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Mesečni KFOR magazin • Br. 155 • Mart 2019
Proleće/leto 2019 trendovi modnih dodataka za kosu
Hi-Tech: Čoveče ne ljuti se, još uvek te volimo
Music Box:
Upitnik: Koje super moći biste voleli da imate?
Škola meseca
UVODNIK Zdravo dragi čitaoci, astajamo se po 155. put zaredom kroz stranice vašeg omiljenog časopisa. Ali kako da znamo da vam se naš časopis zaista dopada? Jednostavno, zahvaljujući vašim revnosnim pismima u kojima nam šaljete reči hvale, kao i sugestije kako da sastavimo buduće brojeve, ukazujući nam na teme o kojima biste želeli da čitate. I zato vam se mi iz redakcije Magazina For You srdačno zahvaljujemo na vašim lepim rečima i pismima i pozivamo vas da nastavite da nam i dalje pišete, jer smo vam na taj način bliži kroz teme koje obrađujemo. Međutim, ne smemo zaboraviti da pomenemo da smo otvoreni i za vaše kritike. Stoga, ako vam se čini da nešto ne radimo dobro ili da možemo bolje, molimo vas ne ustručavajte se da zapišete svoje predloge. U krajnjoj liniji, jedino na taj način ćemo biti u stanju da idemo u korak s vremenom i da objavljujemo Magazin koji će i dalje biti vaš omiljeni časopis. Ipak, vratimo se na ovo izdanje časopisa u kojem ćete, kao i uvek, naći mnoštvo zanimljivih tema koje smo pripremili specijalno za vas. Počnimo sa muzikom, gde vam donosimo šarmantni muzički bend „Talični Lom“. A u rubrici Sportski ugao možete saznati nešto više o ženskom odbojkaškom klubu „Vidovdan“. Tu su i najnovije vesti iz sveta filma. Filmovi koje smo odabrali za vas ovog meseca su „Fighting With My Family,” „Shazam”, „Dumbo,” i „What Men Want”. Na stranicama rezervisanim za modu, pozivamo vas da čitate o aksesoarima za kosu i kako je njima možete ukrasiti. A u High-Tech rubrici pozivamo vas da pročitate članak „Čoveče ne ljuti se, još uvek te volimo!”. Pored toga, biće tu i mnoštvo zanimljivosti o životinjama i čitav niz drugih tema. Međutim, da biste saznali koje su to teme, moraćete da prelistate stranice našeg časopisa I na kraju, preostaje nam još samo da vam poželimo puno uspeha u školi i nadamo se da ćete provesti prijatne trenutke dok čitate naš časopis tokom ovih martovskih dana. Do sledećeg broja, želim vam dobro zdravlje i sve najbolje! Leonora
S Naslovna: TALIČNI LOM For You je slu`bena publikacija KFOR-a, proizvedena i finansirana od strane KFOR-a. Štampa se na Kosovu i distribuira besplatno. Sadr`aj magazina ne odra`ava uvek stavove koalicije ili bilo koje zemlje ~lanice pojedina~no. KFOR prihvatI i tra`i vaša mi{ljenja, neka od njih }e i objavljivati, verovatno u skra}enoj formi. Ako autor pisma tako `eli, njegovo/njeno ime ne}e biti objavljeno. KFOR ne}e objavljivati anonimna, maliciozna ili klevetni~ka pisma. Glavni urednik: Leonora Shabanaj Nik{i} Novinari: Ali Rexha, Violeta Matovi} Fotografije: Ekipa “4U” Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani Uredni{tvo mo`ete kontaktirati na telefon: 038/503-603-2139 Pisma mo`ete slati na adresu: HQ KFOR - Kosova Film. “For You” magazin; Strasbourg Building; 10000 Pri{tina E-mail: magazineforyou2003@gmail.com; http://www.magazineforyou.com
2 for You
OPRAŠTANJE 2-3: Uvodnik, sadržaj 4-5: Škola meseca: Osnovna škola “Braća Aksić”- Lipljan Upitnik: Koje super moći biste voleli da imate? 6-7: 20 Godina KFOR-a 8-9: Moda: Proleće/ leto 2019. trendovi modnih dodataka za kosu 10-11: Music Box: Predstavljamo sastav: Talični Lom!!! 12-13: U Novom Brdu otvorena sigurna kuća za žrtve porodičnog nasilja 14-15: Životinjsko carstvo: Životinje
koje obitavaju u vreloj i suvoj pustinji 16-17: Poster: Talični Lom 18-19: Moviemania: Fighting with my family; Shazam!; Dumbo; What men want 20-21: Sportski ugao: Ženski odbojkaški klub „Vidovdan“ 22-23: Hi-Tech 24-25: Opraštanje 26-27: Donacije CIMIC-a / KFOR-a Leposaviću i Starom Trgu 28-29: Vaš kutak ... 30: Enigmatski ugao 31-32: Pisma čitalaca
POSTER: Talični Lom
Greetings dear readers, e are meeting for the 155th time in a row through the pages of this very much liked magazine by your part. But how do we know that you really like our magazine? Simply, through your zealous letters send to us to praise us, as well as to help us prepare future numbers by showing us the topics you would like to read. Therefore, we, the For You magazine staff, cordially thank you for these good words and letters and we invite you to continue writing us, because this way we are closer to you with the topics we address. However, let’s not forget to say that we are also open to your criticism. Therefore, if you have something you think we don’t do well or can do better, please don’t hesitate to write your suggestions. Ultimately, only this way, we will be able to keep up and publish a magazine that will continue to be your favorite magazine. Nevertheless, let’s go back to this edition of the magazine where you, as always, will be able to read many interesting topics that we have prepared especially for you. Let’s begin with the music, where we brought you the charming music band “Talicni Lom”. While in the field of sports you can learn a bit more about female volleyball club “Vidovdan”. The latest news from the movie world will be included, too. The movies we’ve chosen for you this month are “Fighting With My Family,” “Shazam,” “Dumbo,” and “What Men Want?.” In the fashion pages, we invite you to read about hair accessories and how they can adorn your head. While, in the high-tech pages, we invite you to read the article “Ludo King, we still want you!.” Furthermore, there will be plenty of curiosities about animals and a whole series of other topics. But, to find out what they are, you’ll need to go through our magazine pages. In the end, there is nothing left but to wish you much success in school and we hope you will spend pleasant moments while reading our magazine during these March days. Until the next issue, I wish you good health and all the best! Leonora
2-3: Editorial, index 4-5: School of the month: Primary school “Braća Aksić”- Lipljan Questionnaire: If you could have any superpower, what would you choose? 6-7: 20 Years of KFOR 8-9: Fashion: Spring/ summer 2019 hair accessory trends 10-11: Music Box: We present: Talični Lom 12-13: Novobrdo inaugurates its shelter for domestic violence victims 14-15: Animal Kingdom: Animals
that live in the hot & dry desertendangered species 16-17: Poster: Talični Lom 18-19: Moviemania: Fighting with my family; Shazam!; Dumbo; What men want 20-21: Sports corner: Female volleyball club “Vidovdan” 22-23: Hi-Tech 24-25: Forgiveness 26-27: Donations of CIMIC/ KFOR to Leposavic and Stari Trg 28-29: Your corner ... 30: Puzzle 31-32: Reader’s letters
Cover: TALIČNI LOM ‘For You’ is an official publication of KFOR, produced and financed by KFOR, printed in Kosovo and distributed freely. The contents do not necessarily reflect the official point of view of the coalition or that of any of its member states. KFOR accepts and welcomes your opinions, it will publish some of these, eventually in a condensed form. If requested the name of the writer will be withheld but no anonymous, defamatory or malicious letters will be printed. Chief Editor: Leonora Shabanaj Niksic Journalists: Ali Rexha, Violeta Matovic Photos by: “4U” team Design & Layout: Bekim Shabani The editorial staff can be contacted on: 038/503-603-2139 Any letters can be sent at: HQ KFOR - Film City; For You magazine; Strasbourg building; 10000 Pristina; E-mail: magazineforyou2003@gmail.com; http://www.magazineforyou.com
3 for You
škola meseca
ktor ove škole Bratislav Đedović i naglašava da će nastaviti da se trude da i u budućnosti održe visok profesionalni kvalitet.
Učenički parlament i “Školarac”,
Ponosni na postignute rezultate
g. Bratislav Đedović
čitelju se dodeljuje najvažniji posao - posao u koji ne treba da uđe bez pažljive i temeljne pripreme. On treba da oseća svetost svog poziva i da mu se preda s revnošću i odanošću - moto je kojim se vode učitelji, nastavnici i pedagozi u Osnovnoj školi “Braća Aksić” u Lipljanu. Škola je osnovana 1865. godine. Tokom svog rada dugog preko vek i po, prošla je i kroz mnogo istorijskih događaja. Škola je za vreme ratova prestajala sa radom, a tokom Drugog svetskog rata veliki broj đaka, kao i njihovi učitelji, priključili su se oslobodilačkim pokretima. Poginulo je više učenika, a među njima i braća Milutin i Vidosav Aksić, po kojima škola nosi ime. Pored matične škole u Lipljanu nastava se odvija i u isturenim odeljenjima - u Novom Naselju, Staro Grackom i Rabovcu. Ovu školu trenutno pohađa oko 140 đaka, od prvog do osmog razreda. Ima ukupno 24 odeljenja (4 izdvojena odeljenja, 3 kombinovana odeljenja), dok je rad organizovan u dve smene. Od stranih jezika, đaci uče engleski i ruski.
4 for You
Iako škola nema fiskulturnu salu odbojkaški klub „Partizan“, zaslužan je za to što se Lipljan naziva „gradom odbojke“. Tradicija se nastavlja i neguje i u školi „Braća Aksić“. Ženski tim ove škole je na manifestaciji „Dan više za odbojku”, koji je održan u Lepini, osvojio drugo mesto. „Imamo zlatnu decu koja su i odgovorna i takmičarski nastrojena. Oni svojim rezultatima sami sebi daju vetar u leđa, a na nama je da ih motivišemo i dajemo podstrek da nastave tako“, kažu nam u ovoj školi. Osim dobrih rezultata u sportovima, učenici ove škole osvajaju i brojne prestižne nagrade i u fudbalu i košarci, ali i iz predmeta poput geografije, istorije, matematike. Ovakvi rezultati razlog su što se OŠ “Braća Aksić” iz Lipljana okitila prethodnih godina i Sretenjskim ordenom drugog stepena i Vukovom nagradom. „Ponosni smo na postignute rezultate, a to je i veliko priznanje za nas, naše nastavnike i našu školu”, kaže nam dire-
Saznali smo i da je u školi aktivan Učenički parlament, kojeg čine predstavnici sedmog i osmog razreda, ukupno njih devetoro. Sa njima zajedno, tokom školske godine rade pedagog i psiholog. Takođe učenici i nastavnici isturenog odljenja u Rabovcu pripremaju u okviru projektne nastave i časopis “Školarac”, na koji su, kako sami ističu, jako ponosni. U ovom časopisu možete čitati o brojnim aktivnostima učenika i nastavnika, o istoriji sela, škole, crkve,a predstavljaju i najbolje učeničke radove. Škola je 14. januara 2019.godine obeležila svoj 153. rođendan. Obeležavanje ovog značajnog datuma za školu, uveličali su svojim prisustvom i prijatelji iz humanitarne organizacije “SPONA” iz Makedonije, koji su i ovog puta obradovali poklonima sve učenike škole saznajemo od direktora Đedovića. “Ne prođe ni jedna generacija đaka, a da ona nema neku posebnost i da se za njom ne žali. Za nekom više, zbog dobrog uspeha, za nekom “još više”, opet zbog svega ostalog. Ipak, svi oni nekako ostaju u velikom srcu ove škole. I za njih i za sve članove kolektiva škole. Ali ono što očekujemo je da budete uspešni kao ljudi”, poručuje na kraju čitaocima našeg Magazina direktor ove škole, Bratislav Đedović.
