Jalasparsam Souvenir

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apJ°pdn∏v Bdp-h¿jsØ CS-th-fbv°vtijw tIc-f-Ønse sh‰-dn-\dn tUmIvS¿am-cpsS HØp-tN-c-en\v tIm´bw Pn√ thZn-bm-hp-I-bmWv. F√m-h¿°pw Pe-kv]¿iw 2013 te°v kzmK-Xw. Irjn-˛-ar-K-kw-c-£W {]h¿Ø-\-ß-fn¬ G¿s∏-Sp-I-sb-∂Xv Hcp kwkvIm-c-Øns‚ `mK-am-sW∂v R߃ Icp-Xp-∂p. B ]mc-º-cy-ßsf ]n≥sN-√p-∂-Xn¬ s]mXp-k-aq-lhpw Cu taJ-e-bn¬ {]h¿Øn°p-∂-h¿ F∂ \ne-bn¬ \Ωƒ {]tXy-In®pw F{Xam{Xw Pm{K-X-bp-≈-h-cm-sW∂v ]cn-tim-[n-t°-≠n-bncn-°p-∂p. CXp kw_-‘n®v tIc-f-Ønse cmjv{So-b, kmln-Xy, kmwkvIm-cnI cwK-Øp≈ Nne {]ap-JcpsS ImgvN-∏m-Sp-Iƒ kph-\o-dn¬ Dƒs°m-≈n-®n-´p-≠v. sh‰-dn-\-dn-b-∑m¿ Ir-jn-bn¬ kPo-h-am-tWm-sb∂ Hcp {]mY-aoI hnh-cm-t\z-j-Whpw \ΩpsS kplr-Øp-°-fpsS Xs∂ Im¿jnIm\p-`-h-ßfpw kph-\odn¬ CSw Is≠-Øp-∂p. at‰Xv s{]m^-j-t\-°mƒ IqSp-X¬ I¿j-I-cpsS Pohn-XsØ sXm´-dn-bp-∂-h-cmWv sh‰-dn-\dn tUmIvS¿am¿. ImWm≥ IÆp-≈-h¿°v Ht´sd Pohn-X-]m-T-߃ I¿j-Is‚ ho´-I-ß-fn¬\n∂v Is≠-Sp°m-\m-hpw. s{]m^-j-\p-ambn _‘-s∏-´v, Xß-fpsS Pohn-X-]-cn-k-c-ß-fn¬\n-∂p≈ A\p-`-h-߃ BhnjvI-cn-°p-hm-\p≈ ÿe-ambn Cu kph-\o¿ amd-W-sa∂pw AXp-hgn hnhn-[-ß-fmb PohnX Z¿i-\߃ Hfn™pw sXfn™pw {]Im-in-∏n-°-s∏-S-W-sa∂pw R߃ B{K-ln-°p-∂p. Imºkv Pohn-X-Øn¬ k¿§m-fl-I-X-bpsS Du¿÷-ßsf F∂mSpw {]N-cn-∏n-®n-cp∂ ]e kplr-Øp°-fpw ]n∂oSv HutZym-KnI IrXy-\n¿∆-l-W-Øns‚ ssiXy-Im-e-ß-fm¬ aqS-s∏´v t]mIp-∂Xv Imt≠-≠nh-∂p. Ah-cn¬ Nne-sc-¶nepw ]g-b-Im-esØ I\-ep-Iƒ C\nbpw AW-™n-´n-√m-sb∂v Cu kph-\o-dneqsS sXfn-bn-°p-∂p. s{]m^-j-W-ep-Iƒ F∂ \ne-bn¬ imkv{X-˛-km-t¶-XnI teJ-\-߃ kph-\o-dns‚ `mK-am-th-≠-Xp≠v. Npcp-ßnb FÆw teJ-\-߃ CXn¬ Dƒs°m-≈n-®p-≠v. Pohn-X-ßsf Bg-Øn¬ hmbn-®-h¿°mWv imkv{XsØ hnP-b-I-c-ambn {]tbm-Kn-°p-hm≥ km[n-°pI F∂-Xn-\m¬ Pohn-Xm-\p-`-h-߃°mWv IqSpX¬ {]m[m\yw \¬In-b-Xv. I¨h≥j-\p-Ifpw Iq´m-bva-Ifpw \ΩpsS kwL-S-\-Iƒ°v i‡-amb ASn-Ød D≠m-°p-I-sb∂ Dt±-i-tØmSp IqSn-bm-bn-cn-°-Ww. Cu h¿jw KVSSA- AHOAK F∂o kwL-S-\-Iƒ Ncn-{X-ZuXyw \n¿∆ln®v ]n≥am-dp-Ibpw Hcp ]pXnb k¿∆okv kwL-S\ DZbw sIm≈p-I-bp-am-Wv. hfsc \mfsØ N¿®Iƒ°pw hnNn-¥-\-߃°pw-ti-j-amWv \Ωƒ Cß-s\-sbmcp Xocp-am-\-Øn¬ FØn-t®¿∂Xv. ]pXnb kwL-S-\°v Ime-Øns‚ sh√p-hn-fn-Isf Gs‰-Sp-°m≥ Ign-hp≈ Hcp t\XrXzw D≠m-h-t´-sb∂v Biwkn-°p-∂p. kwL-S-\-Iƒ i‡-amWv F∂v hne-bn-cp-Ø-s∏-Sp-tºmgpw ]pXp-X-e-apd kwL-S-\m-{]-h¿Ø-\ß-fn¬ kPo-h-a-√-sb∂ t]mcmbva C\nbpw ]cn-l-cn-°-s∏-´n-´n-√. Cu Imcy-Øn¬ Hcp I¿Ω-]-≤Xn Xs∂ D≠m-tI-≠n-bn-cn-°p-∂p. Pe-kv]¿iw kph-\o¿ Hm¿Ω-I-fpsS tiJ-c-am-Wv. Hm¿Ω-Iƒ am{X-a√ Hm¿Ω-s∏-Sp-Ø-ep-Ifpw CXn-ep≠v. Ip‰-ßfpw Ipd-hp-Ifpw kZbw £an-°p-I. \hy-amb Hcp hmb\m A\p-`-h-ambn Cu kph-\o¿ amdpw F∂ {]Xo-£-tbm-sSP-e-kv]¿iw kph-\o¿ IΩ-‰n


w ° S D≈ SOUVENIR COMMITTEE Chairman Dr. Jayadevan N

Im¿jnIw 09 - 30

Vice Chairman Dr. Jith John Mathew Convenor Dr. Alex Abraham Joint Convenor Dr. Ajay Kuruvila

s{]m^j≥ PohnXw A\p`hw


33 - 114

Dr. Manoju Kumar P.K. Dr. Sudheer P.S. Dr. Binoy Joseph Dr. Dhanesh Krishnan Dr. Jayant Govindan Dr. Bindu S.N

FgpØnSw IYIƒ IhnXIƒ teJ\߃ 123 - 147

Design & Layout

Kottayam, 9447001122

imkv{X teJ\߃ 149-187

kwLS\ Nne Ncn{XtcJIƒ 199 - 201 4





kwÿm\ Irjn a{¥n sI. ]n. taml\≥, kmlnXy A°mZan sNb¿am≥ s]cpºShw {io[c≥, kn\nakwhn[mbI≥ kXy≥ A¥n°mSv, Ne®n{X \S≥ F≥. F¬. _meIrjvW≥, Ihn {]`mh¿Ω F∂nh¿ XßfpsS ]®∏p\nd™ C∂seIsf Hm¿ans®Sp°p∂p. Xømdm°nbXv : tUm. Un. ssj≥Ipam¿, Akn. UbdIvS¿, ^mw C≥t^m¿taj≥ _yqtdm NneXp t\Sp-tºmƒ NneXp \jvS-s∏-Sp-sa-∂Xv {]Ir-Xn-bpsS ss\Xn-I-X-bm-Wv. t\´-Øn-s‚bpw \jvS-Øn-s‚bpw H‰-b-Sn-∏m-XI-fn-eqsS a\p-jys\ \bn-°p∂ Imew F∂ am{¥n-I≥ Nne-t∏msg-¶nepw ssIsIm-´n-®n-cn-®n-´p-≠m-Imw. hyY-I-fn-√msX Pohn-°m≥ tamln-°p∂ Hcp Xe-apd \tΩmsSm-∏-ap-≠v. AXp-sIm≠pXs∂ am™p-t]m-Ip-∂-Xn-s\-°p-dn®v ]cmXn]d- b mØ Hcp P\- X - b mbv amdm≥ \mw kzbw ]Tn- ® pI-gn-™p. Ik‚ v k m- ° nkv ]d- ™ Xp- t ]mse "Xºp- c m- t \, Rm≥ F¥mbn amdm≥ B{K-ln-°p-∂pthm \osbs∂ Aß-s\-bm°n Xo¿t°-Wta' F∂v {]m¿∞n-°mt\ Ct∏mƒ Ign-bq. A{X-ta¬ \n w-K-X-bp≠v a\p-jy\v AYhm k¶-S-ß-tfmSpw s\mº-c-ßtfmSpw ss\an-jnI B\-µ-tØmSpw s]mcp-Ø-s∏-tS≠n hcp∂ tIhe a\p-jy¿ Aßs\sbms°-bm-bn-Øo-cp-∂p. F∂m¬, Cßs\-sbm-∂p-am-bn-cp-∂n√ \msa-∂d- n-bp-tºmƒ FhnsS \nt∂m Dcphw sIm≈p∂ Imt‰‰v a\- nse AW-bmØ Xos∏mcn F¥nt\m Xøm-sd-Sp-°p-∂-Xp-t]m-se. AsX, B Im‰n\p th≠n-bp≈ Nne Xøm-sd-Sp-∏p-IfmWv Cu IS-em-kp-I-fn¬ \nd-bp-∂-Xv. \ap°v aptº \S-∂-h¿ I≠Im-gvN-Iƒ, G‰p-hm-ßnb iotXm-jvW-߃ A\p-`-hn-®-dn™ emhm{]-hm-l-߃, Bkz-Zn® hk-¥-߃. C∂-sXms° apJmapJw tIƒ°p-∂Xv as‰mcp ssNX-\y-[m-c-bpsS Dd-hnSw Is≠Ø- e m- I pw. {]tXy- I n®pw F√m- h ¿°pw A∂w \¬Ip- h m≥ A£oWw ]cn-{i-an-°p∂ \Ω-tfm-tcm-cp-Ø¿°pw.

Hcp ho≠p-hn-Nmcw Bcw-`n-t°≠ ka-b-am-bn-cn-°p-∂p. ]´nWn-bpsS hnem-]-߃ IS¬I-S-s∂-Øp-hm≥ A[n-I-Xm-a-k-an-√. cmPy-Øns‚ `£y-[m-\y-ti-J-chpw hnfhp-I-fp-sams° Ipd-™p XpS-ßn-b-Xmbn \ap-°-dn-bmw. H∏w Acnbpw ]®-°-dnbpw ]mepw ]qP-bv°p≈ ]qhp-sams° adp-\m-´n¬\n∂pw hcm≥ ImØn-cn°p-∂p. Irjn-bpsS A\n-hm-cyX Hm¿Ωn-∏n-°p∂ ktµ-i-߃°v H´pw Ipd-hn-√. b{¥-h¬I-c-W-Øns‚ C°m-eØv Irjn-sbt∏mse t¢i-I-c-amb hym]m-c-߃ a\- p-a-Sp-∏n-°p-sa∂v \K-cØns‚ PmV-Iƒ \sΩ-s°m≠v adp-]Sn ]d-bn-°pw. Xp≠p Xp≠mbn hn`-Pn-°-s∏´ Irjn-`q-anbpw A\yw-\n-∂p-t]m-Ip∂ Irjnam-Xr-II - fpw C\n-sbmcp Iq´m-bvab - psS kulm¿±sØ X®p-Sb - v°psa∂v \mw hrYm hniz-kn-°pw. Bkn-b≥ Icmdpw _nSn hgp-X\bpw Unssk≥ ]ip-°fpw A¥-I-hn-Øp-Ifpw Irjn-bn¬\n∂v Hgn™p \n¬°m- \ p≈ kzbw Imc- W - ß - f mbn \Ωƒ Bizkn°pw. ]Icw BtKm-f-h-XvI-c-W-Øns‚ C°m-eØv D]-t`m-Kkw-kvIm-c-Øns‚ [rX-cm-jvSm-enw-K-\-Øm¬ hb¿ \nd-bv°p-∂sX√mw Ih-dn-se-Øp-∂ sdUn-sabvUv ]cn-lmcw Iq´n-s\-Øpw. tIc-f-Øns‚ kmaq-lnI kmwkvIm-cnI cmjvSob cwKsØ Nne {]ap-J¿ Ct∏mƒ \ΩtfmSv a\- p-Xp-d-°p-I-bm-Wv. At\Im-bn-c-߃°v A∂w \¬Ip∂ Irjn arK-]-cn-]m-e\ taJ-e-bnse A\p-`-h-߃, ImgvN-∏m-Sp-Iƒ, shfn-]m-Sp-Iƒ Aßs\ F√msa√mw Im‰-Ø-pe-bp∂ \mfw-t]mse Ah¿ kwkm-cn-°p-∂Xv AhtcmSpw \tΩmSpw Xs∂-bmWv F∂v Hm¿Ωn-∏n-°-s´. \njv]-£hpw efn-X-hp-amb Nne Xncn-®-dn-hp-Iƒ CXnep≠v F∂ {]Xo-£-tbmsS Pe-kv]¿i-Øn-\p-th≠n CXv ka¿∏n-°-s´. 9

A`n-apJw : sI.-]n. taml-\≥ (_-lp. Irjn-˛-ar-K-kw-c-£-W-h-Ip∏v a{¥n)


\q-cns‚ ]mS-ß-fn¬ \n∂pw hb¬®qcv Ipan-bp∂ Im‰v Hgp-Ip-∂p-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. ssht°m-ens‚ \m´p-aWw ]pØq¿ aTØn¬\n∂pw Ct∏mgpw Db-cp-∂p-≠v. If-cn-bn¬ \n∂v Im®nb FÆ-bpsS kpK-‘w. a{¥n sI.-]n. taml-\≥ DΩ-dØv Ccp-∂p. A\p-`h - ß - ƒ Nm‰¬ agt]mse s]bvXndßn. AXn¬ tXßm-∏oc-bn´v IpSn-°p∂ N°-c° - m-∏nbpw apfw-Ip-‰n-bn¬ ]pgp-ßnb ]p´pw Ie-Ø∏ - h - pw, Hm´-Sbpw s\ø-∏hpw apX¬ ta\n-bnse FÆ-abw \o°m≥ D]-tbm-Kn-°p∂ s]m´n-°® - I - ncn hsc IS-∂p-t]m-bn. tIcf-Øns‚ Irjn˛arK-kw-c£ - W - h - I - p-∏p-If- psS `c-Wk - m-cYyw \n¿∆ln-°p-tºmgpw Hcp ss]°n-Sm-hns‚ \ne-hnfn B¿{Z-am-°p∂ a\ p≠v a{¥n-°v. AXp-Xs- ∂-bm-hWw a{¥n taml-\s\ hyXy-kvX\m-°p-∂X - v. BP-∑i - p-≤a- mb Hcp {KmaoW \njvIf- ¶ - X Bh-cWw sNøp∂ hm°p-If- n-eqsS Irjn-a{¥n tNmZy-ßt- fmSv {]Xn-Ic- n-®p. 1. ]®-∏ns‚ t\c-dn™ _mey-Øn-eq-sSbpw Iuam-c-Øn-eqsSbpw IS-∂p-h-∂mWv Aßv cmjv{So-b-Øn-se-Øp-∂-Xv. Irjn ]I¿∂p- X ∂ kwkv I m- c - s Ø- ° p- d n®v A\p- ` - h - ß ƒ ]¶p- h bv°mtam? If-cn-Kp-cp-°-fpsS kvac-W-Iƒ XpSn-®p-\n¬°p∂ KpcpIpe-Øn¬ \n∂mWv Fs‚ _meyw F\n°v Hm¿sØ-Sp-°m-\m-Ip-∂Xv. henb Xd-hmSpw s]mXp-{]-h¿Ø-I-\mb A—s‚ B{in-Xcpw A\p-bm-bn-hr-µhpw F√mw Ct∏mgpw Fs‚ a\- n-ep-≠v. AΩ ssI]n-Sn-®p-X∂ ss]°n-Sm-hns\ ]mSØv sXfn®v hb¿ \nd®v sIm≠p-h-cp-∂Xv Hcp \ntbmKw t]mse Gs‰-Sp-Øn-´p-≠v. AInSnse NqSp-h-‰msX Id-s∂-SpØ ]m¬ Im®n-°p-Sn-®-Xns‚ Ducpw Dbncpw Ct∏m-gp-ap-s≠∂v hniz-kn-°p-∂p. aI-c-a™v s]mgn™p InS-°p∂ ]mSw ho´n¬ \n∂v t\m°n-bm¬ ImWmw. Hscm‰ Idn°mbv t]mepw Fßp∂pw hmtß≠ Hcp thf Rmt\m¿°p-t∂bn-√. lcn-Xm` sIm≠v aqSn-°n-S-°p∂ Hcp `qan-bm-bn-cp∂p RßfpsS ]d-ºv. hmg-bpw tN\bpw Nocbpw sh≠bpw aØ-\p-sams° Fs‚ \mhn-¬ cpNn-bmbn ]S¿∂Xv AhnsS \n∂m-Wv. Ahbvs°ms° sh≈w tImcnbpw ]mSsØ Irjn-∏-Wn-I-fp-sams° sNbvXmWv Rm≥ hf¿∂-Xv. IØn-°m-fp∂ hni-∏p-ambn Xncns®-Øp-tºmƒ AΩ Np´p-X-cp∂ Ingßpw sIm´-tØß s]m´n-®Xp-sam-s°-bm-bn-cp∂p Blm-cw. AXns‚ cpNn \mhn≥Xp-ºn-ep10

≠v. Ah¬ `c-Wn-bn¬ \n∂v Ah¬ tImcn N°-c-I-j-W-hpambn Iq´n-t®¿Øv Xn∂-sXm∂pw ad-°m≥ Ign-bn-√. AXn-\-∏pdw D≈ Hcp Im¿jn-I kw-kvIm-cs- Ø-°p-dn®v F\n-t°m¿°mt\ hø. cmjv{Sobw F\n°v Irjn-b-√. Irjn-bm-sWs‚ cmjv{So-bw. NqSpw Nqcp-ap≈ B kwkvIm-cØ - n¬\n∂pw Rm≥ Dbn¿s°m≠p F∂p]-d-bm≥ F\n-s°∂pw A`n-am\w Xs∂. 2. kwÿm-\sØ Irjn-˛ar-K-kw-c-£-W-h-Ip∏pw hnhn[ s]mXp-ta-J-em-ÿm-]-\-ßfpw Ah-bpsS {]h¿Ø-\-ß-fp-sam-s°bmbn Xnc-°n´ `c-W-\n¿∆-l-W-Øn-emWv Aßn-t∏mƒ. CXn-\nsS ss]°fpw \m´nse Irjn-bp-sam-s°-bmbn Ct∏mgpw s]mcp-Øs∏-Sp-∂p-≠p-Xm-\pw. Cu ]mc-kv]cyw Fßs\ Im°p∂p? km\-Up-hn¬ h∂-t∏mƒ BZyw sNbvXXv ]m¬ IpSn-°m≥ \mS≥ ]ip-hns\ H∏w sIm≠p-h-cn-I-bm-Wv. Irjn-a-{¥n-bpsS HutZym-Kn-I-h-k-Xn-bn¬ hb-ep-Iƒ°pw HutZym-Kn-I-tc-J-Iƒ°pa-∏p-d-tØ°v Hcp ]®∏v krjvSn-°p-I F∂-Xm-bn-cp∂p Fs‚ kz]v\w. Xnc-t°-dnb Cu \K-cn-bn¬ aÆn-√m-ØXmWv {]iv\-sa∂v Xncn-®-dn-™p. t{Km_m-Kn-se-¶nepw hf-cp∂ ]®-°-dn-Iƒ IWnI-≠p-Wcm≥ F\n°v `mKy-ap-≠m-bn. kZm hnf-™p-\n¬°p∂ ]®-°-dn-Iƒ Rm\p-≠m-°p-∂p. Imk¿tImUv Ip≈≥ ]ip-°ƒ Chn-SpsØ sXmgp-Øn-ep-≠v. ]qt¶m-gn-bpsS Iqh¬ tIƒ°m≥ shºp-∂p-≠v. Iqh-en-s√-¶nepw Ipsd kmbn-∏≥tIm-gn-I-sfbpw Rm≥ hf¿Øp-∂p-≠v. FhnsS aÆpt≠m AhnsS Hcp apf-sb¶nepw D≠m-I-W-sa∂v B{K-l-ap-≠v. F∂m¬ Ign-bp∂ hn[w CsX√mw sNøm≥ {ian-°p-∂p. CsXms° amXr-I-bm-°-W-sa-∂p≈-Xp-sIm-≠√, ImWp-∂-h-cn¬ Hcp A`n-\n-thiw krjvSn-°-Ww.IÆp-sIm≠p ImWp-tºmƒ Hcp ktµiw lrZ-b-Øn¬ ]XnbWw. AXp-aXn Fs‚ a\ p \nd-bm≥. 3. hnh-c-km-t¶-XnIhnZy-bpsS C°m-eØv bphm-°-sfms° Irjn-bn¬ \n∂-I-ep-∂p. ]pXp-kw-cw`I¿ Irjn-sbm-gn-®p≈ ta®n¬∏p-d-߃ tXSp-∂p. CsXms° hogvN-bt√? ]cn-l-cn-°m≥ Ign-bptam? AXn-t\mSv ]q¿Æ-ambpw tbmPn-°p-∂n-√. sslsSIv Irjnsb∂ Bi-b-Øn\v Rm≥ C∂pw t{]m’m-l\w \¬Ip-∂p. sF.Sn. cwK-Øv \n∂pw hcp∂ sNdp-∏° - m¿ Fs∂ ImWm≥ hcp-∂p.

aÆn-te-°n-d-ßn-s®-√m-\p≈ Ah-cpsS Xm¬]cyw sIm≠-t√-b-Xv. sslsSIv ^map-Ifpw t]mfn-lu-kp-Ifpw Ct∏mƒ [mcmfw D≠mIp-∂p-≠v. Ahbv°v tN¿∂ kmt¶-Xn-I-hnZy hnI-kn-∏n-s®-Sp°Ww F∂mWv Rm≥ DtZym-K-ÿ-tcmSv ]d-bm-dv. H∏w \mSns‚ \∑sb hnkva-cn-°m\pw ]mSn-√. C{k-tb-ens\ I≠p-]-Tn-°ptºmƒ Ah¿ \n¬°-°-≈n-bn-√m-sX-bmWv CsXms° sNøp-∂sX∂ Hm¿Ω \ap-°p-th-Ww. \ap-°m-I-s´ A\p-{K-lo-X-amb {]IrXnbpw aÆpw. ]ns∂-sb-¥n\v t]Sn-°-Ww. hogvN-b√ Ah-k-c߃ A\p-{K-l-am°n am‰m-\p≈ a\- mWv th≠-Xv. Irjn Hcp kn- e _- mbn Xs∂ Ip´n- I - f n- s e- Ø - W w. AXp- s Im- ≠ mWv kwÿm-\sØ kvIqfp-If- n-eqsS Irjn-bpsS {]Nm-ch - p-ambn Rm≥ hnØp-h-≠n°v cq]w \¬In-b-Xv. 4. hcp-wX-e-apdbv°mbn ]pXnb Irjn˛-arK-kw-c-£W coXnIƒ ]I¿∂p \¬Ip-hm≥ Aßv {ian-°p-∂p-≠-t√m. F¥mWv {]Xn-I-cWw? hcpwXe-apd Hcp kphn-tijw t]mse Im¿jn-I-kw-kvImcw Dƒs°m-≈-Ww. Iem-]-߃°pw Ie-l-߃°pw AsXmcp ]cnlm-c-amIpw F∂v Rm≥ hniz-kn-°p-∂p. a\- n-se-¶nepw Irjnbp-≈-h¿ Ncn-{XsØ tNmc-bn-eqsS hen-®n-g-bv°n-√. kzm¿∞-tamlhpw IpSn-e-X-I-fp-sams° a\- n¬ apf-bv°p∂ Xmcpw Xfncpw aqSn-°-f-bpw. AXn-\p-th-≠n-bmWv Rß-fpsS {iaw. sh≈-cn-∏mSØv R߃ \m´n-sem-cp-an-®n-cp∂v A\p-`-h-߃ ssIam-dnbncp∂p. Ahn-sS-bn-cp-∂m-bn-cp∂p Rß-fpsS `mhn-{]-Xo-£-Iƒ cq]-s∏-´-Xv. Fs‚ \m´n¬ ]mSØv cq]w sIm≠ Iem-cq-]-am-bncp∂p sh≈-cn-\m-S-Iw. Im¿jn-I-hr-Ønbpw ]c-º-cm-KX Iem-cq]-ß-fp-ambn A`n-hm-Py-_-‘-ap-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. hb¬°-c-bnse Imhp-Iƒ k¿∆-hn[ D’-hß - f- p-sSbpw tIfo-cw-Ka- m-bn-cp-∂p. ASnbm-∑m-scms° Imhnse D’-h-Øn\v ssZh-Øm-dmbn thjw sI´nbm-Spw. AhnsS Xºp-cm-°-∑mcpw P∑n-amcpw Xmsg hoWv sXmgp∂ Nn{Xw Fs‚ a\- n-ep-≠v. tkmjy-en-k-Øns‚ Hcp t\¿Nn-{X-ambn-cp∂p AXv. CXnepw at\m-l-c-ambn Irjnsb km£n\n¿Øn \¬Im≥ Ign-bp∂ ktµiw temIØv as‰-hn-sS-bp-≠v. 5. tIc-f-Ønse Irjn Ipd-™p-h-cn-I-bmtWm? A\p-Zn\w A\y-am-bn-t∏m-Ip∂ Irjn°v Hcp Xncn-®p-h-c-hpt≠m? ht∂ Xocq, AXmWv {]Ir-Xn-\n-b-aw. hb¿ \nd-bv°p-∂sX√mw Ih-dn-se-Øp-sa∂v hniz-kn-°p-∂h - c- mWv \Ωƒ. BtKm-f-

h¬°-cW - Ø - ns‚ ae-sh-≈∏ - m-®n-en-s\m∏w HgpIn \S-°m≥ F¥pc-ks- a∂v tXm∂mw. CsX√mw shdpw aco-Nn-II - ƒ am{X-am-Wv. Irjn Hcp BXy-¥n-I-k-Xy-am-Wv. aÆns\ sXm´m¬ AXv s]m≥ap-ØpIƒ DXn¿°pw. km[y-am-bn-Ss- Ø√mw Fs¥-¶nepw Irjn sNbvXmte \ap°v kz¥w Imen¬ \n¬°m≥ Ign-bq. B kXyw ]Xps° ]Xps° Xncn-®p-h-cp-∂p-≠v. CsXms° I≠n-s√∂v \Sn-®m¬ Iøn¬ Imiv h®n´v \mw ]´nWn InS-°p∂ Imew hnZq-ca- √ - . 6. Irjn a{¥n-sb∂ \nebn¬ DtZym-Kÿ - c- psS kl-Ic- Ww Fßs\? D≈-hc- p-sS-b{- Xbpw I¿atijn ssh`hw {]tbm-P\ - s- ∏-SpØm≥ ]‰p-∂pt≠m? Nph-∏p-\m-S-I-fn¬ Ipcp-ßn-t∏m-Ip∂ \n -lmb Pohn-X-hpambn au\-Øn-emgv∂p InS-°p∂ DtZym-K-ÿ¿ C∂p-ap-≠v k¿∆okn¬. F∂m¬ Cu Zu¿_-eysØ \njv{]-`-am-°p∂ D÷z-e-{]h¿Ø-\-ß-fp-ambn apt∂-dp∂ Hcp Iq´¿ Ct∏m-gp-ap-≠v. AXmWv \ΩpsS i‡n. \nb-a-ß-fpw N´-ßfpw P\-߃°p-th-≠n-bp-≈Xm-Wv. AXn¬ Ipcpßn Bfl-lXy sNøm-\p-≈-X√. I¿j-Isc hnizm-k-Øn-se-Sp-°-Ww. F√m-h¿°pw s]≥j≥ sImSpØp F∂ \∑ \nd™ {]h¿Ø-\-tØm-sS-bmWv Cu k¿°m-cns‚ XpS-°w. ap≥Iq´n Xocp-am-\n-°p∂ ]≤-Xn-Iƒ A√. {]iv\߃°pw {]Xn-k-‘n-Iƒ°pw ap∂n¬\n∂v cq]-s∏-Sp-Øp∂ ]≤-Xn-I-fmWv th≠-Xv. DtZym-K-ÿ-cpsS FÆ-a√ {]iv\w. FÆØn¬ \n∂v FÆ-a‰ Im¿jn-I-{]-iv\-ß-fn-te°pw Ah-bpsS ]cnlm-c-ß-fn-te°pw t]mIp-I-bmWv th≠-Xv. aÆpw I¿j-I-cp-ans√-¶n¬ F¥p-tZym-K-ÿ¿. F¥p k¿°m¿. F√mw F√m-h-cpsSbpw A∂-am-sW-t∂m¿Ω thWw. 7. Aß-bpsS kz]v\w? {]Ir-Xnsb s\mº-cs- ∏-Sp-ØmsX aÆns\ aen-\s- ∏-Sp-ØmsX \√ aÆn¬\n∂pw \√ `£-Ww. IpSn¬ apX¬ sIm´mcw hsc F√m tIc-fo-b¿°pw AXv ISw hmßmsX In´p∂ Hcp Ime-ap≠m-ItW F∂mWv Fs‚ {]m¿∞-\. AXn-\mbn t\c-tØm-Sp-t\cw CS-XS- h - n-√msX {]h¿Øn-°p-hm\pw I¿j-It- cm-sSmØv tXmtfm-SptXmƒ tNcp-hm\pw Rm≥ Xøm-dm-Wv. Fs‚ IqsS `mh-\m-kº - ∂ - cmb \√ Hcp Iq´w DtZym-Kÿ - c- p-≠v. Ah-tcm-sSmØv apt∂dn ]mhs∏-´h - c- psS Iqc-bn¬ hsc Xqi-\n-eb - n¬ DuWpw Idn-If- p-sa-Øn°p-hm≥ Ign-bW - w. Bh-em-Xn-If- n-√msX Ah¿ PohnXw \bn-°p∂ Imew hcn-Ibpw thWw. AXm-sWs‚ kz]v\w.


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cp-h-\-¥-]pcsØ Ip©m-epw-aq-´nse Xa-eØv ho´n¬ hmXn¬ Xpd-∂p-In-S-°p-∂p. Im¬s∏-cp-am‰w tI´v Cd-ßn-h-∂Xv s]cp-º-Shw tN´≥. ssIenbpw _\n-b\pw thjw. km£m¬ s]cp-º-Shw {io[-c≥. tIcf kmln-Xy-A-°m-Zan {]kn-U‚v. aebm-f-km-l-nXy-Ønse kuay-k-c-kzXn ASp-°-f-bn¬ Xnc-°n-embn- c p- ∂ p. `mcysb klm- b n- ° m≥ IqSn- b - X m- W v . s]cp- º - S hØpIm¿ Aß-s\-bmWv F∂ apJ-hp-c-tbmsS Rßsf hcth-‰p. ASp-°-fbn¬ Kymkv Xo¿∂p. AXn-Yn-Iƒ°v Nmb XcmXn-cn-°m-\p≈ ap≥Iq¿ Pmay-a√ F∂p \njvI-f-¶-X-tbmsS ]d™p. Pe-kv]¿iw kph-\o-dn\p th≠n Nne tNmZy-߃. AXp Irjn-sbbpw kwkvIm-c-sØbpw kw_-‘n-®sX∂v tI´-t∏mƒ a\ nse Bthiw B IÆp-I-fn¬ \nd-™p. 1. s]cp-º-Shw t]mep≈ Im¿jn-I-{Km-a-Øn¬ P\n® Aßv C∂v IS-en-\-°sc t]mepw {]i-kvX-\m-Wv. Aß-bpsS Irjn Hm¿a-I-fpw A\p-`-h-ßfpw ]¶p-h-bv°mtam? Cu tNmZyw Fs∂ kt¥m-jn-∏n-°p-∂p. s]cp-º-Shw Fs‚ {Kmaw. sNfn-\n-d™ ]mS-h-c-ºn-eqsS Nm‰-ag \\™v \S-∂p-t]mb _meyw C∂p-sas∂ amSn-hn-fn-°p-∂p. Rmdn\v Hmtcm \mºp-h-cp∂Xpw t\m°n Rß-fpsS {Kmaw Hmtcm Znh-khpw ImØn-cn-°p∂p hb¬h-c-ºneßs\ t\m°n \n¬s° Rß-fpsS kz¿Æ∏mSw hnf-™p-h-cp-∂p. sImbvØp-Imew {Kma-Øns‚ D’-hamWv. Irjn-bn-√m-Ø-hcpw AXn¬ ]¶p-tN-cp-∂p. B Im¿jn-I-kw-kvImc-Øn¬ \n∂p hcp∂ Fs‚ a\ v F∂pw {Kmao-W-am-Wv. a™p12

s]-øp∂ hr›nI˛[\p-amkßfn¬ ]mS-ß-fn-¬ tX°p-am-cn-bn¬ sh≈w tXhn-sbm-gn-°p∂ Inep°w a\- n-ep-≠v. a™n≥ \nemhn¬ BIm-i-Øn\v Iosg Hgp-In-h-cp∂ tX°p-]m´ns‚ CuWw Hm¿Ω-bnep≠v. Fs‚ a\- ns‚ kz¿Æ-h-b-en¬ B {Kma-kar≤n apgp-h≥ \nd-bp-∂p. 2. Ime-tasd amdn. Iebpw kmln-Xyhpw Pohn-X-hpw. Xncn™p-t\m-°p-tºmƒ ]n∂n´ ZqcØp\n∂pw Aßv ImWp∂ ImgvNsb-¥mWv? d∫¿Im- S p- I fpw kna‚ v ImSp- I fpw I≠v Ic- ™ p\n¬°p∂ Hcp Ip´n-bmWv Rm≥. s]mbvt∏mb ]mShpw tX°p]m´pw a\- n¬ s\mº-c-ambn \nd-bp-∂p. tIc-f-Øns‚ am{X-a√ temI-Øns‚ kmwkvIm-cn-I -Po-hn-X-w Irjn-bm-Wv. hyh-km-b߃ H∂pw imiz-X-a-√. kpÿn-chpw imiz-Xhpw Irjn-bm-sW∂ kXyw \mw Xncn-®-dnt™ Xocq. Irjn-bn-te°v Xncn-®p-t]m-ImsX c£- b n- √ . ]≠p ]{Xm- [ n- ] - c m- b n- c p- ∂ - t ∏mƒ Irjn- ° m¿°v s]≥j≥ A\p-h-Zn-°-W-sa∂v Rm≥ Fgp-Xn. AXv th≠{X {i≤n-°-s∏-´n-√. Irjn-bm-bmepw arK-]-cn-]m-e-\-am-bmepw AXn¬ ]Wn- s b- S p- ° p- ∂ - h sc BZ- c nt® Xocq. ]pXnb Xe- a pd CXn¬\ns∂ms° amdn\n¬°p-∂Xv Fs∂ hyk-\n-∏n-°p-∂p-≠v. 3. a\x]q¿∆- a - s √- ¶ nepw Aß- b psS t\mh- e p- I - f nepw kn\n-a-I-fnepw Irjn-bp-ambn _‘-ap≈ t]cp-I-fp-≠v. kqtcym-Zbw, Bº¬∏q-hv, ]ns∂bpw ]q°p∂ ImSv, A¥n-sh-bn-ense s]m∂v F∂n- ß - s \. Irjn- b psS ap{Z- I ƒ Cßs\ h∂Xv

kzm`m-hn-I-amtWm? AXv Aßs\ hcmsX \nhr-Øn-bn-√. Fs¥-gp-Xp-tºmgpw Rms\mcp Irjn-°m-c-\mWv F∂ t_m≤yw F\n-°p-≠v. ae-bmfn F∂pw Bkz-Zn-®n-´p≈ G‰hpw henb kuc`yw I≠-Ønse tNdpa-Whpw hnf™ ]mS-Øns‚ kpK-‘-hp-am-sW∂v Rm≥ kn\n-abnepw t\mh-en-ep-sa-gp-Xn-bn-´p-≠v. A`u-a-amb Hcp lrZ-b-{Z-ho-Ic-W-i‡n AXn-\p-≠v. am\-hn-IX ImØp-kq-£n-°m-\p≈ IS∏mSpw {]Xn-_-≤-Xbpw Irjn-bn-ep-≠v. 4. Fs∂-¶nepw Ah-kcw In´n-bm¬ Hcp Irjn-°m-cs\ tI{µI-Ym-]m-{X-am-°ptam? t\cn-´-s√-¶nepw IY-I-fnepw t\mh-en-ep-sams° Irjn-°m¿ IYm-]m-{X-am-Im-dp-≠v. ImcWw Rm≥ I≠phf¿∂Xv Irjn-°mgvN-I-fm-Wv. ho´nse hmg-tØm-´-Øn¬ Ipe hncn-bp-tºmƒ Hc¤pXw Rm≥ I≠p. Bcpw ]d-™-dn-bn-°msX A∂p cm{Xn hmh-ep-Iƒ hcpw. IÆpw angn®v Xpd-∂n´ P\¬]mfn-bn-eqsS Ccp-fn¬ B ImgvN I≠v Aº-c∏pw Bfl-l¿jhpw tXm∂n-bn´p-≠v. F≈p-]qØ ]mSØv ]®-Ø-Ø-I-fpsS Iq´w I≠v BÀmZ-Nn-Ø-\m-bn. I¿j-I\v kz¥-am-bn-am{Xw H∂pw A\p-`-hn-°m≥ Ign- b n- √ . hmg- ° p- S ∏\nse tX\pw ]mSsØ F≈pw kl PohnIfpambn ]¶pht® Xocq. Cu \nkzm¿∞-X-bmWv Irjnbnse ktµ-iw. 5. Aßv ]I- c p∂ Irjn- b nse hnem- ] hpw s\mº- c hpw ]pXnb Xe-apd Is≠∂v tXm∂n-bn-´pt≠m? s]cp-º-S-hØv ho´n-\-SpØv Hcp tXmSp-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. AXv Rß-fpsS {Kma-Ønse KwK-bm-bn-cp-∂p. AXn∂n-√. AhnsS Hcp

sNdp-∏-°m-cs‚ aWn-am-fnI thWw. Np≠≥]md F∂ ae-bp≠m-bn-cp-∂p. AhnsS Hcp apX-em-fn-bpsS AKm-[a- mb Icn-¶¬°pf-amWv. Izmdn-bp-S-a-Ifpw dnb¬ FtÃÃv am^n-b-Ifpw sIm≈-bSn® Hcp {Kmaw. CXn-s\-Xnsc bph-X-e-apd DW-tc-≠-Xp-≠v. a\ n¬ Irjn-bp≈ [mcmfw sNdp-∏-°mcpw sshIn-h-cp∂ hk¥w t]mse Ah¿ Nne-sXms° Xncn-®-dn-bp-∂p≠v F∂Xv {]Xo£ \¬Ip-∂p. 6. aÆn¬ Irjn-bn-d°n Xe-bn¬ ]mf-sØm∏n NqSn ]mS-Øp\n∂pw Ibdnhcp∂ s]cp-º-Shw tN´≥ Fß-s\-bn-cn-°pw? k¿∏-°mhv F∂ IY-bn¬ AØcw IYm-]m-{X-ap-≠v. AXnem-flmw-i-hp-ap-≠v. Ign™ BgvN-bn¬ Rm\pw `mcybpw s]cp-ºS-h-Øp-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. amhn-s‚bpw πmhn-s‚bpw sXßn-s‚-bpsams° ]pXnb ssX h®n-´mWv R߃ Xncn-®p-h-∂-Xv. Fs‚ lrZ-b-Øn¬ \n∂v ]®∏v th¿s]-Sp-Øm≥ Ign-bpw. Fs‚ lrZb-Øns‚ DS-abv°v F∂Xv Fs‚ sdmam‚nIv t\mh-em-sW-¶nepw C∂p tNmZn-®m¬ lrZbw Irjn°pw aÆn\pw Irjn-°m¿°p -ambn \¬Im≥ Rm≥ k¿∆m-fl\m Xøm-dm-Wv. CXv `wKn-hm-°-√. kmln-Xyw hnb¿∏nepw aÆnepw sXm´p-\n¬°p∂ Bfl-k-a¿∏W-ap≈ bmYm¿Yy-am-Wv. F\n°v \¬Im-\p≈ ktµihpw AXpX-s∂-bmWv. Ccp-∂m¬ aWn-°q-dp-I-tfmfw Rm≥ Irjn-sb-∏‰n ]d-bpw. DZvLm-S-\-k-tΩ-f-\-Øn\v t]mIm≥ h≠n-h∂p InS-°p∂p. sh‰-dn-\dn tUmIvS¿am-cpsS kwK-a-Øn\v Fs‚ F√m `mhpI- ß - f pw...- a n- ≠ m- { ]m- W n- I - f psS hyk- \ - ß - f - d n™v Ah- c psS {]mW≥ c£n-°p-∂-Xn¬ henb Cuiz-cm¿∏-W-ap-≠v. \nß-fn¬ AsX√mw \nd-b-s´. AXns‚ `mKyw Xe-ap-d-I-tfmfw D≠m-Ipw.

THE KERALA AGRO INDUSTRIES CORPORATION LTD. "Kissan Jyothi", Fort, Thiruvananthapuram 695023 Ph : 0471 2471343, 2471344, 2471345 Fax : 0471 2463188 E-mail: mdkaicltd08@bsnl.in website : www.keralaagro.com

Opp. Fort Girls Mission High School, Padmavilasam Road, Kottakom, TVM. Ph : 0471 2471347


A`n-apJw : kXy≥

A¥n°mSv (kn\na kwhn[mbI≥)

\m´p]®IfpsS Nn{XImc≥ kn

\n-a-bpsS kz¥w ktXy-´\v kXyw kXy-amb Irjn-bps≠∂v Adn-bmw. t^mWn¬ _‘-s∏-´-t∏mƒ ]me-°m-Sm-sW-∂-dn™p. ]pXnb kn\n- a - b mb Hcp C≥Uy≥ {]W- b - I - Y - b psS sk‰n¬. sk‰n¬ FØn-b-t∏mƒ ]Xnhv Hme-sØm-∏nbpw NqSn kXy-\n-cn-°p-∂p. Ccp-]p-dhpw \yqP-\-td-j≥ kn\n-a-bnse \mbI\pw \mbn-I-bpw. ^lZv ^mknepw Aa-em-t]m-fpw. Irjn-sbbpw kwkvIm-cs- Øbpw Ipdn-®p≈ h¿Ø-am-\ß - ƒ°v GXv Xnc-°p≈ sk‰nepw ktXy-´≥ kwkm-cn-°pw. CS-Øcw kn\n-a-I-fpsS CXnlm-k-\m-b-I-\mb kXy≥ A¥n-°m-Sv ]t£, ]nt‰-Zn-hkw A¥n°m-t´°v £Wn-®p. Hcp-]-t£, A¥n-°m-Snse tImƒ\n-e-ß-fnse Irjn-°-cp-Øm-Wt√m kXys\ temI-a-dn-bp∂ kXy≥ A¥n-°mSm-°n-b-Xv. cmhnse 9 aWn. A¥n- ° ms´ ho´n¬ \n¿Ω- e - t ®- ® nbpw kXy\pw am{Xw. t\csØ Dd-∏p-X-∂-Xp-t]mse Pe-kv]¿i-Øns‚ kph-\o-dn\p th≠n. Irjn Hm¿Ω-I-fpsS doep-Iƒ HmSn-Øp-S-ßn. tImfp-sIm-≠p-h∂ A∂w Ign-®mWv R߃ hf¿∂-Xv. A¥n-°mSv apX¬ Idp-ØmWn hsc \ofp∂ tImfm-bn-cp∂p Rßfp-sS-sbms° PmX-Iw. IΩyq-Wn-khpw I≈pw Hs° \nd™ Ncn-{X-`q-an-I-bmWv A¥n-°m-Sv. kn\n-a-bpsS sh≈n-sh-fn-®-ß-fn¬ temI-sØ-hnsS \n∂mepw Cu A¥n-°m-S≥ Im‰p-sIm-≈m≥ Fs‚ a\ v F∂pw hnXp-ºp-sa∂v Bap-J-ambn kXy≥ ]d-™p. 1. 17-˛mw hb- n¬ aZn-cm-in°v h≠n Ib-dnb kXy\v kn\n-abm-bn-cp-∂t√m tamlw. ]Xn-‰m-≠p-Iƒ Ign™v 50 kn\n-a-Iƒ°∏p-d-sa-Øp-tºmƒ sNdp-∏-Ønse Irjn-kvt\-l-Øn-te-°p≈ Zqcw Ipd-™p-t]m-b-Xp-t]mse tXm∂p-∂pt≠m? 14

Hcn-°-ep-an-√. aÆpw hnÆpw kwK-an-°p∂ Hcp \m´p-]-®-bp≠v F∂pw Fs‚ a\- n¬. ]mS-ß-fnse sImbvØv ]m´pw hmbvØmcnbpw Fs∂ Nqgv∂p-\n¬°p∂ kwKo-X-am-Wv. A¥n-°m-´sØ sNØp-Im¿ kzmX-{¥y-Øn-\p-th≠n \S-Ønb sIme-apdn ka-cØns‚ Bi-bhpw Bth-ihpw IØn-\n¬°p-tºm-gmWv Rm≥ kn\na ]Tn-°m≥ aZn-cm-in-bn¬ tUm. _me-Ir-jvWs‚ ASp-sØØn-b-Xv. Ime-sa{X amdn-bmepw \m´ns‚ aWhpw aa-Xbpw hn´pt]m-Ip-∂n-√. AXv \m´n¬ hcp-tºm-gp≈ Irjn-bmtbm As√-¶n¬ Xnc-°Y - I - f- nse IYm-]m-{X-ßf- mtbm ]pd-Øp-hc- pw. ktµ-iØ - nse DZ-b-`m\p F∂ Irjn Hm^o-k¿, a\- n-\-°-sc-bnse s_∂n, `mKy-tZ-h-X-bn-sebpw ho≠pw Nne ho´p-Im-cy-ß-fn-sebpw tdmbn®≥. Aß-s\-bp≈ \m´p-a-W-ap≈ F{Xtbm IYm-]m-{X-߃. H∂pw ad-∂n-´n-√. kn\na hn´m¬ A¥n-°ms´ Irjnbpw Irjn°m-cp-amWv temIw. 2. kn\n-a-sb∂ •ma¿thƒUn¬ \n¬°p-tºmƒ A\p-`-hn°p∂ Krlm-Xp-c-Xz-amtWm IYm-]m-{X-ß-fm-bn-t∏m-bXv.? Hcp ]t£, Aß-s\bm-Imw. Cu ]®-Øp-cp-Øn¬ sXfn-\ocp-t]mse hnip-≤n-bp≈ HØn-cn- \m-´p-Im-cp-≠v. Ah-sc-sbms° Rm≥ IYm-]m-{X-ß-fm-°n. Adnt™m Adn-bm-sXtbm AsXms° Nne-t∏mƒ ]pd-Øp-h-cpw. Cu I\-I-tim-`-bp≈ A¥n-°m-Sns‚ tImƒ\n-e-ß-fn¬ Rm\pw \n¿Ω-e-bp-sams° I¿j-I-cm-Wv. ChnSpsØ \m´p-Iq-´m-bvaI - f- n¬\n∂v Hmtcm XhW hcp-tºmgpw HØncn ]pXnb Imcy-߃ ]Tn-°p-∂p. 3. hyXy-kvX-cmb HØncn IYm-]m-{X-ßsf A{`-]m-fn-I-fn¬ ]I¿Øn-bn-´p≠v ktXy-´≥. AXn¬ ]ecpw {KmaoW \njvI-f-¶-

Xbp-≈-h-cm-Wv. taml≥em-en-s\-t∏mepw ho´p-the-°m-cn-bpsS aI\mbn sIm≠p-h-∂v. {Kma-Øns‚ sXcp-hp-I-fn¬ Xmc-{]-`-bn-√msX \n¿Øn-bn-´p-≠v. ]ip-°-fpsS Ib-dp-]n-Sn®v \S-Øn-bn-´p-≠v. CXns\-sbms° Irjn-tbm-Sp≈ A`n-\n-th-i-ambn ImWmtam? kn\n-a-bpsS t]cp-I-fn¬t∏mepw Hcp Im¿jn-I-em-hWyw D≠mbn-cn-°Ww F∂ \n¿_-‘-ap-s≠-\n-°v. s]m≥ap-´-bn-Sp∂ Xmdmhpw, \mtSm-Sn-°m-‰p-sams° Aßs\ h∂-Xm-Wv. a\- n-\-°sc Nn{Xo-I-cn-®-t∏mƒ joem-Ω-bpsS Iøn¬ sImSpØ Ib¿ amfp-∏ip-hn-t‚-Xm-bn-cp-∂p. AXns\ R߃ jq´nw-Kn-\p-th≠n s]m≈m®n-bn¬\n∂v kwL-Sn-∏n-®-Xm-Wv. Ct∏mgpw Chn-sS-bp-≠v. ]pdsØ sjUn¬ ImWmw. kv t \lw sIm≠v jq´nwKv Xo¿∂- t ∏mƒ AXns\ Dt]-£n-°m≥ tXm∂n-bn-√. ChnsS h∂v Ct∏mƒ ct≠m aqt∂m s]‰p. 4. ]pXp-X-e-apd Irjn-bn¬ \n∂pw ]mc-º-cy-Øn¬\n∂pw AI∂p-t]m-Ip-∂p-sh∂v tXm∂n-bn-´pt≠m? Hmtcm Imehpw Hmtcm-∂mWv Bh-iy-s∏-Sp-∂-Xv. F∂p-h®v ]mc- º - c ysØ Xnc- k v I - c n- ° m≥ Hcmƒ°p- a m- I n- √ . ]q¿∆kwkvImcw \ap-s°ms° Du¿÷w Xcp∂ A£-b-J-\n-bm-Wv. F\n-°-dnbmw C°m-Wp∂ Icp-h-∂q¿ ]pg-bmWv Rß-fp-sSsbms° B{i-bw. Idp-ØmWn ]mS-ti-J-c-Øns‚ ssNX-\y-am-WXv. ChnsS s]´nbpw ]dbpw D]-tbm-Kn®v \ne-sh≈w ]‰n®v \o¿\ne \nb-{¥n-®mWv R߃ Irjn-bn-d-°p-∂-Xv. Iq´m-bva-bpsS hen-sbmcp ck-X{¥w AXn-ep-≠v. AXp \¬Ip∂ i‡n thsdm∂m-Wv. kn\n-a-bn-eqsS ]e ]´-W-ß-fn¬ Rm≥ tNt°-dn-sb-¶nepw kz¥w \ne-\n¬]p-≠m-b-t∏mƒ A¥n-°m-t´°v Xncn-®p-h-cp-I-bmWp-≠m-b-Xv. kz¥w aÆns\ kvt\ln-°msX F{X Db-c-ß-fn¬ t]mbmepw IY-bn-√. Bflmhv \jvS-s∏Spw t]mse-bm-Wn-Xv. 5. kn\nam jq´nse Irjn A\p-`-h-߃? C∂sØ Nn¥m-hn-jbw F∂ kn\n-a-bpsS jq´n-\mbn R߃ tX\n-bn-se-Øn-b-t∏mƒ IsÆ-Øm-Zq-c-tØmfw tImfn-^vf-hdpw

Imt_Ppw Irjn-bp-≠v. Xangv ]Wn-°m¿ \n∂v Hs°bv°pw IoS\m-in\n Xfn-°p-I-bm-Wv. hnj-at√ Cu Xfn-°p-∂-sX∂v Rm≥ tNmZn-®p. Xan-g≥ Hcp Nncn-tbmsS ]d™p ""km¿ CXv h¥v tIcfm-hp-°p-Xm≥ \Ω Ign-°-°q-Sm-Xv ''. Cßs\ ]d-™Xp tI´v F\n°v Hcp sR´-ep-≠mbn. \ΩpsS aSnsb Hcp Zu¿_-ey-ambn I≠v apX-se-Sp-°p-I-bmWv Xan-g≥. AXv \mw Xncn-®-dn-bp-∂n-√. 6. AXv kzbw Xncn-®-dn™v Hcp amXrI krjvSn-t°-≠-Xt√? AØcw amXr-I-I-fmWv Idp-ØmWn tImƒ\n-e-Øns‚ hcºp-Iƒ. Icp-h-Æq¿ ]pg-bpsS Nmep-Iƒ Iodn R߃ Pe-tkN\w \S-Øp-∂p. hb¬Irjn Hcp kn\n-am-kvtIm∏v Nn{Xw t]msebm-Wv. 4500 G°¿ \new ChnsS IXn-c-Wn™p InS-°p-∂p. F√mw ssPh-Ir-jn-bm-Wv. tPymXn-bm-Wn-\w. Ce-t∏-\pw, Ipg¬∏pgp-hpw, Kmfo-®b - p-sams° Xpc-Øm≥ s\¬s®-Sn-If- psS CS-bn-te°v R߃ Ip´-\m-S≥ Xmdm-hp-Isf Cd-°n-hn-Spw. ]pdw-_-≠n¬ {]mWn-Isf ]nSn-°m≥ sN≠p-a-√n-bpsS \o≠-\nc aXn-ep-I-fmbn Xncn- ° pw. Ib¿]- ¥ - e nse imcn- I - ∏ - b - d n\pw {]nb- ¶ m- ] m- h bv°mbv°pw kwc-£Ww \¬Im≥ ]g-\p-dp°v sh≈-Øn¬ Ipg®v i¿°-c-]m-\n-bp-ambn tN¿Ø an{inXw \¬Ipw. ChnsS Rmt\m Rßtfm A√. F√m-hcpw F√m-Øn-\p-ap-≠v. AXmWv hnP-bw. 7. ]pXp-X-e-ap-dbv°v \¬Im≥ Hcp ktµiw IqSn? as‰m-∂p-an-√. \ap-°p-th≠ A∂w \Ωƒ Xs∂ D≠m-°p∂ Imew hc-Ww. AXn-\mbn°qSn A≤zm-\n-t°-≠-Xp≠v. B Hcp t_m[w F√m-h¿°p-ap-≠m-I-Ww. Kuco-Km-{X-ß-fn¬ I≈n≥Ipw-`-߃ NqSn \n¬°p∂ hbte-e-Isf t\m°n kXy≥ \S∂p. Nhn-´n-\n∂ aÆn¬\n∂v A∂w \¬Inb \∑-I-sf-°p-dn®v kXy≥ \n¿ØmsX ]d-™p. H∏w \S-°p-tºmƒ \m´n≥]p-dsØ \mtSm-Sn-°m-‰n\v ]pW-cm≥ Xs∂Øs∂ \¬Ip-I-bm-sW∂v \nc-¥cw Hm¿Ωn-∏n-®p-sIm-t≠-bn-cp-∂p.

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A`n-apJw : F≥.

F¬. _meIrjvW≥ (Ne®n{XXXmcw, t^mt´m{Km^¿)

Hm¿aIfpsS IZfoh\w ]

´-W-{]-th-i-Ønse ]£n-\n-co-£-I≥ _me-Ir-jvW≥ tN´s\ Adn-bm-Ø-h-cn-√. XSn-b≥ ta\nsb \o≠ Pp∫bv°pw ap≠n-\p-ap≈n¬ HXp°n \c-®-Xm-Snbpw XmSn°p tNcmØ Nncnbp-ambn F≥.-F¬ _me-Ir-jvW≥ hcp-tºmƒ `qan-Ip-ep-ßp-∂Xp-t]mse tXm∂pw. tIc-f-Øns‚ kmwkvIm-cnI N{I-hm-f-ß-fn¬ _me-Ir-jvW≥ tN´\v F∂pw Hcp ÿm\-ap-≠v. t^mt´m{Km^-dmbpw \S-\mbpw kmwkvIm-cnI Iq´m-bva-I-fpsS \mb-I-\mbpw Adn-b-s∏-Sp∂ _meIr-jvW≥ F∂ F≥.-F¬._n°v Irjn-bp-sSbpw arK-kw-c-£W-{]-h¿Ø-ß-fpsSbpw Hmcw tN¿∂v \S-°p∂ a\- p-≠v. Pekv]¿i-Øn-\p-th≠n Xncp-h-\-¥-]pcw sNº-g-¥n-bnse e£van-\mcm-W-b-Øn¬ sh®v A\p-h-Zn® A`n-ap-J-Øn¬\n-∂v. $ "Sole Champion of Drinkers of Kerala' F∂ kwt_m[\ _me≥tN-´-s\-°p-dn®v IpSn-°p-∂-h¿ ]d-bm-dp≠v. AXv Hcp ]t£ Xpd∂p kΩ-Xn-°p-∂-Xn¬ kXy-k-‘-X-bp-ap-≠v. Cu cq]hpw B {]-Jym-]-\hpw A¬]w Akzo-Im-cyX hcp-Øn-bn´pt≠m Nne-cp-sS-sb-¶nepw a\- n¬? IqSp-X¬ kzoIm-cyX In´n-b-Xp-t]m-se-bmWv F\n°v tXm∂nbn-´p-≈-Xv. Hfn-∏n-®p-sh-bv°m≥ H∂p-an-√m-Ø-XmWv Fs‚ hnPbw. aZyw IpSn-°p-∂Xv icn-bmb Af-hn¬ \nb-{¥n®pw Bkz-Zn®p-am-Wv. AXv \m´p-Im¿t°m ho´p-Im¿t°m iey-am-I-cpXv F∂ \n¿_- ‘ - h p- a p≠v . aZy- ] s‚ Akzo- I m- c yX am‰p- h m≥ aZy]s\Xs∂ \nb-{¥n-°p-hm-\p-amWv R߃ kwL-S-\-bp-≠m-°nb-Xv. IqSp-X¬ \nIpXn- sIm-SpØv hmßp∂ km[-\-Øn\v am\yambn Ccp∂p Ign-°m\pw kzbw \nb-{¥n-°m\pw bmsXmcp kuIcy-ßfpw sNbvXp sImSp-°mØ `c-Wm-[n-]≥am-tcm-SmWv RßfpsS ka-cw. FIvsskkv a{¥n-bm-bn-cp∂ Kucn-b-Ωbv°v R߃ \nth-Z\w sImSp-Øp. Fs∂ D]-tZ-in®v ]d-™p-hn-Sp-Ib - m-bn-cp∂p Kucn-bΩ. HcpXcw kzmX{¥yw {]Jym-]n-°¬. AXp-am-{Xta A∂v Dt±-in-®p-≈q. C∂pw B \ne-]m-Sn¬ am‰-an-√. F√m-hscbpw aZy]cm-°p∂ Blzm-\-sam∂pw AXn-en-√. B¿°pw AXv \ntj[n-°p-∂n-√. I]-S-k-Zm-Nm-c-Øn\pw \oXn-\n-tj-[-Øn-\p-sa-Xn-scbp≈ bp≤w am{Xw. 16

$ _mte-´-s\-tbm¿°p∂ Bcpw ]£n-kvt\-ln-bmb Hcp \Ss\ Hm¿Øp-t]m-Ipw. bYm¿∞-Øn¬ Aß-s\-bpt≠m? \√ Hcp arK-kvt\-ln-bmWv Rm≥. ]d-h-I-tfbpw CjvS-am-Wv kXy\pw {io\n-hm-k\pw AX-dn-bmw. AXmWv ]´-W-{]-th-i-Øn¬ B tdmƒ F\n-°p-X-∂-Xv. Fs‚ {Kma-amb sNº-g-¥n-bnepw Ip´n°mew sNe-h-gn® ]uUn-t°m-WØpw AXn-Im-eØv h≥a-c-ßsf t\m°n- \ n¬°pI Fs‚ IuXp- I - a m- b n- c p- ∂ p. Hcp sNdp- h nØn¬\n∂v am\w-aps´ hf-cp∂ ac-߃ F\n-°p-l-c-am-Wv. Ahbn¬ A∂w tXSm-s\-Øp∂ t]c-dn-bmØ ]d-h-Ifpw hmh-ep-Ifpw AÆm-d-°-Æ≥amcpw a\- ns‚ ss_t\m-°p-e-dn¬ Ct∏m-gp-ap≠v. Bhp-∂{X Nn{X-߃ Rm≥ ]I¿Øn-bn-´p-ap≠v. BIm-itØ°v Iymad angnXpd-°p-tºmƒ ]men-t°≠ an\naw X{¥-߃ Rm≥ ]Tn-®Xv Aß-s\-bm-Wv. $ {]Ir-Xn-bn¬\n∂v A\p-Zn\w AI-∂p-t]m-Ip-hm-\p≈ Xzc C∂sØ Xe-ap-dbv°paps≠∂v ]mc-º-cy-hm-Zn-Iƒ ]d-bp-∂p-≠v. {]Ir-Xnsb Bthmfw kvt\ln® _mte-´\v Aßs\ tXm∂p∂pt≠m? {]Ir-Xn- Xm-fm-fl-I-am-Wv. F∂m¬, thK-amWv C∂sØ Xeap-d-bpsS Nn”w. Cu s]mcp-Ø-t°-Sp-Iƒ kwL¿j-ap-≠m-°p∂p-≠v. AXmWv {]iv\w. Cu thKw sh®v {]Ir-Xn-tbm-Sn-S-s]-Sptºmƒ Ahƒ kwlm-c-cp-{Z-bm-hpw. Hfn-™n-cn-°p∂ Cu A]ISw Ah- c - d n- b p- ∂ n- √ . Irjn- X s∂ t\m°q. A¥- I - h nØpw ssl{_nUv C\-hp-amWv F√m-h¿°pw {]nbw. hgp-X\ th≠ `oa≥ hgp-X\ aXn. Im®n¬ th≠ `oa≥ Im®n¬ aXn. ]iphn≥]m¬ th≠. {]ta- l - t cm- K n°pw Ign- ° p- ∂ - X - c - Ø n¬ ]m¬aXn. a\p-jy≥ Ahs‚ Zqc-sh®v Ah-\n-jvs∏Sp∂Xv {]IrXn-hn-cp-≤ambn krjvSn-°p-I-bmWv Cßs\ t]mbm¬ temIw FhnsS sN∂v \n¬°pw. $ _mey-Ønse Irjn-tbm¿Ω-Iƒ? Fs‚ A—≥ sI. \mcm-b-W≥ H∂m-¥cw I¿j-I-\m-bn-cp∂p. s\√v, hmg, sh‰n-e, ac-®o-\n, ]®-°-dn-Iƒ F∂p th≠ sNº-g-¥n-bn¬ Rß-fpsS ]d-ºn-en-√mØ Hcp hnfbpw D≠m-bncp-∂n-√. CXn-s‚-sb√mw Hcwiw GXp hnt[-\bpw F∂n¬ hcp-a-

t√m. hmg-bpsS Iqºn¬\n∂pw tX≥ IpSn®v \S∂ _meyhpw Imfsb ]q´n-\n-d-°nb Iuam-chpw F\n-°p-≠v. Pohn-X-Øns‚ tNdn¬\n∂v ]Tn-®-sXm-s°-bmWv ]n¬°m-eØv F\n°v tNmdmb-Xv. 68-˛69 Imew-hsc tIcf Iuap-Zn-em-bn-cp∂p tPmen. tPmen°v t]mIpw apºpw t]mbn-h∂pw Irjn-bpsS `mK-am-tb Xocq. A—≥ Aß-s\-bmWv Fs∂ ]Tn-∏n-®Xv. ]ns∂ \fn\n Pohn-X-k-Jnbmbn h∂-t∏mgpw B Nn´-Iƒ Rm≥ sX‰n-®n-´n-√. Hmtcm-bn-S-Øp\n∂p Rms\Øp-tºmgpw Hmtcm Ip™p- ssX-sb-¶nepw sIm≠ph-cp-am-bn-cp∂p. ]qs®-Sn-Iƒ B´n≥Ip-´n-Iƒ Aß-s\-sb-s¥ms°. Imew amdn-b-t∏mƒ Irjn-`qan Xp≠p-Xp-≠m-bn. F√mw Ipd™p-Ip-d-™p-h-∂p. a°-fmb Ip™p-tamfpw cRvPphpw Pb-IrjvW-\psams° Irjn t{]an-IƒX-s∂. ]t£ ]d-™n-s´-¥p-Imcyw. HSn®p IpØm≥ ÿe-sa-hn-sS.

