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Volume Eleven, Issue Two, Summer 2011


Ch. Quissex Mouche Bred by Winifred H. Stout Best of Breed at five consecutive Specialties

AFTC at Louisville Lake Effect FTC Lake Effect FTC FTC Maryland Motor Cities FTC

Mrs. Judith Franklin Mrs. Rosalind Kramer Mrs. Lydia C. Hutchinson Ms. Beth Sweigart Mrs. Janie Bousek

Mouche also won the FTC ofNew England June 20 I0 Specialty under Mrs. Geir Flyckt-Pedersen 2 | Summer 2011 SWQ

Dana Gabel J. W. Smith Eddie & Lesley Boyes

BiSS and Group Winner

GCH GrayCottaGe SanteriC FyreStorm

Sire: CH Santerric’s Y Two K of Kathrich Dam: CH Fyrewyre Fricassee BreeDer/Owner: Clint and Altha Graham Graycottage wire Fox Terriers Hermitage, PA 724-347-3374 grahamswft@verizon.net exPerTlY SHOwn AnD COnDiTiOneD BY: leonardo Garcini and Jody Paquette


BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX wire FOx Terrier ClUB OF THe CenTrAl STATeS Thank you Mr. edd e. Bivin for this honor! Summer 2011 SWQ | 3

High Mountain is proud to introduce...

CH High Mountain Everso In Command Ch. High Mountain River Run - Ch. High Mountain everso Fine


Winning Best of Breed and Group Second his first weekend out from the puppy class! Thank you to breeder judge Mr. Mike Buckley! Breeders: Carolyn Snavely & Stefanie Perrine Owners: Carolyn & Richard Snavely CaROlyn & RiCHaRd Snavely www.highmtnfoxterriers.com 4 | Summer 2011 SWQ

Summer 2011 SWQ | 5


inside this ISSUE...


FROM THE RUNWAY TO THE RING By: Torie Steele as told to Mary Abram

Smooth & Wire Quarterly is published four times a year, in April, July, September and December by McGuire Magazines 4143 Milton Shopiere Rd., Milton, WI 53563. email: Marcy@swqmagazine.com visit our web site at





phone: 608-868-1130 fax: 866-226-8058 Editor, Marcy McGuire Graphic Design & Page Layouts: Marcy McGuire Leah Hartlep Staff writers: Mary Abram,




On The Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Editor’s Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 OFA Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 STUD DOG REGISTER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Rates & Deadlines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Business Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Index of Advertisers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 6 | Summer 2011 SWQ

Advertising deadline is the 1st of the month preceding publication. Deadline for editorial copy is 45 days prior to publication. Unsolicited editorial copy is welcome, however we cannot guarantee its use in the magazine. No part of this publication can be reproduced in any form without written permission from the editor. The opinions expressed by this publication do not necessarily express the opinions of the publisher. The editor reserves the right to edit all copy submitted or reject unsuitable advertising. The Smooth & Wire Quarterly is mailed to any active U.S. AKC judge approved for Fox Terriers wishing to be included in the mailing. © SWQ Magazine 2000-2011 printed in the US

Summer 2011 SWQ | 7

from the EDITOR’S desk Join us for our

Fall Issue taking you to

Montgomery Be There! featuring


irst I would like to thank all the advertisers for such a nice showing! We have a very respectable Stud Dog Register in this issue. There are some handsome boys on those pages, so if you are looking for the “stud muffin” of your dreams you may well find him here! Another very BIG thank you to John Hudziak for his wonderful coverage of the Central States show. It was unfortunate I could only give his photos four pages, he took enough good photos to fill an entire book! And there is no doubt from looking at all the photos the dogs were beautiful and the event was fun filled. Makes me sad I wasn’t there. The deadline of August 15 for the Montgomery Issue is right around the corner. The magazines will be passed out on Friday during Sweeps and on Sunday during regular judging. Your ad will be seen by many other exhibitors and spectators! For those of you following the Eric Salas grooming articles part two will appear in the next issue. I have also been saving a bit of a history lesson sent to us by Peter Luyten of Rama fame. He submitted a wonderful four page typed letter dated July 2, 1990 from Ken Dickinson of Ellastone, commenting on the current and past position of the Smooth Fox Terrier in Australia. And I am thrilled to announce our featured breeder for the Fall issue is Susie Hoseman of Lil’Itch. Susie has had some amazing accomplishments in the ring, the whelping box and as the owner/breeder of one of the Smooth breed’s leading stud dogs. I am pleased to announce the launching of the new All Terriers On Line magazine. This is a digital on line magazine, all SWQ advertisers will appear in both magazines! Subscriptions to allerriersonline.com is FREE, please visit the website and sign up!

Marcy 8 | Summer 2011 SWQ

Suzanne Hoseman Lil’Itch Smooth Fox Terriers including

Photos from FTC of Chicago, Greater Twin Cities FTC & The World Show Paris, France


Deadline August 15 Contact Marcy marcy@swqmagazine.com or 608-774-7435 to reserve your page!

! w e N ALL NEW

CHAMPION ADS or SPECIALTY WINNERS $250 color • $135 bw

Blu Vu Proudly “Shows Off” The Littermates

Left: Blu Vu Foxnook Wise Up — AKA Fozzie, is shown finishing owner handled winning a 4 pt. major.

Right: Blu Vu’s Girl Talk — Roxie is shown winning a 4 pt. major leaving her needing just a major to finish.

Thank you Mr. Ham for these lovely wins. These two are sired by Blu Vu Seafarer Tally Ho out of Ch. Buchanan Blu Vu Backtalk. Fozzie’S Co-owneR/HandleR danielle Furness Henniker, nH

THey aRe BRed By: lorie Ferguson, Blu Vu Roxie is co-owned with Tatum Raymond Summer 2011 SWQ | 9

GCH Ironhill Steele Ra mpage


e h t m o r F o t y a w Ru n g n i R e th Torie Steele’s Style and Artistry Complement her Wire Fox Terrier Breeding Line By: Torie Steele as told to Mary Abra m

