2 minute read
Green fingers
Simple steps to becoming more sustainable
By Natsha Parrant
As climate change is becoming terrifyingly impactful to our planet, it’s essential businesses to do their part in combating climate change.
The buisness.govt.nz website advises businesses on how to become more sustainable, which will cut down on costs in the long run, be eco-friendlier and more efficient, and will protect Aotearoa. The business government website suggests businesses can cut waste by:
Reducing, reusing and recycling
Reduce: rethink about what needs to be there and what doesn’t – do a tidy up of the office, can the packaging from suppliers be reduced or recycled or can they take it back to reuse? Reuse: a laptop instead of desktop computers as laptops use 80 percent less electricity than a desktop, reusable cutlery, crockery, stationery, refillable soaps, hand towels, or dryers (financially and environmentally beneficial) Recycle: recycle items that can be recycled, check your bins to see what your biggest waste is and consider having an extra bin for other materials you use most, and check your local council to understand how you can dispose waste.
Transport and travel
Travelling can cost a lot of money, it’s also one of the reasons there is pollution. Travel less, use public transport, walk, cycle, e-bike, or scooter, it’ll be better for your mental health, wellbeing and the environment.
Water waste
Ensure your building isn’t leaking, ensure taps are off when not in use, and no machines are using water. If the water meter reading changes overnight, there could be a leakage problem. Look out for washing machines, dishwashers, toilets, showers, taps, and urinals – that could be wasting water. Use low-flow shower heads, half flush toilets, keep hot water to 60 degrees Celsius, and check for toilet leaks with some drops of food colouring in the cisterns.
Energy use and power
Most Aotearoa businesses can save 20 percent on their energy bills by cutting down energy use to reduce pollution. Reduce energy use by checking your premises are sealed and insulated, ensure all heating and air conditioning is tuned, choose the most energy-saving light bulbs, appliances, and tools, and minimise using hot water when possible.
Sustainable suppliers
Changing what your business buys can influence others to make environmentallyfriendly choices too. Buy products and use services that are sustainable-friendly, like using certification schemes that have environmentally friendly morals and are independently verified. Ask supplies about: - Sustainable options and ask for evidence - Where products come from - Working conditions products were made in - What the packaging is made out of - How products can be tossed - Whether the product will be reused, recycled, or can be repaired. CT