$ sh‰-dn-\dn tUmIvS¿am-cpsS hm¿jnI I¨h≥j-t\m-S-\p_-‘n® kph-\o-dn-emWv Aß-bpsS Cu A`n-apJw {]kn-≤o-Icn®p hcp-∂-Xv. Rß-fn¬\n∂v Aßsbt∏mep-≈-h¿ F¥mWv kaq-l-Øn\v th≠n {]Xo-£n-°p-∂Xv? D∂-Xamb imkv{Xw ssIap-X-em-bn-´p-≈-h-cmWv \n߃. an≠m{]m-Wn-I-sf-bmWv NnIn¬kn-°p-∂-Xv. ssZh-Øns‚ tImS-Xn-bn¬ am{Xw km£n-]-d-tb-≠-h¿. kzbw sXfn-bn-t°-≠-h-cmWv \n߃. Bscbpw t_m[y-s∏-Sp-tØ-≠-h-cp-a-√. a\- m-£n-tbmSv kXy-k‘X ]men- ® m¬ aXn. Rm\- d n- b p∂ F√m tUmIv S ¿amcpw Aßs\Xs∂-bm-bn-cp-∂p. kaq-l-Øn\v A∂w \¬Ip-∂-h¿ IqSn-bmWv \n߃. henb DØ-c-hm-Zn-Ø-am-Wv G¬∏n®n-cn-°p∂-Xv. AXv \nanjw {]Xn Hm¿°m≥ Cu ktµiw D]-I-cn-°s´ F∂p Rm≥ {]m¿∞n-°p-∂p.


A`n-apJw : {]`mh¿Ω

(Ihn, ]{X{]h¿ØI≥)

\ΩpsS ]mS߃ Hm¿abmIptam P

e-kv]¿iw F∂ t]cv Nne-sXms° kzbw -hn-fw-_cw sNøp∂p F∂-mWv sSen-t^m-Wns‚ Atß-Ø-e-bv°¬\n∂pw {]`m-h¿Ω {]Xn-I-cn-®-Xv. ae-bm-fn-bpsS {]nb-I-hnbpw hb-em¿ cma-h¿Ω Ahm¿Uv tPXmhpw tZim-`n-am\n dkn-U‚v FUn-‰-dpamb {]`m-h¿Ω Pe-kv]¿iw kph-\o-dn\v A`n-apJw A\p-h-Zn-®Xv Xncp-h-\-¥-]pcw tZim-`n-am\n _yqtdm-bn¬ h®mWv. Htc kabw kmln-Xy-Im-c\pw ]{X-{]-h¿Ø-I-\p-am-W-ßv. Ihn sshIm-cnI {]Xn-I-c-Whpw ]{X-{]-h¿Ø-I≥ sshNm-cnI-{]-Xn-I-c-Whpw BWv Bh-iy-s∏-Sp-∂-Xv. CsX-ßs\ Iq´n-tbmPn-∏n-°p∂p. kzbw \n¿∆-Nn-°mtam? c≠p-Im-cy-ß-f-√. aq∂v Imcy-ß-fp-≠v. tIc-fsØ hm¿sØSpØ Hcp cmjv{So-b-{]-ÿm-\-Øns‚ kPo-hmwKw IqSn-bmWv Rm≥. t\m°p-tºm-sg√mw ]c-kv]cw hnI¿jn®p \n¬°p-∂X - mbn tXm∂mw. F∂m¬ F\n- ° - ß s\ tXm∂n- b n- ´ n- √ . cmjv { Sobw G‰hpw henb am\-hn-I-X-bmWv. kmln-Xyhpw AXp-t]m-se-Xs∂. kXn dnt∏m¿´v sNøm≥ F\n°v t]mtI≠n h∂n-´p-≠v. cq]v I¨hm¿ F∂ bph-Xnsb NnX-bn-te°v X≈n-bn-Sp-∂Xv I≠n-´p≠v. CXp I≠-t∏mƒ Ihn-X-bmWv a\- n¬ h∂-Xv. ]t£, ]{X{]-h¿Ø-I≥ ap∂n¬h-∂p. AXp-shdpw dnt∏m¿´mbn amdn. aYpc-bn¬ h®v Ime-W-X-cWw F∂v bmNn®v HmS-°p-g¬ hmbn®v h∂ Hcp _mes\ I≠p. Irjv W s‚ P∑- ÿ - e - a m- b - X p- s Im≠v IrjvWs\ t]mse Rm\-hs\ I≠p. Fs‚ s{Sbn≥ hn´-t∏mƒ Hcp an\n-‰n\v tijw h≠n-\n-∂p. Imc-W-a-t\z-jn-®-t∏mƒ B _me≥ s{Sbn-\-Sn-bn¬ ac-W-s∏-´-t{X. CsX√mw Fs‚ Pohn-Xm\p-`-h-ß-fm-Wv. H∏w Bfl-kw-L¿j-ß-fpw. I¿j-I-tcmSpw I¿j-I-sXm-gn-em-fn-I-tfmSpw {]Xn-_-≤-X-bp≈ Hcp {]ÿm-\-Øn-emWv Aßv {]h¿Øn-°p-∂-Xv. AtX-k-abw kmln-Xy-Øn-sems° {]Xy-b-im-kv{X-\n-c-t]-£-amb Hcp kao-]\w thW-sa∂pw ]d-™n-´p-≠v. I¿j-I-tcm-Sp≈ Aß-bpsS Ncn-{X]-c-amb ISa F¥mWv? temI-N-cn-{X-Øn¬Xs∂ am\-ho-I-Xsb kzm[o-\n-°p-∂-Xn¬ Irjn-bpsS ]¶v ImWmw. alm-`m-c-X-Øn¬ ]rYzn KX-bu-∆\ F∂v ]d-™n-´p-≠v. `qan-bpsS bu∆\w \jvS-s∏-´p-t]m-b-Xn¬ Rm\pw hne-]n-°p-∂p-≠v. ]®-∏n-√m-Xmbn a\- nse ]®-∏n-s\bpw {Kojvaw {Kkn-°p-∂-Xn¬ Rm≥ DXvI-WvT-s∏-Sp-∂p. XWepw Ipfn¿abpw C√m- X m- b m¬ Irjn- ° m- t cm, Irjntbm C√m- X m- b m¬ Hmtcm hy‡nbpw Hmtcm Nnan-gn-te-s°m-Xp-ßpw. kz¥w Xm¬]-cy-߃ am{Xw ap≥\n¿Øp∂ Hcp Xpcp-Ømbn Hmtcm-cp-Øcpw amdp-∂-Xns\-°p-dn®v Nn¥n-°m≥ Ign-bptam? s\√pw hbepw ]øpw Hs° \ap°v thWw. Ahsb kwc-£n-°p∂ I¿j-I-cpw. ]º-bm-‰ns‚ Xoc-ØmWv Aß-bpsS Iuam-cw. F≈n≥X≠v aW-°p∂ hgn-Ifpw hb¬®q-cn-eqsS \S∂ _mey-hp-sams° Ct∏mgpw Hm¿Ωn-°p-∂pt≠m? A\p-`-h-߃ ]¶p-h-bv°mtam? Fs‚ ssii-hhpw _meyhpw HcnSØpw Iuam-chpw bu∆\hpw as‰m- c n- S - Ø pw. _mey- Ø n¬ Fs‚ {Kma- Ø ns‚ t]cv Ab¿°m-´p-hb¬ F∂m-bn-cp-∂p. s\¬h-bepw ]®∏pw hc-ºpIfpw ssItØm-Sp-Ifpw Bthm-f-ap-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. B ssItØm´n-sems° A—-kv^-Sn-I-k¶m-iw- F-s∂ms° ]d-bp-∂-Xpt]mse IÆo-scmØ Ipfn¿\o-scm-gp-In-bn-cp-∂p. kqcy≥ AXn¬ Xnfßp-tºmƒ ]c¬ao-\p-Iƒ apI-fn¬h∂v an∂n-s∏m-en-™p-t]m-Ip∂Xv Ct∏mgpw Fs‚ lrZ-b-Øn¬ ]Xn-™p-In-S-°p∂ ImgvN18

bm-Wv. as‰m-cn-SØv a™-\n-d-am¿∂ hb¬ IXn¿°p-e-I-f-Wn™v \n¬°p-∂p. Nne-t∏mƒ AXv sImbvXv Ip‰n-bm-Ipw. Pohn-X-Øns‚ Hcp Ime-N-{Ihpw Xmf-{I-ahpw Hm¿Ωn-∏n-°p∂ ImgvN-bm-Wv. buh\w ]º-bm-‰n≥ Xoc-Øm-bn-cp-∂p. Icn-ºm-bn-cp∂p AhnsS {][m-\-Ir-jn. Icn-ºn≥ Irjn-bpsS G‰n-d-°-߃ A∂v Fs∂t∏mse \∂mbn Adn-bm-hp-∂-h¿ ka-{]m-b-°m-cmbn Bcp-ap-≠mbn-cp-∂n-√. iyma-am-[h - s- Ø-°p-dn®v Ct∏mƒ ]cm-a¿in-°msX hø. IrjvW\n¬ Hcp ]›m-Øm-]-Øns‚ kvt]kp-≠m-bn-cp-∂Xv Aßv Is≠Øp- I - b m- b n- c p- ∂ p. ]q¿∆- k w- k v I r- X n- b psS Xnc- k v I m- c sØ Asß∂pw X≈n-∏-d-™n-cp-∂p. bph-X-e-apdbv°v CØcw ]›mØm-]-ß-fn-√msX t]mIp-∂-Xmbn tXm∂n-bn´pt≠m? tNmZyw tI´-t∏mƒ \Sp-hØv A—≥ \ºq-Xn-cn-bpsS Hcp IhnX Hm¿Ω hcp-∂p. F√m Pohn-X Xo¿∞hpw aen-\-ambn sNm√m¿∂ Nme-°pSn Nn√m-am-‰n\pw hm‰p-atZy aW-am-bn. AXp-Xs∂ \ΩpsS F√m \Zn-Iƒ°pw kw`-hn-°p-∂-Xv. alm-`m-c-XØn¬ Hcp aplq¿ Ø-ap-≠v. Km‘m-cn- IrjvWs\ i]n-°p-∂p. Ct∂°v 36-˛mw h¿jw \ns‚ hwiw apSn-™p-t]m-Ipw. B im]-hN - v tI´v ]cn-{`-an-°msX IrjvW≥ ]d-™Xv Cß-s\-bm-bn-cp-∂p. Aßs\ Xs∂ htcW-sa-∂p-≈-Xp-s≠-\n°pw a\-°m-ºn¬ kp`-e-tP. Hc¿∞-Øn¬ IrjvW\\p-`-hn® {]bm-k-߃ Nn√-d-sbm-∂p-a-√. \mw ImWp∂ IrjvW-\√ bYm¿∞ IrjvW≥. K¿`-Øn¬ Pbn-en-em-bn-cp-∂p. inip-hm-bn-cp-∂-t∏mƒ Pbn-en¬\n∂pw \Zn-bn-eqsS Hfn-®p-I-S-Øn. ssiih-Ønepw _mey-Ønepw h[-`o-j-Wn. AΩ-sb∂v Icp-Xn-bh¿ ape-∏m-en¬ hnjw-I-e¿Øn. 16008 `mcy-am-sc∂ Akqb Ie¿∂ im]w. aWn tamjvSn-®p-sh∂ If-¶w. cm[tbmSv \oXn sNbvXn-s√∂ k¥m-]w. hn{K-l-`÷-\-a√ Rm≥ \S-Øn-b-Xv. temI-Øn\v apºn¬ F√m am\-hoI-X-bp-ap≈ Hcp IrjvWs\ Bscbpw apdn-th¬°msX hmb-\-°m¿°v A\p-I-º-bp-≠mIpw hn[w Ah-X-cn-∏n-°pI-bm-bn-cp-∂p.

BtKm-f-h¬I-cW ImeØv Irjnbpw Irjn-°m-c\pw amdp∂p. c≠nepw AXv I\Ø BLm-X-ß-tf¬]n-°p-∂p. Ihn-sb∂ \ne-bn¬ Aß-bpsS D¬IWvT ]¶p-h-bv°mtam? Irjn-bn¬ am‰-߃ hcp-tºmƒ F-√m-Ønepw am‰-߃ hcp∂p. a\p-jys‚ at\m-L-S-\-bn¬°qSn X\-Xp-hn-f-Iƒ C∂n-√m-Xmbn. ]g-b-Ime Blm-c-co-Xn-Iƒ C∂n-√. ico-c-Øn\v AXn-Po-h-\i-‡n-bn-√. \ΩpsS Zl\-Øn-\p-X-Ip∂ C©n-°-dnbpw sImfkvt{Smƒ Ipd-bv°p∂ Idn-th-∏n-e-bp-sams° Bscm-°tbm X´nsb-SpØv ]pXnb D¬]-∂-ambn \ap°v ap∂n¬ Ah-X-cn-∏n-°p-

∂p. tIc-fo-bX tNm¿∂p-t]m-bn. ]cn-k-csØ Adn-bmsX hfcp∂ Hcp ]pXp-X-e-ap-dsb A`n-am-\-ambn ImWm≥ \sΩ GsXm°tbm _mly-i-‡n-Iƒ ]Tn-∏n-®p-sIm-t≠-bn-cn-°p-∂p. AXnsems° D¬I-WvT-bp≠v. Hcp ktµiw IqSn ]q°sf ie`w kvt\ln-°p-∂-Xp-t]mse {]IrXn ]qØpºnsb kvt\ln-°p-∂-Xp-t]ms-e. Irjn-bn-eqsS {]Ir-Xn-sbbpw {]Ir-Xn-bn-eqsS a\p-jy-s\bpw a\p-jy-\n-eqsS temI-sØbpw Adnb-Ww. temIsØ kvt\ln-°m≥ ]Tn-°-Ww.



tIcfm hym]mcn hyh-kmbn GtIm-]\ kanXn ap°q-´p-Xd bqWn‰v

]hn{Xw ]uƒ{Sn ^mw (Govt. Approved Egger Nursery) sk‚ v tXmakv N¿®v _n¬UnwKv, ]´n°mSv ]n. H., Xy»q¿˛680652 Ph : 9961606972, 9895675067

Email : ev_antony@yahoo.co.uk

5 h¿jw ]q¿ØoIcn°p∂ Cu ÿm]\tØmSv klIcn® F√mhtcmSpw Bflm¿∞ambn \µn Adnbn°p∂p. XpS¿∂pw klIcWw {]Xo£n®psIm≠v... amt\P¿ do\ AeIvkv



Im¿jnI kwkvIm-c-Øns‚ \oscm-gp-°p-Iƒ ‘The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings’ Masanobu Fukuvoka The one straw revolution


jn-sb-∂Xv D¬]m-Z-I {Inb-am-{X-a-√, AXv kwkvIm-cØns‚ `mK-am-sW∂pw kmwkvIm-cn-I-amb Hcp XpS¿® AXn\v Bh-iy-am-sW-∂p-ap≈ ImgvN∏ - m-SmWv Cu At\z-jW - Ø - ns‚ ASnÿm-\w. kaq-lØ - ns‚ aqey-hy-hÿ F{]-Im-ca- mWv Xe-ap-dI - f- nte°v ssIam‰w sNø-s∏-Sp-∂Xv A{]-Imcw Xs∂ Irjn-tbmSpw aÆn-t\m-Sp-ap≈ {]Xn-_-≤X Xe-ap-d-I-fn-te°v ]I¿∂v \¬tI≠-Xp-≠v. F¥n\v Irjn-sN-øWw F∂ tNmZy-Øn\v D¬]m-Z\ h¿≤22

\-hn\v F∂ DØ-ct- Øm-sSm∏w i‡-amb Hcp Bi-b A - S- n-Ød- IqSn D≠m-hW - w. aÆn-s‚bpw a\p-jy-s‚bpw \ne-\n¬∏n\v Bhiy-amb ]mcn-ÿn-Xn-Im-ht- _m-[Ø - ns‚ ]n≥_-ea- p-≈X - m-hWw Cu Bib ASn-Ø-d. a\p-jy-cmin Ct∂mfw B¿Pn® aqey-t_m[w Ahs\ kaq-l\ - ∑ - b - n-te°v F{X-tØmfw tN¿Øp \n¿Øp-∂pthm AXp-t]mse Irjnbpw Im¿jnI Adn-hp-Ifpw kzmb-Øa- m-t°-≠Xp-s≠∂pw AXv a\p-jys\ IqSp-X¬ \ho-Ir-Xa- mb Hcp aqey-hy-

h-ÿ-bn-te°v FØn-°p-∂p-s≠∂pw \mw a\- n-em-t°-≠n-bncn°p∂p. ]cn-ÿn-Xn-s°-Xn-cmb sX‰p-Iƒ, hy‡nIƒ°pw kaql-Øn\psa-Xncmb sX‰p-Iƒ t]mse-Xs∂ Ku-ch-ap-≈X - m-sW∂ Nne aX-hn-`m-Kß - f- psS ASp-ØI - m-eØ - p-≠mb \nco-£W - ß - ƒ Cu ]›m-Øe - Ø - n¬ IqSp-X¬ {]k-‡a- m-Wv. Irjn-˛-ar-K-kw-c-£W taJ-e-I-fn¬ I≠pw sNbvXpw ]Tnt°≠ ]eXpw ap≥X-e-ap-d-bn¬\n∂v \Ωn-te°pw Ahn-sS-\n∂pw ASpØ Xe-ap-d-bn-te°pw Hgp-In-sb-Øp-∂-Xn¬ Fhn-sStbm XS -߃ t\cn-´n-´p-s≠∂v kq£vaa- mbn \nco-£n-®m¬ a\- n-em-°mw. kmaq-lyhpw kmwkvIm-cn-I-hp-amb ]e LS-I-߃ CXn\p ImcW-am-bp-≠m-hm-sa-¶nepw ]pXnb Ime-Øn¬ Im¿jn-Im-`n-apJyw Ipd™p-h-cp-∂p-sh-∂Xv Ct∏mƒ Irjn-bn¬ G¿s∏-Sp-∂-h-cpsS {]mbw \nco-£n-®m¬ t_m≤y-am-Ipw. Irjn D]-sXm-gn-emtbm Ipd™-]£w Hcp tlm_n-bm-sb-¶nepw sIm≠p\-S°m≥ kml- N - c y- a p≈ ]ecpw C∂v AXn¬ G¿s∏-Sm≥ sshapJyw ImWn-°p-∂p. D¬]m-Z-\-ta-Je-bnse hy‡n-]c- a- mb CSs]- S - e p- I ƒ \mSns‚ ka-{K-amb D¬]m-Z-\Øn¬ Hcp IpXn-®pNm´w krjv S n- ° psa∂ {]Xo-£-bn-s√¶nepw Im¿jnI kwkv I m- c - Ø ns‚ Xe-ap-dI - f- n-te-°p≈ ]I¿∂p \¬I¬ aÆn- s ‚bpw a\p- j ys‚bpw \ne- \ n¬∏n\v Ahiyw th≠-Xp-X-s∂. hne \¬In hmßnb Acn ]mNIw sNbvXv AXn¬\n∂pw BZysØ h‰v Ign-°p-tºmƒ, AXn-\p-th≠n hnØp hnX-®h-sc, shbnep sIm≠-h-sc, sh≈w tXIn-bhsc, sImøp-Ibpw saXn-°p-Ibpw sNbvX-hsc Hcp \nanjw [ym\n-°m≥ Ign-™m¬ \n߃ A∂-Øn-s‚bpw Irjn-bp-tSbpw Bflob Adn-hp-Isf kv]¿in®p Ign-™p. CXv Hcp Xncn-®-dn-hm-Wv. Irjn Hcp k¿§mflI {Inb-bm-sW∂pw Hcp kmwkvIm-cnI {]h¿Ø-\-am-sW-∂pap≈ Xncn-®-dn-hv. ssZh-Øns‚ krjvSncl-ky-߃ `qan-bn¬ hnXdm≥ \ntbm-Kn-°-s∏-´-h-\mWv I¿j-I≥ F∂ Xncn-®-dn-hv. kzbw Irjn-sN-bvXp-sIm≠v Irjn A\p-`-h-ß-fn-te°p Cdßn-s®-√p-tºm-fmWv. Cu A\p-`hw \sΩ-Øs∂ ]p\¿\n¿Ωn-°p-

∂p, Xe-ap-d-I-fpsS ⁄m\w \Ω-fn¬ Dd-h-sb-Sp-°p-∂p. _meyØns‚ K‘-ßfpw kv]¿i-ßfpw \Ωsf Dt∑-j-hm-\m-°p-∂p. \Ωƒ t]mep-a-dn-bmsX Bflm-hn-se-hn-sStbm ad-™p-In-S∂ Hcp `q{]-tZiw Db¿∂p-h-∂-Xp-t]mse AXv \Ωsf B\-µn-∏n-°p-∂p. {]Ir-Xnsb kq£va-ambn \nco-£n-°p-hm-\p≈ Ignhv _e-s∏-SpØp-∂p. \ΩpsS Bdm-an-{µnbw Xpd-°p-∂p. \mS∑mcmb {Kmao-WI¿j-I¿ Pohn-X-Øns‚ _lp-cq-]n-I-fmb {]iv\-ßsf kzXkn- ≤ - a mb kc- f - X - t bmsS kss[cyw t\cn- ´ - X ns‚ s]mcpƒ CXmWv. s]mXp kaq-l-Øn-s‚-sb-∂-t]mse Irjn-bn¬ G¿s∏´n-cn-°p-∂-h-cp-tSbpw kmwkvIm-cnI kØtb C∂v \n¿Æ-bn-°p∂-Xv Itºm-fhpw AXns‚ A\p-_-‘-i-‡n-I-fp-amWv. I¿jI Bfl-l-Xy-Isf Cu ]›m-Ø-e-Øn-eqsS \Ωƒ a\- n-em-t°-≠nbn-cn-°p-∂p. F¥m-bmepw Im¿jn-I-kw-kvIm-c-sa-∂Xv Pohs‚ kwkvIm-c-am-Wv. ac-W-Øn-s‚bpw bp≤-Øn-s‚bpw kwkvIm-c-a-√. shdn-bp-sSbpw B¿Ønbp- s Sbpw Im]- S y- Ø n- s ‚bpw kwkvIm-c-a-√. Ign™ A≥]- X ph¿j-߃°n-S-bn¬ Irjn- ˛ - a r- K - k w- c - £ W {]h¿Ø-\-߃ tIcf-Øn¬ B]¬°-camw-hn[w Ipd-™p. ASn-ÿm-\-]-c-ambn a\p- j y≥ I¿j- I \m-Wv. s\‰n-bnse hnb¿∏p-sIm≠v A∏w `£n- t °- ≠ h≥. c≠p aq∂p Xe-apd apºp-hsc Cu t_m≤yw P\nX-I-sa-∂-t]m¬ \ap°v ]I¿∂p-In´n-bn-cp-∂p. D¬]m-Z\ h¿≤-\hn-t\-°pdn®pw kzm{i-b-Xz-sØ-°p-dn®pw hnI-k\ DtZym-K-ÿ¿ F∂ \ne-bn¬ aWn-°q-dp-Iƒ {]kw-Kn-°p∂ \Ωƒ Im¿jn- I - { ]- h ¿Ø- \ - ß sf F{X- a m{Xw kz¥w Pohn- Ø n¬ {]mh¿Øn-I-am-°p-∂p≠v F∂-dn-bp-hm≥ tIm´bw Pn√-bnse Fgp]-tXmfw sh‰-dn-\dn tUmIvS¿am¿°n-S-bn¬ Hcp k¿t∆ \S-ØpI-bp-≠m-bn. Im¿jn-I- kw-kvIm-c-Øns‚ ss\-c-¥-cy-Øn¬ ^e{]-Z-amb IÆn-bm-Ip-hm≥ \ap°v km[n-®n-´pt≠m F∂p-≈-XmWv Cu At\z-j-W-Øn-eqsS Adn-bm≥ {ian-®-Xv. kzX- k n- ≤ - a mb emL- h - _ p- ≤ n- t bmsS \Ω- f n¬ ]ecpw k¿t∆sb kao]n®-t∏mƒ ÿnXn-hn-hc- ° - m-cpsS aXn∏p e`n-°mØ

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H∂mbn amdntbm F∂ kwibw _m°n-bm-hp-∂p. k¿t∆-bn¬ sNdp∏-°m¿ 44.8% a≤y-hb - k - vI¿ 44.4% apXn¿∂-h¿ 13.8% ]s¶-SpØp. kl-Ic- n-®h - c- n¬ 38% I¿j-Ic- psS a°fpw 50% Kh¨sa‚v Poh-\° - m-cpsS a°fpw _m°n hcp-∂h - ¿ _nkn-\ - p-Im-cpsS a°fp-amWv. sh‰-dn-\dn k¿P≥ F∂ sXmgn-en-\p-]c- n-bmbn Fs¥-¶nepw I¿jn-I˛- a- r-Kk - w-c£ - W {]h¿Ø\w \S-Øp-∂pt≠m F∂ tNmZyØn\v e`n® DØ-cß - ƒ {]Xo£ \¬Ip-∂X - m-bn-cp-∂p. 70% t]cpw sNdn-bc- o-Xn-bn-se-¶nepw Im¿jn-Ih - r-Øn-bn-te¿s∏-Sp-∂h - c- m-sW∂v a\ n-em-°m≥ km[n-®p. ta¬∏-d™ - h - c- n¬ 50% t]cpw kz¥-ambn ]®-°dnIrjn sNøp-∂h - c- m-Wv. 35% t]¿ BSp-hf- ¿Ø¬ tImgn-hf¿Ø¬ CXc arK-kw-c£ - W {]h¿Ø-\ß - f- n¬ kPo-ha- m-Wv. 4% t]¿ s\¬Irjn sNøp-tºmƒ A{Xbpw Xs∂ Bfp-Iƒ ]ip-hf¿Ø-en¬ G¿s∏-´n-cn-°p-∂p. Bcpw Xs∂ ASpØ Xe-ap-dsb Im¿jn-I-ta-J-e-bn-te°v ssI]n-Sn®v Ib-‰m≥ B{K-ln-°p-∂n√ F∂p-≈Xv Hcp bYm¿∞y-ambn \ne-\n¬°p-tºmƒ, sa®-s∏´ `uXnI kml-Nc- y-ßf- psS Nn”-ßf- mbn Icp-Xs- ∏-Sp∂ hoSpw (75% t]¿) Imdpw (43% t]¿) kz¥-ambn D≈ \Ωƒ Im¿jnI hrØntbm-Sp≈ {]Xn-_-≤X D≈n¬ kq£n-°p∂p F∂p-≈Xv Cu k¿t∆-bn-eqsS a\- n-em-°m≥ km[n-®p. saUn-°¬ {]th-i\]co-£-bpsS dm¶ven-Ãn¬ CSw tXSp∂ Ipd®p t]cmWv F√m Ime-ß-fnepw sh‰n-\dn kb≥kn¬ tNcp∂-Xv. anI® B`n-ap-Jy-ap-≈-hcpw B`n-ap-Jy-an-√m-Ø-hcpw Cu Acn∏-bn-eqsS IS-∂p-h-cm-dp-≠v. F∂m¬, henb aqey-t_m[w Bhiy-ap≈ Im¿jnI kwkvIr-Xn-bpsS Imh-em-fmtI≠ \Ωp-tSXp t]mse-bp≈ sXmgn-en¬hcp∂ t\cnb B`n-apJyhyXn-bm\w t]mepw Im¿jnItaJ-e-bn¬ henb Ne-\-߃ D≠m-°p-sa∂v a\- n-em-t°-≠n-bncn-°p-∂p. Im¿jnI kwkvIr-Xn-bpsS XpS¿®°mbn {]h¿Øn-I-fn-eq-sS-bp≈ t_m[-]q¿∆-amb CS-s]-S-ep-Iƒ Imew Bh-iy-s∏-Sp-tºmƒ, AXn-t\mSp ]pdwXncn™p\n¬°p∂ Hcp kao-]-\-a√ \Ωp-tS-sX-∂v, Cu {]mY-anI hnh-c-ti-J-cWw ASn-h-c-bn-Sp-∂p.

"\ap°p≈nse I¿jI≥' tNmZymhen 1. Xm¶-fpsS ap≥Xe-ap-d-bpsS Irjn˛arK-kw-c-£W {]h¿Ø-\-ß-sf-°p-dn-®p≈ Hm¿Ω-Iƒ/A\p-`-h-߃ F¥mWv. Ah¿ \nßsf Cu kwkvIm-c-Øns‚ `mK-am-Ip-hm≥ t{]cn-∏n-®n-cpt∂m? 2. Xm¶ƒ Ct∏mƒ Irjn˛arK-kw-c-£W {]h¿Ø-\-ßfn¬ G¿s∏-Sm-dpt≠m? Ds≠-¶n¬ hni-Zo-I-cn-°mtam? 3. kz¥w Irjn kwcw-`-ap-s≠-¶n¬ AXn¬ kzbw A≤zm\n-°m-dpt≠m? Ds≠-¶n¬ hni-Zo-I-cn-°mtam? A\p-`-h-߃ ]¶p-h-bv°mtam? 4. Irjn-bn¬\n∂v amdn Sqdn-kw, sF.-Sn. k¿∆okv taJ-eI - fn¬ {i≤-sN-ep-Øp-∂X - mWv tIc-fØ - n\p A`n-Im-ay-sa∂v A`n-{]mb-apt≠m? hyXykvX A`n-{]m-bß - f- p-s≠-¶n¬ ]¶-ph-b° v p-I. 5. \ne-hnse ]mTy-]-≤-Xn-I-fn¬\n∂v Irjnbpw Im¿jnI Ah-t_m-[hpw ]pdw-X-≈-s∏-´p-sh∂v A`n-{]m-b-apt≠m? Cu hnj-b-Øn¬ Xm¶-fpsS Imgv®-∏mSv F¥mWv? 6. Xm¶-fpsS ASpØ Xe-ap-dbv°v Xm¶ƒ°dn-bm-hp∂ Irjn-˛-ar-K-kw-c-£W coXn-Iƒ, Bi-b-߃ XpS-ßn-bh ]I¿∂p \¬Ip-hm≥ {ian-®n-´pt≠m? Ah-cpsS {]Xn-I-cWw Fß-s\-bmWv? Cu hnjbw ap≥\n¿Øn A¬]w-IqSn hnim-e-amb Hcp A`n{]mb At\z-j-W-Øns‚ `mK-ambn GXm≠v 20¬]cw tUmIvS¿amtcmSv Nne-tNm-Zy-߃ {Inbm-flI N¿®-°mbn aptºm-´p-h-bv°p-Ibp- ≠ m- b n. (tNmZyw CtXmsSm∏ap≈ t_mIv k n¬ tN¿Øn cn°p∂p.) ]Xn-hp-t]mse ipjvIa- mb {]Xn-Ic- W - a- m-Wp-≠m-bX - v. F¶nepw {]kn-≤o-I-c-W-tbm-Ky-sa∂v Icp-Xp∂ c≠p-Ip-dn∏p-Iƒ CtXmsSm∏w \¬Ip-∂p.

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KANDATHIL MEDICALS Mukkoottuthara Ph: 04828-254103 24

Hm¿Ωbn¬ Hcp sImbvØp]m´v tUm. kn‘p _me≥ sh‰dn\dn k¿P≥, Bbh\ 1. Irjnss]XrIw ˛ DØcw : Irjn-˛a- r-Kk - w-c£ - W {]h¿Ø\-߃ `wKn-bmbpw Imcy-£a- a- mbpw \S-Øn-s°m-≠p- t]mbn-cp∂ Hcp IpSw-_-Øn-emWv Rm≥ P\n-®p-h-f¿∂-Xv. Ch-sbm-∂p-an-√msXbp≈ Pohn-Xs- Ø-°p-dn®v Nn¥n-°mt\ Ah¿°v Ign-bp-am-bncp-∂n√. A≤ym-]\ Pohn-X-Øn-\n-S-bnepw I∂p-]q-´m\pw Imen-ta°m\pw Imem-\p-kr-Xa- mbn Irjn-sN-øm\pw Ah-cd- n™p. sNdp∏w apXte Ah-sbms° ImWp-∂X - n\pw Ah¿°-hnsS Blm-cs- aØn-°p-∂-Xn-\p-sam-s°-bmbn Rm\p-ap-≠m-bn-cp-∂p˛sImbvØpw saXn-bp-sams° lc-am-bn. ]®-∏m-Shpw kz¿Æ-s\¬°-Xn-cp-Iƒ Nm©m-Sp∂ hbepsa√mw I≠v Bkz-Zn-°m-\p≈ Ignhv A∂p-ap-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. I∂p]q-´n-bm-e-hnsS ]c¬ao-\ns\ ]c-Xp∂ ]£-nI-fpsS at\m-lm-cnXbpw sNfnaWhpw Acn-In-sem-gp-Ip∂ sXfn™ Acp-hn-Ifpw ]pØ-cn-t®m-dns‚ kzmZpw {Kma-Øns‚ Iq´m-bvabpw sXfn-bp-∂p≠o a\- n¬. CsX√mw I≠v I≠v Bdmw-¢m-kp-Im-cn-bm-bn-cp-∂-t∏mƒ Hcp tamlw. Hcp sImbvØp-Im-eØv Hcp tXm∂¬. X\ntb sImbvXpsa-Xn®v Af-∂m¬ F\n-s°{X ]X-ºp-In-´p-sa∂v H∂-dn-b-W-sas∂mcp t{]mP-IvSv. t{]mPIvSv IrXy-X-tbmsS ]q¿Øo-I-cn-®p. aq∂p-]-d-s\√v ]Xºp e`n-®-Xn-sem-Øncn kt¥m-jn-®p. B ISw Ct∏mgpw Ah-ti-jn-°p-∂p-s≠∂v AΩ-bn∂pw Hm¿Ωn-∏n°m-dp≠v. AsX√mw a\w-Ip-fn¿∏n-°p∂ Hm¿Ω-Iƒ. shbn-ep-sIm-≈m\pw ag-\\ - b - m\pw a™p-Im-Wm\pw klm-bn-°p-∂X - n-\p≈ a\ v kz¥am-°m\pw Rm\pw ]Tn-®p. Irjnbpw Imen-h-f¿Øepw ]c-kv]cw kzm[o-\n-°p-∂p-sh∂v Ah-cn¬ \n∂-dn-™p. Aßs\ ae-bmfw kwkvIm-c-am-sW∂pw ae-bmfn {]Ir-Xn-bpsS Iem-Im-c-\m-sW∂pw A∂-dn-™p. Fs∂bpw AtX kwkvIm-c-Øns‚ Ie-bpsS AhbpsS Bkzm-Z-\-Øns‚ `mK-am-°m-\p≈ Ah-cpsS A≤zm\w ^eh-Ømbn Fs∂mcp Nmcn-Xm¿∞yw! 2. kz¥wIrjn ˛ DØcw : sNdnb tXmXn-em-sW-¶nepw Ct∏mgpw Irjn-bn¬ G¿s∏-Sm-dp≠v arK-ß-sfm-∂p-an-s√-¶nepw Ipsd tImgn-Ip-™p-ßfpw Iptd a¬ky-hp-sam-s°-bp-≠n-hn-sS. apf-°p-∂-sX-¥m-bmepw aÆn-\-Sn-bn-em°n sh≈-sam-gn®p ]cn-]men-°m-\m-Wn-jvSw. DtZym-Khpw AWp-Ip-Spw-_-sa∂ bmYm¿∞yhpw Iqen-∏-Wn-°mbn Bfn-√m-ØXpw {]Xn-_‘-߃ Xs∂-sb-¶nepw Irjnsb ad-°m≥ Ign-bp-sa∂p tXm∂p∂n√. 3. kz¥w A[zm\w ˛ DØcw : kzbw A≤zm-\n-°m-dp-≠v. arKtUm-IvS-sd∂ ISa \n¿∆-ln-°p-∂-tXm-sSm∏w ]qt¥m-´-ap-≠m°m\pw hr£-ssØ-Ifpw a‰pw \Sp-∂-Xn\pw sNdnb Irjn-∏-WnIƒ \S-Øp-∂-Xn\pw {i≤n-°m-dp-≠v. {][m-\-ambpw Ch-bpsS Bkzm-Z\w Xs∂-bmWv e£yw. kwL¿j-ßfpw kwL-´-\ßfpw a\-kn-ep-≈-t∏mgpw A¬]-k-abw Irjn-∏-Wn-I-fn-te¿s∏-´m¬-˛-

]q-hn-Sp∂ sNSn-Ifpw Ahsb Xnc-bp∂ Nn{X-i-e-`-ßfpw XpºnIfpw aXn-bm-Ipw. Ah-sbms° ]d-]-d-°m≥. AXp-sIm-≠p-Xs∂ em`-\-jvS-ß-fpsS IW-°√ ""B\-µ-e-_v[n-°n-\n-sb-¥p-thWw'' F∂ Nn¥-X-s∂-bmWv ap∂n¬. In´p-∂Xp Infn¿∏n-°m\pw Ipds®-SpØv Ab-eØpw Adn-bp- t- ∂m-scbpw G¬∏n-°m-\p-amWv {iaw. (F-\n°p \jvS-s∏-´mepw AhnsS D≠m-Ip-at√m!) 4. amdp∂ NphSpIƒ ˛ DØcw : Irjn (ar-K-kw-c-£Ww FSpØp-]-d-tb-s≠∂p Icp-Xp-∂p)- bn¬ \n∂p hyXn-N-en-°p-∂Xv tIcf-Øn-\p-am-{X-a√ Hcp \mSn\pw KpW-I-c-am-hn√ F∂-Xp-X-s∂-bmWv icn. \mSn-\-`n-Im-ay-amb Irjn sNbvtX ]‰q-˛-`-£y-kp-c-£-bpsS Imcy-Øn-em-bmepw {]Ir-Xn-kw-c-£-W-Øns‚ Imcy-Øn-em-bmepw \ΩpsS \mSpw Db-c-ß-fn-te°p-b-cm≥ Irjn sNøp-I-b-√m-sX, A≤zm-\n-°p-I-b-√msX as‰mcp t]mwh-gn-bn-√. Sqdn-kw, sF.-Sn. k¿∆okv taJ-e-I-fn¬ F{X ]ptcm-K-an-®mepw {]Ir-Xnsb kwc£n-t°-≠-h¿ \Ωƒ Xs∂-sb∂ Npa-X-em-t_m[w \jvS-am-hm≥ ]mSn-√. {]Ir-Xn-bpsS k¥p-en-Xm-hÿ \jvS-s∏-Sp-I-sb-∂m¬ a\p-jy-a\ - - p-If- psS k¥p-en-Xm-hÿ \jvSs- ∏-Sp-Is- b-∂m-W¿∞sa∂v \Ω-f-dn-b-Ww. Sqdn-kw, sF.-Sn. k¿∆okv taJ-e-I-fn¬ hcp∂Xpw htc-≠-Xp-amb hnI-k\w {]Ir-Xnsb kvt\ln-®p-sIm-≠mh-Ww, Irjnsb kwc-£n-®p-sIm≠p am{X-amhWw. Btcm-Ky-ap≈ a\ p IpSn-s°m-≈p∂ Btcm-Ky-ap≈ icocw Bh-iy-sa∂p Nn¥n®m¬ at‰Xp taJ-e-tb-°mƒ Irjn-X-s∂-bmWv {][m-\-sa∂v a\ n-em-°m-hp-∂-tX-bp-≈q. am\-kn-Ihpw imco-cn-I-hp-amb BtcmKy-ap≈ P\-X°v am{X-at√ {]h¿Øn-°m\pw hnI-kn-°m-\psams° Ignbq? 5. ]mThpw ]mShpw ˛ DØcw : ]mTy-]-≤-Xn-I-fn¬ Irjnbpw Im¿jnI Ah-t_m-[hpw ]pd-¥-≈-s∏-´p-sh-∂-`n-{]m-b-an-√. ]mTy]-≤Xn Xøm-dm-°p-tºmgpw a‰p ]≤-Xn-Iƒ hn`m-h\w sNøp-tºmgpw Irjn°v {]m[m\yw \¬Imdp≠v. F¶nepw AXp {]mh¿Øn-Iam-°p-tºmƒ th≠{X Ku-ch-tØmsS ImWp-∂n-s√∂p tXm∂m-dp≠v. {]mh¿Øn-I-am-°p-tºmƒ Ipsd-IqSn {]m[m\yw \¬tI-≠Xp-≠v. F¶n¬ am{Xta ]pXp-X-e-ap-d-sb-¶nepw Irjn-ÿ-e-ßfpw {]Ir-Xnbpw kwc-£n-°m\pw Im¿jnI taJ-esb ssI]n-Sn-®pb¿Øm\pw {ian-°p-I-bp-≈q˛ AX-s√¶n¬ ""G´nse ]ip'' sh∂ {]tbmKw Xs∂-bmhpw _m°n-bm-hp-I. 6. hcpw Xeapdbv°v ˛ DØcw : Xo¿®-bm-bpw. \Sp-hm\pw \\-bv°p-hm-\p-sa√mw Ah-cp-ap-≠v. ]pXp-]pØ≥ Bi-b-ßfpw Irjn-˛-ar-K-kw-c-£-W-co-Xn-Ifpw {]Ir-Xnsb kwc-£n-®p-sIm≠p am{X-am-h-W-sa∂p ImWm≥, ImWn-°p-hm≥ \Ωƒ a\- p-h-®m¬ \S-°p-sa∂p Xs∂-bmWv F\n-°p- tXm-∂n-bn-´p-≈-Xv. Ah-cpsS Ip™p-ssI-I-fn¬ F√mw `{Z-am-bn-cn-°pw. 25

Fs‚ c‡Øn¬ Aen™ Irjn tUm. tcJm -c-ho-{µ≥ sh‰-dn-\dn k¿P≥, ISp-Øp-cp-Øn

1. Irjnss]XrIw ˛ DØcw : Fs‚ ap≥X-e-apd Irjn-∏-WnIƒ sNøp∂ sXmgn-em-fn-I-fm-bn-cp-∂p. sXmgn-en-t\m-Sp≈ AhcpsS Bflm¿∞Xsb°pdn®v apØ-»nbpw AΩbpw ]d-™p-Xcp-am-bn-cp-∂p. Hcn-°¬ apØ»n Ft∂mSv ]d-™- Hcp Imcyw Hm¿Ωhcp-∂p. Fs‚ apØ-—≥ ]Wn-sb-Sp-°p∂ sXßn≥tXm∏n¬ sh≈w Hgn-®n-´p-t≠m-sb∂v NnΩnWn (dm-¥¬) hnf-°ns‚ shfn-®-Øn¬ At±lw ]cn-tim-[\ \S-Øm-dp-≠m-bn-cp-∂p-ht{X. sIm√w \K-c l - r-Zb - Ø - n-emWv Rm≥ P\n®phf¿∂-Xv. hoSns‚ ]cn-k-cØv ]b¿, ]mh¬, Noc, NXp-c-]-b¿, hmf-cn-]-b¿, ]®-apfIv, hmg F∂nh AΩ Irjn sNøp-am-bn-cp-∂p. ss{]adn hnZymeb- Ø ns‚ ]cn- k - c Øv \memw ¢m p- I m¿°v ]qt¥m- ´ hpw Irjnbpw sNøm≥ ÿew Xncn®pX∂Xpw AhnsS ]bdpw ]qs®SnIfpw \´p]n-Sn-∏n-®-Xpw, Rß-fpsS hnZym-e-b-Ir-jn°v bqdnbm tN¿°m≥ {ian-°p∂ _mey-Ime kplr-Øp-°f- p-ambn hg°p]nSn°p-∂Xpw C∂-e-sØ-t∏mse Hm¿Ωn-°p-∂p. Iem-eb Pohn-X-Im-eØv Rm≥ Nph∂ Noc Irjn sNøp-ambn-cp-∂p. Rm≥ Adn-bmsX AΩ F√m-h¿°pw Hcp NphSv Noc sImSp-°p-am-bn-cp-∂p. ""ssX'' \´v sh≈w Hgn®v hf-cm≥ IÆn¬ FÆ-sbm-gn®v ImØn-cn-∂n´pw Db-c-Øn-te°v Xe D-b¿Øn-∏n-Sn°mØ B ""ssX'' AΩbv°v G‰hpw {]nb-s∏´ ""Idn-th-∏ne'' am{X-am-Wv. A∂sØ B {iaw \n¿_m[w Rm≥ Ct∏mgpw Xp-Scp-∂p... ap≥ Xe-ap-d-bpsS Bio¿hm-Zhpw A\p-{K-l-hpam-bncn°mw Fs∂bpw IpSpw- _ - s Øbpw Irjn- ˛ - a r- K - k w- c - £ W {]h¿Ø-\-ß-fn¬ G¿s∏-Sm-\p≈ Xm¬]-cyhpw t{]m’m-l-\hpw t{]c-Wbpw \¬Ip-∂Xv. 2. kz¥wIrjn ˛ DØcw : D≠v. 2004 apX¬ XpS-ßnb Rß-fpsS kz¥-ambn ÿew hmßp-I-sb∂ Bibw 2009 sk]v‰w-_¿ amkw-hsc \o≠p-t]m-Im-\p≈ {][m-\-Im-cWw IrjnsN-øm-\p≈ Ipd®v ÿewIqSn thW-sa-∂p≈ sNdn-sbmcp AXym{Klw a\- n-ep-≈XpsIm≠m-bn-cp-∂p. Irjn-˛-ar-K-kw-c-£-W -{]h¿Ø-\-߃ R߃°v c≠p-t]¿°pw Hcp-t]mse CjvShpw Xmev]-cy-hp-am-Wv. GI-tZiw 10 sk‚v ÿew AXym-hiy Im¿jnI {]h¿Ø\-߃°mbn R߃ D]-tbm-Kn-°p-∂p-≠v. I∏ (a-c-®o-\n) hmg (Rm-en, GØ, ]mf-bw-tIm-S≥, tdm_vÃ) tN\, Im®n¬, tNºv, ]b¿, hgp-Xn-\, ]®-ap-fIv (hn-hn-[-bn-\w) sh≠, Imt_-Pv, Noc, tImh¬, ]∏mb F∂nh Irjn- sN- ø p- ∂ p- ≠ v . ]®- ° - d n- I ƒ t{Km_mKp-I-fn-emWv IrjnsNøp-∂-Xv. aÆv, NIn-cn-tNmdv, DW-ßnb NmWIw F∂nh Iq´n-°-e¿Øn-bmWv t{Km_mKv \nd-bv°p-∂-Xn\p≈ an{inXw Xøm-dm-°p-∂-Xv. AXn\ptijw ]®-°-dn-ssØ-Iƒ t{Km_m-Kn-te°v \S-p∂p. IoS-ßsf \in-∏n-°p-∂-Xn\v ]pI-bne 26

Ijmbw Xfn-°m-dp≠v, \odns\ Ib‰nhnSm-dp-≠v. CtXm-sSm∏w ap´t°m-gn-sbbpw hf¿Øp-∂p-≠v. tImgn-bpsS ImjvThpw hf-ambn D]-tbm-Kn-°p-∂p-≠v. 3. kz¥w A[zm\w ˛ DØcw : ssPh Irjn-tbm-SmWv Xm¬]cyw. sshIp-t∂cw 6 apX¬ 7 aWn-h-sc-bmWv Irjn-]-cn-]m-e-\Øn-\mbn D]-tbm-Kn-°p-∂-Xv. Ah[n Znh-k-ß-fn¬ A[n-I-kabw FSp-°m-dp-≠v. tImgn-Isf sshIp-t∂cw 5 aWn°v Ip´nIƒ kvIqfn¬\n∂v hcp-tºmƒ Xpd∂phnSpw. R߃ \mep-t]cpw ‰n.-hn-bn¬ hnhn[ Nm\-ep-Iƒ kwt{]-jWw sNøp∂ Irjn˛arK-]-cn-]m-e\ ]cn-]m-Sn-Iƒ {i≤m-]q¿∆w ho£n-°m-dp-≠v. tIc-fI¿j-Is‚ hcn-°m-cmWv R߃. 4. amdp∂ NphSpIƒ ˛ DØcw : Irjn-˛-ar-K-kw-c-£Ww ]msSa-d∂v a‰p≈ taJ-e-bn-te°v {i≤-sN-ep-Øp-∂Xv tIc-f-Øn\v A`nIm-ay-sa∂ A`n-{]m-b-an-√. Irjn-˛-ar-K-kw-c-£Ww sF.-Sn. Sqdnkw F∂nh ssItIm¿Øv kwcw-`-߃ krjvSn-°m-hp-∂-Xm-Wv. ^mw Sqdnkw DZm- l - c - W - a mbn FSp- ° mw. sF.Sn taJ- e - I - f n¬ {]h¿Øn®v sIm≠n-cn-°p-∂-h¿ Irjn-˛-ar-K-kw-c-£-W- ta-J-e-bn¬ {]h¿Øn-°m≥ Ct∏mƒ \√ Xm¬]cyw ImWn-°p-∂p-≠v. 5. ]mThpw ]mShpw ˛ DØcw : \ne-hnse ]mTy-]-≤-Xn-Ifn¬\n∂v Irjnbpw Im¿jnI Ah-t_m-[hpw ]pd-Ø-≈-s∏-´psh∂v Xs∂-bmWv Fs‚ A`n-{]m-bw. kvIqfn¬ arK-kw-c-£W t_m[-h¬°-cW skan-\m-dp-Iƒ kwL-Sn-∏n-®-t∏mƒ a\- n-embXv \K-c-hn-Zym-e-b-ß-fnse Ip´n-I-sf-°mƒ Im¿jn-I-˛arKkw-c£W taJ-e-bn-ep≈ Ah-t_m[w IqSp-X-ep-≈Xv {Kma-ß-fnse hnZym-e-b-ß-fnse Ip´n-Iƒ°m-Wv. "]m¬' Fhn-Sp-∂p- e`n°p∂psh∂ ¢ms -SpØ sh‰-dn-\dn k¿Ps‚ tNmZy-Øn-\p≈ DØcw "an¬a _qØv ' F∂-Xn-\p-]-Icw ]ip. Fcp-a, BSv F∂v DØcw e`y-am-°p-∂-X-c-Øn¬ ]mTy-]-≤-Xn-bn¬ Im¿jn-I-˛-ar-K-kw-c-£W hnj-b-߃ Dƒs∏-Sp-tØ-≠Xv AXy¥mt]-£nX-amWv. F∂m¬, am{Xta ]pXp-X-e-ap-dbv°v `£y-˛-kp-c-£-bn¬ kzbw]cym-]vXX ssIh-cn-°m≥ km[n-°p-I-bp-≈q. 6. hcpw Xeapdbv°v ˛ DØcw : Fs‚ Ip™p-߃°v Irjn-˛-ar-K-kw-c-£-W-Øns‚ {]m[m-\y-sØ-°p-dn®v ]d™v sImSp°m-dp-≠v. Irjn-co-Xn-Ifpw Bi-b-ßfpw ]¶p-h-bv°m-dp-≠v. Ah-cpsS A`n-{]m-b-Øn¬ kml-N-cy-߃ A\p-Iq-e-am-sW-¶n¬ Irjn-˛-ar-K-kw-c-£W taJ-e-bn¬ {i≤-sN-ep-Øm≥ Xm¬]-cy-sa∂m-Wv. Im¿jnI kwkv°m-chpw Irjnbpw A\yw\n∂vt]mIp∂ Cu Ime-L-´-Øn¬ Hmtcm ae-bm-fn-Ip-Spw-_hpw Irjn-˛-ar-K-kw-c£-W-Øns‚ Bh-iy-IX a\- n-em-°n Im¿jn-I-hrØn Pohn-XØns‚ Xs∂ `mK-am°n am‰m≥ {ian-°-W-sa∂v B{K-ln°p∂p.

