MACUHO MAGAZINE MACUHO Mid-Atlantic Association of College & University Housing Officers
Mid-Atlantic Association of College & University Housing Officers
M AC U H O magazine
Delaware • District of Columbia • Maryland • New jersey • Pennsylvania • West Virginia MACUHO
From The President
STUDENT STAFF Would You Hire You?
Spring 2013 RA Programming Highlights
HOW WILL YOU RECHARGE? The Refresh Model: Making the Best of Your
Summer with Four Easy Goals
Will You Be Missed?
6 Ways to De-Stress at Work (Res Life Style)
Recharging My Battery
Renewing Your Staff, Renewing your Practive, Renewing
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Yourself: Revamping For the New Year
MACUHO MAGAZINE MACUHO Mid-Atlantic Association of College & University Housing Officers
FEATURES Social Justice Award
Multi-Layered Support for International Students
Housing Development: When to Build, Buy, Remodel, or Scrap?
“Walls to Halls Tours Lebanon Valley College”
Philly Exchange 2013 Blurb
Joe Russo Larita L. Hugee Matthew Linden Vasili Pantazis Maggie Flynn Rhett Burden Amy LoSacco
Christina Moran Philadelphia University
Julia Chatzinoff Brandin Howard Josette Skobieranda-Dau Katie Sorokas John P. Kelliher Ryan Golas
DESIGNERS Morgan Knepper Temple University
Greetings, MACUHO! By now, the majority of our region has closed their residence halls for the academic year and is looking forward to a summer of new student orientation, the start of new professional staff, RA Training planning, and strategizing for the new year. At Drexel University, we’re still in full swing! As a quarter-based school, we will close the residence halls and graduate our students in mid-June. The campuses which make up the MACUHO region represent many diverse campus cultures and philosophies. The comparisons are endless, really: Religiously-affiliated, traditional semester schedules, graduate hall director-led residence halls. In April, I attended the National Association of Campus Card Users (NACCU, @naccu) annual conference. When I mention this to my housing and residence life colleagues, their comments are similar, “Wow, there is a conference for everything in student affairs!” And it’s true! In Housing and Residence Life, we rely heavily on the campus colleagues and partners to make our programs strong and successful. Likewise, the MACUHO team relies on each other – and on the entire association – to be a fruitful and strong organization. As we embark on the summer months, regardless of your campus style or even your student affairs affiliation, I wish you the best and look forward to seeing many of you at our Summer meeting.
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MACUHO MAGAZINE MACUHO Mid-Atlantic Association of College & University Housing Officers
Summer Meeting Preview Three years ago, MACUHO started a new program. We
This summer, we’ll discuss the new Strategic Plan which
opened our annual summer meeting to the entire Associ-
will guide our association to 2020. Our dedicated Strate-
ation. Well, all meetings are technically open to the whole
gic Planning team, led by Jennifer Derry, Director of Stra-
Association. I should say, instead, that we dedicated adver-
tegic Initiatives, will guide some conversations about our
tising and programming to all MACUHO members for that
strengths and opportunities as an Association.
Summer meeting, which was previously marketed to the Executive Board only. The meeting is now a 2-day summit as opposed to a half-day meeting.
Also during the Summer meeting, we will conduct a virtual CHO Roundtable. Our association has clearly indicated this as a need, and we’re excited to formally launch this program.
What a great new tradition! Three years later, the Summer
Those around the table will talk with our colleagues in the
MACUHO Meeting is growing and expanding. This year, we
region who are unable to travel to the Maryland host site.
will meet June 24 and 25 on the campus of Mt. Saint Mary’s University and be hosted by Christian Barber, Regional Coordinator for MD/DE.
If you haven’t done so already, please register for the (Free) MACUHO Summer meeting. I hope to see you in Maryland!
ACE Preview Think about it. There is likely one word that you cannot pro-
The ACUHO-I Foundation is celebrating its 25th Anniver-
nounce correctly. I venture to bet one – maybe two – words
sary this year. My sincere gratitude to MACUHO Past Presi-
come to mind right away. Try as you might, you cannot cor-
dent and ACUHO-I Foundation Chair, Joanne Goldwater, for
rectly pronounce that one, single, solitary word!
her dedication and work on this important MACUHO and
I recently realized that I have a new word to add to this list: Minneapolis [min-ee-ap-uh-lis]. I’ve come to accept this fact and just know that it’ll come out wrong. So, if I plan to see
ACUHO-I partner. Please consider donating to the ACUHO-I Foundation. Its programs have benefited and will continue to benefit the future leaders of our professional.
you at the ACUHO-I Annual Conference and Exposition this
Finally, I look forward to introducing Jay Tifone, Associate
June, then just know ahead of time that I’ll say it wrong.
Director of Student Life at the University of the Sciences,
ACE is always a great networking opportunity. I have the pleasure of representing not only Drexel University (along
to ACE. Jay won a MACUHO scholarship to attend his first ACE.
with several colleagues), but also MACUHO (along with over
To those attending ACE, travel safe, and I’ll see you in the
one hundred colleagues). Last year at ACE, I accepted the
largest city in the state of Minnesota, but don’t ask me to
challenge and publicly declared, “I’m IN!” This year will be
pronounce it.
no different, and I look forward to connecting with old and new friends, including our friends in the NEACUHO region.
Would You Hire You? Moving From Para To Professional: Advice For Paraprofessional Staff On Their Professional Development Submitted by: Larita L. Hugee | University of Maryland Eastern Shore | Office of Residence Life Stop for a minute and
If they work according to your standards, you are guaran-
think about who you are
teed to be a millionaire, but if not, you lose everything. Are
as an employee, not the
you willing to hire the person you’ve just pictured? Is that
person you are striving to
someone you would feel 100% confident with helping you
be or the person you think
reach success. If you did hire this person, would you still
people expect you to be.
hire that person as they once you’ve reached the pinnacle
Don’t think about the per-
of success or would you want to fire?
son your supervisor sees or the person you present when you know you are being watched, but instead think about that person you are when you think no one is watching—the real you. Are you doing walkthroughs and inspections? Do you really do all your rounds, or are you that person that reports doing all rounds even though you laid down to take a nap and it was 2am when you woke up? Are you that person telling others about how your supervisor is full of …unprofessional habits? Do you find ways to do things your way with no regard to the standards of your supervisor or department because after all who are they to tell you anything? Now that you have a picture of the person you are when no one is looking, let’s imagine this. Imagine you have been given your very own dream business to run. Your success depends on whether or not the people you hire will work according to your standards to help your dream come true.
