Angajaþi Euroclinic premiaþi pentru fidelitate Cei mai fideli angajaþi care au fost alãturi de Euroclinic timp de mai mulþi ani au fost premiaþi pe 17 decembrie 2010. Dupã momentul festiv a urmat o searã de neuitat cu distracþie pentru toatã lumea, cu cântece, dans ºi voie bunã.
Menu Desserts Jw. Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel, Yakimono Restaurant Calea 13 Septembrie 90 Bucharest 050713 Romania Tel: +40 31 403 46 80 Tel: +40 31 403 46 81 Office: +40 31 403 46 82 Fax: +40 31 403 46 83 Web Site:
COCKTAIL Pistachio Tentation 20 RON
Daiqiri Mint
Rom, cointreau, frunze de mentã, zahãr Rom, cointreau, fresh mint, sugar
Strawberry Mint
Rom, cointreau, cãpºune, zahãr Rom, cointreau, strawberry, sugar
Daiqiri Mango
Rom, cointreau, mango, zahãr Rom, cointreau, mango, sugar
Blackberry Daiqiri
Rom, cointreau, mure, zahãr Rom, cointreau, blackberry, sugar
Chocolate Pyramid 20 RON
Blackberry Marguerita
Tequila, grand marnier, cointreau, sweet&sour, mure Tequila, grand marnier, cointreau, sweet&sour, blackberry
Yakimono Cocktail
Sake, gin, martini extra dry, ghimbir murat Sake, gin, martini extra dry, pick gimbir
Sake, campari, apã mineralã Sake, campari, mineral water
Sirop de pepene, suc de lãmâie, suc de portocale Melon sirop, lemon juice, orange juice
Youghurt Mousse 20 RON
Vanila Ice
Lichior de vanilie, friºcã, lapte Vanila sirop, whipped cream, milk
Lichior de piersici, rom, cointreau, suc de portocale, blue curacao 00 Peach sirop, rom, cointreau, orange juice, blue curacao
Virgin Colada
Suc de ananas, sirop de cocos, friºcã Pineapple juice, coconut, whipped cream
Valencia Sobert
Suc de portocale, sweet&sour sirop, sirop curacao Orange juice, sweet&sour sirop, blue curacao sirop
36 RON
Green Apple
Suc de mere, zahãr brun, lime Apple juice, brown sugar, lime
Tort Rouge 20 RON
Fruits 00 RON
00 00
Jw. Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel Calea 13 Septembrie 90 Bucharest 050713 Romania Tel: +40 31 403 46 80 Tel: +40 31 403 46 81 Office: +40 31 403 46 82 Fax: +40 31 403 46 83
Peed Choo Che
65 RON
Gai Choo Che
30 RON
Salmon Choo Che
42 RON
Gai Pad Tou
37 RON
Tom Yam Seafood
Piept de raþã picant cu sos de peºte ºi lapte de cocos Spicy duck brest with fish sauce and coconut milk
Tom Gha Gai
Pulpe de pui picante cu lapte de cocos, sos de peºte Spicy chicken leg with coconut milk and fish sauce
22 RON Supã de creveþi ºi calamari, cu roºii ºi ciuperci Shrimp and calamari soup with tomatoes and mushrooms 20 RON Supã de pui cu lapte de cocos, ciuperci, roºii ºi lemon grass Chicken soup with coconut milk, mushrooms, tomatoes and lemon grass
APERITIVE / APPETIZERS Peeg Gai Tod 25 RON Aripi de pui picante servite cu usturoi ºi sos de soia Spicy chicken wings served with garlic and soia sauce Tap Gai Yang
18 RON
Ficãþei de pui cu sos de soia Chicken liver with soia sauce
Kung Che Numpa
Somon cu sos de peºte picant Salmon with spicy fish sauce
Pulpe de pui cu alune ºi sos picant Chicken leg with nuts and spicy sauce
Gai Pleaw Waw 37 RON Pulpe de pui, ceapã, ardei, pastã tamarin ºi sos dulce acriºor Chicken leg, onion, pepper, tamarin pasta, sweet-sour sauce Tap Gai
49 RON
Creveþi cu sos picant Shrimp with spicy sauce
32 RON
Ficãþei de pui cu sos picant ºi lapte de cocos Chicken liver with spicy sauce and coconut milk
