SHOWGUIDE The UK meeting point for the aerospace engineering industries www.aeroengineeringshow.com
The UK meeting point for the composite materials, design & manufacturing industries www.compositesexhibition.com
The UK meeting point for the automotive design & manufacturing supply chain www.ukautoengineering.com
The UK showcase for auto electronics technology & innovation www.ukautoelectronics.com
The UK forum for printed electronics technologies & applications www.ukprintableelectronics.com
EXHIBITOR LISTING – All co-locating shows H115 +Plastic Electronics magazine H93 2 Recycling Limited H11 2020 Business Performance C165 2KM (UK) Limited G155 360 Composites (Technology) Ltd D5 3DDC Ltd F61 3M UK PLC B50 3T RPD Ltd D155 ACC Silicones Ltd G121 ACE Forming D181 ACMOS (UK) Ltd G51 ACS H34 AcSoft Ltd B57 ADS Group Ltd H100 Advanced Electronics and Logistics/PTS/Connects2 I76 Advanced Laser Technology Ltd H100 AEL POWERTRAIN SOLUTIONS C61 Aero Consultants (UK) Ltd F138 Aeroform France A75 Aerospace Manufacturing B35 Aerospace, Aviation & Defence KTN F191 Aerotherm Group G144 AIC – Autoclave & Industrial Controls Ltd A9 Aiframer C142 AIM Composites Ltd G72 Ainscough Vanguard Limited C102 Air Cleaning Systems Ltd C92 AirBench Ltd H40 AKTON Recruitment G83 Aktrion Quality Services D155 Alan Harper Composites Ltd A151 ALCHEMIE LTD C71 Alicona UK Ltd C86 Altair Engineering Ltd D61 Amari Aerospace D131 Amber Composites now Ten Cate Advanced Composites Ltd. E80 Ambersil (CRC UK) C48 AMF ANDREAS MAIER GmbH & Co. KG C154 AMI-CON D81 AMRC with Boeing B190 Anglo Krempel G44 Anochrome Technologies Ltd D71 Ansell F9 Ansomat Ltd F196 ANSYS UK Ltd G86 Apex Recruitment Services Ltd D32 Aria Group F145 Aro PR and Marketing H56 ARPEK ARKAN PARÇA ALÜMINYUM ENJEKSIYON VE KALIP SAN. TIC. A.S. F201 ASC Process Systems Limited F171 Assyst Bullmer Ltd E6 ATA Engineering Processes Ltd D160 Atlas Composites F116 ATP Adhesive Systems AG D196 Attwater Group B126 Autoclaves Ltd F22 Autodesk Ltd B5 Automated Cable Solutions Ltd F195 Autonational B.V. C2 Autoy / Lipco B92 Aviation Composites B155 Aviation Enterprises Ltd F20 Avon Group – AER Stafford Ltd E78 Avon-Dynamic Calibration H13 Axon Automotive Ltd E81 Axon’ Cable LTD F121 Base Group G17 Batten & Allen Ltd G150 Beagle Technology Group G121 Beck & Politzer Engineering Ltd E85 Belotti S.p.A. B171 Bentley Advanced Materials C101 Bespoke Composite Panels B31 BIBUS METALS Ltd G141 bigHead Bonding Fasteners Ltd G121 Bilston Engineering Ltd F11 Binder Fastener Systems (U.K.) Ltd F55 BINDER GmbH G121 Black Country Bullet G121 Black Country Skills Factory E28 Blackman and White J101 Boilerhouse Media – (The Information Daily) B83 Bojo Inc. represented by BOJO UK OFFICE
H10 Bollhoff Fastenings Ltd E10 Borer Chemie AG I72 BOROUGH LTD B182 BPF – British Plastics Federation B84A Braithwaite Tax Recovery Consultants Ltd H7 Briben Products Ltd H88 Brightek / Vertech Taiwan B181 British Composites Society B186 Broadwater Mouldings Ltd G24 Brownell Limited C62 BS&B Safety Systems Ltd E152 Burgmann Packings Composites G121 Business Birmingham D62 BWP Design and Technical Services F21 C+W Specialist Equipment Ltd D106 c2i E18 Caltest Instruments A111 Cambridge Performance Composites G86A Camcoat Perforance Coatings F74 Campbell Associates B38 CANDA Systems Ltd C161 Cannon S.p.A. C105 CAPRI SysTec Ltd C76 Carbolite Ltd B6 Carl Zeiss Ltd C166 Carr Reinforcements Ltd F12 CASIM2 J50 Caspian Media/Automotive Engineer J50 Caspian Media/Professional Engineering Magazine G100 Caterham Technology & Innovation B156 Cathay Composites B152 CC Patterns B141 CD (UK) LTD D31 CE4MRO E132 CEL COMPONENTS SRL B95 Censol Ltd F68 CentraTEQ Ltd D202 CG Tech Ltd D54 Charcroft Electronics Ltd. G85 China Outsourcing Ltd E214 CHOMARAT B113 Clayton Associates Inc c/o Craig Tools International Ltd G32 CMA Moldform Ltd D192 CMS Industries D55 CMW International G160 Cobham Composite Technologies B152 Codem Composites Limited D125 Combined Composite Technology Ltd E206 Composite Integration Ltd F141 Composite Jobsearch B125 Composite Solutions Magazine, CREI Srl - Milano D102 Composite Test & Evaluation Ltd C128 Composites Evolution B151 Composites Horizons, LLC A75 Composites in Manufacturing D203 Composites Skills Alliance D201 Composites UK Ltd A23 Confederation of British Metalforming (CBM) H100 Connects2 F10 Consilium Group E156A Container Team Ltd C101 Corex-Honeycomb G10 Cosworth Ltd G18 Coventry University H110 CPI – The UK’s National Printable Electronics Centre B113 Craig Tools International Ltd G52 CRANE ELECTRONICS LTD A51 Cresco Industrial Supplies Ltd F181 Cristex Limited E14 Curtiss-Wright Surface Technologies D196 Custom Composites Ltd G41 Cutting Industries C2 CVT Ltd B100 Cygnet Texkimp D182 CYTEC C83 dalau Limited D38 DANTEC DYNAMICS LIMITED E201 Dark Matter Composites Ltd C10 DASSAULT SYSTEMES D54 Dawson Shanahan (Wales) Ltd A101 Dedienne Multiplasturgy® Group G22 DEE Ltd D42 Delcam D42 Delcam Professional Services
G106 DELO Industrial Adhesives F190 Delpro Ltd G33 Dentons E215 Desktop Engineering I42 DEVELOP3D F85 Dewetron UK Limited D161 DIAB Ltd J75 Diametric Technical Ltd I46 Disposables UK Group F68 DJB Instruments UK Ltd A7 DNAagile Group Ltd B44 DOPAG (UK) Ltd D41 Dormer Tools Ltd A85 DQS UK LTD E111 Dustcontrol UK Ltd G171 Eastman Machine Company B28 ECi Software Solutions G68 Eclipse Magnetics D54 Edge Data Systems G58 EEF the manufacturers’ organisation F86 Elder Engineering (Herts) Ltd J95 Electronic Specifier Ltd G23 Electrox Laser B141 ELKOM UK B85 Emerald Group Publishing C185 Emkay Plastics Ltd A83 Engineering Monthly D113 Engis UK Ltd C3 Ensinger UK Ltd D63 EOS Electro Optical Systems B42 Epicor Software Corporation C111 epm: technology group E205 EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Composites (CIMComp) H60 ERGOMAT A/S F172 ESI H128 ESP KTN E154 ESTECO SpA F196 Esterel Technologies F52 ETPS Ltd F112 Euro-Projects Recruitment Ltd B172 Euroresins UK Ltd C5 Evonik Industries AG F72 EVT Eiberger Verfahrenstechnik GmbH C182 Exactaform Cutting Tools Ltd D110 Exel Composites UK C138 Expert Tooling and Automation F1 ExtraMile Communications Limited E71 FARO Technologies H13 FAR-UK Ltd H12 Fastener + Fixing Technology E100 Feature Area – Advanced Engineering in Action C20 Feature Area – Aero Engineering I80 Feature Area – Automotive Engineering J51 Feature Area – BAC Mono C200 Feature Area – Composites Engineering G201 Feature Area – Composites Engineering H9 Feature Area – Low Carbon Vehicle Innovations Feature Area – MIA’s Motorsport Valley’s Innovation Exchange H21 H120 Feature Area – Printable Electronics I111 Feature Area – Printable Electronics C78 Fenn Tool Limited F135 Fiberweb plc F185 Fibracon-Insoll Engineering Plastic Components E132 Fibrecore G82 Filacon Systems D22 Findlay Media G195 Fine Cut Advanced Engineering B87 Finishing Techniques Ltd D31 FinnSonic Oy G25 Fischer Instrumentation (GB) Ltd G85A Fives Cinetic – CITCO Gardner G8 Flowcrete UK C105 Fluid-Bag Ltd G182 Foam Techniques Ltd I66 Foamotive B132 FORMAPLEX C186 FORMAX UK Ltd G96 Forresters I61 Forteq UK LTD B180 Forward Composites Ltd G12 Forward Swindon Ltd H85 Freescale Semiconductor UK Ltd D92 FUCHS Lubricants (UK) plc
www.advancedengineeringuk.com 2013 | SHOWGUIDE
D37 Fullerton (UK) Ltd F161 Gazechim Composites UK Ltd F140 GERBER TECHNOLOGY F88 Gesipa Blind Riveting Systems Ltd B114 Glas-Craft (UK) Ltd D25 Globus H71 GOM UK Limited G71 Goplasticboxes.com G71 Goplasticpallets.com E21 Granta Design G36 Graphtec GB Limited F151 Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership E5 Greentree D54 Greeve Limited C146 GRM Consulting Ltd F150 Group Rhodes B10 GroupAero I41 Grove Automotive Design A13 GTMA D54 GTS Flexible Materials Ltd D28 Guhring E135 Gurit B85A H M Revenue and Customs – Research and Development Unit F14 H.T.M.S. NV C9 Haas Group International J93 Hamamatsu Photonics UK Ltd G53 Harrison Goddard Foote LLP G63 Hays Engineering D96 HBM UK Ltd F25 Hellermann Tyton E131 HERAEUS NOBLELIGHT H5 Hewlett Packard D3 Hexagon Metrology Ltd F3 High Value Manufacturing Catapult B81 HIGH-TECH ENGINEERING F72 Hockh Metall-Reinigungsanlagen GmbH I54 hofer powertrain G38 Holden Aluminium Technologies B135 Holding Company Composite D48 Hone-All Precision Ltd G21 HORIBA UK Limited F160 Hubron Speciality Limited E61 Hutchinson Stop-choc E57 Hydraulic System Products Ltd G153 Hydrotechnik I62 Hylomar Limited F2 I M Kelly Group F72 IB Industries D93 IDAC Ltd G101 igus UK Ltd J85 IHS Automotive F111 Imetrum C41 IMSM Ltd B41 In2grate Business Solutions C51 IncoTest B3 Indestructible Paint Ltd D54 Industrial Automation & Control Ltd C60 Industrial Tooling Corporation Ltd D54 Industry Wales B30 Inficon G183 Innovation 1st – University of Wolverhampton D91 Instron G43 Interface Force Measurements D206 Intrinsys Ltd C8 Invensys Eurotherm G121 Invest Black Country H31 Invest in Coventry & Warwickshire H19 Invest in Telford C19 Ionbond, IHI Group E128 Ipeco Composites – a division of Ipeco Holdings Ltd E51 IPI Solutions Ltd D54 IQE plc J65 Isograph Limited B122 ISOJET EQUIPEMENTS A55 ITI TranscenData G40 ITW Delfast A21 Ixthus Instrumentation Ltd C121 J.A. Harrison H121 Jaguar Land Rover PLC – i54 Engine Production Plant G54 JAM Recruitment B142 JCS TECHNOLOGY D213 JEC GROUP D215 Jetcam International s.a.r.l. C134 John Burn Ltd
B122 JR TECHNOLOGY LTD D76 Junair Spraybooths Ltd J48 K & M Precision Engineering Ltd B18 Karl Storz Endoscopy (UK) Ltd. G76 KDPES C42 Kenard Engineering Group B83A KG Coating E62 KIMBERLY-CLARK PROFESSIONAL* F81 Kistler Instruments Limited D181 KraussMaffei Group UK Ltd C75 Kubtec Digital X-ray G82A Labcell Ltd F115 Langstone Engineering Ltd B141 LANGZAUNER F175 LAP GmbH E125 Laser Lines Ltd G95 Laser Lines Ltd C61 Laser Projection Technologies Inc. C106 Lavender International NDT Consultancy Services LTD D14 Leco Instrumements UK Ltd D101 Lectra E10 Leybold Optics UK Ltd J41 Lighthouse (UK) Ltd F151 Lincolnshire County Council C2 Lipco Engineering D54 LMg Solutions Ltd D11 LMS UK Ltd C216 LMT UK Ltd E7 Loughborough College G11 LPE Ltd A181 Lucintel H76 Luna G112 Macfarlane Packaging – Design and Manufacture A17 Made in the Midlands G161 Magnum Venus Products Ltd E11 Mahr UK PLC E23 MAKA Machinery UK Ltd I9 Make it Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire G121 Mako Precision Engineering Limited A13 Manufacturing Resource Centre D121 Marbocote Ltd G5 MarchantCain Design Ltd B117 Marine & Industrial LLP F176 Marineware Ltd B14 Master Abrasives B200 Mastercam / Robotmaster CAD/CAM E56 Materialise NV A161 Materion Aerospace Metal Composites C175 Matrix Composite Materials Company Ltd H112 MBRAUN UK Ltd H82 MDL Technologies Limited C85 MEASUREMENT SOLUTIONS LIMITED B112 Mecmesin Ltd C55 MecWash Systems Limited B82 MEP Ltd D8 Merlin Tools Ltd E14 Metal Improvement Company (CWST) C155 Meter Mix Systems Limited I73 MetPro Group A95 Metrology Direct Ltd F51 Metrology Software Products Ltd E152A Metron Advanced Equipment Ltd. F211 METYX COMPOSITES A31 MH Media Global Ltd E3 Micro-Epsilon A1 midasFEA H19 Midland Alloy Limited G121 Midland Tool and Design Ltd B13 MIDLANDS AEROSPACE ALLIANCE G121 MILLENNIUM PRESSED METAL LTD B115 Minden Dust Extraction I35 MIRA Ltd E211 Mirka (UK) Ltd B49 MITSUBISHI EDM I55 MJ Allen Group of Companies J81 ML Electronics Ltd D125 Momentive Combined Composite Technologies Ltd B20 Momentum Engineering Limited H155 MonsterCAM Limited G116 Moog Aircraft Group B161 Morgan Advanced Materials – Composites and Defence Systems G81A Motique Plastics Ltd / Eco Badge E146 MouldCAM
C211 Mouldlife Ltd G181 MSA Manufacturing Ltd C56 MSC Software Ltd E212 MULTIAX INTERNATIONAL CNC s.r.l. D193 National Composites Centre E15 National Physical Laboratory A35 NCMT Ltd B84 NDI H103 Nemesis GB Ltd D130 NetComposites E30 Networking Area – Aero/Automotive Engineering E170 Networking Area – Composites Engineering F136 Netzsch Gertebau GmbH (UK branch office) J60 New Technology CADCAM Ltd – SolidWorks G81 Newgate Simms C45 Nicholsons Sealing Technologies Ltd E1 Nikon Metrology UK Ltd E142 Norco Composites G155 NORD COMPOSITES UK LTD F138 North Composites Engineering Ltd A45 North West Aerospace Alliance F2 Northamptonshire Enterprise Partnership J82 Northwest Automotive Alliance F19 Nottingham Trent University H86 OE Systems Limited B24 Oerlikon Balzers Coating UK Ltd D15 OGP UK F191 Olmar Group D54 Olsen Actuation UK Ltd E8 Olympus Industrial C14 ONDRIVES LTD A60 OPEN FORUM 1 – Aero Engineering H50 OPEN FORUM 2 – Automotive Engineering D140 OPEN FORUM 3 – Composites Engineering H140 OPEN FORUM 4 – Composites Engineering & Advanced Engineering I82 OPEN FORUM 5 – Auto Electronics / Printable Electronics D72 OPEN MIND Technologies UK Ltd C95 Optris Infrared Thermometers F131 OSG UK Ltd C172 Outsourcing B2B Marketing C132 Ove Arup & Partners International Limited D31 Oy Galvatek Ab C166 PARKHILL TEXTILES LTD C160 Patterns & Moulds Ltd E82 PCB Piezotronics Ltd H11 Pendago Career Management C131 Pentaxia Ltd E122 Permabond Engineering Adhesives Ltd C15 Pexa Ltd E155 Photron (Europe) Ltd G94 Physical Digital Ltd G62 Pico Technology H3 Plastribution Limited I51 PNY Technologies (Europe) Ltd E63 Powerkut Ltd H100 Powertrain Solutions B58 PPG Industries – Semco Packaging G17 Precision Engineering Plastics Ltd D162 Preform Technologies Ltd H105 Presi Ltd C220 – Gallery PRESS ZONE F152 PRF Composite Materials G84A Prime Time Recruitment H113 Printed Electronics Ltd F71 Proceq UK Limited A75 Production Engineering Solutions G193 PRODUCTION GLASSFIBRE C124 Project 12 Ltd H91 Provertha Connectors GMBH G98 PRW B86 PSG G64 Pulstec Industrial Co. Ltd C141 PYROMERAL SYSTEMS D2 QMT Magazine – Cranbrook Media Limited H11 Quality International Assurance I45 RACE TECH Magazine G14 Racecar Engineering Magazine H165 RAPRA Research & Development A165 RDR AEROSPACE E22 RDT Precision Optics C170 Red Composites Ltd G33 Reddie & Grose LLP E75 Rediweld Technical Moulding
G75 Redline Group Ltd B8 Renishaw plc H75 Research & Engineering Center (UK) Limited (REC Global) D170 Retrac Composites Ltd D170 Retrac Productions Ltd F186 Reverie Limited E9 RGC Jenkins & Co I71 Rical Group F16 RMIG Nold GmbH B208 Rockwood Composites Ltd H82 Rohde & Schwarz UK Ltd G60 Rosedale Products Europe Ltd B15 Royal Aeronautical Society G61 SAB-bnl G121 Saddlers Court Mfg Ltd D156 Safe Technology Ltd F82 SAFECHEM Europe GmbH D10 Safetykleen UK Ltd C65 Safran Engineering Services UK Ltd C171 SageZander Ltd I65 Samuel Taylor Ltd H81 Sanderson ERP Software G121 Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council F2 Sandwell UK B146 sat A115 SAUER GmbH (DMG MORI SEIKI) G1 Scaglia Indeva Ltd C88 SCHUNK Intec Ltd G145 SCIGRIP UK Ltd J84 Scorpion Automotive Ltd F207 Scott Bader C44 Seiki Systems Ltd J38 Sensorland.com C145 SGL TECHNOLOGIES GMBH B96 SGS Carbide Tool (UK) Ltd D102 Sharp and Tappin Technology Ltd C151 SHD Composite Materials Limited B1 Sheffield Hallam University D78 Shimadzu UK Limited B101 sia Abrasives (GB) Ltd E76 SIEBEC UK Ltd C16 Siemens D60 SIFCO ASC E136 Sigma Composites Ltd C152 Sigmatex E72 Sil-Mid Ltd C122 SL Laser E20 Smithers Pira E20 Smithers Rapra D95 SMTC C15 Socomore I11 Solartron Metrology Ltd F118 Solberg International (UK) Ltd C11 Solvent Replacement Ltd D105 Sonatest Ltd D9 SpaceClaim Corporation H35 SPAL Automotive UK A3 Specialty Fasteners & Components Ltd C96 SPECIALTY MATERIALS, INC. G74 Spectron Gas Control Systems Ltd I11 Spectrum Metrology Ltd E60 Spraybooth Technology Ltd G31 Stanford Marsh H61 StanleyBlack&Decker - Facom Tools E13 STEMMER IMAGING LTD G35 Stokvis Tapes UK Limited C101 Stonehill Engineering F75 StrainSense Limited H102 Superform A41 Superior Technologies Europe Ltd B32 Sutton Tools Europe F143 SVSP Advanced Composites D15 SYS Systems D211 T&R Composites (T&R Precision Engineering Ltd) B40 Takumi Precision Engineering Ltd B131 Tappex Group of Co’s. F13 Tata Technologies F23 Tata Technologies I11 Taylor Hobson Ltd B9 TCB-Arrow Ltd E121 TE Wire & Cable F151 Teal Park E156A Team Refrigeration Ltd
D24 Tebis (UK) Ltd. B38 TEC Concepts Ltd F24 Techni Measure E112 Technical Fibre Products Ltd B146 Techni-Modul Engineering B45 TechUK D75 Tecnico G48 Tees Valley Unlimited F54 Tektronix UK Ltd F70 Telonic Instruments D131 Ten Cate Advanced Composites Ltd. incorporating Amber Composites B100 Texkimp G15 TFC Ltd H58 The 3D Measurement Company Ltd A91 The British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing G54 The Chartered Quality Institute I31 The Engineering Integrity Society F144 The Expanded Metal Company Ltd J101 The Information Daily – (Boiler House Media) I37 The Northern Healey Centre D34 The Routing & Packaging Company J45 The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders Limited D54 The Tritech Group Ltd F2 The University of Northampton D1 Third Dimension J38 Thomas IEN Europe B48 Thompson Friction Welding B40 Thormac Engineering Ltd H163 Tinius Olsen Ltd H38 Tiro Associates Ltd D21 TML Precision Engineering Ltd F2 TotalSim Ltd D191 Trelleborg AEM D171 TRIDENT FOAMS C3 Trig Engineering Limited D16 Trubiquity Ltd G20 TRW Conekt E12 TTI Group Ltd C91 TÜV SÜD Product Service D111 Tygavac Advanced Materials Ltd B91 UK Aerodynamics G153 UK Flow Ltd B21 UK Tech Events – Organiser G131 UK Trade & Investment E19 ULTRAFINE TECHNOLOGY LTD C50 Union Industries G92 UNITEAM S.P.A. F17 UNITEMP LTD D81 University of Sheffield AMRC E201 Vac Innovation Ltd C80 Valmiera Glass UK B7 Variohm EuroSensor Ltd E115 VELOX GmbH J61 Vero Software H88 Vertech / Brightek Taiwan H88 Vertech/Brightek (Europe) Limited J92 VIDEO INTERVIEW AREA – The Information Daily F140 VIRTEK VISION INTERNATIONAL INC. A GERBER TECHNOLOGY COMPANY E84 Visual Management Technology B88 Volt Engineering C183 Von Roll UK Ltd D51 VTR UK Staffing Ltd C70 WDS Component Parts Ltd D54 We Predict D55 Weldstone GmbH E55 Wilsons Ltd D54 Winslow Adaptics Limited G111 Wirth Research Ltd G9 WMG, University of Warwick E52 WNT (UK) LTD E156 Wolfangel GmbH E86 Woodford Engineering Consultancy UK Ltd J70 Yaplex Ltd G91 Yokogawa Measurement Technologies Ltd. F15 Young Calibration Ltd F64 Zerust UK Ltd F162 Zircotec Ltd D15 Zoller UK J71 Zotefoams plc B2 Zünd Plotting Systems (UK) Ltd D163 Zwick Roell
www.advancedengineeringuk.com SHOWGUIDE | 2013
Welcome to the Advanced Engineering UK 2013 – group of events Show Hours
Tuesday 12th November: Day 1 l
Exhibits Hall opening hours: 9.00am – 5.00pm
Open Conference daily programme Sessions commence 10.00 am in all forums
Wednesday 13th November: Day 2 l
Exhibits Hall opening hours: 9.00am – 4.00pm
Welcome to the Advanced Engineering UK 2013 group of events, now established as one of Europe’s leading advanced engineering and technology showcases.
Open Conference daily programme Sessions commence 10.00 am in all forums
Cloakroom Facilities Secure staffed cloakroom facilities are available (in the Hall 5 entrance/registration lobby) for the full duration of the event. The cloakroom will close at 6.00pm on Day 1 (Tuesday) and at 5.00pm on Day 2 (Wed) 
Visitor Refreshments
A choice of two Self-Service Restaurants are available, at the rear of Hall 5, and to the right hand side of Hall 5. Mobile refreshment carts can also be found as shown on floor plan – Cart 1 and Cart 2 serving light refreshments
Disabled Facilities If you have any queries or require assistance during your visit, please contact any member of the NEC staff/Organiser team who will be happy to assist.
Hotels If you require assistance in booking hotel rooms, contact our official accommodation agent: The Solutions Company. Tel: +44 (0) 1335 345655 Email: hotels@the solutionscompany.co.uk OR visit www.thesolutionscompany.co.uk
Event Management/Team Managing Director/Co-owner: Ian Stone Director/Co-owner: Jini Stone Marketing & Business Development Director: Jeremy Whittingham Marketing Manager: Duncan Harrison Senior Project Manager: David John Senior Project Manager: Paul Love Data Research Executive: Jack Gill Data Research Executive: James Stone Office Manager: Stephanie O’Shea Conference Director: Dr Neil Calder Open Conference Moderators: John Challen, John Hancock, Simon Simmons Editor/Press: John Hancock (WORDS that WORK) Show Guide Production: Toni Barrington, The Magazine Production Company Marketing Design: Kim Ludlow, DPMC Registration Systems: Barry Wise, REGBOX event data solutions UK Tech Events Ltd 4 The Mews, 53 High Street, Hampton Hill, Middx, TW12 1ND, UK Tel +44 (0) 208 783 3573 (Switch) Toll Free (USA / Canada) 1-800-913-5022 Email: info@uktechevents.com Web: www.advancedengineeringuk.com
We are delighted to welcome 2013 attendees to our new Hall 5 NEC location, accommodating five interlinked show streams at the heart of the UK’s high value engineering and technology sector, and combining to create a hugely exciting ‘integrated’ UK technology transfer and business development environment. The event reflects UK government’s continued prioritisation of these advanced engineering and technology sectors, right in the vanguard for delivering its ambitions to rebalance the economy, and actions being undertaken by combined industry, government and academic groups to provide the most coherent landscape and supporting infrastructure to maintain and further encourage the UK’s strength and leadership in these vital sectors. Increasing in size by 25% over last year’s event, the 2013 show floor plays host to 600+ specialist exhibitors of engineering technology, equipment, components and specialist services in one giant hall, together with five show-floor based open conference auditoriums, comprising some 200+ expert technical and strategic presentations over the two days. An exciting and expanded cross section of show floor feature exhibits, showcasing advanced engineering and technology in action, adds further to the experience for 2013 visitors. Individual show streams integrated under the ‘Advanced Engineering UK 2013’ canopy include Aero Engineering Show 2013, Composites Engineering Show 2013, Automotive Engineering Show 2013, Auto Electronics 2013 and Printable Electronics for Industry. The Aero Engineering Show represents the UK’s dedicated show and supporting open conference for the aerostructures, powerplant and aero systems engineering communities, providing a uniquely tailored annual ‘exhibition showcase’ of technology and engineering capability suppliers supporting the UK’s critically important Aero Engineering supply chain. Reflecting UK industry’s increasing demand across a diverse range of sectors for harnessing the benefits of composites materials, the Composites Engineering Show provides a crucial UK annual showcase of the very latest in composites materials, moulding and processing
equipment, trade processors and fabricators, design, simulation, test and automation partners and more. Supporting the rapidly expanding UK automotive design and manufacturing sector, the Automotive Engineering Show provides an important ‘showcase’ of specialist UK and international engineering, innovation and supply chain partners supporting the UK’s automotive vehicle body, chassis, powertrain engineering industries, including the hugely important low and ultra-low carbon vehicle sector. The introduction this year of the ‘Auto Electronics’ stream, alongside the Automotive Engineering Show, reflects the tough competition between vehicle manufacturers that is driving vehicle electronics technologies to support new levels of power management, functionality, safety, efficiency, infotainment and telematics. Finally, the Printable Electronics for Industry provides an important two day programme of presentations, and supporting features and industry partners, showcasing to wider attending design and engineering groups across multiple industries, the ‘potential’ for the game-changing technology of printable electronics.
Bigger than the sum of its parts Each individual show stream, through its exhibits, hosted presentations and special features, provides a ‘tailored’ value chain event, however at the same time visitors cannot escape the benefits of accessing such ‘high synergy’ components together, providing an ever richer and serendipitous landscape of sourcing opportunities, and transfer of ideas and technologies between like-minded high value engineering and technology groups and communities. These industry streams continually overlap and are inseparable from one another, as part of the greater ‘advanced engineering’ community.
Ian Stone Managing Director UK Tech Events Ltd
Thank you to our 2013 industry and media partners As the organisers of the Advanced Engineering UK group of events we would like to express our gratitude for the support and contributions from our 2013 industry and media partners. Headline Industry Partners:
Headline Media Partners:
Supporting Industry & Media Partners
Additional images courtesy of: Asap watercrafts, Delcam, GE Global Research, KG Coating Ltd, Motorsport Industry Association, P&M Aviation, SAUER GmbH, Third Dimension and Zoller UK
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GUIDE to free-to-attend open conference sessions
MATERIALS PROCESSING How SAFRAN AIRCELLE solved their future needs for high precision metal and composite parts cleaning Richard Starkey, Regional Sales Manager UK & Ireland, SAFECHEM Europe
MATERIALS PROCESSING Application of Machining Dynamics Theory against Vibration Issues in Machining Processes in Aerospace Industry Dr Erdem Ozturk, Technology Fellow, AMRC with Boeing
ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING Additive Manufacture of Low Volume Tooling Dr Benjamin Wood, Technology Transfer Specialist, WMG – University of Warwick
CAREERS DEVELOPMENT Career Engagement & Recognition Rosalind Azouzi, Careers and Education Manager, Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS)
FORUM 2 10.00-10.15
LOW CARBON VEHICLE ENGINEERING Delivering high performance at reduced cost by optimising Battery Management Strategies Puneet Mathur, Senior Engineer – Battery Management Systems, MIRA Ltd
LOW CARBON VEHICLE ENGINEERING Developing Automotive Ancillaries for High Voltage Operation Paul Furmston, Lead for New Product Development, TRW Conekt
LOW CARBON VEHICLE ENGINEERING Application of flywheel KERS technology to reduce fuel consumption of a city bus Tobias Knichel, Commercial Manager, Flybrid Automotive Ltd
LOW CARBON VEHICLE ENGINEERING Design of Advanced Hydraulic Control Systems for Automatic, Dual Clutch and Automated Manual Transmissions Martin Maier, Managing Director, hofer mechatronik & hofer powertrain UK Ltd
FORUM 3 10.00-11.00 COMPOSITES
EMERGING TECHNOLOGY – THERMOPLASTICS (Hosted by NetComposites) • 10.00: Natural Fibre Long Fibre Thermoplastics – Chris Hare, Technical Manager, NetComposites Limited • 10.20: Thermoplastic composites using nonwoven materials – Dr Anthony Abbot, Materials Specialist, Technical Fibre Products • 10.40: Low Cost Prototyping of Complex Thermoplastic Components – Nigel Finney, Senior Project Engineer, EPL Composite Solutions Ltd
FORUM 4 10.00-10.15
PROCESS & CAPABILITY ADVANCES Polyurethane Resins in Reinforced Composite Manufacture by Resin Transfer Moulding Andy MacInally, Market Development Manager for Sika Composites, John Burn Ltd
PROCESS & CAPABILITY ADVANCES Hot Drape Forming Ian Jenner, Managing Director, AIC Group Ltd
PROCESS & CAPABILITY ADVANCES A New and fast way to mould composites. Vacuum Press Infusion (VPI) Alan Harper, Chief Executive Officer, Alan Harper Composites Ltd
PROCESS & CAPABILITY ADVANCES Step Sanded Repairs in Composites Reducing Turn Around Time whilst Improving Quality and Consistency Rodney Hanson, Managing Director, Dark Matter Composites Ltd
FORUM 5 10.00-10.15
PRINTABLE ELECTRONICS ‘101’ Introduction to the concepts, technologies, processes & applications in printed & organic Electronics Dan Rogers, Managing Editor, +Plastic Electronics
MATERIALS & PROCESSES Printable high mobility organic semiconductors Dr Changsheng Wang, Research Scientist, Merck Chemicals
APPLICATIONS Flexible plastic displays enabling truly wearable applications Jan Jongman, Senior Manager – Technology Development, Plastic Logic
APPLICATIONS Printed interconnects for aerospace helmet head tracking systems Mau Yuen Chan, Research Engineer, BAE Systems
Programme is correct at time of going to press, and may be subject to change – check programme boards onsite at the show
SUPPLY CHAIN OPPORTUNITIES Supplier opportunities and readiness for the Nuclear Industry Denzil Lawrence, Technology Transfer, Nuclear AMRC
AEROSPACE PROGRAMME INSIGHT A350 Rear Spar and Fixed Trailing Edge Assembly in Western Approach, Bristol Chris Gear, Vice President Chief Engineering, GKN Aerospace AEROSPACE CAREERS DEVELOPMENT Employer Led Apprenticeships – A Global Solution Alison Bettac, Director of Training, AMRC Training Centre AEROSPACE REGIONAL INSIGHT Aerospace in the Black Country Simon Warren, Chief Executive, Wolverhampton City Council
The design of a novel electric vehicle drive train to improve the safety of a vehicle upon impact Marc Greatrex, Head of Business Development UK, Pera Technology Ltd
AUTOMOTIVE EV DRIVETRAIN ENGINEERING ODIN using advanced simulation to ensure efficient and quiet operation of an integrated EV drive train Barry James, Chief Technical Officer – Drivetrain, Romax Technology Ltd
ADVANCED ENGINEERING ENGINEERING BUSINESS Are you a company? Have you claimed for R&D? Reduce your corporation tax bill or possibly get money back – Find out how! Steve Harris, Business Unit Head, Cambridge R&D Unit (HMRC)
FORUM 3 11.00-11.30 COMPOSITES
COMPOSITES MATERIALS & PROCESS INNOVATIONS (Hosted by RAPRA – Rubber And Plastics Research Association) • 11.00-11.15: Composites in Big Science – Simon Canfer, Composites Group Leader at the Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC) • 11.15-11.30: Developments in the Fire Testing and Certification of Composites used in Transport Applications – Dr Janet Murrell, Technical Manager, EXOVA, WarringtonFire
COMPOSITES DIGITAL ENGINEERING Simulation of Composites Manufacturing Processes with Springback Dr Rajab Said, Technical Business Development Manager, ESI Group COMPOSITES DIGITAL ENGINEERING Rapid Composite Product Development Techniques Martin Gambling, Managing Director, GRM Consulting Ltd
(Hosted by Paul Calver, UKTI Sector Specialist, Advanced Manufacturing, Strategic Trade Group, UK Trade & Investment) • 11.00: Mexico – Carlos Botello, Senior Trade Officer, British Consulate Monterrey • 11.20: China – Ian Lockhart, First Secretary (Trade & Investment) – Advanced Engineering & Transport, UK Trade & Investment – British Embassy Beijing • 11.40: Brazil – Chris Wall, UKTI Supply Chain Specialist, UKTI-Brazil
REGIONAL INITIATIVES The Black Country Offer Stewart Towe, Chair of the Black Country Local Enterprise Partnership
ADVANCED ENGINEERING REGIONAL INITIATIVES Black Country Bullet: Achieving Total Regional Supply Chain Fulfilment Matt Neal, Marketing Director, Rimstock Plc & Current Touring Car Champion ADVANCED ENGINEERING REGIONAL INITIATIVES Advanced engineering/manufacturing in Greater Lincolnshire Ruth Carver, LEP Manager, Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership ADVANCED ENGINEERING REGIONAL INITIATIVES Choosing Where and How to Expand: Telford as an Example Adam Breeze, Inward Investment Specialist, Telford & Wrekin Council
Programme is correct at time of going to press, and may be subject to change – check programme boards onsite at the show
SECTOR LANDSCAPE UK Aerospace Sector Growth – Aerospace Growth Partnership (AGP) Paul Everitt, Chief Executive, ADS
AEROSPACE SECTOR LANDSCAPE Aerospace Technology Institute (ATI) Gavin Campbell, Chair: AGP Technology Working Group AEROSPACE SECTOR LANDSCAPE Future aerospace supply chain requirements – a wake-up call Martin Wright, Chief Executive Officer, North West Aerospace Alliance (NWAA) AEROSPACE RUSSIAN AEROSPACE SUPPLY CHAIN OPPORTUNITIES Russian Aerospace Market / UK supply chain opportunities Paul Calver, UKTI Sector Specialist, Advanced Manufacturing, Strategic Trade Group, UK Trade & Investment
FORUM 2 12.00-12.15 AUTOMOTIVE
FORUM 3 12.00 – 12.15
POWERTRAIN ENGINEERING European transmission market overview: What are the key driving factors? How will these affect transmission development in the next few years? Wajih Hossenally, Analyst LV Powertrain, IHS Automotive, Powertrain Team
AUTOMOTIVE NONWOVENS APPLICATIONS Rapid growth of nonwovens in automotive applications – supporting lightweight and more fuel-efficient vehicles Dr George Kellie, Director, KellieSolutions™. AUTOMOTIVE STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP Why partnership and collaboration are essential to UK innovation and success Antony Harper, Head of Research, Jaguar Land Rover COMPOSITES
COMPOSITES IN MOTORSPORT PLM in Motorsport – The key to success (Supported by Motorsport Industry Association MIA) Simon Rogers, Account Manager, Team Engineering
ADVANCED ENGINEERING UK INDUSTRY LANDSCAPE UK Manufacturing – the big picture Andrew Buckley, Membership Director, EEF the manufacturers’ organisation COMPOSITES DIGITAL ENGINEERING From Black Metal to Optimal use of Composites Jean-Francois Maiziere, Sales Director Europe – CATIA – Mechanical, Dassault Systèmes COMPOSITES DIGITAL ENGINEERING A pragmatic approach to achieving cost reduction through simulation of composite manufacturing processes Nigel Pready, Senior Consultant, Frazer-Nash Consultancy
MEASUREMENT & TESTING Latest developments in optical metrology applications Kevin Hawley, Sales Manager, GOM UK Ltd
ADVANCED ENGINEERING MEASUREMENT & TESTING State of the Art real time material property measurement capabilities in Video Extensometry Tim Hawes, Business Manager – Material Test, Imetrum Ltd COMPOSITES PERFORMANCE COMPOSITES – PUSHING THE LIMITS Optimisation of the composite structure of the Olympic Bicycle Frame Dimitris Katsanis, Director, Metron Advanced Equipment Ltd COMPOSITES PERFORMANCE COMPOSITES – PUSHING THE LIMITS Challenges facing the composite armoured vehicle designer Dr Mark French, Principal Engineer, QinetiQ & Matt Sellens, Business Development Manager, Formaplex
ELECTRONICS INNOVATION Innovation & the UK’s Electronics Industry Ashley Evans, Chief Executive, Electronics Technology Network
PRINTABLE ELECTRONICS SECTOR STUDY Printable Electronics Sector Study Chris Jones, Vice Chairman, The Plastic Electronics Leadership Group (PELG)
Programme is correct at time of going to press, and may be subject to change – check programme boards onsite at the show
(Hosted by HVM Catapult) • 13.00 HVM Catapult – a progress report – Dick Elsy, Chief Executive, High Value Manufacturing Catapult • 13.15 Advanced Engineering – driving growth in the UK economy – Lord Paul Drayson, Managing Partner, Drayson Racing Technologies
AEROSPACE UK AERODYNAMICS UK Aerodynamic Research Frank Ogilvie, Chief Aerodynamicist, UK Aerodynamics Centre
ADVANCED ENGINEERING SUPPLY CHAIN NETWORKS valuechain.com... creating value through collaborative supply chain networks Tom Dawes, CEO, DNA Agile Group Ltd AUTOMOTIVE LOW CARBON VEHICLE ENGINEERING “Life Without Oil? – Developments in Low Carbon Vehicle Technologies” / Microcab Project Insight Bernard Porter, Director – Low Carbon Vehicles Programmes, & John Jostins, Professor of Sustainable Transport Design, Coventry University ADVANCED ENGINEERING REGIONAL INITIATIVES FOCUS WALES Engineered in Wales – enabling global technologies Robert Kathro, CEO, Industry Wales & Chris Meadows, Corporate Communications Director, IQE plc
FORUM 3 13.00-13.30 COMPOSITES
MAKING THE UK COMPOSITE INDUSTRY WORK (Chaired and Hosted by Chris Little, Chairman, CompositesUK) Composites Leadership Forum – results from the report and strategy for the CLF to take this forward • Peter Chivers, Chief Executive, National Composites Centre • Alison Starr, Chair of the Composites Leadership Forum
COMPOSITES PROCESS & CAPABILITY ADVANCES – THERMOPLASTICS The driving force behind thermoplastic composite change Dr John Darlington – Head of Product Management, TenCate Advanced Composites EMEA COMPOSITES PROCESS & CAPABILITY ADVANCES – HT THERMOSET TECHNOLOGIES Development and Manufacture of High Temperature Composite Aero Engine Parts Mark Lees, Technology Leader, Cobham Composite Technologies
FORUM 4 13.00-14.00 COMPOSITES
NDT: UNDERPINNING THE ADVANCE OF ENGINEERING (Hosted by The British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing (BINDT)) NDT: Underpinning the Advance of Engineering • 13.00: A landscape for the future of NDT in the UK economy – a Knowledge Transfer Network report – Keith Newton, Research Centre for NDE and Robin Young, Materials KTN • 13.15: The role of personnel certification – Cameron Sinclair, CEO, The British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing • 13.30: Understanding NDT data Mr Alan Hunscott, Technical Support Manager, GE Inspection Technologies, Measurement & Control • 13.45: Advanced ultrasound inspection of high performance composite structures for production QA and in-service damage assessment Richard Freemantle, Managing Director, Wavelength NDT Ltd
ELECTRIC LAND VEHICLES Electric Land Vehicles: Everything Will Change Dr Peter Harrop, Chairman, IDTechEx
AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION Flexible multiport DC/DC converter reduces cost, weight and space, and increases EV range Mark Willows, Technical Specialist Electrical Systems & Control, Prodrive AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION Real-Time testing with AUTOSAR compliant code for ECU software development and verification Dariusz Cieslar, Applications Consultant, dSPACE Ltd
Programme is correct at time of going to press, and may be subject to change – check programme boards onsite at the show
DIGITAL MANUFACTURING Digital Manufacturing Across the Supply Chain Juergen Maier, Managing Director, Siemens Industry Sector UK and Ireland
ADVANCED ENGINEERING REACH How to stop REACH disrupting production Julian Ross, HSCE Consultant (Climate and Environment), EEF the manufacturers’ organisation AEROSPACE SUPPLY CHAIN READINESS SC21: 21st Century Supply Chains (Hosted by ADS Group) • 14.30 Update on the Industry SC21 programme and future developments – Phil Curnock, Head of Supply Chain, ADS • 14.45 NATEP Programme SME Technology funding opportunities – Dave Dawson, NATEP Programme Director, ADS
FORUM 2 14.15-14.30 AUTOMOTIVE
ULTRA LIGHTWEIGHT VEHICLES Affordable Carbon Fibre Crash Structures for Ultra Lightweight Vehicles Dr Kevin Lindsey, Technical Director, FAR-UK Ltd
AUTOMOTIVE TEST ENGINEERING Smarter Testing (Hosted by the Engineering Integrity Society) Geoff Rowlands, Senior Engineer, MIRA Ltd / Norman Thornton, Consultant Engineer
FORUM 3 14.00-15.00 COMPOSITES
EMERGING TECHNOLOGY – BIO COMPOSITES (Hosted by NetComposites) • 14.00: The reaction to fire of biocomposites based on natural fibres and poly-furfuryl alcohol resins – Dr Anthony Stevenson, Project Manager, NetComposites Ltd • 14.20: Emerging biocomposite technologies: solutions for 21st century engineering challenges – Liliya Serazetdinova, Biorenewables Consultant & Dr Mark Coleman, Lecturer, University of East Anglia • 14.40: Regenerated cellulose based textile reinforced composites Shanta Desai, Materials Development Engineer, Composites Evolution Ltd
FORUM 4 14.00-14.30 COMPOSITES
AMSCI ROUND 2 COMPOSITES INNOVATION CLUSTER (CIC) AMSCI Round 2 Composites Innovation Cluster (CiC), updates/results (Hosted by CompositesUK) • CiC StrategicAims – Will Searle, Managing Director, Axillium Research • CiC Technology – Elaine Arnold, Collaborative R&T Project Manager, Cytec • COMPFORE: Foresight Model to Strengthen Existing Supply Chains – Dr Adrian Coronado, Senior Lecturer, Royal Hollaway University of London
ADVANCED ENGINEERING DIGITAL ENGINEERING Direct Modelling: Addressing the Complexity of CAD Chris Dukes, Director, Eng IT (on behalf of SpaceClaim) ADVANCED ENGINEERING DIGITAL ENGINEERING Simulation-Driven Product Development – Engineering the Impossible Dr John Lin, Technical Engineer, ANSYS UK Ltd
UK ELECTRONICS SYSTEMS SECTOR ESCO – Electronic Systems Challenges & Opportunities Warren East, Chairman of the Electronic Systems Community Leadership Council
AUTOMOTIVE/ELECTRONICS PRINTABLE ELECTRONICS FOR AUTOMOTIVE Printable Electronics for Automotive Applications (Hosted by Centre for Process Innovation – CPI) Jon Helliwell, Director of Printable Electronics, Centre for Process Innovation (CPI)
xxxxxxxxxx Programme is correct at time of going to press, and may be subject to change – check programme boards onsite at the show
SUPPLY CHAIN READINESS SC21: 21st Century Supply Chains (Hosted by ADS Group) • 15.00 Aero Engine Controls Supplier development approach to SC21 – Tim Holmes, Supplier Development Manager, Aero Engine Controls – a Rolls-Royce Company • 15.15 SME case study presentations – Phil Hart, Managing Director, MEP Ltd
AEROSPACE QUALITY INITIATIVES Nadcap: Into The Future Joanna Leigh, Marketing Manager, Performance Review Institute (PRI) AEROSPACE ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNING ERP Payback Restores Pre-Recession Performance: How ERP Projects Changed the Overheads Landscape of Two Midlands Engineers Mr Steve Rollisson, Sales Executive, Sanderson ERP Software
FORUM 2 15.00-15.30 AUTOMOTIVE
BAC MONO IN FOCUS BAC Mono: The Engineering Journey • Neill Briggs, Project Director, Briggs Automotive Company (BAC) Ltd. • Rainer Kühlwein, Director, Briggs Automotive Company (BAC) Ltd. • Oliver Webb, Development Driver, Briggs Automotive Company (BAC) Ltd.
AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION Development considerations for increased complexity and system authority in ADAS Ireri Ibarra, Chief Engineer – Functional Safety, MIRA Ltd
FORUM 3 15.00-16.00 COMPOSITES
EMERGING TECHNOLOGY – NANO COMPOSITES Emerging Technology – Nano Composites (Hosted by NetComposites) • 15.00: Graphene based Thermoplastic Masterbatches for Conventional and Additive Manufacturing Processes: Recent Results from the NanoMaster Project – Dr Ben Hargreaves, Senior Project Manager, NetComposites Ltd • 15.20: Nanofillers – novel materials, novel risks and what to do about them – Gordon Fern, Consultant Scientist, Institute of Occupational Medicine • 15.40: Nanosheet-reinforced polymer nanocomposites: from processing to applications – Dr Biqiong Chen, Senior Lecturer in Functional Polymers, University of Sheffield
DIGITAL ENGINEERING Developments in machining of tooling for composites Mr Peter Dicken, Marketing Manager, Delcam
COMPOSITESUK ‘INNOVATION OF THE YEAR’ 2013 AWARDS PREVIEW SESSION (Hosted by CompositesUK, Chaired by Dr Sue Halliwell, Operations Manager, CompositesUK) • Design – The A350XWB rear spar – GKN Aerospace • Materials – Crestabond – Achieving very fast cure times – Scott Bader • Manufacture – Crosstrack software provides complete traceability – JETCAM UK Ltd • Environmental – First fully bio-based floor plane for the Jag F-type – EcoTechnilin UK Ltd
MATERIALS, PROCESSES, APPLICATIONS 3D and Micro-Printed Electronics Dr Steve Jones, Business Development Director, Printed Electronics Ltd
PRINTABLE ELECTRONICS MATERIALS, PROCESSES, APPLICATIONS Quantum Tunnelling Composite Inks in Sensors Switches and Touch-screens David Lussey, CTO, Peratech AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION Solutions for outstanding sensor performance Stephen Tremmel, Business Development Manager, Delo Industrial Adhesives AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION Fretting Corrosion In Automotive Electronic Connectors: Explanation of the fretting phenomenon Causes & prevention of fretting corrosion Solutions for fretting issues Peter Wilks, Engineer Manager, Newgate Simms Ltd
Programme is correct at time of going to press, and may be subject to change – check programme boards onsite at the show
SKILLS, TRAINING & CAREERS Managing Engineering Skills Resource Planning in a skills short market Philip Bowers, Business Development Manager ,Tiro Associates
ADVANCED ENGINEERING SKILLS, TRAINING & CAREERS Competency Based Interviewing for Engineering Environment Andy Raymond, Business Development Manager, Redline Group Ltd
SURFACE ENGINEERING Applications of Surface Engineering Stephen Plumb, Technical Development Manager, TTI Group
AUTOMOTIVE LOW CARBON VEHICLE ENGINEERING Greener tyres: A route to low carbon vehicles Mr Paul Brown, Unit Head – Advanced Materials, Tun Abdul Razak Research Cente
IP CHALLENGES Opportunities and Challenges – Navigating the Great IP Wall of China Dr Chris Moore, Partner, Harrison Goddard Foote LLP
FORUM 4 16.00-16.30 COMPOSITES
COMPOSITES 101 Composites 101 tutorial Tom Preece, Composites Business Manager, Composite Skills Alliance
IP in the fast moving world of Motorsport Tom Sharman/Paul Loustalan, Associates at Reddie & Grose and John Linneker, Partner, Dentons
ADVANCED ENGINEERING BUSINESS Realising SME global growth plans through international payments efficiency Brent Hobson, Baydon Hill FX
Programme is correct at time of going to press, and may be subject to change – check programme boards onsite at the show
10.00 – 11.00am FORUM 1 10.00-10.15 AEROSPACE
DAMAGE DETECTION & PREVENTION How to Prevent Foreign Object Damage (FOD) in Aerospace Manufacturing & MRO Vincent Marcolla, Aerospace Product Manager, Stanley Black & Decker – Facom Tools
AEROSPACE MEASUREMENT & TESTING Sensors Technologies for Aerospace Acoustic Tests Dr Carmine Salzano, International Aerospace Defense Manager, PCB Piezotronics – USA AEROSPACE PROGRAMME INSIGHT Messier-Bugatti-Dowty Supply Chain Requirements and Opportunities Pat Thomas, Head of UK Purchasing, Messier-Bugatti-Dowty, Safran group AEROSPACE PROGRAMME INSIGHT Messier-Bugatti-Dowty Landing Gear Research & Technology Developments Mick White, Chief Engineer R & T, Messier-Bugatti-Dowty, Safran group
FORUM 2 10.00-10.30 AUTOMOTIVE
MOTORSPORT TO AUTOMOTIVE (Hosted by Motorsport Industry Association) • 10.00: Taking Motorsport Technology to the Wider market, with help from the Proving Factory Mr Tobias Knichel, Commercial Manager, Flybrid Automotive Ltd • 10.15: CFD in the Cloud for Innovation & Competitiveness Dr Nicolas A. Tonello, Director, Renuda UK
ALUMINIUM IN AUTOMOTIVE (Hosted by the Aluminium Federation) Aluminium in Road Transport – The material of choice Dr Alan Arthur, Marketing & Communications Executive, ALFED & Emeka Ikwueze, BIW Materials Engineer, Jaguar Land Rover – Sustainable Aluminium Strategies
FORUM 3 10.00-11.00 COMPOSITES
EMERGING TECHNOLOGY – NDT (Hosted by NetComposites) Emerging Technology – Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) of Composites • 10.00: The use of Low Cost Additive Layer Manufacturing for the Repair of Composite Sandwich Panels Dr James White, Research Assistant, University of Bristol • 10.20: Moisture Monitor and its uses in Composite Production and Repair Paul Rogger, Technical Director, JR Technology • 10.40: NDT applied to composite materials Richard Lee, Senior Consultant, ESR Technology
FORUM 4 10.00-10.15 COMPOSITES
MATERIALS AND PROCESS IMPROVEMENT Beyone 1 the green revolution (Bio Composites) Heinz Helmut Wilhelm, Technical Service Manager Euroresins / DSM Composite Resins
COMPOSITES MATERIALS AND PROCESS IMPROVEMENT ULTRASONIC-machining of composites with double feed rates and 40 % reduced process forces Mr Markus Bäumler, Product Manager UK & IRE / Head of Technical Sales, DMG MORI SEIKI (SAUER GmbH) COMPOSITES MATERIALS AND PROCESS IMPROVEMENT Scott Bader’s Urethane Methacrylate/ Acrylic Crestapol resins for demanding pultrusion and Closed Mould applications and advances into Carbon Fibre Composites Neil Gray, Crestapol Resins Global Business Manager, Scott Bader COMPOSITES MATERIALS AND PROCESS IMPROVEMENT High productivity technologies for composites manufacturing: Cannon Estrim Martino Lamacchia, Sales Engineer, Cannon
TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION Considerations of the dual-voltage (14V/48V) supply system for the next generation passenger cars: challenges and solutions from semiconductor point of view Harald Gall, Product Manager, ams AG
AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION Replacing wires, switches, fuses and instruments with an iPad and a wireless body control system Dr Paul Faithfull, Managing Director, Potenza Technology Ltd AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION Serial Bus Analysis for Automotive Applications Mr John Marrinan, Applications Engineer, Tektronix UK Limited AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION Bladesense – Improving vehicle safety and reducing costs through efficiency Mr David Chadwick, Director, OE Systems Ltd
Programme is correct at time of going to press, and may be subject to change – check programme boards onsite at the show
11.00AM – 12.00 noon FORUM 1 11.00-11.15 AEROSPACE
PROGRAMME INSIGHT A350 XWB composite spar – making it possible Lee Allgood, Key Account Manager, Hexcel Composites
AEROSPACE / ADV ENG ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING Streamics™ – A trusted system for Additive Manufacturing process automation & control in the orthopaedic and aerospace industry Jan Van Espen, Senior Consultant Aerospace, Materialise ADVANCED ENGINEERING REACH REACH Compliant Hexavalent Chrome Replacement for Corrosion Protection Dr Tomas Polcar, Lecturer in Coatings and Nanotribology, University of Southampton ADVANCED ENGINEERING ENGINEERING BUSINESS Are you a company? Have you claimed for R&D? Reduce your corporation tax bill or possibly get money back – Find out how! Alan Bamford, R&D Specialist, Leicester R&D Unit, (HMRC)
FORUM 2 11.00-11.30 AUTOMOTIVE
ADVANCED METALLICS IN AUTOMOTIVE (Hosted by Niche Vehicle Network) • 11.00: TSB MagMog Case Study / Mg Sheet Steve Montisci, European Technical Sales Manager – Wrought Products, Magnesium Elektron • 11.15: Manufacturing the World’s Largest Titanium Structure Phil Squance, Managing Director, Caged Laser Engineering Ltd
11.30-12.00 ADVANCED ENGINEERING MAINTAINING HIGH VALUE MANUFACTURING CAPABILITY IN THE UK (Hosted by HVM Catapult) HVM Catapult – a focus for collaboration Dick Elsy, Chief Executive, High Value Manufacturing Catapult FORUM 3 11.00-11.30 COMPOSITES
MATERIALS & PROCESS INNOVATIONS (Hosted by RAPRA – Rubber And Plastics Research Association) Composites Materials & Process Innovations • 11.00-11.15: Technical Industrial Problem Solving and Failure Investigation Dr Stephen Jenkins, Managing Director & Surface Analysis Expert, LPD Lab Services Ltd • 11.15-11.30: Synergistic Effect in Polymer Nanocomposites Systems Dr Emiliano Bilotti, Technical Director, Bio-Polymers, Nanoforce Technology, Queen Mary University of London
COMPOSITES COMPOSITES BEST PRACTICE B of the Bang Mr Graham Mulholland, Managing Director/Owner, epm:technology group COMPOSITES COMPOSITES BEST PRACTICE Best practice for managing and applying composites data in engineering design and materials selection Dr Will Marsden, Product Manager, Granta Design
FORUM 4 11.00-12.30 COMPOSITES NEXT-GENERATION COMPOSITE MANUFACTURING PROCESSES (Hosted by EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Composites CIMComp) • 11.00-11.15: Multi-scale modelling to predict defect formation during resin transfer moulding Prof Andrew Long, University of Nottingham • 11.15-11.30: Structural joints using novel embedded inserts Andrew Mills, Leader – Composites Manufacturing Research Group, Cranfield University • 11.30-11.45: Advanced Manufacturing of multi-functional Composites through novel fibre placement Dr Prasad Potluri, Reader in Textile Composites, University of Manchester • 11.45-12.00: Tactile and discrete manufacturing aids for composites layup – progress towards better understanding of the layup process Prof Kevin Potter, Professor in Composites Manufacture, University of Bristol • 12.00-12.15: Manufacturing with composites – a decision support tool Dr David Ayre, Research Fellow in Composites, Cranfield University • 12.15-12.30: Design and manufacturing platform Dr Anna Chatzimichali, Research Associate, University of Bristol
PRINTABLE ELECTRONICS ‘101’ Introduction to the concepts, technologies, processes & applications in printed & organic Electronics Dan Rogers, Managing Editor, +Plastic Electronics
APPLICATIONS PRINTABLE ELECTRONICS Potential for interactive printed material / Printed electronics – linking the physical with digital and online Chris Jones, Novalia Printed Electronics MATERIALS & PROCESSES PRINTABLE ELECTRONICS High-speed R2R manufacture of OTFTs by vacuum evaporation exploiting a flash-evaporated polymer gate dielectric Dr Hazel Assender, University Lecturer, University of Oxford
PRINTABLE ELECTRONICS MATERIALS & APPLICATIONS Graphene and its potential for organic/printed electronics Dr Monica Craciun, Senior Lecturer, Centre for Graphene Science, College of Engineering, Mathematics & Physical Sciences, University of Exeter
Programme is correct at time of going to press, and may be subject to change – check programme boards onsite at the show
22 |
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Find out more: www.derby.ac.uk/iise2013 University of Derby HPH 1013.indd 1
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Forward Composites HPH 1013.indd 1
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12.00 noon – 13.00pm FORUM 1 12.00-12.15 AEROSPACE
AERO ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY LANDSCAPE Aerostructures – Breaking the Code Colin Sirett, Head of Research & Technology, Airbus in the UK
AEROSPACE SECTOR LANDSCAPE Supply Chains to underpin future growth Neil McMannus, Chair of the AGP Supply Chain Working Group AEROSPACE SUPPLY CHAIN OPPORTUNITIES Introducing your innovations, technologies and new products to Moog Aircraft Group Tim Elsey, UK Supply Chain Manager, Moog Aircraft Group
FORUM 2 12.00-12.15 AUTOMOTIVE
FASTENING TECHNOLOGIES Bolted Joints and Simple Traceability John Van Parys, Owner & Karl Gilby, Sales Manager, Ansomat Ltd
AUTOMOTIVE DIGITAL ENGINEERING Digital Manufacturing in the Automotive Sector Jürgen Nolde, Global Head of Automotive, Siemens Automotive AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLY CHAIN BRIEFING “Just in time – Just in sequence” – JLR’s strategy for component deliveries to the new £500m Black Country based engine manufacturing centre (EMC UK) Alan Edwards, Senior Purchasing Manager, Jaguar Land Rover
FORUM 3 12.00-12.30 COMPOSITES
MAKING THE UK COMPOSITE INDUSTRY WORK (Hosted by CompositesUK, Chaired by Chris Little, Chairman, CompositesUK) Composites Leadership Forum – results from the report and strategy for the CLF to take this forward Composites • Peter Chivers, Chief Executive, National Composites Centre • Alison Starr, Chair of the Composites Leadership Forum
COMPOSITES GLOBAL COMPOSITES OPPORTUNITIES (Hosted by UK Trade & Investment) • Dr Faye Smith, Sector Specialist, Performance Engineering and Materials, UK Trade & Investment • David Taylor, International Trade Adviser at UK Trade & Investment
FORUM 4 12.00-12.30 COMPOSITES
NEXT-GENERATION COMPOSITE MANUFACTURING PROCESSES (Hosted by EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Composites CIMComp) 11.00am – 12.30pm Continued • 12.00-12.15: Manufacturing with composites – a decision support tool Dr David Ayre, Research Fellow in Composites, Cranfield University • 12.15-12.30: Design and manufacturing platform Dr Anna Chatzimichali, Ressearch Associate, University of Bristol
ADVANCED ENGINEERING MANUFACTURING INNOVATION Manufuture Lynne McGregor, Lead Technologist, High Value Manufacturing, Technology Strategy Board
GLOBAL OUTLOOK Automotive Electronics – Global Outlook and Growth Prospects Alistair Hayfield, Associate Director, Technology Solutions Group, IHS Automotive
AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION Energy Efficient Operation of Automotive Electronics Control Units Carl Culshaw, Systems Engineer & Derek Beattie, Systems Engineer, Freescale Semiconductor UK
Programme is correct at time of going to press, and may be subject to change – check programme boards onsite at the show
13.00 – 14.00pm FORUM 1 13.00-14.00 AEROSPACE
SUPPLY CHAIN READINESS (Hosted by ADS Group) SC21: 21st Century Supply Chains • 13.00 Update on the Industry SC21 programme and future developments Phil Curnock, Head of Supply Chain, ADS • 13.15 NATEP Programme SME Technology funding opportunities Dave Dawson,NATEP Programme Director, ADS • 13.30 BAE Systems Maritime supplier development programme Irshad Booly, Supply Chain Manager – BAE Systems Maritime Submarines Combat Systems • 13.45 SME case study presentations Phil Hart, Managing Director, MEP Ltd
FORUM 2 13.00-13.15 AUTOMOTIVE
LOW CARBON VEHICLE ENGINEERING Libralato rotary engine – game changer for xEVs Dan Aris, Managing Director, Libralato Ltd
AUTOMOTIVE LOW CARBON VEHICLE ENGINEERING MAGSPLIT2 – Next Generation Magnetic Power Split Device Mr David Latimer, Business Development Manager, Magnomatics Ltd ADVANCED ENGINEERING HVM CATAPULT IN INDUSTRY EPSRC High Value Manufacturing Catapult Fellowship Centre: bridging academia with the industry Professor Alma Hodzic, Research Director, Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) ADVANCED ENGINEERING REACH (Hosted by EEF, the manufacturers’ organisation) How to stop REACH disrupting production Greg Roberts, HSCE Consultant (Climate and Environment), EEF the manufacturers’ organisation
FORUM 3 13.00-14.00 COMPOSITES
COMPOSITES IN CONSTRUCTION (Hosted by the NGCC: Network Group for Composites in Construction) • 13.00: Bridges with decks of glass fibre reinforced polymers – current status Morten Gantriis Sørensen, Product Manager, Fiberline A/S • 13.20: Haramain Railway Station Roof Mark Hobbs, Senior Engineer, Gurit UK Ltd • 13.40: Space-link – a feasibility study into novel applications for pultrusions Nick Maclean, Director, Ecos Maclean
FORUM 4 13.00-13.15 COMPOSITES
COMPOSITES INNOVATION Recyclable cured epoxy systems with fibre recovery for reuse from fabricated parts Dr. Xin Li, MRSC, Head of European Operations, Adesso Advanced Materials UK Co. Ltd., and Vice President, Business Development (formerly Head of Research), Adesso Advanced Materials Wuxi Co. Ltd
COMPOSITES PULSR MICROLIGHT AIRCRAFT – PROGRAMME INSIGHT The design and development of the PulsR microlight aircraft featuring resin infusion Dr Bill Brooks, Technical Director & Test Pilot, P&M Aviation Ltd ADVANCED ENGINEERING REGIONAL INITIATIVES Black Country Enterprise Zone – an opportunity for Investment Tom Westley, Black Country Local Enterprise Partnership Board Member ADVANCED ENGINEERING REGIONAL INITIATIVES Black Country Bullet: Achieving Total Regional Supply Chain Fulfilment Matt Neal, Marketing Director, Rimstock Plc & Current Touring Car Champion
Graphene Ink for Electronics David Gibbs, Technical Sales, Haydale Ltd
PRINTABLE ELECTRONICS MATERIALS & PROCESSES Film Thickness Measurement of Ultra-Thin Polymer Based Films for OLED Devices Benjamin Mogg, PhD researcher at the WCPC (Welsh Centre of Printing and Coating) within the College of Engineering, Swansea University
PRINTABLE ELECTRONICS APPLICATIONS UK Supply Chain Opportunity for Near Field Communication Enabled Printable Electronics Alan McClelland, Commercial Manager, Centre for Process Innovation (CPI) PRINTABLE ELECTRONICS INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS International Standards supporting the Industrialisation of Materials and Processes Dr Alan Hodgson, Technical Development Manager, 3M UK PLC
Programme is correct at time of going to press, and may be subject to change – check programme boards onsite at the show
14.00 – 15.00pm FORUM 1 14.45-15.00 AEROSPACE
METALS PROCESSING ISF (incremental Sheet Metalforming) Roger Onions, Business Development Director, Manufacturing Resource Centre (GTMA)
FORUM 2 14.00-15.00 AUTOMOTIVE
TEST & DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING (Hosted by MIRA) • 14.00: Non-Destructive Vehicle Rollover Testing Lee Thompson, Technical Sales Manager, MIRA Ltd • 14.15: Accurate Testing of DLC Coatings by Nanoindentation Peter Ho, General Manager, Fischer Instrumentation (GB) Ltd • 14.30: PMX – perfection in automation Michael Guckes, International Product & Application Manager, Hottinger Baldwin Messtechnik GmbH • 14.45: Enhanced fatigue testing of composites Peter Bailey, Senior Applications Specialist, Instron
FORUM 3 14.00-15.00 COMPOSITES
EMERGING TECHNOLOGY – SUSTAINABILITY & RECYCLING (Hosted by NetComposites) • 14.00: A Recycling and Resource Efficiency Strategy for the UK Composites Sector Joe Carruthers, Managing Director, NetComposites Ltd • 14.20: High value nonwovens from recycled carbon fibres Mark James, Materials Specialist, Technical Fibre Products • 14.40: Quickscan LCA methodologies Chris Hare, Technical Manager, NetComposites Ltd
REGIONAL INITIATIVES Developing an engineering workforce – Black Country Skills Factory Colin Parker, Director – Black Country Skills Factory
COMPOSITES LIFE SAVING WATER CRAFT – PROJECT FOCUS Swimming with Sharks – bedroom to manufacture Ross Kemp, Founder – ASAP Water Crafts COMPOSITES COMPOSITES INNOVATION RFID optimisation of composites part fabrication Avner Ben-Bassat, President & CEO, Plataine Technologies COMPOSITES COMPOSITES INNOVATION Polycarbonate based Composite Sheets Kevin Jackson, Technical Sales Engineer, Bayer Material Science
TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION Vital signs and heart rate monitoring for occupant safety and well-being Clive Beech, Quality Team Leader, Plessey Semiconductors Ltd
AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION New and Next Generation Transmitters & Receivers for the MOST Infotainment Network Jack Bennett, Sales Engineer, Hamamatsu Photonics UK Ltd ADVANCED ENGINEERING BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Patent Box Tax Break for Technology Companies Hugh Dunlop, Partner, RGC Jenkins & Co ADVANCED ENGINEERING BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Graduate Recruitment, How to attract and select the best new talent for your business Mr Stephen Brown, Managing Director, Euro-Projects Recruitment Ltd
Programme is correct at time of going to press, and may be subject to change – check programme boards onsite at the show
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15.00 – 15.30pm FORUM 1 15.00-15.15 AEROSPACE
AIRCRAFT AND SYSTEMS FAULT DETECTION Intermittent Faults & Fault Diagnostic Capability: Implications for Manufacturing Giles Huby, Managing Director, Copernicus Technology Ltd
ADVANCED ENGINEERING HEAT TREATMENT WEB-based service for support of heat treatment standards Dave Hartley, Marketing Director, Invensys Eurotherm
FORUM 2 15.00-15.15 AUTOMOTIVE
DIGITAL MANUFACTURING Top Secret! How to beat your competitors to the next innovation by investing smarter and learning faster Dr Martyn Jeffries, Automotive PLM Strategy – Europe, TATA Technologies
FORUM 3 15.00-15.30 COMPOSITES
AMSCI ROUND 2 COMPOSITES INNOVATION CLUSTER AMSCI Round 2 Composites Innovation Cluster, updates/results (Hosted by CompositesUK) • CiC Strategic Aims – Will Searle, Managing Director, Axillium Research • UKBIOCOMP: Delivering a Sustainable Future for UK Automotive Industry – Matthew Thornton, Project Manager, NetComposites • UKBIOCOMP: Natural Fibre Life Cycle Assessments – Dr Guogan Ren, Senior Lecturer, University of Hertfordshire
FORUM 4 15.00-15.30 COMPOSITES
COMPOSITES 101 Composites 101 tutorial Tom Preece, Composites Business Manager, Composite Skills Alliance
BUSINESS MANAGEMENT The role of Intellectual Property Protection in the Supply Chain Simon Cooper, Managing Director & Patent Attorney, Adamson Jones IP Ltd
Programme is correct at time of going to press, and may be subject to change – check programme boards onsite at the show
Inspired by innovation 0
September 2013
06/09/2013 11:15 Page 1
02/09/2013 11:45 Page 1
september 2013
In this issue: Sensors, Test & Measurement • Rapid Prototyping • Drives, Controls & Automation
The shape of things to come?
One direction
Developing a pot of gold?
Making your IT systems work in harmony
Building intelligence into the next generation of robots
Incorporating Plant Engineer
Broken Britain
UK based researchers are looking to get an early lead in the race to develop 5G technology
Why our labour productivity lags behind Europe
Hydrogen bond The fuel cell and the forklift truck
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‘I’d love my kids to be engineers’
Full throttle Stunning speed, spectacular soup-ups and illegal overtaking... EC goes trackside for Formula Student
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Autumn 2013 • A Eureka publication
Cameron exclusive:
September 2013
Recycled plastics reach car interiors
Designing the bike behind Olympic gold
What’s happening at Engineering Materials LIVE!
Medical manufacturing
Exhibition preview
Local successes add up globally
Implant production secrets revealed
Advanced Engineering 2013
Haas Automation's story of growth
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designed for the harshest environments
JULY 2013
Passionate about engineering
xxxxxxxxxx 2013 | SHOWGUIDE
Special Features Round-Up The show floor for the 2013 event is packed with an exciting mix of examples of ‘innovation in action’ throughout the high value engineering & technology streams represented across the ‘group’ of events. From Aerostructures to Supercars, from Low Carbon Vehicles to Electric Aircraft, from Landing Gear technologies to future marine materials, from Land Speed Vehicles to future electronics, and much more. read on...
Show Floor ‘special feature’ zones and exhibits – at a glance AERO ENGINEERING IN ACTION
Airbus A350 XWB Main Landing Gear – Messier-Bugatti-Dowty, Safran group Airbus A350 XWB carbon fibre rear wing spar section – GKN Aerospace
ADVANCED ENGINEERING IN ACTION E100 Hosted by High Value Manufacturing Catapult Bloodhound SuperSonic Car – full scale model/related components – Bloodhound SSC Eurojet EJ200 engine – Rolls Royce Drayson B12/69 Electric Car World Electric Land Speed Record holder* – Drayson Racing Technologies *subject to FIA homologation ELECTROFLIGHT high performance, battery powered, electric aeroplane – ELECTROFLIGHT
Axon Automotive car & composite chassis – Axon Automotive Microcab H2EV hydrogen fuel cell electric hybrid vehicle – Microcab Industries Ltd/Coventry University
Libralato low-carbon engine power hybrid electric vehicles – Libralato Ltd Ariel atom titanium chassis – Caged Laser Engineering Ltd BioComposite floor panels for the Jaguar F-Type – EcoTechnilin/CabAuto
Motorsport Valley Innovation Exchange Feature Pavilion – Hosted by The Motorsport Industry Association (MIA)
Boeing 787 Dreamliner Main Landing Gear – Messier-Bugatti-Dowty, Safran group Austin Healey 3000 Mk3 – Phase 2: full Concourse restoration – The Northern Healey Centre
‘Lifeguard Craft’ – electric power assisted water craft for beach lifeguards – Asap watercrafts Limited Formula Student Car – University of Liverpool Formula Student Team Jaguar Land Rover vehicle showcase – Jaguar Land Rover
BAC Mono – UK built single-seater road legal production car – Briggs Automotive Company Ltd.
Scorpion RIBs new 85 Sport rigid inflatable boat – Scorpion RIBs Ltd WorldFirst Formula 3 ‘sustainable’racing car – University of Warwick
COMPOSITES ENGINEERING IN ACTION (2) PulsR microlight aircraft – P&M Aviation Ultima GTR sports kit car – Ultima Sports Ltd
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Lifeguard Craft – electric power assisted water craft for beach lifeguards The award winning asap watercrafts ‘Lifeguard Craft’, a one-person craft designed as a cheaper alternative to a jet ski and can be solar charged, shortly to go for testing with the lifeguards of Bondhi beach, will showcase its full pre-production prototype, as part of the Composites Engineering in Action feature Zones. Innovator Ross Kemp will also present the background story and engineering insight into this fascinating product.
Get up close to the ground breaking BAC mono Visitor to this year’ s show can get up close to the ground breaking BAC mono, the game changing UK built single-seater road-legal production car. See the car, talk to the team, and get the full engineering story on its design, materials, powertrain and more. Supporting the onsite vehicle presence will be a feature ‘focus’ open conference presentation’ BAC Mono: The Engineering Journey’ in open forum 2 on Tuesday 12th Nov 15.00 – 15.30 pm, featuring Neill Briggs, Project Director, Rainer Kühlwein, Director & Oliver Webb, Development Driver.
at this year’s Aero Engineering show as examples of Safran group’s Messier-Bugatti-Dowty’s leadership in the design, development, manufacture and support of landing gear systems. Supporting the feature exhibits this year will be a keynote presentation from Messier-Bugatti-Dowty at 10.30 – 11.00am on day 2 (Wed Nov 13th) in the Aero Engineering open conference, addressing crucial Research and Technology & Supply Chain themes.
Airbus A350 XWB carbon fibre rear wing spar section Airbus A350 XWB’s milestone setting next generation advanced composite wings engineering programmes comes under the spotlight at this year’s Aero Engineering show, with the combination of a composite rear wing spar feature exhibit, courtesy of GKN Aerospace, supported by a 1 Day (Tuesday 12th Nov) keynote open conference presentation from Chris Gear, Vice President Chief Engineering GKN Aerospace, in Open Forum 1 from 11.15 – 11.30am. GKN Aerospace additionally features, for the design and manufacture of the A350 XWB rear spar, in the 2013 Composites Innovation Awards preview at 3.30 – 4.00pm on Tuesday 12th Nov in Open Forum 4.
PulsR microlight aircraft
World land speed record for a lightweight electric car Featured on the ‘Advanced Engineering in Action zone’, hosted by High Value Manufacturing Catapult, attendees to the 2013 group of shows can get a rare glimpse at the iconic Drayson Racing electric car, which earlier this year broke the world land speed record for a lightweight electric car. The Lola B12/69 EV hit an unofficial top speed of 219.1mph with a new average speed over one mile of 205.139mph. Built by Drayson Racing Technologies, which has pioneered the development of sustainable green technology in motorsport, co-founded by former Minister for Science and Innovation and motorsport innovator Lord (Paul) Drayson, the car represents a deliberate opportunity to highlight electronic vehicle technology’s potential.
Messier-Bugatti-Dowty showcase Full size exhibits representing the Airbus A350 XWB and Boeing 787 Dreamliner main landing gears can be seen
The PulsR, a new generation of microlight from P&M Aviation, can be seen as one of the many special show floor features at this year’s Advanced Engineering UK group of events. The design and development of the PulsR microlight aircraft, including its use of carbon epoxy sandwich production using resin infusion technology, will additionally be discussed by P&M Aviation’s Technical Director and Test Pilot Bill Brooks. The PulsR microlight aircraft incorporates a unique aerodynamic monocoque composite carbon fibre body shell to give increased strength and rigidity all at minimum weight, together with a cantilever sprung composite main undercarriage to soak up the roughest of fields all combined with large tundra wheels and tyres.
The new 85 Sport rigid inflatable boat from Scorpion RIBs This uses new infusion manufacturing techniques, to infuse a 9m hull, in contrast to its standard hand-lamination. The project was coordinated by Scott Bader who supplied the vinylester infusion resin system and provided the
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infusion ‘strategy’ plan. Tygavac Advanced Materials ltd supplied the consumable infusion materials and training in bagging techniques to the Scorpion team. Composite integration provided the metermixing equipment to supply mixed resin to the infusion process plus the necessary vacuum system. The features Scopion RIBS new 85 sport represents the first production model harnessing this brand new technique.
Ultima GTR sports kit car Manufactured by Ultima Sports Ltd, the world renowned GTR really is an affordable supercar in every sense. The car is available both in kit form and as a “turnkey” (i.e. assembled by the factory) vehicle. The design is mid engined, rear wheel drive layout, with a tubular steel space frame chassis and GRP bodywork. In 2006 the GTR was crowned as the quickest production car in the world, breaking a plethora of world speed acceleration and deceleration records. Scott Bader Crystic gelcoats and resins are used to make the fibreglass body panels of Ultima sports cars.
Next generation formula professionals Run by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and supported by industry and high profile engineers such as Ross Brawn, Formula Student in an international competition in which top engineering students design, build and race a single seat racing car. The University of Liverpool Formula Student Team comprises a mixture of 3rd and 4th year students and will give an insight into this important programme at this year’s show as they show off their latest car.
A racing car powered by chocolate, steered by carrots, with bodywork made from potatoes? Designed to demonstrate the viability of green sustainable vehicle technology to its limits, the “WorldFirst Formula 3 racing car” which is powered by chocolate, steered by carrots, and has bodywork made from potatoes, will be available to see, as part of this year’s show floor low carbon materials /vehicles coverage. Built by a dedicated team from University of Warwick team based in the University’s Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG) and the Warwick
Innovative Manufacturing Research Centre the car which uses sustainable materials throughout, can still do 125mph around corners.
ELECTROFLIGHT high performance, battery powered, electric aeroplane ELECTROFLIGHT’s high performance, battery powered, electric aeroplane will be displayed as one of the feature exhibits on the central “Advanced Engineering in Action Zone”, hosted by High Value Manufacturing catapult. ELECTROFLIGHT’s aim is to establish an early technological lead in electric propulsion by building and demonstrating the first high performance, battery powered, electric aeroplane using the most recent of these technologies. ELECTROFLIGHT’s design combines advances in carbon composite materials and construction methods with emerging electric motor, control system and energy storage technologies. The airframe is designed for pure electric propulsion and the ground up design contains no elements attributable to piston or jet engine technology. ELECTROFLIGHT is working closely with the National Composite Centre in Bristol using the world-class facilities to manufacture project components.
Bloodhound SSC supersonic car – designed to attempt 1,000 miles per hour (1,600 km/h) world land speed record The Bloodhound SSC jet and rocket powered Supersonic Car takes centre stage as part of the High Value Manufacturing Catapult-hosted ‘Advanced Engineering in Action’ feature area. Launched in 2008, and already a hugely influential educational project inspiring next generation engineers and STEM education, the car has been developed specifically to break the current land speed record by a massive 33%, it largest margin yet. Featured at this year’s show will be a full size model of the supersonic car, alongside additional critical components developed for the Bloodhound SSC, with the assistance of HVM Catapult centres of expertise – including the car’s gearbox casing. Visitors can also take a look at the Eurojet EJ200 engine, powerplant of the Eurofighter Typhoon, that is used in the car for its initial acceleration prior to its rocket deployment.
Axon Automotive Static display at Automotive Engineering 2013 show Vehicle design for lightness, safety and cost – Axon Automotive is a specialist vehicle manufacturer, producing ultra-light energy efficient vehicles for customers around the world. Axon is able to produce primary vehicle structures that weigh 50% less than conventional vehicles by using its
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internationally patented carbon fibre beam technology, Axontex™. Half mass makes Axon’s vehicle platform ideal to lower the cost of alternative powertrains and new fuels such as battery electric, hybrids, or, hydrogen power. Both the Axon Automotive car & composite chassis will be on display.
Revolutionary low-carbon engine to power hybrid electric vehicles Manchester-based firm Libralato Ltd is developing a revolutionary low-carbon engine to power hybrid electric vehicles. The award-winning company plans to assemble its rotary 1-stroke engine in Hulme, Manchester, creating hundreds of green manufacturing jobs in the inner city. The company is at an exciting stage of development with a high-grade prototype being tested at Loughborough University, supported by a £2m European Green Cars Initiative project. Libralato’s chief executive Dan Aris will also talk about the project as part of this year’s open conference programme.
The pioneering Microcab H2EV hydrogen fuel cell electric hybrid vehicle Visitors can get up close at this year’s show to see Coventrybased Microcab is a zero emission vehicle manufacturer and a spin-out company from Coventry University. Its latest machine – the next-generation H2EV – brings together technical expertise from the automotive and motorsport industries, incorporating a chassis designed by Microcab and engineered by Lotus. The H2EV is powered by a state-of-the-art 3kW fuel cell, which combines hydrogen from the onboard tank with oxygen from the air to create electricity (which drives the car’s electric motors) and water (the car’s only emission) in a reaction known as ‘reverse electrolysis’. Unlike a pure electric vehicle, whose only power source – a battery – can take hours to charge, the H2EV can be refilled with hydrogen in a matter of minutes, and can run for 180 miles before needing a top up.
Lightweight Ti Ariel Atom Chassis Use of hyperbaric chamber for welding Titanium for the lightweight Ti Ariel Atom Chassis , resulting in a 40% reduction in chassis mass which equates to 9% vehicle. Featured project insight presentation plus actual displayed chassis, as part of the Low Carbon Vehicle Engineering programme at Automotive Engineering 2013.
Motorsport Valley Innovation Exchange Feature Pavilion Hosted by The Motorsport Industry Association (MIA), this special feature to the 2013 show floor provides insight and links into the motorsport industry technology streams, acknowledged for their technology transfer potential into other industry sectors – notably automotive, aerospace, marine etc. Supported by presentations stream over the 2 days.
Printable Electronics demonstrated Hosted by ESPKTN and PELG, and supporting the 2 day programme of industry presentations and exhibits, the Printable Electronics for Industry showcase provides attending design and engineering groups with the opportunity to see physical examples of how the exciting new ‘enabling’ technology of printable (plastic/organic) electronics is being applied across numerous sectors. Printed electronic interactive drum poster by UK-based Company Novalia, a simple example of an application of printed interactive capacitive touch using conductive ink that transforms a simple graphic into a fully interactive audio poster. Novalia will also be tweeting live from a self-adhesive label and introducing an interactive poster that has been produced using conductive ink systems that incorporate graphene to lower the sheet resistance. One of the many examples to see and experience.
Jaguar Land Rover materials leadership Victors will this year see examples of JLR’s leadership in aluminium and composite structures, with the 2013 Range Rover and the F-Type Jaguar soft-top convertible.
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WINNERS ON DISPLAY Selective winners of this years’ UK Composite Industry Awards, due to receive their awards at this Industry Awards Dinner on 12th November at the Crowne Plaza, NEC, Birmingham, to coincide with the 2013 Composites Engineering Show, will be showcased across this year’s show floors. These include the A350 XWB rear spar, from GKN Aerospace, winner of the Innovation in Composite Design award. EcoTechnilin UK Ltd will additionally feature their award winning first fully bio-based floor panel used in the Jaguar F-type convertible. Additionally, award winners GKN Aerospace, Scott Bader and JETCAM UK will be giving ‘insight’ presentation on their innovations, as part of the 2013 Awards Preview open conference session, hosted in Open Forum 4, from 15.00 – 15.30pm on Tuesday 12th Nov.
The P&M Aviation PulsR microlight, just one of the ‘advanced engineering in action’ feature exhibits at this years Advanced Engineering UK group of events.