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If you can look at who you really are and feel that you would hear “you’re hired,” congratulations! You are on the path to professionalism and success. Continue your development so that you can be compensated in a manner that reflects your high value in a competitive employment market. On the other hand, if you think, “you’re fired” would be appropriate or if you would have questions about hiring yourself, congratulations! You just discovered valuable information that will help you get to where you want to be. Use this opportunity to develop yourself into the professional you want to be. After all, being a paraprofessional is temporary. You may be getting one over on your supervisor and the department now, but very shortly you will be entering the “real world”. What you do now will certainly impact whether you hear, “you’re hired.” If the person you are when no one is looking is not up to standard, it will also impact whether you hear, “you’re fired.”
MACUHO MAGAZINE MACUHO Mid-Atlantic Association of College & University Housing Officers
WANT TO GET MORE INVOLVED WITH MACUHO? JOIN THE RECOGNITION, EDUCATION & CONNECTIONS (REC) COMMITTEE! The REC Committe coordinates the annual Student Staff/Live-In (SSLI) Conference, the Want toExcellence get more involved with Academic Awards, Our Region’s Best (ORB awards), the Conference LINK program, and MACUHO? other recognition and education related initiatives.
Join the Recognition, Education, & E- Connections MAI L US FO R MO R E I N FO AT: (REC) Committee!
MACUHOREC.GMAIL.COM The REC Committee coordinates the annual Student (SSLI) the Academic LI K E Staff/Live-In O U R PAG E Conference, O N FACE BOO K AT: Excellence Awards, Our Region's Best (ORB awards), the MACUHO: REC COMMITTEE Conference LINK program, and other recognition and education related initiatives. REC Committee Co-Chairs: Email us for more information on getting involved at: Steven Couras Area Coordinator Like our page on facebook at: Office of Residence Life MACUHO: RECStevens Committee Institute of Technology Jessica J. Curry Residence Life Coordinator Housing & Residence Life Towson University
REC Committee Co-Chairs: MACUHO
Spring 2013 RA Programming Highlights AT STEVENS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Submitted By: Matthew Linden (Program Assistant) & Vasili Pantazis (Resident Assistant) Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken New Jersey.
There is more to college than attending classes and being prosperous academically and professionally. Becoming a part a university community is a major reason why so many people attend and fall in love with their chosen university. Resident assistants help in a major way to contribute to our community every day by hosting a variety of programs, and this year at Stevens Institute of Technology the RAs focused on a few key areas to maximize the impact of programming.
Each resident wrote a letter to a US
in the housing selection process, RA
Many of the programs planned this
soldier serving in the field. A few days
Bill Capon also successfully hosted an
spring were geared toward giving back
later Murphy collected them and sent
event where he gave detailed tours of
in some form to Hoboken or the Ste-
them out to “A Million Thanks”, an or-
all of our upperclassmen halls. Like the
vens community. One such program
ganization which sends letters in bulk
academic advising program, Capon’s
was “Sandwiches for the Homeless”
to soldiers serving our country.
program assisted in the transition pro-
where all of the RAs and many of their residents met in the lounge to make PB&J sandwiches. Staff created an assembly line and made over 250 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches that would then be donated to the local Hoboken homeless shelter. The event was a huge success and over 150 residents came out to support and give back to those less fortunate. Another community service orientated program that was held this semester was “Letters to Soldiers” hosted by RA John Murphy.
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GUIDANCE AND SUPPORT Most recently, RAs held an academic advising workshop in Hayden Lounge. Freshmen residents came in for advice on registering for classes and making their schedules for the upcoming fall semester. Since the program was held at the very early hour of 8:00am before class registration opened for first year students, staff provided some treats and coffee from Dunkin Donuts! Along the same lines, in an effort to assist
cess for first year students. We often forget that first-year students have never registered for college classes or applied for their second year housing so programs like these educate residents on the correct processes. CLOSURE At the start of the semester another one of my colleagues, RA Drew Capone, held an event titled “Spring Room Cleaning” where both him and his residents cleaned and organized
MACUHO MAGAZINE MACUHO Mid-Atlantic Association of College & University Housing Officers
their rooms together as a floor, mak-
went door-to-door and asked their
These are just a few of the highlights
ing a boring task a bit more bearable.
residents for one song that they would
from this semester’s plethora of fun
Capone provided some basic cleaning
like to put on their floor mix tape that
events and programs hosted at Ste-
supplies and his help making the event
best represents them. All of the resi-
vens Institute of Technology. I hope
a fun and productive way to continue
dents then posed for a picture that
these ideas are helpful, if you have
to build community in a residence hall.
would be the album cover art. Copies
any of your own please share with
One of the more unique and original
of the CD were given out to all of their
everyone by posting on the MACUHO
events held this spring was “Hayden
residents as a memento of the floor
facebook page!
4th floor Mix Tape” by RAs John
camaraderie and spirit.
Murphy and Dan Scholl. They both
Submitted By: Maggie Flynn | Elizabethtown College I recently met with my supervisor to review future projects
my staff? What else can you get involved in to improve your
and goals. While preparing my list for the upcoming school
success and the success of your department? Reflect on
year, I realized that I also needed goals for right now. Al-
these questions and on your readings. New ideas will start
though our school is practically a ghost town over the sum-
to flow. Embrace these ideas and list them on paper. Do not
mer, this is valuable me-time, and I do not want to waste it.
rule out anything at first, just jot down as many thoughts as
With that thought, I set out to implement a summer plan
possible. Think of this as a brainstorming session.
for myself, which I have named the “Refresh” model. This model has four goals: read, reflect, remodel, and relax.
3. REMODEL Look at the list you generated in your reflection to see where improvements can be made. Create
1. READ This may sound simple enough, but I am not talking
a plan to set new ideas in motion, and then work with your
about catching up on Fifty Shades. I am talking about read-
supervisor to get your projects implemented. Remember
ing to stay current in our field of work. We often get so busy
that improvement does not mean recreating the wheel.
in the everyday hustle and bustle of RA training, roommate
Some projects and practices will simply need a little remod-
conflicts, and incident reports that we forget to take time
eling, but others may need a whole makeover. Regardless,
for our own professional development. It is important to
do not stress yourself; use your readings and colleagues as
be intentional with what we are reading. Take time to read
resources to help you.
inspirational biographies and autobiographies. Read about best business practices and how to be a stronger leader. Explore journals, blogs, and magazines. If your school has a summer reading program for incoming students, you should definitely participate! This shows that you are dedicated to the goals of your institution and that you are a team player.
4. RELAX Last but certainly not least, relax a little! It is summer! Take time to pat yourself on the back for getting through the year. Go on vacation, catch up on TV shows, and visit friends and family. But if you are anything like me, you tend to think about work even when you are not at work. That is okay. The best part of this model is that
2. REFLECT Take time to think about how the year went.
you can do it while traveling. Read on the plane, reflect in
What was successful? What needs improvement? How can
the car, and think about your plans to remodel while lying
you be a better supervisor, advisor, mentor, and staff mem-
on the beach. Before you hit that reset button and start all
ber? What can you do to help build morale and motivate
over again next year, take some time to “Refresh” yourself.
