The Messenger
Happy August,
This month I’d like to share just a few updates and prayer requests:
Magnolia Baptist Church
August 5th we will wrap-up the current series Letters to My Church: Reflections on the 7 Letters in Revelation. This series has been personally challenging and encouraging. I am always thankful for the Scripture speaks to me, leads me, corrects me, calls me…I hope you have found as much encouragement for living in our day as I have through the text this summer.
I am flying to India on August 10th. For those who don’t know I have taught with Operation Mobilization India (OMI) for the past three years at the Asian Center for Cultural Studies, the fully accredited, academic training arm of OMI. I have about 30 students, all pastors, or on ministry teams, from villages and cities throughout India. It is a great honor and privilege to have a voice in shaping the ministry future of an incredible nation. I am teaching Biblical Interpretation. I will teach 30 lectures in 5 days, plus I will preach about 3 to 4 times while there in addition to counseling students in their respective ministries. If I’m lucky, there will be time for cricket!
"Every person a place to serve and a place to belong." August 2012
720 S. Magnolia Anaheim, CA 92804
Pray for: •
God’s glory and grace during this time
clarity in teaching
sustained energy throughout the week (there is no time for jetlag)
for my family as I’m gone
and for travel graces (I fly through London the same time most of the Olympians are flying home…should be an interesting airport time)
Dr. Rob McCleland, the executive director of the North American Baptist Conference is preaching in my absence on August 12th. Welcome Rob with your presence that Sunday. He’ll have good things to share. I’ve really come to appreciate his acquaintance over the past year.
Nathan Zug will preach the following two weeks August 19 and 26th from the book of Esther. I’m excited about where Nathan is going in these two messages as they really lead into where we are going overall as a church…not simply in the preaching, but really in the grand scheme of things.
August 26th is also our next scheduled baptism. If you have not been baptized and you are a believer in Jesus…you are missing something. Baptism is the next step of belief. We pass it off as a simple ceremony. Yet, Jesus commanded his followers to make disciples, baptize them and teach them His way. So many of us leave baptism out as a matter of preference, yet, Jesus made a pretty big deal about it. If you would like to be baptized on August 26th, please contact Sue Dorsi in the church office at 714-827-0553 or
September 2…one service 10:30-11:45 a.m. all church picnic lunch to follow. We’re going to talk about what’s next at MBC…we’re going to worship and pray
and celebrate God together as a church family. Casual attire is invited as we will have volleyball, various “yard” games and other activities to share in on September 2 following the worship gathering. Get excited MBC…God is moving and we’re marching with Him.
Glad to be your pastor, Jeremy
Rob McCleland, Ph D.,
NAB Execu�ve Director, CEO We are very fortunate to have Rob with us on Sunday, August 12th.
Pray for those on our Youth Road Trip With a Mission July 25-August 11
Brian and (Jessic Send Internationa bj.dagen@
The Dagens are currently living terms of church ministry, they Czech churches outside of Pra the areas of evangelism and dis for planting new churches in any, evangelical fellowships. Br mentoring/discipleship relations outside Prague. Jill is doing dis including a couple that are faci involved with a newly formed m trapped in the sex trade. In M study with 2-3 women who w Dagen’s oldest daughter, is study youngest daughter, will graduat June 2013.
The following people are represen�ng Magnolia Bap�st on Mission Trip to Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Iowa: Steve Spykerman, Josh McGunigale, Nathan Zug, Jus�n Hipp, Josh Kiser, Jon Taylor, Joanna Zug, Bri�ney Grant, Missy Climer, Jessica Gough, Hanna Gough, and Mary McGunigale. The group has a few goals for this Mission Trip: • To serve God by serving and blessing 6 churches, including First Bap�st, Minot, ND which was hit by a devasta�ng flood last summer. • To encourage the Youth Pastors and their wives by giving them a Cer�ficate of Apprecia�on and a gi� basket. • To see what God is doing in some other churches as we build a rela�onship with them and serve them. • To grow in our faith and as a MBC Mission Team. Follow them on Facebook as they travel – A link is on the church website soon or to join their group go to: h�p://
Please pray for lasting spiritual held this summer. Please also p the U.S. who have traveled and camps. Camp Brno (Lisen Lovosice Litomerice – Ju
Please also pray for Jill as she sl the first camp and has been in for the Dagens with their many plus additional hosting and activ stamina and that they will do al power, but BY HIS SPIRIT!
d Jill Dagen ca, Amy) al - Czech Republic
g in Prague, Czech Republic. In are involved with a handful of ague, primarily helping them in scipleship. They also cast vision areas where there are few, if rian is also involved in several ships with men, both in and scipleship with several women, ing marriage issues. She is also ministry that ministers to women March 2012 they started a Bible work as prostitutes. Jessica, the ying at Biola University. Amy, the te from high school in Prague in
fruit from the 3 English camps pray for the team members from will be traveling to help with the
dates: n) - July 1-7 July 16-22 uly 29-August 5
lipped and broke her foot during a cast. This is a very busy time y responsibilities with the camps vities. Thanks for your prayers for ll this not by their own might or
September 2nd
1 Allison Nordell 2 Ken Felig 2 Christina Gibson 2 Charlie Acquistapace 3 Mike Dorsi 3 Pat Gilbert 5 Nathan King 5 Craig Baxter 6 Hanna Gough 7 Ramon Viray 9 Dee Hull 9 Correen La Counte 10 Bonnie Hale 13 Brenda Wylde 14 Judy Anderson 14 Ashley Avalos 14 Lindsey Climer 14 Aurita Viray 15 Virginia Herbold - 90th 15 Noel Sicat 16 Tom Everson 16 Jeri Hipp 16 Sylvia McCain 17 Carol Hatch 19 Gary Kiker 20 Mary Lou Burrows 22 Denise Botana 24 Brooke Showalter 27 Lewis Rose 27 Joshua Alejos 28 Angela Francher 28 Monica Avila 28 Max Kennedy 28 Yolanda Newsome 28 Ruel Sawyer 29 Red Sembrano 30 Lucy Ngige 30 Bert Spencer
Anniversaries 4 6 6 13 14 21 22 24 26
Bob & Myrna Atkinson Jim & Lois Farr Bill & Kathy Decker Mike & Norma Sawyer Lee & Karen Thormahlen Traian & Maria Lupas Bill & Pam Ramm Ernie & Glenda Ledesma Antonio & Gladys Mora
Followed by a ICNIC LUNCH Volleyball and other Yard Games!
What to bring: If your last name begins with A-L Side Dish to share M-Z Dessert to share
Summer Game Day Join us for Summer Game Days! When: Wednesdays - August 1st and 15th Time: 11:00 - 2:30ish Where: Leuschner Hall What it is: Sing praises, read scripture,
eat lunch, then play games -- fun, fun,then more fun ... til done! What to do for lunch: Bring your own
lunch OR contact Lois Farr to order your lunch:Teriyaki Chicken and rice plate. $2.50 What to bring 4 fun: board game,
beverage, snacks, friends.
Victory Ranch Family Camp Out 2012
Call Barbara Gustavson 12-14 for more info or to sign up.