Feb 25, 2008

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The Magnet


Vol. 15, No. 4



February 25, 2008

Vidal M. Treviño School of Communications & Fine Arts, 1701 Victoria St., Laredo Texas 78040

A state- and nationally recognized student newspaper


Promises to bring back troops More health care, benefits for Americans


XV años Theater students show their talent

page 2 Bass clarinetist ranked at top

Hundreds of Laredoans gathered at the Center of the Arts on Thursday, Feb. 21, for the Hilary Clinton rally. Students from Matias Arambula’s AP Government class and Jassie Rios’s art class attended the rally and listened to Clinton’s plans and ideas for the United States. Students of broadcast instructor Jamin Teran taped it. “Hilary Clinton is a strong democratic candidate, and she seems to have a powerful sense on what this country needs,” senior Beverly Fraga said. Clinton brought forth many concerns like border protection, universal health insurance, bringing home soldiers from Iraq and George W. Bush’s presidency. “When George Bush is out of office we will hear a sigh of relief from our nation,” Clinton said in reference to what she described as the “terrible messups” of Bush. She also spoke about diplomacy, public education, the environment, college tuition, immigration, veterans, and job creation. See CLINTON, page 3

Top: MT photo by Kimberly Evans Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton speaks in front of Old City Hall as Congressman Henry Cuellar and Mayor Raul Salinas look on. Left: MT photo by Joey Hernandez Members of the crowd hold up signs in support of Hillary Clinton.


page 3 Winter Ball is a ‘Wonderland’

pages 4 and 5 Valentine’s Day special for students Magnet en español page 6

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http://vmt.elisd.org The world’s link to you

E-mail: The Magnet Tribune mt_writers@hotmail.com


he recent UIL realignment saw Nixon and Cigarroa move down to Class 4A, while Martin stayed in 5A. Magnet school students disagreed with this move, according to a Magnet Tribune survey. Meanwhile, the school district’s appeal to the UIL in Austin on Feb. 21 of the move downward was denied. This means Martin will play in District 29-5A for the next two years, and Nixon and Cigarroa will compete in District 31-4A. The survey asked students if they agreed with the alignment and also their opinion on what may happen to the seasonending Nixon-Martin football game rivalry. A 33-7 count of boys and 648 count of girls revealed displeasure with the UIL realignment, which grouped schools according to population. A female freshman from Nixon thought it would be better for less violence that sometimes takes place during the Martin-Nixon football game week. See UIL page 2

MT graphic by Keila Granados Current District 29-5A Alexander Cigarroa LBJ Martin Nixon United United South Eagle Pass High Eagle Pass Winn

New District 29-5A Alexander Martin United United South Del Rio High Eagle Pass High Eagle Pass Winn San Antonio Southwest

New District 31-4A Cigarroa LBJ Nixon Alice High Corpus Christi Calallen CC Flour Bluff CC Tuloso-Midway Kingsville King Source: UIL Web site

The Magnet Tribune on the Internet: http://my.highschooljournalism.org/tx/laredo/vmt


School News

The Magnet Tribune February 25, 2008



Theater students offered several theatrical works in December in which they staged the performances so well the audience seemed not to tell if they were acting. Vernon Carroll, Theatre Department head, explained the changes he has seen from the day students started rehearsing until the day of the performance. “They learned the part, but not only what the character says,” Carroll said. “Every character has to learn the reason behind the words, and for the audience to understand what they’re saying. “I saw a great change in their confidence,” he added. Carroll explained how he felt towards his students’ achievements. “I feel great,” he said. “The most important thing to me is to know that they can do better than me.” He talked about the goals for the performers. “The major goal for any play is to entertain the audience,” he said. “In order to communicate their goal (actors) have to take the audience, craft, and theater seriously, or otherwise they will not excel.” Carroll explained how he and his students felt after the plays.

“They were very satisfied with their performances, but they felt they needed more. Others were surprised, and in my opinion I think the performances were what I expected.” Michael Saenz, a junior, played “Stanley” and prepared for his role by “studying my lines at school and at my house.” Saenz revealed the hardest experience about doing the play. “Memorizing my lines,” he said. His easiest was, “working with my coactors.” Saenz believed he has progressed over the past months. “I’ve lost the fear of performing in front of other people,” he said. Saenz said he was pleased with the audience’s reaction. “I got a very positive vibe from everyone,” he said Saenz said Carroll has helped him and his fellow cast members a lot. “He watches over us and gives us his opinion, which helped us out a lot in the end,” he said. “I wouldn’t change anything,” Saenz said, “because as the audience laughed I knew we all did a good job.” Marivelle Guajardo, a senior, played “Daphne” and told how she prepared for her part. “I rehearsed for many weeks,” she said.

MT photo by Theresa Rocha Ashley Salinas, Megan Paveck and Vanessa Velasquez are theatre students who performed during a fifth block presentation in December. Guajardo thought the hardest experience she had doing the play was “memorizing my lines.” Her easiest was simply “working with Laura Olivas because she’s one of my greatest friends.” Guajardo believed she has progressed over the past few years. “I’ve gained a lot more self-confidence,” she said. Guajardo said she believed the audi-

ence enjoyed the play. “It was very interesting and funny,” she said. Guajardo said Carroll helped her and her cast members. “He kept us motivated throughout our days of rehearsing,” she said. Guajardo said she wouldn’t change anything about the play. “We have all done a great job, and the audience really seemed to like us.”

New geography teacher graduated from Cigarroa BY YAHAYRA RENDON MT STAFF WRITER Former Cigarroa High student Cindy Hernandez is VMT’s new World Geography teacher. She replaces Sean Gaynor, who is now the technology trainer for VMT and Lara Academy. Hernandez discussed her goals when she was growing up. “I wanted to be a secretary because I liked the way secretaries were portrayed on TV, wearing beautiful dresses, typing at a fast speed and making coffee,” Hernandez answered. She explained why she became a teacher. “I always loved teaching. When I was five years old I remember playing teacher. I had imaginary students, each with cardboard desks,” she said.

H e r n a n d e z changed her major while in college. “I realized my previous major (business) was not for me. I couldn’t see myself in the area of business. I am more socially aware, and believe in HERNANDEZ equal justice, Hernandez said. She attended Texas A&M International University. Hernandez was inspired by the words of a professor. “A professor mentioned the education offered at the local university was the same quality as any important university.” She studied Social Studies at TAMIU. “My degree was my Bachelor of Science with a major in Social Studies

and a secondary education specialization,” she said. She was active at the university. 'I was a member of the Political Science Association in 2004, and a member of the National Society of Leadership and Success. Also, I was on the TAMIU Honor Roll in fall 2006 and spring 2007,” she added. Hernandez said being in the classroom now is a lot more than teaching “imaginary students.” “They are real students. Now I realize the enormous responsibility I need to deal with every day,” she said. Hernandez said her family is happy about her being a teacher. “Of course. My parents emigrated from Mexico, and getting an education was the best thing that could happen. They are proud of me, but I am more proud of them for being wonderful par-

ents,” she said. Hernandez said she is an advocate for social justice. “I am for justice, and I like to defend the rights of immigrants, especially for those who migrated from the rural areas,” she said. She is the first in her family to graduate from college, and said hard work got her through. “I am very persistent. When I was a child I wouldn’t eat until I was done with my homework,” she said. Hernandez offers advice to students. “If you have goals in life go for it but remember there are steps you have to take. There are no shortcuts, and don’t go so fast because you might fall. But if you do fall get up and be persistent. Do not see the goal at the top; instead see the next step closer. By time you realize it your goal is fulfilled.”

UIL, from page 1 “I think there will be less hate and violence towards both schools,” she said. A female senior from Nixon said she did not like the change in the realignment. “I don’t like that Nixon had to move down when most other schools stayed in 5A, and all just because someone did not have time, or make time, to ask to stay in 5A,” she said. A female sophomore from Cigarroa thought athletes would lose interest in sports. “I do not agree with the realignment because we do not get to play other Laredo schools, and I think that athletes will start to lose interest in sports.” A female senior from Nixon said that the realignment is unfair. “I think it’s unfair that we have to compete with Corpus Christi schools when we don’t

have the same amount of money to help support our school. Corpus Christi schools have new or upgraded items that Nixon cannot even begin to afford. We have items that the school started off with in 1965.” Students that agreed with the realignment did not offer any comments. Martin students, also, did not offer any comments. With the schools changed and Martin and Nixon in different districts, it’s possible the annual game may not be played at the end of the season. Football schedules have not yet been made, however. To take The Magnet Tribune poll, go to VMT’s homepage, http://vmt.elisd.org, look for the Communications link under “Departments” then once there click the link under “Resource.”

School sizes found on Web site According to the UIL Web site, schools assigned to 5A have a student population of 2,085 or more, while 4A schools have enrollments of between 980-2,084. The Texas Education Agency’s Web site has Martin, Nixon and Cigarroa’s enrollment numbers as of October 2006.

The enrollment figures: — Martin: 1,932 — Nixon: 2,044 — Cigarroa: 1,640 According to stories in the Laredo Morning Times, the Martin High principal asked the UIL for a waiver to stay in 5A.

School News

The Magnet Tribune February 25, 2008

Bass clarinetist ranks as top state musician BY SAMANTHA HAWKINS MT STAFF WRITER Junior and bass clarinetist Jackie Ramos made it to the Texas Music Educators Association tryouts and won a place on the All-State concert band. To make it to the All-State Band tryouts a musician has to make the tryouts along the way. District, Region, and Area are all the steps to make it to state. The TMEA clinic was held in the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center on Feb. 1316 in San Antonio. “This is my first audition at TMEA, and I’m a bit nervous. I am really excited about competing but I’m having mixed feelings,” Ramos said. Ramos is ranked as the top bass clarinetist in Laredo, and is one of the 14 5A basses in the state that will try out at the clinic. Ramos is a student of woodwind director Melissa Hinojosa. She was excited to find out she was going to state. “I couldn’t believe it when I



saw the results. I yelled really loud and everyone who was there turned around to look at me,” she said. Her strategy for preparing for the competition took long hours of practicing. “During the Christmas break I practiced every day. Some days more than others, but I never got away from practicing.” She is also preparing both physically and mentally. Ramos sees MT photo by Samantha Hawkins TMEA as just Junior Jackie Ramos practices TMEA another try-out state music on her bass clarinet in the that will require Urbahn Building recently. practicing and preparation. said. “All I know is that these “Anything can happen at kids are the best out there, those try-outs. I really don’t which should be all the reason know what to expect,” she to practice more.”