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The Voice of UK Manufacturing Advanced Engineering 2011 Show Guide interviews Terry Scuoler, CEO of our major partner, EEF – the organisation for UK manufacturing
Representing industry We talk with Terry Scuoler, Chief Executive at EEF about UK manufacturing today and in the future John Hancock
Rebalancing the economy The UK government has made it a central policy to rebalance the UK economy to be less dependent on services and public sector activities and more able to punch its weight in the value creating activities, specifically playing on and developing those strengths that have always been present in the UK, engineering and manufacturing.
A strong voice for industry Of course, these days, both activities are quite a lot different from the past with many heavy industries having moved to lower cost centres while the UK has been building a valuable position in high value and high quality engineering and manufacturing. Sectors such as aerospace have always been globally successful while the automotive industry has enjoyed the greatest resurgence story for many years and the UK’s leadership in composites engineering has added to the reasons why people want to do business here. In all of this, one body has been a pivotal force in encouraging manufacturing growth and excellence; EEF is, to use its own words, ‘manufacturing’s biggest supporter’. It is also a big supporter of Advanced Engineering UK 2013 group of events; so it is apt that we would want to learn EEF’s views through meeting the organisation’s Chief Executive, Terry Scuoler. As
in previous years, Terry answers to our questions were complete and very informative.
EEF is a membership
Advanced Engineering UK 2013: Why has EEF decided to work with Advanced Engineering UK 2013? Terry Scuoler: EEF is a membership community of businesses, thought-leaders, experts and influential authorities. Together we share best practice and innovative thinking and keep business networks open so that opportunity and new learning can flow. We are therefore delighted to be a key partner and supporter once again of this year’s Advanced Engineering UK event because it also provides the opportunity for knowledge and technology transfer, networking and business development across these high growth sectors. Importantly, it helps to illustrate the UK’s potential as a global engineering and technology hub to overseas customers, investors and partners.
community of businesses,
AEUK 2013: What do you believe will be the greatest challenges for the UK’s advanced engineering sector over the next five years? TS: There are major challenges overseas and at home. Overseas we will see the continued challenge from emerging economies, not just because of cost but also the investment they are making in higher value technologies, a skilled
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thought-leaders, experts and influential authorities. Together we share best practice and innovative thinking and keep business networks open
EEF | 39
workforce and research. It would be naïve to assume that these countries will only focus on low value products in the future. At home we continue to face the perennial problem of skills shortages and how we attract the brightest and best into our sector.
invest in the infrastructure to enable the efficient movement of goods and people; it must have a competitive tax system that encourages long term investment and it must prioritise spending on areas that will support more companies bringing more products and services to market.
AEUK 2013: Please tell us a little about EEF’s work on green climate issues, sustainability and securing UK engineering’s place in tomorrow’s global economy? TS: The EEF Climate, Energy and Environmental Policy team work actively with manufacturers, government and environmental bodies to encourage the development of lowcarbon manufacturing processes and to reinforce the UK’s position as one of the world’s most environmentally-responsible manufacturing nations. EEF believes that growth must be at the heart of all government policy and environment and climate change is no different. We believe the two are not mutually incompatible and that transition to a low carbon economy, for the UK, can be AEUK 2013: How should government an opportunity for our manufacturing sector. support evolve to both support the advanced Cost-effectiveness and innovation must be at engineering sector today and prepare for the heart of any low carbon vision for longer term challenges and opportunities? manufacturing. Ultimately, we need to see a TS: Government must continue to set the most strong global agreement, which will address competitive business environment it can, not just competitiveness concerns and enable the to attract inward investment but to encourage massive reductions in global emissions that those manufacturers already here to step up must take place if we are to achieve our goal of their investment. This means having the most tackling global climate change. competitive tax system, a highly educated and skilled workforce at all levels, the most flexible AEUK 2013: The UK’s relationship with labour markets, a secure and competitive Europe and place in the EU are topics of the supply of energy and a financial system that moment; how does the engineering sector supports business with access to finance. We feel on this matter, what do they see as the also need to see a far greater emphasis on advantages and disadvantages and what, if growing our economy. To date there has been anything, could EEF do to help inform the UK a lot of emphasis on reducing the deficit which public in any debate on the matter? is understandable and which we support. We TS: The message from our members is very clear. now need to see the same amount of cross Eighty five per cent of those who completed our government effort put into growing our economy. recent survey want to see Britain remain in the EU with no ifs or buts – it’s central to many of AEUK 2013: From the point of view of the their business and investment plans. The size engineering sector, should government of the prize for British businesses is enormous, support be direct financial support, better in terms of current and future trade deals, most purchasing policy, support through practical of which wouldn’t be on the table if we were to initiatives or infrastructure developments? leave the EU. The public debate must shift to TS: The answer is ‘yes’ to all of these options. the economic issues surrounding membership. Government actions impact on industry every Too much of the focus has been on home day through taxation, spending priorities, affairs issues and immigration. There needs to regulation and the way it procures goods and be a balance and it is incumbent on politicians, services. All of these must be consistent and business leaders and organisations like EEF to line up behind clear objectives to rebalance help raise the level of debate and ensure there the economy and support the manufacturing is a clear picture about our membership. That’s sector in delivering the trade and investment- why we published our report ‘Manufacturing: Our led growth we need. So government must be Future in Europe’, which sets out the case for clearer about its pipeline of procurement needs continued membership and looks in great detail and enable smaller companies to access at the arguments in favour of membership. We contacts across all levels of government; it must argue that an effective EU will support UK efforts AEUK 2013: What will be the greatest opportunities that the advanced engineering sector could leverage over the next year to five years? TS: Whilst they will provide a challenge, the growth of emerging markets will also provide substantial opportunities for UK manufacturers. The growth in exports to the BRIC [Brazil, Russia, India and China] economies will continue and other markets such as the Middle East are also now assuming vital importance. In addition, we will continue to see the growth in opportunities provided by the low carbon economy and investment in green technology. Climate change is an issue that will be addressed by advanced engineering solutions.
to build a stronger, better balanced economy which delivers better trading conditions, more employment and raises living standards. What needs to happen now is that we focus on making the EU work better for growth. AEUK 2013: Please tell us a little about EEF’s work on skills and apprenticeship development in engineering? TS: Engineering and manufacturing’s competitiveness hinges on a skilled workforce. Recruiting and developing the right skills, at the right level equips manufacturers with the capability to deliver and grow. Better skilled employees are more productive, ensuring companies become more flexible and competitive. At EEF, skills and apprenticeship development are integral to our work and we actively deliver in three key areas: our research and influencing activity; through the delivery of our own national skills and apprentice service; and our training and development programmes which span shop-floor to top-floor. On the delivery side, EEF is committed to ensuring that businesses in our industry are able to find and train the next generation of engineering and manufacturing talent at all levels across the business. That’s why we also deliver a range of skills and development programmes which span apprentices through to senior manufacturing executives. This year we also invested in a new world class Apprentice and Technical Training Centre which opened in Aston in September. This multi-million pound investment in a bespoke training facility has been designed to ensure that engineering and manufacturing businesses are able to access state of the art training facilities. The EEF Technology Training Centre provides opportunities for learning, re-skilling and up-skilling from apprentices through to adult learners. Manufacturing, mechanical and electrical pathways are core to the offering and the delivery team ensures that apprentice programmes, be they apprenticeships, advanced apprenticeships or higher apprenticeships, are designed and delivered to meet the needs of employers.
Prepared for the future As the world moves out of recession and as the UK economy continues to improve, countries who can better co-ordinate their manufacturing and trade efforts will be the ones to prosper best. In EEF, UK manufacturing has a champion and facilitator that will help to ensure a co-ordinated and well informed stance in global markets for the sectors on which rest the main hopes for a strong and sustainable recovery and a prosperous long-term future. The interview over, we offered our thanks to Terry Scuoler for his time and comprehensive overview.
www.eef.org.uk SHOWGUIDE | 2013
Catapulting to manufacturing success The High Value Manufacturing Catapult seeks to help UK businesses turn great ideas into great manufacturing programmes
Putting manufacturing back on the map
Dick Elsy’
to ensure its longevity, the HVM Catapult will enable the UK to address market needs in key In his introduction to the High Value areas, making the country more competitive on manufacturing Catapult Mission statement, the global stage. The long-term goal is to stimulate growth in CEO Dick Elsy explains the reason why it was established… “The UK has lost self confidence in the manufacturing sector and more than double bringing innovation to market. We’ve become risk the sector’s contribution to UK GDP by helping averse both technically and financially. The HVM accelerate new concepts to commercial reality. Catapult set up to fix that, by reducing that risk and More specifically, the HVM Catapult gives giving companies the chance to really add scientists, engineers and entrepreneurs access value to the British economy through high-end to a pool of expertise and experience within academia, research, industry and government. manufacturing capability.” HVM Catapult aims to revitalise the UK’s It bridges the gap between early innovation, manufacturing industry, and is one of seven where the UK has traditionally been strong, and Catapult programmes established in different industrial-scale manufacturing, where real wealth sectors. Its network consists of seven technology is created and the UK is relatively uncompetitive. AFRC is also part of two other global networks and innovation centres, established and of industrially-focused research centres; AxRC overseen by the Technology Strategy Board, with Seven centres of activity and GlobalNet. over £200 million of government investment. Located in a bespoke facility next to Glasgow As already stated, there are seven technology and innovation centres in the HVM Catapult’s network. International Airport, the AFRC focuses on developing forming and forging technologies to A gateway to growth and expertise support the design and manufacture of products, The HVM Catapult provides UK business with a Advanced Forming Research Centre gateway to access the best manufacturing talent The Advanced Forming Research Centre (AFRC) across a range of sectors including Aerospace, and facilities in the country. It is also a two-way is a collaborative venture between the University Automotive, Energy, Medical Devices and Marine. communication channel to government and a of Strathclyde, leading multinational engineering valuable conduit for funding from both the public firms including Rolls-Royce, Boeing, TIMET, Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre and private sectors for projects and initiatives Aubert & Duval, and Barnes Aerospace, plus the The University of Sheffield AMRC with Boeing with due merit. With political cross-party backing Scottish Government and Scottish Enterprise. The focuses on advanced machining and materials
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low weight, corrosion-resistant qualities of composites materials.
Nuclear AMRC Led by the University of Sheffield, with the backing of government and industry, the Nuclear Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (Nuclear AMRC) aims to enhance the capabilities and competitiveness of the UK civil nuclear manufacturing industry, and help British manufacturing companies compete for nuclear contracts worldwide. Over 40 companies have joined the Nuclear AMRC as full members, from global reactor providers to specialist suppliers. The Nuclear AMRC is based in bespoke facilities on the Advanced Manufacturing Park in South Yorkshire. The centre’s workshop contains a range of state-of-the-art manufacturing equipment tailored for nuclear industry applications.
WMG For more than 30 years WMG (Warwick Manufacturing Group... at the University of Warwick) has engaged with industrial partners in collaborative R&D based on the successful fusion of fundamental and applied research, coupled with leading knowledge transfer expertise. The WMG centre High Value Manufacturing Catapult will build on this pedigree. Through industrial collaboration the global challenge of Low Carbon Mobility is being addressed, driven by priorities in the automotive, commercial (truck and bus), off-road (agricultural and construction), rail and marine transport sectors. The focus is on Lightweight Technologies and Manufacturing Technology Centre The Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) is Energy Storage and Management. These are a partnership between some of the UK’s major underpinned by developments in Digital Validation global manufacturers and the universities of and Verification, with the aim of reducing time to Birmingham, Nottingham and Loughborough, market and the cost of prototyping new solutions. plus TWI Ltd. The MTC now has more than 50 industrial members representing large OEMs, Innovation on display Tier 1 suppliers and SMEs from across a wide A significant proportion of the High Value range of industry sectors. Manufacturing Catapult’s network’s programmes The Centre specialises in a range of will on display or in other ways featured at manufacturing technologies and processes Advanced Engineering UK 2013 group of that are particularly important to the high events. There might not be space to list them all value manufacturing sector: intelligent but attendees will get a flavour of the innovative automation,advanced tooling and fixturing, energy of the whole programme in displays like electronics manufacturing, high integrity the Drayson Racing Technologies record breaking fabrication, manufacturing simulation and electric racing car and the Bloodhound SSC informatics, metrology and NDT and net shape supersonic car built to attempt the 1,000 miles and additive manufacturing. per hour (1,600 km/h) world land speed record, among many great exhibits of UK engineering and manufacturing brilliance on the Advanced National Composites Centre The Centre’s mission is to be the world leading Engineering in Action area, hosted by High Value centre of excellence and innovation in composite Manufacturing Catapult Perhaps it will be best to leave the last word on technology, with over 100 specialist composite engineers, designers and technicians working on Advanced Engineering UK 2013 group of events to the High Value Manufacturing Catapult CEO, innovative composite applications. The National Composites Centre (NCC) Dick Elsy: “A new era of collaboration is upon provides industrial scale research and technology us and this event brings together engineers development facilities to meet the needs of all and a rich range of technologies which are the sectors wishing to capitalise on the high-strength, feedstock of this new way of working.”
clients to develop, prove, prototype and scale up the next generation of products and processes. An open innovation model enables clients to develop products and prove processes with minimal risk. The Centre provides assets and expertise so that customers can demonstrate the process before investing substantial amounts of money in capital equipment and training. New products and processes can be shown to be feasible; on paper, in the lab and in the plant before being manufactured at an industrial scale.
research for aerospace and other high-value manufacturing sectors. The AMRC with Boeing identifies, researches and resolves advanced manufacturing problems on behalf of its industrial partners. Around 70 companies have joined as members, from global aerospace giants such as Boeing, Rolls-Royce, BAE Systems and Messier-Bugatti-Dowty, to local small businesses. The centre also works with hundreds of other manufacturers on specific research projects. AMRC researchers work with individual companies on specific projects, and collaborate on generic projects for the benefit of all members, using the centre’s array of state-of-the-art manufacturing equipment. R&D topics at the AMRC with Boeing are determined by the board of industrial partners. This ensures that work is focused on industrial commercial requirements, and provides lasting value to members.
The Centre for Process Innovation The Centre for Process Innovation is a UK-based technology innovation centre. It uses applied knowledge in science and engineering combined with state of the art development facilities to enable
www.hvm.catapult.org.uk SHOWGUIDE | 2013
The government, in turn, with an improved understanding of the root causes of those challenges will frame appropriate policies to enable Welsh businesses to prosper
Industry Wales Finding paths to success, building on strength; technology and manufacturing in Wales are positioning for growth John Hancock
Playing to strengths Wales has always been innovative and productive; the country is vibrant with a significant proportion of the UK’s industrial heartbeat. But, like many other former industrial powerhouses, the slow decline in heavy manufacturing that followed the Second World War had an impact. However, like their Rugby team, the Welsh are not given to selfpity: just as when the team concedes a try at the Millennium Stadium, they step back, regroup and re-enter the fray with renewed heart, so the country has considered what it is good at and, playing to those strengths, has forged a significant place in the new industrial landscape that is the UK in Europe today.
Two-way benefits with Industry Wales To further strengthen its position, Industry Wales has been established by Welsh Assembly Government Minister for Energy, Science and Transport, Edwina Hart MBE CStJ AM. The new organisation has a clear mandate radically to enhance the partnership between the private sector and government in the key areas of: R&D
and innovation; skills and capability; investment, and supply chain. To do this Robert Kathro, CEO of Industry Wales, explains that the relationship with the private sector is a two-way thing. “The first step is to understand and jointly address the challenges that technology and manufacturing businesses face so that, together, they can better communicate their needs to the government. And the government, in turn, with an improved understanding of the root causes of those challenges will frame appropriate policies to enable Welsh businesses to prosper. “In the other direction, Industry Wales seeks to increase engagement with industry and improve industry’s awareness of the support available to assist with their success. While there is a focus on the middle ranks of medium sized companies (£20m-£300m turnover) in aerospace, automotive and electronics, software and technology, other sectors and companies of all sizes are included where there is a mutual benefit. Any business, any size and from any sector, can approach us to discuss where we might be able to add value for them and we’re always looking for the next cohort of companies to join those ranks.”
www.industrywales.com 2013 | SHOWGUIDE
Forums and Networks Industry Wales comprises three key industry forums and networks: Aerospace Wales, The Welsh Automotive Forum and the ESTnet (electronics software, technology network). These three bodies have approaching 400 companies as members and have been in existence for many years delivering excellent results within their sectors. Industry Wales is building on this work and extending it to address common technology and manufacturing challenges.
Wales… open for Business Wales believes it is the right place for advanced, high value manufacturing and technology activities in Aerospace, Automotive and Electronics/ Software/Technology (EST) because Industry Wales is, with its specialist aerospace, automotive and electronics, software and technology forums, helping to grow Welsh technology and manufacturing businesses globally. The forums provide a range of services to support companies already established within Wales and to attract and support companies that are seeking a world class location for their business.
Image courtesy of Volkswagen GmbH.
Just as Wales is an integrated economy, so Industry Wales is engaged with companies from the private sector and a wide range of existing organisations that focus on specific areas including Finance Wales, the Technology Strategy Board (TSB), academia, the EEF, various skills bodies and of course relevant government departments; acting as interface between these drivers of finance, development and sources of innovation; encouraging and facilitating collaborations in which each group can draw on the others’ strengths to deliver a better outcome for all. Looking at specific sectors; with one of Europe’s largest aerospace facilities at Broughton in North Wales, the country already has strength in depth in the sector. It is also a key player in the UK-wide National Aerospace Technology Exploitation Programme (NATEP) and is an active participant in the Aerospace Growth Partnership (AGP). Automotive is another area where Wales is already strong but, with the growth and success of UK auto engineering and manufacturing, the Welsh Automotive Forum within Industry Wales sees great opportunity for Welsh companies to deliver into the supply chain for those high value vehicles and others at the heart of a resurgent UK motor industry. Operating in the area of software, hardware and associated technologies, ESTnet is a broad church encompassing a huge array of technology products and services This is a dynamic sector which not only forges its own rapid progress, but is all pervasive as it both enables and is increasingly built into almost every element of high value engineering, manufacturing and services.
A supportive government Two among the many Welsh Government initiatives are focused on supply chain and FDI (foreign direct investment).Industry Wales is working to support these by building intelligence about supply chain opportunities in which Welsh businesses can deliver value, and promoting opportunities for companies looking for a place to invest. Wales provides a unique blend of skills and capability, leading academic and research capacity plus a range of support services to ease the process, and an established, highly competent supplier base. Wales has a long term outlook and understands that businesses need to know that they will continue to prosper under a supportive regime that puts business first as a means of driving economic growth on a global stage.
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Credit: AMRC
44 | AMRC
An advanced state of manufacturing Sheffield University AMRC with Boeing and Nuclear AMRC will give UK manufacturing a clear advantage with future proofing Peter Dunwell
The face and practice of manufacturing is changing. In a country that has positioned itself at the high end of the manufacturing value and quality scales, where low or zero tolerances are the norm and where quality is integral to performance, manufacturers cannot afford to adopt any but the highest standards and practices if they are to remain in their chosen sectors and supply chain(s). UK manufacturers are fortunate inasmuch as there is an organisation whose core purpose is ‘to help manufacturing businesses become more competitive through the application of new techniques, technologies and processes.’ This is the University of Sheffield Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) with Boeing and the associated Nuclear AMRC (NAMRC).
Ridgway CBE, University of Sheffield AMRC, one of those who founded the Centre, to answer our questions and help attendees and readers to better understand this excellent UK centre. Advanced Engineering UK 2013: How would you summarise AMRC and Nuclear AMRC? Professor Keith Ridgway CBE: Both centres are world-class hubs for collaborative, industry-led research into real manufacturing problems, with the aim of helping UK companies win work worldwide.
AEUK 2013: Where do AMRC and Nuclear AMRC fit into the overall plan for UK advanced manufacturing? Prof KR: The government has realised that manufacturing is still a vital part of the UK economy, and needs to be supported by closer collaboration between businesses, universities Quality and engineering excellence is also integral and government. The AMRC has pioneered the to the Advanced Engineering UK 2013 group collaborative model which is now being rolled of events, so we met with Professor Keith out by the Technology Strategy Board [TSB]
www.amrc.co.uk 2013 | SHOWGUIDE
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The government has realised that manufacturing is still a vital part of the UK economy, and needs to be supported by closer collaboration between businesses, universities and government
and within government – the value of that approach is now something that is recognised by all parties. Herman Hauser and James Dyson, in their reports on technology and innovation published before the last election, both identified the AMRC with Boeing as a model of best practice, and the new Catapult programme is now putting that into action across the economy. AEUK 2013: Why is there a need for organisations such as AMRC and Prof KR: We bridge the gap between the innovation that’s going on in universities and research labs, and what industry needs to see in new technologies. Companies want something that’s ready to go into their own factories, but most universities don’t have the resources to develop their ideas to that level. That gap is what is often called the Valley of Death, and that’s where we sit – we close the gap between innovation and industry. AEUK 2013: AMRC and Nuclear AMRC sit within both academia and industry: what are the advantages to both sides in bringing together these two components in the economy? Prof KR: For manufacturers, it’s about giving them access to the latest technologies and ways of working and, crucially, giving them the facilities to experiment with these innovations and apply them to their own business, without losing any of their current production capacity. Often, companies do have the machines and skills inhouse to do it themselves, but they can’t afford to take them out of production. For academic researchers, it’s about the capability to take their ideas out of the laboratory and into the real world. And for the universities, it helps create wealth in their communities, create rewarding careers for
their graduates, and bring in industrial levels of research funding. AEUK 2013: What are the five key projects to which AMRC and Nuclear AMRC are engaged at the moment? Prof KR: We’re working on hundreds of projects, from a couple of days with an SME to help them optimise a specific machining process, to multimillion-pound collaborations with businesses and universities across Europe. So it’s not easy to identify five key projects; nevertheless, the following are of great importance. Samulet (Strategic affordable manufacturing in the UK through leading environmental technologies), backed by the Technology Strategy Board, is a national programme to create new environmentally-friendlier ways of making jet engines and structures for the aerospace industry. The AMRC with Boeing is working with Rolls-Royce and other partners, on areas such as the machinability of new super-alloys, and developing cutting tools made of supertough materials. With Reform (Resource-efficient factory of recyclable manufacturing for composite components) the AMRC Composite Centre is working with a dozen companies and research institutions across Europe, with funding from the European Commission, to develop new ways of making composites manufacturing more environmentally sustainable, such as innovative waterjet machining techniques to reduce energy use and waste. Civil nuclear Sharing in Growth is a £76m programme backed by government and industry partners including Rolls-Royce, with the aim of reinvigorating the UK supply chain for civil nuclear and helping companies win business worldwide. It’s a huge and varied
www.amrc.co.uk SHOWGUIDE | 2013
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is the creation of spin out companies using the technologies we are developing. We encourage our young engineers to consider setting up their own business and creating wealth in the region. AEUK 2013: What type and/or size of business will best benefit from working with AMRC and Nuclear AMRC? Prof KR: We work with all sizes of business, from the global giants to local SMEs, making anything from steel boxes to jet fighters. Broadly, we focus on the cutting, forming and joining of speciality metals, as well as innovative materials like composites – but we are led by what industry demands. If we don’t have the capabilities you need, we can draw on the wider resources of the High Value Manufacturing Catapult, as well as the specialist expertise of our industrial partners.
Credit: AMRC
programme, involving R&D to tailor welding and machining technologies for nuclear applications, as well as in-depth support and training to the most promising suppliers. Nnuman (New nuclear manufacturing) is a four year collaboration between the Nuclear AMRC, the Dalton Nuclear Institute and the National Nuclear Laboratory, to develop innovative manufacturing techniques for the future needs of the UK nuclear industry. We’re developing cutting techniques for new alloys, and investigating the use of swarms of machining robots to work on very large components. With Bloodhound SSC we’re making some of the most complex metal parts for this supersonic car, designed to be driven at 1000mph. The challenge for us is to make these very demanding components right first time. It’s a brilliant showcase for UK manufacturing, and it’s getting a new generation excited about engineering. AEUK 2013: What do you foresee might be the projects in which AMRC and Nuclear AMRC will be engaged in five years? Prof KR: We’re preparing to build a new facility called Factory 2050, which will be the world’s most flexible research factory. It will be the UK’s first fully reconfigurable assembly and component manufacturing facility for collaborative research, capable of rapidly switching production between different high-value components and one-off parts. We’ll be using that, and our other facilities, to develop the next generation of manufacturing technology, things that are now only starting to emerge from the laboratories. AEUK 2013: One of the AMRC strap lines reads ‘Factory of the Future’. How will that differ from the factory of today? Prof KR: It’s partly about having the flexibility to do more with the resources you have – doing more on one machine to improve productivity by not wasting time moving parts around, and
having the capability to make more different products while working to lean principles. It’s partly about automating more complex tasks, to maintain quality and free up your people for more interesting work. And it’s partly about losing the image of the dirty old factory as a place where you wouldn’t want to work – we’re proud of how many of our visitors comment on the cleanliness of our workshops and the enthusiasm of our staff. AEUK 2013: What is the AMRC and Nuclear AMRC achievement/programme of which you are most proud? Prof KR: Working with Messier-Dowty to help them win the undercarriage contract for the Boeing 787 was our first headline win – a first for MessierDowty, with huge benefits for the supply chain across the UK. Rolls-Royce is now building factories in the UK based on production processes we developed with them – without the productivity gains from that work, those factories wouldn’t be economically viable. We’re also very proud of our local impact, turning an old coalfield into a thriving manufacturing park, and giving fantastic opportunities to local young people. It’s fantastic to take on a 16-year-old from Sheffield as an apprentice, and see them become a highly skilled and highly employable engineer. Our new apprentice training centre will provide a mechanism where local young people can progress from apprentice right through to engineering doctorate. They will be sponsored by local companies with the ‘Earn and Learn’ programme and have no fees and no debt. This is opening up access to higher education to anyone in the community
AEUK 2013: Why are AMRC and Nuclear AMRC supporting and participating in the Advanced Engineering UK 2013 group of Events? Prof KR: It’s one of the biggest showcases for the state of the art in advanced manufacturing, aimed at the kind of forward-thinking company that we can work with. I’d encourage anyone to come and talk to us to find out more about how we can help. AEUK 2013: What can a participating business expect to experience from involvement with AMRC and NAMRC? Prof KR: Practical collaborative problem-solving, based on world-leading research excellence, innovation and experience. AEUK 2013: Is there anything else about AMRC and NAMRC on which you’d like to expand for us? Prof KR: We are excited about the range of technologies and projects we are now involved in. The recent acquisition of Castings Technology International greatly expands the portfolio of technologies available to us and I see great potential to develop new near net shape casting techniques.
AEUK 2013: Where do you feel AMRC and Nuclear AMRC could apply lessons learned Closing the interview, we look forward to learning further about developments at AMRC for future improvement? Prof KR: One area where I think we could improve and NAMRC in future years.
www.amrc.co.uk 2013 | SHOWGUIDE
AEUK 2013: AMRC is described as being… ‘to help manufacturing businesses become more competitive through the application of new techniques, technologies and processes.’ Could you briefly describe one or two of each of the ‘new techniques, technologies and processes’ available today? Prof KR: It can be anything from an innovative cutting tool for a specific metal or task, through to a fully automated and integrated production line for a complex aerofoil. We can combine a huge range of basic techniques to your specific problem; from machining simulation to robotic vision and artificial intelligence.
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48 | ADS
Strong but not complacent UK Aerospace is one of the UK’s most successful industrial sectors but no-one in the industry takes future success for granted: instead they are working hard to ensure a strong to match an illustrious past and present Peter Dunwell
Paul Everitt
Up-to-date information on UK Aerospace With Aero Engineering and Aerospace being such a significant component in UK Advanced Engineering, it will be one of the key sectors in Advanced Engineering UK 2013 group of events and is set to create ever greater opportunities for businesses in the UK engineering supply chain. So the current condition, future outlook and views of the sector are very important. ADS (Aerospace, Defence and Security) is the lead trade organisation for the sector and so we were very pleased to be able to catch up with that body’s Chief Executive, Paul Everitt. Paul is, as you might expect, a very busy chap but found the time to bring Advanced Engineering UK 2013 attendees some up-to-date information on those condition, outlook and views. As always, we asked the questions and, as you will see, he gave us the comprehensive answers.
www.adsgroup.org.uk 2013 | SHOWGUIDE
Aero Engineering 2013: What are the factors that underpin the strength and world position of the UK aerospace sector? Paul Everitt: The UK’s long history and heritage in aerospace underpins our strength and world position. Over the last century Britain has been a leading contributor to some of the most significant developments in the aerospace sector; from Frank Whittle’s invention of the Turbojet, to the design of Concorde. Such a strong background has given rise to the presence of leading global companies such as Rolls Royce, GKN Aerospace and Airbus. The UK’s dominance in the Aerospace sector – a 17% global market share – is maintained today by world leading skills and expertise in R&D, engineering and manufacturing. Indeed, the wings of the Airbus A380- one of the most significant aircraft development programmes
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The UK’s dominance in the Aerospace sector – a 17% global market share – is maintained today by world leading skills and expertise in R&D, engineering and manufacturing
of the 21st century- were developed and are manufactured in the UK. AE 2013: What is the significance of the Aerospace Growth Partnership (AGP), how does it operate and what is its objective? PE: The Aerospace Growth Partnership is a joint industry and Government commitment to protect, exploit, and position the UK’s Aerospace industry over the next 20 years. It aims to do this through a range of measures: a £40m fund to increase innovation and collaboration in the supply chain; funding to support 500 Masters graduate places; and through the creation of the Aerospace Technology Institute (ATI) with £2bn of matched Industry and Government funding over the next seven years. AE 2013: What has been the level of involvement of and with the government and how is that expected to develop in future? PE: The AGP has been given significant support from the Government and is co-Chaired by the Minister of State for Business and Enterprise, Michael Fallon MP. Moreover, the programme has received considerable support from the Prime Minister, the Chancellor and the Secretary of State for Business and has received £1bn of direct government funding, matched by industry, over the next seven years.
AE 2013: Tell me a little about the part that innovative manufacturing methods are contributing to the UK aerospace industry’s competitiveness? PE: Innovative manufacturing methods are hugely important to the competitiveness of the UK aerospace industry. Bombardier’s composite wing development at their Belfast facility has increased the structural performance of aircraft wings and impacted on the overall development of advanced composites technology in the aerospace industry. Similarly, Messier-Bugatti Dowty and the Government’s investment in new titanium machining processes at the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) has enabled the increased use of weight-saving titanium in landing gear, including a titanium inner cylinder – an industry first. In order to ensure the UK maintains its global position, one of the key focal points of the AGP is innovation throughout supply chains.
Manufacturing Catapult Centres – many of which are Aerospace led – has helped to act as a catalyst for manufacturing technology transfer between sectors.
AE 2013: Why is it important that technological innovation in aerospace remains a strong component in the UK’s sector; what are the areas where it matters most and how can the government best support that effort? PE: Aerospace is the cornerstone of UK high value manufacturing; it is home to a highly skilled, well remunerated workforce and delivers significant technological spill-over benefits to the economy. However, aircraft manufacturers want better environmental performance to satisfy legislative and public demand. To be leaner and greener new generations of aircraft will need to incorporate radically different technologies, and the UK cannot take its market leading status for granted. As such, the AGP has identified the UK’s current AE 2013: In what areas does Aerospace strengths in aerospace design, engineering and work with other engineering and materials manufacturing, and has focused on four key disciplines and sectors? areas for UK based technological innovation; PE: The Aerospace sector works with many aerodynamics (wing design), propulsion (rotor other engineering and materials disciplines blades, engine assembly), aero structures and sectors; indeed one only has to look at (fuselage and wing assembly) and advanced the automotive and Formula 1 industries to see systems (avionics, undercarriage). The Government can best support these efforts aerospace technologies utilised in a range of contexts. Moreover, the creation of High Value by continuing to fund and support R&D through
www.adsgroup.org.uk SHOWGUIDE | 2013
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The SC21 Programme What is SC21?
the AGP and its initiatives such as NATEP (National Aerospace Technology Exploitation Programme) which seeks to foster supply chain innovation and industry collaboration. AE 2013: What will be the key aerospace programmes that will involve UK resources in the next 10 years? PE: There are many key aerospace programmes that will involve UK resources in the next 10 years. For example, new platforms such as the Airbus A350XWB, whose composite wings will be designed and manufactured in the UK, will help to maintain a significant presence in UK Aerospace, as well as Bombardier’s C series whose wings are developed at the company’s Belfast Composite wing facility. Moreover, the UK Aerospace industry, both through the prime contractors and the supply chain, is well placed to benefit from key Airbus programmes such as the A320 (neo), A330 and A380 and has a significant stake in many large Boeing programmes such as the 737 and 787.
Working for the future On this reckoning, and who could know better, it seems that UK Aero Engineering continues to be a sector in rude health but without any trace of complacency. Today, the industry is at the top of its game but it is good to know that everybody, from the highest levels of government down, with programmes such as AGP and NATEP (see above), and SC21 (see box), is committed to actively maintaining that position through programmes of development, innovation and supply chain excellence.
The Government’s investment in new titanium machining processes at the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) has enabled the increased use of weight-saving titanium in landing gear, including a titanium inner cylinder – an industry first
www.adsgroup.org.uk 2013 | SHOWGUIDE
Supply Chains for the 21st Century (SC21) is an improvement programme designed to increase the performance of suppliers and ultimately their supply chains within the UK aerospace, security, space and defence industries. The programme is a collaborative effort with ADS leading the programme at a national level, working with signatory companies, primes, regional trade associations (RTAs), strategic partners and accredited training providers. An interesting facet of the SC21 programme is that it also delivers a number of active work streams; groups of industry representatives that support the development of special areas of interest .
SC21: Where it all started? In 2006 the Society of British Aerospace Companies (SBAC) and its members agreed on a single programme to improve performance across the UK aerospace industry. SBAC subsequently launched SC21 at the Farnborough International Airshow with Government support. Nineteen founding companies (sixteen of the country’s largest primes and three key small and medium sized enterprises – SMEs) also signed up to the programme at the Airshow. Now the programme continues to grow, averaging four new signatories every week, giving industry a bright future and strong support from within its own community. In October 2009, SBAC merged with the Defence Manufacturers Association (DMA) and the Association of Police and Public Security Suppliers (APPSS) to become ADS. As a result SC21 can now offer opportunities to companies not only within the aerospace industry but also, to those within the defence and security industries.
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Stronger and more capable together The Midlands Aerospace Alliance is more than a club; it’s a portal between the region and the global aerospace industry John Hancock
Connected communities No-one would doubt the quality and capability of UK engineering firms, large or small; however, to succeed in a global market, it’s useful to establish a place in a recognised supply chain, which requires more than quality and capability. Supply chains are connected providers and firms wishing to participate stand more chance if they’re part of a connected community. Midlands Aerospace Alliance (MAA) is one such connected community for the cluster of Midlands engineering firms supplying to or seeking to supply to the very demanding aerospace industry, whether in the UK or globally. Andrew Mair, Chief Executive of MAA describes it as; “We’re here to help that cluster of companies to work together more efficiently so they can bring manufacturing for global aircraft programmes to our region.”
Globalisation There are many ways in which MAA assists members establishing and maintaining a place in the ever changing aerospace supply chain. Andrew explained that internationalisation of the industry creates various challenges for companies at different levels in the supply chain. Whereas large companies (often tier 1 companies and OEMs) can more easily internationalise their operations and might already view the world as their oyster, smaller companies need to combine their internal strengths and the advantages of
being located in a dynamic regional cluster. Even large companies have to learn to think global on the world stage but, wherever they establish an operation, like local businesses they also seek to draw on the local cluster.
National context As a regional cluster, MAA also contributes to larger clusters within the UK’s aerospace effort and participates in a number of working groups within the UK industry. The organisation represents Midlands companies at a high level on, for instance, the AGP (Aerospace Growth Partnership) which, in turn, has the potential to support British companies throughout the global marketplace. And, while NATEP (National Aerospace Technology Programme) is now an English national programme also being adopted in the Devolved Administrations, its origins were in a similar Midlands programme, considered a successful model for developing technology within a supply chain. MAA contributes actively to rolling out NATEP which, as well as offering funding, also works as a mentoring network for companies developing businesses and processes for the demanding aerospace supply chain. Alongside being an integral part of different aerospace related initiatives, Andrew Mair also explains that, “It is a great strength of the Midlands [aerospace] cluster that the organisation and members participate in broader engineering clusters where they can tap into
www.midlandsaerospace.org.uk 2013 | SHOWGUIDE
skills and expertise to be found in other industries as well as diverse business opportunities. A number of companies in the aerospace supply chain also participate in other engineering sectors and MAA is often happy to collaborate such as when we recently organised a joint event with the Rail Alliance.”
Government policy Given that the Government has made it a central pillar of their industrial policy to support and encourage the UK’s manufacturing sector in an effort to rebalance to economy, how well does MAA feel that policy is being implemented? Up until 2005, there was a long period when governments believed that all they needed to do was create background conditions conducive to manufacturing; however, now, as Andrew confirmed, the Government is, “actively supporting manufacturing industry by not only creating a stable environment but also ensuring that sufficient research and technology funding is available for a sector such as aerospace: really getting behind the industry… trying to understand the best ways in which they can help to make manufacturing more successful.” To discover more about the Midlands Aerospace Alliance, visit them on stand B13 at Aero Engineering 2013 in the Advanced Engineering UK 2013 group of events.
GKN Aerospace lifts A350 And lifts awards for Airbus’s next generation A350XWB key wing spar
A month of awards This has been a good year for GKN Aerospace with not one but two prestigious awards in the month of October for the quality of their composites engineering. First was the 2013 Horners Award for Plastics Innovation and Design to GKN Aerospace for its ‘highly innovative’ Airbus A350 XWB carbon fibre rear wing spar. The award recognises the success of an intensive development and production programme that has seen GKN Aerospace engineers, working closely with the Airbus team, achieve demanding goals for the A350 XWB wing spar that will help increase the aircraft’s performance and reduce its weight, fuel consumption and emissions.
New and innovative processes Each wing’s 27m long rear spar is manufactured in three sections and forms the structural heart of the wing fixed trailing edge (FTE). The spar attaches vital parts including the main landing gear, to the wing. Its complex integral contours are achievable only as a result of manufacturing innovations introduced by GKN Aerospace and these contours provide the specific strength and flexibility required with minimal weight. Once the spar is manufactured, GKN Aerospace is responsible for assembling the complete wing FTE and delivering this assembly to Airbus in
Broughton ready for integration onto the wing. To produce this complex spar structure and assemble the WTE, the company has created a totally new, advanced, automated manufacturing and assembly facility near Bristol, England, with innovations across product design manufacture and assembly, including material deposition, tooling and forming, finishing, assembly and testing. Here, among many process innovations, advanced automated fibre placement (AFP) machines use robotic heads to lay down carbon fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP) material at more than eight times the maximum hand lay-up speed, and with a consistency and accuracy that is impossible to achieve manually. Using this new facility, the company can produce lightweight CFRP components with complex, bespoke geometries, and integrate complete assemblies swiftly, cost effectively and consistently.
Further recognition The second award, also for the A350 XWB rear wing spar design, was the UK Composites Industry award for ‘Innovation in Composites Design,’ one of eight awards made by Composite UK, the trade body for the UK composites industry. This award is sponsored by the National Composites Centre (NCC) and recognises the significant manufacturing and materials progress achieved in developing this all-composite structure.
www.gkn.com/aerospace www.safranmbd.com 2013 | SHOWGUIDE
Advanced automated fibre placement (AFP) machines use robotic heads to lay down carbon fibre reinforced
Messier-Bugatti-Dowty makes the landing gear for B787 Dreamliner Messier-Bugatti-Dowty is the British company responsible for the design, development, qualification, testing, manufacture and support of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner main and nose landing gear. In addition to supplying the nose and main landing gear, the firm’s responsibilities extend to the integration of all landing gear system components, including wheels, tires, brakes, actuators, electrical dressings, etc. Activities also include assembly of the complete dressed landing gears for delivery to the aircraft assembly sites for installation on the aircraft.
Technological innovations
plastic (CFRP) material
The 787 landing gears include a number of technological innovations, specifically in the area of new materials that have the effect of: • Reducing landing gear weight;
at more than eight times the maximum hand lay-up speed
• Reducing corrosion and providing higher resistance to fatigue versus steel parts. A number of components are made from titanium including the main gear inner cylinder, which is an industry first.
And now for the 787-9 Having recently completed a further development programme, Messier-BugattiDowty also began production in the first quarter of 2013 for the reinforced variant of the main and nose landing gears needed for the 787-9 to support its increased maximum take-off weight.
THREADED INSERTS AND INSTALLATION EQUIPMENT FOR: PLASTICS • CRITICAL PLASTICS • METALS In response to market demands the Tappex range of fasteners has been expanded to include stainless-steel inserts, new brass inserts (Suresert/Setserts for stress prone plastics) and compression limiters (Dedserts), manual and semi-automated installation and now Rivet Nuts for critical plastics & composite applications with full UK based technical & manufacturing backup."
Tappex HPH 1013.indd 1
09/10/2013 |13:19 SHOWGUIDE 2013
56 | BINDT
BINDT – testing, but not to breaking point Non-destructive testing (NDT) is not just a test but is also key to a planned and economic inspection regime John Hancock
that the part or structure will need to undergo and likely defects in the material and as a result of the manufacturing process and the tolerable level of risk will allow an inspection regime to be established for the expected life of the part or structure. If risk tolerance is high (say, for a fence post) it probably won’t be necessary to inspect ever; where risk tolerance is low (say, for the wing of an airliner) it will be necessary to instigate a regular and high level of inspection.
Business logic
Tony Dunhill
NDT is not just a technical process either; it has powerful business logic. “Good high value manufacturing,” explains, Tony Dunhill, “is a marriage of the design, duty cycle, materials and inspection… from a business point of view, if you get the inspection correct and can set a service interval, it is possible to re-inspect [at the end of that interval] to predict a safe life extension.” For some very high cost sectors such as offshore oil and gas production, life extension of structures in the infrastructure can be the decider whether reserves are economically exploitable. Non-destructive testing: to the layman or woman In fact, aging infrastructure is a significant it might sound like a contradiction in terms but contributor to the growth in NDT: that and the it only takes a moment’s thought to realise how fact that new infrastructure is expected to have sensible the idea is. While samples of components a longer life than might once have been the or even some structures might well need to be case. Although some flaws are acceptable in tested to destruction as final confirmation of many structures, the smaller the flaws that can their integrity and durability, once you’ve tested be detected at new, the more accurately can something to destruction it obviously will not be of inspection regimes be constructed – a further use any more. So non-destructive testing (NDT), business case. with X-rays, ultrasound, dye penetrant, magnetic particle inspection and an array of methods has a Understanding risk very important role to play in many circumstances. Another value of NDT is the generation of data from which IT modelling can be developed to accurately predict the performance of a part Setting a baseline In the first place, NDT can be used with a new or structure. Where, say, materials are being component or structure to establish a baseline developed, the test piece will invariably be X-rayed from which life expectation, rate of wear and or tested to understand them so that if it fails regularity of maintenance can be planned. As in a mechanical test there is a start point from Tony Dunhill, President of BINDT (The British which the failure can be reliably quantified; also, Institute of Non-Destructive Testing) puts it; “If it is important to understand and to be able to you design something for a particular use and quantify how flaws perform (along with the other expected lifetime, there can be a level of flaw that data, see above) to know whether they are likely will be acceptable in service but if it is flawed from to be harmful or not. the outset, that can be a problem [unless you understand the flaw and can predict how it will A career opportunity behave/change in service]. The role of NDT is Finally, NDT offers a tremendous career as an integral part of the quality systems within opportunity within engineering for anybody with an which high value parts [and structures] are made.” academic achievement. It is a less well understood Applying that baseline with an understanding aspect of engineering which actually underpins of the behaviour of material used, the duty cycle most modern engineering and manufactruring.
www.bindt.org 2013 | SHOWGUIDE
If you get the inspection correct and can set a service interval, it is possible to re-inspect [at the end of that interval] to predict a safe life extension
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COMPOSITES UK | 59 Source: Cytec
Joined-up actions Composites UK is not just a talking shop and its actions do speak louder than words for the UK Composites sector Peter Dunwell
Composites UK is a body established to develop and strengthen the UK composites industry, to promote composites to the wider community and to serve its more than 170 members. There are a number of key initiatives within Composites UK which will of particular interest to attendees at the Composites Engineering Show 2013.
AMSCI and CiC – addressing challenges The first is AMSCI (Advanced Manufacturing Supply Chain Initiative) and associated CiC (Composites Innovation Cluster). Dr Sue Halliwell, Operations Manager at Composites UK explains that… “The Advanced Manufacturing Supply Chain Initiative has been set up by UK Government to help existing UK supply chains grow and achieve world class standards while encouraging major new suppliers to come and manufacture in England. “£23M of joint funding from AMSCI and Industry was awarded to the Composites Innovation Cluster [CiC] programme at the end of 2012 to support the creation of 200 jobs, safeguard 1,000 indirect roles and create £190million of growth by addressing market failures which challenge the wider adoption of composites in UK markets. The CiC will deliver 13 integrated capability projects across 25 partners [over a three year period] from Q1 2013 and aims to deliver a holistic supply
chain model which can extend throughout the composites community. “The market failures [that have been identified] are the availability of composites skills, training and experience in the UK suppliers and primes (people); the development of new materials and formats for recyclables, high performance, rapid processing and handling in the manufacturing cycle (materials); and the automated, high-volume, rapid manufacturing and joining methods of composite structures in volume (technology). The CiC programme brings these challenges together in a collaboration of industrial and academic partners from England with the support of UK primes to build an intelligent, sustainable, competitive and highly networked UK composites supply base which will enable the design and manufacture of lightweight vehicles, structures and devices (knowledge).”
Composites Leadership Forum Composites is one of the industrial capabilities that has been identified as a particular opportunity for UK businesses supported by research facilities and government. So it is no surprise that there is a UK Composites Strategy that sets out how the UK can build further success onto what is already a world-leading sector with considerable potential to contribute to economic growth. Since the strategy was published in 2009, a great deal
has already been achieved in terms of building the knowledge and programme infrastructure to support a successful sector. The opening of the National Composites Centre in Bristol in 2011, to provide world class R&D and manufacturing capability to all UK composites companies has been a significant development. The Composites Leadership Forum will work with key stakeholders, supported by the Government, to map and define UK composites capability and future growth potential. It will provide strategic direction and assist UK industry to meet expanding demand from a wide range of sectors. Representatives from automotive, aerospace, construction, motorsport, education and skills sectors were involved from the outset, with others, including rail, renewables and marine expected to join; SMEs are represented by Composites UK. The Composites Leadership Forum will identify key opportunities and challenges for the greater use of composites and will produce a joint action plan to address current and future needs in technology, skills, supply chain development and infrastructure to ensure the UK remains competitive. Looking from the wider market, Composites UK is doing a splendid job creating the conditions for what politicians like to call ‘joined-up’ thinking and, more importantly, joined-up actions with several identifiable and useful purposes.
www.compositesuk.co.uk SHOWGUIDE | 2013
60 |
Train · Educate · Develop Train · Educate · Develop Composites specific training designed to suit your needs. Composites specific training designed to suit your needs. Specialist modular or bespoke courses carried outmodular in NetComposites’ Specialist or bespokeclassroom, courses in a location to suit, or through e-learning. carried out in NetComposites’ classroom, in a location to suit, or through e-learning. For more details please visit the website at info@ Forwww.netcomposites.com, more details please visit email the website netcomposites.com, or call +44 1246 266 at www.netcomposites.com, email info@ 244. netcomposites.com, or call +44 1246 266 244.
Insight 1 of 2 (Top) HPH 1013.indd 1
09/10/2013 12:52
Consult · Evaluate · Advise Consult · Evaluate · Advise World-class consultancy across a broad range of composite technologies World-class consultancy across aand broad business issues. range of composite technologies and business issues. Independent, expert evaluation of new and existing materials and processes, Independent, expert evaluation of new as well as market and industry trends. and existing materials and processes, as well as market and industry trends. For more details please visit the website at info@ Forwww.netcomposites.com, more details please visit email the website netcomposites.com, or call +44 1246 266 at www.netcomposites.com, email info@ 244. netcomposites.com, or call +44 1246 266 244.
Insight 2 of 2 (Bottom) HPH 1013.indd 1 | SHOWGUIDE 2013
09/10/2013 12:53
NetComposites at Composites Engineering Showing what composites can do, where they can do it and how they can be used… plus answering your questions Peter Dunwell
A number of elements, from clean propulsion systems to weight saving methodologies, make up the ‘green’ industrial revolution currently underway. However, weight saving has often led to a conundrum… how to maintain strength and safety. That might have been largely addressed with the arrival of composites, materials with potentially great strength yet little weight: however, the new conundrum is how best to apply those composites in sectors where their attributes will be useful. Which is where NetComposites comes in; as their website explains, ‘NetComposites is a global research, consultancy… creating and using innovative technologies to advance the composites industry... We undertake consultancy and major development projects to create innovative composites products and processes for our partner companies, using our own development facilities…’
Composites forums So it seems natural that NetComposites would be hosting a number of forum sessions within the Composites Engineering Show 2013. The content of these sessions will fall into five broad areas, selected because, as Dr Joe Carruthers, Operations Director at NetComposites explains; “We’ve tried to select topics that would be interesting to attendees [at the Show] based around… emerging technologies, with a chance to learn more about biocomposites and nanocomposites; aspects, such as recycling and NDT [non-destructive testing], that have proved challenging and where the industry is looking for new ways of working; and thermoplastics and how they can be applied in volume production operations.”
To briefly summarise: biocomposites are composite materials derived from natural, renewable sources and better able to meet environmental and sustainability targets. Nanocomposites include small quantities of microscopic particles to modify the behaviour of the material and improve its mechanical, electrical or thermal properties: the challenges are getting the idea to a usable level and there are some health and safety issues to be resolved around handling. Also, whereas traditional thermosets often had long cycle times making them unsuitable for volume production applications, thermoplastics offer shorter cycle times making them more applicable in volume manufacturing environments such as the automotive industry. On the process side, dealing with composite waste is likely to be a growing challenge as legislation increasingly prescribes end-of-life expectations which, in turn, will require the industry
Credit: Magine/Composites Evolution
Material for discussion
Ask the Experts about composites, what they do and how to use them Attendees at this year’s events will again be able to take advantage of the on-the-showfloor ‘Ask the Expert’ free advice service, hosted by headline partner NetComposites. Utilising a panel of experts built around NetComposites’ significant contributions to this year’s Composites open conference programme, and further supplemented with a number of additional experts on hand, the service provides a valuable initial service for attendees to discuss their specific needs and be independently advised of technical options and possible partners or solutions to seek out across the show floor.
to develop viable end-of-life solutions. Also, given the nature of many composites and how they are used, testing components and structures can be a challenge. Non-destructive testing (NDT) is therefore a growing area of expertise particularly suited to testing composites components without the test itself risking a compromise to structural integrity. There will also be focus on manufacturing in composites and composites in construction, for each of which there is a dedicated organisation
The Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Composites (CIMComp) CIMComp was formed with funding from the EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council) to underpin the research needed to support UK Composites Strategy. Research partners include the universities of Nottingham, Cranfield, Manchester and Bristol all leading projects under the CIMComp hub.
Hosted from the NetComposites stand (#D130) in the centre of the Composites Engineering show floor, members of the NetComposites team will be present throughout the show. These experts will be available covering different topics at the following times:
Tuesday 12th November, 2013 •
09.00 – 11.00 – Composites Processing
11.00 – 13.00 – Construction Applications / Composites Market Research
13.00 – 15.00 – Nanocomposites
15.00 – 17.00 – Thermoplastics
Wednesday 13 November, 2013 •
09.00 – 11.00 – Composites Training
The Network Group for Composites in Construction (NGCC)
NGCC is the first group to formally bring together the fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) composites and construction industries. It aims to encourage the effective use of FRP composites in construction, improve partnering and collaboration between companies and raise the profile as an industry as a whole.
11.00 – 13.00 – Transport Applications/ Composites Design and Analysis
13.00 – 15.00 – Grant Funding in the Composites Sector
15.00 – 16.00 – Self-Reinforced Polymers
Credit: Dark Matter Composites
However, attendees need not worry if their own question falls outside of even these broad definitions as NetComposites will also be happy to take any questions and put them to experts not at the show, for a later answer. Given the critical contribution that composites are increasingly making across the gamut of advanced and high value engineering and manufacturing sectors, NetComposites are expecting a lively and interesting array of questions from every corner of the UK engineering and manufacturing space.
www.netcomposites.com 2013 | SHOWGUIDE
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Jaguar Land Rover leading the way With two landmark developments, the British luxury and sports car manufacturer has seized the initiative on next generation manufacturing John Hancock
Jaguar Land Rover brings together two iconic brands from the British automotive Hall of Fame. Jaguar has, for most of its life, been a byword for affordable, performance luxury motoring while Land Rover’s reputation as the definitive rugged off-road 4x4 vehicle has often been emulated but rarely surpassed. However, we are lucky that both brands remain extant, based and made in the UK. During the dark days when it seemed that British auto engineering might wholly vanish, both brands suffered a series of disastrous ownerships, poor management and suicidal labour relations. That has all changed under the current management team and owner, Tata, whose faith in the brands, willingness to invest in new models and determination to realise the full potential that was always there in UK capabilities has propelled Jaguar Land Rover and its two brands back onto the global stage with a vengeance.
New models are, of course, a large part of the story that has seen the latest offerings from the English Midlands based car makers become ‘must have’ purchases in the USA, India and China, to name but three places where the Jaguar and Land Rover names are again synonymous with quality. But quality isn’t only about models, it is about how those models are developed and built and, in that respect, Jaguar land Rover isn’t just up to the minute, it is actually setting the agenda with far-sighted investments in innovative and future facign ideas generation and implementation. In just two recent Midlands developments, we can illustrate how this is working.
research centre in Coventry with the University of Warwick’s WMG (Warwick Manufacturing Group). The state-of-the-art centre, to be known as the National Automotive Innovation Campus (NAIC), will include engineering, laboratories and powertrain facilities as well as virtual reality areas, design studios, demonstrations and education areas. NAIC will enable the company to bring its research and advanced engineering operations under one roof in an innovative and creative environment for academic and industry experts to work together developing the products of the future. According to Jenny Waddington in the 29th October 2013 Coventry Telegraph, the NAIC, which will be largest research facility of its kind outside of Germany, is expected to open in National Automotive 2016. It will also be a shining example of the Innovation Campus (NAIC) In a ground-breaking step to the future of growing phenomenon of academia and industry automotive manufacture, Jaguar Land Rover has bringing their respective strengths to a venture signed a £100million deal to build an automotive that will almost certainly prove larger than the
www.jaguarlandrover.com 2013 | SHOWGUIDE
Since first deciding in 2011 to open this stateof-the-art facility at i54 with a £55m investment to create 750 jobs, Jaguar Land Rover has expanded its commitment to create what will be a landmark manufacturing facility employing 1,400 directly
sum of its parts in its impact on the advance of auto engineering. Speaking to the press, Dr Ralf Speth, CEO of Jaguar Land Rover, said: “I am delighted that we have finalised the NAIC agreement and continuing our collaborative partnership with WMG and the University of Warwick.” Lord Bhattacharyya, WMG chairman, said: “Our vision is to… link people, research and world-leading infrastructure to create and develop novel technologies. NAIC will be an engine for economic growth, with wide economic benefit, and sustained growth from the creation of world-leading technologies.”
i54 plant to revolutionise production i54 is a development site in South Staffordshire where Staffordshire Council wishes to encourage a resurgence of local industrial growth. It was, therefore, greeted with considerable satisfaction when Jaguar Land Rover announced that they would be siting their new engine plant there. Since
first deciding in 2011 to open this state-of-the-art facility at i54 with a £355m investment to create 750 jobs, Jaguar Land Rover has expanded its commitment to create what will be a landmark manufacturing facility employing 1,400 directly. JLR Executive director Mike Wright said i54 was a major part of the company’s long term plans. “Since the original announcement was made in 2011 we’ve been able to look at our plans, look at potential for our products around the world and as a result of that analysis we’ve decided to put even more capacity into the engine manufacturing centre, invest more money and create more jobs,” Not only will the plant itself conform to the latest digital manufacturing standards but the whole concept has been designed with efficiency and optimum use of the site in mind. Workers’ shift patterns at the new facility will amount ot virtual round the clock operations while traffic to and from the factory will use the specially constructed M54 slip road.
With global sales rising, Jaguar Land Rover is set to take UK manufacturing to new levels of efficiency and low environmental impact. Staffordshire County Council leader Philip Atkins said: “This is a fantastic spur for regional growth and job creation. A major business like JLR attracts further investment which we’re ready for in Staffordshire and the wider region. The benefits of the i54 South Staffordshire site are numerous, not least because of its central location, communication links and skilled workforce on its doorstep. It’s close to the home of Jaguar and means we’re at the heart of the automotive industry.” These two examples show how UK manufacturing with Jaguar Land Rover in the Vanguard is stepping up to plate in meeting the UK government’s challenge to rebalance the country’s economy towards more sustainable manufacturing growth.
www.jaguarlandrover.com SHOWGUIDE | 2013
Digital manufacturing Juergen Maier of Siemens answers some of the big questions about this fast growing technology Francis Slade
Readers of a certain age will remember in the 1980s a well-known car manufacturer with, shall we say, a ‘less than perfect’ quality image introducing robots to its advertisements. It was a brave attempt to suggest that the simple presence of robots on an otherwise unreconstructed production line would make a poor process perfect… but it didn’t. To be fair, it couldn’t; the most it could do without a thorough going reengineering of the business and process was to… well, look good for the advertising.
AEUK 2013: In what ways does digital manufacturing differ from past methodologies? JM: Historically digital manufacturing only enabled CAD generated products to be produced in a virtual world and then passed to production. Today we are able to design the component, carry out finite testing, and simulate the product and its manufacturing process prior to any production being initiated.
AEUK 2013: How is the system’s capability divided between hardware and software? Good practice JM: All enterprise, design, simulation and life throughout the business Since those times and following very painful re- cycle management would be handled within adjustments in some countries, including the the software platforms. Hardware platforms UK, digital manufacturing has become a reality control and manage distributed systems within in production plants across all sectors but very the manufacturing process including operator noticeably in automotive manufacture where interfaces. the dusty, fumy assembly halls of the past have been replaced with facilities clean enough to eat AEUK 2013: How well does digital in. And there is no doubt that one great benefit manufacturing apply for SMEs? of digital manufacturing is that it offers vastly JM: The digital thread is becoming more improved working conditions. But, as stated important in major programmes such as the above, digital manufacturing is more than a JSF (Joint Strike Fighter) programme. Today clean environment; it encompasses the whole Siemens’ software handles thousands of process from design to ultimate disposal or, design changes across 140 sites, 6500 users, 112 workflows and 70,000 ITAR events per preferably, recycle. week. As industry outsources a greater share of the work, this collaboration will be critical The state of play today One of the world leaders in digital manufacturing in the manufacturing process. is Siemens who will also be exhibiting at Advanced Engineering UK 2013 group of events AEUK 2013: How does digital and so we asked a few questions about the topic manufacturing fit into a converged to Juergen Maier, Managing Director of Siemens and integrated digital environment? JM: This allows end to end visibility of the UK and Ireland Industry Sector. complete manufacturing process ensuring built as designed conformity and revision Advanced Engineering UK 2013: How management. does digital manufacturing advance To be honest, we are probably just on industrial processes? Juergen Maier: It allows simulation before the threshold of the foothills to the process building the asset enabling early fault finding mountain that will be digital manufacturing in and faster plant build. It also enables all the future but, as Juergen Maier has explained, engineering disciplines to work from the same it already has the capability to revolutionise the data (e.g. design, manufacturing engineering and way things are down and, as importantly, the value of activities. production) which eliminates errors.
www.siemens.co.uk 2013 | SHOWGUIDE
Historically digital manufacturing only enabled CAD generated products to be produced in a virtual world and then passed to production. Today we are able to design the component, carry out finite testing, and simulate the product and its manufacturing process prior to any production
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68 | MIA
Very good; very fast and very much in demand Motorsport businesses are good in unusual ways that other sectors are beginning to appreciate John Hancock
Always efficient Energy efficiency is the watchword today but the efficient use of energy is nothing new to one specialist engineering sector and I’m not referring to the burgeoning ‘green’ energy and engineering sector. I’m referring to Motorsport, the high octane, winner-takes-all blend of sport and engineering. As Chris Aylett, CEO of the Motorsport Industry Association (MIA), put it when we met him, “The efficient use of energy has been at the heart of motorsport success since the first race. Now, this capability is of real value [across a range of industries].” It led us to wonder what technology and process transfers motorsport can bring to other advanced engineering and manufacturing programmes? “Motorsport,” explained Chris, “is really good at integrating a range of technologies, and packaging them into a confined space, a capability increasingly sought after [in the drive to minimise size and weight].”
even come close is speed of response. When a race car needs a modification developed, it cannot wait until next year: it has to be developed, tested, built, delivered and on the car for the next race in one or two weeks. Motorsport cannot tolerate time loss or failure to deliver and firms in the supply chain understand those rules. “Deadlines,” as Chris confirmed, “are absolute and you cannot be in the supply chain if you can’t live with this.” As a result, the motorsport supply chain is well ordered, absolutely reliable and increasingly valued by other engineering functions such as aerospace and defence. That’s not to say that the rigour of motorsport engineering hasn’t brought difficulties when introduced into conventional supply chains. For one thing, the workforce needs to agree to working when and for as long as required… not by the clock.
to their prototypes, it’s unheard of, outside of motorsport, to put a prototype in front of millions of critics in the most demanding environment to mostly fail by the standards of the sport. So motorsport engineers are different inasmuch as they embrace and learn from their very public failures. As much as the engineering, it’s the quality of process that makes motorsport so responsive. Engineers, whether in OEMs or in the supply chain, have long learned to cut to the chase, quickly define the problem and get on with the solution.
Aggressive R&D
They’re also different in the critical area of research and development. Motorsport re-invests 30% of sales in R&D (twice that of the pharmaceutical sector) which means very high levels of investment but with no government support: the money all comes from investors so that, again, Demanding environment Motorsport doesn’t manufacture much in volume decisions can be implemented very rapidly in an because every vehicle is a prototype, engineered aggressive process that will take any technology, Speed of response But the thing at which motorsport excels to a for the challenge of the next race circuit. But, if it’s even new and untried, and move it quickly to the degree that makes you wonder why others cannot unusual for most engineers to allow any access testing stage.
www.the-mia.com 2013 | SHOWGUIDE
MIA | 69
Materials and design That’s certainly true of materials engineering where, as Chris Aylett explained, “The only materials we use are lightweight and even they’ll be too heavy tomorrow.” And with advanced materials engineering comes leading edge structural design. Chris again: “The most forceful result of good design has been the fall in the death rate among drivers.” Motorsport engineers are really good at designing structures that can absorb and dissipate high quantities of energy in very little time. Racing cars are endlessly becoming more energy efficient with no loss of performance. We already know that cars lining up on the grid for the first race of the 2014-15 season will have a new engine specification; smaller, more powerful and more efficient. That kind of engineering is bound to be in demand in many areas: as is the ability to harvest kinetic energy from braking. Race cars have been hybrids for some years now using Kinetic Energy Recovery Systems (KERS) to harvest energy lost when braking and re-use in designated areas as a power boost. Motorsport companies are already supplying this technology to the manufacturers of trains, buses and trams as more and more engineering and manufacturing sectors realise the value to be gained from working with engineers used to creating machines of the highest quality and reliability for the most demanding application in the full glare of the public gaze and with often only days to develop changes.
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AE_Show ADs_F.indd 1 AutomotiveGuide Engineer HPH 1013.indd 1
21/09/2012 16:24 09/10/2013| 2013 11:48 SHOWGUIDE
Single seat; multiple motoring qualities The BAC Mono does not compromise on anything; design, engineering or performance Peter Dunwell
The ultimate car Looking around the market today, sometimes it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that cars can be enjoyable. That said, nobody is going to accuse the people who make the BAC Mono of ignoring the pleasure of a great driving experience. Everybody at Briggs Automotive Company (BAC) Ltd seems focused on delivering the ultimate driver’s car and it seems they have succeeded. The Mono is a road car but with its single central seat layout, and body design that draws on classic Formula racing cars and the F-22 Raptor jet fighter, it is just as much at home on the track. Most importantly, it is the product of British Engineering and is built in Liverpool.
Well designed and engineered While this is no car for motoring wimps, it is a car in which safety has been engineered into the steel safety shell, FIA Formula One levels of rollover protection (ROPS), drive train and control engineering to the highest standard and a build that makes it wholly legal for road use. Even the nose serves as both crash protection and a storage compartment; though don’t expect to fit your weekly supermarket shop in here.
The electronics and instrumentation puts all controls that the driver needs on the steering wheel to compliment the Mono’s handling, balance and outstanding grip. Every aspect of the car has been carefully thought through so that everything on the car has a purpose in a functional driver’s package.
car but with its single central seat layout,
Building in Liverpool Having won a string of accolades including the Top Gear ‘Stig’s Car of the Year’ award, the Mono is set fair for success and will now be built in Liverpool. As well as creating almost 60 high end manufacturing jobs and apprenticeships by 2014 (ready to produce more than 100 cars a year from 2015) BAC will also be seeking to source as much as possible from local suppliers.
Driver involvement Perhaps the last word should go to the Mono’s designer, Ian Briggs: “I wanted [the Mono] to be high tech and totally fresh in its approach, a car for people who want to feel a connection with their car and be really involved in the character of how it drives.”
www.bac-mono.com 2013 | SHOWGUIDE
The Mono is a road
and body design that draws on classic Formula racing cars and the F-22 Raptor jet fighter, it is just as much at home on the track
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Daring to be different The Niche Vehicle Network supports innovative, agile vehicle builders not afraid to think outside of the normal bounds Francis Slade
methods, they are better able to use different techniques, materials and structures, and from that has grown the specialist supply chain.
Coming into their own Vehicle builders in this niche space have really come into their own with the drive to develop low carbon vehicles. NVN has a programme of low carbon development to build on the particular skills and expertise in niche vehicle builders for using new and ‘exotic’ materials and technologies to make vehicles lighter. Also, the sector has a lot of experience working with electric propulsion and is well versed in the increasingly important technologies of battery development and energy storage. And, because the sector is less risk averse (a lot of what they do is expected to be experimental) firms are able to develop technology testers faster and without the attendant risk of market speculation that would worry large volume producers.
Using a strong provenance for today’s needs There have always been niche vehicles, that is to say, vehicles built in limited and often small numbers to meet specific needs. However with regulation and homologation driving users to opt for adaptations of standard vehicles, niche vehicle makers have had to look to their strengths in order to secure a place in the world. In the drive for low carbon, lightweight, low or zero emission vehicles, niche builders have found a significant role in a sector that, as far as volume vehicle manufacturers are concerned, is not always good at trying a range of options and developing unconventional solutions. Niche vehicle builders are good at bespoke development.
Niche Vehicle Network In the Niche Vehicle Network (NVN), specialist vehicle builders have come together for strength of numbers and, as Viv Stephens, Programme Director at the network explains, “For collaboration across the sector. Trade bodies tend to focus on big companies whereas niche vehicle makers are largely small to medium enterprises and we have developed a community where members share knowledge and expertise. It’s not just for vehicle builders but also for the specialist supply chain and technologies supporting the sector.”
Similarly, none of the companies are large enough to be able to support large R&D facilities such as wind tunnels so, Viv Stephens explains, “The Niche Vehicle Network will hire [for instance] wind tunnel facilities at MIRA for a day to be shared between several niche vehicle builders.”
Supply chain excellence
Specialist and bespoke
So, what does Viv Stephens think is the key to the sector’s continued long-term success? “Niche vehicle builders need to stay different;” he explains, “develop their technical diversity, exclusivity and individuality and remember to value profit over turnover. They should stay small and keep out of the ownership of large volume manufacturers [who, whatever they say, will impose restricting practices] and must ensure that they get their fair share of UK Government funding as a sector that is particularly good for the British economy.”
Niche vehicle makers all serve markets for individual and bespoke vehicle and cars, catering to the needs of people and firms who want something different or need a vehicle for a very specific purpose. None of the businesses in the network have large sums available for development or even for manufacturing plant so they are often less mechanised and more labour intensive than volume producers. They simply do not have the production runs to justify some of the tooling. However, because of their more flexible
www.nichevehiclenetwork.co.uk 2013 | SHOWGUIDE
The sector always used a high proportion of UK content and so already has a strong supply chain which is growing to meet demand; and where there is no capability, NVN is working to develop it in a continual improvement process.
Set fair for the future
The British
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9 Access to materials information and advice. Come and see us on stand B181 or visit:
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A Division of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining
The British Composites Society focuses on technical, educational and professional considerations relating to composite materials. This covers manufacture, processing, design, applications, end-use and end of life. The British Composites Society is a Division of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, UK • www.iom3.org
Auto Electronics Show 2013 Hosted alongside Automotive Engineering Show 2013 Why auto electronics Driven by tough competition between vehicle manufacturers as well as legislative requirements, the latest generation electronics technologies are supporting new levels of functionality, safety, efficiency, infotainment and telematics. With the resulting increase towards more mechatronic systems the UK’s resurgent and growing automotive industry now requires a dedicated forum for knowledge transfer and growing commercial opportunities to meet the new levels of demand for supporting innovation partners and supply chain capability.
The event This ‘inaugural’ Auto Electronics event forms a specialised show zone, enabling attendees from across automotive engineering to tap into tailored presentations and a specialised cluster of expertise, technology and supplier companies serving specifically the hugely important automotive ‘electronics’ disciplines. Opposite we have listed the main auto electronics exhibitors bearing in mind that some other exhibitors not specifically in this part of the show will also have capability in the sector. We’ve also listed the fifteen presentations being held in forum 5 on key auto electronics issues to inform attendees over the two days. If you need to be up-to-date on this critical aspect of the automotive industry, then you won’t want to miss these keynote presentations.
EXHIBITORS at the Auto Electronics Show 2013 include . . . Freescale Semiconductor UK Ltd: a global leader in embedded processing solutions, including automotive safety, hybrid and all-electric vehicles. Freescale is based in Austin, Texas with operations around the world. MDL Technologies Limited: providing sales, consultancy, calibration, systems capability, distribution, project management, installation and maintenance testing of shielded rooms and anechoic chambers, and Electronic Test and Measurement solutions to the UK and Ireland. Rohde & Schwarz UK Ltd: an independent sales, service and technical support provider to customers in the mobile radio and radio communication, test and measurement, TV broadcasting and IT security space. OE Systems Limited: designs, develops and manufactures innovative electronic hardware and will be taking the opportunity of the auto electronics show to introduce two products; Bladesense, an innovative and distinct approach to vehicle efficiency and safety and ProSonicA audio modules. ML Electronics Ltd: a leading electronics design and product development company with its own manufacturing division, specialising in developing solutions for clients in highly regulated markets such as automotive, from all areas of the industry, ranging from Formula 1 teams to Tier 1 and 2 suppliers and niche manufacturers. Provertha Connectors GMBH: develops cable assemblies and connector concepts for the automotive market. Product development is conducted on modern 3D CAD software with animated 3D presentations and prototypes. A rapid prototyping process for testing and approval guarantees a reliable and suitable solution. Vertech / Brightek Taiwan: a leading Taiwanese PCB manufacturer of a full range of PCBs. Factories are accredited with TS16949 and produce PCBs for automotive, industrial, telecommunication and other applications. The product portfolio includes PTH Lamp, SMD, Dot Matrix, Superflux, CHIP LED and high power LED. Nemesis GB Ltd: a leading brand supplier to the UK car markets, providing a wide range of ‘business to business’ and ‘business to consumer’ services for their brands. Nemesis aims to provide products that solve ‘challenges’ faced by consumers in the car, at home and during leisure time. IHS Automotive: offers content, expertise and insight on the automotive industry, with vehicle forecasts, current market performance and future automotive technologies. Automotive electronics capabilities have been acquired with iSuppli and IMS Research, BDW Automotive and R.L. Polk including Polk and CARFAX.
Credit: Freescale
Electronic Specifier Ltd: the design engineers resource guide to new products and technology from the global electronics industry, featuring the latest fully compiled product and industry news, datasheets and whitepapers to help those in the electronics industry make informed choices. Scorpion Automotive Ltd: established in vehicle security since 1973, the company offers alarms, immobilisers, tracking and web based fleet management devices to the OEM and aftermarket for cars, vans, HGV, marine, motorcycles, caravans and motor-homes. Small or large volume manufacture takes place in a modern facility.
www.ukautoelectronics.com 2013 | SHOWGUIDE
PRESENTATIONS THEMES at the Auto Electronics Show 2013 Day
Presentation Title
Tuesday 12th November
Electric Land Vehicles: Everything Will Change
Tuesday 12th November
Flexible multiport DC/DC converter reduces cost, weight
space, and increases EV range
Tuesday 12th November
Real-Time testing with AUTOSAR compliant code for ECU
software development and verification
Tuesday 12th November
Printable Electronics for Automotive Applications
Tuesday 12th November
Solutions for outstanding sensor performance
Tuesday 12th November
Fretting Corrosion In Automotive Electronic Connectors:
Explanation of the fretting phenomenon Causes &
of fretting corrosion Solutions for fretting issues
Wednesday 13th November
Considerations of the dual-voltage (14V/48V) supply
system for the next generation passenger cars:
challenges and solutions from semiconductor point
of view
Wednesday 13th November
Replacing wires, switches, fuses and instruments with an
iPad and a wireless body control system
Wednesday 13th November
Serial Bus Analysis for Automotive Applications
Wednesday 13th November
Bladesense – Improving vehicle safety and reducing costs
through efficiency
Wednesday 13th November
Automotive Electronics –
Global Outlook and Growth Prospects
Wednesday 13th November
Vital signs and heart rate monitoring for occupant safety
and well-being
Wednesday 13th November
New and Next Generation Transmitters & Receivers
for the MOST Infotainment Network
www.ukautoelectronics.com SHOWGUIDE | 2013
Where are we going in Auto Electronics? Freescale’s view of what of significance has happened, what is coming and what will matter tomorrow John Hancock
Environmental concerns have driven attention to fuel efficiency and harmful engine emissions leading to significant innovation, e.g. direct injection combustion engines
two areas – the environment and safety. Environmental concerns have driven attention to fuel efficiency and harmful engine emissions leading to significant innovation, e.g. direct injection combustion engines. In addition to increasing efficiency and reducing emissions it also provides a substantial performance boost especially for diesel engines. While direct injection has been revolutionising the engine, DCT (Dual Clutch Transmission) has been doing something similar to the transmission. DCT provides the convenience of an automatic transmission while providing better efficiency than a manual transmission… with only a small cost increase. Environment and safety “[Looking at safety] According to WHO We started out by asking Andy what have been the most significant developments in auto-electronics [the World Health Organisation], more than 1.2 million people died in 2010 worldwide, in the past five years? His response was that “Developments in projected to increase to 1.9 million in 2020 due the last five years have been focused on to traffic-related incidents. Advanced Driver Sometimes, if you want some information about a sector, it’s best to ask someone who knows that sector well from being a major participant over many years. That would certainly be true for Auto Electronics where developments are arriving with almost bewildering frequency. It was in that frame of mind that we met Andy Birnie, Systems Engineering Manager for the Automotive Microcontrollers Division at Freescale Semiconductor which has been providing ‘embedded processing solutions for the automotive, consumer, industrial and networking markets’ since 2004.
www.ukautoelectronics.com 2013 | SHOWGUIDE
Assistance Systems (ADAS), using radar and vision based object detection systems for low speed collision avoidance, have the potential to reduce traffic accidents by 70% [according to the] German Highways Agency.”
The next big thing With that response noted, we talked about what will be the next big thing in auto-electronics for driver support, use of vehicle, engine/power train management and in-car information and entertainment and what have been the drivers of that development? Andy was very clear in explaining that “There isn’t one big thing, there will be many big things! “In terms of safety – driver distraction is becoming a focus. To ensure the driver focuses on the highly visual task of driving, the radar/ vision ADAS features spoken of earlier will become cost effective for every car; with multiple
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instantiations in the vehicle to protect against risks from every angle. Predictions from Frost & Sullivan suggest that 40% of vehicles will have some ADAS feature by 2018. “For engine efficiency – building on the success of direct injection and DCT will be new technologies to achieve even better efficiency and lower emissions to meet ever increasing regulatory requirements around the world. Complex electrical control of the valves will replace the current simple mechanical valve control. Hybrid technology will migrate down to smaller and lower cost systems with mini (as low as 5hp) and micro-hybrid systems matching the complementary optimum operating points of the electric motor and the internal combustion engine. “When it comes to in-car infotainment and displays, the driving force will be the continuation of the consumer driven graphics rich experience, with higher resolution larger displays, as well as the introduction of augmented reality for navigation systems and gesture control for media systems. “There are many enablers for these big things to happen, but they include a security solution for the connected car, that makes users feel confident, and an open source development environment that allows development of apps to run on the vehicle platform.”
Looking to the horizon This is clearly exciting stuff and so we wondered, looking further into the future, what is the single most exciting development on your horizon? “For sure the most exciting development ahead is the autonomous (or even driverless) vehicle – taking it from the R&D laboratory into a production road vehicle. [This will entail] extending the range and resolution of the radar and vision sensors, combining the results with these sensors and the information available from the real-time V2X network to build up a complete picture of the vehicles current and projected environment. [This will extend] the driving context [to] where it can be in autonomous mode from its initial restrictions, so that it becomes a part of our life, and hence significantly reduces accident rates and even modifies our commuting patterns.” What a great introduction to this burgeoning and increasingly important aspect of auto design and production from, as we said, someone who clearly knows the subject.
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Aero Engineering Show 2013 Stand number: F185 aerospace@fibracon.com|+44 (0)1298 811800|www.fibracon.com SHOWGUIDE | 2013
Printed electronic interactive drum poster by UK-based company Novalia, a simple example of an application of printed interactive capacitive touch using conductive ink that transforms a simple graphic into a fully interactive audio poster.
Printable Electronics… changing the game No longer will designers be constrained by the shapes of physical equipment when the equipment can be part of the shape Francis Slade
Game changing technology The term ‘game changer’ is often used but less often is it appropriate. In the case of printable electronics it would be hard to think of a better superlative; ‘game changer’ is an apposite term for a technology that will not only change the way electronic systems are created but also the purposes for which they can be applied. We caught up briefly with Steven Bagshaw Marketing Executive and Jon Helliwell, Director of printable Electronics at the Centre for Process Innovation to get the up-to-date information on this exciting technology. There wasn’t long so we kept our questions brief but their responses were complete, as you’ll see.
Printable Electronics for Industry 2013: What will make Printable Electronics a game changer in the Advanced Engineering sectors? Steven Bagshaw & Jon Helliwell: People’s experience with consumer products is changing as we seek the responsiveness of touch screen technology in everyday items. Car interiors now have touch screens inserted into the consoles. With printable electronics we can give designers the freedom to create thin, curved panels, containing switches, illumination and displays and integrate these into the console design. The game changer is in the ability to create bespoke designs and open new supply chain opportunities for the UK manufacturing base.
www.ukplasticelectronics.com 2013 | SHOWGUIDE
Printable electronics have the potential to be thinner, lighter and more rugged, leading to the creation of a whole new range of products such as flexible displays, large-area energy efficient lighting, printed logic and memory, sensors, batteries, low cost solar cells, and entirely new form factors for functional electronic devices. PEI 2013: Would you say that Printable Electronics is a disruptive technology and, if so, in what ways will it change the ways things are done? SB & JH: Printable electronics has the potential to change the way components are made – replacing wiring with printed circuitry and components embedded into the moulded part. As technology
With printable electronics we can give designers the freedom to create thin, curved panels, containing switches, illumination and displays and integrate these into the console design
develops, cost will continue to fall enabling greater use of low cost sensing. With low cost embedded sensing, parts can communicate with other components and stock control processes in the ‘internet of things’. Another key feature will be the ability of embedded sensing to enable high value, high risk components to self monitor. PEI 2013: What are the latest developments on the Printable Electronics horizon? SB & JH: There are now a wide range of printed electronic components, displays and lighting, flexible solar panels, printed batteries, printed thin film logic and memory. The next challenge is the development of high speed integration processes to enable the manufacture of high volume products at an acceptable price. This more established technology will continue adapt to new technology changes and the advent of NFC enabled smartphones will create new opportunities in providing power for highly interactive labels, for example. Whilst this is under development, printed electronics will continue to find new applications where new form factors and lightweight are advantageous in wearable sensing for health care applications, for example. PEI 2013: Anything else you’d like to mention? SB & JH: CPI is the UK’s National Centre for printable electronics focusing on design, development and prototyping for the emerging printable electronics industry. Their mission is to work with clients to bring new printable electronics products and processes to market quickly and efficiently, by offering facilities and expertise that help reduce the level of R&D risk and capital investment, while speeding up time to market. CPI is leading a consortium of major companies to create a UK supply chain to enable the widespread adoption of low cost, near field communication (NFC) devices using printable electronics. The project will build manufacturing capacity, develop manufacturing skills and demonstrate application deployment, bringing together the UK’s world-class strength in print, electronics and design in a collaborative consortium to open-up a globally competitive UK supply-chain in printed NFC components.
Printed Electronics in the UK and PELG
(Plastic Electronics Leadership Group) Many of the current activities in organic semiconductors around the world have developed from the research and inventions that took place in the 1980s at the Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge. Their 1989 patent underpinned the 1992 founding of Cambridge Display Technology and, together with a pivotal 1990 Nature paper, launched the field of plastic electronics. Through the rest of the ‘90s early research was mainly academic with a few spin-out companies such as CDT Ltd and Plastic Logic Ltd being examples of the growing trend of academic teams looking to commercially exploit their own intellectual property. The UK’s former Department of Trade and Industry recognised the potential in this field and, from the late 90’s onwards, supported the area with collaborative research funding. As various early UK developments showed clear promise to deliver world-leading materials, processes and device opportunities this early stage funding developed into a wider range of programmes in the first decade of the 21st century. The UK’s current Technology Strategy Board continues to fund programmes in the wider area of printed electronics and, as a result, the UK now has a superb infrastructure to offer support to companies wishing to enter this space for the first time. No commercial exploitation of a new technology can be firmly established without first ensuring a solid supply chain for all necessary materials, equipment, metrology and enduser device assemblies. The focus on building the supply chain has been a key priority in the UK for the last few years, and the success of these efforts is now coming to the fore. The network of organisations belonging to the UK’s printed electronics community is burgeoning. The Plastic Electronics Leadership Group, chaired by Dr Adrian Geisow of Hewlett-Packard, co-ordinates the network between the various companies involved across the UK’s PE community and, by ensuring joined up thinking, seeks to ensure that the UK remains at the forefront of global research and development activity across the multiple application areas of printed electronics, both for domestic exploitation in the UK, for export sales of UK-manufactured materials, equipment and PE devised and for overseas licensing of the UK’s intellectual property. For further information on the UK Printed Electronics community and its capability please see The UK Plastics Electronics Capability Guide available on the website http://ukplasticelectronics.com
Well, our introduction did say it was a game changer.
www.ukplasticelectronics.com SHOWGUIDE | 2013
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Matching needs and capabilities techUK may have been rebranded but it continues to perform a valuable role for members and the businesses that need their skills Peter Dunwell
An active participant techUK (Intellect UK) is a technology trade association of 850 members created some eleven years ago from the merger of two earlier bodies, the FEI and CSSA. The association has a broad remit on behalf of members as Director Ian Osborne explains: “techUK deals with government on issues such as regulation, markets and opportunities and has become engaged in ESCO (Electronics Systems Community) launched in June 2013.” ESCO (re-named from UK Electronics Alliance – UKEA), according to its website, comprises ‘the leading trade associations and other representative bodies providing a forum for the electronic systems community to share experience, best practice and resource to address common issues and a two way communication channel with Government departments and agencies to enable them to better support our community where appropriate.’ Ian Osborne serves with government ministers and others on the ESCO council charged with “looking at how to grow electronics over the next seven or so years.” Also, techUK has a long record of productive engagement with UKTI (the UK Government’s trade and investment body) as a key partner helping identify companies to participate in trade missions as well as helping company’s setting up UK operations to source the capabilities that they need in their supply chain.