UPITNIK: KOJE SUPER MOĆI BISTE VOLELI DA IMATE? Ilija Nešović (14) Voleo bih imati moć pričanja sa životinjama. Zar ne bi bila zaista jedna od najboljih stvari na svetu mogućnost da razumemo šta nam naš ljubimac poručuje, kada mjauče, laje, mumla ili krešti? Tada bismo tačno znali šta žele, kad su srećni, a kada ih nešto boli. I konačno bismo mogli da dobijemo odgovor na pitanje u šta to zure sa velikom pažnjom, a mi vidimo kao prazan prostor? Ilija Nešović (14) I would like to have the power to talk with animals. Wouldn’t it be one of the best things in the world to have the ability to understand what our pets tell us when they meow, bark, rumble or squawk? And we would know exactly what they want, when they are happy or when something is hurting them. And finally, we would be able to get an answer to the question what it is that they stare at with great attention, while all we see is empty space? Luka Jović (13) Želeo bih da imam moć predviđanja. Znali bi ishode nekih važnih događaja, znali bi kada preti opasnost i što je možda najvažnije od svega, znali bismo koje ćemo ocene dobiti u školi. Luka Jović (13) I wish I had the power of prediction. It would allow us to know the outcomes of some important events, or if there is a threat, and what is perhaps the most important of all, we would know which grades we will get at school. Anja Vorgučić (11) Da imam čarobne moći volela bih da od mesta u kojem živim stvorim čarobni svet gde ne bi bilo smeća na sve strane, gde bu sve kuće i ulice bile prelepe. Volela bih da u svojoj ulici imam čarobni park za decu iz komšiluka. Svi tobogani, ljuljaške i sve sprave bi bile čarobne. Anja Vorgučić (11) If I had magical powers, I would like to turn the place where I live into a magical world, where there would be no trash everywhere, where all the houses and streets would be beautiful. I would like to have a magic park for children from the neighborhood in my street. All the slides, the swings and all other equipment would be magical.
QUESTIONNAIRE: WHAT SUPER POWERS WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE? Mila Vorgučić (7) Ja bih volela da imam moći kao Wonder Woman da spašavam ljude od zla i da prebijem negativce. Mogla bih i da letim i bila bih snažna. Wonder Woman poseduje sve moći koje bih ja volela da imam jednog dana i omiljeni mi je je junak, a možda jednog dana budem kao ona. Mila Vorgučić (7) I would like to have the powers of Wonder Woman so I can save people from evil and beat the bad guys. They would also allow me to fly and I would be strong. The Wonder Woman possesses all the powers that I would like to have one day and is my favorite hero. Maybe some day I will be like her. Nina Vorgučić (9) Ja bih volela da imam moć letenja. Tako bih obišla ceo svet i posetila bih neka lepa mesta. Želja mi je da putujem mnogo, zato mislim da je super moćno da možeš da stalno letiš i istražuješ neke nove predele. Nina Vorgučić (9) I would like to have the power to fly. That way I could go around the world and visit some nice places. My wish is to travel a lot, so I think it’s super powerful to be able to fly all the time and explore some new places. Nemanja Arsić (16) Voleo bih da stvaram zaštitno polja oko sebe. Ovu moć cenili bi i rado posedovali ljudi koji posebno cene svoj lični prostor. A i dobro bi došlo u vremenu kada poželimo da se odmorimo od svega i svih. Nemanja Arsić (16) I would like to be able to create protective fields around me. This power would be very desirable and much appreciated in particular by the people who honor their personal space. And it would be welcome during times when we want to rest from everything and everyone.
school of the month
he teacher is assigned with the most important job - a job that should not be carried without attention and basic preparation. It should feel the sanctity of its call and surrender to it with enthusiasm and loyalty – it’s the motto guiding teachers, professors and pedagogues at the primary school “Braća Aksić” in Lipljan. The school was founded in 1865. During its work over a century and a half, it has gone through many historical events. During the wars, the school stopped working, and during the Second World War, a large number of students, as well as their teachers, joined the liberation movements. Many students died, including brothers Milutin and Vidosav Aksic, the school is named after them. In addition to the primary school in Lipljan, teaching takes place in the outposts - in Novi Naselje, Staro Gracko and Rabovce. Currently, this school is attended by about 140 pupils, from the first to the eighth grade. It has a total of 24 classrooms (4 outposts classrooms, 3 combined classrooms), while the work is organized in two shifts. From foreign languages, pupils learn English and Russian.
dition continues and is cultivated “Braća Aksić” school. The female team of this school won the second place at the event “One More Day for Volleyball” held in Lepina. “We have golden children who are both responsible and competitive. Their results give themselves a wind in the back, and it is up to us to motivate and encourage them to continue,” we were told in this school. In addition to good results in sports, students of this school have won numerous prestigious awards in football and basketball as well as in geography, history and mathematics. These results are the reason why the primary School “Braća Aksić” from Lipljan has been awarded, in the past years, the Sretenje Order of the Second Degree and the Vuk’s award. “We are proud of the results achieved, and this is a great recognition for us, our teachers and our school”, says director of this school Bratislav Đedović and emphasizes that they will continue to strive to maintain high professional quality in the future.
Students’ parliament and “Školarac”,
We also learned that the Stdent Parliament, which consists of representatives of the seventh and eighth grade students, nine of them in total, is active in the school. A pedagogue and a psychologist work together with them throughout the school year. Also, students and teachers of the outpost classroom in Rabovce within the framework of project teaching are preparing the magazine “Školarac”, which, as they point out, makes them very proud. In this magazine you can read about the numerous activities of students and teachers, about the history of the village, the school, the church, and they also represent the best student works. On January 14, 2019, the school celebrated its 153th birthday. The marking of this significant date for the school was enhanced with the presence of friends from the humanitarian organization “SPONA” from Macedonia, who once again gladdened all students of the school with presents, we learned from the director Djedovic. “There is no single generation of students that passed, without some specialty to say that we don’t miss it. For some more, due to good success, for some “even more”, because of everything else. Nevertheless, they all somehow remain in the great heart of this school. They and all members of the school’s collective. But what we expect is to be successful as people”, says the director of this school, Bratislav Djedovic, to the readers of our Magazine, at the end.
Proud of the results achieved
Although the school does not have a gym, the volleyball club “Partizan”, is responsible for the fact that Lipljan is called “the city of volleyball”. The tra-
5 for You
junu biće 20 godina otkako su prvi pripadnici mirovnih snaga KFOR-a došli na Kosovo. To znači da je oko 30% (možda čak i više) trenutne populacije na Kosovu rođeno i odrasta u miru. Uprkos ovoj statistici, i dalje je prisutan deo problema koji su doveli do oružanog sukoba.
Gledati napred
Postoji mnogo citata o važnosti učenja iz prošlosti kako bi se izbegle iste greške, ali citat koji ja preferiram je izjava Viljema Stivena Beličika, jednog od najuspešnijih trenera američkog fudbala: „Živeti u prošlosti znači umreti u sadašnjosti“. Iako je Kosovo videlo mnogo poboljšanja u poslednjih 20 godina, još uvek ima mnogo posla koji treba uraditi: i to će biti zbog vas, generacije koja nije iskusila sukobe iz prošlosti, moraće da se uradi dobar deo ovog posla.
KFOR - izvor stabilnosti i mira
Od svog raspoređivanja na Kosovu jedna stvar je bila i ostaje konstantna - KFOR je uvek bio posvećen tome zaštiti i pomogne svim ljudima na Kosovu. Doprinos KFOR-a normalizaciji situacije i pomirenju svih građana je neporeciv! U poslednje dve decenije, hiljade vojnika KFOR-a se obavezalo na to i mnogi su dali svoje živote da garantuju sigurno i bezbedno okruženje za sve ljude koji žive na Kosovu; i zapamtite, bez sigurnosti nema napretka.
6 for You
Ujedinjeni u posvećenosti za svetliju budućnost!
Sasvim je očigledno da smo svi pozvani da odigramo veoma važnu ulogu za budućnost Kosova: bez obzira na zajednicu ili narod kojem pripadamo, zasucimo rukave i dajmo svoj doprinos. Sada je vreme za sve ljude na Kosovu da se posvete trajnom pomirenju i da se fokusiraju na budućnost kako bi konstruktivno krenuli napred.
Stvari se kreću ... Slučajevi koji dokazuju da se situacija značajno popravila su brojni: na primer, da li ste ikada bili u Kamenici? Opština Kamenica je poznata po svom multietničkom okruženju koje prevladava kako u lokalnim institucijama vlasti tako i među njenim stanovnicima. Gradonačelnik ove opštine je Albanac, a zamenik gradonačelnika je Srbin. Kamenica je takođe opština u kojoj Albanci i Srbi koriste istu pijacu da prodaju i kupuju proizvode koji su im potrebni. Oni su takođe prva opština koja je uspešno organizovala besplatne kurseve albanskog i srpskog jezika za one koji žele da nauče ove jezike. Znate li druge pozitivne primere? Zašto nam ne ispričate svoje priče, slanjem e-poruke na magazineforyou2003@ gmail.com.
20 YEARS OF KFOR I n June it will be 20 years, since the first members of KFOR peacekeeping troops came to Kosovo. This means, that some 30% (maybe even more) of the current population of Kosovo was born after the war, and has been growing up in peace. Despite this statistic a part of the problems that led to the armed conflict are still present.
Looking forward
There are a lot of quotes about the importance of learning from the past in order to avoid the same mistakes, but the one I prefer more is the statement of William Stephen Belichick, one of the most successful coaches of American football: “To live in the past is to die in the present”. Even if Kosovo has seen a lot improvements in the last 20 years there is still a lot of work to be done: and it will be because of you, the generation that did not experienced the conflicts of the past that a good part of this work will have to be done.
