The Messenger
Fortune or Faith?
Magnolia Baptist Church
"Every person a place to serve and a place to belong." October 2012
Knowing and Doing God’s Will Remember the movie Freaky Friday and how the mom and daughter flip out together... literally...and all because of a fortune cookie? • None of the secrets of success will work unless you do. • The secret of getting ahead is getting started • Two grins grow where there was only a grouch before. • Funny thing about humility. Just when you think you’ve got it, you’ve lost it. • Ideas are like children; there are none so wonderful as your own. • He who laughs at himself never runs out of things to laugh at. At the restaurant we read these. We laugh at them. We make our own jokes about them. Once, Corrie and I went to a PeiWei for lunch. Her fortune cookie that day had nine messages of good fortune! My cookie was empty! No kidding. Certainly she was blessed, but was I cursed? No way. What if we lived life by fortune cookie planning, though? What if we took the jumbled messages of goodness and they became directional for lives? We would never do that! There is no authority in the cookie. The cookie’s fortune is as hollow as the cookie itself. Sadly, many of us who call Jesus Lord treat His word as an empty fortune. The Bible sounds good, but deep down, we do not believe the Bible is sufficient for life. We constantly look away from God’s word to find direction and satisfaction elsewhere. I’m not talking about a doctor or a pilot who need specialized training for their jobs. I’m talking about those places where we look for life validation, encouragement and direction for living life well. All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 God’s word is sufficient encouragement and equipping for you and me to know and do God’s will! We mustn’t live stuck waiting for the good fortune message...God has perfectly revealed the way of truth...for life, love, justice, mercy, grace, good works, hope, relationships, belief... This is life by faith! Living out the ways of Jesus revealed by God’s word is the way of true fortune. The Bible is no empty cookie. Read it. Know it. Live it.
720 S. Magnolia Anaheim, CA 92804
Glad to be your pastor, Jeremy
Youth Ministry
Children's Ministry
High School Lock-In .00 $25
@ Harbor Trinity Church October 26 - October 27th
for Kindergarten - 6th Grade Wednesday 6:30pm We will be going to Boomers. For more October 3rd ~ Crazy Hat Night information or to sign-up to go please contact October 10 ~ Regular Club Night Nathan Zug. October 17 ~ Regular Club Night October 24 ~ Sports Night October 31 ~ Come for Trunk or Treat
JH Halloween Get Together Saturday, October 27th 6pm-8pm Free night for you and your friends!
Wear an appropriate costume. (there is a contest)
For more information talk to Joshua McGunigale. (714) 943-4417
for Parents of
1st - 6th graders October 7th 10:15am - 10:45am (between services)
Victory Ranch Family Camp Out 2012
Come to see your child's classroom and meet their teacher. Find out what they will be learning this year. Refreshments will be served
KIDS’’ KIDS HARVEST PARTY Friday, October 26th 7pm - Midnight
So Much Fun
October 12-14 Call Barbara Gustavson for more info or to sign up.
Wear your PJ's Bring Sleeping Bag & Pillow and come for: Snacks, Worship, Movies, Candy and Crazy Games! $15.00 per child $10 for JH and older Sign up with Cathy Miller or call the church office for more information.
Operatio Randy and Pam W staff@operat
Operation 29:11 is a non-denominatio ministry. Operation 29:11 is an outreac Inc. Incorporated in 2010, ICS Strategic non-profit California corporation.
Operation 29:11 connects generous p American people who have great need with faith-based ministries already s additional aid through their existing prog meet may be physical, material, spiritua
Please pray for our Native American par schools... we come and go but many of challenges every day. Safe water, food, basic needs in short supply.
Please pray for our volunteers... withou cannot DO when God calls.
Please pray for Magnolia Baptist Ch generosity provides Operation 29:11 w and financial support.
Please pray for the leadership of the C they provide us for $1 annually has pro located base in Eastern Arizona that our Native American partners. Our leas requalify each year in September.
Please pray for our nonprofit donor part the Children, Giving Children Hope an nonprofit donors are struggling with i corporate for-profit donations during the
Please pray for wisdom and discernme Plans, We Prepare... God Calls, We Lis to follow our Lord’s lead.
We continually critique our operation God’s direction and purpose...
