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Your Feedback Actioned — As print professional podcasts have no home to share, we will of course welcome them to join our bloggers assembly here. Posting to just your own company and colleagues is of course interesting to people you know. But what of the larger part of the print industry that may not be a current customer?

The quick print pro audience doesn’t need a line of manufacturers singing their own praises. Better to look at a unaffiliated sourced library with a choice and balance of industry heads sharing research and knowledge.

So with due care and attention, here we go… Welcome To The Home Of The Best Blogs And Pods In Print.

Gathered here you will find the most useful influencers in print, including: www.BestBlogsInPrint.co.uk • www.BestPodsInPrint.co.uk • www.BestBlogsandPodsinPrint.co.uk

• Print industry leaders going beyond just promoting their brand. Read at your leisure results of research that will affect all print professionals in future products and processes. Watch video interviews and print news at your leisure.

• Real printers and suppliers writing for print enthusiasts. Quick print pros from the frontline of the UK and further afield, reporting what works well in design, pre-press, media, print, finishing and distribution.

• Case Studies to communicate print ideas in action. Real scenario stories aired for social intercourse.

• Do join in, feel free to share your findings and your own views of the fastest and most reactive part of the print industry.

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