KFOR a source of stability and peace Since KFOR was deployed to KOSOVO one thing was and remains constant - KFOR has always been dedicated to protect and help all the people in Kosovo. KFOR contribution to the normalization of the situation and to the reconciliation of all citizens is undeniable! In the last two decades, thousands of KFOR soldiers committed to it and many have given their lives to guarantee a safe and secure environment to all the people living in Kosovo; and remember, without security no improvements are possible.
United in commitment for a brighter future!
It is quite obvious that we are all called upon to play a very important role for the future of Kosovo: regardless of the communities or the ethnicity we belong to, let us roll up our sleeves and give our contribution. It is now time for all people in Kosovo to commit themselves to a lasting reconciliation and focus on the future to constructively move forward.
Things are moving…
Cases that prove the situation has improved significantly are numerous: for instance, have you ever been in Kamenica? Kamenica Municipality is known for its multi-ethnic environment that prevails both at the local governing institutions and among its inhabitants. The Mayor of this municipality is Albanian and the Deputy Mayor is Serbian. Kamenica is also the municipality where Albanians and Serbs use the same market to sell and buy products they need. They are also the first municipality to successfully organize free Albanian and Serbian language courses for those who want to learn these languages. Do you know other positive examples? Why don’t you tell us your stories, sending an email to magazineforyou2003@ gmail.com.
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7 for You
Uz proleće počinje cvetanje novog cveća, šireći raspoloženje svojim prekrasnim mirisom. Stilisti nisu mogli odoleti upotrebi cveća kao dodataka za kosu za proleće 2019. godine, na isti način na koji dizajneri nisu mogli odoleti upotrebi cvetnih motiva, ukrasa i nakita na svojim modnim pistama.
With spring come the blooms of new flowers, spreading cheer with their beautiful fragrance. Stylists could not resist using flowers as spring 2019 hair accessories, much the same way designers couldn’t resist using flowers in prints, appliqués, and jewellery in their runways.
Marame za kosu
Marame su se koristile uz sve vrste odeće na modnim pistama ove sezone, naročito na pistama koje su imale boemski ili putnički inspirisanu atmosferu, tako da su stilisti krenuli napred i obmotali marame oko glava modela, dodatno učvršćujući temu putovanja, čineći je delom prolećno-letnjih trendova za kosu u 2019.
Hair Scarves
Scarves were used in all kinds of outfits on the runways this season, particularly on runways that had a bohemian or travelinspired vibe, so as an extension, stylists went ahead and wrapped scarves around models’ heads, further cementing the wanderlust theme and making it part of the spring/summer 2019 hair accessory trends.
Sportske trake za glavu Athleisure je tekuća tema koja se pojavila u modnim
8 for You
eka vaša kosa bude uzbudljiva, sa modnim dodacima za kosu za proleće/ leto 2019! Dizajneri i frizeri nisu se plašili da se igraju za toplije sezone, prvenstveno se opredeljujući za razigrane i upadljive detalje za kosu kao što su velike trake za glavu, veće tijare, šarene marame i puno cveća.
Princezina tijara
Još jedan sveobuhvatni stilski element viđen na pistama bio je ženstveni dizajn princeze. Naravno, to znači da su tijare bile ključni deo trendova modnih dodataka kose za proleće/leto 2019. godine, s velikim dizajnima koji odišu bogatstvom i romantikom.
Princess Tiaras
Another over-arching style element seen on the runways was feminine princess designs. Naturally, this meant that tiaras were a key part of the spring/summer 2019 hair accessory trends, with large designs that exuded opulence and romance.
Mašnice i trake
Trake su lepi mali ukrasi za kosu, koji dodaju devojački izgled ne oduzimajući nikakvu sofisticiranost. Mašnice su se pojavile na svim prolećnim pistama, uključujući i deo modnih dodataka za kosu proleće/ leto 2019.
Bows and Ribbons
Ribbons are lovely little hair embellishments that add girlishness to a look without taking away any of its sophistication. Bows showed up on all of the spring runways, including as part of the spring/summer 2019 hair accessories. dodacima proleće/leto 2019 u obliku sportskih traka za glavu, savršenih za držanje ženske kose van lica kada vežbaju.
Sporty Headbands
Athleisure was a running theme that came up in the spring/summer 2019 hair accessories in the form of sporty headbands, perfect for keeping women’s hair out of their face when they exercise. (Izvor: https://glowsly.com)
et your hair get exciting with the spring/ summer 2019 hair accessories! Designers and hair stylists were not afraid to play around for the warmer seasons, primarily opting for playful and conspicuous hair accessories like big headbands, bigger tiaras, colourful scarves, and lots of flowers.
Čipkasti modni dodaci za kosu
Minđuša-šnala za kosu
Lace Hair Accessories
HairpinEarring Combo
Čipka je romantična, ali svestrana, sa svojom sposobnošću da pokaže skromnu ženstvenost. Koristi se na tamnim i edgy, i devojačkim, rezervisanim pistama ove sezone. Ova tkanina je bila dovoljno popularna da se pojavi na mnogim dodacima za kosu za proleće/ leto 2019.
Lace is romantic yet versatile, with its ability to show demure femininity. Used on both the dark and edgy and girlish, reserved runways this season. This fabric was popular enough to also show up on quite a few of the spring/summer 2019 hair accessories.
Jedan od naših omiljenih trendova za kosu za proleće 2019. zamaglio je liniju između nakita i dodataka za kosu i bio je glamurozno razmetljiv takođe. Govorimo, naravno, o minđuši-šnali u kombinaciji dva-ujednom.
One of our favourite spring 2019 hair accessory trends blurred the line between jewellery and hair accessories, and was glamorously bling to boot. We are talking, of course, about the hairpin earring two-in-one combination.
Neobične štipaljke i šnale
Trake za glavu
Extraordinary Hair Clips & Barrettes
Fashion Headbands
Trendovi modnih dodataka za kosu proleće/leto 2019. pružaju slobodu kreativnosti i mašte i inspirišu da upotpunimo dodacima naše frizure za proleće 2019. sa nekim od najneobičnijih štipaljki za kosu i šnala.
The spring/summer 2019 hair accessory trends give freedom to creativity and imagination and inspire to accessorize our spring 2019 hairstyles with some of the most out of the ordinary hair clips and barrettes.
S oduševljenjem dočekujemo trake za glavu, kao deo trendova modnih dodataka za kosu za proleće 2019. Iako su trake za glavu obično povezane sa mladalačkim frizurama, ova godina je bila drugačija, s tonom zrelosti i modernošću preuzima ovaj dodatak za kosu.
Thrilled to welcome headbands back into the fold as part of the spring 2019 hair accessory trends. While headbands are usually associated with youthful hairstyles, this year was different, with a ton of mature and fashion-forward takes on this hair accessory.
Obmotani rep
To je više tehnika ukrašavanja nego što je to jedan od posebnih dodataka za kosu za proleće/leto 2019.Videli smo sve vrste jedinstvenih materijala obmotanih oko konjskih repova kako bi ih osigurali i privukli pažnju.
Wrapped Around a Ponytail
This is more of an adorning technique than it is one of the particular spring/ summer 2019 hair accessories. We saw all types of unique materials wrapped around ponytails to secure them and add interest. (Source: https://glowsly.com)
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ovom broju Magazina For You predstavljamo Vam jedan mladi demo bend iz Leposavića, čije vreme tek dolazi. Reč je o bendu Talični Lom, koji svira mešavinu dobrog starog rock-a, grunge-a, pa i ponešto pop-a. Uspeli smo “uloviti” njihovog gitaristu - Ognjena, te s njim napraviti kratki intervju. Ko čini sastav „Talični Lom“ i kada ste nastali? “Talični Lom” čine: Ana Vukašinović vokal, Milan Ignjatović - gitara Andrija Petrović - gitara i moja malenkost Ognjen Mladenović - gitara. Zovemo se „Talični Lom“, po kafiću u kom smo nastali i u kom vežbamo. Nastali smo leta 2017, znači postojimo, skoro dve godine. Svi imamo po 17-18 godina. Koju vrstu muzike svirate i ko su vam uzori? Sviramo uglavnom pop i rok, strani i domaći. Imamo jako puno uticaja, uglavnom stranih, ali iskreno, nemamo neke uzore. Ovi stariji muzičari nam ponekad daju savete i pomažu nam, kada imamo svirke.
ispred školskog ulaza. Plan nam je da što više proširimo repertoar i da nastupamo jednom nedeljno, bilo gde od Raške do Kosovske Mitrovice. Do sada smo isključivo nastupali kao predgrupa i reakcije su bile veoma pozitivne, tako da bi lepo bilo da krenemo da nastupamo samostalno. Koji su vam omiljeni Festivali i gde bi voleli da nastupate? Ne idemo na neke festivale tako da i nemamo omiljene, ali nam je jako drago što opština prethodnih nekoliko godina opet organizuje ’Rok fest’ u Leposaviću. Mada, odaziv naroda je premali, što je sramotno. Najviše bi voleli da sviramo na Gitarijadi u Zaječaru, ali ništa od toga dok ne postanemo električni bend, ipak svakako da nam je to plan i radimo u tom pravcu.
Kakvu muziku danas mladi vole da najviše čuju? Mladi danas slušaju muziku uglavnom iz zabave, za ubijanje vremena, jer je jednostavno takva mainstream muzika. Sve je manje muzike od koje slušalac može dobiti neke jake emocije i u kojoj može da se prepozna, tako da je veza mladih i muzike veoma površna. Sa druge strane, mi malo drugačije razmišljamo.
Imate li prostor za vežbanje i na koji način se najbolje provodite? Imamo i prostor za vežbanje i instrumente. Jedino nam nekad lične obaveze oko škole smetaju da se uskladimo i organizujemo probe. Najbolji provod je da sa društvom dođu u ’Talični Tom’, slušaju kvalitetnu muziku i pričaju.
Gde najcešće svirate? Najčešće sviramo u ’Taličnom Tomu’, zapravo svaka svirka do sada nam je tu bila. Jednom smo svirali najmlađim osnovcima
Bez čega ne možete da zamislite život? Ne možemo da zamislimo život bez muzike i jednom kad se uđe u to, teško se izlazi. Trenutno nam je prioritet da što više
10 for You
sviramo. Nadamo se da ćemo se jednog dana baviti i autorskom muzikom i izdati i svoj album. Šta je vaša poruka mladima, odnosno vašim vršnjacima na Kosovu? Mladima bi poručili da se više zainteresuju za sve vrste umetnosti jer je umetnost lepa i ispunjava. Sve što čovek radi i u šta ulaže ljubav, volju i želju jeste umetnost, jer umetnost nije ništa drugo nego rad prožet ljubavlju. Umetnost zbližava ljude, a to nam je potrebno uvek i svuda, a posebno ovde na Kosovu.
music box
n this issue of the For You Magazine, we present to you a young demo band from Leposavic, whose time is yet to come. We are writing about the Talični Lom Band, which plays a mixture of good old rock, grunge, and a bit of pop. We managed to “catch” their guitarist - Ognjen and conducted a short interview with him. Who makes up the “Talični Lom” Band and when did you start? “Talični Lom” consists of: Ana Vukašinović - vocals, Milan Ignjatović – guitar, Andrija Petrović - guitar and I, Ognjen Mladenović - guitar. We were named “Talični Lom”, by the café in which we kicked off and in which we practice. We started in 2017, so we are around for almost two years. All of us are between 17 and 18 years old.
been held there. We once played to the youngest primary school pupils at the entrance to their school. Our plan is to expand our repertoire as much as possible and to perform once a week, anywhere from Raška to Kosovska Mitrovica. So far, we have only performed as a pre-group and the reactions were very positive, so it would be nice to start playing independently.
