Cash on Delivery Extra Fee for Magento 2
Cash on Delivery Extra Fee for Magento 2 allows the store merchants to easily charge and calculate additional fees for the COD payment orders.
Table of Content
1. Configuration
2. Frontend Display of Cash on Delivery Extra Fee
1. Configuration
Once the extension is installed successfully, go to Stores > Configuration to configure the extension for use.
Enabled - Set YES for enabling the extension from the backend of your store.
Title: Set title as per your choice to display on the frontend of your store.
New Order Status: Select for displaying order status after the order is placed.
Payment from Applicable Countries: Select the countries to active the extension.
Payment from Specific Countries: Select countries to active the extension in that specific countries only.
Payment Fee Type: Select the type of fee you want to charge Fixed or Percentage Wise.
Export: Export the CSV from here.
Import: Import your CSV from here as per given below format.
Sort Order: Add the sort order number to display on the frontend of your store.
2. Frontend Display of Cash on Delivery Extra Fee
Frontend display on the checkout page for fixed extra fee.
Frontend display on the checkout page for percentage wise extra fee.
Frontend display on customer account page.
Frontend display of invoice print.
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Frontend display of refund print.