Staff Sgt. Troy Tolman discusses how food is prepared April 18 during a tour of the Jerome County Detention Center kitchen in Jerome.
What’s cooking
in the Magic Valley? Food service standards are voluntary for county jails More online
WIN FALLS — Food can be a hot-button issue among inmates who have traded many of their personal freedoms for a stark cell. They have little choice in their daily lives once incarcerated, and almost no input on what lands on their plates. Tensions tend to run high as inmates stay days, weeks or even months awaiting trial. While they are now clad in bright orange jumpsuits, Twin Falls County Sheriff ’s Office Sgt. Justin Kimball notes that before they were behind bars, they blended in like friends or neighbors. For some detainees, it’s a real struggle when they lose authority over daily life decisions. Food, especially, can be contentious among inmates at county jails. “Food is the No. 1 cause of riots in jails and prisons,” Cindy Malm, jail standard coordinator and inspector for the Idaho Sheriffs Association, said in an April 22 phone interview. Earlier this year, nearly 1,700 inmates in a Franklin County, Washington, prison went on a hunger strike to protest the quality of their breakfast food. Here in Idaho, a Jerome County inmate has filed a lawsuit against the Jerome County Jail, alleging the jail does not provide sufficient nutrition to its inmates. Although jails are largely self-policed when it comes to rationing, authorities believe they should serve adequate portions for inmates. “I’m certainly not saying jails serve gourmet meals,” Idaho Sheriffs Association Executive Director Vaughn Killeen said. “They should have reasonable accommodations, reasonable food.” Killeen isn’t aware of any major riots or court cases surrounding food service in Idaho jails. But that doesn’t mean it couldn’t happen. Idaho, like some other states, does not have state-mandated
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See more online in the video “What’s cooking in Magic Valley jails?” at
Fresh popcorn is displayed April 17 in the Mini-Cassia Criminal Justice Center kitchen in Burley. Inmates are allowed to purchase popcorn, pizza, candy and soda on Fridays from the snack cart.
Idaho Jail Standards have been around for so long, courts tend to defer to them, Killeen said. “Most of the stuff we have in terms of standards has been designed on best practices and on court decisions,” he said. Counties are motivated to follow the standards because if they don’t, they could lose certification from the Idaho Sheriffs Association. That certification is used by the Idaho Counties Risk Management Program, and lack of certification could affect a jail’s insurance premium or benefits. “We want to make sure our counties are as risk-free as possible,” Killeen said. “There’s a strong incentive to make sure your jail facility is certified.” While the standards exist, it’s up to each jail to use them. According to Malm, the standards are completely voluntary in Idaho.
Counting calories
Chief Deputy Will Fruehling explains food protocols April 23 during a tour of the Blaine County Jail kitchen in Hailey. Next week: See Part 2 in next week’s Big Story on jail menus, an
expert nutritionist’s opinion, and a reporter’s firsthand experience sampling local jail food. procedures in place for jails, he said. The Idaho Sheriffs Association created its Idaho Jail Standards for Detention Facilities in 1978, in an attempt to standardize practices. These are the only standards in existence governing what jails should do with regard
to food service, and they are not enforced by a regulatory authority or governing body. The association’s food-service standards provide minimum requirements and recommendations for jails, intended to protect counties from lawsuits. Because
One 3-ounce beef patty, 3 ounces of gravy, a half-cup of seasoned pasta, a half-cup of pinto beans. Add some cornbread, glazed cake, margarine and sweet tea and it’s lunch at the Jerome County Jail. Jails are required to provide a “nutritionally balanced diet and a minimum of 2,500 calories daily,” according to the Idaho Jail Standards. Additional requirements state that two of the three meals each day have to be served hot, and meals must be served at approximately the same time every day. Additionally, menus must be reviewed annually by a dietitian or nutritionist. Please see COOKING, Page E2
MORE INSIDE: Taxpayers are footing the bill for inmate food, E3 | How does a jail become certified? E4