35 RON Massaman Curry Pulpe de pui picante, cartofi ºi morcovi cu sos de peºte Spicy chichen leg with potatoes and carrots with fish sauce
Lemon Grass 24 RON Creveþi, calamari, morcovi, castraveþi serviþi cu sos de peºte Shrimp, calamari, carrots, cucumber served with fish sauce
Carne de vitã cu zuchini, curry roºu ºi sos de peºte Beef meat with zucchini, red curry and fish sauce
62 RON Lab Ped Salatã cu piept de raþã, ceapã verde, sos de peºte, chili pasta Duck brest salad, green onion, fish sauce and chili pasta
Lab Gai 25 RON Salatã cu pulpe de pui, ceapã verde, sos de peºte, chili pasta Chicken leg, green onion, fish sauce and chili pasta
MAIN COURSE Padprig Nummanhoy
39 RON Carne de vitã cu sos de stridii, sos de peºte ºi felii subþiri de ceapã Beef meat with oyster and fish sauce and sliced onion
Keang Kean Wan
47 RON
Kao Pad Seafood
40 RON
Kao Pad Nuah
39 RON
Pad Thai Gai
40 RON
Pad Thai Calamari
42 RON
Calamari ºi creveþi cu orez, ceapã ºi roºii Shrimp and calamari with rice, onion, tomatoes
Carne de vitã cu orez ºi ceapã Beef meat whith rice and onion
Tãiþei de orez cu pulpe de pui ºi pastã tamarin Rice noodles with chicken leg and tamarin pasta
Calamari cu tãiþei de orez ºi ceapã verde Calamari with rice noodles and green onion
Pad Gai Nummanhoy 25 RON Pulpe de pui cu usturoi, sos de stridii, sos de peºte ºi felii subþiri de ceapã Chicken legt with garlic, oyster and fish sauce, sliced onion
Pad Pannang 37 RON Pulpe de pui cu lapte de cocos, sos de peºte ºi curry roºu Chicken leg with coconut milk, fish sauce and red curry
Salmon Nummanhoy 39 RON Somon cu sos de stridii, sos de peºte ºi felii subþiri de ceapã Salmon with oyster and fish sauce and sliced onion
Pad Choo Chi 37 RON Pulpe de pui cu lapte de cocos, sos de peºte ºi curry verde Chicken leg with coconut milk, fish sauce and green curry
WELCOME to the PARTY - Irish and Mexican nachos - Selection of exotic fruits
- Amazing platter with mini quesadilla, home made breaded mushrooms spicy fresh tacos and delicious bruscheta
- Irish fish and chips - Guinness and kilkenny beer - pesto flavor quesadilla - St. Patrick local beer - juicy Argentinean sirloin steak - Johnnie Walker Red Label - chilly breaded jalapenos snacks - Jack Daniel’s - Campari - wedges crunchy potatoes and French fries - Smirnoff Red - Tequilla - olives oil flavored green leaves salad - Martini - Gordon’s Dry Gin - grilled chicken skewers - Prahova Valley Reserve Feteasca Alba - American soft pork ribs - Prahova Valley Reserve Pinot Noir
Price 360 ron only
desert - Blueberry home made bailey’s cheese cake *the food is served on platter for two or four persons
- Prahova Valley Extra Brut Spumant - Izvorul Alb, Dorna - Coca Cola, Fanta - Cappy, Granini - Coffee - Burn
General info: - theme of the party is rock in the 80,s - the party starts at 09.00 pm
ROCK in the 80,s the party starts at 09.00 pm
drinks menu
Dana Ilie
Assistant Manager El Mir - Marriott calea 13 septembrie Nr.90, Bucuresti Tel: +4021 403 3103 +4021 403 3503 Fax: +4021 403 3105 Mob: +40733 105 309
Clinica de psihiatrie, psihoterapie si dezvoltare personala
PsyMotion S t r . M i h a i l S e b a s t i a n , n r . 2 0 3 S e c t o r 5 , B u c u r e s t i T e l . 0 2 1 . 7 8 1 . 2 2 . 5 9 M o b i l : 0 7 5 2 . 1 8 0 . 5 0 8 E m a i l : o f f i c e @ p s y m o t i o n . r o