MACUHO Magazine Spring 2013

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Mid-Atlantic Association of College & University Housing Officers

M AC U H O magazine


Delaware • District of Columbia • Maryland • New jersey • Pennsylvania • West Virginia

TABLE OF CONTENTS News from President’s Desk


UPDATES Macuho Financial Update


FY 2013 Budget Summary


February Meeting Update


EVENTS Mid-Atlantic Placement Conference Article


What is the SSLI Conference?


Neighborhood Tours: From Walls to Halls


National Housing Training Institute



Joshua R. Belice

Olan Garrett

Danielle Troise

Desiree Craig

Steven Couras

Lisa Nyinaku

Amy LoSacco

Lee Ambrose

FEATURES Lesson From My Son: Working With Students and


Families Who Have a Disability

Diversifying Diversity


The Golden Age of West Virginia


UD Residence Life Honors Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.


Through Service

Hurricane Sandy Rocks Stevens Institute of Technology


Taking Residential Programs from Small to Large Scale


EDITORS Christina Moran Philadelphia University DESIGNERS Morgan Knepper

Kate Cassidy

Temple University

Temple University





appy New Year! I trust

students. For those who know

this letter finds you well

me personally, a position that

and that you’ve enjoyed

focuses on communications,

(and survived!) the

marketing, and system support

holiday season, Winter/

is a great move for me!

Spring opening, RA Selection process, Housing Application launch, and everything else that comes with the new semester!

Heasley as its new Executive Director of University Housing in February 2013. Chris is

first, to share personal/profes-

involved in MACUHO, ACUHO-I,

sional news and second, to

and comes most recently

update you on MACUHO’s

from St. Joseph’s University

achievements since our Annual

in Philadelphia. I worked with

Conference in Balitmore, MD.

him closely on many MACUHO

new position at Drexel University. In early January, 2013, I became


University welcomed Dr. Chris

I write to you with two purposes:

I was recently appointed to a

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In very related news, Drexel

projects and welcome the opportunity to acclimate him to my home institution.

the Director of DragonCard

The MACUHO Leadership

Services. The DragonCard is the

Council met in February at

University’s Identification Card

our 2013 Annual Conference

and my new role is to integrate

host hotel/convention center.

the many Card Services with

I’ve outlined details of this

our on-campus and off-campus

meeting in a special article

populations. I truly look forward

within this magazine edition. I

to working in this new area of

can say with the utmost con-

Student Affairs and its direct

fidence that the 2013 Annual

interaction with our residential

Conference will be fantastic!

MACUHO MAGA ZINE MACUHO Mid-Atlantic Association of College & University Housing Officers


I invite you to visit the newly re-designed MACUHO.ORG and review our committee options. I hope you’ll take this opportunity to connect with the Leadership Council and become engaged in a standing committee. Join the celebration of the ACUHO-I Foundation’s 25th birthday by heading to MACUHO. ORG and linking out to the Foundation’s Facebook Page. Our goal is have 2,500 Facebook LIKES by the start of the 2013 ACUHO-I Annual Conference and Exposition. We want MACUHO to lead the number of LIKES against the other ACUHO-I regional associations! Thank you for the continued support of MACUHO; I look forward to working with you over the next several months leading up to the Annual Conference in November.







MACUHO Financial Update Submitted by Olan Garrett, Treasurer MACUHO continues to operate with sufficient cash on hand to support its operations. As of February 28, we have a total of $121,120.55 in our checking and savings accounts. The breakdowns are as follows: CHECKING/SAVINGS ACCOUNT BALANCES Account

As of (12/5/2012)

As of 2/28/2012

Business Checking



Business Performance Savings



Business Savings



Total Funds



Also, in December, the Executive Board met via

The committee allocations are as follows:

teleconference to set the Association’s operating budget for the 2013 fiscal year, which goes

(FY 2013 Budget Summary)

from January 1 to December 31. At that meeting,

(MACUHO 2013 Budget).

the board approved an operating budget of

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$72,927.54, allocated amongst the various com-

Please feel free to e-mail me at treasurer@

mittees and initiatives. This represents a decrease if you have any questions,

of just under $12,000 from the FY 12 budget.

concerns, or ideas about our finances.


MACUHO MAGA ZINE MACUHO Mid-Atlantic Association of College & University Housing Officers

FY 2013 Budget Summary Committee/Budget Area

FY 2012 Approved

FY 2013 Approved




Corporate Sponsorships



Information Technology



Communications – Magazine



Communications – Social Media



Housing Operations






Exhibits and Displays















Membership/Regional Coord.



Strategic Initiatives






Executive Officers



Host 2013 Corporate Sponsorship









February Meeting Update By: Joe Russo


’m writing to you while on my way

will provide you an opportunity to engage with

home from the February Executive

new and familiar colleagues across our region.

