2012 Jiva April Page 52-53 reduced

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Laiju M Philip., M. Ranjith Mohan and P. Francis Bastin . Animal Husbandry Department, Kerala


J. Ind. Vet. Assoc., Kerala. 10 (1)

Dystocia is considered to be the major reproductive disorder in does presented to the Veterinary Hospital. The complications include fetal death, fetal mummification and fetal maceration or developmental abnormalities like fetal monsters, fetal dropsy and ectopic location of the fetus. The etiology of most fetal gestational complications except abortions continues to be poorly understood. Anasarca means generalized edema all over the body. The condition is seen commonly in cattle but may affect sheep,(Roberts, 1985), goat (Tamuli et. al.,1987; Sharma et al., 2002; Purohit et. al.,2006) and also rarely reported in the buffalo (Devanathan et. al., 1990). Hydrallantois is characterized by a larger than normal accumulation of allantoic fluid during a 5to 20-day period in the last trimester of pregnancy that occurs mainly in the bovine and rarely in mares and ewes (Milton et al., 1989). Most fetuses of animals with hydrallantois may have congenital defects, are underdeveloped, or are apparently normal but not viable (Milton et al., 1989, and Morin et. al., 1994).The details of surgical management fetal anasarca twins with hydrallantois in Malabari does are mentioned. MATERIALS AND METHODS A Malabari goat and its dam were presented at different times to the Veterinary Polyclinic, Veterinary Surgeon, Veterinary Polyclinic, Mannarkkad (corresponding author: phone 09447996512 Email: laijuphilip@rediffmail.com) 2

Veterinary Surgeon, Veterinary Dispensary, Karakurissi


Senior Veterinary Surgeon, Veterinary Polyclinic, Mannarkkad


Mannarkkad with the complaint of difficulty in parturition. Both the goats were presented with abnormally large abdomen. The dam was presented for its second kidding and the doe, for the first kidding. Per vaginal examination of both the animals revealed fetal anomalies as the cause for dystocia. So it was decided to do surgical intervention in both the cases. Caesarean section was carried out. The animals were restrained in left lateral recumbancy. The surgical site was prepared aseptically. Intravenous infusion Ringers Lactate were started to prevent hypovolumic shock. Local infiltration anesthesia was done around the surgical site with 2 percent lignocaine. Incised the skin and the fascia. Exteriorized the abnormally sized thin walled uterus after the separation of the abdominal muscles. Incision was made on the body of uterus. About six litres of watery and amber coloured allantoic fluid was drained out. Two anasarca kids were taken out in both the cases after reducing the hydro allantois. The uterus was rinsed with copious amounts of Normal Saline solution. The incision on the uterus was closed in Cushing's followed by Lambert's pattern of suturing using chromic catgut size 1/0. The peritoneum and the separated abdominal muscles were apposed using chromic catgut size 1 in a simple continuous suture pattern followed by subcuticular suturing using braided silk size 1. The skin was apposed in interrupted horizontal mattress fashion using nylon. The animals were maintained on intravenous fluids for half an hour post operatively. Parenteral antibiotics and tetanus toxoid injection were given. Owner was advised oral antibiotic therapy for a week. Both the animals recovered uneventfully.


Hydro allantois treatment is directed at evacuation of the uterus by cesarean section or induced termination of pregnancy with prostaglandin (Braun Jr., 1997). If a large volume of allantoic fluid in the uterus is expelled rapidly, circulatory shock can develop (Misri and Singh, 2001).Most anasarcous fetuses are expelled dead. When the fetus poses difficulty in its delivery, cuts must be given over many places to release the fluid

JIVA Vol. 10


REFERENCES Braun Jr., W. 1997. Periparturient Infection and Structural Abnormalities. In: YOUNGQUIST, R. S Current Therapy in Large Animal Theriogenology.1 Ed., W B Saunders p. 530-537 Devanathan, T.G., Asokan, S.A. and Veerapandian, Sheshagiri, V.N. 1990. A note on fetal ascites with mild anasarca in buffalo. Ind. J Anim. Reprod., 11:68. J. R. Peir贸, A. S. Borges, R. Yanaka, M. B. Koivisto,l. C. N. Mendes,F. L. F. Feitosa, J. O. Abujamra, C. A. Rodrigues 2007. Hydrallantois in an Ewe (Case Report). Ars Veterinaria, Jaboticabal, Sp, Vol. 23, 116-119. Milton. A., Welker, B., Modransky, P.1989. Hydrallantois in an Ewe J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc.195 (10), p.1385-86 Misri, J. and Singh,N. 2001. Hydrallantois in a goat. Ind. Vet. J. 78, p 255-256 Morin, D. E. Hornbuckle II, T., Rowan, L.L., Whiteley, H.E.1994.Hydrallantois in a Caprine Doe J. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. 204, (l), p.108-111 Roberts, S.J. 1985. Eds Veterinary Obstetrics and Genital Diseases. Indian Edition Sharma, S.S., Bishnoi, B.L., Yadav, R.C., Garg, N., Purohit, G.N. 2002.Foetal anasarca in a goat. Vet Pract., 3:47. Tamuli, M.K., Rajkonwar, C.K. and Borghain, B.N. 1987. Foetal anasarca in a kid.A cause of dystocia. Ind. J. Anim. Reprod., 8:63

Issue 1 April 2012

or fetotomy or forced extraction to deliver the fetus. Rarely caesarean section may be indicated. Morin et al. (1994) reported the recovery of apparently normal but non-viable twin fetuses after caesarean section. The antenatal diagnosis of most of the commonly occurring fetal complications of gestation is partly possible with ultrasonography and such pregnancies should be carefully monitored or terminated. As a recommendation it is suggested to perform karyotyping of the breeding stock


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