, I was able to provide a new approach to

DS: How have your strengths shined while working in the housing ops side of things? Shaw: I like puzzles, which is often what I think ops is all about. How do you make the furniture fit in this room but

customer service and implementing some of specks of a

Padilla: I do not. Males that I work with embrace and

residence life culture to change the standards of living in

still allow for the student to utilize it all? How are two of us

value my point of view. I am a younger, first-generation,

our facility. Since then, my role has continued evolving.

ladies going to move this desk and dresser down 3 flights

Latina from Newark that has a very different outlook on

of stairs? Where is this water coming from? What’s that

operations and its impact on our students. Shaw: Once in

smell? I don’t always love touching the icky stuff but I do it

a while I speak to someone who thinks that I have no idea

every day so that our students don’t have to or because no

what I’m talking about, but it is rare where I work. I try to

one else will. Nothing makes me feel more successful than

put that aside because there are some really wonderful

when I can go out to a situation, calm down a student,

facilities staff members on campus who have given me

locate the problem, and fix it on the spot without having

lots of opportunities to watch them perform repairs and

to call anyone else. Any little thing that I can do to make

to learn the tricks of their trades. They also often seem

the student’s experience here at Rowan a good one makes

concerned when I lift heavy/dirty things and want to carry

my job worth it. I think students should know they are

stuff for me. I appreciate it, but I say, I got this!

important to us, even if it just involves a clogged toilet that

Ashley Shaw: Making the switch was nerve wracking and emotional. I loved being a supervisor to RAs, and knowing that I would no longer be doing that was the one thing holding me back. But I knew it was a great opportunity that I was faced with, and I couldn’t pass it up. I found that I absolutely loved the challenge that this provided here, and I was able to find some confidence in areas that I never expected. I also secretly love doing what is thought of as a man’s job. Brooke Clayton: I was looking for a specific institution that was a split system – Housing and Residence Life. I had been in Residence Life for nine years and was ready to work with something that I still valued, yet had a better work/life balance. 24

DS: Why do you think housing ops is still so male-dominated within our profession? How are you breaking down those barriers?

they aren’t sure how to handle. Yencha: I think that my Facilities colleagues are impressed with my organization of processes and procedures. This is a huge takeaway from my experience program planning and scheduling RA duty. I also think they appreciate that I have

Clayton: I am very detail-oriented and organized. It's easy for me to maintain accurate records, work on various projects, and maintain a higher level of facility standards. My keen eye for detail allows me to see the small imperfections in our facilities and address them immediately. I always say a safe, comfortable, and inviting environment is one that is taken care of. Likewise, I am very good with technology and software implementation. I'm always able to develop and design processes that make our department work smarter, not harder. Padilla: I’m a gold and I shine all day! The need for organization, spreadsheets, folders, and structure allow me to keep all of my projects aligned and ensure that I’m able to keep all of the many parts moving at once.

DS: What skills or qualities do you think a successful professional in Operations should possess? Yencha: Organization, communication, and compassion. It does take a thick skin sometimes when breaking into a male dominated field, but it is also a place where you can insert yourself and your education/training to make it a better system

DS: What do you miss (if anything) from the traditional Res Life side of things? Shaw: I really do miss the staff. I go to RA training to present each summer and I don’t recognize a ton of faces; certainly not like I used to when I was heavily involved with them and the selection process. No one really comes to my house in the middle of the night to discuss their struggles or calls me to support them through something, unless its facilities or housekeeping related. Sometimes I miss the counseling aspect of Res Life. Other times I’m grateful for some more sleep. Clayton: I guess I miss feeling that students need me. I had very good relationships with my students but, more importantly, my student staff, so I feel that I probably miss 25


FALL 2017 that. However, that is always a catch-22; sometimes my

In any role you take on you will have to overcome

family suffered because I was needed. I still work eight

challenges, do not let the fear of the unknown stop you

hours a day dedicated to students and staff; however, I

from overcoming new obstacles. Remember, ladies, just

am better able to dedicate the remaining 16 hours to my

because you do not make the boiler work, does not mean

family and friends.

that you do not know how it works.

DS: What advice do you have for other women who are transitioning (or thinking of transitioning) over to housing operations, occupancy management, or facilities?

Clayton: My word of advice is to find something you love

Shaw: Learn as much as you can. Volunteer for things

a little bit. When you transition to an actual 9-to-5 job, it

that are not within your job description because the most

allows for more self-exploration and independence. I've

opportunity for learning exists in those experiences. Force

been able to successfully transition from a Human Doing to

yourself to touch something icky – you’ll find out it’s really

a Human Being.

