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Extra attention Supporting learners with higher needs
By Michaela Pointon
Late last year the Ministry of Education (MOE) released a new model to better support learners with higher needs.
The MOE states the government is committed to designing a system that better supports our kids and young people with the highest needs.
Between April 2021 and October 2022, there was a ‘Highest Needs Review’ launched and was completed with over 1,100 submissions, providing feedback for the government to consider when making changes.
Associate Minister of Education, Jan Tinetti says, “Following the feedback from the review, the government has agreed to substantial changes to ensure our learners with the highest needs have their needs met”.
She says the government invests $1.2 billion each year to support learning for these students, however some of the support has been fragmented throughout the processes and were not reaching kids and young people when they needed it most.
“To ensure that the support system is better fit for purpose a mixed model approach will be developed that creates a partnership between the students, their whānau and school.”
The government has created a Learning Support Action Plan from 2019-2025, which includes seven building blocks to create change.
Some of these include; stronger integration with support agencies and customising tailored support for individual students and a new funding model.
Once the new changes have been implemented, Whaikaka (Ministry of Disabled People) who are designing and developing the new system, will report back to Jan Tinetti during mid-2023.
Kura is an important place to ensure all types of learners’ needs are met, no matter someone’s differences. The new system for learners with highest needs will be developed based on the Enabling Good Lives principles and outcome domains of Ka Hikita - Ka Hāpaitia, the Māori education strategy. “This programme will provide the roadmap for change over the next two, five and 10 years. In the short-term the Ministry of Education is strengthening the current model to make it quicker and simpler for learners and their whānau to get the support they need.
“Teaching staff will also be supported to take up professional learning and development available to further develop their skills and confidence in working with learners with high needs,” the MOE says.
To find out more about the changes to the highest learner’s model and review, visit: www.education.govt.nz.