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OUR REGION’S BEST MACUHO MAGAZINE MACUHO AWARDS Mid-Atlantic Association of College & University Housing Officers
The Our Region’s Best (ORB) Award is a regional award to recognize exemplary undergraduate student staff members who have embodied the following attributes: Balanced and healthy lifestyle Evidence of sound academic pursuit Role modeling and ethical decision making Evidence of being an effective team player
OUR REGION’S BEST AWARDS The Our Region’s Best (ORB) Award is a regional award to recognize exemplary undergraduate student staff members who have embodied the following attributes: Balanced and healthy lifestyle Evidence of sound academic pursuit Role modeling and ethical decision making Evidence of being an effective team player
The committee will select ORB Award winners and notify award recipients and nominating institutions by the end of September. All those nominated will receive a nomination certificate recognizing them for their outstanding work. ORB Award winners are awarded regional recognition, a free registration and opportunity to present at the Annual Student Staff/LiveIn Professional Conference, and an award plaque.
Look out for more submission information coming in
The committee will select ORB Award winners and notify award recipients and nominating institutions by the end of September. All those nominated will receive a nomination certificate recognizing them for their outstanding work. ORB Award winners are awarded regional recognition, a free registration and opportunity to present at the Annual Student Staff/LiveIn Professional Conference, and an award plaque.
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Will You Be Missed? Submitted By: Rhett Burden | Area Director/Counselor | Office of Residence Life, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Princess Anne, Maryland
With building closeout, graduation, staff departures and
“If your presence is not recognized, your absence will not
summer plans on the horizon, I find myself encouraging my
be missed” is a sobering quote but a wonderful professional
students and especially my staff to prepare mentally, phys-
mantra to live-by. Though I never know how the onset of the
ically and emotionally for the “renewal, regeneration and
meetings will go once this theme is introduced, then end
rejuvenation” process that should take place during their
result is always the same: positive, energetic and thankful.
extended break.
As the semester ends or a new semester begins, I ask each
At the end of each year, I leave my staff with a quote that
and every supervisor to help “Renew” their staffs through;
I hope challenges them to think critically and strategically
1. A quote or saying the summarizes the individual or area
plan for the summer and the next academic school year.
2. Creation of a personal, professional and career oriented
This year’s quote is, “If your presence is not recognized,
development game plan for the next academic year
your absence will not be missed.”
3. Follow-through throughout the summer
It’s always interesting at the end of a one-on-one before my
Personally, I look in the mirror every morning and say this to
staff departs for the summer, the face that they make when
myself repeatedly! I internalized that “If MY presence is not
they see this quote. It immediately drums up questions,
recognized, MY absence will not be missed, “whether it’s at
sometimes defensiveness and rarely appreciation.
work, in my personal relationships or family.
I always exclaim that the daily experience that Housing and
It challenges me to do more than what’s expected of me
Residence Life provides is the ultimate preparatory course
day-in and day-out. If it works for me and my staff, I know it
for life. I challenge my staff before their departure with hon-
will work for you!!!
esty and conviction to tell me if they lived up to the quote provided. The most important component of my supervisory duties is to “motivate and elevate” the thinking of my staff. This only comes through challenging their expectations and raising the awareness of their professional integrity.
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Rhett R. Burden, Area Director/Counselor, UMES, author of Brother, Please and Mistakes: Pencils Don’t Come With Erasers, Just Life Lessons
MACUHO MAGAZINE MACUHO Mid-Atlantic Association of College & University Housing Officers
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By: Amy LoSacco | Residence Director, Rider University In a profession that focuses on better-
pected meetings can result in missing
ing the lives of students, sometimes it
some important meals. Be sure to keep
is hard to focus on yourself. Whether
a stash of snacks in your desk in case
you are in a position that has a summer
you need a little boost throughout the
vacation or whether you have to work
day. Protein bars, nuts, and dried fruit,
all year round, take the summer to re-
work great.
fresh, recuperate, and revive yourself. You deserve it.
desk at all times. This ensures that you
your work if you have to be in the of-
continue to drink water throughout the
fice? Reader’s Digest came up with 6
day and also gives you a reason to get
ways to de-stress at work and with a
up from your desk to refill it.
them Res Life friendly. Take a minute to try some of these 6 easy steps toward relaxation.
5. Stretch When sitting behind a desk all day, it is important to stretch your legs in order to reduce the risk of blood clots. Stud-
1. Take Your Quiet Time
ies show that stretching for even 30
If your workday begins at 9:00am try
seconds helps your body a great deal.
not to schedule your first meeting at
One of the perks of working in Resi-
that time. If possible, block off the
dence Life is that we get to work on
first 20-30 minutes of your day and
a variety of beautiful campuses. Take
use this time to sip your coffee, check
advantage of the scenery by going for
your email, and get mentally ready for
a short walk around campus on your
the day.
lunch break.
2. Plan Ahead
6. Remind Yourself Why
Studies show that your morning com-
Keep a family photo, motivational
mute sets the tone for the rest of the
quote, or a staff picture on your desk.
day. If you are worried about being late,
Whenever you need some motivation,
your stress level will begin to increase.
take a look at your memento. Remem-
Leave 30 minutes earlier for work so
ber that you are changing lives every
that you are able to take your time and
day with the work that you do.
not worry about arriving on time. This will be sure to put you in a more calm and collected mindset.
Adapted from Stealth Health, Reader’s Digest Canada. (2013). 6 Ways to destress at work. Retrieved from http://
3. Equip Yourself
Working in Residence Life usually
consists of people walking in and out of your office, sometimes planned and many times unplanned. These unexMACUHO
Keep a refillable water bottle on your
But how do you separate yourself from
little extra information, I have made
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4. Stay Hydrated
MACUHO MAGAZINE MACUHO Mid-Atlantic Association of College & University Housing Officers
Recharging My Battery How I Plan to Recharge Myself for My New Position Submitted By: Julia Chatzinoff | Rutgers University The concept of renewal is fresh on my mind these days, as
During these past two years, I have neglected my physical
I leave one role and step in to another. Roughly one week
health. I would like to blame my classes, my job and my com-
ago, I completed my Masters degree in College Student Af-
mute, but the truth is that I have not made eating healthy
fairs. In just a couple of weeks, I will wrap up my experience
and working out a priority. Now that I have some downtime,
as a Graduate Hall Director at Rutgers University Camden.