What kind of music do you play and who are your role-models? We mostly play pop and rock, both international and local. There are a lot of influences, mostly foreign, but honestly, we do not have any role-models. The older musicians sometimes give us advice and help us out, when we have gigs.
What are your favourite festivals and where would you like to perform? We did not go to any festivals so we do not have any favorites, but we are very pleased that the municipality has organized the Rok Fest (Rock Festival) in Leposavic over the past few years. Although the attendance is way too low, and it really is a shame. We would love to play at the Gitarijada in Zaječar, but nothing will come of that until we become an electric band, but that is certainly our plan and we are working in that direction.
What kind of music do the young people of today like to listen the most? Today’s youth listen to music mainly to entertain themselves, to kill time, because such is mainstream music. There is less and less music which brings up strong emotions within the listener and which the listener can relate to, so the connection between the youth and music is very superficial. On the other hand, we think somewhat differently. Where do you play most often? Most often we play in „Talični Tom’’, in fact every gig of ours, up to now, has
Do you have a rehersal place and what is the best way for you to have fun? We have both space in which to rehearse and the instruments. However, sometimes our personal school obligations tend to hinder us from correlating activities and organising rehearsals. The best way to have fun is to come with your friends to “Talični Tom” and to listen to good quality music and to talk.
Without what you cannot imagine life? We cannot imagine life without music and once you get into it, it is hard to get out. At the moment, our priority is to play as much as we can. We hope that one day we will become authors and publish our own album. What is your message to the youth, your peers in Kosovo? We would like to tell all the young people that they should be more interested in all kinds of art because art is beautiful and fulfilling. Everything that a person does and in which they invest their love, will and desire is art, because art is nothing but a work pervaded by love. Art brings people together, and we need it everywhere, especially here in Kosovo.
11 for You
U NOVOM BRDU OTVORENA SIGURNA KUĆA ZA ŽRTVE PORODIČNOG NASILJA „Lanac je onoliko jak koliko i njegova najslabija karika!”
Ovo je izreka koju bi sva društva trebalo stalno da imaju na umu. Kao što se lanac sastoji od mnogo karika, tako se i društvo sastoji od različitih društvenih grupa od kojih su neke jače i u boljoj poziciji, dok su neke ranjivije. Žrtve nasilja u porodici su jedna od ranjivijih grupa. Uprkos svim dostignućima savremenog društva, nasilje u porodici je kuga koju nismo uspeli da iskorenimo. Ovaj problem je prisutan u celom svetu, a žene i deca su najčešće žrtve.
Multietnička sigurna kuća za žrtve nasilja u porodici
Nedavno je opština Novobrdo/Novo Brdo napravila značajan korak u rešavanju problema nasilja u porodici otvaranjem sigurne kuće za svoje žrtve. Gospođa Vesna Stajić, direktorka lokalne NVO „Naš Dom”, koja je najzaslužnija za to što je ova sigurna kuća ugledala svetlot dana, kaže: „Kada smo započeli ovu inicijativu pre 10 godina nismo očekivali da ćemo uspeti da okupimo toliko ljudi, institucija, organizacija i misija koje žele da nas podrže. To je znak da smo konačno shvatili da ovo nije lični, već društveni problem. Ono što je započeto kada su nam opštinske vlasti dodelile ovu zgradu, nastavio je KFOR i mi smo izuzetno zahvalni KFOR-u. Ne samo da su nam davali donacije kao što su one za izgradnju ograde i za grejanje, već su čak i radili sa nama na čišćenju i renoviranju ove zgrade”. Stajić je istakla da ova sigurna kuća ima regionalni multietnički karakter i da će pokrivati sve opštine sa srpskim stanovništvom. Prema njenim rečima, slične sigurne kuće već postoje u regionu, u opštinama Gjilan/Gnjilane i Ferizaj/Uroševac. Međutim, do sada nijedna nealbanska žrtva u tim sigurnim kućama nije ostala duže od 24 sata.
Zajedno smo jači
Istina je da je važno imati sigurne kuće za žrtve nasilja u porodici. Ali još je važnija potreba da se ujedinimo u podizanju naših glasova i delovanju protiv te vrste nasilja. Mi to možemo da uradimo na mnogo načina, ali najjednostavniji i najlakši način jeste da takvo nasilje prijavite Kosovskoj policiji na sledeće brojeve telefona.
26 for You 12
This is a saying that all societies should constantly keep in mind. Because just as a chain is comprised of many links a society is comprised of various social groups some of which are stronger and in a better positions while some are more vulnerable. Victims of domestic violence are one of the latter groups. Despite all the advancements modern society has experienced, domestic violence is a plague that we have not been able to eradicate. This problem is present all over the world and women and children are its most common victims.
A multiethnic shelter for domestic violence victims
Recently Novobrdo/ Novo Brdo Municipality made a significant step in addressing domestic violence with the inauguration of a shelter for its victims. Mrs. Vesna Stajic director of the local NGO “Naš Dom” who is one of the main reasons this shelter became a reality said: “When we started this initiative 10 years ago we didn’t expect we would be able to gather so many people, institutions, organizations and missions that want to support us. This is a sign that we are finally understanding that this is not a personal but rather a social problem. What was started when the municipal authorities allocated this building to us was further continued by KFOR and we are extremely grateful to KFOR. Not only did they provide donations such as the one for constructing our fence and for heating means but they even worked with us to clean and renovate this building.” Stajic went on to emphasize that this shelter has a regional multiethnic character that will cover all the municipalities with Serbian population. According to her similar shelters already exist in the region, namely in Gjilan/Gnjilane and Ferizaj/Urosevac Municipalities. However, until now not a single non-Albanian speaking victim has stayed more than 24 hours in those shelters.
Together we are stronger
It is true that having shelters for victims of domestic violence is important. But even more important is that we must unite in raising our voices and acting against such violence. We can do this in many ways but the most simple and easiest way to do it is by reporting it to the Kosovo Police on the following numbers.
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13 27 for You
životinjsko carstvo
ustinja je jedna od najekstremnijih životnih sredina na Zemlji. Ogromne temperature i nestašica vode onemogućavaju većini životinja da žive tamo. Međutim, neke životinje uspevaju da žive čak i u ovim teškim uslovima. Evo šest takvih životinja.
Fenek ili pustinjska lisica
Pustinjske lisice nastanjuju pustinju Saharu u Africi, gde je prosečna temperatura oko 40 stepeni Celzijusa. Njihove velike uši ih oslobađaju toplote tako što se krv filtrira kroz malene kapilare u tankom tkivu uha, kroz koje se širi i rashlađuje pre nego što se putem krvotoka vrati u ostatak tela. Pustinjske lisice imaju debelo krzno na stopalima, što im omogućava da trče po vrelom pustinjskom pesku, a da ih to ne boli. Poput mnogih pustinjskih stvorenja, razvile su noćne navike,
tako da su najaktivnije nakon što vrelo pustinjsko sunce zađe. Tokom noći, feneci se hrane manjim pustinjskim životinjama, kao što su bube i gušteri.
Fennec Foxes
Fennec foxes inhabit the Saharan desert in Africa, where temperatures average around 40 degrees Celsius. Their large ears dispel heat by filtering blood through small capillaries in the thin ear tissue, spreading it out and cooling it before it is
Postoji nekoliko vrsta balegara, ali većina živi u pustinjama Australije i Afrike. Poznato je da se ove bube hrane isključivo izmetom većih životinja. Iako to može izgledati odvratno, ishrana balegom je dobar izbor za malo pustinjsko stvorenje kao što je buba. U vreloj i suvoj pustinji je teško naći vlagu bilo koje vrste. Balega sadrži vlagu iz creva životinje koja ju je izbacila. Umesto da tragaju za retkim rupama sa vodom, kao što to rade divlje zveri i antilope, balegari čekaju da te veće životinje pronađu vodu umesto njih. Jedenjem balege dobijaju sve, od vode koju druge životinje pronalaze, a da pri tome ne moraju da rade baš ništa.
Baktrijska kamila
Kamila je jedna od najpoznatijih pustinjskih životinja. Dok neke vrste imaju samo jednu grbu, baktrijske kamile imaju dve. Ove grbe imaju istu funkciju kao i one kod jednogrbih kamila: u njima se skladišti masnoća bogata energijom, koja održava kamile tokom dugih putovanja kroz pustinju. Mnogi ljudi su verovali da su kamilje grbe pune vode, što nije istina.
14 for You
circulated back into the rest of the body. Fennec foxes have thick fur on the soles of their feet, which allows them to run over hot desert sand without pain. Like many desert creatures, they have developed nocturnal habits, so they are most active after the scorching desert sun goes down. While out and about at night, fennec foxes feast on smaller desert animals, such as beetles and lizards.
Dung Beetles
There are several species of dung beetles, but most of them live in the deserts of Australia and Africa. Famously, these beetles feed exclusively on the dung of larger animals. Though it may seem gross, eating dung is a good choice for a small desert creature like a beetle. In the hot, dry desert, moisture of any kind is hard to find. Dung contains moisture from the gut of the animal that expelled it. Instead of searching for rare watering holes the way wildebeest and antelope do, dung beetles wait for these larger animals to do the work of finding water for them. By eating dung, they get all the advantages of the water found by others without needing to do any of the work.
Lako je shvatiti zašto bi neko mogao verovati u to, s obzirom da kamile mogu da izdrže i do sedam meseci bez vode za piće. Nasuprot tome, čovek može da preživi samo tri do pet dana bez vode, i to u umerenim uslovima.
