The Artalog - no. 5
Red Nose Studio Greenfield, IN [American]
The Secret Subway 1.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Schwartz & Wade Books MTA Art & Design Tor Books Nautilus PlanSponsor Personal Work
Across the Platform 2.
Hero of Five Points 3.
Weather + Mood 4.
whimsical imaginative hand-crafted meticulous charming
Fear of Vocal Minority 5. 25
The Artalog - no. 5
© Red Nose Studio
866 390.5656
By the Glow of Night 6. 26
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Jenny Kroik New York City, New York [Russian]
Knight Library Publishing Personal work The New Yorker Personal work Eugene Weekly Washington Post Personal work The New Yorker
1. Museum Troll
Museum of Extinct Human Behavior 6.
whimsical sensitive painterley nyc life moments
Clear Flour Bakery 7. 3
Š Jenny Kroik
The Artalog - no. 5
866 390.5656
The Bookstore 8. 4
La Scarlatte Amsterdam, Netherlands [Dutch] The Consciousness of Life
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Wax Revolution [Mexico] Personal Work BBNC Uitgevers [Netherlands] Personal Work O, The Oprah Magazine BBNC Uitgevers [Netherlands] Light Grey Art Lab Pomegranate Noir
Scent, A Love Story 5.
subtle organic rhythmic elegant delicate 6. 19
The Artalog - no. 5
Š La Scarlatte
866 390.5656
Magpie Jewels 7. 20
Bella Pilar
Fresh Faced
Los Angeles, CA [American]
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Personal Work Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Personal Work Joico iCanvas iCanvas Personal Work
Girl TIme 1.
Puppy Kisses 5.
fashionable chic stylish confident lifestyle
Taxi Ride 6. 21
The Artalog - no. 5
Š Bella Pilar
866 390.5656
Dottie 7. 22
Eleanor Grosch St. Petersburg, FL [American]
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
The Denver Zoo Bedecked and Bedazzled Available for Publication Aprés Vélo Personal Work Personal Work Personal Work
ny Ferguson
illustrated by E l
ard How
eano r
n by Je
s by
w ri
Paris Roubaix 4.
3. Lady Detective 2.
Petit Getaway 5.
retro clean mid-century graphic minimalistic
Jack Rabbit 6. 9
The Artalog - no. 5
Š Eleanor Grosch
866 390.5656
Red Flower 7. 10
Dinara Mirtalipova Sagamore Hills, OH [Uzbekistani-American]
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Personal Work Personal Work Personal Work Quarto US Personal Work Red Cap Cards Personal Work
Folk Dancers 2.
Mrs. Fox
folk stylized decorative floral heartwarming
Mermaid Sisters 6. 17
The Artalog - no. 5
Š Dinara Mirtalipova
866 390.5656
The Garden of Eden 7. 18
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Graham Roumieu Toronto, Canada [Canadian]
The New York Times Penguin Books Personal Work CIMA Personal Work The New York Times
1. Cool Dude with Balloon
Avoiding Office Distraction
witty distinct quasi-classical cheeky narrative 6. 29
The Artalog - no. 5
866 390.5656
Š Graham Roumieu
7. 30
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Hye Jin Chung
PlanAdvisor Le PARC Du Chocolat Instant Rabbit Personal Work Rhode Island Monthly Personal Work O Magazine
Long Island City, NY [Korean]
Food Collage 1. Hair Salon
3. CafĂŠ des Chiens
4. Regatta
bold cheerful layered textured vibrant 6. 5
The Artalog - no. 5
866 390.5656
Š Hye Jin Chung
Friendship Journey
7. 6
Jungyeon Roh New York, NY [South Korean] Tiger Translate
The Blowing Bowler 1. Beyonce
2. Rock Band
vivid expressive energetic youthful relevant
The Artalog - no. 5
866 390.5656
Tiger Beer Unpublished Eight by Eight RayBan
© Jungyeon Roh
1. 2. 3. 4.