I truly have no excuse but to commit to fitness. I plan to
It has been a very challenging but also rewarding two years,
start running again and cooking meals at home. Working
and truthfully, the end is arriving at an opportune moment
out always helps me to feel in control and confident, which
for me. As I prepare for my next professional position, I am
will be very helpful when I move to a new state and start
planning on recharging my personal battery in three differ-
a new job. I am constantly looking ways to encourage my
ent ways: reading, sweating and travelling.
students to take care of their mental/physical health, now I
Thanks to suggestions from friends and colleagues, I have
want to focus on setting a real example!
compiled a short list of books that I plan to read during the
Finally, I look forward to travelling. While the job search pro-
next month. The first book, 35 Dumb Things Well-Intended
cess gave me the opportunity to travel to some very cool
People Say by Maura Cullen looks like an enlightening and
places, I was interviewing, not vacationing. I am looking
entertaining read, and probably useful for anyone working
forward to reconnecting with friends and family throughout
at a diverse institution. I also plan to re-read Outliers by
the country. I will hopefully get to make a few trips to the
Malcolm Gladwell. Galdwell’s books are full of interesting
beach. Even a day trip over the bridge to Philadelphia will
facts and he always challenges me to think about a concept
clear my mind and give me a change of scenery.
in a different way. For fun, I am reading Drift by Rachel Maddow. Reading always helps to inspire me and these books are likely to get me thinking about ways to connect with students.
My booklist, commitment to fitness and adventures will hopefully provide me with the recharge that I need to move into the next phase of my career.
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Be a part
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MACUHO MAGAZINE MACUHO Mid-Atlantic Association of College & University Housing Officers
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Submitted By: Brandin Howard | Residence Life Coordinator | Penn State University- University Park
Before the Year Ends: Including RA
document with the ideas they had
Staff in the Renewal Process
that I would implement in some way
At the last staff meeting of the school
for the following year. This activity
year, I performed an activity with only
not only provided me with tons of in-
the staff members who were returning
sight into the minds of my RAs which
to my staff for the following year. This
helps guide my summer preparations,
proved quite beneficial in planning
but it also gave my staff a sense of
for the next year. Around the meeting
validation in knowing that I seriously
area, I placed large pieces of paper
took their opinions into account, which
with various topics which ranged from
in the end, makes their position a bit
“Staff Recognition” and “Staff Bond-
more enjoyable.
ing” to “What do you want out of 1:1s” and “Technology.” My staff was given approximately 2-3 minutes to jot down their ideas and suggestions for each topic on things they would like to see implemented or changed.
Over the Summer: Renewing Practices During the summer, I take the time to reflect on everything possible. I reflect on my performance as a supervisor, my utilization of campus resources, and the ways I’m reaching my students and
In all honesty, when I began that par-
my RA staff. Reflection is something I
Those of us in Residence Life know
ticular activity, I was expecting sugges-
constantly ask my staff to do. So why
that the end of the year can be filled
tions that were going to be unrealistic.
not do a little bit of it myself?
with mixed emotions that range from
However, I was pleasantly surprised at
the sadness of seeing staff graduate
the valuable insights gleaned from this
to the relief at upcoming down time.
activity, and I am able to utilize most
However, there is another feeling that
of their suggestions. I often believe
we often share, and that is a feeling of
that my staff tends to do the best work
excitement directed towards preparing
for me and our department when they
for the upcoming year.
have buy-in. It is my responsibility to find out how to encourage that buy-
I often joke with my RA staff that the
in. Additionally, I firmly believe that it
summer is where I often come up
is important that my staff has a sense
with my best ideas, and there is some
of ownership over their position. They
truth to that. With more down time, I
should have some say (as much as I’m
am able to think about the year that
able to give them) over what they do
has just ended, and reflect on what
and how they do it.
worked and what didn’t to move forward accordingly.
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I would encourage anyone to avoid getting stuck in the “how we’ve always done it” realm. Part of my reflection takes a look at what I do and if there’s an experiment that can take place to improve it. For example, for the last two years in my position, I primarily used our ANGEL site (similar to blackboard at other institutions) to relay information and resources to my residents. As I looked for ways to renew and revamp for next year, I asked myself the question, “Is there another way to do this that I can experiment with?
At the end of the activity, I followed up
If so, Is there an available resource to
with them by providing a typed word
help me?”
MACUHO MAGAZINE MACUHO Mid-Atlantic Association of College & University Housing Officers
The answer for me usually is, “yes.”
fresh, revitalized and ready to pro-
Finally, I would encourage everyone to
Penn State has blogging space avail-
vide the best services to my residents
take a vacation! Get out of town and
able to anyone with a university
and staff.
go somewhere to totally relax and dis-
computer account, so my immediate thought was, “Why not take that same information and turn it into a website?” Although my summer has just started, I have spent time developing a space to use for my buildings (with help from my supervisor) that my residents will hopefully find not only useful, but more interactive than the ANGEL group that I used before. My belief is that the key to staying “fresh” in your position is to constantly think of new ways of doing things and not be afraid of failure. Take a good, hard look at what you do, what processes you have in place (specifically, the ones you have control over) and ask yourself, “Did that work
Many of my 10-month colleagues use our “off contract” period to pursue different interests and professional opportunities while others take a two month vacation. I like to use my two month period off to get a new experience in an area that isn’t in Residence Life. This summer for example, I am taking an opportunity to work on the Housing facilities side of the shop. During the year, I work closely with our Housing colleagues, but I confess that I don’t truly understand what all goes into what they do on a daily basis. I thought, “Why not get that education?”
connect. This summer, I took a week to go to Florida to visit friends, lounge on the beach and even visit a few amusement parks. However, I pretty much succeeded in one of the hardest things to do as a Student Affairs and Residence Life professional: I completely disconnected. For an entire week, I disconnected my work email and didn’t check it, didn’t make any work calls and I even (attempted) to avoid social media. I made a commitment to myself to be in Florida only and not at work. When I returned and turned the cell and email back on, everything was just fine on campus. It was extremely gratifying to be able to completely dis-
well? Could it be better?” I get a sense
This not only lets me take a break from
connect and take time for myself. By
of excitement from trying new things
my Residence Life like responsibilities
the time my RAs and residents return
which is something that helps me stay
such as duty and programming in order
in late-August, I’ll professionally and
passionate in what I do.
to try something new, but it also allows
personally be ready for the upcoming
me to continue my professional de-
challenges of a new year, but only be-
velopment. In the long run, this helps
cause I took the time to renew.