Board / Leadership Council meeting in Pittsburg, PA. Of course, this is the host location for our Annual Confer-

ence in November, 2013, and it was very exciting to see our host hotel and convention center. This is going to be a fantastic conference!

about how MACUHO is utilizing social media. You will soon see a re-launched Facebook Page (not a Facebook Group!) and a stronger Twitter presence. We are utilizing additional Twitter resources to track our Tweets and responses. You

As planning continues, our Program Chairs, Host

will also note that we’ll only utilize one Twitter

Chairs, and Leadership Council are combing

Account: @MACUHO. We may put hashtags to

through feedback from the 2012 conference (and

highlight various programs, such as #MAPC2013

previous conferences!) to ensure we are meeting

or #MACUHO2013, but we’re making a con-

the needs of the Association. To answer the

scious decision to not have multiple accounts.

question What does the Association need from the Annual Conference?, we are also looking at the results of our Annual Survey. The answers, as provided in these tools, spurred fantastic, new, and unchartered conversations amongst our Association leadership. The result may be an Annual Conference with new twists and turns.

Finally, the February meeting jump-started our new strategic plan. We are also embarking on an 18-month journey to analyze our current practices and develop a new 2014-2020 Strategic Plan. It is an exciting time to be a part of MACUHO as we work to re-define our mission, clarify our outcomes, and develop ourselves

You will soon hear details about the 2013 Annual

into a premier professional organization for

Conference. We are working hard to create a

Housing and Residence Life professionals.

Conference which meets the programming and networking needs of our entire association. Whether you are a graduate student, a new professional, or a CHO, the 2013 Annual Conference

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We also had a very engaging conversation


Our next MACUHO meeting will take place in June, 2013 and is open to the entire Association. Look for more details soon!

MACUHO MAGA ZINE MACUHO Mid-Atlantic Association of College & University Housing Officers

Hey MACUHO! Stay connected through our Social Media outlets in MACUHO! “Like” the MACUHO Facebook page, and also follow @MACUHO on Twitter! Also, if you have some great things happening on campus, e-mail the video to our MACUHO youtube page at “” and see your video on MACUHOTV! So, make sure you stay “social” and talk to you soon!

Mid-Atlantic Association of College and University Housing Officers proudly presents 2013 Annual Conference and Exposition in

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

November 6th-8th, 2013 We welcome you to the City of Bridges! Co-hosting institutions, La Roche College and West Virginia University would like to invite you to a conference of know-how and networking. Head to for additional details.





Mid-Atlantic Placement Conference Article By: Desiree Craig


ooking for a new

Before I go any further, allow

I am doing—growing--when I

job can be daunting

me to introduce myself: Hi. I’m

subject myself so situations that

enough a task, but the

Desiree and I am an introvert. I

require me to move far beyond

prospect of parading

realize how strange an introduc-

my immediate comfort zone.

through bevies of people in

tion that may seem, but that

order to increase my chances

identifier should offer some

of securing employment com-

insight into why, leading up to

pounded my angst. As a first

the conference, I was experi-

time attendee to the Mid-Atlantic

encing punctuated moments

Placement Conference (MAPC)

of slight nervousness. I’m sure,

I (instead of speaking, at some

though, that I’m not enigmatic

length, to my colleagues who

in the sense that I was the only

had frequented the conference

candidate to have experienced

in years prior) subjected myself

small pangs of apprehension prior

to all sorts of interesting and

to and during the conference.

anxiety-inducing narratives

Given the situational conditions,

Growth is sometimes uncomfortable, but this is what I believe I am doing—growing--when I subject myself so situations that require me to move far beyond my immediate comfort zone.

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Introverts, I come bearing good news: MAPC wasn’t so frightening! It wasn’t at all a kind of noxious wizard hiding behind a thick veil towards which we should expect to approach with fear and apprehension. In fact, it was actually a really quite pleasant experience. If I’m being honest, I can’t say that all of my anxiety dissipated once I hit the conference doors, but there are steps that you can take to quell the angst enough so that you nerves don’t suffocate you. I’m not claiming to offer a panacea for all introverts for all social situations (we’re just going to be

about what that late February

I’d wager a bet that introverts

weekend in Reading, PA would

and extroverts alike were a bit

entail. I thought perhaps it might

nervous. Though, for introverts

be a sterile and uncomfortable

working in this field—a field in

environment because: how

which you, at times, need to

else could a conference where

bring the “woo”—we are often

people are “clamoring” for jobs

challenged (which is one of the

research ahead of time: The

be experienced? It became

things that I find most compelling

universe sometimes throws

quite clear that I was allowing

about this field) to pull ourselves

things at us that we can’t

my anxiety about these sorts of

outside of ourselves which can

anticipate, which for introverts,

social situations to eclipse my

be rather uncomfortable at times.

might cause some consterna-

better judgment and to orient my

Growth is sometimes uncomfort-

tion. Uncertainty isn’t our most

posture towards the conference.