10 | Summer 2011 SWQ

he line between coincidence and synchronicity can be fuzzy at times. A few years ago, Torie Steele happened upon a yellowed society page published right before the crash of 1929. It included a photograph of her grandfather, the Oklahoma wildcatter Frank “Steamboat” Searight, proudly showing his prized Doberman Pinschers at a Tulsa Dog Show. “Right above him was a photograph of a Wire Fox Terrier, the breed that, of course, would become one of my central passions in life,” Steele recalls. “I always thought there was something remarkable about those two images being juxtaposed like that.” A leading figure in the world of the Wire Fox, Steele is the founder of Steele Kennels in Malibu, California, and was named AFTC’s “Breeder of the Year” in both 2006 and 2009. Over the past two decades, Steele’s impeccable Terriers have captured “best of ” honors from dozens of regional and national events, including the renowned Centrala States, Westminster and Montgomery shows. Her highly regarded line has included standouts such as Grand Champion Gallant Statesman of Steele, the International Champion Steele Dusty Knight and English-Irish-American Champion Blackdale Ringmaster, as well as CH Ironhills Jitterbug, CH Steele Mandalay With Brookhaven, GR CH Ironhills Steele Rampage and CH Steele Ironhills Renaissance Girl, winner of top honors at the 2009 AKC/ Eukanuba National Championship and over 30 homebred champions with over 40 Best in Shows. Torie’s most recent breeding success is GR CH Steele Your Heart (Eira) by CH Galsul Excellence and CH Ironhills Jitterbug. Since her debut in 2011, and shown by the very talented handler Gabriel Rangel, Eira has won several “best of ” titles, Including Best of Breed 2011 at Westminster, and BISS at the coveted Wire Fox Terrier Club of Central States 2011. Eira is currently the number one Wire Fox in the country and is already

the number 12 terrier (numbers through March 2011), in only four months of showing. In the following conversation with Smooth & Wire Quarterly, Steele talks about how she first discovered the fancy; describes her apprenticeship with the respected handler Bob LaRouche; outlines her results-oriented approach to breeding, and highlights the beneficial work of organizations like the Canine Health Information Center and the AKC’s Canine Health Foundation. SWQ: Torie, would you talk a bit how you discovered Wire Fox Terriers and how you become involved in the sport of conformation showing? TS: For almost as long as I can remember, I have been charmed by Wire Fox Terriers. Their style, energy, intelligence and beautiful coloring have kept me under their spell for all these years. But because my father wanted big dogs, it was not until I was an adult that I was able to bring a Fox Terrier into my life. It was in the early 1980s and I saw a fashion ad with a beautiful Wire Fox Terrier. Seeing the Wire rekindled my affection and desire for the breed and I decided there and then it was time for me to get one. It didn’t take long to find Asta and of course I fell in love with her immediately. She was my constant companion; going to work with me every day, living in Europe with us and, quickly and easily, taking her place in my heart. You can imagine then my devastation when she suddenly died at the age of eight from a tumor. I thought my heart was going to break. And even though I knew the only dog I wanted was Asta, I also knew I had to have another Wire and the sooner the better.

Finding another Wire Fox Terrier puppy took some doing but I was determined and would not let anything discourage me from my pursuit. I was prepared to travel across the country and to pay whatever the asking price but, I must admit -- there was one condition I hadn’t even considered – the puppy I eventually found could not be mine unless I agreed to show it. SWQ: Considering your grandfather’s involvement, the sport seems to run in your family but, where did you find the time? I was retired from my business in the fashion industry at that point, having been founder and owner of the prestigious Torie Steele Boutiques. Department stores did not offer designer clothing the way they do now and our pioneering business model was instrumental in bringing Italian fashion designers like Versace, Valentino, Ferre, Prada and Dolce and Gabbana to the United States. With regard to taking on the responsibility of showing my new dog, I think it is like anything else, if one is committed then one makes the time. My nature is such that I never do anything halfway. I have to know everything and then do it to the best of my ability. Going to the shows piqued my interest in the breed standard and I soon realized that my new dog, although good, was not great. My eye for detail and my inherent sense of style and design proved to be an invaluable resource for me, once I better understood the breed standard. The only little problem was finding a Wire Fox Terrier that excelled according to the standard of the breed and appealed to my aesthetic sense as well. SWQ: Suddenly you could bring that aesthetic sense into

Angel, my first show Wire.

what you were doing. I can see how that might happen once you started to acquire more knowledge. TS: Yes. I went out and looked up every book I could find on conformation showing, on the breed, the history of the breed and breeding itself. I spent time talking to breeders and handlers and anyone who had expertise with the breed to help broaden my knowledge. It was basically a selftaught education that additionally helped me better understand the world of kennels. I traveled throughout the United States and Europe to see firsthand some of the best kennels and through this on-going learning, I also began to acquire a deeper appreciation for the art of hand-stripping, and of the importance of having a truly expert handler.

Puppies out of CH Steele Mandalay Summer 2011 SWQ | 11

SWQ: So this was just a process of deepening your expertise. TS: Only partly so. This was a process that started in 1998. It is not something you can do in a few months. It really does take years. I acquired a better bitch, hired a handler and so on. One step led to the next. I was hooked. SWQ: And how about your trajectory in terms of success at shows and some of the top finishes you’re proudest of? TS: Winning Westminster, Montgomery, Eukanuba -- those are huge highlights. My one

Above: GCH Gallant Statesman of Steele presented by Gabrie Rangel. Right: Ch. Steele’s Dusty Knight presented by Ernesto Lara with Mr Edd Bivin awarding Best of Breed.

personal favorite though, is when I go into the ring myself and win. A few years ago at the AKC Eukanuba National, I won Best of Breed in Bred By with my CH Steele Mandalay. It was very exciting for me to achieve this win with Mandy because she is a dog of which I have always been very proud. When you can do that -- handling and showing a dog you have bred yourself -- that is a confirmation of your efforts that is very gratifying. For me, there is nothing greater than that. SWQ: These wins then are the result of cumulative and deliberate courses of action that were made over the years. TS: Exactly. Decisions made. Friendships forged. Lessons

Left and bottom left, Bob LaRouche and Star, bottom right Peter Green handling Jitterbug.

12 | Summer 2011 SWQ

learned. For example, I acquired a dog called Ironhills Jitterbug. She won many shows and has been so important to my line, producing GR CH Steele Your Heart (Eira), the winner at this year’s Central States. Even better, I acquired her from the talented breeder MaryAnn Roma, who is now one of my best friends. Our friendship has been so important to me over the years. SWQ: Is there one person who has most influenced you? TS: Almost without question, it was the handler Bob LaRouche, whom I hired when I started my kennel in 1998. Bob had been in Terriers his entire life and had been trained by some of the bestknown handlers, but he had not been working for a few years. Fortunately, he agreed to work for me as a private handler and to live in our guest house. This was perfect for me and I was able to learn so much from Bob because he was with me 24/7. We had long conversations about dog shows, handling, trimming, judges and of course, dogs. We went to shows together in California, Arizona and New Mexico as well as all over the United States and Europe. His years and years of experience were invaluable for me and he generously shared his knowledge and expertise. SWQ: Luckily you had the desire and the motivation to learn. I know Bob passed away

look at the pedigrees and in particular I look carefully at the grandparents, because they offer a strong clue as to what is going to come out in the puppies. SWQ: That sounds like a lot of work. TS: Well, it is. Unfortunately, people sometimes fail to understand that. Or they will be kennel-blind, thinking their dogs are the best. Don’t be afraid to take a second look at your dog and understand that, if you keep los-