A∂]q¿tW-izcn \ax tUm. PbtZh≥ F≥. ko\nb¿ sh‰dn\dn k¿P≥, Xebmgw


∂w sXm´p XpSßmw. AXm-Wt√m \ap°v Dbncpw Du¿÷hpamIp-∂-Xv. {]Xn-Zn\w h¿≤n-°p-∂Xpw £bn-°p-∂-Xp-amb ÿqeico-cc- q-]a- mb A∂-Øn¬ Bflmhv ÿnXn-sN-øp-∂p(E-tKz-Zw). Bflo-bX - b - psS Cu ImgvN∏ - mSv ap≥\n¿Øn ho£n-°p-tºmƒ A∂w Bflm-hm-Wv. Aß-s\-sb-¶n¬ C\n Rm≥ ]d-bp-∂s- X√mw A∂mbp v F∂v {ipXn-s∏´ Cu tZh-Xsb kv]¿in-®m-Wv. s\√nse Dan \o°nb Acn-bpsS ]mI-s∏-Sp-Ønb cq]-amWv \ap°v A-∂w. ip≤ {Zmhn-U-]-Z-ß-fmWv Acn-inbpw Acn-bpw. Acn- i n- b n¬\n∂pw Ad- _ n- b n¬ Acp pw ( arruz) {Ko°n¬ Acpkmbpw (oruza) Cw•o-jn¬ ssdkpw (rice) D≠m-bn. Acn t_m´-Wn-bnseØp-tºmƒ Hssdk kss‰-h (oryza sativa)bmbn amdp-∂p. ae-bm-‰q¿ cma-Ir-jvWs‚ Ip´n-°-Ym-]m-{X-ß-fmb APb\pw kpabpw A¤pXw Iqdnb "Acnins®Snbm?' F∂ s\√v. {io ]c-ip-cm-as‚ tIcf krjvSn-°p-tijw \sΩ Irjn A`ykn-∏n-°p-hm≥ ""tIc-f-I¬]""s-a∂ kwkvIrX Irjn-Imhyw IqSn cNn-®p-sh-∂mWv \ΩpsS sFXn-lyw. CXns‚ ae-bm-f-hn-h¿Ø\w ae-_m-dn¬ _me-]m-T-ambn ap≥Im-e-ß-fn¬ D]-tbm-Kn-®ncp-∂p. ag-aw-K-eØv i¶-c≥ \ºq-Xn-cn cNn® ""Ime-Zo-]Iw'' F∂ IrjnIm-hyhpw A°m-eØv ]mTy-hn-j-b-am-bn-cp-∂p. `£Ww Ign-°p-∂-h≥ Irjn-imkv{Xadn-b-W-sa-∂v temIsØm-cn-SØpw \n¿_-‘-an√. F∂m¬, ae-bm-fn-bpsS Irjn-im kv{X]cn-⁄m\w F{X ip≤hpw kv^pSw sNbvXXp-am-bncps∂∂v Nn¥n-°p-I. \ΩpsS ]q¿∆n-I¿ F{Xtbm Xe-ap-d-°m-esØ

{]tbm-K-]-cn-N-b-Øn-eqsS B¿Pn® Adn-hpIƒ \nd™ Ad-IfmbnØs∂ C∂pw \ne\n¬°p∂p. AXns‚ {]tbm-‡m-°sf A¬]sa¶nepw ]cn-N-b-s∏-Sm≥ Ign-™p-sh-∂-XmWv Fs‚ P∑[\yX. hn]p-e-amb tXmXn¬ Irjn sNbvXn-cp∂ Hcp IpSw-_-Øn-emWv Fs‚ P\-\w. Fs‚ A—≥ IpSpw-_-Ønse BZy Un{Kn-°m-c\pw tI{µ-k¿°m¿ Poh\-°m-c-\p-am-bncps∂-¶nepw Irjn Dt]-£n-®tXbn√. H∂n\pw Hcp Ipdhpw hcp-ØmsX Irjn AXns‚ F√m Nn´-h-´-hp-sam∏n®p Xs∂ ]n¥p-S¿∂p t]m∂p. adn-s®mcp Nn¥bv°v CS-a-\p-hZn-°m-Ø-hn-[-Øn¬, A∂-sØ-°m-eØv Aß-s\-sbmcp Dt]-£ Nn¥-\ob-hp-am-bn-cp-∂n-√. Irjn-kvt\lw A[n-I-cn-®-t∏mƒ 1942 ¬ \m´n¬Ø-s∂ Hcp s\√v IpØp-an¬ As√-¶n¬ ""an√v '' ÿm]n°pIbpw sNbvXp. AXn-ep-]-tbm-Kn-®n-cp∂ tamt´m-dnse˛_m‰vent_mbv tamt´m¿ Cw•ojv \n¿Ωn-X-w˛F∂ FgpØv Ct∏mgpw I◊p∂n-se-∂-t]mse Hm¿a-bn-ep≠v. tPmenbpw an¬\S-Øn∏pw H∏w \oßm-™Xn-\m¬ A\n-bs\ AYhm Rß-fpsS Ip™]v^s\ ]n∂oSt±lw \S-Øn-∏n-\mbn an√v G¬]n®p. ]T-\m-h[n°m-eØv AXmbncp∂p Rß-fpsS cm{Xn-Ime Xmh-fw. hoSn\p ]pdØv _me-Ip-Xq-lew \nd™ tIfn-Iƒ Ign™v ]nt‰∂v an√n¬ \n∂p ]pd-Øn-d-ßp-tºmƒ Dan-bp-sSbpw Xhn-Sn-s‚bpw kpK‘w taemsIbp≠mhpw. Imem-h-ÿbpw `qan-bpsS sshhn-[y-hp-amWv tIc-f-Ønse Irjnsb F∂pw {][m-\-ambn A\p-{K-ln-®Xpw he-®-Xpw. Ch

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kw_-‘n®v Bflm¿∞-amb Nne hnizm-k-߃ A°m-eØv \ne\n-∂n-cp-∂p. DZm. Kpfn-I≥ \n¬°ptºmƒ hnX ]mSn-√, hr›nIw cmin-bn¬ hnX® hnf \jvSs∏Spw. A°m-eØv hnXbv°pw apºv Bdp-X-h-W-sb-¶nepw Dghp \S-Øpw. {SmIvS-dp-Ifpw Ah HmSn-°p∂ aoi-°m-cmb ss{U h¿amcpw FØn- X p- S - ß p- ∂ - t Xbp≠mbn- c p∂p≈q. AXn- \ m¬ Fs‚ _mey-Im-eØns‚ XpS°w apgp-h≥ Rm≥ I≠n-cp-∂Xv ]n≥`mKw XSn-®p-cp≠ \o≠ hmep-I-tfmSp-Iq-Snb Ipdn-b- Im-fIsf-bm-bn-cp∂p. ]n∂oSv {SmIvS-dp-I-fpsS hc-hm-bn. Ch ]mSØn-d-ßp-tºmƒ ss{Uh¿ko-‰ns‚ Ccp-h-i-ß-fnepambn Ip´n-Iƒ ct≠m aqt∂m-h´w AUz-©¿ ssdUpw Xc-s∏-Sp-Øn-bn-cp-∂p. ]®ne, NmW-Iw, Nmcw {]tbm-K-ß-sfms° At∂ AkvX-an-®n-cp-∂p. ]m∏-®s‚ hf-°-S-bnse ^mIvSwt^mkpw bqdnbbpw Xs∂bmbncp∂p Irjn°p icWw. GXp IoS-Øn-s\-Xn-tc-bm-bmepw {][m\ IoS-\m-in\n ]cm-a¿. AXp-X-s∂-bmWv \msSßpw Bfll-tXym-]m-[nsb∂ \ne-bn¬ Ip{]-kn≤n t\Sn-b-Xpw. Rß-fpsS ]mSsØ t\m´-°m-c≥ Im™n-c-°m´v i¶-c≥ F∂ am\y-tZ-la- m-bncp∂p. a\bv°se ""Irjn-a{¥n'' AYhm ""a{¥n'' F∂ Npcp-°-t∏-cn¬ At±lw \m´n¬ Adn-b-s∏-´ncp∂p. At±lØns‚ kkq-£va-amb \nco-£-W-]m-Shw Bscbpw AXn-ibn-∏n-°p-∂-Xm-bncp∂p. Aß-s\-bmWv Rß-fpsS ]mSØv Hcp ]pXnb IoSsØ 1976¬ At±lw Is≠-Øp∂-Xv. ]pXp-apJ hn√s‚ t]cv ap™. Cs∂-√m-h¿°pw ]cn-Nn-X-amb IoSw. hn\mi-Im-cn-bmb B IoSsØ \in-∏n-°m≥ AXn-hn-\m-i-Im-cn-bmb sImSpw-hnjw A°m-eØv slen-tIm-]vS-dn¬ Xfn-°p-I-bp-≠mbn. P\-߃ hoSv hn´v ]pd-Øn-d-ß-cp-sX∂v t]meokv hml-\-Øn-ep≈ ap∂- d n- b n∏v Ah- K - W n®v R߃ Ip´n- I ƒ hmg- b ne sh´n Xebv°v aosX ]nSn®v slen-tIm-]vS¿ F∂ A¤p-X-Im-gv°mbn ]mS-tØ°v HmSn-bn-d-ßn. AXns‚ `oXn-Zamb Cc-ºepw aqfepw C∂pw Fs‚ sNhn-bn¬ apgp-ßp-∂p. Gsd \mfp-Iƒ°p tijw td®¬ Imgvks‚ \n»_vZ hk¥-hpw ak-t\m_p ^p°p-thm-°-bpsS H‰-ssh-t°m¬ hnπhhpw hmbn-®-tijamWv A∂sØ slen-tIm-]v‰¿ sNbvX ]mX-IØns‚ kz`mhw hy‡-am-Ip-∂-Xv. F∂m¬ F∂n-ep-≠mb am‰w a{¥n-bn-ep-≠m-b-tX-bn-√. AXp-sIm-≠m-Wt√m Rm\pw a{¥nbpw IqSn Rß-fpsS ]mgq-®m¬ ]mS-ti-J-c-Øn-te-°v ]n∂o-sSm-cn-°¬ Cdßn- \n-∂-t∏mƒ Hgp-In-h∂ Im‰n¬ ""C\m-kms‚ aWw'' \mkmc-{‘-߃ hnS¿Øn At±lw Bkz-Zn-®Xv. F{X s]s´-∂mWv Aim-kv{Xo-bhpw Aÿn-c-hp-amb cmkIrjn AXn-{]m-tbm-Kn-I-X-sb∂ H‰-°m-c-W-Øm¬ Hcp Xe-apd Bt«-jn-®-sX-t∂m¿°p-I. Fs‚ Sot\-Pns‚ XpS-°-Ønse hmb\-Iƒ Xs∂ cmk-Ir-jn-bpsS adp-tN-cn-bnte°v Fs∂ sIm≠psN-s∂-Øn-®n-cp∂p F∂-XmWv hmkvX-hw. AXns‚ ^e-amWv cmk-am-en-\y-Øns‚ `hn-jy-Øp-Iƒ kw_-‘n®v 1982 Pqsse-˛-

Hm-KÃv e°w kmlnXy kuc-`-Øn¬ hnj-Øns‚ hnj-a-hrØw F∂ t]cn¬ Rms\mcp IhnX {]kn-≤o-I-cn-°p-∂-Xv. (I-hnX CtXm-sSm∏w tN¿Øn-cn-°p-∂p.) Irjn-bpsS Hm¿a-I-fn¬ G‰hpw kPo-h-am-bp≈ as‰m-tcSv hnØp-sI-´¬ F∂- NS-ßnt‚XmWv. Irjn-bn-d-°p-∂-Xn\p th≠ hnØp-Iƒ \\® NW-®m-°n¬ s]mXn-™p-sI-´n-bmWv kq£n°p-∂-Xv. aq∂mw Znhkw NW-®m-°n¬\n∂v arZp-ap-f-Iƒ FØnt\m-°pw. B Nm°ns‚ hmb AXo-h-Pm-{K-X-tbmsS Irjn-°mbn Agn-°p-tºmƒ arZp-hmb Bhn-bpbcpw. lrZy-amb aZ-K‘w ]cnk-c-amsI ]cn-e-kn-°pw. Nm°v Agn-°p-∂-bmƒ ]n∂oSv {]m¿∞\-tbmsS Hcp ]nSn At±-l-Øns‚ ssIønse-SpØv {LmWn°pw. hnØv \ncØn hnX-bv°-emWv ASp-Ø-]-Sn. AXp Ign-™m¬ apf® Rmdv ]dn-®p-\-S¬. CXv AXy¥w sshZKv[yhpw thK-Xbpw Bh-iy-ap≈ {]hr-Øn-bm-Wv. A¬]-h-kv{X-[mcn-I-fmb \mcn-am¿ B IrXyw `wKn-bmbn sNøpw. C\n bp≤w If-tbmSpw sh≈-tØm-Sp-am-Wv. s]´nbpw ]dbpw hym]-I-am-hp-∂-Xn-\p-apºv Ic-°-≠-ß-fn¬ ""N{Iw'' D]-tbm-Kn-°pI- b mWv ]Xn- h v . A≤zm\w Gsd th≠ - ] Wn- b m- b v I - b m¬ BtcmKyap≈ sNdp- ∏ - ° m- s c- b mWv AtX¬]n- ° p- I . Xøn¬ ]°q'' BWv (^¬Kp-W≥) apJy t\Xm-hv. aq∂p-\n-e-bnepw Bdp\n-e-bnepamWv N{Iw Nhn-´p-I. Xmf-Øn¬ ]m´p-]m-Sn-bmWv N{Iw Nhn-´¬. IqsS ]d-b-s´, ]m´v, Xmfw F∂nh Irjn-bpsS F√m L´-ß-fn-ep-ap-≠v. Dgp-tºmƒ, hnX-°p-tºmƒ, N{Iw Nhn-´p-tºmƒ, sImøp-tºmƒ ]X-af- ° - p-tºmƒ F√m-bvt∏mgpw a\p-jy\pw Imfbpw Rmdpw, tNdpw, IXncpw IXn-c-h\pw AXn-em-\-µn-°p-∂p. hey-I-tcms´ DÆn-tKm-]m-e≥ ASpØbnsS hnhm-lw sNbvXp sIm≠p-h∂ `mcy im¥ A -embn ]mSpambn-cp-∂p. IqsS ]Wnsb-Sp-°p∂ s]Æm-fp-Iƒ im¥-bvs°mcp t]cp-an´p˛]mSsØ ss]¶n-fn. sImbvØpw kPo-h-amb F{X-b-[nIw Hm¿a-I-fm-sW-\n°p \¬In-bn-cn-°p-∂-Xv. sImbvØns‚ hc-h-dn-bp∂Xv C√-tØ-°p≈ Ip´n-b-ΩbpsSbpw Agp-X-bp-sSbpw hc-thm-sS-bm-Wv. ]gb {Zhn® Nn°p-]m-b-Iƒ Aºes°m´m-c-Øn¬\n∂v ]pd-Øn-dßn shfn®w ImWpw. ]mb s]mdp-°¬ XIr-Xn-bmbn \S-°pw. sImbvØv Hcp’-hhpw AtX-k-abw t¢i-I-c-hp-amb ImcyamWv. ap‰Øv Xs∂ I‰-Iƒ ASp-°n-b-Sp°n hbv°pw. Hmtcm ho´p-Im¿°pw henb I‰-s°-´p-Iƒ D≠m-hpw. IqsS-bp≈ s]Æp-߃ Xs∂ XoIq´n \√ I™n-sh-°pw. t]mb h¿jw \njvI¿j-tbmsS \nt£-]n® Dep-hmb amß `cWn-bn¬\n∂pw CXn-s\m∏w ]pd-Øp-h-cp-∂p. sh≈ ]n™m-WØn-sem-gn® NqSv I™n-bn¬ amßm-®p-\-bpsS FÆ tcJ hnfßp-Ib - m-bn. KpW-\N - n-”a- mbn Ccp-hi - h - hpw sI´nb hmcn-bn-t∑¬ \ofs\ sI´nb DW-°-ap-f-bn¬ _e-ambn ]nSn®v saXn Bcw-`n°-Ww. Xmc-X-tay\ Bbm-k-c-ln-XamWv Cu ]Wn. kab_-‘n-


B‰p-th-en¬ F§¿ \gvkdn ]q™m¿ (kuØv) ]n.-H., tIm´bw samss_¬: 9947491273 28

Xhpa-√. AXn-\m¬ ]e-t\-c-ß-fn-emhpw s]Æp-߃ saXn-\-SØp-I. ]n∂oSv tXmºv Af∂v Xn´-s∏-S-pØpw. \√ ]Sn-™m-d≥ Im‰n¬ Hgp-°p-sIm-´-bn¬ \n∂v s\√v [mc-bmbn hogpw. Db-cp-Ibmbv aqe-ÿm-bnbn¬ Hcp ]cp-°≥ Bem]w ""s]men-sbmt∂ s]men hm, s]men ct≠''. Irjn-°m¿ hnfn®p ]d-bp-∂-X-\p-kcn®v A—s‚ ssIbn¬ Icp-Xnb ]® s\t√m-e-bn¬ Hcp aS°p hogp-I-bm-bn. F{X aS-s°∂v FÆn- s]men \n›-bn-°pw. C\n-bmWv HmtcmcpØ¿°pw ]X-a-f∂p Xn´-s∏-Sp-Øp-I. \nd™ s\¬]m-bnse s\√pw \nd™ a\- p-ambn Ah-c-h¿ Xm¥m-ß-fpsS hoSp-I-fn-te°p \oßp-I-bm-bn. Imew amdn. Irjn-amdn "ap∂-Wn-Iƒ amdn-amdn' "Acn-bn´p hmgvN\-S-Øn' "Poh-\-°m¿°v Acnbpw tIm∏pw' \¬In, Irjn {]NcWw XIr-Xn-bmbn \S-Øn. imkv{Xob Irjn-co-Xn-Iƒ I¿j-IcpsS hmbv°-cn-bn-So-en-se-Øn-®p. C\n C∂sØ Ime-Øn-te-°v, Fs‚ Irjn-bn-te-°v... ao\-am-k-Øn¬ ]qc-Øn\v aqgn-°p-f-ßc `K-h-Xn-bpsS ]d-\nd-bv°m≥ s\√v thWw. \nd-]p-Øn-cn°v A£Xw thWw. CSßgn \nd-°m≥ Acn thWw. AWn-bm≥ Acn-amhv thWw. s\√ns‚ Id≥kn-Ãm-‰kv AkvX-an-®n-cn-°p-∂p. C\n kar≤n-bpsS tSm°-Wn-kw am{X-amWv s\√v. Rmdp-\-S-en-√. ]dn®p \Ste-bp-≈q. sImbvØp-]m´pw I‰bpw saXn-°epw Hcp-°-ep-sam∂p-an-√. ]Icw h∂Xv {SmIvS-dns‚ ]n≥ap-d-°m-cmb b{¥-߃. Dg-hn-\v, Rmdp\S-en-\v, If-sb-Sp-°-en\v F√m-ap≠v b{¥-߃. HSp-hn¬ sImbvØn\p Ime-am-Ip-tºmƒ L\-ap≈ Cc-º-temsS ¢mkv Iº-\n-bpsS Iwss_≥Uv lm¿h-ÃsdØpw. kar-≤n-°p Irjn-sb-¥n-\v, \ap°v Sqdn-khpw sF.-Sn. bpap≠t√m. 100 ]d-bv°p≈ a\-bv°se Irjn 10 ]d-bv°mbn Npcp-ßntb- ° mw. F∂mepw Chn- s S- b n∂pw Irjn- b p- ≠ v . a{¥n- b psS ÿm\Øv as‰m-cm-fmbncn°p-∂p. A—s‚ ÿm\Øv aI-\m-bn-cn°mw. F∂mepw ChnsS Irjn-bp-≠v. Ip™-]v^s‚ GI-a-I≥, Fs‚ G´≥ At∂-°m-eØv F©n-\o-bd- nwKv dmt¶msS ]m m-bn. taJe tkm^v‰vshb-dm-bt- ∏mƒ ""an√v '' F∂ lm¿Uv shb¿ Dt]-£n-t°-≠n-h-∂p. s\√n\v hne-Ip-d™p. hf-Øn-t\sd hne-bmbn ]m∏-®s‚ hf-°S ]q´n. N{I-an√ s]´nbpw ]dbptabp-≈q. sImbvØn\pw saXn-°-en\pw Hcp-°-en\pw Hscm‰ b{¥w am{Xw˛Iw-ss_≥Uv lm¿h-ÿ. F¶nepw ChnsS ]ga ]q¿W-ambn hnS-hm-ßn-bn-´ns√∂v Rms\∂ I¿j-I≥ Biz-kn-°p-∂p. \mS≥ ]ip-°ƒ th≠p-thm-f-ap-≠v. AXn-\m¬ shÆodn-s√-¶nepw \√ NmWIw [mcm-f-ambn ]mS-tØ°v FØp∂p. ]©-K-hyw, \h-K-hyw, tXmend-°¬ F∂n-h-sb√mw ]p\-cm-cw-`n-°m≥ Btem-N\ apdp-Ip∂p.

\√ s\√ns‚ DW-ß-ecn Hcp∏pg-p°-\mbpw Ccp-∏p-gp-°\mbpw IpØn-°p-∂p. A¬]w I√pw Ipd-ß-ep-sam-s°-bp-≠mhpw. B Ipd-thmsS Xs∂ tUm. ]n. _nPp-hns\t∏mse-bp≈ kpa-\- p-Iƒ AXv kzoI-cn-°p-∂p. tIcfw sNdnsbmcp kwÿm-\-am-Wv. h\hpw Bhm-k-ßfpw ]mXbpw Imbepw \Zn-Ifpw `q{]-X-esØ ]¶n-t´-°mw. F∂mepw aÆp-≠m-hpw. aÆn¬ Irjn-bp-ap-≠mhpw \sΩ-sbms° Du´m≥ shº¬sIm≠v.\msa-hn-sS-bm-bn-cp-∂mepw F¥p-sNbvXpsIm≠ncp-∂mepw Znh-khpw c≠p-X-hW \ΩpsS ZrjvSn A∂-Øn-t∑-embn-cn-°pw. B A∂w tZh-Xm-ÿm-\Øv Xs∂ Bcm-[n-°-s∏-S-Ww.

hnj-sa∂ hnj-a-hrØw kmlnXykuc-`w,- sIm®n, 1982 Pqsse , BKÃv (Cu- b nsS sIm®n- b n- e p- ≠ mb ]pI- a ™v hºn® hm¿Øm {]m[m\yw krjvSn-®p. hnI-k\{]h¿Ø-߃ Hcn-°epw ssPhk-aq-l-Øn\v `oj-Wn-bm-bn-Øo-ccp-Xv. 1949-˛¬ s]≥kn¬hm\n-b-bn¬ GI-tZiw Ccp-]-tXmfw a\p-jy-Po-hn-Iƒ kƒ^¿ Utbm-IvsskUv izkn®p ac-Wa- S- ™ - p. CXv Cu tIc-fØ - nepw kw`-hn-°m-Xn-cn-°-s´.) sIm√p∂q \osb-∂, sbs‚ X\q-Psc sIm√p∂q sh¨sh-fn-®sØ \ni-_vZ-ambv sIm√p∂q Poh-s\, ssPh{]Ir-Xnsb sIm√p-∂n-Xt√m lcn-X-k-ar-≤nsb aqS¬a-™m-bn´p \n∂n-ep-b-cpam hnj "t^mkn¬ ^yqh¬ Kymkns-e-'∂psS tNX\ hoWp-d-ßp-s∂mco thf-bn¬ \o˛-H-∂p-a-dn-bp-∂nt√? kƒ^¿ HmIvsskUpw kƒ^¿U-tbm-IvsskUpw sslt{Um-Im¿_Wpw Im¿_¨ tamtWm-IvsskUpw \n≥ tkmZ-cm-a-h¿ Rßsf sIm√p-tºmƒ \o H∂p-a-dn-bp-∂nt√? kƒ^¿ HmIvssktUm˛h≥tIm-´-Iƒ Xo¿°p-∂-h≥ tIm´-Iƒ-˛-hn-jt°m-´-Iƒ hmbp-a-WvU-e-ß-fn¬! CsX-¥n\p as‰mcp s]¬kn¬hm-\nb krjvSn-°p-s∂m-cn-s°m®p ae-\m-´nepw? Im¿_¨tam-tWm-Ivssk-sU≥ c‡-Øn¬ Aen-b-th... sIm√p-∂-h-s\s∂ Bcm-cp-a-dn-bm-sX... hn¬°p∂p {]Ir-Xnsb Pohs‚ XpSn-∏ns\ Bgnsb hnj-km-K-c-am-°n-Øo¿Øv sIm√p∂q \o \ns∂-Ø-gpIpw \o¿®m-ens\ sIm√p∂q \o \ns∂-®pw-_n°pw {]Ir-Xnsb!!


am™q¿ £oc-hy-h-kmb kl-I-c-W-kwLw ¢n]vXw \º¿ sI.29 (D) am™q¿ ]n.-H. t^m¨: Hm^okv : 04829 242312, Ubdn: 04829 245920 am™q¿ an¬°v ]mbv°‰v ]m¬-˛-hn-]-Wn-bn-epw, kwL-Øns‚ Ub-dn-bnepw e`n-°p-∂p. 29

tUm-. ]n. _nPp sh‰-dn-\dn k¿P≥, Pn√m sh‰-dn-\dn tI{µw, tIm´bw


K-fqcp tI{µ-ambn {]h¿Øn-°p∂ C≥Uy≥ imkv{X C≥Ãn-‰yq´v XÆo¿Ø-S-ß-fpsS kwc-£-W-hp-ambn _‘-s∏´v C≥Uy-bpsS hnhn[ `mK-ß-fn¬ h®v c≠p h¿jw IqSp-tºmƒ tZiob skan-\m¿ \S-Øn-h-cp-∂p. 1998-˛¬ XpS-°-an´ Cu skan\m-dns‚ 8˛mw ktΩ-f\w tIm´bw alm-flm-Km‘n k¿h-I-em-ime-bmWv kwL-Sn-∏n-®-Xv. skan-\m-dn¬ {]_-‘-߃ Ah-X-cn-∏n°p-hm≥ Xm¬]-cy-ap-≈-h¿°mbn sImSpØ ]{X-hm¿Ø-bpsS ASn-ÿm-\-Øn-emWv Cu skan-\m-dn¬ Rm≥ ]s¶-Sp-Ø-Xv. hnhn[ taJ-e-I-fn-embn 450-˛-Hmfw {]_-‘-ß-fmWv 2012 \hw-_¿ 6 apX¬ 8 hsc \S-Ønb skan-\m-dn¬ Ah-X-cn-∏n-®Xv. Kth-j-Ww, A≤ym-]\w {]IrXnkwc-£Ww XpS-ßnb taJe-I-fn¬ {]h¿Øn-°p∂ \nc-h-[n-t]¿ cmPy-Øns‚ hnhn[ `mKß-fn¬ \n∂mbn FØn-bn-cp-∂p. BZy c≠p Znh-k-ß-fnse ]cn-]m-Sn-Iƒ bqWn-th-gvkn-‰n-bpsS hnhn[ skan-\m¿ lmfpI-fn-emWv \S-Ø-s∏-´-Xv. Imb¬ kwc-£-W-hp-ambn _‘-s∏´ hnj-b-߃ kam-]-\Zn-h-k-am-bn-cp∂p {Iao-I-cn-®-Xv. Fs‚ {]_‘w At∂ Znh-kam-bn-cp-∂p. CØ-c-Øn-ep≈ ktΩ-f-\-ßfpw a‰pw kwL-Sn-∏n-°p∂-Xn-\mbn {]tXyIw cq]-I¬]\sNbvX Ccp-\ne t_m´n-em-bncp∂p skan-\m¿. {]_-‘-߃ Ah-X-cn-∏n-°p-hm-\p≈ kwhn-[m\w t_m´nepw k÷o-I-cn-®n-cp-∂p. Imb¬ kwc-£-W-hp-ambn _‘-s∏´v `mcX-Øn¬ C{X-tØmfw {]h¿Ø-\-߃ \S-Ø-s∏-Sp-∂p-sh∂v Adnbm≥ Ign-™Xv Hcp ]pXnb Imcy-am-bn-cp-∂p. kpÿnc Im¿jnIhrØn F∂ hn`m- K - Ø n- e mWv Fs‚ {]_‘w AhX-cn-∏n-°-s∏-´-Xv. thº-\m´v Imb-en¬ kpe-`-amb ]p√n-\-ßfpw ]cm-Z-k-ky-ßfpw ]cn-ÿn-Xn°v tIm´-ap≠mImØ coXn-bn¬ kwkvI-cn®v Imen-Øo-‰-bp-≠m-°pI F∂-Xm-bn-cp∂p Fs‚ hnj-bw. kap-{Z-\n-c-∏n¬\n∂pw Xmgv∂v ÿnXn-sN-øp∂ thº-\m´v XSmIØn¬ t]mj-I-߃ kar-≤-am-b-Xn-\m¬ AhnsS hf-cp∂ 30

hnhn[ kky-߃ Imen-Øo-‰b - m-°p-∂Xv arK-kw-c£ - W taJ-eb - nse I¿j-I¿°v Gsd {]tbm-P\ - I - c- a- m-Ip-sa∂ hkvXpX _‘-s∏-´h - cpsS {i≤-bn¬s∏-Sp-ØpI F∂p-≈X - m-bn-cp∂p Fs‚ Dt±-iyw. {]_-‘-߃ Ah-X-cn-∏n-°-s∏-Sp-∂-Xn‚ CS-th-f-I-fn¬ Imbens‚ hnhn[ {]tZ-i-ß-sf-°p-dn®pw a‰pw kwLm-S-I¿ hni-Zo-Icn-®p-X-∂p. Be-∏p-g- tI-{µ-ambn {]h¿Øn-°p∂ Atim-I -{SÃv t^m¿ dntk¿®v C≥ Ft°m-fPn B≥Uv F≥h-tbm¨sa‚v (ATREE) F∂ k∂≤ kwL-S-\-bpsS apJy Npa-X-e-°m-c≥ tUm. {]nbZ¿is‚ {]_‘w Ah- X - c n- ∏ n- ° p∂ ka- b Øv Rß- f psS t_m´n\v A¬]w Zqsc-bmbn Hcp h≈-Øn¬ hmZy-ta-f-ß-fp-tSbpw apØp-°p-S-bp-tSbpw AI-º-Sn-tbm-Sp-IqSn tLmj-bm{X IS-∂pt]m-Ip-∂Xv F√m-h-cp-sSbpw {i≤-bn¬s∏-´p. hfsc sXfn™ Imem-h-ÿ-bm-bn-cp∂p B ka-bØv. hnNn-{X-ambn tXm∂nb Cu ImgvNsb Ipdn®v {]nb-Z¿i≥ Xs∂ hni-Zo-I-cn®p X∂p. A∂v Xpemw amk-Ønse Bbn-eyw-˛-aIw F∂ hnti-j-Zn-\-am-W-s{X. aÆm-d-im-e-t]m-se-bp≈ \mK-cm-P-t£-{X-ß-fn¬ {]tXyI BtLmj-߃ \S-Øp∂ AtXZn\w Xs∂. B {]tXy-I-Zn-\-Øn¬ i‡amb CSn-an-∂epw agbpw D≠mIm-dp-s≠∂pw CXv a¬ky-ß-fpsS {]P-\-\-Øn¬ Gsd klm-b-I-c-am-sW∂pw At±lw Adn-bn-®p. t£{X-Øn¬\n∂pw ]qPn®p\¬Inb s\¬hn-Øp-Iƒ a¬ky߃°v `£-W-ambn \¬Ip∂ NS-ß-pIfmWv R߃ I≠-Xv. CØcw BNm- c - ß - t fmSv IuXp- I - a p- ≈ - X p- s Im≠v Rm≥ Bbneyw˛aIw F∂ NS- ß ns\°pdn®v hnhcw tiJcn®p. AXn≥{]-Imcw F\n°p e`n® hnh-c-߃ NphsS tN¿°p-∂p. CS-∏≈n cmPm°∑m¿ AhcpsS A[o-\-X-bn-ep-≠m-bn-cp∂ Xr°p-∂-∏p-g-t£-{X-Øn-te°v F√m-h¿jhpw Xpem-am-k-Ønse Bbneyw \mfn¬ HmSn-h-≈-ß-fn¬ Fgp-∂-≈p-am-bn-cp-∂p.- C-Xn\v AI- º Sn tkhn- ® p- s Im≠v Imb¬Øo- c - ß - f n¬ hkn- ® n- c p∂ a¬kysØmgn-em-fn-Iƒ Hmtcm tZi-Øp-\n∂pw HmSn-h-≈-ß-fn¬ At±-lsØ A\p-K-an-°p-am-bn-cp-∂p. Ch¿ bp≤-ho-c-∑m-cp-am-bncp-∂p. *sNºn¬ Ac-b-\mWv CXn\v t\XrXzw hln-®n-cp-∂-Xv.

cmPm-hnt\mSp≈ _lp-am-\m¿∞w a¬kch≈wIfn \S-Øn-bn-cp∂p. {]Xn- ^ - e - a mbn [mcmfw kΩm- \ - ß ƒ cmPmhv Ch¿°v \¬Ipw. Xncn®pt]mcp-tºmƒ t£{X-Øn¬ ]qPn® s\¬hnØv Hmtcm tZi-°m¿°pw ]qPmcn \¬Ipw. CXp- sIm≠ph∂v Ahc-h-cpsS {]tZ-isØ Imb-en¬ Ch¿ ka¿∏n-°pw. bp≤-an-√mØ ImeØv Ch-cpsS {][m\ D]-Po-h-\-am¿Kw a¬ky-_-‘-\-am-bncp-∂p. Aß-s\-bmWv CØ-c-samcp BNmcw DS-se-Sp-Ø-Xv. Bbney-tØm-S-\p-_-‘n®v Hcm-gvN-°mew A∂sØ a¬kysØmgn-emfn-Iƒ Imb-en¬ a¬ky-_-‘\w \S-Øn-bn-cp-∂n-√. B‰p-sIm©ns‚ G‰hpw {][m\ {]Xyp¬]m-Z-\-Im-e-amWnXv. Cu BNmcw hnizm-k-Øn-ep-]cn a¬ky-h¿≤-\-hn\v imkv{Xo-b-ambn klm-bn®n-cp-∂p. ssPhsshhn[y kwc-£WØns‚bpw kpÿnchnIk-\-Øn-s‚bpw ktµiw Db-cp∂ Cu Ime-L-´-Øn¬ \ΩpsS

]q¿∆n-I¿ F{X-`w-Kn-bmbn AXp \n¿h-ln-®n-cp-∂p F∂-Xn\v sXfn-hmWv Cu BNm-cw. skan-\m-dns‚ kam-]-\-N-S-ßp-Iƒ Ipa-c-I-Øp≈ tIm´bw ¢_n-emWv {Iao-I-cn-®n-cp-∂-Xv- R-ßsf Ghtcbpw A¤p-X-s∏SpØn hfsc s]s´-∂mWv Imem-h-ÿ-bn¬ am‰w D≠m-bXv. AXni-‡-amb CSn-an-∂-temSpIqSn I\-Ø-ag XpS-ßn. GI-tZiw c≠v aWn-°q-tdmfw AXp \o≠p-\n-∂p. Bbneyw-˛-aIw F∂ hnti-jZn\w Aßs\ Xnb-dnbpw {]mIvS-n-°-ep-ambn a\- n-em-°p-hm≥ Ign-™-Xns\m∏w, `qap-J-Øp≈ Hmtcm Pohn-bp-sSbpw kwc-£W-Øn-\mbn {]IrXn F{X-tØmfw Icp-X-emWp \¬Ip-∂-sX∂ kXyw a\- n-em-°p-hm\pw skan-\m¿ aqew km[n-®p. hnh-c-߃°v IS-∏mSv : ‰n.-Un. tPmtPm, sI.-Fw. ]qhv, Bjnjv amXyp

* sNºn¬ Ac-b≥-˛-sN-ºn-¬ A\¥ ]fl-\m-`≥ henb Ac-b-≥ I≥Ip-am-c≥˛ Xncp-hn-Xmw-Iq-¿ cmPm-hmb Ahn´w Xncp-\mƒ _me-cm-a-h¿a-bpsS \mhn-I-tk\m ta[m-hn-bm-bn-cp∂ Ct±lw, tIm´bw Pn√-bnse ssh°-Øn-\SpØp≈ sNºv F∂ ÿe-ØmWv P\n-®-Xv. Acb kap-Zm-b-°m-c-\mb Ct±lw Xncp-hn-Xmw-Iq-dnse BZy kzmX-¥y-k-ac tk\m-\n-bm-bn-´mWv Adn-b-s∏-Sp-∂-Xv. {_n´ojv dkn-U‚m-bn-cp∂ tIW¬ sat°m-sf-bpsS sIm®n-t°m´ henb Ac-bs‚ t\Xr-Xz-Øn¬ 1808-˛-Un-kw-_¿ 29 \v B{I-an-°p-I-bp-≠m-bn. ]n∂oSv {_o´o-jp°m-cp-am-bp-≠mb G‰p-ap-´-en¬ Ct±lw sIm√-s∏-´p.

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tUhn-kns‚ IS tUm. H.- ‰n. X¶-®≥ Akn. UbdIvS¿, taJem arKkwc£WtI{µw, ssh°w

1983 Unkw-_¿ 27

Pohn-X-Øn¬ hgn-Øn-cn-hmb Znhkw. ho´nse ISp-Ø...A√ ]cp-]-cp-Ø, \odp∂ ]mc-X-{¥y-Øn¬ \n∂pw Infn-hm-Xn¬ Xpd∂v kzX-{¥-am-°-s∏´ Zn\w... B Znh-k-amWv Abmƒ aÆqØn sh‰-dn-\dn tImtf-Pn¬ Imep IpØn-b-Xv. U_nƒ ap≠p-SpØv sNcp-∏n-√mØ ]l-b≥... \m´n≥]p-d-Øp-Im-c≥...-F-ep-º≥. Ah≥ C∂v apX¬ ]®-]-cnjv°m-cn-bm-Wv. \√ s_¬t_m´w Ifkw, Xnf-ßp∂ j¿´v, \√ H∂m-¥cw sNcp-∏mWv C´n-cn-°p-∂-Xv. km[m-cW sNcp-s∏m-∂p-a√. _m‰-bpsS tIzmhm-Sokv N∏¬. ]´n-\m-°p-t]mse c≠v hiØpw \o≠v InS-°p∂ j¿´ns‚ tImf¿. CS-Xp-ssI-Ø-≠n¬ F®v.-Fw.Sn hm®v. C{Xbpw am{Xa√ tIt´m. heXp ssIbn¬ ]mXn Xpcp-sº-SpØ Hcp "{S¶v -s]´n'-bn¬ sNdnb Xe-bn-W...-sN-dnb NXp-c-°-≈n-Iƒ D≈ aS°n shbv°mhp∂ InS-°...H∂p c≠v j¿´p-Iƒ, Hcp ]m‚v, SqØv t]Ãv, {_jv, SwMv ¢o\¿, ]uU¿... ho´nse I´n-en¬ Xg-∏m-b-bn¬ InS-∂n-cp∂ sN°\v \√ kvt]m©v t]mesØ InS-°...-I-≈n-ap≠v DSp-tØm-≠n-cp-∂-h\v ]m‚v...-\√ Dan-°-cn-sIm≠v ]√v tX®v, ]® Cu¿°nen sIm≠v \m°p hSn-®n-cp-∂-h\v tImƒtK-‰ns‚ t]Ãpw πmÃn-°ns‚ SwMv ¢o\-dpw...-A-Xp-am-{Xtam C\n ]uU-dn-Sm-\p≈ tbmK-hpw. ]ns∂ cl-ky-ambn tN´≥ Hcp km[\w IqSn hmßnØ∂p. F∂n´v AXv Fßs\ D]-tbm-Kn-°-W-sa∂v ImWn-®p-X-∂p. 46

thsdm-∂p-a-√...-Xm-Sn-h-Sn-°m≥ Hcp tdk¿. \n\°v Ct∏mƒ XmSn-sbm∂pw Cs√-¶nepw Znh-khpw tkm∏v ]X-∏n-®n´v Cßs\ XmSn hSn-°-Ww. Znh-khpw tjhv sNbvXm¬ XmSn s]s´∂v hfcpw. hSn XmSn°v hfw F∂m-Wt√m {]am-Ww. t»m...-ssZ-h-Øns‚ Hcp Imcyw...-C-∂se hsc shdp-samcp IoS-am-bn-cp-∂-h≥ Cs∂mcp lotdm... FSm ac-a-≠m...-a-c-Ø-e-bm...-F-s∂ms° Ifn-bm-°n-b-h-∑m-scsbms° H∂v ImW-Ww. shfn-bn¬ tPmbn, tXmam-®≥, inh≥, chn F∂n-h-scm-s°-bm-bn-cp∂p {][m-\-i-{Xp-°ƒ. Ah-∑mscms° Ggmw ¢m nte ]TnØw \n¿Øn. Irjn- ∏ - W n, sImbvØpw saXn-bpw, ssk°nƒ dn∏-b¿, tkmUm hnX-c-Ww...A-ßs\ kz¥w Imen¬ \n¬°p-Ibpw hcp-am\w D≠m-°p-Ibpw sNøp-∂p. Ah-∑msc ImWp-tºmƒ ]mØpw ]Xp-ßnbpw \S°pw. F∂mepw NmSn hoWv Ifn-bm-°pw. ""Hm...-tIm-tf-Pn¬ ]Tn®n´v If-IvS-dm-Im≥ t]mIp-hm...'' H∂v thKw tUmIvS-dm-bn´v thWw Ah-∑m-tcmSv c≠v Cw•ojv Hs° ]d™v H∂v sR´n-°m≥. Aßs\ A¬]w Ka-bn¬ Abmƒ aÆq-Øn-bn¬ h≠n-bn-d-ßn. Imcy-߃ Cß-s\-sbm-s°-bm-sW-¶nepw tImtf-Pns‚ ]Snhm-Xn-°¬ FØn-b-t∏mƒ BsI Hc-¶-em-∏v...-Hcp sh{]m-fw...-Hcm-i-¶. AXn-hn-im-e-amb tImtfPv Iymºkv Hcp Dƒ`-bw. ]cn-N-b-an√mØ ÿew. dmKnßn-s\-°p-dn-t®m¿Øp≈ `bw. a‰p-≈-h-tcmSv

Fßs\ s]cp-am-d-W-sa∂v Adn-bmØ Ah-ÿ. F√mw IqSnsbmcp hnI¬∏w. F¥m-bmepw ss[cyw kw`-cn®v tlmì e£yam°n \S-∂p. Zqsc-\n∂p Xs∂ A´-lm-k-߃ sXdn-hn-fn-Iƒ. icocw hnd-°p-∂pt≠m? \m°v Ipg-bp-∂pt≠m? IÆn\v sNdnsbmcp aqS¬t]m-se. sNdnb Xe-Id- ° - w. F¶nepw ss[cyw kw`cn®v \S-∂p. FXnsch∂ tN´-∑m¿ ]pO-`m-ht- ØmsS t\m°n Nncn®p-sIm≠v t]mbn. At∏mƒ `bw H∂p-IqsS IqSn. F¥m-bm-epw ss[cyw kw`-cn®v tlmÃ-ens‚ D≈n¬ Ib-dn. DSs\ tlmì hm¿U\pw sk{I-´d- nbpw h∂v Imcy-߃ Xnc°n cPn-Ãd- n¬ H∏n´-tijw apdn ImWn-®p-X∂ - p. im¥w... `{Zw... kam-[m-\w. Aßs\ Pohn- X - Ø n- e m- Z y- a mbn ho´n¬\n∂v AI∂v \n¬°p∂ Znh-kw. Hcp apdn-bn¬ 3 t]¿. 3 I´n¬, 3 Itk-c. apdn-bn¬ Hcmƒ IqSn h∂n-´p-≠v. Ah\pw ]pXnb AUvan-j≥ Xs∂. aq∂m-a≥ ko\n-b-dm-sW-¶nepw apdn-bn¬ C√m-bn-cp-∂p. a\- n¬ sNdnb ]cn-{`aw Ds≠-¶nepw H∂pw C√m-Ø-am-Xn-cn-bncp-∂p. {S¶v s]´n...-thjw... CsXms° a‰p-≈h - ¿ Ifn-bm-°ptam? F¥mbmepw ]Xps° Fgp-t∂‰v IX-IS- ®v Ip‰n-bn-´p. kl-ap-dn-bs\ ]cnN-bs- ∏´p. amf-°m-c≥ kptc-{µ-\mWp I£n. 5 an\n‰v Ign™p ImWpw hmXn-en¬ SnIv..SnIv... s- N-dnb hnd-bt- emsS hmXn¬ Xpd∂p. {]Xo-£n-®X - p-t]mse ko\n-b¿ tN´-∑m-cm-Wv. hmXn¬ Xpd-∂t∏mƒ I≠Xv ]mXn Xpcp-sº-SpØ {S¶p-s]-´n-bm-Wv. ""CsX-¥m-Sm...-]-´m-f-Øn¬ tNcm≥ h∂-XmtWm? au\w...]ns∂ henb A[n-Imckzc-Øn¬ t]cv, hoSv Aßs\ hnti-j߃ Xnc-°n. \ns‚ ho´n¬ F{X t]cp-≠-Sm...? 7 t]¿...-\ns‚ X¥bv°v F¥m ]Wn? "AXv ]ns∂ tNmZn-°m-\pt≠m? ]nt≈cv Irjn' as‰mcp tN´s‚ Ia‚v. s]m´n-®n-cn-bpsS apg-°ßƒ apdnbn¬ \nd-™p-.

kabw 4 aWn-bm-bn. _m...-sa- n¬\n∂v Nmb IpSn-°mw. A\pk-c-W-bp≈ B´n≥Ip-´n-I-sf-t∏m-se- Abmfpw kptc-{µ≥ F∂ kpcphpw \S-∂p. tImdn-tUm-dn¬ IqSn \S∂v hnim-e-amb sa v lmfn-se-Øn. tN´-∑m¿ Ifn-bm-°p-sa-¶nepw kvt\l-ap-≈-h-cmsW∂v tXm∂n. F√m-hcpw IqSn Hcp taibv°v Np‰pw Ccp-∂p. Itk-c-bn¬ Ccp-∂p-I-gn-™m¬ CSXpw heXpw Ccn-°p-∂-hsc t\m°n Nncn°-Ww. `£Ww Ign-®-Xn-\p-tijw AXp-t]mse Xs∂ c≠v hiØpw Ccn-°p-∂-h-tcmSv A\p-hmZw tNmZn-®nt´ Fgp-t∂¬°mhq. Cs√-¶n¬ Hcp-ant® Fgp-t∂¬°m-hq. Aßs\ tS_nƒ amt\-gvkns‚ BZy-]m-T-߃ ]d-™p-X-∂p. At∏mƒ sa nse kXn Nmb, hS, ]pgp-ßnb ap´ F∂nh h®v \o´n. i¶-tbmsS tN´-∑msc t\m°n. FSpØp sIm≈m≥ IÆp-sIm≠v BwKyw ImWn-®p. Nmbbpw hSbpw Ign-®p. ^pƒ ap´ ]pgp- ß n- b Xv ssIbn¬ h®v A¬]- t \cw Xmtem- e n®v sImXntbmsS t\m°n. ssZh-ta...-^pƒ ap´ F\nt°m! CXn\p apºv Pohn-X-Øn¬ Hcp Znh-kta apgp-h≥ ap´ Ign-®n-´p-≈q. BZyIp¿_m\ Znhkw ^pƒap´ ho´nse Im¿t∂m¿°v am{Xw Ah-Im-i-s∏-´-Xm-Wv. a°ƒ°v ap´ ]pgpßn \membn apdn®v Hcp `mKw am{Xw. ap´-°dn sh®v Ign-bp-tºmƒ sh≈-am{Xw N{µ-°e t]mse In´pw. DÆnsb-∂, tbm°v Idn-bn¬ Aen-™p-tN-cpw. ]ns∂ DÆn In´m-\p≈ X√v...-Hcp \nanjw s\Sp-ho¿∏n-´p. ]ns∂ tai-bn¬ h®n-cn-°p∂ Ipcp-ap-fIv s]mSn-bpw, D∏pw tN¿Øv Bkz-Zn®v Ign-®p. tlm...!Fs¥mcp kzmZv!...-A-bmƒ Hm¿Øp...-k-Xy-ambpw h∂ncn-°p-∂Xv Hcp kz¿§-tem-I-Øn¬X-s∂. sa vlm-fn¬\n∂pw ho≠pw apdn-bn-te-°v. ko\n-b¿ tN´-∑m¿ a‰v Cc-Isf tXSn-t∏mbn. apdn-bn¬ Ib-dnb DSs\ Iptd-t]¿ h∂v ]cn-N-b-s∏-S¬...-Nq-


B\n-°mSv doPn-b-W¬ ^m¿tagvkv k¿∆okv kl-I-cW _m¶v ¢n]vXw \º¿ 3867, B\n-°mSv ]n.-H. H.O ]≈n-°-tØmSv ˛ 686 503, t^m¨: 0481˛2551842 {_m©p-Iƒ sabn≥ {_m©v˛ 2551042, Fw & Cu Iu≠¿ ˛ 2551705, Cf-º-≈n˛ 2457003, Ac-hn-°p-gn˛2553142



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Sm-I¬...-A-´-lmkw, ]cn-l-kn-°¬ F√mw XpS¿∂p. IqSp-X¬ NqSm- b - h ¿ kulrZw ÿm]n- ® - X n- \ p- t ijw ]ncn™pt]mbn. Aßs\ B ]cn-]mSn XpS¿∂p-sIm-t≠-bn-cp-∂p. k‘ym-k-a-b-am-b-t∏mƒ ASpØ _m®v h∂p. ]cn-N-b-s∏-Sen-\p-tijw Biz-kn-∏n-®p. ""H∂p-an-√...-C-ßs\ HcmgvN sNmdn™p-sIm-≠n-cn-°pw. AXn-\p-tijw F√m-hcpw \√ Iº-\nbm-Ipw. AXp-sIm≠v t]Sn-°m-s\m-∂p-an√ hcq. \ap°v aÆq-Øn-sbm-s°-sbm∂v Idßnhcmw.'' Aßs\ kz]v \ temI- s a∂ tlmÃ- e n¬\n∂v shfn-bn-en-d-ßn. ko\n-b¿ tN´-∑mcpw Pq\n-b¿ ]ø∑mcpw sNdnb sNdnb kwL-ß-fmbn ]e hgn \S∂p \oßp-∂p. CSbv°v A´-lm-k-߃... Bt{Im-i-߃...- F-∂nh tIƒ°mw. Ah¿ ^mw]Sn-bn-eqsS \S∂v sslth t{Imkv sNbvXv Smdn´ hgn-bn-eqsS \S-∂p. A[nIw IS- I fpw a‰pw D≠m- b n- c p- ∂ n- √ . tIcfmtlm´¬ F∂ Nmb-°-S, ]ns∂ sNdnsbmcp IS. AXn-\p-tijw hnP-\w. sh‰-dn\dn tImtf-Pns‚ kz¥w Pbm Xntb-‰¿ ImWn®p-X-∂p. AhnsS hcp∂ F√mw kn\n-a-Ifpw ImW- W - s a∂v Uo\ns‚ DØ- c - h p- s ≠∂v hfsc Kuc- h - a mbn ]d- ™ p. ]ns∂bpw ap≥t]m´v \S-∂p. H∂p c≠v saUn-°¬ tjm∏p-Iƒ, sNdnb Hcp XpWn-°-S. AXp-I-gn™v t_m¿Un-√mØ sNdn-sbmcp Nmb-°-S. AhnsS Hcp \nanjw F√m-hcpw \n∂p. CXmWv Chn-SpsØ G‰hpw {]i-kvXa- mb Nmb-°S- . Nmb apX¬ Nmcmbw hsc In´p∂ aƒ´n-kvs]-jym-en‰n sdtÃm-d‚v 24 aWn-°qdpw {]h¿Ø-\w. asÆÆ Ãuhn¬ Nmb-bpw. AXn-\-SpØv I∂m-kn¬ Nmcmbhpw. IS-bp-Sa, Nmb-b-Sn-°mc≥, kπ-b¿...-F√mw Hcmƒ Xs∂. F√m-hcpw IqSn \n¿_-‘n®v B IS-bn¬ Ib-‰n. CXmWv tUhn-kns‚ IS. s]m´n-s∏m-fn™ taibpw Itk-cbpw. s]mSn]nSn®v \mi-amb Ae-am-cn. Ipfn-®n´v h¿j-ß-fmb tN´≥. amk-ß-fmbn sh≈w I≠n-´n-√mØ At±-l-Øns‚ ap≠v. Hm°m\w h∂p. IS-bnse apgp-h≥ km[-\-ß-fp-sSbpw `q]Sw A´n-b-´n-bmbn B ap≠n¬ {]Xn-^-en-°p-∂p-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. Hcp taibv°v Np‰pw F√m-hcpw Ccp-∂p. Hcp-Ø≥ tNmZn-®p.

""hen-bp-t≠mSm?'' C√ IpSntbm? Cs√∂v Xe-bm-´n. tlm! R߃°v ]Wn-bm-b-t√m-Sm...-CXpc≠pw 6 amksØ tImgvkm... ]Tn-s®-Sp-°m≥ henb ]mSm. ]Tn-®m-tem...-P-∑Øv ad°p-I-bn-√. knK-c‰v Fßs\ ]nSn-°pw. IØn-°pw, ]pI D≈nte°v hen®v aq°n-eqsS hnSp∂ hnZy hmb-bn-eqsS Npcp-fp-Ifmbn hnSp∂ kq{Xw...-A-ßs\ 2 ss{SsaÃ-dns‚ tImgvkm-WnXv. At∏m-sgm∂p sR´n. ssZhta kz¿§w \c-I-am-hp-I-bmtWm? Chn-sS-\n∂v Fßs\ c£-s∏-Spw. s]m´n-°-c-btWm? AtXm HmSn c£-s∏-StWm? Ftßm-t´m-Spw. ^m≥ Id-ßp-∂p-s≠-¶nepw s\‰n- b n¬ hnb¿∏p- X p- ≈ n- I ƒ s]mSn- ™ p. AXm...- t U- h nkv ASpØv h∂v Ign-™p. Ah¿ Nmcm-b-amWv Hm¿U¿ sNøp-∂sX-¶n¬ AXv IpSn-®n-s√-¶n¬ X´n-°f-bptam? Fs‚ Koh¿Kokv ]pÆym-fm...-Fs∂ ImtØm-f-tW...


F√m-hn[ Cw•o-jv, sh‰-dn-\-dn, tlmantbm sl¿t_m-an-\-d¬, Bbp¿th-Z acp-∂p-Iƒ°v

tamtU¨ saUn-°¬kv aµn-cw-I-he & Hu´vt]m-Ãv, Ipdn®n (Wholesale & Retail)

Phone: Shop. 0481 - 2433410, Resi: 2432629 & 243361, Mob : 9447420201 Working Hrs : 8.30 am to 9.00 pm, Sunday 10.00 am to 9.00 pm Best compliments from :

JOS MEDICALS KURUPPANTHARA, KOTTAYAM Phone: 04829-242055, Res. 242455, Mobile: 9446119956 48

tUhnkv ASpØv h∂p. ""km¿ F¥p-thWw''? Hcp \nan-jw. G‰hpw ko\n-b¿ tN´≥ F√m-h-cp-tSbpw apJ-tØ°v hfsc Kuch-Øn¬ t\m°n. A¬]-k-a-b-Øn-\p-tijw ]d-™p...""-F-√mh¿°pw Hmtcm \mcßmsh≈w.'' Aßs\ Hcp sR´-en¬\n∂pw DW¿s∂-gp-t∂-‰p. \nan-j-߃°Iw \mcßmsh≈w sdUn. ]Xn-hnepw hyXykvX-ambn AXns‚ ss]k tN´-∑mcv Xs∂ sImSp-Øp. ISbn¬\n∂v shfn-bn-en-dß - n-bt- ∏mƒ ko\n-b¿ tN´≥ ]d-™p. ""h∂p Ib-dn-bn-√...-A-Xn\v apºv tN´-∑msc Hmkm≥ XpSßn Ct√-Sm...'' IpSn® \mc-ßm-sh≈w B \nanjw Bhn-bmbn t]mIp-∂Xv A\p`-hn-®-dn-™p. tlmÃ-en¬ Xncn-s®Øn Ipfn-Ig- n™v sa n¬\n∂pw `£Ww Ign®v shfn-bn-te-°n-dß - n-bt- ∏mƒ ASpØ _m®v ko\n-tb-gvkns‚ B{I-aWw Bcw-`n-®p. Ah¿ F√m-h-tcbpw {Ku≠n-te°v Iq´ns°m-≠p-t]m-bn. AXn-\p-tijw Zo¿L-amb ]cn-N-b-s∏-S¬. tImtfPn-s‚bpw tlmÃ-en-t‚bpw Ncn{Xw ]d™p X∂p. F√mw Ign™-t∏mƒ cm{Xn 12 aWn. A∂v Hcp ]mSv t]sc ]cn-N-b-s∏-´p. C≥Uy-bnse ]e kwÿm-\-ß-fn¬ \n∂p-≈-h¿, ss\Po-cn-b°m¿...-A-ßs\ ]e-cpw. temI-Ønse F√m-Øcw Bƒ°m-cpsSbpw Hcp kmºnƒ tImtfPn-ep-≈-Xmbn tXm∂n. Aßs\ B ]mXn-cm-hn¬ tlmÃ-ense I´n-ens‚ ac-∏-e-Ibn¬ s_Uv hncn®v Dd-ßm≥ InS-∂p. Hcp Znh-kw-sIm≠v Hcp]mSv A\p-`-h-k-º-Øp-ambn tlmÃ-ense BZy-cm-{Xn. BZy-cm-{XnbpsS Be-ky-Øn¬\n∂pw AXn-cm-hnse Fgp-t∂¬°p-hm≥ aSn. sNdnb ico-c-th-Z-\, ÿew-am-‰w, ÿm\w-am-‰w, bm{Xm-£oWw Ch Be-ky-Øn\v B°wIq´n. cmhnse IrXyw 9 aWn°v Uo≥ hI C≥{S-U-Iv‰dn kv]o®v. ]ns∂ ¢m pw. XnSp-°-Øn¬ Imcy-߃ F√mw Ign™v ¢m n-

te°v ]pd-s∏-´p. Uo\ns‚ hI Din-c≥ kzmK-X-{]-kw-K-am-bn-cp∂p. temI-Ønse G‰hpw al-Ømb s{]m^-j-\n-te°v At±lw Rßsf kzoI-cn-®p. AXn-\p-tijw A\m-´-an-lm-fn-te-°v...-t^m¿a-ens‚ K‘w aq°n¬ Xpf-®p-I-b-dn..-sN-dnb Xe-thZ\, IÆp-Iƒ \odn, B\ apX¬ ]e Pohn-I-fp-sSbpw Aÿn-Iq-S-߃ ASp-°n-sh-®Xv A¤p-X-tØmsS t\m°n-°-≠p. BZy-Zn-hkw D®-tbmsS ]cn-]m-SnIƒ Ah-km-\n®v apdn-bn¬ Xncn-s®-Øn. I´n-en¬ InS∂v H∂v ab-ßn. A¬∏-k-a-b-Øn-\p-tijw IXIn¬ ap´v. IXIv Xpd-∂-t∏mƒ Hcp kwLw ko\n-b¿ tN´-∑m¿ apdnbn-te°v CSn®p Ib-dn. Dd-°® - S- s- hms° am‰n Fgp-t∂‰v \n∂p. DSs\ Xs∂ Hcmƒ h∂v ""B¿°mSm ssk°nƒ Nhn-´p-hm≥ Adn-bm-hpt∂? F\n°v AXym-h-iy-ambn Hcn-Sw-hsc t]mIm-\p-≠mbn-cp∂p.'' 3˛mw ¢mkv apX¬ ssk°nƒ A`ym-kn-bmb I£nbpt≠m hn´p sImSp-°p-∂p. BZyw CS-¶m-en´v Nhn-´p-∂p. (ko-‰nen-cp∂v Nhp-´n-bm¬ Im¬ s]U-en¬ FØp-I-bn-√-t√m) ]ns∂ ssk°n-fns‚ _mdn¬ Ccp∂v Nhn-´p-∂p. ASpØ sÃ∏v ko‰nen-cp∂v Nhn-´p-∂p. Aßs\ Hcp FIvkvt]¿´v Nhn-´p-Im-c-\m-Ip∂p. C\n ASpØ sÃ∏mWv ck-I-cw. B\-µ-I-cw. A¤p-X-Icw-. hn-kvab temI-Øn-te°v \bn-°p∂ ssIhn-´p-I-fn. lm≥Unen¬\n∂pw c≠v ssIbpw hn´v Nhn-´p-I, ssIIƒ c≠pw sI´n Nhn-´p-I apX-emb A`ym-k-ß-fn¬ A{K-K-Wy-\m-Wv. Aß-s\bp≈ Cubp-≈h - t- \m-SmWv ssk°nƒ Nhn-´m-\d- n-bmtam F∂v tNmZn°p-∂-Xv. CXv \√ IY... ""Rm≥ ssk°n-fns‚ ]pd-In¬ Ccp-∂m¬ temsU-Sp-°ptam? ]nt∂...-AXpw sdUn... ""F∂m¬ hnt´m'' Rm≥ ]pd-In¬ Ib-dn. AXn\v ssk°nƒ...?