Bactrian Camels
Camels are some of the most famous desert animals. While some species have only one hump, Bactrian camels have two. These humps serve the same func-
tion as those of single-humped camels: They store energyrich fat, which sustains the camels during long treks across the desert. Many people used to believe that camel humps contained water, which isn’t true. It’s easy to understand why someone might believe this since camels can go up to seven months without drinking water. In contrast, a human can only survive for three to five days without water in temperate conditions. (Izvor: https://sciencing.com)
Meksički kojot
Meksički kojoti su jedna od nekoliko podvrsta kojota. Kao što samo ime govori, oni žive u pustinjama Meksika. Iako se za kojote ponekad pomisli da su vukovi, ovi pustinjski psi su mnogo manji i obično su teški oko samo 30 kilograma u punom odraslom dobu. Kojoti, kao i pustinjske lisice, koriste svoje velike uši da rashlade svoja tela. Međutim, njihova najkorisnija pustinjska adaptacija
Rogata pustinjska zmija
Rogate pustinjske zmije su jedna od mnogih vrsta zmija koje obitavaju u pustinjama na jugozapadu SAD i severozapadu Meksika. Ovi gmizavci bez nogu su na engleskom jeziku dobili naziv po svom jedinstvenom načinu kretanja (Sidewinder – kretanje postrance). Umesto klizanja sa jedne strane na drugu u pravoj liniji, kao što to čini većina zmija, pustinjske zmije sa rogovima klize dijagonalno, bacajući svoja tela napred-nazad dugim potezima. Ovaj pokret im omogućava da se kreću brzo i sa dobri trenjem čak i preko rastresitog, nestabilnog pustinjskog peska. Kao i sve zmije, pustinjske zmije su grabljivice. One
Bodljikavi đavo
Gušter po imenu bodljikavi đavo, takođe poznat kao bodljikavi zmaj, jeste gušter koji je specijalno opremljen za život u pustinjama Australije. Naziv su dobili po izbočenim, bodljikavim izraslinama koje pokrivaju njihovu kožu. Ove oštre ozrasline su efikasne u odbijanju grabljivica kao što su ptice i veći gušteri. Neverovatno je i to što im ove bodlje pomažu u prikupljanju vode. (Source: https://sciencing.com)
animal kingdom
eserts are some of the most extreme environments found on earth. Scorching temperatures and water scarcity make it all but impossible for most animals to live there. Yet, some animals thrive in these harsh conditions. Here are six such animals.
je verovatno njihova ishrana. Kojoti su oportunisti kada je ishrana u pitanju, što znači da će pojesti koliko god mogu kad god mogu, i mogu da jedu skoro sve u svom okruženju: insekte, male glodare, gmizavce i vegetarijansku hranu, kao što su kaktusi i cveće.
full adulthood. Like fennec foxes, coyotes use their large ears to cool their bodies. However, their most useful desert adaptation may well be their diet. Coyotes are opportunistic eaters, which means they will eat as much as they can whenever they can, and they can eat just about anything in their environment: insects, small rodents, reptiles and vegetarian fare such as cactus fruit and flowers.
Mexican Coyotes
Mexican coyotes are one of several coyote subspecies. As their name implies, they live in the deserts of Mexico. Although coyotes are sometimes confused with wolves, these desert canines are much smaller, usually weighing only about 30 pounds at love manja pustinjska stvorenja, uključujući glodavce i male gmizavce. Tokom određenih delova godine, kada su temperature posebno visoke, pustinjske zmije menjaju navike spavanja i postaju noćne životinje. Tokom hladnijih perioda u godini, ostaju aktivne tokom dana.
a straight line, as most snakes do, sidewinders slither diagonally, whipping their bodies back and forth in long strokes. This movement allows them to move quickly and with good traction even over loose, shifting desert sand. Like all snakes, sidewinders are predators. They prey on smaller desert creatures including rodents and small reptiles. During certain parts of the year when temperatures are particularly high, sidewinders change their sleeping habits and become nocturnal. During cooler parts of the year, they remain active during the day.
Sidewinder Snakes
Sidewinders are one of many snake species native to deserts of the southwestern U.S. and north-western Mexico. These legless reptiles get their name from their unique way of moving. Instead of slithering side to side in Poput biljnih stabljika, bodlje su svakog jutra prekrivene rosom. Bodljikavi đavo pije ovu rosu, tako da ne mora da traga za vodom po pustinji.
with dew each morning. The thorny devil drinks this dew, which keeps it from having to hunt for water in the desert.
Thorny Devil Lizard
The thorny devil, also known as the thorny dragon, is a lizard specially equipped for life in the deserts of Australia. They are named for the protruding, thorn like growths that cover their skin. These sharp growths are effective at keeping predators such as birds and larger lizards away. Amazingly, their thorns also help them collect water. Like plant stalks, the thorns become covered
15 for You
Cast: Zachary Levi, Asher Angel, Grace Fulton, Mark Strong, Jack Dylan Grazer, Faithe Herman Director: David F. Sandberg Screenwriter: Darren Lemke & Henry Gayden ********************************* Synopsis e all have a superhero inside us, it just takes a bit of magic to bring it out. In Billy Batson’s case, by shouting out one word ‘SHAZAM!’ this streetwise 14-year-old foster kid can turn into the adult Super Hero Shazam, courtesy of an ancient wizard. Still a kid at heart - inside a ripped, godlike body - Shazam revels in this adult version of himself by doing what any teen would do with superpowers: have fun with them! Can he fly? Does he have X-ray vision? Can he shoot lightning out of his hands? Can he skip his social studies test? Shazam sets out to test the limits of his abilities with the joyful recklessness of a child. But he’ll need to master these powers quickly in order to fight the deadly forces of evil controlled by Dr. Thaddeus Sivana.
Uloge: Zachary Levi, Asher Angel, Grace Fulton, Mark Strong, Jack Dylan Grazer, Faithe Herman Režija: David F. Sandberg Scenario: Darren Lemke & Henry Gayden ****************************** Sinopsis vi imamo superheroja u nama, potrebno je samo malo magije da se to izvede. U slučaju Bili Batsona, uzvikujući jednu reč “ŠAZAM!”, ovo snalažljivo 14-godišnje siroče može se pretvoriti u odraslog Super Heroja Šazama, zahvaljujući drevnom čarobnjaku. Još uvek dete u srcu - u rasparčanom božanskom telu - Šazam uživa u ovoj odrasloj verziji sebe radeći ono što bi svaki tinejdžer uradio sa supersilama: zabavite se sa njima! Može li da leti? Ima li rendgenski vid? Može li pucati munje iz ruku? Može li izbeći test društvenih studija? Šazam se trudi da testira granice svojih sposobnosti sa radosnom nepromišljenošću deteta. Ali on će morati brzo da ovlada ovim moćima kako bi se borio protiv smrtonosnih sila zla koje kontroliše Dr. Tadeus Sivana.
Synopsis eformed gangster and former wrestler Ricky, his wife Julia, daughter Saraya and son Zak make a living performing in tiny venues across the country. Ricky and Julia want a better life for their children and when brother and sister get the chance to audition for the WWE, it seems the family dream is coming true and all their troubles will be solved. However, Saraya and Zak are about to learn that becoming a WWE Superstar demands more than they ever imagined possible as athletes and siblings.
Uloge: Lena Headey, Nick Frost, Dwayne Johnson, Vince Vaughn, Florence Pugh, Jack Lowden Režija: Stephen Merchant Scenario: Stephen Merchant ********************************** Sinopsis eformisani gangster i bivši rvač Riki, njegova žena Julija, kćer Saraja i sin Zak zarađuju za život nastupanjem u malim prostorima širom zemlje. Riki i Julija
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žele bolji život za svoju decu i kada brat i sestra dobiju priliku za audiciju za WWE, čini se da se porodični san ostvaruje i da će se svi njihovi problemi rešiti. Međutim, Saraja i Zak će se naučiti da postati WWE Superzvezda zahteva više nego što su ikada mogli zamisliti kao sportisti i brat i sestra.
Cast: Lena Headey, Nick Frost, Dwayne Johnson, Vince Vaughn, Florence Pugh, Jack Lowden Director: Stephen Merchant Screenwriter: Stephen Merchant ********************************
Uloge: Colin Farrell, Eva Green, Danny DeVito, Michael Keaton, Deobia Oparei, Roshan Seth Režija: Tim Burton Scenario: Ehren Kruger & Derek Frey ********************************************************* Sinopsis lasnik cirkusa Maks Medici pozvao je bivšu zvezdu Holta Farijera i njegovu decu Mili i Džoa da se brinu za novorođenog slona čije ga prevelike uši čine predmetom ismevanja u cirkusu koji se već bori za opstanak. Ali kada otkriju da Dambo može da leti, cirkus pravi neverovatan povratak, privlačeći ubedljivog preduzetnika V.A. Vandevera, koji skuplja neobične debelokošce za svoj najnoviji, veći od života zabavni poduhvat, Zemlju snova. Dambo će se vinuti do novih visina pored šarmantne i spektakularne akrobate, Kolet Maršant, sve dok Holt ne sazna da ispod njegovog sjajnog platna, Zemlja snova je puna mračnih tajni.
Cast: Colin Farrell, Eva Green, Danny DeVito, Michael Keaton, Deobia Oparei, Roshan Seth Director: Tim Burton Screenwriter: Ehren Kruger & Derek Frey ************************************************ Synopsis ircus owner Max Medici enlists former star Holt Farrier and his children Milly and Joe to care for a new-born
elephant whose oversized ears make him a laughingstock in an already struggling circus. But when they discover that Dumbo can fly, the circus makes an incredible comeback, attracting persuasive entrepreneur V.A. Vandevere, who recruits the peculiar pachyderm for his newest, larger-than-life entertainment venture, Dreamland. Dumbo soars to new heights alongside a charming and spectacular aerial artist, Colette Marchant, until Holt learns that beneath its shiny veneer, Dreamland is full of dark secrets.
Uloge: Taraji P. Henson, Tracy Morgan, Aldis Hodge, Wendi McLendon-Covey, Max Greenfield Režija: Adam Shankman Scenario: Adam Shankman ****************************** Sinopsis enski sportski agent neprekidno je blokirana od strane muških kolega. Kada dobije moć da čuje muške misli, ona je u stanju da promeni paradigmu u svoju korist u trci da potpiše sledeću superzvezdu NBA.
Cast: Taraji P. Henson, Tracy Morgan, Aldis Hodge, Wendi McLendon-Covey, Max Greenfield Director: Adam Shankman Screenwriter: Adam Shankman ************************************ Synopsis female sports agent has been constantly boxed out by her male colleagues. When she gains the power to hear men’s thoughts, she is able to shift the paradigm to her advantage as she races to sign the NBA’s next superstar.