Over the Summer: Take a Personal and Professional Refresher One of the biggest perks to being a 10-month Coordinator is that I get June and July away from my Residence Life position (even more if I burn out my vacation time for the end of May). The reason I say it’s a benefit is because we all need a break. Between duty, managing RAs, working with residents, closing, and more, burnout definitely can occur. I look for ways to take a break so that in August, I come back
me increase my professional competence. A huge benefit to is that it also allows me to develop an even closer working relationship with my housing colleagues that will extend into the year when I return to Residence Life. I would encourage anyone to find a way to take on something new over the summer by finding an experience that they may not get during the regular academic year. Those experiences will prove beneficial in the long run!
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The 2013 Student Staff Commitment to Social Justice Award is awarded to…
Nicole Rizzuto COMMUNITY ASSISTANT, COLLEGE OF ST. ELIZABETH Nominator Julia Del Bagno, Assistant
flict in the area to better educate the
Director of Residence Life writes:
College of St. Elizabeth community.
“Nicole’s accomplishments and programs at the College of St. Elizabeth are numerous. She has been on a number of committees and founder of multiple programs to promote cultural awareness and social justice. To name a few, Nicole was a member of the committee on civility and diversity from 2011-2012, which was then absorbed by the Safety Committee, on which Nicole still serves. She was a Native American cross cultural exchange volunteer in 2011. As a volunteer, Nicole helped plan the housing placement for thirty Native American students and three chaperones from a Navajo Reservation high school. Not only did Nicole help place them, but she was also the emergency responder while they were on campus, and she helped facilitate trips for them to various New York City plays and museums. Nicole was also a migrant dinner volunteer from 20092011, where she planned, decorated and facilitated a Thanksgiving Dinner for ESL students she was helping to teach in Parsippany, NJ. In the summer of 2012, Nicole was nominated and selected by the Anti-Defamation League to visit Israel and learn about the geopolitics in order to share the culture and history with peers in order to better understand the nuances of the current conflicts on college campuses. Nicole took her experience there and created an entire awareness presentation discussing Israeli culture and con-
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Nicole is a co-founding chair of Anti-Bullying week, which has experienced two successful years now at CSE
Anti-Bullying week promotes the ideal that “No one’s weak this week.” Among programs Nicole has sponsored are the screening of the movie “Bully;” Diversity and Desserts, an open dialogue on diversity, stereotypes, and insecurities; and Chalk for Change, where members of the CSE community are given chalk to draw messages and pictures of hope and inspiration for peace, acceptance, and diversity. Nicole has completed multiple programs centered on social justice and diversity, aside from her Anti-Bullying Week initiative. One of these programs was a fundraiser from, where residents were given rice bowl piggy banks and asked to save change. Nicole’s residents raised enough money to provide almost 300 meals to help fight hunger in India. Another program Nicole ran was Sanitary Napkins: African Soul, American Heart, where residents helped produce sanitary napkins made of cloth that were donated to South Sudanese women. Most recently, Nicole instituted a program called “26 Acts of Kindness” in honor of the Newtown, CT shooting victims. Residents were given the names of the victims and asked to do an act of kindness in memory of each victim.”
MACUHO MAGAZINE ButlerMACUHOhalfpgad2013RS_Layout 1 3/6/13 4:25 PM Page 1
MACUHO Mid-Atlantic Association of College & University Housing Officers
Honorable Mentions for their years of hard work towards social justice and diversity-related issues on campus and beyond are: Danny Phillip, Loyola University Maryland | Nominated by Daviree Velazquez | Assistant Director of Student Life Christine Lehman, Ursinus College | Nominated by Love Wallace, Resident Director | On behalf of the Diversity Committee and the MACUHO community, thank you and we look forward to witnessing the many great things you achieve in the near future! Anthony Florendo, Diversity Co-Chair | Area Director, University Square Apartments | Office of Housing
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| 21
MULTI-LAYERED SUPPORT FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS Developing Strategies to support International Students by empowering Student Staff Submitted By: Josette Skobieranda-Dau and Katie Sorokas | From the Diversity Committe Blog | Posted By Lee Ambrose, Monday, February 11, 2013 Anyone who has created, developed
education, student affairs shares the
purposeful conversations around class
and/or implemented a student staff
responsibility to provide a welcoming,
attendance, timeliness, and etiquette
training schedule understands that
supportive environment to interna-
as well as adjustment support toward
planning for the next academic year
tional students.
cultural differences and language pro-
begins once the current training ends.
an educated and culturally-competent
ficiency development.
Students seeking admittance to an
student staff to provide support, assis-
employed by the Department of Resi-
international university also have a
tance and sensitivity.
dence Services at Kent State University
long lead time to their application, admission and arrival to their country of study. While these students are making travel plans and VISA applications, training personnel are considering the knowledge, tools and resources needed by Resident Assistants (RAs) and Student Desk Receptionists (SDRs) in order to successfully welcome, support and retain international students.
It is critical to offer
According to Nine Principles Guiding Teaching and Learning in the University of Melbourne, international students must navigate such academic differences as learning and living in a different culture; learning in a foreign university context; learning while developing language proficiency; and learning the academic disciplinary discourse. Expectations involving different factors
One strategy
is to host several “International Student Orientations” in residence halls for early arriving students.
Professional and
student staff share important policies for international students to understand about alcohol, fire alarms, cooking and smoking as well as information about how to become involved in the community by attending programming and hall council. International students learn who the Resident Assistants are,
One of the most crucial components
such as class attendance, timeliness,
class participation, etiquette, home-
persistence is the degree to which aca-
work, writing citation differences and
demic differences pose a critical threat
independent critical thinking concepts
to overall academic success. Support
need to be introduced to the interna-
systems serve as a cornerstone to
tional student population.
the international student academic
duction to the country of study’s grad-
experience and success.
ing approaches and academic work
need to identify challenges that may
sessions, familiarity with academic
evaluation and review are additional
impede academic success.
challenges, or vocabulary capacity can
critical components for incoming in-
mestic students, international students
prepare high-achieving, multi-lingual
ternational students.
also are affected by Maslow’s Hierar-
students for the wide range of academic challenges.
An intro-
Residence life offers a good support platform for international students as
Academic affairs is not in a silo with
they encounter academic expectations
this responsibility; as the providers of
and issues.
a holistic and “outside the classroom”
staff are able to have intentional and
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Student and professional
where the closest student service desk is located and how Resident Assistants and Student Desk Staff can support international student questions and needs. students
themselves Like do-
chy of Needs—particularly physiological, safety and belongingness—before ever conveying academic challenges to an interested university staff member. Based on this premise, it is crucial
MACUHO MAGAZINE MACUHO Mid-Atlantic Association of College & University Housing Officers
that each international student form
For the past three years, Kent State’s
difficult conditions for the academic
healthy bonds with university staff
Residence Services has collaborated
success of international students also
members within the first several weeks
with the Office of Global Education
create conflict between roommates
at the university.
to implement ACIREMA, a two hour
or neighbors. Cultural and language
simulation on the process international
differences mixed with a lack of under-
students navigate in order to attend
standing can easily build walls between
the university. Domestic students are
international and domestic students,
faced with unclear cultural differences
including untrained but well-inten-
that are frustrating to decode without
tioned student staff.