Best compliments from :


Medicals Mukkoottuthara Ph : 04828-254455 Best compliments from : Ayurveda Vaidyasala Changanacherry- 686 101 Kerala- South Inida Ph: 0481-2420074, 2424827(R)


Ayurveda Hospital Perunna P.O., Changanacherry Kerala-686 102, South India Ph. 0481- 2420354, 2442354 Mob: 9847033714, 9446083807

Website: www.ambaayurveda.com, www.ambaayurveda.org E-mail:infor@ambaayurveda.org Chief Physican & Managing Partner : Dr. A.B. Sasidharan Nair 49

AXt√ Chn-sS-bp-≈-Xv. FhnsS? Chn-sS... ]Wn ]mfn. BsI sIWn-bm-bn. c≠v tai HcSn Kym∏n¬ ASp-∏n-®n´v B Kym∏n¬ Ibdn c≠v ssIøpw c≠v tai-bpsS hi-ß-fn¬ IpØn Im¬s°m≠v ssk°nƒ Nhn-´-Ww. ""F¥m-Sm...-\n-\°v hnj-a-apt≠m?'' au\w ""F¶n¬ s]s´∂v Nhn-´v...-F-\n°v thKw ]me-°mSv hsc t]mIm-\p-≠v.'' a‰v ko\n-b¿ tN´-∑m¿°v Cu Zb-\o-bm-h-ÿ-bn¬ A¬]w kl-Xm]w tXm∂n. Hcp tN´≥ ]d™p ""FSm Dt∆...-C-sXms° Hcp Xam-i-bmbn I≠m¬ aXn.'' ]me-°mSv FØn-°-gn-™m¬ \n\°v CjvS-ap-≈Xv hmßn-Ø-cmw. HmsI Ãm¿´v... ssIIƒ c≠pw tai-bn¬ h®v Imep-Iƒ sIm≠v Nhn-´m≥ XpS-ßn. H∂p c≠v an\n-‰p-Iƒ Ign-™-t∏mƒ Ah¿ tNmZn-®p. F∂-XmSm Dt∆ ]me-°mSv FØntbm? lm...-F-Øn. tlbv C√...-Ip-Xn-cm≥ae Ib-‰-amtb D≈q. B™v Nhn-´nt°m. ]ns∂bpw Nhn´v XpS¿∂p-sIm-t≠-bn-cp-∂p. s\‰n-bn-eqsS hnb¿∏v Hgp-Ip-∂p. ssIIƒ Ig-bv°p-∂p. ""lm...-]m-e-°mSv Bbn...-\n¿Ønt°m'' B kabw sIm≠v Ah-i-\m-bn-. \√ InX∏v...-i-cocw apgp-h≥ hnd-b¬...

ko\n-b¿ tN´-∑m¿ kvt\l-tØmsS ASp-Øp-h-∂v, tXm¿Øv sIm≠v hnb¿s∏ms° XpS-®p-I-f-™p...-F-∂n´v tNmZn-®p... ""\o BsI Ah-i-\m-b-t√m...-F¥p thW-sa-¶nepw ]d-t™m...-hm-ßnØ-cmw.'' Zmln®v hc≠ \mhp-sIm≠v ]d-™p. F\n°v Hcp tkmU IpSn-°-Ww. Hm-sI. _m... Fhn-Sp∂m th≠Xv ? tUhn-kns‚ IS-bn¬\n-∂v. CXp-tI´v Ah¿ s]m´n-®n-cn-®p. ""]me-°mSv Fhn-sSbm tUhn-kns‚ IS...-Xn-cn®v Nhn-´Sm aÆqØn-bn-te-°v. Aßs\ tUhn-kns‚ IS ]ns∂bpw ]‰n-®p...B Znh-k-Øns‚ hnti-j-߃ Aßs\ Ah-km-\n-®p. Znh-k-߃, amk-߃, ss{Ssa-Ã-dp-Iƒ...-A-ßs\ IS∂pt]mbn. PohnXw hfsc D√m-k-`-cn-Xw...-A-ßs\ ck-I-c-ambn kt¥mj-ambn PohnXw IS∂v t]mIp-tºm-gmWv tUhn-kns‚ IS Hcp henb kw`-h-Øn\v ZrIvkm-£n-bm-Ip-∂-Xv. AsX-¥m-sW-∂t√?...hn-i-Z-ambn ]d-bmw. Bbn-S-°mWv tImtf-Pn¬ Hcp ]pXnb kwKXn h∂-Xv. Imcyw InSn-tem¬°n-Sn-ew...-km-l-kn-Iw... Bcpw {i≤n-°p∂ Hcp X´p-s]m-fn-∏≥ kwK-Xn. AXm-bXv IpXnckhm-cn-∏-cn-]m-Sn. t]cv (B¿.-hn.-kn.) Remount Veterinary Corps. Imcyw F≥.-kn.-kn. t]mse Xs∂...-F≥.-kn.-kn.bpsS ]tc-Up-Iƒ am{X-a-√... \√ PK-Pn√n IpXn-c-I-fpsS ]pdØv Ibdn t{Sm´n-Mv, Iym≥U-dn-Mv, Kyme-]nMv Aßs\ hnhn[ kv]oUpI-fn¬ khm-cn. ]ns∂ sS‚vs]°n-Mv, Pw]nMv XpS-ßnb kml-kn-I-amb \nc-

Best compliments from :

HOTEL ROSE MARIYA BAR ATTACHED Opp. K.S.R.T.C. Bus Stand, Palai-686 575 Ph: 04822-211117, 200165

Family Resturant, Road Garden, A/C non A/C Rooms, Parking Area Best compliments from :

CHANDRATHIL DRUG HOUSE Paikadas Building, Paikadas Lane, Kottayam Phone: 0481-2303312 (O), 2583312 (O), Mob: 9497587872 Best compliments from :

CIMSONS SCIENTIFIC SYNDICATE (P) Ltd. Stockists of Laboratory Equipments, Glass wares & Chemicals M.C. Road, Kodimatha, Kottayam 686 039 Grams: CIMSONS Tel: (Fax): 0481-2362684, Ph. 2363369 E-mail: cimsons@hotmail.com 50

h[n ]cn-]m-Sn-Iƒ. AXp-ambn _‘-s∏´v B¿.-hn.-kn.-bpsS Hcp bqWn‰v Bcw-`n-®p. AXns‚ Xe-h≥ Hcp Iam≥U¿, IpXn-cIƒ, F≥.-kn.-kn.-bpsS Ãm^p-Iƒ, in]m-bn-Iƒ Nm¿Pv Hm^ok¿, ÃpU‚ v Hm^o- k ¿ Aßs\ \nc- h [n Imcy- ß - f p≈ B^okpw k÷-am-bn. BgvN-bn¬ c≠v Znhkw ]tc-Uv, Hcp Znhkw IpXnc khm-cn. Aßs\ Imcy-߃ at\m-l-c-ambn t]mhpI-bm-bn-cp-∂p. Aßs\ kw`-h-_-lp-e-amb B Znh-kw...-i-\n-bmgvN kabw cm{Xn 8 aWn. B¿.-hn.-kn.bpsS Iam≥U¿ sshIp-t∂-c-ß-fnep≈ ]Xn-hp-]-cn-]m-Sn-Iƒ Ign™v kz¥w apdn-bn¬ hn{i-an-°pI-bm-Wv. At∏m-gmWv At±lw Un∂-dn-s\-°p-dn-®m-tem-Nn-°p-∂Xv. DSs\ in]m-bnsb hnfn-®p. ""FtSm cm{Xn-bn¬ DuWn\v Ign°m≥ Idn-Iƒ H∂pw Imcy-am-bn-´n-√. Xm≥ t]mbn Ipd®v ssXcv hmßn hm...- t I- ´ - ] mXn tIƒ°mØ ]mXn in]mbn ssXcv hmßm≥ t]mbn. At\z-jWw Ah-km-\n-®Xv \ΩpsS IYm-\m-bIs‚ IS-bn¬...-A-hn-sS-\n∂v c≠v \n¬∏\pw Ign-®v, Hcp •mkv ssXcp- a mbn Snbm≥ Iam≥U- d psS ASpØp sN∂p. km_v Un∂¿ Ign-°m≥ Xøm-sd-SpØv \n¬°p-I-bm-Wv. C∂v A¬]w tZjy-Øn-em-sW∂v tXm∂p-∂p. apJw Nph∂v XpSp-Øn-cn-°p-∂p. in]m-bn-bpsS ssIbn¬\n∂v ssXcv hmßn tNmdn¬ Ipg®v Hcp Dcp-f-im-∏n-´p. ""t»m...-F-s¥mcp ]pfn-bmtSm CXn-\v. Xm\n-sX-hnsS \n∂v hmßn-bXm?'' au\w

""FhnsS \n∂mtWm hmßn- b Xv Ahn- s S- s °m≠v Xncn®v sImSp-°v.'' DØ-chv A\p-k-cn-°m-Xn-cn-°m≥ ]‰p-tam. Xms\mcp Hm¿U¿en-bm-bn-t∏m-bn-t√. Hc-£cw an≠msX BSn-bmSn Abmƒ tUhn-kns‚ IS-bn-te-°v. ""FtSm...Xs‚ Cu ]pfn-©≥ ssXcv km_n\v CjvSam-bn-√. Xncn®psImSp-°m≥ ]d-™p.'' Ien-]q≠ IYm-\m-b-I≥ hnd-®p. ssXcv hmßn t\sc in]mbn-bpsS Xe-bn-te°v Ia-gvØn. F∂n´v tZjy-Øn¬ Fs¥ms°tbm Ae-dn. Xe-bn-eqsS ssXcv ico-c-Øn-te°v HgpIn Hen®p-sIm-≠ncp∂p. Xebv°v apI-fn¬ ssXcpw Xe-bn¬ el-cn-bp-ambn Abmƒ km_ns‚ ap≥]n¬ Imcy-߃ Ah-X-cn-∏n®p. tIm]w sIm≠v km_ns‚ IÆp-Iƒ ]pd-tØ°v X≈n. lnµn, Cw•ojv F∂o `mj-I-fn¬ NoØ hnfn-®-tijw km_v shfnbn-te°v t]mbn. in]m-bn°v Hcp Imcyw a\- n-em-bn. km_v t]meokvtÃj-\n¬ ]cmXn sImSp-°m≥ t]mbn-cn-°p-I-bm-Wv. ip`cm{Xn-b√. Imf-cm-{Xn.... {]`m-Xw. Rmb-dmgvN Znhkw cmhnse 9 aWn. km_ns‚ apdn-bpsS hmXn-en¬ apt´m´v ap´v. A¬]w Dd-°-®-S-thmsSXs∂ hmXn¬ Xpd-∂p. ap≥]n¬ in]m-bn. km_v tNmZn-°p-∂-Xn\v ap≥]p Xs∂ Abmƒ ]d-™p. km_ns\ ImWm≥ Ipd®pt]¿ h∂n-´p-≠v. km_v hfsc _p≤nam\m-b-Xn-\m¬ Ah¿ Bcm-sW∂v Duln-°m≥ Ign-™p. ""Ipd®v kabw Ccn-°m≥ ]dbq'' {]`mXIrXy-߃ Hs° XnSp-°-Øn¬ Xo¿Øv, ]Xn-hn\v hn]-

Best compliments from :

KEERTHY MEDICALS Pallickathodu Ph: 0481-2553447, Mob: 9495849884, 9745258588

F√m-hn[ Cw•ojv Bbp¿th-Z, sh‰-dn-\dn acp-∂p-Iƒ°v Best compliments from :

The Veliyannoor Service Co-operative Bank Ltd. No. K. 282 Veliyannoor P.O., Kottayam, Kerala 686 638 H.O. Veliyannoor Ph: 04822-244119

Br. Puthuvely Ph: 04822-244118

Br. Poovakula Ph: 04822-244117

Best compliments from :

F√m-hn[ Cw•o-jv, Bbp¿thZ, sh‰-dn-\dn Huj-[-߃°pw

MANU MEDICALS Pathanadu, Kangazha P.O., Kottayam- 686 541 Phone: 0481-2495070, Mobile: 9446821077 51

co-X-ambn ^pƒ bqWn-t^m-an-emWv Ah-cpsS apºn¬ {]Xy-£s∏-´-Xv. km_ns\ I≠Xpw Ah¿ NmSn-sb-gp-t∂‰v ssIIƒ Iq∏n. Ign™Znh-ksØ kw`-h-Øn¬ £a tNmZn-°m≥ h∂Xm. t]meokvtÃj-\n¬ sImSpØ ]cmXn ]n≥h-en-°-Ww. km_v Ipd®pkabw H∂pw an≠n-bn-√. h∂-h-∑m-cpsS IÆpI-fn-te°v kq£n®v t\m°n. ""HmsI C∂v sshIn´v 5 aWn°v Rm≥ \S-°m≥ Cd-ßpw. Ahs‚ ISbv°v ap≥]n-ep≈ Bens‚ Nph-´n¬ Rm≥ h∂p \n¬°pw. At∏mƒ Ah≥ h∂v ]c-kyambn am∏v ]d-b-Ww. kΩ-Xns®m?'' ""F√mw kΩ-Xn®p k¿...'' Ah¿ ssIIq∏n ]ncn-™p -t]m-bn. km_v h≠n-sb-SpØv t\sc tlmÃen-te°v. Hcp ko\n-b¿ A≠¿ Hm^o-k¿ D≠m-bn-cp-∂p. hnZym¿∞n-Ifn¬ Hcmƒ Xs∂-bm-bn-cp∂p AXv. 5 ASn s]m°hpw CSnsh´p∂ i_vZ-hp-ap≈ Hcp In√m-Sn. Snbm-\mWv Rßsf _tb aqSv... Zlt\ aqSv... kh-[m≥. hn{iw XpS-ßnb kwK-Xn-Iƒ Hs° ]Tn-∏n-°p-∂-Xv. tlmÃ-en¬ hf-s®m-Sn® kn\n-am-∏m´v ]mSn-s°m-≠n-cp∂ ko\nb¿ A≠¿ Hm^o-k¿ km_ns\°≠v sR´n. sR´¬ amdp-∂-Xn\p-apºp Xs∂ km_ns\ KÃvdqan¬ Ccp-Øn. apJ-hpc IqSmsX km_v Imcyw ]d-™p. ""At∏mƒ 5 aWn-°p≈ t{]m{Km-a-t√...AXv R߃ th≠Xp t]mse sNømw, km¿. km_n\v keyq´v sImSpØv ]d™p hn´p. Hcp aWn-°q-dn\p≈n¬ tlmÃ-en¬ samØw ]m´m-bn. Hmtcmtcm sNdnb KmwMp-Iƒ \o≠ \o≠ N¿®-Iƒ \S-Øn. Hmtcm-cp-Øcpw Ah-c-h-cpsS Xocp-am-\-߃ \S-∏m-°m-\mbn 5 aWn- k-a-b-Øn\mbn ImØn-cp-∂p. 4 aWn-tbm-Sp-IqSn Xs∂ Ben≥NphSpw ]cnk-chpw tlmì hnZym¿∞n-I-tfbpw hnZym¿∞n-\n-I-tfbpw sIm≠v \nd-™n-cp-∂p. Bƒ°q´w I≠ \m´p- I m¿ Imcyw Xnc- ° n. kw`- h - ß ƒ s]mSn∏pw sXmßepw sh®v Ip´n-Iƒ Im®n. F¥n-\-[nIw ]dbp-∂p. A©v aWn°v ap≥]v Xs∂ \ΩpsS \mb-Is‚ ISbpw ]cn-k-chpw Xriq¿]qc-Øns‚ Xnc-°m-bn-cp-∂p. ]´m-f-°m-cpsS

ka-b-\njvT H∂p FSpØp]d-tb≠ Imcyw Xs∂-bm-Wv. 5s‚ sskd¨ Iqhn-b-t∏mƒ km_v, B¬a-c-t®m-´n¬ {]Xy-£-s∏-´p. IqsS Hm¿U¿en-bp-ap-≠v. CXp-I≠ IYm-\m-b-I≥ A¬]w \mWtØmsS km_ns‚ ASp-tØ°v h∂p. Hcp kwLw Iø-Sn-°p∂p, a‰p-≈h¿ \√ Iqh¬ ]mkm-°p-∂p...-tU-hnkv km_n-t\mSv am∏p ]d-™p... DSs\ Xs∂ ame-∏-S-°-߃°v Xncn-s°m-fpØn. Hme-∏-S-°-߃, Kp≠v F∂n-h-bpsS i_vZ-Ømepw ]pIbmepw ]cn-kcw \nd-™p. hmZnbpw {]Xnbpw kt¥m-j-]q¿∆w ]ncn-™p. km_v Xncn™p \S-∂-t∏mƒ in]m-bn-bpsS sNhn-bn¬ Ft¥m a{¥n-®p. in]mbn keyq´v ASn®v kzoI-cn®v AhnsS Øs∂-\n-∂p. km_v [rXn-bn¬ At±-l-Øns‚ Izm¿t´-gvkn-te°v aS-ßn. Hcp Znh-ksØ ]ncn-ap-d°w Xo¿∂Xv in]mbn icn°pw BtLm-jn-®p. ]qkmbn Cg™ Abmsf \ΩpsS IYm-\m-b-I≥ Xs∂ Izm¿t´-gvkn¬ FØn-®p. F¥m-bmepw B cm{Xn, ip`-cm{Xn-bm-bn-cp-∂p. F√m-hcpw BtLm-j-Øn-an¿∏n¬ InS-∂p-d-ßn. F∂m¬ BÀmZw ASp-Ø-Zn-hkw cmhnse Hen-®p-t]m-bn. Xn¶-fmgvN cmhnse 8 aWn. aÆpØn t]meokvtÃj-\mWv ÿew. Fkv.sF tZjyw sIm≠v hnd®p \n¬°p-I-bm-Wv. \n mc-°m-cs‚ ]cm-Xn-bmtWm In´n-bn-cn-°p-∂Xv? At\z-jn-®n-s√-¶n¬ DSs\ apI-fn¬\n∂p hnfn-h-cpw. ss{Uh-tdmSv tUhn-kns\ Xq°nsb-SpØp sIm≠p-h-cm≥ I¬]n®p. tÃj-\n¬ sIm≠p-h-∂v, \∂mbn tNmZyw sNbvXp. Ac aWn-°q-dn-\p-≈n¬ hym]m-cn-hy-hkm-bn-I-sf-s°m≠v tÃj≥ \nd-™p. ""F¥p-]-Wnbm kmtd Cu ImWn-®Xv? Cu {]iv\w C∂se ]d-™p-Xo¿Ø-Xt√?'' ""At∏mƒ Cu ]cm-Xntbm''? ]cmXn Im´n Fkv.-sF. tNmZn®p. k¿ c≠p-Zn-hkw eohv Bbn-cp-∂Xn\v R߃ F¥p-]n-g®p? GXm-bmepw hcm-\n-cp-∂Xv hgn-bn¬ Xßn√ F∂ Imcyw Dd-∏mbn.'' F√m-hcpw kt¥m-j-tØmsS ]ncn-™p-t]m-bn. hm¬IjWw: tUhnkv am∏p ]d-™-Xn-\p-tijw km_v in]m-bn-bpsS sNhn-bn¬ a{¥n-®p.˛ ""DSs\ tÃj-\n¬ t]mbn, B ]cmXn Iodn-°f- bWw'' ]ns∂ ]mºm-bt- ∏mƒ in]mbn [oc-\m-bn. ""F¥p ]cmXn? F¥p t]meokv?'' At±lw t\sc t]mbn InS-∂p-d-ßn.

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The Uzhavoor Service Co-Operative Bank Ltd. No. 3810, Uzhavoor, Kottayam 686 634, Kerala H.O. Uzhavoor Phone: 04822-240138

Br. Monippally Phone: 04822-292264


Fcp-taen k¿∆okv kl-I-cW _m¶v ¢n]vXw \º¿ sI. 113 Fcp-taen ]n.-H. Fcp-taen 686 509, tIm´bw Pn√ HO: Fcp-taen BR: tN\-∏mSn t^m¨: 04828-210243, 262123 E-mail: escobely243@gmail.com, escobepdy243@gmail.com 52

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Off: Vyaparabhavan Muttkoottuthara Alex Thevervelil-9447867983 Roy Mannor- 9446189579

Biju Thenamackal- 9495835906 Thomaskutty Parunthirickal -9496426808

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KRISHNA MEDICALS Kanam P.O., Kottayam Ph: 9048343450

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VIMALA LIGHT & SOUNDS Malakunnam P.O., Changanacherry Contact Lice: Babu Antony, Lice: CB 1336, SB 3150 Contact: Lights Sounds, Curtains, Illumination 7 Ele, Installation Works Ph: 0481-2321011, Mob: 9847647017 Proproetor: K.M. Joseph, Kannanthara 53

Ain’t there many “taily” tales to tell! Dr. Sumi Cherian Veterinary Surgeon, Pulimkunnu


ere’s a story- a story that fits to be the thread for a boxoffice blockbuster: The hero, the “prince pampered” gets kidnapped, falls into the hands of many bad souls who beat him, starve him and make him work, but eventually, he survives all these, masters the hard tasks and grows up into a handsome, daring fellow. Finally, he gets a mentor, who gives him all the love and care, but as fate will have it, one day he sees this mentor killed. Our hero, true to his nature, executes his revenge and then, realising his “real call” to be out there, vanishes into the wild. Nevertheless, every year, he returns, to mourn at his mentor’s death site. What a closing shot it would be to see his four legged frame standing there in meek reverence, as twilight plays its parting tunes in the background! Wait! Read again! How many legs does this hero have? Four? Oh, yes! That was the story of the ever famous Jack London novel, The Call of the Wild and our hero is Buck- a St. Bernard-Scottish collie. Sounds thrilling, isn’t it? Have ever thought about those heroes and villains of the “other type”? Animal protagonists have always received ravishing reviews throughout the history of literature. Interestingly, most of them have out-lived their human counterparts and even their creators in name and fame. To add more, most of them have been pivotal in effecting strong “change waves” in the society, whether it be east or west. If what the French Revolution taught the world is that


“the pen is mightier than the sword”, the Russian Revolution led humanity to the dictum “all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”! George Orwell’s Animal Farm was an open criticism of the Russian Revolution and the Stalin era thereafter. In the preface, Orwell describes the inspiration behind the idea of setting the story on a farm- “I saw a little boy, perhaps ten years old, driving a carthorse along a narrow path, whipping it whenever it tried to run. It struck me that if only such animals became aware of their strength, we would have no power over them. Men exploit animals in much the same way as the rich exploit the proletariat”. How true! The seven commandments drawn up by the ruling classthe pigs-to be implemented in the farm, viz, whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy, whatever goes upon four legs or has wings is a friend, no animal shall wear clothes, no animals shall sleep in a bed (later changed to “bed with sheets”), no animal shall drink alcohol (“to excess” added later), no animal shall kill any other animal (“without cause” added later), all animals are equal (but of course some are more equal than the others) gives a clear-cut picture of the social scenario then. No wonder, this Time Magazine chosen-one of the 100 best English Language novels-initially got rejected by a number of publishers and was a forbidden book in the eastern bloc until the decline of communism. Animal Farm is, undoubtedly, the best in its kind “to fuse political purpose and artistic purpose into one whole”. Do you know that the “most influential anti-cruelty

novel of all time”, according to many critics, happens to be the autobiography of a horse? Anna Sewell’s Black Beauty, which tells the story of a carriage horse, who “breaks his knees” and is put to much hard work thereafter, was instrumental in bringing about the anti-cruelty legislation in England and the United States. The book’s impact was so huge that the use of “check-reigns” and “blinkers” in carriage horses had to be stopped in the Victorian England owing to public outrage. Sewell’s story telling approach-a horse narrating its own life broke new literary grounds. Over fifty million copies of the 1877 novel were sold worldwide and was translated into most of the languages. It was also listed as number fifty eight in the 2003 BBC survey, The Big Read. Have ever heard of “Jonathan Livingston”? He is the hero in one of those timeless spiritual classics world literature has ever brought forth. He is the flag bearer for the “power of positive thinking/chicken soup for the soul” genre. He is, above everything, a seagull! Jonathan Livingstone Seagull, written by Richard Bach tells the simple story of a seagull, who is bored with his daily routine and is seized by a passion for flight. Getting cast out from his flock, he learns to fly and eventually returns to his flock as its teacher. The novel is a hundred spiritual gurus in a single blind. “You have the freedom to be yourself” –the book says-”your true self, here and now, and nothing can stand in your way”. Has anything more been said by any one till now? One may wonder. The dense and dark Indian jungles too have stories to tell. Rudyard Kipling’s The Jungle Book is well known for its imaginative element and narration, but it is a less known fact that the Cub scouts, a junior element of the Scouting movement use it as their motivational book. The use of the book’s universe was approved by Kipling after a direct petition from Robert Baden Powell, the founder of the scout movement. Interestingly, the leader of each scout cub pack was given the name of the head wolf in the book-”Akela”. There are many more to add to the list, but for the time being, let us stop with the good ones. The not-so-good ones too need a mention. One may leave Pi Patel at the theatre, but Richard Parker comes home with you. Who will forget the “Oscar winning performance” of that mighty Bengal tiger stranded on a life boat in the Pacific in Life of Pi? Richard Parker was Yana Martel’s instrument to teach the world the rules of survival. The book won the Man Booker Prize and the Asian/Pacific/American Award for literature, among many other laurels. But, among the animal antagonists, the one who caused

the peak adrenaline rush was someone who appeared in just three of the one hundred and thirty five chapters of a book. This gigantic white whale has been the epitome of destructive obsession, monomania and revenge, for over a century. Herman Melville’s Moby-Dick never fails to thrill readers even after centuries. The story tells the adventures of the wandering sailor Ishmael and his voyage on a whaleship. The Pequoud, commanded by Captain Ahab. Ahab lives for revenge-to kill Moby Dick, the sperm whale who had destroyed his boat and bit off his leg. The sentence “Moby Dick seeks thee not, its thou, thou that madly sleekest him’ is the most discussed ambiguous statement and has many levels of meaning to unfold. Ultimately, Ahab, in his encounter with Moby Dick is caught around the neck by a loop in his own harpoon’s rope and is dragged down into the cold oblivion of the ocean by the injured whale. How vividly the author pities the helplessness of man and the futility of his emotions as against such mighty creation of God! The whole “animal writing” genre has got a “Godfather”, on whose mention every one of my colleagues will beam with pride. James Alfred Wright, OBE, FRCVS aka James Herriot (1961-1995) is the one with the most number of animal stories to his credit. A glimpse at the titles-All creatures great and small, All things bright and beautiful, All things wise and wonderful, The Lord God made them all-one can’t help wondering-was he a vet turned writer or a writer turned vet? Herriot’s writings gave an immense exposure and acceptance to the profession of veterinary medicine, among the public. The Grand Central Railway, a U.K. based rail operator, honored Herriot by naming one of their trains in his name. Hello fellow vets, anybody giving a try? If so, you may begin by reading Aesop’s fables and The Panchathantra tales-the first one of its kind telling about a time when Gods, humans and animals lived and shared the same universe, spoke the same language and taught one another the ultimate realities of life. Critics are of the opinion that anthropomorphized animal protagonists have had wider acceptance than those portrayed as such, as the former present themselves as a cocktail of fantasy and reality to the readers. In other words, animal characters have found acceptance only if they think, speak and act like humans. Whatever be the truth, I’m sure that many of us have always found it easier to believe that any degree of humanen can be limitlessly attributed to our animal friends rather than attributing even a pint of it to our human counterparts!!!

Best compliments from :

Paippad K.U.C.S. Ltd. No. K. 143 D. Apcos Pallikachira P.O., Paippad. Phone 0481-2444406 55





Htc IpS-°o-gn¬, F∂n-´pw... tUm. B¿ {io\n-hm-k≥ No^v sh‰dn\dn Hm^ok¿, Pn√m sh‰dn\dn tI{µw, sXmSp]pg


tc Iqc- b v ° p- I osg Pohn- ° p∂ `mcym- ` ¿Øm- ° - ∑ m¿, \n¬°p-∂Xv Htc IpS-°o-gn¬, F∂n´pw ]ecpw bpK-ß-fpsS AI-e-Øn¬! \yq P\-td-j≥ Pohn-X-Øns‚ ImWm-∏p-d-ß-sf∏‰n Nne NnX-dnb Nn¥-Iƒ...

`mKw 1 ""`mcym`¿Øm-°∑ - m-cpsS {i≤bv°v '' tPmW-∏m-∏s‚ Akz-ÿX Rm≥ bmZr-›n-I-am-bmWv {i≤n®-Xv. kabw 8 Bb-tX-bp-≈q. H.]n XpS-ßp-hm≥ C\nbpw Ac-

a-Wn-°q-dp-IqSn Ign-b-Ww. A∏m-∏≥ ho≠pw ho≠pw hm®n¬ t\m°p-∂p. B a\kv Chn-sS-sb-ßp-a√ F∂ptXm∂n-b-t∏mƒ Rm≥ A∏m-∏s‚ ASp-tØ°v sN∂p. "KpUv tamWnwKv tPmW-∏m-∏m, Cs∂¥m A∏m-∏≥ kqNn-ap\-bn¬ \n¬°p-∂-Xp-t]mse? thsd Fhn-sS-¶nepw A∏m-∏≥ At∏m-bn≥sa‚v _p°v sNbvXn-´pt≠m''? thsd At∏m-bn≥sa‚v H∂p-a√ - , 9 aWn°v Fs‚ eoem-Ωbv°v

Best compliments from :

K.K. Egger Nursery Marangattupally, Kottayam Ph: 9961514443, 9605445082 58

Im∏n-Ip-Sn-°m-dm-Ip-tºm-tg°pw F\n°v AhnsS FØ-Ww. AXv apS-°m≥ ]‰n√. F\n°v AXv tI´-t∏mƒ Nncn-h-∂p. ""AsX∂m A∏m-∏m, ka-bØv sN∂n-t√¬ eoem-Ω®n A∏m∏s\ s_©n¬I-b‰n \n¿Øptam?'' A∏m-∏≥ Fs∂ t\m°n ]Xn-hp-t]mse \njvI-f-¶-amb B Nncn Nncn-®p. ""AXn\v eoem-Ωbv°v Adn-™p-Iq-St√m Rm\mWv Ah-fpsS IqsS Im∏n-Ip-Sn-°p-∂-sX∂v-.'' tPmW-∏m-∏≥ F¥mWv ]d-™ph-cp-∂-sX∂v F\n°v a\-kn-em-bn-√. AXv a\-kn-em-bn-´m-sW∂v tXm∂p∂p A∏m-∏≥ IqSp-X¬ hni-Zo-I-cn-®p. ""Fs‚ eoemΩ Bip- ] - { Xn- b n- e m, A¬jn- t agv k v tcmKw _m[n®v Ign™ A©v h¿j-ambn Ahƒ Bscbpw Xncn-®-dnbm-dn-√.'' tPmW-∏m-∏≥ 85+ep≈ Hcp hr≤-\m-Wv. eoem-Ω®n GXm≠v AXn-\-SpØv {]mb-ap≈ tPmW-∏m-∏s‚ \√ ]Ip-Xn-bpw. ""]t£ F\n°v Adn-bm-at√m Rm≥ Fs‚ eoem-Ω-bpsS IqsS-bmWv `£Ww Ign-°p-∂-sX-∂v. BcmWv IqsS F∂v Adnbn√ F¶nepw Fs‚ eoem-Ωbv°v H‰-bv°m-sW∂v tXm∂p-Ibpw C√t√m, AsX-¶nepw Xncn-®-dn-bp-∂p-sh-¶n¬!!'' tPmW-∏m-∏s‚ IÆp-Iƒ \nd-bp-∂Xv Rm≥ I≠p. A∏m-∏≥ t]mbn-°-gn-™n´pw B hm°p-Iƒ Fs‚ sNhnbn¬ apg-ßn-s°m-≠n-cp-∂p. Cu kvt\lw, AXt√ Hmtcm `mcybpw In´m≥ sImXn-°p-∂-Xv. F∂m¬, Ct∏m-gsØ Hcp `mcybv°pw In´msX t]mIp-∂-Xpw. Fs‚ A\n-bs‚ `mcy tUm. Cf-aXn t^m¿thUv sNbvX Hcp Csa-bn-en¬\n-∂p-amWv Rm≥ tPmW-∏m-∏s‚bpw eoem-Ω® - n-bp-sSbpw IY- hm-bn-°p-∂X - v. Fs‚bpw a\-kn\v Hcp `mcw t]mse. tPmW-∏m-∏s- \-t]mse kvt\l-k-º-∂\mb Hcp `¿Øm-hpw, eoem-Ω-®n-sb-t∏mse Hcp `mcybpw Cu temIØv Fhn-sS-sb-¶nepw D≠m-Iptam? km≤yX hfsc hfsc Ipd-hm-Wv. ""A·nkm£n-Wn-bm-sbmcp ]Xv\nsb kz]v\-Øn¬t∏mepw ImWp-∂n√m Nne¿''- F-∂t√ ]q¥m\w ⁄m\-∏m-\-bn¬ ]mSnbncn-°p-∂-Xv. t{]an®v hnhm-ln-X-cm-Ip-∂-h-cn¬t∏m-epw, B t{]ahpw kvt\lhpw hnhm-l-tØm-Sp-IqSn Ah-km-\n-°p-I-bm-Wt√m ]Xnhv. F√m-h¿°pw Xnc-°m-Wv, Fs¥-∂n-√msX Xnc°v! ]c-kv]cw kwkm-cn-°m≥ ka-b-an-√, \n¬°m≥ t]mepw ka-b-an-√, Bh-iy-Øn-e[nIw bm{¥n-IX \Ωp-sS-sbms° \yqP\td-j≥ Pohn-X-Øns‚ `mK-ambn amdn-bn-cn-°p∂p. Hm^o-kn¬\n∂pw ho´n-te°v ^b-ens‚ sI´p-ambn hcp∂ henb DtZym-K-ÿ≥ sXm´v In´nb Imin\p apgp- h ≥ hm‰p- N m- c mbw hmßn-°p-Sn®v HmS-bn¬ InS-°p-∂-h¿hsc C°m-cy-Øn¬ H∂p-X-s∂.

`¿Øm-°-∑msc am{Xw ]d-™n-s´¥m Imcyw Xnc-°n¬ `mcyamcpw H´pw ]pd-In-e-√. `¿Øm-hn-t\m-sSmØv hnti-j-ßfpw ]d™v Nmb-Ip-Sn-°p-∂-Xn-s\-∏‰n Nn¥n-°p-hm≥ t]mepw GXv `mcybv°mWp Xm¬]cyw? ""]qap-J-hm-Xn¬°¬ kvt\lw hnS¿Øp∂ ]q¥n-¶-fm-Ip∂p `mcy'' F∂ ]pXnb ]m´v tI´mepw ""A∏q-∏-s\¥v ]d-™m-ep-aΩqΩ A∏Sn Imcy-߃ sNbvXn-cp∂p'' F∂ ]gb ]m´v tI´mepw Nncn hcm-Ø-h-cmbn Bcp≠v? Cßs\-sbms° aXntbm \ΩpsS PohnXw? Rm≥ H∂v tNmZnt®m-s´? `¿Øm-°-∑m-tc, tPmW-∏m-∏≥ eoem-Ω-®nsb kvt\ln-®-Xpt]mse \nß-fpsS `mcy-amsc \n߃ kvt\ln-°p-∂pthm? `mcy-am-tc, eoem-Ω-®n-sb-t∏mse kpJ-Ønepw ZpxJØnepw kvt\ln-°-s∏-Sp-hm≥ \nß-fpsS {]h¿Øn-Iƒ \nßsf A¿lcm-°p-∂pt≠m? F¥mWo kvt\lw? Cf-aXn t^m¿thUv sNbvXp-X∂ Csabn-en¬ ]d-bp-∂-Xpt]mse “True love is neither physical nor romantic, True love is an acceptance of all, That is, has been, will be and will not be,

Nn¥n-°pI Life isn’t about how to survive the storm, But how to dance in the rain” We are getting older, tomorrow may be our turn!!!

`mKw 2 ""A—-\Ω - a- m-cpsS {i≤bv°v '' ""Fs‚ A®mbo Rm\nt∏m NØp-t]m-Ip-th...-Fs‚ A®mbo...''. 23 h¿jw apºv tN¿Øe {Ko≥ Km¿U≥kv tlmkv]n-‰ense {]k-h- hm¿Un-te°v Ib-dnb Rßsf FXn-tc-‰Xv Cu Ic-®n-em-Wv. {]k-h-Øn-\mbn h∂ Hcp s]¨Ip´n AXns‚ A—s‚ ssIøn¬ ]nSn®v Ae-dn-°-c-bp-∂p. hm¿Un-emsI B Ic- ® n¬ AkzÿX hncn-®n-cn-°p∂p. R߃ Xnc°n´v R߃°p≈ dqan-te°v \S∂p ""F√m-hcpw {]k-


hn-°m≥ Xs∂bm h∂n-cn-°p-∂-Xv, Cu sIm®n\v Ft¥m-∂ns‚ kqt°Sm? a‰p-≈h - sc t]Sn-∏n-°msX'' Hcp t\gvkv tZjy-s∏´v ]dbp-∂p. B s]¨Ip´n AsXm∂pw {i≤n-°p-∂n-√. ""Fs‚ A®m-bo..-Rm≥ icn°pw NØp-t]m-hp-a-®m-bo... X\ns°t¥m kw`-hn-°m≥ t]mIp∂p F∂v `b-s∏-´-a-´n¬ ho≠pw Ic-®n¬ XpS-cp-∂p. Fs‚ ASp-Øq∂v t]mh-t√...-Fs‚ A®m-bo...'' B Ip´nbpsS AΩbpw AΩq-Ωbpw a‰v Nne kv{XoIfpw hnj-Æ-cmbn Np‰pw \n¬°p-∂p. Cu Ic-®n¬ A[nIw tI´p-\n¬°m-\m-ImsX Rm≥ AhnsS-\n∂pw Bip-]-{Xn-bpsS ap∂n-te°v t]mbn. t\cw Ccp-´n-Øp-S-ßn. Bip-]-{Xn-bpsS ap∂n¬ H´pw Xnc°n-√. H]n hn`m-K-Øn¬ C´n-cn-°p∂ Itk-c-I-fn-sem-∂n¬ Rm≥ Ccp-∂p. Fs‚ a\-kn¬ s]s´∂v Hcp kwi-bw. ""B Ip´n-sb¥m A—s\ hnfn®v Ic-bp-∂Xv? Fs‚ AtΩ, AΩ-®o, DΩm As√-¶n¬ aΩo F∂p-hn-fn-®t√ B s]¨Ip´n Ic-tb-≠Xv ? AΩ-bmWv a°ƒ°v F∂pw AØmWn F∂t√ F√m-hcpw ]d-bp-∂Xv? AΩ-bpsS kvt\l-sØ-bt√ A—s‚ kvt\l-sØ-∏-‰n-b√t√m F√m- h cpw ]mSn ]pI- g v Ø p- ∂ Xv F∂n´pw CsXt¥ Cßns\? Ata-cn-°-°m¿ N{µs‚ Ip≠pw Ipgnbpw \nd™ t¢mk∏v Nn{X-߃ ]pd-Øp-hn-´-t∏mƒ ""a∂-th{µm hnf-ßp∂q N{µ-s\t∏mse \n∑pJw'' F∂ ]m´n\v ]‰n-b-Xp-t]mse h√Xpw AΩbpsS kvt\l-Øn-s\-∏‰n ]mSnb ]m´p-Iƒ°pw ]‰m≥ t]mhp-IbmtWm? CsX√mw Nn¥n-®-t∏mƒ Fs‚ Np≠n¬ Dudn-h∂ Hcp sNdp]p- © ncn ap≥]n- e p≈ Hcp t_m¿Un¬ IÆp- S - ° n- b - t ∏mƒ s]s´∂v \n∂p-t]m-bn. Ip´n-Isf ape-bq-´p-∂-Xns‚ {]m[m\yw hnfw-_cw sNøp∂ Hcp t_m¿Uv. ""\nßfpsS Ip´n-Iƒ Btcm-Ky-ap-≈-h-cmbn hf¿∂p-h-cp-hm≥ Ah¿°v ape-∏m¬ \¬Ip-I, CXns‚ {]m[m\yw F√m-hcpw a\kn-em-°p-Ibpw {]mh¿Øn-I-am-°p-Ibpw thWw.'' ]c-ky-t_m¿Uv Nn{X-ß-fn-eqsS C°mcyw hfsc hni-Z-ambn {]Xn-]m-Zn-°p-∂p. F\n°v ho≠pw I¨^yq-j≥. F¥n-\mWo t_m¿Uv? AΩ-am¿ Ip´n-Iƒ°v ape-∏m-et√ \¬IpI A√msX I∏]p-gp-ßn-bXpw apf-I-c-®-Xp-amtWm? ao≥ Ip™p-ßsf \o¥¬]Tn-∏n-°tWm F∂p tNmZn-°p-∂-Xp-t]mse AΩ-amsc ]m¬ sImSp°p-hm≥ Bsc-¶nepw t_m[-h¬°-cn-°tWm? AXv Bcpw ]d-bmsX ]Tn-∏n-°msX AΩ-am¿ sNøp∂ Imcy-

a-√m-bn-cpt∂m? ape-∏m¬ Aar-Xm-sW∂pw AΩ-bpsS kvt\l-amsW∂pw F∂p-≈-Xn-s\-∏-‰nbpw AXv Ip™n-\p -\¬Ip-tºmƒ AΩ-am¿ A\p-`-hn-°p∂ kz¿Ko-bm-\p-`q-Xn-sb-∏-‰nbpw F{Xtbm Ihn-Iƒ ]mSn-bn-cn-°p∂p, F∂n´pw Cßs\ ]ckyw thW-sa∂v A[n-Ir-X¿°v Fßs\ tXm∂n? At∏mƒ Ip™p- ß ƒ°v ]m¬ \¬ImØ AΩam- c psS FÆw hfsc h¿≤n-®n-cn-°p-s∂-∂mtWm a\-kn-em-t°-≠Xv ? Ip™n\p ]m¬ sImSp-Øm¬ AΩ-am¿°v Fs¥-¶nepw \jvSapt≠m? As√-¶n¬ sImSp-°m-Xn-cp-∂m¬ Fs¥-¶nepw em`-apt≠m? H∂pw a\-kn-em-Ip-∂n√t√m Fs‚ ]pen-b∂ - q¿ tXh-tc...! Rm≥ Cuiz-c∑ - msc hnfn®v Xe-bn¬ ssIsh®pt]mbn. Fs‚ ap∂neqsS IS-∂p-s]m-bvs°m-≠n-cp∂ Bfp-I-fn-eqsS ItÆm-Sn®-t∏mƒ as‰m-cp-Imcyw IqSn Rm≥ {i≤n-®p. Fs‚ ap∂n¬ I≠ F√m IpSpw-_-ß-fnepw Ip´n A—s‚ ssIbn-em-Wv. Nne¿ Nncn°p-∂p, Nne¿ Ic-bp-∂p, a‰p-Nn-e¿ A—∑mcpsS tXmfn¬ InS∂v kam-[m-\a- mbn Dd-ßp-∂p. Cuizcm Rm≥ CXp-hs- cbpw CXp {i≤n®n-√-t√m. Fs‚ sNdp-∏-Im-eØv CXm-bn-cp-∂n-√t√m ImgvN... knK-c‰pw ]pI®v ap∂n¬ ssIøpw hoin \S-°p∂ A—≥. A¬]-Zqcw ]n∂n-embn tXmfn¬ Xq°nb _mKpw ssIøn¬ Hcp Ip´n-bp-ambn AΩ. a‰p-Ip-´n-Iƒ AΩ-bpsS kmcn-Øp-ºn¬ Xqßn ]pd-sI-bpw. Ft∏m-gmWo Ip´n AΩ-bpsS tXmfn¬\n∂pw A—s‚ tXmfnte°v amdn-bXv? Ip´n-Isf AΩ-am¿ th≠-Xp-t]mse {i≤n-°pI-bn-√m-sb∂v `b∂v A—-∑m¿ Ip´n-Isf kzbw FSpØv tXmfn¬ C´-XmtWm? AtXm kmcn DS-bm-Xn-cn-°m≥ AΩ-am¿ A—-∑m-cpsS tXmfn-te°v Ip´n-Isf a\-x∏q¿∆w am‰n-b-XmtWm? F¥m-sW-¶nepw ChnsS Fs‚ {i≤-bn¬s∏-SmsX Hcp \ni_vZh - n-πhw \S-∂n-cn-°p-∂p. H∂p-In¬ AΩ-am¿ Xß-fpsS tXmfn¬ \n∂pw Ip´n-Isf A—s‚ tXmfn-te°v am‰n-bn-cn-°p-∂p. As√¶n¬ A—-∑m¿ AΩbv°v sImSp-°msX Xß-fpsS Hma\ a°sf s\t©mSv tN¿Øn-cn-°p-∂p. Ft¥ CXv Cßn-s\-sbms°? F\n°v Hcp FØpw ]nSnbpw In´n-bn-√. B Bi-b-°p-g-∏-amWv Be-∏p-g-bn-ep≈ tKm]o-Ir-jvWs‚ A-SpØv Fs∂ FØn-®-Xv. hm≤ym¿ F∂v Rm≥ hnfn-°p∂ tKm]o-Ir-jvW≥ Fs‚ Hcp ]gb kplr-Øm-Wv. [mcmfw hmbn-°p-∂, F√m-Øn-s\-bpw∏‰n kz¥w A`n-{]mbw kq£n-°p∂ Hcp kvIqƒam-jv. Ft∏mgpw a‰m¿°pw tXm∂mØ A`n-{]m-b-߃ Ah≥ ]d-bpw. F∂m¬, AXv icn-bm-sW∂v tIƒhn°m¿ ]ecpw AwKo-I-cn-°m-dn√ F∂pam- { Xw. Be- ∏ pg t]mIp- t ºm- s fms° IS¬Øo- c Øv Hcp]mSpkabw R߃ kwkm-cn-®n-cn-°m-dp-≠v. cm{Xn-Im-e-ß-fn¬

Best compliments from :

MUKK OO TTUTHARA MUKKOO OOTTUTHARA TRADERS Mukkootuthara-686 510, Kerala R.B.Reg. No. 1400491 Tin: 32030984834 60

]msem-fn-N-{µn-I-bn¬ \ocmSn \n¬°p∂ Be-∏pg IS¬∏mew Ah\v Hcp ho°vs\-kmWv F∂-dn-bm-hp-∂-Xp-sIm≠v Rm≥ t\sc Atßm-´p-Xs∂ sN∂p. Fs‚ Dulw sX‰n-bn√ hm≤ym¿ ÿncw ÿe-Øp-X-s∂-bp≠v. Rm≥ apJ-hp-c-sbm∂pw IqSmsX Fs‚ a\-kn¬ tXm∂nb Imcy-߃ H‰-izm-k-Øn¬ hnh-cn-®p. Rm≥ ]d™p Xo¿∂-t∏mƒ hm≤ym¿ H∂pw-]d- b - msX Fs∂-Øs∂ Ipd-®p-ka- bw t\m°n-s°m≠n-cp-∂p. F∂n´v s]m´n-s∏m-´n-®n-cn-®p. Ah-km\w tKm]o-Ir-jvW≥ Nncn \n¿Øn-bn´v ]d-™p-XpSßn. ""At∏mƒ Fs∂ ]Øp-amkw hb-‰n¬ Npa∂v s\m¥p-{]-khn® AΩ-sb-∂-Xn\v ]Icw Fs∂ amtdmSp tN¿Øv Xmcm-´p-]mSn hf¿Ønb A—≥ F∂v Ihn-Iƒ Fgp-Xn-Øp-Sßpw F∂mtWm kplrtØ \o ]d™phcp-∂Xv? sIm≈mw hfsc \√ Bibw'' Ah≥ s]m´n-s∏m-´n-®n-cn-®p. ""F√m AΩ-amcpw tami-am-sW-∂√ Rm≥ ]d-bp-∂-Xv, F∂m¬ Ipd-®p-t]-cpsSsb¶nepw Im¬®p-h-´nse aÆv CfIn Hen-®p-t]mIp-∂-Xmbn Rm≥ Icp-Xp-∂p. Ft¥ CXn-ßns\? AXn-s\-∏‰n H∂p Nn¥n°q a\p-jym, AXn-\t√ hm≤ymtc Rm≥ \ns∂-tØSn Ct∏m-gn-hnsS HmSn-h-∂Xv '' tKm]o-Ir-jvW≥ Nncn-\n¿Øn F¶nepw Hcp Xam-i-ap-J-`m-htØmsS ]d-™p-Xp-S-ßn. ""{io\n, \n\-°-dn-bm-at√m \Ωƒ ae-bmfn-Iƒ ]e-t∏mgpw tIƒ°p-∂-sX√mw Nn¥n-°msX Dƒs°m-≈p∂-h-cm-Wv. HmW-Ø-∏≥ Xs∂-bt√ AXn\v G‰hpw \√ DZm-l-cWw. ""HmW-Ø∏m IpS-h-bdm!!'' F∂v Btcm {]mk-sam-∏n®v ]mSn,

\Ωƒ AXv sh≈w sXmSmsX hngp-ßp-Ibpw sNbvXp. henb IpS-h-b-dp-≈-hsc Xnc-s™-SpØv HmW-Ø-∏-\m°n F{Xtbm HmWm-tLm-j-߃ \S-∂p. t\cn´v ]S-\-bn®v temI-sa√mw Iog-S°nb alm-_en Hcp IpS-h-b-d-\√ Imcn-cp-ºns‚ Icp-Øp≈ Dd® akn-ep-I-fp≈ Hcp A`ym-kn-bm-sW∂v Ct∏mgpw \Ω-fmcpw Nn¥n-°m≥t]mepw Xøm-dm-Ip-∂n-√t√m? ]ns∂ Fs‚ {io\n, \obpw CtX Iq´-Øn-semcm-fmbn Cu IhnIƒ ]mSn-∏p-I-gvØn-bsX√mw kXyam-sW∂v hcp-tØ≠ _m≤yX AΩ-am¿°p-s≠∂v Nn¥n-®-Xt√ \ns∂ Bi-b-°p-g-∏-Øn-em-°n-bXv? a°-sf-sb√mw Hcpt]mse, Xs∂-°mƒ kvt\ln-°p-hm≥ Ah¿ tZh-X-am-scm∂p-a-√t√m? Ahcpw \Ωƒ BWp-ß-sf-t∏mse a\p-jy-ct√?'' ""At∏mƒ \o ]d-™p-h-cp-∂Xv Nne AΩ-am-sc-¶nepw a°sf kvt\ln-°m-Ø-h-cmbn D≠m-Im-sa-∂t√? AsX-ßn-s\-sb∂v \o Btem-Nn-®n-´pt≠m?'' ""icn-bm-Wv. s]mXpsh ]d-™m¬ AΩ-amsc√mw a°sf kvt\ln-t°-≠-XmWv. F∂m¬, Nne tIkp-I-fnse-¶nepw Aßs\-b-√. AXn-s\-∏‰n Rm\pw Nn¥n-®n´p-≠v. ]e Xnb-dn-Ifpw \ap°v AXn-s\-∏-‰n-∏-d-bmw, F¶nepw F\n°v IqSpX¬ icn-bmbn tXm∂n-bn-´p-≈Xv BZy kzoI-cW/Xnc-kvImc Xnbdn-bmWv '' ""AsX¥p Xnbdn?'' Rm≥ H∂v Aº-c-∂p. tKm]o-Ir-jvW≥ XpS¿∂p. ""c≠v hy‡n-Iƒ, Ah¿ Bcm-sW-¶nepw GXp {]mb-°m-cmsW-¶nepw BZy-ambn I≠p-ap-´p∂ \nan-j-Øn¬ Ah¿°n-S-bn¬ Hcp BI¿jWw/hnI¿jWw D≠m-Ipw. AXv F{X-Imew Ign™mepw am‰-an-√msX \ne-\n¬°p-Ibpw sNøpw''

Best compliments from :


Kuttanad Coir and Rubber Products Kidangara, Alappuzhza, (Via) CHanganacherry. Tel: 0477-27535311, Mob: 9447151181 e-mail: kuttanadrubber@gmail.com www.kuttanadrubber.com * kzm`m-hnI d∫-dn¬ \n¿Ωn-®Xv * Cu¿∏-Øn¬\n∂pw ]cn-c£ * NnIn¬km-sN-ehv KWy-ambn Ipd-b° v p∂p * Ffp-∏-Øn¬ hrØn-bm°mw * tcmKm-Wp-°-fpsS hf¿® KWy-ambn Ipdbv°mw * InS-°p-tºmgpw Fgp-t∂¬°p-tºmgpw ap´n\v apdn-hp-Iƒ D≠m-Ip-∂n√ * saØ-bn¬ F∂-Xp-t]mse InS-∂p-dß - p-∂X - n-\m¬ D¬]m-Z\ - £ - a- X h¿≤n-∏n-°p-∂p. * hntZ-ic- m-Py-ßf- nepw C≥Uy-bnepw hym]-Ia- mbn D]-tbm-Kn-®p-hc- p-∂p. 61

""AsX-ßns\ icn-bmIpw hm≤ymtc? ]cn-N-b-s∏´v Iptd-\mƒ Ign-bp-tºm-gt√ a\p-jy¿ XΩn¬ ASp-°p-Itbm AI-ep-Itbm sNøpI?'' F\n°v Ahs‚ ]pXnb Xnbdn AwKo-I-cn-°m-\m-bn√. tKm]o-Ir-jvW≥ Nncn-®p. ""Hcn-°-ep-a√ {io\n, \o ]d-bp-tºm-se-bmWv \Ω-sf-sb√mw ]Tn-∏n®v sh®n-cn-°p-∂-Xv. F∂m¬ kXy-a-X-√. Hcp hy‡n-tbmSp≈ kl-hmkw IqSp-tºmƒ \ΩpsS Nne kzm¿∞-X-Iƒ°mbn Ah-t\mSv ASp∏w IqSp-Xe - p-s≠∂v tXm∂n-∏n-°p-hmt\m AI¬®bp-s≠∂v [z\n-∏n-°p-hmt\m \mw {ian-°p∂p AXp-am-{Xw. hmgp-∂-h\v hfbnSm≥ a¬k-cn-°p-I-bpw, hogp-∂-h\v hncen√ F∂v hnfn®v ]d-bp-Ibpw sNøp∂ at\m-`m-hw. F√mw \ap°p-th≠n am{Xw! A{X-tb-bp≈q \obn-t∏mƒ ]d™ ]cn-N-bØn-eqsS hf-cp∂ a\p-jy-_‘ - w. icn-bt√ F∂v Nn¥n®v t\m°q?'' ""F¶nepw tKm]o, H‰-t\m-´Ø - n¬ kzoI-cW - hpw Xnc-kvIm-chpw Hs°-bp-≠m-hm≥ \ap°v AXo-{µn-b-⁄m\w H∂pw C√t√m?'' Rm≥ hn´psImSp°m≥ Xøm-dm-bn-√. ""]nt∂w \o sX‰mb {Sm°n-em-W-t√mSm \oßp-∂-Xv. Cu XnckvIm-c-Øn\pw kzoI-c-W-Øn\pw F√mw ASn-ÿm-\-ine B kabsØ Hmtcm hy‡n-bp-sSbpw am\-kn-Im-h-ÿ-bm-Wv.'' ""Fs‚ tKm]o, \o F¥m Dt±-in-°p-∂Xv? \n\°v _p≤n-Pohn -N-a-bmsX F\n°v a\-kn-em-Ip-∂-Xp-t]mse ]d-™p-IqsS?'' ""CXv A{Xbv°v Kl-\-amb Imcyw H∂pw A√. Hcp Ip™pw AΩbpw XΩn-ep≈ BZy kº¿°w Ft∏m-gmWv ? AXv AΩ Ip™ns\ ImWp-tºm-gmtWm? Hcn-°-ep-a-√. Xs‚ DZ-c-Øn¬ Hcp Ip™p-Po-h≥ XpSn-°p∂p F∂v BZy-ambn a\-kn-em-°ptºm-gm-Wv. B \nan-jsØ As√-¶n¬ B ka-bsØ am\-kn-Imh-ÿ-bmWv B AΩbpw B Ip™p-ambn kvt\ltam shdpt∏m cq]-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂-Xv. \n\°v a\- n-em-Ip-∂pt≠m?'' ""]t£ CsXms° ]≠pw Cßn-s\-X-s∂-b-√m-bn-cpt∂m? Ct∏m-sg-¥mWp hntijw?'' Rm≥ X¿°n-®p. tKm]o-IrjvW≥

\ntj-[m¿∞-Øn¬ Xe-bm-´n. ""A√, \ΩpsS coXn-I-fn¬ henb am‰w h∂n-´p-≠v. ]≠v Iq´p-Ip-Spw-_-am-bn-cp-∂-t∏mƒ CsXms° Hcp D¬k-h-am-bn-cp-∂p. ]n∂oSv AWp-Ip-Spw-_-ß-fm-b-t∏mƒ t]mepw Ab¬]-°-ß-fp-ambpw ktlm-Z-c-߃ XΩnepw _‘ß-fp-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. F∂m¬ Ct∏mtgm? h√ Ieym-W-߃t°m ac-W-߃t°m A√msX kulr-Z-kw-`mjWw \S-Øm-\mbn sXm´-SpØ Ab¬]°-tØ-s°-¶nepw H∂v Ib-dn-bn´v F{X Ime-am-sb∂v H∂v Hm¿Øpt\m-°v.'' ""B ]d-™Xv icn-X-s∂, \ap°v Ct∏mƒ Bcp-ambpw Hcp _‘-hp-an-√. Ieym-W-am-sW-¶nepw ac-W-am-sW-¶nepw IdIvSv. aplq¿Ø-Øn-\p-am-{Xta Atßm´v \oßq F∂ \ne-bmWv ]e-cpw. ]ns∂ samss_-en-eqsS h√-t∏mgpw Hcp hnfn At{X-bp≈q Ab¬, ktlmZc _‘߃'' ""Npcp-°-Øn¬ `mcy, `¿Ømhv, a°ƒ F∂ sNdn-b-h-´-Ønte°v \Ωƒ Npcp-ß n. F∂m¬, Ahn-s Sbpw Cu ]d-b p∂ ASp∏w \ne-\n¬°p-∂pt≠m? ]c-kv]cw a\- p-Xp-d∂v kwkmc-apt≠m? F∂pw F√m-hcpw Hcp-an®v `£Ww Ign-°m-dpt≠m?'' ""icn- tKm]o, Cßs\ H‰-s∏-Sp∂ kv{XoIƒ°v Ct∏m-gsØ AWp- I p- S pw- _ - ß - f nse `¿Øm- ° - ∑ m¿ \¬Ip∂ am\- k nI kΩ¿±w hfsc hep-Xm-Wv. A°mcyw AXn-a-t\m-l-c-ambn sIm≈s≠-S-sØ√mw sIm≈n®v Rß-fpsS Hcp kph-\o-dn¬ tUm. Dj Hcp teJ\w Fgp-Xn-bn-cp-∂p.'' ""Rm≥ hmbn-®n-cp∂p B te-J\ - w. kq∏-dm-bn-cp∂p AXns‚ Ah-Xc- W - s- si-en. Rm≥ AXv hmbn®v Hcp ]mSv Nncn-®p. ]ns∂ Hcp-]mSv Nn¥n-®p. `mcy-am¿°v Hcp ]cn-K-W-\bpw sImSp-°msX Ah-cpsS IjvS∏ - m-Sp-Iƒ I≠-Xm-bn-t∏mepw \Sn-°msX kpJ-temep-]\ - mbn Pohn-°p∂ \yqP-\t- d-j≥ `¿Ømhv. tUm. Dj Ah-Xcn-∏n-®n-cp∂ B coXn-bp≈ Hcp `¿Øm-hns‚ Ip´n Xs‚ hb-‰n¬ hf-cp∂p F∂-dn-bp∂ `mcybv°v B Ip´n-tbmSv kzoI-cW - a- m-tWm, Xnc-kvIm-ca- mtWm D≠mIpI? {io\n Xs∂ H∂p Nn¥n-®p-t\m-°v.

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hntZ-i-bn\w Cd®n ]∂n-Iƒ°pw ]∂n-°p-™p-߃°pw Best compliments from :

A .M. KAL YANAKRISHNAN NAIR KALY LA W CHAMBERS LAW Changanacherry, Kottayam Adv. K. Madhavan Pillai Advocate Roll No. k/931/1990 Ph: 0481-2423199(off), Mob: 9446371299, 9387007100 62

]ns∂ Hcp-Imcyw Ime-am-Wv. Imew apt∂m´v \oßp-tºmƒ BZy kzoI-c-Whpw Xnc-kvI-c-Whpw t_m[-a-\-kn¬ \n∂pw am™p-t]m-Ipw. ]t£, D]-t_m-[a- \ - k - n¬\n∂pw ac-Ww-hsc AXv adbn√, AΩbv°pw Ip´n°pw. \ma-dnbmsX \ΩpsS {]h¿ØnI-fn-se√mw AXns‚ {]Xn-^-e\w D≠m-Ip-Ibpw sNøpw. A—∑m¿ Cu {]iv\-߃ H∂pw kzbw Adn-bm-dn-√. AWp-Ip-Spw-_ß-fm-b-Xn¬∏ns∂ Ah¿ Ip´n-I-fn¬ `mhn-bn-te-°p≈ {]Xo£ A¿∏n-°p-∂p. Ahsc kvt\ln-°p-∂p, an°-hmdpw A©v hb p-hsc! AXp-I-gn-bp-tºmƒ Ip´n-Iƒ Xncn®v h√Xpw A`n-{]mbw ]d™p XpS-ßpw. AtXmsS AXv Ah-km-\n-°pw. Hmtcm-cpØcpw Hcp Iqcbv°v Iosg Hmtcmtcm Zzo]p-I-fmbn Pohn-°m≥ XpS-ßpw. F¶n-epw, A©v hb- p-h-scbp≈ kzoI-cWw AXmWv Bip-]-{Xnbn¬ \o tI´ Fs‚ A®mbo F∂ Ic®n-en\v ]pd-In-ep≈ kvt\lhpw hnizmkhpw a\-kn-emtbm? F\n°v GXm≠v a\-kn-em-sb-¶nepw H∂v tNmZn-°m-Xn-cn-°m≥ Ign-™n-√. ""At∏mƒ Npcp-°-Øn¬ Nne AΩ-am¿ X߃°v ZpxJhpw Zpcn-Xhpw Ah-KW-\bpw X∂ `¿Øm-hns‚ {]Xn-cq-]ß-fmbn I≠v a°sf shdp-°p∂p As√-¶n¬ B `¿Øm-hn-s\-Xn-sc-

bp≈ bp≤-Øn-\p≈ Nmth-dp-I-fmbn IcpXn kvt\lw A`n-\-bn°p∂p At√? F∂m-epw hm≤ymtc, \ΩpsS bu∆-\-Im-esØ sIm®p-sIm®v X√p-sIm-≈n-Ø-c-ß-fmtWm a‰p-≈-h-cpsS D]-t_m[-a-\-kn¬ InS∂v ]pI™v ]pI™v Ct{Xw henb {]iv\w D≠m°p-∂Xv ?'' ""F∂mcp ]d™p? \o ]d™ X√p-sIm-≈n-Øcw AXnse Hcp LSIw am{Xw! thsdbpw Hcp-]mSv LS-I-ß-fp-≠v. F¶nepw IpSpw-_w, kvt\lw, ]c-kv]-c-_-‘-߃ F∂n-h-sb∏‰n ]ckv]cw ]gn-]-d-bmsX \ap°v \∂m-h-W-sa-¶n¬ \ΩpsS PohnX ssien \Ωƒ am‰-Ww. A{Xtbbp≈q. `mcy-am-cpsS kacw Hgnhm-t°-≠Xpw a°-fpsS kvt\lw Int´-≠Xpw \ΩpsS Bh-iyßft√? icn, kΩ-Xn®q Fs‚ hm≤ym-tc, Rm≥ C\n t]mt´!'' Bizm-k-tØmsS Rm≥ B ]©- k mc aW- e n¬\n∂pw Fgp- t ∂- ‰ p. IS¬∏m-e-Øn¬ Xnc-am-e-Iƒ ASn-®p-b-cp∂Xv Hcp \nanjw t\m°n-\n-∂p. ]ns∂ Im¿ ]m¿°p-sN-bvXn-St- Ø°v \S-∂p.