19 for You
sportski ugao
enski odbojkaški klub „Vidovdan“ iz Gračanice trenutno broji oko 200 članica i veoma je popularan među mladima, posebno devojčicama u ovom delu Kosova. O klubu, njegovom nastanku, ali i o značaju bavljenja sportom, razgovarali smo sa sekretarom i trenerom kluba, bivšim profesionalnim odbojkašem, Vladanom Trifićem. Kada i kako je nastao OK “ Vidovdan” iz Gračanice? Klub je nastao 2014.godine, na Vidovdan, kada je održana Prva konstitutivna sednica i odlučeno da se klub registruje, na inicijativu nekolicine nas, bivših odbojkaša. To je zvanični datum, ali je škola odbojke iz koje je klub potekao počela sa radom 2011.godine u Donjoj Gušterici. Koliko članica imate i koliko je starosnih grupa za treninge? Trenutno odbojku u našem klubu trenira oko 200 dece. Broj je promenljiv, jer deca kao deca, čas dolaze, a čas odustaju. Postoji 4 starosne grupe za devojčice u okviru kojih one treniraju i to: pretpionirke, pionirke, kadetkinje i juniorke. Prvi tim čini 25 devojaka, od kojih najstarija ima 18 godina, a najmlađa 13. Prvoj postavi od 12-15 devojaka (devojke od 16,17,18 godina), priključujemo one mlađe koje su naprednije i imaju potencijala, te tako stvaramo prvi tim i sa njima se rade najintenzivniji treninzi. Kome je odbojka kao sport interesantnija, dečacima ili devojčicama? Dečaci su posebna priča. Oni se često dvoume oko sportova, čas treniraju odbojku, čas fudbal, košarku, karate, itd. To je i razlog zašto trenutno ne planiramo stvaranje posebne grupe za dečake, već ih priključujemo devojkama njihove sta-
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rosne grupe, tako da je ovo i definitivan odgovor na pitanje kome je odbojka interesantnija! Na koji način primate nove članove i koliko je odbojka popularna u školama? Na početku svake nove školske godine u svim osnovnim školama, putem oglasa i plakata pozivamo decu da se priključe. Najpre nam dolaze devojčice koje stvarno žele da treniraju ovaj sport, one takođe dovedu i svoje drugarice, tako da na ovaj način klub dobije dosta novih članica, mnogo više nego putem klasičnog oglašavanja i pozivanja. Zašto odabrati baš odbojku od svih ostalih sportova? Odbojka je sport koji možda više od svih ostalih pomaže pravilnom razvoju deteta, jer u sebi ima uključene elemente iz gotovo svih sportova. Pored snage, brzine i izdržljivosti, razvija i motoriku, koordinaciju pokreta i anticipaciju. Moja želja je da deca shvate da je odbojka divan sport, na prvom mestu da je bavljenje sportom izuzetno korisno, da je odbojka jedan od najlepših sportova, u kojem smo svi mi doživeli najlepše trenutke i najveće pobede,kao i da im od srca želimo da krenu našim stopama. Više godina organizujete turnire u Donjoj Gušterici. Ko vam pomaže u tome i
u kojim ligama učestvujete? Već 5 godina organizujemo “Međunarodni Vidovdanski turnir u odbojci” i na svakom turniru je bilo preko stotinu devojčica, dok je na poslednjem bilo preko 150. Do sada nam je jednim delom pomagala opština Gračanica, dok se u najvećoj meri samofinansiramo. Učestvujemo u Međuregionalnoj ligi Leskovac, gde kao domaćini igramo u Lebanu i zbog toga putujemo svaki vikend. Šta poručujete mladima po pitanju bavljenja sportom? Jako je važno da se deca bave sportom, pre svega, zbog njihovog razvoja i zdravlja. Dete kroz sport razvija snagu. I duhovno se razvija. Dete koje se bavi sportom ima i bolje radne navike. Deca se na treninzima i druže, razvijaju komunikaciju između sebe, postaju otvoreniji. Iz tog razloga je jako bitno da se deca bave sportom. Ne moraju oni biti neki profesionalci kasnije. Bitno je da imaju fizičku aktivnost bar tri puta nedeljno. Kasnije, kako budu rasli i razvijali se, oni će sami odlučiti da li će i šta da treniraju.
sports corner
he Female Volleyball Club “Vidovdan” from Gračanica currently has about 200 members and is very popular among the youth, especially girls, in this part of Kosovo. We spoke with the club secretary and coach, a former professional volleyball player, Vladan Trific, about the club, its origins and the importance partaking in sports activities. When and how was the VC “Vidovdan” from Gracanica created? The club was created in 2014, on St. Vitus’ Day (Vidovdan), when the first constituent session was held and the decision to register the club was made, at the initiative of a few of us former volleyball players. This is the official date, but the volleyball school from which the club originated, started operating in 2011 in Donja Gušterica. How many members do you have and how old are the training groups? Currently, about 200 children train volleyball in our club. The number varies, since children being children, sometimes come and at other times give up on the sport. There are four training age groups for girls: pre-pioneers, pioneers, cadets and juniors. The first team consists of 25 girls, the eldest of whom is 18 years old and the youngest is 13. The first line-up consists of 12-15 girls (girls aged 16, 17 and 18), we combine with them younger girls who are more advanced and show potential, thus creating the first team, with whom the most intensive trainings are undertaken. Who is more interested in volleyball as a sport, boys or girls? Boys are a different story all together. They often have doubts about which sport to take up, they often switch between volleyball, football, basketball, karate, etc. That is why we are not planning on creating a separate group for boys at the moment, but we combine them with the girls of their age group, so this is the
definitive answer to the question of who finds volleyball more interesting! How do you recruit new members and how popular is volleyball in schools? Through advertisements and posters we invite children to join from all primary schools, at the beginning of each new school year. First to join are the girls who really want to train this sport, then they bring their friends, so in this way the club gets a lot of new members, much more than through classic advertisements and calls. Why choose volleyball above other sports? Volleyball is a sport that, perhaps, more than any other aids proper child development, because it includes elements from almost all other sports. In addition to strength, speed and endurance, it also develops motor skills, coordination and anticipation. My wish is for all children to realize that volleyball is a great sport, firstly that sports are extremely useful, that volleyball is one of the most beautiful sports in which we all have experienced the best moments and greatest victories, and that we sincerely want them to follow in our footsteps. For the last several years you have organized tournaments in Donja Gšterica. Who helps you in this and in which leagues do you play? For the last five years we have been organizing the “International Vidovdan Volleyball Tournament” and there were
over 100 girls participating in each tournament, whilst the last one had over 150. So far, the Gracanica Municipality has partly helped us, while we mostly rely on our own financing. We participate in the Leskovac Interregional League, where we, as the host team, play in Lebane and therefore we travel every weekend. What is your message to the youth regarding sports? It is very important that children are involved in sports, primarily because of their development and health. A child builds up strength through sports. It also develops the child’s spirituality. A child who partakes in sports also has better work habits. Children socialize at trainings and develop communication between themselves, thus becoming more extrovert. This is why it is very important that children are engaged in sports. They do not have to be some professionals later on. It is important that they are physically active at least three times a week. Later, as they grow and develop, they will decide for themselves whether to train and what to train.
21 for You
ČOVEČE NE LJUTI SE, JOŠ UVEK TE VOLIMO! Ludo King™ ‘čoveče ne ljuti se’ je igra na tabli koja se može igrati između porodice i prijatelja
etite se svog detinjstva! Ludo King je platformska igra koja podržava Desktop, Android i iOS platformu u isto vreme u onlajn multiplejer modu. Igra čoveče ne ljuti se prati svoju li-niju od 6. veka u Indiji. Čoveče ne ljuti se nastaje iz igre Pachisi. Takođe je veoma slična španskoj igri na tabli Parchis. Igra je ostala popularna tokom vekova, ali se samo malo menjala u strukturi igre. Ova perspektivna igra je sada dostupna za vas u novom, modernizovanom formatu, tj. kao aplikacija za video igre. Igru igraju od 2 do 4 igrača a imate mogućnost da igrate igru protiv računara, protiv vaših prijatelja ili čak protiv ljudi iz celog sveta. Cilj igre je prilično jednostavan; svaki igrač dobija 4 tokena, ovi tokeni moraju napraviti pun krug oko table i onda stižu do cilja. Ko prvi stigne sa sva četiri tokena do kraja je
22 for You
pobednik. Međutim, svaki potez može da se napravi samo na osnovu broja koji je određen bacanjem kocke, a svaki token može da krene iz svoje kuće bacajući šesticu. Pored toga, faktor takmičenja u igrama je povećan činjenicom da dok se kreće ako se token drugog igrača zaustavi na isto polje kao vaš token, vaš token će automatski biti poslat kući i moraćete ponovo da okrenete šesticu. Ova igra je igra koju su nekada igrali kraljevi a sada možete uživati vi i vaša porodica i prijatelji. Iako se igra na prvi pogled čini jednostavnom, igra je izuzetno zabavna i izazovna. Ovo ćete igrati satima i to je zabava za celu porodicu. Pokušajte da pobedite protivnike i takmičite se za najbolje rezultate na tabeli lidera! Dakle, ako zaista želite da podelite igru sa porodicom i prijateljima, ovo je igra za to. Jednostavna je, ali dovoljno interesantna da vas veže satima.
(Izvor: https://roonby.com)
LUDO KING, WE STILL LOVE YOU! Ludo King™ is board game that can be played between family &friends.
ecall your childhood! Ludo King is a cross platform game that supports Desktop, Android and iOS platform at same time in online multiplayer mode. Ludo game traces its lineage back to 6th century India. Ludo is derived from the game Pachisi. It is also very similar to Spanish board game Parchís. The game has stayed popular throughout the ages, varying only a little in its game structure. This persevering game is now available for you to play in an all new modernized format, i.e. as a video game application. The game is played between 2 to 4 players and you have the option of playing the game against the computer, against your friends, or even against people from around the world. The objective of the game is pretty straightforward; each player gets 4 tokens, these tokens must make a full turn of the board and then make it to the finish line.
(Source: https://roonby.com)
Whoever gets all four tokens to the end first is the winner. However, each move can only be made based on the number decided by casting a six-sided die, and each token can only move out of their home by casting a six. Additionally, the competition factor of the games is upped by the fact that while moving if another player’s token lands on the same square as your token, then your token will automatically be sent back home and you’ll need to roll a six again. This game is a game that was once played by kings and now it can be enjoyed by you and your family and friends. While the gameplay might seem simple at first, the game is immensely enjoyable and challenging. You’ll be playing this one for hours and its fun for the whole family. Try to beat your opponents and compete for the highest scores on the leader boards! So, if you really want to share a game with family and friends this is a game to go for. It is simple yet interesting enough to keep you hooked for hours.
23 for You
ao deca svi mi koristimo prednosti opraštanja. Bez obzira na to koliko smo nevaljali i koliko nevolja bismo mogli izazvati, na kraju dana naši roditelji uvek imaju hrabrosti da nam oproste. Ipak, dok starimo, nekako to zaboravljamo i dopuštamo našim emocijama ljutnje i ogorčenosti da vladaju našim odnosima sa drugim ljudima koji su nam možda naudili. Mi to radimo čak i kada nam te emocije uzrokuju i fizički i emocionalni stres.
Šta je opraštanje?