ACIREMA training has
the knowledge and competence of
helped domestic students develop an
staff, residence life is creating not only
understanding and empathy for the
a more comfortable “home away from
many hurdles and accomplishments
home� for international students but
international students overcome and
also an environment that promotes in-
helps encourage student staff to pro-
ternational student academic success
students and domestic students is the
vide purposeful support to interna-
and retention.
responsibility of RAs as they work to
tional students. ACIREMA has become
Student and university employee inter-
build community on their floors and in
a staple of both RA and SDR training.
actions, timing, and assistance seeking
Along with peer relationships, faculty relationships are the most naturally created.
between domestic students and academic faculty typically takes a longer time frame. Trust building across cultural differences is also an influencer in establishing relationships. Encouraging
their buildings.
With additional sup-
port and skill-based training sessions, the need for these relationships will be clear and buy-in for additional international student outreach will be more easily achieved.
By developing
measures all contribute to academic Purposefully
Professional housing staff
competent student staff is also im-
can also utilize multiple strategies to
portant to build and maintain com-
support international students and
munity on residence hall floors. Many
of the issues that create distress and
State utilizes an early alert system
| 23
to create a web of communication
tional student who receives domestic
the model. In M.B. Baxter Magolda &
student attention is most appreciative.
P.M. King (Eds.), Learning partnerships:
Hall staff
Simply establishing a “check-in” sys-
Theory and models of practice to edu-
members are indirectly contacted by
tem linking domestic and international
cate or self-authorship (pp. 303-332),
advisors or professors with a concern
students can also enhance floor safety
Sterling, VA: Stylus.
ranging from academic issues to men-
and create a watchful community that
tal health issues, and a professional
cares about everyone.
residence hall directors.
hall staff member meets with the student to provide support, resources and referrals as necessary. This system creates a method for academic faculty and staff to share concerns and strategies for success with the people who have access to students the most—residence life professional and student staff.
As fall training approaches and international students prepare for a new adventure at a domestic university, it is important for campuses to renew ap-
Biggs, J. (2003). Teaching for Quality Learning at University. Berkshire: Open University Press. Downing, Skip (2012).
On Course
Workshop website.
proaches to supporting international
Rossetti, Ana (2012). Your Internation-
students. Reviewing and updating cur-
al Student Toolkit. National Association
rent training standards and exploring
of Student Personnel Administrators,
possible collaborations and trainings
Region 4 East Conference, November
with campus colleagues is a good first
4-6, 2012, Madison, Wisconsin.
Whenever feasible, introduction to the
step to providing student staff with
surrounding town and region can be
a culturally competent training and
Ryan, J. (2005). Improving teaching
the most helpful peer-to-peer mentor-
developing a prepared student leader
and learning practices for international
ship tool that Resident Assistants can
for all students. Renewing commit-
students: implications for curriculum,
offer. Linking town and the university
ment to international student success
pedagogy and assessment. In J. Carroll
is important because as the student
not only makes for a stronger student
& J. Ryan (Eds.), Teaching International
population and university staff pop-
but also a stronger and healthier
Students: Improving Learning for All.
ulation change over time, community
university community.
New York: Routledge.
better able to assist and welcome international students.
Involving other
genuinely interested students in estab-
Baxter Magolda, M.B. (2004). Creat-
lishing relationships with international
ing learning partnerships in higher ed-
scholars is also helpful—the interna-
ucation: Modeling the shape, shaping
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MACUHO MAGAZINE MACUHO Mid-Atlantic Association of College & University Housing Officers
This July, be a part of MACUHO’s
Annual Survey We want YOU to help us answer: Is Graduate-Student participation in
Is social networking still looking to
MACUHO still growing faster than any
overtake email as the primary form of
other demographic?
communication within the membership?
Will New Jersey still be the fastestgrowing State in the Region for 2013?
Help us answer this and much more in our short, 5-minute survey!
The Annual Survey will be live Monday, July 1st through Friday, July 26th. An email will be sent with a link to the survey from Please contact Joshua Belice, Strategic Planner, with any questions or comments at:
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Submitted by: John P. Kelliher, MBA | Associate Director of Residence Life | DeSales University
No, I am not talking about acquiring
they expect it. While social media and
process. If you have a residential popu-
that 6 bedroom house on the corner
online dating may have, in some ways,
lation of less than 500 students and/or
just down the street with the big back
dulled our interpersonal skills, these
have less than four residence halls, an
yard; I am referring to that four thou-
advances in communication did bring
online housing selection process may
sand bed housing system you have
about some great benefits, and your
not be ideal. An in-person selection
been dreaming about since you ran
students are using them in nearly every
process may help in building the com-
your first housing lottery with a box full
aspect of their lives.
munity in the smaller residential areas
of notecards with student ID numbers and handwritten signatures. Maybe you are just starting to think about how to better your housing processes. Or like me, several years of your career have already been filled with research into housing management system integration and operations. Either way, this article may help you decide how best to proceed as you move forward. There may be hours and hours of research and systems testing in your near future; so let’s make sure you are fully prepared to explain why your capital expenditure request should take precedence in
With this expectation in mind, we endeavor to find the best way to offer as many options to our students as possible while still encouraging accountability and maintaining a simple structure to ensure they have a positive experience. While the latest housing software may offer all the bells and whistles that seem to make room changes practically take care of themselves, the two questions that should really be answered first are “what value does this process offer my students?” followed by “what value does this process offer
and help students actually meet some of the housing and reslife staff while they are going through the process. I have seen this work tremendously well at some schools, especially with small living-learning
an online system truly benefit your students in this situation, or would it possibly take away from their current experience? Additionally, how much value would it actually offer your staff in this situation? If the benefits outweigh the costs, you may want to consider buying.
my staff?” It is not a matter of either or,
But beware; the intricacies of a small
but the degree to which each relates to
in-person process cannot be fully
For those of us who graduated more
the other. How you answer those two
incorporated in an online housing sys-
years ago than we would like to admit,
questions should help you determine
tem. A computer can be programmed
this whole concept may seem a bit
which path to follow concerning these
with all sorts of variables, but the crit-
overly involved for what is basically
four specific options: scrap, remodel,
ical thinking that is necessary when
just picking a room. However, we serve
build, or buy.
varying and changing outlying condi-
your school’s project portfolio.
a new generation of student who has been born into a world wide web with instant connectivity and virtual interaction. Whether or not we think it is worth the time and expense, our students want this ease of access and communication; to put it more directly,
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tions are met cannot be consistently SCRAP Let us first look at why you might just scrap the consideration of an online housing process or simply remodel a current in-person housing selection
duplicated by a computer. Therefore, if the costs outweigh the little improvement or small time savings you might see from an online program, consider simply re-tooling your current housing selection process.