A weekend favorite food was the object that benefited Crime Stoppers. VMT personnel cooked and lended a helping hand on Jan. 19 for the 13th Annual Menudo Bowl at L.I.F.E Downs. “Menudo is a Hispanic tradition that comes from Mexico,” Gary Valleza, menudo cook and library aide, said. Besides Valleza, others participating were his wife Cecila Valleza, David Blumberg (BCIS instructor and Crime Stoppers representative) who helped by providing the ingredients, Cecila Sanchez (school secretary) and husband Javier Sanchez, Gregorio Garza (Spanish instructor) and Lilia Castillo (creative writing and English instructor). Also, the school’s Quinta Essentia club gave a hand. Gerardo Flores, sponsor and

English instructor, explained how. “About 20 volunteers helped monitor the kitty rides there. We were there from about 10 a.m till 7 p.m taking care of the kids for their safety,” he said. One volunteer, Ashley Reilly, said she was a supervisor. Menudo is a dish consisting of red Chile peppers, spices and cow or goat stomach and is boiled. Valleza was willing to share one specific ingredient, “only love.” School nurse Patricia Keck R.N. said menudo is high in cholesterol and is unhealthy for one’s heart. Although they didn’t win anything, the Laredo Crime Stoppers assists groups such as the LISD Crime Stoppers. Blumberg thought it was an outstanding event. “Out of the 13 years it was the best attended and the weather for the active’s (was beautiful),” Blumberg said.

Program warns about dangers of not paying attention to driving BY LINDA OBREGON MT STAFF WRITER A new program at V.M.T. alerts teens about the dangers of driving and the risks they take when being inexperienced. Research done by “Teens in the Driver Seat” shows that 16 year olds are 10 times more likely to be involved in fatal crashes than that of 17-59 year olds, according to the Texas Transportation Institute. “Six thousand kids die a year. Because of this, we try to prevent this from happening more,” said Jasmin Teran,

broadcasting instructor, sponsor of the school’s program. Five hundred of these accidents per year are in Texas. Twelve V.M.T. sophomores and juniors were selected at random from the three L.I.S.D. high schools. The students will be promoting Teens in the Driver Seat by doing commercials and getting themselves heard at their own schools. The goal for Teens in the Driver Seat is to establish a sustainable peer-to-peer program that will alert teens the dangers of driving and the risks they maybe involved in. “Another goal is to decrease

how frequent car crashes involve teen drivers,” said Teran. Some high risks teens take are listed below, according to the transportation institute --Driver inexperience --Driving at night --Distractions --Teen passengers in the vehicle without an adult --Cell phone/texting --Low seatbelt use --Speeding/racing --Alcoholic beverages/drugs Drinking and drugs are the leading causes of accidents each year. Driving at night was the least risk, the institute said.

TV students get a look at reality BY ANA GONZALEZ MT STAFF WRITER Television students will be involved with this year’s Shattered Dreams. Shattered Dreams involves the dramatization of an alcohol-related crash on or near a high school campus, in this case, Martin High School. It is a two-day event. The crash scene drama is played out before the student body during a school day. Throughout the day the students involved in the drama

are called out to play roles for the presentation. The next day is a wrap-up assembly featuring those who played roles in the drama. “The students that are going to be involved in this docudrama are only my morning classes. We have to go to Martin, and only the ones that have concentration in television,” said Broadcast Instructor Jamin Teran. Teran and television students are the ones in charge of taping and portraying victims, and also will make the

invitations. Shattered Dreams will take place in March. Mock Crash (showing the presentation) is scheduled for Thursday, March 13. The assembly will be March 14. The reason for the docudrama is to transmit a message to all teenagers a sense of responsibility about drinking and driving on prom night. The official name Shattered Dreams is D.E.A.D., meaning Drinking and Driving Ends All Dreams.

The TAKS ELA will be administered on Wed., March 5

MT photo by Joey Hernandez Amanda Cruz, senior, reacts during the rally for candidate Hillary Clinton.

CLINTON from page 1 The thought of a woman president has some in quarrels over the idea and others are ready for a change of atmosphere in the White House. “I’m all for it! I know men who will vote for her Democratic opponent just because she’s a woman,” Arambula said. As students listened close to Clinton’s words, some found themselves being able to trust her. Yvette Garza, a student of Arambula, felt Clinton was right on track and has wonderful plans to help everyone. “I learned there are many

issues, and she’s wiling to take full charge and fix them as best as possible,” Garza said. Still some question if this country is ready for a woman president. In the eyes of junior art student Kennia Lopez, the country is ready and that she is the perfect role model for other women. “Electing a woman for president would make history and maybe even get more women out to vote and possibly shape the chances of other women being elected in the future,” Lopez explained.


School News

The Magnet Tribune February 25, 2008

Winter Ball is a ‘Wonderland’ BY ALYSSA GARZA MT STAFF WRITER Imagination, originality, and color are what the Class of 2008’s Winter Ball was all about. The senior class of 2008 voted on “Alice in Wonderland” as the theme. “This theme is like no other. It’s completely new and fresh and it’s going to be hard for future classes to top it,” said Jessica Rodriguez, senior class member. Several students volunteered their time by helping out with production of many different decorations and the organization of party favors. Some senior students in the morning classes went to the art department during the week of underclassmen benchmark testing and began on the larger decorations. Alyssa Garza, Nick Lopez, Lorie Zamarripa, Monica Garcia, Thelma Arambula, Jennifer Hernandez, Lucia Villagomez, Bernice Villanueva, Joey Hernandez, Amanda Cruz, and Yvette Garza came in on different days of the week from 8:30 a.m. until around lunch time. Art aid Mario Teniente gladly offered his classroom, supplies, skills, and time to the cause. Many tasks needed to be completed in order to bring this theme to life. Some of the larger, more complex decorations were the White Rabbit and Cheshire Cat. Students began work on the cutouts of these famous Disney characters and with the extra help of sculpture and jewelry instructor Armando Hinojosa, the pieces were completed in a few days. Hinojosa has been helping with

Winter Ball decorations since the very afternoon and the morning seniors first one, three years ago. He painted could come together and get everything done. It was also cool how we agreed on the highlights on many of the cutouts. Students were grateful for the help a lot of the decisions we made,” said Ashley Reilly, morning senior class offered by the art teachers. “Armando Hinojosa and Mr.Teniente president. From rolling every invitation into its are a great team that helps out the school whenever they’re needed,” sen- container to hole punching every single program, students say they were excitior Thelma Arambula said. Senior Class sponsors Matias ed to help and be a part of this event. Arambula Winter Ball and Diana Night Martinez were also busy Seniors of preparing the the class of party favors, 2008 and programs and guests stepped invitations. i n t o Martinez “Wonderland” brought sevas they walked eral items through the from her doors of the house to use Holiday Inn on as props. Feb. 2. “Students After several have demonmonths of s t r a t e d preparation responsibility, the big day had creativity, and finally arrived. great organiAs students zational skills and members in the planof the faculty ning and and staff preparation of entered the Winter Ball to ballroom, they ensure its MT photos by Mark Webber were greeted success,” said Colorful decorations greeted visitors to the by Arambula Martinez. and given a S e n i o r s Winter Ball at the Holiday Inn. “mad hat”. from both The VMT seniors were also handed out morning and afternoon classes came together to help out both during class small bags of candy which included M&Ms labeled “Class of 2008” and and after school. “I was very pleased that both the “V.M.T Winter Ball.”

Signs labeled with expressions from the Disney animation Alice in Wonderland like “This Way,” “That Way,” and “Yonder,” adored the walls along with a long banner which read “Winter Ball 2008.” Guests sat at tabled stocked with party favors which included brightly frosted sugar cookies like the ones featured in “Alice in Wonderland,” heartshaped playing cards, brilliantly iced cupcakes adorned as mushrooms, and small bottles of water with labels saying “drink me.” The night began as the officers of the Senior Class presented a speech in which they thanked the many people who helped make the Winter Ball possible and welcomed everyone. The speech was followed by a few words from VMT Director Jose Cerda. Guests enjoyed a dinner of a garden salad, chicken cordon bleu, steamed broccoli and cheese, mashed potatoes and buttered dinner rolls. They were also served chocolate cakes with whipped cream topped with a cherry. While guests ate, senior class officers lifted their water bottles and made a toast. Shortly after the dinner the shine of glow sticks lit the center of the ballroom as music started pumping and students headed for the dance floor. The music was composed by journalism student Jennifer Hernandez and MIDI student Amanda Meza. The DJs for the night were Christian Cisneros and Jerry ( ) A raffle was also held and several prizes, such as 2008 shaped sunglasses, musical wands and light-up cups were handed out. The night ended with a song chosen by members of the senior class.

Scenes from the Winter Ball at the Holiday Inn on Feb. 2. Top left, homemade cakes and pastries made by seniors. Left, Senior Class co-sponsor Matias Arambula Checks off the name of seniors and guests as they enter the ballroom. Above, this exquisitely decorated area is where photographs were taken.

School News

The Magnet Tribune February 25, 2008


MT photo by Ricky Soliz Left: Seniors record for posterity their special evening. Right: The dance floor stayed crowded all night with attendees and their guests.

Seniors dance the night away BY JOSEPH MENDIOLA MT STAFF WRITER The 2008 Winter Ball had 170 guests and about 20 staff members in attendance on Feb. 2. Organizers said it was a colossal success. English instructor Diana Martinez and History instructor Matias Arambula, senior class sponsors, put in the effort and time to make sure that Winter Ball would be a breathtaking and memorable night. Seniors seemed to enjoy the 2008 Winter Ball. Afternoon president Adriana Arriaga thought it went well. “I think it was fun considering the fact that there were tons of people dancing,” she said. Senior Juan Landeros agreed. “Most of the people danced,” Landeros said. “I was doubtful that it would turn out good but instead I really enjoyed it from beginning to end.” Ana Vargas enjoyed seeing everybody nicely dressed, and spending time with the magnet seniors made the night very memorable. “My favorite part was walking in and seeing all of the decorations. It really had an Alice in Wonderland feel,” Vargas said. A Senior Class co-sponsor liked how the evening went. “Everything went like clock work. The food was excellent. The music was tastefully chosen,” Arambula said.

One student disagreed with how door prizes were given away. “Oh my god, the door prize give away part dragged on forever,” Jessica Martinez exclaimed. Some offered advice for future Winter Balls. Daisy Moore, senior, suggested, “More space on the dance floor, and add more tables. It was so crowded.” Claudia Ramos, senior, also had suggestions. “The senior song by Green Day is so overdone. Seriously. I also didn’t like the fact that the room felt divided between morning and afternoon students.” Faculty and staff who worked to make the Winter Ball possible were: 1 Art instructor Armando Hinojosa art aide Mario Teniente and art and communication students, decorations 1 English instructor Gerardo Flores, photographs 1 BCIS instructor David Blumberg, photo packages 1 Arambula, invitation sale 1 Music instructor Manuel Granado, music and sound system 1 Parents of seniors Anel Villarreal and Ashley Reilly who helped with the decorations 1 Lucia Villagomez and Monica Garcia with cookies and flowers 1 Martinez’s friends A. Gonzalez, I. Castilla and J. Kleiber with the cupcakes and cakes 1 Senior Class officers

MT photos by Ricky Soliz Top: Dancers show their YMCA moves during the YMCA song by The Village People. Right: Seniors enjoy dancing to present-day music.