Justin & Ericka 4. 28
Hennie Haworth
1. Ivy Press 2. Personal Work 3. Ivy Press 4. 5. Stella Magazine 6. The Guardian [UK] 7. Personal Work 8. Canal and River Trust [UK]
Walthamstow, London, UK [British]
Lemon Tea 2.
clever detailed naturalistic fluid mixed-media
Tokyo Vending Machine 7. 11
Š Hennie Haworth
The Artalog - no. 5
866 390.5656
The Woodland 8. 12
MAGAZINES & NEWSPAPERS 24 Magazine 5280: The Denver Magazine 7 x 7 Magazine 8x8 About Health AARP Magazine Acura Magazine Ad Age Global Magazine Administrator Magazine Advisor’s Edge [Canada] The Advocate Adweek AFR Boss [Australia] Alcade Magazine Algonquin Reader Alt Magazine The Alternative Press American Baby American Lawyer American Medical News The American Prospect American Way America West Airlines Magazine Ammo Magazine [UK] Angie’s List Annabelle [Switzerland] Arizona Highways The Asian Lawyer Aspen Magazine Associations Now ATA World Magazine Atlanta Home Atlanta Magazine The Atlantic Attache Magazine Audubon Autostadt Magazine [Germany] Avenue Magazine [Canada] B.C. Business [Canada] Backbone [Canada] Backstage Magazine The Baffler Baika Magazine [France] Baltimore Magazine Bank Director The Bark Baseline Magazine BC Business [Canada] Best Health [Canada] Best Life Best Practices [France] Bethesda Magazine Bicycling Magazine Billboard Bliss [UK] Block Magazine Bloomberg BusinessWeek Bon Appetit Book of Hope Books & Culture The Boston Globe The Boston Globe Magazine Boston Magazine Boy’s Life Breakaway Bridal Guide Bride’s Brio Brunswick Review Business Voice [UK] Bust BuzzFeed News Café Magazine California Lawyer California Real Estate Magazine Campus Life Canadian Business [Canada] Canadian Family [Canada] Canadian Living [Canada] Capital Magazine Chatelaine [Canada] Chicago Magazine The Chicago Tribune Chickadee [Canada] China Reform [China] Chirp [Canada] Cigar Aficionado Cincinnati Magazine CIO Magazine City Journal
City Link City Pages Minneapolis City Weekly Salt Lake Cleveland Magazine Cleveland Scene Closer [UK] Columns Company [UK] Complex Magazine Computerworld Conde Nast Traveler [Japan] Conde Nast Traveler [US] [Italy] Connecticut Magazine Consulting Consumer Reports Contingencies Magazine Convene Magazine Conventions & Meetings [Canada] Cooking Light Magazine Cottage Life [Canada] Country Living Courrier Japon [Japan] CQ Press Cricket Magazine CSO Magazine Currents Custom Solutions D Magazine The Daily Beast Dallas Morning News Dallas Observer Dance Magazine Darwin Magazine Das Magazin [Switzerland] Das Zeit Magazine [Germany] The Deal Weekly Delaware Today Deliver Magazine Deloitte Review Delta Sky Magazine Departures Magazine Der Spiegel [Germany] Destination Wedding Detroit Home Diabetic Living Discoveries Magazine Dr. Oz The Good Life Dwell e-Commerce E-Server Ebony Magazine The Economist [UK] Educational Leadership Edutopia El Malpensante [Columbia] Elle [US] [UK] [Canada] [Japan] [France] Elle Decor Ensign Magazine Entertainment Weekly Equestrian Quarterly ESPN Magazine Esquire Essence European Business [France] Eurostar Metropolitan Magazine Everyday with Rachael Ray Experience Life Magazine Explore Family Circle Family Fun Family Life Fashion 18 Fast Company Feathertale Review [Canada] FHM [UK] Financial Planning The Financial Times Fine Gardening Fit Pregnancy Fitness Magazine Flair Magazine [Germany] Flaunt Flow [Netherlands] [Germany] Folio Food & Wine Flaunt Flow [Netherlands] [Germany] Folio Food & Wine Forbes [US] [Japan] Foreign Policy Magazine