able, but this is what I believe

favored ally. So, I strongly


uncomfortable sometimes…sorry), however, I have some useful tips that might lend to a more positive experience. Here it goes! 1. Schedule interviews and do

MACUHO MAGA ZINE MACUHO Mid-Atlantic Association of College & University Housing Officers

suggest that you contact the

walk through the conference

(yes, I know this may be hard,

institutions in which you are

venue for 15-20 minutes

especially since introverts are

most interested to schedule

(which I strongly advise) might

not hailed to be the most fluid

interviews. This will free up

help you to process inter-

and natural small-talkers),

some time for you while at

views you’ve had and think

but instead focus on being

the conference, because the

more lucidly about upcoming

present. Ask questions of

time that you might have been

ones. Too much stimulation

your interlocutor and actively

using to furiously research

might cause an introvert to

listen instead of concentrating

different programs (and those

feel like she is navigating the

on and being worried about

employed in those programs)

day through a fog—one that

what you should say next

could be used instead to take

doesn’t thin out with more

so as to avoid any awkward

much needed breaks between

interaction. In general, the

disruptions. Most introverts

interviews. That leads me

conference day(s) can be very

are great listeners because

to my next suggestion…

tiring. For in introvert, though,

of our being more thoughtful

this could be compounded if

and reflective, so use this to

she doesn’t take a moment

your advantage to pick up on

away from the action. Ulti-

triggers that might help to

mately, the time away you

move the conversation along.

2. Schedule breaks: And by schedule breaks I mean factoring in moments beyond the time you would necessarily take to fuel your body. Introverts, it is generally understood, become come mentally and sometimes physically enervated by social interac-

take to charge your batteries could make the difference in having a better, more cogent and colorful interview. 3. R elax a little: As trite and su-

4. S et a networking goal for yourself: To ensure that you make moves to network during the conference it might be useful to set a goal

tion (we tend to take pleasure

perficial as this piece of advice

for yourself to engage with x

in more solitary activities and

may seem, it would be useful

number of people while there.

less stimulating social situa-

to give this a try. An important

Be realistic in your goal-set-

tions). This is by no means a

part of the conference is the

ting. By definition, an intro-

stigma nor does it suggest

networking piece—some of the

vert’s energy level is inversely

something deficient about us.

most fruitful future connec-

correlated with the interaction.

However, it is good to be re-

tions may germinate outside

So, it would probably be more

flective enough to realize that

of your slated interviews. That

deleterious than helpful for

(re)fueling your body might

being said, when you find

you to set your networking

also require you to move to a

yourself engaged in conversa-

goal to say, 30 people in one

minimally stimulating environ-

tions try not to focus so hard

day. Remember: The object of

ment. Opting to take a solitary

on what you might say next

the conference is twofold—to


| 11


EVENTS (Mid-Atlantic Placement Conference Article Continued) provide a space wherein

From one introvert to another,

require us to do some planning

which you can interview with

I can now say from experi-

on the backend. I’m actually

a number of different institu-

ence that MAPC is not at all as

convinced that introversion is a

tions during a truncated period

overwhelming as I’d imagined it

gift…we just need to learn how

and to network. Being overly

would be. I found some solace,

to harness it to work in our favor.

ambitions about your network-

too, in acknowledging that all of

Maybe these tips can do just that!

ing goals may effectively harm

the other candidates were in the

your chances of interviewing

same position I was. As introverts,

well (assuming that you might

our experiences in social situa-

find yourself drained from

tions can be made better if we

high levels of interaction). I’m

acknowledge that our different

sure you wouldn’t want that.

constitutions might sometimes

National Housing Training Institute MACUHO is pleased to support the James C.

Over the years, MACUHO regions have gener-

Grimm National Housing Training Institute (NHTI),

ously supported the mission and operation of

sponsored by the Association of College and Uni-

NHTI by providing award reimbursements to

versity Housing Officers – International (ACUHO-

participants from around our region. When par-

I) and hosted by the University of Georgia!

ticipants are selected to attend NHTI, they are also

Since its inception at the University of Florida more than 20 years ago, NHTI has provided profes-

commitment to support their attendance.

sionals with the skills and competencies neces-

In 2012, MACUHO provided $1,260

sary to excel in a career in student housing. NHTI

in award reimbursements and have

participants from around the world are given the

pledged to do the same this year.

opportunity to cultivate professional relationships, create a personalized and attainable professional development plan and find success in a field that is ever-changing and quickly evolving.

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provided with information regarding MACUHO’s


MACUHO MAGA ZINE MACUHO Mid-Atlantic Association of College & University Housing Officers

Neighborhood Tours: From Walls to Halls Date of Program: Friday, April 5, 2013

The program goes from 10:00am to 2:00pm

The Housing and Facility Operations Committee is pleased to once again offer the Neighborhood Tours: From Walls to Halls for our colleagues in the

and includes a tour, lunch and a brief meeting. So, please mark your calendar and plan on joining us on Friday, April 5!