Martinez gave a special thanks to class officers Anel Villarreal, Delia Talamantes, Adriana Arriaga, Ashley Reilly, Jose Hernandez, Alyssa Garza, Amanda Cruz, Erika Benavidez, Jennifer Hernandez, Elizabeth Villarreal, Melissa Treviño, Marissa Treviño, Lucia Villagomez Monica

Garcia and everyone else who help out with the preparation of the Winter Ball. “The success of the Winter Ball depended on a team effort. It was a success because of everyone who contributed their time and creativity,” Martinez added.

MT courtesy photo Senior class officers and co-sponsors Matias Arambula and Diana Martinez pose after the welcoming ceremony at the Winter Ball on Feb. 2.


Magnet en español

The Magnet Tribune February 25, 2008

El amor y la religion pueden llegar a ser un problema POR ANAKAREN SERNA REDACTORA DE ESPAÑOL


l amor y la religión es lo que hace girar al mundo de eso no hay duda. ¿Pero, que pasa cuando tienes el amor pero la religión es diferente? Decidí entrevistar a dos chavas haber que piensan sobre este problemita que puede llegar a perjudicar una relación duradera y estable. Laura Páez estudiante de Sabinas Hidalgo, y Lucy Villalobos estudiante de V.M.T. fueron las entrevistadas, comentaron un poco sobre su punto de opinión. ¿El amor sobresale la religión? “Bueno, yo creo que siempre el amor a Dios es el mas grande y fiel que hay, pero una religión se oye mas como diferencia de creencias en todas las principal es Dios,” Páez comentó. “Solo el amor que Dios le tuvo a este mundo sobrepasa

todo tipo de religión o creencia” Villalobos dijo. La diferencia de religión en una relación amorosa puede llegar a ser un problema gigante que llega a ser notable. “No conozco a nadie nada mas yo con esté problema de diferencia de religión. Yo en lo personal respeto sus creencias y el las mías, a veces nos hacemos preguntas de religiones pero nunca hemos llegado a discutir hasta enojarnos,” Páez aclaró. Lidiar con la diferencia de religiones no es tan sencillo hay que saber que hacer. “”Hablar es la llave a todo tipo de problema. Comprender y apoyar es una forma muy esencial de lidiar con este tipo de problemas,” Villalobos indicó. Dejar una religión no es fácil, ¿dejarías tu religión por que tu amor te lo pide? “Mmm, creo que no porque desde chiquita me han enseñado muy bien a defender mis creencias. Creo que si la

Lucila Villalobos estudiante entrevistada. dejaría seria porque tengo dudas o porque no me gusta. Lo mejor es respetar la religión de cada quien,” Páez apuntó. “No, por mas grande que mi amor sea por una persona, el amor de Dios es mucho mas grande y sobrepasa toda emoción o sentimiento,” Villalobos

Fotografía de MT Laura Páez estudiante de Sabinas Hidalgo Nuevo Leon que enfrenta este mismo problema en su relacion con su actual novio Antonio Santos la diferencia de religion expuso. Las opiniones no siempre son las correctas a los ojos de la religión. “Si el amor que la pareja tiene por cada uno es muy grande, las diferencias de

religión salen sobrando, todas las religiones (cristianas, católicas, testigos, etc.) llegan a un mismo punto que es Dios. El respeto es lo que mantiene a la pareja,” Páez concluyo.

Baile de Invierno, todo un exito Fotografías tomadas por Ricky Soliz Gerardo Flores y Mark Webber


l tercer Baile de Invierno se llevo acabo en el salón de bailes del hotel Holiday Inn, el sabado 2 de febrero de 8 p.m. a 12 a.m. donde asistieron 170 invitados quienes deleitaron una esquisita cena acompañados de maestros y compañeros de la escuela. El tema de dicho evento fue democraticamente elegido por los estudiantes, el tema ganador fue “Alicia en el Pais de las Maravillas”, tema que dio mucho de que hablar.

Estudiantes proximos a graduarce posando para la foto del recuerdo.

Letrero informativo sobre el baile de invierno.

Invitados a el baile de invierno disfrutando la noche.

Estudiantes bailando con compañeros y sus respectivas parejas.

Mesa en la recepcion decorada basada en el tema elegido.

The Magnet Tribune February 25, 2008

Valentine’s Day


Students reveal their secret crushes WHO HAVE YOU HAD A SECRET CRUSH ON AND WHY? Selina Hdz. because she’s a very nice and shy girl. Jocelyn because she’s always smiling. Ivette because she is always calling me Jennifer Garcia because she has a good sense of humor Vero because she looks like a doll, she’s a very nice girl, and she’s real pretty. Nidia ‘cause she likes robots. David Peralta because he is super cute. Valerie B. ‘cause she’s good at math. Jon Cox, I think he’s cute. Carlos Barrera because he’s cute and a good musician. Ofelia, I love her eyes. Anna Santillano ‘cause she always looks nice even when she says she doesn’t. Charley C.G. because I love his smile, eyes, and lips. He’s also a good friend. Tom from MySpace. Sabrina, Maribel Guardia, and Paris Hilton Robert Lara because he has a hole in his ear and that feathery jacket makes him look so masculine. Keila cause she’s so pretty. Jessica Gamez because she is a wonderful dancer. Rafael Lopez because he always finds the way to make me laugh. Monica M. because she is nice to me. Luis V. because he is nice and funny. Monica L. because she is always smiling. Mando because he is a great person and he is super cute. Juan because he is always nice to me. Hector G. because he finds the way to make me smile everyday. Ricardo Cardenas because he’s cute. Krystal B. because she has awesome hair. Milo. I’ve liked him since I saw him. He’s so cute. Pablo, it was love at first sight. I can’t stop thinking about him. This guy that goes to VMT in the afternoon, I think his name is Chuy. A guy I went out with and I still love him. Moises (steel drums) from the afternoon. Robert Lara because he’s pretty gorgeous! Oliver Sanchez because he thinks he’s too cool. Tanya Salas because of her personality and she makes me smile every time I’m around her. Jacob because I like his hair and he’s sweet. Adrian Garza because we have a lot of things in common and he makes me laugh. Luis Rodriguez because he has an amazing heart. Hector Lozano, because he’s cute and shy Eddie Rodriguez because he’s very funny Carlos A. because he’s nice and funny Jorge Burego because he is outgoing and has a great sense of humor. Ofelia G. she's just perfect with her bad girl attitude n ghetto personality but that’s how she is. I love that!!! Roller, because he’s so sweet and sensitive. He’s the total package!! Alonso Flores because he’s the sweetest thing. Alex is my secret crush because he’s so cute and so sweet and nice.

MT photo by Valerie Briseño

JOEL MARTINEZ AND KASSANDRA CASTAÑEDA Jarrad because he’s dead sexy. Josh S. because he’s nice and every time we are together he always makes me laugh. He’s just a really nice guy and I really wish I could have him. I have a crush on Jennifer Garcia cause she is super cute and funny Well I have liked a girl since the first day I met her, she is a piano student in the afternoon. Her name is Priscilla. Samantha Hawkins because she is really nice and funny. We have a special crush on David Peralta because he is very funny. He is a great guy! Apart from that he is a very understanding guy. I have a MASSIVE crush on KRYSTAL B. because she is just so A-W-ESUME!!!! I have a secret crush on Anibal Jimenez because he is super nice and he is an awesome guy. Alexander Esparza because he’s pretty much the biggest gentleman ever. Ricky Soliz because he is so special. I love his unique personality! I’ve had a secret crush on Jesus. I think he has the prettiest eyes ever. But he doesn’t know me. Luis Rodriguez because he will always have my heart. Jenni Bird because she always be my Ruth McDougal<3 Leslie Cortez because she always needs her guitar. Anakaren Serna she’s the truest person that I have ever met. I have a secret crush on Jorge Iruegas because he is a very nice and caring person and plus he has huge cheeks and that attracts me to him. Also, I have a crush on his friend Christian Cisneros because he knows how to handle himself with the ladies and I love guys with long hair. Nancy Hernandez She always makes

me smile I love her. Luis Rodriguez he’s mi vida. Mario Flores because he has beautiful eyes. Hector Perales because he’s an amazing guy. Pedro Gonzalez because he’s super cute. Joseph Mendiola because he has a nice body Peter Serna because I love his purple sweater. Juan Carlos because I love the way he dresses and his hair. Pedro Gonzalez because he has a cute smile. Peter Serna because I like he’s picnic table sweater. Peter Serna because he is one of the nicest people I have ever met and he cares if I ever feel hurt. I love his Barney Sweater. He’s my Barney. Pete, because I love his body. Because I love his smile. Because I love his penguin walk. Peter Serna because he plays hockey. Mario Flores because he thinks he’s all that and a bag of chips. Cesar Oldham because he’s a jamon veijo. I want Christian Cisneros because he’s so manly and strong and a huge huge huge heart. Miguel Olivas because he’s a talented musician. =) Priscilla cause she was cute and she was cool. Claudia Ramos because she’s my own little Scooby-Doo. Ricardo Soliz Jr. because he’s my billy and mi vida dos. Well its not really much but my secret huge crush is on Nicole Zimmerman. Well mainly cause she is one of the nicest and prettiest person ever.