Benefits in several sectors Aerospace would be a typical area where techUK can assist members. The association has an Aerospace and Defence group to represent some of the smaller players in the supply chain in building relations with the large systems integrators and OEMs such as BAE Systems and RollsRoyce. The benefit works both ways helping integrators and OEMs to source the capabilities that they need in the UK and helping members to find outlets for their capabilities. The association works in a similar manner in
Auto Engineering with high end manufacturers and specialists such as motorsport businesses always looking out for innovations to give them a competitive edge. techUK will help them find those businesses and will ensure that they get the security and convenience of local supply chains. In other areas, such as the emergent Printable Electronics sector, techUK is not only able to help members identify where the markets for their ideas can be found but also to highlight some of the opportunities for applications. One area in which this has been the case has been with intelligent packaging but, in truth, printable electronics are set to revolutionise the ways in which so many things are done and to create new ways of doing things that might previously have been quite a challenge – smart clothing with healthcare and health monitoring capabilities would be a good example of this.
Supporting the Internet of things A term used by techUK to describe its area of operation is ‘ubiquitous connectivity and the internet of things’. This refers to an aspect of communications developments in the past ten years with mobile and wireless capabilities (including 5G), sensor networks such as that installed on the London Underground system, RFID (radio frequency identifiers), NFC (near field communications), and a host of other developments. These have enabled increasing numbers of things to interrogate and/or inform other things and systems in real time to make situational awareness and planning better informed than ever before. Again, the association helps members identify opportunities in this relatively new technology space as well as introducing large systems builder to smaller businesses whose capabilities will enhance their systems. Having rebranded itself just before the Advanced Engineering UK 2013 group of events, techUK will be adding further capabilities and extending its reach to a significantly larger audience in a major development to be announced before the end of November. A space to watch!
www.intellectuk.org SHOWGUIDE | 2013
Exhibitor Listings
u ADS Members
+Plastic Electronics magazine
Address: Cleeve Road, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 7RU Tel: +44 (0)1372 802 000 Fax: +44 (0) 1372 802 243 Email: publications@smithersapex.com Website: www.plusplasticelectronics.com CONTACT:
Dan Rogers, Head of Digital Publishing , Smithers +Plastic Electronics magazine provides business critical analysis of the latest developments, data and emerging trends in the printed and organic electronics industry
2020 Business Performance H11 Address: 170-172 Holliday Street, Birmingham B1 1TJ Tel: 0121 245 4624 Email: info@2020bp.co.uk Website: www.2020bp.co.uk CONTACT:
Tony Gannon, Managing Director 2020 Business Performance is dedicated to helping you extract greater efficiency from your existing business and infrastructure. Our three divisions operate individually or in collaboration to deliver cost savings and performance improvements. Energy: Innovative solutions tailored to support the delivery of your organisations cost reduction and environmental strategies which involve light heat and water. Systems: BabelBox is the next generation state of the art BI tool designed to make reporting, analysis and dash boarding as easy as searching the internet. Telecoms: We our partners, we are committed to reducing costs whilst improving voice and data communications within your business.
2KM (UK) Limited C165 Address: 1 Buntsford Park Road, Broomsgrove, Worcestershire, B60 3DX Tel: +44 (0) 15278 34720 Fax: +44 (0) 15278 34729 Email: sales@2km.co.uk Website: www.2km.co.uk CONTACT:
Rob McLaren , Managing Director 2KM is one of the leading names in mechanical engineering, offering bespoke solutions for the processing of single and multicomponent adhesive liquids. Metering, mixing and dispensing materials of almost all viscosities, our experience extends to a great variety of industries. We cover bonding, coating, composite, spraying and moulding applications from the simplest to the most complicated project. Our customisation ability allows us to approach every need with the best possible solution to ensure excellent performance and return on investment. Continuous support and after sales solutions ensure your production runs smoothly.
2 Recycling Limited H93
360 Composites (Technology) Ltd G155
ACC Silicones Ltd D155
CONTACT: Tim Hunter, Director 360 Composites (Technology) Ltd are suppliers of a comprehensive range of machines, materials and solutions to improve productivity, health and safety and working environments inclusive of chopper spray, gel spray, silicone spray, RTM and putty, PU and adhesive dispensers. We also supply and install spray booths.
CONTACT: Chris Dawson, Marketing Manager ACC Silicones manufacture silicone moulding rubbers, adhesives, sealants and electronic compounds in the UK and Italy and are approved suppliers to many major OEMs in the Automotive and Aerospace sectors. We will be demonstrating the production of reusable silicone vacuum bags using VBS26, a sprayable liquid silicone that cures quickly at room temperature. In addition ACC have an extensive range of moulding rubbers both addition and condensation cure including new Food Grade approved materials. Our SILCOTHERM range of thermally conductive silicone adhesives, compounds and Gap Fillers effectively dissipate heat in high power electronic components used in a variety of automotive and aerospace applications.
We are the distributor for GS Manufacturing, Phoenix Equipment and Silicone Composites Ltd. We supply and service all Graco equipment with a full range of spares. We can create bespoke equipment and adapt materials to suit individual client needs. Come and visit us on stand G155 to learn more.
3DDC Ltd D5 Address: Unit 4B Hurst End Farm, North Crawley, Bucks, MK16 9HS Tel: 01234 391894 Fax: 01234 420323 Email: 3ddc@3ddc.eu Website: www.3ddc.eu CONTACT: Graham Barton, Director 3DDC specialises in the metal plating of plastics and other nonconductive materials using its proprietary Metalise it … process. The plating process was developed specifically for plastic parts produced using additive manufacturing and 3D printing technologies. However, it has also had impressive results with vacuum cast, injection moulded and laminated composite parts. The team at 3DDC has an exceptional in-depth knowledge of the range of additive technologies that produce plastic parts and how to plate them. Metalising components can provide increased structural strength, resistance to moisture, temperature, humidity and corrosion, and can be used for RFI shielding. 3DDC is an ISO 9001 : 2008 approved company.
3M UK PLC F61 Address: 3M Centre, Cain Road, Bracknell, Berkshire. RG12 8HT Tel: +44 1344 858000 Fax: +44 1344 858278 Email: 3mtransportationuk@mmm.com Website: www.3m.co.uk CONTACT: Anna Kellachan, Marketing Supervisor Whether you are involved in aircraft or automotive manufacturing/ maintenance, 3M technologies can help. With over 30 major technology platforms and a global network of manufacturing expertise, technical and after-sales support; 3M serve the world with solutions that enable the fast and efficient production of lighter, safer, quieter cars and aircraft. From sound dampening products to adhesives and sealants, visit us on stand F61 to find out more.
3T RPD Ltd B50
CONTACT: Phil Kilburn, Sales Manager – Metal 3T is a leading additive manufacturing (AM) company with production experience in a range of sectors. Companies can be confident that their production jobs are in experienced hands as 3T have ISO13485 and AS9100 for the production of metal AM parts. 3T is trusted by a number of aerospace OEMs and defence companies to produce metal AM components that are, for example, used in test rigs and satellites in orbit. They also produce safety critical components for F1 cars in Titanium and high-temperature engine parts in Inconel 718. 3T has specialist expertise in producing nylon industrial and consumer parts to high tolerances (<+/0.1mm), and will be showcasing a range of new AM samples that demonstrate how the industrial process is evolving.
Composites UK Members
Address: W41 Hastingwood Ind Pk, Wood Lane, Birmingham B24 9QR Tel: 0121 280 3000 Email: info@360composites.com Website: www.360composites.com
Address: Fulton Court, Wofford Way, Greenham Business Park, Newbury, Berkshire, RG19 6HD Tel: 01635 580284 Fax: 01635 569857 Email: post@3trpd.co.uk Website: www.3trpd.co.uk
If you generate metal waste (scrap metal) whether it from machining, cutting, shaping, bending or just from surplus stock, then you will need to make sure you receive the best value for this scrap material. Utilising over 50 years of combined experience our philosophy is to be ‘scrap metal at its most professional’. 2 Recycling Ltd is part of an new generation of dynamic metal recyclers who deal only B2B and are as far apart as you can get from the more traditional image of ‘scrap metal dealers’. It is this same philosophy that motivated us to become proud sponsors of the BLOODHOUND SSC project, recognizing the importance of inspiring the next generation of engineers into the manufacturing sector.
Address: Showground Rd, Bridgwater, Somerset, TA6 6AJ Tel: 01278 411400 Fax: 01278 411444 Email: info@acc-silicones.com Website: www.acc-silicones.com
Address: Trent House, Venture Way, Grantham, Lincolnshire. NG31 7XS Tel: 01476 513900 Fax: 01476 565362 Email: info@2recycling.com Website: www.2recycling.com Stuart Elliott, Director
£ SC21
ACE Forming G121 Address: Building 32, Bay 5, Second Avenue, Pensnett Trading Estate, Kingswinford, West Midlands, DY6 7UF Tel: 01384 270710 Fax: 01384 270723 Email: ian@ace-forming.co.uk Website: www.ace-forming.co.uk CONTACT: Ian Wiles, Managing Director ACE Forming are one of the UK’s leading prototype engineering companies, offering a complete service for prototype and production metal forming. Working primarily with product developers, our clients range from different fields including aerospace, medical, telecom, electronic and automotive industries. We also undertake general metalwork and assembly projects. ACE Forming manufactures precision metal components from chemically etched, pressed, wire eroded, laser and water jet cut blanks with varying complexity, thickness, form and finish – from a simple round shim to complex highly formed multi pin connector. With a full range of facilities from small hand presses to higher tonnage power presses, we can take on any development project.
ACMOS (UK) Ltd D181 Address: Willow Bank House, Old Lane, Heswall, Wirral. CH60 1XX Tel: +44 (0) 151 348 4849 Fax: +44 (0) 151 348 4850 Email: steve@acmos.co.uk Website: www.acmos.com CONTACT: Steve Spriggs, Managing Director Acmos is a World Leader in External and Internal Release agents for the Composite Industry. Wind Power approved Semipermanent ACMOScoat Release Systems provide savings in Release Agent consumption and surface preparation. Latest developments in Semipermanent Release Technology show features like: - Enhanced release power - Greater number of lifts per application - Improved post-treatment abilities - Increased polarity on manufactured parts - Elimination of Diethyl Ether in the release system The new semi-permanent ACMOScoat Release Systems allow manufacturers in Wind / Aircraft / Mass Transportation / Medical / Recreational / Construction / Marine / Motorsports and other components
ACS G51 Address: Unit 6A Merus Court, Meridian Business Park, Leicester LE19 1RJ, UK Tel: 01162 899 323 Fax: 01162 897 232 Email: kbell@acscm.com Website: www.acscm.com CONTACT: Kurtis Bell, Managing Director, UK & EU ACS delivers total engine and vehicle test facility integration services for development, application and production testing. Our expertise ranges from the turnkey delivery of technical centers to retrofit and renovation of single test cells for engines, chassis/ vehicles, gensets, and components. ACS experience includes planning and design; test systems and equipment specification, procurement, installation and integration; and construction and commissioning for environmental (altitude, temperature, humidity), NVH, emissions (Tier 4 & Euro IV), and performance testing, as well as the design and fabrication of custom test equipment for engine handling, fluid measurement and conditioning, data acquisition, and dynamometer/driveline solutions.
AcSoft Ltd H34
Aero Consultants (UK) Ltd C61
Address: 8B Wingbury Courtyard, Wingrave, Aylesbury, HP22 4LW Tel: 01296 682686 Fax: 01296 682860 Email: prubens@acsoft.co.uk Website: www.acsoft.co.uk
Address: 13-14 Clifton Road, Huntingdon, PE29 7EJ Tel: 01480 432111 Fax: 01480 412910 Email: sales@aero-consultants.co.uk Website: www.aero-consultants.co.uk
CONTACT: Paul Rubens, Marketing Director AcSoft provide the very best in sound and vibration sensors and instrumentation for the automotive and aeronautical engineer. We will be exhibiting products from the world’s premier manufacturers including multi-channel systems from HEAD acoustics, microphones from GRAS, acoustic cameras from gfai tech and acoustic analysers from Sinus. We’ll have an acoustic camera set up so why not come and “see the sound”!
CONTACT: Darren Coniff, Sales and Marketing Director Aero Consultants UK offer a comprehensive range of materials, equipment and allied services to manufacturers of composite components. From structural adhesives to surface treatment systems; lightning strike protection to laser projection and measurement, Aero Consultants UK provides high-performance products designed to cope with the demands of the modern aerospace engineering sector.
ADS Group Ltd B57 Address: ShowCentre, ETPS Road, Farnborough, Hampshire, GU14 6FD Tel: 0207 091 4500 Fax: 0207 091 4545 Email: membership@adsgroup.org.uk Website: www.adsgroup.org.uk CONTACT: Ash Gasson, Membership Acquisition Manager ADS is the Premier Trade Organisation for all companies operating in the UK Aerospace, Defence, Security and Space sectors. Farnborough International Limited (FIL) which runs the Farnborough International Airshow, is a wholly owned subsidiary. ADS operates to create the best possible climate in which its Members can do business, including lobbying and media relations work alongside networking and other business-to business activities. ADS offers a wide range of products and services to help Member companies grow their businesses and widen their contact networks with the supply chains in all relevant sectors, including the UK Home Office, UK MoD and in export markets.
Advanced Electronics & Logistics/ PTS Connects2 H100 Address: Albert House, High Street, Princes End, Tipton, West Midlands Tel: 0121 522 6633 Fax: 0121 522 6601 Email: keithwebb90@btinternet.com Website: www.powertrainsolutions.co.uk CONTACT: KEITH WEBB, MANAGING DIRECTOR AEL Audio repairs, iPhone/iPad repairs ECU remanufacturing PTS Canbus and electronic drive train intrgration, Educational engine run rigs Connects2 Award winning 12v electronic interfaces and accessories
Advanced Laser Technology Ltd I76 Address: Unit 9 Piccadilly Trading Estate, Giddings Road, Manchester, M1 2NP Tel: 44 (0)161 273 3880 Fax: 44 (0)161 273 8873 Email: info@altlaser.co.uk Website: www.altlaser.co.uk CONTACT: Roger Hardacre, Managing Director Advanced Laser Technology is a research and development consultancy that employs engineering staff who have high-level qualifications in manufacturing and laser material processing. We specify, test and install the latest technology in laser systems; developing as necessary cladding heads, coating methods, recipes and electronics to integrate robots, lasers, material handling and CAD systems. Our expertise helps precision engineers in automotive, aerospace and other industries access new technologies to reduce manufacturing costs while improving output. Power train manufacturers may be interested in our research into new ways to harden components to reduce wear and extend life.
AEL POWERTRAIN SOLUTIONS H100 Address: High Street, Princes End Tipton, West Midlands DY4 9HG Tel: 0121 522 6633 Fax: 0121 522 6601 Email: keithwebb90@btinternet.com Website: www.powertrainsolutions.co.uk CONTACT: KEITH WEBB, MANAGING DIRECTOR Company: PTS Engine and drive train integrators working in partnership with General Motors enabling GM drive trains to be used in a wide variety of applications using bespoke adaptor boxes. PTS are the manufacturers of the EDPRO 13 engine run rigs for the education sector.
The Company is a Preferred Partner for all materials distributed by them including: - Henkel Aerospace - LPT - Advanced 3D Laser Templating - Aqua Water Soluble Mandrels/Tooling - Dexmet Lightning Protection Whatever your Lightweight Composite needs, Aero Consultants UK are here to help.
Aeroform France F138 Address: Unit 6 Rosebridge Court, Ince ,Wigan, WN1 3DP Tel: 01942 665292 Email: info@northcompositesengineering.co.uk Website: www.northcompositesengineering.co.uk CONTACT: Brian Henderson, Engineering Director, North Composites Engineering Ltd Aeroform France is a leading European designer and manufacturer of quality process equipment for the composites industry. We are specialist in composite processing and repair equipment, we provide off the shelf and turnkey solution for all composite industry sectors. Our newly appointed UK and Ireland distributor North Composite Engineering can supply hotbonders, autoclaves, ovens, specialist heat blankets, heat lamps and all associated accessories to meet your standard and bespoke requirements.
Aerospace, Aviation & Defence KTN B35 Address: Salamanca Square, 9 Albert Embankment, London, SE1 7SP Tel: 0207 091 4500 Fax: 0207 091 4545 Email: daniel.jones@aadktn.co.uk Website: www.aadktn.co.uk CONTACT: Craig Cook, Web & Events Administrator The AAD KTN is the single overarching network across industry, Government & academia. By joining our network you will be able to grow your business through the exploitation of innovative technology: • You will increase your chances of accessing UK R&D funding. • You will advance your position within the UK’s technology su pply chain. • You will make better strategic business decisions based on knowledge of the innovation landscape.
Aerospace Manufacturing A75 Address: Featherstone House,375 High Street, Rochester, Kent. ME1 1DA Tel: 01634 830566 Fax: 01634 408488 Email: mdeadman@aero-mag.com Website: www.aero-mag.com CONTACT: Mark Deadman, Sales Manager Aerospace Manufacturing is a business-to-business publication that focuses on the design, production and supply chain elements of the civil and defence aerospace sectors. Published 10 times each year, the magazine provides sharply focused industry news and features on leading-edge technologies, along with pertinent comment from key aerospace organisations and industry figureheads. Distributed to 10,000 decision-making industry professionals within Europe, each one of Aerospace Manufacturings targeted readers has been carefully selected from an extensive database.
Aerotherm Group & Olmar Group F191 Address: Scotia Road Business Park, Tunstall, Stoke-on-Trent, STAFFS, ST6 4HG Tel: +44 (0)1782 820960 Fax: +44 (0)1782 820961 Email: sales@aerotherm.co.uk Website: www.aerotherm.co.uk CONTACT: Chris Bramhall, Group Marketing Manager The Aerotherm Group are industrial engineers, focused on practical process and carbon reduction solutions, providing high levels of innovation, quality and financial payback for our clients, throughout the UK and overseas. We specialise in Bespoke design and manufacture Industrial Ovens, Dust/Fume Extraction systems, air management systems and environmental solutions. The Olmar Group, which was founded in 1945 specialise in bespoke design, manufacture and installation of Autoclave systems, steam boilers and pressure vessels. We have vast experience in the composites, food processing, glass, vulcanisation and pharmaceutical industry. Both companies are ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 and are market leaders in the chosen fields.
AIC – Autoclave & Industrial Controls Ltd G144 Address: 2 Allens Lane, Hamworthy, Poole, Dorest BH16 5DA Tel: +44 (0)1202 630 033 Fax: +44 (0)1202 630 022 Email: sales@aicservice.com Website: www.aicservice.com CONTACT: Nigel Clifford, Head of Sales AIC is a specialist engineering company providing design and build of bespoke composite processing equipment and controls. AIC Projects provides upgrades, refurbishment, relocation, installation and commissioning. AIC Service provides planned preventative maintenance, calibration, technical support, documentation, training and 24/7 breakdown response worldwide.
AIM Composites Ltd £ C142 Address: Pembroke Avenue, Waterbeach, Cambs. Tel: 01223 441000 Fax: 01223 862336 Email: sales@aimcomposites.com Website: www.aimcomposites.com CONTACT: Ian McCartney, B.D.Manager AIM Composites Ltd is one of the leading composites companies in Europe working with the latest materials and technologies for a wide range of customers including the Aerospace, Defence ,Rail and Marine industries. AIM can supply a complete composite service, including materials, component manufacture, sandwich panels and Mechanical/FST testing. AIM also can offer a composite repair facility for both Aerospace and Industrial parts. AIM is an authorised distributor of Hexcel materials, including honeycomb, prepregs and adhesives.
Ainscough Vanguard Limited G72 Address: Vanguard House, Bradley Lane, Standish, WN6 0XF Tel: 01257 441 111 Fax: 01257 442 222 Email: d.bell@ainscoughvanguard.co.uk Website: www.ainscoughvanguard.co.uk CONTACT: David Bell, Marketing Manager As part of the Ainscough Industrial Group, Ainscough Vanguard (AVL) is the UK’s leading specialist industrial installation and relocation solutions provider, working throughout the UK and beyond. AVL provide a consistent, high quality service to the Automotive and Aerospace industry, through experienced in-house personnel, operating under an integrated management system covering ISO9001, 14001 and 18001, and current CDM regulations. No matter the size of the project, we are the service partner of choice to deliver your project from start to finish. AVL has the capabilities to provide turnkey solutions and full project management for clients such as Jaguar Land Rover and Heathrow Airport.
AirBench Ltd C92 Address: 14 Grange Farm Road, Colchester, Essex. CO2 8JW Tel: 01206 791191 Fax: 01206 791091 Email: sales@airbench.com Website: www.airbench.com CONTACT: Simon Cook, Managing Director AirBench is a self-contained downdraught bench with a perforated work surface through which dusts or fumes are drawn down through into filters before returning clean air back into the working area. AirBench is the UK`s leading downdraught bench and can be demonstrated on site prior to purchase. Visit us at stand C92 where you will see the AirBench in operation.
Air Cleaning Systems Ltd C102 Address: B1-B3 Coed Cae Lane, Pontyclun CF72 9HG Tel: 0844 2256100 Fax: 0844 2256111 Email: mark.lemkey@acs-ltd.com Website: www.acs-ltd.com CONTACT: Mark Lemkey, MD The dust control range of downdraught filter benches manufactured by Air Cleaning Systems (acs) is designed to provide an ergonomic and practical solution to the problem of controlling and removing airborne dust (or fume) generated by fettling, sanding, deburring, polishing and finishing applications. acs will be showcasing the FBS, seated, downdraught bench and highlighting the energy saving features and benefits as well as showing practical storage ideas and lighting options to use in conjunction with the bench, to provide a self contained work station solution
Airframer A9 Address: 134 South Street, Bishops Stortford, Herts, CM23 3BQ Tel: 01279 714 517 Fax: 01279 714 519 Email: jenny@airframer.com Website: www.airframer.com CONTACT: Jenny Parker, Editorial Assistant The multi-billion dollar aerospace manufacturing supply chain worldwide is growing fast. New businesses and aircraft programs in the emerging industrial nations of the far east are increasing the complexity and the global reach of this vital industry. Airframer provides a unique and valuable overview of this rapidlyevolving marketplace, with a simple web-based interface for subscribers to drill down into its substantial database or browse up-to-the-minute analysis.
AKTON Recruitment H40 Address: Grosvenor House 20 Barrington Road, Altrincham, WA14 1HB Tel: 0161 233 0034 Email: tdracup@aktonrecruitment.com Website: www.aktonrecruitment.com CONTACT: Tim Dracup, Director AKTON are specialist recruiters for the Automotive, Aerospace and general Manufacturing Industries.
Aktrion Quality Services G83 Address: Pemberton House, Stafford Court, Stafford Park 1, Telford, Shropshire, TF3 3BD Tel: 01952 239400 Fax: 01952 239401 Email: roy.franklin@aktrion.com Website: www.aktrionautomotive.com CONTACT: Roy Franklin, General Business Director Aktrion Group is one of the largest suppliers of fully managed and rapid response, flexible resource service solutions. Working in many diverse industry sectors, including automotive quality and manufacturing, with a UK, European and Global presence. Aktrion have a long history and proven track record of working in high volume industries which are sensitive to volume fluctuations, which demand excellent quality coupled with 1st class customer service.
u ADS Members Alan Harper Composites Ltd ug D155 Address: 4 Gwel Avon Business Park, Saltash, Cornwall, PL12 6TW Tel: 01752 841222 Email: alan@alanharpercomposites.com Website: www.alanharpercomposites.com CONTACT: Alan Harper, CEO We specialise in Reusable vacuum bags for Infusion and pre preg. However with our development of VPI, Vacuum Press Infusion visitors will see first hand a NEW WAY to mould composite parts. VPI provides almost net size moulding, very fast infusion speeds (faster than RTM,LRTM and Infusion) VPI is the lowest cost entry into all the advantages of closed mould composite production. If you are a general open moulder in hand lay or Spray you will be amazed at what VPI will do for your business. Now with 3 years experience in this new technology and are the leaders . Also shown will be our New bag flexible heating systems up to 250C. Advanced composite pre preg users will witness unparalleled cost savings with RVB
ALCHEMIE LTD A151 Address: Warwick Road, Kineton, Warwick, CV35 0HU Tel: +44 (0) 1926 641600 Fax: +44 (0) 1926 641698 Email: sales@alchemie.com Website: www.alchemie.com CONTACT: Cliff Jones, Sales Director Alchemie Ltd is a privately owned U.K. manufacturer of Epoxy Laminating and infusion resins, Gelcoats, Styling Pastes, Repair putty and Casting materials for the composites industry. The company also manufacture Polyurethane resins for R.I.M., Vacuum cast & modelmaking applications. We also supply Epoxy and Polyurethane Modelboard products and have one of the largest ranges available in the U.K. On the stand you will view examples of Carbon fibre pre-preg tooling in resin and modelboard materials, clear gelcoats with laminating resin for Custom Carbon applications, RTV silicone moulding rubbers and R.I.M. materials. The company is accredited with the quality standard ISO 9001 2008, and also operates a Toll manufacturing service.
£ SC21
Composites UK Members
Amari Aerospace D61 Address: Unit 1, Mauretania Road, Nursling, Southampton SO16 0YS Tel: 023 8074 2750 Fax: 023 8074 1947 Email: sales@amari-aerospace.com Website: www.amari-aerospace.com CONTACT: Dave Enright, General Manager Amari Aerospace is a fast growing subsidiary of the UK’s largest independent multi-metals stockholder that provides specialist services to customers in the aerospace, defence and allied industries. With an extensive inventory of aluminium, steels, titanium, copper and nickel alloys in all semi-finished forms, Amari Aerospace provides customers with a cost-effective single source for all their metals requirements, over 50% of Amari sales consist of non-standard products.
Amber Composites now Ten Cate Advanced Composites Ltd. g D131 Address: Amber Drive, Langley Mill, Nottingham, NG16 4BE Tel: 01773 530899 Fax: 01773 768687 Email: ambersales@tencate.com Website: www.tencateadvancedcomposites.com CONTACT: Nick Tiffin, Director Sales & Marketing , Ten Cate Advanced Composites TenCate Advanced Composites is a global materials technology company supporting a diverse range of applications with engineered composite materials. TenCate materials are incorporated in markets ranging from automotive and motorsport, medical devices, oil and gas, to aerospace structures and interiors. TenCate Advanced Composites offers a wide range of product solutions, including: • Thermoset advanced composites materials • Tooling prepregs – AmberTool® • Thermoplastic advanced composite materials – Cetex®, CFRT® • Bulk composite moulding compounds • Compression moulding capabilities for part production • Film adhesives and syntactic • Honeycomb services Whatever your composite material needs, TenCate has the right solution.
Alicona UK Ltd C71 Address: 15 Lime Tree Walk, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN13 1YH Tel: 01732 746670 Fax: 01732 465500 Email: sales.uk@alicona.com Website: www.alicona.com CONTACT: Brian Kyte, Sales Director Alicona manufacture optical measuring systems and will be featuring 2 new products. The first is the IF-Profiler, a portable device that can be used on a measurement bench, and in the factory to provide measurement on large objects that cannot be taken into the measurement room. The second product is the R25 sensor; this measurement head, using the same Alicona measurement technology as other products that can be mounted on a robot or gantry system to be used in an in line/near production location. This head can measure 3D geometry (such as valve seats) along with surface finish and form.
Altair Engineering Ltd C86 Address: Imperial House, Holly Walk, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, CV32 4JG Tel: 01926 468622 Fax: 01926 468601 Email: lydia.williams@uk.altair.com Website: www.altairengineering.co.uk CONTACT: Lydia Williams, Marketing Coordinator Altair empowers client innovation and decision-making through technology that optimizes the analysis, management and visualization of business and engineering information. Privately held with more than 2,000 employees, Altair has offices throughout North America, South America, Europe and Asia/Pacific. With a 27-year-plus track record for product design, and advanced engineering software, grid computing technologies, and enterprise analytics solutions, Altair consistently delivers a competitive advantage to customers in a broad range of industries. To learn more, please visit: www.altairhyperworks.co.uk
Ambersil (CRC UK) E80 Address: Ambersil House, Wylds Road, Bridgwater, Somerset, TA6 4DD Tel: 01278 727200 Fax: 01278 425644 Email: marketing.uk@ambersil.com Website: www.ambersil.com CONTACT: Kieran Neale, Marketing Manager Ambersil is a market leading brand of maintenance products offering professional engineers a “Complete Chemical Solution”. The range of products, predominantly in aerosol format, includes: SOLVENT DEGREASERS, CLEANERS, LUBRICANTS, GREASES, OILS, PTFE products, ANTI-CORROSION COATINGS, PAINTS, PENS, WIPES, WELDING CONSUMABLES, AND POLYMER PROCESSING release agents. Ambersil offers a one-stop-shop of quality MRO chemicals for multiple market sectors whether general industrial, food grade, or AUTOMOTIVE and AVIATION. ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified, a member of BAMA, LinkUp Approved.
AMF ANDREAS MAIER GmbH & Co. KG C48 Address: Waiblinger Str. 116, 70734 Fellbach, Germany Tel: +49711 57660 Fax: +49711 575725 Email: amf@amf.de Website: www.amf.de CONTACT: Pierre Houdry, Sales Manager Export Clamping systems from AMF Optimising cost efficiency entails making savings somewhere. The most effective way to do this is to utilise our analysis and consulting service on the potential savings to be made with our clamping solutions. Shorter set-up times save time and money while our high-tech solutions rapidly pay for themselves, especially when it comes to finish machining, test fixtures and changer systems. With sensor monitoring, media ducts, indexing, isolated applications and blow out for automated use, you can always get ahead and will see the impact on your bottom line.
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u ADS Members
AMI-CON C154 Address: Unit 1, Swan Business Park, Sandpit Road, Dartford, Kent. DA1 5ED Tel: 01322 224 726 Fax: 01322 221 934 Email: k.robinson@ami-con.co.uk Website: www.ami-con.co.uk CONTACT: Kully Robinson, Operations Manager AMI-CON is a leading complete supply solution of composite and engineering materials. We are your ultimate supply partner and support a comprehensive and complementary range of both new technology and proven chemistry. Dealing with highly challenging applications, within very tight deadlines has become the frame work that AMI-CON has been speci?cally designed around. Our technical partnerships, distribution agreements and supplier relationships enables necessary product development and new technological advancements ultimately driven by you. AMI-CON’s most recent collaboration, introduces SAATI prepreg to the UK, with exceptionally short lead times, UK stock holding, competitive pricing and full UK technical support!
AMRC with Boeing £ D81 Address: Advanced Manufacturing Park, Wallis Way, Catcliffe, Rotherham S60 5TZ Tel: 0114 222 1747 Fax: 0114 222 7678 Email: enquiries@amrc.co.uk Website: www.amrc.co.uk CONTACT: Alma Hodzic, Research Director The University of Sheffield Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) with Boeing is a world-class centre for advanced machining and materials research for aerospace and other highvalue manufacturing sectors. We work in close collaboration with companies, from global giants to specialist SMEs, to help them become more competitive through the application of new manufacturing techniques, technologies and processes. Our research capabilities cover high-performance machining; complex assembly; composite manufacturing; advanced structural testing; and design and prototyping. The AMRC with Boeing is part of the High Value Manufacturing Catapult.
Anglo Krempel £ B190 Address: Clovelly Road, Bideford, EX39 3EX Tel: 01237 475 501 Fax: 01237 479 879 Email: info@anglo-krempel.com Website: www.anglo-krempel.com CONTACT: David Tame, Sales Engineer Anglo Krempel manufactures high performance Plastic and Composite components for Aerospace, Defence, Automotive and Industrial applications. We have 25 years’ experience moulding PEEK components as well as a vast array of composite capabilities. We are accredited to SC21-Bronze, AS9100, ISO9001 and TS16949. As part of the Krempel Group, we have access to novel composite materials in-group, including carbon fibre prepregs. Our sister company, Jones Stroud Insulations Ltd (JSI), manufactures high-temperature composites, electrical insulation materials and textile products and join us at our stand. Their extensive experience in the field of electronic tape and sleeving manufacture is famous worldwide.
Anochrome Technologies Ltd G44 Address: Wood Lane, Fordhouses, Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, W10 8HN Tel: 01902 397333 ex250 Fax: 01902 785372 Email: chris@anochrome-group.co.uk Website: www.anochrome.com CONTACT: Chris Gorvin, Director Anochrome Technologies Ltd. provide a range of specialised coatings on parts of various size and configuration, these coatings include zinc flake dip drain and hand spray facilities, decorative spray coating facilities including robotic spray equipment; Coating of brake discs on fully automated processing equipment; hard anodising and passivation together with the application of dry film lubricants. Further Anochrome Group companies support Anochrome Technologies with additional services including automatic electro zinc, zinc flake and e-cote lines, thread locking, sealing and induction hardening of fasteners for single source purchasing, all of which is supported with full technical back up from the Anochrome Group main office.
Ansell D71 Address: Riverside Business Park Block J, Bld. Internationale 55, Brussels 1070, Belgium Tel: +32 (0) 2 528 74 00 Fax: +32 (0) 2 528 74 01 Email: info@ansell.eu Website: www.ansell.eu CONTACT:
Cynthia Vercruysse, Jr Fairs & Events Co-ordinator EMEA Ansell is a world leader in providing superior health and safety protection solutions that enhance human well-being. Ansell designs, develops and manufactures a wide range of protection solutions. Delivering quality solutions guaranteeing optimal protections levels has been Ansells underlying goal since its formation in 1905. With operations in North America, Latin America/Caribbean, EMEA and Asia, Ansell employs more than 11,000 people worldwide and holds leading positions in the personal protective equipment and medical gloves markets, as well as in the sexual health and well-being category worldwide. Ansell operates in four main business segments: Medical, Industrial, Specialty Markets, and Sexual Wellness.
Ansomat Ltd F9 Address: Evans Business Centre, Unit 22, Dunns Close, Caldwell Road, Nuneaton CV11 4NF Tel: 02476 322238 Fax: +32 (0) 9 220 4054 Email: info@ansomat.co.uk Website: www.ansomat.co.uk CONTACT:
Karl Gilby, UK Sales Manager Ansomat specialise in assembly solutions for the manufacturing industry. Our dedicated team of PLC and fabrication engineers dedicates itself to providing bespoke assembly solutions to meet our customer’s mechanical and software requirements. Ansomat has been providing bolt tightening solutions for over 25 years utilising various quality brands of electric and pneumatic tightening equipment. We also offer repair, calibration and preventive maintenance services.More information can be found on www. ansomat.co.uk.
ANSYS UK Ltd F196 Address: Sheffield Business Park, 6 Europa View, Sheffield, S9 1XH Tel: + 44 (0) 1344 767 550 Fax: + 44 (0) 0114 281 8818 Email: ukinfo@ansys.com Website: www.ansys.com CONTACT:
Bimal Dharsi , UK Marketing Manager ANSYS develops and globally markets engineering simulation software and technologies widely used by engineers and designers across a broad spectrum of industries. Visit us in Hall 5, stand F196 or email us at ukinfo@ansys.com
Apex Recruitment Services Ltd G86 Address: 52-54b Regent Street, Leamington Spa, CV32 5EG Tel: 01926 331790 Fax: 01926 451180 Email: info@lspa.apex-recruitment.co.uk Website: www.apex-recruitment.co.uk CONTACT:
Richard Marchington, Director Founded in 1978, Apex Recruitment is a highly successful and independent, recruitment agency specialising in Automotive, Energy/Utilities, and Aerospace Engineering roles, nationwide. We are trusted advisers to our clients, supporting them with their recruitment and employment challenges. With thousands of unique candidates on our database and access to over 10 million CVs, we can find the right person for your business. We have over 100 engineering roles that we recruit for at any one time, making us a popular choice for contractors. We have successfully supported JLR since 1985, facilitated by our highly skilled, market specific consultants. We can support you in all your temporary, permanent and contract human resource solutions.
£ SC21
Composites UK Members
Aria Group D32 Address: 17395 Daimler St, Irvine, CA, 92614, USA Tel: +1 949 475 2915 Fax: + 1 949 475 2916 Email: ereynolds@aria-group.com Website: www.aria-group.com CONTACT: EMMA REYNOLDS, ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Aria Group provide engineering, design, product development, prototype fabrication, and specialty or low volume production services for our clients in the automotive, aerospace, architecture, entertainment, marine, military, low volume manufacturing and mass transportation industries. Aria Group has been a major player in the early stage development of concept vehicles, and rapid prototyping for a global range of automotive OEMs. Aria Group has transferred skills developed for these customers to support the Aerospace and Defense market. We provide machining and tooling for composite fabrication. Aria Groups cost-effective and innovative approach has helped to meet deadlines for airframe manufacturers and Tier 1 suppliers.
Aro PR and Marketing ug F145 Address: 2 Tower Lane, Moorhaven, Ivybridge, Devon, PL21 0XN Tel: +44(0) 1752894786 Fax: +44 (0) 1752691838 Email: billy.mckenna@aroprandmarketing.co.uk Website: www.aroprandmarketing.co.uk CONTACT: Billy McKenna, Director Aro PR and Marketing is the only UK communications agency specialising in promoting the composites industry and engineering companies. We use our unique focus and specialist skills to boost our clients’ sales – whether that’s from existing customers or new customers and new markets. Aro can devise and implement PR/ marketing strategies that are highly effective in raising your profile. We’ll roll up our sleeves to help your organisation secure its sales and marketing objectives, through successful communication. As a small group of experienced PR & marketing professionals, our philosophy is to work closely with your internal team. Aro’s integrated approach, and being without high overheads, delivers value for money. We don’t cost the earth!
ARPEK ARKAN PARÇA ALÜMINYUM ENJEKSIYON VE KALIP SAN. TIC. A.S. H56 Address: TOSB Taysad Organize Sanayi Bölgesi 2.cad. No:14 41420 Çayirova/KOCAELI Tel: +90 262 679 47 00 // +90 262 658 86 65 Fax: +90 262 658 97 49 Email: arpek@arpek.com.tr Website: www.arpek.com.tr CONTACT: AYDIN TEZCAN, Commercial Manager Arpek, High Pressure Aluminium Die Casting-HPDC- foundry, is located in Gebze-Kocaeli. Arpek was founded in 2004. Arpek uses Bühler Evolution and Carat machinery from 420T up to 1400T in Turkey. Arpek is qualified on casting tool design and production. A state-of-the-art plant with a high degree of automation facilitates, the production of complex series and also enables the quick delivery of die casting parts. Arpek provides an “All-in-one” approach - design, tool production, casting, machining and assembling.
ASC Process Systems Limited u F201 Address: Unit 1 Fleetsbridge Business Centre, Poole, Dorset, BH17 7AF Tel: +44 (0)1202 662 180 Fax: +44 (0)1202 662 181 Email: boyd.read@aschome.com Website: www.aschome.com CONTACT: BOYD READ, Director Business Development ASC is a leading manufacturer of process equipment including Autoclaves, Ovens, OoA (Out of Autoclave) Ovens, RTM systems and Hot Drape forming equipment. We hold manufacturing approvals for the USA, Europe and China. ASC also designs and manufactures control systems, and bespoke software, our CPC Autoclave and Oven control software is utilised by OEMs such as Boeing, Lockheed, 3M, BAE, GE, USAF & Goodrich. We also provide integrated autoclave and oven production scheduling software. Offices in the UK, USA and China. www.aschome.com
Assyst Bullmer Ltd ug F171 Address: Unit 3B,Wakefield 41 Business Park, Wakefield WF2 0XJ Tel: 01924 373900 Fax: 01924 374044 Email: info@assystbullmer.co.uk Website: www.assystbullmer.co.uk CONTACT: David Bell, Director Composite ply cutters from Assyst Bullmer are in use in all aspects of carbon fibre composite cutting. Our UK customers include some of the biggest aerospace and automotive companies, F1 teams and smaller composite workshops, cutting pre-preg, dry carbon, glass, Kevlar etc. Our cutters can cut single ply straight from the roll or multi-ply, are built in Germany and are renowned for their precision and low running costs.We also supply everything to make the ply cutter productive: CAD software for optimum nesting and cost control Robotic takeoff of cut components
Attwater Group u£ g D196 Address: Hopwood Street Mill, Hopwood Street, Preston PR1 1UN Tel: 01772 258245 Fax: 01772 203361 Email: sales@attwater.com Website: www.attwater.com
Address: De Finne 2, 8651 CW IJlst (The Netherlands) Tel: +31.515.532325 Fax: +31.515.532575 Email: info@autonational.com Website: www.autonational.com
Patrick Bruijn, Head of Marketing and Sales
Rachael Kennedy, Sales Director Attwater Group is a British company who manufacture and machine thermoset plastic composites in sheet, tube and rod format. These are used in a wide variety of engineering and electrical insulation applications and materials include: Epoxy Glass, Polyimide Glass, Phenolic Fabric / Paper and Carbon Fibre. Attwater offers CNC cutting and machining of the industrial composites manufactured. AS9100 / ISO9001 approvals held, in addition to many customer specific approvals.
Laser ply alignment and identification (for those without a robot!) Automated composite feeding to allow cutting straight off the roll Automated film removal
ATA Engineering Processes Ltd E6 Address: Unit B, ATA House Boundary Way, Hemel Hempstead, Herts, HP2 7SS Tel: 01442 264411 Fax: 01442 231383 Email: sales@ataeng.com Website: www.ataeng.com CONTACT: Mark Whitbread, General Manager ATA Engineering Processes Ltd supplies Onsrud Cutters and CR Onsrud CNC Machining Centers for machining Composites, Ferrous, Non Ferrous, Plastics and Wood are widely recognised as being amongst the very best quality available. Technical Support on Feed, Speeds, workholding and toolpathing enables ATA Engineering Processes to provide customers with a complete package to achieve maximum performance and productivity from their Machines and Cutters.
Atlas Composites u£ g D160 Address: Peregrine House, Merlin Way, Quarry Hill Ind Est, Ilkeston, Derbyshire, DE7 4RA Tel: +44 (0) 115 930 4058 Fax: +44 (0) 115 930 4558 Email: enquiries@atlascomposites.com Website: www.atlascomposites.com CONTACT: Shaun Moloney, Managing Director Atlas Composites, now a subsidiary of Senior Aerospace BWT, are one of the UK’s most accredited and trusted composites manufacturers, leading the way when in design and manufacture of composite components and tooling for aerospace. Our manufacturing capabilities provide concept to component services including; Project Management, Component and Tool Design, CAD/CAM Technology, Five Axis Machining, Autoclaves, Compression Moulding, Clean Room Facility, CNC Materials Preparation, Non-Destructive Testing and AS 9102 Compliant Final Inspection. Atlas Composites were one of the first composite manufacturers in the UK to have achieved the prestigious AS9100 Revision C accreditation and are currently working towards SC21 Bronze recognition.
ATP Adhesive Systems AG F116
Autoclaves Ltd ug B126 Address: Crown Works, Worth Way, Keighley, BD21 5LR Tel: +44 01535 687450 Fax: +44 01535 687455 Email: jamiehardiment@autoclavesgroup.com Website: www.autoclavesgroup.com CONTACT:
Jamie Hardiment, Group Sales Director, Autoclaves Group The Autoclaves Group specialise in composite curing autoclaves for the Aerospace and Motorsport and other industries. Specialising in Autoclaves design, project management, manufacture and installation and backed up by excellent technical support and efficient after sales service. The Group has a passion and business built on the aim of producing the worlds best composite curing autoclaves. Our company philosophy has always been to listen to our customers and fully understand how our equipment fits into their wider process. By embracing advancements in technology and through our commitment to product development we offer cutting edge performance and an assurance of quality.
CONTACT: Autonational provides innovative winding solutions. Based on >30 years’ experience, Autonational provides innovative (filement) winding solutions to leading composite producers. Autonational offers a wide range of automated winding solutions in various markets of composite product production. As a development partner Autonational provides “one stop shop” solutions for your production: Winding Systems; Raw material handling; Curing/Test Systems; Processing equipment; Mandrels, Handling and Storage; Process knowledge; Customized (fully) Automated Production Lines. Our technical competence of innovative production lines combined with your product knowledge creates a solution, which will meet your expectations.
Autoy / Lipco C2 Address: Summit House, Bannister Hall Works, Off Shop Lane, Higher Walton, Preston, Lancashire, PR1 6QH Tel: 01772 556115 Fax: 01772 204937 Email: enquiries@autoy.com Website: www.autoy.com CONTACT:
Dave Aspinall, Manager Autoy Limited is a CNC precision engineering company based in Preston. We offer Fast Quotation and Accurate Lead Times, with Quality & On-time delivery assured nationwide at a very competitive cost. The combination of our highly skilled and dedicated workforce, and our on going investment in the procurement of state of the art machinery enables us to provide rapid high precision machining and manufacture of both bespoke prototype components & large volume strategic production runs of standard components. These can be manufactured in any material with the levels of quality and service required in today’s increasingly competitive markets.
Autodesk Ltd F22 Address: First floor, 1 Discovery Place, Summit Avenue, GU14 0NZ Tel: 01252 456617 Fax: 01252 456600 Email: lynne.cooper@autodesk.com Website: www.autodesk.co.uk CONTACT:
Lynne Cooper, Marketing Manager Autodesk, Inc., is a leader in 3D design, engineering and entertainment software. Customers across the manufacturing, architecture, building, construction, and media and entertainment industries – including the last 17 Academy Award winners for Best Visual Effects – use Autodesk software to design, visualize and simulate their ideas. Since its introduction of AutoCAD software in 1982, Autodesk continues to develop the broadest portfolio of stateof-the-art software for global markets. For additional information about Autodesk, visit www.autodesk.co.uk.
Automated Cable Solutions Ltd B5
Address: Sihleggstr. 23, PO Box 127, CH-8832 Wollerau, Switzerland Tel: 01706 219815 Fax: 0870 1663119 Email: richard.simpson@atp-ag.ch Website: www.atp-ag.ch
Address: Unit 5 Home Farm Business Centre, Riverside, Eynsford, Kent, DA40AE Tel: 01322 866891 Email: sales@automatedcablesolutions.co.uk Website: www.automatedcablesolutions.co.uk
CONTACT: Richard Simpson, Sales Manager ATP is a leading manufacturer of high-quality pressure sensitive and heat-activated, thermosetting adhesive tape and films for automotive, aerospace, construction, electronic, graphic, label and semi-structural composite industries. With an extensive technical knowledge and a passion for developing customerfocused solutions our dynamic, committed employees go that little bit further, to ensure that success with ATP is a given.
ATPs adhesive tapes and films are solvent free, environmentally friendly and exclusively developed at our HQ in Switzerland. Production is under the tightest of controls according to the DQS total quality management system. ATP is ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO/TS 16949 accredited.
Autonational B.V. F195
Mark Warner, Director Automated Cable Solutions Ltd offer tailor made solutions for all wire crimping and cable preparation. We offer a large range of New and Used machines for Wire & Cable Cutting and Stripping, Cable Pre feeders, Coax stripping, Pull Testers, Crimping Presses and Mini Applicators, Our suppliers offer high quality and performance with being very price competitive. We also offer a comprehensive design and manufacture of blades and crimp tooling. Showing a new range of machines from Carpenter Mfg. Inc USA and Gamma Italy. Come and see us on Stand B5 for a demonstration on the NEW (budget) Model 93 cut and strip machine and NEW Model 70C-S wire strip and twist machine.
Autoy Ltd C2 Address: Summit House, Bannister Hall Works, Off Shop Lane, Higher Walton, Preston, Lancashire, PR1 6QH Tel: 01772 5561115 Fax: 01772 204937 Email: auto@connect.com Website: www.autoy.com CONTACT:
Chris Hart, Business Delepment Director Company: Autoy Ltd Autoy Limited is a CNC precision engineering company based in Preston. We offer Fast Quotation and Accurate Lead Times, with Quality & On-time delivery assured nationwide at a very competitive cost. The combination of our highly skilled and dedicated workforce, and our on going investment in the procurement of state of the art machinery enables us to provide rapid high precision machining and manufacture of both bespoke prototype components & large volume strategic production runs of standard components. These can be manufactured in any material with the levels of quality and service required in today’s increasingly competitive markets.
Aviation Composites B92 Address: Lasham Airfield, Guildford, Hampshire, GU34 5SR Tel: 01256 381359 Email: info@southdownaero.com Website: www.southdownaero.com CONTACT:
Neil Fripp, MD Aviation Composite’s 2 acre Lasham site houses manufacturing facilities that include environmentally controlled clean room with temperature and humidity constantly monitiored, trimming and asssembly areas, temperature controlled freezers, computer controlled ovens, autoclaves allowing programming of cures up to 240 degrees centigrade and material testing facilities, calibrated to aerospace requirements.
Aviation Enterprises Ltd B155 Address: Membury Airfield, Lambourn, Berks., RG17 7TJ Tel: 01488-72224 Fax: 01488-72263 Email: amf@aviationenterprises.co.uk Website: www.aviationenterprises.co.uk CONTACT: Angus Fleming, MD AEL is originally a light aviation based company specialising in structures manufactured in composite materials, now operating mainly in the marine renewable energy and energy conservation fields. AEL offers a one stop service from structural design (in which we have particular skills with fatigue analysis(; through tool manufacture, prototype manufacture and test and series manufacture. AEL has a strong history of project success and basing design on properly researched and tested materials and design principles. From development of a complete light aircraft to development of blades for wind and tidal turbines amongst other projects AEL has a reputation for quality and service and is always up for a challenge if you have one.
Avon-Dynamic Calibration E78 Address: Unit 2 The Old Mill, Chapel Lane, Warmley, Bristol BS15 4NQ Tel: 0117 947 7846 Fax: 0117 947 7831 Email: info@avon-dynamic.co.uk Website: www.avon-dynamic.co.uk CONTACT: Amanda Warren, Key Accounts Manager Avon-Dynamic Calibration has been established for over 25 years and is one of the leading electrical calibration, dimensional calibration and dimensional measurement specialists in the UK. Our UKAS accredited CMM Inspection department uses the very latest CMM and Inspection technology to provide a fast, comprehensive inspection service to the most precise tolerances. We are unique in being able to offer true single-source capabilities for customers, offering the same high level of service and quality to multinational companies and individual contractors. We can provide full gauge management offering on-line reporting, monthly gauge recall service and electronic certification all with secure internet login and access.
Avon Group – AER Stafford Ltd F20 Address: Bellsize Close, Norton Canes, Cannock, Staffordshire, WS11 9TQ Tel: 01543 270002 Fax: 01543 278046 Email: info@aer-stafford.com Website: www.avon-group.co.uk CONTACT: Steve Huckfield, MD Company: AER Stafford Ltd Avon Group is a unique collection of specialist manufacturers, operating in the aerospace, automotive, power generation, medical, aerosol and domestic appliance industries. The Group’s core activities – water cutting, die cut seals, plastic injection and rubber moulding - have a single aim: to manufacture world-class engineered sealing solutions. Our products include gaskets, seals, rubber mouldings, tool design, plastics and bespoke industrial solutions. We are recognised internationally as one of the leading manufacturers of these products.
Axon Automotive Ltd £ H13 Address: Unit 5-6 Raymond Close, Wollaston, Wellingborough. NN29 7RG Tel: 01933 663998 Email: join-in@axonautomotive.com Website: www.axonautomotive.com CONTACT: Kevin Lindsey, Director Axon Automotive has developed a unique internationally patented process “Axontex” for production of lightweight carbon fibre structural beams. These are particularly suitable for automotive use as discrete components or whole vehicle structures e.g. spaceframes. Extensive research and development has been done on the simulation of the performance of these components together with correlation of real results including crash testing of vehicle structures. Our current projects include a complete vehicle frame, investigation of potential suspension components and motorcycle frames and components. Axon is able to support all aspects of the material from component design, analysis, testing and low volume manufacture.
u ADS Members Axon’ Cable LTD E81 Address: Admiralty Park, Rosyth, FIFE, KY11 2YW Tel: 01383 421 500 Fax: 0871 528 2789 Email: sales@axon-cable.co.uk Website: www.axon-cable.com CONTACT: Nigel Kellett, Sales Manager Based in Rosyth, Scotland, AXON’CABLE LTD design & manufacture high-spec cable harnesses for military, avionics,space, petrochemical, automotive, medical and industrial applications. The company, parts of the AXON’ CABLE group, a world-wide organization with over 1900 staff located in Centre’s throughout Europe, Asia and North America. The ability to offer custom design solutions for high tech markets keeps AXON’ CABLE at the forefront of cable and connector technology and continues to ensure group turnover of over £80 million. For harsh or challenging environments AXON’ provides robust, custom designed assemblies in combination with the company’s own high quality Micro-D connectors.
Base Group ug F121 Address: Units 18-20 Ashville Trading Estate, Ashville Way, Whetstone, Leicester Tel: 0116 286 5073 Fax: 0116 275 3128 Email: info@base-group.co.uk Website: www.base-group.co.uk CONTACT: Samantha Littler, Commercial Director Base Group is the only company worldwide that supports the entire manufacturing cycle from polymer to 3D machined prototype, model, pattern, jigs and subassemblies. We are internationally recognised as a manufacturer of high value technical products and services which aid the manufacture of composite components. Since our formation we have implemented an ambitious development programme to provide high performance model and tooling boards, pre impregnated fabrics, surface coatings and custom formulated resin systems to the advanced composites industry. These products are supported by a fully integrated design and manufacturing facility utilising the latest 3 and 5 axis milling technology serving many advanced engineering sectors.
Batten & Allen Ltd G17 Address: Bridge End, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, GL71NQ Tel: 01285 655220 Fax: 01285 652650 Email: sales@batten-allen.co.uk Website: www.batten-allen.com CONTACT: Steve Rogers, Technical Sales Batten & Allen was established over 40 years ago and in that time has built a reputation as a leading designer and manufacturer of precision stampings and precision high speed tooling. We meet the needs of a wide range of industry sectors – including electrical, electronic, medical, automotive, telecommunications and solar energy. We have maintained a continuous programme of investment not only in technology for manufacturing, testing and inspection, but also in the competence of our work force. Our philosophy is to develop a close working relationship with clients and work together to design and manufacture components for their specialised requirements.
Beagle Technology Group u£ g G150 Address: Stony Lane, Christchurch, BH23 1EX Tel: +44 (0) 1202 482296 Fax: +44 (0) 1202 499449 Email: enquiries@beagletg.com Website: http://www.beagletg.com CONTACT: Joseph Crabtree, Head Of Business Development and Marketing ‘Niche Engineering From Concept To Supply’ Situated in Christchurch (Dorset, UK) since 1955, Beagle Technology Group designs and manufactures metallic and composite parts and structures, as well as highly finished carbon fibre components for the Aerospace, Defence and Marine markets. Beagle holds NADCAP, AS9100, ISO:9001, and numerous customer approvals, serving a wide range of customers including BAE Systems, Rolls-Royce, GKN, Trelleborg, Sunseeker, and Agusta Westland. For further information or to arrange a one-to-one meeting contact Joseph Crabtree – Head Of Business Development and Marketing - joseph.crabtree@beagletg.com Contact us at: W: www.beagletg.com / E: enquiries@beagletg. com / T: @BeagleTG / P: +44 (0) 7887 418848
£ SC21
Composites UK Members
Beck & Politzer Engineering Ltd G121 Address: Dale Street, Bilston, West Midlands, WV14 7HQ Tel: 01902 499800 Fax: 01902 499810 Email: bilston@beck-pollitzer.com Website: www.beck-pollitzer.com CONTACT: Jaguar Land Rover – i54 Engine Plant, Sales Enquiries, Beck & Politzer Engineering Ltd Beck & Politzer Engineering Ltd are the contracted partner to Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) for the internal production line fit-out of its £500 million new advanced engine facility at the Black Country i54 enterprise park near Wolverhampton. Work has already commenced on the new engine plant project and it is scheduled for completion mid 2015. B&P is undertaking the full Construction, Design and Management (CDM) role in the commissioning process as principal contractor. This includes project management and the provision of all necessary engineering and mechanical resources to ensure the efficient installation of over 625 items of machinery in the machining hall, engine assembly and associated test and ancillary areas within the new plant
Belotti S.p.A. E85 Address: Via San Giovanni Bosco 12, 1-24040 Suiso (bg), Italy Tel: 0039 035 4934411 Fax: 0039 035 902742 Email: belotti@belotti.com Website: www.belotti.com CONTACT: Fabiano Villa, Product Sales Manager Belotti S.p.A. has been manufacturing milling and water-jet 3 and 5-axis cutting systems for over 30 years. Expertise combined with a youthful enthusiasm for the research of new technologies and advanced solutions is the mainstay of our company’s success and growth. For applications on advanced materials such as carbon, kevlar and light alloys, special systems have been designed to achieve the best accuracy and machining reliability. The major aerospace operators have chosen our machining centres for milling light alloys, sandwich panels and composites. The outstanding performance and the wide range of machining centres enable to meet all the Customers’ requirements.
Bentley Advanced Materials ug B171 Address: Frederick Road, Hoo Farm Ind Est, Kidderminster. Worcs. DY11 7RA Tel: 01562 515121 Fax: 01562 515847 Email: info@benam.co.uk Website: www.benam.co.uk CONTACT: Chris Warren, Operations Director Bentley Advanced Materials have been trading since 1978 and offer a fantastic wealth of knowledge for all our customer needs. We specialise in high performance liquid Polyurethane and Epoxy Resins and also have an extensive range of Silicone products to cover all high end moulding, encapsulation, sealing and bonding applications.Bentley are sought by operators in specialised moulding,the arts,armaments, vehicles,prosthetics,general industry, engineering, aerospace, electrical and electronics.We have a leading range of products including Rhodorsil silicones from Bluestar, Liquid plastics, liquid rubber and polyurethane rubbers from Smooth On, and polyester resins.Our experience covers moulding,reproduction, prosthetics,bonding,
Bespoke Composite Panels C101 Address: 22 Stonehill, Stukeley Meadows Industrial Estate, Huntingdon, PE29 6DR Tel: 01480 435302 Fax: 01480 450181 Email: sharon.craft@encocam.com Website: www.bespokecompositepanels.com CONTACT: Sharon Craft, Marketing Manager, Encocam Bespoke Composite Panels –BCP is an award-winning privately owned company specialising in design, development and manufacture of technology based composite structures.We are a well established company with 22 years of experience in the manufacture of panels, and were early pioneers in the concept of honeycomb core certification testing. The flexibility of the cores means that a variety of profiled shapes and contoured components can be produced for industries including construction, aerospace, automotive, marine, rail, defence, science, technology and print. By employing a policy of continuous improvement, we are highly competitive in price, quality and innovation across a broad spectrum of engineering requirements.
BIBUS METALS Ltd B31 Address: Three Mills Trading Estate, Old School Lane, Hereford, HR1 1EX Tel: 01432 842904 Fax: 01432 277173 Email: info@bibusmetals.co.uk Website: www@bibusmetals.co.uk CONTACT: Ian Hedley, Managing Director BIBUS METALS Ltd is part of the BIBUS METALS GROUP which has companies all over Western & Eastern Europe as well as China together with its Head Office and major warehouse in Switzerland. We supply nickel alloys, titanium and titanium alloys from stock and from our long standing mill partners in all wrought forms including welding products to all industries. BIBUS METALS Ltd is responsible for all of the countries not represented by local BIBUS METALS companies. These include the UK, Scandinavia, Spain, Portugal, the Middle East, North & South America and Canada. To find out more about BIBUS METALS Ltd or to place enquiries please contact info@bibusmetals.co.uk or phone +44 (0)1432 842904
bigHead Bonding Fasteners Ltd G141 Address: Unit 15-16 Elliott Road, West How Industrial Estate, Bournemouth, BH11 8LZ Tel: +44 (0) 1202 573 601 Fax: +44 (0) 1202 578 300 Email: info@bighead.co.uk Website: www.bighead.co.uk
BINDER GmbH F55 Address: Im Mittleren Oesch 5, 78532 Tuttlingen, Germany Tel: +49 (0) 7462 2005-0 Email: info@binder-world.com Website: www.binder-world.com CONTACT: Adrian Stanton, Sales Director BINDER is the world’s largest specialist in simulation chambers for the scientific and industrial laboratory. With its technical solutions, the company contributes significantly to improving the health and safety of people. Our range of products is suitable for routine applications, highly specialized work in research and development, production and quality assurance. With 350 employees worldwide and an export quote of 80%, BINDER 2012 sales were 56 million euros.
Black Country Bullet G121 Address: The Deckhouse, Waterfront West, Dudley Road, Brierley Hill, West Midlands, DY5 1LW Tel: +44 (0) 7956 640412 Fax: +44 (0) 1384 471177 Email: w.langford@investblackcountry.com Website: www.blackcountrybullet.co.uk CONTACT: Wayne Langford, Head of Investment Company: Invest Black Country Explore the Black Country Automotive Supply Chain.
CONTACT: Kirstin Baumann, Sales & Marketing Coordinator bigHead develops and manufactures fastening systems for modern composites and plastics. The unique bigHead bonding fastener, a flat perforated head which locks the product securely into position and spreads the load, is welded to a wide choice of studs, nuts, collars, pins and other fixings to offer versatility. bigHeads are simple to use, no drilling, filling or “making good” is needed and reduce production cost. Over 400 standard bigHeads are available at short notice in a wide range of sizes in mild or 316 stainless steel. bigHead’s Engineers also design fasteners for specific applications and provide customers with samples for prototyping as well as critical data to help them optimise design and performance.
Black Country Bullet captures all that is best about automotive companies in the area and shows that the Black Country has a flair for all things automotive. Deep-rooted connections with the industry, a reputation for quality and unquestionable expertise in the field have contributed to the Black Country’s long-held status as the UK’s automotive “centre of gravity”.
Bilston Engineering Limited G121
Black Country Skills Factory G121
Address: Spring Road Industrial Estate, Spring Road, Ettingshall, Wolverhampton, West Midlands WV4 6JT Tel: 01902 354560 Fax: 01902 354510 Email: m.d@bilston-engineering.co.uk Website: www.bilston-engineering.co.uk/
Address: The Deckhouse, Waterfront West, Brierley Hill , DY5 1LW Tel: 07944 268709 Fax: 01384 471177 Email: colin_parker@blackcountryconsortium.co.uk Website: www.blackcountryskillsfactory.co.uk
The Black Country Bullet is a business-to-business showcase which highlights the world-class supply chain here in the Black Country area and which allows users and investors to find supplier companies.
Boilerhouse Media J101 Address: Unit A, The Walker Building, Birmingham B5 5NY Tel: +44 (0) 845 601 2247 Email: joe@boilerhouse.co.uk Website: www.boilerhouse.co.uk CONTACT:
Joe Tibbetts, CEO Company: Boilerhouse Media Boilerhouse is a global marketing communications service provider. We provide advice and we design, develop and deliver marketing programmes, initiatives, processes and tools. We offer integrated, multi-channel communications and help our clients save money by improved flow of data and information. We help our clients exploit digital media. We marry traditional communications channels such as events and publishing to digital technologies and new media opportunities. Our strategy of providing implementation not just advice added to a culture of continuous innovation, proactive collaboration and finding the right solution to match each problem has allowed us to grow steadily for the past decade.
Bojo Inc. represented by BOJO UK OFFICE B83 Address: Unit 6 Humber St. Industrial Estate, Goole, E. Yorks., DN14 5UJ Tel: 01405 761902 Fax: 0330 088 2589 Email: bojouk@gmail.com Website: www.bojoinc.com CONTACT:
Robert Smelt, Proprietor, UK Office Non-damaging tools in composite plastic materials are moulded at the Bojo Inc. factory in California. In-house design and modular tooling facilitate bespoke products and rapid prototyping in a range of material options for our customers worldwide. MRO facilities recognise improvements in productivity and safety which our unique range provides.
The Black Country Bullet is an Invest Black Country (IBC) initiative.
Bollhoff Fastenings Ltd H10
CONTACT: Raj Ojelay, Managing Director Bilston Engineering Limited are a Black Country based engineering firm specialising in the manufacture of light sheet metal products, medium fabrications and general machining for materials handling equipment, conveyor and automated plant processes. Our services include design and development from one - offs to complex hi-tech power process plants. Our blue-chip customer base of national & international clients includes Schneider Electric, UK Coal, Chubb, Allied Bakeries, Winder Power, ABB Transformers and the M.O.D. Our diverse sheet metal, fabrication and machining capabilities allows us the flexibility to supply a wide range of products from vehicle parts for the MOD to transformer tanks & sub-stations for ABB & Schneider Electric
Binder Fastener Systems (U.K.) Ltd F11 Address: Nile Street, Burslem, Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire, ST6 2BA Tel: 01782 525780 Fax: 01782 813207 Email: david@binderuk.com Website: www.binderuk.com CONTACT: David Antrobus, Operations Director Binder Fastener Systems are the UK subsidiary of Gottleib Binder based in Germany. We are Europe’s oldest, largest and most experienced manufacturer of technically advanced, reclosable fastener tape systems and we hold various ISO accreditations We see R&D as vital to our continued success and are constantly developing our cutting edge products. We supply a diverse market and will be showcasing 2 products. Duotec® the market leading alternative interlocking mushroom tape used in panel construction. And a world first our Gecko® Nanoplast® tape. This silicone tape has been tested up to 1,000,000 times in robotic trials and will adhere to any smooth and slippery surface, without leaving any residue using Van der Waals attractive forces.
CONTACT: Colin Parker, Skills Factory Director The Black Country Skills Factory exists to take practical actions to address the increasing skills demand within the High Value Manufacturing sector in the Black Country for both large and small employers. It is employer-led with matched funding from the UKCES. The actions taken include the brokering and provision of subsidised “bite-size” training courses in specific technical & craft skills, the promotion of engineering apprenticeships through a series of wage subsidies and the engagement between schools and industry through manufacturing skills challenges and placements. Contact the Black Country Skills Factory if you have a skills demand or for details of the bite-sized courses and apprenticeship wage subsidies.
Blackman and White ug E28 Address: Unit 8, The Street Industrial Estate, Heybridge, Maldon, Essex, CM9 4XB Tel: 01621 843 404 Fax: 01621 842 115 Email: info@bwcutters.com Website: www.blackmanandwhite.com CONTACT: Alex White, Managing Director UK-based Blackman & White (BW Cutters) designs and builds specialist cutting machines for businesses across the world.
Address: Midacre, Willenhall, WV13 2JW, UK Tel: +44 (0) 1902 637161 Fax: +44 (0) 1902 609495 Email: enquires@bollhoff.com Website: www.bollhoff.com/uk CONTACT:
Andy Witts, Managing Director BOLLHOFF is a TS-16949 manufacturer of proprietary speciality fastening solutions focused on lightweighting for the Automotive Industry. The drive for reduced weight and increased operating efficiency requires the use of future-oriented materials where traditional fixing methods are not ideal. Recognising these issues BOLLHOFF provide a basket of innovative and cost effective solutions to the many and varied problems of fastening modern materials through a team of local application engineers who will assist with your design.
Borer Chemie AG E10 Address: Gewerbestrasse 13,4528 Zuchwil / Switzerland Tel: 0161 866 2800 Fax: 0161 866 2801 Email: bill.fitzgerald@leyboldoptics.com Website: www.borer.ch CONTACT:
Bill Fitzgerald, Sales Manager , Leybold Optics UK Ltd Borer Chemie designs processes and cleaning detergents for residue free cleaning. In focus are the customers and their specific requirements in aqueous cleaning.
Our unique service includes software solutions with customer support – to ensure you get the most from your machinery.
In many applications in the automotive industry, watch and jewellery manufacturing and also in precision engineering components the complete removal of polishing paste is part of the most difficult tasks needed to be fulfilled. The contaminants are stubborn and in function with the substrate material not easy to be cleaned-off completely.
Our range of products – which includes the famous Orion, Genesis and MasterCut machines – can help you cut anything from the softest leather to high-strength Kevlar. At the same time we’ll help you work faster, more accurately and reduce waste.
Borer Chemie AG, your expert partner for such applications offers tailor made solutions for you. The process is set up by our specialists who provide you full assistance in order to support you in obtaining the best cleaning results.
Established in 1964, we’ve been at the forefront of technology for more than 45 years manufacturing bespoke solutions to suit the specific needs of our customers.
BOROUGH LTD I72 Address: 65 Progress Road, Leigh on Sea, Essex, SS9 5JT Tel: 01702 425425 Fax: 01702 425401 Email: davidb@borough.co.uk Website: www.borough.co.uk CONTACT: DAVID BRERETON, Sales Director Supplying chrome plated plastic components and assemblies for various industries. In house-moulding and assembly, compliments core business of electroplating on plastics. Sub contract plating or full component supply, from concept through tool manufacture to volume supply. High volume quality assured parts for OEMs to exterior and interior specifications. Automotive exterior trim, such as grilles, rear appliques, bumper inlays, emblems etc: interior trim and assemblies such as bezels, speaker covers, gearshift bezels etc. Accredited to TS16949, ISO14001.
Braithwaite Tax Recovery Consultants Ltd B84A Address: Suite 106, Hill House, 210 Upper Richmond Road, London, SW15 6NP Tel: +44 (0) 845 331 3149 Fax: +44 (0) 845 458 0953 Email: sdyson@btrcl.co.uk Website: www.btrcl.co.uk CONTACT: Stephen Dyson, Business Development Manager Braithwaite provides R&D, Patent Box and Creative Industries tax relief services. We work in virtually every industrial sector. Braithwaite has more than 700 active clients ranging in size from large global companies to small local firms. Our scientists and engineers have collectively worked on more than 16,000 claims representing more than 180,000 project write-ups. We have offices in the UK, Ireland, Canada, the US and Brazil.
Briben Products Ltd H7 Address: Unit 29 Braintree Business Park, Blackwell Drive, Braintree, Essex CM7 2PU Tel: 01376 335119 Fax: 01376 339851 Email: sales@briben.com Website: www.briben.com CONTACT: Karl Fitt, Sales Manager Briben Products Ltd has been established since 1971 and has become a worldwide supplier of labelling systems and consumables throughout the datacoms, electronics and safety markets. Briben is constantly striving to establish itself as a one stop shop for any labelling or identification solutions and with a vast wealth of experience and knowledge we feel we can offer our help in solving most problems. We have a stock holding of over 5000 standard products and hundreds of custom solution products. Briben also ensures it maintains full compliance with the quality standard ISO9001:2000.
u ADS Members British Composites Society B181
Brightek / Vertech Taiwan H88
CONTACT: Isaac Yao, Manager , BRIGHTEK (Europe) Limited Brightek is a leading Taiwan-based LED company. We are a LED packaging manufacturer specialising in various LED components and modules. Our product portfolio includes PTH Lamp, SMD, Dot Matrix, Superflux, CHIP LED, High power LED...etc. For automotive application we are undergoing the important AEC-Q101 test. European Office is based in London, UK, provide our customer no-time-gap for high qualities and fast services on electronics. Vertech is a leading Taiwanese PCB manufacturer providing full range PCB production. Our factories are accredited with TS16949 and offer PCB for automotive, industrial, telecommunication and many other applications. We offer heavy copper, high layer count, HDI, gold bonding, MCPCB and flexible PCB.
Composites UK Members
BS&B Safety Systems Ltd. C62
Address: 1 Carlton House Terrace. London, SW1Y 5DB Tel: +44 (0)20 7451 7300 Fax: +44 (0)20 7839 1702 Email: BCS@iom3.org Website: www.bcompsoc.org.uk
Address: Raheen Business Park, Limerick, Ireland Tel: +353 (0) 61 484 700 Fax: +353 (0) 61 227 987 Email: sales@bsb.ie Website: www.bsbsystems.com
CONTACT: Stuart Preston, Materials Information Manager , IOM3
CONTACT: Max Bugliosi, Sales Manager – CEP , BS&B Safety Systems Ltd. BS&B Safety Systems is a global company providing the premier network of sales and distribution outlets with coverage of all areas from a local perspective. Since designing the first rupture disk (bursting disc) in 1931, BS&B Safety Systems, continues to set the standard. Our commitment to technology, high quality manufacturing and quality by design, has earned us the ISO 9001 Quality System Certification.
The British Composites Society (BCS) is the division of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3) that supports the composites community. Through IOM3, the BCS provides professional recognition (including EngTech, IEng, CEng, CSci and CEnv) as well as support and benefits for composite engineers of all ages and levels of experience. It engages in the collation and dissemination of knowledge, training and education across all industry sectors and BCS members work hard to educate, enthuse and support the composite engineers of tomorrow.
As the originators of the Rupture Disk (Bursting Disc), BS&B Safety Systems are best suited to finding the safest solution to your pressure problem. We pride ourselves on catering for your needs with established products or custom made designs.
Gain recognition as a composites professional by joining the British Composites Society.
Burgmann Packings Composites E152 British Plastics Federation B182 Address: BPF House, 6 Bath Place, Rivington Street, London, EC2A 3JE Tel: +44 (0) 20 7457 5000 Fax: +44 (0) 20 7457 5020 Email: SHunt@bpf.co.uk Website: www.bpf.co.uk/ CONTACT: Stephen Hunt, Business Development Manager The UK’s Leading Plastic Trade Association The British Plastics Federation (BPF) is the leading trade association for the UK Plastic Industry, with over 450 members and 1200 affiliated members. Encompassing the whole plastic industry supply chain including raw material suppliers, processors, machinery suppliers and recyclers. BPF membership represents over 75% of the plastics industry by turnover.
Broadwater Mouldings Ltd ug B186 Address: Benacre Road, Ellough, Beccles, Suffolk, NR34 7XD Tel: 01502 719310 Fax: 01502 471942 Email: CompEng2013@broadwater.co.uk Website: www.broadwater.co.uk CONTACT: Vince Mortlock, Commercial Manager Broadwater Mouldings Ltd established since 1973 and operates from a 6,500m² (70,000ft²) purpose built manufacturing facility, on a 17,500m² site (4.3ac) in Suffolk with a staff of ca. 110. An experienced and highly skilled team offers engineering solutions in the design, manufacture and supply of Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) mouldings & assemblies utilising the latest CAD, CMM & Robotic machining techniques. Broadwater has a diverse and considerable experience accumulated over more than 35 years, providing a service to partners spanning industries worldwide including: medical, automotive, commercial vehicles, marine, construction equipment & materials handling.
Address: 48 Cookstown Industrial Estate, Tallaght, Dublin 24, Ireland Tel: +353 1 404 7010 Fax: + 353 1 459 6020 Email: greg.byrne@burgmannpackings.ie Website: www.braidingcomposites.com CONTACT: Greg Byrne, Business Development Braiding of high-performance technical yarns for the composites industry is the key objective of Burgmann Packings Composites. As part of the Burgmann Packings Group we have over 100 years of braiding superior technical solutions for our customers. From feather light Carbon/Epoxy to ultra-resilient thermoplastic based composites we can provide braided preforms or moulded parts tailored to your specific requirements. From our Dublin plant we produce a range of fibre preforms from less than 3 mm to over 200 mm in cross section, with over braiding capacity in the same range.
Business Birmingham G121 Address: Ground Floor, Baskerville House, Centenary Square, Birmingham B1 2ND Tel: 0121 202 5022 Fax: 0121 202 5116 Email: invest@marketingbirmingham.com Website: www.businessbirmingham.com CONTACT: Kate Granger, Marketing Manager , Business Birmingham Business Birmingham is the official inward investment programme for Birmingham, the UK’s second city, and centre of the largest regional economy. Supported by the European Regional Development Fund, through the Investing in the City Region project, Business Birmingham promotes Birmingham, the Black Country and Solihull as leading inward investment locations in the UK. Working with more than 110 strategic partners, Business Birmingham has developed a range of services to help companies move to the region from initial business case support, through to location finding, recruitment and access to finance
BWP Design and Technical Services D62 Brownell Limited G24
Address: 22 The Metro Centre, Kangley Bridge Road, SE26 5BW, London Tel: +44 20 8776 3507 Fax: +44 20 8776 3530 Email: isaac.yao@brightekeurope.com Website: www.brightekeurope.com
£ SC21
Address: Unit 2, Abbey Road Ind. Park, Commercial Way, London NW10 7XF Tel: +44 (0) 208 965 9281 Fax: +44 (0) 208 965 3239 Email: info@brownell.co.uk Website: www.brownell.co.uk CONTACT: Martin Partridge, Managing Director BROWNELL design, manufacture and develop desiccators, desiccant bags, humidity indicators and pressure relief valves. Their main purpose is to protect against condensation, high humidity and atmospheric related problems which can occur in electronics, optics, packaging and storage containers. A new development, VMAP a mouldable moisture adsorbing polymer, with the versatility to be injection moulded. This can be used as a practical alternative to conventional desiccant solutions for preventing condensation and corrosion within virtually any product or packaging. Using a combination of polymers and adsorbent desiccants VMAP can be applied to most desiccating applications which are supplied in both mouldable and sheet form.
Address: Lion Works, 543 Wallisdown Road, Poole, Dorset, BH12 5AD Tel: 01202 546732 Fax: 01202 522526 Email: bwp@bwptech.co.uk Website: www.bwptech.co.uk CONTACT: Steve Rolinson, Director Since its foundation over 30 years ago BWP has been providing a fast, first-class design service to industry and the aerospace sector. Now, as part of the Erodex Group we can offer a full project management, procurement, build and certificate service to make BWP a one-stop-shop for all your design, tooling and EDM electrode needs. All aspects of any project are simultaneously designed by one team to provide a streamlined process, optimum technical solutions and shorter project lead-times. It is our goal to build partnerships that make us an extension of our customers own design team. Services Offered: • Jig and Tool Design and Build • 2D - 3D Conversion • Electrode design • 3D printing • Special Purpose Machinery and Automation
C+W Specialist Equipment Ltd F21 Address: Leintwardine, Craven Arms, Shropshire, SY7 0NB Tel: 01547 540654 Fax: 01547 540412 Email: sales.service@cw-spec.com Website: www.cw-spec.com CONTACT:
Nigel Cremer, Managing Director C+W Specialist Equipment Ltd established in 1978 manufacture a wide range of Salt Spray Cabinets, Humidity Cabinets and Cyclic Corrosion Test Cabinets and are a leading supplier to the automotive and aerospace industries. Cabinets are designed to meet the latest requirements of Airbus, Boeing, Ford, BMW, Renault, Volvo, Nissan, Jaguar Landrover, Honda, GM, Bentley and VW. All cabinets are manufactured to ISO 9001 and calibrated traceable to UKAS.
c2i D106 Address: Kracanska Cesta 51, 92901 Dunadska Streda, Slovakia Tel: +421 90 7666652 Fax: +421 31 242 000 Email: p.hessel@c2i.com Website: www.c2i.com CONTACT:
Pascal Schaller, Sales Project Management Based in Slovakia, c2i engineers and manufactures bespoke and high-volume carbon-fibre components for premium automotive OEMs incl. Porsche, BMW, JLR, Bentley as well as aerospace, defence and industry clients. We produce both carbon-look and structural components mainly using Prepreg/Autoclave and high-pressure RTM. We have 170 staff with 30 in development / tooling in a state-ofthe-art 10,000 m2 facility with 1500 m2 clean room, numerous autoclaves incl. 3 x 6m, numerous 5-axis CNC machines incl. 3 x 6m, a new paint facility.
Caltest Instruments E18 Address: Unit 4, Riverside Business Centre, Walnut Tree Close, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 4UG Tel: 01483 302700 Fax: 01483 300562 Email: info@caltest.co.uk Website: www.caltest.co.uk CONTACT:
Lucy Cooke, Sales & Marketing Assistant Caltest Instruments have been providing power sources and test instrumentation solutions for over 20 years and are proud to represent a number of industry leading manufacturers offering high level technical/applications support, an extensive range of demo and rental equipment and a comprehensive service/UKAS calibration department. Caltest represent a number of industry leading manufacturers supplying: AC and DC Power Sources and Loads, Power Analysers, Battery Testers, Frequency Converters, Electricity Meter Testers and Calibrators, Oscilloscopes, HiPot Testers, Digital Multimeters. And more...
Cambridge Performance Composites ug A111 Address: 10 Stonehill, Huntingdon, Cambs.PE29 6ED Tel: 01480 437277 Email: enquiries@cpcomposites.co.uk Website: www.cpcomposites.co.uk CONTACT:
Dave Herod, Director Cambridge Performance Composites, based in Huntingdon Cambridgeshire, are producers of high quality composite tooling and structures. We are committed to Quality, Delivery on Time and Customer Service at a competitive price. We can produce one off prototypes to multiple components. Our facility is well equipped with new, high spec. plant and machinery. Operating under ISO 9001 to conform to our high standards of Quality management.
Camcoat Performance Coatings G86A Address: 129 Hoyle Street, Warrington, WA5 0LP Tel: 01925-445003 Email: info@camcoat.com Website: www.camcoat.com CONTACT: Peter Carter, Managing Director The theme will be ceramics. On show will be examples of Camcoat’s well-established ceramic coating for exhaust manifolds and their new DiamonDyze™ ceramic anodising process. The ceramic coating provides an excellent thermal barrier for temperatures up to 1000 degs C. The major customers are motorsport, prestige car manufacturers and automotive restoration companies with potential in all industries where high temperature insulation is required. The ceramic anodising, launched at last year’s show, has been used since on both automotive and general industrial applications. The fantastic wear resistance, zero dimensional growth, excellent corrosion resistance and full range of colour options are making this process a highly desired alternative.
Campbell Associates F74 Address: Sonitus House, 5b Chelmsford Road Industrial Estate, Dunmow, Essex, CM6 1HD Tel: 01371 871030 Fax: 01371 879106 Email: hotline@campbell-associates.co.uk Website: www.campbell-associates.co.uk CONTACT: John Campbell, Sales Director Campbell Associates are proud to provide new & innovative measurement systems, transducers & acoustic mapping tools for pinpointing & measuring sound & vibration issues for all engineering applications. From Microflown comes the revolutionary scan & paint system for mapping sound sources, without the need for special acoustic rooms. From Norsonic, we have the fantastic 848 acoustic camera with simple Apple mac interface. We have the latest microphones from GRAS, & vibration transducers from Metra for all applications. Our UKAS accredited calibration laboratory provides a full service for acoustic instrumentation & accelerometers. All equipment is available for sale or hire, backed up by expert telephone support and training.
CANDA Systems Ltd £ B38 Address: Ashlar House 115 Walsall Road, Aldridge, Walsall, West Midlands, WS9 0AX Tel: 0121 323 4455 Fax: 0121 323 4544 Email: chris.hayward@candasys.co.uk Website: www.xactio.com CONTACT: Chris Hayward, Director CANDA Systems – an IT and Internet Solutions Company specialising in the development of the Web Based Supply Chain Portal – XACTIO an online web portal that improves Supply Chain performance, providing client’s suppliers with real time data online. Supplier statistics on performance, quality, cost, delivery & responsiveness, it is a relationship management web portal that helps communication at all levels between the client and their supply chain. It delivers vast improvements on delivery performance of suppliers with proven results of “on time in full” and “right first time”. The Cloud based software is modular – RFQ’s, Quality Questionnaire, Open Orders, Work Orders, Inventory, designed to work as a bolt on to existing in-house systems
Cannon S.p.A. C161 Address: Via Resistenza, 12 - 20068 Peschiera Borromeo (Mi) - Italy Tel: +39 02 484511 Fax: +39 02 48451222 Email: marketing@cannon.it Website: www.cannon.com CONTACT: Daniela Valisi, Cannon Communication Cannon offers several technological high productivity and automated solutions for the industrial manufacture of thermosetting and thermoplastic Composites: - InterWet and OuterWet for the co-injection of rigid Polyurethanes and chopped glass fibers for transportation and wind-power industries - ESTRIM, a moulding turnkey solution for Epoxy-based fast RTM process to produce automotive, leisure and sport parts - ESTRIM LL – Liquid Laydown – for high productivity manufacturing of big composite parts - New three-component Cannon DX machine - Degassing unit for resin - Glueing dispenser for application of two-components adhesives on blade’s edge - Light Weight Reinforced Thermoplastics – LWRT – line for the production of light automotive parts.
CAPRI SysTec Ltd C105 Address: Wombourne,Wolverhampton WV5 8BZ Tel: 01902 893185 Email: uksales@caprisystec.co.uk Website: www.caprisystec.co.uk CONTACT:
Calvin Priest, Managing Director Sole UK Distributor for Fluid-Bag Ltd, the highly innovative flexible packaging solution for Adhesives & Sealants, Liquids, high-viscosity Pastes & Resins including semi-solid materials.
