The Plinth Method

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the plinth method



the facade of a building and the meter or so of space between the facade and the sidewalk (what we call the “hybrid zone”). We have done it well; it’s easy to think of the cozy atmosphere of streets like the Strøget in Copenhagen, Rue Mouffetard in Paris, and your eyes see. The ground floors work here.

subconsciously examine our immediate, eye-level surroundings and absorb any details with most, if not all, of our senses. Lots of visual details keep our eyes entertained while we also smell coffee from the café, and hear people talking and laughing. Because places and want to return.

We are interested in ground levels that work and this book is a collage of those stories. Some of the ground floors featured in this prime real estate for a different vision. Perhaps the vision came from the planning department, developer, the community, or a single resident. We wanted to find some of these examples and tell their stories. How did the ground floor “work” before and imporantly, what was their secret?

distributed through our website and widely to our network as well. We hope this manual provides new tools, methods, insights,

Sincerely, Meredith Glaser Jeroen Laven Hans Karssenburg



the plinth method



a manual for creating successful ground floors

We must plan the city...

at eye level, at human scale.

Because we often experience the city as pedestrians, we constantly interact with our immediate, eye-level surroundings, absorbing details with our senses. Because this is a sensory experience, we also often connect emotion to it. If the feelings of a street are good ones, we remember these places and want to return.

Creating better Plinths...

takes investment and strategy.

In addition to the right location, we cannot deny the importance of investment and strategy in creating plinths that work well. This designation should be a part of a larger urban strategy that involves multiple stakeholders, especially the community.

An active, successful Plinth...

doesn’t happen on its own.

Of course successful Plinths don’t happen overnight, or in just any part of town. Certain areas of a city are more conducive for successful Plinth-making and -shaping. Getting the right people together around the table can produce extraordinary short- and long-term results. Partnership is crucial.

photo credits: [all] M. Glaser, Stipo

good plinths...

are good for the economy.

Plinths that offer safety, nice atmospheres, and warm welcomes make people want to linger--and spend money. Beyond shops and

We can’t ignore the power...

of information sharing.

economies and new entrepreneurs. ground level spaces that fit this new paradigm.

Current urban trends require...

future changes.

photo credits: [top row]

[middle row]

flexibile Plinths.


the plinth method



a manual for creating successful ground floors

Valencia Street


san francisco, california

Valencia Street is a major multi-modal thoroughfare in San Francisco. In 2010, a multidisciplinary team completed a 4-block streetscape improvement plan that added much-needed sidewalk space that drastically improved the plinths.

St. pancras international

london, england

St. Pancras went through a massive renovation, completing in 2007. Their stategy for improving the ground floor was complex, involved multiple partners, and was largely successful.

Sluseholmen nord

copenhagen, denmark

In 1999, discussions started for the Sluseholmen industrial area renewal in Copenhagen’s south harbor. The partner organizations envisioned creating a new, livable, mixed-use neighborhood on this prime waterfront real estate.

photo credits: [top row] Flickr user Colleen McHugh; [middle row] M. Glaser, Stipo [bottom row]; M. Glaser, Stipo

The distillery district

toronto, ontario

the neighborhood in the surrounding urban context.


hafencity, germany

Schiphol airport

amsterdam, the netherlands

appealing and like no other airport facility in the world.

photo credits: [top row]; [middle row] ickr user sneaksnbeats;

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