1 minute read
Explore the many services in Sysmä and relax in the beautiful natural environment. Experience memorable moments on the water, at nature sites and on hiking trails. Enjoy delicious food and fresh summer drinks. Drop by the shops, pamper yourself, bathe in a sauna. Sysmä is also attractive due to its historic, old buildings and yard areas. There’s art, theatre and events for all tastes throughout the summer.
Sysmä also offers its best to fishermen, cyclists, canoeists and boaters. There are plenty of accommodation options from distinctive guesthouses, atmospheric cottage holidays and beautiful campsite accommodation to upscale hotel stays. ■
Medieval stone church
The recently renovated St. Olaf’s Church in Sysmä was built in the Gothic style in the 16th century, but is nevertheless accessible.
You can admire sheep in a pasture near the town centre. A scenic route along the beach will take you to nearby Ohrasaari Island. Continue your journey to the stunning Geopark sites of Kammiovuori hill and Päijätsalo Island, or go and admire the clear waters of the Tainionvirta River.

Taivaanranta Residential Area

High-class detached houses at Villähde in Lahti, on the shores of Lake Kymijärvi and Lake Kärkjärvi. A short distance from the motorway and approximately an hour’s drive from Helsinki.

Aleksanterinkatu 25, Kauppakeskus Karisma. www.timanttiset.fi

Aleksanterinkatu 25, Karisma Shopping Centre www.timanttiset.fi