Carbolite Ltd C76 Address: Parsons Lane, Hope, Hope Valley, Derbyshire, S33 6RB Tel: +44 (0) 1433 620011 Fax: +44 (0) 1433 621198 Email: alan.street@carbolite.com Website: www.carbolite.com CONTACT:
Alan Street, Product Manager Carbolite are a UK based manufacturer of furnaces & ovens with over 75 years practical experience & reputation for quality. Our products are in widespread use for the heat treatment of aircraft components, both for initial manufacture & for MRO & R&D applications.. All of our products are designed & manufactured in the UK under a quality assurance scheme that is certified to ISO 9001:2008. Carbolite’s in depth understanding of aerospace industry standards means that we are able to specify exactly the right furnace or oven to operate to NADCAP / SAE Standard AMS 2750E within specific compliance classes. Visit the stand to discuss all of your heat treatment requirements.
Carl Zeiss Ltd B6 Address: 2 Hadrians Way, Glebe Farm Industrial Estate, Rugby, Warwickshire Tel: 01788 821770 Fax: 01788 821755 Email: paul.martin@zeiss.com Website: www.zeiss.co.uk/imt CONTACT:
Paul Martin, Sales Manager We are a market and technology leader in the field of Co-ordinate Measurement Machines. Our product line ranges from horizontalarm and bridge-type measuring machines to form, contour and surface measuring instruments. Recent additions to the range include MetroTom, a CT scanner with metrology capability, and the shopfloor CMM’s. The UK business covers demonstration, applications and service support requirements for the UK and Ireland. The demonstration room features CMMs with the latest technology from Carl Zeiss. Software upgrades are available for Zeiss and non Zeiss CMMs. A Contract Measurement facility is available to customers with specific measurement needs that their own in house resources can not cope with.
Carr Reinforcements Ltd C166 Address: Gordon St Mill, Nr Worsthorne, Burnley, Lancs BB10 3NA Tel: 01282 420924 Fax: 01282 437985 Email: info@carrreinforcements.com Website: www.carrreinforcements.com CONTACT:
Eric Taylor, Director Carr Reinforcements will be showing their wide range of woven Carbon,Aramid and Hybrid fabrics and narrow tapes.The fabrics not only include bi-drectional but also uni-directional and spread tow fabrics. As usual, a wide range of decorative Carbon fabrics, will be displayed from coloured fabrics to ones incorporating metallic wires. Again this year, woven fabrics for the production of Thermoplastic Composites will be shown, incorporating Carbon, Aramid and Glass fibres in a range of matrices.
Vacuum Bagging Materials Composite Tooling Products
Visit us at Stand D111
CASiM2 F12 Address: University of Birmingham, Room G10, School of Metallurgy & Materials, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2TT Tel: 02476 701769 Email: casim2@the-mtc.org Website: www.the-mtc.org/resources/casim2 CONTACT: Samantha Clarke, Business Engagement Manager CASiM offers West Midlands manufacturing SMEs the opportunity to test & trial new products & ideas using virtual simulation technology. Innovation doesnt have to be expensive, access world class facilities & expertise without large capital investment giving your business an exciting opportunity to try our & explore the innovative technology in a cost effective, reliable and safe environment. CASiM is a collaborative project between; MTC, University of Birmingham & Rolls-Royce; is part funded by the European Regional Development Fund. The aim of the project is simple, to share knowledge and expertise in simulation & modelling to support & benefit businesses.
Caspian Media/Automotive Engineer J50 Address: Chelsea Harbour, London SW10 0XD Tel: 020 7045 7612 Email: paul.tilston@caspianmedia.com Website: www.caspianmedia.com CONTACT: Paul Tilston, Intl Sales Manager Established in 1975 and chosen to be the official membership magazine for the European Automotive Engineers’ Cooperation (EAEC) in 2001, Automotive Engineer prides itself on giving its readers not just the lastest and most significant industry developments, but also the key analysis behind the facts. 31,000 automotive design professionals across Europe already use the magazine as their first choice of reading matter each month. Shouldn’t you be joining them?
Caspian Media/Professional Engineering Magazine J50 Address: Unit G4 Harbour Yard, Chelsea Harbour, London, SW10 0XD Tel: 0207 045 7593 Email: lee.cashman@caspianmedia.com Website: www.imeche.org/news CONTACT: Lee Cashman, Sales Director , Caspian Media Professional Engineering (PE) is the UK’s leading business and technology magazine for the professional engineering sector, with the largest circulation by far in its field and a readership in excess of 100,000 including senior engineers, managers, directors, and all members of the Institution Of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) across all engineering market sectors and disciplines. PE and its website www.imeche.org/news provide the industry’s most respected source of information focusing on real issues that concern our industry, providing authoritative insight and driving the development of manufacturing and engineering in the minds of industry professionals and key government figures.
Caterham Composites G100 Address: Luxemburgerstr. 82-86, 50354 Hürth, Germany Tel: +49 (0)2233-9794 8614 Fax: +49 (0) 2233-9794 8618 Email: stephan.hemmers@caterhamcomposites. com Website: www.caterhamcomposites.com CONTACT: Stephan Hemmers, Business Development We believe that creative thinking and engineering rigour can make anything lighter, stronger, faster and more efficient. Part of the Caterham Group, we’re a specialist company delivering turn-key lightweight structural solutions to all industries. We offer fresh thinking, new perspectives and an unquenchable thirst for improvement. Our focus is on the aerospace, automotive, marine, and motor sport industries. Our unique experience, spanning more than 25 years, combined with ground-breaking technology and a free-thinking environment means we can deliver tailored innovation for our customers.
Caterham Technology & Innovation G100
Address: Caterham Technology Centre, Ironside Way, Hingham, Norfolk, NR9 4LF Tel: 01953 853200 Email: tech-sales@caterham.com Website: www.caterhamtechnology.com
Address: Vesijärvenkatu 38, 15140 Lahti - Finland Tel: +358 3 526 6600 Fax: +358 3 526 6640 Email: tommi.rautiainen@galvatek.fi Website: www.ce4mro.com
CONTACT: Scott Thompson, Business Development Manager Caterham Technology & Innovation (CTI) is part of the fast expanding and dynamic Caterham Group of companies, providing engineering expertise to a range of clients in the automotive, motorsport, aerospace, marine and leisure industries. We offer a broad range of specialist skills and test facilities to support your specific project requirements, from initial concept development through to production. Core areas of expertise include: • Niche Volume Products • Powertrain Enhancement • Lightweight Structures • Advanced Concepts & Demonstrators • Composites • Dynamic Performance • Test & Development • Electronic Integration • Manufacturing Engineering • Precision Machining • Livery & Graphics
CONTACT: Tommi Rautiainen, Sales and Marketing Manager, Galvatek Oy Ab The CE4MRO concept combines the expertise of two major cleaning technology companies for the ultimate benefit of our customers. FinnSonic and Galvatek are cleaning experts with more than 60 years’ combined experience as a strategic, reliable partner with technical ability and know-how in the aviation industry.
Cathay Composites ug B156 Address: The Orangery, Home Farm, Cams Estate, Fareham, Hampshire. PO16 8UT Tel: 01329 225200 Fax: 01329 225222 Email: claire.simmonds@cathay-composites.com Website: www.cathay-investments.com CONTACT: Brian Harpur, Managing Director Cathay Composites (formerly Umeco Distribution) Leading the way in distribution with over 40 years of expertise and experience in composite distribution. Leading the way with greater choice, with products from the worlds leading manufacturers such as Ashland, Jushi, Cytec, Lantor and many more. Leading the way with great service, creating value added solution for our customers. Leading the way in innovation, providing exceptional products and solutions by understanding the needs of our customers. Tel : 01329 225200 (option 1) “ Global resources; local service”
CC Patterns B152 Address: 3 Sawtry Court, Sawtry, Cambs. PE26 5SD Tel: 01487 830665 Fax: 01487 832333 Email: info@ccpatterns.co.uk Website: www.ccpatterns.co.uk CONTACT: Mark Veneear, Operations Manager , CC Patterns Limited CC Patterns Ltd is a Machine and Pattern Shop with 3 and 5 axis machining capabilities. We specialise in the manufacture of master patterns and moulds for many Industries, but are equally as happy to manufacture components. We work with many types of material including epoxy tooling block, rohacell, carbon fibre, MDF, metals and various plastics. CC Patterns are able to provide a complete service including; • Design • CAD modelling and CAM programming, both using Delcam software • CNC machining using our Haas machines • Surface finishing/polishing • Inspection. We proudly supply F1 teams and use the same expertise to provide a fast, high quality, competitive service to all of our customers.
CD (UK) LTD ug B141 Address: Wakefield House, Gildersome Spur, Morley, Leeds, LS27 7JZ Tel: 0113 201 2240 Fax: 0113 253 0717 Email: info@cdukltd.co.uk Website: www.cdukltd.co.uk/machinery CONTACT: Mr Geoff Baker, Chairman Distributors of Corian® for over 30 years, CD UK has been key in the development of the solid surface market in the UK and in addition to solid surface material supply, the company is also a leading machinery and power tool distributor. ELKOM and LANGZAUNER, two leading names in press technology for the composites industry, are now represented in the UK by CD (UK) Ltd. ELKOM has pioneered the development of vacuum membrane pressing systems for composites and is recognised worldwide for its superior heating and cooling platen technology. LANGZAUNER’s main focus is the design and manufacture of hydraulic moulding presses for carbon and composites.
Together FinnSonic and Galvatek form a technical powerhouse that offers turnkey solutions for the aviation maintenance repair and overhaul industry. A long history with the most demanding of MRO customers has been a key to the deep understanding of the technology required. This expertise offers added value with lower running costs and documented, first class cleaning results.
CEL COMPONENTS SRL E132 Address: Via Santi 1, 1- Villanova di Castenaso, 40055 (BO), Italy Tel: +39 0517 82505 Fax: +39 0517 82477 Email: sta01@cel.eu Website: www.cel.eu CONTACT: Tom Mallens, Sales , Fibrecore CEL, created in 1992, is one of the main European suppliers of aluminium honeycomb and panels, polycarbonate and polypropylene honeycombs, and of lightweight sandwich panels. Company Highlights: Wide range of products (aluminum panels, honeycomb panels, sandwich panels), capable of complying with a broad range of functions and technical specifications Quality of manufacturing, performed with the most modern facilities, in compliance with the highest industrial standards High degree of flexibility, due both to CEL’s company structure and to a 20-year close cooperation with selected and reliable suppliers.
Censol Ltd B95 Address: New Tythe Street, Long Eaton, Nottingham NG10 2DL Tel: 0115 9727070 Fax: 0115 9461107 Email: info@censol.co.uk Website: www.censol.co.uk CONTACT: Dave Crabtree, Sales Director Over the last 10 years Censols unique Managed and fully audited Absorbent Stations have proved to be major development in the cost effective management of Oil and Chemical Spills on the Shop floor. Each Station can be customised to end user requirement with Absorbent Socks, Pads, roll mats together with Rolls Royce approved and Airbus specification dry and wet specialist Wipers. Our user friendly and environmentally responsible range of wet wipes includes Wipemaster Wipe 2 approved to CSS 255 Type A & B and Wipemaster Wipe 3 an Aqueous Eco friendly Cleaner / Degreaser approved to CSS 255 Type C. Both products are used for the safe and effective removal of grease, grime and marking inks from composites and metal components.
CentraTEQ Ltd F68 Address: 15 Arundel Crescent, Solihull, B92 8RQ Tel: 0121 706 2319 Email: jim.flanagan@centrateq.com Website: www.centrateq.com CONTACT: Jim Flanagan, Director CentraTEQ Ltd, supplies a range of quality test systems into the environmental testing industry. As the exclusive distributor for ETS Solutions, QED, LAB and Benchmark we fulfil all the requirements for vibration, package, shock and bump testing. Through QED we can provide a unique contact measurement system measuring interruptions in electrical systems as low as 20 nano seconds. Through ETS we can provide vibration test systems from 200N to 300kN, including head expanders, slip-tables, and bespoke installation. Through LAB Equipment we can provide the full range of package testers including drop testers, bump machines, hydraulic shock machines and a data acquisition system. Through Benchmark we can provide repetitive bump machine.
u ADS Members
CGTech Ltd D202 Address: Curtis House, 34 Third Avenue, Hove, BN3 2PD Tel: 01273 773538 Fax: 01273 721688 Email: info.uk@cgtech.com Website: www.cgtech.co.uk CONTACT: Jodie Cosby, Marketing Coordinator CGTech is the developer of VERICUT® CNC Simulation, Verification and Optimisation software. VERICUT protects CNC machines against collisions by providing a virtual machining environment for program simulation and testing of CNC programs. CGTech also offers programming and simulation software for all types of CNC Automated Fibre Placement (AFP) composites layup machines including robots. CGTech has recently released programming and simulation applications for Automated Drilling and Fastening assembly machines. CGTech’s VERICUT software is used extensively by leading aerospace manufacturers and their supply chains.
Charcroft Electronics Ltd. D54 Address: Charcroft Electronics Ltd, Dol-y-Coed, Llanwrtyd Wells, Powys, LD5 4TH Tel: +44 (0) 1591 610408 or import/export out of hours 07710 866 147 Fax: +44 (0) 1591 562 013 Email: sales@charcroft.com Website: www.charcroft.com/ CONTACT: Tina Tyrrell, Business Development Manager Products/Services Charcroft is a CECC approved manufacturer of precision resistors & moulded radial ceramic capacitors. Also a CECC approved distributor of passive, interconnect & electromechanical components, fully franchised by leading broadline & specialist manufacturers. Off linecard sourcing with full traceability back to manufacturers, means Charcroft can reduce the number of no bids on enquiries & supply complete BOMs. 31 years experience, BS/ IECQ/ CECC/ ISO 9001:2000 approved Major Customers BAe, Raytheon, Smiths, General Dynamics, Thales, Edwards & many other mil/aerospace, industrial & medical customers. Capabilities Avionics, Electrical & Electronic Services Component & Sub Assembly Electric Actuation & Motion Control Systems
China Outsourcing Ltd G85 Address: Unit D6, Arena Business Centre, Holy Rood Close, Poole, Dorset, BH17 7FP Tel: +44 (0) 1202 606134 Fax: +44 (0) 1202 606064 Email: stephen@chinaoutsourcing.com Website: www.chinaoutsourcing.com CONTACT: Steve Nicholson, Sales Manager High quality, low cost, precision cast, forged, machined, fabricated and sheet metal components and sub-assemblies. Our China office is run by our British General Manager. His 20 years experience in the Aerospace and Oil and Gas sectors ensures all our suppliers understand the quality UK customers demand. Our customers deal with the UK office in just the same way as any other UK supplier. UK quality, Chinese prices – every time.
CHOMARAT E214 Address: 39 Avenue De Chabannes, Le Cheylard, 07160, France Tel: 00 33 475 298100 Fax: 00 33 475 298502 Email: info@chomarat.com Website: www.chomarat.com CONTACT: Ulrike Salmon, Area Sales Manager Chomarat, specialist in textile reinforcements for composite materials provides a large spectrum of technical reinforcements (glass, aramid, carbon), for different markets: transportation, marine, building & construction, energy, protection, civil engineering, sports, and luxury goods. Chomarat manufactured products include the RovicoreTM family of products for LRTM, RTM, CCBM and the traditional vacuum infusion Process. Chomarat also produces woven and multi-axial fabrics under the tradename G-PLYTM (glass) and C-PLYTM (carbon). With C-PLYT Bi-Angle and Advanced NCF range, launched in partnership with a research group of manufacturers and academics, Chomarat,opens new perspectives for lighter composites with better performance.
Clayton Associates Inc c/o Craig Tools International Ltd B113 Address: Unit 6 Riding Court, Riding Road, Brackley NN13 7BH Tel: 01280 700101 Fax: 01280 700644 Email: Jim@JClayton.com Website: www.JClayton.com | www.DustlessMadeSimple.com CONTACT:
Jim Clayton, Owner , Clayton Associates Clayton provides HEPA-filter vacuums and source-capture shrouded tools to aerospace manufacturers, aviation maintenance, repair and overhaul facilities and composite fabricators worldwide. Hazardous dusts in the workplace from composite materials, coatings and heavy metals cause serious health issues and compensation claims. The best way to avoid them is to capture dust at the source during sanding, grinding and a host of similar processes. HEPA-filtered vacuums range in size from an ultraportable single-user model to large central systems. Clayton offers a wide variety of innovative tools for dustless sanding and composites fabrication to remove dust at the point of generation. UK Agent Craig Tools International Ltd Tel-01280 700101
CMA Moldform Ltd G32 Address: Unit 17, Spitfire Road, Spitfire Park, Birmingham B24 9PR Tel: 0121 350 7707 Fax: 0121 386 5962 Email: p.turnock@cmamoldform.co.uk Website: www.cmamoldform.co.uk CONTACT:
Peter Turnock , M.D. CMA Moldform produce Rapid Prototypes & Production volumes of a wide range of resin grades by RIM casting, vacuum, pressure, Rotocast and Centrifugal processes. CMA will be exhibiting examples of castings & models including their latest product developments. CMA also produce high quality Scale Models, Wargame component parts and specialised Artwork, Point-of-Sale, Public Commissions and Interior designs.
CMS Industries D192 Address: Blenheim House, Camberley Road, Nottingham, NG6 8UW Tel: 01159 77 0044 Fax: 0115 976 0994 Email: g.cartwright@cmsukltd.co.uk Website: www.cmsukltd.co.uk CONTACT:
Graeme Cartwright, UK Sales , CMS Industries In the Uk CMS Industries are exclusively represented as a division under the umbrella of SCM Group UK Limited. Established in 1969 CMS provide solution orientated CNC equipment for a wide varieties of markets including, aerospace, marine, pattern making, composite & plastic, timber, stone and glass cutting.
£ SC21
Composites UK Members
Cobham Composite Technologies G160 Address: Gelders Hall Road, Shepshed, Leicestershire. LE12 9NH Tel: 01509 504541 Fax: 01509 507563 Email: compositetechnologies.sales@cobham.com Website: www.cobham.com CONTACT: Ian Richardson, Sales Director Cobham Composite Technologies is part of the Antennas Strategic Business Unit within the Aerospace & Security Division. The company designs, develops and manufactures high performance composite structures and radomes for the Aerospace, Defence, and Communications markets. We deliver a through life solution, covering design, manufacture, in-service support / repairs to aircraft structures and radomes utilising a wide variety of materials and manufacturing techniques. Cobham’s vast experience in the use of advanced composites have placed us at the forefront for design and manufacture of specialist components and structures in Europe. The first choice for composite structures used in demanding environments.
Codem Composites Limited B152 Address: 5 Sawtry Court, Sawtry, Cambs. PE26 5SB Tel: 01487 832123 Fax: 01487 832333 Email: info@codemcomposites.com Website: www.codemcomposites.com CONTACT: Richard Clark, Managing Director Codem Composites is a technology business in the rapidly expanding market of carbon fibre component manufacture. Keeping pace with the latest materials and technologies, our highly skilled team use their wealth of expertise and experience to provide a complete solution to the challenges that face our customers. We offer a competitive, turn-key service to suit your needs, from CAD model to completed components and assemblies. Having a specialised team allows us not only to meet our client’s expectations but in most cases exceed them.
Combined Composite Technology Ltd. ug D125 Address: Unit 3, Trilogy, Concorde Way, Segensworth, Fareham, Hampshire, PO15 5RK Tel: +44 (0)1489 585 900 Fax: +44 (0)1489 585 920 Email: sales@c-c-t.co.uk Website: www.c-c-t.co.uk CONTACT: Robin Collinson, Commercial Manager CCT’s expertise is developing unique tooling, prototypes and components for complex, small series production requirements. To ensure the highest quality composites solutions, we bring together a broad range of material and process knowledge gathered over >50 years of experience. Back integrated into Momentive Specialty Chemicals, CCT can offer further expertise and knowledge in composite chemistry and processing. Our R&D facilities and Transportation Application Research Centre continue to push the boundaries of capability. From design and process development to tooling improvements and prototype production, CCT provides a customer driven approach to ensure your composite components are engineered to your needs.
CMW International D55 Address: 70 S. Gray Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46201 Tel: 866-634-8884 Fax: 317-638-2706 Email: spadek@cmwinc.com Website: www.cmwinc.com CONTACT:
Steven Padek, Sales Engineer High-Density Metals We are a market leader in manufacturing tungsten-based high density metal alloys in rough oversize to finish, semi-finished and finished machined parts. We manufacture a broad line of tungsten based high density materials at our facility We are certified AS9100C and ISO 9001:2008 for the manufacture and machining of high density materials. Our manufacturing expertise in powder mixing, pressing, sintering and machining allow us to provide world-class quality and our responsive service and application experience allow us to offer valuable solutions to many customers around the world.
Composite Integration Ltd ug E206 Address: Unit 1 Burraton Road, Saltash Parkway Industrial Estate, Saltash, Cornwall, PL12 6AY Tel: +44 (0) 1752 849998 Fax: +44 (0) 1752 846414 Email: stephen.williams@composite-integration.co.uk Website: www.composite-integration.co.uk CONTACT: Stephen Leonard-Williams, Director Composite Integration Ltd provides market-leading, innovative and well-engineered solutions to the composites industry, specialising in RTM (Resin Transfer Moulding) and infusion processes. The company manufactures a full range of RTM and infusion machinery and ancillary equipment supported by comprehensive tooling and training services. Customers include manufacturers in the aerospace, automotive, defence, construction, wind energy and marine industries. Based in the UK, the company exports to a wide range of countries supported by an experienced distributor network.
Strategy: We develop winning strategies that drive growth innovations and profitability. Business Diagnostic: Identify areas to improve the sales and minimize the cost. Have unbiased assessment of your Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat (SWOT). Subscription Service: Have access to hundreds of market reports. Replace your gut-feel with solid data, analytics and insights.
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Composite Jobsearch F141 Address: UK Tel: 0800 785 1008 Email: info@compositejobsearch.com Website: www.compositejobsearch.com CONTACT: Matt Elwood, Director compositejobsearch.com is the first and only jobboard dedicated solely to recruitment for the Composite Industry, working with and on behalf of suppliers, R+D specialists and production companies globally. The site encompasses every type and category of position from graduate researchers to senior management, and every area from design through to customer support as well as more specialised requirements. If you are looking to recruit or be recruited then compositejobsearch. com is your only choice - why not visit the website and see for yourself today?! SPECIAL OFFER: THE ENTIRE SITE IS FREE OF CHARGE UNTIL 2014!! MAKE THE MOST OF THIS OFFER, TODAY!!
Composite Solutions Magazine, CREI SrL – Milano B125 Address: via Ponte Nuovo 26, 20133 Milano, Italy Tel: +39 02 26305505 Fax: +39 02 26305621 Email: s.pegorari@compositesolutions.it Website: www.creisrl.it CONTACT: Simonetta Pegorari, Editor in Chief Published since 2007, Composite Solutions magazine is circulated to around 6,500* industry professionals in Europe and 35.000* in the rest of the world as it is delivered in print and digital formats, for a total of 41.500 readers*. Our readers design, produce, distribuite, composite products for the industry (automotive, aerospace, building and construction, boatbuilding, corrosion resistant equipment, wind energy, etc) Composite Solutions is the only indipendent Italian/English magazine. In the years it has gained a reputation for delivering high quality information valued by the global composites community. * Publisher’s own data.
Composite Test & Evaluation Ltd ug D102 Address: Unit 4 Kingsgate, Duchy Road, Honiton, Devon, EX14 1YG Tel: 01404 549293 Email: paul.yeo@compositetest.com Website: www.compositetest.com CONTACT: Paul Yeo, Director CTE Ltd is an Independent UKAS17025 approved test laboratory specialising in the testing of a variety of non-metallic materials. The company draws on over 13 years of experience in the testing of non-metallic materials within the aerospace industry and can offer its customers access to this technical expertise as well as a variety of testing services. CTE is a well-equipped facility with the ability to provide solutions ranging from simple material batch release testing through to full material qualification programmes. CTEs current customer base includes companies such as:AgustaWestland Ltd, NCC, McLaren, Cobham Advanced Composites Ltd, Tods Aerospace Ltd etc.
Composites Evolution C128 Address: 4A Broom Business Park, Bridge Way, Chesterfield, S41 9QG Tel: + 44 (0)1246 266 248 Fax: + 44 (0)1246 266 249 Email: Brendon.weager@compositesevolution.com Website: www.compositesevolution.com CONTACT: Gemma Smith, Communications Manager Composites Evolution is a supplier of innovative, sustainable materials to the composites industry. Our products include fibre reinforcements, resins and intermediates based on natural, bioderived, recycled and recyclable feedstocks, which enables our customers to meet cost, weight and environmental targets. Our focus on research and development means that existing products are continuously improved and new products brought to market. Specialties include high performance natural fibre composites, self-reinforced plastics and recycled composite materials.
u ADS Members Composites Horizons, LLC B151 Address: 1471 Industrial Park Street, Covina, CA 91722 USA Tel: +1 626 331-0861 Fax: +1 626 339-3220 Email: mark.kelly@chi-covina.com Website: www.chi-covina.com CONTACT: Mark Kelly, VP Sales & Marketing Composites Horizons, a division of AIP Aerospace LLC, manufactures components and assemblies in high temperature composites for the aero engine/nacelle industry. This includes poyimides, BMI and epoxy resins usually with, but not limited to, carbon fibers. The company also produces parts made with ceramic oxide materials with performance up to 2000F.
Composites in Manufacturing A75 Address: Featherstone House, 375 High Street, Rochester, Kent. ME1 1DA Tel: 01634 830566 Fax: 01634 408488 Email: mdeadman@aero-mag.com Website: www.composites-manufacturing.com CONTACT: Mark Deadman, Sales Manager Composites in Manufacturing - the only magazine dedicated to the UK composite industry. With exclusive features written by experienced industry journalists, the aim of CIM is to be the leading source of impartial and informed content relating to the design, manufacture and supply chain of the whole UK composite industry. In doing so it will provide the skills and knowledge to be successful in the development and production of composite materials, products and services.
Composites Skills Alliance ug D203 Address: c/o National Skills Academy Process Industries, 5 Pioneer Court, Morton Palms Business Park, Darlington DL1 4WD Tel: 01325 740918 Email: info@composites-skills-alliance.com Website: www.composites-skills-alliance.com
£ SC21
Composites UK Members
Confederation of British Metalforming (CBM) A23 Address: National Metalforming Centre, 47 Birmingham Road, West Bromwich, West Midlands, B70 6PY Tel: 0121 601 6350 Fax: 0121 601 6373 Email: info@britishmetalforming.com Website: www.britishmetalforming.com CONTACT: Geraldine Bolton, Operations Director Confederation of British Metalforming (CBM) is THE leading trade association for UK manufacturers of fasteners, forgings, pressings and cold rolled products; the very building blocks of UK manufacturing. CBM members provide high quality components to key industry sectors; indeed virtually every manufacturing sector buys components from a CBM member company, most of which hold a range of third party quality accreditations. In addition to CBM’s manufacturing companies, its associate members include suppliers of materials, equipment, consumables and services, universities (both in the UK and overseas) and research bodies – a true reflection of CBM’s support of a totally integrated metalforming community.
Connects2 H100 Address: High Street, Princes End Tipton, West Midlands DY4 9HG Tel: 0845 257 5588 Fax: 0121 522 5589 Email: sales@connects2.com Website: www.connects2.co.uk CONTACT: Andy Simner, Sales Director Connects2 is a global market leader in the development and manufacture of car audio interfaces, allowing seamless integration for the aftermarket. AutoDAB Digital radio Plug and Play installation, Stores favourite stations, No box on view, No wires on view, Fully integrated, Controlled from steering wheel controls, Uses car’s current display, Voice prompt menu system, Displays: radio text, song, artist information, 100’s of new radio stations, Maintains FM stations
Consilium Group F10
CONTACT: Tom Preece, Business Manager The Composites Skills Alliance is a partnership of organisations led by the National Skills Academy Process Industries and Semta, the Sector Skills Council for Science, Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies.
Address: Anglo House, Stourport-on-Severn, Worcestershire, DY13 9AW Tel: 01789 761500 Fax: 01299 827739 Email: sdoyle@cgl.eu.com Website: www.cgl.eu.com
Working together with training providers and a high-level, crosssector employer steering group, we develop and deliver qualityassured training programmes aimed at composites businesses and those looking to diversify into the market.
CONTACT: Steve Doyle, Director Since 2001 Consilium Group has partnered with numerous Automotive, Aerospace and Manufacturing companies to help them build, retain and grow their engineering and manufacturing teams.
We can help you to build a skilled composites workforce that is equipped with the techniques and processes to produce high value goods at greater volumes and to a consistent standard.
Composites UK Ltd D201 Address: Forsyth House, 39 Mark Road, Hemel Hempstead, Herts, HP2 7DN Tel: 01442 275365 Fax: 01442 275301 Email: info@compositesuk.co.uk Website: www.compositesuk.co.uk CONTACT: Sue Halliwell, Operations Manager Composites UK as the UK Trade Body representing UK industry works to enhance and promote the safe and effective use of composites, supporting the UK industry so that it may continue to grow and participate in the increasingly competitive world of global composite production. Direct links to government on key issues: - Representation on the Composites Leadership forum - Health and safety including the SiMPLC initiative. - Composites recycling. - Research programmes. - Strengthening business opportunities. - Networking at Composites UK events. - Members Directory inclusion. - Contributing to the UK industry e-newsletter. - Training and skills development.
Consilium was built by qualified engineers meaning we have the edge when it comes to understanding your requirements. Together with specialist search techniques Consilium has built possibly the most comprehensive and up to date candidate database. Using these tools in conjunction with an enviable networking ability we are able to locate the very best industry talent.
Container Team Ltd E156A Address: Unit A, Weston Europark, Winterstoke Road, Weston-super-Mare BS24 9AA Tel: 01934 424624 Fax: 01934 424628 Email: tim@containerteam.co.uk Website: www.containerteam.co.uk CONTACT: Tim Edwards, Managing Director OK, we admit, we can’t make containers any more interesting than they are – they are big and steel and box-like. What we can do though is a be container company with the GAS factor because we do Give A S**t about our customers and the service we offer. If you’ve been let down by other storage companies or just want to talk about storage to someone a bit more interesting, come and have a chat to us on stand E156a. We’re in disguise as Team Refrigeration today, but we’re not just about being totally cool. If you’re too shy or busy to come and see us, you can always call Tim on 07860 179664 or email tim@containerteam.co.uk. We’d really like to hear from you.
Corex-Honeycomb C101 Address: 22 Stonehill, Stukeley Meadows Industrial Estate, Huntingdon, PE29 6DR Tel: 01480 435302 Fax: 01480 450181 Email: sharon.craft@encocam.com Website: www.corex-honeycomb.com CONTACT: Sharon Craft, Marketing Manager , Encocam COREX-Honeycomb is a UK based company producing high quality aluminium honeycomb core. Aluminium honeycomb core can be tailored to the exact requirements of the customer and supplied in the following conditions: expanded or unexpanded, as full blocks or cut slices, perforated or non-perforated and treated to prevent corrosion. COREX has been producing quality aluminium honeycomb since 2005, for use in industries including rail, defence, automotive and marine. At the start of 2012 the company’s quality management system was certified to BSEN9100:2009. Aerospace QMS for aeronautical, space and defence.
Cosworth Ltd £ G10 Address: The Octagon, St James Mill Rd, Northampton, NN5 5RA Tel: 01604 598300 Fax: 01604 598301 Email: christian.harris@cosworth.com Website: www.cosworth.com CONTACT: Christian Harris, Business Develpment Engineer Cosworth provides high performance engineering and manufacturing solutions to customers in the aerospace, automotive, defence and motorsport industries. Cosworth has a long and distinguished history of engineering class-leading engines and electronics which has grown out of our unique experience in world class motorsport. Cosworth is able to deliver a wide range of programmes from concept design and hardware prototypes through to niche volume production and Tier 1 supply.
Coventry University ug G18 Address: Priory Street, Coventry, CV1 5FB Tel: +44(0) 24 7765 7602 Email: business.ec@coventry.ac.uk Website: www.coventry.ac.uk/ec CONTACT: Laura Harris, Marketing Manager Coventry University is proud to be based at the historic heart of the UK’s world-renowned engineering and manufacturing sector. For over 40 years, we have worked with some of the biggest names in industry, leading multi-million pound research projects and winning awards for the quality of our business support services. Our key services include: Internationally recognised research Accreditation of existing company training schemes Tailored professional development for the workforce Consultancy to solve your business problems Funded support through specific projects Graduate placements Come and meet us on stand G18 or visit www.coventry.ac.uk/ecbusiness to find out more.
CPI – The UK’s National Printable Electronics Centre H110
Craig Tools International Ltd B113 Address: Unit 6 Riding Court, Riding Road, Brackley NN13 7BH Tel: 01280 700101 Fax: 01280 700644 Email: sales@craigtools.co.uk Website: www.craigtools.co.uk CONTACT: Sid Atkins, Director Craig Tools International Ltd an associate company of Craig Tools Inc. California USA. A manufacturer of standard & specialist rotary cutting tools for aerospace, automotive, military & industrial markets. May 2006 acquired the assets of ‘Bardolph Aircraft Tools’ a long established UK based supplier of aircraft tools and consumables. June 2013 appointed agents for Clayton Associates source capture dust extraction. Visit us on stand B113 for a live demonstration of the Clayton clear revolution shrouds. With many years of experience we are able to offer technical & professional advice covering all products that we sell across all industries. We look forward to meeting new & existing customers to discuss your tooling requirements.
Address: Metal Improvement Company, Euorpean Corporate Office, Hambridge Lane, Newbury RG14 5TU, UK Tel: 01635 279621 Fax: 01635 279629 Email: eurosales@cwst.com Website: www.cwst.co.uk CONTACT: Ben Hayes, Regional Sales Manager Curtiss-Wright Surface Technologies (CWST) provides highlyengineered processes through its international network of over 75 operating divisions and specialist onsite teams. These surface treatments enhance critical components by improving life, strength and performance. CWST serves major industries worldwide including aerospace, automotive, energy, marine, medical and other specialty industries. Since our earliest involvement with the aerospace industry over 100 years ago we continue to meet the complex challenges of our customers by delivering the latest in high-technology solutions including controlled shot and laser peening, thermal spray, engineered coatings and analytical services. Find out more at www.cwst.co.uk
Custom Composites Ltd D196 CRANE ELECTRONICS LTD G52 Address: Watling Drive, Sketchley Meadows, Hinckley, Leics. LE10 3EY. Tel: +44 (0) 1455 251488 Fax: +44 (0) 1455 614717 Email: info@crane-electronics.com Website: www.crane-electronics.com CONTACT: Jodie Morgan, Directors Assistant Crane Electronics Ltd delivers solutions for torque management and control of fastening in the assembly process. With Crane’s wrenches, transducers, data collectors, torque testers and system software we meet the requirements before, during and after the assembly operation. This enables tool capability assessment, process capability assessment and control, and process verification. Crane’s sister company Industrial Measurements Ltd, designs, manufactures and calibrates custom torque and force solutions, allowing customers in the automotive and aerospace industries to monitor and control their system efficiencies.
Cresco Industrial Supplies Ltd A51 Address: Brunel Close, Brunel Industrial Estate, Harworth, Doncaster DN11 8QA Tel: 01302 750057 Fax: 01302 752922 Email: sales@cresco.uk.com Website: www.cresco.uk.com CONTACT: Seb Price, Sales Engineer As UK Master Distributor for ADL Insulflex we offer the complete range of Insulflex high temperature products from Pyrojacket Firesleeve to Silicaflex Blanket. Cresco supply bespoke high temperature covers and fabricated solutions to meet virtually any need. Our range of sleeves for protects hoses and cables from direct or radiant heat up to 1000°C. Our range of high temperature fabrics includes Silicone and PTFE coated fibreglass, Aluminised Aramid cloth & Silica based cloths. All fabrics can be fabricated into custom shapes for a variety of applications including protecting valuable workpieces during high heat processes and from contamination during manufacturing. We also have a range of off-the-shelf valve covers and protective curtains.
Cristex Limited ug F181
Address: Thomas Wright Way, NETPark, Sedgefield, TS21 3FG Tel: 01740 625 700 Fax: 01740 625 701 Email: steven.bagshaw@uk-cpi.com Website: www.uk-cpi.com
Address: Units 1 & 2 Laneside, Metcalf Drive, Altham Industrial Estate, Accrington, Lancashire, BB5 5TU Tel: 01282 770666 Fax: 01282 770677 Email: sales@cristex.co.uk Website: www.cristex.co.uk
CONTACT: Steven Bagshaw, Marketing Executive CPI is the UK’s National Centre for Printable Electronics and is part of the government’s elite High Value Manufacturing Catapult network – seven technology and innovation institutes at the centre of the future growth and success of manufacturing in the UK.
CONTACT: Bruce Craig, Director , Cristex Limited Formed in 1990, Cristex Ltd. has steadily evolved to become the UK’s premier supplier of High Performance Fibres and Fabrics for the UK Composites and Reinforced Plastics Markets. Representing several World Class companies in the UK, including Saertex GmbH, Eurocarbon, G.Angeloni and Elantas Cristex supplies a comprehensive range of products manufactured from Glass Fibre, Carbon fibre, Aramid, Dyneema®, Thermoplastic and Natural fibres. The scale of product usage is extensive, ranging from Automotive, Aerospace, Marine, Wind Energy Generation, Sports and Recreation, through to National Utility Provision. With many years of experience, Cristex is available to assist in the development of intelligent solutions to meet your every requirement.
Focused on the commercialisation and scale-up of printable electronics, CPI works with its clients to develop new innovative printable electronics applications such as OLED displays, lighting and printed sensors. CPI is equipped with an extensive range of assets specifically chosen and developed to allow clients to understand how their products and processes perform under pilot manufacturing conditions.
Curtiss-Wright Surface Technologies E14
Address: Units 1 & 2, Ensor Mill, Queensway, Castleton, Rochdale OL11 2NU Tel: 01706 526255 Fax: 01706 350187 Email: info@custom-composites.com Website: www.custom-composites.com CONTACT: Rachael Kennedy, Sales Director Manufacturers of glass fibre, carbon fibre and composite tubes for industrial, electrical, military, nuclear, communications and sports industries.
Cutting Industries G41 Address: 12-13a Derriaghy Industrial Park, The Cutts, Dunmurry, BT17 9DU Tel: 028 9060 5550 Fax: 028 9060 5535 Email: lara@laragoodallconsulting.com Website: www.cuttingindustries.co.uk CONTACT: Mark Smiley, Managing Director Cutting Industries is a converter of high quality rubber, foam & plastics components, with a team of highly skilled & experienced production operatives. From design to delivery, we offer a complete service, supported by our excellent technical & after sales teams. We are experts in our field, & provide a cutting service from prototyping single units to full production run supply. We supply demanding OEM clients who accept nothing less than excellence. Munster Simms said; “Cutting Industries provide a very personal service & are very customer focused.” Products include: • Washers, seals • Insulating pads • Air filter foam for breathing & industrial • Sealing foam • Abrasion resistant rubber • Rubber & urethane grading screens • Fuel tank strap extrusion
CVT Ltd C2 Address: 4 - 7, Carters Lane, Kiln Farm, Milton Keynes, MK11 3ER Tel: 01908 563267 Fax: 01908 568354 Email: sales@cvt.ltd.uk Website: www.cvt.ltd.uk CONTACT: David Thompson CVT specialise in the Design & Manufacture of UHV systems & has gained a reputation within the Vacuum Industry for being innovative & working in partnership with customers to produce outstanding technical solutions. With an established customer base consisting of the UK’s leading Research & Development facilities, CVT supply products & services to scientific institutions worldwide. CVT is currently extending it’s capabilities into new markets, offering a complete Engineering package. Services include: in-house 3D Solidworks CAD/CAM, 5 Axis Machining, Coded Tig Welding & Clean Room Assembly. CVT are able to supply small to medium batch production in various industry sectors including Automotive, Oil & Gas, Defence, Scientific & Medical.
u ADS Members
Cygnet Texkimp B100
Dark Matter Composites Ltd ug E201
Address: Swan House, New Cheshire Business Park, Wincham Lane. Wincham, Northwich, Cheshire, CW9 6GG, Great Britain Tel: +44 (0) 1606 338748 Fax: +44 (0) 1606 338749 Email: sales@texkimp.co.uk Website: www.cygnet-tw.com
Address: Unit 8 Redbourn Industrial Estate, High Street, Redbourn, Hertfordshire, AL3 7LG, UK Tel: +44 (0) 1582 791001 Email: info@darkmattercomposites.co.uk Website: www.darkmattercomposites.co.uk
CONTACT: David Barker, Sales Manager Cygnet Texkimp are a leading manufacturer of creels, fibre handling system and coating/laminating machinery to the composites industry. Our equipment is in operation around the world, feeding a range of technical fibres – PAN precursors, carbon, ceramics, aramides, UHMWPE and glass, into a variety of processes common to the composites industry. Amongst these are Uni Directional (UD) prepreg lines, weaving (2D & 3D), pultrusion, filament winding and beaming / warping machines. Texkimp are also suppliers of coating and laminating machinery for the production of UD and woven prepregs, filming and towpregs. We are able to offer a range of equipment from laborstory scale up to lines suitable for the production of aerospace grade fabrics.
CYTEC u D182 Address: Composites House, Sinclair Close, Heanor DE75 7SP, United Kingdom Tel: +44(0) 1773 766200 Fax: +44 (0) 1773 530245 Email: industrialmaterials@cytec.com Website: www.cytec.com CONTACT: Paul Smith, European Sales Director CYTEC is a global provider of advanced materials and specialty chemical products for aerospace, automotive, mass transportation, launch and other extreme-demand applications. Our focus on advanced technology and application expertise allows our customers to adopt more efficient manufacturing approaches. Cytec produces high-performance prepregs, resin systems and adhesives; ablatives; high temperature carbon-carbon materials and silicone-based sealants; specialty thermoplastic materials; PAN and pitch-based carbon fibers; vacuum bagging consumables and kitting solutions; conformal coatings and potting compounds; and additives for exterior finishes.
dalau Limited C83 Address: Ford Road, Clacton on Sea, Essex CO5 3DZ Tel: +44 (0) 1255 220220 Fax: +44 (0) 1255 220221 Email: sales@dalau.com Website: www.dalau.com CONTACT: Joy Tappenden, Account Manager dalau™ Ltd specialises in the precision machining of all engineering plastics to the medical, electronic and aerospace industries most stringent technical specifications. We turn PTFE, PEEK, POM, PA, PE, ETFE, and numerous engineering plastics for prototyping small batches and large volume runs. We pride ourselves on our flexibility and adaptability in delivering parts regardless of quantity. We have a fully equipped climate controlled machine shop where we use Multi axis CNC machining centres, 5 axis turning and milling centres and micro CNC machines supported with CAD design. Quality is assured by our in-house computerised Statistical Process Control (SPC) system, non-contact inspection & CMM equipment.
DANTEC DYNAMICS LIMITED D38 Address: Garonor Way, Bristol, BS20 7XE Tel: 01275 375333 Fax: 01275 375336 Email: uk@dantecdynamics.com Website: www.dantecdynamics.com CONTACT: Graham Hassall, Group Manager Dantec Dynamics’ main area of activity is development and sales of integrated measurement systems for diagnostics and research into fluid mechanics, solid mechanics, microfluidics, spray analysis and combustion technology. Our systems are used to obtain measurement data of physical properties in air, gases, liquids and solid materials. Quantitative measurement data include velocity, turbulence, particle size, concentration, temperature, combustion species, strain/stress and vibration.
CONTACT: Rodney Hansen, Director We are recognised as providing world class training and consultancy solutions to the composites industry. Our comprehensive range of courses and associated facilities and equipment set the standard for composite training. These are recognised as demanding, rewarding and representative of world class composite processing that is second to none. Complementary expert consultancy services provide customers with knowledge, support and solutions to suit their individual needs. We design and supply our own specialist equipment. Our latest ‘Step Sanding Tool Kit’ puts step sanded repairs into the realms of standard repairs, providing consistent repair surfaces in reduced time with exceptional dust control.
DASSAULT SYSTEMES ug C10 Address: Suite 9, Riley Court, Milburn Hill Road, CV4 7HP Coventry Tel: 07703 334390 Email: ns3@3ds.com Website: www.3ds.com CONTACT: Nathalie Saintuma, Events Manager Dassault Systmes, The 3DEXPERIENCE Company , offre aux entreprises et aux particuliers les univers virtuels ncessaires la conception dinnovations durables. Ses solutions leaders sur le march transforment pour ses clients, la conception, la fabrication et la maintenance de leurs produits. Les solutions collaboratives de Dassault Systmes permettent de promouvoir linnovation sociale et offrent de nouvelles possibilits damliorer le monde rel grce aux univers virtuels. Avec des ventes dans 140 pays, le Groupe apporte de la valeur plus de 170 000 entreprises de toutes tailles dans toutes les industries. Pour plus dinformations : www.3ds.com.
£ SC21
Composites UK Members
DEE Ltd G22 Address: Unit D, Glebe Farm, Welsh Road, Cubbington, Leamington Spa, CV32 7UB Tel: 01926 426225 Email: info@dee-ltd.co.uk Website: www.dee-ltd.co.uk CONTACT:
Neil McAdam, Managing Director Established in 2005, Development Engineering & Enterprise Ltd (DEE-Ltd) provides innovative engineering solutions to a broad spectrum of customers and market sectors. Through our unique relationship with Toyota DEE-Ltd offers, new, direct from plant engines and transmissions for use in a variety of different applications. DEE also offers a full suite of engineering support and consultancy capabilities, ranging from full vehicle programs to component & system development projects.
Delcam D42 Address: Small Heath Business Park, Birmingham B10 0HJ Tel: 0121 6831000 Fax: 0121 7665511 Email: marketing@delcam.com Website: www.delcam.com CONTACT:
Peter Dickin, Marketing Manager Delcam supplies software and services that help companies to maximise their profitability by increasing productivity, improving quality and reducing lead times. The company is the worlds largest specialist supplier of computer-aided machining software, with its PowerMILL, FeatureCAM, PartMaker and ArtCAM programs making up the most comprehensive range of CAM systems from any developer. Delcam also develops product design, tooling design and quality control programs, including the PowerINSPECT inspection software. Delcam software is used in over 90 countries worldwide by over 40,000 organisations, from large multi-nationals to small sub-contractors, in industries including aerospace, automotive, footwear, healthcare and toolmaking.
Dawson Shanahan (Wales) Ltd D54 Address: Henfaes Lane, Welshpool, Powys, SY21 7BE, United Kingdom Tel: 01938 551731 Fax: 01938 555339 Email: bob.hardman@dawson-shanahan.co.uk Website: www.dawson-shanahan.co.uk CONTACT: Bob Hardman, Business Development Manager At Dawson Shanahan we specialise in the design, prototyping and precision engineering of high quality, customer specified components and assemblies, for use in a wide range of applications worldwide. We offer a unique combination of in-house cold forming, precision CNC machining and assembly techniques, backed by an unrivaled level of customer support. Throughout, our goal is to deliver a complete cold forming and precision engineering service, developing and manufacturing components and assemblies that add real technical and commercial value to your business
Dedienne Multiplasturgy® Group A101 Address: 19, rue aux Honfroy, F - 27120 MENILLES, France Tel: +44 1825 724649 Fax: +44 1825 723632 Email: m.midgen@dedienne.com Website: www.dedienne.com CONTACT: Mike Midgen, Export Manager Dedienne Multiplasturgy® Group, a convertor of technical and high performance polymers for more than 66 years with over 320 staff in France and Romania, offer a unique MULTIPLASTURGY® approach, combining expertise in project management, machining, forming, thermoforming, stamping, injection, dual material injection, decoration, metallisation, injection of conductive polymers and the manufacture of hyper-frequency absorbents. In addition Dedienne have expanded into thermoplastic composites, RTM, are a RocTool licence for injection and stamping of plastic composites since 2007 and participate in research, development and testing projects joint programmes for new applications, including those with a base of eco-polymer and eco-composites.
Delcam Professional Services D42 Address: Small Heath Business Park, Birmingham B10 0HJ Tel: 0121 6831000 Fax: 0121 7665511 Email: marketing@delcam.com Website: www.delcam-services.com CONTACT:
Peter Dickin, Marketing Manager Delcam Professional Services works with clients, mainly in the aerospace and power generation industries, to improve their manufacturing processes by increasing productivity, improving accuracy and shortening lead times. For the majority of projects, these improvements are achieved through the use of adaptive machining, Delcams unique combination of machining and inspection technology. The full range of services provided varies from supplying extra design and programming resources when the customers existing staff are overloaded, through to developing completely new turn-key processes for the production of novel designs, including the manufacture of prototypes or initial production runs, and component repair for engines and structures.
DELO Industrial Adhesives G106 Address: DELO-Allee 1, 86949 Windach, Germany Tel: +49 8193 9900-0 Fax: +49 8193 9900-144 Email: Contact@DELO.de Website: www.DELO.de CONTACT:
Stefanie Reimers, Marketing DELO Industrial Adhesives is a world leading developer and manufacturer of customized industrial high technology adhesives and corresponding curing and dispensing equipment. Our experienced teams of engineers, scientists, and chemists work on fast and reliable solutions for individual customer needs. DELO offers adjusted adhesives for bonding different materials. The focus on the Advanced Engineering 2013 will be on special automotive applications.
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PE/Imeche_Show Guide ADs_F.indd 1 Professional Engineering HPH 1013.indd 1
13/09/2013 15:03 09/10/2013 12:56
Delpro Ltd F190 Address: Peakdale Road, Brookfield Ind Est, Glossop. SK13 6XE Tel: 01457 862776 Fax: 01457 862433 Email: sales@delpro.co.uk Website: www.delpro.co.uk CONTACT: Sarah Lowe, Managing Director Formed in 1975, Delpro designs and manufactures pre-preg machines and other composite material processing equipment. Specialist equipment include reel stands that have a splice facility and accumulators for fabric and textile applications; precision knife over roll and reverse roll coaters for high viscosity coatings and resins as used in the manufacture of composite fibres and reinforced plastics and laminating/gauging nips with servo controlled gap setting. All Delpro equipment is available for inclusion in original machinery installations or for retrofit to existing plant to improve efficiency.
Dentons G33
u ADS Members Dewetron UK Limited F85
CONTACT: Neill Ovenden, Managing Director DJB Instruments UK Ltd is the UK’s leading manufacturer of accelerometers, instrumentation and cable assemblies for the test and measurement as well as industrial sectors. With a 40 year history they have recently enjoyed a new period of growth and are currently expanding their UK sales as well as their Gloabal footprint.
DIAB Ltd D161
CONTACT: Keith Evans, Managing Director DIAB is a world leader in composite solutions and high-performance core materials. We support our customers with high performance and lightweight products and deliver all the benefits of the DIAB experience: world-wide supply, availability in kit and sheet form and a range of finishes tailored to production processes. Delivering high value by providing solutions, we work in close co-operation with our customers. To faciltate this, our strategy is to have sales representation close to our customers. Global sales and customer support in 17 countries, including DIAB Ltd based in the UK and a global network of distribution channels. DIAB has manufacturing units in Italy, Sweden, USA, Ecuador, China and Lithuania.
CONTACT: Geoffrey Haines, Managing Director Desktop Engineering is a leading engineering software solutions provider. It is a full service consultancy that focuses on quality, responsiveness and technical excellence. It works in multiple industries and maximises its clients return on technology investment. Above all, it prides itself on customer retention. DTE is an accreditted business partner with Dassault Systemes and MSC Software, supporting the industry standards of CATIA, DELMIA, ENOVIA, Nastran, Patran, Marc and Adams. Since it was founded in 1986, it has built up a team with many decades of experience in applying these technologies to major manufacturers and their supply chain.
DEVELOP3D I42 Address: 4th Floor rooms 108-109 65 London Wall London EC2M 5TH Tel: 0203-355-7311 Email: Tony@x3dmedia.com Website: www.develop3d.com CONTACT: Tony Baksh, Media Director DEVELOP3D Magazine looks at the essential role technology plays in product development, investigating how it is used at leading design and engineering firms from concept all the way to manufacture. Key topics range from 3D CAD/CAM/CAE software and workstation technology to 3D printing, reverse engineering and mould and die design. DEVELOP3D is available in print, PDF, online and on the Kindle, Android and the iPhone/iPad. The magazine features a bold contemporary design and is FREE to UK subscribers. www.develop3d.com/registration
DJB Instruments UK Ltd F68
CONTACT: Barry Towner, Director Dewetron designs and manufactures a range of measurement systems, amplifiers, A-D boards and software, with focus on Automotive, Aerospace, Transportation and Industrial markets. In addition to their existing range of measurement systems Dewetron will be showing their latest product family, DEWE2-TRION, with a modular amplifier/A-D architecture, available in different formats for portable or laboratory based measurement applications. In addition, SIRIUS data acquisition instruments from Dewesoft sample at 200KHz per channel with dual core 24bit ADC and offers a range of input amplifiers for accelerometers, strain gauges and voltage measurement up to 1000V, all fully isolated. The 8 channel, USB instrument can be stacked with other SIRIUS.
CONTACT: John Linneker, Partner Dentons is a global firm driven to provide a competitive edge in an increasingly complex and interconnected marketplace. Dentons has an outstanding reputation and valued clientele by responding to the local, regional and national needs of a broad spectrum of clients of all sizes – individuals; entrepreneurs; small businesses and startups; local, regional and national governments and government agencies; and mid-sized and larger private and public corporations, including international and global entities.
Address: 6-7 Bankside, Hanborough Business Park, Long Hanborough, OX29 8LJ Tel: 01993 883555 Fax: 01993 883201 Email: info@dte.co.uk Website: www.dte.co.uk
Composites UK Members
Address: Finchley Avenue, Mildenhall, Suffolk IP28 7BG Tel: +44 (0)1638 71 22 88 Fax: +44 (0)1638 71 75 31 Email: sales@djbinstruments.com Website: www.djbinstruments.com
Address: One Fleet Place, London, EC4M 7WS Tel: +44 20 7242 1212 Fax: +44 20 7246 7777 Email: john.linneker@dentons.com Website: www.dentons.com
Desktop Engineering E215
Address: Meadow Brook, Summerside Road, Buckland, Oxon, SN7 8QY Tel: 01367 871 000 Fax: 01367 871 001 Email: dewetron@dewetron.co.uk Website: www.dewetron.co.uk
Address: Unit 1141, Regent Court, Gloucester Business Park, Gloucester. GL3 4AD. Tel: 01452 614234 Fax: 01452 623941 Email: info@uk.diabgroup.com Website: www.diabgroup.com
Dentons’ is located in more than 75 locations spanning 50-plus countries across Africa, Asia Pacific, Canada, Central Asia, Europe, the Middle East, Russia and the CIS, the UK and the US.
£ SC21
Diametric Technical Ltd J75
Their product range covers a wide variety of vibration sensors from ultra miniature IEPE through to large Seismic accels with everything in between, in addition to triaxial and charge output types. With other products including modal impact hammers they have recently launched their industry leading high temperature IEPE accels available for use up to 185C. Visit the stand to find out the latest and view their range.
DNAagile Group Ltd A7 Address: 3 South Preston Office Village, Cuerdon Way, Preston, PR5 6BL Tel: +44 (0)1772 223944 Email: info@dna-agile.com Website: www.dna-agile.com CONTACT: Richard Randle, Systems Consultant DNAagile provides the building blocks for supply chain excellence by aligning people, processes and systems to the DNA of manufacturing businesses and their supply chain partners. For more than 25 years we have been providing innovative production control systems, ERP and supply chain software to high value manufacturing businesses enabling our clients to establish a robust foundation for growth through streamlined processes, standardisation and systems integration. Our advisory team facilitate supply chain development programmes and change management projects by implementing best practice processes and embedding a committed team through coaching and development.
Dopag (UK) Ltd B44
Address: Lake House, Waltham Business Park, Brickyard Road, Swanmore, Hampshire, SO32 2SA Tel: 01489 899555 Fax: 01489 899556 Email: sales@diametric.gb.com Website: www.diametric.gb.com
Address: Ryelands Business Centre, Ryelands Lane, Elmley Lovett, Droitwich, Worcs WR90PT Tel: 01299 250740 Fax: 01299 250860 Email: uksales@dopag.co.uk Website: www.dopag.co.uk
CONTACT: Graham Steele, Sales & Marketing Director We are a corporate, product branding specialist with over 30 years experience of manufacturing innovative, high quality, badges, nameplates, fascias and labels.
CONTACT: Darren Holyhead, General Manager Dopag (UK) Ltd is a subsidiary of the Hilger u. Kern/Dopag Group, who for almost 37 years has been at the forefront of developments in metering, mixing and dispensing technology for both plural and single component adhesives and sealants.
We’ll help you design and finish the perfect customised badge, nameplate or label by selecting the right style and finish from our vast range of processes. Whether the badge is gracing the front of the latest sports car, reflecting the quality of an advanced Hi-Fi system or simply displaying important information on aviation electronics, you can trust Diametric to offer the right solution. For further information on how we can apply the essential finishing touch to your product, please visit us on stand J75.
Disposables UK Group I46 Address: Evolution Mill, Meltham Mills, Meltham, Holmfirth, West Yorkshire HD9 4FA Tel: 01484 854434 Fax: 01484 854500 Email: info@disposablesukgroup.co.uk Website: www.disposablesukgroup.co.uk CONTACT: Melanie Cooper, Marketing Assistant Disposables UK are one of the leading manufacturers and distributors of paper disposables and related cleaning and hygiene products. The Perfect Finish and Optimum ProWipers brands of non-woven wiping products offer a complete portfolio of top quality wipers developed to effectively meet the requirements of every wiping and polishing task. The consistent quality and performance of the Perfect Finish and Optimum ProWipers brands build confidence in use together with reliability, variety and flexibility. The Perfect Finish brand is ideal for the automotive re-finishing market while the Optimum ProWipers range has a portfolio of wipers developed for automotive engineering. We look forward to welcoming visitors to our stand I46.
With more than 300 employees, 8 subsidiaries and 24 distributors worldwide, the group is one of the leading manufacturers in the world serving many industry sectors with advanced metering, mixing and dispensing systems. In the UK, the Company is located near to Droitwich in Worcestershire, where a team of experienced engineers offer a professional service from design through to commissioning, for both manual and automated dispensing.
Dormer Tools Ltd D41 Address: Unit 8, Morse Way, Waverley, Sheffield, S60 5BJ Tel: 0870 850 4466 Fax: 0870 850 8866 Email: dormer.uk@dormertools.com Website: www.dormertools.com CONTACT: Simon Winstanley, Marketing Co-ordinator Dormer is one of the worlds foremost producers of solid carbide and high speed steel cutting tools with a comprehensive and everevolving product range covering a wide range of drilling, milling and threading applications. A key member of the Sandvik group, Dormer has sales units in 25 countries serving over 100 markets worldwide. Pan-continental logistical systems ensure unrivalled product availability and delivery lead times 2013 marks Dormers centenary year. The company has, since the early part of the 20th century, developed a reputation for quality, innovation and brand leadership and remains at the forefront of the global tooling industry.
DQS UK Ltd A85 Address: Unit 5, Wallbrook Business Centre, Green Lane, Hounslow, Middlesex, TW4 6NW Tel: 0845 467 0126 Fax: 0845 467 0126 Email: info@dqs-uk.com Website: www.uk.dqs-ul.com CONTACT: Dimple Matharoo, Managing Director DQS UK, part of DQS UL, is an accredited certification body with more than 100 internationally recognised standards. Established for over 25 years we identify strengths and potential improvements & encourage organisational health to ensure sustainable business growth. The group is among the top 10 of the largest internationally active assessment & certification service providers for management systems. With 2,300 auditors & 80 offices internationally, DQS UL serves all business sectors, including automotive, chemical industries, aerospace & telecoms. The service portfolio of DQS UL comprises of more than 20,000 clients in 100 countries of all sizes of businesses that benefit both the quality of our audits and the value of our certificates.
Dustcontrol UK Ltd E111 Address: Old Barn, Home Farm Business Park, Church Way, Whittlebury, Northants, NN12 8XS Tel: +44 (0)1327 858 001 Fax: +44 (0)1327 858 002 Email: sales@dustcontrol.co.uk Website: www.dustcontroluk.co.uk CONTACT: James Miller, UK General Manager Dust extraction specialists, Dustcontrol UK Ltd, are not satisfied with just selling products. We manufacture cyclone based industrial extraction systems and portable dust extractors with very high levels of filtration to your requirements. Our main goals are to help you achieve an efficient production process, increase productivity, improve product quality and promote a safe working environment. The fact is that everything runs so much more smoothly when you avoid being stopped or disturbed by dust and other pollutants. In short, Dustcontrol supplies stationary extraction systems and portable machines to help companies all over the world to achieve better results.
Eastman Machine Company G171
Eclipse Magnetics G68 Address: Atlas Way, Sheffield, S4 7QQ Tel: +44 (0) 114 225 0600 Fax: +44 (0) 114 225 0525 Email: sales@eclipsemagnetics.com Website: www.eclipsemagnetics.com CONTACT: Neil Fowler, Marketing Manager Eclipse Magnetics have over 100 years experience in manufacturing high performance magnetic solutions. Our portfolio includes an extensive range of magnet designs, materials and assemblies for improving efficiency in applications such as Automotive Manufacture, Process Automation, Robotics, Metal Machining Processes, Materials Handling and Engineering Projects.
CONTACT: Ben Price, UK Sales Manager Electronic Specifier is the design engineers resource guide to new products and technology from the global electronics industry, featuring the latest fully compiled product and industry news, datasheets and whitepapers to help those in the electronics industry make informed choices.
Electrox Laser G23
In addition to standard products, we work with clients to provide bespoke hi-tech solutions. Our team provide value adding services such as design consultation, application testing, prototyping and full technical support. Our extensive magnet expertise and choice of different materials ensures the customer gets the optimum solution.
Address: Avenue One, The Business Park, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 2HB Tel: 01462 472400 Fax: 01462 472444 Email: sales@electroxlaser.com Website: www.electroxlaser.com
Edge Data Systems D54
CONTACT: Paul Vernon, Sales Co-Ordinator Electrox manufactures laser marking systems for permanent product identification and traceability on a wide range of materials including most metals, plastics, wood, glass etc. All Electrox laser marking systems can be integrated onto production lines or supplied with a safety workstation for a turnkey solution. With 30 years experience in development, design and manufacture, Electrox has a proven track record in the production of laser marking systems for a host of different applications. Why not pay us a visit on stand G23 to see if we can provide a solution for your needs?
Address: 1a/2a Stangate House, Stanwell Road, Penarth, Cardiff, CF64 2AA, UK Tel: +44 (0) 2921 961073 Email: edge@edgedatasystems.co.uk Website: www.edgedatasystems.co.uk CONTACT: Miss Karly Edwards, Marketing Executive Specialising in custom software development, we help our customers achieve amazing results through product innovation, slick processes and systems, along with state of the art infrastructure. Our team of experts can help make your ideas come to life using agile methodologies for research and development, prototyping and systems integration. Whether you’re in need of an efficient and contemporary control system, or an intelligent method for data capture – we have the experience and skillset to create effective software solutions for your business’ needs. We create effective software solutions, designed alongside our clients and created with their customers in mind.
EEF the manufacturers’ organisation G58
Address: 779 Washington Street, Buffalo, New York, 14203, USA. Tel: +1-71 6856 2200 Fax: +1-71 6856 1140 Email: sales@eastmancuts.com Website: www.eastmancuts.com
Address: Broadway House, Tothill Street, London, SW1H 9NQ Tel: 0845 605 3969 Fax: 0207 222 2782 Email: enquiries@eef.org.uk Website: www.eef.org.uk
CONTACT: Elizabeth McGruder, Marketing Manager Eastman has been manufacturing manually-operated cutting machines, automated CNC cutting systems, CAD/CAM software programs and material handling equipment in Buffalo, New York USA since 1888 – the company will celebrate 125 years of cutting innovations in 2013. Eastman offers the widest variety of cutting tools for dry and prepreg composite material applications, with customizable options and personalized service. Represented in the UK and Ireland by GlobAbility Ltd.
CONTACT: Julie Roberts, Events & Campaigns Manager EEF is dedicated to the future of manufacturing. We work with the UK’s manufacturers, from the largest to the smallest, to help them work better, compete harder and innovate faster. With our unique combination of business services, government representation and industry intelligence, no other organisation is better placed to provide the skills, knowledge and networks they need to thrive. Not a member? Join us and benefit. Call us on 0845 605 3969 or visit www.eef.org.uk/membership.
ECi Software Solutions B28
Elder Engineering (Herts) Ltd F86
Address: Si One, St Ives Business Park, St Ives, PE27 4AA Tel: 0333 123 0333 Fax: 0333 123 0313 Email: eu-sales@ecisolutions.com Website: www.eci.eu
Address: City Park, Watchmead, Welwyn Garden City, Herts, AL7 1LT Tel: 01707 325513 Fax: 01707 375121 Email: sales@elderengineering.co.uk Website: www.elderengineering.co.uk
CONTACT: Peter Mroch, Business Development M1 is a powerful ERP solution used by in excess of 1200 manufacturing and distribution businesses worldwide and our customer base spans across a wide variety of manufacturing sectors.
CONTACT: Sarah Shadbolt, Internal Sales With over 30 years of experience in the precision machining of high performance engineering plastics, Elder Engineering has an established reputation for quality and excellence.
M1 combines estimating and quoting, sales orders, contact relationship management, jobs, scheduling, inventory, quality, purchasing, shipping, labour, financials, warranty management and more into one easy-to-use interface and automates parts of your business that aren’t automated today. . M1 includes some unique features that set it apart from the alternatives!
Electronic Specifier Ltd J95 Address: Comice Place, Woodfalls Farm, Gravelly Ways, Laddingford, Kent, ME18 6DA Tel: 01622 871944 Email: sales@electronicspecifier.com Website: www.electronicspecifier.com
Operating in key technical markets such as Aerospace, Defence, Medical and motorsport. Elder Engineering can cope with one-off development parts, to small batch and high volume requirements using the latest CNC machining centres. Our priority is focused on quailty and service , all backed with our AS9100 Rev C certification.
ELKOM UK B141 Address: Wakefield House, Gildersome Spur, Morley, Leeds, LS27 7JZ Tel: 0113 201 2240 Fax: 0113 253 0717 Email: info@cdukltd.co.uk Website: www.elkomuk.co.uk CONTACT: Mr Geoff Baker, Chairman , CD (UK) LTD ELKOM, specialist heating/cooling platen and composite vacuum forming machinery manufacture. Electric, oil and water heating platens are manufactured in accordance with specific customer requirements for installation into new and existing equipment. Our vacuum forming machinery have controllable heating and cooling tables with additional inlets beneath the membrane for direct, heating, cooling and vacuum connections to the more complex moulds.
Emerald Group Publishing B85 Address: Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley, United Kingdom BD16 1WA Tel: +44 (0) 1274 777700 Fax: +44 (0) 1274 785201 Email: emerald@emeraldinsight.com Website: www.emeraldinsight.com CONTACT: Glenn Robertson, Business Manager UK and Ireland Emerald is a global publisher linking research and practice to the benefit of society. The highest quality of double-blind peer reviewed research is at the heart of what we do, working alongside some of the most prestigious contributors in their respective fields. One of our specialist collections, Engineering has editorial representation at 75% of the world’s top 20 engineering universities and almost 70% of the journals are indexed by Thomson Reuters.
Emkay Plastics Ltd C185 Address: Composite House, Mission Road, Rackheath Business Park, Rackheath, Norwich, Norfolk, NR13 6PL Tel: 01603 746 000 Fax: 01603 746 001 Email: info@emkayplastics.co.uk Website: www.emkayplastics.co.uk CONTACT: Steven King, Managing Director Emkay plastics Ltd was established in 2000 by Steve King and Paul Meek, industry experts with over 40 years combined experience in the plastics sector. Today, Emkay plastics are the leading suppliers and specialists for the distribution of Rohacell in the UK. Our continued success is built on our core business values of delivering market leading products coupled with first class customer care. Rohacell is a CFC free, closed-cell rigid foam plastic based on PMI(polymethacryl-imide). Rohacell has many applications and is widely used in the automotive, aerospace, wind turbine technology, boat building, sports equipment, radar domes, antennas, X-ray equipment and Architectural Model making industries.
u ADS Members
Engineering Monthly A83 Address: Maclean House, New Works Road, Low Moor, Bradford, BD12 0LZ Tel: 01274 605 999 Fax: 01274 604 999 Email: editor@tomasellismedia.co.uk Website: www.engineeringmonthly.co.uk CONTACT: Stanford Ellis, Director , Tomas Ellis Media Ltd Engineering Monthly Magazine is one of the UK’s leading engineering magazines. Specialising in all the main engineering sectors covering Aerospace, Civil, Mechanical, Precision, Structural, Electrical and Product Engineering. We give you the latest information in the engineering industry along with highlights of key people as well as company profiles. Featuring reviews such as Car Automotive Engineering, Formula One and Aerospace Technology. To get involved with the magazine please get in touch with a member of the team by contacting 01274 605999
Engis UK Ltd. D113 Address: 9 Centenary Business Park, Station Road, Henley-on-Thames, Oxon RG9 1DS Tel: 01491 411117 Fax: 01491 412252 Email: markf@engis.uk.com Website: www.engis.uk.com CONTACT: Mark Foster, Sales Manager Engis UK Ltd. offers a range of solutions, including electroplated diamond saw blades and small diamond wheels, for the slicing and grinding of composite materials. In the case of larger blades, Engis also offers a strip and re-plate service. Engis UK is part of Engis Corporation, based in Wheeling, Illinois, which manufactures and markets superabrasive finishing systems for operations that demand precision surface polishing and close tolerance requirements. The company provides products, services and technical solutions in key areas including diamond flat lapping/ polishing, diamond and CBN-plated tools, bore finishing tools and machines, tool-room products and accessories and R&D and technical support.
Ensinger UK Ltd C3 Address: Wilfried Way, Tonyrefail, Mid Glamorgan CF39 8J Tel: 01443 678400 Fax: 01443 675777 Email: sales@ensinger.co.uk Website: www.ensinger.co.uk CONTACT: Chris Mason, Business Development Manager, Trig Engineering Ltd Ensinger is a world leader in engineering plastics. For over 40 years our machined parts division has been at the forefront of technological machining of engineering plastics, establishing our reputation in the demanding field of high performance precision plastic components. We offer the engineering excellence made possible by specialising in plastic precision parts - ranging from one-off prototypes and small batch production of specialist parts, through to high volume runs. Investment in state-of-the-art equipment backed by comprehensive technical support enables our engineers to offer constructive advice; innovative solutions and material selection which help you drive your quality and cost requirements
Epicor Software Corporation B42 Address: No. 1, The Arena, Downshire Way, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 1PU Tel: 01344 468468 Fax: 01344 468020 Email: ukmarketing@epicor.com Website: www.epicor.com/uk
CONTACT: Stuart Jackson, Regional Manager UK Founded in 1989 and headquartered in Germany, EOS is the technology and market leader for design-driven, integrated e-Manufacturing solutions for additive manufacturing. EOS offers a modular solution portfolio including systems, software, materials and material development as well as services (maintenance, training, specific application consulting and support). As an industrial manufacturing process it allows the fast and flexible production of high-end parts based on 3D CAD data at a repeatable industry level of quality. It accelerates product development, offers freedom of design, optimizes part structures, and enables lattice structures as well as functional integration. For more information please visit www.eos.info.
Composites UK Members
ESI F172 Address: 16 Morston Court, Cannock, Staffordshire, WS11 8JB Tel: 01543 397 900 Fax: 01543 504 898 Email: hannah.amiss@esi-group.com Website: www.esi-group.com CONTACT:
Hannah Amiss, Marketing Coordinator
Scott Addington, Marketing Manager
ESI is a pioneer and world-leading provider in Virtual Prototyping that takes into account the physics of materials.
Designed for the unique needs of key industries such as aerospace, Epicor software provide the end-to-end, industry-leading solutions and the domain expertise you need to increase operational efficiency and drive competitive advantage. With nearly 40 years of experience in delivering innovative, award-winning ERP and software solutions to our customers, Epicor is a strong, stable partner that you can rely on now and in the future.
epm: technology group ug C111 Address: 20 Victoria Road, Draycott, Derby DE72 3PS Tel: 01332 875451 Fax: 01332 875415 Email: natalie@epmtechnology.com Website: www.epmtechnology.com CONTACT:
Graham Mulholland , Managing Director/Owner In 1996 we had a vision and now we are bigger, better and faster. In advanced composite components, we saw the future of high performance engineering. It’s a smart future. Powerfully blending innovation with sound business acumen, offering structural performance and cost efficiency. We have a genuine track-record of improved performance - and we’ve invested in the creation of a state-of-the-art facility. A future-proofed ‘technology centre’, delivering carbon-fibre composite component projects for industry sectors including motorsport, aerospace and defence. We also created an R&D department to advance our knowledge, improve techniques and develop even greater customer support
EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Composites (CIMComp) E205 Address: B02D ITRC Building, Faculty of Engineering, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, NG7 2RD Tel: 0115 951 3979 Email: peter.schubel@epsrc-cimc.ac.uk Website: www.epsrc-cimc.ac.uk CONTACT:
Dr Peter Schubel, National Centre Manager The EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Composites (CIMComp) undertakes early-stage research to enhance the competitiveness of the UK composites industry by investigating core industrially relevant composites manufacturing technologies. CIMComp is a partnership between four leading universities (the Universities of Nottingham, Bristol, Cranfield and Manchester), the National Composites Centre and several leading companies. CIMComp provides world-class composites manufacturing facilities and expertise.
EOS Electro Optical Systems D63 Address: The Innovation Centre; Warwick Technology Park; Gallows Hill, Warwick, Warwickshire, CV34 6UW Tel: +49 89 893 36 - 0 Fax: +49 89 893 36 - 2284 Email: info@eos.info Website: www.eos.info
£ SC21
ERGOMAT A/S H60 Address: Sunekaer 13-15, 5471 Sonderso, Denmark Tel: +45 70 22 18 40 Fax: +45 70 23 18 40 Email: info@ergomat.com Website: www.ergomat.com CONTACT:
Terry McHale, Marketing Mgr. , Ergomat, Inc. Ergomat delivers innovative safety solutions for the contemporary workplace. Our comprehensive ERGOMAT® product line includes a broad range of specialized ergonomic matting to match the unique and demanding requirements of every working environment. Our DuraStripe® brand, which was the industrial marketplace pioneer of durable peel-and-stick floor markings, continues to evolve and expand as the most flexible, versatile product for safety, 5S and Visual Workplace programs. Ergoperfect® ergonomic furniture completes our collection of health and safety enhancements for a variety of industrial and office applications.
ESI boasts a unique know-how in Virtual Product Engineering, based on an integrated suite of coherent, industry-oriented applications. Addressing manufacturing industries, Virtual Product Engineering aims to replace physical prototypes by realistically simulating a products behaviour during testing, to fine-tune fabrication and assembly processes in accordance with desired product performance, and to evaluate the impact of product use under normal or accidental conditions. ESIs solutions fit into a single collaborative and open environment for End-to-End Virtual Prototyping.
ESP KTN H128 Address: Bailey House, 4-10 Barttelot Road, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 1DQ Tel: 01403 251 354 Email: enquiries@espktn.org Website: www.espktn.org CONTACT:
Nigel Rix, Director of Electronics The Electronics, Sensors, Photonics KTN is a Knowledge Transfer Network funded by the UK Government through the Technology Strategy Board. One of our key work programs is the promotion and support of the printed & plastic electronics community in the UK. We carry out these duties through a variety of knowledge exchange tools and activities including industry events, strategy workshops, training courses, international missions, seminars & tutorials. Activities cover the entire value chain, from basic science at universities through process development and manufacturing up to and including end user interaction with brand holders. The KTN is free to join and provides access to people and organisations across the whole ESP technology space.
ESTECO SpA E154 Address: AREA Science Park – Padriciano 99 34149 Trieste, Italy Tel: +39 0403 755548 Fax: +39 0403 755549 Email: marketing@esteco.com Website: www.esteco.com CONTACT:
Danilo Di Stefano, Product Manager ESTECO is a pioneer in numerical optimization solutions, specialized in research and development of engineering software for all stages of the simulation-driven design process. Our aim is to decrease the tedium in the engineering analysis and increase creativity by developing and maintaining cuttingedge software that allows for integration, optimization and advanced data analysis. Over 250 international organizations have entrusted ESTECO’s software to design better and more efficient products across a wide spectrum of industrial sectors.
Esterel Technologies F196 Address: 8 Rue Blaise Pascal Elancourt France 78990 Tel: +33 1 30 68 61 60 Fax: +33 1 30 68 61 61 Email: scade_sales@esterel-technologies.com Website: www.esterel-technologies.com CONTACT:
Kevin Mapplebeck, Sales Director Esterel Technologies, a wholly-owned subsidiary of ANSYS, Inc., is the leading provider of critical systems and software development solutions. A&D engineers use SCADE® solutions to graphically design, verify, and automatically generate critical systems and software applications with high dependability requirements. SCADE is DO-178B up to Level A qualified and DO-178C ready.
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u ADS Members
ETPS Ltd F52
EVT Eiberger Verfahrenstechnik GmbH F72
Address: Unit 14, The Bridge, Beresford Way, Chesterfield, S41 9FG Tel: +44 (0) 1246 452909 Fax: +44 (0) 1246 452942 Email: sales@etps.co.uk Website: www.etps.co.uk
Address: Ferdinand-von-Steinbeis-Ring 45, Sternenfels, D5447, Germany Tel: 0049704520380 Email: info@ibindustries.co.uk Website: www.evt-gmbh.eu
CONTACT: Michael Duggan, Marketing We specialise in programmable power supplies and test systems. Our wide product selection can cater for almost any power, voltage or current requirement you may have. Specific ranges include AC & DC Power Sources, Electronic Loads, DC-AC Inverters, Battery Chargers and High Voltage PSUs. Standard products can also be modified to meet any unusual application requirements.
This year we will launch our range of high current Power Recycling Systems. The LAB-GSS-HC operates as either a DC Source or DC Load. This versatility allows performance and qualification testing of virtually any power consuming or power feeding device. When load testing excess electrical energy is regenerated back to the grid, which significantly lowers electricity costs.
Euro-Projects Recruitment Ltd. F112 Address: 1, Cartwright Court, Cartwright Way, Bardon Hill, Leicestershire, LE67 1UE Tel: 01530 833825 Fax: 01530 835063 Email: recruitment@europrojects.co.uk Website: www.europrojects.co.uk CONTACT: Stephen Brown, Managing Director Recruit the best Automotive, Aerospace and Materials Engineering, Sales, Management and Support Staff or Contractors for your business. Or we can match your skills and aspirations to the best opportunities and help you to develop your career. Talk to us today about our specialist Head-hunt service, how we can run a Graduate Assessment Centre for your business or for a straight-forward, friendly, professional and award winning recruitment service.
Euroresins UK Ltd B172 Address: Cloister Way, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire, CH65 4EL Tel: 0151 348 8800 Fax: 0151 348 8806 Email: david.coleman@euroresins.com Website: www.euroresins.com CONTACT: David Coleman, Telesales Coordinator Euroresins is the UK’s largest distributor of premium products to the composites industry throughout Europe. Euroresins is a wholly owned subsidiary of DSM Composite Resins and as such is uniquely positioned to offer its customers a ‘total system solution’. As well as our comprehensive range of ‘own brand’ resins, gelcoats and bonding pastes (from DSM and Bufa) we also extend the benefits of our own dedicated in-house machinery division via Bufatec. We are also allied with leading undustry manufacturers including PPG Fiberglass, United Initia tors, Farecla, SPC, Estakleen and Trident Foams. Euroresins also supplies a wide range of ancillary and consumable products to complete the package for its customers.
Evonik Industries AG C5 Address: 45764 Marl, Germany Tel: +49 2365-49-9878 Fax: +49 2365-49-809878 Email: ursula.keil@evonik.com Website: www.evonik.com/composites CONTACT: Dr. Ursula Keil, Marketing Support Evonik is one of the world’s leading specialty chemical companies offering creative and innovative product solutions for the Composite Industry. Our wide range of High Performance Polymers includes Thermoplastics & Thermosets used in modern Matrix systems. VESTAKEEP & VESTAMID HTplus thermoplastics, when reinforced with glass, carbon & aramid fibres, deliver amazing mechanical performance and anti-wear properties. Our Thermoplastics, TROGAMID and VESTAMID in the form of Organosheets, help in achieving thin wall thickness while improving overall performance. Sandwich Composites made with ROHACELL structural foam cores are tough, durable, incredibly lightweight and can be quickly and easily processed, resulting in a reduction of both total component weight and cost.
Ebrahim Patel Job Title: MD Company: IB Industries Bespoke cleaning and degreasing machines, EVT will be showing its range of hermetically sealed solvent cleaning and degreasing systems using chlorinated hydrocarbons (CHCs), hydrocarbons(HCs-AIII) or modified alcohols. With almost “no” solvent emissions an EVT system can provide Environmental protection whilst also utilising the excellent degreasing characteristics of solvents.
Exactaform Cutting Tools Ltd C182
£ SC21
Composites UK Members
ExtraMile Communications Limited F1 Address: 14a High Street, Eccleshall, Staffordshire, ST21 6BZ Tel: 01785 850774 Email: james@extramilecommunications.com Website: www.extramilecommunications.com CONTACT: James Roberts, Sales and Marketing Executive ExtraMile is an integrated digital marketing company based in Staffordshire. We provide bespoke website design, search engine optimisation (SEO), email marketing, social media marketing and multilingual marketing. We are ISO 9001 quality accredited and have established a great reputation, which has been built up over 13 years. You may have been using online media for years, or you might never have considered it before: either way, we can help you drive your business forward and enter new markets. Learn more about our services: come and see us on stand F1 for an assessment of your needs.
FARO Technologies
E 71
Address: Unit G2, Little Heath Ind Estate, Coventry, CV6 7ND Tel: 02476 665823 Fax: 02476 638251 Email: jamie@exactaform.co.uk Website: www.exactaform.co.uk
Address: 9-10 Cobalt Centre Siskin Parkway East Middlemarch Business Park, Coventry CV3 4PE, Tel: +44(0) 2476 217690 Fax: +44(0) 2476 305572 Email: uk@faroeurope.com Website: www.faro.com
CONTACT: Anke Abendroth, Regional Marketing Manager , FARO UK FARO develops and markets computer-aided coordinate measurement devices and software. Portable equipment permits high-precision 3D measurements and comparisons of parts and compound structures within production and quality assurance processes. The devices are used for inspecting components and assemblies, production planning, and inventory documentation, as well as for investigation and reconstruction of accident sites or crime scenes.
Jamie White, Tech Sales Exactaform are specialists in the design and manufacture of PCD cutting tools, primarily for composite machining. As the largest PCD manufacturer in the UK we are dedicated to providing the aerospace industry with the most cutting edge technologies. As leader in the race for ONE SHOT tooling, Exactaform are your ideal partner to tackle the most challenging of machining operations. Our primary focus is customer convenience, and we strive to produce the most competitive lead-times found anywhere in the market.
Exel Composites UK ug D110 Address: Fairoak Lane, Runcorn, Cheshire, WA7 3DU, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 1928 701515 Fax: +44 (0) 1928 713572 Email: office.runcorn@exelcomposites.com Website: www.exelcomposites.com CONTACT:
Peter Holland, Technical Sales Manager Exel Composites is a leading technology company that designs and manufactures composite profiles and tubes for demanding industrial applications. Exel Composites products are manufactured using pultrusion, pullwinding and continuous lamination processes; which gives high levels of fibre reinforcement, high dimensional accuracy and excellent surface finish. Profile shapes range from standard parts such as tubes (up to 300mm dia) through to complex designs (up to 1.2m wide) for bespoke customer applications. Fibre reinforcements include glass, carbon or aramid. Thermoset resins include polyester, vinyl ester, acrylic, epoxy and phenolic; depending upon requirements such as mechanical properties, chemical resistance and fire performance.
FARO provides a range of measurement arms such as FARO® Prime, FARO® Edge, Edge ScanArm®, FARO® Gage, the FARO® Laser Scanner Focus3D, the new FARO® Laser Tracker Vantage, FARO® Laser Tracker ION, and the CAD-based measurement CAM2 Measure 10 as well as the 3D documentation software SCENE.
