What is Cancer? Cancer happens in any part of the body when the cells start to grow uncontrollably. It can start anywhere in the body and spread to other body parts via blood, the lymph system or directly to nearby tissues, such as the bladder. The primary cancer is where the cancer starts. In the case of prostate cancer, the primary cancer is the prostate. When the cancer spreads to other parts, it is called secondary or metastatic cancer. There are various types of cancer depending on where and in which cell type they start to grow: • Carcinoma – this is a type of cancer that starts in the skin or other internal organ or gland. These tend to be solid cancers and are the most common type of cancer. Prostate cancer is a carcinoma • Sarcoma – this is a type of cancer that begins in the body’s support mechanism such as fat, muscles, tendons, joints, blood vessels, lymph, cartilage, or bone • Leukaemia – this is cancer of the blood
Common Questions
• Lymphoma – this is a type of cancer that begins in the lymphatic system, which Can I live without my prostate? is a network of vessels that drains lymph from1.tissues into blood. It is part of the Yes, a man can live without his prostate. immune system The whole prostate may be removed for
How does cancer spread?
cancer or part of it when it is enlarged and causing symptoms.
2. Whatcancer conditions than cancer Cancer can spread to lymph nodes near the primary or other further afield. can affect the prostate? These lymph nodes are small, round organs that are part of the immune system • Benign (non-cancerous) enlargement and fight infection. In prostate cancer, it can spread the lymph nodes near the calledto BPH prostate in the pelvis, or higher up in the body.• Prostatitis - infection or inflammation of the prostate.
Cancer can also spread via the blood to distant parts of the body such as bones, liver, 3. Do biological women have a prostate? or lungs. When cancer spreads it is named fromNo.the area it started. For example, if prostate cancer spreads to the bones, then it is not called bone cancer, but instead 4. How big can the prostate get? metastatic prostate cancer. There is no real upper limit. • A small sized prostate has a volume of 30-40ml • A medium sized prostate has a volume Like a lot of other cancers, the exact cause of prostate cancer is not known. of 40-80ml It is most likely due to changes in the DNA of prostate cells, causing to • A large sized prostate hasthem a volume than 80ml. grow uncontrollably. Experts agree on some riskgreater factors that are associated
What causes prostate cancer?
with the disease, as discussed overleaf. FIGHTING PROSTATE CANCER - A SURVIVAL GUIDE