Black Duck Wisdom

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Black Duck Wisdom This little book is intended to be a light-hearted and yet insightful exploration of life through the wisdom of ducks. It contains 21 simple ducky wisdoms and the best part is it can be read in one sitting in the smallest room in the house (which makes it particularly popular with the men). Â Black Duck Wisdom is a reminder that life is a gift and often the most precious and wonderful parts are hidden under our darkest moments... search for the laughter in the tragedy, the warmest hugs after a serious crisis and the new dawn that will come tomorrow.

Maggie Dent

quietly improving lives

Understanding Life Through the Wisdom of Ducks

Maggie Dent quietly improving lives

Pennington Publications PO Box 312 Murwillumbah New South Wales 2484 Australia First Published by Pennington Publications December 2004 Fifth Reprint 2011 Copyright Š Maggie Dent 2004 All rights reserved. Dent, Maggie Black Duck Wisdom ISBN 0-9751258-1-8 1. life philosophy, psychology, humour Layout & Design: Katharine Middleton

I wish to dedicate this book to my husband Steve Mountain. Thank you for loving me unconditionally — the sensational, the good, the bad and the ugly! May we grow old gracefully and with enthusiasm for all that this world has to offer — especially the good food, wine, family and friends.


1st Wisdom Ducks are happy being ducks. They do not question their life as a duck. Ducks do not wish they were owls, emus or eagles or anything else for that matter. Being a duck just “is” and “is” is just fine.

Humans often waste valuable moments in life wishing they were something different — maybe smarter, thinner, hairier, taller or richer. Deep personal acceptance of who we are is an important step to happiness in life. Once we accept who we are we can then aim to become the best “us” we can be without wasting time and energy being someone or something that we are not.


Black Duck Wisdom Personal acceptance is important and valuable.

P.S. If you wish to look slimmer wear a tight corset. You may not be able to breathe very easily and you may go a little blue around the lips, however you will appear slimmer.



2nd Wisdom Ducks live for the moment. When they are hungry they eat. When they feel tired they sleep. When they feel like paddling they paddle. When the weather gets too cold for them they migrate to where it’s warmer. Simple.

Humans waste valuable time and energy worrying about the past and “what has happened” and the future “what might happen”. Living more in the “now” can help us all to worry less, stress less and be more content in our lives.


Black Duck Wisdom Focus on what is and stay in the present moment.


A packet of Tim Tams can appear to last much longer if you focus on one biscuit at a time. This is an excellent way to practise staying in the moment — lots of moments that follow one another naturally and beautifully!


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