FAR-UK Ltd g H13 Address: The Sir Colin Campbell Building, Triumph Road, Nottingham. NG7 2TU Tel: 0115 7484512 Email: office@FAR-UK.com Website: www.far-uk.com CONTACT: Chris Taylor, Commercial Director FAR-UK is a product and process design company of composite materials specialising in carbon fibre components. We are focussed on automotive design and manufacture. FAR is a recently formed SME whose staff have a combined experience of over 60 years in the composites and automotive industries. The company already has customers including automotive OEM and 1st tier suppliers. FAR offers three core processes: 1. Design of components in carbon fibre and the tooling and processes to manufacture them 2. Supply of tooling and validation of initial components from that tooling 3. Initiation of series production in-house or in a company selected by the customer We offer a revolutionary approach to lightweight structural composite components.
Fastener + Fixing Technology H12 Expert Tooling and Automation C138 Address: Banner Park, Wickmans Drive, Coventry, CV4 9XA Tel: 024 7642 8520 Fax: 024 7642 8521 Email: jglasse@exta.co.uk Website: www.experttooling.co.uk CONTACT:
Jason Glasse , Technical Sales Engineer Expert’s services range from: Simultaneous engineering Process engineer Simulation – Robcad Design – Catia 24 seats Manufacture Build Inspection Validation Installation, commissioning and Factory Acceptance Tests We have specific experience in medical projects from phase 1 through to phase 3 and beyond. This includes Design for Manufacture (DFM), Design for Assembly (DFA) and Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA).
Address: Romeland House, Romeland Hill, St Albans, Herts, AL3 4ET Tel: +44 (0) 1727 814 400 Fax: +44 (0) 1727 814 401 Email: jamie.mitchell@fastenerandfixing.com Website: www.fastfixtechnology.com CONTACT: Jamie Mitchell, Director, Fastener Fairs Ltd Fastener + Fixing Technology presents the latest fastener engineering concepts to designers, engineers and production managers. Through case studies, technical articles and news from leading fastener technology suppliers, it reinforces the critical value of integrating fastener technologies to the design process and adopting their intelligent use for in-place cost reduction, continuous product improvement, as well as safely and performance enhancement. Our editorial policy is to provide comprehensive, in-depth coverage of the latest fastener engineering concepts. We present content genuinely worthy of being read by industry professionals making critical fastening technology decisions.
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www.EandTmagazine.com IET Services Limited is registered in England. Registered Office: Savoy Place, London, WC2R 0BL. Registration Number 909719. IET Services Limited is trading as a subsidiary of the Institution of Engineering and Technology, which is registered as a Charity in England & Wales (no 211014) and Scotland (no SCO38698). The IET, Michael Faraday House, Six Hills Way, Stevenage, Herts. SG1 2AY.
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Bernoulli Magazine
09/10/2013 12:24
The science of flying on the ground Special Offer! Bernoulli
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Subscribe online at www.racetechmag.com Bernoulli Magazine HPH 1013.indd 1
09/10/2013 11:52 | 2013 SHOWGUIDE
Fenn Tool Limited C78 Address: 44 Springwood Drive, Springwood Industrial Estate, Braintree,Essex.CM7 2YN Tel: 01376 347566 Fax: 01376 550827 Email: sales@fenntool.co.uk Website: www.fenntool.com CONTACT: Gary Rigdgeway , Export Director Fenn Tool has established itself as a market leading independent distributor of specialist solid shank tooling and manufacturer of our own highly acclaimed range of self-manufactured FETOGA milling cutters. Fenn Tool has an extensive team of Technical Sales Engineers with exceptional product knowledge, offering support directly to end users. This is backed up by our office based team offering full technical support for standard tooling and manufactured specials.
Fiberweb plc F135 Address: Fiberweb Group Head Office, Fiberweb plc, Forsyth House, 211-217 Lower Richmond Road, Richmond on Thames, London, TW9 4LN, UK Tel: 020 8090 6267 Fax: 020 8878 8440 Email: nic.hunt@fiberweb.com Website: www.fiberweb.com CONTACT: Nic Hunt, Business Development Manager Fiberweb is a global manufacturer which supplies the composites industry with nonwoven and net products for veils, adhesive film supports and bleeder materials. Fiberweb has a strong history of creating innovative products, utilising a wide range of technologies to give unique loft, strength, flow and mechanical properties suitable for processing. Areas of experience include adhesive film production, pultrusion, filament winding and open and closed moulding processes. Fiberweb is committed to excellence in customer service and invests heavily in research and development to meet customer needs. Please visit stand F135 or email Nic to find out more.
Fibracon-Insoll Engineering Plastic Components F185
u ADS Members Filacon Systems G82 Address: Weinstetter Strasse 1, 72474 Winterlingen, Germany Tel: 0049 7577 92066 Fax: 0049 7577 92068 Email: info@filacon.com Website: www.filacon.com CONTACT: Martin Hoffmann, Deputy General Manager , Tajima GmbH Filacon Systems, located in Southwest Germany is specialised in manufacturing and development of fiber laying and wire laying machines. Filacon Systems is working in this special textile machinery field since 1995. Using Filacon machines offer the possibility to place and fix fiber rovings or wires on a textile base material with needle and thread. The user defines, in which direction and position the laying material is oriented. The final products in the field of fiber laying are so called preforms that are injected with resin and cured out. These composite materials are very light weight and offer high load stability. The main customers of Filacon Systems are companies out of aircraft and automotive systems, machine and ship building.
Findlay Media D22 Address: Hawley Mill, Hawley Road, Dartford, Kent DA2 7TJ Tel: 01322 221144 Fax: 01322 221188 Email: jopitz@findlay.co.uk Website: www.findlay.co.uk CONTACT: Joe Opitz, Sales Director Findlay Media is the UK’s leading business media company for the manufacturing and engineering industry.Findlay offers an outstanding portfolio of brands across a diverse range of highly attractive vertical manufacturing and engineering sectors. These brands include Machinery,Eureka and New Electronics among others and provide the ideal combination to reach the production and design engineers working in sectors such as Aerospace,Aut omotive,Electronics and Composites.
Fine Cut Advanced Engineering G195
£ SC21
Composites UK Members
FinnSonic Oy D31 Address: Parikankatu 8, 15170 Lahti, Finland Tel: +358 3 883 030 Fax: +358 3 883 0330 Email: sales@finnsonic.com Website: www.finnsonic.com CONTACT: Tea Lehto, CEO FinnSonic Oy is a solution provider for the global aviation industry. For 35 years, the company has supplied a high number of cleaning and inspection systems to airframe and engine manufacturers as well as aviation MRO providers. The company’s profound understanding of industrial cleaning challenges stems from the long experience of ultrasonic cleaning in different applications. FinnSonic systems are used both in component manufacturing and overhaul of engine parts, hydraulics, bearings, heat exchangers and brake parts. Recent deliveries include systems for Emirates Airline, Lufthansa, Aeroflot, British Airways and SAFRAN Turbomeca. Company’s new development, automatic full scale dye penetrant inspection line, is now successfully launched.
Fischer Instrumentation (GB) Ltd G25 Address: Gordleton Industrial Park, Hampshire SO41 8JD Tel: 01590 684100 Fax: 01590 684110 Email: info@fischergb.co.uk Website: www.fischergb.co.uk CONTACT: Peter Ho, General Manager Fischer will be exhibiting key instruments from their comprehensive range of non-destructive hand held coating thickness and material analysis instrument range. This includes the Fischer Data Centre which takes the statistical monitoring of processes to a new level and specialist probes to offer extensive measurement capability. The SIGMASCOPE® specialist gauge for conductivity measurement and widely used in the aerospace industry will also be featured, along with high precision XRF analysers for incoming inspection or quality testing. departments.
Fives Cinetic – CITCO Gardner G85A
Address: Bowden Hey Road, Chapel-en-le-Frith, Derbyshire, SK23 0QZ Tel: 01298 811800 Fax: 01298 811801 Email: aerospace@fibracon.com Website: www.fibracon.com
Address: 46 Marlborough Road, Lancing Business Park, Lancing, West Sussex, BN15 8UF Tel: 01903 751666 Fax: 01903 750462 Email: tooling@finecut.co.uk Website: www.fcadvancedengineering.co.uk
Address: 7605 Discovery Lane, Concord Twp., OH 44077, USA Tel: +1.800.242.7366 Fax: +1.440+709.0710 Email: citcoinfo@fivesgroup.com Website: www.fivesgroup.com
CONTACT: Mike Fryer, Sales Director From concept to production, we offer a manufacturing service for machined components made from PTFE, PEEK, Vespel and other engineering plastics and polymer compounds. This year at Aero Engineering we are focusing on the extensive range of reinforced polymers available to enhance performance and increase valuein-use of finished components.
CONTACT: Grant Sutherland, Engineering Manager 5 Axis machining specialists. Experts in high speed 3D machining of precision engineered parts, rapid prototypes, rotational mould tools, EPS mould tools and 3D Models.
CONTACT: John Leone, Vice President and General Manager As part of Fives Group, CITCO custom manufactures diamond and polycrystalline cubic boron nitride (PCBN) cutting tools; diamond and cubic boron nitride (CBN) grinding wheels; and diamond dressing tools. As part of Fives Group, Gardner Abrasives custom manufactures Disc Grinding Wheels, Cylinder Grinding Wheels, Centerless & Roll Grinding Wheels and Super Abrasive Grinding Wheels. In addition, Gardner also offers Vitrified Grinding wheels. Although these are primarily used in the automotive industry, the company provides equipment for customers in the aerospace, medical, energy and steel industries. To receive more information please contact us; citcoinfo@fivesgroup.com, gardnerinfor@ fivesgroup.com or find out more at www.fivesgroup.com.
Use our Global Material Selector data base for impartial guidance on materials and combine with our experience on component design to help find the best solution to your problem. Our CNC production capability provides a responsive and flexible service from prototype to high volume in sizes from less than 1mm to over 2.5m. Please come and meet us to discuss how we may be able to help.
Fibrecore E132 Address: 86 Radford Road, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, CV31 1JX, UK Tel: +44(0) 1926 315 885 Email: tom@fibrecore.uk.com Website: www.fibrecore.uk.com CONTACT: Tom Mallens, Manager Fibrecore is a UK specialist in polymer adhesives, laminating and composite sandwich panels. We represent in the UK: high-spec polymer powders, fibres and yarn manufacturer EMS-GRILTECH from Switzerland; flatbed laminating equipment builder Reliant Machinery; and CEL Components, an Italian specialist in aluminium honeycomb core and finished foam and honeycomb sandwich panels. In addition, Fibrecore represents Tipton-Goss, manufacturer of an innovative aerospace and industrial-grade pre-preg system that dispenses with the need for pre-coating of silicone release paper. Together, the product range brings major advantages to manufacturing processes, particularly those involving glass, carbon and aramids in RTM and thermo-forming processes.
Experienced in custom projects, concept to completion, including in-house design studio, cutting edge CAD software, 3.5m x 1.5m working area and vast experience of aluminium, resin and composite machining. Also displaying some other core products including industrial labels, graphic overlays and laser engraved components.
Finishing Techniques Ltd B87 Address: Halter Inn Works, Holcombe Brook, Ramsbottom, Lancs, BL0 9SA Tel: 01706 825819 Fax: 01706 825748 Email: sales@fintek.co.uk Website: www.fintek.co.uk CONTACT: Richard Ainsworth, Office Manager Finishing Techniques Ltd is the leader in the supply of precision deburring, polishing and edge-radiusing solutions – equipment, consumables and sub-contract processing to meet your needs; capable of surface finishing of metals, plastics & coatings down to 0.01Ra – even on large components. With over 30 years of experience, we are able to offer sub-contract processing, using the latest Otec deburring systems – stream finishing, drag finishing and centrifugal disc finishing. We offer an unrivalled service to help you achieve high quality product finishing – tailored to meet your individual criteria – be it single piece samples and prototypes or bulk manufacture. Visit us to discuss how we can finish what you started…
Flowcrete UK G8 Address: The Flooring Technology Centre, Booth Lane, Moston, Sandbach, CW11 3QF Tel: +44 (0) 1270 753000 Fax: +44 (0) 1270 753333 Email: ashleigh.kerr@flowcrete.com Website: www.flowcrete.co.uk CONTACT: Ashleigh Kerr , Project Development Coordinator Flowcrete UK is a leading British manufacturer of epoxy, polyurethane, acrylic and vinyl ester resin floor and wall coating solutions for industry, having supplied its specialist floor coatings to the UK market for 30 years. Breathe new life into your workshop floor with a clean, non-slip and grease-proof resin flooring system from Flowcrete UK, which offers safety, strength and resistance underfoot combined with the ability to improve workflow and increase productivity. Flowcrete UK’s range of oil and slip resistant coating systems have been designed to create cleaner, tidier and safer automotive and aerospace environments.
Fluid-Bag Ltd C105 Address: Bottenviksvägen 54-56, Jakobstad, 68600, Finland Tel: +358 20 779 0444 Fax: +358 20 779 0445 Email: solutions@fluid-bag.com Website: www.fluid-bag.com CONTACT: Charlotte Sandström, Marketing Manager Fluid-Bag Ltd manufactures 900 and 1000 litre flexible container systems, which are perfectly suited for sensitive and high-viscous liquids, pastes or semi-solid products, such as high-viscous adhesive resins. The closed packaging system avoids the risk of air, particle or moisture contamination, which is essential when working with sensitive and reactive products. Fluid-Bag offers two flexible container solutions (IBC): Fluid-Bag Flexi (one-way) and Fluid-Bag Multi (multi-trip). Fluid-Bag also provides state of the art equipment for highly efficient discharge of high-viscous products, enabling important cost savings by reducing product residue and simplifying container handling.
Foamotive I66 Address: Kibbutz Ein Hanatziv, 10805, Israel. Tel: 00 972 4 606 2873 Fax: 00 972 4 606 2873 Email: amosn@foamotive.com Website: www.foamotive.com CONTACT: Amos Nevo, VP Business Development Foamotive are manufacturers and suppliers of precision moulded, cross-linked polyethylene foam components. A subsidiary of the Palziv Group, Foamotive have manufacturing facilities in Israel, Romania & USA. As the major supplier of high volume technically moulded foam parts to OEM Automotive, Foamotive are key partners with VW, Audi, Seat and Opel as well as Tier 1 customers such as Magna Mirrors, Ficosa, SMR, Dr Schneider Kunstoff and others. Our market leading Engineering, Design and Production facilities are directly complemented with current sales into Germany, France, Spain, Hungary, Poland, Slovak Republic, Mexico and the USA. We have direct sales and engineering support in key markets of Germany, UK and Spain.
Foam Techniques Ltd G182 Address: 39 Booth Drive, Park Farm South, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, NN8 6GR Tel: +44 (0) 1933 400096 Fax: +44 (0) 1933 400095 Email: sales@foamtechniques.co.uk Website: www.foamtechniques.co.uk CONTACT: Stephen Thomas, Operations Director Foam Techniques Ltd is the leading independent manufacturer of flexible solutions for a wide range of industries and applications. Our vast range includes, Filtration, Acoustic, Sealing and Gasketing, Thermal and Packaging materials which can be processed to meet your specific requirements. From our purpose built factory in Northamptonshire we offer a rapid response from enquiry to delivery, supplying customers both nationally and internationally. Using the latest technology we are confident that we are the flexible solution. Flexible products from flexible people, contact us today to gain access to a world of foam at The Home of Foam.
FORMAX UK Ltd C186 Address: Cutters Close, Narborough, Leicestershire, LE19 2FZ Tel: 0116 275 2200 Fax: 0116 284 1912 Email: info@formax.co.uk Website: www.formax.co.uk CONTACT:
Rob Wilder, Sales & Marketing Director FORMAX is a leading global manufacturer of composite reinforcements, specialising in the production of lightweight carbon fibre multiaxials and highly engineered glass fibre and aramid fibre, will be presenting two new exclusive fabric ranges at Composites Engineering. The first aFORM, an advanced range of Class A automotive textiles and secondly, reFORM, a recycled multiaxial reinforcement manufactured entirely from reprocessed carbon.
CONTACT: Julia Falcon, Head of Communications & Marketing If you are considering moving anywhere along the M4 corridor, think of Swindon. At the heart of the M4 corridor – but without the price tag of larger centres – Swindon offers excellent connections; beautiful countryside; a can-do work ethic; and a highly productive workforce with a heritage in advanced engineering and technology. In addition, Forward Swindon is driving an exciting regeneration programme to transform Swindon’s shopping and business districts. The team at Forward Swindon can help you find premises, introduce you to Swindon’s business networks, put you in touch with relevant local suppliers,and provide guidance on local authority procedures, e.g planning.Come and meet us, or visit: www.swindon.uk.com
Forresters G96 Address: Rutland House, 148 Edmund Street, Birmingham B3 2JA Tel: 0121 236 0484 Fax: 0121 233 1064 Email: kgallagher@forresters.co.uk Website: www.forresters.co.uk CONTACT:
Russell Sessford, Partner At Forresters, we provide clear, sensible and practical advice on intellectual property, including patents, trade marks, designs and copyright, in the UK and across the world. We like to take a collaborative approach with our clients, drawing on their knowledge to ensure that we understand what they want to achieve. We look to deliver our guidance in plain, jargon-free language and are not afraid to recommend a particular course of action, if we think it is right for you. We have a well-established and sizeable technology & engineering department, with extensive experience in getting and litigating patents in the UK and Europe.
Forteq UK LTD I61 Address: Tandem Ind Est, Huddersfield, HD5 0QR Tel: +44 (0)1484 483516 Fax: +44 (0)1484 535053 Email: Charles.Carter@forteq-group.com Website: www.forteq-group.com CONTACT:
Charles Carter, Business Development Manager With over 40 years of experience and the skills of more than 800 competent employees Forteq offers know-how of functional plastics from gears and transmission systems to electronic/ electric components and metal replacement. Customers choose Forteq to convert their ideas into tangible solutions for Automotive, Medical and Consumer products. They rely on our competences in mould tool engineering, plastic materials expertise and experience in processing components and assemblies of high quality and reliability. Forteq is a global company and has manufacturing plants in the UK, Switzerland, Czech Republic, USA, Italy and China.
Freescale Semiconductor UK Ltd H85 Address: Kelvin Industrial Estate, Colvilles Road, Glasgow, Scotland, G75 OTG Tel: 01355 335000 Email: ttz842@freescale.com Website: www.freescale.co.uk CONTACT: Andy Birnie, Automotive Systems Engineering Manager Freescale Semiconductor (NYSE: FSL) is a global leader in embedded processing solutions, providing industry leading products that are advancing the automotive, consumer, industrial and networking markets. Some of our key applications and endmarkets include automotive safety, hybrid and all-electric vehicles, next generation wireless infrastructure, smart energy management, portable medical devices, consumer appliances and smart mobile devices. The company is based in Austin, Texas, and has design, research and development, manufacturing and sales operations around the world. www.freescale.co.uk
FUCHS Lubricants (UK) plc £ D92 Address: New Century Street, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent ST1 5HU Tel: +44 (0)1782 203 700 Fax: +44 (0)1782 202 073 Email: contact-uk@fuchs-oil.com Website: www.fuchslubricants.com CONTACT: Samantha Boden, Industrial Products & Marketing FUCHS is the worlds largest independent lubricant manufacturer with 55 operating companies and 34 production plants worldwide. Quality precision machining of components requires high performance specialist coolants. We research, develop and manufacture bespoke machining fluids; technology that is approved for use by leading manufacturers and available globally via the FUCHS organisation. At FUCHS, we understand the unique challenges of aerospace machining and dedicate our expertise to ensuring our cutting fluids deliver competitive advantage to your production. We provide assurances of reliability and performance for your companys primary assets. FUCHS is an SC21 signatory.
Fullerton (UK) Ltd D37 Forward Composites Ltd B180
Address: 1 Dakota Business Park, Downley Road, Havant, PO9 2NJ Tel: 02392 499276 Fax: 02392 499277 Email: data@formaplex.com Website: www.formaplex.com
Address: 9/10 Clifton Rd, Huntingdon, Cambs, PE29 7EJ Tel: 01480 432623 Email: ccaffyn@forwardcomposites.com Website: www.forwardcomposites.com
CONTACT: Ian Wilson, Director FORMAPLEX is a dynamic manufacturing company, its expert composite team are experienced in providing state-of-the-art design, manufacturing and assembly services to customers in the Automotive, Aerospace, Defence and Motor Sport Industries for both in & out of autoclave manufacturing techniques.
Utilizing extensive technical skill, resources, latest technology (30 x CNC milling machines 3 & 5 axis) dynamic work practices and unlimited 24/7 hours production, FORMAPLEX provides a total service solution to the composites industry. FORMAPLEX has experience in providing fast single parts through to full vehicle assembly.
Forward Swindon Ltd G12 Address: Wiltshire Court, Farnsby Street, Swindon, SN1 5AH Tel: 01793 429 254 Fax: 01793 619 299 Email: swindonuk@forwardswindon.co.uk Website: www.swindon.uk.com
Chris Caffyn, IT and Marketing Manager Forward Composites is an engineering-led company specialising in composite tooling and component design and manufacture. We offer a complete end-to-end service including fully managed projects. Based in Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire we have an impressive list of facilities including autoclaves, ovens, 5-axis machining, paint booth and clean rooms. Our highly experienced team understands that quality is at the heart of everything we do and this is driven by our AS9100 Rev C approval. Forward are active in the aerospace, defence, automotive, motorsport and communications sectors.
Address: Unit 22, Queens Square Business Park Honley Holmfirth. HD9 6QZ Tel: 01484 665489 Fax: 05603 152793 Email: info@fullerton-uk.com Website: www.fullerton-uk.com CONTACT: Christian Kafanke, Managing Director , Fullerton UK has been trading since 2008. In a highly competitive field of cutting tool sales, Fullerton offer a unique approach. The company have sourced premium quality partners in carbide cutting tool manufacture from around the world. Fullerton from America, Zecha and CPT from Germany, and Vergnano Italy are part of our portfolio. The range of high quality tooling we stock gives Fullerton the edge to offer the customer the right solutions 1st time for any application. Whether it be machining Aluminium Alloys, Graphite, or Inconel, Fullerton have the correct geometry for the application required. Our in house technical staff, and technical application engineers on the road offer the back up to match the quality of the product.
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Gazechim Composites UK Ltd ug F161 Address: 180E Park Drive, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4SE Tel: 01235 432610 Fax: 01235 834325 Email: composites.uk@gazechim.com Website: www.gazechim.co.uk CONTACT: Anne Rouviere, UK General Manager Gazechim Composites UK is part of Gazechim Group a Europe wide specialist composites distributor offering top quality products and service second to none. Our portfolio represents many of the leading products in the composites industry including: - Glass Reinforcement - Technical Glass Fabrics - Glass Tissues - Twintex - Carbon fabrics and prepregs - Core materials - Resins / Gel coats - Epoxy Resins - Polyester and vinyl ester spray cores Pigments - Consumables.
Gerber Technology F140 Address: Unit 7, Mercury Way, Trafford Park, Manchester M41 7LY Tel: + 44 (0)7850 437587 Fax: +44 (0)161 864 6495 Email: yvonne.heinen@gerbertechnology.com Website: www.gerbertechnology.com CONTACT: Yvonne Heinen-Foudeh , Marketing Director Gerber Technology Inc. the leader in automated composite nesting and cutting. Virtek Vision International, the leader in high precision laser-based templating, inspection and CNC manufacturing, member of the Gerber group. Gerber Technology and Virtek together offer the widest range of solutions for composite assembly productivity improvement combined with first-class composite process expertise and more than four decades of experience in high-technology, Virtek and Gerber offer LaserQC™, LaserEdge™, LaserPlanner™, GERBERcutters® to help streamline operations. Our proven solutions increase productivity, improve turnaround times and significantly reduce material waste and labor costs at customers around the world.
Gesipa Blind Riveting Systems Ltd. F88 Address: Dalton Lane, Keighley, West Yorkshire BD21 4JU Tel: 01535 212 200 Fax: 01535 212 232 Email: info@gesipa.co.uk Website: www.gesipa.co.uk CONTACT: Nishta Anand, Marketing and Research Executive Established in 1971 as a UK subsidiary for the German Gesipa Group, Gesipa Blind Riveting Systems Ltd. manufactures blind rivets, rivet nuts and nut studs of the highest possible standards, here in the UK. We operate from our factory base in Keighley, West Yorkshire. Product Categories 1. Blind Rivets, rivet nuts and rivet nut studs 2. Specials designed for varied industry applications including automotive, construction, railway, white goods, electronics etc. 3. Riveting tools from the revolutionary AccuBird, PowerBird and FireBird battery-powered portable tools through to pneumatic Taurus with process control and fully automatic riveting systems like GAV 4. I S O 9001 and TS 16949-accredited service
Glas-Craft (UK) Ltd ug B114 Address: Unit 5B Lowercroft Business Park, Lowercroft Road, Bury. Lancs BL8 3PA Tel: 01617 642977 Fax: 01617 642963 Email: sales@glascraft.co.uk Website: www.glascraft.co.uk CONTACT: Peter Hallsworth, Managing Director, Glas-Craft (UK) Ltd Celebrating 25 Years of Service to the Composite Industry, GlasCraft (UK) Ltd is a long established supplier of Equipment, well know for high quality engineering and unrivalled after-sales service and has been awarded “Leading Global Distributor” status by www.graco.com New this year is the parnership with Money-Saving www. tfmmonitors.com CEO Mel Kernutt will be on the stand Standard dispense kit includes Gel-Coat Spray, Resin Dispense, Chopper Spray and RTM Resin Injection With pioneering expertise in providing Foam, Polyurea, PU Elastomer & Industrial Coatings Investing in Service with 3 vans and 3 engineers available by mobile phone Stocking a huge range of Mixers, Drum Pumps, Drum Heaters, Spray Guns & Hand Tools from www.esmfg.com
Globus D25 Address: Globus Building, 38 Wheel Forge Way, Trafford Park, Manchester M17 1EH, United Kingdom Tel: 0161 877 4747 Fax: 0161 877 4746 Email: sales@globus.co.uk Website: www.globus.co.uk CONTACT: Steve Shale, Marketing Manager Globus serves companies in the UK, Ireland and Middle East with professional hand protection solutions. Our clients benefit from not only wearing the most technically-advanced protective gloves offering comfort, fit and dexterity but also from a potential reduction in costs achieved via increased product life cycles, reduced hand related injuries, reduced wastage and reduced litigation exposure.
GOM UK Limited H71 Address: 14 The Cobalt Centre, Siskin Parkway East, Coventry, CV3 4PE Tel: 02476 639920 Fax: 02476 516990 Email: info-uk@gom.com Website: www.gom.com CONTACT: Louise Taylor, Office Administrator GOM – Professional 3D Optical Metrology. Optical metrology is today providing an alternative approach to traditional dimensional inspection tools. With no limits on component size, fast complete measurements enable parts to be thoroughly checked. The GOM ATOS 3D scanner is developed for the dimensional control requirements of the manufacturing industry. Fast, accurate, GOM scans are now an established way of reducing product development times and ensuring highest quality components. For material and component testing GOM Deformation products include digital image correlation and 3D point tracking. By measuring surface strain over large areas comprehensive results provide developers with the information they require.
Goplasticboxes.com G71 Address: Unit 6b, Alder Close, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN23 6QF Tel: 01323 744057 Fax: 01323 749662 Email: sales@goplasticboxes.com Website: www.goplasticboxes.com CONTACT: Russell Smith, Business Development Manager Goplasticboxes.com will be showcasing for the first time its standardised range of KLT storage containers on Stand G71, Hall 5. Developed specifically with car manufacturers in mind for the storage and distribution of vehicle parts, Goplasticboxes.com’s KLT containers conform to Europe’s VDA standards for the automotive industry. Also on display will be a range of Euro containers, and the company’s complete pallet, container and lid system. Goplasticboxes.com offers the UK’s most comprehensive range of plastic boxes available from stock – more than 115 different containers, crates and trays and a variety of accessories, including dollies, lids and flooring.
Granta Design E21 Address: 300 Rustat House, 62 Clifton Road, Cambridge, CB1 7EG Tel: 01223 518895 Fax: 01223 506432 Email: info@grantadesign.com Website: www.grantadesign.com CONTACT: Granta Design Visit our booth to find out how Granta helps advanced engineering organizations to manage and apply critical data on materials metals, composites, and plastics. We help these enterprises to capture and control their own materials data, to access the materials reference data that they need, and to use all of this data in making better materials decisions - for example, on materials selection or substitution during product design. We’ll be demonstrating our novel MI:Materials Gateway technology that enables you to find and apply materials data from directly within leading CAD, CAE, and PLM software. Pick up a pot of our fascinating viscoelastic material (otherwise known as silly putty) while you are there!
Graphtec GB Limited G36 Address: Coed Aben Road, Wrexham Industrial Estate, Wrexham, LL13 9UH Tel: 01978 666700 Fax: 01978 666710 Email: sales@graphtecgb.co.uk Website: www.graphtecgb.co.uk CONTACT: Phil Kneale, Director Graphtec Corporation of Japan have manufactured high quality test and measurement equipment since 1949, Our experience of more than 60 years has culminated in what we believe is he best data logging solutions available today. UK distributors Graphtec GB are based in Wrexham, North Wales, and our experienced sales engineers are happy to supply unbias advice as to the best solution for your application.
Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership F151 Address: Ground Floor, City Hall, Beaumont Fee, Lincoln LN1 1DD Tel: 01522 550540 Email: enquiries@greaterlincolnshirelep.co.uk Website: www.greaterlincolnshirelep.co.uk CONTACT: Cathrine Herrick , Marketing Officer Lincolnshire has built on its engineering heritage to become an important centre that is home to some very high profile companies. The GLLEP is committed to creating the right conditions for growth in this strategically important manufacturing sector. The UKs first purpose built engineering school for more than 20 years opened recently at the University of Lincoln giving access to industry focussed research and development, along with a skilled workforce. Lincolnshire companies excel in a wide range of areas and strong business clusters have built up in areas including design engineering, advanced materials and manufacturing and are renowned for their innovation and commitment to research and development. www.greaterlincolnshirelep.co.
Greentree E5 Goplasticpallets.com G71 Address: Unit 6b, Alder Close, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN23 6QF Tel: 01323 744057 Fax: 01323 749662 Email: sales@goplasticpallets.com Website: www.goplasticpallets.com CONTACT: Russell Smith, Business Development Manager Goplasticpallets.com will be unveiling its new Pallet & Lid System – an excellent solution for transporting Euro, Folding and KLT containers – on Stand G71, Hall 5. The Pallet & Lid System has been created to help automotive and engineering companies store and move components safely throughout the production process and deliver them to clients, ready to be returned for repeated use. Consisting of a strong durable injection-moulded plastic pallet and pallet lid, the Pallet & Lid System is compatible with Euro containers, Folding containers and KLT containers – which conform to Europe’s VDA standards for the automotive industry.
Address: Sigma Close, Shannon Way, Tewkesbury, Glos. GL20 8ND Tel: 01684 533800 Fax: 01684 297005 Email: sales@greentree-eng.co.uk Website: www.greentree-eng.co.uk CONTACT: Tessa Abraham, Sales Director Greentree is the UKs leading specialist in the design and supply of masking, protection and jigging products backed by over 60 years experience. Greentree masking products are approved and used in industries including aerospace, automotive, electronics, medical and metal finishing throughout the UK and Worldwide. In addition to its own products Greentree now offers the full range of over 9,000 standard Caplugs protection products, all manufactured to exacting standards. Greentree is renowned for its custom solutions - whether it be for powder coating, wet painting, plating, anodising, shot peening, plasma spray or just component protection - we have the answer.
Greeve Limited D54
u ADS Members Grove Automotive Design I41
Address: Unit 17, Severn Farm Ind. Est., Welshpool, Powys, SY21 7DF, UK Tel: +44 (0)1938 559 558 Email: andy.hughes@greeve.co.uk Website: www.greeve.co.uk
Address: The Grove, Pembridge,Leominster, Herefordshire,HR6 9HP Tel: 01544 388 901 Email: austin@grovedesign.co.uk Website: www.groveautomotivedesign.co.uk
CONTACT: Andy Hughes, Director Greeve is a systems engineering company and develops innovative solutions to meet customers’ needs for mobile and static platform power, monitoring, and control.
CONTACT: Brendan Cropper, Sales and Marketing Managerr Grove Automotive Design is a leading engineering design consultancy specialising in All wheel drive systems, including transmissions and control software.We have specific expertise in the conversion of existing vehicles. We also have extensive off road testing facilities at our base in Herefordshire,where we can refine and prove our designs and systems. We are working on projects involving electrical and mechanical all wheel drive systems and can offer expertise and cost effective innovation to all OEM and tier 1 companies.
Greeve markets a range of products for power distribution and management, control and automation and condition monitoring including: Networked power distribution & control Uninterruptable & back-up power supplies Battery & power monitoring System condition & usage monitoring In addition, Greeve provides bespoke engineering design and development services in digital & analogue electronics, mechanics & mechatronics, & software. Applications include military & specialist vehicles, remote communications installations, industrial IT infrastructure, remote/isolated equipment.
GRM Consulting Ltd C146 Address: Edmund House, Rugby Road, Leamington Spa, CV32 6EL Tel: 01926 889300 Fax: 01926 885910 Email: info@grm-consulting.co.uk Website: www.grm-consulting.co.uk CONTACT: Martin Gambling, Managing Directory , GRM GRM is a design engineering consultancy, providing product, analysis and software solutions. Within it’s core is the development and application of design optimisation methodologies to solve complex engineering problems in the most efficient, cost effective way. GRM Provide FEA, Optimisation and Design Services using the following tools: - VR&D Genesis - LS-DYNA - Nastran - SolidWorks - CATIA Celebrating its 10th year, GRM has extensive experience in the Automotive, Motorsport, Medical, Defence, Marine and Aerospace Industries.
GroupAero B10 Address: 107 South Avenue 20, Los Angles, CA90031 USA Tel: 001 562 634 7392 Fax: 001 562 634 6220 Email: kminter@groupaero.com Website: www.groupaero.com CONTACT: Kevin Minter, Marketing Director GroupAero is a team of aligned companies who individually and collectively serve the aerospace industry. We specialise in tooling for composite parts including very large Invar Moulds and Trim Fixtures. We manufacture production hard metal complex machined parts and assemblies as well as sheet metal work including flow/spin forming and aircraft ducting. Typical parts made by GroupAero include Thrust Reverser Blocker Doors, Nacelle structural parts using right angled head machining and Engine Cases, Rings and Panels.
Group Rhodes F150 Address: Belle Vue, Wakefield, WF1 5EQ Tel: +44 (0) 1924 371161 Fax: +44 (0) 1924 370928 Email: sales@grouprhodes.co.uk Website: www.grouprhodes.co.uk CONTACT: Amraiz Khan, Marketing Manager Group Rhodes (which incorporates Chester Hydraulics, John Shaw, Fielding and Platt and Joseph Rhodes) has a long and successful track record in designing and manufacturing specialist machinery for the aerospace, automotive and composites industries. The Company is world renowned for its range of Super Plastic Forming and Diffusion Bonding Machinery; Composite Moulding Presses; Rubber Pad Presses; Three Point Bending Machinery; Hot Joggling Presses; Munition Presses; Expanding Presses; Aluminium Stretch Forming Presses; Dualform Presses; Autoclaves and Tube Bending Machinery. In 2010, Group Rhodes won the prestigious Queen’s Award for Enterprise: Innovation for it’s range of SPF/DB presses.
GTMA A13 Address: The National Metalforming Centre, 47 Birmingham Road, West Bromwich,B70 6PY Tel: 0121 601 6350 Email: admin@gtma.co.uk Website: www.gtma.co.uk/ CONTACT: Julia Moore, CEO GTMA is a UK-based trade association representing leading companies in precision engineering, rapid product development, toolmaking, tooling technologies, metrology and other critical manufacturing related products and services.
£ SC21
Composites UK Members
Gurit E135 Address: St Cross Business Park, Newport, Isle of Wight, United Kingdom, PO30 5WU Tel: +44 (0)1983 828 000 Fax: +44 (0)1983 828 100 Email: gurit@gurit.com Website: www.gurit.com CONTACT: Dan Jones Gurit has established itself as a developer and innovator in the composites industry and positioned itself as the leading global supplier of composite materials, engineering services, tooling equipment, and select parts and systems. Over 30 years’ experience in the practical application of composites across various market sectors and projects, from small parts to largescale structures, combined with a unique technical approach enables Gurit to offer the complete composite solution. Gurit’s Composites Materials business focusses on the Wind Energy, Transportation, Industrial and Marine markets as well as penetrating and developing emerging and new markets and applications for composite materials.
Haas Group International ug C9 Address: Newton Road, Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 9TY, United Kingdom Tel: 01293 459 500 Fax: 01293 459 600 Email: EMEAEnquiries@haasgroupintl.com Website: www.haasgroupintl.com
We have a committed strategy to focus on major market sector opportunities, from aerospace and automotive to medical and marine. Our work with OEMs and Tier 1s has seen initiatives to raise standards in our membership base which is now seen as a valuable resource for buyers building manufacturing supply chains.
CONTACT: Ashleigh Schofield, Marketing Manager Haas Group International is the largest supplier of chemicals and associated products into the aerospace and defence industries. Working proactively with key suppliers, Haas Group International provide their customers access to innovative products and technologies required to support their business with engineering solutions and cost reductions.
These initiatives include the launch three years ago of the Manufacturing Resource Centre (MRC) specifically dedicated to providing supply chain solutions.
Our extensive range of products includes adhesives, sealants, tapes, lubricants, coatings, chemicals, composite materials and workshop consumables.
GTS Flexible Materials Ltd D54
Haas Group international provide an array of value-added services encompassing consignment inventory, managed stocks, vending solutions and direct line feed capability, complete inventory management. A true one-stop-shop
Address: Unit 41, Rassau Industrial Estate, Ebbw Vale, Gwent, NP23 5SD, UK Tel: +44 (0)1495 307060 Fax: +44 (0)1495 306333 Email: sales@gts-flexible.co.uk Website: www.gts-flexible.co.uk CONTACT: See website for global contacts GTS, established in 1967 supplies electrical laminates and heat activated adhesive tapes to the flexible printed circuit industry. We have become one of Europe’s leading and most progressive designers and manufacturers of flexible circuit materials and adhesive coatings (coverlays) with a reputation for quality, reliability and durability. GTS materials, supplied worldwide, have unlimited applications including flexible printed circuitry (CCL’s) for the electronics and automotive industry. Other uses are within aviation, military & aerospace, data & communications, insulation & the sports & leisure industry. Our technical expertise & broad range of production capabilities enable us to develop custom materials with all required properties.
Hamamatsu Photonics UK Ltd J93 Address: 2 Howard Court, 10 Tewin Road, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, AL7 1BW Tel: 01707 294 888 Fax: 01707 325 777 Email: info@hamamatsu.co.uk Website: www.hamamatsu.com CONTACT: Jack Bennett, Sales Engineer For the automotive market, Hamamatsu Photonics has produced optical semiconductors for over 30 years, adapted to meet the market requirements and qualified accordingly (e.g. AEC-Q100). Vehicle manufacturers and suppliers trust the good performance and extremely high reliability of our products. The use of optical sensors for different applications in cars has increased drastically over recent years. Hamamatsu Photonics offers standard products and custom specific developments such as (avalanche) photodiodes and arrays, photo-ICs, CMOS image sensors, LEDs and other optical semiconductors.
Guhring D28
Harrison Goddard Foote LLP G53
Address: Castle Bromwich Business Park, Tameside Drive, Castle Bromwich, Birmingham B35 7 AG Tel: 0121 749 5544 Fax: 0121 776 7224 Email: info@guhring.co.uk Website: www.guhring.co.uk
Address: Head Office: Belgrave Hall, Belgrave Street, Leeds LS2 8DD Tel: 0114 274 3700 Fax: 0114 273 0312 Email: vstainthorpe@hgf.com Website: www.hgf.com
CONTACT: David Hudson, Sales Manager HSS, HSCO, Carbide and PCD standard and special cutting tools manufactured by Guhring.
CONTACT: Vanessa Stainthorpe, Partner HGF Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys and HGF Law, solicitors form one of the leading IP firms in the UK, with offices across the country.
Whilst over 50,000 standard stocked products are available from Guhring there is a growing need for special tools.
Services include filing patents, trade marks and design registrations, portfolio management, due diligence, IP strategy, agreements and licences, dispute resolution and litigation.
Guhring has continuously invested in manufacturing and servicing tools in Birmingham since 1990 and recently installed the latest machines and electronic measuring equipment to produce and to re-tip PCD and CBN cutting tools to meet the growing demands of the automotive, aerospace and the composite markets. Guhring have the PCD experience, flexibility and resources all within the UK to provide the optimum tool solution of the highest quality.
The engineering team is HGF’s largest team covering automotive, aerospace, energy, transport, consumer manufacturing, civil engineering, cleantech, medical devices, packaging and defence. The firm’s electronics and software team also covers lighting, imaging, batteries & fuel cells, sensors & instrumentation, RFID, telecommunications, photovoltaic & solar cells, semiconductors, photonics, and optics.
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Hays Engineering G63
u ADS Members Hewlett Packard H5
Address: St Philips House, 4 St Philips Place, Birmingham, B3 2SL Tel: 01212 122213 Fax: 0207 510 5417 Email: greg.lettington@hays.com Website: www.hays.co.uk/engineering
Address: Amen Corner, Cain Road, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 1HN Tel: 0845 270 4567 Fax: 01344 363344 Email: mandy.gidda@hp.com Website: www.hp.co.uk/workstations
CONTACT: Greg Lettington Hays is the UK’s leading specialist recruitment group and provider of services to the engineering sector, placing professionals into permanent, temporary and interim jobs.
CONTACT: Mandy Gidda, Value Marketing Manager Accelerate your performance with HP Workstations. In engineering, models are getting more detailed and software is getting more sophisticated. HP helps you stay ahead of the curve with a portfolio of workstations designed for today’s challenges. HP Workstations deliver the innovation, high performance, expandable memory capacities and extreme reliability you need to deliver projects in less time. HP also brings you high-resolution displays that help you see your work in vivid detail; hardware certification for a wide range of professional applications; and HP Performance Advisor, an HP exclusive tool for performance optimisation that helps you identify correct BIOS settings, drivers and application settings. Come and see us at stand H5.
We recognise the importance of local knowledge and understand what you want from a recruiting partner. From automotive and manufacturing to civil, structural and electrical engineering, we have the expertise and reach to help you find the best talent. We work with a variety of established companies, large contractors and public sector employers throughout the UK. So whether you are looking for a contract or permanent job, we can find you the right role to develop your career.
HBM UK Ltd D96
Hexagon Metrology Ltd D3
Address: 1 Churchill Court, 58 Station Road, North Harrow, Middx HA2 7SA Tel: 0208 515 6100 Fax: 0208 515 6149 Email: info@uk.hbm.com Website: www.hbm.com
Address: Metrtology House, Halesfield 13, Telford, Shropshire. TF7 4PL Tel: 0870 446 2667 Fax: 0870 4460 2668 Email: enquiry.uk@hexagonmetrology.com Website: www.hexagonmetrology.co.uk
CONTACT: Maria Hernandez-Humm, Marketing Co-ordinator HBM was founded in 1950 and stands for excellence in test and measurement. Our products cover the entire measurement chain and offer solutions for the electrical measurement of mechanical quantities.
CONTACT: Joanne Doody, Sales & Marketing Coordinator Hexagon Metrology offers a comprehensive range of products and services for all industrial metrology applications in sectors such as automotive, aerospace, energy and medical. We support our customers with actionable measurement information along the complete life cycle of a product – from development and design to production, assembly and final inspection. Hexagon Metrology’s aim is to be known as the UK’s number one metrology solutions provider.
HBM will be showing its range of data acquisitions systems, which deliver the very best data quality and accuracy. HBM systems are versatile and re-configurable, easy to use, set up and operate, and are among the leading cost-effective solutions available today. Also on show will be HBM’s innovative solution for the efficiency testing of electric motors, including the T12 torque flange and the Genesis HighSpeed data acquisition system, which allows synchronous, dynamic measurement of mechanical and electrical signals. Visit HBM on stand D96.
Hellermann Tyton £ F25
High Value Manufacturing Catapult F3 Address: The Oracle Building, Blythe Valley Business Park, Shirley, Solihull, B90 8AD Tel: 0121 5069780 Email: info@hvm.catapult.org.uk Website: www.hvm.catapult.org.uk CONTACT: Tamarin Adshead, Office Manager The High Value Manufacturing Catapult consists of seven elite centres based around the UK and aims to bridge the gap between emerging innovation, where the UK has traditionally been strong, and industrial-scale manufacturing, where real wealth is created.
CONTACT: Dave George, Product Manager – Automotive HellermannTyton is a world leader in the manufacture and supply of products for fastening, fixing, identifying and protecting cables. With a portfolio containing over 50,000 market-leading products, the company provides innovative, unique and high quality solutions for a range of applications and industries. Part of a global network operating in 32 countries, HellermannTyton has two manufacturing sites in the UK – Manchester and Plymouth – and distribution centres in Aldridge, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.
We are here to drive the growth of the manufacturing sector by helping companies of all sizes incubate and develop new technologies through to commercial reality.
Address: Unit One, Millennium Court, Clayhill Industrial Estate, Neston, Cheshire CH659LP Tel: 0151 353 2710 Fax: 0151 353 2719 Email: jon.wood@heraeus.com Website: www.heraeus-noblelight.com CONTACT: JON WOOD, SALES ENGINEER A range of Infrared emitters for heating, drying and curing applications, together with a working demonstration unit will be exhibited at the show. Matching the correct wavelenght to the process can realize energy savings of > 50%. The emitters from Heraeus cover the complete spectrum, reinforcing our reputation as the market leader for Infrared solutions.
Composites UK Members
H M Revenue and Customs – Research and Development Unit B85A Address: Eastbrook, Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge, CB2 8DJ Tel: 03000 542246 Fax: 03000 542329 Email: steve.harris1@hmrc.gsi.gov.uk Website: www.hmrc.gov.uk CONTACT: Steve Harris, Business Unit Head H M Revenue and Customs has six R&D units around the UK organised on a geographical basis, dealing with claims from companies and organisations whose main R&D base is within their postcode allocation. Between them they oversee the R&D Tax Credits and Patent Box regime for the whole of the UK. Each team looks to help new businesses, check systems and documentation and help with business advice in technical areas of the scheme where the tax position may be in doubt. We always look to help business at the earliest opportunity offering impartial advice to new businesses to help them get the maximum benefit from the schemes.
Hockh Metall-Reinigungsanlagen GmbH F72 Address: Neuenbürg, Untere Reute 58-66, D75305, Germany Tel: 00497082 500 41 Email: info@ibindustries.co.uk Website: www.hoeckh.com BOOTH PERSONNEL: Ebrahim Patel Job Title: MD Company: IB Industries Full-automatic cleaning machines, aqueous and solvent based. Closed-loop systems with single or multiple working chamber versions Höckh bring an untouchable reputation for supplying high quality degreasing plants throughout the World for companies who value automation, high grade of cleaning, sparing solvent distillation and reduced energy costs. Höckh systems under work under vacuum in a closed-loop system and meet all legal rules including the Solvent Emissions Directive.
hofer powertrain I54
Address: Sharston Green Business Park, 1 Robeson Way, Wythenshawe, Manchester, M22 4TY Tel: 0161 945 4181 Fax: 0161 947 2220 Email: dave.george@hellermanntyton.co.uk Website: www.hellermanntyton.co.uk
£ SC21
Our support takes the form of access to production scale, world class equipment, and to the skills to develop innovative process. We also open up access to the research base of our supporting universities and academic partners.
Address: Innovation Centre, Warwick Technology Park, Gallows Hill, Warwick, CV34 6UW, UK Tel: 01926 623410 Fax: 01926 623001 Email: info@hofer-powertrain.co.uk Website: www.hofer-powertrain.co.uk CONTACT: William Hartley, Director , hofer powertrain UK Limited hofer powertrain, established in the 1980’s, is a privately owned, German automotive engineering consultancy employing over 400 specialists. hofer works with many of the world’s top automotive OEMs, Tier 1 suppliers and automotive technology centers providing the latest powertrain, e-mobility, transmission and control software solutions – from clean sheet to series production. hofer has a global reach with technical centres across Germany and in the UK, Austria, Italy, the USA and China and has numerous designs of powertrain components in production. Founded in early 2013, hofer powertrain UK provides technical / commercial liaison and expertise to the UK customers, providing seamless access to the well-established German capability.
Holden Aluminium Technologies G38 HIGH-TECH ENGINEERING u£ B81 Address: 3 Mayer Way, Houghton Regis, Dunstable. Beds. LU5 5BF Tel: 01582 662277 Fax: 01582 472235 Email: sales@high-tech-eng.co.uk Website: www.high-tech-eng.co.uk CONTACT: STEVE TICKNER, MD High-Tech Engineering is a premier precision engineering company with many industry awards for Quality and Delivery performance. The company are committed to SC21 and have an unrivalled success to date with a bronze and 4 consecutive Silver awards. High-Tech is now in line to be awarded a 5th Silver which is testament of their sustained Quality and Delivery commitment. With key approvals such as Rolls-Royce, BAE Systems and GKN and AS9100 Rev C accreditation the company are currently looking for new opportunities from companies who can offer long term commitment. Visit www.high-tech-eng.co.uk or meet us in HALL 5 STAND B81.
Address: Linton Trading Estate, Bromyard, Herefordshire, HR7 4QT Tel: 01885 482 222 Fax: 01885 482 000 Email: info@holdenaluminium.com Website: www.holdenaluminium.com CONTACT: Philip Lane, Sales Manager Using our 50 years of engineering experience to provide UK industry with extruded aluminium solutions. Our manufacturing divisions offer a turnkey service for aluminium components. In our machining division we use a number of 5-axis CNC machining centres that are able to machine up to 10,000mm in length alongside numerous 4-axis machining centres depending on the component needs. Our Forming division utilises Stretch, Roll and Flow forming techniques with UK engineering knowledge to produce accurate and consistent formed components. We help take you from prototype through to full production with piece of mind and complete control of your supply chain.
Holding Company Composite B135 Address: 43, bld. 3, Volgogradsky prosp, Moscow, Russia, 109316 Tel: +7 (495) 787 88 28 Fax: +7 (495) 783 73 31 Email: info@hccomposite.com Website: www.hccomposite.com CONTACT: Elena Sakharova, Marketing Communications, HC Composite Holding Company Composite is Russian a large-scale manufacturer of carbon fibre and carbon fibre-based fabrics and prepregs. Our products are used around the world in aerospace, wind energy, construction, transportation, shipbuilding, power industry, sporting goods, and medicine. Our carbon fibre products production facilities are located in Moscow, Elabuga, Saratov, Chelyabinsk and Dubna, Russia. In 2010 the company established an R&D Center to develop new products and improve the operational performance of existing production facilities. In 2011 a Nanotechnology Centre of Composites (NCC Russia) was created to provide comprehensive engineering support for customers. In 2013 the company will open significant new production facilities
H.T.M.S. NV F14
Hylomar Limited I62
Address: Blarenberglaan 5, 2800 Mechelen, Belgium Tel: +32 15 220 281 Fax: +32 15 220 581 Email: info@htms.be Website: www.htms.be
Address: Hylo House, Cale Lane, Wigan WN2 1JT, UK Tel: +44 (0)1942 617 000 Fax: +44 (0)1942 617 001 Email: info@hylomar.co.uk Website: www.hylomar.com
CONTACT: Francis Lebeau, Sales Manager HTMS is a Belgian company specialized in the development and production of high tech metal seals. HTMS metal seals solve problems for the most severe applications, where the use of conventional sealing products is excluded due to temperature, pressure, radiation, permeability, fatigue, corrosion, required low fugitive emissions, ... HTMS’ main products are metal O rings, metal C rings and oysterseals. Sizes from 0.79 to 12.70 mm section and diameters up to +3 m Materials: Inconel 718/625, Elgiloy, Nimonic In-house plating capabilities include silver, nickel, gold and tin. PTFE coating is outsourced. HTMS is ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and EN 9100 certified.
Hone-All Precision Ltd. £ D48 Address: Cherrycourt Way, Leighton Buzzard. LU7 4UH Tel: 0845 5555 111 Fax: 0845 5555 222 Email: sales@hone-all.co.uk Website: www.hone-all.co.uk CONTACT: Andrea Rodney, Director Approved to BS EN 9100:2009, ISO 9001:2008 & SC21 Bronze award holders, Hone-All Precision specialise in Deep Hole Boring, Deep Hole Drilling & CNC Gundrilling up to 3 metres in length and CNC Honing and Turning up to 550mm diameter x 4 metres. Continual investment and improvement combined with a commitment to excellent customer service, flexibility and absolute quality, contribute to our ongoing success and consistent growth within the Aerospace, Defence, Petrochemical, Marine, Nuclear and Materials industries. We’re precise about what we do from start to perfect finish...
HORIBA UK Limited G21 Address: Kyoto Close, Moulton Park, Northampton, NN3 6FL Tel: 01604 542500 Fax: 01604 542699 Email: enquiries.hil@horiba.com Website: www.horiba.com/uk CONTACT: Kelly Scowen, Marketing Assistant HORIBA now serves a ‘One Company’ approach in the UK; providing research and test equipment for the full capabilities of the industies we serve. These inlude Automotive Test Systems, Process & Environmental, Medical, Scientific and Semiconductor technologies. Our contributions to the environment make a difference in our world of growing technology and testing regulations. With over 60 years’ of global experience and extensive in-house expertise, HORIBA’s product portfolio is dedicated to and adapted in order to meet our customer’s specific needs. Moreover, proven quality and trustworthy performance have established prevalent confidence in the HORIBA brand. We have one world; let’s look after it.
Hubron Speciality Limited F160 Address: Albion Street, Failsworth, Manchester. M35 0FP Tel: +44 (0)161 681 2691 Fax: +44 (0)161 683 4658 Email: speciality@hubron.com Website: www.hubronspeciality.com CONTACT: Martin Cicognani, Managing Director Hubron Speciality Ltd is a long established distributor of technically relevant materials to the composite industry, covering the thermoset and thermoplastic sectors. Products include multi-functional epoxy resins and monomers; accelerators and hardeners; reactive liquid polymers with functionality options, that act as true toughening agents and also improve adhesion. Multiwall carbon nanotubes are offered in various formats to aid incorporation, and maximise property improvements, both mechanical and electrical. In functional additives we offer the widest range of polymer protective agents for in-service enhancement. Our most recent product addition is a 100% solids, environmentally compliant fluoro-surfactant that aids resin/fiber wet out.
Hutchinson Stop-choc E61 Address: Unit 13 Banbury Avenue, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 4LR Tel: 01753 533223 Fax: 01753 693724 Email: sales@stop-choc.co.uk Website: www.stop-choc.co.uk CONTACT: Maurice Smith, Sales Director Hutchinson Stop-choc is a leading manufacturer of advanced vibration and shock protection systems, light-weight racking for military vehicles & aircraft applications and illuminated display control panels for aircraft cockpits, military vehicles, naval applications and simulators. Hutchinson Stop-choc is the sole UK distributor of the EDAK range of light-weight aluminium transit cases. Hutchinson companies: BARRY CONTROLS, CLAROPAN, ESPA, JEHIER, JPR, KAEFER, LJF, LJF STILLMAN, MARQUEZ, PAULSTRA, STOP-CHOC, STRATIVER & VIBRACHOC.
HSP Hydraulic Systems products E57 Address: 3 Monckton Road, Monckton Industrial Estate, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF2 7AL Tel: 01924 364748 Fax: 01924 290450 Email: sales@h-s-p.co.uk Website: www.h-s-p.co.uk CONTACT: Paul Newton, General Manager HSP is a UK based manufacturer of specialist components for hydraulic systems. The company supplies equipment to enable the efficient testing, measurement and maintenance of fluid power systems and also manufactures a range of niche fluid power system components. The hydraulic test equipment enables pressure, temperature and fluid samples to be measured from a single common test point and these points can be installed at any location in the system. System components manufactured by HSP include check valves, gauge protection valves, relief valves and flow control valves. This are supplied in a conventional form and also as cartridge valves.
CONTACT: Warrick Dawson, Sales & Marketing Manager HYLOMAR® Limited manufacture a wide range of high performance sealants & adhesives for the global automotive, aerospace, white goods, power generation, electronics and engineering industries. Products include: HYLO®BOND, HYLO®CLEAN, HYLO®FIX, HYLO®FLEX, HYLO®GLUE, HYLO®GRIP, HYLOMAR®, HYLOSEAL, HYLOLOC, HYLOSIL® Unlike many sealants & adhesives companies, HYLOMAR® Limited actually manufacture and can develop products to customer requirements. All commercially viable sealing and/or bonding projects considered.
Hydrotechnik G153
IB Industries F72 Address: 7 Browning Close, Bolton. BL1 3XF Tel: 447947370205 Email: ep@ibindustries.co.uk Website: www.ibindustries.co.uk BOOTH PERSONNEL: Ebrahim Patel Job Title: MD Company: IB Industries Increasingly strict environmental regulations affecting the cleaning of parts have provided us with the motivation to provide solutions that satisfy both market requirements and our the environment. We have drawn on both extensive experience and new ideas, the result being a range of compact cleaning systems with state-ofthe-art patented process technology.
IDAC Ltd ug D93 Address: Airport House, Purley Way, Croydon, Surrey, CR0 0XZ Tel: 0844 212 5900 Fax: 0844 212 5910 Email: info@idac.co.uk Website: www.idac.co.uk CONTACT: Lincoln Austin, Techincal Sales Executive IDAC is an approved ANSYS re-seller and a Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) Consultancy, providing customers with advanced analysis capabilities in Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). IDAC delivers analysis expertise in all fields, from simple structural problems to complex multiphysics simulations. IDAC together with its clients, manages, executes and delivers complete engineering solutions on time and on budget. IDAC also offers ANSYS training for engineers, in all aspects of ANSYS.
igus UK Ltd G101 Address: 51A Caswell Road, Brackmills Industrial Estate, Northampton, NN4 7PW Tel: 01604 677240 Fax: 01604 677242 Email: lgolding@igus.co.uk Website: www.igus.co.uk CONTACT: Leanne Golding , Marketing Manager Leading polymer specialist, igus UK, will be showcasing its new high performance tribo-polymer bearings, energy chains and cables at Advanced Engineering Show, on stand G101. Visitors to the stand will be able to see live demonstrations of its industry-leading maintenance-free products including new stock plates and e-spool cable management system. Visitors will also have the opportunity of meeting the polymer experts to learn how to optimise processes and reduce costs through innovative use of plastic components.
IHS Automotive J85
Address: Unit 10 Easter Park Industrial Estate, Lenton Lane, Nottingham, NG7 2PX Tel: +44 (0)1159 003 550 Fax: +44 (0)115 970 5597 Email: sales@hydrotechnik.co.uk Website: www.hydrotechnik.co.uk
Address: Willoughby House, 2 Broad Street, Stamford, PE9 1PB Tel: 01733 520061 Fax: 01780 482383 Email: sue.white@ihs.com Website: www.ihs.com
CONTACT: Andrew Biggs, Sales Manager Hydrotechnik UK Ltd is a leading test and measurement equipment distributor for Hydraulic, Process, Offshore and Municipal industries. We offer a huge range of Minimess Test Points, Adaptors, Microbore high pressure hose assemblies, pressure gauges & kits, measurement sensors, data acquisition devices, calibration, repair and testing services. Flowtechnik is a subsidiary of Hydrotechnik UK and has a variety of flow meters, process measurement sensors & instrumentation to suit a wide range of industries. Visit us on stand G153 for special show offers!
CONTACT: Sue White, Office Manager IHS Automotive offers clients the most comprehensive content and deepest expertise and insight on the automotive industry available anywhere in the world today. Our suite of offerings covers vehicle forecasts, current market performance, and future automotive technologies. IHS Automotive was created through the integration of CSM Worldwide and IHS Global Insight’s Automotive Group. Additional acquisitions include automotive electronics capabilities from iSuppli and IMS Research, BDW Automotive, and most recently R.L. Polk including Polk and CARFAX. For more information about IHS Automotive, please visit www.ihs.com/automotive
u ADS Members
Imetrum F111 Address: Unit 4 Farleigh Court, Old Weston Road, Flax Bourton, Bristol BS48 1UR Tel: +44 (0)1275 464 443 Fax: +44 (0)1275 464 056 Email: info@imetrum.com Website: www.imetrum.com CONTACT: Tim Hawes, Sales Manager Imetrums Video Gauge is built around our patented algorithms, making our software an order of magnitude more accurate than our competitors. We use pattern recognition and sub-pixel interpolation to measure the exact displacements of selected points in an image. Targets are tracked in real time, outputting measurements frameby-frame. This technology allows for non-contact multi-point measurements of strain, rotation and displacement. A resolution better than 1/200,000 of the visible area is achievable, giving strain resolution of 5 microstrain. The system is so straightforward that after a halfday training any user can obtain accurate modulus measurements of carbon composites or displacement resolutions of 0.1mm on a bridge load test.
I M Kelly Group F2 Address: Orion Way, Kettering Business Park, Kettering, Northants. NN15 6NL Tel: +44 (0)845 460 9191 Fax: +44 (0)845 460 9292 Email: nturner@imkelly.co.uk Website: www.imkelly.co.uk CONTACT: Neil Turner, General Manager – Aerospace, I M Kelly Aerospace I M Kelly Automotive was initially established in 1975 and has since become a centre of excellence for interior leather trimmed components in Automotive Industry. Since 2008, the company has expanded and the I M Kelly Group now offers its knowledge and skill sets in the Aerospace, Rail and Marine markets. Specialising in leather, I M Kelly uses this craftmanship alongside the latest manufacturing technology to produce consistantly high quality components to meet exacting standards and customer requirements. By applying the latest management and system tools, the I M Kelly Group of companies provide components for both the more bespoke luxury sectors and high volume production programmes.
IMSM Ltd C41 Address: The Gig House, Oxford Street, Malmesbury, Wiltshire, SN16 9AX Tel: 01666 826 065 Fax: 01666 826 050 Email: enquiries@imsm.com Website: www.imsm.com CONTACT: Andrew Brewerton, Marketing and Sales Manager IMSM are leading ISO specialists, operating on a fixed fee and trouble free basis, supporting companies with tangible business growth and competitiveness. IMSM are recognised as industry leaders since 1994, serving an international client base, across 6 continents and operating in 18 different countries.
In2grate Business Solutions B41 Address: The Oracle Building, Blythe Valley Park, Solihull, West Midlands. B90 8AD Tel: 0207 881 2560 Fax: 0207 881 2501 Email: info@in2grate.com Website: www.in2grate.com CONTACT: Gemma Webb, Marketing Co-ordinator In2grate Business Solutions provides MRP, ERP and PLM software solutions to help manufacturing companies to grow their business and remain competitive. In2grate is an approved provider of ERP solutions for Microsoft Dynamics NAV and Infor XA/XS and is the sole supplier in Europe for JOBSCOPE ERP. With more than 40 years’ experience in the manufacturing sector, our clients include Hamilton Sundstrand, AWE, Bibby Scientific, Nash Mechanical Seals and Cobble Manufacturing. In 2013 In2grate launched its Cloud ERP solutions, ideally suited for companies looking to spread the cost of ERP investment over the life of the system, with the confidence that their business critical data is held securely in the UK at our own managed services facility.
IncoTest C51 Address: Holmer Road, Hereford, HR4 9SL Tel: 01432 382812 Fax: 01432 353545 Email: jason.skerratt@incotest.co.uk Website: www.incotest.co.uk CONTACT:
Jason Skerratt, Sales Manager High quality testing solutions from IncoTest Incotest Materials Testing Service, based in Hereford, UK, is one of Europe’s leading independent UKAS and NADCAP approved Test House.
Indestructible Paint Ltd B3 Address: 19-25 Pentos Drive, Sparkhill, Birmingham, B11 3TA Tel: 0121 702 2485 Fax: 0121 778 4338 Email: sales@indestructible.co.uk Website: www.indestructible.co.uk CONTACT:
Kirsty Hammond, Marketing Co-Ordinator Indestructible Paint Ltd are manufacturers and suppliers of high performance coatings for use within the aerospace, defence and allied industries, particularly the aero engine, aero engineering and ancillary sectors. Our coatings are engineered to meet the very exacting standards in corrosion protection and chemical resistance required in these industry sectors. Seventy-five per cent of the coatings manufactured are bespoke and engineered to meet specific requirements of the customer. Research and development is a large part of the business. The company is accredited to AS9100:2009 Revision C, ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004.
Industrial Automation & Control Ltd D54 Address: Delta House, Meadows Road, Queensway Meadows, Newport, South Wales, NP19 4SS, UK Tel: +44 (0)1633 293000 Fax: +44 (0)1633 293030 Email: mevans@iac-ltd.co.uk Website: www.iac-ltd.co.uk/ CONTACT:
Mike Evans, Business Development Manager
£ SC21
Composites UK Members
Industry Wales D54 Address: Sector Development Wales Partnership Ltd, Waterton Centre, Bridgend, CF31 3WT, UK Tel: +44 (0)1656 679102 Email: rkathro@industrywales.com Website: www.industrywales.com CONTACT: Robert Kathro, CEO Industry Wales is, with its specialist aerospace and automotive forums and the electronics, software and technology network, helping to grow Welsh technology and manufacturing industry, globally. The forums, with a combined membership of around 300 leading Welsh companies, provide a range of services to support companies already established within Wales and to attract and support companies that are seeking a world class location for their business. The capability that exists within the Welsh technology and manufacturing sectors is wide ranging and globally competitive. So please come along to find out what Wales can do for you. See: http://www.aerospacewalesforum.com http://www.welshautomotiveforum.co.uk http://www.estnet.uk.net
Inficon B30 Address: Bonner Str. 498, 50968 Köln, Germany Tel: +49 221 56788-100 Fax: +49 221 56788-9100 Email: sales.europe@inficon.com Website: www.inficon.com CONTACT: Tim Agar, Director INFICON provides world-class instruments for gas analysis, measurement and control. INFICON is a leading provider of innovative instrumentation, critical sensor technologies, and advanced process control software that enhance productivity and quality in sophisticated industrial processes. These analysis, measurement and control products are essential for gas leak detection in air conditioning/refrigeration,aerospace and automotive manufacturing. They are vital to equipment manufacturers and end-users in the complex fabrication of semiconductors and thin film coatings for optics, flat panel displays, solar cells and industrial vacuum coating applications.
Innovation 1st – University of Wolverhampton G183 Address: Shifnal Road, Priorslee, Telford, Shropshire TF2 9NN Tel: 01902 321574 Fax: 01902 323868 Email: penny@wlv.ac.uk Website: www.wlv.ac.uk/innovation1st
IAC-SA is a South African systems integrator working alongside Tiprow Controls who manufacture motor control centres and control panels.
CONTACT: Penny Madden, Knowledge Transfer Development Officer Innovation 1st is an exciting University of Wolverhampton project which is part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund. The project helps organisations explore business opportunities through innovative use of technology. Companies are able to try out the various cutting edge devices housed in technology Centres in Wolverhampton and Telford, discuss ideas with advisors who have industry knowledge and experience and explore new and innovative product ideas. Organisations are also able to trial software that might be new to them, in a supportive environment, to identify ways in which their business may benefit from the adoption of enhanced technology.
IAC also own a catering company, Green Apple Catering who operate from our Newport premises.The group turns over £12M p.a. and employs over 100 people around the world.
Instron ug D91
IAC Group comprises seven integrated companies providing engineering services to industry. IAC Systems is a systems integrator at the centre of the group, providing electrical control systems and variable speed drives. In addition IAC Engineering manufacture special purpose machinery and IAC electronic manufacturing services provide subcontract assembly and surface mount pcb manufacture.
Industrial Tooling Corporation Ltd C60 Address: 1 Kepler, Lichfield Road Ind Est, Tamworth, B79 7XE Tel: 01827 304500 Fax: 01827 304501 Email: sales@itc-ltd.co.uk Website: itc-ltd.co.uk CONTACT:
Paul Marriott, Technical Engineer ITC are the leading UK manufacturer, modifier, re-grinder and distributor of precision round cutting tools. In addition to possessing one of the most modern and well equipped grinding facilities in the UK, ITC is also sole UK stockist and approved re-grinder of cutting tools from Widia Hanita, Widia Rubig and Metal Removal (USA).
Address: Coronation Road, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP12 3SY Tel: +44 (0)1494 464 646 Email: info_news@instron.com Website: www.instron.co.uk CONTACT: Emma Forrest, Marketing and Communications Co-ordinator Instron is a leading provider of testing equipment for the material testing and structural testing markets. Instrons products test the mechanical properties and performance of various materials, components and structures in a wide array of environments. A global company providing single-source convenience, Instron is a full-service materials testing company that manufactures and services testing instruments, systems, software and accessories. Instrons proficiency in designing and building testing systems to evaluate materials ranging from the most fragile filament to advanced alloys, affords Instrons customers a comprehensive resource for all their research, quality and service-life testing requirements.
Interface Force Measurements G43 Address: Unit 19, Duke’s Ride, Wellington Business Park, Crowthorne, Berks, UK, RG45 6LS Tel: +44 (0) 1344 776666 Fax: +44 (0) 1344 774765 Email: tonyr@interface.uk.com Website: www.interface.uk.com CONTACT: Tony Rokins, Sales Engineer , Interface Force Measurements Ltd Interface Force Measurements are specialist in Force, Multi Axis, Torque and Pressure measurement solutions with a strong belief in supplying the best solutions possible. This belief is backed by the products we supply which include; Load Cells, multi axis devices and torque measurement devices from leading manufacturers, Interface Inc and AMTI: Pressure sensors, transducers and pressure mapping solutions from Dynisco- Viatran and XSensor Technology Corp These products are back by a quality of pre and post sales support which is second to none. For more information visit; Web site www.interface.uk.com e-mail info@interface.uk.com phone +44(0)1344 776666
Intrinsys Ltd D206 Address: Denbigh Road, Bletchley, Milton Keynes, MK1 1DB Tel: 01908 278 606 Fax: 01908 278 601 Email: info@intrinsys.com Website: www.intrinsys.com CONTACT: Jennifer Clark, Account Manager Intrinsys is a leading supplier of PLM software, CATIA, ENOVIA, SIMULIA and 3DVIA, and engineering services. It supports a diverse client and industry mix (from the National Composites Centre to F1 teams) with a particular focus on the application of composite engineering. Intrinsys uniquely combines the supply and support of CATIA composite design and SIMULIA Abaqus analysis software with a thriving engineering business providing design, analysis and manufacturing services. Intrinsyss strength is in the quality of its engineers expertise and knowledge of PLM systems combined with a culture of quality customer support enabling the company grow in both size and capability with a client base spread from America to the Far East.
Invensys Eurotherm C8 Address: Faraday Close, Durrington, Worthing, West Sussex BN13 3PL Tel: +44 (0)1903 268 500 Fax: +44 (0)1903 265 982 Email: info.eurotherm.uk@invensys.com Website: www.eurotherm.co.uk CONTACT: Pam Cowlyn, Marketing Specialist Invensys Eurotherm is a global supplier of instrumentation, software and solutions for a diverse range of process control applications . Eurotherm have been providing engineered solutions for control and data management in multiple industries for more than 40 years. Come and visit us on Stand C8 at Aero Engineering 2013 where we will be showcasing our new additions to our portfolio.
Invest Black Country G121 Address: The Deckhouse, Waterfront West, Dudley Road, Brierley Hill, West Midlands, DY5 1LW Tel: +44 (0) 7956 640412 Fax: +44 (0) 1384 471177 Email: w.langford@investblackcountry.com Website: www.investblackcountry.com CONTACT: Wayne Langford, Head of Investment , Invest Black Country Invest Black Country is the Inward Investment team for the Black Country, covering Dudley, Sandwell, Walsall and Wolverhampton in the heart of England. Home to 1 million people and 33,000 businesses, and with an economy generating £17bn every year the Black Country is the place to be. With the largest cluster of High Value Engineering and Manufacturing Companies in the country and the location for the £750m new Engine Plant for Jaguar Land Rover, the Black Country is changing. Benefitting from a superb location, the Black Country also has the most successful Enterprise Zone in the country. Contact Invest Black Country for details of how we can help your company relocate to the most enviable business destination in the UK.
Invest in Coventry & Warwickshire H31 Address: Shire Hall, PO Box 43, Warwick, CV34 4SX Tel: 01926 412823 Fax: 01926 412641 Email: invest@warwickshire.gov.uk Website: www.cwlep.com CONTACT: Gus Bhandal, Manager The Coventry & Warwickshire inward investment team supports advanced engineering companies to develop your business in the heart of the UK – the home of the UK automotive industry. This area is host to companies including Jaguar Land Rover, Aston Martin, BMW, Volvo, Tata, Peugeot and Citroen, as well as over 1,000 companies throughout the supply chain and support network including Ricardo, MIRA, Prodrive, Brose, Penso and Bosch. Our key strengths are in advanced engineering, low carbon technologies and intelligent mobility. We are here to help your business invest, grow and succeed, and our comprehensive support package includes property and site selection, access to local business networks and funding opportunities.
Invest in Telford H19 Address: Wellington Civic Centre, PO Box 457, Wellington, Telford Tel: 01952 567589 Fax: 01952 384110 Email: investintelford@telford.gov.uk Website: www.investintelford.co.uk CONTACT: Charlotte Baker, Destination Project Officer, Telford & Wrekin Council Telford boasts more serviced commercial land that any other major employment centre in the Midlands. Land values are amongst the most competitive in the UK and within close proximity to major motorway networks, rail and international airports and ports. Telford offers links to regional, national and international markets, with easy access to automotive supply chains and customers. A high-tech workforce with a strong bias towards automotive and advanced manufacturing, a fast growing population, and a strong commitment to education and training will equip the future generation with skills needed to support business growth. Visit the Invest in Telford stand H19 today to find out about our extensive business support offer.
Ionbond, IHI Group C19
u ADS Members Isograph Limited J65
Address: Unit 36, Number One Industrial Estate, Medomsley Road, Consett, County Durham, GB DH8 6TS Tel: +44 1207 500 823 Fax: +44 1207 590 254 Email: infouk@ionbond.com Website: www.ionbond.com
Address: The Malt Building, Wilderspool Park, Warrington WA4 6HL Tel: +44 (0)1925 437000 Fax: +44 (0)1925 437010 Email: sales@isograph.com Website: www.isograph.com
CONTACT: Chris Constable, General Manager Ionbond is a global leader in high performance coating technology featuring a broad range of hard and low friction coating services and coating equipment. With a unique portfolio of innovative PVD, PACVD and CVD know-how, Ionbond works with its clients to engineer optimal solutions for cutting tools, moulds, general industrial, automotive, aerospace, high performance racing and medical applications and decorative coatings. Ionbond has a worldwide presence through a network of over 38 service centers across Europe, North America and Asia. The cuttingedge technological infrastructure enables Ionbond´s specialists to provide customized and standard designs that meet customer performance goals and are cost-competitive.
CONTACT: Rachel Evans, Sales Manager Isograph is one of the world’s leading companies in the development and provision of integrated Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety software products. Our products are well proven in use at over 7000 sites worldwide where they are used on many high profile projects.
Ipeco Composites – a division of Ipeco Holdings Ltd £ E128 Address: Unit 15, Windmill Business Park, Windmill Road, Clevedon BS21 6SR Tel: +44 (0) 1275 335 800 Fax: +44(0) 1275 335 801 Email: composites@ipeco.co.uk Website: www.ipeco.co.uk CONTACT: Simon Howarth, Business Development Manager Ipeco Composites – a division of Ipeco Holdings Limited, is a leading manufacturer of advanced composite components and bonded structures. Operating from our purpose built 2800 square metre facility, our capabilities include autoclave moulding, oven and press moulding, 3 and 5 axis CNC machining, vacuum forming and light to medium composite assembly. All composite lay up is performed in our temperature and humidity monitored clean room which is subject to regular particulate count. We have a small laboratory capable of performing standard in-process conformity tests such as fibre volume, interlaminar shear and void content. Ipeco Composites are accredited to AS9100 Rev C and plan to have NADCAP Composites within the next 12 months.
IPI Solutions Ltd E51 Address: Units 1 & 2, Kingsway Lodge, 128 Kingsway, Kirkby in ashfield, Nottingham. NG17 8BE Tel: 01623 272500 Fax: 01623 272600 Email: russ.pursglove@ipi-solutions.com Website: www.ipi-solutions.com CONTACT: Russell Pursglove, Technical Sales Engineer IPI is a leading provider in Aero & Defence for process improvement software to reduce the burden of the quality reporting process, from a single site to a whole supply chain. The range of software by IPI enables high technology organisations to maximise their profitability by increasing productivity, improving quality and reducing lead times. VisualFAIR has revolutionised the AS9102 FAI reporting for customers worldwide, with typical savings in excess of 75%. Now our latest generation of software, including PPAP, FMEA, NPI, Control Plan, CMM Data Import, APQP etc., increases further the potential for process efficiencies & savings IPI’s solutions demonstrate reduced costs associated with 100% inspection.
IQE plc D54 Address: IQE plc Head Office, Pascal Close, St. Mellons, Cardiff. CF3 0LW, UK Tel: +44 (0)2920-839-400 Fax: +44 (0)2920-794-592 Email: sales@iqep.com Website: www.iqep.com CONTACT: info@iqep.com IQE: Supporting your business model: • IQE is the world leading contract manufacturer of semiconductor wafer products for wireless components, photonic devices, photovoltaic solar devices and silicon based epitaxy • IQE is the perfect partner to support a wide range of customer business models from fabless operations to asset lite manufacturing • IQE has 25 years experience in enabling customers to leverage the most from their IP by delivering cost effective, world-class products and services • IQE is ideally positioned as your number one choice for epitaxial wafer products with manufacturing sites worldwide and the industry’s broadest product range.
Please visit our stand to discuss how our Availability Workbench software can enable you to optimise your maintenance plan to minimise downtime and reduce costs. Availability Workbench is integrated with SAP PM, Maximo and Ellipse. For conducting ISO26262 safety studies our Reliability Workbench software is an integrated environment in which Fault Tree Analysis, FMECA, failure rate prediction and Reliability Block Diagram are combined.
ISOJET EQUIPEMENTS B122 Address: 14 Bld des Nations, 69960, CORBAS, France Tel: +33 (0) 4 78 67 1414 Fax: +33 (0) 4 78 67 1313 Email: contact@isojet.com Website: www.isojet.com CONTACT: Henri Hiblot, President ISOJET EQUIPEMENTS provide specialist equipment and expertise for Resin Transfer Moulding (RTM) and infusion technology. As one of the pioneers in their field ISOJET have a wealth of RTM experience and apart from supply of standard units provide advice and bespoke designs to suit specific applications ranging from multi component injection machines to simple resin pumps. ISOJET commission all new machines and train operatives, providing a full maintenance back up service. ISOJET EQUIPEMENTS produce units for both manufacturing and laboratory applications. Their machines are well recognised as industry leaders and are approved and used in the: aerospace, wind energy, automotive, sports, electrical, R&D establishments, amongst others.
ITI TranscenData A55 Address: 4 Carisbrooke Court, Swavesey, Cambridge CB24 4UQ Tel: +44 (0)1954 234 300 Fax: +44 (0)1954 234 349 Email: euinfo@transcendata.com Website: www.transcendata.com CONTACT: Andrew Chinn, Business Development Manager Company: ITI TranscenData ITI TranscenData is your central source for CAD Data Exchange and PLM Integration Solutions. Since 1985 we have partnered with the leading CAD/CAM/CAE/PLM vendors to assemble an unparalleled suite of software products and related services - all aimed at eliminating the non-value-added time and costs associated with reusing product data, and maintaining data integrity and value. ITI TranscenData’s solutions include CADfix, Proficiency, DrawtoPMI, CADIQ and DEXcenter and are widely deployed in the global aerospace, automotive, consumer goods and electronics industries. Included among ITI TranscenData’s customers are Airbus, BAE Systems, Boeing, EADS, General Dynamics, Honeywell, Lockheed Martin, NASA, Pratt & Whitney and Snecma.
ITW Delfast G40 Address: Unit 12 Kingsland Industrial Park, Bilton Road, Basingstoke, RG24 8NJ Tel: 01256 317686 Fax: 01256 317682 Email: jburt@itwdelfast.co.uk Website: www.itwdelfast.co.uk CONTACT: Ken Billingham, Project Manager Global fastener manufacturer supplying primarily the automotive industry.
£ SC21
Composites UK Members
Ixthus Instrumentation Ltd A21 Address: The Stables, Williams Barns, Tiffield Road, Towcester, NN12 6HP Tel: 01327 353437 Fax: 01327 353564 Email: sales@ixthus.co.uk Website: ixthus.co.uk CONTACT: John Tyrrell, Managing Director Non-contact measurement of displacement, length and position using – inductive, capacitive, ultrasonic, fibre optic or laser. Measurement ranges from 50m to 500 metres, resolution to 0.01 nanometre, high frequency response to 200KHz, all with excellent environmental protection for the toughest of applications. Loadcells for tension and compression forces – miniature and fatigue rated. Custom designed strain gauged bolts and clevis pins for force measurement. Applications include aerospace, automotive and medical for testing, product approval and continuous feedback monitoring. Ixthus provide technical support for design, installation and calibration to all areas of industry for R&D testing, OEM, quality control and production.
Jaguar Land Rover – i54 South Staffordshire (EMC UK) Engine Manufacturing Centre UK H121 Address: Black Country i54 Business Park, Valiant Way, (Off Wobaston Road), Wolverhampton, West Midlands, WV10 6QJ Tel: 01926 641111 Fax: 01926 641587 Website: www.jaguarlandrover.com Jaguar Land Rover is a business built around two iconic British car brands that designs, engineers and manufactures in the UK. Jaguar Land Rover will invest circa £2bn in its products and facilities in the financial year to March 2013. Jaguar Land Rover is at the centre of the UK automotive industry’s drive to deliver technical innovation in all areas of vehicle development. Jaguar Land Rover has three advanced manufacturing plants and two design & engineering plants in the UK. It has recently announced an investment of more than £500m to create a state of the art new manufacturing facility at the i54 South Staffordshire business park. The new plant will build a family of high technology, low emission 4 cylinder petrol and diesel engines.
J.A. Harrison C121 Address: Britain Works, Sherborne Street, Manchester, M8 8HP Tel: 0161 8322282 Fax: 0161 8323263 Email: enquiries@jaharrison.co.uk Website: www.jaharrison.co.uk CONTACT: Paul Ratcliffe, PTFE Manager J.A.Harrison is a leading manufacturer and supplier to the Chemical and Pharmaceutical industries specialising in PTFE and Modified Plastics for use in valves, pumps and ancillary equipment. We have the capabilities to compression mould thin wall tube in PTFE and PEEK and with continued investment we have the latest technology in CNC controlled machines. This allows us to work closely with customers from the design stage right through to bulk production. The range of seals is backed up by all range of soft and Metallic gaskets manufactured in house to suit the most arduous demands.
JAM Recruitment G54 Address: Marsland House, Marsland Road, Sale, Cheshire, M33 3AQ Tel: 0845 658 0415 Fax: 0845 658 0419 Email: info@jamrecruitment.co.uk Website: www.jamrecruitment.co.uk CONTACT: Rebecca Ormrod, Senior Digital Marketing Executive JAM specialises in Engineering and Manufacturing recruitment. Our specialist knowledge and cutting edge technology helps us to provide our clients with high calibre candidates. Over the past 12 years we have become the recruitment partner of choice through developing a network of 3.8 million candidates and placing over 9,000 professionals into our core sectors. EEF, the manufacturers’ organisation, picked us to be their recruitment and skills partner. Together, were helping to source the skills that are required to further the continuing recovery of the UK Manufacturing sector. Visit JAM at stand G54 within the Automotive Engineering section of Advanced Engineering.
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JCS TECHNOLOGY £ B142 Address: Unit 8, BW Estates,Oldmixon Crescent,Weston-s-Mare, North Somerset. BS24 9BA Tel: 01934 644866 Email: Ken@jcs-tech.co.uk Website: www.jcs-tech.co.uk CONTACT: Ken James, Technical Manager Independent, Accredited Material and Product testing Service. We pride ourselves on offering a fast and flexible service that produces reliable and high quality results every time. Specialising in Composite testing and Material/Product qualification, our Testing service holds both UKAS accreditation to ISO 17025 and ISO9001 certification. Our testing service covers these areas: Mechanical, Environmental, Flammability, Chemical, Thermal and Fungal/Mould resistance. For full details please see on our website. We are dedicated to ensuring that your products and services meet your requirements for safety, quality and performance through the testing and consultancy services we provide.