Peter Green and Ch. Ironhill’s Jitterbug

tragically early. That must have been hard for you. TS: Bob was a fabulous person and I cared so much about him. I think of him every day and miss him dearly. Even though he had been a handler for so many years, he was a pet person at heart, just like I am. Maybe that is why he was still so into the dogs. He was one of the most amazing, detailed handlers and the dogs loved him and wanted to be with him. His grooming was beautiful and he could make a dog look amazing. SWQ: How much did he teach you about breeding? TS: In fact, I learned more about breeding through my own research. My approach to breeding is quite straightforward, actually. The first priority is to find the best bitch; one that is healthy and comes from a good line. In selecting a stud, determine what attributes will enhance the bitch (i.e. better eye or tail set, shorter back, etc.) and find the dog that meets those specific needs. And remember, the dog that is winning the most might not be the best fit for your line. Also, I

GCH Gallant Statesman of Steele

me included. People shouldn’t be apprehensive about talking to me because, even though I am a shy person, I welcome anyone who wants to learn. SWQ: You put a lot of emphasis on health and temperament. Can you talk a bit about that? TS: My work in the Canine Health Foundation has affected me strongly because the seminars, conferences and educational materials have helped me gain a deeper understanding about specific issues. It is so important to hear this directly from the field’s most knowledgeable medical practitioners. These experts drill down into the details of genetics and breeding to devise the smartest and most effective approaches to canine healthcare. The Canine Health Information Center (CHIC) is a database of health-screening results from a wide variety of sources. It is co-sponsored by the OFA and the AKC’s Canine Health Foundation and the Center works with parent clubs to develop breed-specific screencontinued on page 27 GCH Steele Your Heart

ing in the ring, there must be room for improvement. I’ve also found that, in general, respectable breeders are willing to help with guidance and recommendations and may even forego a stud fee in exchange for a puppy. It seems there’s always a way to work things out but the most important thing is to try and improve your line. Remember, most breeders are more than happy to help and consult and one should never be afraid to ask. Breeders always love to talk about our Wires, Summer 2011 SWQ | 13


ofa reports

14 | Summer 2011 SWQ

index to Stud Dog Register Smooth Fox Terriers Ch. Bellewoods Bonhomme....................................................................................16 Int Ch/Am GCh Groove N Tribalfox Flamboyant......................................................16 GCh. High Mtn Garden Party...................................................................................17 Ch. Lil’Itch Game On................................................................................................17 Ch. McFox’s Tan Liso...............................................................................................18 Ch. TribalFox Fandango...........................................................................................18 Ch. West Meade Repeat Performance.....................................................................19

Wire Fox Terriers Ch. Aljamar Dealin With The Devil.........................................................................19 Ch. Brookhaven Rey-Lee Strike Force......................................................................20 Ch. Frenchpark Ard Ri Conaire................................................................................20 Ch. Fyrewyre Full Throtle........................................................................................21 Ch. Fyrewyre Seaton Hall 24K.................................................................................21 Ch. Gallant’s Statesman of Steele............................................................................22 BISS GCh. Grey Cottage Santeric Fyrestorm...........................................................22 Ch. Hiwire del Rio of Remington............................................................................23 Ch. Ironhills Steele Rampage..................................................................................23 Ch. M&M’s Nicholas Nickelbe..................................................................................24 Ch. Redoak’s Fame By Hardwyre.............................................................................24 Ch. Snowtaire’s El Ray Joint Venture.......................................................................25 Ch. Snowtaire’s Encore............................................................................................25 Snowtaires High Five White Knight........................................................................26 Ch. Snowtaire’s Master of Ceremonies...................................................................26 Ch. Sqwire’s Split Decision......................................................................................27

Summer 2011 SWQ | 15

Ch. Bellewoods Bonhomme

‘Cracker’ is a proven producer with a Group placing 6 month old son from his first litter. He is a balanced dog with beautiful round bone and small feet. He moves with reach and drive, and shows with attitude. He has a lovely temperament and is an easy dog to live with. Sire and dam are multiple group winners. Hips and patellas good

Ch Laurelton Now Take A Bow Ch Broxden Able At Pennfox SD Ch Trackways Promise of Pennfox JE Ch Lil’Itch Game On Ch Aimhi Type Cast SD Ch Laurelton Time And Again Ch Laurelton Seven of Nine “Cracker” Ch Tunnel Hill Street Wise Ch Blackfox Rising Sun Ch Proud Fox Diamond Lil Ch Frenchpark Sunlyn Soleil Aust Gr Ch Nz/Am Ch WeDigIt Black Tie Affair Ch WeDigIt Sunlyn Centerfold ROM Ch Sunlyn Strike A Pose

Mary Lynn Machado & Evelyn Laughlin Redondo Beach, CA 310-542-8807 www.bellewoods.net/cracker.html

Int Ch/Am GCh Groove N Tribalfox Flamboyant

CH SonEs El Matador, ROM CH Swan Lake TribalFox Flamenco AM/NZ CH Accolade La Rose Blanc, DD CH TribalFox Fandango ROM CH Blackfox Heir Apparent CH Swan Lake’s Heiress Of Tribalfox CH Swan Lake Fox-Hy Kudzu “Gatsby” CH SonEs El Matador, ROM CH TribalFox El Conquistador BIS NZ/AM CH Accolade La Rose Noir, DD CH TribalFox Bosa Nova NZ CH Ch. Foxfree In His Image BIS NZ/AM CH Accolade La Rose Noir, DD NZ/AUST CH Accolade Ivory Rose

Deb Mayer DMAYERLNC@yahoo.com

16 | Summer 2011 SWQ

Gatsby’s quality pedigree says it all. He is a balanced dog with reach and drive, beautiful head and great expression. His excellent temperament makes him fun to live with. Gatsby is a group winner and has received BIS honors in International competition.

GCH High Mtn Garden Party

CH Foxhill Spin Doctor Ch High Mountain Keats of Tollgate Ch. Rapidan Social Butterfly Ch High Mountain Bright Idea Ch. Bukleigh Captain Fantastic Ch Shadow Mtn Blu Vu Ablaze Quissex Blu Vu Be Merry “Ricky” Ch Toofox The Colonel Ch Toofox Swensea Lord Willing Ch. Swensea Poetry In Motion Ch Toofox Now and Then Ch Decorum-Toofox Make My Day Ch Decorum Radiance Ch. Decorum Reflection

Ricky is a Group Winner and Sire of the Group Winning Specialty Winner, GCH High Mtn Accidental Tourist. Ricky carries and passes on many of the traits of his sire, Ch High Mountain Bright Idea, Sire of Distinction. Ricky now lives in Australia, but we have frozen semen available to select bitches.