Fortune Front Porch FT Business [UK] GEO Photoredaktion [Germany] Girls’ Life Girls’ World Glamour Global Brief Global Custodian Globe & Mail [Canada] Glow [Canada] Go Magazine Golf Digest Golf Magazine Good Housekeeping Government Executive GQ [US] [China] [Korea] [Australia] [Germany] [Russia] [UK]
Great Life Greenville Magazine The Guardian [UK] Guideposts Guilt & Pleasure Guitar World Guomai [China] Hamptons Hanley Wood Harper’s Hartford Courant Health Healthy Woman Hear the World [Germany] Hearst Hemispheres Magazine Her Magazine HHMI Bulletin High Times Hohe Luft [Germany] The Hollywood Reporter Home [UK] Honey Magazine Horticulture Hour Detroit Hour Magazine House & Home Houston Press HOW Magazine HR Huffington Post Icon Magazine [UK] IE: Money [Canada] IEEE Spectrum Magazine IL Magazine [Italy] Images Magazine Improper Bostonian Inc. Magazine The Independent on Sunday [UK] Indianapolis Monthly The Industry Standard Information Week Institutional Investor InStyle International Herald Tribune [UK] Investment Advisor IT Business Review Magazine J-14 J-17 [UK] JCCSF Kayak Magazine Kiplinger’s Personal Finance L’Uomo Vogue [Italy] L’Officiel Italia [Italy] La Repubblica [Italy] LA Weekly Ladies Home Journal Las Vegas Weekly LDS Living Magazine Les Editions Stratégiques [France] Libelle Magazine [Belgium] Limited Edition [UK] Listen Magazine LOGOS Magazine The Los Angeles Times Los Angeles Times Magazine Maclean’s [Canada] MacWorld Marie Claire Marie France [France] Market Watch Marketing [Canada] Martha Stewart Living
Maryland Magazine Matter Maxim MBA Jungle McKay Today McKinsey Quarterly McMurry Meetings & Conventions Memphis Magazine Men’s Fitness Men’s Health [US] [Mexico] Men’s Journal Miami New Times Midwest Home Military Officer Magazine Miller McCune Milwaukee Magazine Minneapolis St. Paul Magazine Minneapolis Star Tribune Minnesota Monthly MIZZOU Magazine Modern Bride [China] Moi Je Lis [France] Money Magazine Money Sense [Canada] More Magazine Morningstar Advisor Mother Jones Mountain Life [Canada] Ms. Magazine Muscle & Fitness Hers Muze [France] Nashville Scene National Geographic Adventurer National Geographic Kids National Geographic Society National Geographic Traveler National Journal The National Post [Canada] National Post Business [Canada] National Real Estate Investor Natural Health [UK] Natural History Magazine Natural Solutions Nature Magazine [UK] Nature/Outlook Nautilus Network World Magazine New Jersey Monthly New Man New Outlook The New Physician The New Republic New Scientist [Germany] [UK] New Statesman [UK] New Times of Phoenix New York Magazine New York Press The New Yorker The New York Sun The New York Times Newsweek [US] [Japan] Nexos Nexus [Canada] Noise Nuvo Magazine [Canada] NYIT Magazine Nylon The Observer O, The Oprah Magazine OC Weekly Offspring [Australia] On Earth Magazine ON Media AZ ONE Magazine One World Opium Oprah At Home Orange Coast Magazine Out Magazine Outdoor Life Magazine Outside Magazine Parade Magazine Parenting Magazine Parents Magazine Park Ave Magazine [Germany] PC Magazine PC World Penn Stater The Pennsylvania Gazette