Luis Garcia because he is so NICE!!! Frank Ruvalcaba because he has a nice smile I have a secret crush on Luis Garcia since four years ago because he is nice. I have a secret crush on Ana Gonzalez because she’s so awesome and sweet and she changed me. I want her to know I love her, and that I’m sorry for what I did. I love u Ana!! On Juan Allan Gonzalez. I still I LOVE HIM sooo much! I have a secret crush on Karina cuz she is super pretty. My boyfriend Ben ”Benny Boo” Medina. He means so much to me. My secret crush is Matias Villarreal. He’s so sweet and nice. Samantha Hawkins. For some reason I’m really attracted to her. She is beautiful and I feel she’s special ‘cause I’ve never met anyone like her. I have a crush on Robert because he’s really nice and sweet. I have a crush on Ernesto because he is super nice to me. I have a secret crush on Mikey because he is super cute. Lol I have a crush on Sergio because he is really nice and respectful. Ruben because he’s my babe and he’s cute. Robert Lara because he has really nice teeth. And a gorgeous smile, and nice hair. And a super nice car, and his drumming skills are sweet. And he’s perfect in every way don’t you think? Fernie T. simply because he is super sweet and has a great personality. Danny R. he’s the sweetest guy to me and we have so many things in common. Agustin because he’s a funny and sweet guy, and he’s not afraid to she his feelings. Ashley M. because she’s nice, pretty, and perfect. E.R. because he’s nice and considerate towards my feelings, oh and because he’s funny. Loui Vela from Nixon H.S.! OMG… He’s super cute <3 =D I have a HUUUGE crush on KELLY!!! <3 because she loves shoes just as much as I do! Edgar, because he gave me that look. I’d probably have to say my girlfriend, Debbie. Claudia. She’s awesome and she was the first one to talk to me at work and she gave me that “look” the first time hah. The girl with the pretty eyes, Joi. Miguel Olivas because he’s gorgeous. Hamza! because he gives me the heebie jeebies! Luis R. because he’s cute and outgoing Jorge C. because he keeps a good conversation Daniel P. because he is funny and makes me laugh Ofelia Glz. because I love her attitude!!! Adriana Arriaga because she is so cute and she makes me laugh all the time. Juan Olivares (Green Tea) ‘cause I think he is super awesome, and he llikes to play DDR. Well it’s this really cute boy named Yves, haha!? Jorge Iruegas because he has a nice smile, huge cheeks, and a nice car. Letty Rodriguez because she has a kick*** personality. John Anthony Treviño he has nice curls and cute glasses. “Snake” because he’s so good looking. Gabriel Sanchez because he is so nice and I love his personality See SECRET CRUSHES, page 16

Valentine’s Day


Family, friends are ranked as important WHO MEANS THE MOST TO YOU AND WHY? My boyfriend Danny Bernal because he understands me and I love him. My boyfriend means the most to me, because he makes me laugh when I am at my moodiest. B.B. My family means the most to me because they are always there when I need them. And then my bf. M.R. My boyfriend means the most to me because he is always there for me. He always shows me he loves me. He is also very nice to me and always respects me. D.S. My family means the most to me because they are the only persons you know will always be true with you no matter what. My family and my best friends because they have helped me out in the good and the bad. My parents because is doesn’t matter how bad I mess up they’re always there for me. My parents because they are always there for me. – Isaac Duran My brother Christian Ramos! Because he has been there for me in good and bad times. Chubby My boyfriend Eddie means the most to me, because he’s been there for me through thick and thin. We’ve been together for a year and ten months, and I have no regrets. I love him, without a doubt. Alyssa Rodriguez My friends mean the most to me. I love ‘em a lot and they’re crazy and random but at least there is never a dull moment in my life J. Pero los quiero mucho, mucho, mucho and I hope we stay friends for a long time. V.K.G. My boyfriend Ponchito, because throughout every problem I have he’s there to fix it, whether it’s by giving me advice or by making me laugh, he always keeps me happy. And that’s all I would ever need. Monica Manrique My boyfriend Kevin Martinez because he’s always been there for me. Priscilla Martinez My friends cause they are always there for me. M.V. My sister, Chubby because she is always there for me. Christian

The Magnet Tribune February 25, 2008

Ramos. My mom because she is my hero. J.G. My mommy because she’s always there for me. M.L. My mommy & friends. K.S. Veronica M. because she is very nice. R.A. My family because they are always there for me. M.A.R. My nephew, I’ve taken care of him since he was born, and I love him. J.B.G My parents, even though they are separated I love them very much. My family and my dogs. I really love them, because they are always there to make me happy. C.A. David Peralta, because he’s like a brother to me. J.A.B Tessa, because she is like a sister to me. C. C My friends and family, because they’ve always been there for me. S.R My family and friends are extremely important to me, because I love them. I C My sister because I have to love her. L.N My parents cause they’ve been they’re for me. M.R My best friend because she understands me. My family cause I just love them. M.N Sarah Jo Reyes, because she’s always been there for me, and had been like a sister to me. J.G A teddy bear my ex boyfriend gave me means to me the most to me because I can hold him since I do not have my boyfriend anymore. Who means the most to me is my nephew because he makes me smile when I am feeling down and he lights up my day. Kassandra Ortiz “Tata” My cat. David Peralta The people that mean the most to me is my family and my three friends Tiffany Salazar, Jennifer Garcia (chubby), and Claudia Alba mostly because they have always been there for me and I hope they know I am here for them. Patricia Barrientos


Rene Martinez means th ever I need him. He always is the best friend I’ve had. Nick Lopez means a lot t got my back, I can count o brotha’ I never had, and ev he’s still cool. My mom means the mo always there for me. S.R. My parents mean the mo decisions I make and are a

Flowers, teddy bears are fav

MT photo by Krystal Battistata MERCEDES GALVAN AND LUIS

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE TYPE OF GIFT TO RECEIVE? BRIEFLY EXPLAIN WHY. Flowers because they’re beautiful and I feel special when I receive them, even if it’s so used already. A.H. Teddy bears because I can squeeze and hold them when he is not there. B.B. Teddy bears and chocolate because I just think that it’s really cute and nice. M.R. Teddy Bears and pink roses, because they are very cute. D.S. Red Roses and chocolate. L.W. Flowers because I think they are sweet to give a girl. B.V. I love getting flowers but when I don’t expect them. K.G. A cake that says I love you. M.G. A big bear with flowers because it shows someone cares for me. Something made that you can tell the person put time into making. J.M. Money because with money I could buy what I want and with money you could buy lots of things. F.A. I like to receive nothing. Rafa I’d like to receive Juan Treviño. Vanessa =P I’d like to receive a kiss from a very nice, nice guy. Anna Santillano. Money because I can go on my trip buying stuff. Isaac Duran A big bear with flowers ‘cause it shows some one cares for me. Chubby The best gift I would receive would be the love of that special guy who I think of everyday. M.C. I would love to receive flowers because they show that they really love you. Priscilla M. Something sentimental, something sweet that only means something to us. G.P. Something cool! Because I like cool gifts. M.V. I like to get watches and chocolates. C.R. A watch. R.A. A teddy bear and a rose. M.A.R. I really don’t need anything but the person that I love and care for. What I would like to receive is chocolates, roses, a kiss and lots of love from the person I love. C.A. Something made to show the person took time out of their life to make something for me. Ashley Reilly It doesn’t matter what they get me it’s the thought that counts. Nereyda Serrano 8 inch Splash Paste Cymbal. Because paste rules!! B.G. Music because I love music. A.B

Books, because I love to A drawing because tha one to show there feelings Anything with music, pe with love. N.P CD’s because I love liste Roses, because it shows A letter because it’s mor Chocolates, because the Things that come from Anything really because matters is that the person I like receiving clothes shows that the person kn Pollard Money, because you can Money. Oscar Cortez Flowers with chocolate Flowers A really soft stuffed anim A puppy stuffed anima wanted to receive that; it My favorite type of gift to and it reminds me of the Anything because it wou TR A simple thing, which h detail. L.G Notes, that say’s the sw My favorite gift would b My favorite type of gift i My favorite type of gift attraction to me. B.E I love to get money beca I like to be surprised. Li a big bear with flowers! I love you is enough for me What I would want to r really the thought that co cent chocolate that would My favorite type of gift t –Nidia My favorite type of gift t animal or roses because t

The Magnet Tribune February 25, 2008

to by Lorie Zamarripa


ecause he is there whensmile on my face and he me. e’s also someone who has respects me, he’s like my oesn’t feel the same way,

se she is the one who is

e they support me in any me. – J.B. NS THE MOST, page 16


y has to take time to do

hing small that was given

I. C y love you. L.N ewelry. M.R

Internet: http://my.highschooljournalism.org/tx/laredo/vmt e mail: mt_writers@hotmail.com

Roses, restaurants considered romantic WHAT IS THE MOST ROMANTIC THING SOMEONE HAS DONE FOR YOU? Gave me roses and a fake one and told me he’d love me until the last one dies. A.H. Gave me roses just to ask me if I would be his girlfriend. B.B. Surprise me with something that I like or give me something that I want. B.V. We went to the lake and there was this rock kind of in the water and we sat there hugging just looking at the water. Sounds weird but it was pretty. K.G. That someone has asked me out whispering in my ear. P.M. Written me love notes with stick figures. I guess they were cute. J.M. The most romantic thing that someone has done for me is taking me out to a restaurant. We enjoy the food. F.A. My boyfriend got my hand and wrote, “I love you.” P.M. My ex boyfriend wrote me a song and sang it to me in front of everybody. A.H. They took me out to dinner and gave me roses. R.A. My boyfriend got on his knees to beg me for forgiveness. C.A. That someone has played one of my favorite songs and sang it to me. J.B.G. We listened to our favorite songs and he hugs me really tight. We don’t need to say a word and well know what each other is thinking. It’s the best feeling ever! When I was going out with my boyfriend he had told me that he would never cry for anything, but when he was asking for forgiveness he started crying. It was so cute. My boyfriend held me in his arms and sang me to sleep Letty Rodriguez My boyfriend got me a dozen roses for our 1st anniversary one rose for every month we were together. My boyfriend made me a promise to always be there for me and said he didn’t have a fancy promise ring so he pulled out a red ring pop and said, “Will you marry me?” A. R. My boyfriend went to the trouble of cooking us dinner. I know it probably sounds lame, but I thought it was really cute. J. K. Accepted a kiss. B.G. The day that my boyfriend send me a tweety and 12 roses to school. A.G The day that my boyfriend told me in front of my parents that if I wanted to be his girlfriend. J.G. One day that I was at a party and this guy send me a rose with his number on it I thought it was sweet. C.R. Well no one has ever done anything for me because a guy is supposed to do it but I would accept a simple kiss or hug.

se it’s meaningful. M.N ter what the gift is, what

would wear because it ality and style. Katherine

you want.

omantic. D.D.L.

h the guy’s cologne. R.H. nd balloons. I’ve always e smile. K.E y, because candy is sweet e person does. I.F. body was thinking of me.