Carolyn & Richard Snavely Denver, CO 303-367-5623 Highmln1@comcast.net

Ch. Lil’Itch Game On

Ch. Laurelton Now Hear This ROM Ch. Laurelton Now Take A Bow ROM Ch. Laurelton Imagine ROM Ch. Broxden Able At Pennfox Nufox Snowey River Ch. Trackways Promise of Pennfox, JE, ROM Ch. Trackways Snowmist Patches “Rugby” Ch. Laurelton Now Hear This ROM Ch. Aimhi Type Cast DD Ch. Aimhi Emotion ROM Ch. Laurelton Time And Again Ch. Laurelton Now Hear This ROM Ch. Laurelton Seven Of Nine Ch. Foxmoor Waltztime

Suzann Hoesman Lil’Itch Smooths La  Quinta, CA (760) 771-2111    Cell- (949)378-5787 Lilitch@verizon.net www.lilitch.net

Group Winner and Sire of Group Winners BOS at the Eukanuba National Finals 2007 Sire of: Ch. Lil’Itch Cheerleader - BOB Winner & Group Sire of: Ch. J’cobe’s Vigillante Justice Multiple BIS & BISS Winner Summer 2011 SWQ | 17

Ch. McFox’s Tan Liso

When size matters consider this standard sized, 15 ½”, well balanced dog. His movement is flawless. All natural, with catlike feet and a piercing varminty expression. His comical personality makes him an easy dog to show and live with. His 3rd litter hit the ground running and at 7 months old are already major pointed.

CH SonEs El Matador, ROM CH Swan Lake TribalFox Flamenco AM/NZ CH Accolade La Rose Blanc, DD CH TribalFox Fandango ROM CH Blackfox Heir Apparent CH Swan Lake’s Heiress Of Tribalfox CH Swan Lake Fox-Hy Kudzu “Santana” CH Laurelton Now Or Never SD CH Decorum Here And Now CH Buckleigh Anticipation CH Wyfox Here’s The Gossip ROM CH Wyfox Plum Rotten CH Wyfox Rumor Has It CH Foxrun Way Out West

McFox Fox Terriers Marcy McGuire Milton, WI Marcy@mcfoxfoxterriers.com

Ch. TribalFox Fandango

CH Toofox White Hunter SD CH Sones El Matador, ROM Son Es Lover Baby CH Swan Lake Tribalfox Flamenco CH Accolade In Black N White AM/NZ CH Accolade La Rose Blanc, DD NZ CH Foxfree Wun’s Image “Carlos” Aust. CH Blackfox Trapper CH Blackfox Heir Apparent Mirolinda Surprise CH Swan Lake’s Heiress Of Tribalfox CH Toofox White Hunter SD CH Swan Lake Fox-Hy Kudzu CH Swan Lakes Desert Camouflage ROM

McFox Fox Terriers Marcy McGuire Milton, WI Marcy@mcfoxfoxterriers.com 18 | Summer 2011 SWQ

Sire of 6 champions to date with more to finish in 2011. Carlos passes on his long arched neck, short back and great showmanship. He has been bred to Ch. McFox’s Sunshine In My Pocket, puppies due early September.

Ch. West Meade Repeat Performance

Ch. Hopewell Farmer Ch. Hopewell Scout At West Meade Ch. Midwood Jackie 0 at Maxim Ch. Windkist WMeade Zero t Sixty Ch. Quissex Top Hat All The Rage ROM Ch. Dehtenn Acres Windkist Sella Ch. Rebel Hills Della Street Ch. Maxim Steely Dan Ch. Tocoa Cartier ROM Ch. Tocoa All of Me CGC ROM Ch. Maxim Mary Claire at West Meade Ch. Hopewell Farmer Ch. Hopewell Brierberry Maxim Bear My Soul

Consistent Group Placements exclusively Breeder/Owner Handled, AKC Eukanuba Invitational 2009-10, First litter out of CH. Windkist Th’ Devil Wearz Prada will debut in the Show Ring Fall 2011

Julie Graves Wright Nashville, TN (615)730-6246 cell (615)405-7805 julie.wright316@comcast.net summernparis2002@yahoo.com

Ch. Aljamar Dealin With The Devil

Louline Highflier CH Louline Pemberton Penda Passion At Louline CH Albany Tabasco CH Louline Head Over Heels Albany Allure Albany Nutmeg “Dealer” CH Sqwires Return To Sender CH Aljamar Witch’s Britches CH Aljamar Witching Hour CH Aljamar Wonder Witch CH Fyrewyre French Connection Wyrequest Spicebox At Aljamar Wyrequest’s Vanilla

Marilyn Laschinski Indian Creek, IL 847-362-8404 * aljamar8404@att.net aljamarkennels.com

Dealer is our beautiful, intensely colored, natural eared ginger boy. Multiple Group Wins and Placements.

Summer 2011 SWQ | 19

Ch. Brookhaven Rey-Lee Strike Force

Ruby du Bois des Maitres Tony du Bois des Maitres Monica du Bois des Maitres Ch. Zozo duBois des Maitres Tony du Bois des Maitres Cilia du Bois Maitres Sybelle du Bois des Maitres “OE” Ch. Brookhaven to Boldly Go Foxfarm Bustin Loose Ch. Foxfarm Scarlet Lady Ch. Halcar Liliana Ch. Foxfarm Halcar First Strike Halcar Zoey Ch. Halcar Pandamonium

“OE” won back-to-back majors both days at the 2010 New England Fox Terrier Specialty Weekend. He is a young dog who excels in expression and type with strong substance, hard dense coat, small dark eye, movement, and a wonderful temperament.

Cynda Schulte 5125 Harthlodge Dr. St. Louis, MO 63129 314-894-8182 Cyndaschulte@sbcglobal.net

Ch. Frenchpark Ard Ri Conaire

Firewox Desert Trail Blazer Ch Seaton Hall Ace Is The Place Seaton Hall’s Tickled Pink Ch Fyrewyre Full Throttle Ch Sir John Du Bois Des Maitres Fyrewyre Love At First Sight Ch Fyrewyre Feelin’ Free “Con” Burrencroft Stayfast Ch Burrencroft Fireson of Purston Burrenlea Moonlight Ch Purston’s Frenchpark Lady SE Burrencroft Jupeter Burrencroft She’s A Lady Burrencroft Gipsy Girl

John Killeen Orange, CA (310) 897-8124 info@frenchpark.com www.frenchpark.com 20 | Summer 2011 SWQ

“Con” has correct size, correct attitude, short back, great length of neck and head, wonderful tail set and great movement. All the attributes you would want in your puppies. “Con” will do wonders for your kennel.