People Magazine Perspective Magazine Philadelphia Magazine Pitch Weekly The Plain Dealer PlanAdvisor PlanSponsor Playboy Popular Mechanics Portland Monthly Potentials Powder Magazine Precedent Magazine Preservation Magazine Prevention Print Magazine Profit Magazine The Progressive Prospect [UK] Proto Magazine Prototype Psychology Today Quizfest [UK] Reader’s Digest [US] [UK] [Asia] Real Simple Redbook Registered Representative Remodeling Magazine Report on Business [Canada] Review Revista Piauí [Brazil] Rhode Island Monthly Richmond Bride Risk Management Riverfront Times Rolling Stone Runner’s World Sainsbury [UK] Samvirke [Denmark] San Diego Weekly Reader The San Francisco Chronicle San Francisco Examiner San Francisco Magazine San Francisco Weekly The Santa Fe Reporter Saveur Scene Magazine SCF Arizona Scholastic Choices Scholastic Magazine Scholastic News Schweizer Familie [Switzerland] Scientific American Scientific American Mind The Scientist Magazine Seattle Metropolitan Seattle Weekly Security Management Seed Segunda Juventud SELF Selling Power Selvedge [UK] Ser Padres Magazine Seventeen Shape Shop Magazine [UK] ShopSmart Magazine Sierra Skiing Magazine Sky Sky & Telescope Smart Money Smashing Magazine [Germany] Smithsonian Magazine Smoke Magazine Sogeti [France] Sojourners The Source SourceMedia Southern Living Southwest Airlines Spirit Spin Spirituality + Health Magazine Sports Illustrated Sports Illustrated Kids St. Louis Magazine Star Tribune Minneapolis Statement Stella Magazine [UK] STIR Magazine
StoryTime [UK] Strategy & Business Süddeutsche Zeitung [Germany] SugarMagazine [UK] Sunday Observer Sunset T. Rowe Price Investor Magazine Teach For America Teaching Tolerance Technology Review Teen People Teen Prom The Telegraph [UK] Telegraph Magazine [UK] Texas Monthly Thrivent Magazine Thriving Family Magazine Time [US] [UK] Time Asia [Hong Kong] Time Inc. Strategic Comm. The Times of London [UK] Time Out Chicago Time Out New York Today’s Parent [Canada] Tomorrow Magazine Toronto Life [Canada] Travel & Leisure TRAVEL + LIFE Traveler Magazine Dubai [UAE] Trustee Magazine TV Guide Upscale Remodeling Urban Magazine US Airways Magazine US News & World Reports USA Weekend USAA Utne Reader Vancouver Magazine [Canada] Vanity Fair [US] [France] [Mexico] VARAgids Magazine [Netherlands] Variety Vegetarian Times The Village Voice Virgina Living Magazine Vogue [Mexico] [Latin America] W Magazine Waitrose Food Illustrated [UK] The Wall Street Journal Washingtonian The Washington Post Washington Post Magazine The Washington Times Wayward Arts Wealth Manager Wedding Bells [Canada] Wedding Magazine [UK] Weekly Reader The Week Magazine [UK] Westchester Magazine Western Living [Canada] Westword Wine Spectator Wired Woman’s Day Woman’s Weekly [UK] Women’s Health World Traveler Magazine Worth Magazine Writer’s Digest Writing Magazine WWD Magazine XXL Yankee Magazine Yoga Journal You and Your Wedding [UK] You Inc. Zest Magazine CORPORATE & INSTITUTIONAL The 5th Avenue Theatre AbbVie Abita Beer Adams & Associates [Canada] Adidas Adult Swim AIGA Orlando Alesse [Canada] Allergan, Inc. Alterra Coffee American Eagle Outfitters