MACUHO MAGAZINE MACUHO Mid-Atlantic Association of College & University Housing Officers
REMODEL In some cases, remodeling your current process may be the ideal solution. I have had the personal experience of overhauling housing processes a few
on your school’s web server, you can
the rooms by giving certain rooms to
even publish some of the forms online
the people they like the best.
as applications. BUILD
Building or buying an HMS may seem necessary to those of us in housing operations and residence life; however,
different times at very different institu-
Whether or not you are a large, mid-
the value added to your students and
tions both in terms of size and housing
sized, or small school, you may choose
the value added to your staff must
options. Each time, we were able to
to build or buy your own Housing Man-
outweigh the costs. Most techie folks
incorporate requests and expectations
agement System (HMS). For mid to
in housing operations probably dream,
from previous students to use their
large sized schools, this may be an ide-
as I did, of building their own program.
feedback to help the process run more
al solution for the problems that you
And even though the costs may not
smoothly and efficiently. You may even
have seen with an old 20th century
be specifically allocated in a capital
be able to tweak a few steps in your
housing process. There are two major
expenditure, be assured that there
process to offer some steps online,
reasons for this.
are two major costs associated with a
such as floor plans and special housing applications. Additionally, consider
The first reason is the logistics, includ-
home built HMS.
ing time, space, and personnel. The
The first cost is time; you can expect
larger your campus gets, the more time
about two years for development, cod-
it takes to have people actually select
ing, integration, and implementation
rooms, and you may need to reserve
for a fully operational online housing
There are also a variety of web-based
space for 500+ students at a time
system. This is not only because of
tools and desktop resources that you
to come through and choose those
the time it takes to actually create the
can use to collect information. Goo-
rooms. Then you likely still have to
system, but also because of the time
gle Docs is a great way to create a
transfer that information to a comput-
it takes for writing thousands of lines
free online housing application that
er somewhere for record keeping and
of code, testing and comparing it to
is reviewable in real time, and it can
room changes throughout the year.
current housing selection processes,
be sorted in a variety of ways. While
The second reason for building your
and finally introducing it to the student
SurveyMonkey and QuestionPro are
own system is transparency. When a
body. Then you need to begin testing
technically survey tools, they too offer
process is automated, students can
again, tweaking, accounting for errors,
options for free questionnaires used as
see how it works and understand that
and tweaking again.
applications that can be tracked per
there are pre-programed rules. While
individual response. With a little bit of
you may personally be as ethically
knowhow and time, Microsoft Access
responsible as Aristotle or Descartes,
can also be used to build a small to
some students will still believe that the
mid-sized database; if housed securely
people behind the table are controlling
working with your IT staff to develop a simple interface for identifying housing requests online.
After attending a session for a large state school who had built their own system, I was truly envious of the time and resources they had available to
| 27
dedicate to such an endeavor. Howev-
the quantifiable items early on will help
Some are out-of-the-box systems with
er, I knew that was off the table for my
you figure two major items: What ben-
institution, as we were not in a position
efits the HMS brings to your institution
available, and others are fully robust
to secure such resources ourselves.
in monetary value (specifically, how
operating systems that are configured
Another cost to consider is staffing.
many more students will it help attract
to integrate with your current student
Once the system is built, it needs con-
or retain for on-campus housing?) and
database. Alongside these “housing
sistent monitoring, and you can expect
secondly, what components are nec-
systems” is a noteworthy “roommate
it will need significant updates at least
essary to improve housing retention
matching system” RoomSurf. Using
every two to three years. Unless your
and to make the system useful for your
Facebook as a simple log-in, students
school has an IT team large enough to
staff during daily operations?
can quickly and easily customize a
exclusively dedicate two to three people to a project of this magnitude for several months, the costs may end up outweighing the benefits in comparison to other options. BUY
This quantifiable value is essential in your research. You can either determine what your institution can spend and go from there, or you can identify the specific needs of your students and staff and then research the software companies that can meet those
search for a potential roommate. One thing very special about RoomSurf that I have not seen yet in any of the “housing systems” is the ability to identify one’s own personal habits as well as the preferred habits of your roommate. This helps students to identify what their ideal roommate would
Here is where my research has really
needs. Like most schools, the board
paid off in terms of capital request rea-
of directors or president’s administra-
soning. If the benefits to your students
tion is probably not handing out blank
as well the benefits to your staff will be
checks to your office telling you to buy
significantly increased, then you need
whatever you want. You most likely will
to be able to quantify that. The reason I
need to evaluate program essentials
Once that you have done your re-
say this is because most finance offices
and total costs, and then submit a cap-
search, identified key requirements
are not going to be satisfied when you
ital project request year after year until
your department expects from an HMS
simply tell them how cool the program
you can prove need and efficacy.
and convinced your finance office of
is or how much time this will save your RDs and RAs in March and April. They will want to know what the program costs, where the money will come from; AND more specifically, why it should be spent on your project. Additionally, you will want to know how much money you have to work with before you even go window shopping. If you don’t, you may end up shopping in the wrong store where you can barely afford the clearance items on the bargain rack. With that being said, most software companies are willing to license their software on a per-bed basis. This means that most systems have some sort of base price that your school can afford. Identifying
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So, do your homework; sales agents are more than happy to give you cost estimates on software options as well as hardware needed for network support. They will likely even break down different system modules for different prices. In the last five years, I have worked with several vendors and have seen the value of many of these different systems. A great place to start, and a few you have likely already seen at any of the national or regional conferences, are
(Odyssey), KxStudent (Kinetic Software), Lifetopia, RMS Inc., and StarRez (StarNet). These are fully operational systems
as well as some online components.
be like—not just someone with similar living habits. HOW TO BUY
the need and return on investment, you can officially begin work on purchase and integration. Here is where strategy and technical knowhow is critical. First, make sure you have someone on the project that knows the ins and outs of not only your housing processes, but also your student database as well. If these systems are going to talk to each other on regular basis, it is important to have some techies who are versatile in new system environments. These people should be your project leaders. Most housing directors are better off managing the overall project and timeline, as most of us do not have the time or necessarily the aptitude to maintain both the big picture and the tiny de-
MACUHO MAGAZINE MACUHO Mid-Atlantic Association of College & University Housing Officers
And those tiny details (system
you. In fact, every software vendor I
files, data fields, status dates, report-
have worked with over the years has
even begin negotiations – Before your
ing needs) can sometimes be critical
been honest and up front on price
start talking about cost and options,
to the overall integration if someone is
and capabilities. They are our partners
the software company is still trying to
not watching them closely.
truly; their industry does not work
sell to you. This is the best time to have
without improvement to our industry.
them do the leg work and see what po-
However, sometimes those in sales are
tential problems could arise before you
not as clear on how the system works
even get to them.