Best compliments from :

BETHLEHEM DAIRY FARM Prop. Mr. Jogymon Govt. Approved Farm School Panachimood, Kangazha, Kottayam Ph: 9447447022 Best compliments from :

JAY JAY MEDICALS Panchayath Shopping complex Vazhoor, Kottayam Dist. 63


Oscar Ramadies

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Np¶sØ _mey-Imew tUm. kp\n¬ Pn. s{Sbn\nwKv slUv, tIcf sh‰dn\dn & B\na¬ kb≥kkv bqWnthgvkn‰n


∂p hb- p-hsc kpJ-I-c-am-bn-cp∂p Pohn-Xw. ]m°sØ Ip´-Ω-bm-im´n ho´n¬ h∂pXpS-ßn-b-tXmsS Imcy-ß-sf√mw Ipg™p-a-dn-™p. `mj-bp-sSbpw IW-°n-s‚bpw bmX-\-tb-dnb temItØ°v Ah-scs∂ \bn-®p. Hcp kp{]-`m-X-Øn¬ sh≈bpSp∏pw \oe-\n-°dpw Cfw-]® lmΩ¿amÿ ^vfmkvIp-ambn Fs∂ Fenk-_Øvt\gvk-dn-bn¬ Gev]n®v AΩ t]mbn. ap´m-f-∑m-cpsS Xmhf-am-bn-cp∂p Ahn-Sw. kotkm-bnepw Du™m-enepw F¥n-\v, ¢mkv apdn-bn¬t∏mepw h√mØ InS-a¬k-cw. kzXth Zp¿_-e-\mb Rm≥ Cu a¬k-c-ß-fn¬\n∂pw amdn-\n-∂p. Bsc-¶nepw hnfn®p-I-b-‰n-bm¬ am{Xw Ifn-I-fn¬ IqSpw. h√-t∏m-gp-sams° £Wn®p-h-cp-Øp∂ c£n-Xm-°-fpsS ap≥]n¬ \S-Øp∂ B£≥ tkmMp-I-fm-bn-cp∂p AXn-I-Tn-\w. ]S-]Sm anSn-°p∂ lrZ-btØmsS Fs‚ `mKw A`n-\-bn®v Rm≥ XSn-X-∏n. Fen-k-_Øvt\gvk-dn-bpsS ]n∂n¬ Hcp ªm¶m- a-c-ap-≠mbn-cp-∂p. Nne kokWpIfn¬ AXp-\n-dsb Imbv°pw. aqØp]-gpØ ªm¶m ]g-߃°v \√ kzmZm-bn-cp-∂p. ]n¬°m-eØv Rm≥ Cu acw At\z-jn®v AhnsS sN∂n-cp-∂p. At∏m-tg°pw t\gvkdn \n¿Øn-bn-cp-∂p. hr≤-bmb Hcp kv{Xo Cd-ßn-h∂v acw 66

sh´n-t∏m-b-Imcyw ]d-™p. ªm¶m ac-Øn-\p-th-≠n-bp≈ At\zjWw Rm≥ \n¿Øn-bn-√. kn.-Fw.-Fkv {] n\p ap≥]n¬ Ahi-bmb Hcp ªm¶macw Is≠-Øn. AXnse ImbvIƒ Xosc sNdpXm-bn-cp-∂p. Fen-k-_Øvt\gvkdn hn´-tijw knF≥sF kvIqfn-emWv Fs∂ tN¿Ø-Xv. Ip´n-Isf •ma¿ kvIqfp-If- n¬ tN¿°pI F∂ tcmKw A∂p XpS-ßn-bn-t´-bp-≈q. F√m hn`m-K-Øn-ep-ap≈ Ip´nI- f p- a p- ≠ m- b n- c p∂p Ahn- s S. \√ kv t \l- a p≈ So®¿am¿. s]mXpth DtØ-P\w In´p∂ Ah-ÿ. A°m-eØv kvIqfns‚ Hcp `mKw ]mW-ep-Ifpw tX°p-sam-°-bmbn h\m-¥-co-£-am-bn-cp∂p. Cu h\-Øn\p \Sp-hn-eqsS h¿j-Im-e-Øp-am{Xw sh≈-samgp-In-t∏m-Ip∂ Hcp Nm-ep-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. Cu Nmev Hcp Acp-hn-bmsW∂v Rm≥ sX‰n-≤-cn-®p. km‰vIfn, HmSn-∏n-Sp-Øw, I≈\pw t]meokpw Aßs\ \nc-h[n Ifn-Iƒ°v ChnSw thZn-bm-bn. Cu ImSns‚ XmgvhmcØv Hcp ]qh-c-ip-≠m-bncp∂p. Cu ]qh-c-ins‚ tNm´n-emWv Ip´n-Iƒ aq{X-sam-gn-°p-∂-Xv. F≥.-F-kv. am[-hs‚ `mj IS-sa-Sp-Øm¬ \q‰m-≠p-I-fpsS aq{Xw hoW-a-Æv. Hcp Zn\w Cu ]qh-c-ins‚ Nph-´n-eqsS Cd-°w-hn´v `wKn-bp≈ ssk°nƒ

Nhp´n Ad_nkm¿ h∂p. _mey- I m- e - k - J nbnse aPo-Zn-s\-t∏mse hc-®p-h® aoi-bp-am-bn. AXp-hsc kv{XoIƒ am{X-ap-≠m-bn-cp∂ RßfpsS Ãm^v dqan\v Hcp \mb-I-\m-bn. Aß-s\bn- c ns° Hcp D®- t \cw henb Ie- ] ne tIƒ°mw. Btcm NØ Hcp hmem-´n-∏-£nsb sIm≠p-h-∂-Xm-Wv. imkv{X-t_m-[-ap≈ Ad-_nkm¿ AXns\ Ã^v sNbvXp-sh-®p. henb \pW-b-\m-bn-cp∂p Rm≥. Imdp≠v _ p≠v Fs∂ms° X´n-hn-Spw. A°m-eØv ho´n-ep-≠m-bn-cp∂ sXmgn-°m-cn-bmb ]ip-hn-\pth≠n I®n hmßm≥ A—s‚IqsS ssI∏pgbv°v temdn-bn¬ t]mb Fs∂ Iq´p-Im¿ ]ecpw I≠p. temdn-bp-s≠∂ IY Nne-sc-¶nepw hniz-kn-®p. Fs∂ kvt\ln®p ]Tn∏n® Hcp]mSv So®¿amcp-≠v. t__n So®¿, eoemΩ So®¿, Gen-bmΩ So®¿, AΩnWn So®¿ F∂n-ßs\ t]mIpw AhcpsS t]cp-Iƒ. AΩnWn So®-dpsS ho´n¬ R߃ ÿncw t]mIp-am-bn-cp-∂p. at\m-lc- a- mb knF-kvsF IØo-{U-ens‚ ]nd-In¬ `oam-Im-c-\mb Hm°p-a-cØns‚ XW-en-em-bn-cp∂p So®-dpsS hoSv. So®-dpsS s]¨a-°ƒ Fs‚ tN®n-bpsS Iq´p-Im-cm-bn-cp-∂p. AhnsS sN√p-tºm-sgms° `wKn-bmbn ASp°n h®n-cn-°p∂ ]gb _me-ca- I - ƒ X∏pw. a™ tdm m∏q Ih-dp≈ _me-ca AhnsS \n∂mWv In´p-∂X - v. FhnsS tdmkm∏q ImWp-tºmgpw Rm≥ B ]gb _me-ca Hm¿°pw. hmb\-bpsS D¬k-hß - f- mb A∂sØ _me-ca- I - f- n-eq-sS-bmWv Ip™mbs‚ Ipkr-Xn-If- pw eneym-∏m-bpsS IYbpw hmbn-®X - v. AΩnWn So®sd ]n∂oSv ho´n¬ sN∂p I≠-t∏mƒ Xnan-cØn-s‚bpw ad-hn-bp-sSbpw ]nSn-bn-em-bn-cp-∂n´pw Fs∂ Xncn-®-dn™p. bqdo° hn⁄m-\∏-co£ A°m-e-ØmWv XpS-ßp-∂-Xv. kvIqfn¬\n∂v ]co-£-sb-gp-Xm≥ sXc-s™-Sp-°-s∏-´Xv AhnSpsØ Zp¿_-e-cn¬ tIa-∑m-cm-bn-cp∂ Rm\pw sskPp-\m-Yp-amWv . Ad- _ n- k m- d ns‚ ssk°n- f ns‚ ap∂nepw ]n∂n- e p- a mbn R߃ Kh¨sa‚v kvIqfn-seØn ]co-£-sb-gpXn Xncn-®p-h-∂t∏mƒ km¥z-\-ambn tIi-h≥ sh≈n-°p-f-ßc H∏n´pX∂ k¿´n^n-°‰v In´n. k¿´n^n-°‰v kq£n-®p-sh-®m¬ k¿°m¿ tPmen In´p-sa∂v AΩ]d-™p. Hcn-°¬ Ab¬ho-´p-Imsc ImWn-°m≥ k¿´n-^n-°-‰p-ambn HmSn-b-t∏mƒ hoWv k¿´n-^n-°-‰n¬ Xpf hoWp. Xpf-bp≈ k¿´n^n-°-‰p-sIm≠v Kh¨sa‚v tPmen In´ptam?

kn F≥- sF-bnse Fs‚ Pohn-Xw-IqSn Dt±-in-®m-bn-cn-°Ww Ipam-c-\m-im≥ \fn-\n-bn¬ Cßs\ Ipdn-®-Xv. teme-\m-cy-\p-cp-hn´p tIs´mcm _me-]m-T-a-Jnew at\m-lcw! Ime-am-b-[n-I-an-s∂m-c-£cw t]mep-am-b-Xn¬ ad-∏-Xn√ Rm≥ `qcn-]q-°ƒ hnS-cp∂ s]mbvIbpw Xochpw hgn-Ifpw Xcp-°fpw Nmcp ]p¬Ø-d-bp-tam¿Øn-Sp∂p Rm≥ Nmsc \msagpsagp-Øp-]-≈nbpw CXnse `qcn-]q-°ƒ hncn-bp∂ Xochpw Xcp-°fpw F∂ hcn-Iƒ hn´p-I-f-bp-∂p. ImcWw kn F≥ sFbpsS XmgvhmcØp≈ s]mbvIbpw ]mS-hp-sa√mw C∂p aÆn-´p-t]m-bn. *** F≥sFbnse ae-bmfw aoUn-bw-Im-c-\mb Fs∂ kn Fw Fkv kvIqfnse Cw•ojv aoUn-b-Øn-te°v ]dn-®p-\-´p. R߃ kn F≥ sF hnZym¿∞n-Iƒ°v {]tXyI Ccn-∏n-S-amWv A\p-h-Zn-®-Xv. sk‚v taco-kn¬\n∂pw h∂ BwK-teb hnZym¿∞nIƒ kh¿Æ¿, t_°¿ kvIqfn¬\n∂pw h∂-h¿ sshiy¿, _m°n A√d Nn√d hnZym-e-b-ß-fn¬ \ns∂-Øn-b-h¿ iq{Z¿. Rßtfm ZrjvSn-bn¬ t]mepw s]Sm≥ ]mSn-√m-Ø-h¿ F∂n-ßs\


Best compliments from :

SUNNY MEDICALS Panchayat Shopping Complex, P.B. Road, Erattupetta P.O., Kottayam (Dist) Ph: 04822 275021 67

¢mkv So®¿ NmXp¿h¿Æyw \S-∏n-em-°n. A°m-e-ØmWv Ip{]kn-≤a- mb 100 cq] tIkn¬ Rm≥ {]Xn-bm-bX - v. sIm®m°- b psS IS- b nse Pyqkv henb {]tem-`-\-am-bn-cp-∂p. Fs‚ Hcp anSp- ° - \ mb kplrØv Ahs‚ A∏s‚ t]m°-‰n¬\n∂v 100 cq] FSp- Ø p. sNe- h m- ° m≥ thsd hgn-bn-√m™v Iq´pIm¿s°√mw Pyqkv hmßns°m-Sp-Øp. Hcp-Ø\ - p-am{Xw hmßn- s °m- S p- ° m- ™ - X n\m¬ Ah≥ H‰n- s °m- S pØp. GXm≠v ]d- h q¿ tIkp- t ]mse Hcp]mSp {]Xn-I-fp≈ tIkm-bn-cp∂p AXv. Hcp-thf Ah≥ kmdns\mcp Pyqkv hmßn-s°m-SpØn-cp-s∂-¶n¬ kmdpw {]Xnbm-Ip-am-bn-cp-∂p. kn Fw Fkn¬ ]Tn°p-tºmƒ Fs‚ temIw hep-Xmbn Np¶hpw skan-\m-cnbpw hsc-sb-Øn. skan-\m-cn-°m-c≥ sIm®pIp-cys‚ ssk°n-fn-emWv Rm≥ ssk°n-tfm-Sn-°m≥ ]Tn-®Xv. D]-cn-]-T\w apX-em-fn-bpsS Ac-ssk-°n-fn¬. hmS-Ibv°p t]mbncp∂ ssk°nƒ aS-ßn-h-cp-∂Xpw t\m°n aWn-°q-dpItfmfw apXem-fn-bpsS IS-bn¬ Imh-en-cp-∂n-´p-≠v. ]e ssk°n-fp-Iƒ X√n°q-´nb Hcp sImfm-jp-t]mse tXm∂n-®n-cp∂ B ssk°n-fpIƒ sacp-ßmØ ]ip-°-sf-t∏mse k©-cn-®p. Cu Ime-b-f-hn-emWv ]\-b-°-gn-∏n-te-°p≈ ]dn-®p-\-S¬. Hcp Ip∂n≥sN-cp-hn¬\n∂v \Zn-I-fpsS CS-bn-ep≈ XÆo¿Ø-S-amb ]\-b-°-gn-∏n-te-°p≈ am‰w kt¥m-j-{]-Zam-bn-cp-∂p. Np¶-Øp-\n-∂n-d-ßn-bm¬ ]®-hn-cn® ]mS-ß-fpsS CS-bn-eq-sSbmWv bm{X. Imcnbpw apjn-bp-sams° Hfn-™n-cn-°p∂ [mcmfw Nmep-Iƒ. AXn-km-l-kn-I-cmb Iq´p-Im¿. Ct∏mƒ ]p√p-aq-Sn°n-S-°p∂ ap≠m-‰n-eqsS h≈-Øn¬ Xpg-™p-\-S-∂p, Bº-epIƒ ]dn-®p, k‘y-bmIpthmfw Nq≠-bn-´p. ]q™m≥, I√-S, Imcn F∂n-ßs\ Hcp-]mSv ao\p-I-fp-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. ap≠m-dns‚ Icbv°v Nne-t∏mƒ Xmdm-hp-ambn tZim-S\ I¿jI¿ FØn-bn-cp-∂p. Ah-cpsS Xmdm-hp-I-fpsS Ie-]ne i_vZw ap≠m-dns\ ]e-t∏mgpw kPo-h-am-°n. ap≠m-dn-\p-Ip-dpsI aÆn-´paqSn ]mew h∂-tXmsS B \Zn acn-®p-Xp-S-ßn. Hmcp-sh≈w Ibdm-sX-bm-bn. \K-c-Øn¬\n-∂p≈ HmS-Iƒ IqSp-X¬ amen-\y-hp-amsb-Øn. \√ tdmsU-Øn-b-t∏mƒ AhnsS Xma-kn-®n-cp∂ ]mhß- s f√mw AhnSw hn´p- t ]mbn ]pXnb Xma- k - ° m¿ h∂p. AÆm≥Ip-∂ns‚ Xmgvhmc-Øp≈ ]mS-ßfpw aÆn-´p-t]mbn. ChnsS Nn{Xo-I-cn® "\mYm \o hcpw' F∂ Km\-Øn¬ hmg-t∏m-f∏q-hp-I-f-psS CS-bn-eqsS kdo\hlm_v HmSn-h-cp∂ Hcp cwKap≠v. AXp-Im-Wp-tºmƒ B ]gb ]mSw Hm¿°m-dp-≠v. Cu ]mSßsf A{`-]m-fn-I-fn¬ \nXm¥kvac-W-I-fm-°nb `c-X\v \µn. ]ns∂ Np¶w, Np¶-Øn\p henb am‰-sam-∂p-an-√. XΩn¬ a¬k-cn-®p apt∂-dnb sIm®m-°-bp-sS ISbv°pw tkmUm-°Sbv°pw sNdnb ]cn-Wm-a-߃ am{Xw. AXn\p \Sp-hn¬ eh-Ipi-∑m-¿ a¬k-cn®p apSn-sh-´p∂ AP¥ slb¿ssì. *** 68


\m-Zy-ambn IpSn® tkmU Np¶sØ kmen tkmUm ^mIvS-dn-°m-cp-tS-Xm-bn-cp-∂p. C{X tami-s∏´ Hcp ]m\obw F¥n\mWv F√m-hcpw hmßn-°p-Sn-°p-∂s- X∂p Rm≥ B›-cy-s∏-´p. ]n∂o-SmWv CXns‚ km[yX F\n°p a\- n-em-b-Xv. tkmU I≠p]nSn®Xv tPmk^v {]oÃven F∂ kmbn-∏m-sW-¶nepw tIm´-bØp-Imsc B ]m\obw ]cn-Nb - s- ∏-Sp-Øn-bXv Fs‚ kplr-Ømb hnP-bc- m-Lh - s‚ A∏q-∏≥ i¶-c∏ - n≈ Ah¿I-fm-bn-cp-∂p. A°meØv F‚¿{]-W¿jn-∏p≈ \mb-∑m¿ sNøp-∂X - p-t]mse Nmb-°S _nkn-\s- m∂pw XpS-ßmsX \mS-I° - º - \ - n, Nm{] XpS-ßnb sXmgnep-If- n-emWv At±lw hym]-cn-®X - v. A°m-esØ hnJym-X\ - S- ∑ - m-cmb cmP-am-Wn-°w, j◊pJw apX-em-b-h-sc-h®v k©-cn-°p∂ \mS-I°º\n \S-Ønb At±-lØ - ns‚ Iº\n A·n-°n-cb - m-bn. B Imeam-bt- ∏m-tg°pw SCHWEPPES F∂ Iº-\n-°m¿ tkmU temI-saºmSpw {]N-cn-∏n-®n-cp-∂p. Aßs\ I¬°-Øb - ntem at‰m t]mbn Hcp tkmUm sajn≥ sIm≠p-h∂v tIm´-bØp ÿm]n-°p-Ib - m-bncp∂p At±-lw. ]Øp-Xh - W - bpw a‰pw sajn-\n¬ Id°n Kymkp-Ib-‰n-sb-Sp-°p∂ B ]m\obw IpSn-®m¬ C∂sØ A¬]-{]m-WnIƒ lrZ-bw-s]m´n acn-°p-sa∂v At±-lØ - ns‚ sIm®p-aI - ≥ hoºp]-db - m-dp≠v. i¶-c∏ - n-≈t- ®-´s‚ aI-\mb inh-cm-a] - n-≈t- ®-´\pw {]i-kvX\ - mbn-cp-∂p. henb ]¥-ep-Ifpw Ae-¶m-c-∏-Wn-Ifpw sNbvXv {]ikvXn-bm¿Pn® At±lw ]¥¬ inh-cm-a] - n≈ F∂ t]cn-emWv Adnb-s∏-´n-cp-∂X - v. Fgp-]X - p-If- psS Bcw-`Ø - n¬ at\m-ca BgvN∏ - X - n∏n¬ Bfl-IY - s- b-gp-Xm-\mbn ]n.-Ip-™ncm-a≥ \mb¿ Ipd-®p-Imew tIm´-bsØ F≥ Fkv Fkv KÃvtlman¬ Xmakn-®n-cp-∂p. A°meØv teiw IhnXm{`m¥p≈ inh-cm-a] - n-≈t- ®-´\ - p-ambn ASp-∏Ø - nem-bn. Aßs\ inh-cm-a] - n-≈t- ®-´\pw "Ihn-bpsS Im¬∏m-Sp-Iƒ' F∂ hnJymX IrXn-bn¬ IYm-]m-{X-am-bn. Ime-ta-sd-°-gn-™n-cn°p-∂p. kmentkmU ^mIvSdn AS-®p-]q-´n. tem°¬ tkmUbv°v am¿°-‰n-√m-Xm-bn. h´v tkmU ayqknbw ]okm-bn. Fs‚ tkmU IpSn°v am{Xw bmsXmcp `wK-hp-an-√. ]pfn Ipd-°m≥ Ipd®v A\pkm-cn-Iƒ IqSn tNcp-sa∂v am{Xw. {]nÃven kmbn-∏n\pw i¶-c∏ - n≈-t®-´\pw kmen tkmU Iº-\n°pw \µn.

FORCED TO RISE (FROM THE STUPOR) “Discretion is the greater part of valor” An anonymous veterinarian


ay of life in Kerala is best explained by the axiom in Hindi, ‘Elephant has two sets of teeth, one for showing the world and the other to munch its food’. There is no need to expose one’s chewing teeth as noone else partners in your gulp. Logical, though I never assimilated this mantra completely into life. I have enjoyed alcohol as a spiritual dip of rejuvenation for the last eighteen years. My frequency of indulgence was once every month that too after setting upper limits on intake not to be tagged a ‘Radio Mirchi’ or a ‘Crawling Reptile’. Off late my own interpretation to calendar was making the month last only few days. We possess an appetite for adventure. People indulge

in scuba diving, bungee jumping, parachuting and God knows what not to satisfy their adventure itch. I could never afford the above dare devil acts and neither thought of myself to possess nerves to perform those graciously. The ardent movie watcher in me took note of such scenes with admiration wherein protagonist takes the wheel after some shots at the pub. It was to later become the regular and affordable adventure that I indulged and performed civilly over these years. After an age, people continue with addictive habits not because they are unaware of its pros and cons but merely because they enjoy its immoderation. I had lost smoking to marriage four years back. Many of my resolutions to quit smoking had tumbled prior to that. First

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voices of protest of my "would be wife" against smoking during our courtship made me promise her that I will quit smoking ninety days from our marriage. I had no intentions to quit and would have never uttered those words if I knew anything on her bargaining skills. Never had I taken myself seriously but here I was completely outdone by her elucidation of my seemingly harmless resolution. Her differentiation on ‘Man and his vow’ and integration of the same to ‘credibility and character’ made me quit smoking as per the agreed decree to protect all other foibles that I had in life. Hey, there was method in my madness. The smarter I had salvaged smoking for a price. I have since marriage uninterruptedly enjoyed drinks sighting my big sacrifice whenever she bothered into monthly quota of bottled solace. Monthly conferences provided me an opportunity to sozzle after which riding the vehicle home and then a small nap had as though become a prescription for the hallow of energy that drove me for a month. Perfect rejuvenation so provided enabled me to sail a month hassle free. It had reached a time that all arsenal of my wife to confront my monthly spiritual dip had gone blunt and her spree of attacks on the same had receded totally. Good times end; some getting a pat while others after a catastrophic jolt, my due day laid waiting. Police of our land works proactively and tries to enforce most laws before even they come out of factory. We have seen it with Helmets, Seat Belts, Sun Films and many others in the past. For Police to act; crime has to occur and they take charge only after that. If no crime is done, what role do the Police have to play? With this orientation in mind they pounce on helmetless motorcyclists and would take great pains to shadow pub gates to pass information on motorists coming out after spiritual dip through wireless to distant mobile posts. These mobile posts would then chase and hunt these motorists making their journey back home and book them as criminals travelling on roads under the influence of alcohol. I figure every Police station and mobile posts are given daily targets for such bookings to build state revenue that they are left with no option but to wait till crime has been committed. If our Police were to stand in front of pub gates once in a while and stop people

coming out from driving their vehicles under the influence of alcohol, most accidents that they cause while chasing poor drunkards could have been averted. But boy, little do they care on the life of a criminal when the primary orientation that they have is to hunt and nab them down. I had started from home to attend ‘World Veterinary Day Commemoration’ that was held at Aida Hotel, Kottayam on the eventful day of 28 September 2013. My mind was craving to reach Aida to take a plunge into pending quota of monthly spiritual discourse. The caring husband in me thought of dropping wife at her work place in Kottayam before reaching Aida. It was drizzling we travelled by car. House of my ‘in laws’ falls midway and since drizzling had stopped by the time we reached them, to avert further traffic delays at Kanjikuzhi, parked the car and took their scooter to make rest of the travel. I will be in a position to tell you what happens at the ‘World Veterinary Day Commemoration’ when it is held next time in Kottayam and this gain in my ability would sum up rest of this commentary. I wanted to hear the distinguished speak on rabies, but cravings outdo carvings. Lunch was served after the Commemoration and many say that I had a sumptuous lunch after the spiritual discourse before jumping onto the Scooter to journey back home. Little did I remember on having lunch? I had cruised smoothly through the major traffic in Kottayam and had reached ‘Kalathipadi’ some kilometers from Aida when I saw a beep behind me through the rear mirror of scooter. Initially I ignored it as an escort vehicle to some Minister of Kerala State. Kottayam is so flooded with Ministers who ply on roads to attend marriages and funerals in their respective constituencies that there is hardly a day that pass without the sight of a State car on our roads. As the beep and horns kept increasing something from inside told that they were specifically after me. I decided to run for life and speed the scooter powered by Japanese technology at its maximum. 2000 model scooter raised only its voice with increases in the throttle. Kerala Police was technically more competent for the chase. They too were riding a mighty Japanese innovation on four wheels that is preferred by most Ministers as State car these days. One Japanese technology was getting outdone by another. I had realized that there was no point fleeing as

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they were hell bound to book me and would care little to bump me down for that purpose. I would have gone two kilometers further when a thought of my daughter made me slow the scooter. I was snapped as if a Hare gets pounced on by a Cheetah in Discovery Channel. Kerala Police gave me a chauffeur driven ride in their mighty air conditioned vehicle to the nearest Police Station with an escort of a Civil Police Officer who followed us on the Scooter I drove. At Police Station I was made to remember Robert Browning’s poem ‘The Pied Piper of Hamelin’. After a series of blow tests, I was given the good news of recruitment to their orchestra. They said I would be required to pay enrolment fees at some local court when they intimate me on the same. The ambience of Police Station had changed over the years. I took note of the quality of floor tiles and furniture and attributed them to be sourced from Local Self Government Development Schemes. I wondered on who the implementation officer at a Police Station was for such development schemes. My heart was heavy on losing the race with Kerala Police and cursed the moment when I switched over to scooter from car. I normally ride a motorbike and had I had that, I would never have lost the race. My thoughts took an anguish note later and yearned on the plight of average alcoholics in Kerala. They pay higher taxes per ml of liquor than most other states in India. Our social taboos force them to pay luxury taxes for its consumption in privacy. Confidentiality offered by plush and dark ambience of pubs help them maintain respectable hallow with kin. Occasional alcoholics thus are the biggest donors to state revenue but get further exploited with fines. Why hunt them down as criminals giving no regard for their life? Does our government have no responsibility for their life? Treating alcoholics as criminals on one end

and giving many more licenses to start pubs every year is indeed a dual stand. Why can’t our Judiciary stop such crime from happening? Why can’t they make a law, where in drunken driving need to be prohibited by the Pub itself? Thinking in these lines I would have slipped from stupor to snooze. I had no remorse while slipping into sleep but spree of embarrassments due to my seemingly harmless adventure had just begun. I would have slept for three hours on the plastic chair with arm rests and saw my father vaguely talking with the Sub Inspector while opening eyes from snooze. It was almost five in the evening. I had thought of calling friends once I rise from stupor to come out of the situation with no specks on my linen. Intimating family was the last thing that I would have done. Driver of Police Jeep at the station I was detained was the son of our rubber tapper. He had informed father of my catnap at Station. My linen had just started to get dirty to a point beyond recovery. A feeling of hostility was mounting in me towards the driver for damage to my aura at home and for spoiling all plans to revive the linen. One but requires two people to guarantee exit from Police Station if detained for driving under the influence of alcohol. I had to so curb the hostility against the Driver and to switch over to eliciting gratitude feeling in my eyes for him while he arranged for the second signature needed for my exit from his accomplice at the station. Another hurdle was in the wait. I had to produce original documents of the scooter to get it released from Station. We asked a day’s time to present the documents and reached home by seven in the evening. Arranged marriages are a network of egos and emotions. It involves not only the couples concerned but also their parents and immediate kin. I saw my father and mother

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Mr. Jose Cherian Koodalloor, Changanassery

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FriendS MediCAlS Mammood, Changanassery Ph: 2471421, Mob: 9446276312 71

visibly disturbed on the thought of presenting my spiritual status to my ‘in laws’. My father therefore like Pilatus washed his hands off from the situation. I was to face the music all alone. I kept devising strategies to present the situation to my father in-law. I was aware of his short temper and knew that best bet to come out of this sticky wicket was to gain confidence of my wife. She was the best ship to sail smooth of the whirlpool. I knew she was her father’s joy and keeping her affront to pacify his anger was my perfect escape plan. To my surprise I did not have to exhaust my entire sympathy gaining munitions store to tune her into my party. She was caring, supportive and understanding of the situation which was also very unlikely of my wife to such situations. She told me to have amicably presented the situation over phone to her parents and that we could collect the original documents of the scooter next day from them. I went to bed in peace early quoting to myself the Malayalam axiom ‘What came as a hill went as a Mouse’. I rose late in the morning after a peaceful sleep to a horn at the gate. My in laws had come visiting home. I felt some fast paced discussions happening downstairs and by the time I reached hall everyone had stopped talking. I saw my wife weeping and mercury levels of all parents rising. Never have I let anyone lecture me on good and bad aspects of life. I knew that they were going to grill me from all sides. It was a daunting task to squeeze out of situation with minimal injuries to one’s ego. I had to do something before the emotional splash would be all over me. It was time for another vow. I will never indulge in liquor at any social events that happen at Kottayam, was what I managed to utter. I had given more than what they expected. None spoke a word and as an icebreaker their attention was drifted by my daughter to her adventures with alphabets and rhymes. I saw the trademark glee on my wife’s face to have snared me into the vow. The squeaky wheel was getting its much needed grease. You need to be given preparation time before making a vow. If I were to be given a chance I could have rephrased my vow to I would never drive any vehicle under the influence of alcohol from now on. That would have been more than enough. I now face the danger of mutation from an amphibian to a dry veterinarian while at Kottayam with this vow. If the

going gets too tough with the splashes of ‘Jalasparsham’ I might have to travel all the way to Aleppey from Changanacherry to make myself veterinarian. The truth also is that I had been preparing myself for such a vow for some time now. Discretion is the greater part of valor. The spree of the continual embarrassments had taken its toll but not to the extend of making me quit spiritual dips. An obese higher secondary teacher from my neighbourhood who was roughly of my age had left the world and one reason partly attributed for his early exit was his excessive drinking habit. I was seeing his kids playing at gates on a daily basis. My weight was nearing three digits and was recently diagnosed with high blood pressure. I was suppressing my gut reacting to the spirituality via chemical mediations for some time now. My craving to carve something to outdo spirituality made me think on limiting my availability to the spiritual dip. The best way to do it was to make my access to spirituality at Kottayam difficult by a vow. Alcohol opens up immense networking opportunities to us otherwise rigid Malayalees. It provides friends, opportunities and experience worth reliving on the same lines without regret if given another innings. We are also known for our foregone conclusions. Ignorant lot among us tends to scale, judge and rank people based on their habits. Transmission of such judgment happens like a wild fire there by creating a brand for the person under fury of judgment in many unrelated public podiums. I have felt three sheets to the wind better as a lifestyle than playing it safe while being scaled by the society. The Malayalam axiom ‘If you were to lose your nose to a sneeze better loose it’ explains losses that you suffer from such incidences. Spiritual needs are bound to differ from person to person and from time to time. We all run and how better and how far we run before the race ends provides us with carvings of life. My commentary on spiritual needs may neither be treated as a social wakeup call nor an encouragement on goodness of spirit. It is just the verbal presentation of the agony I underwent when forced to rise from stupor. I sincerely hope that it amounts to no agony for ignorant readers who dared to read the narrative. Thank you.


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]Tn-°p∂ ImeØv {InkvXp-a-kns‚ Xte-cm{Xn Xs∂ Iq´pIm- c p- s amØv BtLmj]cn- ] m- S n- I ƒ XpS- ß p- a m- b n- c p- ∂ p. _me- Æ ≥, kpPn- X v , \kn- d p- ± o≥, sI.- h n. kptc- j v , sI.-B¿. kptc-jv, {]Zo-]v, kXy-am-a≥, apt°-´≥, Intjm¿... XpSßn Aßs\ hen-sbmcp kwL-am-bn-´m-bn-cn°pw Rßsf Ft∏mgpw \m´n¬ ImWm-dv. Xriq¿ \K-c-Ønse Nne-hp-Ip-d™ GsX-¶nepw Hcp hntZ-i-a-Zy-im-ebn¬ Ibdn Rß-fpsS BtLmj-߃°v XpS°w Ipdn-°pw. AXn-\p-tijw ]´-WØn-eqsS kzcmPvdu-≠n-eq-sS, Aßs\ Aßs\ Id-ßn-°dßn \-S-°pw. \S∂v \S∂v tX°n≥ImSv ssaXm- \ n- b nse ]p¬ØInSnbnseØn h´wIqSn -IY]d-™n-cn-°pw. IY]d-™n-cp∂v IY-]-d-™n-cp∂v ]Xps° ]Xps° BImiw t\m°n ae¿∂p-In-S-°pw. At∏mƒ sXfn™ BIm-i-Øp-IqSn sh¨ta-L-Iq´ßƒ Hgp-In- HgpIn \o-ßp-∂p-≠m-bn-cn-°pw. ]p©n-cn®p \n¬°p∂ \£-{X-°p-™p߃ Rß-sf- t\m°n IÆn-dp-°pw. t\m°n- t\m-°n -In-S-t°, Ing°v Zn°n¬ Hcp AS-bm-f-\-£{Xw DZn-®p-b-cpw. ]uckvXytZisØ- ⁄m-\n-Isf \bn-®-Xp-t]mse B AS-bm-f-\-£{Xw Fs‚ a\- ns\ Zqtc°v Zqtc°v sIm≠p-t]mIpw. Ah-km-\w...-hm-bn®p hmbn®p a\- nse k¶¬∏-tem-IØv tImdn-bn´ bq°m-en-]v‰kpw Hen-hva-c-ßfpw ss]≥a-c-ßfpw ssk{]kv hr£-ßfpw apƒsN-Sn-Ifpw \nd-™- a-e-bSnhmc-Ønep≈ B hnip-≤-{Km-a-Øn-se-Øn-tN-cpw. temI-c-£-I≥ ]nd∂ ]cn- ] m- h - \ - a mb Imen- s Øm- gpØv At\z- j n- ® v , sImSp- w X- W p∏n¬\n∂pw c£-In-´p-hm-\mbn ]n≈-°-®-bn¬ s]mXn™v sXmgpØn¬ ab-ßp-s∂mcp s]m∂p-Ænsb Xnc™v Ipfn-cp-ho-ip∂ Im‰n-eqsS a™v s]øp∂ hoYn-I-fn-eqsS Fs‚ a\ v Aebpw. a™p-]p-X-∏n-\p-≈n¬ kpJ- kp-jp-]vXn-bn¬ InS-∂p-d-ßp∂ B {]tZ-isØ hb-ep-I-fn¬ Xß-fpsS BSp-Isf kq£n-®psIm≠v cm{Xn- I-gn®pIq´p∂ CS-b-∑m¿°v I¿Øm-hns‚ amemJ {]Xy-£-s∏-Sp-∂Xpw I¿Øm-hns‚ alXzw Ah-cp-sS-ta¬ {]Imin-°p-∂Xpw ]ns∂ kz¿§obssk\yw I¿Øm-hns‚ amem-J-tbmSp-Iq-Sn-t®¿∂v ssZhsØ kvXpXn-®p-sIm≠v ""AXyp-∂-X-ß-fn¬ ssZh-Øn\p alXzw! `qan-bn¬ ssZh-Ir-]- e-`n-®h - ¿°v kam-[m\w'' F∂p-]m-Sp-∂Xpw ImtXm¿Øv InS-°pw. cm{Xn- Xn-cn®p ho´n-se-Øn-bm¬ `£Ww Ign®p F∂p-h-cpØn ho≠pw ho´n¬\n∂pw ]pd- Ø n- d ßpw. A°m- e Øv hoSn- \ - S psØmcp {Kmao-W-hm-b-\-im-e-bp-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. AXns‚ tImem-bn¬ R߃ cmthsd sN√p∂-Xp-hsc kwkm-cn-®n-cn-°pw. Dd-°hpw £o-Whpw IÆp-Isf Xtem-Sm≥ XpS-ßp-tºmƒ Hmtcm-cp-Ø-cmbn ]ncn™p t]mIm≥ XpS-ßpw. F∂m¬, Rm\pw apt°-´\pw AhnsS-Ø-s∂-bn-cn-°pw. ""\ap°v DtÆyip ]nd-∂n´v t]mbm¬ t]mtc...-kp-t\y,,,'' apt°´≥ tNmZn°pw. (A-_vZpƒ ap‡-±o¿, Fs‚ Ab¬hm-kn-bm-bn-


cp-∂p. Ct∏mƒ Ip-‰ymSn ]©m-b-Ønse slUv ¢m¿°v) Aßs\ CS-h-I-bnse hnizm-kn-Iƒ ]≈n-bn-te°v ]mXn-cm-Ip¿_m-\°p t]mIp-∂Xpw t\m°n R߃ Ahn-sS-Ø-s∂-bm-bn-cn-°pw. A°meØv Rm\pw apt°-´\pw \m´n¬ kPo-h-ambn cmjv{Sob {]h¿Ø\-ß-fn¬ G¿s∏-´p-sIm-≠n-cn-°p-∂-h-cm-bn-cp-∂-Xn-\m¬ kΩ-XnZm-\-]-´n-I-bn-ep-≈-hcpw C√m-Ø-h-cp-amb apgp-h≥ IpSpw-_ß-fn-ep≈ AwK-ß-sfbpw R߃°-dn-bm-am-bn-cp-∂p. Aßs\ CS-h-I-bnse sX°p apdn `mK-Øp≈ apgph≥ AwK-ßfpw ]≈n-bn¬ t]mb-Xn-\p-tijw am{Xta R߃ t]mbn InS∂p Dd-ßp-am-bn-cp-∂p-≈q. kv I m\nßv Ign- ™ - t ∏mƒ Ahn- S psØ Poh- \ - ° m¿ Fs∂ -Xmßn∏nSn®v ho¬sN-b-dn¬ sIm≠p h∂n-cp-Øn. apdnbn-te°v t]mI-W-sa-¶n¬ A‰≥U¿am¿ Bsc-¶nepw hc-Ww. km[m-c-W-bmbn A‰≥U¿am-cn¬ Bsc-¶nepw ]pdØv ImØp\n¬°m-dp-≈-Xm-Wv. ]t£, C∂v AhnsS Bscbpw ImWm-\n√m-bn-cp-∂p. Ah¿ hcp-∂-Xp-hsc Rm≥ hnj-an®v B ho¬sNbdn¬ HSn-™p-Xq-ßn-bncp∂p. Ac-ap-°m¬ aWn-°q-dn-\p-ti-j-amWp \oe-bq-Wnt^mw [cn® Hcp A‰≥-U¿ HmSn InX-®p-h-∂-Xv. t\cw sshIn Fs∂ _p≤nap-´n-®-Xn-ep≈ hnj-ahpw ]cn-{`-ahpw Abm-fpsS apJ-Øp-≠m-bncp-∂p. apI-fn-esØ \ne-bn¬ {InkvXp-akv BtLm-j-]-cn-]m-SnI-fpsS Hcp-°ßƒ°v klm-bn-°p-hm≥ t]mbn-cn-°p-I-bm-bn-cp∂t{X Abmƒ! Ãm^pw t\gvknMv hnZym¿∞n-Ifpw ]mcm-sa-Un°¬ hnZym¿∞n-Ifpw AhcpsS Iem-]-cn-]m-Sn-I-fp-sam-s°-bmbn {InkvXp-akv BtLmjw ChnsS hfsc sIt¶-a-am-°-dp-≠s{X! ho¬sN-b-dn¬ apdn-bn-se-Ønb Fs∂- h-t√y-´\pw A‰≥Udpw IqSn Xmßn -I-´n-en¬ InS-Øn. XmgsØ \ne-bn¬ BtLm-j-]-cn-]m-Sn-Iƒ XpS-ßn-I-gn-™p. D®-Øn¬sh® kv]o°-dp-I-fn-eqsS P\-ep-Iƒ Xpd-∂n´ Fs‚ apdn-bn-te°v BtLm-j-]-cn-]m-Sn-I-fpsS i_vZ-tLm-j-߃ hfsc

hy‡-ambn tIƒ°m-am-bn-cp-∂p. ]cn-]m-Sn-Iƒ°v ImtXm¿Øv AXn¬ ebn-®-ßns\ Rm≥ InS-∂p. Km\-taf XpS-ßn-sb∂p tXm∂p-∂p. hb-em¿ cma-h¿Ω cNn®v tZh-cm-P≥am-ÿ CuWw \¬In tbip-Zmkv ]mSn- ]mSn ]mSn A\iz-c-am-°nb Km\-ta-f-°m-cpsS CjvS-Km\w Hcp kz¿§o-b-[m-c-bmbn Hcp ]pØ≥ Dt∑jw ]cØn Fs‚ apdn-bn¬ HgpIn Hgp-In-sbØn. ""CS-b-I-\y-tI...-t]m-hp-I-\o... Cu A\-¥amw Pohn-X-ho-Yn-bn¬... CS-dm-sX...-Im-en-S-dm-sX...'' IÆp-I-fm¬ DƒI-Æp-I-fmse At\z-jn-°q-\o-sf... Is≠Øpw \o a\p-jy-]p-{Xs\ C∂-s√-¶n¬ \msf...''

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Ωƒ' Imk¿tImSv Uzm¿^v F∂pw, "Ah¿' \mS≥ F∂pw hnfn-°p∂ AXyp-Øc ae-_m¿ kztZ-in-I-fmb I∂p-Im-en-I-fpsS hnlm-c-`q-an-bm-bn-cp∂p _Zn-b-Sp° Su¨ A∂v. _ v Ãm≥Un\v AXn-cn-´v, FIvkv]-bdn tU‰v Ign™ Hcp sI´n-S-Øn-em-bn-cp∂ arKm-ip-]-{Xn. tdmUn¬\n∂pw Xncn- ™ n- d - ß p∂ _ p- I - f psS ss{Uh¿am¿ tUmdn-e-Sn-®pw, tlm¨ apg-°n-bpw, NoØ ]d-™pw, Ãm≥Un¬ \nd™p hne-kn-bn-cp∂ "B_m-e-hr≤w' "Uzm¿^v {IuUns\' amt\Pv sNøp∂ ck-I-c-amb ImgvN ImWp-∂-Xm-bncp∂p BZy BgvN-bnse Fs‚ Uyq´nbpw t\c-tºm°pw. apdp-°n-®ph-∂, I√p ISp-°-\n´, _≈q¿ \mcm-bW aWnbmWn A©mw-Zn-hkw arKm-ip-]-{Xn-bn¬ {]Xy-£-s∏-´p. l≈nbnse Hcp tPm’y≥ Iw A\n-a¬ amt\-Pc- m-bn-cp∂p I£n. aq°p-

I-b¿, amK´v, A_vkkv, s]m°nƒ apdn-°¬, InSm-hns‚ PmXIw, πmk‚-bn¬ Xq߬ XpSßn F√m ASn-ÿm\ k¿ho-kpIfpw Snbm≥ Hm^¿ sNbvXn-cp-∂p. Ct∏mƒ h∂Xv ""Ipd-s®Æ'Øns‚ hcn-bp-S-°m-\p-≠v. ]©mwK{]Imcw ASpØ _p[m\mgvN \√ Znh-kw. t]mØpw aqcnbpw Dƒs∏sS ap∏-tXmfw CcIsf Xøm-dm-°n-bn-´p-≠v. c≠p ]eIh®p≈ ASn-{]-tbmKw A{X t]mcm, tUmIvS¿ hcptam?'' k¿Pdn {]mIv S n- ° ¬ ¢mkn¬am{Xw I≠p]cn- N - b n® "_¿Untkm' bpsS X\Xv D]-tbm-K-{Iaw aq∂p -Zn-hkwsIm≠v Rm≥ ]Tn-s®-Sp-Øp. tPm¿Pv k¿ ]d™ Acp-Ø-bne {]tbmKw {]tXyIw Hm¿Øp. Hcp Aº-e-Øns‚ ]pd-Inse {Ku≠m-bn-cp∂p bp≤-`q-an. shdp∏pw hntZz-jhpw Ae-b-Sn-°p∂ Adp-]-tXmfw Imen-°Æ - p-Iƒ°v apºn-te°v ImÃnMv tdm]pw, ]mc-^n-\n´ _¿Un-


tkm-bp-ambn Rm≥ sN∂n-d-ßn. tdm]ns‚ Bh-iy-an-s√∂v DSs\ a\-kn-em-bn. H∂m-¥cw Hcp s{]m^-j-W¬ hogvØp-Im-c-\m-bncp∂p {io. aWn-bm-Wn. \Ωƒ sh‰-dn-\dn tImtf-Pn¬, h®v ]Tn®p-d-∏n® A°m-Z-anIv ImÃnMv coXn-I-sf-sbms° sh√p∂ sSIv\n°mWv Snbm-s‚Xv. Ccsb ic-th-K-Øn¬ adn-®n´v _‘-\-ÿ-\m°pw. k¿P≥ _¿Untkm FSpØv hnf-bm-Sn-bm¬ am{Xw-a-Xn. Hcp kptcjvtKm]n sÃen¬ ]d-™m¬ "Zm hogvØn, tZ sRcn®p'. ankbpw Im{_nkpw P\n-°p-∂-Xn\p ap≥]p≈ Ime-am-bXn-\m¬ A∂sØ a¥ven dnt∏m¿´v Ac-∏mb IS-em-kn¬ Xocpw. Imkvt{S-j≥ Sm¿P‰pw A®o-hvsa‚p-am-bn-cp∂p {][m\ dnhyq sF‰w. Cu kwK-Xn-bpsS N¿®-bn¬ Im™-ßm-Sv, \ote-iz-cw, Imk¿tImSv ko\n-b¿am¿ hnb¿°p-tºmƒ ]pXp-ap-J-ß-fmb {]Zo]pw, A\nepw Rm\pw B¬_n- b p- s ams° Xnf- ß n- b ßp \n¬°pw. {io. aWn-bmWn A≤y-£-\mbn XpSßnb ta¬ taf-bn¬ Fs‚ Xm¬]cyw s]s´-∂ßp Ipd-™p. _Zn-b-Sp-°-bn¬ Xmakn-®n-cp∂ I∂U alm-I-hnbpw £oc-I¿j-I-\p-amb {io. Iøm¿ In™-Æ-td-bpsS ]p—hpw tZjyhpw Ie¿∂ {]Xn-I-c-W-am-tWm. (a-e-bmf ]cn-`mj: "CXp sNøp-∂-h≥ tUmIvS-d√ Hcp ]ip t{ZmlnbmWv ') AtXm, _¿Untkm In´n-bm¬ _n. hn. Fkvkn C√mØ s]¿f arKm-ip-]{Xn ]yq¨ cma\pw CsXm-s°-Øs∂ sNøpw F∂ Xncn-®-dn-hm-tWm, F¥m-bmepw ]n∂o-Sp≈ amk-ß-fn¬ Fs‚ dnt∏m¿´v Hc-°hpw ]qPyhpw Hs°-bmbn Xmgv∂p.

(k¿ho-kn¬°-b-dn-b-t∏mtg Dg∏p XpS-ßntbm?: Pn√m Hm^ok¿. A√ km¿, A\n-a¬kns\ In´m-™n-´mWv: Rm≥ apJØp t\m°n I≈w ]d-bpt∂m?: Pn.-Hm.) Ft¥m, ssZh-Øns‚ Hmtcm Ifn. CXnepw ISpØ Hcp hIp∏p-Xe kΩ¿±-ap-≠m-bn√ F∂-XmWv t\cv. Im¬\q‰m-≠n-\n-∏p-dw, Imk¿tImSv Uzm¿^v F∂ {_oUns‚ hwi-Pm-XIw am‰n-sb-gp-X-s∏-´p. Imk¿tIms´ I¿j-I-cpsS \mS≥]ip sXmgp-Øp-I-fn¬ Uo]ven‰¿ knÃ-Ønepw sam´-°p∂p-I-fnse Iip-am-hn≥ XW-ep-I-fnepw \c-In®p Pohn® Sn {_oUv C∂v tZiob AwKo-Im-c-Øn-\p≈ Iyqhn-em-Wv. l≈n-I-fnse \qdpi-X-am\w aqcn-I-tfbpw h‘y-cm°n t{Imkv {_oUnMv \S-∏m-°m\p≈ ]≤Xn ]mfn-b-tXmsS DØ-c-a-e-_m-dns‚ Cu hne-s∏´ `ua AS-bmfw sIm®nbpw IS∂v Xncp-hn-Xmw-Iq-dn-se-Øn-bn-cn°p-∂p. sI.Un bpsS ]mX ]n¥p-S¿∂v a‰v Uzm¿^p-Ifpw (h-S-I-c, ssltd©v) tIc-f-Øns‚ GXp `mKØpw IpSpw-_-tbmKw \SØm≥ Xøm-dm-hp-∂p. Ae-am-cn-I-fn-te°pw \nXm¥ Ah-K-W-\-bn-te°pw Xncn-sIt∏mb _¿Un-tkm-Ifpw ssZhw ssIsøm-∏n´ A\p-k-c-W-t°Spw IrXy-hn-tem-]hpw ChnsS {]k-‡-am-hp-∂p. sh‰-dn-t\-dn-b≥kns‚ {]Xn-⁄-bn¬ "I¨k¿th-j≥ Hm^v ssehvtÃm°v dntkm-gvkkn\p' th≠n {]b- X v \ n°pw F∂ hmNIw Imk¿tIms´ A∂sØ Sow sNdnb Ip‰-t_m-[hpw \nd™ kwXr-]vXnbpw Ie¿∂ Hcp A`u-a-hn-Im-c-tØm-sS-bmWv Dd-s°-s®m-√p-I.

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s{]m^-j-\n¬ t]mkn-‰ohv BIp-hm≥ tUm. F≥. ipt≤m-Z\ - ≥ sU]yq´n UbdIvS¿, arKkwc£W hIp∏v, ]me°mSv


‰-dn-\dn s{]m^-j-W¬kv s]mXpsh Akw-Xr-]vX-cmWv. arK-Nn-In¬km cwK-Øp-≈-h-cm-sW-¶nepw a‰p taJ-e-bn¬ {]h¿Øn-°p-∂h - c- m-sW-¶nepw. F¥mWv ImcWw? hcp-am-\Ø - n¬ Ipd-hp-≠m-bn-s´m-∂p-a√. ÿmbn-bmb Cu Akw-Xr-]vXnbpw Un{]j\pw ]cm-Xnbpw ]cn-`-h-hp-sa√mw, PohnX-sØbpw s{]m^-js\bpw kaq-l-sØbpw ka-b-sØbpw ^e-{]-Z-ambn hn\n-tbm-Kn°p-hm-\p≈ kma¿∞y-°p-d-hmWv ASn-ÿm-\-]-c-amb Imc-Ww. \√ Ign-hp-≈-h¿ an°-hmdpw Ah-cpsS Ign-hns‚ hne a\- nem-°p-∂n-√. hmb-\-°m-cm, GIm-¥-X-bn¬ A¬]ka-b-an-cp∂v D≈nte°v kzbw H∂p tSm¿®p sXfn®v ]cn-tim-[n®v tcmK-\n¿Æbw \S-Øn, Xm¶ƒ Hcp kzbw sXdm-∏n°v hnt[-b-\m-Iptam? Xøm-dmsW-¶n¬ XpS¿∂p hmbn-°p-I. kabw: sh‰vkn-s\-∏-‰n-bp≈ {][m-\- ]-cmXn F¥mWv? kab-Øn\v Fhn-sSbpw FØn-√. tIkn-\m-bmepw tlmkv]n-‰-en-embmepw tIm¨^-d-kn-\m-bmepw Ieym-W-Øn-\m-bmepw Ip´n-Isf kvIqfn-se-Øn-°m-\m-sW-¶nepw Bcm-[\ - m-eb-Øn-¬ FØm-\m-sW¶n-epw kabØns\Øm\p≈ {i≤ Ipdbp∂p. temI-Øn¬ G‰hpw hne-tb-dnb hkvXp F¥m-sW∂v Adnbptam? ka-bw. kabw ]mgm-°m-Xn-cn-°p-I. CXns‚ A¿∞w kabw ^e-{]-Z-ambn D]-tbm-Kn-°pI F∂-Xm-Wv. ssSw amt\Pvsa‚v ¢m v tI´n-cp-∂n´v Imcy-an-√. kzbw ap≥K-W-\-Iƒ Xocpam-\n-°p-I.

F∂pw DW-cp-∂-Xn-t\-°mƒ Hcp aWn-°q¿ apºv Aemdw sh®v DW-cp-I. aSn amdp-∂-Xn-\p≈ Ffp-∏-hgn F¥m-sWt∂m? InS-°-bn¬ InS∂v ]e {]mhiyw thK-Øn¬ Zo¿L-izmkw sNøpI. tImi-ß-fn-te°v DW¿∆v HmSn-sb-Øp-∂Xv A\p-`-hn-®p-sIm≠v Fgp-t∂-‰n-cp∂v A¬]kabw Cu Znhkw kΩm-\n® ssZh-Øn\v \µn ]d-bpI. ]n∂oSv hymbm-atam \S-t∏m tbmKtbm Hs° sNømw. cmhnse Xs∂ NS-™p-Iq-Sn-bn-cp∂v aWn-°q¿ IW-°n\v ]{Xw ImWmsX ]Tn-t°≠ Bh-iy-an-√. Nm\¬ hm¿Ø-I-fn¬ tI´ Imcy-߃ H∂p-IqSn hmbn®p ckn-°p-∂Xv at\m-Zu¿_-ey-am-Wv. FUn-t‰m-dn-b-¬ hnSmsX hmbn-°p-I. `£Ww: `£Ww Ign-°-emWv ]c-a-{]-[m\w F∂ ImgvN∏mSv am‰p-I. hen-®p-hmcn Xn∂p-Ibpw IpSn-°p-Ibpw sNøp-∂Xv Xm¶-fpsS icoc`wKnsb am{X-a√ Btcm-Ky-sØbpw \in-∏n-°pw. Ct∏m-gsØ tcmK-an-√m-bva-bn¬ Al-¶-cn-t°-≠-Xn-√. AanX `£Ww Ign-°p∂ t`mKn tcmKn-bm-Ip-hm≥ A[nI Ime-sa-Sp°p-I-bn-√. cpNn-bp≈ ho´p-`-£Ww anX-ambn Ign-°p-I. tlm´¬ `£Ww bmsXmcp \nhr-Øn-bp-an-s√-¶n¬ am{Xw Ign-°p-I. hrØnbn-√mØ cmk-hnj `£-W-am-W-Xv, GXp Ãmdn-ep-≈-Xm-sW-¶nepw `£Ww Ign-°m≥ th≠n-am-{X-amWv \mw Pohn-°p-∂-sX-∂p≈ BtLmj Nn¥-bn¬ \n∂pw amdn-\n-∂m¬ a°fpw anSp-°-cm-Ipw. _p≤n-]-c-amb Imcy-߃°v ap≥K-W\ sImSp-°p∂ Krlm-¥co£w D≠m-Ipw. hymbmaw: Ah-K-Wn-°-cp-Xv. Znh-khpw \S-°-Ww. Cfw-Im‰v 91

izkn®v AXn-th-K-Øn¬ ssIhoin \S-°p-∂Xv F√m-tIm-i-ßfnepw HmIvkn-P≥ \nd-®p-X-cp-sa∂p am{X-a√ tlm¿tam-Wp-Ifpw F≥ssk-ap-Ifpw \yqtdm-{Sm≥kvan-t‰gvkpw NSp-e-am-IpIbpw hm¿[-Iy-Øn-t\bpw am\-knI DW¿∆n-√m-bva-tbbpw AI-‰p-Ibpw sNøpw. H‰bv°v \S-°-Ww. a\- ns‚ Nn¥-Isf sI´-gn®v hn´pt\m-°q. ]pXnb hnkva-bn-∏n-°p∂ Hcp-]mSp Imcy-߃ Hm¿sØSp-°p-hm\pw ]pXnb Xocp-am-\-ß-sf-Sp-°p-hm\pw {]`m-X-\-S∏v klm-bn-°pw. \S∏p \mf-tØ°p am‰-≠. C∂p-Xs∂ XpS-ßq. \n߃ anSp-°-\m-Ip-IbmWv... Htc {U v [cn- ® p- s Im≠v ]ip- s Øm- gp- Ø n¬ tIkv A‰≥Up sNøp-∂Xpw Hm^o-kn¬ t]mIp-∂Xpw hnhm-l-Øn¬ ]s¶-Sp-°p-∂Xpw tIm¨^-d≥-kn\v t]mIp-∂Xpw _‘p-Krl kµ¿i\w \S-Øp-∂Xpw tÃPn¬ Ibdn {]kw-Kn-°p-∂Xpw Xosc icn- b - s √∂p Xncn- ® - d n- b p- I . ImWp- ∂ - h ¿°pw IpSpw- _ mw- K ߃°pw aXn∏p tXm∂p-∂-hn-[-Øn¬ hkv{X-[m-c-W-Øn¬ {i≤n°p-I-X-s∂-th-Ww. Htc sNcp∏v F√m-bn-Shpw D]-tbm-Kn-°-cp-Xv. arKm-ip-]-{Xn-bnse sNcp∏v Ahn-sS-Øs∂ sht®°pI. ]pdtØ°pw ho´n-te°pw as‰m-∂mWv DNn-Xw. Ft∏mgpw {^jv Bbncn-°p∂ Bfns\ F√m-hcpw CjvS-s∏-Spw. CXn\v H‰ hgn-sb-bp≈q. hrØn Hcp ioe-am-°p-I. Bfl-hn-izmkw: Fhn-sSbpw ap∂n¬ \n¬°m-\p≈ A¤pX-h-c-Zm\w F¥mWv ? Bfl-hn-izm-kw, AXt√ F√mw? t]mkn‰ohv Du¿÷w {]k-cn-∏n-°p-∂-h-cm-I-W-sa∂ t_m[-]q¿∆-amb Hcp-°-amWv Bflhn-izmkw ]I¿∂p-X-cp-∂-Xv. Bfl-hn-izm-kØns‚ A¿∞w \mW-an-√msX Fhn-sSbpw Ib-dn-\n∂v F¥pw ]d-bp-Ibpw GXp {]h¿Øn-bnepw IS-∂p-I-bdn Ae-ºm-°pIbpw ""AºS Rmt\!'' F∂v `mhn-°p-Ibpw ""Rm≥, Rm≥ am{Xw!'' F∂v Icp-Xp∂ kzm¿∞-Xbp-a-√. s{]m^-j-W¬ hn⁄m\w sh‰n\v AXym-h-iy-am-Wv. CXv sa®-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂-Xn-\p≈ Ah-kc-ß-fmWv s{Sbn-\n-ßp-Ifpw ]T-\-bm-{X-I-fpw. Un∏m¿´vsa‚v G¿s∏- S p- Ø p∂ F√m s{Sbn- \ n- ß p- I ƒ°pw BZyw t]cv sImSpØp ]s¶-Sp-°p∂ Bfmbn amdq. \nß-fpsS Ignhpw ImgvN-∏mSpw Bibhn\n-abtijnbpw hnI-kz-c-am-Ip-∂Xv A\p`-hn-®-dn-bm≥ Ign-bpw. \mep Znh-ksØ {]mIvSokv \jvSw Hgnhm-°p-hm≥ s{Sbn-\n-Mn¬ ]s¶-Sp-°msX Hgn-™p-am-dp-∂Xv anSp°ns‚ e£-W-a-√. anSp-°-\m-Im≥ In´p∂ kph¿Wm-h-k-c߃°p t\sc IÆ-S-bv°-em-Wv. tIc-f-Øn\v ]pdsØ ]cn-ioe- \ - ß ƒ cmPysØ {]oanbw ÿm]- \ - ß - f n- e p- ≈ - h - c p- a mbn kulrZw ÿm]n-°p-∂-Xn-\p≈ anI® Ah-kcw IqSn-bm-Wv. Bfl-hn-izmkw B¿Pn-s®-Sp-°p∂ Hcp Ign-hm-Wv. kt¶m-N-an√m- b v a - b √ CXv F∂v a\- n- e m- ° p- I . kmaq- l y- { ]- X n- _ - ≤ X D≈n¬ \n∂p-W-cp-∂Xv Adn-bp-I. ]p©ncn: \n߃ ]p©n-cn-°p∂ apJ-Øn\v DS-a-bm-Ip-I. ambmØ ]p©n-cn-bp-ambn \n¬°p∂ \nß-sf-t\m°n temIw ]p©n-cn-°pw. F√m-hcpw kvt\ln-°p-Ibpw CjvS-s∏-Sp-Ibpw sNøp-hm-\p≈ Ffp-∏-hgn ]p©ncn ]cn-io-en-°pI F∂-Xm-Wv. ]ip-hn-s\bpw t]mØn-s\bpw NnIn¬kn-°p∂ Bƒ t]mØns\ t]mse apJw ]nSnt°≠ Bh-iy-an-√. hnS¿∂p Nncn-°q. apJIm¥n am{X-a√ Btcm-Kyhpw BI¿j-I-Xzhpw h¿≤n-∏n-°p-Ibpw sNøp-I. Adnhv: Adn-hn\v A¥-an√ F∂-dn-bp-I. ]pXp-hn-⁄m\ hnImk-߃ Adn-b-Ww. tImtf-Pn¬ ]Tn® _p°p-Iƒ CSbv°p d^¿ sNøp-∂Xpw tIcf I¿j-I\pw I¿j-I-{iobpw I¿j-I\pw lcnX`qanbpw ]ip- [ \pw ]{X- ß - f nse Im¿jnI t]Ppw C‚¿s\‰pw F√mw \ΩpsS Adn-hns‚ Xnf°w h¿≤n-∏n-°pIbpw, \ΩpsS A`n-{]m-b-߃°pw kw`m-j-W-߃°pw {]`mj-W-߃°pw ¢m p-Iƒ°pw kl-{]-h¿Ø-Icpw kaqlhpw 92

ImtXm¿Øn-cn-°p∂ sken-{_n‰n seh-en-te°v \mw Db-cp-Ibpw sNøpw. Zriy-˛-{im-hy-˛-]{X am[y-a-߃ Hmtcm kµ¿`-Ønepw \nßfpsS A`n-{]m-b-a-dn-bphm≥ BZ-c-thmsS kao-]n-°p-∂Xv \√ Imcyam-sW∂v Xncn-®-dn-™v, Adnhv Bkz-Zn-°p-I. hm°p-Iƒ: Xq°n-t\m°n {]tbm-Kn-°p-I. ]d-™p-t]m-Ip∂ hm°p-Iƒ Xncn-s®-Sp-°m≥ Ign-bn-s√∂v Adn-™p-thWw ]d-bphm≥. taep-tZym-Kÿ - t- cmSpw ]©m-bØp {]kn-U‚n-t\mSpw I¿jI-t\mSpw IpSpw-_mw-Kß - t- fmSpw Htc `mj D]-tbm-Kn-°p-tºm-gmWv \nß-fpsS hne-bn-Sn-bp-∂Xpw A]-am-\n-X-\m-Ip-∂Xpw. BtcmSpw Ib¿Øp kwkm-cn-t°-≠X - n-√. tIm¨^-d≥kn¬ taep-tZym-Kÿ - tcmSv Ib¿Øp X¿°n-°p∂ coXn-Iƒ Hgn-hm-°W - w. A`n-{]m-bhy-Xym-kß - ƒ kuay-ambn Nq≠n-°m-Wn-°p-Itbm an≠msX Ah-KWn-®p-I-f-bp-Itbm sNøp-∂-XmWv Ipeo-\-X-bpsS e£-Ww. Ne]nem Nne®p kwkm-cn-°p∂ hnUvVnsb ho´p-Imcpw kaq-lhpw taep-tZym-Kÿ - cpw hne-sh-°n√ F∂p a\- n-em-°p-I. hmb\: {]mIvSokpw _‘-ßfpw am{X-a√ temIw. AXn-\∏pdw A£-c-temIw Fs∂m-∂p-≠v. k¿§m-fl-I-X-bpsS hnØp apf-bv°p-hm≥ A\p-hZ- n-°p-I. {]kn-≤a- mb Hcp ]pkvXIw Hmtcm amkhpw hmbn-°p-I. tUm. h¿§okv Ipcys‚ ""F\n°pw Hcp kz]v\-ap-≠m-bn-cp∂p'' F∂ Bfl-I-Y-bn¬ XpS-ßq. ""kzc-t`-Z߃'' F∂ U∫nMv B¿´nÃv `mKy-e-£van-bpsS ]pkvXIw c≠maXp hmbn°pI. \n߃ hmb-\-bpsS alm-\-Zn-bn-te°v Dufn-bn´n-d-ßp-Ibpw \nß-fpsS hm°n\pw ho£-W-Øn\pw BI¿j-WobX hcp-Øp∂ Hcp]mSv ]hn-g-ßfpw cXv\-ßfpw CXn¬\n∂v hmcn-sb-Sp-°p-Ibpw sNøp-I. ITn-\m-≤zm\w: \ap-s°√mw kºØpw kzØpw {]i-kvXnbpw AwKo-Im-chpw Bh-iy-am-Wv. CsX-ßs\ e`n°pw? ITn-\m-≤zm\-Øn-eqsS am{Xw. \Ωƒ A[nIw t]cpw ITn-\m-≤zm\w sNøm≥ a\- p-≈-h-c-√. Npfp-hn¬ Imcyw t\S-Ww. HmSm≥ hø. HmSp-∂Xp-t]mse A`n-\-bn®p Npfp-hn¬ Imcyw t\S-Ww. ITn-\m-≤zm\w sNøp-∂-h¿°p am{Xta ]Whpw {]i-kvXnbpw thW-sa∂v B{Kln-°p-hm≥ A¿l-X-bp-≈q. A√msX In´p-∂Xv C√m-Xm-hm≥ A[n- I - I mew th≠... Hcp a\p- j y\v Pohn- ° m≥ tImSn- I ƒ th≠. a\- -am-[m-\hpw kt¥m-jhpw ITn-\m-≤zm\w sNøm-\p≈ a\ pw am{XwaXn. \ap°v Hmtcm-cp-Ø¿°pw hy‡n-Xzhpw i‡nbpap≠v. AXv D±o-]n-∏n-®m¬ B¿°pw \Ωsf ]cm-P-b-s∏-SpØpI km≤y-a-√. Xmc-]-cn-thjw: sh‰vkn\v CXv FhnsS e`n-°p-hm≥? km[yam-Wv. Bflm¿∞-Xbpw ITn-\m-≤zm-\hpw ]ns∂ s{]m^-j-t\mSp≈ {]W-b-hpw ka¿∏-Whpw kl-\hpw £abpw Adnhpw hmb-\bpw Xnf-ßp∂ hm°p-Ifpw ip`-Nn-¥bpw Ds≠-¶n¬ F√mhcpw _lp-am-\n-°p-Ibpw kvt\ln-°p-Ibpw Bcm-[-\-tbmsS AwKo-I-cn-°p-Ibpw sNøp∂ s{]m^-j-\nse Xmc-am-Im≥ {]bmk-an-√. sSen-hn-j-\nepw tdUn-tbm-bnepw tIc-f-Ønse s]mXp ]cn-]m-Sn-I-fnepw Kuc-h-ta-dnb skan-\m-dp-I-fnepw ]s¶-SpØv Xmcam-Ip-I. ""{ian®p t\m°pw Rm≥...Cu \nanjw apX¬...'' D≈n¬ ]d™v Dd-s°-ho≠pw hmbn-°p-I. (te-J-I≥ C≥Uy≥ C≥Ãn-‰yq´v Hm^v amt\-Pvsa‚v, C≥Ãn‰yq´v Hm^v amt\-Pvsa‚v C≥ Kh¨sa‚v F∂o c≠p ÿm]\-ßfnse hnkn-‰nMv ^m°¬´n-bm-Wv. kwÿm\ k¿°m-cns‚ I¿jI an{X Ahm¿Uv, kZvtkhm ]pc-kv°mcw F∂nh e`n-®n-´p-≠v. Ct±lw Fgp-Xn-s°m-≠n-cn-°p∂ ""sh‰dn-\-dn-tUm-IvS¿, Xm¶ƒ°v Xnf- ß t≠?'' F∂ ]pkvX- I - Ø nse ""thWw sh‰- d n- \ dn tUmIvS¿°pw Pohn-Xh - nPbw'' F∂ A≤ym-bØ - nse Hcp `mK-amWo teJ-\w)

tUm. ]n.-B¿. hnt\mZvIpam¿ sh‰dn\dn k¿P≥, Pn√m arK-kw-c-£W tI{µw, tImgnt°mSv


\I NnIn¬k PohnX{hX-ambn A\p-jvTn-°p∂ Rm≥, HutZym-KnI Pohn-X-Ønse B Znh-ksØ Hm¿Øv C∂pw A¤pX-s∏-Sm-dp-≠v. 2004 G{]n¬ amk-Ønse Hcp _p[-\m-gvN. sIm®n]- ´ - W - Ø n¬ "A\¥- ] pcn k©cn- ° p∂ arKm- i p- ] - { Xn- ' bpsS {][m\ ip\I `nj-Kz-c-\mb Rm≥ ]Xn-hp-t]mse D®-Øn¬ i_vZn-°p∂ samss_¬ t^mWp-If- psS tcmZ\w tI´p-sIm≠mWv Dd°sagp-t∂-‰Xv. hoSp-I-fn¬ hf¿Øp∂ izm\≥am-cpsS BXpcX hnh-cn-°p-hm\pw ho´n¬ h∂v ]cn-tim-[n-°p-hm\pw DXvIWvT-tbmsS hnfn-°p-I-bm-W-h¿. ]Xn-hp-t]mse Rm≥ Dd-°-sagp-t∂¬°p-∂-Xn\p apºp-Xs∂ ]e hnfn-Ifpw, ÿm]-\-Øns‚ FwUnbmb Fs‚ `mcy kwkm-cn®v ta¬hn-em-khpw t^m¨ \ºcpw Ipdn-®p-h-®n-cp-∂p. GXm≠v 8.30- HmsS ss{Uh¿ FØn. B Znhkw XpS-ßp-hm≥ Fs‚ hml\w Xøm-dm-bn. Hcp amcpXn Hmw\n hml-\-amWv Rß-fpsS Bw_p-e≥kv. XØ, ssa\, ]´n, ]q® apX-emb Hma-\-ar-K-ß-fpsS h¿Æ-Ombm-Nn-{X-ß-fm¬ Aew-Ir-X-amWv Cu hml-\w. apI-fn¬ Id-ßp∂ \oe _o°¨ sse‰v IqSmsX ImX-S-∏n-°p∂ i_vZ-ap-≠m-°p∂ sskd-Wpw. hi-ß-fn¬ "k©-cn-°p∂ arKm-ip-]-{Xn-˛-Bw-_pe≥kv ' F∂v Bte-J\w sNbvXn-´p-ap-≠v. kl-[¿ΩnWn X∂ I´≥Im-∏nbpw IpSn®p Rm≥ {]bmWw XpS-ßn. I£n-Iƒ hnfn® -{I-a-Øn¬ Hmtcm \º-dn-te°pw Xncn-®p-hn-fn®p Rm≥ Fs‚ hchv Adnbn®psImt≠-bn-cp-∂p. D®-bv°p-apºv Bdp-ho-Sp-I-fn¬ FtØ-≠-Xp≠v. AXp-sIm≠v kabw H´pw If-bm-\n-√. D®-bv°pap-ºp≈ tPmen-Iƒ Xo¿Ø-t∏mƒ c≠p-a-Wn-bm-bn. hni-∂p-I-