Apple Inc. Archiventure Arizona Opera Arun District Council [UK] ASICS America ASKO [Norway] Asociacion Ave. Masaryk [Mexico] Aussie Haircare Auxilium Axe Body Spray Bath & Body Works Big Brothers Big Sisters [Canada] Blasted Church Wines [Canada] Bloomingdale’s The Bon Marche Bone Daddy’s Restaurants Bossa Nova Bounce Dryer Sheets Brisk Fusion Bristol-Myers Squibb Brooks The Burton Corporation California Dept. of Conservation Calyon [France] Camel Cigarettes Campbell’s Charles Schwab Change Foundation [Canada] Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Chipotle Ciel [Mexico] Clinic [UK] Coca Cola [US] [Mexico] Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf The Container Store Converse [US] [Japan] Coors Cost Plus, Inc. Cottonelle Coty Creative Review [UK] The Dana Foundation Dell Denver Zoo Digits DNA mobile [Finland] E&J Gallo Winery eBay Enbridge [Canada] Epson Etsy Eurostar Eventbrite Extensis Fabasoft [Austria] Facebook [US] [Asia] Fess Parker Winery Fidelity Investment Services Fig Food™ Company FiveThirtyEight Foire de Lyon [France] Fort Worth Opera Fountainhead Theatre Frito Lay Gap Inc. Gardasil Gatorade Genentech, Inc. Girl Scouts of the USA GitHub Glaxo/Wellcome Godiva Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy Good Thinking The Grammy’s Grant Thornton Holding [Lichtenstein] GR Club [Singapore] Hard Candy Harrah’s Casino Harry Rosen [Canada] Hasbro The Heritage Foundation Herman Miller Hershey Hershey Entertainment & Resorts Hewlett Packard Hotchkis & Wiley Hotworks Beauty Inc Houston International Festival Hyundai Card [Korea]
The Artalog - no. 5 IBM International Delight Intuit iROO International Co. [Taiwan] Jafra Cosmetics Janus Mutual Funds Jardiance Johnson & Johnson Joico JPMorgan Chase & Co. Juchheim Co. Ltd. [Japan] Junior League of New York JVC Jazz Festival Kaia Foods Kate Spade LLC Kellogg’s Kiehl’s Since 1851 Korn/Ferry International Kraft Cadbury L’Oreal La Gardenia [Italy] La Perla [Italy] The Pew Charitable Trusts La Poste [France] Lamar Snowboard Lancôme [Italy] Landmark Education LCX [Hong Kong] Levi’s [Mexico] Lexus Liberty Mutual The Limited Lincoln Center Livestrong Foundation Longman Asia LoyaltyOne Consulting Macy’s Made In Me [UK] Mail Chimp Major League Baseball Malibu Rum Marine Conservation Society MARS Mattel Medline Meijer Merk Merrill Lynch Investment Microsoft Molson Coors Morningstar, Inc. Moscow PopUp Art Festival [Russia] Movado MTA Arts & Design New York National Geographic Museum National Labor Federation National Parks Conservation Assn. National Urban League Needles & Yarn [Kuwait] Neenah Paper Neiman Marcus New York Botanical Gardens Newspaper Assn. of America Nickelodeon Nike The North Face Old Navy Ontario Innovation Trust [Canada] ON Lottery & Gaming [Canada] Oracle Corporation Oreo Cakesters Partnership for Drug Free America Peet’s Coffee & Tea PEN [Canada] Penfield Children’s Center Pepsi Peter Kiewit Foundation Pfizer [US] [Canada] Philadelphia Theatre Company Pivotal Pogo [Canada] Portsmouth Brewing Corp. Publix Supermarkets Puig [France] Ray-Ban The Recording Academy Retail Me Not Rio Coffee The Ritz Robin Hood Foundation Rockstar Games Royal Court Theatre [UK] Royal Mail [UK] Safeway Saks Fifth Avenue Salesforce Sammons