Psiholozi generalno definišu opraštanje kao svesnu, namernu odluku da se oslobodite osećaja ogorčenosti ili osvete prema osobi ili grupi koja vam je naudila, bez obzira da li zaista zaslužuju vaše opraštanje. Da bi bolje razumeli šta je oproštanje, važno je i razumeti šta nije opraštanje. Čin opraštanja
24 for You
ne sugeriše da ste zaboravili nepravdu. Niti to podrazumeva da odobravate ili opravdavate krivca. Vi ne osuđujete; to samo vodi ka opraštanju koji proizilazi iz moralne superiornosti. Štaviše, vi ne tražite pravdu ili kompenzaciju.
Oprostiti prijatelju
Da bismo bolje razumeli opraštanje, moramo pogledati i kako prijateljstva i opraštanje funkcionišu. Olisa i Belina (oboje 14 godina) su prijateljice od prvog razreda osnovne škole. Kažu da je u tom periodu bilo slučajeva kada su nevoljno jedna drugoj povredile osećanja. Međutim, shvatile su da im je prijateljstvo suviše važno i da zbog toga ne mogu biti kivne tokom dužeg vremenskog perioda. Nastavile su: “Ako ne bismo oprostili jedni drugima ili bilo kojoj drugoj osobi koja nas je možda povredila onda bismo se
samo pobrinuli da završimo sami i bez prijatelja. Zato naše prijateljstvo uvek prevladava. Život bez prijatelja nije moguć i duga prijateljstva ne mogu opstati bez oproštanja”.
Zašto bismo oprostili?
Dok ljudi opraštaju iz mnoštva razloga, oproštaj je prava stvar koju ćete uraditi fizički, duhovno i društveno. Fizički, oproštaj stvara viši kvalitet života, zdravije telo i pozitivniji stav. Ako možete da oprostite, verovatno ćete uživati u nižem krvnom pritisku, jačem imunološkom sistemu i padu hormona stresa koji cirkulišu u vašoj krvi. Bol u leđima, stomačni problemi i glavobolje mogu nestati. A smanjićete i ljutnju, ogorčenje, ozlojeđenost, depresiju i druge negativne emocije koje prate neuspeh opraštanja. Društveno, opraštanje smanjuje ljutnju i ogorčenost i često dovodi
do poboljšanja ličnih odnosa sa porodicom, prijateljima i zajednicom.
Na kraju, kada je sve rečeno i učinjeno, možemo sa sigurnošću zaključiti da je opraštanje izbor. Na nama je da odlučimo kojim putem ćemo krenuti; da li odlučujemo da živimo u ljutnji i ogorčenosti ili odlučimo da se oslobodimo bolne prošlosti i gledamo prema budućnosti sa obnovljenom nadom i u miru sa sobom i sa svetom koji nas okružuje. Jedno je sigurno da nikada ne dozvolimo da nas naša prošlost liši naše budućnosti. Zato ne oklevajte, prihvatite oproštaj. To je najbolji poklon koji ćete sebi dati!
s children we all reap the benefits of forgiveness. No matter how naughty we may be and how much trouble we might cause, at the end of the day our parents always forgive us. Yet, as we grow older, we somehow forget this and we allow emotions of anger and resentment to rule our relationships with other people who may have harmed us. We do this even when these emotions cause us both physical and emotional distress.
What is forgiveness?
Psychologists generally define forgiveness as a conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance toward a person
or group who has harmed you, regardless of whether they actually deserve your forgiveness. To better understand what forgiveness is it is also important to understand what forgiveness is not. The act of forgiveness does not suggest you have forgotten the injustice. Nor does it imply you condone or excuse the wrongdoer. You are not condemning; that only leads to forgiveness that stems from moral superiority. What’s more, you are not seeking justice or compensation.
Forgiving a friend
To better understand forgiveness we must also look how friendships and forgiveness work. Olisa and Belina (both 14 years old) have been friends since the first grade of
primary school. They say that during this time there have been cases when unwillingly they have hurt each other’s feelings. However, they have come to realize that their friendship is too important to them and therefore they cannot hold any grudges over a long period of time. They went on: “If we wouldn’t forgive each other or any other people that might hurt us we would only make sure that we end up all alone and without any friends. That is why our friendship always prevails. Life without friends is not possible and long friendships cannot survive without forgiveness”.
Why should we forgive?
While people forgive for a host of reasons, forgiveness is the right thing to do physically, spiritually and socially. Physically, forgiveness creates a higher quality of life, a healthier body, and a more positive attitude. If you can bring yourself to forgive, you are likely to enjoy lower blood pressure, a stronger immune system, and a drop in the stress hormones circulating in your blood. Back pain, stomach problems, and headaches may disappear. And you’ll
reduce the anger, bitterness, resentment, depression, and other negative emotions that accompany the failure to forgive. Socially, forgiveness reduces anger and resentment and often leads to an improvement in personal relationships with family, friends and community.
In the end when everything is said and done, it is safe to conclude that forgiveness is a choice. It is up to us to decide which path we take; do we decide to spend our lives in anger and resentment or do we decide to free ourselves from the painful past and look towards future with renewed hope and at peace with ourselves and the world surrounding us. One thing is for sure we should never let our past deprive us of our future. So don’t hesitate, embrace forgiveness. It is the best gift you will give yourself!
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25 for You
DONACIJE CIMIC-a / KFOR-a LEPOSAVIĆU I STAROM TRGU gima, kao što su to pokazali mladi u Leposaviću. Jedan od njih je 16-godišnji Aleksandar Tanasković. On nam je objasnio zašto voli da daje svoj doprinos društvu i zašto je odlučio da postane volonter. „Učestvovanjem u nevladinom sektoru želim da dam svoj lični doprinos razvoju civilnog društva u regionu u kojem živim. Na taj način možemo da pokrenemo kreativnost u okruženju i da ohrabrimo i druge da pozitivno gledaju na našu trenutnu situaciju. Volontiranjem dajem doprinos društvu u kojem živim,” objasnio je Aleksandar. Isto mišljenje deli i njegov 15-godišnji prijatelj Ognjen Mladenović, koji kaže da je pomažući drugima stekao iskustvo koje će mu biti od koristi kasnije u životu. Nastavio je: „ne treba zanemariti ni zabavnu stranu koju volontiranje nosi sa sobom. A što je još važnije, ne bi trebalo sve da posmatramo kroz prizmu materijalnog. Ova pomoć je neophodna jer ćemo zahvaljujući tome nastaviti da organizujemo brojne kulturne aktivnosti ovde u Leposaviću i time poboljšamo svoje živote”.
Poštujmo različitosti i živimo u miru
ružanje podrške pomaže svima nama koji to činimo na mnogo načina. Učiniti nekoga srećnim tako što mu pomognemo ima pozitivan efekat i na onoga ko daje i na onoga ko tu pomoć prima. Poznato vam je koliko dobro se osoba oseća kad pomogne nekome u nevolji, čije srce bude ispunjeno zahvalnošću i
26 for You
pozitivnim emocijama. Dokaz za to je i nedavna donacija slovenačkog kontingenta KFOR-a Omladinskom kulturnom centru u Leposaviću, kao i Srednjoj školi Trepča u Starom Trgu. Ova akcija je bila veoma važna jer je pokazala opredeljenost KFOR-a da pomogne mladim ljudima na Kosovu, ali i da ih angažuje da volontiraju i pomažu dru-
„Želim da se zahvalim KFORu na razumevanju naših potreba, i na tome što radi na procesu pomirenja između zajednica na Kosovu. Dobili smo pomoć u obliku muzičke opreme; dobili smo dva mikrofona sa pratećim kablovima, mikser za zvuk, kao i veoma dobar laptop sa odličnim performansama/karakteristikama, koji ćemo koristiti u našoj fotografskoj radionici za obradu digitalnih fotografija”, istakao je Branislav Vasović iz Omladinskog kulturnog centra u Leposaviću. Dodaje da se u njihovoj organizaciji rukovode motom „poštujmo raznolikosti i živimo u miru“, dok je fokus njihovog
angažmana na potrebama mladih i njihovom aktivizmu. Ova organizacija je radila na mnogim alternativnim kulturnim projektima, organizovala je nekoliko koncerata u Leposaviću, kao i razne radionice kao što su fotografske i muzičke radionice, tako da će donacija KFOR-a i sve što su primili biti veoma korisno u njihovom budućem radu. Trenutno imaju pet zaposlenih, ali imaju i veliki broj volontera starosti od 14 do 18 godina. Potpukovnik Kempe, tokom svečanosti predaje donacije, izrazio je zadovoljstvo što je KFOR imao priliku da pomogne omladinskom centru; „Zadovoljstvo nam je da podržimo ove mlade ljude na Kosovu, jer su oni budućnost. Takođe bih želeo da dodam i da je budućnost u rukama mladih”, poručio je potpukovnik Kempe za Magazin 4U.
Rezervoar za vodu za poboljšanje zdravlja učenika Pored donacije za Omladinski kulturni centar u Leposaviću, KFOR je obradovao i njihove vršnjake u Gimnaziji Trepča u Starom Trgu i donirao rezervoar za pijaću vodu koji im je bio nepohodan. Gospodin Džafer Malići, direktor škole, istakao je da im je ova pomoć od neprocenjive važnosti, jer će u velikoj meri pomoći poboljšanju zdravlja učenika ove škole. „Voda nam je potrebna svakodnevno, i zato se iskreno zahvaljujem KFOR-u na ovoj važnoj donaciji. Hvala KFOR-u što investira u nas, jer će od sada naši učenici imati pristup higijenskoj vodi za piće, što će direktno uticati na očuvanje njihovog zdravlja”, kaže Malići. On se zahvalio KFOR-u i na svim važnim projektima za učenike, jer to osigurava bezbedno i sigurno okruženje za sve ljude na Kosovu, bez obzira na njihovu etničku ili versku pripadnost.
DONATIONS OF CIMIC/ KFOR TO LEPOSAVIC AND STARI TRG One of them is 16 year old Aleksandar Tanaskovic. He explained why he loves to contribute to society and why he decided to become a volunteer. “By participating in the NGO sector I wish to give my personal contribution to the development of civil society in the region where I live. This way we can entice environment creativity and encourage others to look positively at our current situation. Through volunteering is contribute to the society I live in,” Aleksandar explained. The same opinion is shared by his 15 year old friend Ognjen Mladenovic, who said that by helping others he gained experience that will serve him in his life. He went on: “we shouldn’t neglect the fun side that volunteering carries with it. Even more importantly we shouldn’t materialize everything. This help is necessary because thanks to it we shall continue organizing numerous cultural activities here in Leposavic and consequently improve our own lives”.
Let’s respect diversity and live in peace
iving support helps each one of us who do it in many ways. To make someone happy by helping him has a positive effect on both, the giver and the receiver. You know how good someone feels when helping anyone in need, whose heart is filled with gratitude and good emotion. Proof of this was the recent donation from the
Slovenian contingent of KFOR to the Youth Cultural Centre in Leposavic, as well as to the Trepca Secondary School in Stari Trg. This action was very important because it showed KFOR’s dedication to help the young people in Kosovo, but also to engage them in volunteering and helping others, as it was confirmed by the young people in Leposavic.