aning to me like a sweet


th a teddy bear. J.R ause cologne is a major

whatever I want. nly thing I’d like to get is uper cute, but a simple I l me it does not matter it’s eone would give be a 25 Patricia Barrientos s because I like them! =]

x of chocolates, a stuffed –Viviana Castañeda


MT p o by Valerie Briseño


One day at the park I was sitting down reading a book and a guy send his little brother to tell me that he had said that I was pretty and that if I could give him my number. A.G. The most romantic thing someone has done for me is cry when he asked me out because I said no. My boyfriend in a regular day just came, hugged me and then gave me a black bear but in the middle it had a red super red heart on it that glowed that was so romantic. E.M. Sam, she had given me a ring pop asking me to be her boyfriend. J. A. B Go out with me even though they have other plans. C. C Give me a love letter. S.J Some one that gave me red flowers (my favorite) for my birthday. N. P Some one gave me a rose with a chocolate kiss. I. C On Valentine’s Day my boyfriend hadn’t come to school, but during lunch he surprised me with a bear and a beautiful flower. C. A. My girlfriend gave me flowers. D.B My boyfriend gave me this big bear and a whole basket full of my favorite kind of CHOCOLATE! Given a necklace for Valentine’s Day. My boyfriend and me have been together less than a year, and we love each other a lot. On Christmas he gave me a frame that said “Our Wedding Day” and he told me to keep it until the day we get married. Frankie wrote a song for me and played the acoustic guitar for me. K.P. A guy I liked left me a teddy bear on my chair in class holding a picture of both of us. My ex boyfriend of two years sent three dozen roses to my class and gave me a real diamond heart necklace on Valentine’s Day. I was so happy and I knew how much he loved me. L.A.H. Accepted a kiss. B.G Stopped by my house and leave a rose with a love note saying “I LOVE YOU”. J.R Well, it hasn’t been once, but everyday. Loved me and show me the impossible and respect all my decisions. One of my ex’s took me out to eat on my birthday but when we were going out. The most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me was to take me to my favorite restaurant. Viviana Castañeda The most romantic thing that someone has done for me was when my boyfriend sent me roses on New Years Eve! I was shocked because I didn’t see it coming! Even my mom was jealous! – Ida! The most romantic thing someone has done for me is giving me a teddy bear that was holding a rose. I thought it was so romantic. Lol V.B. They had given me Johnny Depp’s picture autograph. They took me to McDonald’s and actually paid for me. Taken me to a movie and dinner. The most romantic thing, well this one night my ex boyfriend drove over to my house and said he brought me something so when I went outside he got off his car and in his hand there was a kitten. I had no idea how to respond. D.D When someone brought a present all the way to my house. When he told me “I fell in love with you the first time I saw you.” When my boyfriend told me “I love you.” Just being with her is enough romance for me. My boyfriend gave me a crystal rose for V day that meant a lot to me. Yvette Garza The most romantic has been on V day my freshman year when my ex boyfriend told me he wasn’t gonna be able to give me anything and it turns out he was waiting for me at my house after practice to give me a ring with a big Pooh bear with roses and balloons. Anna Arriaga My boyfriend kept all these personal items since the day he met me and gave them to me on our first month anniversary. Vanessa Rodriguez I was a little insecure about our relationship so my boyfriend looked at me and said, “Anyone within a 50 mile radius can see that I want to be with you.” I thought it was really cute. CMP When my boyfriend san me a song, it was super sweet. No one had sung to me before, now Nightingale’s my favorite song. Liz Nothing for me, but one time, I took my girlfriend to the same spot where everything started with everything that was going on in that exact same moment. JJ Nothing yet, but you should do something nice for me. Miguel O. Something romantic for me. I don’t think so but I want someone too. MIG Asked if he could have the key to my heart. – R.S. Mariachis at my house E.P See ROMANTIC, page 16

10 Amazing tracks on ‘Southern Weather’ Entertainment




Hear, say

At first glance this is yet another group that just loves to have fun screaming and making the next emotional song, but Underoath veteran Aaron Gillespie really brings his talents to the table in The Almost’s debut album Southern Weather. The tracks are nothing short of amazing. I couldn’t believe my ears, really. My stereotypes of long haired, skate shoe and tight pants wearing whiners are shot with albums like these, not that anything is comparable to them. The seventh track, “Amazing Because It Is!” includes an ending in which Gillespie sings the chorus of Amazing Grace alongside a choir and it left me thinking he could really do well singing gospel. Nonetheless, the album deserves a thumbs up for its creativity and over greatness as a debut. And another thumbs up for incorporating a Christian song!

The Magnet Tribune February 25, 2008

By Theresa Rocha It goes unsaid that with every great movie comes a great soundtrack. The long anticipated Beatles inspired movie has brought forth an intense immense collection of Beatles covers. Covers include “Blackbird,” “I want to hold your hand,” “Strawberry Fields Forever,” and many other amazing Beatles hits sung by a variety of people, mostly who acted in the movie. The songs may not mirror the originals exactly but are definitely a unique twist on the band’s prize winning pieces. You will love this soundtrack! The movie is available on DVD and BluRay. ARTIST: STATE RADIO (C) CD: YEAR OF THE CROW I tip my hat to the ultimate rock band. From Reggae to Ska to Punk and Rock, these guys do it all. Similar to the sounds of 311 and Sublime, State

Radio’s debut album Year Of The Crow is the birth of a new breed of rock. Unclose to no particular genre, the guys of State Radio really know what it takes to make a great album. This album is one of those that use have to listen to in its entirety to really grasp what they are trying to say but you’ll find that every song spells out greatness. The album is in stores and can be ordered online at www.stateradio.com. Valentine’s Day And now for the Love-dovey love song lovers, here are five love songs you can never go wrong with. 1. “I can’t help falling in love with you” — Elvis Presley. 2. “Love Song” — The Cure 3. “When The Stars Go Blue — Ryan Adams” 4. “Cursi” — Division Minuscula 5. “I’ll be Seeing You” — Billie Holiday



‘Plain Jane’ girl starts living like a model Violet on the Runway is a story about how an average, “Plain-Jane” girl is thrown into the lifestyle of a real top model. Violet is a seventeen year girl from Chapel Hill, North Carolina who is just trying to get by her last year of high school unnoticed. Despite the fact that Violet is six foot one and a size 2, she’s pretty good at it. WALKER That is until she’s meets Angela By lthe, agent of Tryst Models in New York City, while working at her lackluster job of being a candy girl at the local movie theater. Angela thinks that Violet is the next big thing and she

Bookworm By Cassandra Perez doesn’t hesitate to offer her what seems like the chance of a lifetime. When Violet heads off to NYC she is pampered and quickly begins to think that the model lifestyle is something she could easily do. She soon finds out it’s not as perfect as it seems. With a roommate who not only seems to despise her but who is doing cocaine and making herself throw up, Violet quickly sees the less glamorous side to modeling. But she is quickly sucked in to the city party scene and her

face is plastered in papers and blogs. When she finally realizes that the life of a model is not what she expected, she has seemingly lost her only real friends and is “dating” a real jerk. She finds herself questioning what she really wants and if this is modeling world is for her. The plot propels you through Violet’s struggle to stay true to herself while determining the meaning and worth of every new thing around her—fake people, superficial concerns,

sabotaging friends, etc. It’s all there: mean girls, crushes, the club scene, substances, the agent, parents, the fashion world and fashion itself, and, of course, the Big Apple. On a deeper level, the author, Melissa Walker, asserts that ultimately we won’t succeed without a strong sense of self and what matters in life. I, personally, love the character of Violet because she’s real in the sense that she’s not vain and that she’s incredibly insecure about herself, when in reality, she doesn’t know how beautiful she really is. Violet on the Runway was a great read and for Walker’s debut piece; she couldn’t have done better. Walker decided that just one

book wouldn’t do Violet enough justice. The release of Violet by Design, Violet on the Runway’s second part, is scheduled to be in stores by March 2008.

Devil May Cry 4 is good game but story suffers Devil May Cry. Some may have heard of this game – some may have not. Ever played the Resident Evil series? It’s pretty awesome right? Well, so is the Devil May Cry series! From the producers of the original Devil May Cry and Resident Evil 4 comes the next installment in the hugely successful stylized action series that has so far achieved global sales of nearly 7 million units. Devil May Cry 4, by Capcom, introduces gamers in a gothic supernatural world, where a new protagonist clashes with a familiar hero. And yes, Dante is back with other new faces, both friend and foes! Let me begin this review with attitude… =] Graphics: 8/10 The graphics in this are pretty good. Not to sound like a hater but the fact that certain places look more like part 3 than 4 gets to me a bit. I

Game Break By Juan Olivares expected the interior lighting to look a bit better than it does… However, it has that high definition look with the PS3/Xbox console. Nevertheless, incredible graphics. Thumbs up to that! =D Putting the part 3 graphics aside, DMC4 is the best looking game of the series, as expected. The character models are extremely well done and Dante looks better than he ever did. The outdoor areas are jaw dropping – almost seems realistic! Overall, the visuals are great, but those slight issues keep the score from receiving a perfect 10. Sound and Music: 9/10 The sound is incredible,

almost perfect! It’s nice to the ears, though sometimes a bit on the loud side, and really brings out the mood in the game (which I love!). The games soundtrack isn’t the best, but it’s something. Honestly, part 3 had the best music hands down. It is only my opinion, of course. Others may like—even love the music. I, on the other hand, think the background music is pretty good… Because of some background music, this deserves a solid 9. Gameplay: 9/10 Easily the best part of this game and possibly the only thing keeping anyone playing it. If this was any lower than

an 8, I would be returning this game. The combat is, with out a doubt, the best of the series. Now, it isn’t as fast as DMC3’s, so if you were expecting the game to be as fast paced, then you will be disappointed. However, gameplay is still awesome, rather it is fast or slow, I guarantee it. High definition, jaw dropping, bloody violence is the perfect combo and more! But… (yes there’s always a but) some of the gameplay looks familiar—as if I’ve played this game before. The gameplay reminds me a lot of the past series. Now, I know what your thinking: “DUH!! PART 4! IT’S THE SAME GAME!”. But that’s just it! It has had the same gameplay features since part 1. Don’t get me wrong, the gameplay is really impressive! But having the same same thing over and over can get… well…boring. Despite the min-

Devil May Cry 4 imum flaws in the gameplay, the combat is more than good enough to make up for them, so this gets a solid 9 out of 10. Story: 5/10 This is where the game dies. I haven’t been this disappointed in a sequel’s story in a while…Capcom blew it this time. It is very confusing and a bit frustrating! The sequence of this game goes as follows: See GAME BREAK, page 15

11 School gives opportunity to sophomore People

The Magnet Tribune February 25, 2008

Monica Manrique, sophomore, recently joined VMT and said this school is special to her because it gave her a chance. “I didn’t think I could sing that great until VMT came along,” she said. Monica is a student in the MIDI department with Gene Granado. She explained what she likes about being in MIDI; “Recording is tons of fun, my confidence raises; I feel great.” Monica is part of a band in the MIDI department and at times, also goes solo. “I’m always doing different projects with different people and other times I’ll just work to myself,” she said. “Practicing with everyone I’m working with is super fun. I feel like we’re professionals,” she added.

The System By Monica Garcia Aside from music, Monica also shows an interest in dance. She is planning to try out for the Golden Spurs dance team at Nixon “It’s a good way to get into shape.” She is also considering pursuing a career in photography. In her free time, Monica enjoys being on MySpace and, of course, practicing her singing…in the shower. She has other hobbies, which she says are “not productive.” Although she is not yet certain what college or university

she wants to attend, at 15 years old, she has plenty of time to think about that.

