Thoughts underwater

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Thoughts Underwater Maggie McClun

I wonder if anyone will ever look at me the way I look at sunsets and the color green

The fact that I have moved so much Tells a lot about who I am Why so many boxes in my brain remain unpacked Brimming with thoughts I store away Year after year they stack up There is a reason Moving has become more and more strenuous My head heavier Clogged with boxes That Wait And Sit For the next house

Like twine, You weave your smile into the spring roses The morning sun, your laughter I see you in places i've never walked upon, In people i've never loved Your tears water the green canopies of leaves Kissing the trees Hugging the grass A melody of starting new You are gone, But seem begin everywhere Endless

Bird man Has the soul of a man But the heart of a bird Tries to cry but only feathers fall Knows not who loves him Nor who he can love

To the woman who walks on eggshells I love you Your feet tired and poached Your mind a fragile yolk Spilling out I love you I know what it feels like to be cracked open And scrambled Ribs, A cage Throat, An open wound I love you To the woman who feels her sorrows In her toes and the tips of her fingers I know what it means to be alive Versus what it means to feel alive I love you Your spine only stays sturdy Because you were meant to stay attached to it Living I love you

Understanding whats under my skull Is like looking through a telescope Millions of stars tattooing themselves on my eyes Too much to take in Too little to let go

Your body may be a temple But mine is a construction site It’s structure a work in progress Crumbling and cracking as my hips move Curves sculpted, uneven and crooked Lines jagged and intertwined Crafted by trembling hands I am a tapestry of the earth’s questions Skin layered with different curiosities My body hides secrets in its walls Complex with with many storeys Many layers And many lives

Sunlight washes the earth with its honey Planting seeds in my bones A storm of clouds softly tightens the sky The soil begins to whisper to me poems of patience I understand I must wait For winter to pass and for my skin to bloom Into a blanket of flowers

Today I felt taller by looking at who I was yesterday My body lighter without the ocean pushing it down I felt taller but I didn’t grow an inch My lungs can breath again Without my thoughts underwater

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