“I want to thank KFOR for understanding our needs and for working, on the process of reconciliation among communities in Kosovo. We got help in the form of music equipment; we got two microphones with accompanying cables, a sound mixer, as well as a very good laptop with excellent performance/features, which we will use in our photo workshop for digital photo processing” emphasized Branislav Vasovic from Youth Cultural Centre in Leposavic. He adds that in their organization they are guided by the slogan “Let’s respect diversity and live in peace”, while the focus of their engagement is on the needs of young people and their activism. This organization worked on a lot of alternative cultural
projects, organized several concerts in Leposavic, as well as various workshops, such as photo and music workshops, so the KFOR donation and all that they have received will be very useful in their future work. They currently have five employees, but they also have a large number of volunteers aged 14 to 18 years old. Lieutenant Colonel Kempe, during the donation event expressed satisfaction that KFOR had the opportunity to help the youth Centre; “It is our pleasure to support these young people in Kosovo, because they are the future. I would also like to add that the future is in the hands of the youth”, Lieutenant Colonel Kempe told 4U Magazine.
Water tank to improve students’ health
In addition to the donation for the Leposavic Youth Cultural Centre KFOR also gladdened their peers at the Trepca High School in Stari Trg and donated the necessary drinking water reservoir. Mr Xhafer Maliqi, the director of the school, pointed out that this help is invaluable to them, as it will greatly help improving the health of students in this school. “We need water every day, so I sincerely thank KFOR for this important donation. Thank you KFOR for investing in us, because from now on our students will have access to hygienic drinking water, which will directly affect the preservation of their health”, Maliqi said. He also thanked KFOR for all important projects for students, as this ensures a safe and secure environment for all people in Kosovo, regardless of their ethnicity or religion.
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27 for You
vaš kutak
ada bi me nekakva čarolija u vetar pretvorila, ja bih znao šta bih. Bio bih svuda i činio čuda. Kad bih bio vetar, obišao bih čitav svet. Zasejao bih polja po celom svetu pšenicom i žitom, pa ne bi bilo gladne i siromašne dece. Terao bih guste oblake da zaliju, ali ne i poplave, polja i livade. A onda kada dođe vreme, lutao bih poljem i divio se svom uspehu, povijao i talasao već gotovo sazrelo žito. Veselo bih ćarlijao, gledajući umorne seljane kako skidaju bogatu letinu. Duvao bih lagano da ne poteram decu sa igrališta ili ljude sa gradilišta, jer bez njih ne bi bilo lepote. Bio bih najbolji poštar, ali ne bih prenosio pisma. Prenosio bih poruke u kojima čovek čoveku želi dobro. Radovao bih se svakom dečjem susretu i igrao bih se sa njima. Pevao bih im uspavanke tako lepo da bi uvek bili radosni i nasmejani. Kad bih bio vetar, bio bih pravi dobrica, leti bih po čitav dan pirio i hladio sve ljude i spašavao ih od žarkog letnjeg sunca. Skidao bih im znoj sa umornih i tužnih lica, a navlačio osmehe. Ponekad bih bio i nestašan, skidao kape i šešire sa glava, mrsio kose i uvojke. A kada bih se dohvatio kakve vode, pravio bih talase, ali ne velike. Širio jedra malim brodićima i jedrenjacima.
28 for You
Ne bih nikada iščupao niti jedno drvo, čak ni cvet ili vlat trave. Ne bih rušio, ni lomio. A kad zima okove i stegne selo i grad ja bih spavao i svuda bi bio mir. Samo ponekad kad sve svetiljke zgasnu, tiho i nečujno, igrao bih se sa malim lelujavim pahuljama i prikrivao tragove divnih šumskih stvorenja. Kad bih bio vetar nikada ne bih izazivao nevolje, koristio bih svoju snagu da pomognem i činim dobra dela. Milan Mirić O.Š. “Miladin Mitić” Laplje Selo
your corner
f some spell would turn me into the wind, I would know what I would do. I would go everywhere and perform miracles. If I were the wind, I would go around the world. I would sow fields all over the world with wheat and grain, so there would be no hungry and poor children. I would make the dense clouds water, but not flood, fields and meadows. And then, when the time came, I would wander through the field and admire my success, and I would bend and wave the already matured crops of wheat. I would cheerfully breeze through watching tired villagers reaping the rich harvest. I would blow gently so as not to make children leave the playgrounds or people leave the construction sites, because there would be no beauty without them. I would be the best postman, but I would not carry letters. I would convey the kind of messages where a man wishes good to another man. I would love every meeting with children and I would play with them. I would sing them lullabies so nicely that they would always be happy and smiling. If I were the wind, I would be a real do-gooder; during the summer, I would fly all day long and cool all the people and save them from the hot summer sun. I would take the sweat off their tired and sad faces and put smiles on them. Sometimes I would be naughty; I would blow caps and hats off their heads and tangle their hair and locks. And if I were to get to some body of water, I would make waves, but not the big ones. I would spread the
sails of small boats and sailboats. I would never pull a single tree from the ground, not even a flower or a grass leaf. I would not ruin or break anything. And when the winter enchains and clasps villages and towns, I would sleep and there would be peace everywhere. Only at times, when all the lamps go out, quietly and silently, I would play with little swaying snowflakes and conceal the traces of beautiful forest creatures. If I were the wind I would never cause trouble, I would use my strength to help and do good deeds. Milan Miric Primary School “Miladin Mitic� Laplje Selo
29 for You
skandi ukrĹĄtenica/crossword
30 for You
pisma čitalaca/reader’s letters
Pisma čitalaca Zdravo, Zovem se Milan, javljam vam se iz Osojana. Imam jednu molbu, a to je da u narednom broju u sportskoj rubrici predstavite mog omiljenog sportistu Milana Borjana. U Vašem magazinu, najviše volim sportsku rubriku, a u slobodno vreme i sam treniram fudbal. Puno pozdrava svima. Milan Mihajlović OŠ. “Radoš Tošić” Osojane
Pozdrav draga redakcija, Mene pre svega interesuju informacije iz sveta poznatih, kako stranih tako i domaćih. Nadam se da ćete to uzeti u obzir kada budete radili naredno izdanje časopisa, u kojem bih volela da pročitam neki interesantan tekst o mom najdražem pevaču Momčilu Bajagiću Bajagi. Inače imam 13 godina i bavim se odbojkom. Sve vas pozdravljam, Lena Marković OŠ. ”Leposavić” Leposavić Zdravo! Konačno i ja da Vam se javim jednim pisamcem. Pre svega, želim da Vam kažem da mi se jako dopada ovaj časopis. Zovem se Arsenije i imam 13 godina. U slobodno vreme sviram gitaru, ali se bavim raznim
sportovima. U Vašem magazinu najviše mi se sviđaju rubrike posvećene muzici i sportu. Srdačan pozdrav svima. Arsenije Denić OŠ. ”Vuk Karadžić” Zvečan Pozdrav svima, Zovem se Teodora Simić i imam 13 godina. Redovno čitam Magazin 4U, a posebno mi se sviđaju članci o životinjama i prirodi. Slobodno vreme provodim učeći ili se bavim sportom, a moj omiljeni sport je košarka. Volela bih da u magazinu objavite poster Iana Somerhaldera. Nadam se takođe da ćete nastaviti da i dalje budete zanimljivi i aktuelni, kao i do sada. Pozdravljam sve svoje vršnjake na Kosovu, Teodora Simić, OŠ “Sveti Sava” - Žerovnica Ćao svima, Ja sam Đordje i imam 14 godina. Živim u Žerovnici, a slobodno vreme provodim igrajući fudbal. Voleo bih da u
nekom od narednih brojeva Magazina 4U objavite poster Lionela Messija, koji je moj omiljeni sportista. Redovno čitam ovaj magazin, a najviše mi se sviđa ukrštenica. Takođe volim da čitam o muzici, a grupa koju najviše volim je Tropiko Bend, pa bih voleo da pišete o njima. Srdačan pozdrav, Đorđe Milentijević, OŠ “Sveti Sava” Žerovnica
Ćao! Redovno čitam ovaj časopis i jako mi se dopada. Imam dvanaest godina i volela bih da u narednom broju pročitam tekst o mojoj omiljenoj pevačici Jeleni Tomašević. U slobodno vreme volim da se družim sa drugarima iz odeljenja,
igramo igrice ili gledamo filmove. Veliki pozdrav, Staša Igrutinović OŠ. ”Sveti Sava” - Grace
31 for You
pisma čitalaca/reader’s letters
Reader’s letters
Staša Igrutinović Elementary school ”Sveti Sava” - Grace
Arsenije Denić Elementary school ”Vuk Karadžić” - Zvečan
Hello, My name is Milan, I’m writing from Osojane. I have one request, in the next issue in the sports corner to write about my favorite sportsman Milan Borjan. In your magazine, I mostly love the sports corner, in my free time I’m training football. A lot of greetings to everyone. Milan Mihajlović Elementary school “Radoš Tošić” - Osojane
Hello dear editor, I am primarily interested in information on celebrity news both foreign and domestic. I hope you will consider this when you are working on the next issue of the magazine, in which I would like to read some interesting text about my favourite singer Momcilo Bajagic Bajaga. Otherwise I’m 13 years old and I’m playing volleyball. Greetings to all, Lena Marković Elementary school ”Leposavić” - Leposavić
Hi! I read this magazine regularly and I like it very much. I am twelve years old and I would like to read an article about my favorite singer Jelena Tomasevic in the next issue. In my free time I like to hang out with friends from the classroom, we are playing games or watching movies. Best regards,
Hello! Finally, let me address you with one short letter. First of all, I want to tell you that I really like this magazine. My name is Arsenije and I’m 13 years old. In my free time I play the guitar, but I also do various sports. In your magazine I like the music and sports sections. Greetings to everyone.
Hello to everyone, My name is Teodora Simić, I am 13 years old. I regularly read the 4U Magazine, and I especially like articles about animals and nature. I spend my free time studying or playing sports and my favorite sport is basketball. I would like you to publish a poster of Ian Somerhalder in your magazine. I also hope that you will continue to be interesting and up-to-date as was the case so far. Greetings to all my peers in Kosovo, Teodora Simić, Elementary school „Sveti Sava” - Žerovnica Hi everyone, My name is Đorđe and I am 14 years old. I live in Žerovnica. I spend my free time playing football. I would like you to publish a poster of Lionel Messi, my favorite athlete, in
one of the upcoming issues of 4U Magazine. I read the magazine regularly, and I like most the crosswords. I also like to read about music, and my favorite band is the Tropico Band, so I would like you to write something about them. Best regards, Đordje Milentijević, Elementary school „Sveti Sava” - Žerovnica