JR TECHNOLOGY LTD ug B122 Address: Brook Barn, 30A Barrington Road, Shepreth, Hertfordshire, SG8 6QE, UK Tel: +44 (0)1763 260 721 Email: enquiries@jrtech.co.uk Website: www.jrtech.co.uk CONTACT: Paul Rogger, Technical Director J R TECHNOLOGY LIMITED, an ISO9001:2008 approved organisation, provide equipment & expertise for NDT testing, manufacture & repair of composite & adhesive metal bonded components. We are the UK sales & service centre for ISOJET RTM injection machines. JRTL products & services include: workshop tools, processing plant, consumables, portable hot bonding control consoles (Applied Heat & Novatech), temperature measurement instruments, short wave IR lamps, flexible heater mats & other mobile heating systems. Our NDT damage mapping range: the Woodpecker tap tester, vacuum leak detectors & the new M50 universal moisture meter are well accepted. JRTL have many approvals from: aerospace, military, marine, civil, automotive & sports industries.
JEC Group D213 Address: 25 Boulevard de l’Amiral Bruix, Paris, 75016, France Tel: +33 (0) 1 58 36 15 00 Fax: +33 (0) 1 58 36 15 15 Email: info@jeccomposites.com Website: www.jeccomposites.com CONTACT: Aurelie Fontenelle, Account Manager JEC is the largest composites industry organization in the world with a network of 250,000 professionals. JEC promotes composite materials worldwide and expands composites markets by providing global and local networking as well as information services through the JEC COMPOSITES Shows, Conferences, Innovation Programmes & Awards in Europe (Paris), Asia (Singapore) and America (Boston), the JEC COMPOSITES Magazine, Technical publications and Web portal: wwwjeccomposites.com Next JEC event: JEC EUROPE Show: 11 - 13 March 2014 in Paris
Jetcam International s.a.r.l.
ug D215
Address: Millenium 9C, 9 Boulevard Charles III, MC98000 Monaco Tel: +44 (0)870 760 6469 Fax: +377 9350 7626 Email: info@jetcam.com Website: www.jetcam.com CONTACT: Martin Bailey, General Manager JETCAM develops and distributes its award-winning CAM and nesting software along with the CrossTrack composite manufacturing suite. Founded in 1986 the company has software in use in over 80 countries around the world serving customers such as Bombardier, Embraer, GE, Bell Helicopter, Red Bull Technology and many more. CrossTrack is designed specifically to tackle the problem of tracking composite materials – from roll delivery, time in and out of the freezer and once the roll is cut into plies for kitting. CrossTrack keeps track of materials, material life, orders, nests, plies and kits – all in real time. Composite Awards Winner 2013 – Jetcam International s.a.r.l. – for CrossTrack software.
John Burn Ltd ug C134 Address: 74 Albert Rd, Stechford, Birmingham B33 9AJ Tel: 0121 5084144 Fax: 0121 5084145 Email: ben@johnburn.co.uk Website: www.johnburn.co.uk CONTACT: Ben Peterson, Marketing Manager John Burn will once again be showcasing a diverse range of materials for composite applications. Specialising in tooling resins systems manufactured by Sika Tooling & Composites, John Burn is able to offer everything you need when designing, prototyping and manufacturing composite components. John Burn is the UK’s largest independent reseller of 3D printers and the range includes printers from EnvisionTEC & BluePrinter for inhouse part production as well as industrial size printers for complex custom foundry sand cores and assemblies from ExOne. John Burn is also showcasing a range of JSI tooling prepreg that is avialable, precut, in standard sizes for next day delivery. Visit our stand and meet our team of technical specialists.
Junair Spraybooths Ltd D76 Address: Southgate Industrial Park, Cross Street, Heywood, Lancs, OL10 1PW Tel: 01706 363550 Fax: 01706 363560 Email: sales@junair.co.uk Website: www.junair.co.uk CONTACT: Jason Douglas, Sales Director The Junair name is synonymous with innovation in spray booth development, providing solutions that deliver energy-savings, higher productivity, enhanced performance and, ultimately, increased profitability for our customers. Junair Spraybooths are the market leader in advanced Spraybooth technology producing high quality spray booths manufactured in the UK to exacting standards. Junair also manufacture and supply dry filter and water wash spray booths and sludge removal systems, conveyor systems, cure ovens, robots and automatic fluid systems, shot blasting and powder coating equipment.
K & M Precision Engineering Ltd J48 Address: Unit 15, Talbot Road Industrial Centre, Leyland, Lancs, PR25 2ZF Tel: 01772 432615 Fax: 01772 432613 Email: sales@kandmprecisioneng.com Website: www.kandmprecisioneng.com CONTACT: Kevin Taylor, Director We are a subcontract precision engineering firm based in the North West of England. We are a leading provider of CNC machined components produced using the latest CNC & CAD/CAM technology. In addition we can also build special purpose machinery, jigs & tooling to suit a customer’s individual requirements. Our flexible approach allows us to be able to cater for a one off manufactured item through to large batch production. We work within numerous industries including motorsport, food production & textile manufacturing.
KDPES G76 Address: Unit 6, Industrial Estate, Station Road, Gamlingay, Sandy, Beds, SG19 3HB, UK Tel: +44 (0)1767 651 058 Fax: +44 (0)1767 651 144 Email: enquiries@kdpes.co.uk Website: www.kdpes.co.uk CONTACT: Jeremy Bryceson, Sales Manager KDPES is a privately owned consultancy, design and manufacturing facility established in 1972 based in Gamlingay near Sandy in Bedfordshire. We offer a broad based range of electronic and electrical design, development, test, calibration and repair services to customers spanning the Aerospace, Defence and Transportation industries as well as the General Industrial and Commercial markets. KDPES is a specialist in the design of instrumentation and system integration solutions. We are the UK distributor for the Meggitt Sensorex product line which comprises LVDTs, RVDTs, Inclinometers, Gyros, Accelerometers, IMUs, Shock Recorders and ASICs.
Kenard Engineering Group £ C42 Address: Gannaway Lane, Newtown Industrial Estate, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, GL20 8SJ Tel: 01684 271400 Fax: 01684 271417 Email: marketing@kenard.co.uk Website: www.kenard.com CONTACT: Neil Ransom, Sales Director Kenard is an established tier 1 supplier to a number of major OEM organisations within the aerospace industry. With a focus on the role of subcontract precision engineering as a critical element of the supply chain, we provide a complete manufacturing service that supports customers from the product development stage through full production to final assembly. Kenard is fully certified and compliant with AS9100 across its two manufacturing facilities.
KG Coating B83A Address: Unit 8-8 Canal Wood Industrial Estate Tel: 01691 778 070 Fax: 01691 778 303 Email: ceri@kgcoating.co.uk Website: www.kgcoating.co.uk/ CONTACT: Ceri Jones, Marketing Manager Established in 1994, KG Coating is a key player in the development and manufacture of specialist coatings. We are leading supplies to an extensive range of market sectors across the globe including aviation, renewable energy, defense, aerospace, automotive and gas and oil industries. The KG Coating team has a broad scientific knowledge to engineer unique solutions for our clients, and frequently invent pioneering products and processes to fulfill specific requirements. We work closely with our customers to produce tailor made and innovative solutions that meet various specifications. No job too complex, we take on challenges that other companies can’t!
KIMBERLY-CLARK PROFESSIONAL* E62 Karl Storz Endoscopy (UK) Limited B18 Address: York House, Clifford Lister Business Centre, Bawtry Road, Wickersley, Rotherham, S66 2BL Tel: 01709 540131 Fax: 01709 547481 Email: industrial@karlstorz-uk.com Website: www.karlstorz.com CONTACT: Tristan Williams, UK Manager For over 60 years KARL STORZ has built a reputation and name synonymous with quality, innovation and technology. As a manufacturer of Remote Visual Inspection equipment with over 400 national and international patents, KARL STORZ sets the standard for quality. Innovation is one of our key foundations and we are proud to offer high performance, high quality products to the engineering sector. No matter your application, with the widest range of RVI equipment on the market, it is guaranteed that Karl Storz has a borescope, flexoscope or videoscope that will meet your requirements as well as all of the ancillary products and support needed. Please come and see for yourself at our stand and we can show you these products in person.
Address: 1 Tower View, Kingshill, West Malling, KENT ME19 4HA Tel: 07801 045 470 Fax: 01732 514150 Email: KCPMarketing.UK@kcc.com Website: www.kcprofessional.co.uk/efficient CONTACT: Simon Justice, Industrial Marketing Manager KIMBERLY-CLARK PROFESSIONAL* is changing the conversation we are having with our customers. We don’t just make exceptional products . . . we create EXCEPTIONAL WORKPLACES for our customers and help their employees become healthier, safer and more productive. The Efficient Workplace programme helps customers drive out waste using LEAN principles and helping you become more efficient. We have already helped customers in the aerospace industry reduce disposal costs by £80,000 and reduce solvent consupmtion by 30%. Visit us at Stand E62 to see how we can help your business by more efficient.
u ADS Members
Kistler Instruments Limited F81
Langstone Engineering Ltd F115
£ SC21
Composites UK Members
Laser Lines Ltd G95
Address: 13 Murrell Green Business Park, London Road, Hook RG27 9GR Tel: 01256 741550 Fax: 01256 741551 Email: sales.uk@kistler.com Website: www.kistler.com
Address: Unit D3 Voyager Park, Portfield Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO3 5FN Tel: 02392 452430 Fax: 02392 452440 Email: corporate@langstone-engineering.co.uk Website: www.langstone-eng.co.uk
Address: Beaumont Close, Banbury, Oxon, OX16 1TH Tel: 01295 672500 Fax: 01295 672550 Email: lasers@laserlines.co.uk Website: www.laserlines.co.uk
Gary Broadhead, Sales Director
Chris Powles, Company Secretary
Laser Lines is showing both laser welding and marking systems, including the ultra-compact Ulyxe. This is an economical unit for the direct part marking of metals, plastics and composites.
Nick Gittins, Sales Manager, Kistler Instruments Limited The Swiss-based Kistler Group is a leading global supplier of dynamic measurement technology for pressure, force, torque and acceleration. Kistler’s technology is used to analyse physical processes, control industrial processes and optimize product quality. Kistler Instruments will be showing its NCF electromechanical servo-press systems and the maXYmos process monitoring and control system together with a range of piezoelectric sensors. The NCF actuators use integrated sensor technology and powerful force-displacement evaluation for complete process monitoring and documentation of all measurement results. The maXYmos X-Y process monitors provide a flexible monitoring and control solution for many manufacturing applications.
We offer Toolmaking & Precision Engineering Services as well as Prototype Engineering & Component Manufacture. Accredited to BS EN ISO9001:2008 We utilise our engineering expertise to assist customers, to design and develop new tooling and prototypes to meet their precise specification requirements. We offer a full hands on fast-track supply service with a full CAD/CAM support office manufacturing from customer electronic files via our CAD/CAM software to our networked CNC machines, we specialise in 2,3,4 & 5-Axis 3D CNC milling & driven tooling CNC turning, plus spark erosion, mould polishing, fitting etc. Strict non-disclosure & confidentiality undertaking In~F1/Motor Sports, Medical, Automotive, Aeronautical, Marine & Defence
KraussMaffei Group UK Ltd D181 Address: 410 Europa Boulevard, Warrington, WA5 7TR Tel: 01925 644104 Fax: 01925 234284 Email: Jude.Berry@kraussmaffei.co.uk Website: www.kraussmaffeigroup.co.uk CONTACT:
Stephen Lambert, Technical Manager The KraussMaffei Group is amongst the world’s leading suppliers of machinery and systems for producing and processing plastics and rubber. Its products and services cover the whole spectrum of injection, reaction moulding and extrusion technology, giving the company a unique position in the industry. The KraussMaffei Group is innovation powered, supplying its products, processes and services as standard or custom solutions which deliver sustained added value along the customer’s value adding chain. The company markets its offering under the KraussMaffei, KraussMaffei Berstorff and Netstal brands to customers in the automotive, packaging, medical, construction, electrical, electronics and home appliance industries.
Kubtec Digital X-ray C75 Address: 270 Rowe Avenue, Unit E, Milford, CT 06460, USA Tel: +203-364-8544 Fax: +203-255-7494 Email: pstubbs@kubtec.com Website: www.kubtec.com CONTACT:
Philip Stubbs, Director of Business Development EMEAA Kubtec X-ray is a leading manufacturer of high quality digital X-ray imaging systems for non-destructive testing. Our versatile and expanded product lines include: digital cabinet X-ray systems, flat panel detectors, non-isotope-based irradiators, portable X-ray units, and conveyorized X-ray machines for high volume inspection.
Address: 3a Mansfield Park, Four Marks, Alton, Hampshire, GU34 5PZ Tel: 01420 568150 Fax: 01420 568151 Email: mail@labcell.com Website: www.labcell.com CONTACT:
Tim Bonner, Director Labcell Ltd manufactures, supplies and supports a range of engine test instrumentation to measure engine parameters. The M400MR is a multi-range engine Blow-by meter. The 50MC2 Laminar Flow Elements are ideal for engine air intake measurement.Also on display are the latest developments from ECM including %EGR, Lambda and NOx instruments. The CSM manufactured modules for measuring a variety of physical parameters are displayed for operation with the Labcell range. All instruments offer fast response, local display, outputs via CAN and/or analogue signal and are suitable for both dynamometer and in-vehicle applications.
Laser marking provides an indelible mark that cannot be removed and permits full traceability during the lifetime of the component. We are a leading supplier of lasers for materials processing applications including marking, cutting, drilling, welding and micro-machining. Our range includes high power diode, CO2, pulsed YAG, Q-switched and fibre lasers. We have full demonstration and application laboratories and provide unbiased advice on the suitability of your material for laser processing. Please visit our stand to see if lasers could benefit you.
Laser Projection Technologies Inc C61 LANGZAUNER B141 Address: Wakefield House, Gildersome Spur, Wakefield Road, Morley, Leeds, LS27 7JZ Tel: 0113 201 2240 Fax: 0113 253 0717 Email: info@cdukltd.co.uk Website: www.cdukltd.co.uk/machines CONTACT:
Mr Geoff Baker, Chairman , CD (UK) LTD CD UK are the UK distributors of Langzauner veneer cutting and sanding machines. We have extensive experience in Composite moulding and RTM press production with many leading companies from the Aerospace and automotive industries using Langzauner equipment.
LAP GmbH F175 Address: Zeppelinstr 23, Lueneburg, Germany, 21337 Tel: +49 4131 951195 Fax: +49 4131 951196 Email: info@lap-laser.com Website: www.lap-laser.com CONTACT:
Martin Hegemann, Sales For more than 25 years, LAP has developed and manufactured laser-based systems for high-precision contour projection in industrial and medical applications. LAP laser projection systems generate contours true to scale from CAD data. The easily visible red or green laser lines are used to position and align products or components. An important field of application is the manufacture of high-tech carbon fiber components in the aviation industry.
Laser Lines Ltd E125 Labcell Ltd G82A
Address: Beaumont Close, Banbury, Oxon, OX16 1TH Tel: 01295 672500 Fax: 01295 672550 Email: 3dworld@laserlines.co.uk Website: www.3dprinting.co.uk CONTACT:
Mark Tytania, Sales Direction Laser Lines Ltd is a Platinum Reseller for Stratasys Ltd and is celebrating 20 years’ experience and expertise within the 3D printing industry. Amidst all the current media hype surrounding 3D printing, Laser Lines will be giving real world advice on real applications. We will be demonstrating both FDM and Polyjet 3D printing technologies and will happy to discuss your individual needs and requirements. We will be highlighting many successful applications including soluble cores for composite part manufacture, end use parts, jigs, fixture and assembly aids, built utilising the high end FORTUS 3D Production Systems. Also included will be parts built in the new flight approved ULTEM 9085 and the electro static dissipative ABS-ESD7 materials.
Address: 8 Delta Drive, Londonderry, NH 03053 Tel: 001 603 421 0209 Fax: 001 603 421 0079 Email: Info@lptcorp.com Website: www.lptcorp.com CONTACT:
Roger Waldock, International Sales Director Laser Projection Technologies manufactures the fastest, most accurate and longest range laser projection systems in the world, designed to fit many of today’s advanced manufacturing applications. LPT 3D Templating systems eliminate hard tooling and assembly templates for virtually any manufacturing or component assembly application. LPT has recently developed next generation 3D laser Metrologies with the LPT15/LGS Lasergrammetry and large volume measurement with the LPT100 Laser Radar with TOPO.
Lavender International NDT Consultancy Services LTD C106 Address: Unit 7, Penistone Station, Sheffield, S36 6HP Tel: 01226 765769 Fax: 01226 760707 Email: nicola@lavender-ndt.com Website: www.lavender-ndt.com CONTACT:
Nicola Dodsley, Administrations Manager Lavender International NDT Consultancy Services LTD are a leading provider of NDT Training, Examinations and Level 3 Consultancy Services to clients across the World. Our clients are from industry sectors such as Aerospace, Renewables, Automotive and the Oil and Gas Industry. We are accredited by major NDT organisations, to provide Training and Examination suitable for internationally recognised central and employer based certification schemes. We run training programmes from our training centre in Penistone and the Advanced Manufacturing Park in Sheffield with offices in Houston USA and Perth Australia, in addition to providing on-site training where required throughout the World.
Leco Instrumements UK Ltd D14 Address: Newby Rd, Hazel Grove, SK7 5DA Tel: 0161 487 5900 Fax: 0161 456 0969 Email: sales@lecouk.com Website: www.lecouk.com CONTACT:
Tony Hadley, M.D. , Leco Instruments Manufacturer of analytical instrumentation for elemental analysis, metallurgy and spectrometry.
Lectra ug D101 Address: 4th Floor, 5 Conduit Street, London W1S 2XD Tel: +44 (0)207 518 2900 Fax: +44 (0)207 518 2901 Email: marketing-uk@lectra.com Website: www.Lectra.com CONTACT: Paul Cartledge, Account Manager , Lectra Lectra is the world leader in integrated technology solutions that automate, streamline and accelerate product design, development and manufacturing processes for industries using soft materials. Lectra develops the most advanced specialized software and cutting systems and provides associated services to a broad array of markets including fashion (apparel, accessories, footwear), automotive (car seats and interiors, airbags), furniture, as well as a wide variety of other market sectors, such as aeronautical and marine industries, wind power and personal protective equipment. Lectra serves 23,000 customers in more than 100 countries with 1,350 employees and $256 million in 2012 revenues.
Leybold Optics UK Ltd E10 Address: St Modwen Road, Stretford Manchester M32 0ZE Tel: 0161 866 2800 Fax: 0161 866 2801 Email: bill.fitzgerald@leyboldoptics.com Website: www.leyboldoptics.com CONTACT: Bill Fitzgerald, Sales Manager Leybold Optics a BÜhler company, are a World leader in thin film technology and manufacture machines for a wide range of coating applications Our Industrial market segment provides solutions for vacuum coating on 3D parts made of plastic and other materials. Our systems, CompactMet and PylonMet plus Leybold processes provide coating solutions for complex-shaped injection-moulded parts, such as reflectors and bezels for the car-lamp industry, interior-lights, cosmetic-packaging and 3C components. Applications include deposition of reflective and decorative metal layers. PECVD Top-Coat for transparent surface engineering and easy to clean applications. Colour-coating by reactive-magnetron sputtering and layer-stacks for automotive mirrors.
Lighthouse (UK) Ltd J41 Address: Unit 23, Charnwood Business Park, North Road, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 1LE Tel: 01509 264500 Fax: 01509 264480 Email: sales@lighthouse.uk.com Website: www.lighthouse.uk.com CONTACT: Batsi Mashiri, Marketing Asset labels, instruction labels, vehicle legal lettering, continuous improvement labelling; equipment ID and rating plates; small data labels; shadow boards; labels incorporating 2D barcodes; electrical marking; safety signs and specialist labels can be produced instantly and economically with a Lighthouse sign and label systems. Lighthouse sign and label systems are used extensively, by vehicle manufacturers, operators, converters and assemblers throughout the UK including Airbus, Cummins Engines, Ford Motor Company and many more. Visit our stand to see the systems in operation, and discover how to achieve substantial operational improvements as well as cost savings with Lighthouse systems.
Lincolnshire County Council F151 Address: Ground Floor, City Hall, Beaumont Fee, Lincoln LN1 1DD Tel: 01522 550617 Fax: 01522 516720 Email: select@lincolnshire.gov.uk Website: www.tealpark.co.uk CONTACT: Cathrine Herrick , Marketing Officer At 87.2 acres Teal Park is the largest new Employment Park in the East Midlands. The fully serviced commercial development near the City of Lincoln links directly to the A46 Lincoln Bypass, therefore provides excellent road access via the dual carriageway A46 to the M1 at Leicester, the A1 at Newark, the north via the A15 to the M180 Humber Bridge and ports of Immingham, Grimsby and Hull. Teal Park has become the new home for Siemens’ 155,000 sq ft. gas turbine servicing facilities and offices which were completed in late 2012. An outline consent for the entire site was granted in 2011 for 1.3 million sq. ft. of B1, B2, B8 space along with ancillary uses which include a Public House, Hotel, Leisure use and Showrooms. www.tealpark.co.uk
Lipco Engineering C2
Loughborough College E7
Address: 81 Condor close wimborne BH21 6SU Tel: 01425 467036 Fax: 01202 828416 Email: chris.baggs@lipco.co.uk Website: www.lipco.co.uk
Address: Radmoor Road, Loughborough, LE11 3BT Tel: 01509 515424 Fax: 0844 332 0204 Email: sarah.helmore@loucoll.ac.uk Website: www.loucoll.ac.uk
Chris Baggs, Account Manager Lipco engineering is a £4.5million turnover, precision engineering facility on the south coast; with AS9100 rev C accreditation. Manufacturing components for the aerospace, defence, automotive, medical, oil and gas and scientific sectors. It is part of a group of companies, forming the Lipco Group with bases at Milton Keynes, (CVT) and Preston, (Autoy). Lipco engineering prides itself on producing highly complex components, exceeding your quality requirements, on time and within budget. Notable customers include Eaton, Thales, Cobham and Safran. CNC, Milling, turning, grinding and CMM checking using the latest CADCAM technology. Embracing the latest Lean philosophies and SC21 roadmap in place.
LMg Solutions Ltd D54
Sarah Helmore, Client Account Manager Loughborough College was established in 1909 and we are proud of our long standing reputation as an institution providing excellent levels of high quality teaching and training. An extensive range of Further and Higher Education courses are available, including vocational programmes, apprenticeships and professional qualifications. Our programmes are designed with the employer in mind and with nearly 200 Apprenticeship job roles, from mechanic manufacturing engineers to engineering technicians, all can be tailored to meet the needs of your business Our Engineering and Space Engineering Apprenticeships will allow you to attract and train a keen and willing employee within a specific job role.
LPE Ltd G11
Address: Number one Waterton Park, Bridgend, CF31 3PH Tel: 01656 668806 Fax: 01656 674115 Email: A.Pitt@lmg.co.uk Website: www.lmg.co.uk
Address: Unit 2A Balmoral Link, Belfast, Co. Antrim Tel: 028 9096 0680 Fax: 028 9096 0681 Email: sales@laserproto.com Website: www.laserproto.com
Campbell Evans, Sales & Marketing Director
Tony Pitt, Technical Director
An ISO 9001 approved supplier of Rapid Prototyping and Additive Manufacturing solutions, LPE have over 20 years’ experience working with the Automotive and Aerospace industry.
L.M.g. Solutions Ltd. specialises in Numerical Control Part Programming of Multi Axis Machine Tools for the manufacture of machined Aerospace & Automotive components. Since 1995 we have established a reputation for quality, service and value, supporting customers such as AIRBUS Operations Ltd (UK), BAe SYSTEMS, Dörries Scharmann Technologie GmBH, EMBRAER Portugal, EADS, GKN Aerospace, Premium Aerotec GmbH, SICAMB SpA, S.A.B.C.A. and many other companies worldwide. Working with these companies on a wide range of projects, L.M.g. Solutions Ltd. has accumulated vast knowledge, experience and the ability to meet exacting and diverse customer requirements and expectations, with our Quality Procedures receiving ISO90012008 certification
LMS UK Ltd D11 Address: Unit 3 Rye Hill Office Park, Birmingham Road, Coventry, CV5 9AB Tel: 02476 408120 Fax: 02476 408135 Email: leonie.upton@lmsintl.com Website: www.lmsintl.com CONTACT:
Leonie Upton, Sales & Marketing Administrator , LMS, A Siemens Business, is an engineering company that provides software and services for use in Acoustics, Vibration, Durability and Systems Simulation. With a portfolio of products for test data acquisition and design simulation, LMS help manufacturing companies deliver quality products to market faster.
Our customer benefit from the highest levels of customer service, complete confidentiality and the widest range of tough, functional processes and materials in the UK. From wind tunnel testing to under bonnet applications, low volume production to one off jigs and fixtures we can help you find the right additive manufacturing process for your individual project requirements. View our complete material range at Stand #G11 or online at www.laserproto.com
Lucintel A181 Address: 1320 Greenway Dr., Suite 870, Irving, TX 75038, USA Tel: +1-972-636-5056 Fax: +1-877-883-5140 Email: helpdesk@lucintel.com Website: www.lucintel.com CONTACT:
Subhendu Biswas, Marketing Manager Lucintel is a premier global market research and managementconsulting firm that creates your equation for growth, whether you need to understand market dynamics, identify new opportunities or increase your profitability. Lucintel’s broad scope of services help you plan your growth, in not only the markets you should pursue, but also the technology and strategy required for success. For more than 14 years, our industry knowledge and expertise has helped thousands of clients create the equation for measurable results. Let us create an equation for you that meet your goals.
LMT UK Ltd C216 Address: Unit 5, Meriden Business Park, Copse Drive, Coventry CV5 9RG Tel: 01676 523440 Fax: 01676 525379 Email: lmt.uk@lmt-tools.com Website: www.lmt-uk.co.uk CONTACT:
Phil Crawley, UK Sales Manager LMT UK incorporates manufacturing companies, Fette, Bilz,Boehlerit,Kieninger, Onsrud and Belin.We specialise in all aspects of both metal cutting and composite materials. Onsrud and Belin are the producers of our composite range covering also plastic and wood machining. We suppply tooling world wide covering aerospace, F1 and general automotive applications. Our external sales engineers can advise you on every application, with support from the engineering teams from the manufacuring group.
Luna H76 Address: 1 Riverside Circle, Suite 400, Roanoke, VA 24016 USA Tel: 540.769.8400 Fax: 540.769.8401 Email: solutions@lunainc.com Website: www.lunainc.com CONTACT:
Allison Woody, Marketing Assistant , Luna develops sensing technology and manufactures instruments that provide precise, distributed temperature and strain measurement to enhance structural design, manufacturing and testing. Luna offers the ultimate in sensing solutions with industryleading, ultra-high resolution distributed sensing with thousands of sensing points.
Macfarlane Packaging – Design and Manufacture G112 Address: Alma Park Industrial Estate, Grantham, Lincolnshire, NG31 9SE Tel: 0844 7701417 Fax: 0844 7701418 Email: enquiries@macfarlanemanufacturing.com Website: www.macfarlanemanufacturing.com CONTACT: Owen Sylvester, Sales Director Macfarlane Packaging – Design and Manufacture Macfarlane Packaging is a leading UK company specialising in the design, manufacture and assembly of bespoke packaging for the protection of valuable and fragile products in both storage and transit. We use leading 3D design software, SolidWorks, an extensive range of packaging materials and a variety of manufacturing and assembly processes to: - Deliver enhanced levels of protection for your products - Help to reduce your packaging and transport costs - Eliminate excess packaging and reduce waste - Use sustainable materials wherever possible. - Make packaging easier to use by freeing up labour and storage space for more productive use.
u ADS Members MAKA Machinery UK Ltd E23 Address: C5 Horton Park IE., Hortonwood 7, Telford, Shropshire TF1 7GX Tel: 01952 607700 Fax: 01952 670405 Email: iy@makauk.com Website: www.MAKA.com CONTACT: Iain Young, Managing Director Specialists in 5-Axis CNC machines for Composites. With worldwide sales of e30m, the German owned UK subsidiary in Telford services and guarantees the performance of the highest quality cutting-edge CNC machines which meet the needs of composite manufacturers, sub-contractors, and pattern-makers. MAKA provide Heavy-Duty High-Speed CNC Machines for: • CFRP & GRP machining (Carbon and Glass) • High-precision Composite and plastic trimming & drilling • High speed milling for Aluminium plates, stacks, profiles & billets • Patterns and Moulds (modelboard & aluminium) Advanced innovations include: • Carbon & glass fibre dust protection, with integral dust & chip management, • Tool lubrication & cooling, • Twin-channel, multi-axis systems.
Make it Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire I9 Made in the Midlands A17 Address: Unit 7 Pendeford Place, Pendeford Business Park, Wolverhampton, WV9 5HD Tel: 01902 255033 Fax: 01922 663400 Email: sharon@madeinthemidlands.com Website: www.madeinthemidlands.com CONTACT: Sharon Mason, Membership Liaison Manager Made in the Midlands (MIM) exists to support and promote the interests of the manufacturing and engineering community in the Midlands. The organisation was set up to further the privately owned firms in this geographic footprint by championing their successes, facilitating contact with peers and signposting available help and support where needed. MIM works closely with its member companies to educate and inform the wider world of the regional agenda, showcasing its talents and services to a global audience by promoting a strong culture of collaboration.Made in the Midlands facilitates this through linking its companies together online, face to face and in national and regional media.
Magnum Venus Products Ltd ug G161 Address: Unit 22a Navigation Drive, Hurst Business Park, Brierley Hill DY5 1UT Tel: 01384 486222 Fax: 01384 486224 Email: info@mvpeurope.co.uk Website: www.mvpeurope.co.uk CONTACT: Mark Owen, Managing Director, MVP Ltd MVP Ltd was established in 1988 to serve the needs of the growing composite market. We are conveniently located in the Midlands, which gives us easy access to all parts of the UK. We provide equipment and materials for the composites industry in the UK, Ireland and many overseas manufacturing facilities. Our highly trained and experienced technical personnel support the equipment, processes and materials we supply. Uniquely, we have experience in manufacturing which allows us to provide full technical assistance in all aspects of the production process through our hands on training approach. We constantly strive to provide our customers with new technology with the support of our major suppliers.
Mahr UK PLC E11 Address: MILTON KEYNES Tel: 01908 563700 Fax: 01908 563704 Email: john.hogan@mahr.com Website: www.mahr.com CONTACT: John Hogan, Sales Manager Mahr is a leading supplier of precision dimensional metrology equipment. For generations Mahr have lead the way in development of surface texture and precision geometric metrology. The Mahr brand also leads the way in gauge calibration solutions, CNC gear metrology as well as a comprehensive range of shop floor gauges. With over 150 years of success Mahr are able to offer solutions from the simplest measurement to the most complex metrology application.
Address: Commerce House, Festival Park, Stoke-on-Trent, ST1 5BE Tel: 0300 111 8005 Fax: 01782 232171 Email: enquiries@makeitstokestaffs.co.uk Website: www.makeitstokestaffs.co.uk CONTACT: Mike Folkard, Investment Manager Make It Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire Inward Investment Service works on behalf of the Stoke-on-Trent City Council and Staffordshire County Council to assist organisations that wish to move in to the area. Make It Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire offers free and confidential assistance to companies on relocation and expansion. Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire’s geographic position within the United Kingdom places the area within close proximity to a number of key car plants, with Bentley, MG, General Motors and Toyota all within an hour’s drive. This makes the area an ideal location for automotive supply chain companies.
Mako Precision Engineering Limited G121 Address: Unit 3 Hare Street, Bilston, Wolverhampton, West Midlands, WV14 7DX Tel: 01902 219125 Fax: 01902 498009 Email: sales@makoprecision.co.uk Website: www.makoprecisionengineering.co.uk CONTACT: Steve Drinkwater, Purchasing Director, Mako Precision Engineering Limited Mako Precision Engineering are a Black Country based specialist precision machinist company. Our expert team of experienced and skilled engineers offer CNC and conventional manual machining for Jigs, Fixtures, Toolmaking and Patternmaking. We supply a diverse range of industry sectors including motorsports, automotive, agricultural, foundry and hydraulic industries. We specialise in machining components from a full range of materials from stainless steels through to plastics and nylons. Mako Precision continually strives to ensure that all manufactured components exceed our customer expectations for quality and delivery performance. We have a progressive business and capital expenditure plan that allows us to invest in new machines
Manufacturing Resource Centre A13 Address: The National Metalforming Centre, 47 Birmingham Road, West Bromwich, B70 6PY Tel: 0121 601 6350 Email: enquiries@manufacturingresourcecentre.co.uk Website: www.manufacturingresourcecentre.co.uk CONTACT: Roger Onions, Business Development Director The Manufacturing Resource Centre is committed to promoting excellence in the UK engineering Supply Chain. One of its key roles is developing opportunities for the UK engineering Buyer and Supplier to work together. In response to many requests from buyers MRC has developed two major new initiatives, both of which are designed to provide enhanced Supply Chain performance: The MRC Buyer:Supplier Network provides buyers with a speedy and reliable method of sourcing both products and services from specialist suppliers throughout the GTMA Engineering Supply Chain. MRC Professional Services provides a range of supply chain development resources and services designed specifically to underpin the resources of in-house procurement teams.
£ SC21
Composites UK Members
Marbocote Ltd D121 Address: Unit 9, Dalton Way, Middlewich, Cheshire, CW10 0HU Tel: 01606 738737 Fax: 01606 738846 Email: info@marbocote.co.uk Website: www.marbocote.co.uk CONTACT:
Joanna Rimmer, Commercial Manager Marbocote Ltd manufactures and distributes a wide range of high technology release agents for the Global Composite market. These release agents are used in such areas as Aerospace, Automotive, Transportation, Motor Racing, Marine, Wind energy, Sporting goods and general composite fabrication. Approved by the world’s leading manufacturers, Marbocote release agents are suitable for use in all composite fabrication processes, including the latest forms of RTM & Infusion. By using Marbocote release agents, customers achieve improved cosmetics, fewer defects and lower overall manufacturing costs. During the show Marbocote will be displaying their range of innovative Tool & Mould Sealers and new developments in water based release agents.
MarchantCain Design Ltd G5 Address: The Old Saw Mill, Harvest Hill Lane, Allesley, Coventry, CV5 9DD Tel: 02476 100321 Fax: 02477 670104 Email: info@marchantcain.co.uk Website: www.marchantcain.co.uk CONTACT:
Pam Cain, Marketing Director Profile: Design and development engineers with facilities for prototype and low volume manufacture. MarchantCain thrives on providing innovative solutions for a range of engineering challenges across all industrial applications, specialising in mechatronic systems.
Marine & Industrial LLP B117 Address: Station Road, Worstead, Norfolk, NR28 9RZ Tel: 01692 406822 Fax: 01692 406866 Email: sales@marineindustrial.co.uk Website: www.marineindustrial.co.uk CONTACT:
Robin Mace, Partner National distributors of epoxy resins and adhesives, MMA and polyurethane adhesives and protective paint systems to the marine and industrial market. Brand names include PRO-SET, ITW Plexus, Sika, Jotun Paints and 3M. We offer full technical support on the full range of products we supply and pride ourselves on our ability to offer time in motion cost savings to our customers.
Marineware Ltd F176 Address: 6 Crosshouse Centre, Crosshouse Road, Southampton, SO14 5GZ Tel: 02380 330208 Fax: 02380 339667 Email: sales@marineware.com Website: www.marineware.com CONTACT:
Dean Fuller, Sales Marineware is a leading provider of high performance coatings and composite materials, bringing innovative and cost effective solutions to many of the world’s most demanding markets, from renewable energy to marine, industrial and automotive. As a composite supplier to household names in the marine industry for Gurit, and the main European distributors for Durepox, Marineware are the first stop for performance clear coats and advanced composite, core and consumable technology. Between the Technical Sales Team and the highly experienced Customer Services Team, Marineware have a huge depth of knowledge and supplier resources to offer help and advice throughout their composites and coatings range.
CTG Composite Centre of Excellence Launches 2013 CTG, a UTC Aerospace Systems company, innovates in the design, validation and manufacture of advanced composite products for high technology industries. CTG is at the forefront of precise fibre placement techniques, specialising in filament winding technology, and innovating new technology in joining metals to composites. The company has recently relocated into a purpose built, state-of-the-art Composite Centre of Excellence. The impressive 137,000ft² facility gives CTG an overall footprint increase of 90%.
+44(0)1295 755100 www.ctgltd.com
Master Abrasives B14 Address: High March, Low March Industrial Est, Daventry, Northants NN11 9DP Tel: 01327 703813 Fax: 01327 871617 Email: sales@master-abrasives.co.uk Website: www.master-abrasives.co.uk CONTACT:
Paul Batson, Sales & Marketing Director Master Abrasives is a leading supplier of abrasives for grinding and finishing applications in various markets but particularly the aerospace industry. Manufacturing a comprehensive range of coated abrasives belts with an impressive 5 day lead time, Master represent sia, Standard Abrasives and Saint-Gobain. Offering Meister superabrasive products and all sizes of Master conventional grinding wheels, they have the complete precision and surface finishing solutions. Other partners of Master include Atlas Copco, Apex Tool Group, Dynabrade, Cratex and Darmann.
Mastercam/Robotmaster CAD/CAM B200 Address: c/o 4D Engineering Ltd, Phoenix House, Phoenix Way, Cirencester, Glos, GL7 1QG Tel: 01285 650111 Email: sales@mastercam.co.uk Website: www.mastercam.co.uk CONTACT:
Stewart Roney, Director 4D Engineering will be demonstrating the latest CAD/CAM systems from both Mastercam and Robotmaster on the stand. Robotmaster will be demonstrated programming a Kuka robot with the latest Kuka CNC capable controller, which Robotmaster fully supports. In addition, the latest Mastercam X7 system will be shown together with new machine simulation, new 5 axis strategies, enhanced Mastercam for SolidWorks and also Verisurf working inside Mastercam for inspection and reverse engineering.
Materialise NV E56
u ADS Members Matrix Composite Materials Company Ltd ug C175 Address: 2 Folly Lane, St Philips, Bristol, BS2 0RH Tel: 0117 954 8040 Fax: 0117 955 8511 Email: sales@mcmc-uk.com Website: www.matrix-composites.co.uk CONTACT: Martin Spooner, Director Matrix Composites stock and supply a complete range of materials for the advanced composite industry. In our 11,000 ft2 facility in Bristol, we stock the following: • The full Sicomin range of epoxy resins, including their specialist fire-retardant resins, and liquid expanding epoxy foams. • A wide range of reinforcements in fibreglass, carbon and aramid (Kevlar) fibres. Unidirectional, woven, non-crimp and chopped strand formats. • Core systems – 3D Core, Corecork and PVC sheets • We also offer a full range of vacuum equipment and consumables, peel-ply, tools and ancillaries. Our products are fully supported by an experienced technical team, who can guide the customer in the best choice of materials and processes.
MBRAUN UK Ltd H112 Address: Mansfield Business Centre, Ashfield Avenue, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG18 2AE, United Kingdom Tel: 01623 404329 Fax: 01623 404277 Email: p.bane@mbraun.de Website: www.mbraun.com CONTACT: Paul Bane, Managing Director MBRAUN and its partners offer clean environment solutions for all stages of OLED/PLED/OPV development and manufacturing— from laboratory systems to automated lines in leading-edge production environments. Supported by process tools including ovens\hotplates, coating equipment, and encapsulation equipment, MBRAUN covers every aspect of OLED/PLED/OPV research and production.
Address: Unit 11, Devonshire Business Centre, Works Road, Letchworth, Herts, SG6 1GJ Tel: 01462 431981 Fax: 0560 315 2515 Email: amaru@mdltechnologies.co.uk Website: www.mdltechnologies.co.uk
CONTACT: Amardeep S Uppal, Business Manager MDL Technologies Limited is an independent UK company providing specialist sales, consultancy, calibration, systems capability, distribution, project management, installation and maintenance testing of shielded rooms and anechoic chambers, and Electronic Test and Measurement solutions to the UK and Ireland. This is in partnership and exclusively with our market leading global manufacturers such as Chroma ATE Inc., EMSCAN, ETS-Lindgren, Milmega, Rohde & Schwarz, Toellner addressing the requirements in the following sectors; Power Electronics, EMC/EMI, RF and Microwave, Wireless, Automotive, Aerospace and Defence, Security, Electrical Safety Testing & Video test solutions For more information please visit: www.mdltechnologies.co.uk
Materialise has been playing an active role in the field of Additive Manufacturing since 1990. In addition to having one of the world’s largest capacities of AM equipment, Materialise also enjoys a stellar reputation as a provider of innovative software solutions. The advantages of AM have been used by Materialise to develop unique solutions that make a world of difference in prototyping, production, and medical needs. Customers range from large companies in the automotive, consumer electronics, and consumables sectors; to famous hospitals, research institutes, and clinicians; to individual consumers interested in bringing their own unique creations to life through i.materialise or who want to purchase a celebrated .MGX design.
Materion Aerospace Metal Composites A161 Address: 1 R A E Road, Farnborough, Hampshire, England GUI14 6XE Tel: +44 (0) 1252 375001 Fax: +44 (0) 797 147 8474 Email: amc@materion.com Website: www.materion.com/amc CONTACT:
Andrew Tarrant, Managing Director Materion AMC is a leading manufacturer of performance metal composites and alloys. Its technology is based on high quality powder metallurgy processing developed since 1993. The product range offers a combination of outstanding thermal and mechanical performance with lightweight characteristics. Our matrix composites have a proven track record in a wide range of demanding structural applications, offering customers significant advantages over conventional materials. A wide range of products and services is offered to customers, including material supply, development and testing. Material is available as billet, forgings, extrusion and machined parts.
Composites UK Members
Mecmesin Ltd B112 Address: Newton House, Spring Copse Business Park, Slinfold, West Sussex, RH13 0SZ, UK Tel: +44 (0) 1403 799979 Fax: +44 (0) 1403 799975 Email: melissa.marketing@mecmesin.com Website: www.mecmesin.com CONTACT: Melissa Pickburn, Marketing Assistant A leading designer and manufacturer of force and torque test equipment for over 35 years, Mecmesin offers precision test instruments and systems that are accurate, reliable and excellent value for money. We provide a tailor-made service creating the ideal testing platform, which is robust, easy-to-operate and gives top-level performance time after time! Operating under ISO 9001 quality standards, Mecmesin test products are used to guarantee the quality of components, materials and finished products, from factory floor through to the R&D laboratory, in multiple industries.
MecWash Systems Limited C55 Address: 64 Hundred, Severn Drive, Tewkesbury Business Park, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, GL20 8SF Tel: 01684 271600 Fax: 01684 271601 Email: enquire@mecwash.co.uk Website: www.mecwash.co.uk CONTACT: John Pattison, Managing Director MecWash Systems Limited specialise in the design and manufacture of a complete range of aqueous parts cleaning and degreasing systems for metal and plastic engineering components. Used in the Aerospace, Automotive, Defence, General Engineering and Medical industries, our parts washers support the full range of engineering processes, including machined castings, forgings, turned parts, pressings, extrusions and mouldings. We specialise in achieving high cleanliness standards for components with complex geometries, difficult substrates or tenacious contaminants.
MDL Technologies Limited H82
Address: Technologielaan 15,3001 Leuven, Belgium Tel: +32 16 39 66 66 Fax: +32 16 39 66 06 Email: Jan.VanEspen@materialise.be Website: www.materialise.com Jan Van Espen, Senior Consultant Medical and Aerospace
£ SC21
MEP Ltd £ B82 Address: St Michael’s Close, The Forstal Estate, Aylesford, Kent ME20 7BU Tel: 01622 718642 Fax: 01622 882130 Email: phil.hart@mep.co.uk Website: www.mep.co.uk CONTACT: Phil Hart, Managing Director Manufacturing excellence in plastic and metal. At MEP we focus on delivering high quality components within your tight timescale from our AS9100 and ISO14001 environment. We specialise in the manufacture of complex metal and plastic parts, and our focus on quality and on-time delivery has led MEP to win multiple SC21 awards and preferred supplier status for some of the most prestigious aerospace and defence companies in the world. Products & Services • Composite Materials/Manufacture • Machining • Materials & Components • Plastic & Composite Component • Precision Machining/Engineering
MEASUREMENT SOLUTIONS LIMITED C85 Address: 13 Swan Court, Forder Way, Peterborough, PE7 8GX Tel: 01733 325252 Fax: 08432 161792 Email: sales@measurement-solutions.co.uk Website: www.measurement-solutions.co.uk CONTACT: Iain Caville, Managing Director , Measurement Solutions Measurement Solutions provide innovative, easy-to-use, portable 3D measurement systems for use in all environments. HandyProbe is the next generation of portable CMM technology, replacing traditional and old-fashioned devices like portable arms and laser trackers. HandyProbes TRUaccuracy technology provides measurement in all environments, with no loss in accuracy even if the part moves. The MetraScan is a handheld 3D laser scanner, offering high speed, high accuracy 3D scanning of all sizes of objects. The combination of the HandyProbe and MetraScan provide a multi-purpose, totally flexible and unrivalled 3D measuring solution. Our booth includes live demonstrations representing a wide range of inspection and reverse engineering tasks.
Merlin Tools Ltd D8 Address: Unit 21 North Road Charnwood Business Park Loughborough LE11 1LE Tel: 01509 610300 Fax: 01509 610400 Email: sales@merlintools.co.uk Website: www.merlintools.co.uk CONTACT: Simon Howse, Sales Manager, Merlin Tools Merlin Tools is one of the UK’s leading suppliers of Solid Carbide Round Tooling manufactured in the USA in a facility with over 200 CNC Grinding Machines. With one of the largest stocks in the UK we can deliver the quality tools to meet your needs. The comprehensive range includes Standard, Bright & TiALN Coated in both Metric and imperial Sizes, Corner Radius and Corner Rounding Tools, Ultra High Performance for Aluminium and Variable Helix for High Speed Machining and a comprehensive range of Solid Carbide Performance Drills. At Advanced Engineering we are highlighting our Full CNC Regrind and Bespoke Specials Service and New Product Lines.
Metal Improvement Company (CWST) E14
Metrology Software Products Ltd F51
Micro-Epsilon E3
Address: European Corporate Office, Hambridge Lane, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 5TU, UK Tel: 01635 279621 Fax: 01635 279629 Email: eurosales@cwst.com Website: www.cwst.co.uk
Address: 6F Greensfield Court, Greensfield Industrial Estate, Alnwick, Northumberland, NE66 2DE Tel: +44 (0) 1665 608 193 Fax: +44 (0) 1665 608 194 Email: info@metsoftpro.com Website: www.nc-perfectpart.com
Address: No 1 Shorelines Building, Shore Road, Birkenhead, CH41 1AU Tel: 0151 355 6070 Fax: 0151 355 6075 Email: amanda.byrne@micro-epsilon.co.uk Website: www.micro-epsilon.co.uk
CONTACT: Ben Hayes, Regional Sales Manager, Curtiss-Wright Surface Technologies Metal Improvement Company (MIC), a business unit of CurtissWright Surface Technologies, provides quality controlled and cost effective surface treatments including Controlled Shot Peening, Laser Peening, Peen Forming, Thermal Spray, Engineered Coatings and Analytical services as part of the manufacturing supply chain. Our processes improve performance and provide critical protection from premature failures. With over 70 operating divisions worldwide together with specialist on-site teams we can meet the logistical challenges of a range of industries including aerospace, automotive, energy, marine, medical and general engineering markets. Find out more www.cwst.co.uk
CONTACT: Margaret Toberty, NC-PerfectPart and NC-Checker Consultant MSP supply 5-axis part manufacturing solutions to some of the world’s most respected names in Engineering. Our customers range from multinational Tier 1 corporations to independent manufacturers.
CONTACT: Amanda Byrne, marketing Manager , Micro-Epsilon Micro-Epsilon develops and manufactures sensors and sensor systems that measure displacement, distance, position, vibration, dimensions and thickness, using both contact and non-contact techniques, including 2D/3D laser optical, confocal chromatic, eddy current, capacitive, inductive, draw-wire and time-of-flight technologies. The portfolio also includes temperature and colour measurement products using non-contact infrared temperature sensors, thermal imaging cameras and colour recognition systems.
Meter Mix Systems Limited C155 Address: Brindley Close, Rushden, NN10 6EN Tel: 01933 354500 Fax: 01933 354506 Email: sales@metermix.co.uk Website: www.metermix.co.uk CONTACT: Geoff Woolley, Sales Manager Meter Mix Systems Limited is a UK manufacturer leading the field in the design, development, manufacture and supply of precision metering, mixing & dispensing equipment for processing single and multi-component resins, adhesives & sealants. Materials processed include Polyurethanes, Epoxies, Silicones, Methacrylates and many more. Our extensive facilities in Rushden are available for the test & development of existing and innovative resin based products. Meter Mix Systems has developed a complete range of standard machines to suit most existing resin systems. All machines are built to the highest standards and are rigorously tested prior to on-site commissioning at our customers premises.
A leader in 5-axis metrology, our exclusive products and expertise allow you to cut costs and time by maximising machine tool productivity, reducing part setup and eliminating scrap. We are part of the global metrology to medical solutions group, Renishaw PLC., and have their support and international resources to further extend our services worldwide.
Metron Advanced Equipment Ltd. E152A Address: 40A High Road, Beeston, Nottingham, NG9 2JP Tel: 07734 768872 Email: info@metron.pro Website: www.metron.pro CONTACT: Dimitris Katsanis , Director METRON Advanced Equipment Ltd. is a composites engineering consultancy based in Beeston, Nottingham. Our background in composites ranges from aerospace and armour applications to motorsport and highest level sport, primarily cycling. From material selection to tooling design, stress analysis and design for manufacture, METRON are leaders in their field in composite design and engineering. The founder of the company, Dimitris Katsanis, is a composites engineer with a background that blends the latest methods in many fields. Utilising 3D CAD and FEA stress analysis techniques as well as external resources for CFD and wind tunnel testing, METRON can improve each and every aspect of composites structures down to the finest detail.
With more than 45 years experience and over 600 experts worldwide, Micro-Epsilon can demonstrate proven sensor and measurement technologies for R&D, test, OEM and production within leading aerospace and automotive applications.
midasFEA A1 Address: Denbigh Road, Bletchley, Milton Keynes, MK1 1DB Tel: 01908 278623 Fax: 01908 278601 Email: info@midasfea.com Website: www.midasfea.com CONTACT: Dr Auday Al-Rawe, Business Development Manager, midasFEA midasFEA provides multi-disciplinary analysis software solutions and services which cover structural FEA, CFD and topology optimization at very competitive prices. midasFEA has extensive experience in Auto, Aerospace, Marine and Civil applications. midasFEA are the exclusive UK supplier of midasNFX and midasFX+ for the software giant MIDAS Information Technology Co. Ltd. offering a dedicated analysis and simulation capability combined with an excellent reputation for customer service.
MetPro Group I73 Address: 24 Baronald Street, Rutherglen, Glasgow, G73 1AF Tel: 0141 6131869 Fax: 0141 6476999 Email: martyn.davenport@metprogroup.com Website: www.metprogroup.com CONTACT: Martyn Davenport, Regional Manager , MetPro Group The MetPro Group is a global industrial packaging company specialising in corrosion prevention and metal protection. Our proprietary Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor (VCI) technology is available as paper and board, foam and as PE film products of all types. We also manufacture water-based additives for metal working, cleaning and coating, all with the added benefit of VCI. Our offering to the automotive, steel and engineering industries is further complimented by a range of packaging materials such as aluminium compound barrier foils, waxed and waterproof papers, steel wrapping films and laminates, plus bespoke constructions in films and papers from our Glasgow facility. The MetPro Group – excellence in metal protection systems.
Metrology Direct Ltd A95 Address: Unit 8 Glenmore Centre, Waterwells Business Park, Marconi Drive, Quedgeley, Glos, GL2 2AP Tel: + 44 (0) 1452 725241 Fax: + 44 (0) 1452 883971 Email: sales@metrology-direct.com Website: www.metrology-direct.com CONTACT: Steven Herbert, Operations Director Metrology Direct is a major supplier of measurement and inspection solutions throughout the UK and Ireland. The company represents a number of world class manufactures whose products range from basic hand held measuring instruments through to fully automated CNC controlled measuring systems. At Aero Engineering, we will be exhibiting the latest non-contact measurement technology with the Jenoptik Opticline shaft measuring system and the Micro-Vu Vertex vision measuring system. A range of Wolpert Wilson Hardness Testers and Jenoptik surface roughness systems will also be on display. Metrology Direct is a progressive company and supports its customers with comprehensive installation, calibration, training and service support packages.
METYX COMPOSITES F211 Address: Merkez Mah, Gulsum SK, 34956 Orhanli Tuzla/Istanbul/TURKEY Tel: +902163943260 Fax: +902163943258 Email: info@metyx.com Website: www.metyx.com CONTACT: MERVE GUCLU, SALES AND MARKETING SUPPORT METYX Composites is a manufacturer of high-performance technical textiles, including:multiaxial reinforcements (e-glass, aramid, carbon, and hybrids), RTM reinforcements, woven reinforcements, and vacuum consumables. All manufacturing processes strictly adhere to demanding ISO 9001:2008 standards. METYX Composites Tooling Center (MCTC) and METYX Composites Kitting Center (MCKC) are the companys two newest divisions. MCTC specializes in composite and aluminum tooling; prototyping; and pattern and plug production services. MCKC focuses on core materials kits(PVC, PET, balsa, and PU), as well as reinforcement and vacuum consumable kits.
Midland Tool and Design Ltd £ G121 Address: Barnfield Road, Tipton, West Midlands, DY4 9DF Tel: +44 (0) 121 520 1171 Email: nick.brittle@mtdltd.co.uk Website: www.mtdltd.co.uk CONTACT: Nick Brittle, Sales Manager , Midland Tool and Design Ltd Midland Tool and Design Ltd are a precision engineering solutions company established in 1969. MTD specialise in progressive tool and die design and the manufacture of tooling, press tooling, core stack supply, grinding, and precision metal stampings. We work in a vast range of sectors, including medical, aerospace and motorsports. Midland Tool and Design Limited hold the prestigious aerospace AS9100 revision C accreditation supplying flying parts to Primes and tier-one clients
To complement the product portfolio, extensive consulting services and technical training are also offered.
We carry out complex grinding operations on components such as armatures to tolerances as small as 0.001mm. Our precision tool making and press production techniques enables us to produce precision tooling to stamp a variety of aircraft components.
MH Media Global Ltd A31
Address: Suite 1, The Lead Centre, Dane Valley Road, St Peters , Broadstairs, Kent, Ct10 3JJ Tel: 01843 601430 Fax: 01854 863736 Email: justine@pecm.co.uk Website: www.pecm.co.uk
Address: Business Innovation Centre, Binley Business Park, Coventry, CV3 2TX Tel: 024 7643 0250 Fax: 024 7643 0251 Email: info@midlandsaerospace.org.uk Website: www.midlandsaerospace.org.uk
CONTACT: Paul Attwood, Publishing Director , MH Media Global Ltd Process Engineering Control & Maintenance is a lively, engaging, insightful independent publication & directory which offers practical advice & solutions on the technical and management challenges faced by engineers and managers in the process & maintenance industries.
CONTACT: Emma Burgess , Marketing Manager The Midlands Aerospace Alliance (MAA) is the voice of companies in the Midlands supplying global aerospace and defence markets, with over 280 member companies ranging from Rolls-Royce to small technology firms. The mission of the MAA is to enhance cooperation between customers, suppliers and partners in the Midlands and globally, so that we can improve the performance of all our companies and organisations. MAA supports its members through networking, technology development, operations improvement through SC21, and forging links to new customers.
Every issue of the magazine contains the latest news, in-depth features, together with the latest product innovations, case studies showing how process engineers are implementing new technologies to reduce costs and the impact on the environment.
Address: UNION STREET WEST BROMWICH B70 6BP Tel: 0121 553 7491 Fax: 0121 553 7721 Email: enquiries@millpm.co.uk Website: www.millpm.co.uk
Address: Unit 7, Hadrians Way, Rugby, CV21 1ST Tel: 01788 577288 Fax: 01788 526808 Email: info@hktechnologies.com Website: www.hktechnologies.com
CONTACT: Anna Stevenson, Managing Director The single source of supply
CONTACT: Garry Cooke, Operations Manager HK Technologies represent Mitsubishi EDM – Electro Discharge Machines in the UK and Ireland. As the worlds leading manufacturer of wire cutting and die sinking machines Mitsubishi’s advanced technology ensures exceptional accuracy, productivity and ease of operation in a variety of industries such as aerospace, mould making, medical and motorsport. Mitsubishi also offer automation solutions and are pioneering wire cutting of CBN Grinding Wheels. Complimented by excellent applications and service support Mitsubishi / HK Technologies offer the complete solution to all EDM – Wire Cutting and Die Sinking requirements.
Millennium Pressed Metal are one of the UK’s leading providers of world class pressed metal components, machined parts and assemblies. From our facility in the heart of the West Midlands, we specialise in offering single source manufacturing solutions for our customers in the automotive, construction, consumer and electronics sectors. Our services include: - Low and high volume production - Long-term supply - Rapid turnaround - Prototyping - Capacity relief - Limited life components
Minden Dust Extraction B115 Address: 3 Wayside, Braunston, Northants. NN11 7HB Tel: +44 (0)1788 890 571 Fax: +44 (0)1788 890 029 Email: les@mindensystems.co.uk Website: www.mindensystems.co.uk CONTACT: Les Brooker, Director Established 1985, Minden Design, Manufacture and install centralised high velocity dust extraction systems. Specialising in on-tool extraction at source capture of all fine dusts - Paint, Carbon and Fibreglass and more.. Plus, can be utilised for localised fume extraction. Plant options from 2.2 11kw support up to 24 extraction heads, Mindens systems cover small localised to 150m long systems. All pipe work is 100% steel powder coat finish. British built, Minden offers a 3 year warranty.
MJ Allen Group of Companies I55 Address: Hilton Road, Cobbs Wood Industrial Estate, Ashford, Kent. TN23 1EW Tel: 01233 622214 Fax: 01233 632979 Email: gary.ealham@mjallen.co.uk Website: www.mjallen.co.uk CONTACT: Gary Ealham, Sales Director MJ Allen produce prototyping, low & medium volume, complex core, sand castings in aluminium (0.5kg- 1 tonne), grey & SG iron (to 3 tonne) & copper alloys (to 750kg). Our aluminium gravity die (to 50kg) facility casts medium & high volumes. Coupled with our extensive CNC & conventional machine shop, assembly & finishing, we are a single source UK manufacturer of components of almost any size & volume. Our Countytrac subsidiary is synonymous with innovative driveline design & engineering, from 6x6 military applications through high clearance tractor axles to aftermarket differential upgrade kits. Our core business includes our All Wheel Drive system on the Ford Transit, including supply of on-going production quantities of machined castings
Export and agent enquiries are welcome. Established 1985, Minden Design, Manufacture and install centralised high velocity dust extraction systems. Specialising in on-tool extraction at source capture of all fine dusts - Pai
MIRA Ltd I35 Address: Watling Street, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV10 0TU Tel: 02476 35 5000 Fax: 02476 35 8000 Email: enquiries@mira.co.uk Website: www.mira.co.uk CONTACT: Lucy Booth, Event and Project Coordinator MIRA is a world-class whole vehicle engineering and consultancy company, with a global reputation for innovation, testing and design. With over 65 years of rich engineering heritage, MIRA hosts over 550 industry experts, 95km of specialised proving ground and over 35 major test facilities.
Mirka (UK) Ltd E211
Composites UK Members
Momentum Engineering Limited B20 Address: Unit 50 Coleshill Industrial Estate, Station Road, Coleshill , Birmingham, B46 1JT Tel: 01675 467175 Fax: 01675 467175 Email: mark@amu-ltd.com Website: www.momentumengineeringltd.co.uk CONTACT: Mark Devall, MD, AMU Limited Our History Established over 40 years ago, Momentum Engineering has become a leading supplier to many areas of the automotive, aerospace, railway, construction, petro-chemical, electronics and defence sectors. We are an ISO 9001 company providing highprecision components internationally. Our Service Specialising in high integrity CNC machining, projects range from one-off prototypes through to large batch sizes, requiring 24 hour unmanned machining. Continuous investment in the latest technology and machine tools, we offer exceptional flexibility and versatility, reliability and efficiency, Please refer to our web site or call us directly to support your engineering requirements. www.momentumengineeringltd.co.uk or call + (0) 1675 465024.
MonsterCAM Limited H155 Address: Dunning Building, Daedalus, Broom Way, Lee on the Solent, Hampshire, PO13 9YA Tel: +44 (0) 2392 550088 Fax: +44 (0) 2392 556925 Email: david@MonsterCAM.co.uk Website: www.MonsterCAM.co.uk CONTACT: Terry Stubington, Director MonsterCAM specialise in the machining of patterns, tools and composite components for the Marine, Aviation, Automotive, Wind Energy and Architectural Industries. At the heart of the business is a 45 metre, 5-axis machining centre. We have a wealth of knowledge covering all aspects of machining, tool design and component structural integrity. This year, we have added extra CNC capacity. We have also developed a robust system for Rapid Tooling that has enabled us to produce one-off and low-volume components at competitive prices. The team will be on the stand to meet you and answer and of your questions.
Moog Aircraft Group £ G116 ML Electronics Ltd J81 Address: Brickworth Lane, Whiteparish, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP5 2QE Tel: 01794 885790 Email: enquiries@ml-electronics.co.uk Website: www.ml-electronics.co.uk CONTACT: Peter Needham, Sales & Marketing Director ML Electronics are a leading electronics design and product development company with our own manufacturing division. We specialise in developing robust, high performance, high reliability solutions for clients operating in highly regulated markets such as automotive. We have worked with clients from all areas of the industry, ranging from Formula 1 teams to Tier 1 and 2 suppliers and niche manufacturers. To learn more about how we can help you, please visit us on stand I95
Momentive Combined Composite Technologies Ltd D125
Address: Saxon House, Shirwell Crescent, Furzton Lake, Milton Keynes, MK4 1GA Tel: 01908 375533 Fax: 01908 376611 Email: julie.starkey@mirka.com Website: www.mirka.co.uk
Address: Unit 3, Trilogy, Concorde Way, Segensworth North, Fareham, Hampshire, PO15 5RL Tel: 01489 585910 Fax: 01489 585920 Email: robin.collinson@c-c-t.co.uk Website: www.c-c-t.co.uk
CONTACT: Julie Starkey, Marketing Controller Dust-free sanding solutions designed to provide innovative, durable machines and abrasives that produce a highly effective smooth finish for multiple operations will be showcased by Mirka UK. Spearheaded by DEROS, the world’s lightest electric sanding machine plugs into an ordinary power supply and delivers a rapid, efficient, consistently powerful performance comparable to a conventional 500W electric machine, even under heavy load, reducing energy consumption. The multifunctional Abranet® Ace continues to provide long-lasting, economical net sanding, and increases production and speed for tougher, more demanding sanding applications in a variety of industrial sectors, while reducing costs.
CONTACT: Robin Collinson, Sales & Commercial Manager Momentive Combined Composite Technologies operates as a business unit within Momentive Speciality Chemicals, a global company of $7.5bn. From Design through to prototyping and component manufacture our collaborative approach ensures the highest quality solutions for composite tooling and components to the Aerospace, Defence Automotive and Renewables sectors.Our world class reputation is based on providing unique solutions to complex challenges. Our modern facility and 50 years’ experience help you through the complex process of making the virtual, actual. With two dedicated clean rooms, autoclave, gas ovens and 5 axis machining capability along with our team of professionals, CCT excel at delivery right first time, on time, every time.
£ SC21
Address: Wolverhampton Operations, Black Country i54 Business Park, (Off Wobaston Road), Wolverhampton, West Midlands, WV9 5EW Tel: +44 (0) 1902 397700 Fax: +44 (0) 1902 394771 Email: smclachlan@moog.com Website: www.moog.com CONTACT: Stuart Mclachlan, Moog Business Unit General Manager, Moog Aircraft Group Moog Aircraft Group designs and manufactures motion and fluid controls and control systems for applications in the aerospace, defence, industrial and medical device markets. Moog’s products and systems include primary, secondary and high-lift flight control systems for cockpits. Its high-performance systems control military and commercial aircraft, satellites and space vehicles, launch vehicles, missiles, automated industrial machinery, wind turbines, marine and medical equipment. In 2012 Moog moved into a new purpose-built 205,000 sq. ft. manufacturing facility on an 11-acre site at the i54 Black Country enterprise zone near Wolverhampton. Visit stand G116 to meet with our engineers and supply chain specialists.
Morgan Advanced Materials – Composites and Defence Systems B161 Address: 473 Foleshill Road, Coventry, CV6 5AQ Tel: 02476 702802 Fax: 02476 687313 Email: information@morganplc.com Website: www.morgancomposites.com CONTACT: Vanessa Skelton, Graduate Project Engineer Morgan Advanced Materials produces specialist components and structures using sophisticated composite materials. Drawing on 90 years of engineering and materials knowledge in concept design, validation and testing, we use advanced manufacturing techniques to produce products for a diverse range of highly demanding applications. Supplying markets from Healthcare to Transportation with high strength composite brackets to large scale supporting structures, we can help your products achieve the highest performance at the lowest weight.
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09/10/2013 11:50
Heating, Cooling Vacuum & Hydraulic Presses
Machinery Division
Designed and developed with our composite customers Controlled accurate temperatures, heating and cooling vacuum presses, tables and bespoke platen systems.
Evolved from many years of manufacturing composite presses the new LZK-130 offers multi-functional processing, RTM, prepreg and injection moulding in one press.
Wakefield House, Gildersome Spur, Morley, Leeds LS27 7JZ. Telephone: 0113 201 2240 Fax: 0113 253 0717 email: info@cdukltd.co.uk
www.cdukltd.co.uk CDUK HPH 1013.indd 1
09/10/2013 11:58
Motique Plastics Ltd / Eco Badge G81A Address: Unit C1, Taylor Business Park, Warrington, WA3 6BL Tel: 01925 767 868 Fax: 01925 767 898 Email: sales@motique.co.uk Website: www.motique.co.uk CONTACT: Christian Raihani, Production Manager With over 30 years’ experience in the graphic design and production industry, Motique has firmly established a reputation as a leader in the market. Over the years, our name has become synonymous with innovation, high quality products and first class service, complimented by the expertise of our dedicated and friendly team. From the creation and development of your ideas to prototyping and producing the final product, we provide brand solutions using a variety of services including resin doming, laser cutting & engraving, flatbed printing & cutting, CNC routing, vinyl graphics and our latest, innovative technology, Eco Badge.
MouldCAM E146 Address: 7 Holton Point, Holton Heath Trading Park, Poole, Dorset, BH16 6LT Tel: 01202 620078 Fax: 01202 621490 Email: markn@mouldcam.com Website: www.mouldcam.com CONTACT: Mark Northey, Director , MouldCAM mouldCAM, a manufacturer of patterns, moulds, direct tooling, complex shapes and composite structures for the architecture, marine, industrial and renewable energy markets. Using advanced 3D design and engineering technology combined with some of the world’s largest format 5-axis CNC machines, mouldCAM delivers cost-effective, highly innovative computeraided manufacturing solutions for complex shaping challenges. With manufacturing facilities and engineering offices in UK, The Netherlands, Rhode Island USA, Brisbane Australia and Indonesia, mouldCAM presents a global approach to creating and delivering the right solution to make any shape possible. We shape innovative design.
Mouldlife Ltd ug C211 Address: Miro House, Western Way (WEST), Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 3SP Tel: +44 (0) 1638 750679 Fax: +44 (0) 1638 751779 Email: info@mouldlife.co.uk Website: www.mouldlife.co.uk CONTACT: Julian Ferries, Director Think materials. Think Mouldlife. Established in 1997, Mouldlife are a leading UK distributor for Polytek Silicones and Polyurethanes, with a specialist team combining over 80 years of technical expertise in the polymer materials field. As official distributor of the Advanced Materials for Huntsman, market leader in epoxy fusions, Mouldlife are responsible for key composite trades offering the entire range of tooling, resin and adhesive systems including the Araldite 2000 collection. Within the last year we have agreed a new partnership with 3M as an official partner for its comprehensive range of adhesives, pioneering high performance VHB and Duo-Pak ranges across our website.
MSA Manufacturing Ltd ug G181 Address: 21 Johnson Road, Ferndown Industrial Estate, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 7SE Tel: 01202 850421 Fax: 01202 850443 Email: sales@msamfg.co.uk Website: www.msamfg.co.uk CONTACT: Isobel Bennett-Sime, Administration Manager Machining, cutting and kitting services that save you time and money in your processes making then easier to manage. Kit cutting: Foam core materials, fibreglass mat, carbon, pre-pregs and dry fabrics, Kevlar, Sprint. Waterjet and 3&5 Axis machining: Foam Core materials, G10, Nylon 66, Tufnol, PVC, Alloys, Honeycomb, sheet carbon, sandwich panels, cork, glass fibre skins. Ask us about cutting your materials.
u ADS Members MSC Software Ltd. C56
£ SC21
Composites UK Members
NCMT Ltd A35
Address: 4 Archipelago, Lyon Way, Frimley, Surrey GU16 7ER Tel: 01276 903120 Fax: 01276 903119 Email: info.uk@mscsoftware.com Website: www.mscsoftware.com/uk
Address: Ferry Works, Summer Road, Thames Ditton Surrey KT7 0QJ Tel: 020 8398 4277 Fax: 020 8398 3631 Email: davidjames@ncmt.co.uk Website: www.ncmt.co.uk
CONTACT: Peter Roberts , Regional Manager As a trusted partner, MSC Software helps companies improve quality, save time and reduce costs associated with design and test of manufactured products. Our products accurately and reliably predict how products will behave in the real world to help engineers design more innovative products – quickly and cost effectively.
CONTACT: David James, Director – Tooling Division NCMT is showing a comprehensive range of BIG Daishowa toolholders, including slim profile hydraulic models, as well as tapping tools, angle heads, speeders and other spindle tooling. Smart Damper is highlighted, an extended reach arbour that minimises vibration and chatter for increased productivity in deephole finish boring and extended-reach face milling applications. New cutting tools from BIG include the Speed Finisher milling cutter for producing mirror finishes. Exhibited also are the latest KAISER high precision digital boring bars from Switzerland, which encompass a vast range of sizes from 0.4 mm to 3 metres diameter. A wide variety of alumina deburring brushes and mounted points from XEBEC, Japan, will complete the exhibits.
MSC Softwares technology is used by leading manufacturers for linear and nonlinear finite element analysis (FEA), acoustics, fluidstructure interaction (FSI), multi-physics, optimization, fatigue and durability, multi-body dynamics, and control systems simulation.
MULTIAX INTERNATIONAL CNC s.r.l. E212 Address: Via Carpenè 14- 33070 Brugnera (Pn) Italy Tel: +39 0434 598151 Fax: +39 0434 598175 Email: info@multiax.com Website: www.multiax.com CONTACT: Marvi Chiarottin, CEO MULTIAX International CNC, based in the Italian North East, designs, manufactures and markets CNC Machining Centers for industries operating in the field of composites, light alloys, aluminum, wood and wood products. MULTIAX uses and applies the ‘twenty years’ experience in producing mainly custom solutions that meet the most challenging operations that customers are demanding in terms of quality and precision milling, drilling, profiling and modeling. The flexibility and customization capabilities combined with a significant intransigence in mechanical design, both of the base structure that the new devices, give the products MULTIAX a just reputation for quality combined with a ‘reliability undisputed and universally recognized.
National Composites Centre ug D193 Address: Feynman Way Central, Bristol & Bath Science Park, Emersons Green, Bristol BS16 7FS Tel: 01173 707600 Email: info@nccuk.com Website: www.nccuk.com CONTACT: Stacey Downton, Business Development Coordinator The National Composites Centre (NCC) provides industrial scale Research & Technology Development facilities. With over 100 specialist composites engineers, designers and technicians working on innovative composites applications, the high tech open access centre supports all sectors seeking to capitalise on high-strength, low weight, corrosion-resistant composite materials. The NCC brings together dynamic companies and enterprising academics to develop new technologies for the design and rapid manufacture of advanced composites. A £28m extension of the centre will offer accelerated knowledge transfer, skills, training and future development opportunities for UK Composites Industry Companies. Partner of the High Value Manufacturing Catapult.
NDI B84 Address: Spectrum 6, Spectrum Business Park, Seaham, County Durham, SR7 7TT Tel: 0845 111 1141 Fax: 0191 581 7604 Email: enquiries@ndi.org.uk Website: www.ndi.org.uk CONTACT: Kelly Maddison, Account Manager NDI is a leading supply network sourcing and development service for the defence, space, aerospace and security sectors. NDI provides SMEs and businesses with the opportunities, knowledge and skills they need to be part of the global supply networks of the future. NDI is a leading voice for SMEs, inspiring debate and driving change. We work with Government and industry to break down the barriers to accessing supply chain opportunities. We provide tailored support to help our member companies achieve their aspirations. NDI champion innovation through joint venture and collaboration. We assist SMEs in attracting and retaining the right talent
Nemesis GB Ltd H103 Address: 17 Great Western Business Park, McKenzie Way, Tolladine Road, Worcester, WR2 5DH Tel: 01905 720170 Fax: 01905 720194 Email: caroline.scott@nemesisgb.com Website: www.nemesisgb.com CONTACT: Caroline Scott, Marketing Manager, Nemesis Nemesis is a leading brand supplier to the UK car markets. We provide a wide range of ‘business to business’ and ‘business to consumer’ services for our brands and have been driven by an entrepreneurial enthusiasm since 1997. We have a desire to provide products that solve “challenges” faced by consumers in the car, at home and during leisure time. We are approachable and inquisitive in the way we conduct our business and obsessive on behalf of our brands.
National Physical Laboratory E15 Address: Hampton Road, Teddington, Middlesex, TW11 0LW Tel: 0208 977 3222 Fax: 020 8614 0446 Email: enquiry@npl.co.uk Website: www.npl.co.uk CONTACT: Andy Morris, NPL Huddersfield Laboratory Manager, NPL The National Physical Laboratory (NPL) is the UK’s National Measurement Institute, responsible for the maintenance and development of measurement standards, ensuring traceability of UK measurement and defining and improving international standards. NPL combines “science with commerce” to meet the needs of the global advanced manufacturing industry through developing and applying world class metrology solutions, training, and the dissemination of measurement best practice. NPL services include; precision component measurement, CMM programming and programme validation and materials modelling and characterisation. NPL’s training framework offers a range of national measurement qualifications, helping to raise productivity and reduce waste.
NetComposites ug D130 Address: 4A Broom Business Park, Bridge Way, Chesterfield, S41 9QG Tel: + 44 (0)1246 266244 Fax: + 44 (0)1246 266249 Email: info@netcomposites.com Website: www.netcomposites.com CONTACT: Gemma Smith, Communications Manager NetComposites is a global research, consultancy and online media company, creating and using innovative technologies to advance the composites industry as well as running the industry’s leading online portal for composites. We undertake consultancy and major development projects to create innovative composites products and processes for our partner companies, using our own development facilities, in many cases also attracting funding support to help with costs. Our intimate involvement with current news and future developments means that we are well-placed to advise on trends in markets and technologies.
Netzsch Gertebau GmbH (UK branch office) F136
Nikon Metrology UK Ltd E1
Address: Unit 6 Element Court, Hilton Cross Business Park, Wolverhampton, WV10 7FE Tel: 01902 306645 Fax: 01902 725954 Email: uk.thermal@netzsch.com Website: www.netzsch-thermal-analysis.com
Address: Argosy Road, East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, Derby. DE74 2SA Tel: +44 (0)1332 811 349 Fax: +44 (0)1332 639 881 Email: Sales.NM-UK@Nikon.com Website: www.nikonmetrology.com
CONTACT: Eileen Smith, Sales Engineer NETZSCH Analysing and Testing has a product portfolio for applications in thermal analysis and thermophysical properties testing that rank among the best in the market for meeting the high demands associated with reliable manufacturing and state of the art research and development.
CONTACT: Martin Bishop, Sales Director Nikon Metrology yields the most complete and innovative metrology offering, including Coordinate Measuring Machines, Optical CMMs, 3D Laser Scanners, Handheld Laser Line probes, X-ray and Computed Tomography, Optical CNC Measuring Systems and Measuring Microscopes.
The main techniques include Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA), Dilatometry (DIL), Laser Flash Analysis (LFA), Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) and Evolved Gas analysis.
These reliable and innovative metrology solutions respond to the advanced and time restricted inspection requirements of manufacturers active in consumer, automotive, aerospace, electronics, medical and other industries.
These techniques give insight into the thermal properties of polymers and composites, and can be used to characterise plastic and rubber compounds, and to determine information regarding the condition or processing history of specific samples
New Technology CADCAM Ltd – SolidWorks J60 Address: Waterslade House, Thame Road, Haddenham, Buckinghamshire, HP17 8NT. Tel: 01844 295 235 Fax: 01844 295 236 Email: sales@ntcadcam.co.uk Website: www.ntcadcam.co.uk CONTACT: Neil McArthur, Sales & Marketing Director NT CADCAM, are the appointed Master Reseller for the UK and Ireland for TransMagic data translation software and SolidWorks. TransMagic provides the easiest and most reliable way for manufacturing professionals to reuse 3D data in any CAD/CAM/ CAE application. It simplifies the transfer of 3D CAD data between applications, improves the quality of 3D model files and significantly reduces manufacturing costs. TransMagic reads and converts all major CAD files into multiple formats as high quality models usable in any 3D software including CATIA, SolidWorks, JT, UG/ NX, Inventor, Pro/E, and many more. Visit us at stand J60 to view TransMagic in action
Newgate Simms G81 Address: Broughton Mills Road, Bretton, Chester, CH4 0BY Tel: 01244 660771 Fax: 01244 661220 Email: info@newgatesimms.co.uk Website: www.newgatesimms.co.uk CONTACT: Peter Wilks, Tech Support Engineer Newgate can help you improve product performance, reliability and extend the functional life of components and devices utilising the portfolio of synthetic lubricants and anti-friction coatings at their disposal - Prevent automotive interior trim noise using water based antifriction coatings and dry film lubricants. Improve device reliability and tactile feel with a synthetic damping grease for your device. Electrical/electronic connector lubricants are problem solving products that protect circuitry from moisture ingress, fretting corrosion, oxidation and contact wear.
Nicholsons Sealing Technologies Ltd C45 Address: Amos Drive, Greencroft Industrial Park, Stanley, Co Durham, DH9 7YE Tel: +44 (0) 1207 523 010 Fax: +44 (0) 1207 523 011 Email: info@nicholsons.co.uk Website: www.nicholsons.co.uk CONTACT: Kirsty Forster, Business Development Assistant Nicholsons Sealing Technologies Ltd are global specialists in the design and manufacture of resilient metal seals, gaskets and ancillary components. Our diverse range of precision metal sealing solutions accommodates extreme compression, temperature and pressure. Nicholsons deliver a complete engineering service from design and prototype manufacture to full volume production of standard, optimised and bespoke seals. With ISO/AS/TS and NADCAP accreditations, Nicholsons integrated service includes machining, rolling, forming, heat treatment and chemical processing.
North West Aerospace Alliance A45 Address: Unit 9 & 10, South Preston Office Village, Cuerden Way, Bamber Bridge, Preston. PR5 6BL Tel: 01772 648800 Fax: 01772 334229 Email: info@aerospace.co.uk Website: www.aerospace.co.uk CONTACT: Sharon McDonald, Head of Marketing & Communications The North West Aerospace Alliance represents the cluster of Aerospace companies in the North West of England. The NWAA Cluster is the fourth largest in the world with 240 member companies and a turnover in excess of £7 billion representing one third of the UK’s Aerospace Industry. The NWAA’s mission is to support our members from the aerospace and defence sectors in three key areas; supply chain development, skills and innovation. Our work consistently raises the international profile of our members and positions the region as a global centre of excellence.
Norco Composites ug E142 Address: 33 Holton Road, Holton Heath Trading Park, Poole, Dorset, BH16 6LT Tel: 01202 623934 Fax: 01202 621940 Email: m.northey@norco.co.uk Website: www.norco.co.uk CONTACT: MR MARK W NORTHEY, Director Norco Composites established 1985. Capabilities include pre-preg, film infusion and dry fibre solutions, in a wide range of thermoset resins covering fire retardant and phenolic, along with resin infusion, resin transfer moulding (light) and out of autoclave vacuum bagging along with high temperature post curing processes. Norco has a newly built dedicated composites facility which means it can focus its efforts into the defence, automotive, transport, oil & gas, subsea and OEM markets and further develop its certification and quality programmes. Competent suppliers of structural composite components, we are enthusiastic to discuss future project requirements in all industry sectors.
NORD COMPOSITES UK LTD G155 Address: Unit 1 / G-Moor Lane Industrial Estate, Perrylwell Road, Witton, Birmingham, B6 7AT Tel: 0121 356 3690 Fax: 0121 356 5244 Email: info@nordcompositesuk.com Website: www.nordcompositesuk.com CONTACT: Anne-Sophie Lavens , Director Nord Composites UK Ltd is a manufacturer and supplier of a comprehensive range of gel coats, resins, pigments, epoxies, reinforcements and tools. Part of the Nord European group of companies we are UK wide distributors of composite materials to all sectors of the composite market. We are able to offer a rapid colour matching service in a range of products and our focus is always on service and response. We can advise, develop and supply polyester materials for all processes. With our specialised sales team and laboratory facilities, we can assist in selecting the correct product for your process and develop be-spoke product if necessary.
Northamptonshire Enterprise Partnership F2 Address: Enterprise House, 30 Billing Road, Northampton, NN1 5DQ Tel: 01604 609393 Fax: 01604 627401 Email: julia.schumacher@northamptonshireep.co.uk Website: www.northamptonshireep.co.uk CONTACT: JULIA SCHUMACHER, Business Partnership Manager Northamptonshire is home to a unique concentration of industries that specialise in the design and manufacture of innovative technologies, engines and products, incorporating low carbon engineering and the application of lightweight materials and composites. This distinctive network of over 1000 companies, known as the Northamptonshire High Performance Technology Network, is supported by Northamptonshire Enterprise and forms a comprehensive and unique industry supply chain. Visit our stand to find out more about the financial support available to companies located in, or moving to, Northamptonshire.
Northwest Automotive Alliance J82 Address: Land Rover Visitor Centre, South Road, Halewood, Speke, Liverpool, L24 9BJ Tel: 0151 486 4986 Email: m.andrews@nwautoalliance.com Website: www.nwautoalliance.com CONTACT: Dr Martin Andrews, Project Manager The Northwest Automotive Alliance (NAA) has one key objective: to help its member companies to become more successful. The NAA is industry led, with a board chaired by Bentley Motors and comprising of senior managers representing both large and small companies. It is a not-for-profit organisation, which provides membership and project management services to the automotive community. Established in 2010, the £2.2 million ‘Business Excellence Programme’ (BEP)offers flexible funded technical support, networking and promotional opportunities with the aim of improving the competitiveness and profitability of the region’s automotive sector.
Nottingham Trent University F19 North Composites Engineering Ltd F138 Address: Unit 6 Rosebridge Court, Ince, Wigan, WN1 3DP Tel: 01942 665292 Email: info@northcompositesengineering.co.uk Website: www.northcompositesengineering.co.uk CONTACT: Brian Henderson, Engineering Director North Composites Engineering Ltd is a world class specialist in composite training for Aerospace, Marine, Wind Turbine and the Automotive sectors. Courses can be bespoke or can be accommodated in our scheduled program of training. At North Composites Engineering our highly qualified engineers use their experiences and knowledge base to develop and apply competitive composite design, repair and processing to our in-depth training programs. We are the sole distributor for Aeroform France, enabling us to support your processing and repair equipment needs. Partnered with Midas-NDT we provide bespoke NDT solutions for composites. Our new training facility is now open and fully equipped with the latest ATEX rated clean air extraction system.