(outside of work). For the first time ever, you'll have time you don't know what to do with. Having gone from a 60+ hour work week and being on-call, I had something that took my attention at every hour of every day even for just

not as bad as you think! And don’t hesitate to ask someone to show you something. Building these relationships is

Yencha: It’s different but not in a bad way! Be ready to be

crucial to being offered opportunities.

the only lady in the room and be okay with that. Buy some steel toed shoes and a hard hat, both of which come in

Padilla: DO IT! It’s a whole different world. The impact

pink if you so choose. Find an ally or allies on the other

that you make on the daily are just as great as those that

side and pick their brains. ◆

are being made by traditional residence life professionals.




FALL 2017

If You Build It, They Will Come

In my opinion, both training and professional

they will work. Providing opportunities for staff to complete

our staff and work culture through continual improvement.

development programs work in concert. I find it hard

leadership, personality, skills/interest assessments, are

In the insightful words of G.I. Joe, knowing is half the

Building Professional Development Experiences for Professional Staff

to have one without the other. Many of us default to

great conversational pieces that can also provide a

battle. Assessment activities should be integrated and

creating a training program and hope that staff will

manager with insight on how to best engage and utilize

regular practice in our training cycle. It is imperative that

seek out their own professional development. Yet,

staff members’ skills and interests.

we not only assess the presenter delivery but that we also

participating in training programs offered inside and

assess what the staff has learned as a result of participating

outside a young professional’s place of employment as

Stephen Shapiro, the author of Personality Poker, asserts

in our training program. And to close the loop, we must

well as volunteer work and internships are also terrific

that hiring managers tend to hire people who think like

use that data to improve, change and grow the program

strategies for becoming a well-rounded employee and

them, which can be problematic. Stagnation and a lack

for optimal staff learning.

...continued from page 11

assessing whether a given career path is viable.

of imagination, does not cultivate organizations that are

The learning that takes place in a training program is

innovative, dynamic or nimble. Using skills and personality

“No one formula.” Over the years, my staff and colleagues

I can only speak for my organization but we want to

inventories will allow managers to identify the diversity in

have greatly influenced how my approach to training and

skill-based and instructional; it teaches work-place culture,

recruit the best and brightest. We want them to continue

their staff team and allow managers to capitalize on those

professional development has evolved. I would like to

communicates administrative responsibilities and will

to develop personally and professionally and to exceed

individual’s talents and skills.

share with you the components that I find to be essential

acquaint staff with resources. When I think of the training

our expectations. We want them to feel engaged in

experiences I provide for my graduate level staff, we

meaningful work.



We have identified that teaching student development

I will share with you the components and concepts that

“Match training activities to each learning objective.”


theory will provide context and perspective to their work,

drive our planning process when developing our training

Managers should develop learning opportunities that

especially for those staff members not pursuing careers in

and development program.

will address the competencies and skills that staff needs

Competency-based content increases knowledge of the

to improve or acquire. Be purposeful and intentional.

field, introduces the latest research and exposes staff

Develop learning activities that address trends or

to new ideas. Competency-based knowledge aligns

Training sets the foundation for professional and career

How do we build it?

informational topics that are relevant to your professional

training content with professional standards. Professional

development. Career development is the act of acquiring


work. Also be cognizant that staff have varying learning

associations will often identify core competencies for the

information and resources that enable one to plan a


styles. Lecture-based education is not effective for all

profession; use those competencies for training inspiration.

in building a career development program for professional

design the program to also teach professional knowledge.

higher education.

program of lifelong learning related to his or her work

individuals. Can you design aspects of your program that

life. A career or professional development program takes

“Set up a schedule for each activity and the rate at

are experiential? Do you engage staff as educators in their

your team to the next level. A professional development

which you wish to proceed in your training plan. Set

professional development process?

program widens the scope from what I will do to what I

deadlines for your training activities.” Professional

could do. Building a professional development program focuses on providing staff with the skills and knowledge necessary for personal growth and career advancement. Such programs are designed to enhance knowledge, skills, and abilities of staff to assume greater responsibility or higher positions. This allows your team to move beyond what you are currently doing and to envision how to grow their expertise and your organization. Strong professional development programs are competency-based and continually evolving to keep your organization dynamic.

Development Plans identify and address the needs of individuals by enhancing their knowledge and skills. Managers should work with staff to develop annual (short-term) professional goals and facilitate other activities, like career mapping and visioning plans. When we engage staff in developing their professional development plan, it communicates that their professional education and growth is a shared responsibility, but they must take the lead.

When your staff is thinking, growing, and changing, they


will positively influence and contribute to the growth


of your organization. Staff members who contribute to their professional development stay longer and are more satisfied, which increases their effectiveness and efficiency.