We currently are involved in discussi regarding a number of potential oppo
Please pray for our finances... a few d carried Operation 29:11 through our fif (fuel, liability insurance, maintenan overwhelmed our ability to continue at o work to expand our operations. To be sp of large donations or grants... we are would be willing to give $5 per month co
Please pray for our October mission trip trips as we begin distributing supplies to
Birthdays 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 8 8 9 9 9 10 11 13 13 13 15 16 16 16 17 17 19 20 20 22 22 24 27 28 28 29 30
on 29:11 Williams - Anaheim
onal evangelical Christian partnership ch ministry of ICS Strategic Partners, c Partners is a Public Benefit 501(c)(3)
people who have resources to Native ds. Their ministry locates and partners serving those in need and provides grams. Resources and the needs they al or combination thereof.
rtner churches, missions and Christian f those we leave behind live with harsh , shelter, clothing and employment are
ut our volunteers healthy and able we
hurch... MBC is our home and their with its volunteer base, home facilities
City of Holbrook AZ... the warehouse ovided Operation 29:11 with a centrally has permitted us flexibility in serving se is annual in duration and we must
tners... Gleanings for the Hungry, Feed nd Lotshaw Helping Hands... all of our increaing expenses and decreasring e downturn in our economy.
ent for the Operation 29:11 team. God sten... God Provides, We Do... our best
n in an effort to maintain
ions and/or awaiting God’s directions ortunities with a variety of partners...
dedicated consistent supporters have fth year but our operational expenses nce and packaging supplies) has our current level of activity even as we pecific we are not looking for a number asking the Lord for 125 people who onsistently.
p. This is one of our two most important o the communities.
Andrew Pham Mike McMillen Erin Bannes Carilea Ziemer Hank Brand Roy Hull Randy Williams Todd Collis Carol Sundman Fibi Ayad Joshua Kiser Camille Orilla Paige Showalter Zachary Compher Emma Bratcher Julia Bratcher Julie Showalter Daniel Enriquez Martha Craig Jane Hatcher Glendelle Leynes Helen Gibbs Paula Rice Evelyn Ganey Steve Spahr Maria Lupas Laura Avila Lisa Pugsley Katie Ortega Leanna Guerrero Abigail Fernandez Bill Samp Pam Price Kira Keleher
Women's Ministry
Craft Day Saturday, October 20th
8 classes to choose from. 1st session: 9:30 - 11:30 Potluck Lunch: 11:30 - 12:30 2nd session: 11:30 - 2:30
Come to our table in the courtyard on Sunday and check out what classes are being offered. Then sign-up for the classes and the potluck. First come - First served... Classes are small so sign up soon. (Starting 10/7)
Soaps * Gift Cards * Dessert Stands Jewelry * Holiday Wreath * and more.
Anniversaries 5 6 8 8 9 10 12 16 17 18 21 22 24 25
Robert & Fawn Elizondo Dan & Lori Guerrero Mike & Alma Barbero Tom & Denise Botana Adam & Laura DeClerq Allan & Angela Francher JoJo & Jean Abadilla Craig & Teri Whelen Hector & Erika Mora Kevin & Wendy Hartman Lewis & Dawn Rose Roy & Dee Hull Leonard & Phyllis Johnson Donald & Sylvia McCain
Tips for an Effective SSI/SSDI Disability Case (What is SSI/SSDI? How do I get it? How do I keep it?)
Speaker: Christina Bennett Date: October 9, 2012 Time: 7:00pm Place: MBC Music Room Christine will share information on how to assist a disabled mentally ill loved one file an "Effective SSI/SSDI Disability case". Ms. Bennett is Program Director of SSI Outreach Program of Mental Health Association of Orange County, which assists disabled mentally ill clients in eligible County Mental Health Clinics or Hospitals file for SSI/SSDI. Sponsored by EWCC
WE WANT 40 CARS TO FILL THE CHURCH PARKING LOT Trunk or Treat is just the right family friendly outreach event for our community. We want to get enough trunks (cars) to fill our parking lot. Here's what you do after you sign up to be part of the fun: Arrive at church on October 31st before 5:45pm. You can decorate your trunk with various decorations, and you can dress in costume if you want to. You’ll stand by your trunk and hand out candy to the trunk-ortreaters. Also, we will have some carnival games available for your use. If you want to help out in another way, we are now collecting candy for this event. Just drop your candy off in the church office or in our candy barrel located in the courtyard on Sundays. This is an outreach, so remember to invite your friends.
Wednesday, October 31st, 6:00pm - 8:30pm.
If you have any further questions please contact the church office.