MACUHO Region. We believe this is a great way for

Questions? Please contact Conal Carr

staff within our region to see what other institutions


are doing and to interact with other professionals. NJIT (Newark, NJ), NYU-DC (Washington, DC) and Marshall University (Huntington, WV) have all offered to host this year.

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| 13


What is the SSLI Conference? With a track for student staff and one for live-in professionals, the Student Staff & Live-In conference is a conference that enhances the experience for both student staff and professional staff alike! SSLI is held at the end of October/beginning of November and provides student staff and professionals within the region an energetic opportunity to learn, grow and expand professionally and personally. Interested in hosting the SSLI Conference this year? The MACUHO REC Committee is looking for a great school to take the conference host challenge for this year’s SSLI Conference. If you’re interested, please e-mail us at to receive the bid packet which includes an overview of what your institution needs to consider if you want to host the conference.

Recent SSLI Hosts Include: 2012 – Rutgers University (Newark) 2011 – Penn State 2012 – Temple University Some SSLI Facts: • The SSLI conference has been hosted by small and large schools. Some Schools have partnered together to provide a great conference experience. • Attendance at the SSLI Conference has ranged between 400 – 600 • Planning and hosting a conference is a great activity in communication, teamwork,


and leadership for your staff. • The SSLI Conference is typically held in late October or early November before the annual MACUHO Conference.

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MACUHO MAGA ZINE MACUHO Mid-Atlantic Association of College & University Housing Officers


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LESSON FROM MY SON: WORKING WITH STUDENTS AND FAMILIES WHO HAVE A DISABILITY From the Diversity Committee Blog Posted By Lisa Nyinaku, Wednesday, November 28, 2012


n September 7,

Later that evening, while meeting

and his breathing was pretty

2009 (Labor Day

a friend for dinner the pain

good. Even now, when I relive

actually) my life

became unbearable. I went to the

the experience, it is hard for me

changed. I gave

emergency room, and as I used

to understand what happened.

birth to my first child Josiah

the bathroom, there was a lot

Darko Nyinaku, Jr. However, a

of blood, and I knew something

day that should have been filled

was wrong. I came out frantic,

with happy tears and rejoicing

and they took me upstairs to

was one of the more tumultu-

tell me I was eight centimeters

ous days of my life. This is

dilated, and I had to give birth

because my son’s due date was

immediately. I had not even gone

November 10, 2009. He was

through my class yet, and I felt

born 10 weeks premature.

so alone and scared. While I had

What made it worse was that I

trouble pushing my son out, the

had been told one week prior

medical team kept reminding me

that everything was fine and that

that I had to do this, or I could

my due date was still November.

lose my child. It was everything

My husband missed the birth

you do not want to hear. Instead

because we had no clue I was

of getting to hold my child im-

going into labor that day because

mediately, he was rushed to

we were told everything was fine.

the neonatal intensive care unit

There was some initial pain but

(NICU), and then the waiting

I thought I was stretching as I

occurred. Luckily, my son was

had two prior scares where I was

a healthy weight for a preemie

also told everything was fine.

born 10 weeks early (3 lbs 13 oz)

Even though my journey in the NICU (where I practically lived for most of my maternity leave) was not the most pleasant, my son made it, and I was hopeful. Generally, when you ask most expecting couples what they want you get the same reply, “I don’t care as long as they’re healthy.” You generally do not hear anyone say, “I hope my child will have autism. I hope my child will have Down Syndrome. I hope my child will have delays.” That is because everyone has the best hopes for the child. You want your child to do well and succeed in life. While my son left the NICU in 10 weeks, shortly after he was diagnosed with hypotonia;

I understand the need to be heard and the need to know that others are looking out for the best interest of my child

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MACUHO MAGA ZINE MACUHO Mid-Atlantic Association of College & University Housing Officers

the medical terminology for

know that others are looking out

damage in college himself. Not

low muscle tone. This meant a

for the best interest of my child

something he expected, wished

series of genetic testing (which

(and I am sure that will still be a

or wanted, but it happened.

thankfully came back normal),

need I will have as my child grows

Did it make him less intelligent?

developmental delays in speech,

and pursues their education).

No, it made him different than

walking, and crying, and the

I also think that we often shy

someone with full capacity

need for early intervention.

away from discussions on how

of their limbs, but not less of

While my son is three now and

to treat students with disabili-

a person with needs, desires,

has made a lot of progress (he

ties—especially if they’re notice-

goals, and the ability to be a

speaks although sometimes it is

able. We are either too careful

successful professor. The class

still a little unclear), it has been

because we want to ensure that

I actually took with him and his

a journey. I have learned as a

we are sensitive enough; we shy

wife was phenomenal. I learned

parent that generally everyone

away (like we do with any person

so much in the way of relation-

else has their opinion about

or conversation that we’re not

ships and the role of suffering.

your child, and it seems that

comfortable with), or we don’t

too often as the parent your

want to deal with it at all.

voice is silenced, or ignored.