Ch. Fyrewyre Full Throtle Can/Am Ch. Enwyre Tommy Tucker Firewox Desert Trailblazer Ch. Briarlea’s Pegan Enchantress Ch. Seaton Hall Ace Is The Place Ch. Cedarbriar Arche De Lor Seaton Hall’s Tickled Pink Ch. Cedarbriar B’Dazzle “Hummer” Rudy Du Bois Des Maitres Ch. Sir John Du Bois Des Maitres Marquise Du Bois Des Maitres Fyrewyre Love At First Sight Ch Wyrequest’s Undoubtedly Ch. Fyrewyre Feelin’ Free Ch. Fyrewyre Miss Chievous

Hummer is a tri-colored Wire — very nice head and eye, nice neck and shoulders, short backed, nice tail set, good mover, the correct size with appropriate substance — a milti-Ch. producer, incl. top AFTC bitch Specialty winner in 2009.

Al Pertuit (Fyrewyre) 330 Wellington Way Central, SC 29630 fyrewyre1@mac.com http://homepage.mac.com/fyrewyre1/fyrewyre/index.htm

Ch. Fyrewyre Seaton Hall 24K Ch. Cunningfox Santeric Patriot Ch. Wyrelake Wicked Game Ch. Foxhollow Ain’t Misbehaven Ch. Fyrewyre Fast N Furious Fr/Am Ch. Looy De La Barriere Rouge Ch. Fyrewyre Ooh! La La Ch. Fyrewyre Feelin’ Free “Pistole” Firewox Desert Trailblazer Ch. Seaton Hall Ace Is The Place Seaton Hall’s Tickled Pink Fyrewyre Forget-Me-Not Ch. Sir John Du Bois Des Maitres Fyrewyre Love At First Sight Ch. Fyrewyre Feelin’ Free

Pistole is a ginger Wire — short-backed — really Al Pertuit (Fyrewyre) nice head, shoulders and tail set­— very good 330 Wellington Way mover — the right size with appropriate substance Central, SC 29630 — super nice coat darkly colored — proven. fyrewyre1@mac.com http://homepage.mac.com/fyrewyre1/fyrewyre/index.htm Summer 2011 SWQ | 21

Ch. GGallant’s Statesman of Steele

Tony Du Bois Des Maitres Ch. Zozo Du Bois Des Maitres Xilla Du Bois Des Maitres Ch. Ironhill’s Steele Rampage ENG/AM BIS Ch. Blackdale Ringmaster Ch. Ironhill’s Embraceable Ch. Ironhills Irresistible Choice “Kyle” ENG/IR Ch. Blackdale Going For Gold AM/ENG/IR BIS Ch. Blackdale Ringmaster Blackdale Sally Ch. Random Reciprocate Ch. Cunninfox Santeric Patriot Ch. Cottleston Crystal Ch. Cottleston Carme II

Torie Steele Steele Kennel 26799 SeaVista Drive • Malibu CA 90265 310-457-0315 email: Toriesteele@aol.com TorieSteele.com

BISS GCh. Greycottage Santeric Fyrestorm

Ch. Sir John Du Bois Des Maitres Ch. Crynwyd Caradoc of Kathrich Crindu Caprice Int/Am Ch. Santerric’s Y Two K of Kathrich Ch. Chantrey Foxhollow Nightshade Ch Ironhills Evening Star Ironhills Little Darlin’ “Jeff” Ch. Cunningfox Santeric Patriot Ch. Wyrlake Wicked Game Ch. Foxhollow Ain’t Misbehaven Ch. Fyrewyre Fricassee Fr/Am Ch. Looy De La Barrier Rouge Ch. Fyrewyre Ooh! La La Ch. Fyrewyre Feelin’ Free

Clint and Altha Graham Hermitage, PA 16148 Tel. 724-347-3374 Email: grahamswft@verizon.net www.graycottagewirefoxterriers.com 22 | Summer 2011 SWQ

Jeff is the pick of the “Ricky” x “Poppy” litter, with a long head and neck, beautiful shoulders and angulation. Jeff excels in balance, bone and movement. With lots of attitude and expression, Jeff is an easy dog to show and live with.

Ch. Hiwire del Rio of Remington Mondo VD Bismarckquelle Quintas VD Bismarckquelle Waneta VD Bismarckquelle Ch. Tamedale Orinoco Brittlewyre’s Buccaneer Brittlewyre’s Pavette of Tamedale Brittlewyre’s Sugar Gum “Rio” Hunterston Master of Foxhollow Ch. Seaton Hall Mast’rs Grand Slam Seaton Hall Tickled Pink Ch. Hiwire Charisma Ch.Kathrich Santeric Relentless Ch. Hiwire Kathrich Judy,Judy,Judy Ch.Hiwire Miss Conduct

Rio finished very easily mostly under breeder judges at specialties. He is very proper. Not overdone but stylish. Strong fluid movement, hard coat, exceptional bone, great expression, solid temperament, right size. He has sired several litters. Throwing many VERY lightly marked puppies. His offspring are already in the ring and winning.

Suzanne Augustine (Remington) Ray Lowe (Hiwire) (315) 677-4684 hiwire@msn.com

Ch. Ironhills Steele Rampage

Ruby Du Bois Des Maitres Tony Du Bois Des Maitres Monica Du Bois Des Maitres Ch. Zozo Du Bois Des Maitres Tony Du Bois Des Maitres Xilla Du Bois Des Maitres Sybelle Du Bois Des Maitres “Rampage” ENG Ch. Blackdale Going For Gold ENG/AM BIS Ch. Blackdale Ringmaster Blackdale Sally Ch. Ironhill’s Embraceable Ch. Kilwinning Silverado Ch. Ironhills Irresistible Choice Ironhill’s Wild At Heart

Torie Steele Steele Kennel 26799 SeaVista Drive • Malibu CA 90265 310-457-0315 email: Toriesteele@aol.com TorieSteele.com

Bred by Torie Steele & Mary Ann Roma. He completed his championship with specialty wins. He has a beautiful head, body and coat; with great show temperament. He is still very young but has progeny already growing up. Bred from a line of great winners like Blackdale Ringmaster, Ironhills Jitterbug, Eng. Ch. Wyndam The Boss Summer 2011 SWQ | 23

