A Search for Help

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• February 3, 2015

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Citizens: Child Mental Health Services Lacking NATHAN BROWN nbrown@magicvalley.com‌

‌B OISE • Pleas for Medicaid expansion and criticism of Idaho’s child mental health services dominated the testimony at a public hearing on health and welfare issues Friday morning. Several people said their children haven’t been getting needed mental health services from

Optum, the for-profit company that administers Idaho’s outpatient Medicaid behavioral health programs. When they try to appeal, the parents said, they’re ignored. Several people lamented the cuts in community-based rehabilitation services, a form of counseling in which therapists go into the community to help clients build situational coping skills.

“I want to know the company I’m trusting my family members to are truly doing the best things for them.” — Cameron McCown of Meridian

Optum officials told the TimesNews in July that they believed CBRS was being overused in cases where it wasn’t proven effective.

But Rebekah Casey, of Coeur d’Alene, testified that the services worked for her children, and now they’re not getting approved.

A Search for Help

“My life is affected,” said Casey, who is on the Idaho Council on Developmental Disabilities. “The lives of my children are affected.” Cameron McCown, of Meridian, said the state should break its contract with Optum. “I want to know the company I’m trusting my family members to are truly doing the best things

Future Jump Site Events to Require Paperwork TETONA DUNLAP tdunlap@magicvalley.com‌


Erik Lundgrin, 31, embraces his grandmother Denece Malone while she talks about how manic he can become at times Monday in Twin Falls.

Missing man shares story of manic episode in hope of helping others ALISON GENE SMITH alismith@magicvalley.com‌

‌ WIN FALLS • T When Erik Lundgren went missing in early December, police from Cassia, Jerome and Twin Falls counties joined the search, combing the South Hills by ground and helicopter. On Dec. 7, after four days alone and hallucinating, Lundgren went to Oakley and called his mother. The 31-year-old has suffered four full-blown manic episodes since he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder 11 years ago, lapses filled with delusions of grandeur, paranoia and “flights of ideas” that seem brilliant at the time. He becomes a man on a mission, he says, but the mission is devoid of reality. Lundgren, who now lives in Boise, reached out to the Times-News after reading about his disappearance in a news story. He hopes others can learn from his experiences. His story is a classic scenario of a missing person suffering a mental problem, say police, who undergo special training to handle cases like Lundgren’s. “The lost person, they want to be found,” said Lt. Daron Brown of the Twin Falls County Sheriff’s Office. “A lot of times, the person with the mental health issue does not want to be found.” In another episode in 2011, Lundgren recognized that police officers who approached him as he wandered a field in Jerome were trying to help. But during the conversation Lundgren felt threatened and told one of the officers he would stab him with a ballpoint pen he had rubber-banded to his wrist. The officer unhooked his gun’s holster and Lundgren told him to get his hand off the gun. The officers eventually convinced Lundgren to go to his mother, who was waiting nearby, he said.


Erik Lundgrin, 31, answers questions during an interview Monday in Twin Falls.

“The hard part is, unless they’ve done something to cause danger to themselves or someone else, (police) can’t do anything. It’s frustrating.” — Kathy Lungdren

The most recent episode in Oakley was less tense. His mother called police, the police asked for his ID and they left before his mother arrived. Both Lundgren and his mother, Kathy Lungdren, said they thought the officers should have stayed until family arrived.

I‌ f You Do One Thing: Teen Movie Tuesday will begin at 4 p.m. at Twin Falls Public Library, 201 Fourth Ave. E. Free. 208-733-2964.


Contact Erik

Erik Lundgren requested people interested in discussing bipolar disorder contact him via email at sciswing@gmail.com. “The hard part is, unless they’ve done something to cause danger to themselves or someone else, (police) can’t do anything,” she said. “It’s frustrating.” Several local agencies, including Twin Falls and Jerome police, have sent officers to Crisis Intervention Training so they may better help those with mental illness. Twin Falls Police Officer Dallan Hall went through the training a few years ago. Some of the advice seemed like common sense, but other lessons were invaluable, he Please see MISSING, A10

Sudoku B10 Comics A7

“There was a lot of work done with previous jump and we would be building off of that,” said city spokesman Josh Palmer. Rothweiler said Monday night that no one has submitted any plans for a jump. Council members voted 5-2 last Feb. 10 to deny “Big Ed” Beckley’s jump across the canyon. The two sides had spent months hammering out a lease of Knievel’s city-owned dirt ramp for the Texas stuntman to use. But Beckley submitted an inadequate safety plan for the event, expected to have drawn 40,000 to 70,000 people, the council decided. Councilwoman Rebecca Mills Sojka expressed some concern that the application process might make wouldbe jumpers feel like they couldn’t bring their ideas to the city council. “I wouldn’t say ‘no’ to anyone that wants to be heard,” Mills Sojka said. V i c e M ayo r S u za n n e Hawkins agreed with the process of filling out a completed application first. “You wouldn’t bring us a half completed application for any event,” she said.

Bills on Background Checks, Uninsured Drivers Move in Senate nbrown@magicvalley.com‌

The National Alliance for Mental Illness can be found online at www.nami.org. Its information hotline is (800) 950-NAMI.

50° 41°Low

Rain Likely. B3

‌ W I N FA L L S T • If any groups or individuals want to hold any type of event at the Evel Knievel jump site, they will need to fill out the proper paperwork. T h e c i t y ’s o n e - ye a r moratorium on events at the jump site expired this month. And, instead of instituting another ban, the City Council decided Monday to require more stringent application rules of any would-be daredevil. City Council members decided Monday night to allow City Manager Travis Rothweiler and his staff to deny incomplete applications for any event held at the jump site. Proper paperwork would ensure parties are ready to move forwarding with discussions with City Council. It would require filling out a modified special events application. This application will be a combination of a special events permit and concerns that came up between City Council and “Big Ed” Beckley more than a year ago.


For More Information

Please see HEALTH, A10

‌BOISE • Bills to tighten up background checks for teachers, foster parents and others and to raise the fine for uninsured drivers cleared their first hurdle Monday in the Senate Judiciary and Rules Committee. After a background check is done on someone who is required to have one, such as someone who works with children or a Realtor, the prints aren’t kept after the check is done, said Sen. Grant Burgoyne, D-Boise. Burgoyne’s bill would allow the state police to keep the prints if an agency, such as a school district, so desires their employees’ prints to be retained. That way, he said, employers could be alerted if that person were to get arrested after having passed a background check. Now, he said, a teacher would only be checked again if they were to change districts, meaning arrests can fall through the cracks. If a person leaves the job for which they had to be

Markets A2 Crossword B7

Dear Abby B9 Jumble B6

fingerprinted — a teacher who changes careers, for example — their prints could be destroyed if the person makes a written request, under Burgoyne’s bill. Dawn Peck, head of the Bureau of Criminal Identification for the Idaho State Police, said there have been cases, under the current regulations, where a school district learned about a teacher’s arrest in Idaho some other way, and then found out that they had been arrested out-of-state while employed as a teacher for that district. The committee voted to print this bill, as well as another bill Burgoyne is sponsoring that would hike the fine for driving without insurance from $75 to $300, moving the legislation to committee hearings. Burgoyne said the fine an uninsured vehicle is too low to encourage people who get caught to spend the hundreds of dollars a year on insurance. “I really think what we’ve got is a fine scheme that probably incentivizes some things we do not want to incentivize — like not carrying insurance,” he said.

Obituaries A4 Opinion A8

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