There are several realities that we need to face:

This has led me to think a lot about how in higher education

1. We have no control over the

we treat students with disabilities

family we are born to, our

and their families. Now I under-

genetic make-up and such.

stand FERPA and our obligation to deal with students who are over 18 first, but I have to say that as a parent, I understand the need to be heard and the need to

Lesson From My Son

2. At any second, our lives can

3. As people, not only do all of us deserve mutuality, respect and dignity, but we also deserve to be heard. Give someone a chance. They may not be what you think the ideal college student may be but they may be exactly what you need on your campus.

change. I had an undergradu-

Isn’t that the true beauty of

ate professor who was in a

diversity that we are not the

wheelchair and had stated that

same? And thank God.

he started to experience nerve


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DIVERSIFYING DIVERSITY From the Diversity Committe Blog Posted By Lee Ambrose, Monday, February 11, 2013


hile having a

in terms of Black and White

Ableism - This is a topic that can

discussion with

failing to remember the sub-

involve many different facets of

a small group of

stantial population of Latinos

someone’s life: emotional, mental,

new RA’s during

and Asians, not to mention the

physical, or social. The range is

Native American community.

quite expansive and can cover

winter training regarding diversity programming, it occurred to me that a lot of people think primarily about race when the topic of diversity comes up. There are some that also include sexual orientation and, more rarely, gender

Sexual Orientation - This topic usually registers for most people because of how frequently GLB

everything from deafness to a bipolar diagnosis or from having ADHD to being in a wheelchair.

issues are expressed in the

Sizeism - This topic includes

news, on television, and in film.

not only weight issues but also height issues.

identity, but that is usually the

Gender Identity/Expression -

limit when thinking about what di-

Most people naturally gravitate

Regionalism - This topic is

versity really encompasses. I have

toward categorizing this topic

rather interesting in that involves

spent the beginning of this new

with sexual orientation and do

all types of regional customs

semester brainstorming ways in

not realizing that it is a distinct

from food to dialect (think

which to get RAs to think outside

diversity issue all its own.

New York City v. Alabama).

Religion/Spirituality (Or Lack

While this is certainly not an

Thereof) - Like all diversity topics,

all-inclusive list of all the topics

this topic can be sensitive to

that exist around the issue of

address, but with the appropri-

diversity, it should provide a

ate resources and planning, it

good starting point to think

can be rather enlightening.

about how we address these

of the diversity box, so to speak. There are many ways in which we are diverse and incorporating these differences into programming is important for not only our students but for ourselves. Here are a few to think about:

Classism - College campuses

Race - This is the topic that

are increasingly diverse places in

most people touch on when

so many respects, and there are

first thinking about diversity.

often many concerns revolving

However, in the United States,

around socioeconomic issues.

differences and embrace how they make us who we are.

we usually only think about race

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Diversifying Diversity

MACUHO MAGA ZINE MACUHO Mid-Atlantic Association of College & University Housing Officers






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Joshua R. Belice, Shepherd University

West Virginia’s entire area might only make up 5%

New Professional Winner). Stephanie Hurley and

of MACUHO’s active membership (MACUHO 2012

the team from Marshall not only trek hours over the

Annual Survey Results), but we don’t let that slow

Appalachians to actively participate in MACUHO,

us down! We have a fair amount of good shepherds

but they also shine by collaborating across the state,

at our West Virginia Universities to consistently

including an RA Exchange with Shepherd University.

provide leadership to the MACUHO we love.

The Parthenon, Marshall University’s newspaper,

In fact, we are very proud that MACUHO’s next

wrote, “Several resident advisors at Marshall Uni-

president, Dan Gockley of Fairmont State, is going

versity are participating in events aimed to connect

to be bringing the MACUHO presidency to West

them with other universities in the state of West

Virginia this October for the first time in our 40-year

Virginia. Four resident advisors are taking part in the West Virginia campus visitation on Oct. 1 and 2 at Shepherd Univer-

I think a lot of [our success] has to do with the beauty of

sity in Shepherdstown, W.Va. The

our state. I love being surrounded by the mountains and

event is sponsored by MACUHO,

being able to incorporate [it] into our students lives.

the Mid Atlantic Association for College and University Housing Officers and organized by the

history. Current MACUHO President, Joe Russo of

West Virginia regional coordinators.” (Olszeski, 2011)

Drexel University says, “I’m pleased to know that

Those RAs from Marshall were Danielle Hender-

Dan will be the first president from West Virginia.

son, Nick Chancey, Scott Beane, and Erin Hensley

Statistics such as these are important for us to

(MACUHO VIP 2012) who were hosted by Christine

know as we look to evolve our Association over the

Kanneh and Darrell Johnson (MACUHO VIP 2011).

next several years. […] I know that he’ll represent his region - and our Association - very well!”