“I didn’t think I could sing that great until VMT came along.” Monica Manrique MT photo by Monica Garcia


Cheers and Jeers By Nick Lopez



The Patriots losing the Super Bowl. Hillary Clinton visiting Laredo.

The change in division between the LISD schools and their football teams. All the traffic going to the carnival.

Warm weather.

Scholarship deadlines.

A GREAT Winter Ball.

The Dallas Cowboys not making it to the Superbowl.

George Washinton’s Birthday Celebration Events.

Obama not visiting Laredo.

Finally being old enough to vote.

Who knows you better? By Lorie Zamarripa

Kennia Lopez challenges teacher, best friend AZAHY AYALA



Modern and colorful fashion

What different style of art do you like to draw? Pop art

Abstract and Pastel drawings, very colorful

Since she was very little

How many years have you been drawing? Since I was little What artist inspires you the most? Hans Hofman What type of movie do you like? Chick flicks What type of music do you like? Rock What do you like to do on your free time? Draw/shop When is your birthday? March 18 What is your favorite color? Blue, green, red What is your favorite drink? Starbucks What type of career do you wish to pursue? Fashion designer

10 years

Marc Jacobs Romance Pop Draw March 18 Black Starbucks Artist

Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana Comedy International/pop Doodle/draw December 10 Purple Frappuccino (Starbucks) Art/fashion



The Magnet Tribune February 25, 2008

Exercise turns cheap at rec centers I have found a cheaper and better way to loose weight than spending so much money at a fitness gym. The Laredo Parks and Recreation offer community activity centers for everyone, and all you have to do is pay $5 for membership for the year. These centers offer aerobics, dancing, basketball, volleyball, and weightlifting. They also have a game room where kids are able to check out board games, playing cards, or Uno cards to keep themselves busy, but keep your membership card handy at all times. Although, the weight room only admits people who are at least 15 years of age and older, it has a variety of fitness machines to work with. For example, it offers a

Photo courtesy of Jamin Teran Broadcasting instructor Jamin Teran, left, stands with Dr. Michael A. Hochman, a local eye doctor who awarded her and several other teachers grants of up to $400.

Halftime Show By Kimberly Evans treadmill for running and walking, bicycling, weights to work your abdominals, thighs, calves, you name it. These recreation centers will help you extend your lifespan and leave you healthier every day. “I would have never known about these centers until my grandson told me,” said Esther Ramirez, frequent member at the N.E. Hillside Recreation Center. “It has really helped me become healthier, I’m watching what I eat, I’m breathing

better, and the best part of all is that I have my grandson with me all the time encouraging me,” she said. Mark Hinojosa, another member of the N.E. Hillside Recreation Center, says he goes to play basketball from time to time and he believes it’s the best workout he can get. “I personally love playing basketball, and I come here often with my friends and we play for a while. This is what keeps me healthy,” he said. “I’m not your everyday skinny man, but playing basket-

ball keeps my heart going and I’m happy I found a place where I can go play basketball and workout and all for only five bucks,” he said. Not only are these recreation centers good for keeping the heart healthy, but if you’re that kind of parent who doesn’t want to go out and walk or run because of the children, then bring them along. The game rooms at the centers will keep them entertained, and you don’t have to worry about a thing because the same way you care about your children, the employees at the recreation centers always care for their members. “I don’t need to spend so much money on bigger fancier machines because I can tell you, those fitness gyms cost so

Where to find them Parks and Recreation Administration 2201 Piedra China 78043 (956) 795-2350 Cigarroa Recreation Center 2201 Zacatecas 78046 (956) 795-3050 Hachar Recreation Center 1102 Smith 78043 (956) 795-2359 Hillside Recreation Center 320 Wyoming 78041 (956) 795-3045 Tarver Recreation Center 2902 Tilden 78040 (956) 795-3055 much and here you can get the same thing for only five dollars. I would recommend everyone to check it out, because it made my life easier,” said Hinojosa.

Local eye doctor awards broadcast class $400 BY ANA C. SILVA MT STAFF WRITER Broadcasting instructor Jamin Teran won a $400 grant for class supplies on her birthday, Dec. 6. She received a grant from Dr. Michael A. Hochman, a local eye doctor. Teran explained how she found out about the grant. “A student brought me the application,” she said. She explained how she used the grant money. “We spent the money on equipment

for the radio station, such as batteries, adapters, and other equipment,” she said. Teran said she felt great when she found out about the grant. “I couldn’t believe it. We had filled out many other forms and beside I won the grant on my birthday,” she said. Teran said it has been a while since broadcasting students have received this grant. “This is the first time we have won in the last two or three years. The grant awards were between $200 to $400. We were lucky to get the $400 grant,” she said.

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13 A ‘bald’face lie: No hair color on licenses Lifestyles

The Magnet Tribune February 25, 2008


aving a question of no use is like having a pizza bagel. However, having a question of no use answered is like savoring an entire Full House XL Pizza: It’s just so much more satisfying. Have a useless question you just can’t seem to get out of your head? Well, look no further. I have the scratch for your itch right here. ---INCOMING! Q: What hair color do they put on the driver’s license of a bald man? Linda. A: LOL. I could say I have the answer, but that would be a “bald”face lie. or maybe perhaps they’d ask matte or glossy ? Q: When cheese gets its picture taken, what does it say? Alyssa.

Useless Fax By Jessica Rodriguez


A: Well Alyssa, it’s pretty simple. It says “ME!!” or “CHEDDAR.” You could try taking it’s picture and get back to me on that one. Besides, why would cheese want its picture taken and even talk in the first place? Q: Whose cruel idea was it for the word “Lisp” to have a “s” in it? Jennixcore. A: Like total LOL. This one caught me by surprise, but the answer to this genius question would most probably have to be: The same who put it in “ss-tutt-er”. To shoot for a more

appropriate answer: It’s an old word; it comes from Germanic and Nordic roots. Here’s what the etymology book says: ‘late O.E. awlyspian, from wlisp (adj.) “lisping,” probably of imitative origin (cf. M.Du., O.H.G. lispen, Dan. læspe, Swed. läspa). The noun is first attested 1625.’ gosh Jenni, you are killing me I th-wear! Q: Why do we have moles and birthmarks? Ofelia. A: When I was little, my mom used to say that moles were kisses from angels. Of course, naïve little me believed

her, but only right up until the time my uncle told me she was lying and that moles were really caused by flies that would poop on you as you slept. Fortunately for you, I’m a little bit older now and a tad wiser so I know enough to realize that they were both very wrong. With that being said, I will bring you only hardcore fact, not childish baloney, and the truth is birthmarks come not from angels or flies, but from someplace even better and even worse: blood vessels and lymph capillaries! Exciting! Birthmarks are non-cancerous skin growths made of rapidly increasing or poorly formed blood ducts beneath your skin. Normally they range in appearance from faint spots of brown to dark patches of

black, and can be small and circular or large and oval-like. For the most part, birthmarks are like nature’s tattoos and they stay with you for life, but for a lucky few, some fade gradually as you grow older. RECAP: Well what we learned today, was pretty useless. so let’s go over this: I think bald men should wear wigs when being photographed for a DL picture. Putting an “s” into lisp is purely onemotopia. And we have yet to test what cheese says when it’s getting it’s picture taken! Until next time! Got a useless question of your own? Email me at the.useless.fax@hotmail.com or drop them off with Mr. Webber in room TM23, and you might see your useless question become a useless fax.

A must: Wear appropriate clothes that match In the last column I covered part of the most common fashion mistakes. Now to your delight here is the long-awaited part II. BY RICKY SOLIZ MT STAFF WRITER --Fashion Mistake #4 Buying Clothes That Don’t Match You are probably thinking, “What exactly is a wardrobe that is thrown together?” If your wardrobe is thrown together you probably spend more than you need to look good and finding something suitable to wear every morning is driving you crazy. It doesn’t mean you don’t look great if your wardrobe falls into the ‘thrown together’ category - it does mean that you have to put too much thought into what you will wear and you have created a headache that you don’t need.

ll a H

Fashion Runway Amanda Cruz, Lucia Villagomez Ricky Soliz

This headache begins when you shop without a plan; buy tons of clothes that don’t match anything else and buy anything that is on sale without thinking. What happens? You have these cute shoes that don’t match anything, a dress that you will wear if that special event comes along and lots of odds and ends. Fashion Mistake #5 Being Inappropriately Dressed First impressions are so important. As they say, ‘you only get one chance to make a first impression’. Within 3 seconds of meeting, people make evaluations of who we are based on body language, appearance and what we

say. Only 7 percent is based on what we say leaving the remaining 93 percent being based on our appearance and body language. The bottom line make sure what you’re wearing is sending the message you want. Fashion mistake #5 has to do with our appearance. Being inappropriately dressed creates unfavorable impressions and leaves us losing out. For example, you might be looked over for a promotion if you are not in the habit of dressing to company standards. Wearing sleeveless and low cut tops, bare legs, short skirts and sweatshirts in a business environment are just some of the clothing items that can

create unfavorable impressions and interfere with your credibility. You wouldn’t think of wearing a suit and pumps to the beach, so why would you wear flip flops and capris to your office? What you are wearing can keep you from a job promotion; your ideal mate, great service or destroy your credibility. If you are not already doing so, learn how to dress appropriately for the occasion. Before you leave home ask yourself these questions: 1. Is the occasion casual, formal, semi-formal or business? 2. Will I know the people who will be there or is this a time when I’ll be creating a first impression? To gain credibility and make a good impression, know your personal style, know the occasion and pay attention to the message your body language is sending.

Warm days make winter feel like summer!

Photo by Lucia Villagomez Name: Viviana Castañeda Grade: 10th Viviana is sporting jeans with her uggs, and a polo tee layered with a sweater

Photo by Lucia Villagomez Name: Amanda Lee Cruz Grade: 12th Mandi is wearing her destroyed jeans with flats a sweater accessorized with a scarf

Photo by Amanda Cruz Name: Kimberly Evans Grade: 12th Kimberly models a floral skirt with some flats, a tank with a long sleeved cardigan. She accessorizes with long necklaces

Photo by Amanda Cruz Name: Lucia Villagomez Grade: 12th Lucia wears a polo tee with a sweater over, and some jeans with a belt and sandals.

14 Students help home schools, community Comments? Write us at mt_writers@hotmail.com


MT makes many contributions to the parent schools and community. The Quinta Essentia Club has contributed to the Laredo community by participating in many activities, from serving up hot meals to the less fortunate for Thanksgiving to finding loving homes for homeless pets. The members of the Quinta Essentia club not only volunteer for community service hours but in the end to become better citizens. The students of VMT also learn a lot of skills that they may apply at their home schools.

