Magnolia Baptist Newsletter for March

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The Messenger "Search the Bible as a whole, shaking the whole tree. Read it rapidly, as you would

Magnolia Baptist Church

"Every person a place to serve and a place to belong." March 2012

any other book. Then shake every limb -- study book after book. Then shake every branch, giving attention to the chapters when they do not break the tense. Then shake each twig by a careful study of the paragraphs and sentences. And you will be rewarded if you will look under each leaf by searching the meaning of the words.” Martin Luther, 15th Century German priest and theologian, Reformer of the Church

I could easily tell anyone...if you want to be productive in’ve got to read the Bible. Success, according to God’s standard, is knowing His Word and doing it! More so than that...following Jesus is about relating with Jesus! I know Him more and more by reading His Word! God’s Word is alive! The more you expose yourself to it, the more it will expose itself to you. To know God better you must spend time hearing what He has to say. Just like getting to know a new friend...we communicate to learn each other. The Bible is His message to you. We don’t read it to learn about God as if He is a subject to be studied...we read it to know God personally! Although God can also speak directly to your heart, you need to know His written Word so you can understand better to what and where God is leading you. God will not love you more because you read the Bible. It is for your benefit – not required to make God love you. However, without reading the Bible, you will not grow spiritually, and you will be more easily distracted and deceived from following Jesus. Prayerfully reading the Scriptures yourself is the only real defense against being misled. Take its words to heart...Jesus said that His Word is life! “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life.” John 6:63, ESV

God’s Word is no empty fluff. God has revealed His Word to the world so that we can know His will and His way...God’s agenda of redeeming creation through Jesus will be accomplished. Part of that redemptive move is accomplished through His Word. If you want life success, follow Jesus’ teachings! His teaching will accomplish the purpose for which He gave it. Check out this link for help on choosing a Bible translation that works for you: Use this two week reading plan to get into God’s Word if you aren’t doing so already: Two Weeks on the Life and Teachings of Jesus

720 S. Magnolia Anaheim, CA 92804

Day 1, Luke 1: Preparing for Jesus’ arrival

Day 8, John 3: A conversation with Jesus

Day 2, Luke 2: The story of Jesus’ birth

Day 9, John 14: Jesus’ final instructions

Day 3, Mark 1: The beginning of Jesus’ ministry

Day 10, John 17: Jesus’ prayer for his disciples

Day 4, Mark 9: A day in the life of Jesus

Day 11, Matthew 26: Betrayal and arrest

Day 5, Matthew 5: The Sermon on the Mount

Day 12, Matthew 27: Jesus’ execution on a cross

Day 6, Matthew 6: The Sermon on the Mount

Day 13, John 20: Resurrection

Day 7, Luke 15: Parables of Jesus

Day 14, Luke 24: Jesus’ appearance after resurrection

Glad to be your pastor, Jeremy

Magnolia Children

9am - 2pm Saturday, March 3rd in Leuschner Hall Everyone is invited to come and watch the kids compete!

Frontline Student Ministry


March 3, 2012 8am - 1pm, on the MBC Front lawn


Lindsey Climer


Will be catching the bids in Leuschner Hall on March 31st

coming soon!

Don't miss all the fun of the

EGG STRAVAGANZA Children’s Department

needs 5,000 INDIVIDUALLY WRAPPED CANDY that will fit inside plastic Easter eggs. Please drop off the bags of candy in the church office. Thanks for your continued support. If you can assist on Saturday, April 7th please let Steve Spykerman know. pieces



Magnolia Daycare

Daycare needs

your help!

If you are cleaning out your garage or house, please think of the church daycare. Here are a few things that are needed. Bikes, buttons, yarn, board games, toys and margarine tubs with lids. You can drop them off in the church office.

Hume Deposits are being accepted

Reserve your spot for Hume Lake Christian Camp (June 24 - June 30). You just need to give your $100.00 to Nathan, Anna or Josh!


Young Adult Join us on Sunday, March 11th and Sunday, March 25th 7:00pm MBC Leuschner Hall

Silent Auction 4:30pm Dinner at 5:00pm Auction begins at 6:00pm Buy your dinner tickets from one of the youth.

We are currently accepting items to be auctioned. If you have a new item, gift card or a service that you would like to donate, please contact Danna Bone in the church office or via email: dbone@magnoliabaptist. org

Messiah in the Passover

Presented by

Michael Cohen of

Chosen People Ministries Tuesday, April 3rd For dinner tickets call the church office or stop by the Information Booth on Sunday.

ALL CHURCH WORKDAY MARCH 10TH We could use your help!

Special Pre-Sale deal on Tickets to Pageant Of The Masters in Laguna Beach Sunday, August 19th $17.00 for information or to buy tickets contact Danna Bone.

Buy your ticket before April 30th

Women's Ministry Spend the day at Descanso Gardens

Men's Ministry Men's Breakfast at Hometown Buffet on Katella and Euclid

March 31st. Time: 7:30am – 9am

Women’s Ministry is hosting a day for the Women to go to Decanso Gardens on Saturday, March 17th

Cost: $7.70 per person Includes: a breakfast buffet,

Only $15.00

If you bring a visitor they are FREE.

(includes Transportation, Entrance & Tram Ride)

Buy your tickets on Sunday in the courtyard between services or for more information, phone Danna at 714-343-8420.

You can check out the Gardens at:


praying for

WOMEN March 20th ~ 6:30pm Home of Lois Farr

NEW STUDY Stonecroft Bible Studies for Women The Study will be 12 lessons on Genesis chapter 1. Starting Monday, March 12th 9:30am Overflow Room Phone Barbara Hill for more information 714-761-4012

Omelette bar and Coffee.

For more information talk with: Gene Gatch; 714.774.7036 or Dan Guerrero; 714.794.9729

Men's Retreat April 13-15, 2012 Enjoy the comfort of our dorm style accommodations, first rate food, and the highlighted activities for the low price of $155 or $215. Escape to Palomar Mountain for an exciting experience focused on rejuvenation, recreation, and personal reflection. Come and join us as we look to be take hold of the “Weapons of our Warfare!”

Sign up with Dan Guerrero or Gene Gatch

Senior Adults

Monthly Luncheon Leuschner Hall 11:00am March 29th $3.00 Per Person

Magnolia Baptist Church 720 S. Magnolia Avenue Anaheim, CA 92804

on March 11th


Yard Sale, Church Front Lawn AWANA Grand Prix, Leuschner Hall

8:00 am 9:00 am


All Church Workday



JH Retreat


All Church Benefit Auction

(714) 827-0553


Easter Week in April

OfďŹ ce Hours: 8:30am - 3:30pm Monday - Thursday email: Find us on Facebook

April 1st Palm Sunday, Special Services 9am & 10:45am

Arpil 3rd Passover Dinner Leuschner Hall 6:30pm

April 6th Good Friday Service 7:00pm

April 8th Easter Sunday Services 9am & 10:45am

Follow us on Twitter: @magnoliabaptist

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