“Housing and residence life throughout the state of West Virginia values innovation, inclusiveness,

In addition to Dan, West Virginia boasts other active

community, and connection,” says Thomas Segar,

members who give generously to MACUHO. WVU

Shepherd University Vice President, and we echo

steps up with Brooke Zygmund (Host Co-Chair), Eric

that sentiment from each corner of our wild and

O’Hara (RC) and Morgan Sharpless (Ann Webster

wonderful State. We are active in the dedication to

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our College and University Housing Organization—a dedication includes turning to our neighbors and friends outside our borders. At Shepherd University, we were proud to host Past President David Clurman from UMBC as the keynote speaker for our summer RA Training. We have also sent representation to SSLI and RELI for the past three years and are proud of our VIPS, most recently 2012 MACUHO VIP Felix Gouanette. Shepherd has also followed Marshall’s example by hosting Sarah

Photo: Penn State (2011)-from left to right

Greenfield from Fairmont State who was

top row Darrell Johnson, Laurel Karper,

a huge help during our summer season.

Jenn Blanchard, Genicka Voltaire (now Penn

Collaboration combines with wilderness

State), Felix Gouanette, bottom row Chelsea

when it comes to our success and offering

Tipton, Joshua Belice, Russ Barron

opportunities for our residential students. Andrew Lewis, RC from Glenville State College says, “I think a lot of [our success] has to do with the beauty of our state. I love being surrounded by the mountains and being able to incorporate [it] into our students lives. Here at Glenville State College we have a very active High Adventure program that allows many students opportunities that they may never had access to. It is great to see students who have never been white water rafting or skiing and being there when they experience it for the first time. It’s just awesome!” So there you have it. West Virginia is a dynamic, flourishing and successful region. We are proud to support our fellow housing professionals in D.C., Maryland, Pennsylvania, Delaware and New Jersey, and we are thankful to those who have contributed and continue to contribute to the success of our region. We Are West Virginia!

Photo: Oktoberfest (2011)-from left to right Nick Chancey (Marshall), Danielle Henderson (Marshall), Darrell Johnson (Shepherd), Erin Hensley (Marshall), Scott Beane (Marshall) and Christine Kanneh (Shepherd).

UD Residence Life Honors Dr. Mart Article By: Danielle Troise, Complex Coordinator at University of Delaware Kate Adams, Residence Hall Coordinator at University of Delaware

The Office of Residence Life at the University of Delaware is dedicated to offering students a variety of opportunities for meaningful engagement within the university and local community. Throughout the academic year, nine residential complexes partner with local service agencies to offer students opportunities to make a difference for a community organization directly in their own halls. Annually, the Office of Residence Life partners with the Office of Alumni Relations to host a campuswide Day of Service where students are able to convene on campus and participate in philanthropic projects which benefit local agencies. The most recent tradition of service in honor of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. has truly enacted the Office of Residence Life’s commitment to cultivating civic engagement by providing our students with a dynamic one-day service experience by traveling to agencies in the local community. The “MLK Day of Service” allowed 90 students to make significant contributions that met the needs of many local non-profit organizations, to participate in guided reflection to explore how their experiences were meaningful to themselves and the community in which they served, and to recognize the legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s service to society. The day began with reflection and opened with two University of Delaware speakers: José-Luis Riera, associate dean of students, and Raheemah JabbarBey, assistant professor in the School of Public 22 |


MACUHO MAGA ZINE MACUHO Mid-Atlantic Association of College & University Housing Officers

tin Luther King Jr. Through Service MLK Day of Service was a fantastic opportunity for me. My group Policy and Administration. The speakers motivated the participants in this send-off ceremony discussing the importance of on-going service in the local community; how the students’ commitment to

went to the Sunday Breakfast Mission, where we helped in their kitchen, thrift shop, and ware-

carrying out the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King’s legacy

house. When we went on a tour

demonstrates remarkable leadership; and the sig-

of their facilities, I just kept saying

nificance of finding their own path for serving others throughout their time at the university. Following the morning send-off, students boarded buses

to my friends, “This is amazing.” I was just overcome by the passion

which took them to one of six local service agencies

and love being poured out by

in Newark and Wilmington, Delaware where

the people who work there. The

they spent the afternoon. The service agencies included a nursing home, a homeless shelter, a blood bank, a home for adults with disabilities, and two after school inner-city youth programs. While at the agencies, students had the opportunity

services the Sunday Breakfast Mission offer are incredible, especially their Discipleship Program. It’s very difficult for me

to interact with other volunteers, members of the

to put into words the emotions I

local community and individuals served by the or-

felt at the Mission. Not only was I

ganization. Students were educated on the mission of the non-profit organization to better understand the community needs that are served and how

able to give in a small way to help people less fortunate, I was also

volunteers are vital to their operations. Student

both humbled and strengthened

participated in service by cleaning playgrounds,

by the dedication and love of Ray

preparing meals for the homeless, playing games with children, helping with homework, promoting an upcoming blood drive, or playing board games