Samsung [Korea] Savoir Flair [Dubai] Sazaby League [Japan] Scholastic Sears [US] [Canada] SESA Select [Argentina] Shreve, Crump & Low Silver Jeans SmithKline Beecham Society of Illustrators Soulpepper Theater Co. [Canada] Southern Poverty Law Center Specialized Bicycle Components Spinmaster St. Supéry Vineyards & Winery Subway SunAmerica Inc. Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure Sutter Home Vineyards T. Keith’s ‘I Love This Bar & Grill’ T. Rowe Price Taco Bell Talbots Target Texas Department of Agriculture Thornton Tomasetti TIAA CREFF Tiffany & Co. Tiger Beer Timex Tissu Premier [France] Tobacco Free Florida Torani Tourism Victoria [Australia] Trinchero Family Estates Tuck Beckstoffer Wines Ulker [Turkey] Unisource [Canada] United Airlines Urban Outfitters USPS Utah Department of Health Vancouver Art Gallery [Canada] Venus Embrace Razor Viactiv Victoria’s Secret Virgin Mobile [Canada] Visa [Canada] Whole Foods Market, Inc. Wildflower Bread Company Williams-Sonoma Inc. Windows 8 World Bank YouTube Europe Zellers [Canada] AGENCIES & DESIGN 141 Worldwide [UK] 72 + Sunny Abelson-Taylor Adworks Agent 16 AKQA [Netherlands] Allison & Partners Alma Amoeba [US] [Canada] Anderson DDB [US] [Canada] Anthology Antista Fairclaugh Arc USA ArcoBaleno [Italy] Arena Media Arnold Worldwide [US] [Canada] B + G Design Bailey Lauerman The Bank [UK] Barkley Barrie D’Rozario Murphy Bartle Bogle Hegarty BBDO [US] [Canada] [UK] BDM Betc EuroRSCG [France] Bhandari & Plater [Canada] The Brownstein Group Brunnerworks Bonotom Studio Inc. Bozell Worldwide Brandever [Canada] Buster Design Butler, Shine, Stern & Partners CAA Cactus Design Caixin Media [China] The Campaign Place [Australia] Campbell-Ewald Campbell Mithun Capsule Carmichael Lynch Castle Advertising Checkmark Communications Chen Design Chiat Day NY CJRW Clark McDowell Cline Davis Mann CMYK Design [Canada] Cole & Weber Common Good [Canada] Context Creative [Canada] Corbett Healthcare Corey McPherson Nash Cramer-Krasselt Creable Crispin Porter + Bogusky [Canada] Crowley Webb and Associates DDB [Chicago] [NY] [SF] [London] DDB Istanbul [Turkey] DDB Tribal [Germany] The Design Farm Design Ranch DesignStudio [UK] Designworks [New Zealand] Deutsch Dever Designs Inc. DGWB Die Kreadiven [Germany] Digital Kitchen Digitas DPNY Draft FCB [NY] [Chicago] [Canada] Duncan Baird [UK] Dye Holloway Murray [UK] Element 79 Eleven Inc. EM Dash LLC En One Tokyo [Japan] Energy BBDO Engauge Exit 10 Design Fallon [UK] [Singapore] FCB Health/Area 23 FCB [NY] [Chicago] Feast Creative [UK] Filter Digital Firewood Fishauf Design [Canada] Fleshman Hillard Flourish Inc Fluid Advertising Forward Ltd. [UK] Franke + Fiorella Frankel & Company Full Contact Advertising Furia [Argentina] FutureBrand GCF: Greatest Creative Factor GL Communications Global Blue UK [UK] Good Thinking Inc. Goodby, Silverstein & Partners Grand Creative [Canada] The Great Society Great Works Grey Grupo Gallegos GSW H-Paris [France] Hales Creative Hamilton Partners Hampton Hargreaves Hanley Wood Marketing Hat-Trick Design [UK] Henderson Bas [Canada] Heroun + Co. Herter Studio Highway One Hill & Knowlton Hill Holliday The Hive [Canada] HM&E Design Communications Hoffman/Lewis SF Hughes Hummingbirds [Sweden] i-am associates [UK] Imagination Publishing Imaginuity IMC2 InAdv [Italy] Insight Design Intellisphere Intouch Solutions ISM Boston J Walter Thompson Jim Ryce Design [Canada]