Ch. M&M’s Nicholas Nickelbe

CH JaDee Solitary Man CH JaDee Ace of Diamonds CH JaDee Hope Diamond CH Sharway Simon Sobie CH Crynwyd Carado of Kathrich CH Sharways Sinful of Raylu CH Sharway Sierra of Raylu “Nicholas” CH Greenfields Great Schott CH Wrylake Go Figure Col Gut CH Wyrlake Ticket to Ride Mandy Light of my Life CH Crystcrack Obsession, ROM AM-Can CH Crystcrack Swing Out Sister Moishe VD Bismarckquelle

MiMi Moore morefun@comcast.net

Ch. Redoak’s Fame By Hardwyre

Ch Cedarbriar Gucci Este Pucci Ch RedOak’s Just A Gigalo Merrydale’s Razzberry Royal Ch RedOak’s Ricochet Ch Libwyre Inspector Clouseau Ch Libwyre Ringleader Eng Ch Townville Tressa “Frankie” Am/Can Ch Hit V 0 Bismarckquelle Ch Foxhollow Bully Bully Ch Foxhollow Fiddlestix Ch Libwire Lucy Am Ch Eng Ch Louline Head Over Heels Ch Libwire Crime of Passion Ch Libwire Electric

Janice Wavra N12991 State Hwy 35 • Trempealeau, WI 54661 topshelfkennel@centurytel.net home 608-534-5622 • cell 608-792-9147 24 | Summer 2011 SWQ

Still catching the attention of judges, breeders, and exhibitors due to his remarkable qualities. Strong reach and drive, excellent length of neck, shortback, nice shoulder layback and tremendous tailset. Proven producer passing on his fine qualities and enhancing the dams in their offspring. Sire of champions and specialty winners. We look forward to seeing additional promising get.

Ch. Snowtaire’s El Ray Joint Venture

Ch.Snowtaire Encore Am/Can.Ch.SnowtairesStanding Ovation Am/Eng.Ch.El-Ray’s Snowtaire Iceni Payback Tsarshadows Flying Circus Ch.Kathrich Santeric Windfall Ch.Hiwire Eclipse of Tsarshadow Ch.Hiwire Miss Conduct “Parker” Ch.Baglan Branson Ch.Snowtaires Encore Snowtaire-N-Loenfox Ms Reba Am/Int.Ch.Snowtaires El-Ray Royal Jewel Snwtaire El-Ray Montgomery Ch.El-Ray’s-AJ Evening Jewel Ch.Brookhaven Belle Royale

Finished his championship in style with 3 major wins. This flashy little dog has beautiful movement, a great headpiece with small beady eyes and rich “NATURAL” coloring

Barb Decker P.O. Box 1660 Orting, WA 98360 253-862-9252 snowtaire@msn.com • www.snowtaire.com

Ch. Snowtaire’s Encore

Eng. Ch. Gavingale Diplomat Eng. Ch. Townville Tarique Townville Tempo Ch. Baglan Branson (UK) Eng. Ch. Baglan Some Boyo Eng.Ch. Sceftesbr Cabinet Eng. Ch. Sceftesbr Chianti “Higgins” Burrenearl Craftsman Ch. Burrencroft Crusader (UK) Burrengarth Sequence Snowtaire-N-Loenfox Ms Reba Ch. Snowtaires On Deadly Grounds Ch. Loenfox Red-Hot Re-Charge Pifwire Nickie D CDX

Barb Decker P.O. Box 1660 Orting, WA 98360 253-862-9252 snowtaire@msn.com • www.snowtaire.com

While in the show ring, Higgins was a Sweepstakes & Specialty Winner, and a Group Placer. Sire of Group Placing and Best in Show winners.

Summer 2011 SWQ | 25

Snowtaires High Five White Knight

ENG. Ch. Townville Tarique Ch. Baglan Branson (UK imp) ENG. Ch. Sceftesbr Cabinet Ch. Snowtaire’s Encore Ch. Burrencroft Crusader (UK imp) Snowtaire-N-Loenfox Ms Reba Ch. Loenfox Red-Hot Re-Charge “Frosty” Ch. Snowtaires Encore Ch. Snowtaire Master of Ceremonies Am/Eng.Ch.El-Ray’s Snowtaire Iceni Payback Snowtaires White Sensation El-Ray’s Eng.Classic Snowtaires El-Ray Victoria Ch. Snowtaire-N-Iceni Cricket

Mostly white dog with great movement. Soon to be shown

Barb Decker P.O. Box 1660 Orting, WA 98360 253-862-9252 snowtaire@msn.com • www.snowtaire.com

Ch. Snowtaire’s Master of Ceremonies

ENG. Ch. Townville Tarique Ch. Baglan Branson (UK imp) ENG. Ch. Sceftesbr Cabinet Ch. Snowtaire’s Encore Ch. Burrencroft Crusader (UK imp) Snowtaire-N-Loenfox Ms Reba Ch. Loenfox Red-Hot Re-Charge “Billie” ENG. Ch. Townville Tarique Ch. Baglan Branson (UK imp) ENG. Ch. Sceftesbr Cabinet ENG/AM Ch. El-Rays Snowtaire Iceni Payback Ch. Snowtaire On Deadly Grounds Ch. Snowtaire-N-Iceni Cricket Alkinra Evening Storm (UK imp)

Barb Decker P.O. Box 1660 Orting, WA 98360 253-862-9252 snowtaire@msn.com • www.snowtaire.com 26 | Summer 2011 SWQ

“ Billie”Son of 2006 Crufts Reserve Best in Show Winner “Payback”, and littermate to Ch. Snowtaires Standing Ovation ~ “Ty” –6 International Championship Titles / Winner of Best in Shows in 5 countries (Canada, United States, Italy, Monte Carlo, and San Marino) #1 dog All Breeds in Italy 2010

Ch. Sqwire’s Split Decision

CH Santeric’s Y Two K of Kathrich CH App’s Border Patrol CH Martsen’s Promise to Apps CH Dimonwyre Chairman of the Board CH Wyrelee Shaken Not Stirred CH Jagwryelee Nantucket Sunset Rosswyre Wyrelee Temptress “Murray” CH Cedarbriar Gucci Este Pucci CH Red Oak’s Just A Gigalo Marydale’s Raspberry Royale CH Cedarbriar Hardwyre Candy Corn CH Cedarbriar Reilly’s Rugby CH Hardwyre Liberty by Cedarbriar CH Seaton Hall Style O’Cedarbriar

Murray is all natural and a well balanced wire. He has a brilliant white, wirey coat, great shoulders and tail set and is an elegant mover. Finished his championship in 2010 with 3 majors and WD Specialty win. Producing predominately white colored pups with his great coat, movement, and temperament.