Address: Burton Street, Nottingham NG1 4BU Tel: +44 (0) 115 848 6518 Fax: +44 (0) 115 848 8433 Email: tilak.dias@ntu.ac.uk Website: www.ntu.ac.uk/research/groups_centres/art/ advanced_textiles.html CONTACT: Tilak Dias, Professor Nottingham Trent University is officially ranked one of the top ten ‘new’ universities in the UK (The Complete University Guide, 2013). With an excellent employability record, almost 150 courses are formally accredited or recognised by a professional, statutory or regulatory body. Founded in 1843, the School of Art & Design at NTU is one of the most established in the UK, offering an international reputation for creative excellence, and the Advanced Textiles research group is located within the School. The group is pioneering the way electronic textiles are produced by fully integrating electronics into the core of yarns.
OE Systems Limited H86 Address: 49 George Street, Birmingham, B3 1QA Tel: +44 (0) 7921 020387 Tel: +44 (0) 121 4396648 Email: oesys-aesUK13@oesys.co Website: www.oesys.co CONTACT:
David Chadwick, Director OE Systems Limited design, develop and manufacture innovative electronic hardware and are taking the opportunity that the auto electronics show presents to introduce two products; Bladesense, an innovative and distinct approach to vehicle efficiency and safety that allows the owner to take control of their vehicle power consumption. Bladesense Discretely integrates within existing and future vehicles, literally as easily as changing a fuse. ProSonicA audio modules are devices that address the fundamental requirements for portable media streaming in vehicles, allowing esoteric audiophile quality audio to be accessed anywhere by all abilities from the enthusiast, OEMs to the Professionals.
Oerlikon Balzers Coating UK Ltd B24 Address: Bradbourne Drive, Tilbrook, Milton Keynes, MK7 8AT Tel: 01908 377277 Fax: 01908 361362 Email: info.balzers.uk@oerlikon.com Website: www.oerlikon.com/balzers/uk CONTACT:
Joyce Stokley, Marketing and Communication With over thirty years’ experience in the field of wear protection, Oerlikon Balzers is promoting its advanced surface technologies applied on precision components and performance tools. The unique frictional and wear properties of BALINIT® coatings enable higher performance with smaller dimensions and weight, increased service life and functional reliability, replacement of expensive special materials, reduced consumption of lubricants and lower maintenance costs and dry running. Visitors to Advanced Engineering UK are welcome to visit stand B24 to meet Oerlikon Balzers team of experts who will be on-hand to guide users to the optimum coating solution for their applications.
OGP UK D15 Address: Faraday House, Woodyard Lane, Foston, Derbyshire, DE65 5DJ Tel: 01283 585933 Fax: 01283 585181 Email: info@ogpuk.com Website: www.ogpuk.com CONTACT:
Graham Shaw, Sales OGP is the pioneer behind multi-sensor metrology. OGP SmartScopes provide the highest levels of accuracy with true future-proof flexibility. Whatever you need to measure now or in the future, SmartScopes handle it with combined video, touch probe, laser and rotary capabilities. These have allowed the measurement of a plethora of specialist applications while providing the best solution for general inspection requirements. OGP hardware is built using only the highest-quality components, while specialist software is developed in-house to streamline processes. Come along to OGPs stand to see how manufacturers can inspect with the highest levels of accuracy, repeatability and throughput on the worlds most advanced metrology platforms.
Olmar Group F191 Co-locating with Aerotherm Group Address: Polígono Industrial Somonte III, Parcela 1B 33393 Gijón (Asturias), ESPAÑA Tel: 0034-985 321700 Fax: 0034-985 323831 Autoclaves suppliers – Olmar, S.A. is a world’s leading manufacturer of autoclaves for the aerospace, automotive, composites, rubber, and glass industries.
u ADS Members Olsen Actuation UK Ltd £ D54
£ SC21
Composites UK Members
Optris Infrared Thermometers C95
Address: Daresbury Sci-Tech, The Innovation Centre, Keckwick Lane, Daresbury, Cheshire, WA4 4FS Tel: 01925 202127 Fax: 0870 762 7582 Email: piers.olsen@consultolsen.com Website: www.consultolsen.com/index.html
Address: Ferdinand-Buisson-Str. 14, 13127 Berlin, Germany Tel: +49 30-500 197-0 Fax: +49 30-500 197-10 Email: info@optris.de Website: www.optris.co.uk
CONTACT: Piers Olsen, Technical / Managing Director Products/Services
We supply precision engineered roller screw linear actuators and associated industrial automation solutions. EAR99 COTS Mil Spec Electric Actuation Systems It is possible to customise and tailor the electric actuator design by selecting from over 300 million different options. Applications include: Hexapod simulators, test and targeting systems. Motion control flight simulator platforms, Static and dynamic electrical testing rigs. We can guide you to make the best choice, compared with hydraulics or pneumatics. We represent Exlar Curtiss Wright exclusively in the UK. AS9100 pending
Olympus Industrial E8 Address: KeyMed House, Stock Road, Southend on Sea, Essex SS2 5QH Tel: 01702 616333 Fax: 01702 444266 Email: industrial@olympus.co.uk Website: www.olympus-ims.com CONTACT: Rob Arnot, General Manager – UK Industrial Division Olympus Industrial is renowned throughout the world as a leading manufacturer and supplier of non-destructive testing and remote visual inspection equipment for a wide range of Industrial applications. Olympus provides industry leading non-destructive testing technologies including ultrasound, phased-array, eddy current, and eddy current array. In addition, Olympus also has an extensive range of IPLEX videoscopes, and the latest range of products to complement our existing portfolio are XRF (X-Ray Fluorescence) analysers, which allow positive material identification, either to confirm elemental composition of materials, grade matching, or to identify contaminated areas. See us at stand E8 to find out more.
ONDRIVES LTD C14 Address: Foxwood Industrial Park, Foxwood Road, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, S41 9RN Tel: 01246 455500 Fax: 01246 455522 Email: sales@ondrives.com Website: www.ondrives.com CONTACT: AMANDA LAUGHTON, MARKETING MANAGER Ondrives Ltd is a precision gears and gearbox manufacturer offering both standard catalogue items and bespoke parts made to customer’s drawings. All are made in-house to exacting standards using state-of-the-art CNC machinery alongside clean room environments, precision testing and inspection equipment so customers are assured of receiving both a top quality service with precision quality products every time. Ondrives are also certified to AS 9100 aerospace standard and can now offer gears, gear parts and other power transmission components to this standard complete with FAIR reports, 100% inspection reports, material certificates and any assembly drawings customers might need upon receipt of your order. Ondrives welcome all enquiries.
Mr. Maik Lippe, Inside Sales Optris is a technology company specialized in the development, production and sales of devices for non-contact infrared temperature measurement. The Optris product line includes portable infrared thermometers, stationary industrial infrared thermometers as well as infrared cameras and calibration sources. With their optimized price-performance characteristics, Optris IR temperature measurement technology sets a new standard for integration in OEM solutions as well as industrial applications with multiple infrared measurement locations.
ORGANISER: The Advanced Engineering UK group of events – UK Tech Events Ltd B21 Address: UK Tech Events Ltd, 4 The Mews, Hampton Hill, TW12 1ND, UK Tel: 0208 783 3573 Fax: 0208 783 9011 Toll Free (USA / Canada) 1-800-913-5022 Email: info@uktechevents.com Website: www.advancedengineeringuk.com BOOK HERE for 2014 – Event Dates: Tuesday November 11th – Wednesday November 12th 2014 – HALL 5 Join us on stand B21 to see next year’s plans for the Advanced Engineering UK group of events – to be held here in Hall 5 at the NEC on 11-12 November 2014. Talk to us about exhibiting at one of the UK’s fastest-growing trade events!
OSG UK Ltd F131 Address: Shelton House, 5 Bentalls, Pipps Hill Industrial Estate, Basildon, Essex, SS14 3BY Tel: 0845 305 1066 Fax: 0845 305 1067 Email: sales@osg-uk.com Website: uk.osgeurope.com CONTACT:
Paul Hiorns, UK Sales Manager OSG has long been renowned for innovations in cutting tool technology across a wide range of industries. OSG has been particularly effective within industries such as automotive and aerospace that utilize cutting tools to enhance the capabilities of CNC machining equipment. New lightweight high strength materials being used in these industries are proving extremely difficult to machine, so tooling technology has had to develop at a breathtaking pace to cope. OSG now has a complete suite of tools, including tapping, drilling & milling products with advanced coatings including diamond. As the world leader in the ongoing development of new cutting tool technology, OSG take pride in sharing our design capabilities with all of our customers
Outsourcing B2B Marketing ug C172 OPEN MIND Technologies UK Ltd. D72 Address: Units 1 and 2, Bicester Business Centre, Telford, Bicester, Oxfordshire, OX26 4LD. Tel: +44 (0) 1869 290003 Fax: +44 (0) 1869 369429 Email: info.uk@openmind-tech.com Website: www.openmind-tech.com CONTACT: Craig Walsh, Sales Manager OPEN MIND Technologies AG is a leading developer of CAD/CAM software designed to increase productivity, reduce manufacturing costs and manufacture parts of the highest possible quality. The hyperMILL system offer a comprehensive set of tools with systems available from 2D feature-oriented solutions for milling or turning standard parts through to software for complex 5-axis simultaneous machining. hyperMILL is in use in thousands of installations around the globe and is used in aerospace, automotive, motorsport, medical and utility markets.
Address: 4 Hobbs Hill, Rothwell, Northamptonshire, NN14 6YG, England Tel: + 44 (0) 1536 210133 Email: nigelodea@outsourcingb2bmarketing.com Website: www.outsourcingb2bmarketing.com CONTACT:
Nigel O’Dea, Founder & Director Outsourcing B2B Marketing – Effective Marketing and PR Specialists for Composites, Engineering Plastics and Adhesives. Using extensive industrial marketing and sales experience, gained from working for leading Composites and Engineering Plastics multinationals, we help manufacturers and distributors deliver key marketing and PR activities including: new business development, sales tools, website updates, e-marketing, exhibitions, and getting case study application stories and news press release coverage in target magazines and websites, nationally and globally. “All the benefits and expertise of a big marketing team, but only when you need it.”
/ / A u t o m o t i v e / / E n e r g y / / M a r i n e / / M e d i c a l / / M i n i n g / / O f f s h o re / / Pa p e r
your global lubricant partner in the AEROSPACE INDUSTRY We understand the unique challenges of aerospace machining and dedicate our expertise to ensuring our cutting fluids deliver competitive advantage to your production. We manufacture and supply a comprehensive range of lubricants and cutting fluids to the aerospace industry, including HIGH PERFORMANCE LUBRICANTS for: • Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL) • Machining super difficult metals • Machining composite materials • High pressure coolant delivery systems
We pride ourselves on being able to provide local supply and support to our customers. Our customer SUPPORT PACKAGE includes: • Coolant management programme • Fluids Live reporting tool for coolant consumption and condition • Equipment support and fluid management training • Dedicated aerospace division, providing expertise on a global scale
The FUCHS Group is the world’s largest independent lubricant manufacturer, providing technical support and product availability on a global scale. FUCHS product technology is approved by leading manufacturers globally.
Visit us at AERO ENGINEERING Stand D92
www.fuchslubricants.com FUCHS LUBRICANTS (UK) PLC New Century Street, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent, ST1 5HU Phone: +44 (0)1782 203 700 Email: contact-uk@fuchs-oil.com
u ADS Members
Ove Arup & Partners International Limited C132
PCB Piezotronics Ltd E82
£ SC21
Composites UK Members
Pexa Ltd £ C15
Address: Arup Campus, Blyth Valley Business Park, Solihull, West Midlands, B90 8AE Tel: 0121 213 3000 Fax: 0121 213 3301 Email: dyna.sales@arup.com Website: www.oasys-software.com/dyna/en/
Address: 7 Paynes Park, Hitchin, Herts, SG5 1EH Tel: 01462 429710 Fax: 01462 429798 Email: ukinfo@pcb.com Website: www.pcb.com
CONTACT: Katherine Groves, Project Administrator Arup is an independent firm of designers, engineers, consultants and technical specialists offering a broad range of technical services. Our Advanced Technology & Research practice generates value for client through developing and applying innovative concepts, alternative design strategies and advanced numerical optimisation techniques. Advanced analysis is central to our work. We are developers and distributors of the Oasys LSDYNA Environment – a suite of software programmes used by our engineers to push the boundaries of what is possible with finite elements whilst improving efficiency. The suite has specific tools that allow the user to model and extract data from multi-layer composites with complex geometries and variable fibre layups.
Address: 3 Springwood Business Park, Holywell Green, West Yorkshire UK, HX4 9BJ Tel: +44 (0) 1422 314400 Fax: +44 (0) 1422 314401 Email: info@pexa.co.uk Website: www.pexa.co.uk
CONTACT: Jim Rowbotham, Managing Director , Pexa, the leading supplier of and surface finishing materials is exhibiting its wide range of aerospace approved finishing technologies. Products include paints and coatings, solid film lubricants, surface treatments, NDT materials and a wide range of chemical products approved for aerospace, defence and energy applications. Pexa is the official distribution partner of major international manufacturers including Akzo Nobel, Socomore, Everlube, Sherwin Babbco, Spraylat, Lord Corporation and Permabond. Pexas tech sales team will be on hand to discuss any requirement for high tech surface finishing materials and equipment. Please call in to discuss your projects, we will be pleased to help.
Oy Galvatek Ab D31 Address: Vesijärvenkatu 38, 15140 Lahti – Finland Tel: +358 3 526 6600 Fax: +358 3 526 6640 Email: tommi.rautiainen@galvatek.fi Website: www.galvatek.fi CONTACT: Tommi Rautiainen, Sales and Marketing Manager Galvatek is one of the leading suppliers of fully automated high quality surface treatment and water treatment plants. The company has more than 600 delivered and served plants in 35 different countries around the world. Galvatek is serving customers mainly in aviation, aluminum and metal processing industries among other special applications of surface treatment. Over 30 years of active presence in the market has generated numerous references and provided Galvatek with an outstanding knowledge of the surface treatment industry. The company has 20 dedicated and experienced professionals in sales, engineering and project management.
PARKHILL TEXTILES LTD ug C166 Address: GORDON STREET MILL, WORSTHORNE, BURNLEY, BB10 3NA Tel: 01282 458957 Fax: 01282 437985 Email: sales@parkhill.co.uk Website: www.parkhill.co.uk CONTACT: JONATHAN RIDGE, DIRECTOR Parkhill are manufacturers of woven, knitted and tufted two and three dimensional glass fibre reinforcement fabrics for the composites industry. We manufacture many standard fabrics in synthetics, glass fibre and high modulus fibre such as carbon fibre and aramids, however the vast majority of our fabrics are tailor made to our customer requirements to ensure maximum performance, strength and cost benefit to the product. Our many years of textile knowledge and experience enable us to manufacture two dimensional and complex three dimensional fibreglass fabrics, which are used as pre-forms within the composites industry. Woven glass fibre fabrics are offered in many weave styles along with uni-axial and bi-axial zero crimp glass fabrics.
Patterns & Moulds Ltd C160 Address: Unit D2, Wymeswold Ind Park, Burton On The Wolds, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE12 5TY Tel: 01509 881581 Fax: 01509 881681 Email: info@patternsandmoulds.com Website: www.patternsandmoulds.com CONTACT: Gary Lucas, Director Patterns and Moulds Ltd, Exhibiting for the third time at the Composites show on stand C 160. Offer full 5 axis cnc machining of master patterns and direct tooling on 2 large scale machines along with production mould manufacture for the composites industry. Using varied materials from MDF through polyurethane and epoxy tooling boards to epoxy seamless modelling pastes for large scale master patterns and tools. Grp production moulds using resin systems to suit customers needs and requirements. Full in house Cad/Cam operation with Solidworks for design, Mastercam pro for cnc machine toolpath creation along with NCSimul for Toolpath verification.
Michael Miller, Technical Service Representative PCB Piezotronics manufacture sensors: Accelerometers, dynamic force and pressure sensors, MEMS, hi-shock , seismic and hitemperature accelerometers, microphones and accessories. Maintaining a large stock for quick delivery and a wide range that can be delivered to your desk within 5 days, PCB guarantees Total Customer Satisfaction.
Pendago Career Management H11 Address: 170-172 Holliday Street, Birmingham B1 1TJ Tel: 0121 2452188 Email: michelle.gannon@penadgocm.co.uk Website: www.pendagocm.co.uk CONTACT:
Michelle Gannon, HR & Operations Pendago Career Management (CM) help you get to the core of who you really are, help you to understand what drives you and where your interests lie. From here Pendago CM will support you in creating a strategy map of how your career will move forward from your current position to where you want to be and the route you need to take to get there.
Pentaxia Ltd C131 Address: 40-44 Longbridge Lane, Derby, DE24 8UJ Tel: 01332 574870 Fax: 01332 573568 Email: sales@pentaxia.co.uk Website: www.pentaxia.co.uk CONTACT:
Stephen Ollier, Managing Director Pentaxia provides a total advanced composites production service at our modern 15,000sqft facility. We work in most CAD formats and utilise three seats of Delcam Powermill and Vericut for the production of patterns, moulds, jigs and fixtures, including trimming with our four large full five axis machines and two Haas VM3’s. Our very experienced composites team can provide a full range of composite products using our two new state of the art autoclaves and manufacturing facilities. We offer a full inspection service using our CMM’s and Delcam PowerInspect. Naturally we are ISO9001 approved and expect AS9100 shortly. With our highly qualified workforce, we welcome challenging and innovative development opportunities.
Permabond Engineering Adhesives Ltd E122 Address: Wessex Business Park, Wessex Way, Colden Common, Winchester, Hampshire, SO21 1WP Tel: 01962 711 661 Fax: 01962 711 662 Email: info.europe@permabond.com Website: www.permabond.co.uk CONTACT:
Craig Simpson, Sales Manager Permabond manufactures engineering adhesives including a range designed specifically for bonding composites. Adhesives offer an effective way of joining composites, helping maintain the structural integrity and performance of your composite material, whilst giving a high-strength, high performance bond and an aesthetically pleasing appearance. Permabond has launched a range of new single part and 2 part epoxies developed for bonding carbon fibre and other composites, and an Engineer’s Adhesive Guide in the form of an iPhone app. For more information or to discuss your particular application to identify the optimum adhesive come and visit us on Stand: E122.
Photron (Europe) Ltd E155 Address: The Barn, Bottom Road, West Wycombe, BUCKS, HP14 4BS, UK Tel: +44 (0) 1494 481011 Fax: +44 (0) 1494 487011 Email: image@photron.com Website: www.photron.com CONTACT: Tim Nicholls, Sales Manager Photron, manufacturer and developer of digital high speed imaging cameras for scientific research, material testing, fluid mechanics, automotive safety testing, airbag deployment and defence will be presenting the FASTCAM SA-X2 offering 1 megapixel resolution at 13,500fps and a maximum of 1 million fps at reduced resolution, unrivaled light sensitivity, dynamic range and image quality with an optional 293ns global shutter. Please visit our stand to learn more about this and other systems within our range and to discuss your own specific application.
Physical Digital Ltd G94 Address: The Studio, Elmbridge House, Elmbridge Lane, Woking, Surrey, GU22 9AF Tel: 01483 750200 Email: info@physicaldigital.com Website: www.physicaldigital.com CONTACT: Tim Rapley, Managing Director Specialising in 3D scanning and measurement for reverse engineering, quality inspection and many other applications, Physical Digital is the UK’s leading bureau service using the GOM measurement system. We work with leading brands in the automotive industry to provide accurate data for new designs, individual components and heritage models. We also work closely with marine, aerospace and medical companies across the UK and overseas. Our equipment is completely portable, so we can work at your site or at our dedicated facility, which is close to major airports and the M25. Talk to us at stand G94 to find out how we can help your business use precision data for improved design, developemnt and production.
Pico Technology G62 Address: James House, Colmworth Business Park, Eaton Socon, St Neots,Cambs PE19 8YP Tel: 01480 396395 Fax: 01480 396296 Email: april@picotech.com Website: www.picotech.com CONTACT: April Wright, Marketing Coordinator Pico Technology has spent over 20 years leading the industry in the design, development and manufacture of high-performance PC Oscilloscopes. With an impressive and innovative portfolio of small- footprint, high- performance products and software, often at uniquely low prices; it is easy to see why over 20 of the world’s leading Vehicle Manufacturers have mandated our products. Pico Technology can offer real-time, sampling and automotive oscilloscopes, boasting bandwidths up to 20GHz, true and flexible hardware resolutions up to 16 bits, long buffer memories and mixedsignal models. There really is a PicoScope for every application.
Plastribution Limited H3
Powerkut Ltd £ E63
Address: Ceva House, Excelsior Road, Ashby Park, Ashby de la Zouch, Leicester. LE65 1AH Tel: 01530 560560 Fax: 01530 560303 Email: sales@plastribution.co.uk Website: www.plastribution.co.uk
Address: 23 Brindley Rd Exhall Coventry CV79EP Tel: 02476 644661 Fax: 02476 644680 Email: mike.chitty@powerkut.co.uk Website: www.powerkut.co.uk
CONTACT: Dan Jarvis, Technical Manager Plastribution is the UK leading distributor of thermoplastic raw materials, servicing designers, specifiers and end users. We specialise in supplying a full range of polymers, specialities, masterbatches and custom compounds, and support this with a comprehensive technical service. Plastribution are introducing their new metal replacement polymer range at the Auto Engineering show. They will also have parts on display show casing the various properties that can be achieved with their range of high end engineering polymers, and welcome all to their stand to view and discuss these.
PNY Technologies (Europe) ltd I51 Address: UNIT D23 Basepoint, 110 Butterfield, Great Marlings, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU2 8DL Tel: 07887 777962 Email: shorton@pny.eu Website: WWW.PNY.EU CONTACT: SIMON HORTON, UK PSG MANAGER , PNY.EU Established in 1985, PNY Technologies (Europe) Ltd delivers a full spectrum of high-quality products for everything in and around the computer. NVIDIA QUADRO GRAPHICS BOARDS BY PNY are the most powerful, feature-rich family of high-performance graphics boards available to the professional design community. They are designed to maximize productivity and creativity in a 2D/3D workstation environment, providing users with unlimited graphics capabilities and multi-monitor functionality. Features offered with PNY’s wide range 3D graphics hardware includes the latest Kepler generation of GPU technology & huge amounts of frame buffer memory at the fastest memory bandwidth available. Coupled with fully certified and optimised CAD package drivers
Eurotherm HPH 1013.indd 1
Mike Chitty, Midlands Sales Manager Powerkut designs and supplies precision products including jigs, gauges, fixtures, aerospace, nuclear components and bespoke tooling. We specialize in manufacturing highly technical, complex & safety critical components for industries including Defence/ Nuclear, Aeronautical and Medical. We are proud to say that Rolls Royce, the MOD, Redbull F1 racing & Westland Helicopters are amongst our customer base . Powerkut’s UKAS registered laboratory holds multiple industry accreditations including AS9100 Rev C With 5 axis milling/grinding and thread gauge manufacturing Powerkut is experiencing an exciting level of expansion We are looking forward to using Advanced Engineering Show as a further springboard for growth.
Powertrain Solutions H100 Address: High Street, Princes End Tipton, West Midlands DY4 9HG Tel: 0121 522 6633 Fax: 0121 522 6601 Email: keithwebb90@btinternet.com Website: www.powertrainsolutions.co.uk CONTACT:
KEITH WEBB, MANAGING DIRECTOR GM Drive train integrators and CANbus specialists providing electromechanical solutions for a wide range of applications automotive and none automotive. Manufacturers of the EDPRO 13 engine training rig, for the education sector.
PPG Industries – Semco Packaging ug B58 Address: Darlington Road, Co Durham, DL4 2QP, Shildon, UK Tel: 07778 769 126 Email: johnparkinson@ppg.com Website: www.semcopackaging.com CONTACT: John Parkinson, Sales Manager We provide innovative packaging and dispensing solutions for difficult to handle materials: syringe assemblies, sachet packs, cartridges, and systems for multi-component materials, or virtually any package that is essential to your operations. We provide packaging for structural adhesives and many other materials to eliminate waste, improve productivity and safety. No Mess. No Waste. No Problem…
Precision Engineering Plastics Ltd. G17 Address: 1063 Mollison Avenue, Enfield, London. EN3 7NJ Tel: 020 8443 3945 Fax: 020 8216 1755 Email: andrew@pep-ltd.co.uk Website: www.pep-ltd.co.uk CONTACT: Andrew Phipps, Sales & Marketing Manager Precision Engineering Plastics specialises in the production of custom made, high quality, close tolerance injection mouldings in engineering grade thermoplastics. Currently we supply into the technical medical, electrical/ electronic, automotive, engineering and MoD industry sectors. Our services include micro moulding, insert moulding, 2-Shot moulding, 5T to 650T machine range, manufacturing cells utilising 3 and 6 axis robots, heat staking, plastic machining, tampo/ pad printing, ultrasonic welding, complete product assembly and testing, RF shielding, chrome plating, full in-house toolroom facilities. The company operates a quality management system in accordance with ISO/ TS16949:2009 which incorporates ISO 9001:2008.
09/10/2013 12:30
u ADS Members
Preform Technologies Ltd D162
Printed Electronics Ltd H113
Address: Unit 5, Centurian Way Business Park, Alfreton Road, Derby, DE21 4AY Tel: 01332 366587 Fax: 01332 345125 Email: sales@preform.net Website: www.preform.net
Address: Invotec Building, Hedging Lane, Tamworth, Staffs. B77 5HH Tel: 01827 263338 Fax: 01827 263250 Email: steve.jones@printedelectronics.co.uk Website: www.printedelectronics.com
Sylvan Whalley, Director
Steve Jones, Director
Preform Technologies are specialist manufacturers of Knitted Industrial Textiles for a diverse range of applications using 3 Dimensional Knitting Technology to manufacture purpose built Engineered Fabrics for GRP Preforms, Tapes & Tubing, Filtration, Thermal and Protective Fabrics. An innovative approach combined with expertise in fabric engineering and the ability to process various fibre types ensures cost effective solutions to many problems encountered by Designers, Engineers and Technologists. A complete range of Specialist Services are available, such as analysis and testing including a Sampling service using a broad range of Yarns and Fibres in various fabric constructions.
Printed Electronics Limited (PEL) is a UK based company with facilities in Cambridge and Tamworth. It is focused on the development of materials, processes, products and systems for the commercial fabrication of printed electronic circuits, structures and devices using inkjet and other printing methods. PEL offers commercial access to an industry-leading InkTronics laboratory capable of producing multi-layered electronic structures with micron-level precision. The facility is available for secure use under short or long term contract and full training can be arranged. PEL offers design-and build services and can electronically functionalise 3D structures using a 4-axis printing platform.
Presi Ltd H105
Address: F28 - Bedford I-lab, Stannard Way, Priory Business Park, Bedford, MK44 3RZ Tel: +44 (0)1234 834513 Fax: +44 (0)1234 834696 Email: info-uk@proceq.com Website: www.proceq.com
PRESI UK is all about supplying an international metallographic brand with a local consultancy, service and delivery. Presi is specialized in cutting, mounting, grinding, polishing, hardness measurement and microscopy.
PRF Composite Materials g F152 Address: 3 Upton Road, Poole, Dorset, BH17 7AA, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 1202 680022 Fax: +44 (0) 1202 680077 Email: mail@prfcomposites.com Website: www.prfcomposites.com CONTACT:
Hannah Burnell, Sales & Marketing Executive PRF Composite Materials is a leading manufacturer and supplier of high performance materials for the advanced composites industry. Since 1982, we have developed one of the widest ranges of products and services in the industry, including prepregs (tooling and component), high performance reinforcements, epoxy resin systems, aerospace adhesives, and kitting services, and established an enviable reputation for high quality and professional service. We work to achieve a result that fits our customer’s full requirements: technical, manufacturing, lead times and budget. We also make our central product range available for immediate despatch from the large stocks held in our rapid response warehouse. PRF is ISO 9001:2008 certified.
Prime Time Recruitment G84A Address: 55 - 57 Sheep Street, Northampton, NN1 2NE Tel: 01604 602700 Fax: 01604 603968 Email: shaun.simmons@primetime.co.uk Website: www.primetime.co.uk CONTACT:
Shaun Simmons, Managing Director; Prime Time Recruitment Prime Time Recruitment are part of the 2nd largest independent recruitment group in the UK, supplying Permanent, Contract & Temporary staffing to leading national and international Automotive & Manufacturing organisations. We are: No 1 UK permanent supplier to the largest automation & robotics manufacturer Key white collar partner to a number of leading OEM sites Proven volume blue collar Automotive Tier 1 & 2 supply 2nd largest supplier of industrial staff We Supply: Both blue and white collar engineers to the Automotive, Power, Process, Energy & Renewables, Utilities, Facilities and Manufacturing. Levels We Recruit include; Automation & Robotics, Design, Diagnostics, Hardware, Installation and Commissioning, Lean Manufacturing.
Composites UK Members
Project 12 Ltd ug C124 Address: Thorpe Lane, Banbury Oxon OX16 4UT Tel: 0845 5214195 Fax: 01295 270226 Email: info@project-12.co.uk Website: www.project-12.co.uk CONTACT: David King, Director Project 12 Ltd sprays lacquers and clear coats onto composites. We are recognised as the UKs leading finisher of visual grade carbon fibre. Examples of our work can be found on hypercars, production supercars and superyachts. Our quality management system is ISO9001 and our attention to detail is second to none. We are at the forefront of decorative coatings for composites and global paint manufacturers choose to work with us to help discover new products and techniques. Project 12 Ltd has been awarded for outstanding customer service and we are very proud of our business. Please call Managing Director Dave King on 07778 103331.
Provertha Connectors GMBH H91 Proceq UK Limited F71
Address: Ground Floor, Orion House, East Point Business Park, Sandy Lane West, Oxford, OX4 6LB Tel: 0203 4455888 Fax: 01865 774632 Email: presi.uk@presi.com Website: www.presi-metallography.co.uk Stephane Bonal, Director
£ SC21
Shirley Underwood, General Manager Proceq SA of Switzerland, founded in 1954, is a leading manufacturer of high quality portable instruments for nondestructive testing of materials such as concrete, metal or paper. The companys strong research and development team continues to create products that set industry standards. Proceq is the inventor of the Equotip - the most established and renowned instrument for portable metal hardness testing. Proceq revolutionized the market in 1975 when it launched the first Equotip. The inventor of the Leeb rebound technique has put its many years of experience into the development of the famous Equotip. Proceqs other NDT portable instruments includes Equostat (Static Hardness Tester), Piccolo/ Bambino and Zonotip (UPV flaw detector).
Production Engineering Solutions A75 Address: Featherstone House, 375 High Street, Rochester, Kent. ME1 1DA Tel: 01634 830566 Fax: 01634 408488 Email: mdeadman@pesmag.co.uk Website: www.pesmag.co.uk CONTACT:
Mark Deadman, Sales Manager Production Engineering Solutions is dedicated to covering all of the technological areas pertinent to Mechanical and Production Engineers in the UK. Machine tools, Tooling, Quality, Workholding, Sheet Metalworking, CAD/CAM, Software and Automation are all regularly featured along with the services offered by the UK’s leading Subcontract specialists. With an ABC audited circulation of over 15,000 readers, this mix of information provides our readers with the knowledge and insight to make informed engineering choices.
PRODUCTION GLASSFIBRE G193 Address: Buckshaw Link, Chorley, PR7 7EL Tel: +44 1772 622 444 Fax: +44 1772 622 445 Email: sales@productionglassfibre.co.uk Website: www.productionglassfibre.co.uk CONTACT:
James Hannah, National Sales Manager Production Glassfibre is the largest general moulder in the UK, with modern factories in Bedfordshire, Lancashire and Scotland. Employing 200+ people, the business is stable (more than 20 years old), has a strong balance sheet and experience across most GRP sectors including Marine, Military, Aerospace, Motorsport, Public Transport, Heavy Vehicles and Medical Equipment.
Address: Westring 9, 75180 Pforzheim, Germany Tel: 07824 444 612 Fax: 01903 255 5366 Email: chris@motiv8uk.com Website: www.provertha.com CONTACT: Chris Osborn, UK Manager Provertha develop cable assemblies and connector concepts for the Automotive market. Product development is conducted on modern 3 D CAD software with animated 3D presentations and prototypes. Rapid Prototyping process for the testing and approval for your specific solutions guarantees a reliable and suitable solution. Our three factories are located in Hungary and make use of the latest equipment for manufacturing and design. With the help of Poka Yoke and the use of FMEA and Six Sigma tools we avoid mistakes and give the permanent optimisation of all processes guarantying you the highest product quality. We have our own tool making and full injection molding facility and are fully certified according to TS16949
PRW G98 Address: 4th Floor Carolyn House, 26 Dingwall Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR0 9XF Tel: +44 (0) 20 8253 9600 Fax: +44 (0)20 8253 9650 Email: mabarber@crain.com Website: www.crain.co.uk CONTACT: James Lamb, Marketing Manager, Crain Communications Plastics & Rubber Weekly (PRW) is the leading magazine serving the whole of the UK polymer industry, its suppliers and customers. PRW is a genuinely vital source of information for its plastics and rubber readership, wherever they are in their supply chain. In terms of timeliness, independence and coverage, there is no equivalent to PRW’s news section in this industry. Every week PRW also publishes an in-depth feature on the key sectors and processes in the UK plastics industry, along with regular updates on technology, regulation and personnel changes.
PSG B86 Address: Weydown Road, Haselmere, GU27 1BT Tel: 01428 651246 Fax: 01248 661471 Email: info@paintservices.com Website: www.paintservices.com CONTACT: Lara Kynvin, Sales & Marketing We are the leading supplier of specialist coatings, adhesives & chemicals for aerospace, defence & specialist applications worldwide. Our range of products includes Adhesives & Resins and Sealants & Jointing compounds. We are the authorised distributor for Henkel, Zip-Chem, 3M, PPG, Sherwin-Williams, PTT, Finishing Brands, Permagard, PreKote and Clou. We have recently been appointed as official authorised distributor for the Hysol range of structural adhesives from Henkel and will be featuring these products at the show. Hysol is a leading brand for structural assembly solutions for both composites and metal/honeycomb. Offering full technical support with fast, efficient delivery including an emergency service.
Pulstec Industrial Co. Ltd. G64
Racecar Engineering Magazine G14
RDT Precision Optics E22
Address: 12 Devon Place, Newport, South Wales, NP20 4NN Tel: 01633 257682 Fax: 01633 224401 Email: mikepulsteceuro@aol.com Website: www.pulstec.co.jp
Address: Jubilee House, 2 Jubilee Place, London SW3 3TQ Tel: 0207 349 3700 Fax: 0207 349 3701 Email: info@chelseamagazines.com Website: www.racecar-engineering.com
Address: Unit 8, Broad Lane Business Centre, Westfield Lane, South Elmsall, West Yorkshire, WF9 2JX Tel: 01977 609860 Email: sales@rdtoptics.co.uk Website: www.rdtoptics.co.uk
CONTACT: Mike Woodward, Technical Manager Europe Pulstec Industrial Co. Ltd. is a Japanese company, with a permanent office in the UK. We specialise in the design & manufacture of measurement equipment and will be exhibiting our new lab/portable non-destructive Residual Stress equipment the µ-X360 based on X-ray diffraction (XRD). Unlike other XRD systems, the µ-X360 is able to detect and analyse the complete Debye ring with one single short duration low intensity exposure, rapidly giving the value of residual stress, and the Debye ring image reveals crystallographic texture and grain size information. This easy to set up and use, compact system, is now established in many Japanese industries, including aero-space, automotive, and construction. It is particularly suited to the measurement
CONTACT: William Delmont, Head of Marketing, The Chelsea Magazine Company Racecar Engineering magazine brings you the best possible insight into all forms of the continually changing world of motorsport engineering. From keeping pace with the latest technologies to expanding your knowledge of racecar design and operation, no magazine gets you closer. Using the expertise of industry professionals, we look in detail at racecar design and innovation, whilst also keeping you up to date with news and developments from all the major race series across the globe.
CONTACT: Vicky Nicholson, Director We are leading optical engineers in the UK manufacture and design of precision optical systems, sub-assemblies and optical components. RDT Precision Optics serves an array of worldwide industries including Defence, Medical, Pre press printing, Semiconductor, Fluoresence, Optical prcessing and Optical correlators. We manufacture optical systems and optical components at our comprehensive facility, also using outside expertise such as trusted coating facilities when required. Our optical and mechanical engineering staff are highly experienced in polishing, machining through to final inspection to provide a high quality service.
Whether you are a keen observer, an industry professional or a racer looking to expand your knowledge, Racecar Engineering has something for you.
Red Composites Ltd C170
PYROMERAL SYSTEMS C141 Address: 13 rue d’Ognon, 60810 Barbery, France Tel: 0033 3 44 72 34 77 Fax: 0033 3 44 72 07 57 Email: guillaume.jandin@pyromeral.com Website: www.pyromeral.com CONTACT: Guillaume Jandin, Head of Business Development Pyromeral Systems specializes in thermostructural composite materials for applications up to 1000°C. With our expertise in inorganic polymers and glass-ceramic matrices, we manufacture innovative composite parts and systems exposed to elevated temperatures in motorsport, aerospace, defense and industrial applications. Thanks to a strong focus on process optimization, our technologies are more convenient and quicker to implement than most alternative high-temperature systems. Typical uses include: lightweight structural heat shields, fire barriers, composite exhaust ducts, high temperature composite tooling.
QMT Magazine – Cranbrook Media Limited D2 Address: Suite 4, 94 Grove Park Road London SE9 4QB Tel: +44 (0) 208 289 7011 Mobile: +44 (0) 7974 640371 Email: media@qmtmag.com Website: www.qmtmag.com CONTACT: Dawn Wisbey, Director/Publisher, QMT Magazine – Cranbrook Media Limited Quality Manufacturing Today is a global multimedia magazine dedicated to promoting new technology continuous improvements in manufacturing. Through Quality Management, Quality assurance, Quality control, Test, Measurement, Inspection and all aspects from management to shopfloor. QMT leads the way in delivering innovative information to a highly targeted audience by focusing on leading edge products and technologies which are shaping the future of Industry throughout all key manufacturing sectors. Automotive, aerospace, power, mechanical engineering,etc. In the drive for tomorrows manufacturing excellence - QMT the Voice for Quality in Manufacturing Read in Print, App, Digital Flipbook, E-News letter formats & on your mobile. www.qmtmag.com
Quality International Assurance H11 Address: 170-172 Holliday Street, Birmingham, B1 1TJ Tel: 0845 275 7064 Fax: 0121 017 0932 Email: enquiries@qualityinternational.co.uk Website: www.qualityinternational.co.uk CONTACT: Nick Wilson, Business Development Manager Quality International Assurance (QIA) is a full-service provider of quality inspection, containment, rework, firewall and client representation solutions for automotive, aerospace and many other sectors. At QIA we are committed easing your pain through finding and developing bespoke solutions that will enable us to resolve your concerns quickly and efficiently.
RACE TECH Magazine I45 Address: 841 High Road, London N12 8PT, UK Tel: +44 (0) 208 446 2100 Fax: +44 (0) 208 446 2191 Email: info@racetechmag.com Website: www.racetechmag.com CONTACT: Maryam Lamond, Commercial Director, RACE TECH Magazine RACE TECH is the leading technology led motorsport engineering magazine that focuses on every aspect of the racing car, from the drawing board to the race track. News reactive and highly topical in its content, it covers everything from the design and manufacturing processes to the cutting edge products that are constantly being developed for racing. To be kept up to date on the hottest technology in the motorsport world, subscribe to RACE TECH.
RAPRA Research & Development H165 Address: Business and Technology Centre, University of Wolverhampton, Priorslee Campus Telford TF2 9FT Tel: 01952 288366 Fax: 01902 323861 Email: sshaw@rapra.org Website: www.rapra.org CONTACT: Steve Shaw, Executive Director The Rubber And Plastics Research Association (RAPRA) has been serving industry since 1919 highlighting the latest breakthroughs in science and technology to help companies turn their innovations into viable commercial products. We are therefore extremely pleased to be hosting technical sessions in Open Forum 3 on both days of the 2013 Composites Engineering Show, where expert speakers from the RAPRA Network of Preferred Partners and Service Providers will continue this tradition. To chat with the specialists presenting in the RAPRA sessions, please visit the RAPRA stand in Hall 5, H165. For more information about RAPRA visit www.rapra.org
RDR AEROSPACE A165 Address: Unit 3, St Margarets Way, Huntingdon, Cambs, PE29 6EB Tel: 01480 450993 Fax: 01480 457668 Email: robert@rdr-aerospace.co.uk Website: www.rdr-aerospace.co.uk CONTACT: Robert West, Director RDR Aerospace Ltd is a technical specialist distributor working with Magnolia Advanced Materials Inc and Zyvax Inc. Magnolia Advanced Materials manufactures custom formulated epoxy systems for the Aerospace, Defence and other Industries worldwide. Magnolia manufacture adnesives, core and edge fillers for both Structural and Interior applications. Zyvax manufacture Solvent based and Solvent free release agents and associated products. The Zyvax Waterworks systems is a non-hazardous mold release system designed specifically for the aerospace industry and is free from hazardous and flammable materials. Waterworks products are approved for use on JSF and Airbus.
Address: 24 Manners View, Dodnor Industrial Estate, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 5FA, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 1983 241930 Email: info@redcomposites.com Website: www.redcomposites.com CONTACT: Jeremy Dolby, Managing Director Red Composites primary product is Towpreg. This material comprises of pre-impregnated structural yarns of carbon and glass fibres presented in a spool form for winding applications. Towpregs are used in the fabrication of high performance tubular structures and high-pressure vessels for the industrial, aeronautical, defence, marine and automotive markets. Red Composites operates a comprehensive, in-house mechanical test/analytical laboratory, which can offer third party testing & development services. We also produce other specialised polymer materials for composite structures to compliment our range of structural Towpregs.
Reddie & Grose LLP G33 Address: 16 Theobalds Road, London, WC1X 8PL Tel: 0207 242 0901 Fax: 0207 242 3290 Email: marketing@reddie.co.uk Website: www.reddie.co.uk CONTACT: Gemma Francis, Marketing Assistant Reddie & Grose LLP is an internationally renowned firm of European Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys. We advise on international intellectual property protection strategies and handle the enforcement of IP rights in industries including automotive, aerospace and clean energy. We handle applications worldwide for clients ranging from medium-sized companies to multi-national corporations. We have protected mechanical and electronic devices, and manufacturing methods, including engine parts, drive trains, turbines, filters, power supply mechanisms, sensors and control systems, and communication devices.
Rediweld Technical Moulding £ E75 Address: 6-10 Newman Lane, Alton. GU34 2QR Tel: 01420 543007 Fax: 01420 544090 Email: bill.mills@rediweld.co.uk Website: www.rediweld.co.uk/moulding CONTACT: Bill Mills, Business Development Manager Rediweld Technical Moulding Is a comprehensive moulding company focusing on technology sectors like Aerospace, Defence and Medical and is an AS9100 RevC accredited company being a member of the FAC having attained the ADS SC21 Bronze award and was also a Finalist in The Plastic Industry Awards 2010. Offering a complete service as follows: Design for Manufacture Product introduction – Offering complete project management. Component Moulding – In thermoplastic, thermoset and rubber materials via Injection, Compression and Transfer moulding. Machining and Finishing – Including bonding, inserting, heatstaking, Ultrasonic welding, RFI/EMI shielding, priming and painting. Assembly and Testing – Including final component assembly and testing.
u ADS Members
Redline Group Ltd G75
Retrac Productions Ltd D170
Address: 26-34 Liverpool Road, Luton. Beds LU1 1RS Tel: +44 (0) 1582 450054 Fax: +44 (0) 1582 458685 Email: info@redlinegroup.com Website: www.redlinegroup.com
Address: Unit 3, 4 & 5, Bramble Road, Techno Trading Estate, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN2 6HB. Tel: 01793 524616 Fax: 01793 511899 Email: simonr@retrac-group.com Website: www.retrac-group.com
CONTACT: Adam Walker, Director Redline continues to be the name associated with the highest quality in the sourcing and selection of Management, Technical and Sales professionals in the Engineering and Manufacturing industries. Throughout our 25 year history, our industry and technically qualified consultants have identified and secured key permanent, contract and interim professionals for 1,000s of companies in the aerospace, automotive, energy, telecom, semiconductor, electronics and software sectors whilst attaining 98% customer satisfaction. Why not meet the expert team on G75 and discuss tailor made recruitment programmes, or advancing your career in these sectors.
Renishaw plc B8 Address: New Mills, Wotton-under-Edge, Gloucestershire, GL12 8JR Tel: 01453 524524 Fax: 01453 524901 Email: uk@renishaw.com Website: www.renishaw.com CONTACT: Malcolm Price, UK Marketing Manager Renishaw is a global company with core skills in measurement, motion control, spectroscopy and precision machining. We develop innovative products that significantly advance our customers operational performance - from improving manufacturing efficiencies and raising product quality, to maximising research capabilities and improving the efficacy of medical procedures. At Advanced Engineering 2013, Renishaw will be showing a range of its advanced engineering technologies, including systems that enable the rapid measurement of blades; additive manufacturing systems; and machine tool calibration systems.
Research & Engineering Center (UK) Limited (REC Global) H75 Address: 27 Lifford Gardens, Broadway, Worcestershire, WR12 7DA United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 7919 050 018 Email: marketing@rec-global.com Website: www.rec-global.co.uk CONTACT: Tony Rozwadowski, Managing Director REC UK, Research & Engineering Center (UK) Limited REC Global is a software engineering company providing R&D software services and bespoke software solutions to companies across the globe. From our six dedicated development centers in Poland, Slovakia and Croatia, REC Global works for qualitydemanding industries including Automotive, Industry & Automation, Telematics & M2M, Telecommunications, and Web, Mobile and Enterprise Applications. REC Global has more than 350 highly qualified engineers working together to apply their technical knowledge and skills in software engineering. Our engineers have an international reputation for their pro-active approach to software solutions. REC Global’s success is confirmed by trust and references from more than 60 international customers.
Retrac Composites Ltd £ D170 Address: Unit 2, Bramble Road, Techno Trading Estate, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN2 8HB Tel: 01793 618822 Fax: 01793 616550 Email: drew@retrac-composites.com Website: www.retrac-composites.com CONTACT: Ian Drew, Sales Director Retrac Composites Ltd is based in Swindon, specialising in carbon pre-preg mould tool and autoclave cured composite moulded component manufacture, composite machining, composite assembly, phased array NDT and CMM Inspection. Retrac specialises in taking a Cad model and delivering a completed assembly through full project management for a complete composite solution. Our capabilities range from bespoke parts and R&D prototypes to production components in industries spread across Formula 1, motorsport, aerospace, aircraft seating and interiors, defence and automotive. We pride ourselves on innovation, quality and delivery. Certifications include ISO9001/2008, ISO14001/2004, BSOHSAS 18001/2007 and Investors in people.
Simon Riley , Technical Director Retrac Productions Ltd is based in Swindon and this year we are celebrating our 40th year in business. We design and manufacture patterns, components, tooling, and jigs and fixtures for the Aerospace, Formula 1, Motorsport, Defence, and Automotive industries. We have 22 CNC machine tools, including five 5 axis machines with a working envelope of up to 6 metres, all supported by the latest CAD/CAM systems and CMM inspection equipment. We are experts in the machining of complex components in small to medium sized batch quantities in a wide range of materials, from engineering plastics through carbon composites to the toughest of alloys. We are certified to ISO9001/2008 and hold a number of Aerospace approvals.
£ SC21
Composites UK Members
RMIG Nold GmbH F16 Address: Am Katzloch 1, 64589 Stockstadt/Rhein, Germany Tel: +49 (0) 6158 821 0 Fax: +49 (0) 6158 821 200 Email: info.nold@rmig.com Website: www.rmig-nold.com CONTACT:
Thomas Köhler , Business Development Manager RMIG Nold GmbH produces perforated, formed metal products and components for automotive applications: loudspeaker and ventilation grilles, airbag components, die cut and bent parts, protective covers - all with precision and quality. We supply components ready to install as a combination of metal and plastics. On request, parts will be completed with logo, chrome frame, built-in speakers or foam/fleece inlay. We aim to support you from product concept, through the development stage, right through to the start of production. We undertake feasibility studies, creation of product concepts, construction and we have our own tooling facilities.
Rockwood Composites Ltd ug B208 Reverie Limited F186 Address: Unit 2 Chandlers Row, Colchester, Essex, CO1 2HG Tel: 01206 866663 Fax: 01206 868144 Email: simon@reverie.ltd.uk Website: www.reverie.ltd.uk CONTACT:
Simon Farren , MD Reverie have 13 years experience designing and manufacturing Autoclaved carbon fibre mouldings and production tooling. As well as having our own range of automotive products and accessories we also design and ‘build to print’ in automotive, military, marine and telecommunications sectors. We supply parts and tooling to Tier 1 and OEM automotive clients as well as many professional racecar engineering firms and teams. please visit us to discuss our capabilities and any requirements you might have.
RGC Jenkins & Co E9 Address: 26 Caxton Street, London, SW1H 0RJ Tel: 020 7931 7141 Fax: 020 7222 4660 Email: cmallen@jenkins.eu Website: www.jenkins.eu CONTACT:
Hugh Dunlop, Partner For over 75 years, Jenkins has helped businesses gain an edge by safeguarding and enhancing intellectual property rights. In a competitive global market, businesses understand the need to establish distinctive products and services by way of innovation, design and branding. As a leading firm of patent and trade mark attorneys, Jenkins handles all areas of intellectual property law, including patents, trade marks, designs and copyright. From innovative startups to some of the world’s largest technology based companies, Jenkins helps extract the value from research investments by identifying and protecting inventions. With offices in London, Farnham, Beijing, Munich and Freiburg, the firm represents clients from across the globe.
Rical Group I71 Address: Tramway, Smethwick, West Midlands B66 1NY Tel: 0121 558 2694 Fax: 0121 558 4239 Email: info@ricalltd.com Website: www.rical.co.uk CONTACT:
Andrew Essom, Sales Manager The Rical group is a privately owned group of manufacturing companies specialising in the manufacture of Metal Pressings, die-castings, Fine blanking and fabricated metal components. Its divisions include, William Mitchell (Fine Blanking), Multiforms (multislide,wireform and strip products) AvonPDC (Die-casting) and Taurus Engineering (Fabrication).
Address: 8 Venture Court, Bradley Lane, Newton Abbot TQ12 1NB Tel: 01626 240026 Email: info@rwcomposites.com Website: www.rwcomposites.com CONTACT:
Mark Crouchen, Managing Director Rockwood Composites specialise in the manufacture of components using ‘Out-of–autoclave’ manufacturing including Bladder, Compression and High CTE and moulding processes. Established in 2010 with a 20 year foundation of composite manufacturing that serves Industrial, Medical, Defence, Aerospace and Leisure markets with precision, high performance structures. We provide manufacturing solutions, by promoting “Design for Manufacture” aimed at minimising tooling cost, maximising quality and reducing component cost and lead time to market. With in-house design, tooling making, CNC machining and assembly capability, we provide finished product manufacture within an ISO 9001:2008 quality management system.
Rohde & Schwarz UK Ltd H82 Address: Ancells Business Park, Fleet, Hampshire GU51 2UZ Tel: 01252 818888 Fax: 01252 811447 Email: Alison.Barber@rohde-schwarz.com Website: www.rohde-schwarz.co.uk CONTACT:
Alison Barber, Account Manager Rohde & Schwarz UK Ltd is an independent sales, service and technical support provider to customers in the mobile radio and radio communication, test and measurement, TV broadcasting and IT security space.
Rosedale products Europe Ltd G60 Address: 3 Monckton Road, Monckton Road Industrial Estate, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF2 7AL Tel: 01924 339989 Fax: 01924 290450 Email: sales@rosedaleproductseurope.com Website: www.rosedaleproductseurope.com CONTACT:
Caroline Easby, Product Manager Rosedale Products Europe Ltd is a leading company in the field of liquid filtration systems and waste reduction products. Our product line includes high performance solutions as well as lowcost approaches to filtration needs. Our core products are bag filters, cartridge filters and basket strainers. Supporting items include centrifugal separators, automatic back-flushing systems, vibrating filters and fabricated pressure vessels.
Royal Aeronautical Society B15 Address: 4 Hamilton Place, London, W1J 7BQ Tel: +44 (0)20 7670 4300 Fax: +44 (0)20 7670 4309 Email: membership@aerosociety.com Website: www.aerosociety.com
Did you know that Shimadzu have been providing testing machines since 1917?
CONTACT: Naomi Page, Membership Manager The Royal Aeronautical Society is the world’s only professional body dedicated to the entire aerospace community. Established in 1866 to further the art, science and engineering of aeronautics, the Society has been at the forefront of developments ever since. As a multidisciplinary organisation, there is a place within the membership for anyone working, or interested, in the aeronautical, aviation and aerospace sectors. The Society’s membership profile is drawn from a diverse range of organisations and fields of expertise including engineering, design, aircrew and air traffic control, along with professions that serve the aerospace, aviation and space industries, such as law, finance, marketing and recruitment.
SAB-bnl G61 Address: Vriesenrot 22, B-9200 Dendermonde, Belgium Tel: 0032/52 40 95 74 Fax: 0032/52 40 95 79 Email: info@sab-bnl.be Website: www.sab-bnl.be CONTACT: Warlop Brecht, Sales Sab-bnl stands for assembly tooling, custom made tooling and complete automated systems. Our services and products are offered direct to production and assembly facilities.
Saddlers Court Mfg Ltd G121 Address: Unit 3, Coppice Side Ind Est, Coppice Side, Brownhills, Walsall. WS8 7EX Tel: 01543 360711 Fax: 01543 379909 Email: reglawton@saddlerscourtmfg.com Website: www.saddlerscourtmfg.com CONTACT: Reg Lawton, Commercial Director Saddlers Court Mfg Ltd, are a 1st tier OEM supplier of production line, sub assembly machined steel fabrications, complemented with an extensive production line machining operation covering, Forgings, Engineering Bar, Tubes, Pins, etc. We have 100 employees and our latest capital investment in 2013 was £1.2 million. We fund engineering graduates through University and also run an apprenticeship programme. Lean manufacturing is a core driver in our business.
Safe Technology Ltd D156 Address: Willis House, Peel Street, Sheffield, S10 2PQ, UK Tel: +44 (0) 114 268 4644 Fax: +44 (0) 114 303 0055 Email: info@safetechnology.com Website: www.safetechnology.com CONTACT: Jessica Dawson, Event Coordinator , Safe Technology, a Dassault Systèmes company, is the technical leader in the development of durability analysis software.
SAFECHEM Europe GmbH F82 Address: Georg-Glock-Str. 3, Dusseldorf 40474, Germany Tel: +49 211 4389-300 Fax: +49 211 4389-389 Email: service@safechem-europe.com Website: www.safechem-europe.com CONTACT: Christine Lissy, Communications Manager SAFECHEM Europe GmbH, a subsidiary of The Dow Chemical Company, provides sustainable solutions for high quality precision parts cleaning based on chlorinated solvents and modified alcohols. The solution contains extensive chemical consultancy, Dow branded chlorinated and non-chlorinated solvents, tools for active risk management like the SAFE-TAINER closed-loop handling system, service elements to optmise the cleaning process and comprehensive staff trainings. Solvent emissions as well as solvent use can be reduced and the safety of employees on site is considerably improved. Customers can thus profit long-term from the outstanding cleaning qualities of chlorinated solvents.
About Shimadzu Shimadzu’s extensive, high quality range enables tensile testing, universal testing, fatigue testing, endurance testing and hardness testing as well as particle size analysis. With a large choice of static frames and hydraulic frames, accessories include beautifully engineered strain gauges, clip on extenseometers, video extenseometers, thermal chambers and grips, and class leading load cells.
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Testingmachines.co.uk Tel: 01908 55 22 09 or email: salesadmin@shimadzu.co.uk Shimadzu UK Limited, Mill Court, Featherstone Road,Wolverton Mill South, Milton Keynes, MK12 5RD
Safetykleen UK Ltd. D10 Address: Profile West, 950 Great West Road, Brentford, Middlesex, TW8 9ES Tel: 01909 519300 Fax: 01909 519301 Email: skuk@sk-europe.com Website: www.safetykleen.co.uk/ CONTACT:
J Hicklin, Marketing Manager Safetykleen is the market leader in component cleaning and cleaning machine services, offering a wide choice of equipment, cleaning fluids and service packages as well as specialist waste collection services. Supported by the Safetykleen network of branches nationwide and dedicated fleet of yellow vehicles means that customers can enjoy a total solution for all of their componentcleaning requirements which can adapt and grow alongside their business. Safetykleen provides both aqueous and solventbased machine services, all of which observe the requirements of the Waste Framework Directive. Recycling, re-use and waste minimisation are at the heart of all the companys offerings.
Safran Engineering Services UK Ltd C65 Address: Unit 3, West Point Row, Great Park Road, Almondsbury, Bristol BS32 4QG Tel: 01454 621140 Fax: 01454 621141 Email: communication.uk@safran-engineering.com Website: www.safran-engineering.com CONTACT:
Jamie Martin, General Manager Safran Engineering Services, subsidiary of Labinal, offers high technology engineering services in aerospace and ground transportation industry. With its 3,700 engineers and technicians, engaged within 9 Business Units around the world (France, Germany, United Kingdom, Spain, United States, Mexico, Morocco, India and Brazil ) it is organized into competence centers combining expertise in the areas of Electrical Systems, Aerostructures, Mechanical Systems, Software and Electronic Embedded Systems, and Certification and Safety.
SageZander Ltd C171 Address: Mountbatten House, Mountbatten Court, Worrall Street, Congleton, Cheshire, CW12 1DT Tel: +44 (0)1260 295 264 Fax: +44 (0)1260 295 349 Email: sales@sagezander.com Website: www.sagezander.com CONTACT:
Peter Cockitt, Managing Director Specialist yarn suppliers offering a service on technical and industrial yarns and sewing threads. Covering composite yarns to fit customers specific demands, to more regular items such as carbon fibre, aramids (Twaron®, Kevlar®, etc), nylon, polyester, polypropylene, polyethylene and various speciality items. Tairyfil Brand high strength carbon fibre yarn offered between 1.5k and 48k and soon due to add high modulus carbon fibre to the range. Technical Application Yarns (TAY) offered for heat resistance, abrasion, cut resistance according to the end users needs.
u ADS Members Sanderson ERP Software H81
Carl Siviter, Sales Manager For over 100 years, STL has been at the forefront of engineering technology, supplying intelligent, cost-effective precision engineering solutions for manufacturing industries across a variety of markets throughout the world. From bi-metal contact rivets, strips and micro-profile tapes to tool design, tool manufacture and component manufacturing, STL has a unique combination of technology, software and innovation which can be targeted at your own particular engineering requirement.
Composites UK Members
Address: Sanderson House, Manor Road, Coventry, CV1 2GF Tel: 0333 1231400 Fax: 0333 1231401 Email: info@sanderson.com Website: www.sanderson.com/manufacturing
Address: Gildemeisterstraße 1, 55758 Stipshausen, GERMANY Tel: +49 6544 99199 0 Fax: +49 6544 99199 90 Email: ultrasonic@dmgmoriseiki.com Website: www.dmgmoriseiki.com
CONTACT: Mark Ellis, Marketing Communications Executive Experts in business systems for manufacturers, Sanderson helps to improve operational efficiency across your supply chain. With software ‘forged in Sheffield’, Sanderson has been supporting 100s of UK manufacturing firms for 30 years. Customers include Mettis Aerospace, GKN, Street Crane, RLC, LTE, Chinn and Kliklok. Learn how Sanderson helps you to improve your ISO/AS9100 compliance, business efficiency and competitive advantage. Sanderson delivers integrated business IT solutions - Order Management to Shop Floor, Quote to Cashbook and Quality Management. Be sure to visit Sanderson on stand H81.
CONTACT: Mr. Markus Bäumler, Product Manager UK The SAUER GmbH with its two technology fields ULTRASONIC and LASERTEC, represents the ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES of DMG MORI SEIKI.
Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council G121 Address: Sandwell Council House, Freeth Street, Oldbury, West Midlands B69 3DE Tel: +44 (0)7929 353232 Fax: +44 (0)121 569 2174 Email: stephen_massey@sandwell.gov.uk Website: www.thinksandwell.com/ CONTACT: Steve Massey, Supply Chain Development Officer Through it’s award-winning work with business, Sandwell Council applies a unique entrepreneurial private sector approach to business support, promoting the regions supply chain, it’s products and services at regional, national and international events. Through an established online business network, the Black Country based Council has developed an excellent knowledge of local supply chain expertise. Working with national, regional trade associations and professional procurement bodies, Sandwell alerts companies to potential new clients and markets and co-ordinates a programme of bespoke support to subsidise training such as SC21, TS16949 & ISO14001 to improve the supply chain’s competitiveness, skills, efficiency and delivery performance.
Sandwell UK F2 Address: 2 Foundry Place, Old Tiffield Road, Towcester, Northampton, NN12 6FP Tel: 01327 350205 Fax: 01327 350222 Email: Colin.McGrory@sandwell-uk.com Website: www.sandwell-uk.com CONTACT: Colin McGrory, Technical Director Sandwell UK Ltd is a prime supplier of shot peening and specialist metal coatings to precision and performance engineering companies throughout Europe. Sandwell is run and operated by engineers and prides itself on high quality services approved to ISO9001:2008. Sandwell works with its customers to develop processes and finishes to engineer and develop component performance and reliability. This may be to increase load capacity, increase fatigue life, reduce friction or apply anti corrosion coatings for harsh environments. The company is focused on developing its technology and providing an efficient service to meet the needs of its customers.
Samuel Taylor Ltd I65 Address: Arthur Street Central, Redditch, B98 8JY Tel: 01527 504 910 Fax: 01527 500 869 Email: carl.siviter@samueltaylor.co.uk Website: www.samueltaylor.co.uk
£ SC21
sat B146 Address: 175 Rue Louis Armand, 73420 Mry France Tel: +33479617131 Fax: +33479617121 Email: p.laplagne@sat-thermique.com Website: www.sat-thermique.com CONTACT: P. Laplagne, Export Manager , Designer and manufacturer since 1953, the company SAT offers today 4 ranges of industrial machines to meet every industrial needs : industrial furnaces & ovens, industrial tunnels, heat treatment furnaces for light alloys, rotomoulding & slush-moulding plants. The company SAT has also developped a special range of ovens especially dedicated to aeronautical market for the thermal treatment of composite materials and also for thermal treatment of light alloys.
Basis for the construction and production of SAUER’s high precision machining centers always is its holistic development and process know-how. Nearly all high-tech branches are served with highly efficient machining strategies as well as innovative technology – and machine solutions. SAUER is focusing on the economical precision machining of hard to machine future materials. ULTRASONIC represents the ultrasound-assisted machining of advanced materials (e.g. ceramics, glass) as well as the higly efficient machining of fiber reinforced materials (e.g. CFRP, GFRP) with up to 40% reduced process forces.
Scaglia Indeva Ltd G1 Address: 37 Coney Green Business Centre, Clay Cross, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, S45 9JW Tel: 01246 252333 Fax: 01246 252334 Email: shaw@uk.indevagroup.com Website: www.indevagroup.com CONTACT: John Arrowsmith , UK Sales Manager Visit Scaglia INDEVA to try our INtelligent DEVices for hAndling components in manufacturing, packaging, and assembly. INDEVA offer a wide range of industrial manipulators to suit any application. For repetitive, fast cycle times, with accurate positioning, inclination and rotation our ergonomically designed devices are the answer. Our expertise covers vacuum, pneumatic, magnetic and mechanical tooling supported by our electronic zero gravity and balancing control system. An ideal alternative to a hoist, our auto balancing manipulators allows you to hold the component throughout the work cycle once the float mode is set. No need for one hand on the pendant control.
SCHUNK Intec Ltd C88 Address: 10 Howard Way, Interchange Park, Newport Pagnell, Bucks, MK16 9QS Tel: 01908-611127 Fax: 01908-615525 Email: info@gb.schunk.com Website: www.gb.schunk.com/ CONTACT: Chris Guo, Marketing Specialist SCHUNK is a worldwide leading manufacturer of toolholding components, workholding systems and automation components. For more than 60 years, SCHUNK has been serving different markets with products that have set the bench-mark when it comes to technological leadership and long-term capabilities. With more than 2,000 employees worldwide located in 23 subsidiaries and 4 manufacturing facilities, SCHUNK can offer superior customer service and technical support all over the world
SCIGRIP UK Ltd G145 Address: Unit 22, Bentall Business Park, Glover Road, Washington, Tyne & Wear, NE37 3JD,UK Tel: +44 (0) 191 419 6421 Fax: +44 (0) 191 419 6445 Email: info@scigrip-europe.uk Website: www.scigrip.com CONTACT: Peter George, Marketing Director SCIGRIP UK is the European subsidiary of market leading SCIGRIP USA supplying a range of methylmethacrylate structural adhesives. SCIGRIP UK is manufacturing in UK for fresh supply across Europe. Methylmethacrylates address concerns for users of adhesives, namely surface preparation, open time and cure speed control and the production of tough, impact and fatigue resistant bonds. SCIGRIP products are popular in rail, road and marine transportation bonding composites, plastics and metals. SCIGRIP will be exhibiting uniquely low exotherm product, SG230 for thick bondlines and SG300, a primer free metal bonder plus recently new European FST certification for interior rail use.
Scorpion Automotive Ltd J84 Address: Drumhead Road, Chorley, Lancs., PR6 7DE Tel: 01257 249928 Fax: 01257 249938 Email: richard.andrews@scorpionauto.com Website: www.scorpionauto.com www.scorpiontrack.com
Address: Söhnleinstraße 8, 65201 Wiesbaden, Germany Tel: +49 8271 83-2160 Fax: +49 8271 83-1427 Email: compositematerials@sglgroup.com Website: www.sglgroup.com
Richard Andrews, National Sales Manager ,
Scorpion Automotive is a trusted brand established in vehicle security since 1973. The company offers a range of Alarms, Immobilisers, Tracking and web based Fleet Management devices to the OEM and aftermarket for Cars, Vans, HGV, Plant, Marine, Motorcycle, Caravan & Motor-home.
Daniel Rothmann, Director Sales Europe
Scorpion products are supplied world wide to automobile and motorcycle manufacturers including Aston Martin, DAF Trucks, Caterham Cars, Fuji Heavy Industries, Iveco, London Taxi International, Subaru UK and Triumph Motorcycles. Our in-house team design hardware and software in accordance with TS16949 standards allowing rapid concept to prototype development. Small or large volume manufacture is carried out in our modern state of the art SMT manufacturing facility.
Scott Bader ug F207 Address: Wollaston, Wellingborough, Northants NN29 7RL Tel: +44 (0)1933 663 100 Fax: +44 (0)1933 666 623 Email: enquiries@scottbader.com Website: www.scottbader.com CONTACT:
SGL Group – The Carbon Company – is one of the worldwide leading manufacturers of carbon-based products and has the broadest product and technology portfolio, a global sales network and state-of-the-art production sites in Europe, North America and Asia. We produce and market SIGRAFIL® C PAN-based continuous filament, chopped and milled multifilament carbon fibers for industrial applications, and PANOX® thermally stabilized oxidized fibers. We also develop and produce high-performance composite materials like carbon fiber-based woven and non-crimp textiles, prepregs and preforms which are mainly used in the wind energy, sports, automotive and aerospace industries.
SGS Carbide Tool (UK) Ltd ug B96 Address: 10 Ashville Way, Wokingham, Berks, RG41 2PL Tel: 01189 795200 Fax: 01189 179575 Email: sales@sgstool.co.uk Website: www.sgstool.co.uk
Alex Filsell, Assistant Product Manager, Marketing Communications & Website
Established in 1951, Scott Bader is now a global chemical company employing over 600 people worldwide with manufacturing sites in Europe, Middle East, South Africa, Canada and India.
SGS Carbide Tool is a premier manufacturer of high performance, precision solid carbide rotary cutting tools, with a metric and an imperial inventory of over 16,000 items, plus an industry leading bespoke special tooling service to meet customer specific requirements. Headquartered in Ohio, USA, SGS has a 25,000 ft2 European headquarters and manufacturing facility in Wokingham, UK. Continual product research and development produces world leading high performance cutting tools the provide customers with ‘Value At The Spindle’.
A key player in the composites industry, Scott Bader is well known for manufacturing, selling and distributing a wide range of composites, adhesives, advanced composites and speciality polymers to a variety of different markets. With a built reputation for innovation, quality and excellent customer service, it works with a number of key players within the marine, automotive, building & construction, pipes & relining, chemical containment, wind energy and land transportation market sectors.
Jose Ucar, EU Projects Co-ordinator
Sharp and Tappin Technology Ltd D102 Seiki Systems Ltd C44 Address: Olivier House, 18 Marine Parade, Brighton, BN2 1TL Tel: 01273 666999 Fax: 01273 602564 Email: sales@seikisystems.co.uk Website: www.seikisystems.co.uk
Address: 1 Tamar Technology Park, River Tamar Way, Holsworthy, Devon, EX22 6EW Tel: 01409 253534 Fax: 01409 253588 Email: cps@sharpandtappin.com Website: www.sharpandtappin.com CONTACT:
Ben Sharp, Technical Director
Paul Lane, Sales Director
Sharp Tappin are showcasing their range of CNC composite plate saw`s and launching their new bench top CNC specimen saw which can been seen working on the stand.
Seiki Systems has over 20 years experience developing and implementing real time production control and manufacturing execution systems that provide an immediate, visual and dynamic picture of the plan to make production process your strategic and manufacturing operations management solution. We specialise in software that is designed to maximise the efficiency of production equipment and plant resources by addressing the complete works order lifecycle, from top floor to shop floor.
Sensorland.com J38 Address: Dartmouth Avenue, Pattingham WV6 7DP Tel: 01902 700973 Fax: 01902 700426 Email: mike@sensorland.com Website: www.sensorland.com CONTACT:
Mike Coope, MD Sensorland.com, the online information centre for Sensors and Measuring Equipment was launched in June 2000 and now is a well established reference for engineers and students needing to learn about sensors and where to source them.
Sheffield Hallam University B1 Address: Howard Street, Sheffield, S1 1WB Tel: 0114 225 5000 Fax: 0114 225 3524 Email: business@shu.ac.uk Website: www.shu.ac.uk/businessthinking CONTACT: Nick Farmilo, Business Development Manager We have a reputation and a passion for creating real impact for our clients. With world renowned expertise in niche areas, we can give you access to some of the most innovative minds and the latest high tech facilities. We bring together bespoke teams to offer services ranging from materials analysis and testing to prototyping and process simulation. We can also give you access to our huge student resource to help you bring ideas to market. By working with you to fully understand your situation, we provide solutions that are relevant, practicable, timely and economic. Get in touch to find out more about how we could help your company. www.shu.ac.uk/businessthinking
Shimadzu UK Limited ug D78 Address: Mill Court, Featherstone Road, Wolverton Mill South, Milton Keynes, MK12 5RD Tel: 07525 702646 Fax: 01908 552202 Email: nicola.brown@shimadzu.co.uk Website: www.shimadzu.co.uk CONTACT: Nicola Brown, UK Sales Manager Material Testing Solutions The properties of materials are various, and according to the forces at work in the material and the surrounding environment, their behaviour differs. Nowadays when product quality and safety are being rigorously pursued, testing and inspection machines offer data which serve to guide the R&D on improved materials and products. High level technologies incorporating precision, electronics, control, optics, sensors, and information processing are concentrated in these testing and inspection machines, producing the evaluation system most suited to the objective of use. Shimadzus testing and inspection machines can address your compression, displacement, force load, impact, strain, stress and tensile testing solutions.
sia Abrasives (GB) Ltd B101 Address: Armytage Road, Brighouse, West Yorkshire, HD6 1QF Tel: 0845 5564259 Fax: 01484 717459 Email: sales.gb@sia-abrasives.com Website: www.sia-abrasives.com CONTACT: Mark Raines, Marketing Manager sia Abrasives, with its headquarters in Frauenfeld, Switzerland, is one of the world’s leading suppliers of innovative abrasive systems. For over 135 years it has developed and manufactured complete abrasives systems, tailored to specific requirements and applications, for surface finishing on work pieces of all kinds. sia Abrasives employs 250 people in the UK and over 1200 people around the world. It matches market leading products with ‘best in class’ customer service & technical support, holding more stock in the UK than any other abrasives manufacturer to ensure its partners receive a guarantee of maximum efficiency and truly outstanding service.
SHD Composite Materials Limited ug C151 Address: Unit 4 The Reservation, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 7BY United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 1529 307629 Fax: +44 (0) 1529 306990 Email: enquiries@shdcomposites.com Website: www.shdcomposites.com CONTACT:
Helen Doughty, Director SHD Composite Materials Ltd work at the leading edge of advanced composites technology. We manufacture a wide range of thermoset prepregs with carbon, glass, aramid and hybrid fabrics - both woven and UD, we also offer a toll impregnation service. Our company is committed to advancing the manufacture of bio-based products in the composite world, working in dynamic partnership with our clients to provide exceptional levels of service and flexibility.
SIEBEC UK Ltd E76 Address: Unit 3, St Albans Bus Park, St Albans Rd, Staffordshire, ST16 3DR Tel: +44 (0) 1785 227700 Fax: +44 (0) 1785 246006 Email: sales@siebec.co.uk Website: www.siebec.com CONTACT: Philip Davies Job Title: Since 1958 the SIEBEC Group has been one of Europe’s foremost manufacturers of Pumps and Filtration products and equipment to the Metal Finishing and Machine Tool Industries with product ranges specifically for all chemical processes within the Aerospace industry incl Anodising, Chemical Milling, Electroplating, and Ardrox Cleaning. In addition SIEBEC offers products designed for the filtration and now UV treatment of machine tool coolants and cutting fluids incl grinding machines.
u ADS Members
Siemens C16
Sil-Mid Ltd E72
Address: Princess Road, Princess Parkway, Manchester, M20 2UR Tel: 0161 446 6400 Fax: 0161 446 5280 Email: ad.uk.marketing@siemens.com Website: www.siemens.co.uk/industry
Address: Units 1&2 Roman Park, Roman Way, Coleshill, B46 1HG Tel: +44(0) 1675 432 850 Fax: +44(0) 1675 432 870 Email: info@silmid.com Website: www.silmid.com
CONTACT: Stuart Flint, Product Specialist Sil-Mid Ltd is a specialist distributor of silicones, sealants, adhesives, lubricants, cleaning agents and surface treatments.
Alison Vasey, Communications Manager Siemens offers integrated technologies, vertical market expertise and services for improved productivity, energy efficiency and flexibility to advanced manufacturing customers at all levels of the supply chain. With our globally unmatched offering of automation technology, industrial software industrial control and drive technology, we equip manufacturers with what they need over their entire value chain - from product design and development to production. Our customers can also profit from our comprehensive offering of services tailored for their market and their needs. Don’t miss the opportunity to discuss any questions with us at our stand C16.
£ SC21
Composites UK Members
SMTC D95 Address: Lincoln House, 4th Floor, 300 High Holborn, WC1V 7JH, London Tel: 07454 858291 Fax: 0207 092 6633 Email: jewattier@smtc.fr Website: www.smtc.fr CONTACT:
Jean-Emmanuel Wattier, Business Development
Sil-Mid Limited also provides a repacking service of non-hazardous goods to meet specific application requirements.
SMTC realise Composite Panel Subsystems for Interiors in Aeronautics, Rail, Marine and Defence industries; including Flooring, Ceilings, Seating, Galleys, Lavatories, Partition Walls and Tables. Our 30 years experience together with the mastery of a wide range of Materials & Techniques allow us to design bespoke and ready to assemble Subsystems. Our innovative solutions are developed in partnership with the Customer in a Co-Design approach, approved in our Laboratory with full scale mechanical testing room, and manufactured from raw material to high standard product in our 9000sqm Production Site. SMTC work with some of the leading companies in Europe; such as Zodiac Aero, Dassault Aviation, Bombardier, Hitachi, Alstom, and STX Europe.
SL Laser C122
Socomore C15
Our business originated in the Aerospace industry and now also includes Automotive, Rail, Marine, Oil and Gas exploration, Engineering, Defence, Electronics, and Renewable Energy. Our business has grown to represent a huge portfolio of over 6,000 active products and a technical archive of over 14,000 items supplied by more than 400 vendors. Our expertise includes export packing and shipping of goods worldwide.
SIFCO ASC D60 Address: Aston Fields Industrial Estate Aston Rd, Bromsgrove B60 3EX Tel: 01527 557740 Email: m.smith@sifco.co.uk Website: www.sifcoasc.com CONTACT:
Mark Smith, European General Manager About SIFCO ASC A world leading supplier of selective plating technology, SIFCO Applied Surface Concepts (ASC) provide practical, cost-effective solutions to improve part performance and reduce manufacturing costs through corrosion protection, increased wear resistance, increased hardness, improved conductivity, anti-galling or slip. Part of Norman Hay plc, SIFCO ASC is renowned for its unique approach to selective plating, also known as ‘The SIFCO Process’. SIFCO ASC surface enhancement technologies and selective plating services have been utilised for over 50 years on both OEM components and on parts requiring refurbishment in the aerospace, oil and gas, general industry and power generation sectors. www.sifcoasc.com
Sigma Composites Ltd ug E136 Address: 16 Top Angel, Buckingham Industrial Estate, Buckingham, MK18 1TH Tel: 01280 824498 Fax: 01280 824408 Email: sales@sigmacomposites.co.uk Website: www.sigmacomposites.co.uk CONTACT:
Graham Sprowell, Technical Business Development Manager Sigma Composites Ltd specialise in the manufacture of high quality components and assemblies for all markets including Aerospace, Automotive,F1, Defence & Motorsport. We have the unigue combination of innovation, design and composite engineering experience, together with a proven track record in constructing light, strong structures without compromise. Sigma Composites is dedicated to excellence, having strict quality management procedures, which are independantly assessed to meet the requirements of AS9100 & ISO 9001
Sigmatex C152 Address: Manor Farm Road, Norton, Runcorn, WA7 1TE Tel: + 44 (0) 1928 570050 Fax: +44 (0) 1928 570051 Email: jo.maltby@sigmatex.co.uk Website: www.sigmatex.com CONTACT:
Jo Maltby, Head of Marketing Sigmatex develops and manufactures carbon fibre textiles for composite material applications. From global locations, Sigmatex supplies spread tow, 2D woven, unidirectional, multiaxial (noncrimp), 3D textiles and recycled fabrics across a broad range of industries. Sigmatex’s proven capability converts millions of pounds of carbon fibre each year for major projects that require high levels of quality and reliability.
Address: Rural Enterprise Centre, Stafford Drive, Battlefield Enterprise Park, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY1 3FE Tel: 01743 453456 Email: d.coulson@sl-laser.com Website: www.sl-laser.com CONTACT: Derek Coulson, Director SL-Laser is a market leader in design and production of high precision 2D/3D laser projection and digitalization systems. For over 20 years we have been enhancing manufacturing processes for many global industries including Composites, Aerospace, Automotive etc. Utilising our in-house SL3D software, data is taken from the customers CAD system to accurately project patterns onto tooling or freeform surfaces eliminating the need for measuring tools or templates during the assembly and hand lay-up process.
Address: ZI du Prat - CS 23707, Vannes, France Tel: +33 297 437 690 Fax: +33 0297 545 027 Email: socomore@socomore.com Website: www.socomore.com CONTACT:
Steve Bramhall, Sales Manager Socomore is a European based company representing e 31 M sales in 2012. After 3 latest acquisitions in 2013, all Group companies represent together about e 38 M, 170 people and 13 subsidiaries. Socomore develops, manufactures and sales complete ranges of high added-value specialty chemicals used in critical surface preparation, processing, protection, and control operations. Many products of our ranges are approved by aerospace manufacturers, market that represents 75% of the total turnover.
Smithers Pira E20 Address: Cleeve Road, Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 7RU Tel: +44 (0) 1372 80 2000 Fax: +44 (0) 1372 80 2079 Email: info@smithers.com Website www.smitherspira.com CONTACT: Chris Hubble, Commercial Manager Smithers Pira – World class polymer technology for the Aerospace, Automotive and Transport Industries. We can help you with: - Polymer Product Life Cycle - Design and Development - Environmental Testing - Distribution Testing - Materials Selection - Qualification Testing - Production Process - Failure Diagnosis
Solartron Metrology Ltd I11 Address: Steyning Way, PO22 9ST Bognor Regis, UK Tel: +44 (0)1243 833 333 Fax: +44 (0)1243 964 899 Email: sales.solartronmetrology@ametek.com Website: www.solartronmetrology.com CONTACT:
David Boerner, UK Sales Manager Solartron Metrology provides precision linear measurement solutions for quality control, test and measurement, and machine control. Originally established in 1946 as Faroll Research, Solartron Metrology, now part of the AMETEK® Corporation, is a world leader in the innovation and manufacture of high-quality precision digital and analogue gauging probes, displacement transducers, optical linear encoders, laser triangulation systems and all associated instrumentation; incorporating the ground-breaking technology of the Orbit®3 Network to enable interaction between lasers and digital probes.
Smithers Rapra ug E20 Address: Shawbury, Shropshire, UK SY4 4NR Tel: 01939 250383 Fax: 01939 251118 Email: info@smithers.com Website: www.rapra.net CONTACT: Chris Hubble, Commercial Manager Smithers Rapra – World class polymer technology for the Aerospace, Automotive and Transport Industries. We can help you with: - Polymer Product Life Cycle - Design and Development - Environmental Testing - Distribution Testing - Materials Selection - Qualification Testing - Production Process - Failure Diagnosis
Solberg International (UK) Ltd F118 Address: Units 24 & 25 Calibre Ind Park, Laches Close, Four Ashes, Wolverhampton, WV10 7DZ Tel: 01902 798499 Fax: 01902 798502 Email: uksales@solbergmfg.com Website: www.solbergmfg.com CONTACT:
Lee Grout, Sales Engineer Solberg manufacture a vast range of industrial pressure and vacuum filters for removing dust, liquids and oil from air and gas streams. ATEX and PED certified units are available along with specialized coatings and materials of construction. We are a niche supplier priding ourselves in providing Engineered Solutions with a hands on approach to solving your filtration problems.
Solvent Replacement Ltd C11 Address: 3 Greengate, Cardale Park, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG3 1GY Tel: 07711 657014 Email: info@solventreplacement.eu Website: www.solventreplacement.eu CONTACT: Lyndon Hellewell, Director Solvent Replacement Ltd is a solvent replacement technology company. We are experts at replacing dangerous solvents and effectively eliminating hazardous waste production. Our Surfasolve products allow customers around the world in helping contribute to a safer and better environment for all. While there has been other solvent replacements offered in the past, our products have been designed to address their failures. Surfasolve products have evolved to ensure success by eliminating the need for expensive heated work stations, employee dissatisfaction with performance and higher costs than conventional solvents.
Sonatest Ltd D105 Address: Dickens Road, Old Wolverton, Milton Keynes, Bucks, MK12 5QQ Tel: 01908 316345 Fax: 01908 321323 Email: sales@sonatest.com Website: www.sonatest.com CONTACT: Corinna Cuciureanu, Communications Manager The lead product at this year’s show for Sonatest Ltd will be the Prisma, the latest development in their phased array ultrasonic flaw detector range which enables the user to employ UT and PA techniques, with on board TOFD. 2013 has seen the Prisma win awards for it’s multi-faceted product design and build, including the prestigious Red Dot Award. Also launching at the Advanced Engineeering show in 2013 is the new Large Low frequency Wheelprobe developed to inspect thick, attenuative composite materials often found in marine and wind energy industrial applications. Visit us to see the full spectrum of our NDT products ranging from Digital Flaw Detectors, through to Thickness Gauges, Advanced NDT Inspection Systems and Consumables.
SpaceClaim Corporation D9 Address: 150 Baker Ave Extension, Concord, MA, 1742, USA Tel: +1-978-482-2100 Fax: +1-978-369-5864 Email: info@spaceclaim.com Website: www.spaceclaim.com CONTACT: Laura Kriebel, Marketing SpaceClaim develops SpaceClaim Engineer, the world’s leading 3D Direct Modeling software that brings powerful yet easy-to-use 3D to all engineers. It transforms businesses by empowering all engineers to work with CAD data from any source, regardless of origin. SpaceClaim is used in a number of applications including concept modeling, bid modeling, 2D to 3D transition, manufacturing, reverse engineering, sheet metal manufacturing and model prep for analysis in a number of industries including automotive, defense, aerospace, manufacturing and medical devices.