EDITORIAL The Magnet Tribune recognizes the many contributions VMT makes to the parent schools and to the community Theater students improve their projection skills and apply them at home schools through One Act Plays. Music students develop their playing skills to become better musicians and succeed at TMEA and UIL. Journalism, television/radio and creative writing students

The Green Scene By Alyssa Garza

Art gets earthly with originality


ophomore theater arts student Tessa Martinez created a mini-tote bag out of an old pair of jeans garlanded with beads and trinkets. Tessa is quite the complicated gal. She thinks some purses are way too big and others are too small. She wanted something that could hold just enough of her things without making the bag look like it was an abnormal sack waiting to explode. Instead of hitting the mall and going on a massive hunt for the perfect bag she decided to save time, money, and the earth by making her own. Creativity is Tessa's middle name. EARTH, Every American Rambunctious Teen's Handbag: that is what Tessa calls her creation. She feels that people need to learn how to start saving money and actually do something with what they have. "There is no need to go to the mall and get a bag that 10,000 people already have and call it original," said Tessa. The artistic skills of junior AP Drawing and Painting student Kennia Lopez radiated as she flipped through the pages of her imaginative and artsy scrapbooks. She creates these out of old library books. Lopez says she was inspired by her visual arts teacher Jassie Rios. She also produces other things out of scrap materials. "That is my main concentration I use in my art work which is known as pop art," Lopez said. "We live in a beautiful environment and we need to care about because it may become a disaster if we don't care about the environment," Lopez said.


MT photo by Juan Olivares

Mini-tote bag created by Tessa Martinez.

The Magnet Tribune February 25, 2008

improve their communication skills and apply them to other subjects. Visual art and dance students also learn skills that can be applied to academic areas. Our academic teachers utilize students’ fine arts areas in coursework. All skills help students succeed in TAKS and SAT/ACT exams. VMT simply provides students with a better learning experience. It also provides the community with yearly shows such as the Hispanic Heritage Festival and Best of the Best, which helps to encourage unity and could boost future enrollment in the school.

More time for lunch wanted Lunch is a time of the day many look forward to; students have voiced concerns about the time allotted for lunch. We asked students what they thought about the lunch period.

A Penny for Your Thoughts By Claudia Alba

I think t h e y should give us more time because we waste time when our bus is taking us back to our home schools, and sometimes I do not even get to eat because the food from here is not that great. Nicole Hernandez, sophomore

I do not like it because you have to stand in line for 10 minutes, and then you only have 10 minutes to eat so you can go back to your home campus, which takes another 10 minutes, and sometimes I do not even get to eat. Nereyda Serrano, freshman

I think the time we have for lunch is not enough for us because of the fact of the rage we have to go to our home school. By the time we pick up something and eat right the bell is going to ring. I think we need at least another half hour. Celina Flores, freshman

I do not like it because it is too short and I would like for the two lunches to be together.

We should be given more time for lunch because some buses leave early and some students do not get to eat. Those who do eat have to scarf down their food quickly. I’m one of those students. Selina Castillo, junior

E v e n t h o u g h lunch is only 10 minutes shorter it makes a difference and you feel it when you’re rushing to finish eating so you can get to class on time. Monica Garcia, senior

Keila Granados, sophomore

Waffle Iron Story by Nidia Gomez

When Cupid strikes... MT photos by Alyssa Garza

Above: Closeup of Kennia Lopez’ scrapbook made out of old library books. Below: Lopez holding her scrapbook.

The school also features several winners of Head of the Class and Youth of the Month. Every department trains students to be all they can be, and such thus shows the school’s dedication to education. The school’s academic numbers of students passing the TAKS is much higher than at the home schools, and at or above the state average, according to the district’s data. The Magnet Tribune congratulates all VMT teachers, staff and students for their achievements. Written for the staff by staff writer Ricky Soliz.


The Magnet Tribune February 25, 2008

Comments? Write us at mt_writers@hotmail.com


High school love is sometimes risky The Bug I

’m going to start off this edition of The Bug by being completely honest. When this issue came up I really didn’t know what to write about. Love was a given, considering the fact that this is an issue dedicated to Valentine’s Day, but what about love to write about? I don’t want to go on about a subject that I myself don’t even know too much about. After all, I am still very young and have many things to learn. With that said though, I will tell you what I do know. What I know is that for some reason, many kids in high school believe that they are in love. Whether they are or not, I can’t say, but the word love is

By Claudia Ramos often tossed around carelessly. I don’t really know what it is that causes teenagers to believe that they are in love. It could be that they believe they are mature enough since they are now in high school. Once teens get into high school, it tends to go to most of their heads. For some reason, all of sudden kids think they know it all. Also, teenagers don’t know how to differentiate the differ-

ence between infatuation and love. I’m not trying to say that these people don’t deeply care about each other, but you can’t really be sure it’s love either. Don’t get me wrong, it is possible that some of these people really do love each other, but the possibility of that being true is very slim. Even if they do love each other, the possibilities of the relationship surviving past high school is a lot worse.

A lot of relationships in high school are filled with drama. Teenagers don’t really trust their significant others. Teens can become easily jealous when they talk to the opposite sex and can even tend to be rather controlling. Although relationships in general (not just high school ones) deal with these topics, in high school, things just tend to be amplified. I just don’t believe that these high school relationships are built to last no matter how hard you work at it (of course there are always exceptions). In and after high school, teens go through a variety of changes, even sometimes

becoming a completely different person, and with this, couples can either grow together or become total strangers. I’m not trying to be a big downer with high school relationships. In fact, although I may think they aren’t built with a deep connection, I do believe they play a big part in helping shape ourselves. So whether it’s real or not, just go for it. You’ll learn a lot more about yourself and what you want out of a relationship. And if somehow you prevail against all the odds stacked against you and built a strong relationship, then good for you, but good luck with that ever happening.

Friends can face difficult situations Observations S ometimes life puts us in situations which are overwhelming and too harsh to handle. A relationship can sometimes place us in that type of situation. They can be very complex and complicated. After a breakup you can feel that the world has fallen on top of you. Sometimes you’re left with many wounds but like the rhyme says “nobody dies of

By Nancy Hernandez love.” Sooner or later those wounds disappear and you’re up again. The worst thing you can do to mess up a relationship is to lie to your partner. After that everything else goes downhill because sooner

or later the truth always comes out. Of course there are many other things that can make a relationship break. An example of one difficult situation is that of my friend. He used to date another

friend for two years and six months but something happened. The girl’s parents decided that my friend wasn’t good enough for their daughter. After that the relationship ended. Now he doesn’t know what to do if to fight for the girl he loves or to move on with a new person. For a relationship to work well there must be trust, respect, and sincerity. What do experts say about this?

Www.truthaboutdeception.com states, “People in long-term, satisfying relationships tend to do the following: going slow, but consistent, keep things upbeat, approach problems together, don’t take each other for granted, appreciate differences, be approachable, and express commitment. Nobody can really say what makes a relationship work but everyone can try with what they think is best.

Do not take for granted what’s given to you The Magnet Tribune The Magnet Tribune is a publication produced by students in the Newspaper Production and Photojournalism classes of the Vidal M. Treviño School of Communications and Fine Arts, Laredo Independent School District. This publication’s intent is to provide readers with information relating to the school and its students, provide students a lab for producing a newspaper using professional-level computer software and offers an open forum for student opinion. The MT is distributed free. Jose Cerda Director and publisher Mark E. Webber Journalism instructor and adviser, The Magnet Tribune Vol. 15, No. 4, Feb. 25, 2008 Editors of this Issue: Nick Lopez and Lorie Zamarripa. Name plate shows the bronze statue south of the Harding Building, “The Force of Creation,” designed and created by former art Instructor Armando Flores in 1993-94. Newspaper redesign by second block students in August 2007. Production is by VMT journalism students using QuarkXPress and Adobe Photoshop software on a network of Dell computers. Printed at the Laredo Morning Times Copyright ©2007: Vidal M. Treviño School of Communications and Fine Arts and The Magnet Tribune

Some material courtesy of American Society of Newspaper Editors/MCT Campus High School Newspaper Service. It is the policy of the Laredo Independent School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, limited English proficiency, or handicapping condition in its programs.


t’s funny how we take advantage of things.

Lorie: You know ‘til this day I still give my parents a kiss on the cheek before I head off to school, with the possibility of it being the last time I’m going to see them. Nick: I feel like I do take advantage of my parents, more so my mom than my dad. My mom is always there for me and does a lot for me. For some reason I feel like I don’t get as much attention from her as my sister does. I guess I use this as an excuse not to treat my mom as well as she deserves to be. Lorie: I know I like to avoid the topic of death but the thing is that I don’t realize that

Editors’ Commentary By Nick Lopez and Lorie Zamarripa The Editor’s Commentary represents the opinions of the editor, and should not be understood to represent the views of the newspaper staff, faculty and administration.

maybe some day I won’t see this world again. Nick: I don’t avoid the topic of death at all. If I get so much as a pain I always tell people that I’m dying. Perhaps this isn’t a good habit. For example, if I get sick I automatically assume this is it for me. Lorie: I take things for granted. Even simple things, like being thankful for the food I

eat. As teenagers, we are very picky with our food. Let’s say they are serving spaghetti, and I want hamburgers, I am never satisfied with what I have. Nick: What Lorie says is true. I am super picky with my foods. I can’t eat just anything. I hate many foods and like very few. If my mom makes something to eat that I don’t like, I won’t eat. If I’m at somebody

else’s house and they give me something to eat that I don’t like, I’ll force myself to eat it. Lorie: There are many other persons in the world who would give for a “simple” meal like ours. All they get might be bread and water and here I am complaining that I don’t have a buffet. Tomorrow is not promised and yet we still live in the future not in the present.

point where I hope Capcom discontinues the series just because they keep screwing up the story. This gets a disappointing 5 out of 10. Overall Score 8/10 All in all, Devil May Cry 4 is a good game. It’s nowhere close to perfect, or even outstanding, but it’s a solid game with a combat system that will keep fans and veterans of the series alike playing for dozens and dozens of hours. As the tagline says, though, this game feels more

like an enhanced version of the first game rather than a successor to the third one. Keep a look out for the “Collector’s Edition” for more information hidden throughout the game, and WAY more! I hope you find this review to be rather “fair”… Reviewer’s Score: 8/10, Game Release: Devil May Cry 4 (US, 02/05/08) for PlayStation3 and Xbox 360 consoles Devil May Cry 4—$59.99 Devil May Cry 4: Collector’s Edition—$79.99