After you have gone through all of the demonstrations you can handle from all of the vendors you have sought out and have identified what product best suits your needs, make sure to ask for a “sandbox” before your even begin negotiating
prices, timeline, etc. This is so very important because getting the feel for a user interface and actually testing
(or better, if the system works the way you want it to) as the developers are. Do not feel rushed into contract negotiations. This is your time. You have the capital, and you have the right to ask every question imaginable to see how each dollar will be spent.
its capabilities will help you identify
Like buying a house, this is a big in-
what you actually need to purchase
vestment, and one that you will have
versus what you would prefer to do
to live with for several years into
on your own. It helps you see how
the future.
your business processes will need to
Ask questions before you
FOUR Get each addition or option in writing – Make sure what you are asking for is what you are getting. If you need customizations, make sure they are what you envision. FIVE Be prudent – Make sure each addition or subtraction from the final product is benefit gained or excess not wasted. Money saved on one feature may help customize another feature. Whether you buy, build, remodel, or
Unlike buying a house, your HMS will
scrap your housing system, remember
have no resale value. Make sure it is
what and for whom each step in the
one you can live with. Follow these
process is intended and why it was
Be willing to be a little flexible on your
steps when buying to ensure a smart
conceived in the first place. Not every-
processes; I have yet to see purchased
purchase and swift integration.
thing in life can be done on a comput-
change or get integrated into the new housing software.
software that will do every single thing you used to do on paper. However, if you or your staff are already doing something with a keyboard or mouse, there really should be a way to integrate that into your HMS if you are purchasing a system that allows customizing. Once you have identified the key features you want to move forward with and are ready to start talking about bells and whistles, integration, and training, make sure you track everything you discuss. Get EVERYTHING in writing and make sure what you are reading is what you are asking for. I am by no means trying to say that any of
ONE Be strategic and consider future operation and expansion – This system may benefit you now, but what about your successors? What other offices or departments could use the system or integrate with it? There could be long term cost savings with the right software.
er, and most things will not be identical to the way you are used to doing them. Although a 21st century student is likely more comfortable on their computer than in your office, try to determine if there is value added for your institution. Whether we choose to use our processes as opportunities to reach more students with ease of access or
Review the program in depth,
use them as opportunities to teach our
not just in demonstration – Any note-
students the effectiveness of face-to-
worthy software company should be
face communication will depend on
able to provide you with access to at
the needs we see within our specific
least a dumbed down version of their
student population at our institutions.
product. This will help you know what
There is no such thing as a one-size-
questions to ask when it is time to
fits-all HMS, just like there is no such
ask them.
thing as a one-size-fits-all education.
these companies are trying to mislead
| 29
“Walls to Halls Tours Lebanon Valley College” Submitted By: Ryan Golas | Assistant Manager, Housing Operations | Penn State University
On Friday April 5th, MACUHO’s Housing and Facilities Op-
the Greek inspired architecture of Marquette and Dellinger
erations committee held its annual “Neighborhood Tours:
Halls which house students in a 4 person suite with access
From Walls to Halls” drive-in. Lebanon Valley College was
to a kitchen on every floor.
one of four stops on the “Walls” circuit with other groups
Avenue and Railroad Street sits Stanson Hall, another im-
touring different MACUHO locations across the region.
pressive stop on our tour. Ground was broken in 2008 on
What a pleasurable experience.
this, LVC’s newest residence hall. Upon its completion in
It was a sunny Friday in Annville, Pennsylvania, the air was crisp, and the temperatures were perfect for a stroll around the picturesque campus at Lebanon Valley College. The campus is located on more than 340 beautiful rural acres nestled right in the middle of town, just eight miles east of Hershey. There are twenty-seven residence halls that house students in traditional dormitories, suites, and apart-
On the corner of Sheridan
2009, it is now home to 148-bed spaces which provide a mixture of single and double rooms configured to foster a sense of community while still providing privacy. Sprinkled in between all of those larger halls are the homes on streets such as Maple Street, W. Sheridan Avenue and College Avenue that house students in your average everyday residential house, something very unique in residence hall living.
ment-style facilities. All of the buildings are unique in their
It was an enjoyable time had by all, enhanced by the de-
own exterior style and interior makeup with origins dating
licious Stromboli for lunch and the knowledgeable and
back as far as 1900. Jason Kuntz and his staff were ex-
courteous staff of tour guides led by Jason Kuntz, Director
tremely hospitable and treated us like family, much like the
of Residential Life. If ever given the chance, the trip to the
campus atmosphere at LVC which is home to 1,630 full-time
campus of LVC is highly recommended. The “Neighbor-
undergraduate students, 155 part-time undergraduates, and
hood Tours: From Walls to Halls” program is a great way
237 graduate students, most of whom live on campus.
to experience many different campuses- come out and join
The residence hall tour began in one of the traditional double rooms in Vickroy Hall and concluded in the semifurnished apartment style living of Derickson Hall, a former factory turned residence hall. We were also able to observe
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us next year to see what’s new and exciting in the world of housing facilities. Thanks again to Jason and the LVC staff.
MACUHO MAGAZINE MACUHO Mid-Atlantic Association of College & University Housing Officers
SPRING 2013 ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE AWARDS These awards are given to all undergraduate student staff members in our region who have earned a Spring 2013 semester GPA of 3.70 or above, or GPA of 4.0
More information coming soon on the MACUHO website and the REC Facebook page!
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Philly Exchange 2013 Blurb We
Philly Exchange!! Exchange…Expand….Explore! The Philly Exchange is a one-day drive-in conference and networking experience for members of the Southeast Pennsylvania region. This year’s Philly Exchange will be hosted at Holy Family University on Tuesday, July 30, 2013 right nearby in fabulous Philadelphia. Philly Exchange was created to serve as a dynamic and collaborative training and professional development opportunity. Philly Exchange provides the SEPA region and neighboring schools with the opportunity to network with other professionals, share resources and highlight regional talents. In light of this year’s theme, “Exchange…Expand… Explore!” please join us in this opportunity to build our professional networks and increase communication and collaboration throughout our region. The programs offered will address contemporary issues in the field as well as trusted theories and benchmarks. As we Exchange…Expand….Explore…, we will benefit from featured presenters and speakers from the MACUHO region. The cost of registration is $32.00 per attendee, and includes continental breakfast and lunch. We are certain that our Third Annual Philly Exchange will highlight the very best of what SEPA has to offer and we can’t wait for you to join us!!
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