Contrast between e-commerce and mobile commerce

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Contrast Between e­Commerce and Mobile Commerce eCommerce and mobile commerce are the buzz words today. Most of us have heard of these two terms. Many have used either or both to purchase or sell goods and/or services. But how many truly understand the two terms and more importantly the difference between the two. In this article, we explore the difference between eCommerce and mobile commerce. They are different concepts The term e­commerce also known as electronic commerce refers to the processes of purchasing as well as selling products and/or services employing electronic systems such as the internet. m­commerce also known as mobile commerce refers to the activities of purchasing as well as selling products and/or services employing internet/cellular data through wireless handheld devices.

They started in different time periods E­commerce preceded m­commerce. The advent of e­commerce was in the 1970’s while that of m­ commerce was in the 1990’s. m­commerce is a subset of e­commerce In other words, e­commerce is a superset of m­commerce. It is an established fact that m­ commerce is rapidly rising at the expense of the older methods of e­commerce. Also, industry experts predict that m­commerce will surpass or even replace e­commerce in the near future. There is no dispute that the two technologies have differing trajectories. Simply put m­commerce is an extension of e­commerce.

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