Øp∂ hb-dp-ambn Hcp tlm´-en¬ Ibdn `£Ww Ign-s®-∂p-hcpØn {]bmWw ]ns∂bpw XpS¿∂p. GXm≠v \mep-a-Wn-bmbn ImWpw˛Fs‚ kplrØv tUm. cmtPjv {^m≥knkv tXmakv Fs∂ t^mWn¬ hnfn®v Fhn-sSbm-sW∂v Xnc-°n. Rm\mkabw sslt°m-SXn ]cn-k-cØv Hcp ho´n-em-bn-cp-∂p. At±lat∏mƒ hmg-°me Ako n hnZym-\n-tIX≥ hnZym-e-b-Øn-em-sW-∂mWv ]d-™-Xv. Hcp IpXn-cbv°v hbdp-th-Z-\-bmWt{X. AhnsS NnIn¬km¿∞w h∂n-cn-°p-I-bmWv tUm. cmtP-jv. Cu hnZym-ebw F\n°v \∂mbn Adn-bmw. Fs‚ `mcy ap≥]-hnsS A≤ym-]n-I-bm-bncp∂p. {InkvXy≥ anj\-dn-bpsS ta¬t\m-´-Øn-emWv hnZym-ebw {]h¿Øn-°p-∂Xv. Db¿∂ \nehmcw ]pe¿Øp∂ hnZym-eb-hp-amWv. Rß-fpsS kw`m-jWw Gsd t\cw \o≠p-\n-∂n-√. ""hnt\mZv Fhn-sS-bmWv? ASp-sØ-hn-sSsb-¶nepw?'' ""cmtP-jv, sslt°m-S-Xn-bpsS ]nd-In-ep≈ Hcp ho´n-emWv Rm\n-t∏mƒ'' ""hnt\m-Zv, Rm\n-t∏mƒ hmg-°me Ako n kvIqfn-em-Wv. Hcp IpXn-cbv°v tImfn-°v. InS-∂p-cp-fp-I-bmWv.'' ""Ft∏m-gmWv XpS-ßn-bXv ?'' ""D®-bv°mWv F∂mWv ]d-™-Xv. h¿Kok®≥ IqsS-bp≠v '' hnZym-e-Øns‚ Ub-d-IvS-dmWv h¿Ko-k-®≥. ""cmtP-jv, F\n-s°mcp A¿P‚v lukvtImƒ IqSn-bp-≠v. t\m¿Øn-em-Wv. AXpw- I-gn™v Rm≥ Atßm-´p-h-cmw.'' 93

""F¥m-bmepw hc-Ww. Fs‚ ssIIƒ iq\y-am-Wv. Pbnwkv AÆ-\p-ap-≠v. Bw_p-e≥kv Ct√?'' ""D≠v cmtP-jv. F√m kwhn-[m-\-ß-fp-ap≠v '' Rß-fpsS Hcp apXn¿∂ kl-{]-h¿Ø-I-\mWv Pbnwkv AÆ≥ F∂v R߃ kvt\l-]q¿∆w hnfn-°p∂ tUm. Pbnwkv. Hcp \√ a\p-jy\pw klr-Z-b\pw \s√mcp Kmb-I-\p-amWv tUm. Pbnwkv F∂ Pbnwkv AÆ≥. Fs‚ Bw_p- e ≥kn- e m- s W¶n¬ Hcmip-]-{Xnbv°v th≠ an°-hmdpw F√m -k-÷o-I-c-W-ß-fpap≠v˛a-cp-∂p-Ifpw D]I-c-W-ßfpw Dƒs∏-sS.t\m¿Øn-ep≈ ho´n¬\n∂pw Cd-ßptºmƒ kabw 5 aWn. tdmUn¬ k¿∆{X {Sm^n°v tªm°v . ]ns∂sbmcp ac-W-∏m®n-em-bncp∂p. _o°¨ sse‰v {]h¿Øn-∏n®v D®-Ønep≈ sskdWpw apg°n Nm™pw Ncn™pw sh´nbpw sh´n®pw "tdmßv sskUv ' HmSnbpw \Kc-lr-Z-b-Øn-eqsS Fs‚ Bw_p- e ≥kv tcmKn-bmb IpXn-c-In-S-°p∂ Ako n hnZym-ebw e£y-am°n IpXn-®p. hml-\-ßsf \nb-{¥n-°p-hm≥ ]mSp-s]-Sp∂ t]meokp-Im¿ Bw_p-e≥kn\v ]mXsbmcp°n-Ø-∂p. CXp-I≠ Nne \m´p-Im¿ aq°Øv hnc¬h-®p. ""F¥v ? arKm-ip-]{Xn Bw_pe≥kn\pw Fa¿P≥kntbm?'' GXm-≠v 20 an\n-´p-sIm≠v Rm≥ hnZym-e-b-Øn-se-Øn. AhnsS tUm. Pbnw-kv, tUm. cmtP-jv, h¿Kok-®≥, as‰m-c®≥ F∂nh¿ D≠m-bn-cp-∂p. R߃ IpXn-c-bpsS ASp-sØ-Øp-tºmƒ AXv ssIIm-en-´-Sn®v aÆn¬ InS∂v Dcp-fpI- b m- b n- c p- ∂ p. GXm≠v c≠p- h - b - p≈ Hcp s]¨Ip- X n- c . aÆn¬\n∂pw s]mSn-]-S-e-߃ A¥-co-£-Øn¬ Db¿∂v IpXncsb \∂mbn ImWm≥ km[n-°m-sX-bm-bn-cn-°p-∂p. \∂mbn ImWmsX CXn-\n-S-bn-te°v Ib-dn-s®-∂m¬ IpXn-c-bpsS sXmgn Fhn-Sp-∂mWv hcp-∂Xv F∂v Adn-bm≥ Ign-bn-√. B Ah-ÿbn¬ Hcp sXmgn- In-´n-bm¬ Rßsf sIm≠p-t]m-Im≥ thsd Bw_p-e≥kv hnfn-t°-≠n-h-cpw. IpXn-c-bpsS Imep-Iƒ i‡nbmbn Fhn-sS-sbm-s°tbm ASn-°p-∂-Xns‚ `oI-c-i-_vZhpw tIƒ°mw. CSbv°v im¥-\mbn IpXnc Fgp-t∂-‰p-\n¬°pw. ]ns∂ i‡n-bmbn kz¥-w h-b-dn¬ ]n≥Im-ep-IƒsIm≠v sXmgn®v, ap≥Im-ep-Iƒ i‡n-bmbn Xd-bn¬ Db¿Øn-b-Sn®v InS-∂p-cpfpw. Dcp-fp-tºmƒ Imep-Iƒ Ae-£y-ambn hoin-sb-dn-bp-∂p-ap-≠v. AXn-`o-I-c-amb Cu Zriy-߃ Rm≥ BZy-am-bmWv ImWp-∂Xv. Rm\pw cmtPjpw \nk-lm-b-cmbn apJ-tØmSp apJw t\m°n. acp∂pw as‰√m km[\-ßfpw ssIbn-ep≠v. DSs\ Hcp thZ\ kwlmcn- Ip-Øn-h-bv°-Ww. Fßs\? ]q®-bv°mcv aWn-sI´pw? R߃°v c≠p-t]¿°pw Poh-\n¬ 94

sImXn-bp-≠v. F¥m-bmepw "ssUssk-t¢m-an≥', "A\m¬Pn≥' F∂o c≠v acp-∂p-Iƒ Rm≥ c≠v kndn-©p-I-fn¬ \nd®v Hcp Poh∑c-W t]m-cm-´-Øn\v Xøm-sd-Sp-Øp. Cu k-abw Pbnwkv AÆs‚ t^mWn¬ Hcp tImƒh-∂p. `mKy-Ønt\m \n¿`m-KyØnt\m Fs∂-\n-°-dn-bn-√. C∏w hcmw, C∏w hcmw'' F∂m-tcmtSm At±lw ]d-bp-∂Xv Rm≥ tI´p (AXv Hcp tImƒ Xs∂-bm-bn-

cpt∂m Fs∂-\n°v Adn-bn-√). ho´n¬ AXym-h-iy-ambn t]mIm\ps≠∂v At±lw ]d-™p. At±lw apßp-I-bm-sW∂v F\n°v a\- n-em-bn. F¥m-bmepw DS≥Xs∂ At±lw t]mbn. (A-∂pt]mb Pbnwkv AÆs\ ]n∂o-sSm-cn-°epw Rm≥ I≠n-´n-√). C\n Ah-ti-jn-°p-∂Xv Rm\pw cmtPjpw A®≥amcpw am{Xw. Rß-fn¬ Bsc-¶nepw "dnkvIv ' FSp-Ømte IpXn-cbv°v IpØn-hbv]v sImSp-°p-hm≥ km[n-°q. kabw If-bm-\p-an-√. F¥pw-h-c-s´, ASn-In-´p-s∂-¶n¬ In´-s´, Nmhp-s∂-¶n¬ NmIs´ F∂v [oc-ambn a\-kn¬ Dd-∏n-®v, Cuiz-cs\ a\-kn¬ [ym\n®v c≠pw I¬∏n®v IpXnc Fgp-t∂‰p \n∂-t∏mƒ s]mSn-]-S-e-߃°nS-bn-eqsS IpXn-c-bpsS ASpØv sN∂v s\©Øv (BRISKET) c≠p IpØn-h-bv]p-Ifpw FSp-Øv, izmk-a-S-°n-∏n-Sn®v \n∂ tUm. cmtPjn-s‚bpw A®≥am-cp-sSbpw ASpØv XncnsI HmSn-sb-Øn. ho≠pw IpXnc Xd-bn¬ InS∂v Dcp-≠p. GXm≠v 15 an\n‰v Ign™v acp∂v ^en-®-t∏mƒ IpXnc ]ns∂ hb-dn¬ Nhn-´n-bp-an√ Dcp-≠n´p-an-√. ]t£, CXv Xm¬°m-enIw am{X-am-Wv. Fs¥-¶nepw sNøm\m-sW-¶n¬ Ct∏mƒ sNø-Ww. acp-∂ns‚ {]h¿Ø\w Ign™m¬ ho≠pw ]gb]Sn-bm-Ipw. cmtPjv ssIøp-d-bn-´p. ae-Zzm-c-Øn¬IqSn ssIøn´v ]cn-tim[n-®p. h≥Ip-S-en¬ I´n-tb-dnb Fs¥m-s°tbm hkvXp-°ƒ Dcp≠v IqSn InS-°p-∂-Xmbn ]d-™p. Rm\pw ssIøn´v ÿncoI-cn-®p. ]md-°-√p-I-fm-sW∂v tXm∂p-∂p. A®≥am-tcmSv Imcyw-

]-d™p. ikv{X-{In-b-b-√msX as‰mcp t]mwh-gn-bp-an-√. h¿Ko-k®≥ kΩ-Xn-®p. Rm≥ Fs‚ ÿncw Zriy- a m- [ y- a - ß - f mb "C≥Uym- h n- j ≥' "Poh≥ Snhn' F∂n-hsc hnh-c-a-dn-bn-®p. k¿∆-k-∂m-l-ß-fp-ambn Ah¿ c≠p Iq´cpw h∂p. GXm≠v 7 aWn-tbmsS "P\-d¬ A\kvtXjy'-bn¬ IpXn-c-bpsS hb¿ Xpd-∂p. izm\≥am-cpsS temeamb hb¿ am{Xw Xpd∂p ioe-ap≈ R߃°v AsXmcp ]pXnb A\p-`-h-am-bn-cp-∂p. GXm≠v aq∂n©v I\-ap≈ I´n-tb-dnb amwk]m-fn-Iƒ Hcp-]mSv Iodnbpw apdn®pw IjvS-s∏-´mWv R߃ hb¿ Xpd-∂-Xv. ssIøn´v h≥Ip-S¬ ]pd-sØSpØp. "ko°w' F∂ `mK-Øm-bn-cp∂ ta¬]d™ A\y-h-kvXp-°ƒ. h≥Ip-S-en-\-IØv AXv Hcp ^pSvt_m-fns‚ hen-∏hpw BIr-Xnbpw ]q≠n-cp-∂p. h≥Ip-S¬ Iodn-t\m-°n-b-t∏mƒ 10-˛12 henb ]md-°-j-W-߃, d∫¿°-j-W-߃, Nm°p-I-j-W-߃, πmÃn-°p-\q¬ F∂n-hsb√mw Npcp-≠p-IqSn ]¥mbn amdn-b-Xmbn I≠p. H∂p-IqSn ho¿Øm¬ h≥Ip-S¬ s]m´n-t]m-Ip-am-bn-cp∂p F∂p tXm∂n. F¥m-bmepw F√mw FSp-Øp-am-‰n. h≥Ip-S¬ ip≤n-hc- pØn Xbv®v AI-Øn´v hb-dnse t]in-Iƒ Htcm-∂mbn Xbv®v Hcp-a-Wn-bm-bt∏mƒ ikv{X-{Inb Ah-km-\n-∏n-®p. Cu kaba{Xbpw Nm\-ep-Im¿ CXv ]I¿Øp∂p-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. cm{Xn Hcp-a-Wnbv°v £oWn®v Ah-i-\mb Fs‚ eLp-A-`n-apJhpw ]I¿Øn. ]pe-cpw-hsc Nm\-epIm¿ Dd-ßn-bn-´p-≠m-hn-√sb-∂mWv F\n°v tXm∂p-∂-Xv. lkvX-Zm\w sNbvXv Ah¿ t]mbn. {]Xn-^ew ]ns∂-aXn F∂v h¿Ko-k-®-t\mSv ]d™v Rßfpw Cdßn c≠p-h-gnbv°v ]ncn-™p. ]nt‰∂v cmhn-se-bmWv Ifn-am-dn-b-Xv. cmhn-esØ hm¿Ø-bn¬ Zriy-߃ klnXw Rß-fpsS "hoc-A-iz-i-kv{X-{Inb' Poh≥ Snhnbnepw C≥Uym-hn-j-\nepw kwt{]-jWw sNbvXp. H∏w c≠p-an-\nt´mfw \ofp∂ Fs‚ A`n-ap-J-hpw. kztZ-i-Øp-\n∂pw hntZ-iØp- \ n∂pw t^m¨tIm- f p- I - f psS IpsØm- gp- ° m- b n- c p- ∂ p. t^m¨tImƒ ImcWw tPmen sNøp-hm≥ km[n-°p-∂n-s√∂v h¿Ko- k - ® \pw hnfn- ® p- ] - d - ™ p. F√m- h ¿°pw IpXn- c - b psS hntijw Adn-b-Ww. hnZymebw Xpd-∂-t∏mƒ ]Xn-hn\p hn]-co-Xambn Hcp-]mSv A—-\-Ω-amcpw _‘p-°fpw h∂p IpXn-csb ImWm≥. hnZym-e-b-Øn¬ BƒIq-´-am-bn. IpXnc sFkn-bp-hn¬ BsW-∂mWv h¿Ko-k-®≥ F√m-h-tcmSpw ]d-™-Xv. F√m-hcpw Zqsc-\n∂p IpXn-csb I≠p. Nne¿ Iyma-d-bp-am-bmWv h∂-Xv. Akw-ªn-°p-apºv Ahn-sS-h∂ Ip´n-Isf h¿Ko-k-®≥ HmSn-®p. cmhnse Fs‚ Bw_p-e≥kv \K-ch - o-Yn-bn-eqsS t]mIp-tºmƒ Bfp-Iƒ A¤p-X-tØmsS t\m°p-∂Xpw ssINq≠n Fs¥ms°tbm hnfn-®p-]d- b - p-∂Xpw \n¿Øn-bn-´t- ∏mƒ h∂p IpXn-cb - psS

hntijw tNmZn-®Xpw F\n°v Hcn-°epw ad-°m≥ Ign-bn-√. cmhnse BZyw t]mbXv Ako- n-bnte-°mWv AhnsS sN∂-t∏mƒ 10-˛15 c£n-Xm-°fpw A≤ym-]-Icpw Fs∂ s]mXn-™p. F¥mWv IpXn-cbv°v kw`-hn-®Xv F∂v F√m-h¿°pw Adn-b-Ww. Fs∂ H‰bv°v In´n-b-t∏mƒ X\n CSs°m®n ssien-bn¬ A®≥ {]kvXmhn-®p. ""tUmIvt{S, Imcy-߃ \pΩsS ssIøo∂v t]mbo´m'' Nm\evImcv sskzcyw-X-c-Wn-√. C\n IpXn-c°v Fs¥-¶nepw ]‰ym... \mW-t°-SmWv ´m...'' CXp-tI´v Fs‚ Ds≈m∂p InSp-ßn. ]ns∂ ka-Nn-ØX hos≠-SpØv A®s\ kam-[m-\n-∏n-®p. IpXn-c°v "{Un∏pw' IpØn-h-bv]p-Ifpw te]-\-ßfpw \¬In. H∂pw Ign°m-sX-bn-cn-°m≥ hmb Nm°p-sIm≠p aqSn-s°-´n. F√m-Zn-hkhpw cmhn-sebpw D®bv°pw sshIn´pw Rm≥ hnZym-e-b-ØnseØn IpXn-csb ]cn-tim-[n®v IpØn-h-bv]p-Ifpw th≠ ip{iqj-Ifpw sImSp-Øp. Znh-k-Øn¬ c≠p-t\-c-sa-¶nepw Nm\-epIm¿, ]uc-{]-ap-J¿, kzIm-cy-hy-‡n-Iƒ F∂n-h¿ Fs∂bpw A®-s\bpw amdn-amdn hnfn®p hnti-j-߃ Bcm-™p-sIm-≠n-cp-∂p. F\n°pw A®\pw AXv A`n-am-\-Øn-s‚bpw hmin-bp-sSbpw {]iv\-ambn amdn. Hcp-Zn-hkw Hcp `£-W-im-e-bn¬ D®-bqWp Ign-®p-sIm-≠ncn-°p-tºmƒ ]Xn-hp-t]mse ]ecpw AS-°w-]-d-bp-∂Xv I≠p. Ahsc t\m°n aµ-l-kn-®p. Nne¿ Np‰pw-IqSn Aiz-hn-ti-j-߃ tNmZn-®p-Xp-S-ßn. AXn-\n-S-bn-eqsS Hcmƒ Hcp sIm®p-s]¨Ip´nsb X≈n-s°m-≠p-h-∂p. F∂n´v Fs‚ ap∂n¬ h®v Ip´n-tbmSp-]-d™p ""ImsW-So...-Im-Wv...-C-XmWm tUmIv{Sv '' ""tUmIvt{S...-tamfv Ako-koem ]Tn-°vtW, IpXn-csb Hm{]jw sNbvX tUmIvs{S ImW-Ww∂v ]d™v C∂tew hmin-]n-Sn-®n-cp∂v '' F¥m-bmepw Ip´n°dn-tb-≠n-bn-cp-∂Xv Hm∏-td-j≥ sNbvX-t∏mƒ IpXn-cbv°v thZ-\s- b-SptØm F∂m-bn-cp-∂p. \o≠ ]Xn-\mep ZnhksØ Atlm-cm{XbXv\ß - ƒ°p tijw IpXn-cb - psS Xø¬ FSpØp. hmbnse sI´-gn-®p. IpXnc km[m-cW `£Ww Ign-®p-Xp-Sßn. A®≥ F\n°v 25,000 cq]-bpsS sN°v X∂p. Rm\pw kt¥m-j-hm\m-bn. C∂pw Zpcq-l-ambn Ah-ti-jn-°p∂ Nne tNmZy-ß-fp-≠v. 1. Pbnwkv AÆ-s\ t^mWn¬ hnfn-®Xv BcmWv? 2. AsXmcp bYm¿∞ t^m¨ tImƒ Xs∂-bm-bn-cpt∂m? 3. AÆ≥ XnSp-°-s∏´v XSn-X-∏n-b-XmtWm? 4. kwKXn ]¥n-b-s√∂v AÆ\v XpS-°-Ønte a\- n-emtbm? 5. F¥m-bmepw PbnwkÆs‚ Xntcm-[-m-\hpw Ah-ti-jn® tNmZy-ßfpw a[p-cs- \m-ºc- ° - m-‰mbn Cu Aiz-ta[bmK-Øns‚ Hm¿ΩI-fn¬ C∂pw Ae-bS- n-°p-∂p.

Best Compliments from

Hyma Farm, Kaduthuruthy 95

Ai-co-cn-Iƒ tIƒ°Ww tUm. tPmPn B¬_¿´v sk{I-´-dn, sIhn-F-kv-F-kvF, Xncp-h-\-¥-]pcw


enb Hcp d_¿tXm´-Øn\p \Sp-hn-em-bmWv arKm-ip-]{Xn ÿnXn sNøp-∂-Xv. tXm´Øns‚ DSa CjvS-Zm\w \¬Inb ÿeam-Wv. Hcp arKm-ip-]{Xn \ne-hn¬ h∂m¬ {Kma-Ønse I¿jI¿°p-≠m-Ip∂ t\´hpw X\n°p Xs∂ GtXm Hcp sh‰-dn-\dn tUmIvSd- n¬ \n∂p e`n® tkh-\h - p-amImw CØ-cs- amcp DZy-aØ - n\p At±lsØ t{]cn-∏n-®-Xv. arKm-ip-]-{Xn-bn-te°p hcp∂ I¿jIcpw d_¿ sNØm≥ hcp∂ sXmgn-em-fn-Ifpw Bip-]-{Xn-bnse Poh-\-°mcpw am{X-amWv Cu {]tZ-isØ At¥-hm-kn-Iƒ. ]Xnhp t]msemcp kp{]-`m-Xw. Rm≥ Bip-]-{Xn-bn-se-Øn. \S-Xp-d∂ - n-´p-≠v. I¿j-I¿ Ipd®pt]¿ Fs‚ hchpw {]Xo-£n-®ncn-°p-∂p. Nm‰¬ ag-bp-≠m-bn-cp-∂X - n-\m¬ Rm≥ Fs‚ ss_°v Bip-]{XntImºu-≠n-\p-≈n¬ ag \\-bmsX ]m¿°p sNbvXp. sl¬a‰v Ducn-b-bp-S≥ BZy t^m¨ tImsf-Øn, ]Xnhp t]mse. ]t£, hnjbw ]Xn-hp-≈-Xm-bn-cp-∂n-√. Fs‚ ]n.‰n.Fkv. Bip-]-{Xn-bn-te°p hcp∂hgn A]-I-S-Øn¬s∏-´p. Bip]-{Xn-bn¬ AUvan‰p sNbvXn-cn-°p-∂p. hcm≥ Ign-bn-√. A‰‚¿ A]-ISw At\z-jn®p t]mbn-cn-°p-∂p. DS≥ ASpØ tImƒ h∂p. F¬.sF.bmWv. aI\p s]s´∂p kpJ-an-√m-Xm-bn. Bip]-{Xn-bn¬ \n∂mWp hnfn-°p-∂-Xv. hcm≥ Ign-bn√! 18 IymºpIƒ Hcp amk-Øn-\Iw \S-Ø-W-sa-∂mWv DØ-c-hv. AX-\p-kcn®v Iymºp-Iƒ ]©m-b-Øns‚ hnhn-[-bn-S-ß-fn-embn \S∂p hcnI-bm-Wv. {]tXyI kml-N-cy-Øn¬ At∂ Znhkw Iymºv \S-Øphm≥ Ign-bn-s√∂v skmssk‰n `mc-hm-ln-Isf hnfn-®-dnbn®p. IqSn \n¬°p∂ I¿j-I¿ GImwK \mSI \Ss\ ImWp∂ emL-h-tØmsS Fs∂ t\m°n. Rm≥ apdn Xpd∂v AIØv Ibdn. Hmtcm-cp-Ø¿°mbn acp∂pNo´v Ipdn®p \¬In. A‰Ãv sNøm\p≈ t]∏-dp-I-sf√mw H∏n´p \¬In. tijw ""aÆpØn Zmtk´s\'' a\- n¬ [ym\n®p sIm≠v ^m¿a-kn-bn-se-Øn. Hmtcm No´pw hmßn ""acp∂v '' s]mXn™p \¬In. C∏-d-™-sXm∂pw IY-bpsS `mK-a-√. {]tXy-I-X-bp-a-n√. tIc-f-Øn¬ tPmen sNøp∂ F√m sh‰-dn-\dn tUmIvS¿am-cp-sSbpw Zn\-Ncy am{Xw. C\n-bmWv IY. GI-tZiw HcpaWn-bmbn ImWpw. Xnc-s°mgn-™p. At∏mƒ Hcp hy‡n Bip-]{Xn aXn-en\p kao-]-saØn. F\n-°-bmsf ImWmw. kao-]sØ d_¿ ac-ß-fn¬ \n∂pw ]m¬ tiJ-cn-°p∂ Hcm-sfbpw F\n°p ImWmw. Ah¿ XΩn¬ \S∂ kw`m-jWw hfsc D®-Øn-embncp-∂p. ˛˛ "Sm, jmPn, F¥mSm ChnsS?'' Milk Collector At\z-jn-®p. ""NpΩm, tUmIvSsd H∂p ImWm≥ h∂Xm; ]ip-hn\p \√ kpJ-an-√. ]´n-s°mcp hnc-a-cp∂pw hmßWw.'' ˛˛""-]-ip-hn-s\¥p ]‰n?'' ""Xo‰-sb-Sp°p-∂n√.'' ""\osbmcp Imcyw sNøv. Hcp lnam-ebw s]mSnbpw ]´n-s°mcp 96

B‚n-]m-dhpw hmßn-s°m-Sv. tUmIvS-dn-hn-Sn-√. Hs≠¶n ss_°v ]pdØp It≠-s\.'' ""Afn-bm, \obn-sX-hn-Sp∂v ]Tn®v?...-C-sX-hnsS In´pw?'' ""saUn°¬ tÃmdn¬ t]mbn tIfv. tUmIvS¿°n-∏w Chn-S√ ]Wn. cmhnse h∂v Xpd-∂n-t´®v Iymsº∂pw ]d™v t]mIpw. sUbven Hmtcm skmssk-‰n-bpsS hmXp-°¬ Ccn-°p-∂Xv ImWmw'' tijw jmPn h≠n Xncn®v aS-ßn. B alm-\mb a\p-jy-t\mSv F\n°v hf-sc-b-[nIw _lp-am\w tXm∂n. Hcp kl-Po-hn-bpsS thZ\ X∂m-emIpw hn[w AI-‰m-\p≈ a\- v. F¬sF amcpw A‰‚¿amcpw ]n‰n-Fkv amcpw skmssk‰n sk{I-´-dn-amcpw an¬°v sSÃ-dp-amcpw Id-h-°mcpw \gvkp-amcpw am{Xw kº-∂-am-°n-bncp∂ sh‰-dn-\dn NnIn¬km taJ-e-bn-te°v Hcp d∫¿ an¬°v IfIv¿ IqSn Ime-L-´-Øns‚ Bhiyw Xncn-®-dn™v Imse-SpØv h®n-cn-°p-∂p. A`n-\-µ-\-߃! Ai-co-cn-Iƒ tIƒ°-Ww...-{]-h¿Øn-°-Ww...-]m-h-s∏´ I¿j-I¿°v Hcp ]©m-b-Øn¬ Hcp tUmIvS¿ am{Xw. Ahsc F∂pw Iymºv, hnI-k-\-Imcyw, h¿°nMv {Kq∏v, Bfl, I¿j-I Sq¿, {]Z¿i-\w, DZvLm-S-\w, Ah-tem-I-\w, B\na¬ ]¿t®kv, ]cnioe\w, AUojW¬ Nm¿Pv , skan\m¿. FUnkn]n, AkvImUv, sk≥kkv, tIm¨^d≥kv Fs∂ms° ]d™v sX°v hS°v HmSn-°-Ww. CXn-s\ms° tijw \mev Znhkw Bip]- { Xn- b n¬ Ccp- Ø n- b m¬ Xs∂ B¿sIhnssh, F¬Un]n, sF¬Un]n, Ip´\mSv, hnZ¿`, kp\man £oc-KwK Fs∂m-s°]-d™v ]Tn-∏n-°-Ww. Fcn-Xo-bn¬ FÆ Hgn-°m-\mbn ]©m-bØns‚ hI BSv, tImgn, Xmdm-hv, ]ip, InSm-hv, Imf, Fcp-a, S¿°n, apb¬ F∂n-ß-s\-bp≈ tNcp-h-Iƒ thsd. ^b-epIƒ°n-S-bn¬ tUmIvS-dpsS Xe I≠v Hcp I¿j-I≥ A_-≤-him¬ Bip-]-{Xn-bn¬ Ibdn h∂m¬ Øs∂, t]cv ]d™p Ignbp-tºm-tg°pw NnIn¬k FgpXn ssIbn¬ h®p sImSp-°pw. Aº-c∂p t]mIp∂ I¿j-I≥ ]n∂oSv B hgn hcn-√. F√mhcpw Zb-hmbn Hcp Imcyw a\- n-em-°-Ww. I¿j-Is‚ Poh-t\m]m-[n-bmb Hcp arK-Øn\v tcmKw hcp-tºmƒ Ah¿°v B{i-b-amIp∂ Bip-]-{Xnbpw tUmIvS-dp-amWv arKkw-c-£-W-h-Ip∏v F∂ alm-{]-ÿm-\-Øns‚ BWn-°-√v. C°mcyw a\- n-em-°msX tUmIvS¿amsc hnhn[ Imc-W-߃ ]d™v Bip-]-{Xn-bn¬ \n∂pw NnIn¬k \¬Ip-∂-Xn¬ \n∂pw AI-‰m-\p≈ {]h-WX h¿≤n-°p-∂p. Cu hnS-hn¬ hymP-∑m¿ Xg®p hf-cp-∂p. ASnÿm\w ad-∂p≈ {]hrØn k¿∆-\m-i-Ønt\ D]-I-cn-°q. aÆp-Øn-bn¬ Ct∏mg-pw _nhnFkvkn tImgvkv \S-°p-∂p≠v. e£-°-W-°n\p a\p-jy¿ C∂pw arK-ßsf hf¿Øn Pohn-°p∂p. Ah¿°mbn Cu {]ÿm\w \ne-\n¿Ø-Ww. ]q´n°-cp-Xv, πokv. Ai-co-cn-Iƒ tIƒ°Ww!


Full page Madhu Mandiram Farms


A\n¿h-N\ - o-ba- mb Htcm¿Ω tUm. Zo]p ^nen∏v amXyp sh‰-dn-\dn k¿P≥, sh‰-dn-\dnt]mfn-¢n-\nIv, sNß-∂q¿


cp sh‰-dn-\dn tUmIvSdpsS A\p-`-h-߃ ]e-t∏mgpw Xo£-W-am-b-Xm-sW∂v A\p-`-h-Øn-eqsS Adn-™-h-cm-Wt√m \msa-√m-hcpw. AØcw Hc-\p-`-h-Øn-eq-sS... h¿jw 2000. -`qan Ah-km-\n-°p-sa∂v Icp-Xnb h¿jw. Rm≥ ]Ø-\w-Xn´ Pn√-bnse \ncWw Unkv]≥k-dn-bn¬ tPmen t\m°p∂ Imew. 96-˛98 h¿jw a{Zmkv sh‰-dn-\dn tImtf-Pn¬ \n∂pw t\Sn-sb-SpØ k¿P-dn-bnse _ncp-Zm-\-¥-c-_n-cpZw ]n∂oSn- t ßm´v \mfn- X p- h sc k¬t]cp t\Sm≥ klm- b n- ® ncp- ∂ p. F∂m¬, h¿jw 2000-˛¬ Ct∏mƒ F\n°p Hm¿Ωn-s®-Sp-°m≥ Ign-bmØ GtXm Hcp Znhkw CS-h-∏mXn NX-®p-IpØn s]bvX B cm{Xn F\n°p ]n∂oSv kΩm-\n-®Xv Zpxkz]v\-ß-fpsS cmhpI-fm-bn-cp-∂p. D]-cn-]-T\w ]tcm-£-ambn hn\-bm-b-Xmbn tXm∂nt∏mb \nan-j-߃. `qan Ah-km-\n-®mepw Cs√-¶nepw Fs‚ Imcyw t]m°m-Wt√m F∂p Nn¥n-®p-t]mb \nan-j-߃...

IY-bpsS ]n∂m-ºp-dw... kw`hw \S-°p-∂-Xns‚ ]Øp Znh-kw-apºv sNß-∂q-cn-\SpØv ]cp-a-e-bn¬ Hcp I¿j-Is‚ ]ip-hn-\v, A∂v sNß∂q¿ FkvhnFkv Bbn-cp∂ tUm. ‰n.‰n. h¿Kokv kmdns‚ \n¿t±-i-{]-Imcw kntk-dn-b≥ sNbvXn-cp-∂p. AXv Hcp tSm¿j≥ tIkv Bbn-cp-∂p. Hm∏-td-j≥ F√mw `wKn-bmbpw t]mÃv Hm∏td-‰ohv ]ocn-bUv AXnepw `wKn-bmbpw Ign-™p-t]m-bn. h¿§okv kmdns‚ \n¿t±-i-{]-Imcw ]Ømw-\mƒ kyq®¿ FSp-°m≥ Rm≥ t]mbn. Xp∂-ep-Iƒ F√mw FSpØv B ho´n¬\n∂pw Cd-ßptºm-tg°pw Ccp≠p IqSnb BIm-ihpw Xp≈n-Nmdn XpS-ßnb agbpw sNß-∂q¿°p≈ Ffp-∏-hgn tNmZn-°m≥ Fs∂ t{]cn∏n-®p. hgn a\- n-em-°n, Fs‚ lotdmtlm≠ kvsπ≠dn¬ AhnsS-\n∂pw ag-t°m´v [cn®v Rm≥ Cd-ßn. A∂p-hsc k©-cn®n-´n-√mØ B hgn-bn-eqsS GXm≠v 1 ½ In.-ao. Zqcw ]n∂n-´t∏m-tg°pw ag AXn-i-‡-ambn. Ccp-´n\p I´n-Iq-Sn-h-cn-Ibpw sNbvXp. Fs‚ Zu¿`m-Ky-Øn\v ss_°v \n∂p-t]m-bn. F{X {ian-®n´pw Ãm¿´v BIp-∂n-√. Ip‰m-°qcncp-´v..., tImcns®mcnbp∂ ag... `qansb ]nf¿°p∂ CSn-an-∂-ep-Iƒ. c≠p-h-ihpw ]mS-hp-ambn hf™v ]pf™v t]mIp∂ tdmUv. kzXth hnj∏m-ºp-I-fpsS hnlm-c-cw-K-amb AhnsS F¥v sNø-W-sa∂v AdnbmsX \n∂p-t]mb \nan-j-߃...a\- n¬ `oXn Cc-®p-I-b-dn...-

h-≠n-N-hn´n Ipg-™-t∏mƒ Cdßn X≈m≥ Rm≥ Xocp-am-\n®p. ]t£ Ftßm-´v...? Fßpw Iqcn-cp-´v. Xp≈n tXmcmØ agbpw. `b-∂n-cp∂ an∂-ep-Iƒ ]n∂oSv F\n°v hgn-Im-´n-bm-bn. Hmtcm an∂-ep-Ifpw GXm\pw Nph-Sp-Iƒ shbv°m≥ klm-bn-®p. `mcap≈ Fs‚ ]n.-]n. _mKpw ag-t°m´v [cn®v \\™v Ipfn-®p≈ Ah-ÿbpw Fs‚ Nph-Sp-Iƒ ITn-\-X-c-am-°n. a\- nse `oXn ]d-™-dn-bn-°m≥ ]‰m-Ø-Xpw. Aßs\ Rm≥ GXm≠v 1 In.-ao. ss_°v X≈n Hcp hf-sh-Øn-b-t∏mƒ tdmUns‚ CSØv Hcp hoSn-\p-≈n¬ sagp-Ip-Xn-cn-bpsS Ac≠ shfn®w I≠p. IXIpw P\m-e-Ifpw ]q´n-bn-cp∂ hoSv. Hm¿°pI samss_¬ t^m¨ C√mØ Hcp Ime-L-´-Øn-em-bn-cp∂p CXv kw`-hn-®X.v Fs‚ At∏m-gsØ Htc Hcp B{Klw ho´n-te°v H∂v hnfn®v hnhcw Adn- b n- ° pI F∂- X m- b n- c p- ∂ p. Rm≥ hoSns‚ ap∂n- t e°v ss_°v X≈n-°-b-‰n. IX-In¬ X´n-hn-fn-®p. Hcp A\-°-hp-an√m- Ø - X n- \ m¬ P\m- e bv ° v AcnsI sN∂v Hcp DWßnb ]g¥pWn°jWw tNmZn-®p. ss_°ns‚ kv]m¿°v πKv H∂v XpS-®n´v ho≠pw Ãm¿´v sNøm≥ {ian°m\m-bn-cp∂p AXv. ]t£, Hcp adp-]-Snbpw In´n-bn-√. Rm≥ Fs‚ Zb-\o-bm-hÿ D≈n-ep≈-h-tcmSv Ic-™v]-d-™p. H∂p ho´nte°v hnfn-°mtam F∂v s\©ps]m´n tNmZn-®p. Hcp adp-]-Snbpw F\n°p In´n-bn-√. AhnsS XpS¿∂p\n∂-t∏mƒ Fs‚ `bw ]ns∂bpw Cc-´n-®p. Rm≥ Ic™v t]mb \nan-j-߃. Np‰pw an∂-en¬ ImWm-hp∂ ZqcØv as‰mcp hoSpan√. Rm≥ {`m¥-ambn ss_°ns‚ In°dn¬ Nhn-´n-s°m-t≠-bn-cp-∂p. `mKyw...-Htc Hcp \nanjw. ss_°v Ãm¿´m-bn...-Rm≥ kIe ssZh-tØbpw hnfn®v ^Ãv Knbdn¬ Xs∂ Hcphn[w ho´n-seØn...-B-]-Øn-√msX ho´-se-Øn-b-Xns‚ Bizm-kw.

Znh-k-߃°p-tijw... Rm≥ B I¿j-Is‚ ho´n¬ ho≠pw Ibdn, \S∂ hnh-c߃ hnh-cn-®p. At∏mƒ At±lw ]d-™Xv Hcp sR´-temsS C∂pw Rm≥ Hm¿°p-∂p. B ho´n¬ h¿j-ß-fmbn Bƒ Xma-kan√m t]mepw !!! At∏mƒ Rm≥ I≠ sagp-Ip-Xncn shfn-®w...Hcp IS-¶-Y-bmbn C∂pw B Znhkw Fs‚ a\- n¬ Xßn \n¬°p-∂p. Fs∂ Atem-k-c-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂p. 99

Dr. C. Gopakumar Veterinary Surgeon, RAHC Mallappally


journey down the memory lane takes me to the place in high range where I started my career as a veterinary doctor. I loved the place very much as the gentle breeze that swayed the way always brought the smell of spices and the sweat of working men and women . I remember, I felt like one of them and tried to earn an appropriate space within their hearts, working from dawn to dusk to cure sick animals. A day would begin for me by enjoying a zig-zag drive in my Enfield bike to my work place. At the hospital where I worked, I tried to cure all the animals with the magic of creta and kaolin without caring for what Arthur, Roberts or Merck would spell. I followed my farmers to their households not only to serve them at doorsteps but to earn additional money to meet the unending needs of a bachelor. At their households, I administered medicines to animals, whispered soothing words to their owners and sipping tasty high range tea which they served with abundant milk for their dear vet!. And on walking back to my vehicle through the slippery lanes, I would throw a secret glance to my pockets to count currency notes which the farmers have tucked into my pockets. And the day would end for me when I ride back to my staying place . When days rolled out thus, a day memorable came in my life too! On such a special day I was called to attend a dystocia of cow in an orphanage. These cows which seldom deliver themselves at least need the gentle touch of a vet to do so. The magic which the vet does inside the birth canal of a cow to save the mother and the calf is unknown to the world outside. In one such an effort to relieve a breech presentation in a cow at the orphanage, I noticed a five year old girl who sat in prayer among the nuns near the cattle shed. And this slender girl who looked like an angel was one among the


thirteen inmates of the asylum who were not privileged to have parents to go with during the Holy Christmas week and was left alone with no one to play with. As she expected a calf to play with her, she spent her daytime near the cattle shed by offering grass slits to the pregnant cow, and at times keeping her ears close to the belly of the cow and kissing and urging the calf to come out earlier to play with her. This picture of the angel brought a chill to my mind who was only a budding vet, who was not convinced much that the profession he practices has strong stakes on the lives of people around. My hands acted swiftly to correct the posture and presentation of the calf. The lessons of epidural injections, repelling, correcting and traction taught by Prof. Sudarsanan didn’t find any place in the intelligence of this young vet who believed only in his muscular power. The cow turned around and groaned in pain and the gentle breeze carried away the smell of my sweat too. The picture of this little angel who sat in prayer with lighted candles in front of the photo of Jesus Christ doubled the beats of my heart. The rosary beads within the palms of the nuns had swift movements. But the worst thing by then had happened, the umbilical cord of the calf had severed the calf struggled to breathe and breathed its last. Tears rolled out from the eyes of the little angel. The stories of those dearest ones called back earlier to his abode, narrated by the nuns could not console her. And at this point I realized for the first time how significant is my profession which touches the lives and hearts of people around! I kissed the feet of the little angel, the tears that rolled on to my head purified my soul and there I made my first honest prayer to give me the real wisdom to cure and care for the silent children of God. The church bells rang and a caring vet was reborn there.

Now, media goes to the Zoo..! Dr. Jacob Alexander Assistant Director (Veterinary) , Zoological Gardens, Dept. of Museums & Zoos, Thiruvananthapuram.


t was almost 5 O' clock in the evening when we noticed that “Raju” could not close his mouth! He was keeping his mouth wide open and shaking his head! It is not unusual that hippos keep their mouth wide open and yawn. Things were not that happy with Raju, the biggest and the oldest male hippo of Thiruvananthapuram Zoo, that day. Aswini and Karthick, two young reporters from two leading news papers were beside me taking every note of the happenings in the zoo. Their editor will spread all the dailies like playing cards on his big table every morning and ‘barbeque’ them if they had not got a good one in each ones assigned area. Aswini was keenly observing the German made Daninject JM model gun, its laser pointer and the accuracy at which I was darting the animals with the FMD vaccine from a distance. She was with me from afternoon watching with astonishment and admiration darting the Indian Bisons, African Cape Buffaloes and Nilgais with the vaccine. The frail little fair girl with good narrative capability was happy that she had something to pacify her boss. “Shooting down the killer virus at zoo” was her report - of course with a picture depicting us meddling with the gun. Karthick’s mind was racing. His boss needs some sensational punch in most news. He was always very clever to give a twist in most of the poor looking straight forward news. His head and eyes were in constant motion just like the new cameras installed to observe zoo animals and visitors! Not to mention that he was once heart broken when I revealed that I have traced out with the help of the camera system the informer in the zoo. It always occurred to me that unlike others these two reporters had a chemistry between them even though working in different competitive dailies. Hey doc! There is something wrong with that Hippo he said. Isn’t that Raju? He is keeping his mouth open for a long time. Yes.. he was true. My glance

from a distance itself revealed that he was writhing in pain and was bleeding from the upper jaw. Now this is big problem to tackle. Without loosing my cool I paraded the reporters out of the zoo as if nothing has happened. So now one problem is tackled! Oh my God!.. it was a tiring day and almost 6 O' clock. I had to tackle the real problem all alone. There was no time to loose. I immediately rang up the Zoo Superintendent and the Director and informed the situation. He immediately mustered up Raman, Rajesh, Deepu, Subash and two other security personnel for help and drove our buggy to the enclosure. Darkness had set in and as a rule none of our animal enclosures have electricity connection or lights. Its kept pitch dark inside the zoo at night for animals to sleep peacefully. It has been like this for the last 170 years - the oldest zoo now in India. With the help of the torches we managed to take Raju into the iron cage from the pool. The iron cage with thick vertical iron bars was not designed to be a “squeeze cage”. He can freely move and turn around with little difficulty. There are showers fitted on the roof. I ordered the showers open to full throttle to cool and distract him from the pain. For the next one hour we tried whatever we can to control the big animal but all was in vain. Etorphine, a highly potent narcotic is used to immobilize Nile hippopotamus. I haven’t tried one for hippos in my whole career and had not seen one in real life. Of course I have seen the details of it done by Dr. Dave Cooper my friend from South Africa once when his friend was taken away by a hippo and another one by Dr.Nigel Caulkette from Canada. My bookish knowledge said that it can be dangerous in our conditions due to many reasons. Their large size, limited vascular access, and dive reflex may present tremendous anaesthetic challenges. The risk involved


when done single handedly is very high. I wanted to see what the real problem was and then decide upon the treatment. Well my big boy doesn’t speak and it appeared that he had a fight with Santhosh - another male hippo and something happened to right tusk on the upper jaw. I wanted to play safe and do the correction without anaesthesia if possible in a big three tonne untamed male Nile hippo! The constantly growing tusks like canines are the major weapons of hippos. They wear away regularly by the friction of the tusk rubbing each other on a slanting fashion making it sharp as a dagger or much like the “Para” used to remove the husk of coconuts. The lower tusk of Raju was hitting on the roof of the upper jaw and injuring the gum. Raju was getting tired and myself all wet, slushy and slimy like a hippo calf! Just then the Superintendent- my source of moral support and custodian of the animal had an emergency call and went back in the buggy. The future looked bleak. Powered by prayer I started calling his name repeatedly and lovingly and put forth my small flimsy hand through the bars and began patting him right on his slimy face. Had he flickered his head even slightly my hand would have broken to several pieces. Miracle..Miracle..I could very well sense that he liked it. After ten minutes he somehow got the confidence that I have come down to help him out in this condition. What happened next was out of my wildest imaginations. Raju lied down in front of me with the mouth open and allowed me to put my hands

in his mouth and examine! I mustered all my braveness and lifted the upper lip on the right side..Yes.. the upper tusk was somehow maligned and twisted to cause the problem. Soon we gathered some bend iron rods and pincers and started pulling and twisting the tusk. When pain got unbearable Raju would get up, pace and then return to lie down at the same place. Likewise by about the tenth sitting we heard a crack. Hurray…! the tusk had cracked but not budging. I was getting tired on sitting on haunches and was looking no better than Raju, all wet and smeared in all filthy things. Suddenly to my astonishment Raju started doing his part. He started closing his mouth and started pressing on the cracked teeth with another with tremendous pressure. Rat-a-tat-a-tat..the teeth has completely cracked and bend but still not falling off. Now what to do? One of the helpers passed a small noose made of a piece of rope, which I could fix on the broken part from around the face. Rajesh beside me pulled in full strength. Shouts of joy followed. Raman immediately phoned the Superintendent, I informed the Director, who showered me and the team with praise. It was almost 8.30pm when we started back. Karthick called worriedly and wanted to know why I have not answered my mobile for so long. I just told him that I had a small work with the hippo. The thirsty, clever journalist sprang on me- bombarding with questions to end up to his boss satisfaction -exclusive news-”Now, hippo goes to the dentist!”

Best Compliments from

Chest and Allergy Clinic Ettumanoor


Ncn{Xw Ipdn®

"_m°v Sp aÆpØn' tUm. tPm¨ Ipcp-hnf Xncp-h√

kz¥w Xd-hm-´n-te-°p≈ Hcp- Xn-cn®phc-hm-bn-cp∂p AXv. tImcn-s®m-cn-bp∂ ag-bm-bn-cp∂n´pw Bth-i-tØm-sS-bp≈ aS-°bm-{X. tIc-f-Ønse sh‰-dn-\dn tUmIvS¿am-cpsS kulr-Z-th-Znbmb du≠vtS-_nƒ sh‰vkv, "_m°v Sp aÆpØn' bm{Xbpw kulrZ-kw-K-ahpw πm≥ sNbvX-t∏mƒ apX¬ XpS-ßn-b-XmWv Cu Bthiw. Ign™ Aº-Xp-h¿j-ß-fn¬ aÆpØn sh‰-dn-\dn tImtfPp-Im-ºkv PohnXw Ign™v \m´nepw hntZ-iØpw tPmen sNbvXp Xncn-s®-Ønb F¨]-tXmfw ]gb kl-]m-Tn-Iƒ Xßfn-sem-cmfmb {]kn≤ Ata-cn-°≥ Iym≥k¿ dnk¿®v kb‚ nÃv tUm. C.-]n. IrjvWtat\mt\m-sSm∏w Xd-hm-Smb aÆpØn sh‰-dn-\dn tImtf-PnseØp-I-bm-bn-cp∂p e£yw.

tIc-f-Øn¬ Htc-sbmcp sh‰-dn-\dn tImfPp am{X-ap-≠m-bncp∂ Ime-Øv, Ahn-sS-\n∂pw ]Tn-®n-d-ßn-b-h-cm-bn-cp∂p "_m°v Sp aÆpØn' Sow AwK-߃. ]gb tlmì apdn-bn¬ Xma-kn°m\pw ]gb tlmì sa n¬ ]gb cpNn-bn-ep≈ s]mtdm´bpw "t]m¿°pss{^bpw' Ign-°m\pw ap√-°c "AƒØmc' (jm∏v) H∂p-IqSn ImWm\pw Ah-k-c-ap-≠m-°m-sa∂ hmKvZm\w F√mh-scbpw Djm-dm-°nbn-cp-∂p. ""acp-∂p-Im-Wp-tºmƒ Hm¿Ω-thWw'' F∂ tUm. cmP≥ Np¶Øns‚ tUm. IrjvW-ta-t\m-s\-∏-‰n-bp≈ "at\m-ca teJ-\-am-W-v, bYm¿∞- Ø n¬ Cß- s \- s bmcp bm{X- πm≥sNøm≥ "du≠v tS_nƒ sh‰vkp'-Isf t{]cn-∏n-®Xv. B te-J-\-Øn¬ \ndsb ]g103

b-Ime sh‰-dn-\dn tImtfPpw ^pSvt_mƒ Soap-Ifpw {Ku≠pw \nd™p-\n-∂n-cp-∂p. Xriq-cn¬\n∂pw Hmt´m-dn-£-bn¬ Krlm-Xp-cXzw aW-°p∂ hgn-Ifpw _kv tÃj-\p-Ifpw ]n∂n-´v, sh‰-dn-\dn tImtfPp {Ku≠nse Aep-av\n-lm-fn-se-Øn-b-t∏mƒ, Iq´m-bva-bn¬ ]s¶-Sp°m-\p-≈-h¿-˛-Pq-\n-tbgvkpw ko\n-tbgvkpw, FØn-°-gn-™n-cp∂p. G‰hpw ]gb _m®nse ap≥ Pa-bv°≥ {]hmkn tUm. hnP-b≥ ]\-ºn≈n apX¬ G‰hpw ]pXnb _m®nse tUm. ]n.Pn tPmbn hsc-bp-≈-h¿ lmP¿! ]g-b-Ime A≤ym-]-I-cmb s{]m^. inh-cm-a\pw s{]m^. cmP-tKm-]m¬ cmPbpw s{]m^. ss]Xepw t\csØ Xs∂-sb-Øn. ag-bpsS Bc-hØ - n-\n-Sb - nepw ]gb "hnlmc-cw-K-'ß-fn¬ \nd-™p-\n∂ Krlm-XpcXzw F√m-h-tcbpw hmNme-cm-°n. Nncnbpw Ia‚p-Ifpw Db¿∂p. saUn-°¬ tImtfPp-I-sfm-∂p-an-√m-bn-cp∂ ]gb Ime-Øv, Xriq-cn¬ saUn-°¬ tImtf-Pns‚ {]uVn-bm-bn-cp-∂p, sh‰-dn\dn tImtf-Pn\v! tUm. kn.-‰n. ]o‰-dns‚ t\Xr-Xz-Øn-ep≈ A≤ym]I t{ijvT¿, imkv{X Kth-j-I¿ IqSn-bm-bn-cp-∂p. Kpcp-Ipe hnZym-`ym-ksØ Hm¿Ωn-∏n-°p∂ Dujva-f-amb Kpcp-in-jy-_-‘-ßfm-bn-cp∂p As∂ms°! Hcp cmjv{So-b-hp-an-√m-sX-bp≈ tImtfPv˛-tlm-ì sse^v Rß-fpsS kph¿Æ-Im-e-am-bn-cp-∂p. tlmÃens\ R߃ "sk°≥Uv tlmw' F∂p-hn-fn-®p. "I¨I-d‚v knÃ'-Øn-em-Ip-I-bm-bn-cp∂p hnZym¿∞n PohnXw B\-µ-{]-Z-am-°m-\p≈ A∂sØ Ffp-∏-am¿§w. ]t£, I¨Id‚ ns‚ "Id‚ n¬'s]´ ]e¿°pw \jvS-s∏-´Xv c≠pw aq∂pw h¿j-߃! F∂m¬, tImtfPv ]T\w \¬Inb Bfl-ss[cyw IS¬I-S-∂v, Xpcp-Øp-Iƒ NmSn, hntZ-i-ß-fn¬ "FIvkv]¿´p'-Ifm-Im≥ ]e-scbpw klm-bn-®p. Aep-av\n-lm-fn¬ ]g-b-Ime tImtfPp amK-kn-\p-I-fp-sSbpw 104

]gbIme t^mt´m-I-fp-sSbpw {]Z¿i-\-ap-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. ]mc-sskt‰m-fPn s{]m^-k-dm-bn-cp∂ tUm. ss]X¬ Hcp-°nb B\ t^mt´m-Ifpw kvs]kn-a≥ tjmbpw F√m-hcpw I≠p-\n-∂p. ]ns∂ F√m-hcpw H∂n®v tlmì sa nte°v, Krlm-Xp-cXzkva-c-W-bpW¿Øn ]gb ko‰n-en-cp-∂v, ]gb cpNn-bn¬ DuWpw t]m¿°pss{^bpw Hmwse‰pw Ign-®p. aq∂p-a-Wn-°m-bn-cp∂p ]g-b-Ime A≤ym-]-I-cp-sam-Øp≈ "tKmƒU≥aq-sa‚v ' tbmKw. Aø¿km¿, apc-fn-km¿, Noc≥km¿, ssIaƒ km¿, aØm-bn-km¿, Fw.-F-kv. \mb¿ km¿, cma-Ir-jvW]n≈ km¿, apIp-µ≥ km¿, amKn-km¿, eqkn-km¿ F∂n-h-cm-bncp∂p Krlm-Xp-cXzw ]pXp-°m-s\-Ønb s{]m^-k¿am¿. sh‰-dn\dn tImtf-Pns‚ Ncn-{X-Øn-em-Zy-ambn \S∂ Cu "¢mkvta‰v ' tamU¬ kwK-a-Øns‚ tamU-td-‰¿ s{]m^. sP. G{_-lm-am-bncp-∂p. _ncp-Zm\-¥cw IqSp-X¬ Db-c-ß-fn-se-Øm-\p≈ `mKymt\z-j-W-bm-{X-bn¬ Pa-bv°-bn-se-Øn-bXpw, ]ns∂ t\m_¬ tPXmhv tUm. ss{^bpsS in£-W-Øn¬ Un{Kn-I-sf-Sp-ØXpw Im≥k¿ acp-∂p¬]m-Z\-cw-KØv Ata-cn-°-bn¬ hnP-b-s°mSn \m´n-b-Xpw tUm. IrjvW tat\m≥ hnh-cn-®p. \qdm-bncw Hm¿ΩIfpw A\p-`-h-ßfpw ]ns∂ Hmtcm-cp-Øcpw ]¶p-h-®p. B[p\nI B\ NnIn¬k-bnepw B\ kwc-£-W-Ønepw ]pXnb ]Ÿmhp-Iƒ tIc-f-Øn¬ sh´n-Xp-d∂ {Xnaq¿Øn-I-fn¬ tUm. Nocm\pw, tUm. ssIafpw tImtfPp-Ime A\p-`-h-߃ CS-I-e¿Øn, injy-∑m-cp-am-bn- B\-Isf ab-°m\pw NnIn¬kn-°m\pw t]mb IY-Iƒ ]d-™Xv F√m-h-scbpw ckn-∏n-®p. \mep-a-Wn°p Xs∂ tImtfPp Iymº-kn-te°v F√m-hcpw \oßn. {Kq∏v t^mt´mbv°p tijw tlm°n-{Ku≠v Kme-dn-bn-cp∂v Np‰pw t\m°n-°-≠p. _mkv°‰v t_mfnepw kvt]m¿Svknepw sh‰dn-\dn tImtfPp Sow t{Sm^n-Iƒ As∂ms° t\Sp-tºmƒ Xriq¿

kzcmPv du≠n¬ \S- Ø n- b n- c p∂ "]©- h mZy hnP- b - b m{X' R߃°pw Xriq¿°m¿°pw Hcn-°epw ad-°m-\m-hn-√. ]gb tIm¿´p-I-≠-t∏mƒ tUm. IrjvW-ta-t\m≥ tIm¿´n-en-dßn Hcp ]¥Sn-®p. thK-Øn-ep≈ Imse-Sp-∏n¬, ag-bn¬ IpXn¿∂ {Ku≠n¬ tat\m≥ ]t¥m-sSm∏w hoW-Xv Hcp ImgvN-bm-bn-cp∂p. ]gb tlmÃ-en\p apºn-se-Øn-b-t∏mƒ Imew ]pdtIm-t´mSp∂Xpt]m-se. \qdm-bncw Hm¿Ω-Iƒ a\- n¬ DZn-®p-b¿∂p. 1969˛¬, \o¬ Bw kvt{SmwKv, N{µ-\n¬ Imep-Ip-Ønbt∏mƒ cm{Xn-c≠pa-Wn°v Dd-ßp-∂-h-sc-sb√mw sR´n-®p-sIm≠v R߃ ame∏-S°w s]m´n-®Xv tlmÃ-ens‚ ^Ãv ^vtfmdn-em-bn-cp-∂p. ^mwtK-‰n-\-SpØv C∂pw Xe-bp¿Øn \n¬°p∂ ]gb _tbmf-Pn-°¬ em_v sI´n-S-Øns‚ apI-fn-em-bn-cp∂p ]≠v teUokv tlmì. B hgn°v Dufn-bn´p \S∂ \mfp-Iƒ! ]ns∂ _ n¬ Ibdn {]n≥kn-∏¬ ]o‰¿kmdpw h¿Ω-km-dp-sams° ]≠p Xmakn-®n-cp∂ Izm¿t´-gvkp-I-fpsS ap∂n¬Iq-Sn, ]pXnb teUokv tlmÃepw IS∂v tImtf-Pns‚ ]gb A\m-´-an-lm-fns‚ ]pd-Inse-Øn. ko\n-tb-gvkns‚ t]Sn-s∏-Sp-Øp∂ ""dmwKn-Mv]- n¬'' AhnsS kq£n-®n-cp∂ B\-Ø-e-tbm-´nbpw "Fw_mw' sNbvsXSpØ A¬tk-j≥ \mbpw Bbn-cp-∂p. sslth°v hoXn-Iq-´n-bt- ∏mƒ "aÆpØn ]Sw s]mgn®' amXncn amdn-bn-cn-°p-∂p. apJ-—mb amdnb aÆp-Øn-bpsS ]gb tdmUn-eqsS aÆpØn Pb Xntb-‰d- n-\S- p-tØ°v Iq´-ambn \S-s∂-Øn-bXpw Hcp Krlm-Xpc A\p-`h - a- m-bn-cp-∂p. "sNΩo≥' kn\na F√m-hcpw ]e-XhW I≠Xv Cu Xntb-‰-dn-em-bn-cp-∂p. cm{Xn ÃUn°v tlmì sSd- n¬ Ccn-°p-∂Xv sNΩo-\nse ""IS-en-\° - sc t]mtWmsc' tI´psIm-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. aÆpØn tdmUn¬ C∂pw \n¬°p∂ apkvX^ - meb temUvPpw F√m-h¿°pw A¤p-Xa- m-bn.

ap√-°c hgn ]o®n-bm-bn-cp∂p ASpØ UÃn-t\-j≥. ap√°c AƒØmc (jm-∏v)bpw Ipsd-s°m√w IqsS-]-Tn-®v CSbv°v hn´p-t]mb ]o®n cm[m-Ir-jvW-s\bpw ImWm-\m-bn-cp∂p F√mh¿°pw XnSp°w. tlm¿´n-°ƒ®¿ tImtfPpw IS∂v ]gb ap√°cjm∏n\SpsØØnbt∏mƒ AÆ≥ hnfn- ® p]- d - ™ p. ""AƒØmc BsI amdn-bn-cn-°p-∂p. Fhn-sS-t∏mbn B ]gb {]uVn?'' AhnsS t^mt´m-Iƒ ¢n°v sNø-s∏-´p. ""BZ-sa, BZ-sa...-\ns∂ Rm≥ tXm´-Øn-em°n-,'' F∂ ]m´p]mSn ]o®n-I≠v Xncn®p aÆq-Øn-bn-se-Øn-b-t∏mƒ cm{Xn F´p-aWn. ""_m°v˛ - S- p-˛a- Æ - pØn'' Un∂-dn\p ka-ba- m-bn. IrjvWt- a-t\m\p tSmÃp ]d-™v, tUm. emk-dns‚ ]m´ns‚ Xmf-Øn¬ Un∂¿ Hc\p-`-h-am°n. IØn® hnd-Ins‚ Nph∂ shfn-®-Øn¬ tUm. kaZv Iymºv ^b¿ sF‰wkv Hmtcm-∂mbn Cd-°n-b-t∏mƒ F√m-hcpw {]mbw ad∂v ]gb hnZym¿∞n-I-fm-bn. Hcm-bncw Krlm-Xp-c-kva-cW-Iƒ H∂n®v A·n-bn¬ Nmº-em-b-tXm-Sp-Iq-Sn, F√m-hcpw amdn\n∂ agbv°v \µn ]d™v apdn-I-fn-te°v Dd-ßm≥ t]mbn. sNm∆mgvN cmhnse ^pSvt_mƒ am®n-\p-tijw tIcf It^bn-em-bn-cp∂p "t¢mknMv skdn-a-Wn.' ]s≠ms° s\søm-gn® I´≥Im∏n cmhnse \mep-a-Wn-°p-X-s∂ tIcf It^-bn¬ In´pam-bncp∂p. B Hm¿Ω ]pXp-°m≥ I´≥Im-∏nbpw akm-e-tZm-ibpw Ign-®v, Zmk-∏≥ tN´\v ‰m‰mbpw ]d™v F√m-hcpw It^-bpsS ]pd-Øn-d-ßn-b-t∏mƒ kabw Hº-Xp-a-Wn. ]g-¶-Y-Iƒ ]d-™v, Nncn®pw Ifn®pw Xn∂pw IpSn®pw tZhkz-]v\-Øns‚ Ag-In¬ Ign™p 24 aWn-°q-dp-Iƒ! C\n ImØncn-∏ns‚ \mfp-I-fm-Wv. Fw.-Sn. km¿ F¨]-Xmw-]n-d-∂mƒ A`n-apJ-Øn¬ ]d-™-Xp-t]mse ""s]´n {]am-W-߃ Ahn-S-hnsS InS°p-∂Xv GI-tZiw HXp-°n-h-bv°p-I. s_√Sn°pw. AXn-\mbn ImØn-cn-°p-I.''! 105

The wind of change Dr. Anil Kumar Regional Clinical Lab, Kozhikode


he Animal Husbandry practices has a prominent linkage with our tradition. The agricultural and animal rearing practices have been handed over through generations as a part of their cultural inheritance. This transition has its own natural omissions and additions which indeed have resonated our priorities and values. In the past , agriculture and animal husbandry had been symbols of prosperity associated with need fulfillment. The ownership and possession of land and animals signified wealth and status. The last two decades witnessed rapid transformation in all spheres of life and the transition from 'limitations to excesses' and from 'scarcity to resourcefulness' also became a part of it. The luxury segment was now identified with essentials with apparent elimination of difference between them, the dividing line becoming less visible. The life style was undergoing rapid stride for betterment with progressive economical development within societies. The public in general were gregarious and flexible enough to accept and absorb the changes with open hands and mind, few among them include the area of mobile communication, computation and information technology are leading to better employment . Even


though this was not pervasive enough to reach all segments, some sections on the line were ignored or were left out and that denied segment unfortunately happens to be the deprived farmers and marginalized women hood, representing rural area . Agriculture and animal husbandry was generally viewed as an unskilled profession undertaken by people having compromised education and skill with minimal representation in policy formulation. This profession was seemingly untouched with either technological change or policy change with respect to globalization and automation. However lately the glimpses and waves of changes are visible particularly during the last couple of years. The profile of farmers are on transition. The educated and the motivated individuals are stepping into this profession augmenting large scale mechanized and automated operations, thereby giving a new meaning and depth to animal rearing with an objective. It's a proud moment to see role models of the public like Mamooty and Mohan Lal followed by some highly successful technocrats and bureaucrats openly acknowledging their passion to be identified with agricultural and related

activities, hence the people of such mass appeal becoming the brand ambassadors of this profession. Undoubtedly it’s going to propel positive cultural change. Shifting to scientific and technology driven Animal husbandry practices from conventional norms, traversing from smallholders to largeholders production system blending sustained quality and long term profit generation to supplement, the realistic development of a society. The nation is built on a platform of women empowerment, where in they become financially independent to be heard and lead. Previously they were encapsulated in a myriad web of complex cultural and traditional beliefs, forcing them to remain within the four walls with limited flexibility to express opinions on routine household affairs. Financial independence

served them to break this cocoon and subconsciously this endeavor was fairly facilitated with some relentless activities of Animal Husbandry practices. Even though we could not replicate the 'Amul' model of development, however were able to resonate the echo created by the women empowerment at Anand, illuminted by the visionary legend Varghese Kurian who wrote and rewrote many traditions beyond the reach of words. He identified the empowerment of rural segment to fructify the real objective of poverty minimization. The mindset and few obsolete tradition might be replaced with contemporary and forward looking practices which in due course of time may become a new traditional horizon.