Gail Obradovich www.sqwire.net sqwire@wi.rr.com 262-32-3357

From the Runway to the Ring continued from page 13

ing protocols. Breeder/owners can use these protocols when having their dogs tested and the results registered and made available to the public. In my opinion, I’d like to see the AFTC more involved with the CHIC as this could be a great benefit for the future of the breed. We breeder/owners are the standard bearers of the Wire Fox Terrier and it is our responsibility and duty to this wonderful breed to keep them healthy and safe for generations to come. SWQ: Are there things that you would like to see happen that might, say, help the fancy grow faster or be more vibrant? What are some of the challenges today?

TS: As a delegate to the AKC with the Western Fox Terriers Breeders Association and as an active member of the AKC’s Canine Health Foundation, I have the opportunity to talk to many different individuals. And what I’m hearing is that people are unhappy with the way dog shows are conducted and they are concerned about the decline in registrations. Looking at the situation from a different angle, this discontent offers an opportunity to identify areas of weakness and implement changes that could bring dog shows into the 21st century and potentially breathe new life into the sport. For example, dog shows could be reorganized similar to sports leagues. Or, find a

way to have financial incentives for the breeder/owners. Week after week, they are the lifeblood of the shows across the country and the mounting costs are forcing many to reconsider their commitment. The consequences of doing nothing to address these problems range from a continuation in the steady decline of breeding and showing pure bred dogs to the more extreme where local kennel clubs must shut their doors for lack of membership. Or, a competitive organization could seize the opportunity and make it more attractive to join their ranks. In any event, I would hope to see those involved in showing dogs think less of their own individual needs and more of the situation as a whole. g Summer 2011 SWQ | 27

Ch. InStyle’s Dizney’s Magik

Mickey finished quickly from the classes and so far has produced well for us. He excels in ears, bone and movement.

NZ&Thai.Ch.Accolade The Red Baron NZ.Ch.Kayleigh Baron S Beau NZ.Ch.Kayleigh Kayla Star Ch.Accolade Northern Beau Aust.Ch.Foxyama Thumbs Up NZ.&Aust.Ch.Accolade War O The Roses Nz.&Aust.Ch.Accolade Ivory Rose Mickey Am.Ch.Rapidan Well Chosen Int & Holl & E Ch WA-03 EUW-04 Sunrise Blaze of Glamorgan’s Am.Ch.Sunrise Make a Joyful Noise Texforrier Nordic Maple Int&Fin&S&DK Ch FinW-98-99 EUW-99 WW-00 NordW-00 SV-00 Foxfield That’s My Record Int & Fin & S & Dk & Est Ch EstW-02Texforrier In A Nutshell Sufredon Dancing Queen

Ch. InStyle’s Heavens A Lie NZ.Ch.Kayleigh Baron S Beau Ch.Accolade Northern Beau NZ.&Aust.Ch.Accolade War O The Roses Ch.InStyle’s Dizney’s Magik Int & Holl & E Ch WA-03 EUW-04 Sunrise Blaze of Glamorgan’s Texforrier Nordic Maple Int & Fin & S & Dk & Est Ch EstW-02Texforrier In A Nutshell Draven Ch.Trollhattan’s The Illusionist Am.Can.Ch.InStyle’s Absolute Ch.Trollhattan’s Masked Mirage Ch InStyle’s Fast Talker Int & Holl & E Ch WA-03 EUW-04 Sunrise Blaze of Glamorgan’s Texforrier Nordic Maple Int & Fin & S & Dk & Est Ch EstW-02Texforrier In A Nutshell Draven finished in one weekend with multigroup placements. Finished 2009, with limited showing, as the #4 Smooth Fox Terrier In Canada (dogs in Canada point system). Group wins at Specialties, as well as all breed events.

Can. Ch. InStyle’s Last Hero Standing

Marvel has multi group placements from the junior puppy class. Has won a Best Puppy in Show and a Best Puppy In Specialty show at a National Terrier Show. His first weekend in the states in Louisville, Kentucky, he won Best Of Winners for a 4 pt major as a 6 month old puppy. We are very excited to watch him develop and mature. Ch.InStyle’s Ch.InStyle’s Dizney’s Dizney’s Magik Magik Ch.InStyle’s Ch.InStyle’s Heavens Heavens A A Lie Lie Ch Ch InStyl’e InStyl’e Fast Fast Talker Talker Marvel Marvel Ch.Tudex Ch.Tudex Raybilll Raybilll Doubloon Doubloon Am.Ch.Honeysuckell Am.Ch.Honeysuckell Rose Rose Am.Ch.Honky Am.Ch.Honky Tonk Tonk Angel Angel

InStyle InStyle Kennels Kennels And And Chic Chic All All breed breed Handling Handling Jaime Jaime and and Calvin Calvin Bolduc Bolduc Deloraine, Manitoba, Canada Deloraine, Manitoba, Canada 28 | Summer 2011 SWQ

Am.Can.Ch.Halcar Head Games Ch.Raybill Sundevil Strut SD Ch.Raybills Scotty Pippin SD CH Raybills Pipi Longstocking Bandit Ch.Raybill Sundevil Strut SD CH Gaibalea Voodoo Vixen ROM CH Gaibalea Makeno Mztake

Bandit has produced stunning heads, ears, bone and movement on his puppies. From his first litter he has a group winner, multi group placer, and multi puppy group winners. Bred By Halcar Smooths, co-owned by Halcar Smooth Fox Terriers ( Anne Beckwith) and InStyle Smooth Fox Terriers.

Ch.InStyle’s Just Run Like A Deer

JD was a group winner at 6 ½ months of age, and his career has gone up from there, multi group placements, multi puppy group wins and a Best Puppy in Show. We are excited to see what the show ring has next for him. Bred/owned by InStyle Kennels.

Ch.Raybills Scotty Pippin SD Am.Can.Ch.Halcar Head Games CH Gaibalea Voodoo Vixen ROMC JD Am.Can.Ch.InStyle’s Absolute Ch. InStyle’s Fatal Attraction Texforrier Nordic Maple

MBIS, MBISS, Am/Can. Ch. Avalon Eclipse Since coming to Canada, Blake has been shown sparingly, but in short order has multi group wins from the classes. Watch for Blake in the Canadian rings in 2012. His first Canadian litter has been born and will be hitting the rings early 2012. Bred by Avalon Smooth Fox Terriers (Dan Buchwald and Norra Hansen) and owned by Avalon Smooth Fox Terriers and InStyle kennels. Ch. Rapidan Well Chosen Ch. Rapidan Impressive Ch. Rapidan Wild Iris Blake Ch. Aimhi SWM Ch. Quissex La Divina Quissex Diva

Ch. McGypsi Shicago Son InStyle Keebler was only shown a few times, but he quickly garnered his Canadian title with group wins. His first litter should be hitting the rings late August. This handsome boy was bred by McGypsi Smooth Fox Terriers (JIll Soble-Smith) and is owned by InStyle.