John Brown Media [UK] John Street [Canada] Juice Creative Jump [France] Juniper Park Kaplan Thaler KINETIK Inc. Kult [Korea] Landor Associates Langland [UK] Lateral Communications Leff Communications Leo Burnett [US] [Canada] Liggett Stashower Light Farms Lipman Hearne Lowe [NY] [Detroit] Lowe Brindfors [Sweden] Luma Creative M&C Saatchi Madison Design Magpie Studio [UK] Marka:ff [Russia] The Marketing Arm The Martin Agency Matchbox Studio Mather [UK] Mault Productions [France] McCann WG [NY] [SF] McGinty McMurry MicroMass Communications Mind Over Media Mires Ball Modem Media Poppe Tyson Modern Dog Design Co. Modernista Momentum, Inc. Monoshift [Korea] Mosaic [Canada] Mother [UK] MSP Communications MRM Worldwide MRY Mullen Advertising Murphy Design Net#Work BBDO [South Africa] Nexus Productions [UK] NORTH Northlich Ogilvy & Mather [US] [Switzerland] OgilvyOne Onyx Design Optic Nerve [Canada] Otherwise Opto Design Pacific Communications Pavement Pentagram [NY] [Austin] Peter Schmidt Group [Germany] Pohly & Partners Point 5 Design Praxis Preface Principals [Australia] Principle Communications Pronk [Canada] Propel Group Proximity [Canada] Publicis-Mojo [Australia] Publicis [US] [UK] [France] [Australia] Q30 Design [Canada] Que-Net R/GA Ramp Creative Rapp Collins Razor Fish / Avenue A Red Orchestra Red Tettemer Riester Advertising Rivet Robert Rytter & Associates Roberts + Langer DDB Robertson Design Rubin Postaer & Assoc. Saatchi + Saatchi [NY] [LA] Safari Sunday Sandstrom Partners Sapient [Canada] Sasges [Canada] Satellite Office Scribner SD Corporate Comm. [Canada] Shine United Siegel & Gale SMFB [Norway] Soapbox [Canada]
South South West [Australia] SpotCo Spur Design Sputnik Design Partners [Canada] Squires & Co. Stokely Design Assoc. [Canada] Storey Worldwide Strichpunkt Design [Germany] Subzero Design Sugar & Partners [New Zealand] Sukle Advertising Supple Studio [UK] SWG&M Advertising Swirl T-3 The Think Tank TAXI [Canada] TBWA [US] [Canada] [Finland] [Italy] Team One Tesser Thinkhaus Creative Time Inc. Content Solutions TM Advertising Tolleson Tomorrow Partners Torre Lazur McCann Toth Brand Imaging Tractor Beam Tracy Locke Trigger [Canada] Tris3ct UFFINDELL Underline Studio [Canada] Union [Canada] Via Reale [France] Visual Dialogue VITRO Agency Viva & Co. [Canada] VOICE Voicebox Creative VSA W & Cie [France] W20 Wardour [UK] WAX Partnership Wexler Ross & Partners Wieden + Kennedy Williams & House Williams Murray Hamm Ltd [UK] Wired Wunderman Yard Young & Rubicam [US] [Canada] Zehno Zig [Canada]
866 390.5656
Klutz Books Kyle Books Little, Brown & Co. [US] [UK] Macmillan [US] [UK] The Magazine Group [UK] Marshall Cavendish [UK] Marsilio Editori [Italy] Melcher Media Mira Books [UK] MLG & Associates National Geographic Nav Press Orion Publishing Group [UK] Oxford University Press [UK] Pearson Penguin Books [US] [UK] [India] Personnel Publications Ltd. [UK] Pinafore Press Plume Books Publishing Solutions Puffin [UK] Quarto [US] [UK] Random House [US] [Spain] [UK] Rodale Books Running Press Santillana [Spain] Saraiva SA Livreiros Ed. [Brazil] Sasquatch Books Scholastic Inc. Shambhala Productions Silver Editions Simon & Schuster [US] [UK] Sourcebooks, Inc. St. Martin’s Press Storey Publishing Studieforbundet Vuxenskolan [Sweden] Tantor Media Templar Publishing [UK] TeNeues Press [Germany] Transworld Publishers [UK] Turner Libros [Mexico] Uncovered Classics Underline Studio Usborne Publishing [UK] Venture Publishing W.H. Freeman Walker Books [UK] Workman Publishing