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SHINE MEDICALS Erumely Phone: 04828-210911 Best Compliments from

Elavunkal Medicals Kanjirappally 107

My days at IVRI Dr. V. Prasanth Assistant Director, SLBP, Kannur


fter seeing the short term training schedule 201314 of Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, when I applied for training on Radiology scheduled from 2nd September 2013 to 1st October 2013, I was not at all sure about getting deputation for the training. But after getting intimation from our Directorate and confirmation from the Head, Surgery Division, IVRI, I started thinking seriously about attending the training. My previous exposure with IVRI was in 1990 when we went there as part of our All India Tour Programme from COVAS, Mannuthy. From Technical Assistant Dr.Rajasekharan, I got cell numbers of Dr.Sivanarayanan and Dr.Mohamad Kutti (PhD Scholars of IVRI). Through them my connection reached to Dr.Pawde (Principal Scientist) and to Dr.MMS Zama, Head, Surgery Division. I reached IVRI on 1 st September 10pm and got accommodation at International Guest House, Room No.21. On 2nd by 6am I went for jogging in the campus and by 10 am reported in the Surgery Division. Head of Division Dr.MMS Zama was out of station and we met Dr.M.Hoque,Principal Scientist who made the introductory class and took us to the Radiology unit and explained about the unit. After the introductory class, we (Dr.Sujatha Hegde from Andaman & Nicobar Islands and me) attended the clinics. Daily clinics timing was from 10am to 12pm. There are three units in the clinics i.e. Surgery, Medicine and Reproduction. There were many PhD Scholars and PG Scholars in the units and most of them were from Kerala. Next day Dr.MMS Zama gave us the course schedule, which intends to cover all aspects like X-ray, ultrasound,


laparoscopy, MRI, CT and radiation therapy. The programme covered X-ray in detail and all other topics were introductory only. MRI, CT and radiation therapy facilities were not available in IVRI, but they arranged visits to human hospitals, from where we could learn basics of all those techniques. There were lots of surgical cases every day. Most of these were being attended by scholars themselves. One peculiarity I could notice was the freedom being given to the scholars to do the things independently. The techniques like tube cystostomy for urolithiasis treatment of bull calves and bucks, external fixator application for both small and large animal fracture, bone plating, cross pinning etc for fracture management, femur head ostectomy for arthritis treatment, corneal graft fixing for corneal ulcers, eye worm surgery in horses etc were done there. In radiology unit, there were 500mA machine, 100mA machine, C-Arm and a portable machine. We could do all the steps of radiography and the scientists explained in detail about interpretation of radiographs with the help of plenty of radiographs in the unit. IVRI is a beautiful campus spread over an area of 758 acres. The lawns and gardens are properly cared and maintained. Surgery division and some other divisions are in Modular Laboratory Building. Other divisions are in separate buildings situated in the campus. On 7th afternoon, we started our trip to Muktheshwar in a private vehicle. Muktheshwar is in Uttarakhand state and route is via Pant Nagar (where GB Pant University is situated), Lalkuan, Haldwani and Bhimthal. We reached Muktheshwar by 7pm and it was very cold there. We stayed in PG Hostel, where the stay was arranged by Dr.Pawde.

Next day morning we saw FMD unit, Veterinary Science Museum, natural cold room (built with rock and natural water flow over the rock) etc. We could see the Microscope being used by Robert Kotch, when he visited Muktheshwar. IVRI Muktheshwar building was built in 1895, but destroyed in fire in 1899 and rebuilt in 1902. We visited Muktheshwar temple also. That hilltop area was very beautiful. We started our return journey by 11.30am via Nainital. In Nainital we enjoyed rope way ride and after visiting Naina Devi temple we reached IGH by 9pm. There was a grand Onam celebration arranged by Malayali students in the Minnet Hostel. Around 85 students from Kerala were there in IVRI. Onam was celebrated on 15th, a Sunday for convenience (Actually Thiruvonam was on 16th Monday). From morning onwards all the students from Kerala started preparing dishes. I also joined them. By around 1.30pm a grand Onam Feast was ready and we all had feast together. In the evening there were games

like sack race, tug of war etc between PGs and PhDs. We enjoyed a joyful Onam celebration in IVRI. There are well maintained farms at IVRI. There are Mujafarnagari sheeps, Bareilly local goats, Landrace pigs, Vrintavani (crossbred of Jersey, Hariyana, Holstein Friesian and Brownswiss) cows etc. This write-up will be incomplete, if I didn’t mention about IVRI Library where I spent maximum time. Library is enriched with splendid collection of books and journals and the timing is very good i.e. from 9am to 10pm. I had utilized the library facilities to the maximum. Exposure to the varieties of cases in the Surgery division, attitude of the scientists in the division, rich library and beautiful campus at IVRI made my dates at IVRI fruitful. I reached home and rejoined on 4th October morning in the SLBP, Kannur. My extreme thanks to our Animal Husbandry Department for providing me a chance for getting great exposure at IVRI.


CØn-Øm\w k¿∆okv kl-I-c-W-_m¶v ¢n]vXw \º¿ 476, ae-Ip∂w ]n.-H, t^m¨: 0481˛2320545 {_m©v: ]pfn-aq-Sv, CØn-Øm\w ]n.-H, t^m¨: 0481-˛2322522 {_m©v: A©¬°p-‰n, Fw.-kn. tdmUv, ae-Ip∂w ]n.-H. t^m¨: 0481˛2322533 web: www.ithithanamscb476.com. Email: ithithanarmscb476@gmail.com Best Compliments from

Tomichan Mulakupadam 109

JACK OF ALL TRADES Dr. John Kuruvilla Thiruvalla


n America he carved out his paths, crossed lines and broke barriers to achieve his goals. He was a scientist, Public Health advisor, human TB controller, commentator, writer and even a businessman! A veterinarian grown’Out of Box’ to fame. Few vets in kerala dreamed of higher studies in USA and a life there in flying colours in nineteen fifties. One of them was Dr. Davis Thanjan from Trichur, who was from the first batch of students(1955) of Veterinary College, Mannuthy. His vision of future professional life was different from that of his batchmates. He served as veterinary surgeon in the AH Dept. and worked as a lecturer in Kerala Veterinary College in his early years (1960-65). But he managed to get a visa for higher studies in the University of Hawai, Honolulu, USA in 1965-66. He made his flight to Honolulu and became the first veterinarian from Kerala to travel around the world with only 8 dollars in hand. Dr. Davis Thanjan overcame difficult professional challanges with confidence and determination in a foreign country. Let us hope that his broad-spectrum achievements in USA be a motivation for ambitious Kerala veterinarians too. He also was the first Kerala vet and the first gazetted officer in Kerala to resign job to immigrate to a foreign country. He did not have a job offer from U.S.A.. But he took a chance to immigrate and left with 600 US dollar in foreign exchange in his pocket. He struggled for a few months before he landed in veterinary pharmaceutical sector as a research veterinarian. Subsequently he became Manager for Product Development in a major US conglomerate at their world headquarters. His pharmaceutical research experience involved antibiotic mastitis infusions, injections, water medications, teat dips, antibiotics and sulfonamide feed additives, growth promotants, and anthelmentics. Most of the research studies were multi-disciplinary, involving various combinations of nutrition, pathology,


microbiology, pharmacology and toxicology. He was Certified Scientist in three subjects: (1) Nutrition, (2) Pathology, and (3) Microbiology. He was also Associate Fellow in Toxicology. He perfected surgical procedures such as jugular phlebotomy to collect blood at frequent intervals for a

Dr. Davis Thanjan period of seven days with needle attached to the vein in cattle, micro surgical procedure of colonoplasty to collect

urine samples for several days in small tubes, separate from the faeces, in quails and cardiac catheterization in poultry. He screened chemicals to detect carcinogens using microbiological methods. The research studies included blood level and depletion of antibiotics and sulphonamides, their residues in milk, kidney, liver and tissues; experimental infection with E.coli and Salmonella to study antibiotic resistance, development and resistance transfer, efficacy and safety of pharmaceutical products for food animals. He is credited with more than 100 research projects, many of them conduced in-house, the rest supervised at universities, research institutes, research laboratories, veterinary hospitals and animal scientists in the U.S. and in foreign countries such as Canada, Brazil, Europe and Japan. He was also a business man owning a liquor and wine store in New York, just to taste the differences between the liquors and wines from around the world! His business interest continues even now with some modest investment in the stock market. After 14 years in veterinary research, he switched to Human Public Health in the New York City Department of Health. He was Public Health Adviser for TB control. He was in charge of the TB control activities in homeless shelters and prisons. He wrote a training manual on TB control for training public health workers in the form of question and answers. As a veterinarian, he was proud to summon an MD at the prestigious Cornell University Medical Center to correct the dosage of medication for a TB patient. He was entitled to check the medical record of any T.B. patient in any hospital, check the hospital laboratory records, advise TB patients in the hospital bed, conduct TB test for the contacts and see that the medical provider is giving appropriate medical care to the TB patients. One day he got a call for an interview for a job that he did not apply. He was interviewed by two MD. M.PH doctors and landed in the job as head of the Hepatitis B Prevention Program. This program was previously handled by an M.D., M.PH. This was a unique program first in the world to prevent transmission of Hepatitis B from pregnant women to the new born babies and her contacts. The program was successfully implemented with 98 % prevention of Hepatitis B from pregnant women to

their new born. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the foremost infectious disease institution in the US and perhaps in the world granted an award to the program for outstanding performance. He wrote a manual for training public health workers on Hepatitis B Prevention and Procedures. His manual was distributed by the CDC to all states in the US as a model for successful implementation of the program in every state in the U.S.. He was invited to become a Consultant for the Centers for Disease Control. He politely declined the offer because he did not want to relocate from New York. He was proud as a veterinarian to give talks to MDs and public health workers at the state and national levels on public health issues such as T.B. and Perinatal Hepatitis B. He retired voluntarily after 65 years of age to pursue his other interests. His New York City Department of Health job reverted back to another MD.,MPH. He became an author of five books on varied subjects like religion, history, tourism, prehistory and international relations. His first three books were of Malayalee interest: (1) The Legacy of Apostle Thomas in India (ISBN 9789350674338), (2) Kerala (ISBN 9789350674345), and(3)Historic Kerala (9789350674338). It is hard to find books by a Malayalee with color photographs. He provided several dozens of color photographs in the above books. He perfected original color maps of his own in these books. His books included several original color maps of Kerala on various topics and maps of each district in Kerala. His book, Kerala, includes even an index for easy reference to the places of interest. These three books were published in India. His next venture was publication of two books of international interest: (1) Pebbles (ISBN 978158098176) dealing with chronological prehistory of the world before the time of Christ with the emphasis on archeological and prehistoric sites around the world that still exists, and (2) International Affairs (ISBN 9781618630285) analyzing the current affairs of every nation with reference to the American foreign policy, foreign affairs and international relations. The reviews of these books appeared in more than 100 web sites. These books are available in more than 33 countries. In addition to the paperback editions of these books, the e-book editions are available in the electronic format at Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble Nook, Apple iPad, iPod, iTune and iPhone and other electronic tablets and gadgets.

Best Compliments from

Elsy Raju Kochedacheril Egger Nursery Kurichy 111

The above two books are available in major libraries in the world such as the Library of Congress, Washington D.C.; National Library of Australia; Yale University Library, U.S.A.; Rome University Library; Columbia University Library, U.S.A.; H. Ruprect Karis University, Heidelberg, Germany; Urbaniana Pontifical University, Rome; and the European Library, a consortium of 48 national libraries in Europe. He is stationed in New York for more than 30 years. But he lives in cyberspace. There are 100 pages of references about him in the detailed Google search, the maximum

allowed by Google for any individual. Since he has reached maximum, Google is deleting the old references and putting new references about him. He has already put more than 2000 color photographs with and without excerpts from his books in the Facebook. He is pursuing his other interest as News Commentator. More than 1800 of his news comments were published in The Hindu, Al Jazeera, Yahoo, Voice of America and other internet international news media. All that glitters is not gold for veterinarians in the US. All that is rosy is not really rose for some. Veterinarians and dentists are the toughest professions for the immigrants in the USA. Yet it is not remunerative as that of doctors, engineers and high tech computer personnel. The difficulty of the veterinarians and dentists from other countries is not in passing the test, but in undergoing one year of internship after passing the test. The veterinarians and the dentists have to work almost free as assistants for an year. But for MD’s they are paid during the internship by the hospitals. It is OK for veterinarians to come to the US soon after graduation with or without a post graduate degree, preferably before marriage. Married older people will have much greater problem if they are the only bread winner. If the spouse is educated and can work, the burden will be reduced for the veterinarian. Independent private veterinary practice has its own head aches. It is preferable to have teaching job at a veterinary school or job in a pharmaceutical company. The pharmaceutical jobs are much better paid than teaching or private practice. But job security is not there in the pharmaceutical sector where as the teaching jobs are usually permanent jobs.


Ipdn®n k¿∆okv kl-I-cW _m¶v enan-‰Uv \º¿. 1538, Ipdn®n ]n.-H. tIm´bw Pn√ \oXn saUn-°¬ tÃm¿, Ipdn-®n Poh≥ c£m acp-∂p-Iƒ°v F√m-hn[ Cw•ojv Bbp¿th-Z, sh‰-dn-\dn acp-∂p-Iƒ {]tXyI UnkvIu≠v 14% apX¬ 60% UnkvIu-≠n¬ e`n-°p∂p Best Compliments from


Job seekers in the US have to be very cautious, because professional jobs may not be available as soon as they land. The chances of getting a professional job earlier is better now than 40 years ago, because of internet. Yet several heart breaking stories are heard even for veterinarians with PhD. I know very well six veterinarians from Kerala. Three of them survived here. One with PhD returned, another two without any post graduate degree also went back. Another veterinarian with PhD came to US after retiring in India. That veterinarian went through the agony of finding a professional job for years. There is hope for young adventurous veterinarians to come to USA, provided they are willing to do any job while they are attempting professional license or searching for the professional job. It is preferable to have a family member

for temporary stay while searching for job. Any job is a good job in the US and respectable. I worked in perfume formulation for two weeks and another two months as office mail delivery person on the 42nd floor of a prestigious company before I landed on my first professional job. One of my friends, who was an engineer sold encyclopedia door to door for few weeks. Finally he went to a famous architectural firm and told them he will work free without pay just to gain US experience. They let him in. But he was surprised to get a pay check on the pay day! That is life in the US for job seekers. The most important thing needed is self confidence and willing to do any job. Once anybody has both qualities, the job seeker is on the way to new heights in their career in U.S.A.

Best compliments from :

PUTHIYAKUNNEL MEDICALS Uzhavoor Best Compliments from

Valiyaveettil Furnishers(P)Ltd Valiyaveettil Mansion, Near Matha Hospital Thellakom, Kottayam-16, Kerala, India Phone: 0481-2790323 Email: sakeerhusainvtc@gmail.com www.valiyaveettil.com


tUm. sI.-Fw. hnPn-tamƒ ko\n-b¿ sh‰-dn-\dn k¿P≥, sh‰-dn-\dn tlmkv]n-‰¬ s\Sp-wIp-∂w, tIm´bw


≠mbncØn]Xns\m∂v G{]n¬ 6, A∂v ]Xn-hnepw IqSpX¬ BÀm-Zn® Zn\-am-bn-cp-∂p. k¿∆o-kn¬ Hmtcm h¿j-Ønse ]Sn-Ifpw IS∂v 18-˛mw ]Sn-bn¬ FØn-b-t∏mƒ Hcp ÿm\-°b‰w DØ-c-hmbn e`n-®- Zn-\w. kz¥w ho´n¬\n∂pw Zqcw IqSp-X¬ (\n-e-hn¬ 6 In.-ao.\p≈n¬ \n∂pw) BsW-¶nepw kz¥w Pn√bn¬ \nb-a\w e`n-®-Xv Bizmkambn. F¥nepw GXnepw Hcp kuµ-cy-Øns‚ (Hcp Hm^okv ^b-en¬t]m-epw) Ipeo-\-Xbpw emfnXyhpw ImWp∂ Hcp B^o-k-dpsS ssIbn¬\n∂pw Nm¿÷v FSp-°m≥ `mKyw e`n-®-Xn¬ AXn-bmb kt¥mjw tXm∂n. kt¥mj-]q¿∆w 2011 G{]n¬ hnjp-∏p-e-cnbpw Ign™v 16-˛mwXobXn 10 aWn°v Xs∂ B "`m¿§ho' \ne-b-Øn¬ FØn, Hcp sU]yq´n Ub-d-IvS-dpsS ]°¬\n∂pw ""A[n-Imcw'' (ÿm-]-\-Øn-s‚) Gs‰Sp-Øp. Aßs\ ]Xn-hn\p hn]-co-Xa- mbn Hmtcm {]`m-Xhpw Xnc-°p≈-XmbnXo¿∂p. cmhnse 5 aWn-ap-Xep≈ Hm´-{]-Z£ - nWw Ign™v 7.30 \v Be-b-Øn¬\n∂pw kzX-{¥-bmbn, kvIqƒ Ip´n-I-fpsS Xnc°pIƒ°nSbneqsS _kvÃm≥Up-hs- c. ]n∂oSv Nº-°c F∂ sIm®p-{Km-aØ - ns‚ t]cn-ep≈ _kns‚ sskUv ko‰n-en-cp∂v hgntbm-c-Im-gvN-Iƒ I≠v...-ho≠pw Hcp aWn-°q¿ \√ kpJ-\n-{Z-...kp-Ja- p≈ {]`m-Xb - m-{Xbpw Ign™v kz¥w {]hrØnaWvUe - Ø - nse-Øn; Ipsd k¿´n-^n-°‰- p-Iƒ km£y-s∏-Sp-Øm-s\-Øn-bh-cpsS iIm-ch - ¿j-߃, Ipsd \√ a\p-jy-cpsS kt¥m-jm-{ip-°ƒ, Aßs\ Znh-kßfpw BgvNI - fpw IS-∂p-t]m-bn. Fs‚ a\-kns‚ Bg-ß-fn¬ Fhn-sStbm ]Xn™ B Zn\w; Ãm≥Un¬\n∂p≈ H∂c Intem-ao-‰¿ Zqcw _kv ]Xn-hp-t]mse Hcp H®n-s\-t∏mse Cg-™p-\o-ßn. AX-ßs\ Xs∂ kln-t®]-‰q. F¶nepw B H∂-c -Intemao‰¿ h√-t∏m-gp-sams° Fs∂ Nncn-∏n-°p-Ibpw Nn¥n-∏n-°p-Ibpw sNøp∂ Zqc-am-bn-cp∂p. Hcn°¬; hgn-bn¬ \mbsb ]q´n-bn-Sp-∂-Xp-t]mse c≠p-bp-hm-°sf 114 114

ssIIƒ XΩn¬ ]q´n sIm≠pt]mIp∂Xp I≠p. A\p-k-c-Wbp≈ \mb-sb-t]mse Ah¿ t]meokns\m∏w \S-°p-∂p. hmtXmcmsX kwkm-cn-°p-Ibpw Nncn-°p-Ibpw sNøp-∂p. -Ip‰w Aht‚tXm Ah-\pƒs∏´ kaq-l-Øn-s‚tbm? Cu temIØv "_p≤n' a\p-jy-\pƒs∏sS ]e Pohn-Pm-e-߃°pw hnhn[ Af-hp-I-fn¬ X∂n-´p-s≠-¶nepw ""hnthIw'' F∂ KpWw a\p-jy-\p-am{Xw \¬Inb ssZh-Øn\v ]nghv ]‰ntbm? a\- n¬ Hcp sNdnb Xo°-\¬ Pzen°p-∂Xp t]mse...-F-∂m¬ ]n∂oSpw CS-bv°n-S°v Cu ImgvN. Bh¿Øn-®p-sIm-t≠-bn-cp-∂p. am¿®v 2013 {Sm^n°v kn·-en¬ \n∂pw c£-s∏´v Ib‰-Øn¬ _kns‚ InX∏pw Rc-ßepw aqew Rm≥ ho≠pw ]mX-bn-te°v IÆpw \´n-cp-∂p. Pn√m Pbn-ens‚ hmXn¬ CS-dnb i_vZ-tØmsS Xpd-∂v. kpµ-c-\mb Hcp ktlm-Zcs\ ssII-fn¬ at\m-l-c-amb Hcp Ão¬ hft]mse hne-ßn´v c≠p t]meo-kp-Im¿ tdmUn-te-°n-d°n. ]pd-sI, hgn-tbm-cØv Ft¥m {]Xo-£-tbmsS ImØp-\n∂ saen™p hmSnØf¿∂ apJhpw ]mdn-]-d∂ apSn-bp-ambn Ae-k-X-tbmsS Abm-fpsS `mcybpw ssIØ-≠-bn¬ Hcp A©p hb- p-{]mbw tXm∂n-°p∂ B¨Ip-´n-bpw. `mcy-bpsS Ihn-fn¬°qSn IÆp\o¿ sIm®-cp-hnt]mse Hgp- I n- s °m- ≠ n- c p- ∂ p. s]s´∂v Hcp henb hnfn tIƒ°mw. A—m...-Fs‚ A—s\ ]q´n-bn´v sIm≠p-t]m-I-cp-tX...A-edn hnfn-®p-sIm≠v t]meo-kp-Im-cpsS ]ndtI ]mbp∂ Ip´n. H‰ sk°‚v t]meo-kv \n∂p. A—s\ ]nSn® Ip´n-bpsS ssIIƒ A¬]w _e-am-bn-Øs∂ AS¿Øn am‰n Abm-sfbpw sIm≠pt]m-bn. B Ip™p-ap-JsØ `mh-t`-Z-߃ h¿Æn°phm≥ Rm≥ i‡b√. B bm{Xm-samgn s\©v ]nS-bp∂ thZ-\-tbmsS t\m°n-bn-cp∂p. s]s´∂v _kv t{_-°n-´-t∏mƒ s\‰n ko‰nse Iºn-bn¬ CSn-®p. ]t£, AsXmcp thZ-\-bmbn tXm∂n-bn-√. a\p-jys‚ A[x]X-\Ø - ns‚ aqIkm-£n-bmbn ho≠pw- bm{X XpS¿∂p. _kv At∏mƒ AXns‚ amIvknaw kv]oUn¬ Nodn-∏m-bp-I-bm-bn-cp-∂p.

Colour Advt.









FgpØnSw IYIƒ




sI.]n.tPmk^v F∂ Rm\pw amc≥ F∂ K‘¿∆\pw tUm. sI.-F-kv. t{]a≥ {imhWw, ]p¬∏≈n, hb-\m-Sv


cp IYm-IrØv F∂ \ne-bn¬ sI.-]n. tPmk^v F∂ Rm≥ A\p-`-hn® k¶-S-ßfpw kwL¿j-ß-fp-amWv Cu Ipdn∏n\v B[m-cw. Hmtcm IY-bn-te°pw IYm-]m-{X-߃ Ib-dn-h-cp∂ hnNn-{X-amb hgn-Iƒ I≠v ]e-t∏mgpw Rm≥ Fgp-Øp-ap-dn-bn¬ kvX_v[-\mbn Ccp-∂p-t]m-bn-´p-≠v. A\-ßm≥ ]‰msX, H∂nt\mSpw {]Xn-I-cn-°m≥ ]‰msX ac-hn®p t]mIp∂ Hc-h-ÿ-sb∏‰n \nß-sfm∂v Hm¿Øp-t\m-°q. AXp-sIm≠p Xs∂ tPmk^v F∂ IY-sb-gp-Øp-Im-c\v Pohn-®n-cn-°p∂ Hcp ]mhw IYm-]m{X-tØmSp \n¿∆-ln-°m-\p≈ {]mb-›n-Øtam £am-]-Wtam Bbn \n߃ Cu Ipdn-∏ns\ ]cn-K-Wn-®m¬ aXn. A\p-`-h-߃°pw _mey- I me Pohn- X - Ø n\pw IpdpsI \n¬°p∂ `mc- t a- d nb Htcm¿Ωsb adn-I-S-°m-\p≈ {iaw t]mse. C\n XpS¿∂p hmbn°phm≥ At]-£. amc≥ F∂p t]cp≈ Hcp tKm{Xh¿§ kplr-Øp-≠m-bn-cp∂p, F\n-°v. A©mw ¢m p-h-sc-bp≈ hnf-ºp-I≠w Kh.-A∏¿ ss{]adn kvIqfnse ]T\ImeØv Ah-\m-bn-cp∂p Fs‚ Iq´p-Im-cnse {][m-\n. H∂mw ¢m nepw c≠mw ¢m nepw Ipd®p-Imew R߃ Htc s_©n-en-cp∂v ]Tn®n´p-s≠-¶nepw hnZyme-bm-Xo-X-amb ]c-kv]-cm-{in-X-Xz-Øns‚ sI´p]mSp-I-fp-≠m-bn124

cp∂p R߃ XΩn¬. ]Tn-°-W-sa∂ AXn-bmb B{K-l-ap≠mbncp∂p, Ah\v. F∂m¬ ]e-t∏mgpw kvIqfn-se-ØpI s_√-Sn-®-Xn\p tij-amhpw. hnP-\-amb kvIqƒ hcm-¥-bn-¬, A\m-Y-amb IdpØ \ng-ept]mse ]e-h´w Rm\-hs\ I≠n-´p-≠v. Xo¿Øpw H‰-s∏-´p-t]mb Ahs\ t\m°n ¢m p-ap-dn-°I - Ø - n-cn°p-∂h - ¿ hen-bh - s- c-t∏mse \Sn®v ]cn- l m- k - c q- t ]W Xpdn®pt\m°pw. Nne A[ym- ] - I ¿ amcs\ ]q¿W-ambn Ah-K-Wn-°pw. D®-hsc ]pd-Øp-Xs∂ \n¬°-em-bn-cn°pw ]e-t∏mgpw in£. F¥psIm≠mWv amc≥ sshIp-∂Xv F∂v Rm≥ ]e-h´w tNmZn-®n-´p-≠v. At∏m-sgms° Ah≥ H∂pw tI´n-´n-√m-ØX - p-t]mse au\n-bmbn \n∂p. £oWn®v Ipg™v hoWp t]mIm-hp∂ Ahÿ-bnepw D®bv°v hnf-ºp∂ D∏p-am-hns‚ aWhpw cpNnbpw Xcp∂ Icp-Øns\ Hm¿Øv Ah≥ IÆpIfS®v kvIqƒ `nØnbn-te°v Nmcn \n¬°pw. ¢m p-ap-dn-°-I-Øn-cp∂v k¶-S-tØmsS Rms\s‚ Iq´p-Im-cs‚ \n¬∏p-dbv°m\ng-e-\-°-ßsf {i≤n®n-´p-≠v. Ah-s\-¥p-sIm-≠mWv sshIp∂Xv F∂v Bsc-¶nepw At\z-jn-®n-´p-≠m-hptam F∂v Rm≥ kzbw tNmZn®p t\m°pw. As√-¶n¬Xs∂ amc-≥ Cs∂-s¥-¶nepw Ign-®n-´p-≠m-hptam?

C°m-cy-ß-sfms° amtjmSp Xs∂ ]d-™mtem? At∏mƒ am{Xw Rms\s‚ hb-dn-s\-∏‰- nbpw hni-∏n-s\-∏‰- nbpw Hm¿Øp t\m°pw. ImcWw izmkw ap´p IqSn-b-Xp-aqew A∏s‚ s]´n-°S Xpd-∂n´v Ct∂°v \mep Znhkw Ign-™n-cn-°p-∂p. hchv Ipd-™-Xn-\m¬ ho´nse `£Wwshbv∏pw Ign∏pw sNdpXmbn Ae- t ¶m- e - s ∏´p XpS- ß n- b n- ´ p- ≠ v . ]≈n- ° mcp sh®p sImSpØ Hcp s]´n-°-S-b n¬ \n∂p≈ hn‰p-h-c-hm-bn-cp-∂p, A∏s‚ {][m\ hcpam\ am¿§w. Nn√d am\-kn-Im-kzm-ÿy-ap-≈Xn-\m¬ AΩ-®nbpw Ct∏mƒ ]Wn°pt]mIm-dn-√. Rß-fpsS s]´n-°-Sbv°v "eq¿Zv amXm klmbw' s]´n-°S F∂v tNm°p s]≥kn¬ sIm≠v FgpXn sh®Xv Rm\m-bn-cp∂p. ]t£ A∏s\ Adn-bp-∂-h¿ am¿§wIqSn ]t{Xm-kns‚ apdp°m≥ IS Ft∂ ]d-bq. "am¿§wIqSn tPmkt∏' F∂p hnfn-°p∂- X p- t ]mse AsXs∂ Akzm- ÿ y- s ∏SpØpw. Rms\m- ∂ pw an≠msX apJw Idp∏n®v \n¬°pw. ]t£, H∂pw tNmZn-°m\pw ]d-bm\pw Ign-bmØ Hcp `ocp-hns‚ a\ v A∂pw Fs‚ IqsS∏n-d-∏m-bn-cp-∂p. As√-¶n¬ amc≥ F∂ Fs‚ {]nb-s∏´ Iq´pIm-c\p th≠n amtjmSv c≠p hm°p ]d-bm≥ F\n°v ss[cy-an√msX t]mb-sX¥p-sIm-≠mWv? ]n∂o-S-tßm´v Ahs‚ kvIqfn-te°p≈ hc-hns‚ tXmXv Xs∂ \s∂ Ipd™ph∂p. \memw ¢m n\p tijw amc≥ kvIqfn-te°v hcp-∂Xv Rm≥ I≠n-t´-bn-√. A∏\pw AΩbpw ]Wn°p t]mbm¬ Xmsgbp≈ aq∂v s]ß-∑m-cp-sSbpw kwc£W Npa-Xe At∏m-tg°pw Ahs‚ Npa-en-¬ h∂ps]´n-cp∂p. ap´n-en-g-bp∂ Hcp A\n-b-Ønbpw \S-°m≥ ]Tn®p Ign™ Hcp A\n-b-Ønbpw, Fs∂ ImWp-tºm-sgms° I∏-bn-e-X-≠psIm≠p ame-bp-≠m°n Xcm≥ Bh-iy-s∏-Sp-Ibpw ap≈≥]∂nbpsS ap≈p-sIm≠v kqNn-IpØn thZ-\n-∏n-°p-Ibpw sNøp∂ hnIr-Xn-bmb Hcp A\n-b-Ønbpw. aq∂p-t]-cp-sSbpw ]I¬ Pohn-XsØ aq°nf XpS®pw apJw Igp-In®pw I™n IpSn-∏n®pw CS-bv°nsS Ah-cpsS `mj-bn¬ NoØ hnfn®pw Ah≥ sacp-°n-s°m-≠n-cp-∂p. sshIn´v kvIqƒ hn´ph∂m¬ Rm\pw, A∏\pw AΩbpw ]Wn Ibdnh∂m¬ Ah\pw, kvIqƒ ssaXm-\-Øn-\-∏p-dsØ ImSp-]nSn®p InS-°p∂ Ip∂nse H‰-s∏´ Rmh-ens‚ XW-en¬ I≠p-ap´pw. A∏≥ ImWmsX s]´n-°-S-bn¬ \n∂pw Rms\-SpØ D≠ _nkv°‰pw anTm-bnbpw amc\v ssIamdpw. B¿t°m th≠n Icp-Xnsh-°m-s\∂ t]mse AX-∏msS Ah≥ Rm∂p-t]mb {Suk-dns‚ Ioibnte°v XmgvØpw. Hcp Nqfw-hnfns°m∏w amc≥ Rmh-ens‚ ]≈-bn-eqsS hen-™p-I-bdn At∏m-tg°pw ac-Øns‚ D®n-bn-seØn-bn-´p-≠m-hpw. Rmh¬ ImbvIƒ ]gp-°p∂ ImeØv, hb-e‰v \ndap≈ hmbpw Xpd-∂v ]nSn®v F\n°p≈ hnln-X-hp-ambn amc≥ `qanbn-te°v Hcp IdpØ K‘¿∆-s\-t∏mse Cd-ßn-h-cpw. acw Ibdm≥ Adn- b m- Ø , IrXy- a mbn \o¥m≥ hi- a n- √ m- Ø , Aßs\

{]mtbmKnI PohnX]cn-⁄m-\a- n-√mØ Rm≥, CS-bv°nsS ]pÆp-hcp∂ ]gpØ hmbpw Xpd∂v ]nSn®v, Rmh-ens‚ BIm-is- °m-ºn-encn-°p∂ amcs\ t\m°n AZv`p-X-s∏-Spw. ]n∂oSv Ah-s\s∂ Ip∂n≥]p-dsØ ]®-∏n-te°pw tX\o®-Iƒ IqSp-Iq-´nb Im´p-a-c-ß-fpsS XW-en-te°pw InfnI-fpsS _l-f-߃ \ne-bv°mØ {]tXy-I-Xcw ]g-°m-b-I-fp≈ acØns‚ Nph-´n-te°pw apfw-Iq-´-߃°n-S-bn-eqsS ]nS-t™m-Sp∂ Im´p-tIm-gnsb At\z-jn-°p-∂-hs‚ hy{K-X-tbmsS sIm≠p-t]mIpw. Nq´v IØn®p]nSn®v tX\o-®-Isf AI‰n sNdnb tX\-d-Iƒ Ah-s\-\n°v kΩm-\n-®n-´p-≠v. D≈wssIøn-en´v ]ngn-bp-tºmƒ hncep-Iƒ°n-Sb - n-eqsS In\n-bp∂ kz¿Æ\nd-ap≈ Ddh, \mhpsIm≠v \°n-Øp-S®v, tX≥IpSn-b-\mb Hcp Ic-Sn-°p-™n-s\-t∏mse Ah≥ Ipepßn®ncn°pw. amcs\ {]Xn sX√-`n-am-\-tØmsS Rm\t∏mƒ Hm¿°pw. Ah≥ ImWn-®p-X∂ Im´nse hgn-Iƒ-˛-]p¬°W-sIm≠v sshZ-Kv[y-tØmsS amf-Øn¬\n-∂v ]nSn®v ]pd-Øn´ hb¬R≠p- I ƒ- ˛ - t N- c p- a cw s]m≈m- X n- c n- ° m≥ tZlØp tX®p]nSn-∏n®p X∂ ]®-a-cp∂pIq´v˛In-fn-Isf ]nSn-°m≥ acs°m-ºp-I-fn¬ ]pc-´p∂ ac-°-d-I-fpsS cmk-kq{Xw˛Rm-\n-t∂hsc cpNn-®n-´n-√mØ Im´p-]-g-ß-fpsS a[p-chpw Nh¿∏pw. A]q¿∆-ambn am{Xw Rß-fpsS ¢m p-ap-dn-°-∏p-dsØ ]pdw aXn-en¬ PmeIZriyw t]mse amc≥ {]Xy-£-s∏-Sm-dp-≠v. Ahs‚ A∏≥ ]Wn-sb-Sp-°p∂ ho´nse B´n≥]-‰-߃s°m-∏tam I∂pIm-en-Iƒs°m-∏tam Ahsc Xo‰n®p sIm≠p-\-S-°p-∂-Xns‚ CSth-f-I-fn-em-bn-cn°pw Ah-\-t∏mƒ. B´n-S-b-∑m¿°p≈Xpt]mse Hcp \of≥ ]pfn-hSn amc≥ IpØn∏nSn-®n-´p-≠m-hpw. ]Tn-°m≥ Hcp]mSv CjvS-ap≈ Hcp Ip´n-bpsS Pn⁄m-k-tbmsS Ah≥ ¢m p-ap-dn-bnte°v amjp ImWmØhn[w t\m°n \n¬°p∂Xv Rm≥ ]e-t∏mgpw I≠n-´p-≠v. Ahs‚ apJØv A≤ym-]-Is‚ CuW-߃s°m∏w Rßfp-≠m-°p∂ hmbvØm-cn-bpsS Hmf-ß-fp-≠m-hpw. IÆp-I-fn¬ Rß-fpsS hnIr-Xn-Ø-c-ßfpw ¢m p-ap-dn-bnse {Inbm-hn-ti-jßfpw hnhn-[-`m-h-ß-fn¬ {]Xn-_nw-_n-°pw. ]n∂oSv Xo‰-Xn∂v \oßn-t∏m-hp∂ I∂p-Im-en-Iq-´-Øn-s\m-∏-sa-Øm≥ ¢m v \jvSs∏´ Ip´n-bpsS k¶-S-tØmsS HmSn-t∏mIpw. amjp-am-cn-√mØ ¢m p-ap-dn-bn-te°v D®-sh-bn-en¬ \n∂v Ah≥ hnt£-]n-°p∂ IÆm-Sn-®n-√p-IfpsS tdm°-‰p-Iƒ ]et∏mgpw e£yw shbv°p-∂Xv Fs∂-bm-bn-cn-°pw. C{X-b-[nIw s]m´nb IÆm-Sn®n√pIƒ amc≥ Fhn-sS-\n-∂mWv kwL-Sn-∏n-°p∂Xv ? Ah≥ IÆm-Sn-°-jvW-ßfpw Ifn-∏m-´-ßfpw Ft∏mgpw IqsSs°m≠p-\-S-°p-∂-sX-¥n-\mWv? apXn¿∂-Xn-\p-tijw {]nkØn-eqsS IS-∂p-t]m-Ip∂ {]Im-i-c-ivan-Iƒ krjvSn-°p∂ h¿Æ{]-]©w I≠v AZv`p-X-s∏-´-t∏mgpw Fs∂ thZ-\n-∏n-®Xv Ip™p∂m-fnse ¢m p-ap-dn-bn-te°v amcs‚ s{]mP-IvS¿ sXdp-∏n® shfn®-ß-fnse Zpc-¥-Nn-{X-ß-fm-bn-cp∂p. Xo£vW-amb B{K-l-ß-fp-

Best Compliments from

Kottayam Drug House 125

sSbpw A`n-cp-Nn-I-fp-sSbpw kz]v\-ß-fp-sSbpw Zpcn-X-ß-fp-sSbpw Xo{hm-hn-jv°m-c-ß-fp≈ s{^bn-ap-Iƒ. IÆmSnshfn®w X´n Rm≥ {]Im-in-°p-tºmƒ Iq´p-Im¿ Fs∂ t\m°n Iqhn hnfn°pw; "FSm IdpØ tPmk-∏n-t∏mƒ shfpØ tPmk-∏mbn' F∂p Ifn-bm-°pw. Rm≥ {ia-s∏´v IÆpXp-d∂v \nc-sX-‰nb ]√pw ImWn®v henb hmbn¬ Nncn-°pw. ]t£ amc≥ At∏mgpw \n¿ØmsX kqcy- s h- f n®w sIm≠v Fs∂ shfpØ tPmk-∏m°n am‰ns°m-t≠-bn-cn-°pw. Hcp]mSv h¿j-߃°p-ti-j-amWv amcs\ Rm≥ ]n∂oSv ImWp-∂-Xv. hb-\m-´nse h≈n-bq¿°mhv D’-h-Øn-\m-bn-cp-∂p, AXv. ]t£, Ah-s\s∂ A∂pw I≠n-´p-≠m-bn-cp-∂n-√. tPmen kw_-‘-amb sI´n-a-dn-b-ep-Iƒ°n-S-bn¬ Fs‚ PohnXw as‰mcp tZiØpw Ah-t‚Xv ]gb tImf-\n-bnepw \n¿∫m[w XpS-cp-∂p≠m-bn-cp-∂p. D’hmtLm-j-߃°p tij-ap≈ ]pe¿®-bn¬ Rm≥ ASpØp≈ Hcp ]oSn-I-ØnÆbn-te°v Ibdn \n¬°p-I-bm-bn-cp-∂p. Fs‚ \n¬∏n\pw \mep NphSv A∏psd aZy-]n®v \ne-sX‰n hoWp InS-°p-∂Xp amc-\m-bn-cp∂p F∂v t_m[ys∏Sm≥ ]gb Iq´pIm- c - s \∂ \ne- b n¬ F\n°v A[n- I - k abw th≠n- h - ∂ n- √ . Ac≠sh-fn-®-Øn¬ Rm≥ ASp-Øp-sN∂v t\m°n. H´pw Ac£nX t_m[an√msX, ]p\-c-[n-h-kn-°-s∏-´-hs‚ a\- -am-[m-\tØmsS kz]v\-߃ I≠p-sIm-≠m-h-Ww, apdp-°m≥ Id-bp≈ hmbpw Xpd∂p]nSn®v amc≥ Dd-ßp-∂p. IqsS `mcybpw a°fpw th¿s]-Sp-Øm-\m-hmØ XpWn-s°-´p-t]mse amcs‚ Ccp-ssI-∏pdØpw ]‰n-t®¿∂v Iq¿°w hen-°p-∂p. Pohn-X-Øns‚ BtLmj-ßfpw D’-h-∏-I¿®bpw kXy-k-‘-amb Hcp Nn{Xw t]mse Rm\-t∏mƒ I≠p. ]ns∂ amcs\ am{Xw t\m°n A¬]-t\cw \n∂p. Ah-s\s∂ "shfpØ tPmkt^' F∂p Ifn-bm°n hnfn-°p-∂Xp t]mse F\n°v tXm∂n. ]Tn-°m≥ PnRvPm-kp-hmb, ¢m p-ap-dn-bn-te°p Hfn™v t\m°n\n∂v ]mT-߃ {Kln® Iq´p-Im-cs\ F\n-°t∏mƒ Hcp thZ-\-t]mse Hm¿Ω h∂p. Rm≥ Xe-XmgvØn ]Xnsb ]oSn-I-Øn-Æ-bn¬ \n∂v Cd-ßn. kXy-Øn¬ kz]v\hpw PohnXhpw XΩn¬ F{X-b-Iew hyXym-k-ap≠v? AtX-\n-anjw Xs∂ amc-s\∂ Kpcp Fs‚ k¶¬]-ßsf XInSw adn-®p. Cu `qan-bn¬ H∂pw C√m-Xn-cp-∂n´pw H∂n-s‚bpw

Ah-Imin A√m-Xn-cp-∂n´pw {]Xm-]-ßtfm ÿm\-am-\-ßtfm e`n°m-Xn-cp-∂n-´pw. Ah≥ A\p-`-hn-°p∂ Ahm-Ny-amb kpc-£n-Xt_m[w Gsd°me-ambn im¥-ambn Dd-ßn-bn-´n-√mØ F\n°v kz]v\w t]mse tXm∂n. el-cn-bpsS ]®-∏n-em-sW-¶n¬ t]mepw ap≥hn-[n-I-fn-√mØ Pohn-Xm-h-t_m-[-Øns‚ \njv°-f-¶-amb Znimkq-NIw t]mse amc≥ Fs∂ Aº-c-∏n®pIf-™p. Ahs\ I≠ AtX Znhkw cm{Xn H´pw Bi-¶I - f- n-√m-sXbpw Ac-£n-X-t_m-[-an-√m-sXbpw KmV-ambn Dd-ß-W-sa∂v Rm≥ h√msX B{K-ln-®p. ]t£ Ign-™n-√. \mep hb- p-Imcn aIƒA∂tbbpw Ah-fpsS aΩ tdmk-Ω-tbbpw ap≥]n-√mØ hn[w Rm≥ tN¿Øp-]n-Sn-®p. amc≥ ImWn®p X∂ ]£n-Ifpw arK-ßfpw a‰p Poh-Pm-eß - fpw thfm-¶Æ - n-bn-te-°p≈ Xo¿∞m-SI - s- c-t∏mse Fs‚ A∂sØ cm{Xnkz]v\ß - f- n-te°v Ibdn h∂pthm? amcs\ A[n-I-cn®v sI.-]n. tPmk^v F∂ t]cn¬ Rms\-gpXnb A°Y ae-bm-fØ - nse {]ikvXa- mb Hcp hmcn-Ib - n-emWv A®Sn®p h∂-Xv. ]{Xm-[n-]c- psS hI-bmbn Hcp ZenXv Fgp-Øp-Im-cs‚ Pohn-Xm-ht- _m-[ß - f- psS IY F∂ Xe-°p-dn-∏p-ap-≠m-bn-cp∂p IqsS. hnI-emw-K\ - mb Hcp Im´m-\b - p-tSbpw apØß B£-\n¬ \n∂v c£s∏´ BZn-hmkn bphm-hns‚bpw Pohn-XX - m-cX - a- y-ßf- psS IY-bm-bncp∂p AXv. Dƒ°m-´n-te°v t]mbm¬ a‰p h\y-ar-K-ß-fpsS B{I-aWw t\cn-Sm≥ Ign-bn√ F∂v t_m[y-ap≈, Irjn-bn-S-ß-fn-te-°ndßnbm¬ \m´p-Im¿ D∂w shbv°pw F∂v `b-ap-≈, hnI-emw-K\mb Hcp B\bpw AXns\ ab-°p-shSn sh®v NnIn-’n-°p-∂Xns‚ ]›m-Øe - h - p-am-bn-cp-∂p, A°-Yb - v°p-≠m-bn-cp-∂X - v. kam-\amb Pohn-Xm-h-ÿ-I-fp≈, Im´m-\bpw ]e hmb-\-°m-scbpw thZ\n∏n®p F∂p Rm≥ ]n∂oSv a\- n-em-°n. kXy-Øn¬ ]cn-h¿ØnX {InkvXym-\n-bmb IdpØ tPmk^v F∂ Rm\pw amc≥ F∂ IdpØ K‘¿∆\pw Ic-bnse G‰hpw henb kkvX-\n-bmb tKm]m-e≥ F∂ Im´m-\bpw XΩn¬ Fs¥¶nepw kmay-apt≠m F∂p Rm≥ Btem-Nn®p t\m°n-bn-´p-≠v. Ds≠-¶nepw Cs√-¶nepw D≈n-en-cp∂v Ct∏mgpw Btcm t£m`n-°p-∂p-≠v. tNma≥ F∂ IYm-]m-{XsØ krjvSn-°m≥ amc≥ F∂ _meyIme kplr-Øns\ \osb-¥n-\mWv H‰p sImSp-ØXv ? AXpw Ct∏mgpw Pohn-®n-cn-°p∂, \n -lm-b-\mb, \ns∂ shfpØ tPmk-^m-°m≥ ]mSp-s]´ Kpcp-hmb \ns‚ kplr-Øns\?

Best Compliments from

Elsy Raju

Kochedacheril Egger Nursery Kurichy, Changanachery BiwkItfmsS...

Hmen-°-tcm´v F§¿ t\gvkdn Ipcn-ipw-aqSv, Nß-\m-t»-cn. t^m¨: 9495283868

5 tImgn-Isf hf¿Øm-\p-≈ B[p-\nI tImgn-°qSv ap´-t°m-gn, Icn-t¶mgn e`y-amWv 126

kmhn-{Xn-bpsS Ac-™mWw tUm. jd-^p-±o≥ sh‰dn-\dn k¿P≥, ap\n-bd, CSp°n


hn-{Xn-bpsS Ac-™mWw Ct∏mƒ aXn-a-d∂p Nncn-°m-dn√. Xo{h-]-cn-N-cW hm¿Un¬ kmjvSmwKw InS-∂-t∏m-fmWv Aßs\ Dd-∏n-®-Xv. A©mw ¢m n¬ sh®mWv, Atøm IÆn-s]m-´n-bt√m tamtf F∂v A\ojv ama≥ ISn®v Iq´n-bXpw, F¥v \√ ama≥ F∂v Ah-fp-d-®Xpw. AXn-s\-{Xtbm apºv CsX¥p `wKn Bsc-Sp-ØXm F∂v A∫m-kn-°-bpsS hnc-ep-Iƒ Nnte-S-ß-fn¬ ]Xdn hoWXv Ah-ƒ°v Hm¿sØ-Sp-°m-\m-hp-∂n-√, ]√n¬ H´nb anTm-bn-bpsS a[pcw am{Xw Du¿∂n-d-ßp-∂p-≠v. Ahƒ°-t∏mƒ A©v hb m-bn-cp-∂p. ]mT-im-e-bn¬ \n∂p hc-ºn-te-°n-d-ßp-tºmƒ hgn-sbm-s°bpw X≥ hgn-sb-∂-tLm-jw ]pdIn¬ ^en-X-Øn≥ _oP-K-WnXw lco-{µ\pw Iq´-cpw. Ac-™mWw Nncn-Xp-≈n-bp-W-cp-tºmƒ D≈n¬ I\epdh s]m´n Ah-fpsS IY-tI´v, aXn-sI´v

Ac-™m-W-Øn¬ Ipg™p hoWp ImapI≥ kZm-in-h≥ k¶-S-°-S¬ Hcp Xtem-S-en¬ AS-°p-t∂m≥ C\n-sb√m ZpxJ-sh-≈nbpw Ahƒt°m¿a Znh-k-߃. Xmen-®-c-Sn¬ \n∂v Ac-™m-W-Øn-te°v ]nSp-Ø-sa-dn-™Xv ]oXmw-_-c≥, IpSn® Nmcm-b-Øn≥ aq¿—-bn¬ Abmƒ°v ssI Ipg-™p. Ac-™m-W-a-∂m-Zy-ambv tXm‰p ]W-b-h-kvXp-hn¬ IqSp-X-sem∂pw AXv Abm-fn¬ DW¿Øn-bn√. Abmƒ Ah-sf-bpw. aWn-b-©m-bn-t´-bp≈q hb- -ºXpw hgn hnP\w a‰m-cp-an√ ]nt≈¿°v aoi-ap-f-®n-´p-an-√. Hcm-¥-en¬ Ac™mWw Fdn™p sImSpØv HmSn-bXv shdpsX Xo{h-]-cn-N-cW hm¿Un¬ kmjvSmwKw InS-°p-tºm-fmWv C\n Nncn-°m-\n-s√-∂p-d-®Xv au\-Øn-em-≠-Xv. 127

Ipfn tUm. A\nXm tIm°m´v sh‰dn\dn k¿P≥, sh‰-dn\dn Unkvs]≥k-dn, Cf-a-Æq¿

Htc t\cw hncp-≤-am-bn-cn-°p-tºmgpw A·nbpw Pehpw Htc-t]mse AXv F√m ]m]-ß-sfbpw ip≤-am-°p∂p; F√m ]mSp-I-sfbpw am®p If-bp∂p; Hcp \ne-hn-fn-bpsS Hmfw t]mepw Ah-ti-jn-∏n-°msX iq\y-X-bn-te-°p≈ HSp-hn-esØ hmXnepw Xpd-∂n-Sp∂p Ims®-Æ-bn¬ samcn™ Poc-I-Øn\p {]mNo-\-amb Hcp cpNn. Icn™ D≈n°v sh¥ amwk-Øns‚ Nph FÆ ]S¿∂v hgp-°p∂ ]Sn-s°-´p-Iƒ°-∏pdw Nmb-s∏-´n-bn¬\n∂v Nq≠p-hn-ce - n-\m¬ tImcn \neØv ]Xn-∏n® ISpw-\o-e-bpsS Hcm-ga-mbn Pew. Hm¿Ω-If- n¬\n∂v

ad-hn-bn-te°v Hcp IpsØm-gp°v A·nbpw Pehpw. Hcp-t]mse Cf-Ip∂ Ce-Iƒ t]mse Nen-°p∂ Pe-Øns‚, hnkvar-Xn-bpsS \ne-bv°mØ kv]¿iw. Nn{X-߃ ]Xn® henb kv^SnI P\me s]s´∂v Xpd-∂Xv t]mse Hs°bpw H‰-am-{X-bn¬ \ne-bv°p-∂p. Cu¿∏w am™v ]q∏¬ DW-ßnb ]S-hp-If- psS apI-fn¬ Im¬∏-S-ß-fn¬ Ah-ti-jn® \\hv IqSn H∏n-°f- ™v aS-ßp-tºmƒ Hm¿Ω-Iƒ am{Xw X¿∏Ww Ign™v apßn-°b - d- n-bn´pw hnc-en¬ \n∂q-cm≥ ad-s∂mcp tamXn-ch - f- bw IW-s°...

