2 minute read
New, old and recycled
In the Lahti region, you will find unique handicrafts, wonderful old things and exciting treasures.
HAMPTON HOUSE in Lahti sells carefully selected interior design products from Scandinavia and gourmet food products from Spain and Italy.
WANHA KAMMARI in the centre of Old Vääksy is full of carefully selected objects from the past. The selection includes textiles, jewellery, old-fashioned tableware, magazines, books and Finnish design from different eras. wanhakammari
PUINE from Lahti makes beauty from wood. Jewellery, watches, calling cards and interior decoration products made from Finnish birch plywood are made in Lahti. www.puine.fi
1 SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL! Petis St Louis is an elegant, relaxed lifestyle boutique along the shopping street of Lahti, Rautatienkatu. www.shop.petitstlouis.fi
LINTAN KAMMARI in Sysmä is located in a dairy that is more than a 100 years old. You'll find handmade clothes and accessories, as well as a seasonal selection of interior decoration products and gifts. www.lintankammari.fi
MARIMARI sells fashion from all over the world, MariMari Collection clothes designed and made in Lahti and lifestyle products, such as art, jewellery, bags and ecological detergents. www.marimari.fi
KIRPPUTORI KISÄLLI in Lahti is a slightly better flea market. The selection, which changes all the time, includes high-quality tableware, lamps, rugs and furniture. www.kirpputorikisalli.fi
SECOND HAND LAHTI SHOP a fresh, beautiful and modern second-hand shop where you can find clothes, accessories and utility articles. www.secondhandlahtishop.fi
2 The MUSEUM STORE IN MALSKI offers unique goods, such as replicas of classic posters and products illustrated with art pieces. www.malvamuseo.fi
What do interior decoration shop ZOOM DESIGN, the French village shop RANSKALAINEN KYLÄKAUPPA, wonderful LAURAN KAUPPA and interior decoration CLOTHING STORE KARDIS have in common? They are all located in the idyllic Old Vääksy. www.vanhavaaksy.f
Located in the centre of Lahti, NUKKA SECONDHAND & LIFESTYLE is a boutique for modern families with children where you can shop more sustainably. www.nukkasecondhand.fi

CILLA’S offers sustainable home and fashion products. www.cillas.fi
Local handicrafts are available at the IITIN KÄSITYÖLÄISET RY SUMMER SHOP in the Iitti parish village. In Sysmä, KÄSSÄ- JA KORISTEKAUPPA offers local handicrafts from interior design items to jewellery and accessories. iitinkasityolaiset, sysmankassajakoristekauppa
In Lahti, TOPDEI sells stylish and individual fashion from Italy. In addition to clothing, you will find shoes, bags, jewelry and other accessories to match your style. www.topdei.fi ■
Go to the Market Hall
Start your shopping day at the Lahti Market Hall with a fresh cup of coffee and a freshly baked cinnamon bun at the traditional Vaarin kahvila café!
Pasolanharjuntie 1, VÄÄKSY.
Store t. +358 46 923 4551
Check opening hours: viipurilainen.fi
Lahti City
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Well-known classics and new favourites are available at our Brewery Shops. You will also find fan products ranging from Jaffa hoodies to Long Drink towels, and receive tips for the season’s festive beverages.