SPAL Automotive UK H35 Address: Unit 3, Great Western Business Park, McKenzie Way, Worcester, WR4 9PT Tel: +44 (0)1905 613 714 Fax: +44 (0)1905 610 725 Email: matthew@spalautomotive.co.uk Website: www.spalautomotive.com CONTACT: Matthew Morris, Managing Director SPAL Automotive is a leading Italian designer and manufacturer of high quality electric fans and blowers, now a key player in the UK market offering refrigeration & ventilation solutions for oil and engine cooling. SPALs range of products for the commercial sector inlcude axial fans for condenser applications, blowers for heating, demisting, ventilation and air-conditioning; suitable for roof units, integrated units, front box and engine bay cooling. There are also applications in hybrid technology to provide battery cooling and capacitor cooling. Backed by 50 years investment in R & D SPALs fans and blowers are high-performance, long-life and durable with features which contribute to fuel efficiency and reduced emissions.
Specialty Fasteners & Components Ltd A3 Address: Seymour Wharf, Steamer Quay Road, Totnes, Devon TQ9 5AL Tel: 01803 868677 Fax: 01803 868678 Email: sales@specialty-fasteners.co.uk Website: www.specialty-fasteners.co.uk CONTACT:
Graham Leo, Sales Manager Specialty Fasteners, an ISO9001:2008 approved company, is a designer, manufacturer and distributor of quick release fasteners and hardware for the Defence, Aerospace, Motorsport and Industrial markets.SFC design & manufacture the AeroCatch panel fastener for motorsport applications plus Snap-In Captive and SEMS screws for the avionics & electronics industry . SFC distributes the complete Alcoa Fastening Systems range including Camloc, Recoil & Huck products, Quick Release Pins, Accuride drawer slides, Gas Springs, Stop-Choc anti-vibration mounts and Hydraflow Fluid Control hose and couplings.
SPECIALTY MATERIALS, INC. C96 Address: 1449 Middlesex Street, Lowell, MA 01851, USA Tel: 978-322-1972 Fax: 978-322-1970 Email: wgrant@specmaterials.com Website: www.specmaterials.com
Spraybooth Technology Ltd E60 Address: Unit 8, Ballingdon Hill Industrial Estate, Sudbury , Suffolk, CO10 2DX Tel: 01787 313550 Fax: 01787 313542 Email: enquiries@sprayboothtechnology.co.uk Website: www.sprayboothtechnology.co.uk CONTACT:
Chris Skinner, Industrial Sales Manager Recognised as a market-leading spraybooth manufacturer, STL delivers high performance, efficient and innovative spraybooth solutions across a broad range of industries. From intricate components to complete aircraft, STL engineers have repeatedly met the needs of the diverse Aerospace and Automotive industries. Energy efficient and versatile spraybooths for the repair, manufacture and refurbishment of all types of vehicles, aircraft, boats & trains. Flexible and innovative paint application facilities that combine quality with fast production times and low running costs, and has benefited a variety of industrial applications from hi-fi equipment to wind turbines.
Stanford Marsh G31 Address: Haycroft Works, Buckholt Drive, Warndon, Business Park, Worcester, WR4 9ND Tel: 0844 856 0701 Fax: 0844 856 0703 Email: info@stanfordmarsh.co.uk Website: www.smg3d.co.uk CONTACT:
Matthew Perkins, Director
Bill Grant, Product Engineer
Stanford Marsh is the UK’s independent market leader in providing design technology CAD Software, 3D printing systems and Wide Format plotters. With turnover exceeding £14 million and with 5 UK locations, we are well placed to meet all the demands of a busy engineering design office. Our product range includes Autodesk Software, Training and Certification as well as CAD consultancy & our 3D print division supplies and supports Stratasys and Object 3D Printers.
Specialty Materials manufactures boron and silicon carbide (SiC) fibers by Chemical Vapor Deposition. Boron is used extensively in aerospace and sporting goods applications. Boron/graphite hybrid preforms are used for selective reinforcement to enhance compression, impact and open-hole compression properties. SiC fibers have outstanding high temperature mechanical properties for increasing strength, stiffness and use temperature of titanium matrix composites, and toughness of ceramic matrix composites. SMI has developed nano-sized boron powders for MgB2 superconductors. New products include Fiber Reinforced Aluminum (FRA) composites.
Spectron Gas Control Systems Ltd G74 Address: Unit 4, Advanced Technology unit 1,University of Warwick Science Park, Coventry, CV4 7EZ, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)24 7641 6234 Fax: +44 (0)24 7641 1987 Email: sales@spectron-gcs.com Website: www.spectron-gcs.com CONTACT:
Maureen Arber, Administrator Spectron Gas Control Systems Ltd is one of Europe’s leading suppliers for gas control equipment. From a cylinder pressure regulator for industrial gas to Ultra High Purity Gas Delivery and Distribution for High Technology industries, Spectron has a product range for your requirements. Please visit us on stand G74, or contact us via e-mail for any gas equipment requirements or general advice on the best solution possible for your gaseous applications.
Spectrum Metrology Ltd I11 Address: Unit 8 Ireton Avenue, Leicester, LE4 9EU Tel: +44 (0) 116 276 6262 Fax: +44 (0) 116 276 6868 Email: esales@spectrum-metrology.co.uk Website: www.spectrum-metrology.co.uk/ CONTACT:
Suzanne Orris, Marketing Director Spectrum Metrology are specialists in the field of Optical Metrology, Surface Roughness, Contact and Non-Contact Metrology instruments. From detailed measurements of intricate components to rapid scanning of large assemblies, we offer a range of measurement solutions.
StanleyBlack&Decker – Facom Tools H61 Address: Unit 3 Europa Court, Sheffield Business Park, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S9 1XE Tel: +44 (0)1142 917266 Fax: +44 (0)1142 917131 Email: customerservices@facom.com Website: www.facom.com CONTACT:
Peter Taylor, UK Sales Manager For the tools and solutions you can count on when it matters most. The choice is Facom, the name synonymous with strength, durability and quality. Facom is Europes leading hand tool brand and has worked for over 95 years with industrial maintenance and automotive professionals. Facom is part of the worlds largest hand and power tool company, StanleyBlack&Decker. Facom delivers innovation, continuously designing and improving its tools to save time, increase productivity and safety. With a range of 9K+ products including storage (trolleys, cabinets, benches, portable storage), standard tools (wrenches, screwdrivers, pliers, hammers) & specialist tools (automotive, electrical, aerospace, FME etc) to meet the needs of all repair technicians
STEMMER IMAGING LTD E13 Address: The Old Barn, Grange Court, Tongham, Surrey GU10 1DW Tel: +44 (0) 1252 780000 Fax: +44 (0) 1252 780001 Email: info@stemmer-imaging.co.uk Website: www.stemmer-imaging.co.uk CONTACT:
Rob Webb, Technical Specialist , STEMMER IMAGING is Europe’s leading independent provider of imaging and machine vision technology with 5 offices serving 9 countries across Europe. Our expertise is the specification, supply and implementation of imaging and machine vision technology in a diversity of applications including cameras, optics, illumination, software, systems, cables and solutions.
Stokvis Tapes UK Limited G35
u ADS Members Superior Technologies Europe Ltd A41
Address: Unit 8, Tring Industrial Estate, Tring, Hertfordshire HP23 4JX Tel: 01442 821 700 Fax: 01442 821 722 Email: j.earl@stokvistapes.co.uk Website: www.stokvistapes.co.uk
Address: 11 Devonshire Business Park, Knights Park Rd, Basingstoke, Hants RG21 6XN Tel: 01256 472229 Fax: 01256 479933 Email: peter.bond@st-europe.co.uk Website: www.st-europe.co.uk
CONTACT: Peter Bond, Managing Director STE will be exhibiting a range of high performance Oil Mist/Oil Smoke separation systems from 3Nine AB. This unique patented technology separates oil particles from mist or coolant using a special centrifugal process. This is able to remove 99.9% of all particles down to 1 micron in size and return the liquid to the machine tool or process. Any smaller particles are processed through a HEPA H13 filter which ensures that pure air can be returned directly into the working environment 99.995% particle free. The unique benefits of the technology are that it separates instead of collecting so maintenance is minimal making life cycle operating costs substantially lower than other technologies.
John Earl, Automotive Specalist Stokvis Tapes are the leading convertor of adhesive tapes and foams. Working to IS0 9001 and TS16949, Stokvis convert for the major worldwide manufactures of tapes and foams, supplying the leading OEMs and their tiered suppliers. Together with our customers, we are constantly looking for new tape-solutions that meet the tough demands of the automotive industry. This has resulted in an exclusive range of bonding, sealing, protection and noise suppression products. All of which can be converted and customized to meet your specific application requirements. We can also supply solutions to a wide range of industries including Aerospace and Medical.
Stonehill Engineering C101 Address: 22 Stonehill, Stukeley Meadows Industrial Estate, Huntingdon, PE29 6DR Tel: 01480 435302 Fax: 01480 450181 Email: sharon.craft@encocam.com Website: www.stonehillengineering.com CONTACT:
Sharon Craft, Marketing Manager , Encocam Stonehill Engineering is a successful manufacturing business located in Cambridgeshire, UK. It provides a personal, time bound service to customers in a wide range of industries, utilising a skilled team and support of a well-respected parent company to ensure high quality engineered components and assemblies. Stonehill Engineering’s strategic planning and implementation of goals has enabled it to continually improve the quality of its production. It has a policy of continuous improvement and innovation and a total commitment to customer satisfaction, adhering to stringent quality checks throughout the production process
StrainSense Limited F75 Address: Old Stratford Business Park, Falcon Drive, Old Stratford, Milton Keynes, MK19 6FG Tel: 01908 305 960 Fax: 08700 940 810 Email: sales@strainsense.co.uk Website: www.strainsense.co.uk CONTACT:
Glenn Bell, Business Development Manager StrainSense will be exhibiting it’s range of sensors and instrumentation products including Vibration, Pressure, Force, Position, Tilt, Fluid Properties, Strain Gauges and Instrumentation. In addition we will be showcasing our new Crash Test Sensor range which will include sensors from our new partnership with MG Sensor. Our Technical Sales Engineers will be on hand to discuss any application questions you may have. Why not drop by our stand F75 for an introduction to our product range, talk with our experts and see our product demonstrations. StrainSense – Making sense with sensors.
Sutton Tools Europe B32 Address: Jellinghausstraat 28 5048 AZ Tilburg Netherlands Tel: +31 13 220 1480 Fax: +31 13 220 1481 Email: djenkins@sutton.com.au Website: www.sutton.com.au CONTACT: Danny Jenkins, European Sales Manager One of the world’s largest family owned cutting tool manufacturing companies employing over 500 people worldwide. Sutton Tools Europe opened its European distribution centre in Tilburg Holland in 2009 and now supplies customers in over 25 different countries. In 2012 Sutton began to produce of Carbide Endmills in Europe and this has increased the stock valuation held in Europe to over 4 million Euro at cost value to serve its growing customer base.
SVSP Advanced Composites F143 Address: Passage Road, Arlingham, Gloucestershire, GL2 7JR Tel: 01452 741 463 Fax: 01452 741 513 Email: sales@svsp.co.uk Website: www.svsp.co.uk CONTACT: Martin Carolan, Business Owner SVSP Advanced Composites are part of the Severn Valley Sailplane Group and have been a leading provider of machined foam cores for over a decade. Working across the spectrum of engineering foam materials the company can provide a range of services from simple 3 axis routing to highly complex 5 axis machined components and assemblies. Accredited to AS9100 the organisation has supplier approvals from many of the UK’s leading composite companies and takes pride in it’s “can do” approach to problem solving. The company also supplies a wide range of Rohacell foam material from it extensive stocks through “Rohasell-on-line.com” a sister company that specialises in supply of the material. Whatever your needs large or small we always try and help
Address: Cosgrove Close, Worcester, WR3 8UA Tel: + 44 1905 874300 Fax: + 44 1905 874301 Email: enquiries@superform.net Website: www.superforming.com CONTACT:
Stuart Taylor, Business Development Manager Superform, the world’s leading supplier of complex lightweight formings to the Auto, Rail and Aero industries is experiencing strong demand and rapid growth. Both our UK and USA facilities are looking to recruit ambitious and dynamic professionals to support all key business functions globally during these exciting times. We have immediate career opportunities within both our CAD/ Engineering and Business Development departments. Contact us to find out more about these exciting opportunities and join this successful team. Please visit us at our stand H102 or send your CV to enquiries@superform.net
Composites UK Members
T&R Composites (T&R Precision Engineering Ltd) D211 Address: Lowther Lane, Foulridge, Colne, Lancashire, BB8 7JY Tel: 01282 862116 Fax: 01282 867036 Email: jmcquillan@trprecision.co.uk Website: www.trprecision.co.uk CONTACT: Jason McQuillan, Quality & Business Development Manager Customers are offered a precision CNC machining, assembly & programming service provided by a range of 24 multi-axis machining centres including Mazak Integrex mill/turn, 5 axis Variaxis. The combination of high torque allied to high speed multi-axis machining enables the company to adequately deal with the continuing growth of hard metal (Titanium & Inconel) parts whilst continuing to produce complex prismatic aluminium components. Following its done-in-one philosophy, T&R Composites invested in a High Speed 5 axis CMS Antares machining centre equipped with a Renishaw Optical Inspection Probe system and MSP Metrology NC Perfect Part software. Covered under the umbrella of the companies Quality approvals BSI ISO 9001:2008 AS EN 9100 Rev C.
Takumi Precision Engineering Ltd £ B40 Address: Raheen Industrial Estate Limerick Ireland Tel: 0044 1933 653 669 Email: businessdev@takumiprecision.com Website: www.takumiprecision.com CONTACT: Maurice Mc Lernon, International Business Developer Takumi has detailed expertise in the manufacture of low to medium volume precision components. This competence has particular relevance to the Aerospace sector. Takumi have entered into significant aerospace contracts in recent months. The business is concentrated in wing and fuselage components. The form of these parts would be well known across the aerospace industry with elements including Butt-Straps, Shear Ties, Rib Posts and splices, as well as a wide variety of brackets.
Tappex Group of Co’s. B131 Address: Masons Road, Stratford upon Avon,Warks, CV37 9NT Tel: 44 - (0) 1789 206 600 Fax: 44 - (0) 1789 414 194 Email: sales@tappex.co.uk Website: www.tappex.co.uk www.pressavon.co.uk CONTACT: ANDREW FITZPATRICK, Sales & Mkt.Mngr. Tappex incorporates: Tappex Thread Inserts & Pressavon Ltd with both located in UK since 1956. These companies specialise in the design & manufacture of Threaded Inserts for Plastics & Composites and customer-specified precision & progressiontooled metal bracketary. • Threaded Inserts for Plastics, light-metal alloys, woods & composite materials • Supply of threaded inserts, Grooved Pins & bespoke rivet-nuts (Brasses, Steel & Stainless Steels)on global basis both direct to OEMs & via a Technical Distribution network • Tappex manufacture Fastener Installation Equipment • Customers are supported by in-house Applications Engrs., Testing & Prototype services • Serving OEM/AUTO/AERO/RAIL/MEDICAL /INDUSTRIAL/ TELECOMS MKTS. • BS/ISO ACCREDITATION
Tata Technologies SYS Systems D15
Superform £ H102
£ SC21
Address: Faraday House, Woodyard Lane, Foston, Derbyshire, DE65 5DJ Tel: 01283 585955 Fax: 01283 585181 Email: info@sys-uk.com Website: www.sys-uk.com CONTACT: Steven Wilcox, Sales SYS Systems is the UK & Ireland Platinum Partner for Stratasys 3D printing technology. Wherever product developers want to cut design timescales and reduce prototyping costs, they turn to Stratasys systems for the solution. The worlds most precise 3D printers produce lifelike models perfect for form, fit and functional testing. SYS is ISO9001:2008 accredited and specialises in the supply and support of these groundbreaking additive manufacturing systems. The UKs leading names in aerospace and automotive manufacturing choose Stratasys technology supplied by SYS Systems. Come along and see the future of rapid prototyping in action.
F13 and F23
Address: The Enterprise Centre,Coventry University Technology Park,Puma Way, Coventry CV1 2TT Tel: 08443 759688 Fax: 02476 158 749 Email: mahdieh.mehrabi@tatatechnologies.com Website: www.tatatechnologies.co.uk CONTACT: Mahdieh Mehrabi, Marketing and Sales Operations Business Partner Tata Technologies, founded in 1989, is a global leader in Engineering Services and Product Development IT services to the global manufacturing industry; enabling ambitious manufacturing companies to design and build better products. Tata Technologies is a company of innovators, specialists in the design engineering space, who apply cutting-edge technology to provide a competitive advantage to customers in the manufacturing sector. The company is a strategic partner for developing complete vehicles (VPD group), engineering subsystems and components (E&D), managing the NPI process and collaborative engineering (PLM), and tying together information created and used throughout the extended manufacturing enterprise (ESG).
Taylor Hobson Ltd I11 Address: 2 New Star Road, LE4 9JQ Leicester, UK Tel: +44 (0) 116 276 3771 Fax: +44 (0) 116 274 1350 Email: taylor-hobson.sales@ametek.com Website: www.taylor-hobson.com CONTACT: Graeme Foulds, Sales Manager Taylor Hobson is an ultra-precision technology company operating at the highest levels of accuracy within the field of surface and form metrology. We provide contact and non-contact measurement solutions to the most demanding applications on a global basis, with a worldwide infrastructure to support our clients, wherever they may be.Taylor Hobson is part of the Ultra Precision Technologies Division of AMETEK Inc, a US corporation based in Paoli, Pennsylvania. With more than 10,000 employees generating annual revenues in excess of $2.5billion and a strong record of earnings growth and cash generation, AMETEK Inc provides a robust environment to assure Taylor Hobson’s continued success into the future.
TCB-Arrow Ltd B9 Address: Watchmoor House, Watchmoor Rd, Camberley, Surrey, GU15 3AQ Tel: +44 (0)1276 679394 Fax: +44 (0)1276 679055 Email: sales@tcb-arrow.co.uk Website: www.tcb-arrow.co.uk CONTACT: Stephen Cooper, Sales Director TCB-Arrow is a successful global organisation providing components and assembly solutions in thermoplastic and elastomer materials. Developing long term partnerships with customers, where ideas take shape from concept through to full scale manufacture. TCB-Arrow has been established for 25 years with a proven track record in design, development, mould tooling and manufacturing. Offering total solutions to the Medical, Aerospace, Automotive, Defence and Industrial market sectors. TCB-Arrow had the foresight to invest several years ago in liquid silicone moulding for the automotive industry, and have subsequently developed their compatibilities in other market sectors i.e. Medical, Defence and Aerospace.
TE Wire & Cable E121 Address: 107 North 5th Street, Saddle Brook, NJ 07663 USA Tel: +1-201-845-9400 Fax: +1-201-291-1190 Email: sales@tewire.com Website: www.tewire.com CONTACT: Vlad Fedorchak, International Sales Manager TE Wire & Cable, a Berkshire Hathaway Company, is the world’s leading supplier of performance enhancing autoclave thermocouple and thermocouple interconnect solutions. Products are designed for ease of use, cost savings, and to allow curing more parts per autoclave per week. We offer four unique solutions: AccuClave® autoclave thermocouples; AccuFlexT flat reduced markoff thermocouples; AccuClave-XT rugged reusable single circuit thermocouple interconnects; AccuConnectT rugged reusable multicircuit thermocouple interconnect. All products are engineers to meet rigorous customer demand for reduced cost, 0% failures, on-line traceability, no-redundant, labor savings, no vacuum leaks, high accuracy, no surface markoff.
Team Refrigeration Ltd E156A Address: Unit A, Weston Europark, Winterstoke Road, Weston-super-Mare BS24 9AA Tel: 01934 613500 Fax: 01934 424628 Email: tim@teamrefrigeration.co.uk Website: www.teamrefrigeration.co.uk CONTACT: Tim Edwards, Managing Director Do you have enough Temperature Controlled Storage? Do you have cover in event of refrigeration breakdown, PM or for a new research project? Do you need controlled ambient storage? Team Refrigeration understands the needs of the Advanced Engineering sector. We have worked with companies in motorsport, the aircraft component manufacturing industry and the National Composite Centre providing temperature controlled storage that is • fully traceable maintaining temperature between -25 and +20°C • ready to use within hours of a phone call • only on site for as long as you need it and has no capital expenditure We can provide you with the extra space you need, when you need it. Come and have a chat with Tim on E156A, email or give him a call.
Tebis (UK) Ltd. D24 Address: Technology Park Pumaway CV1 2TW Coventry Tel: +44 (0) 2476 236413 Fax: +44 (0) 2476 236504 Email: info-uk@tebis.com Website: www.tebis.com CONTACT: Peter Heitzman, Sales Manager The Tebis CAD/CAM solutions are found wherever there’s a need for maximum efficiency in the process chain, from the CAD model to the finished part. Our customers include most automotive companies and their suppliers, model, mold, and die manufacturers, as well as aerospace and industrial engineering companies. An integral part of the Tebis offering are consulting services for effective application of the Tebis CAD/CAM technologies and optimized planning and production processes in your organization.
TEC Concepts Ltd B38 Address: 48 Fentham Road Hampton-in-Arden Solihull West Midlands B92 0AY Tel: 01675 443300 Fax: 01675 442222 Email: dave.bull@tec-concepts.co.uk Website: www.tec-concepts.co.uk CONTACT: Dave Bull, Director TEC are a specialist research, development and implementation organization focused on unlocking the potential of SC21 to provide business improvements both short and long term. TEC have conducted several successful supply chain development programmes in the aeronautical, defence, automotive and rail sectors TEC has a fully qualified and experienced team to deliver SC21 Supply Chain Programmes using the latest technology with our IT partner CANDA Systems who have developed the online Supply Chain Portal “XACTIO”. TEC is an approved SC21 Strategic partner and SC21 Training partner and is working closely with A|D|S and various other Aerospace and Defence primes in an endeavour to deploy SC21 to all organizations large and small
Techni Measure F24 Teal Park F151 Address: City Hall, Beaumont Fee, Lincoln, LM1 1DD Tel: 01522 550617 Fax: 01522 516720 Email: select@lincolnshire.gov.uk Website: www.tealpark.co.uk CONTACT: Cathrine Herrick, Marketing Officer, Lincolnshire County Council At 87.2 acres Teal Park is the largest new Employment Park in the East Midlands. The fully serviced commercial development near the City of Lincoln links directly to the A46 Lincoln Bypass, therefore provides excellent road access via the dual carriageway A46 to the M1 at Leicester, the A1 at Newark, the north via the A15 to the M180 Humber Bridge and ports of Immingham, Grimsby and Hull. Teal Park has become the new home for Siemens 155,000 sq ft. gas turbine servicing facilities and offices which were completed in late 2012. An outline consent for the entire site was granted in 2011 for 1.3 million sq. ft. of B1, B2, B8 space along with ancillary uses which include a Public House, Hotel, Leisure use and Showrooms. www.tealpark.co.uk
Address: Alexandra Buildings, 59 Alcester Road, Studley, Warwickshire, B80 7NJ Tel: 01527 854103 Fax: 01527 853267 Email: sales@techni-measure.co.uk Website: www.techni-measure.co.uk CONTACT: Ian Ramage, Sales Manager Techni Measure has a wide range of sensors for measurement of vibration, displacement, strain, pressure, force, and orientation. Vibration sensors from Dytran Instruments and Hansford Sensors, include rugged industrial designs through to miniature triaxial and shock sensors. Piezoelectric sensors for dynamic pressure or force, or strain gauge based sensors for more general purpose measurements are available, as well as a large range of strain gauges and accessories. Displacement measurement is possible with potentiometers or inductive sensors, and capacitive sensors for accurate gap sensing. The MicroStrain range of wireless systems and orientation sensors, and temperature sensors and pressure sealing glands from Conax complete the range.
Technical Fibre Products Ltd E112 Address: Burneside Mills, Kendal, Cumbria, LA9 6PZ Tel: +44 (0) 1539 818 220 Fax: +44 (0) 1539 818 230 Email: enquiries@tfpglobal.com Website: www.tfpglobal.com CONTACT: Rosemary Fisher, Global Brand Development Leader At TFP we develop and manufacture high performance nonwoven veils and mats from an exciting portfolio of raw materials including polymers, particulates and speciality fibres such as carbon, aramid, glass, polyester, metal and metal coated materials. Our Optimat®, Optiveil™ and Tecnofire® ranges can be customised to suit your specific performance requirements. They offer an effective means of applying surface engineering solutions to the many challenges encountered in the advanced composites industry. Our materials can deliver a superior quality surface finish as well as providing additional functionality such as EMI/RFI shielding, electrical conductivity, static dissipation, fire protection and enhanced corrosion resistance.
Techni-Modul Engineering B146 Address: Z.A. de Prache, 63114 Coudes, France Tel: 0033 473 545 330 Fax: 0033 473 559 635 Email: c-wierckx@techni-modul-eng.com Website: www.techni-modul-engineering.eu CONTACT: CHANTAL WIERCKX, BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT MANAGER Techni-Modul Engineering specializes in industrial turnkey solutions for composite parts production. We adapt our services to each need on a bespoke basis. We work in direct relationship with our client to define the best manufacturing process for the optimization of their project, offering support, advice, consultancy and expertise. At our efficient design department we have 26 years of experience for the tool and machine design, calculation, dimensioning, process automation and software supervision. The diversity of our competences allows us to manage development programs during prototype steps and to finalize composite projects through the realization of the equipment for serial production.
TechUK B45 Address: Russell Square House, 10-12 Russell Square, London WC1B 5EE Tel: 020 7331 2000 Fax: 020 7331 2040 Email: communications@intellectuk.org Website: www.intellectuk.org CONTACT: Marco Pisano, Programme Manager Intellect is the go-to organisation for the UK tech industry. It is the trade association for the UK’s tech sector, which represents developers and suppliers of digital technology and services. Intellect has over 860 member companies including major multinationals, mid-sized firms and small businesses. Collectively these companies directly employ more than half a million people in the UK and their products and services are used by every part of the UK and global economy.
Tecnico D75 Address: Unit 11, Ormeau Business Park, 8 Cromac Avenue, Belfast, UK, BT72JA Tel: +44 (0)2890 246 403 Fax: +44 (0)2890 236 502 Email: gkbowes@tecnicologix.com Website: www.tecnicologix.com CONTACT: Gordon Bowes, Director Formed in 2002, Tecnico has built a reputation as being a world leader in the application of Dimensional Management and Variation Analysis, working alongside all the main Airframers and Nacelle suppliers. Tecnico digitally simulate variation within assemblies that occurs due to manufacturing tolerances & assembly methods, reducing both assembly cost and time, identifying potential problem areas, & improving the overall quality of a product. We have extensive experience of applying tolerance simulation techniques in practical applications, ranging from tolerance allocation in concept development phases, variation analysis in design embodiment, to diagnostic exercises during production runs where non-conformance occurrence can be eliminated.
u ADS Members
£ SC21
Composites UK Members
Tees Valley Unlimited G48
Texkimp B100
Address: Cavendish House, Teesdale Business Park, Stockton on Tees TS17 6QY Tel: 01642 524400 Fax: 01642 632001 Email: info@teesvalleyunlimited.gov.uk Website: www.teesvalleyunlimited.gov.uk
Address: Swan House, New Cheshire Business Park, Wincham Lane, Wincham, Northwich, Cheshire, CW9 6GG, Great Britain Tel: +44 (0) 1606 338748 Fax: +44 (0) 1606 338749 Email: david.barker@cygnet-tw.com Website: www.cygnet-tw.com
Address: Chancery Exchange, London, EC4A 1AB
CONTACT: David Barker, Sales Manager , Cygnet Texkimp Texkimp, a division of the Cygnet group, are world leaders in the design and manufacture of creels, fibre guiding/handling systems, coating (prepreg) and laminating machinery used in the composites. industry.
Giulia Foss, Marketing Executive ,
CONTACT: Catherine Gordon, Marketing Manager , Support for companies locating in Tees Valley Tees Valley in the North East of England offers many benefits to advanced engineering and manufacturing companies looking to move to or expand in the UK. The area has a established and thriving engineering sector, skilled workforce, excellent transport links and a wide range of sites and premises, including a number offering Enterprise Zone incentives. The Business Investment Team at Tees Valley Unlimited help companies looking to move to or grow in Tees Valley. Offering free local knowledge, support and advice to companies the team have links to specialist industrial development organisations and public sector support agencies. Speak to us to access our local expertise.
We have a wealth of experience working with PAN precursor, carbon, aramides,UHMWPE and glass in UD (Uni Directional) or woven forms. Our creels are used in the production of UD prepregs, weaving (2D and 3D), pultrusion, filament winding, beaming/warping. We also offer a range of machinery for the production of UD or woven pre-pregs to suit most applications – from a simple laboratory line to a full blown line for the production of aerospace grade fabrics.
The Chartered Quality Institute G54 Tel:
020 7245 6722
Email: membership@thecqi.org Website: www.thecqi.org CONTACT: The Chartered Quality Institute is the professional body for individuals working in quality assurance, governance and improvement. With 10,000 members, we promote the quality management approach, advancing education in, knowledge of and the practice of quality in industry.
The Engineering Integrity Society I31 Address: 17 Harrier Close, Cottesmore, Rutland, LE15 7BT Tel:
01572 811315
Email: eis2013@e-i-s.org.uk
Tektronix UK Ltd F54
TFC Ltd G15
Address: Western Peninsula, Western Road, Bracknell, RG12 1RF, UK Tel: 01344 392000 Fax: 01344 392245 Email: barbara.rodrigues@tektronix.com Website: www.tektronix.com
Address: Head Office: Hale House, Ghyll Industrial Estate, Heathfield, East Sussex, TN21 8AW Tel: +44 (0)1435 860 333 Fax: +44 (0)1435 866 620 Email: sales@tfc.eu.com Website: www.tfc.eu.com
CONTACT: Barbara Rodrigues, Marketing Manager Tektronix is a leading supplier of test equipment for engineers focused on electronic design, manufacturing, and advanced technology development with custom products and solutions for design and debug.
CONTACT: Greg Templeman, General Manager TFC Europe Ltd is one of the leading suppliers of technical fastener components to industry, with an unrivalled reputation for delivering innovative products, supply solutions, and exemplary service, to help our customers achieve breakthroughs in product development and productivity.
Automotive solutions include debug and verification of the latest embedded designs – such as common automotive serial buses (CAN, LIN, FlexRay and MOST). Aerospace solutions include signal generation and analysis for radar, EW, surveillance and comms. Test & measurement products include: oscilloscopes, signal generators, spectrum analysers, digital multimeters, power supplies, power analysers, frequency counters, probes and accessories.
Telonic Instruments F70
Extensive examples of our Smalley Wave Spring and Spirolox Ring products will be on display at Advanced Engineering, including our new standard range of Linear Springs which are a continuous wave formed wire length produced from spring tempered materials that acts as a load bearing device along a straight line. Our technical staff will be on hand to discuss general and specific enquiries and to provide expert advice on these products.
The 3D Measurement Company Ltd H58
Website: www.e-i-s.org.uk CONTACT:
Sara Atkin, Secretariat The Engineering Integrity Society offers a unique forum for engineers to exchange ideas and information on the integrity of engineering practice and to discuss latest developments in their field of activity. Since its formation in 1985 the Society has made an important contribution to engineering science, this being achieved by holding major National and International Conferences, organising and co-ordinating specialist task groups, holding technical seminars and training programmes, and holding an annual Instrumentation, Analysis and Testing exhibition. There are three active groups within the Society each with a specific focus – 1. Durability and Fatigue 2. Simulation, Test and Measurement 3. Sound, Vibration and Product Perception.
The Expanded Metal Company Ltd F144 Address: PO Box 14, Longhill Industrial Estate, Greatham Street, Hartlepool, TS25 1PR
Address: Unit 5, Toutley Industrial Estate, Toutley Road, Wokingham, Berks, RG41 1QN Tel: 0118 9786911 Fax: 0118 9792338 Email: info@telonic.co.uk Website: www.telonic.co.uk
Address: Unit 7 Building 15, Stanmore Industrial Estate, Bridgnorth, WV15 5HP Tel: 01746762251 Fax: 01746762251 Email: info@t3dmc.com Website: www.t3dmc.com
01429 867388
01429 866795
CONTACT: Doug Lovell, Sales, Telonic Telonic Instruments are a Specialist supplier of AC DC bench power supply, laboratory power supplies, electronic loads, flash tester, rf filters, attenuators and diesel engine smoke meters.
CONTACT: Adam Stanley, Director The 3D Measurement Company Ltd is a world class ISO 9001 accredited service company, specialising in 3D scanning and professional inspection to 3D motion and strain analysis. We use the market leading GOM optical systems for all of our measurement services. Our 2,000 square foot dedicated measurement facility allows us to accept parts of all shapes and sizes and also helps us control costs at the customer side, to offer a competitive service. As former GOM engineers our system knowledge gives us the unique ability to employ accurate measurement principles to offer services to match the industry high standards.
Tracey Sellers, Business Development Research Assistant
Ten Cate Advanced Composites Ltd. incorporating Amber Composites ug D131 Address: Amber Drive, Langley Mill, Nottingham, NG16 4BE Tel: 01773 530899 Fax: 01773 768687 Email: ambersales@tencate.com Website: www.tencateadvancedcomposites.com CONTACT: Nick Tiffin, Director Sales & Marketing TenCate Advanced Composites is a global materials technology company supporting a diverse range of applications with engineered composite materials. TenCate materials are incorporated in markets ranging from automotive and motorsport, medical devices, oil and gas, to aerospace structures and interiors. TenCate Advanced Composites offers a wide range of product solutions, including: • Thermoset advanced composites materials • Tooling prepregs – AmberTool® • Thermoplastic advanced composite materials – Cetex®, CFRT® • Bulk composite moulding compounds • Compression moulding capabilities for part production • Film adhesives and syntactic • Honeycomb services Whatever your composite material needs, TenCate has the right solution.
The British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing A91 Address: Newton Building, St George’s Avenue, Northampton NN2 6JB Tel: 01604 893811 Fax: 01604 893861 Email: info@bindt.org Website: www.bindt.org CONTACT: David Gilbert, Deputy CEO The British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing (BINDT) is the focal point of NDT in the UK, and, in addition, is increasingly taking on a global perspective. The object of BINDT is to promote the advancement of the science and practice of NDT, condition monitoring, diagnostic engineering and all other materials and quality testing disciplines. In achieving this aim, BINDT, which employs a permanent staff at its Northampton, UK, headquarters, relies on the support of personnel, companies and other organisations in the NDT industry. Membership is open to anyone or any company working in or having an interest in NDT, condition monitoring, diagnostic engineering, or materials and quality testing in general.
Email: tracey.sellers@exmesh.co.uk Website: www.expandedmetalcompany.co.uk CONTACT: The Expanded Metal Company is the original pioneer of expanded metal mesh, offering an unrivalled range of meshes, combined with the ability to offer bespoke solutions. Glass, plastics and other materials can either be incorporated into or attached to meshes for increased strength and security purposes or aesthetics.
The Information Daily J92 Address: Unit A, The Walker Building, Birmingham B5 5NY Tel:
+44 (0) 845 601 2247
Email: joe.tibbetts@theinformationdaily.com Website: www.theinformationdaily.com CONTACT:
Joe Tibbetts, Publisher Company: The Information Daily The Information Daily was founded in 2003. We focus on news and features about public policy and news/opinion that might in some way influence policy development. We maintain two, full time, news video teams headed by trained broadcast news journalists. The majority of our readers are decision makers/ key opinion influencers in the commercial and manufacturing sectors, policy and decision makers in the public sector and individuals in think tanks and the third sector. Each weekday morning we send an email alert to over 11,000+ readers. In September 2013 we had over sixty thousand readers. The Information Daily is free to read.
The Northern Healey Centre I37
The University of Northampton F2
Address: Willowbridge Garage, Willowbridge Lane, Whitwood, Castleford, West Yorkshire, WF10 5NW Tel: 01977 555211 Fax: 01977 510486 Email: info@nhcltd.co.uk Website: www.northernhealey.co.uk
Address: Avenue Campus, St Georges Avenue, Northampton, NN2 6JD Tel: 01604 735500 Fax: 01604 720636 Email: Jonathan.Adams@northampton.ac.uk Website: www.northampton.ac.uk/about-us/academicschools/school-of-science-and-technology
CONTACT: Paul Grogan, Director Company: Northern Healey NHC Panels Ltd, recently formed to satisfy the market demand for accurate quality reproduction of classic car / motorbike panels in medium to low volumes. This is achieved, by using ex 1970’s aircraft technology, mainly the dual form cast tooling process. The mainstream world of manufacturing press tools has moved on within the major car industry who use steel tools and dies to manufacture millions of panels per tool, the aircraft industry now use composites, NHC acquired 2 dual form machines that have now been fully restored to full working order ready to satisfy any demand for classic car panels.
CONTACT: Dr Jonathan Adams, Head of Engineering and Technology The Engineering Department at the University of Northampton have a dedicated team of lecturers who have strong research backgrounds in academia and industry. We are internationally recognised for our research into lift engineering, non-destructive testing, vibration and dynamics as well as material science. We offer a full range of flexible undergraduate and postgraduate programmes to help you develop key engineering skills. Our courses produce industry-ready professional engineers with excellent opportunities to gain employment or enhance their careers. We welcome all applicants to our courses, including international applications and applications from students with a range of non-traditional educational or professional qualifications.
The Routing & Packaging Company D34 Address: Unit 14 Churchill Way, Lomeshaye Ind Est, Nelson BB9 6RT Tel: 01282 864629 Fax: 01282 698596 Email: Sales@trppackaging.co.uk Website: www.trppackaging.co.uk CONTACT: Nigel Hurlstone, Managing Director TRP Ltd provides bespoke packaging to a variety of industry sectors. We appreciate that it is essential in today’s lean fast – paced production environment that the front end of an effective production system should include the use of Visual Component Control With a wealth of experience in the protection, storage and transportation of high value components, including specialist tools and line side supply systems. TRP provides a one stop shop for our customers in the design and manufacture of a complete tool/ component control system. We are able to provide site visits to establish the customer’s requirements and both design and manufacture each customised system in-house.
The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders Limited J45 Address: 71 Great Peter Street, London SW1P 2BN Tel: +44 (0)20 7235 7000 Fax: +44 (0)20 7235 7112 Email: memberservices@smmt.co.uk Website: www.smmt.co.uk CONTACT: Tim Hughes, Membership Account Manager The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) exists to support and promote the interests of the UK automotive industry at home and abroad. Working closely with member companies, SMMT acts as the voice of the motor industry, promoting its position to government, stakeholders and the media. Through representation to government at home and abroad, national and international events, reliable automotive data and practical advice, SMMT plays a central role within the motor industry. Whether the industry is your business or it impacts on your organisation in any way, SMMT can deliver business benefits to help your company meet the challenges of the future.
The Tritech Group Ltd. D54 Address: Bridge Road North, Wrexham Industrial Estate, Wrexham. LL13 9PS, United Kingdom Tel: +44(0)1978 661111 Fax: +44(0)1978 666028 Email: jonathan.hunt@tritechgroup.co.uk Website: www.tritechgroup.co.uk CONTACT: Jonathan Hunt, Sales and Marketing Manager Established since 1982, The Tritech Group support Aerospace, Defence and related industries from initial design advice to supply of fully kitted or assembled machined and treated investment castings. Accreditations. BSEN9100:2003, ISO9001:2008, EN9104:P1 NADCAP AS7003 for – Non destructive testing, Heat Treatment, Chemical Processing, TIG Welding Acquired by Uni-Deritend Ltd early 2011, part of the Neterwala Group, Tritech will continue to expand its superior manufacturing solutions into new areas, backed by an extensive global support network. For list of capabilities please see our website.
Third Dimension D1 Address: 3 Brabazon Office Park, Bristol, BS34 7PZ Tel: +44 (0)3333 44 3000 Fax: +44 (0)3333 44 0041 Email: info@third.com Website: www.third.com CONTACT: Sara Martin, Marketing Executive Third Dimension is a world leading developer of non-contact optical measurement tools including the industry leading GapGun range. GapGun systems use an optical triangulation technology to measure not just gaps but forms and features incredibly accurately. Our handheld and robotic inspection tools are designed for shop floor use and produced to the highest possible standard. Adopted extensively across the globe by the aerospace, automotive and turbine industries, our measurement systems provide manufacturers with a fully auditable trail of every single product that is measured. We add value and remove risk from our customer’s operations by proving the quality of manufacture and in turn providing significant time and cost savings.
Thomas IEN Europe J38 Address: 8 Hollington Way Monkspath Solihull B90 4YD Tel: 0121 705 2120 Fax: 0121 704 3102 Email: daveharvett@btconnect.com Website: www.ien.eu CONTACT: Dave Harvett, UK Manager, Thomas IEN Europe Thomas Industrial Media concentrates upon meeting the need of industrial professionals for up-to-date product information. Since 1975, we have served the European market with industrial publications, websites and e-media. Thomas is a pioneer in providing specialised information for the industrial purchasing process. We serve the whole of Europe with IEN Europe, PCN Europe, Energy Efficiency: business & industry, and icatalogs. eu. Local markets are provided with the following: Technische Revue in Germany; PEI France and Electronique Composants & Instrumentation in France; IEN Italia, Il Distributore Industriale and Manutenzione Tecnica e Management in Italy; and Endustri Dunyasi in Turkey.
Thormac Engineering Ltd B40 Address: Bay 128-129, Shannon Ind. Est. Shannon. Co. Clare Tel: 0044 1933 653 669 Email: maurice.mclernon@thormac.ie Website: www.thormac.ie CONTACT: Maurice Mc Lernon, International Developer Thormac Engineering has been manufacturing since 1979 providing quality injection moulding manufacturing to medium and high technology industries. We specialise in large parts and cater for low volumes, moulding in polypropylene and engineered materials such as silicon and memory plastic in addition to nylon, polycarbonate, ABS and polyethylene. We have seventeen injection moulding machine ranging in tonnage from 30 tonne up to 1100 tonne. Thormac currently manufactures for blue chip customers in the automotive, medical, energy and construction industries in the EMEA and Europe
Tinius Olsen Ltd H163 Address: 6 Perrywood Business Park, Salfords, Redhill, RH1 5DZ Tel: 01737 765001 Fax: 01737 764768 Email: sales@tiniusolsen.co.uk Website: www.tiniusolsen.com CONTACT: Steve Taylor, National Sales Manager Company: Tinius Olsen is the leading manufacturer and supplier of materials testing systems which are designed for R&D and QC departments to measure the strength and performance of both materials and finished components. Whole series of physical tests are available including tension, shear, compression, flexure, puncture / burst, friction, tear, and peel strength tests, melt flow index, impact resistance, heat distortion and Vicat penetration, and torsion, in accordance with key ISO, EN, ASTM, DIN, BS, JIS etc and industrial testing standards.
Tiro Associates Ltd H38 Address: Fryerning Place, 4 Fryerning Lane, Ingatestone, Essex, CM4 ODA Tel: 01277 354469 Fax: 01277 356190 Email: recruit@tiroassociates.com Website: www.tiroassociates.com CONTACT: Nichola Hedges, Managing Director Tiro Associates Limited is a specialist engineering recruitment consultancy, working with leading Automotive, Aerospace and Electronics OEMs, consultancies and their suppliers worldwide. Its experienced consultants focus on specific industry sectors to ensure they are experts in their field and well placed to advise you on your employment prospects, matching your skills, experience and career aspirations with the needs of our clients. Dedicated to quality and professionalism, it is a corporate member of the Recruitment & Employment Confederation (REC) and an ISO 9001.2008 registered firm. Tiro Associates Limited is proud to be the winner of the Global Business Excellence Award 2013 for Outstanding Product/Service.
TML Precision Engineering Ltd D21 Thompson Friction Welding B48 Address: Hereward Rise, Halesowen, West Midlands, B62 8AN, UK Tel: +44 (0) 121 585 0888 Fax: +44 (0) 121 585 0810 Email: sales@thompson.co Website: www.thompson.co CONTACT: Simon Jones, Aerospace Manager Thompson is a long-established supplier of integrated and stand alone friction welding manufacturing solutions. Its rotary and linear friction welding machines are used to join parts for the aerospace, automotive, mining and mineral exploration industries. The company will be highlighting how the linear friction welding process is being developed for applications such as lightweight heat exchangers through dissimilar material joining and the fabrication of airframe parts for OEM and Tier 1 suppliers. Thompson, which marks the 50th anniversary of its first-ever friction weld this year, will also be promoting its new generation of rotary equipment for friction welding drill pipes, piston rods and truck axles.
Address: Brunel House, Potash Lane, Hethel, Norfolk. NR14 8EY Tel: 01953 601700 Fax: 01953 603505 Email: ayates@tmlcnc.com Website: www.tmlcnc.com CONTACT: Andrew Yates, Technical Sales Director TML are still very young when it come to the Aerospace Sub contract market, having gained AS9100 in September 2010 they then flew through their Rev C Audit in June 2012. Although new TML has gain a strong foothold in the 5 Axis/Prismatic Arena. Working with many top blue chip Aerospace Primes. Several of which TML now have LTA in place. TML machine everything from Aero structures to actuator components and all the other parts in between. TML are very much focused on one hit machining and specialize in taking finished machined castings, reverse engineering them to be made from solid at a lot cheaper cost to the customer. TML pride themselves on Quality, Price and on time in full deliveries. Please come and see us on stand D21.
TotalSim Ltd F2 Address: Top Station Road, Brackley, Northants, NN13 7UG Tel: 01280 840316 Email: info@totalsim.co.uk Website: www.totalsim.co.uk CONTACT: Rob Lewis, Director TotalSim is a leading Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) consultancy providing fluid flow analysis and engineering solutions. We specialise in motorsport and vehicle aerodynamics but also work regularly for customers in industries as varied as renewable energy, elite sports and pharmaceuticals. TotalSim has pioneered the use of design optimisation and open source software in CFD consultancy. TotalSim employs thirteen engineers with many years experience of CFD application and a combined pool of expertise capable of tackling most engineering problems. Our computing hardware and CFD software philosophy is well refined. We combine open source, commercial and in-house codes to provide a competitive and flexible approach to analyses of all sizes.
Trelleborg AEM ug D191
u ADS Members Trubiquity Ltd u D16
TRW Conekt G20
CONTACT: Kevin Richardson, Engineering and Portfolio Manager TRW Conekt is a consultancy and engineering test services business that generates new ideas and applies science & technology to product development, manufacture and validation.
Trig Engineering Limited C3 Address: Huntworth Business Park, Bridgwater, Somerset TA6 6TS Tel: 01278 440000 Fax: 01278 444455 Email: sales@trig.co.uk Website: www.ensinger.co.uk/contact-us/trig-engineering CONTACT: Chris Mason, Business Development Manager Trig Engineering is synonymous with quality for precision machining, assembly and kitting of high performance engineering plastics to the aerospace and other demanding industries. Our extensive aerospace customers include Airbus, GKN, Rolls Royce, Eaton, GE, Messier Dowty and Goodrich. We offer one of the UK’s most modern and versatile machine shops capable of producing finished parts to your specification and exacting tolerances. Quality is assured to ASEN9100 Rev C. Trig Engineering is part of the ENSINGER group, world leaders in the manufacture of engineering plastics achieved through technical knowledge, intensive research, investment and years of experience in the processing and application of high quality engineering plastics.
Tygavac Advanced Materials Ltd D111
CONTACT: Dr. Martyn Davies, Vice President Trubiquity is a leading global provider of MFT (managed file transfer), process automation and integration solutions for 6,500 companies with 60,000 users in the automotive, aerospace, manufacturing, retail, finance, healthcare and consumer goods industries. For more than 25 years, Trubiquity solutions have helped world class companies and partners better communicate, collaborate, integrate and automate business critical data ensuring security and compliance with rigorous international standards. Trubiquity is headquartered in Troy, Michigan, USA, with facilities in Carlsbad, California and international offices in Germany and the United Kingdom. For more information, visit www.trubiquity.com.
CONTACT: Kerry Lyons, Sales Manager Trelleborg AEM has developed extensive composite material and application expertise for over 50 years. Our core competencies and unique combination of global manufacturing capabilities and material science have led in our involvement in many cutting edge areas that range from the deepest oceans to outer space. Trelleborg AEM provides a range of proven solutions into the aerospace, industrial, defence and subsea markets. Key products of interest being exhibited this year include the epoxy board EP700, providing customers with a cost effective solution for composite tooling and ES930, a high gloss sealer for epoxy tooling block and mould tools.
CONTACT: Phil Kenyon, Managing Director Trident Foams is a manufacturer of rigid PU products in sheet, liquid and bespoke machined forms. It is also the sole UK distributor of the AIREX range of structural foam products. Trident strives to facilitate a one stop shop for all your core material needs. Trident can formulate and produce pour in place sytems as well as, using customer models, machine in 3 and 6 axis parts in PU or any of the wide range of AIREX products to suit customer requirements. Using our CAD systems, our technical lab and development team, supported by the AIREX technical support staff, we aim to provide a cost effective solution to customers needs.
Composites UK Members
Address: The Causeway, Broadway Business Park, Chadderton, Oldham, OL9 9XD Tel: 0161 947 1610 Fax: 0161 681 2375 Email: sales@tygavac.co.uk Website: www.tygavac.co.uk
Address: Stratford Road, Solihull, B90 4GW Tel: +44 (0)121 627 4242 Fax: +44 (0)121 627 4243 Email: conekt-enquiries@trw.com Website: www.conekt.co.uk
Address: Goyt Valley Ind Est, Furness, Valeigh Peak, Manchester, SK23 7SN Tel: 01663 740 120 Fax: 01663 740 121 Email: sales@tridentfoams.co.uk Website: www.tridentfoams.co.uk
Address: Suite 2, 3rd Floor, Goodbard House, Infirmary Street, Leeds, LS1 2JS, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 113 391 7680 Fax: +49 (0) 228 304 965 18 Email: mdavies@trubiquity.com Website: www.trubiquity.com
Address: Eagle Way, Off Queensway, ROCHDALE, Lancashire OL11 1TQ Tel: +44 (0) 1706 716610 Email: aem@trelleborg.com Website: www.trelleborg.com/aem
£ SC21
Combining the skills of specialist engineers with our in-house UKAS accredited test facility, Conekt is uniquely positioned to offer a complete engineering service from concept design and development through prototype and validation testing to low volume manufacture and systems integration. Conekt’s experienced engineering teams work closely with customers to define the project requirements, taking account of the skills and knowledge of both partners, whether for a part of or the entire product development pipeline.
Sharon Marsden, Marketing Manager Tygavac Advanced Materials Ltd is a division of the Airtech Advanced Materials Group, innovators in the supply and manufacture of vacuum bagging and composite tooling materials. Tygavac supplies leading Aerospace, Wind Energy, Motorsport and Marine manufacturers with a complete range of products and engineered kitting solutions alongside strong technical support and a worldwide distribution network.
UK Aerodynamics B91 Address: Martell House, University Way, Cranfield, MK43 0TR Tel: 01234 758586 Email: caroline.brown@ukaerodynamics.co.uk Website: www.ukaerodynamics.co.uk CONTACT:
Caroline Brown, Network Coordinator and Communications Officer Investing in the future of UK aerodynamics With the global market growing, the UK must move with it in order to stay ahead. To this end, Government, Industry and Academia collaborated to establish the Aerodynamics Growth Partnership (AGP) in 2010. The AGP identified our world-leading aerodynamics capability as key to the UK’s dominance in the aerospace sector. Guided by these findings, Government and Industry decided to come together again and open the UK Aerodynamics Centre in March 2013. Showcasing UK capabilities in complex aerodynamics UK Aerodynamics exists to protect, exploit and position leading advanced UK capabilities, preserving design and manufacturing jobs in the UK.
TTI Group Ltd £ E12 Address: 39-43 Bilton Road, Luton, Bedfordshire LU1 1UU Tel: 01582 486644 Fax: 01582 481148 Email: adrianlocke@ttigroup.co.uk Website: www.ttigroup.co.uk CONTACT: Adrian Locke, Area Sales Manager TTI Group Ltd provides a range of Heat & Surface Treatments including HIP to the UK engineering industry at 7 locations. TTI has a combination of accreditations i.e. ISO9001:2008, TS16949 and Nadcap, as well as customer and OEM approvals. The Birmingham site offers three specialised surface engineering processes: Nitrotec. A process used to enhance the surface and strength characteristics of a range of carbon and low alloy steels (wear resistance, fatigue performance and excellent corrosion resistance are some properties). PVD Coatings. Typically applied to a wide range of cutting and metal forming tools for improved life. Decorative coatings are also popular for PVD because they will not tarnish, chip, fade or corrode & Plasma Nitriding.
TÜV SÜD Product Service £ C91 Address: Octagon House, Concorde Way, Segensworth North, Fareham, Hampshire, PO15 5RL Tel: +44 (0)1489 558100 Fax: +44 (0)1489 558101 Email: info@tuv-sud.co.uk Website: www.tuv-sud.co.uk CONTACT: Robert Greenwood, Marketing TÜV SÜD Product Service is one of the world’s leading experts in product testing and certification, with 150,000 product certificates in circulation globally. TÜV SÜD Product Service analyses over 20,000 products each year in Europe, Asia-Pacific and the Americas, ensuring that products are safe, reliable and compliant and minimising liability risks for manufacturers, importers and retailers. TÜV SÜD Product Service’s sister company, TÜV SÜD BABT, is the world’s leading radio and telecommunications certification body, and is a Notified Body under the European Union’s Marine Equipment and R&TTE Directives.
UK Flow Ltd G153 Address: UK Flow, PO Box 17, WA8 4WZ Tel: +44 (0) 151 510 9089 Email: eddie.mcferran@ukflow.co.uk Website: www.ukflow.co.uk CONTACT:
Eddie McFerran, UK Manager, UK Flow UK Flow Ltd. offers the technically advanced products of the German suppliers and leading specialist in Fluid Technology, VSE Volumentechnik and Beinlich Pumpen. UK Flow is your competent partner for standard and customer-specific solutions of high precision flow meters, electronic evaluation devices, metering and high capacity pumps as well as pump system solutions for fluid, drive, measuring and process technology applications. We provide distribution, application expertise, quality service and technical support for the UK market.
UK Trade & Investment G131 Address: 1 Victoria Street London, SW1H 0ET Tel: +44 (0) 207 215 5000 Email: john.strang@ukti.gsi.gov.uk Website: www.ukti.gov.uk CONTACT:
John Strang, Project Manager UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) works with UK-based businesses to ensure their success in international markets, and encourage the best overseas companies to look to the UK as their global partner of choice. UKTI has professional advisers both within the UK and across more than 100 international markets. UKTI has a customer commitment to helping its UK and international customers by providing a range of services, to a high standard and improve customer service by listening to customer feedback. We also have a co-ordination role across government to establish a more systematic approach to relationships with companies which are the most economically significant investors and exporters.
University of Sheffield AMRC D81
Address: Ashby House, Swan Street, Old Isleworth, Middx, TW7 6RJ Tel: 0208 569 9920 Fax: 0208 569 9649 Email: sales@ultrafinetechnology.co.uk Website: www.ultrafinetechnology.co.uk
Address: Advanced Manufacturing Park, Wallis Way, Catcliffe, Rotherham S60 5TZ Tel: 0114 222 1747 Fax: 0114 222 7678 Email: enquiries@amrc.co.uk Website: www.amrc.co.uk
Address: Brandstwiete 1, Hamburg, D-20457, Germany Tel: 00 49 403 69688-0 Fax: 00 49 403 69688-88 Email: info@velox.com Website: www.velox.com
CONTACT: Elzbieta Lecznar, Sales Coordinator Ultrafine Technology is a global supplier of small diameter endoscopes, cameras and UV illumination systems.
CONTACT: Alma Hodzic, Research Director The University of Sheffield AMRC is a world-leading cluster of industry-focused manufacturing R&D centres and supporting facilities. We work in close collaboration with manufacturers to help them compete worldwide.
CONTACT: Jan Linow, Marketing VELOX GmbH is a European leader in the marketing and supply of raw material specialities for the plastics, composites, rubber, paints and coatings industries. Established in 1993 by Bernard Goursaud and N. Max Schlenzig, VELOX’ Head Office is in Hamburg, Germany. The company offers an extensive product range and specific market know-how right across the European continent. As a strongly customer-orientated company, VELOX understands the value of building personal relationships to provide its customers and business partners with rapid, tailored advice and technical support in all aspects of their projects.
We will be demonstrating a variety of our remote visual inspection equipment including endoscopes and videoscope solutions along with related cameras, light sources and image capture devices. New products on display include our UV endoscopes. Also on display will be new LED light sources and our exciting new Ultraview FSC-2 close inspection system. The Ultraview FSC2 represents an amazing breakthrough in industrial endoscope design. Ultrafine are exhibiting on Stand E19 at the Aero Engineering in Birmingham, from 12 13 November 2013.
Union Industries C50 Address: Angel’s Wing, Whitehouse Street, Leeds LS10 1AD, West Yorkshire, UK Tel: +44 (0)1132 448 393 Fax: +44 (0)1132 421 307 Email: enquiries@unionindustries.co.uk Website: www.unionindustries.co.uk CONTACT: Alan Hirst, Sales Director Union Industries are market leaders in the design, manufacture & installation of Heavy Duty Hangar Curtains, Partition Walls and Industrial Fabric Enclosures for heat/dust retention, environmental protection & toxic containment. Union pride themselves on their ‘Superior Quality’, with key products designed & made in the UK. This includes a range of Industrial High Speed Doors, as used in industry sectors such as distribution, aerospace, automotive, waste & recycling, food manufacturing and storage.
UNITEAM S.P.A. G92 Address: VIA DELLA MECCANICA 12, 36016 THIENE (VI) Italy. Tel: +39 0445 381299 Fax: +39 0445 369636 Email: info@uniteamcnc.it Website: www.uniteamcnc.it CONTACT: UGO CAMPEOTTO, SALES AREA MANAGER Uniteam Spa with headquarters in Thiene, Italy was founded in 1990. The company has specialised in CNC machining centres, developing several patented solutions. It was one of the first producers to use five-axis electrical spindle technology. Today, the company is acknowledged as one of the the main CNC producers and reliable source of innovative technology, it is among the market leaders in the area of special composite machinery offering highquality solution appreciated by many companies in automotive, caravan, yacht, aeronautical industries. Uniteam offers specialised machines customised according to the different individual needs of its customers developing and producing tailor-made solutions.
UNITEMP LTD F17 Address: Unit 14, Treadaway Tech Centre,Treadaway Hill, Loudwater, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP10 9RS Tel: 01628 850611 Fax: 01628 850608 Email: info@unitemp.co.uk Website: www.unitemp.co.uk CONTACT: Paul Brown, Director, UNITEMP UNITEMP is a leading supplier and manufacturer of environmental test equipment in the UK, and the main distributor for the ESPEC Corp range of equipment covering from Bench-Top to Walk-In chambers, Burn-In and Evaluation systems. Also representing CHART Ind, range of HALT & HASS test systems, capable of providing complete turnkey projects, LN2 vessels, pipework , Chamber and Vibration system. Visit the company website for further information: www.unitemp.co.uk www.espec.co.jp/english www.espec.com www.chartchambers.com
AMRC includes the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) with Boeing, providing advanced machining and materials research for aerospace and other high-value manufacturing sectors; the Nuclear AMRC, helping manufacturers develop new capabilities in large-scale machining and joining for the energy sector; and the AMRC Training Centre, offering advanced apprenticeship training and higher-level skills for high-value manufacturing. The AMRC with Boeing and Nuclear AMRC are both part of the High Value Manufacturing Catapult.
Vac Innovation Ltd ug E201 Address: Kilworth Lakes, Kilworth Road, North Kilworth, Leicestershire, LE17 6JG Tel: +44 (0) 1858 882 000 Fax: 05600 492 931 Email: karlvasko@vacinnovation.com Website: www.vacinnovation.com CONTACT: Karl Vasko, Director VAC Innovation Ltd supports the composite industry with a wide and varied range of vacuum bagging consumables and process equipment (such as vacuum pumps), all of which provide a technical solution at a highly competitive price. VAC Innovation has a reputation for superior quality of products and service. This has established its position as the preferred supplier of vacuum bagging process materials to many diverse companies within the composite industry. To complement the VAC Innovation recognised brand and to further support the composite industry, VAC Innovation has become the UK agent for the autoclave manufacturer Italmatic, which has already supplied several affordable autoclaves within the UK.
Valmiera Glass UK C80 Address: Westbury, Sherborne, Dorset DT9 3RB Tel: 01935 813722 Fax: 01935 811822 Email: jackie.freeman@valmiera-glass.com Website: www.valmiera-glass.com CONTACT: Christopher Burt, Managing Director – Sales Now part of the Valmiera Glass Group, a leading European manufacturer of glass fibre based products, Valmiera Glass UK’s principle activity is the weaving and finishing of glass fibre fabrics for use in a wide variety of technical applications, including fabric for composites and aerospace industries, for thermal insulation and coated products, filtration fabrics, grinding wheel fabrics, decorative fabrics and architectural membranes. The company benefits from innovative technology and the most up-to-date manufacturing facilities and operates a quality control system that fulfils the strict international requirements for the aerospace, electronics and construction industries.
Variohm EuroSensor Ltd B7 Address: Williams Barns, Tiffield Road, Towcester NN12 6HP Tel: +44 (0) 1327 351004 Fax: +44 (0) 1327 353564 Email: graham@variohm.com Website: www.variohm.com CONTACT: Graham Pattison, Sales Director, Variohm EuroSensor Variohm EuroSensor Ltd are specialist suppliers of Industrial Sensors and Systems, to monitor: - Load - Position - Pressure - Temperature - Torque - Vibration Variohm have a large team of experienced technical sales engineers and we pride ourselves on the technical support we offer, ensuring the best sensor is used for the application.
Vero Software J61 Address: 45 Boulton Road, Reading, Berkshire, RG2 0NH Tel: 01189 22 6633 Fax: 01242 542099 Email: info@verosoftware.com Website: www.edgecam.com CONTACT: Marc Freebrey, Marketing Director, Vero Software Part of the Vero Software Group, Edgecam is a market leading production CAM solution, combining the power of sophisticated toolpath generation with seamless CAD integration. With unparalleled ease of use, it’s the only CAM system you’ll need for milling, turning and mill-turn machining. Edgecam utilises your in house knowledge and experience to drive the CAM process with automation tools to suit different applications – allowing you to maintain your competitive edge. Vero has direct offices in the UK, Italy, France, Japan, USA, Brazil, Netherlands and China, while supplying products to more than 45 countries through its wholly owned subsidiaries and reseller network, with more than 135,000 global licenses installed.
Vertech / Brightek Taiwan H88 Address: 22 The Metro Centre, Kangley Bridge Road, SE26 5BW, London Tel: +44 (0)20 8776 3507 Fax: +44 (0)20 8776 3530 Email: isaac.yao@brightekeurope.com Website: www.vertecheurope.com CONTACT: Isaac Yao, Manager, BRIGHTEK (Europe) Limited Vertech is a leading Taiwanese PCB manufacturer providing full range PCB production. Our factories are accredited with TS16949 and offer PCB for automotive, industrial, telecommunication and many other applications. We offer heavy copper, high layer count, HDI, gold bonding, MCPCB and flexible PCB. Brightek is a leading Taiwan-based LED company. We are a LED packaging manufacturer specialising in various LED components and modules. Our product portfolio includes PTH Lamp, SMD, Dot Matrix, Superflux, CHIP LED, High power LED...etc. For automotive application we are undergoing the important AEC-Q101 test. European Office is based in London, UK, provide our customer no-time-gap for high qualities and fast services on electronics.
Vertech/Brightek (Europe) Limited H88 Address: 22 The Metro Centre, Kangley Bridge Road, London SE26 5BW Tel: +44 (0)20 8776 3507 Fax: +44 (0)20 8776 3530 Email: sales@vertecheurope.com Website: www.vertecheurope.com / www.brightekeurope.com CONTACT: Isaac Yao, Manager Vertech is a leading Taiwanese PCB manufacturer providing full range PCB production. Our factories are accredited with TS16949 and offer PCB for automotive, industrial, telecommunication and many other applications. We offer heavy copper, high layer count, HDI, gold bonding, MCPCB and flexible PCB. Brightek is a leading Taiwan-based LED company. We are a LED packaging manufacturer specialising in various LED components and modules. Our product portfolio includes PTH Lamp, SMD, Dot Matrix, Superflux, CHIP LED, High power LED... etc. For automotive application we are undergoing the important AEC-Q101 test.
VIRTEK VISION INTERNATIONAL INC. A GERBER TECHNOLOGY COMPANY F140 Address: 785 Bridge St, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2V 2KI Tel: +1 519 746 7190 Fax: +1 519 746 3383 Email: sales@virtek.ca Website: www.virtek.ca CONTACT: Sean Francoz, Product Manager Virtek Vision International Inc. of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, provides high-precision, laser-based templating and inspection solutions for carbon fiber composite part assembly. Virtek and its parent company, Gerber Technology, will showcase its solutions to accelerate composite processing including the LaserEdge™ laserguided ply layup system, automated nesting software, computercontrolled cutting, laser-guided kitting, and laser ply inspection system. The company will introduce, its Iris™ spatial positioning system, ground-breaking, new, targetless technology that locates objects in 3D space and employs lasers to accelerate digitizing, paint masking and final assembly tasks.
Visual Management Technology E84 Address: Suite BG4, Clarence Mill, Clarence Road, Bollington, SK105JZ Tel: 01625 560780 Email: info@v-m-t.co.uk Website: www.v-m-t.co.uk CONTACT: Nick Osborne, Business Development & Projects Manager Visual Management Technology supply products and services to organisations, which are either introducing or already using, lean processes within their workplaces. Our team have years of experience implementing lean solutions in varied industry sectors. Our core team all began their careers working for Toyota motor manufacturing. Our products include – visual management boards, shadow boards, foam cases/inserts and lean software solutions. Our visual management products help to eliminate errors, improve – safety, quality, delivery, and reduce – cost and inefficiency. Come and see us on stand E84 to learn more about our products and how we can help your business.
Volt Engineering B88 Address: 1 New Park Place, Pride Park, Derby DE24 8DZ Tel: 01332 341338 Fax: 01737 772949 Email: engineering@volt.eu.com Website: www.volt.eu.com/engineering-recruitment CONTACT: Tim Norton, Engineering Divisional Manager Volt Engineering is a dedicated supplier of contract and permanent engineering staff across Europe. Aerospace and automotive companies of all sizes trust us to provide the right people at the right time. Providing true consultancy in a challenging marketplace we offer a level of commitment that is unique in the industry. We deploy professional solutions to build partnerships focused on quality, results and mutual success. Whether you are looking to discuss and develop your career, or require support in recruiting engineering talent, visit our stand for professional, straightforward, and friendly advice.
Von Roll UK Ltd C183 Address: Wharfedale Rd. Euroway Trading Estate. Bradford. Tel: 01274 709 219 Fax: 01274 689 095 Email: cs.europe.uk@vonroll.com Website: vonroll.com CONTACT: John Stor, Operations Manager, Von Roll UK Ltd Von Roll UK Ltd has been involved in the supply and manufacture of Composites for over 30 years. Part of the world –renowned Von Roll Group, a world leader in Composite and Insulation applications we offer all aspects of machining using a comprehensive range of state-of-the-art CNC Machines. Operating according to the strictest quality, environmental and health and safety guidelines and are certified to ISO 9001, 14001 and BS OHSAS 18001. We carry an extensive range of Von Roll products at our centrally located Bradford site, enabling us to provide rapide cost effective service to meet the demanding schedules of our customers. Please call for further information and what we can do for you.
u ADS Members VTR UK Staffing Ltd D51
£ SC21
Composites UK Members
Wilsons Ltd E55
Address: 8 Clarendon Drive, Wymbush, Milton Keynes, MK8 8ED Tel: 0845 5194810 Fax: 0845 5194811 Email: info@vtruk.com Website: www.vtruk.com
Address: Windover Road, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, PE29 7ED Tel: 01480 456421 Fax: 01480 456425 Email: sales@wilsonsmetals.com Website: www.wilsonsmetals.com
CONTACT: Kevin Clark, Business Manager As part of the Verify Group of companies, VTR UK benefits from over 35 years of experience within the aerospace and defence markets supporting many of the Top 100 aerospace and defence manufacturers. We are market specialists, and our core business is providing contract and permanent staff in quality, production and manufacturing disciplines.
CONTACT: Emma Northwood, UK Aerospace Sales Manager Wilsons is one of the fastest growing specialist metals stockholders in the country, serving the ferrous and non-ferrous metals requirements of leading-edge industries including Aerospace, Defence, Powergen and Motorsport - all demanding industries where ‘only the best will do’. Wilsons are leaders in the stockholding and distribution of high integrity ferrous and non-ferrous metals and enjoy ‘preferred supplier’ status with many customers. The stock range held by Wilsons is unequalled - Over 3000 items totalling more than 10,000 tonnes of Aerospace released products with a total value of around £20 million. Just one example is Aluminium Alloy L168 Extrusions in over 500 different sizes. In addition an extensive range of commercial material.
Our unique selling point is that each candidate we submit is technically screened against your specific requirements by one of our in-house engineers. This approach ensures that only qualified candidates are submitted against your vacancy and gives you the confidence that the candidates supplied genuinely bring the skills and experience of their CV.
WDS Component Parts Ltd C70 Address: Richardshaw Road, Grangefield Industrial Estate, Pudsey, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS28 6LE Tel: 0845 6066677 Fax: 0845 6011173 Email: sales@wdsltd.co.uk Website: www.wdsltd.co.uk CONTACT: Louise Helliwell, Sales & Marketing With over 60 years trading experience and 15,000+ products currently held in stock, WDS are the UKs leading manufacturer of Machine Accessories, Standard Parts, Marlco Broaches, Modular Workholding and Spencer Franklin Hydraulics. Products on show, will include Quick Release Pins, Clamps, Gas Struts, Castors, Cast Iron Section and Microloc plus many more. You are welcome to visit WDS at Stand C70, to see samples and discuss our new product additions. Our products are utilised in industries such as Aerospace, Defence, Automotive, Food and many more. For Design, Research and Development, our 2D/3D CAD Drawings are FREE to download at www.wdsltd.co.uk in all major design programmes.
Winslow Adaptics Limited D54 Address: Brecon Enterprise Park, Brecon, Powys, LD3 8BT, UK Tel: +44 (0)1874 625 555 Fax: +44 (0)1874 625 500 Email: teri-ann@winslowadaptics.com Website: winslowadaptics.com CONTACT: Teri-Ann Winslow, Managing Director WINSLOW ADAPTICs has 30 years experience in design, development & manufacture of interconnect products. With more than 4000 stock items we can satisfy most electronic applications including prototyping, programming, emulation, test. We specialise in semiconductor package conversion & will quickly design-build-ship cost effective solutions to delivery, obsolescence & test issues. ISO9001:2008. Design & manufacture to IPC-A-610 & J-STD-001E. Working towards AS9000. Products/services: I.C. Footprint Conversion, ASIC/FPGA Hardware/ Software Re-targeting, Connectors, Production & Test Sockets, Component Electronics Manufacture, Cable Assy’s, Obsolescence M’mgmt, Precision & Reverse Engineering, Tooling, Injection Moulding, Prod’n Grade 3D Printing.
WDS strive to find the solution to your requirements.
Wirth Research Ltd G111 We Predict D54 Address: R&D Centre, Technium 1, Kings Road, Swansea, SA1 8PH Tel: 08451 305 521 Fax: 07092 306 411 Email: snorris@wepredict.co.uk Website: www.wepredict.co.uk CONTACT: Dr Stephen Norris, European Customer Development We Predict uses actuarial mathematics to perform massive comparative parallel analysis on clients’ data to accelerate issue detection, detect fraudulent claims and ultimately make huge cost savings. Analysed data is correlated with weather and climate data into our intuitive presentation platform, Indico, giving clients the tools they need to save 8-15% on their total warranty costs with no specialist staff or hardware, paying only an annual service fee. Our delivery model enables a creative relationship with clients; a single service fee is fully inclusive of all subsequent updates and changes.
Weldstone GmbH D55
Address: A11/A12, Telford Road, Bicester, Oxfordshire OX26 4LD Tel: +44 (0) 1869 355260 Fax: +44 (0) 0870 912 0059 Email: info@wirthresearch.com Website: www.wirthresearch.com CONTACT: David Dupont, Head of Business Development, Wirth Research Ltd Wirth Research is a fast growing group of innovative engineering companies specialising in research, development, design & manufacture of advanced composites for the motor racing industry & other high performance technology sectors including automotive, marine, bikes, aerospace, rail, aviation, sports equipment & military. Founded in 2003, it has pioneered the use of advanced virtual engineering technologies, developed in-house, which enable the use of a complete simulated design, development & testing process reducing the need for wasteful manufacture of development models & prototypes. This entirely digital development engineering process has reduced overall project timing, costs & created a string of record breaking designs.
WMG, University of Warwick ug G9
Address: Kunstmuehlstrasse 12, 83026 Rosenheim, Germany Tel: +49 8031 94139902 Fax: +49 8031 94139903 Email: hoehn@weldstone-europe.com Website: www.weldstone.com
Address: International Manufacturing Centre, University of Warwick, CV4 7AL Tel: 02476 524349 Fax: 02476 524307 Email: wmg@warwick.ac.uk Website: go.warwick.ac.uk/wmg/
CONTACT: Thomas Hoehn, Managing Director Weldstone GmbH is the European partner of the US company CMW Inc. Both companies are experts in the areas of refractory metals (tungsten/ molybdenum), ceramic components and welding technology. Both companies have excellent references in industries such as Aerospace, Defense, Automotive and Medical and operate several different production facilities on different continents.
CONTACT: Stephanie Williams, Business Development Coordinator, WMG WMG is an academic department of the University of Warwick, and is one of the worlds leading research groups. WMG has a renowned reputation working with business on collaborative research projects and professional teaching programmes. We strive to reinvigorate UK manufacturing and improve competitiveness through value-add innovation and cutting edge research.
WNT (UK) LTD E52 Address: SHEFFIELD AIRPORT BUSINESS PARK, EUROPA LINK, SHEFFIELD, S9 1XU Tel: 0800 0732073 Fax: 0800 0732074 Email: glenn.stanton@wnt.com Website: www.wnt.de/en-en CONTACT: Glenn Stanton, UK & Ireland Sales Manager WNT (UK) will use its stand at the Advanced Manufacturing show to promote the potential productivity gains and cost reductions that can be achieved through use of its extensive range of precision cutting tools, toolholding and workholding systems. For example WNTs solid carbide high performance Ti-HPC cutters can increase cutting data by up to 75 %, with tool life improvements of up to 3-times for those companies machining titanium and other similar alloys. WNTs Technical Sales team will be on-hand to offer advice on cutting tool selection for a wide range of applications. With over 45,000 cutting tools and toolholders available ex-stock from its extensive range, there is certain to be the tooling solution for your metalcutting needs.
Wolfangel GmbH E156 Address: Roentgenstrasse 31, 71254 Ditzingen, Germany Tel: +49 7152 999200 Fax: +49 7152 58195 Email: info@wolfangel.com Website: www.wolfangel.com CONTACT: Andreas Doll, Managing Director Rolf Wolfangel started with Composites already mid of the 1950’s. Already in 1958 he produced a sleigh in RTM. End of the 1970`s Rolf Wolfangel started to produce FRP equipment such as gelcoater, chopper, injector, metering systems, e. g.. FRP parts are produced with Wolfangel equipment in more than 30 countries worldwide. Wolfangel equipment is well known as high quality and very reliable products, easy to use and simple to maintain. The product range today includes the whole FRP equipment from small gelcoaters, plc controlled injection and metering systems to high end customized machines for various applications such as automotive, busses, boats and yachts, sanitary, public transport and many others.
Woodford Engineering Consultancy UK Ltd E86 Address: Metropolitan House, Station Road, Cheadle Hulme, Manchester SK8 7AZ Tel: 0161 482 8508 Fax: 0161 486 9810 Email: dave.bradshaw@wecuk.com Website: www.wecuk.com CONTACT: Dave Bradshaw, Commercial Director Based in Manchester and Bristol, Woodford Engineering Consultancy provides aircraft systems engineering expertise to the aerospace industry, founded upon decades of OEM experience across multiple civil and military aircraft types. Our in-house capability encompasses a broad range of aircraft systems and ATA chapters. We cover the full engineering life-cycle from system architecture studies to in-service support, including equipment specification, testing and certification of equipment and systems as well as systems safety analysis, management of major modification programmes, research projects and data analysis/incident investigation.
Yaplex Ltd J70 Address: Unit 7 Moore Close, Holmewood Industrial Park, Chesterfield, S42 5UX Tel: 01246 857355 Fax: 01246 856965 Email: sales@yaplex.co.uk Website: www.yaplex.co.uk CONTACT: Claire Gerrard, Marketing Yaplex Ltd is a new name in the materials handling industry offering what the company claim is the most comprehensive range of equipment in the market. Designed specifically with health, safety and profitability as the key objectives, it is claimed it is the fastest handling system on the market today. With its wide range of Manipulators up to 400kgs, Vertical Balancers up to 1000kgs, and Balance Arms up to 500kgs.
Yokogawa Measurement Technologies Ltd. G91 Address: Stuart Road, Manor Park, Runcom, Cheshire, WA7 1TR Tel: +44 (0) 1928 597200 Fax: +44 (0) 1928 597201 Email: tmi@nl.yokogawa.com Website: www.tmi.yokogawa.com CONTACT: Andy Barnes, UK & Eire Sales Manager, Yokogawa Measurement Technologies Ltd. Yokogawa Test & Measurement Division is a major worldwide force in the test & measurement market with a special focus on electromechanical applications, with products that include oscilloscopes, power meters and optical communications test equipment, portable test instruments, recorders and data-acquisition systems. At Automotive Engineering 2013 you will have an excellent chance to both hear about and see the latest technology updates from the field and get to know how Yokogawa can help you to overcome your measurement challenges on the automotive industry. On the booth we will showcase a wide range of our test and measurement instruments including our recently launched products. Come and meet our product experts at stand G91.
Young Calibration Ltd F15 Address: Unit 4 Ham Business Centre, Shoreham by Sea, West Sussex, BN43 6RE Tel: 01273 455572 Fax: 01273 454120 Email: ay@youngcalibration.co.uk Website: www.youngcalibration.co.uk CONTACT: Adrian Young, Managing Director UKAS Calibration laboratory (Lab 0604) specialising in fluid flow, gas flow, air velocity and pressure instrumentation. Onsite calibration services available throughout the UK. Extensive flow calibration services for all types of flowmeters utilised within the automotive and aviation sectors. Component cleaning and particle analysis services for fluid flow components, specialising in the cleaning of high performance heat exchangers, fuel system components and cooling systems. Cleaning, sampling and analysis to ISO 16232 standards. Providing extensive services for production line cleanliness, and refurbishment of aviation and motorpsort fluid system components.
Zerust UK Ltd F64 Address: Meadowfield Avenue, Green Lane Industrial Estate, Spennymoor, Co. Durham, DL16 6YJ Tel: 01388 420333 Fax: 01388 420777 Email: enquiries@zerust.co.uk Website: www.zerust.co.uk CONTACT: Adam Taylor, Managing Director For over 35 years, Zerust has delivered safe and effective corrosion solutions across the globe. Zerust has onsite representation in 60-plus countries to provide seamless support wherever you need it. Have a challenging corrosion prevention need, such as overseas shipping or storage in corrosive environments? Contact Zerust for a comprehensive corrosion management solution to meet your needs.
Zircotec Ltd F162 Address: 22 Nuffield Way, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 1RL Tel: 01235 546050 Fax: 01235 546059 Email: enquiries@zircotec.com Website: www.zircotec.com CONTACT: Peter Whyman, Sales Director Zircotec specialise in thermal management, plasma-spray processing and the production of high performance surface coatings. We apply this knowledge to a broad range of sectors including motorsport, general automotive, nuclear, aerospace and defence. Our refined plasma-spray coating technology enables metal and ceramic coatings to be applied to carbon composite, glass-fibre and a range of plastic materials. We now have coatings that offer protection against heat and fire, wear, abrasion & physical damage, RF & EMC shielding and electrical insulation. Our plasma based process results in coatings which are extremely well adhered; highly resistant to vibration and mechanical damage; and tolerant to significant flexing of the substrate.
Zoller UK D15 Address: Faraday House, Woodyard Lane, Foston, Derbyshire, DE65 5DJ Tel: 01283 585933 Fax: 01283 585181 Email: info@zoller-uk.com Website: www.zoller-uk.com CONTACT: Leigh Triclebank, Sales Zoller boasts a wide range of horizontal and vertical presetters, heat-shrinking machines, process-oriented and universal measuring systems. Zoller develops tool management software to integrate your planning, inventory, production and purchasing applications. Everything we develop is built to exacting standards in order to ensure that tool assemblies are measured and set with precision. As a result, you can be sure that manufactured products can be inspected with confidence. The worlds leading names in automotive and aerospace rely on Zoller to ensure quality, such as Airbus, BMW, Ford and Volkswagen. Come along to our stand to see the worlds most precise tool presetting technology.
Zotefoams plc J71 Address: 675 Mitcham Road, Croydon, CR9 3AL, UK Tel: +44 (0) 208 664 1600 Fax: +44 (0) 208 664 1616 Email: info@zotefoams.com Website: www.zotefoams.com CONTACT: Rob Trinder, Product Manager, Zotefoams Zotefoams plc is the worlds leading manufacturer of light weight, cross-linked, closed-cell block foams. These pure, consistent foams are manufactured using a unique environmentally friendly nitrogen expansion technology. Based in Croydon, U.K., Zotefoams also manufactures in Kentucky, U.S.A. and markets its products worldwide through a global sales network. ZOTEK N is a range of high performance polyamide (nylon) foams that offer strength and exceptionally high temperature performance, along with outstanding resistance to hydrocarbons. Applications include industrial and automotive insulation, building and window thermal breaks as well as a wide array of Composite applications.
Zünd Plotting Systems (UK) Ltd B2 Address: Unit 1, Spring Valley Business Centre, Porters Wood, St Albans, AL3 6PD Tel: 01727 833003 Fax: 01727 833006 Email: sales@zund.co.uk Website: www.zund.co.uk CONTACT: Nick Reed, Sales Manager From concept to professional production kit cutting: Zünd cutting systems eliminate the bottlenecks in the design and finishing processes by automating all your cutting, marking and trimming functions. With optimised workflow, G3 and S3 cutters further boost your productivity complimented by our z-range products: Capturez and Autonestz. Your work flows better with Zünd: Digitally capture multiple patterns and components and reverse engineer products with Zünd Capturez. Import single or multiple DXF files, improve efficiency and material wastage with nesting features in Zünd Autonestz. For the first time at the show, Zünd will be demonstrating their S3 cutter, and a demonstration of their powerful workflow software is not to be missed.
Zwick Roell ug D163 Address: Southern Avenue, Leominster, Herefordshire HR6 0QH Tel: +44 (0) 1568 619922 Fax: +44 (0) 1568 612626 Email: alan.thomas@zwick.co.uk Website: www.zwick.co.uk CONTACT: Alan Thomas, Marketing Manager Zwick Roell a leading, global brand, supplying materials and component testing equipment. The company serves over 20 industry sectors in addition to academia, where testing products can be found in both teaching and research environments. The testing equipment incorporates industry standard, intuitive software and can be complemented with a comprehensive range of either contacting or non- contacting extensometry. Coupled with the widest choice of specimen grips and test tooling, Zwick Roell has the ability to satisfy testing applications from quality control through to demanding research. Our products are used by many leading edge materials and component producers. We look forward to working with you and your company regarding your project.
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09/10/2013 13:0
Dates for your Diary in 2014 The Advanced Engineering UK group of events will be held on 11 and 12 November 2014, in Hall 5, NEC, Birmingham, UK
Aerospace, composites, auto engineering, auto electronics, printable electronics…. Plus more to be announced soon!
Demand to exhibit is high Visit us at this year’s show on STAND B21 • Discuss exhibiting opportunities for next year’s group of events • Find out more about exciting new coverage for 2014
when we move this fast, we take some stopping. epm:technology is evolving. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re building a brand new, purpose-designed facility in Derby to expand our operations, employing more than 150 staff and working faster, harder and better.
Come and visit us on stand C111