PRODUCT Amber Lotus [Australia] Andrews + Blaine Apres Velo [Australia] Art Angels [UK] Artaissance Badge Bomb PUBLISHING Blue Q Abrams Image Bradford Exchange Adventure House Chronicle Gifts Andrews McMeel Publishing Cloud 9 Fabrics Artcards Compendium Artisan Books Crane Bayard [France] [Canada] Decal Girl Becker & Mayer Demdaco Blackie Books [Spain] Design Design Bloomsbury Design House Greetings Caspian Media [UK] Ecojot Chronicle Books Educational Insights Connected Dots Media Fabric Editions The Creative Company Frankie Press [Australia] DC Comics Free Spirit Fabrics De Agostini [Italy] Galison Dial Books for Young Readers Gartner Studios Doubleday Gelaskins Dreamscape Media Hygge & West Editions Bourgois [France] iCanvas Art Éd. Héloise d’Ormesson [France] iRoo [Taiwan] Elwin Street [UK] Jem Sportswear Faber & Faber [UK] John Sands [Australia] Farrar, Straus & Giroux Juxtapoz Fortuna Libri [Slovakia] Frances Lincoln Children’s Books Land of Nod Logitech Gibbs Smith Madison Park Greetings Glencoe McGraw Hill Granta & Portobello Books [UK] Mara Mi MeadWestvaco Graphiste - Éd. 10/18 [France] Molo Kids [Denmark] Grove/Atlantic Mudpuppy HarperCollins [US] [UK] Hachette/Grand Central/Twelve NobleWorks Norcard [Canada] Headline Publishing [UK] Olive [France] Henry Holt Oopsy Daisy Houghton Mifflin Educational Paper Blanks Hyperion Books Papyrus Imagination Publishing PMI Aladdin Impedimenta [Spain] Poketo Ink Publishing [UK] Poster Cabaret James Lorimer & Co. [Canada] Ravensburger Javelin Custom Publishing
Red Cap Cards Ripple Junction Rock Your Baby Sagebrush SkinIt SmartWool Corporation Sock It To Me Spencil [Australia] Stationery Team [Netherlands] The Art Group [Netherlands] TriCoastal Viabella Whigby [Canada] Windham Fabrics Wordsation Zune UNIVERSITIES Boston College Brigham Young University Brown University Carlton College Cleveland State University Colloquy/Harvard University Columbia University Dartmouth Duke University Emory Franklin Pierce University Georgia Tech Harvard Imperial College London [UK] Jefferson Medical College Johns Hopkins University Loyola Marymount Michigan State University Middlebury MIT Nebraska Wesleyan University North Dakota State University Northeastern University Northwestern University Notre Dame NYU The Ohio State University Santa Clara University Stanford Temple University Tufts UCLA University of San Francisco University of Southern California University of Toronto [Canada] University of Windsor [Canada] Vanderbilt University Wakeforest University Westwood College MOTION & ENTERTAINMENT Amoeba Atlantic Records Blue Note Records Cartoon Network CBC [Canada] Count Your Lucky Stars Creature Pictures Disney Destinations/Yellow Shoes Dreamworks Elektra Records Floyd County Green Dot Films Little Monster Records LP Animation Onyx MTV Networks NBC Nelvana Animation [Canada] NW Film Center Oddfellows Motion Paramount Pictures Partisan Pictures Passion Pictures RCA Records Red Light Management Shark Teeth Films Shilo Sony BMG Music Sony Digital Entertainment [Japan] Spike TV Straight Face Studios Tamco Productions Three Legged Universal Music Universal Republic Records Virgin Music [Canada] Walt Disney Company V2 Records