The more informed staff is about their own talents, strengths, personality, and abilities, the more informed we are on how they can best serve the team and how


It is an expectation that the professional staff in our department present at least one educational workshop to student staff and one educational workshop to professional staff each year. I work with staff to identify their interests and expertise and at times challenge them to present on areas in which they need to improve. This practice helps me to diversify the offerings in our training program while developing the staff’s professional skills. [4] ASSESS YOUR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM “Goals shift, people change, and circumstances present new challenges and opportunities.” Assessment allows us to respond and anticipates the changes and challenges in

[2] CONSISTENT &   CONTINUAL Develop a plan and stick to it. Consistency and continuity will boost the confidence of your team because the staff feels properly trained and prepared. Having a consistent schedule and plan for training and professional development shows investment, support of your staff and their growth. [3] COLLABORATION Collaboration will expose your team to other practitioners with different methods, approaches and insight to our work. I would encourage managers to engage colleagues both in your organization and in your larger professional network. The staff will grow from a variety of diverse and educated perspectives. Collaboration will also help your staff in building their professional networks. Collaborative training also reinforces the concept that the professional 29


FALL 2017 development of your staff is a shared responsibility. Developing a professional development program is not terribly complicated but wildly invaluable in building solid staff teams where staff are competent, confident, engaged

Women in Housing:

A Set of Haikus

You Get a Job:

2017 Annual Mock Placement Conference

and stay longer. I believe that my small school with a solid housing program has the ability to recruit and maintain such amazing young professionals because we can articulate how we will invest and contribute to the staff’s professional growth and career advancement. You will only get out, what you put in. Works Cited: Malone, V.M. (1984). Inservice Training and staff development. In B.E. Swanson (Ed.), Agricultural extension: A reference manual. Rome:FAO. McFadden, Kay. "7 Tips for Using Personality Tests to Hire." N.p., 21 Mar. 2011. Web. 21 Dec. 2012. Phelps, M.Is it time to Rethink Employee Engagement." Whitepaper. Development Dimensions International, Inc. 2009. Redman, Bridgette. "How to Write a Training Development Plan." EHow. Demand Media, 10 June 2011. Web. 01 Nov. 2012. < how_8576288_write-training-development-plan.html>. Rabinowitz, Phil. "Developing Training Programs for Staff." Http:// The Community Tool Box, 2012. Web. 01 Nov. 2012. < sub_section_main_1105.aspx>.

By: Jenna Konyak, MACUHO Housing & Facilities Operations Committee Chair and Assistant Director of Residence Life at Seton Hill University

By: Ashley Shaw, Assistant Director of Housing Systems & Logistics at Rowan University

The 3rd Annual Mock Placement Conference was held

Rowan University’s Rho Alpha Sigma members were a huge

at Rowan University on Friday, February 17, 2017.

help to ensure that the event ran smoothly and guests had everything they needed to have a positive experience. To top it off, the event was completely free for all participants

The conference was designed to

*Jenna Konyak also serves as the MACUHO Magazine Copy Editor and a columnist.

provide participants the to

We hope that you can join

opportunity practice

interview There are broken locks


Overflowing toilet bowls


Call Maintenance, please


us for next year’s event if


you are an undergraduate,


graduate or entry level professional


they may be asked




in an interview for a




Women can do math

variety of student affairs



Women make tough decisions




Women in housing

about what a placement






c o n f e r e n c e Jan hates her roommate






l job










professional to

staff sit

employer table,

side perform

o f interviews,


provide mentoring. All interview materials are prepared by

Let’s mediate the issue Jan wants to move now



This year’s keynote speaker was John Delate, the

the event committee and provided on the day of the event.

Executive Director of Residence Life at Montclair State Pick your room wisely

University. Mr. Delate kicked off the event by speaking to

The date for next year’s Mock Placement Conference is

Mommy can’t do it for you

attendees about his Five Laws to Guide Your Job Search

Friday, February 22nd, 2018. Registration may go quickly as

Housing lottery

Process and encouraging everyone to take advantage

we only have 30 candidate spots available! Look for future

of their opportunity to practice their interview skills.

announcements and communication in the fall of 2017! ◆

Nikki found a cat

Throughout the day, each attendee was provided with

Other duties as assigned

four opportunities to participate in a mock interview

Cat has a home now

with either a graduate or professional staff member. The interview schedule was designed to allow the mock employers to share feedback with candidates about their performance. This allowed each employer and candidate opportunities to network, have questions answered, show off their resumes, and gain valuable experience for the future – on both sides of the table.



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