GAME BREAK, from page 10 DMC3—DMC1—DMC4— DMC2. So basically, part 2 is the last of the series so far. Part 4 is a prequel of DMC 2, and the ending of part 1. Confusing, isn’t it? In DMC1, I could tolerate it. It was great for its time and pretty original. DMC2 kind of just flew under the radar and nobody really cared for its story, which didn’t cut it. DMC3 brought the series back with its captivating and very interesting plot, but DMC4 fails to follow up as a “The first true sequel” to the

series. Think of every single clichè you’ve seen in Japanese animes about demons and you’ve got DMC4. I just can’t get over this game’s repulsive storyline, especially after the masterpiece that was DMC3. Some people may like it, though, and I’m willing to bet all of the people that do have never seen an Anime or played God of War. This is the reason why I would have turned this game back in if the combat wasn’t as good as it is. I’m almost to the

First Class Award: ‘96-97, ‘97-98, ‘9899, ‘99-00: ‘02-03, ‘03-04. ‘04-05, 05-0, 06-07 Second Class Award: ‘00-01, ‘01-02

Staff Superior: ‘99-00, ‘01-02 Staff Excellent: ‘02-03, ‘03-04 Staff Hon. Mention: ‘97-98. ‘98-99


Award of Distinguished Merit: ‘05-06; ‘06-07 Newspaper Star rating nomination: ‘06-07 Award of Achievement: ‘98-99, ‘99-00, ‘00-01, ‘01-02, ‘02-03 Award of Honor: ’97-98, ‘03-04, ‘04-05

Contact The Magnet Tribune: By e-mail: mt_writers@hotmail.com — On the Internet: www.my.highschooljournalism.org/tx/laredo/vmt Address: Vidal M. Treviño Magnet School, The Magnet Tribune, 1702 Victoria Street, Laredo, Texas 78040 In person: TM-23, (Journalism classroom/darkroom), or Mark Webber’s box in the attendance office.


School News

The Magnet Tribune February 25, 2008

WHO MEANS THE MOST, from page 8 My friends mean the most to me because I know I can always trust and confide in them. C.M. My friends and family mean the most to me. They’re there for me when I need them the most and I can always count on them for anything. They light up my day and make my world go round. S.L.H. Thelma A., she is my other half. I simply adore her. N.L. Nicole because she is my best friend. J.H Yahayra because she is my girlfriend and I love her with all my heart. D.B Ernie because he is the Martin Tigers mascot. I.G Nancy Hernandez because she lights up my day. Anakaren Serna because she’s so nice. Luis Rodriguez means the most to me because he always makes my day the greatest. R.S. Leslie Cortez she’s a true friend. Jenni Bird she’s my buddy Hector Perlas he’s a great friend! RS Probably Nicole Zimmerman because my feelings are pretty strong for her. B.G In school Jessica Renteria because she is my best friend. L.G I would say my friends because they mean something in my life. J.M My brother Albert Alvarado, he means a lot to me. V.V My father because he shows me that no one is better than me. F.R My mom because she gave birth to me, with out her I wouldn’t be here. R.H. Frankie because he has a nice car

and I love him. K.P. My sister because she’s my best friend. My mom cause she is a strong woman. Ana Gonzalez because she’s my honey bun! My brother Jesus because he cares for me and he is always there when I need him. J.P. The is my boyfriend because I love him a lot. B.E The most is Karina Garcia because she is so much fun and I like her a lot. My girlfriend Melanie Melendez. She’s very important to me because I love her. My baby G I love him a lot he means the world to me. Baby if u get to see this I just want u to know that I love u with all my heart and that I miss u!! L A.G My best friends mean the most to me like Marysol, Valerie, Nidia, Monica, Ida, Ashley and Beckie because they are always there for me when I need them. Viviana Castañeda My friends and family mean the most to me because they are always there when I need them. I love you guys! =] Valerie B. My friends mean the most to me besides my family because I never had great friends like them. They are the best and always there for me! =] Ashley Segovia What means the most to me is my boyfriend shades cause he makes me super happy when I am with him. Lucinda Cardenas My kitty because she’s so cute and she loves me no matter what. ^.^ My boyfriend, because he’s always

been there for me. My best friend Natalie means the most to me, I’ve known her for four years and she’s always there for me. My Family and friends, because they are always there for me and support me all the way. My family and friends. Also my boyfriend because they all care about me, and their always there when I need them. My family because they are always there for me. Hmm… to tell you the truth, my friends and family… why, because they’re just the drugs that I live on D.D My older sister. I’ve experience many different things in my life. Been In different situations whether good or bad and through it my older sister has been there to support me. I love her and I wouldn’t change her for the world. C. My friends are very important to me because they are the people that would be found in me My family and my boyfriend and my friends mean a lot to me because they have helped me a lot during my downfalls in my life and been there for me a lot. Yvette Garza My mom and my sisters mean the most to me because I don’t know what I’d do without them. My sisters mean the world to me. Anna Arriaga God is the most important person in my life because he helps me in the rough times. My family and my boyfriend Richard and my friends are also very important in my life! Vanessa Rodriguez God because he is everywhere! I’d have to say my friends, since I

don’t have a boyfriend. CMP My boyfriend Edgar and my friends, they always keep me on my feet. Liz Sanchez. My friends and family and my girlfriend. Friends ... Family...they’re always there for me. JJ My friends and my good friends, and my family. Miggz My good friends and family cause they are the best! MIG Valeria P. my sister, Vero my best friend, and my mom because she is always there for me E.P. Luis my boyfriend Veronica because she is always there for me A.A My mother because she is my only friend and the only one I trust. A.S. The people that mean the most to me are my friends Patricia Barrientos, Ruby Rodriguez, and Elisa Dominguez and of course my mom cause she gave me life and he is always there for me when I need her. Claudia Alba My mom because she’s always there to support me. Aly Honestly this question cant be answered for one person, but the people that mean the most to me are my family because the are always going to be there no matter what. jess My family because there always going to be there. C.F. My mom and dad because they are the ones who buy me things. O.G. My girlfriend we have something very special. F.R. My mom because she is always there when I need her. A.R.

no matter what they’re given for! =) D.D A hug. For someone to take the time to s how this small display of affection means a lot. I couldn’t ask for anything better. C.N. A simple hello because presence is nice, but when someone greets you, that person has noticed that you were there. T.M. My favorite type of gift to receive would be something to remember always, something meaningful that I can cherish forever. Yvette Garza My favorite type of gift to receive would be a letter that means a lot and anything that has to do with Winnie the Pooh because Pooh always makes me smile and it’s my favorite character. Anna Arriaga My favorite gift would be something that means a lot to the other person. It’s like if you have something that means a lot to them emotionally. Vanessa Rodriguez A gift that I’m not even expecting, like

if he sees something that reminds him of me, something like that. Something that he got me because he’d knew I’d like it, I guess. I don’t know. CMP The drawings my boyfriend makes me because he can’t draw very well, but he still tries for me. Liz Sanchez. Anything that has a meaning. Something special that will remind us about something. JJ Something expensive with a lot of lights and a steering wheel. MSO A hug…it’s warm and caring. MIG A homemade one because it’s one of a kind. => Claudia Any kind because it was given by someone special. MG To be invited for a dinner four two E.P. Teddy bear I think that is sweet A.S. Lifetime supply of chocolate kisses and lots of love. A.A. Anything that can be used for a long time. C.L A car. Hahah.

Money so I can get what I want and not worry if I like what I receive or not. C.F. I would have to say money cuz money makes me happy. O.G. Anything with brands. R.A. Money because you don’t have to return it. F.R. Receiving a hug from the people I love. A.R. A gift from someone I care about because it’s something I can treasure. Ana V. A teddy bear or flowers, because I like them. Daisy Something that will last me a long time or a year from now like a nice dinner or a home made gift. Anything really. It’s the thought that they were thinking of me when they bought it that’s special. Cassie Anything, it’s the thought that counts. Sam Just friend ship, laughter, and happiness. J.R

When anyone reads a letter you wrote them and begins to cry right there in front of you. j.r One time my boyfriend and I were lying in my bed very tired, listening to the radio, when a song came on he grabbed my hand and started to dance with me in the dark in the middle of my room. a.r. Look at the stars with me. C.F

Wrote me a poem. O.G A ring. R.A A hug when I am super sad My then boyfriend made a really really huge poster saying “Happy Birthday Sam!” and showed it off at a Bucks’ Game. Sam H. They gave me a gift bag with my favorite candy and a teddy bear for Valentine’s Day and asked me out that

same day. Ana V. Got me a card and money Daisy When my significant other cooked for me and we just had a nice romantic dinner between only us. Juan L. Well everyday with my baby G is romantic he is the only person that can make me smile and he makes me feel loved. I love HIM WITH ALL MY HEART!

to the beauty of his smile, He is the apple to my sauce and the I to my Pod I have a secret crush on Nereyda because she’s super cute. I have a crush on this girl Prissy because she’s nice. I have a secret crush on Nereyda Serrano because she is super friendly and nice. I have a crush on Frank Rubalcaba.

I have a major crush on Melissa Cadena because she is nice I have a crush on a guy from Conjunto in 1st block his name Andres Martinez. I even went out with him even though it was for about 1 week or 2. I have a crush on Isaac Duran because he is super funny and I love the duck sounds he makes and also I love how he plays the accordion.

TYPE OF GIFT, from page 9 My favorite type of gift to receive is a box of chocolates, a stuffed animal or roses because they are pretty. Viviana Castañeda My favorite type of gift is roses and stuffed bears because their super cute. Daisy Cerda I don’t really have a favorite type of gift if I get anything I’ll be happy because it’s the thought that counts. Valerie Johnny Depp’s body. Idk cuz no one ever gives me any. Chocolate and flowers. Money because there is no limit to what you can buy. Love and care because…who can’t live without it! Big teddy bears because their cute and red roses because they smell good. Flowers… and Johnny Depp. T.F. A kiss because you know it’s from someone special. ROSES! Kisses or poems? Wow, because they just mean like so much

ROMANTIC, from page 9 Mariachis at my house E.P Took me flowers to work E.P. Scream at a party that he loves me that was pretty nice and romantic. A.S. One time I hurt my leg and I had a bad limp and my boyfriend and I were going to Target and he decided to limp with me so I wouldn’t be totally embarrassed. p.g

SECRET CRUSHES, from page 7 Thomas Serna I like his personality Zac Efron He’s such a beautiful man Lupita Garay She’s cool and so retarded, I love her Kimberly Evans She Roxx My Soxx, Rene Martinez With him I cannot be “Without Love” Nick Lopez He dresses pretty cool, Nick rocks my world Alyssa Garza She makes my world so

green and livable, Every time I see here I want to recycle my cans and just take them to her, so I can have a reason to talk to her, but she only likes rock stars, and I’m a star that’s not that rockin, so what should I do when all I need for my day to be green again? I WANNA BE A ROCKSTAR!! I love Robert Lara because his teeth are so perfect and nobody can compare

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