[Volunteer Coordinator] and all of the employees. It really affirms

with and writing journals for adults with intellectual

that helping others is one of

disabilities. And many made new friendships in the

the most crucial and significant

process. One first-year student participant shared how meaningful this experience was for her:

aspects of human life.


| 23


An upper-division student shared his experience and how it inspired him to participate in more events in the future:

Spending the day at the Jeanne Jugan Residence was an incredibly rewarding experience for myself. Being able to interact and

Through collaborations with the Office of Service-

connect with the residents was

Learning, Coordinator Susan Serra worked with

enough to not only brighten their

Residence Life professional staff members to

day but brighten ours as well

design a two-hour training session to equip Resident Assistants Team Leaders and profes-

and after such an amazing day it

sional staff to facilitate reflection on MLK Day of

leaves you eager to participate in

Service at the six different service agencies. This

future community service events.

training included an in-depth history on the origins of Service-Learning practices in the community, hands-on practice of various reflection strategies, and reflection on the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy in preparation for guiding students through their experiences on MLK Day of Service. As a result of the training, the Team Leaders and professional staff were prepared to facilitate pre-reflection and reflection while serving in the community, and were able to lead participants through a one-hour reflection session to culminate the experience upon returning to campus. The success of this service opportunity rested upon the enthusiasm of the student participants, the dedication of the Team Leaders, the collaboration between departments, and the commitment and organization of the Office of Residence Life. Each year the goal of the University of Delaware Office of Residence Life is to expand the program allowing for additional participants and service agencies. Continued collaboration among university stakeholders will help the program to grow and to offer many more students the opportunity to engage meaningfully in active service to humanity, cultivating a campus-wide culture of civic engagement among University of Delaware students.

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ROCKS STEVENS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY By: Steven Couras, Office of Residential Life, Stevens Institute of Technology

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MACUHO MAGA ZINE MACUHO Mid-Atlantic Association of College & University Housing Officers

At the height of Hurricane Sandy,

effects were so bad that the

the Hoboken, New Jersey location

MTA-Path trains in and out of New

of Stevens Institute of Technol-

York City were down and non

ogy began to flood severely.

operational for several months.

Trees were uprooted; debris was flying all over the place, and power was lost on campus and throughout most of Hoboken for days. The day after Sandy hit, Stevens students emerged to the sight of the beautiful and great Stevens campus in disarray.

Between the massive amounts of media coverage on television and online via social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, we can all say we know and saw the devastation Sandy caused throughout New Jersey. However, it’s also important to note the massive

The Office of Residence Life

amounts of people that volun-

and various other members of

teered to restore order to loca-

the Stevens community had

tions brutally hit by the hurricane.

the duty of getting the campus back in order—without power on campus (with the exception of one residential apartment complex, one academic building, and Fraternity & Sorority row).

At Stevens, the Office of Residence Life and the RA staff took full charge both during and after the hurricane to ensure the safety of the students at all times and to bring back some

The loss of power lasted a total of

sense of normalcy. During the

six days. Classes were cancelled

first three days on a powerless

until November 7th to allow

campus, the RA staff volunteered

time to not only get everything

to help our dining hall (which

back in order after the hurricane

was without power as well) with

but also to accommodate our

various tasks like line control,

students, staff and faculty who

serving food, and cleanup of the

commute into Hoboken. Tunnels

cafeteria. The remarkable Stevens

and bridges were closed in and

RA staff also took on the task of

out of Hoboken. There were

working with our department to

massive lines at gas stations, and

locate and check in on students

mass transportation was badly

without power and to offer them

affected causing the Hoboken

alternative places to stay for the

NJ Transit station to be shut

duration of the power outage.

down for over three weeks. The


| 27


It is times like these when as

on campus and collected candy.

administrators and a Residence

Although Hoboken and Stevens

Life staff we put to use our

were in the dark, we made sure

massive training in crisis man-

that an exciting night like Hallow-

agement to ensure the safety

een would not be missed, much to

of our students at all times. We

the appreciation of our students.

are lucky at Stevens to have such dedicated and committed RAs to work with during calamities like Hurricane Sandy.