Ch. Mcgypsi’s Quietus Maker Ch. Mcgypsi I’m Invincible Ch. Mcgypsi Gryphon Hocus Pocus Keebler Ch. Mcgypsi Good Grief Ch. Mcgypsi’s Nearly Nude Ch. Mcgypsi’s I’m Indiscreet

instylekennels@hotmail.com instylekennels@hotmail.com www.instylekennels.com www.instylekennels.com www.chicdoghandling.com www.chicdoghandling.com Summer 2011 SWQ | 29

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Deadlines Fall 2011 MONTGOMERY ISSUE August 15 Winter 2011 CHRISTMAS & montgomery winners ISSUE November 15 Unsolicited copy deadline is 45 days prior to publication. Litter Announcements Letters to the editor Deadline is 45 days prior to publication. All unsolicited copy will be used on an “as space allows basis”. The editor reserves the right to edit all copy submitted or reject unsuitable advertisements.

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Business directory Show • Performance • Pet

Aljamar & J-War Wire Fox Terriers Judy Warling 2517 W Ridgeland Ave Wuakegan, IL 847-623-3759 aljamar8404@att.net jawarling55@att.net Maryilyn Laschinski 17 Crestland Rd Indian Creek, IL 847-362-8404

Wire Fox Terriers

Wire Fox Terriers J. Lynn & Harry M. Gamarel 58 Garnsey Place • Belford, New Jersey 07718 732-787-0722 • killeengamarel@comcast.net

Smooth Fox Terriers

stud service available John Killeen • Orange, CA (310) 897-8124 www.frenchpark.com


Wire Fox Terriers www.smywyrewirefoxterriers.com

Michele Smith David Smith

Chesterfield, MO 63017 636-391-1904 smittystl@msn.com CH. SMYWYRE SUDDEN IMPACT

FOX TERRIER NETWORK a club for those that love the Smooth and Wire Fox Terrier We celebrate the joy of life with a Fox Terrier!


Marcy McGuire Milton, WI • 608.774-7435 email: marcy@mcfoxfoxterriers.com http://www.mcfoxfoxterriers.com

Fox Terrier Rescue

AFTC - Rescue/Placement Coordinator - Winnie Stout wstout@rockyhill.org 1-800-FOX TERR —or — Fox Terrier Rescue 1-888-FOX TERR http://ww.foxTerrierrescue.net

Linda F. Hembree Ruth A. Dawson 223 Dill Circle, Landrum, SC 29356 864.621.0639 hunterna1@aol.com

Ray & Sally Lowe Lafayette NY 315-677-4684

HIWIRE Wire Fox Terriers

Business Card listing AND a bulk subscription NOW one low price of just $85 per year. Summer 2011 SWQ | 31

2011 Wire Fox Terrier Club of the Central States Šphotos by John Hudziak

32 | Summer 2011 SWQ

2011 Wire Fox Terrier Club of the Central States Šphotos by John Hudziak

Summer 2011 SWQ | 33

2011 Wire Fox Terrier Club of the Central States Šphotos by John Hudziak

34 | Summer 2011 SWQ

2011 Wire Fox Terrier Club of the Central States Šphotos by John Hudziak

Summer 2011 SWQ | 35

AFTC Floater, Louisville, KY Šphotos by Mike McGuire

36 | Summer 2011 SWQ

AFTC Floater, Louisville, KY Šphotos by Mike McGuire

Summer 2011 SWQ | 37

index to advertisers All Terriers On Line.................................................................................. 39 Boyes, Eddie & Lesley............................................................................... 2 Daniel, Luis.............................................................................................. 40 Ferguson, Lorie.......................................................................................... 9 Furness, Danielle....................................................................................... 9 Gabel, Dana............................................................................................... 2 Graham, Altha............................................................................................ 3 Boluc, Jamie & Calvin........................................................................28, 29 Luyten, Peter............................................................................................. 5 Ritchie, Jan.............................................................................................. 40 Sallee-Hill, Linda........................................................................................ 5 Smith, J. W. ............................................................................................... 2 Snavely, Carolyn & Richard........................................................................ 4 Steele, Torie............................................................................................ 1,7

Stud Dog Register

Fall Issue taking you to

Montgomery Be There! featuring

Suzanne Hoseman Lil’Itch Smooth Fox Terriers including

Smooth Fox Terriers

Photos from FTC of Chicago, Greater Twin Cities FTC & The World Show Paris, France

Wire Fox Terriers


Ch. Bellewoods Bonhomme......................................................................16 Int Ch/Am GCh Groove N Tribalfox Flamboyant........................................16 GCh. High Mtn Garden Party.....................................................................17 Ch. Lil’Itch Game On..................................................................................17 Ch. McFox’s Tan Liso.................................................................................18 Ch. TribalFox Fandango.............................................................................18 Ch. West Meade Repeat Performance.......................................................19 Ch. Aljamar Dealin With The Devil...........................................................19 Ch. Brookhaven Rey-Lee Strike Force........................................................20 Ch. Frenchpark Ard Ri Conaire..................................................................20 Ch. Fyrewyre Full Throtle..........................................................................21 Ch. Fyrewyre Seaton Hall 24K...................................................................21 Ch. Gallant’s Statesman of Steele..............................................................22 BISS GCh. Grey Cottage Santeric Fyrestorm.............................................22 Ch. Hiwire del Rio of Remington..............................................................23 Ch. Ironhills Steele Rampage....................................................................23 Ch. M&M’s Nicholas Nickelbe....................................................................24 Ch. Redoak’s Fame By Hardwyre...............................................................24 Ch. Snowtaire’s El Ray Joint Venture.........................................................25 Ch. Snowtaire’s Encore..............................................................................25 Snowtaires High Five White Knight..........................................................26 Ch. Snowtaire’s Master of Ceremonies.....................................................26 Ch. Sqwire’s Split Decision........................................................................27 38 | Summer 2011 SWQ

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Triple C

rown Summer 2011 SWQ | 39

MULTI BIS AM • INT • PAN • LAT • PR • DOM Ch Territch Patent Pending

NUMBeR 1 DOg ALL BReeDS 2010 PUeRTO RICO eukanuba Challenge 2010 Top Dog Representative For Puerto Rico In 6 FCI shows: 1 Best In Show 2 Second Best In Show 3 First in group 2 Second in group

Breeder & stud service contact Jan Ritchie • Territch territch@comcast.net Owner Luis Daniel 787-528-3344 j200j2000@yahoo.com

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