Physical Plant Department, Dining Service, Student Life and other members of the campus com-

provide a fun environment for

munity come together during

their residents, our RAs even

such a time of need. It was even

continued to program. They

more rewarding for me to see our

had game nights, movie nights

RAs go above and beyond the

(in the one apartment complex

call of duty. I can’t say enough

with power), study sessions and

amazing and positive things

even a late night BBQ. Our RAs

about our RAs at Stevens; we

and the Stevens Christian Fel-

would not have gotten through

lowship also collaborated to set

this if it was not for their hard

up a very successful late night

work and support. We have such

BBQ where students were served

a dedicated and great staff that

burgers, hot dogs, and smores

they even used this time without

while getting the chance to hang

power to catch up on homework,

out and catch up with peers in

update their bulletin boards and

a fun and safe environment.

plan November programs and

ing programs and a fun outlet

floor meetings. You can’t ask for anything better from an RA staff!

for Stevens students stuck on

Thank you and kudos to all

campus without power, but the

the RAs at Stevens as well as

Student Life office even hosted

other colleges and universities

successful and enjoyable events

affected by Sandy for all the

like a comedy show, a talent

hard work that had to be done!

show, and even a “trick or treat” night where students dressed up and went to various locations


along with Campus Police,

In an effort to entertain and

Not only were the RAs provid-

28 |

It was great to see our office

MACUHO MAGA ZINE MACUHO Mid-Atlantic Association of College & University Housing Officers

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Taking Residential Programs from Small to Large Scale By: Amy LoSacco, Residence Director, Rider University

In Student Affairs, our constant challenge is

Remain Consistent

to do more with less. It is easy to continuously

In order to ensure fairness and unbiased judging,

churn out movie and game nights, but how do

the smaller residence hall pageants needed to be

we create a different and fun program that does

consistent with one another. For instance, the same

not cost a lot of money? More importantly, how

scoring sheet was used for each contestant. There

do we incorporate more student participation

were many other factors that stayed the same.

in one event? You may not need to reinvent the

The residence hall pageants were all advertised by

wheel. In fact, you are probably already doing

the Resident Director of that building, hosted by

some programs that you can simply make bigger

RAs of the building, and judged by the three other

and better to attract more students. As the

Resident Directors of freshman halls. In addition,

adage goes, “If you build it, they will come.”

the same categories were used for each pageant.

Last year, while working as a Resident Director

Preliminary Winners

at Rowan University, one of my RAs asked if we

Prior to the event, students could apply to compete

could transform a small program done in the past

in their residence hall pageant. Ultimately, six

into a much larger campus-wide event. Previously,

contestants (three males and three females) were

one of Rowan’s

chosen to compete.

freshman residence

The categories were:

halls, Mimosa Hall,

If you build it, they will come.

Talent, Attire, and

had put on a “Mr.

Interview Questions.

Mimosa” competi-

The talent portion

tion in which the boys of the building volunteered to

could be anything that they wanted but had to be

compete in a building pageant. Now, this particular

approved by the Resident Director beforehand.

RA’s idea was to put on a pageant in the Student

The attire category consisted of “dressing in an

Center, a central location on campus, for all of the

outfit that represents you.” Finally, the interview

first year students to compete in. The interesting

questions were a mix of serious and silly questions

part was that the students chosen to compete in

written by the Resident Directors and used in each

this event would be the winners of a small pageant

pageant. They could be anything from “If you had

held in each of their residence halls. In sum, our

to design an RA program of your own, what would

task was to put on six pageants (one in each first

it be?” to “Which part of a happy meal would you

year residence hall) and then a big finale pageant

be and why?” Needless to say, hilarity ensued.

held in the Student Center. This was no small feat.

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MACUHO MAGA ZINE MACUHO Mid-Atlantic Association of College & University Housing Officers

At the end of the pageant, one male and one female were announced as the winners. Their prize was a homemade sash showing their building name and the opportunity to compete in the larger “Mr. and Miss Rowan Freshman.” The Big Finale On April 25, 2012 at 9:00pm, “Mr. and Miss Rowan Freshman,” Residential Learning and University Housing’s first campus-wide pageant, took place. The stage was filled with twelve contestants (one female and one male from each freshman residence hall) sporting their building’s sashes and four Resident Assistants as hosts for the night. We also had a student DJ for the event and three upper-level administrators as judges. The categories had changed since the smaller pageants. They now consisted of: Talent, Prof’s

the spring semester and get students pumped for

Pride, and Interview Questions/Closing Statement.

next year. In fact, some students expressed how

The talent category was the same; however, the

connected they felt to Rowan while participating

attire category changed from “dressing in an outfit

in this event. More than a handful even said that

that represents you” to “sporting your best Rowan

they never thought that they could do something

pride outfit!” After all, this was Mr. and Miss Rowan

like this event, but now that they have, they are

freshman. The final category included one interview

glad that they pushed themselves out of their

question per candidate and an opportunity for

comfort zone. The most rewarding aspect of this

each student to explain why they thought that they

event, besides seeing a Resident Assistant’s idea

should win the pageant. At the end, we crowned

come to fruition, had to be the over 400 person

one male and one female, and the first annual Mr.

audience. It was amazing to see so many people

and Miss Rowan Freshman came to a close.

come out to an event that was so cheap to put on! By the end of the event, it was clear that we

This event was filled with laughs, fun, school pride,

had met the challenge of putting on a bigger and

and a sense of belonging. It was a great way to end

better program while doing more with less.


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