Best compliments from :

Parathode Service Co operative Bank Teekoy Service Co operative Bank 128

Nm\¬ ]q® tUm. Fw.-]n. kpP≥ sh‰-dn-\dn k¿P≥ sh‰-dn-\dn Unkvs]≥kdn Nmtem-Sv˛- I - Æ - q¿


Ccp∏v XpS-ßn-bn´v F{X-t\-ca- mbn°mWpw. Hcp cm{Xn°v C{X-am{Xw ssZ¿Lyhpw `oI-c-X-bpap-≠m-hp-tam. hni∏pw Zmlhpw Ipfncpw ImcWw tZlw hnd®v hnd®v Rm≥ Nmhp∂ Imcyw GXm≠v Xocp-am-\-am-bn-°-gn-™p-sh-∂mWv tXm∂p-∂-Xv. t\cw ]pe-cm≥ C\nbpw ka-b-ta-sd-bp≠v F∂p tXm∂p-∂p. hS-°≥ tIc-f-Øn¬ am{Xw ImWm-dp≈ Hcp {]tXy-I-Xcw ]mXncm-Im‰v Fs∂ XgpIn IS-∂p-t]m-bn. \nhn≥t]mfn X´-Øn≥ ad-bØv kn\n-ab - n¬ ]d-™X - p-t]m-se-Xs- ∂. ac-W`- oXn F∂Xv CXn-\p-ap-sºm-cn-°epw Fs∂- kv]¿in-°mØ hnIm-ca- m-bn-cp-∂p. ac-Ws- a-∂Xv tIh-ea- mb kXy-am-Ip-∂p. AXns\ F¥n\v `b-s∏-SWw? P\n® \mƒ apX¬ B ]c-a-amb kXy-Ønte°v \S-∂S- p-°pI-bm-Wt- √m˛ Pohs‚ G‰hpw \n›-ba- mb kXymh-ÿbpw AXm-W-t√m. AtX-`bw Xs∂-bt√m Cuizc hnizm-kØ - n-s‚bpw aX-ßf- psS \ne-\n¬∏n-s‚bpw ASn-ÿm-\w. s]s´∂v kzman kµo]vssNX\y Zqc-Z¿i≥ Nm\-en¬ F∂-t]mse

I¨ap-∂n¬ sXfn-™p-h-∂p. Hcp tlmtfm-{Km-^nIv s{]mP-£-s\∂-t]m-se. kzmanPn Nncn®p. A\-¥cw C{]-Imcw Dcp-hn-´p. kw`-hn-®s- X√mw \√-Xn-\v... kw`-hn-®p-sIm-≠n-cn-°p-∂Xpw \√-Xn-\v... C\n kw`-hn-°p-∂Xpw \√-Xn-\v... Hmw im¥n: im¥n: im¥n: A\¥cw kzmanPn A{]-Xy-£\ - m-bn. F√mw \√-Xn-\m-sW-¶n¬ ]ns∂ Rm≥ F¥n\v `b-s∏-SW - w...? \n߃ Icp-Xp-∂p-≠m-IWw Cu ]q®-°n-sX-¥p-]‰- n-sb-∂v. shdpsX-bn-cp∂v henb hmbn¬ XXzw ]d-bp-I-bm-sW∂p tXm∂p-∂p≠mhpw. F√mw Rm≥ hy‡-am-°mw. F√m-‰n\pw ImcWw Abm-fm-Wv. B sh‰-dn-\dn tUmIvS¿. Hcp arK-tUm-IvSd- psS ASp-tØ°v BZy-am-bmWv Fs∂ sIm≠pt]m-Ip-∂-Xv. t]mIm≥ F\n°v Xosc CjvS-ap-≠m-bn-cp-∂n-√. AXn\p≈ Akp-J-sam∂pw F\n-°p-≠m-bn-cp-∂n-√-t√m... 129

ssZh-ta...-Hcp ]q®°v kz¥-amb A`n-{]mbkzmX{¥yw F∂mWmthm e`n-°p-I... Fs‚ \√-hc- mb a\p-jy-tcm-sS-\n°v Ht∂ ]d-bm-\p-≈q. hfsc kocn-b- mb tcmKm-h-ÿ-bn¬ am{Xsa Hcp ]q®sb arK-tUm-IvSdpsS ASpØv sIm≠p-t]m-Im-hq. P\n-®X - ns‚ BZy-\m-fp-If- n-sem-∂n-em-bn-cp-∂p. tK‰n-\c- n-In¬\n∂p aΩ (an- nkv hn\-b≥) Fs∂ Is≠-Sp-°p-∂-Xv. ]ip-hn≥ ]m¬ t\¿∏n-°msX Im®n-Ø-∂Xp apgp-h≥ IpSn®v hb-dn-f°w ]nSn® Fs∂ aΩ-bpsS a°-fmb B\µpw Aiz-Xnbpw BZy-amZyw shdp-t∏msSam{Xsa t\m°n-bn-cp-∂p-≈q. ssZh-Ir-]b - m¬ c≠p-aq∂p Znh-k-Øn-\p-tijw Fs‚ hb-sdm-gn-®n¬ t`Z-ambn Ign™-t∏mƒ Rms\mcp kpµcn°p´n-bm-sW∂v aΩ A`n-{]m-b-s∏-´p. Ip´n-Ifpw AXw-Ko-Ic- n®p Xe-bm-´n. ]n∂o-sS-s∏mtgm kmdpw Fs∂ AwKo-I-cn-®p. AtXmsS h¿t°cn-bm-bn¬\n∂pw F\n°v ho´n-sehn-sSbpw k¿∆{X kzX-{¥y-ambn Ib-dn-s®-√m-sa-∂m-bn. F∂mepw F\n-t°-‰-hp-anjvSw Sn.-hn. h®n-cn-°p∂ enhnwKv dqam-bn-cp-∂p. Hcp Znhkw B\µpw Aiz-Xnbpw XΩn¬ F\n°v t]cn-Sp-∂X - ns\-s®m√n henb hmKzmZap≠m-bn. kpthm-fPn sFOn-I-hn-jb-amsb-SpØv _ncp-Z[ - m-cn-bm-sW-∂X - n-\mepw Fs∂ Is≠-Sp-ØXv Xm\msW-∂X - n-\mepw aΩ B[n-Im-cn-IX - t- bmsS CS-s]-Sp-Ibpw "s^enkv ' F∂v \n¿t±-in-°p-Ibpw sNbvXp. ""aXn-˛-A-Xp-aXn'' Ip´n-Iƒ c≠p-t]cpw ]ns∂ kmdpw GI-IWvTa- mbn AXw-Ko-Ic- n-®p. Hcp t]cn-se-¥n-cn-°p-∂p...-F-∂mepw F\n-°m-t]-cn¬ henb A`n-am\w tXm∂n... \µn-kq-N-I-ambn Rm≥ Dds° {]Xn-I-cn-®t∏mƒ aymhq F∂-Xn-\p-]-Icw "aΩm' F∂v hy‡-ambn ]d-™-XptI´v kt¥m-jm-[n-Iy-Øm¬ aΩbpw Ip´n-Ifpw Fs∂ tkm^bn¬\n∂pw \n¿Zm-jWyw ]dns®SpØv tasem-s´-dn™p]nSn®v BÀmZw {]I-Sn-∏n-®p. s^en-kv...-s^-en-kv... lqiv...-Fs- ‚tΩ. sFkn-t\-°mƒ XWpØ Ft¥m- H∂v ]Xp-ßn-bn-cn-°p-I-bmbn-cp∂ Fs‚ Imep-Iƒ°n-S-bn¬ \q≠ph∂-Xv. Xe-t®m-dn¬ Hcp an∂-em´w NnX-dn-®p. sk°‚ns‚ \qdn-sem-cw-iØ - n¬ tcma-Iq-]ß - tfm-tcm∂pw Fgp-∂p- \n¬°p-∂X - n-\n-Sb - n¬ Xncn-®d- n-™p. Hcp `oIc-\mb Xh-f-bm-bn-cp∂p AsX∂v. apI-fn¬ Hcp NmW-a-c-s°m-ºp-s≠-∂-dn-™Xv Xe AXn-en-Sn-®t∏m-gm-Wv. ssa°¬ s^¬]vkv Hfn-ºnIv kzoΩnwKv ]qfn-te°v IpXn-°p∂Xv A\p-kva-cn-∏n-°p-amdv amwk-f-amb XpS-Iƒ hnS¿Øn Hc-`ym-kn-

sb-t∏mse Xhf NmSn-t∏m-bn. ˛B-iz-kw˛ hnd®v aq{X-sam-gn®p t]mIp∂ ]cp-h-Øn-em-bn-t∏m-bn-cp∂p Rm≥ F∂p-]-d-™m¬ AXn-i-tbm‡n H´pw C√. Cu Ccn∏v XpS¿∂m¬ cm{Xn-bpsS GsX-¶nepw bma-Øn¬ ZpjvS-X-bpsS {]XoIamsb-Øn-tb-°m-hp∂ GsX-¶n-ep-sam-∂ns‚ {Iqc-amb th´-bm-S-en-\n-c-bmbn Rm\o `qap-J-Øp-\n∂pw Uneo‰v sNø-s∏-Sp-sa-∂p-Xs∂ a\- n-ep-d-∏n-®p... Rm≥ ]d-™p-h-∂-Xn-Xm-bn-cp-∂p...aΩ-bp-sSbpw kmdn-s‚bpw Ip´n-I-fp-sSbpw \nd-a-\- nse kvt\l-Øn-eqsS tIh-e-samcp kz]v\-Po-hn-bm-bn-´m-bn-cp-∂p Rm≥ hf¿∂p-h-∂-Xv. AXns‚ DZml-c-W-amWv Fs‚ PohnXhpw `£-W-co-Xn-Ifpw Nn¥m-K-Xnbpw a‰pw. a¬kyhpw amwkhpw Ign-°mØ X\n-sh-Pn-t‰-dn-b≥. t_°dn-km-[-\-ßfpw {^qSvkpw IqSp-X¬ ]Yyw...-H∂n\pw c≠n-\p-ambn am{Xw Znh-k-Øn¬ Ht∂m ct≠m XhW ]pd-tØ-°n-dßpw. tImSo-iz-c\ - n¬ kptc-jvtKm]n ]d-bp-tºmse tZ t]mbn...Zm h∂p...A-{X-X-s∂. ""CsXmcp Sn.hn. AUnIvSv tIkp-Xs∂'' aΩbpw kmdpw ]nt≈cpw XnI®pw \oc-k-tØmsS Ft∏mgpw ]d-bpw. F\n-°-Xn¬ ]cm-Xn-bp-an-√. kwKXn icn-bm-Wp-Xm-\pw. Znh- k - Ø n- s ‚ `qcn- ` m- K hpw enhnwKv dqanse tkm^- b n¬ Npcp≠pIqSn-In-S-°m-\m-bn-cp∂p CjvSw.-arZp-ehpw Dujva-f-hp-amb AhnSw h≠n-I-bdn NØp-t]mb Fs‚ X≈-bpsS aSn-Ø´v Hm¿Ωn∏n°pw. Mvlm...CsXm∂pw ]d-™m¬ ]nt≈¿°p h√Xpw a\- n-emhp-tam... ho´n-emcv Sn.-hn. HmWm-°n-bmepw {ioim-¥n\v hn°‰v In´n-bmesØ Bth-i-am-sW-\n-°v. "Nm\-te-Xm-bmepw t{]m{Kmw \∂mbm¬aXn' {io\m-cm-bWKpcp C∂v Pohn-®n-cp-∂p-sh-¶n¬ Cßs\ ]d-t™s\ Fs∂-\n°v GXm≠v Dd-∏m-Wv. ""lm∏n _¿Øv t U Sp bq...- s ^- e n- k v . .. aq∂v {]mhiyw Bh¿Øn-®psIm≠v sagp-Ip-Xncn DuXn...-aΩ tI°v apdn-®p. Fs∂ tK‰n-\-cn-In¬\n∂pw In´n-bn´v Hcp h¿jw XnI-bp∂ Znh-k-am-W-s{X C∂se. aΩ Nq≠v hnc-en¬ tI°v tXm≠n _eambn Fs‚ hmbn¬ XncpInh®p. \√ cpNn-tXm-∂n. XpS¿∂v kmdpw Ip´n-I-fpw A∏q-∏\pw AΩq-Ωbpw ]nip-t°-Xp-an-√msX X∂Xpw IqSn hngp-ßn. sagp-Ip-Xn-cn-bpsS Ij-Ww-IqSn AIØmtbm Fs∂-\n°v kwi-b-ap-≠m-bn-cp-∂p.

Best Compliments from

Indian Veterinary Association Kottayam Unit


]mXnc Ign-™-t∏mƒ hb-‰n-semcp hnΩnjvSw XpS-ßn. h¿°v Gcn-bm-bn¬ sN∂v c≠v {]mhiyw O¿±n-®p. A¬]w Bizmkw tXm∂n-sb-¶nepw ]n∂oSv Xosc høm-Xm-bn-Øp-S-ßn. C∂v cmhnse Fs‚ InS∏v I≠Xp apX¬ ho´n-se-√m-hcpw Np‰pw-h∂p\n∂v ssZ\y-X-tbmsS t\m°n-\n-∂p. ""]mhw...-F¥ - p-]‰- n-tbm...'' aΩ F√m-ht- cm-Sp-ambn ]ndp-]n-dp-Øp. CXp-Iq-Sn- tI-´-t∏mƒ Fs‚ Ah-iX H∂p-IqSn aq¿On-®p. ""A¬]w I´≥Nmb sImSpØp t\m°q'' A∏q-∏≥ sshZy\m-hm≥ {ian-®p-t\m-°n-sb-¶nepw kmdv kΩ-Xn-®n-√. ""Hcp tUmIvSsdØs∂ ImWn-°Ww'' tI´-]mXn aΩ ASpØ ho´nse \mb DSa t__n-km-dns‚ `mcybpsS ]°¬\n∂pw t^m¨ \º¿ kwL-Sn-∏n-®p. tUmIvS¿ Bip-]-{Xn-bn-te-°p≈ hgn-bn-em-sW∂pw sshIpt∂cw hcm≥ \n¿t±-in-®-Xmbpw ]d™p. tIs´-¶nepw F\ns°m-∂nepw Xm¬]cyw tXm∂n-bn-√. XpS¿®-bmbn ha-t\O -D≠m-sb-¶nepw ]pd-tØ-s°m∂pw h∂n-√. ]I¬ apgp-h≥ tkm^-bn¬ InS∂v Sn.-hn. t\m°n-bn-cp-s∂¶nepw Bcpw Xs∂ AXv HmWm-°n-bn√. AXpw Fs‚ Ah-iX°v B°w Iq´n. UnkvI-hdn S¿t_m, F.-F-Ivkv.F≥, tSm∏v Knb¿, ^mÃv {Sm°v XpS-ßnb Hmt´m-tam-´ohv Nm\¬{]nb-\mb B\µv kmdns\ ]d™v ]ncn-I-b-‰n-b-Xn-\p-]p-dsa aΩ-bpsS Xe-bWa{¥hpw IqSnbm-b-t∏mƒ tem¨ kwL-Sn-∏n®v kmdv Imdv hmßn. Hcm-gvN-bm-bn´pw IpSpw-_-sØbpw Iq´n Id-ßm≥ am{Xw ss{UhnwKv {]mIvSokv t]mcm-Ø-Xn-\m¬ km¿ s\Sp-ho¿∏n-´p. cmhn-sebpw sshIp-t∂-chpw s]mSn-Xp-S®v Xr]vXn-s∏-´p. ""Bdpa-Wn°v tUmIvS¿ sN√m≥ ]d™p'' t^m¨ I´m°n km¿ F√m-h-tcm-Sp-ambn ]d-™p. sshIp-t∂cw h∂Xp apX¬ km¿ t^mWn-em-bn-cp-∂p. A∏q-∏\pw AΩq-Ω-bp-sam-gnsI F√m-hcpw an\n-´p-Iƒ°p≈n¬ Xøm-dm-bn. tkm^-bn¬\n∂pw \n¿±m-£nWyw Fs∂ ]dn-s®-SpØv ]gb S¿°n S∆-en¬ s]mXn™v Xs‚ aSn-bn-en-cp-Øn aΩ ap≥ko-‰n¬ Ib-dn-bn-cp-∂p. Ip´n-Iƒ ]pd-In-epw. ]pXnb Imdnse BZysØ bm{X Cß-s\-bm-bn-t∏m-b-Xn¬ \ncm-i-tXm-∂n. kmdns‚ ss{UhnMv {i≤n®v shdp-sX-bn-cp-∂p. GtXm _en-jvT-amb D]-I-c-W-Øn¬ ]nSn®v AXy-≤zm\w sNøp-∂-Xp-t]mse Ãnb-dnwKv hoen¬ ]nSn®v C{µ≥kns\ A\pkva-cn-∏n-°p-amdv IgpØv \o´n Xe-N-en-∏n-°msX izmkw hnSmsX kmdv AXoh {i≤-tbmsS Imtdm-Sn-°p-∂Xv I¨tIm-Wn-eqsS {i≤n-®p-sIm-≠n-cp-∂-t∏mƒ ]c-a-]p—w tXm∂n-t∏m-bn. sk_m-Ãy≥ sh‰-en-s‚bpw ssa°¬ jqam-°-dp-sSbpw io¬Imckln-Xa- mb ss{UhnMv lc-amb F\n°v kmdns\ sXmgn®v ]pd-Øn-Sm≥ tXm∂n-sb-¶nepw, Ah-i-X -Im-cWw kln-®p.

""\a-kvImcw tUmIvS-sd...-Rm≥ hnfn-®n-cp-∂p...'' ]pXnb Imdn¬ \n∂n-d-ßp∂ A¥- m¿∂ NncntbmsS km¿ tUmIvS-tdmSv Ipiew ]d-™p. Xqhm-e-bn¬\n∂pw ]pd-sØ-SpØv Fs∂ B\-µns‚ ssIønte¬∏n®v aΩ kmcn t\sc-bm°n tUmIvSsd thh-em-Xn-tbmsS t\m°n Nncn-®p. Hcp sh‰-dn-\dn tUmIvSsd Rm≥ t\cn´v ImWp-∂Xv BZy-ambm-Wv. ""hc-Ww...-C-Xn-s\¥m ]‰n-b-Xv, tai-∏p-dØv ht®mfq'' tUmIvSdpsS \n¿t±-iw-tI´v Fs‚ D≈v Imfn. Ah-iX Bhn-bm-bn-t∏mbn. arK-tUm-IvS-dmtWm Cbmƒ...-AtXm Uªyq Uªyq F^nse KpkvXn-°m-c-t\m... Cdp-Inb Sn j¿´ns‚ ]cn-an-Xn°v ]pdØv NmSm≥ ]mI-Øn¬ s\©v hncn®v akn-ep-cp´n Fs‚ t\¿°v ssINq-≠n-b-t∏mƒ c≠n\p t]mI-W-sa∂v tXm∂n-t∏m-bn. ""H∂v sXm´v ]nSn-t®m-fq. Rms\m∂v ]cn-tim-[n-°s´'' Igp-Øn¬ Ipgepw ssIbn-semcp s]´n-bp-ambn a√≥ AIØp-\n∂p Xncn-®p-h-cp-∂Xp I≠-t∏mƒ Poh≥ ]mXn-t]m-bn. dnßn¬ {]Xn-tbm-Kn-bpsS CSn-sIm≠v \new-]-cn-imb KpkvXn-°mc≥ d^dnbpsS 1...2...3... FƬ tI´v NmSn FWo‰v ASpØ A¶Øn\v Xøm-dm-hp∂ amXncn B\-µns‚ ssI°p-≈n¬\n∂pw Rm≥ IpX-dn- Xmsg NmSn... ""tams\...-]n-Sn-s°-Sm...'' aΩ-bpsS sh{]m-f-Øn-\n-S-bn¬ kmdpw B⁄m-]n-®p. ""]nSn-s°Sm'' B\µv NmSn Fs‚ ]n≥I-gp-Øn¬ ]nSn®psh¶nepw AhiX ad∂v F∂nse AXve‰v ]nSn-sIm-Sp-°msX sX∂n-am-dn. ""s^en-kv...-_m...-_m...-A-hnsS \nev°v... AizXn hnfn-®p. tUmIv S sd Hcn- ° ¬ IqSn Xncn™v t\m°n. t]m¿®n¬ \n¿Øn-bn-´n-cn-°p∂ At±-l-Øns‚ henb Imdns‚ ASn-bn¬ Hfn-®p. Aa¿∂v Ip\n-™n-cn-°m≥ Ign-bmØ IjvS-∏m-Sn¬ aΩbpw kmdpw ]IpXn Ip\n™v Zb-\o-b-ambn Fs∂ t\m°n. Cu _l-f-Øn-\n-S-bn¬ B\µv Hcp ap´≥hSn kwL-Sn-∏n®v Fs‚ t\sc \o´n. a\- n¬ h√mØ `bw \nd™p. Hcp thf F√m-hcpw Fs‚ i{Xp-°-fmbn tXm∂n. A\y-amb Hcn-SØv AXp-hsc Adn-bmØ H‰-s∏-S-ens‚ `oXn-bn¬ Rm≥ Fs∂ am{X-tam¿Øp. Fs‚ Poh≥ c£- s ∏- S p- Ø p- ∂ Xp am{X- t am¿Øp. Hcp arK- X rjv W F∂n¬ \nd-bp-∂Xv Rm\-dn-™p. FXn¿°m≥ Ign- b m- Ø n- S Øv c£- s ∏- S p- I - b mWv _p≤n. ]n∂mse hcp∂ ]e ssIIsf Rm≥ `b-s∏-´p. tIƒ°p-I-am{Xw sNbvXn-´p≈ A{Un-\m-en≥ tlm¿tam-Wns‚ hocyw F∂n¬ IØn∏-S¿∂p.

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H‰-®m-´-Øn\v aXn-en\v apI-fn-se-Øn. ""hm...-tam-tf...-s^-en-kv...'' aΩ-bp-sSbpw Aiz-Xn-bp-sSbpw imk-\-tbm-sS-bp≈ hnfn Fs‚ I¿Æ-]p-S-߃ kzoI-cn-®n-√. _lfw aqe-am-IWw ASpØ ho´nse \me©v \mbv°-fpsS `oI-c-amb Ipc-bmWv ]ns∂ Acßv XI¿ØXv. ZpjvS-∑m¿ Cu hn[-ap-t≠m. \me©v \mbv°sf hf¿Øm≥ am{Xw ho´n¬ \n[n-bp-≠m-hp-tam... ""-\o-sbms° ]´n-bpsS ISn-sIm≠v t]]n-Sn®v acn°pw'' Rm≥ a\- -dn™p ]vcmIn. B\µv aXn-en\v apI-fn-eqsS ]Ωn∏Ωn hcp∂p-≠v. ASp-Ø-]-d-ºnse Iqh-s®-Sn-bpsS CS-bn-te°v Hcp Nm´-Øn\v ]Xp-ßn. tSmw B‚v sPdn Im¿´qWnse ]q®-bpsS hn[n-Xs∂ F\n-°pw. Ipdp-ºs- \-en, ap≈p-If- p≈ s_¬‰n´ Xe-ho¿Ø \mb XpS-ßnb Iivae - ∑ - m-cpsS th´-bm-Se - n¬ H‰-s∏-Sp∂ tSmw...-Ch - n-SpsØ \me©p Iiva-e-∑m¿ Nß-e-bnepw Iq´n-ep-am-bXv Fs‚ `mKyw...A-s√-¶n¬ CsXm∂pw \nß-tfmSv ]d-bm≥ Rm\p-≠m-hn-√m-bn-cp-∂p. Xo¿®... B\µv aXnev NmSn ]n∂mse Xnc™v h∂Xv Rm≥ ImWp-∂p≠m-bn-cp-∂p. hnd-bm¿∂ i_vZØ - n¬ s^en-kv...-s^-enkv F∂v hnfn®v apt∂m´v \S-°p-tºmƒ Rm≥ izmkw hnSmsX Hgn-™pamdn. `oI-c∑ - m-cmb \me©v \mbv°sf Rm\-tß-b‰w `b-s∏-´p. AhbpsS Ae¿®-bn¬ B\-µns‚ Ic-®n-ens‚ ht°m-f-sa-Ønb i_vZw apßn-t∏m-bn... ImSp-I-b-dnb B ]d-ºns‚ kpc-£n-X-Xz-Øn¬ Rm≥ InX∏-I-‰n. Ah-i-X-Im-cWw ssIIm-ep-Iƒ Ipg-™p. \mhv hc-≠p. icocw hnd-ß-en-®p. B\µv Fs∂bpwtXSn apt∂m´v Ae-bp-∂Xv Rm≥ ImWp-∂p≠m-bn-cp-∂p. Ccpƒ ]c∂p XpS-ßn-b-Xn-\m¬ Fs∂ I≠p-]n-Sn°m≥ Ign-bp-am-bn-cp-∂n-√. Cu Ccp∏v XpS-ßn-bn´v t\c-sa-{X-bmbn ImWpw? Ccp-fns‚ IqSmcw Cdßn h∂v aqSnbn´v aWn-°q-dp-I-fmbn°mW-Ww. Rm\nt∏mgpw Pohn-®n-cn-°p-∂p. ssZh-ta...-\-µn... aΩbpw kmdpw ]nt≈cpw t]mbn-°mWpw. H∂pw tIƒ°p-∂n√. F\n°v Ic-®n-eS- ° - m≥ Ign-™n-√. hni∏pw Zmlhpw C{Xbpw Ak-l-\o-b-amb Ah-ÿ-bm-sW∂v BZy-am-b-dn-bp-∂p. ASp-sØ-hn-sStbm D≈ Nne hoSp-I-fn¬\n∂pw CØncn shfn®w Acn-s®-Øp-∂p-≠v. AXp-t]mse Sn.-hn.-bn¬ \n∂p≈ i_vZ-ho-Nn-Ifpw HºXp aWn-°p≈ P\-{]nb kwKoX dnbm-en-‰n-tjm-bpsS ssS‰n¬ tkmßv tI´-t∏mƒ \ncm-ibpw \jvS-t_m-[hpw ImcWw Ip‰-t_m-[-ta-dn...-F-√m-‰n\pw ImcWw B tUmIvS-dm-Wv. ZpjvS≥...A-tß¿°v h√ Nm\-enepw KpkvXn ]nSn-°m≥ t]mIp-∂-Xt√ \√-Xv... ]mhw ]q®-Is- fbpw a‰pw shdpsX t]Sn-∏n®v hgn-bm-[m-ca- m°m≥.

Ct∏mƒ ho´n-se-√m-hcpw F¥p-sN-øp-Ib - m-bn-cn-°p-sa∂v Nn¥n®-t∏mƒ sXm≠-bn¬ Hcp hn߬...-s\©v Np´p. IÆn¬ Dd-hsb-SpØ IÆo¿ Xmsg hogmsX shfn-®sØ \qdm-bncw NnX-dnb Nofp-I-fm°n lrZ-b-Øn¬ Xd-∏n®v tNmc-sbm-gp-°n. ]cn-Nn-Xa- mb Np‰p-]m-Sn¬ Npcp°w Nne _‘-ßf- nepw Akzm`m-hnI ioe-ß-fnepw AI-s∏´v X\Xv Ign-hp-Ifpw ss\k¿§nI ioe-ßfpw aq¿®-tX™v \n -lm-b-\mb Hcp Pohn s]mSp-∂s\ Hcp \nan-jm¿≤-Øn¬ AXoh NSp-e-Xbpw ]cn-io-e-\hpw Imcy£-aX - bpw Bh-iy-s∏-Sp∂ k∂nKv≤X-bn¬ FSp-sØ-dn-bs- ∏-´m-ep≈ \n -lm-bm-hÿ Rm\-dn-bp-∂p. ""ac-W-sa-Øp∂ t\cØv \osbs‚ Acn-In¬ CØn-cn-t\cw Ccn-°tW'' kv]ncn‰v F∂ taml≥em¬ Nn{X-Ønse Km\w kao-]sØ ho´nse Sn.-hn-bn¬ \n∂pw sNhn-bn¬ a¿Ω-c-am-bn. acWw Fs∂ I´n-bp≈ a™p-t]mse s]mXn-™n-cn-°p-∂p. AXns‚ XWp-∏v, GIm-¥-X, emLhXzw... Hs° Rm\-dn-bp-∂p. A√tbm A¿÷p\m \o Fs∂ Xncn-®-dn-bq. \ns‚ I¿Ωw \o A\p-jvTn-°q. \ns‚ [¿Ωw \o \nd-th-‰q...-kzman kµo]v ssNX\y ho≠pw IÆn¬ hnf-°mbv sXfn-™p... IqSp-X¬ hy‡am-bv. A√tbm am¿÷m-cm...-D-Øn-jvTX Pm{K-X...-F-s∂ms° tI´n´n-t√...-e-£y-{]m-]vXn-°mbv DW-cq...-I¿tΩm-’p-I-\m-hq. kzmao...-Rm≥ tIhew Ign-hp-sI´ Hcp \n -lmb Pohn. ss\k¿§n-I-hm-k-\-Iƒ ssIhn-´p-t]mb Hcp lX-`m-Ky. {`am-flI-amb I¬]-\-I-fn¬ am{Xw A`n-c-an®v hy‡nXzw \jvS-s∏´ A_e. ""]cn-{i-an-°n-te-Xn-s\bpw hi-Øn-em-°m≥ Ign-hp-≈-hÆw...'' F∂v Ihn ]mSn-bXv tIhew a\p-jys\ am{X-ap-t±-in-®m-sW∂p Icp-Xntbm? sX‰n... ""]m¬ ]m{X-Øn¬ hoW-pt]mb Xh-f-bpsS IY tI´n-´pt≠m \o?'' ˛kzm-an-Pn. ""C√ kzmao''-˛-Rm≥ hn\-bm-\zn-X-bm-bn. ""]d-bmw...-˛H- c- n-°s- emcp Xhf Nm´w-]n-g®v ]m¬]m{X-Øn¬hoWp. F{X NmSn t\m°n-bn´pw c£-s∏-Sm-\m-hmsX ssIIm¬ Ipg™p. acWw ap∂n¬ I≠ Xhf ip`m]vXn hnizmkw ssIhnSmsX ZrV-\n-›bw sNbvXv NmSn-s°m-≠n-cp-∂p. HSp-hn¬ apIfn¬ s]mßn-h∂ shÆ-bpsS tase-I-b-dn-\n∂v NmSn c£-s∏-´p. aWvUqIw.'' ""tl am¿÷m-cm...-CXv \n\°pw _m[Iw'' kzman hmbp-hn-e-en™p. hni-∏ns‚ B{I-aW - Ø - n¬ hb-dp-Ic- n™p Pohn-XØ - n-em-Zy-ambv `£-Wt- ØmSv AXym¿Øn tXm∂n-t∏m-bn. Ip°dn Nm\-en¬ e£van\mb¿ h∂v \nd-™p-\n-∂p. Nncn®p


s]m≥Ip∂w k¿hokv klIcW _m¶v ¢n]vXw \º¿527 ¢mkv 1 kq∏¿ t{KUv _m¶v ÿm]nXw˛1923, t^m¨: 221223, 224343 {_m©pIƒ: s]m≥Ip∂w (221223), sNdph≈n (247119), Ip∂pw`mKw (202911, {]`mX˛kmbm” imJ (225223), sXt°ØpIhe (228664), Imhpw`mKw (262222), IØem¶¬ ]Sn (230423) 132

apSn-sbm-Xp-°n. F\n°v Bizm-kambn. \mKm-em‚nse tKm{Xh¿§-°m-cpsS IpSn-en¬ G¥n-h-en™v Ibdn∏‰n. DW-°nbpw ]pI-I-b-‰nbpw kq£n-®p-h® Cd®n thhn®v kq∏p-≠m-°p∂ hnZy Im´n-Ø-∂p. ImgvN-I-≠p-I-gn-™-t∏mƒ hni∏v \qdn-c-´n-bmbn. e£van-\m-bsc ]®bv°v Xn∂m≥ tXm∂n. sNSn-I-fpsS Ce-Iƒ Cf°n Akv{Xw-t]mse Hcp ]X-\w. hen-sbmcp Bdp-Im-e≥ Pohn. h√msX t]Sn-®p-t]m-bn. ASpØ-£Ww B\n-a¬ πm\-‰n¬\n∂pw t_¿Kn¬kv ap∂n¬ h∂p Nncn®p ]Xn™ io¬°m-c-i-_vZ-Øn¬ Ifn-bm-°n. s\‰n-Np-fn®p.""CXv \nim-N-cn-bmb ]®-Øp-≈≥'' A\-¥cw AXns‚ ]n≥`mKØv ]nSn®v Np≠p-Iƒ hnS¿Øn ]√n¬h®v apdp°v Xn∂-p∂Xp-t]mse Kptcm-˛-X-Ym-kvXp. Hcp \nan- j m¿≤ th´. s]cpØ ]®- Ø p- ≈ ≥ Fs‚ ssIIƒ°n-S-bn-em-bn. BZy-ambn Rms\mcp th´-°m-c-\m-bn...Hcp ]q®-bm-bn. \µn Kptcm...Rm\n-Xp-hsc Ign-®n-´p≈ sa\phnse GXv t_°dn km[-\-Øn-\p≠v CXns‚ cpNn? ha-t\-O-bp-≠m-Iptam F∂p `b-s∂-¶nepw H∂pw kw`-hn®n-√.Fs‚ _p≤nbpw tNX-\bpw ]Xnsb DW¿∂p XpS-ßn. ssIIm-ep-Iƒ btYjvSw Nen-∏n-°m-sa∂mbn. CØn-cn-Zqcw \S∂-t∏mƒ Bfl-hn-izmkw IqSn. ]s£, Zmlw IÆn-en-cp-´m-bn. shfn®w ZpxJam-WpÆn Xa- t√m kpJ-{]-Zw-˛-A-°nØw ]Xnsb Fs‚ Xe-bnep-gn™p GXn-cp-fnepw sXfn-bp∂ IÆp-I-fmWv ]q®bv°v Fs∂∂n°v t_m[y-s∏-´p-Xp-S-ßn. ae¿∂v hoWp InS∂ Nnc-´-bn¬ ag-sh-≈w. Acn-®pho-gp∂ \nem-hn¬ I\-embv Xnf-ßn. GtXm Dujc`qan-bnse AXn-cp-I-fn-√mØ aW¬°p∂pIƒ°n-S-bn¬ B≠n-dßn ]md-bv°p-≈n¬ Dudn hcp∂ \\hv sNfn-bm¬ XS-sI-´n s]m≈-bmb sNSn-Ø≠v kvt{Smbm°n IpSn°p-∂Xv Im´n-Ø∂p t_¿Kn¬kv. Nnc´ Imen-bm-bn. ]nd-sI -\-S-°m≥ BwKyw ImWn-®p. ]c-a-amb H‰-s∏-S-ens‚ \n -lm-b-bn¬ Poh≥ \ne-\n¿Øp-∂-Xns‚ ss\k¿§nI hmk\-I-fpsS X\Xv Adn-hp-I-fpsS A{K-Km-an...Xm¶ƒ°v Rm≥ injy-s∏Sp∂p. A\p-{K-ln-®m-epw. F{X-t\cw ]n¥p-S¿∂psh∂-dn-bn-√. Ct∏mƒ tdmUnse hnf°p-I-fpsS {]Imiw ImWm-sa-\n-°v. ImSp-aq-Sn-°n-S-°p-∂-bn-SsØ√mw aZy-°p-∏n-Iƒ NnX-dn-°n-S-∂p. ""sshIo-s´¥m ]cn-]mSn'' \m´n-emsI F{X-am{Xw km¿h{Xn- I - a m- W - ∂ - d n- ™ p˛ taml≥em¬ IÆn- d p°n Nncn- ® p. Cbmƒ°v A`n-\-bn-®m¬ am{Xw t]msc...-I-≈ns‚ Aw_m-kU-dm-I-tWm...-A-t∏mgpw taml≥em¬ Nncn-®p. ho´n-te-°p≈ hgn AsXm-∂p-am-{X-ambn ]c-a-amb e£yw. Xe-t®m-dnse kn\m-]vkp-Iƒ apgp-h≥ AXoh Pm{K-Xm-h-ÿbn-em-bn. tImi-ß-fnse sk≥k-dp-Iƒ apgp-h≥ bp≤Imem-Sn-ÿm\-Øn-ep-W¿∂p. _tbm-f-Pn-°¬ t¢m°v \nin-X-amb ka-b¢n]vXX ]I¿∂p. _tbm-f-Pn-°¬ tImºkv Znim kqN-Iambn h¿Øn-®p... `qJ-WvUm-¥c tZim-S\w \S-Øp∂ ]£n-Iƒ°pw a‰pw Bcv hgn-Im-´p∂p? F√mw D≈n¬ Xs∂-bp-≠m-hpw. Hcp Xncn-®-dnhv. A{X am{Xw aXn-bm-Ipw. hm\n¬ \£-{X-߃ IÆp-Nn-Ωn-°m-Wn®p. C{Xbpw \£-

{X-߃ ]qØp-\n¬°p-∂Xv CXp-hsc I≠n-´n-s√∂v ]d-™m¬ \nß-sfs∂ ]p—n-°-cp-Xv. ]pfp-h-Sn-bm-sW∂pw ]d-b-cp-Xv. kn\n-abpw kocn-bepw a‰p-ambn Hscm‰ cm{Xn-t]mepw Rm≥ ]pd-Øn-d-ßm-dn-√.- a-\ v XWp-Øp -Xp-S-ßn-b-t∏mƒ samØ-Øn¬ Hcp Ipfn-cp-tXm-∂n. Hcp-Xcw `mc-an-√m-bva A\p-`-h-s∏-Sp-∂pt≠m? ssS‰m-\nIv kn\n-a-bnse cwK-߃ Xnc-bn-f-In. Hm Pm°v...Hm tdm v... Hcm¨ ]q®-bpsS kmao]yw BZy-ambn B{K-ln-®p-t]mbn. BZnaamb Hcp tNmZ\ \s´-√n-eqsS ]m™p-t]m-hp-∂-X-dnbp-∂p. `oI-c-amb Hcp th´-bm-S-ens‚ sdUv Ae¿´v Xe-t®m-dn¬ \qdm-bncw Bth-i-ß-fmbn Xnf-®p. ASpØ-£-W-Øn¬ Xncn-®dn-bp∂ h\y-amb Hcm-{I-a-W-ambn ap∂n-te°v NmSn hogp-∂Xv Hcp Ipdp-\-cn-bm-sW-∂v. XojvW-amb I\¬°-Æp-Ifpw tX‰-t]m-ep≈ tImº-√p-Ifpw Hcp c£s∏-S-ens‚ Bh-iy-IX t_m[y-s∏-SpØn. ASp-Øp≈ \of≥ ac-Øns‚ XpºØv FØn-s∏-´Xv Fs‚ t_m[-]q¿∆-amb {]b-Xv\-am-bn-cp-∂n√ Xo¿®. ]ns∂ Rm\n-sXßs\ apI-fn-se-Øn-sb∂v Bi¶ _m°n-bm-bn. apI-fn¬ \£{X-߃ A`n-\-µn®p Nncn-®p. Ipdp-\cn \ncmi ImcWw ]q®amwkw ap¥ncn t]mse ]pfn-°p-sa∂v ]d™v ]m´n\v t]mbn ImW-Ww. Chn-sS-\n∂pw samØ-Øn¬ ]cn-k-c-amsI ImWm≥ Ign-bp∂p-≠v. ]´-W-{]m-¥-am-bXp ImcWw sshZypX-Zo-]-߃ shfn-®Øp≈nIfmbv hnim-e-amb Imen-tUm-kvtIm∏v Z¿i-\-ta-In. Zqsc sslth-bn-eqsS cm£-k°-Æp-I-fp-ambn {S°p-Ifpw Sm¶¿temdn-Ifpw A]q¿∆w sIm®p-hm-l-\-ßfpw Xnc-°n-t´m-Sn-t∏m-bn. AI-sebpw Acn-In-ep-ambn \nc-h[n samss_¬ Sh-dp-Iƒ, F®v._ - n.-H. Nm\¬ Im´n-Ø∂ {Sm≥kvt^m¿ta¿kv kn\n-ab - nseb{X Pohn-Isf A\p-kvac- n-∏n-®p. tl...-he - nb Iºn-°pS h® Sh¿...-AX - n-\S- p-Øm-Wt√ \µ-\w. aΩ-bp-sSbpw kmdn-s‚bpw hoSv. Ft‚Xpw. lrZbw s]cp-ºd sIm´nØp-Sß - n. apdnN{µ≥ Fs∏mtgm Dd-™p-t]m-bn-cp-∂p. Fs‚ IrjvWa- W - nIƒ kmdns‚ \nt°m¨ Iyma-db - psS j´-dp-Iƒ t]mse Xpd-∂p-h∂p. AsX \µ\w Xs∂ tK‰nse sse‰v. ]Xn-hn\v hn]-co-Xa- mbn sXfn-™p-\n¬°p-∂p. Rm≥ Xncn®p hcp-sa∂v Icp-Xn-bm-bn-cn°ptam? ac-Øn¬ \n∂n-dß - t- ºmƒ Hfn-ºn°v hnIvSdn Ãm≥Un¬ \n∂pw Cd-ßp∂ kt¥mjw tXm∂n. \\™ tcma-Ønse a™p-Xp-≈n-Iƒ IpS-s™dn™v hen-™a- ¿∂v he-Xp-amdn CSXpamdn hS-°≥ If-cnap-db - n¬ D’m-ln-bmbn \S-∂p. tK‰v AS-®n-´p-≠v. \µ\w Hcp ªm°v B‚v ssh‰v Nn{Xw t]mse aqI-ambn ap‰sØ amhn≥ \ng-en¬... Hscm‰ Nm´-Øn\v tK‰v IS-∂p. ap‰w-ap-dn®p IS-°p-tºmƒ a\- n¬ Nncn-®p. Ãm¿ aqho-kn¬ anÿ _o≥. kn\na Iym‰v tdkv (Cat Race). hnZqc ]´-WØ - n-te-°p≈ Iptd-t∏-cpsS ]¥-bb - m-{X. ^n\ojnwKv t]mb‚n-se-Øp∂ aq¿O-bn¬ Rm≥ ]Xnsb hcm-¥b - nse Im¿s]‰n¬ Xf¿∂v hoWp-In-X® - p. ]pe-cm-\n\n GXm\pw \mgn-Ia- m-{Xw. IrjvWs‚ Aº-eØ - n¬ Fw F v kp∫-e£ - av n-bpsS hnjvWpkl-{k-\maw tIƒ°p-∂p-t≠m. sshIp-t∂cw apX-ep≈ kw`-h-]-c-º-c-Iƒ dnhyq-ko-\p-Ifmbn a\- n¬ sXfn-™p. \S-∂-sX√mw \√-Xn\v. \S-∂p-sIm-≠n-cn-°p-∂Xpw \√-Xn\v C∂m-cm-bn-cn°pw cmhnse hmXn¬ Xpd-°p-∂Xv F∂ BImwj-bn¬ IÆp-Iƒ ]Xnsb AS-®p. 133

\obpw Rm\pw tUm. {]nb≥ AeIvkv sh‰dn\dn k¿P≥, sh‰dn\dn Unkv]≥kdn, Hmebw]mSn


bm-cmWp\obm-Wp\obm-cmWv Im‰n-se{X ioe-Iƒ No¥nsbdn™Xpw AXn-Im-e-Øm-se{X sImSp¶m-‰p-Iƒ ]nd-∂Xpw GIm-¥h - n-t£m-`t- a, ImØn-cn-∏m-Wp-\n-s∂bpw \ma-√msX \o ]e-Im-e-ß-fn-sem∂pt]msebpw ]e-bn-S-ß-fn¬ \o ]e-`m-jI - f- n¬, kz]v\ß - f- n¬, \ma-√msX \osb-t∏mgpw Fgp-Xn-sb-gpXnb JWvUß - ƒ AJn-em-WvUß - ƒ ]nf¿∂v Ncn-{X-Øn≥ \ng¬\n-d™ CS-\m-gn-If- n-se-√m-ae - ™ - e - s- ™m-Sp-hnepw \obm-cmWp \obm-cm-Wp- \o-sb-∂-dn-bn-√. GtXXpXnc-If- m-eX - n-t\tXm Im‰n≥ Nnd-In-tedn Bcmtcm ZpJ-Øm-te-sd-sb-cn-bp∂ ]I-en≥ hnf-°n-\m¬ cmhn≥ XW-en¬ Dd-ßm-sXbo \nem-hp-I-fn¬ ]I¬ sh¥-t]mse ie-`-߃ Nnd-In-√msX aÆp-Xn-∂m≥ XpS-ßp-∂p, ]cn-Wm-a-Z-i-I-fn¬ shdpw a\p-jy-cmbn amdnb \mw \o¥nb IS¬Pew Xnf-®p-Xq-hp-∂p, \n∂n-te°v ]ns∂bpw; \obm-cmWv ae-ap-I-fn¬ t\cnb a™n-\m¬ aqSnb kXyta \o IS-en¬ apßn-\o-cp-∂p, ag-bn¬ \\-s™m-gp-Ip-∂p. Ian-gv∂p-In-Ss- ∂m-gp-Ip∂ ]pgtb \o Ce-Isf \¬Inb acw ssII-fp-b¿Øp∂p \nXyw \n∂n¬\n-∂-I-ep-hm≥ am{Xw \ob-Xn\p \¬Ip-∂n-s√m∂pw Hcp ]qhn-s\-t∏mepw sImgn-bp-tºm-g√ - m-sX. tNmZy-ßs- f-t∏mgpw \n›n-Xk - vXc- s- a-{X-]g- b - s- X-¶nepw DØ-cs- at¥ amdn-s°m-≠n-cn-°p-∂q, ]pXp-a-Iƒ tXSp∂q t\cn-s\mcp\mhp-s≠-¶n-eXpkzbw kwkm-cn-°p-sa-¶n¬ \oXn-am-∑m¿ `qan-bn-ep-≠m-hn√; Ah¿ Ic-bp-tºmƒ Acn-In-semcpapb¬°p-™p-≠m-hWw temIw \sΩ-sØm-Sp-∂Xv kp\m-an-If- m-b√ - , sImSp-¶m-‰p-If- m-b√ t]am-cn-I-fm-ep-e®p\\-®-√, acp-`q-an-I-fm¬ Nps´-Sp-Ø-√, `qan-Iƒ Ipepßn hogp-tºm-gp-a-√, AWp-t_mw-_p-I-fm-ep-a√; B¿{Z-ambv Pme-I-Øn-\-cnsI t\mhn≥ \nem-a-g-Iƒ s]øp-tºmƒ, \ns‚ s\t©m-Sp-apJwtN¿ØpRm≥ \ns‚ lrZ-bØ - n-s\-Øn∂pXo¿Øp; \osb-hn-sS-bm-bn-cp∂p Ft∏m-gpw, \obpw Rm\p-a√ - msX shdpw a\p-jy-cmbv \obpw Rm\pw am{Xw; \obn-ß-s\tbm \o \S-∂pthm hgn-I-fn¬, \o ]d-∂pthm Im‰n¬ \o \o¥ntbm Xnc-I-fn¬, \obm-cm-sW∂ptNmZn-°p-sa∂p\n\-®p-am{Xw DØ-c-ß-f-dn-bm-Ø-Xn-\m¬ am{Xw \o 134

ag \\-bm-Ø-Xn-\m¬ am{Xw cmhp-dß - m-ØX - n-\m¬ am{Xw t\cw ]pe-cm-Ø-Xn-\m¬ am{Xw hnc-ep-Iƒ am™p-t]m-b-Xn-\m¬ am{Xw AXnau\Øm¬ angn-Iƒ IY-]-d-bp-∂-Xn-\m¬ am{Xw Rm\pw \obpao k©-b-sam-s°bpw cmh-√, ]I-e-√, \mw sXmSm-sX-bp-a√ Dcp-In-t∏m-bh - t\, \o Hgp-Ip-∂h - t\ \o Ae-I-fm-b-h-t\, \o \\-™-ht\ \jvS-am-Ip-tºmƒ am{Xw \o, \obn-√m-sX-{X-\o-bmbpw \o \obm-bp-an\n-bn-√mØ \o \o am{Xw C√m-sXbpw Bbpw \obmbpw \o Xs∂ \o Xs∂; \obm-sc∂p am{Xw \obpw Rm\pw ]d-bn-√.

Best Compliments from



Nmcpthen £otcm¬]mZI klIcW kwLw Nmcpthen, ap°S ]n. H., tIm´bw Best Compliments from

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aS°w tUm. kva- n-Pnj sh‰-dn-\dn k¿P≥, sh‰-dn-\dn Unkvs]≥kdn s]m∂m\n, ae-∏pdw

F´p-am-k-Øn-tesd {]mb-ap-t≈m-cpÆn-bt√ InS-∏q... a´p-I-≠m-en-t∏m-fp-d-ßn-b-t]m¬ IÆp-I-f-S-®v, Np≠p-]n-f¿Øn, hnc-sem-∂p-N-∏n, DÆn-bp-d-ßp-I-bm-Wv...-Zo¿L-am-sbm-cp-d°w \ns‚ kv]µ-\-ß-sf√mw B\-µ-ambv Rm\-dn-™n-cp-∂p-sh-¶nepw Casbm∂\-ßn-b-t\cwsIm≠p-Æo, \osbt¥ \n»-_vZ-\mbv? A∂-an-d°m-sX, aWw ]‰m-sX, O¿±n-]¿∆-ß-fn-ßs\ N\p-]ns\ Ib-dn-bn-d-ßp-tºmgpw kvt\ln-®n-cp-∂p-\ns∂ h√msX HSp°w A\-°-an-√msX \osb-s‚-bp-≈n¬ c≠p-\mƒ! XnSp-°-s∏-´p-Rm≥, Ic-™p-I-c™p Xf¿∂p hoWp-Rm≥. \ns∂-bq-´m-\mbn \nd™ ]msem-gpIn]c-∂p-\-\™p Rm≥. thZ-\-I-fpsS alm-]¿∆-Øns‚bh-km-\w, \n»-_vZ-\m-bn, \nt›-jvS-\mbn \ns‚ hc-hv... F¥n-\m-Wp-Æo, \o aS-ßn-bXv? N¥-Øn-ep≈ temI-a-s√-∂p≈ `b-Ømtem? Xnc-kv°-cn-®-Xm-tc \o? Fs∂-tbm, \nt∂-sb˛ AtXm Cu `qan-sb-Ø-s∂tbm? F¶nepw Hm¿Ω-I-fn-ep∏phogvØn Ime-an-\n-bp-ap-cpfpw N¶n-Sn-t∏m-sS, Rms\-∂p-tam¿°pw \ns∂, \nd-™-an-gn-I-fm¬ 136

Hcp s]m´v shfn®w tUm. Dj B¿. sh‰-dn-\dn k¿P≥, sh‰-dn-\dn Unkvs]≥kdn sNßfw, tIm´bw


Sßn°nS-s°So'' Aa-dn-sbmcp knwl-ap-cf- ¬...-t_m-[Ø - ns‚ \qen-gb - n¬\n∂pw ssIhn´v hogpw-apºv sNhn-bn¬ apg-ßnb hm°p-Iƒ. NXn-bpsS Xocmth-Z\ - b - n¬\n∂pw koXm-tZ-hn-sb-t]mse At_m[ K¿`-Øn¬ XmWp-t]m-bX - ns‚ BÀmZw Hcp aWn-°q-dn¬ sI´-Sß - p-tºmƒ ho≠pw...-ho≠pw... cmthXv? ]I-teXv? Xncn-®-dn-bm≥ Rm\mcv? shdp-samcp amwk-°-j-Ww. {]mb-t`-Ztam ÿm\-am-\tam H∂p-an-√msX Nmap-WvUn-th-j߃ F\n-°p-ap-∂n¬ BSn-Øn-an¿°p-∂p. 15-˛mw hb- n¬ IÆn¬ ab-ßp-∂Xv kz]v\-ß-f-√, Ccp´v am{Xw. Rm≥ I≠ {Kmao-W-Xbpw a\p-jy-Xzhpw Fs‚ ap∂n¬ h∂-tX-bn-√. kvt\l-Øns‚ taml-Øns‚ \ocmfn ]nSn-Ø-Øn\v C{Xbpw I\-Ø-hn-etbm? Xncn-®-dn-bm≥ Ign-bmsX t]mb Im]-Sy-Øn-s‚ he-°p-cp-°p-I-fn¬ a\- n\pw _‘-߃°p-a√ aWn-°q-dn-\mWv hne. Fs‚ ico-c-Øns‚ DSa Rm\√ a‰m-scms°-tbm...-a-c-hn® ico-c-Øn¬\n∂pw Rms\t∂ Fs∂ Dt]-£n®p!! Rm\m-cmbn-cp∂p? aIƒ, ktlm-Z-cn, Iq´p-Im-cn, kvIqƒIq-´n, \njvI-f-¶-Iu-am-cw, Ipd-®p-t]-cpsS {]Xo-£...-C-t∏mƒ, ImWp∂ am{Xbn¬ knc-I-fn¬ A·n-]-S¿∂p-I-b-dp∂ inem-hn-{K-lw. Rms\t∂ Fs∂ ad∂p!! Bbncw ITm-ca- p-\I - ƒ Xd-™p-Ib - d- p∂ \o‰-en-epw, \o≠p-t]m-Ip∂ Ccp-´nepw Atß-b‰w Hcp s]m´v shfn-®w. DS-ens‚ an\p-°Ø - ne√msX kv{XoXz-Øns‚ D¨a-bnse hnizm-kw. AsXs‚ Xncn-®d- n-hv. 137

God'n Nature Dr. Reshma Damodaran Vety Disp.Kolacherymukku Kannur

Oh God! when I see your flowers I wonder how great are your powers Pretty petals and soft smell Eyes wonder, You did so well Small leaves on trees with branches long... on which birds sing their lovely song Green grass pleases minds eyes... My heart leaps up to praise you high Ocean is blue beneath the beautiful sky Twittering and singing the little birds fly Brightly shines the sun in the sky Your light will come as might as nigh Everything you made with perfect skill We’ll ever remember in every life you dwell.

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b-tZ-h\¶nƒ ]ip-°sf CjvS-ap≈ Iq´-Øn-em-Wv, \mS≥ ]ip-°sf {]tXy-In-®pw. Hcp Znhkw Hcp I¿j-I≥ Pb-tZ-h≥ A¶n-fn-t\mSv tNmZn-®p. ""kmsd, Fs‚ Hcp ]ip-hns\ kmdp hmßptam? Fs‚ ho´n¬ hf¿Øm≥ A¬]w Aku-I-cy-am-Wv. ""icn'' Pb-tZ-h≥ A¶nƒ kΩXn®p. Znh-kß - ƒ IS-∂p-t]m-bn. ]ip-°s- f-sbms° t\m°m-\mbn FØn-bn-cp∂ Pb-tZ-h≥ A¶nƒ Hcp-Zn-hkw Xm≥ ]pXp-Xmbn hmßnb ]ip saen-™n-cn-°p-∂Xp I≠v ]ip-hns\ tabv°m≥ sIm≠p-t]m-Ip∂ X¶-∏≥ tN´-t\mSv tNmZn®p ""CsX¥m X¶∏m Cu ]ip saen-™n-cn-°p-∂Xv?'' ""`£Ww Ign-°p-∂nt√?'' ""C√ kmsd tabv°m≥ sIm≠p-t]m-Ip-tºmƒ H∂pw Ign-°m-dn√'' Pb-tZ-h\¶nƒ ]ip-hn\v IqSp-X¬ hni-°m-\p≈ acp∂v sImSp-Øp. F∂n´pw am‰-sam∂pw I≠n√. At±lw I¿j-Is\ hnfn®p tNmZn-®p. A¶nƒ: \nß-fpsS ]ip-sh-¥mWv tabv°m≥ sIm≠p-t]m-Ip-tºmƒ H∂pw-Ig- n-°m-ØXv I¿j-I≥: Ahsf tabv°m≥ sIm≠p-t]m-Im-dn-√. sXmgp-Øn¬ \n¿ØnbmWv Xo‰ \¬Ip-∂-Xv. Pb-tZ-h≥ A¶nƒ: CXns‚ t]sc-¥mWv? I¿j-I≥ : "Atab' Best Compliments from

Sankara Iyers Time house and Mobiles Near Anaswara Theatre Palace Road, Kottayam-686001 Phone: 9846007813, 9995106767 139

Hcp sXcphp \mb-bpsS hnem]w Dr: Sangeeth Narayan Veterinary Surgeon Veterinary Dispensary Thuravoor, Alappuzha Dist.


¿`ÿ inip-hmbv InS-°p-tºm-sg≥ a\w B\-µ\ - rØw Ifn-®n-cp∂p im¥ao `qan-bn¬ `qPm-X-\m-Ip-hm≥ Bflm¿∞-ambn sImXn-®n-cp∂p ]nd∂p hoW-t∏mtgm I≠p-Rm-\o-temIw: Nh-dpw, Not™m-cn-d® - n-Øc- n-If- pw, Nodn hcp-s∂mcp I√p-Iƒ I≠p Rm≥ Fs‚ amXm-hns‚ X{X-∏mSpw F®n-en-eI - ƒ°n-Sb - n¬ ]c-Xo´pw In´n-bn-s√-∂Ω - b - vs°m-∂p-sam∂pw Fs¥-¶nepw Ign-®n-´p-th-Ww, AΩ X≥ apeI-sf√mw Npc-∂o-Sp-hm≥ ]´n-Wn, ]c-th-iw, ]cn-Xm-]s- a√mw F≥ Pohn-XØ - ns‚ `mK-ambn Iuam-cs- a-Øn-bt- ∏m-sg-\n-°p-≠mbn kpµ-cn-bm-sbmcp Iq´p-Imcn


Ah-sfm-Øp-cpΩn \S-°p-tºmƒ ]ns∂bpw Nodp∂ I√p-Iƒ ]n≥Xp-S¿∂p Rß-sfm∂mIpw \nanjw XI¿°p-hm≥ I√p-Iƒ ]ns∂bpw ]n≥Xp-S¿∂p I≠p-\n¬°p-sºm-sg≥ s]Æns\ as‰mcp i‡\mw cm£-k≥ t`mKn-®Xpw ImWp-hm≥ i‡n-bn-√msX Ip\n-™n´p hmepw hf®p Xncn-t™mSn Rm≥ Ah-fmbv ]ncn-s™mcp temI-Øn-seØn Rm≥ F¥n-s\-∂d- n-bn√ Pohn-∏n-Xm... Nh-dp-Iƒ°n-Sb - n¬, ihw tXm≠nbpw Zn\-hp-sa-s∂∂pw Xnc-bp∂p Rm≥ kΩ-Xn-°n-s√s∂ Pohn-°p-hm-s\∂ {hX-sa-Sp-Ø-e-bp∂ am\p-js\ I≠m¬ ISn-°Ww B{K-ln-®o-Snepw `bsas∂ ]n≥t] hen-®n-Sp∂p `ocp-Xz-sa-s∂m-∂p-tam¿°s√ a¿Øym ImØn-cn-°p∂p Rm≥ B \mfns\ \obp-samcp arK-ambn ]q¿ÆX {]m]n®p Nhn´n saXn-°s- ∏Spw \mfns\ PohnXw Fs¥∂dn™p Pohn-°p-hm≥ B \mfp-Iƒ°mbn ImØn-cn-∏q. Best Compliments from

THE VAYALA SERVICE CO OPERATIVE BANK LTD No. 2175 VAYALA Pin: 686587, Phone: 04822-228353 Branch: Vellackal (Phone: 04822-228683), Elackad (Phone: 04822-231240 Email: vayalascb@gmail.com President: P. O. Thomas, Palathuthazhathu. Mob: 9495538816 Secretary: Molly Abraham, Thenpillil. Mob: 9946352330 Best Compliments from

AVE MARIA FARMS Eravimangalam


Pohn-X-sa∂ A¤pXw tUm. APbv Ipcp-hnf sh‰dn\dn k¿P≥, sh‰dn\dn Unkvs]≥kdn, s]m¥≥]pg


hn.-]n. KwKm-[-c≥ F∂ Im≥k¿ NnIn¬kmhnZ-Kv[≥ ae-bm-fn-Iƒ°v Hcp IpSp-_mw-K-sØ-t∏mse kp]-cn-Nn-X-\mWv. {]tXy-In®v Im≥k¿ thcp-d-∏n-®n-´n-√mØ IpSpw-_-hr-£-߃ tIc-f-Øn¬ Ipd-hm-bn-cns° At±-l-Øns‚ eLp A\p-`-h-°pdn-∏mb "Pohn-X-sa∂ A¤pX'ØneqsS IS-∂p-t]m-Ip-tºmƒ Hcp `njKz-c-s\∂ \ne-bn¬ At±lw FØn-t®¿∂ {]^-j-W¬ Hu∂Xyw hmb-\-°m-cn-se-Øp-∂p-≠v. Xs‚ HutZym-KnI hy‡n-Po-hn-Xß - f- n¬ Ib-dn-bn-dß - n-°n-S° - p∂ Ic-fp-eb - v°p∂ tcmKNnIn¬km hnti-jß - ƒ hmb-\° - m¿°v apºn¬ ]I¿Øm≥ {KŸ-Im-c\ - m-bn-´p-≠v. XnI™ BZ-ct- hmsS \mw B A\p-`h - ß - f- n-eqsS ItÆm-Sn-°p-∂p. tIcfw apgp-h≥ {]m¿∞-\t- bmsS s\t©-‰n-bn´pw ac-W-Øn-te°v \S-∂p-t]mb kpan, IpSpw-_mw-K-ß-tfm-sSm∏w ]m¿°n-en-cp∂v `£Ww Ign-°m≥ sImXn® kZm-inhw, Xs‚ ss{Uhn-ßn-\nsS Iotam-sX-dm-∏n°v Hcp-ßn-sb-Øp∂ A_p. Aßs\ F{X Pohn-X-߃ angn \\-bmsX hmbn®p Xo¿°m-\m-hn√ Cu ]pkvXI - w. s{]m^-jW - ¬ Pohn-XØ - nse hnhm-ZI - mew thZ-\t- bmsS F∂m¬, ip`m-]vXn-hn-izm-kt- ØmsS tUmIvS¿ Ign-®p-Iq-´p-∂p-≠v. sshZy-imkv{X-cw-KØv {]h¿Øn-°p∂ F√m-h¿°pw anI® Hcp \nZ¿i-\a- m-Wv At±-lw. BIp-eX - I - ƒ ]d-™d- n-bn-°m≥ BhmØ an≠m-{]m-Wn-IfpsS tcmK-Nn-In¬k-I-cmb \Ωƒ F{X aSßv {i≤m-ep-°fpw \nkzm¿Ycpw I¿a-\n-c-Xcpw Bbn-cn-°-W-sa∂v Cu A\p-`-h-°p-dn-∏p-Iƒ \sΩ Hm¿a-s∏-Sp-Øp-∂p-≠v. temI-Øn¬ C\nbpw A¤p-X-߃ sNøm≥ ssZh-Øn-\m-hp-sa∂v Pohn-X-Øn¬ CS-bv°nsS F\n°v tXm∂m-dp-≠v. Pohn-X-samcp A¤p-X-am-Wv. AXnse G‰hpw [\y-amb Hcp A\p-`-h-amWv tUm. KwKm-[-cs\t∏mse Xo{hm-\p-`-h-߃ ]mI-s∏-Sp-Ønb hy‡n-Xz-߃. Bbp- n\pw ac-W-Øn-\p-an-S-bnse \q¬]m-e-Øn¬ \n¬°p-tºmƒ, Hcp lXm-i-\mb tcmKn-bpsS ap≥]n¬ tUmIvS¿ ssZh-Xp-ey-\m-Wv. ]pkvXI - Ø - ns‚ Bap-JØ - n¬ ]d-bp-∂Xpt]mse Ccp-fn-em≠ Pohn-XØ - n-te°v Hcp Xncn-]I - c- m≥ tUmIvS¿am¿°v I¿Ø-hy-ap-≠v. ss{]h‰v {]mIvS-‰o-kv, s{]m^-j-W¬ am¬kcy-ß-ƒ Ch-bpsS ]n∂m-se-bp≈ A¿Y-c-ln-X-amb ]m®n-en¬ H∂p \n¬°m\pw Imen-Sdn hoW-hsc H∂p Fgp-t∂¬∏n-°m\pw NnIn¬k-Ic- mb \Ωƒ°v IS-∏m-Sp-≠v. Hcp tUmIvS¿ Xs‚ tcmKnsb ad∂pt]mhm-dp-≠v. Hcp tcmKn tUmIvS-sd Hm¿a hbv°p-∂n-s√-¶n¬ AXpw AZv`p-Xw. Chn-sS-bnXm \ap°v ap≥]n¬ Xnc-t°-dnb Hcp NnIn¬km-hn-Z-Kv[≥. Xs‚ tcmKn-bpsS P∑m-¥c cl-ky-߃hsc kp]-cn-Nn-X-\mb Hcmƒ, Xs‚ A°u-≠n¬\n∂v Iotam-sX-dm-∏n°v ]Ww \¬Ip∂ Hcmƒ. Cu tUmIvS¿ Xs∂-bt√ ssZhw \ap°v ImØp-sh® A¤pXw. CXmWv AXv. Xo°-S¬ IS™ Xncp-a-[p-cw. Best Wishes

Raju jacob Mattathil Kurianad, Kottayam Dt (Winner: Best Dairy Farmer Award 2012-13) 142

kXyw kXyambpw \yqP\tdj≥ {ioaXn. {]oXn sskd ^nen∏v W/o tUm. APbv Ipcphnf


P\-td-j≥ Ne-®n-{X-ßsf hn[n-t°-≠Xv Fß-s\sb∂v AXn-i-bn®p \n¬°p∂ ae-bm-fn-k-aq-l-am-Wv \mw. Bt{Imi-ßfpw A`n-\-µ-\ßfpw Hcp-t]mse Chsb tXSn-sb-Øp-tºmgpw, IqSp-Xepw tIƒ°p-∂Xv ]gn-bm-sW∂v tXm∂p-∂p. aq∂p ]Xn-‰m-t≠mfw kq∏¿Xm-c-ß-tfm-sSm∏w apXn¿∂, a[y-h-b- n-seØnb Hcp Xe-ap-d-bm-Wv Cu Nn{X-ßsf Ak-ln-jvWp-X-tbmsS hna¿in-°p-∂-sX∂p tXm∂p-∂p. bph-XzsØ AIm-c-W-ambn ]gn°p- ∂ - X v , hm¿≤- I y- Ø ns‚ Bcw- ` - a mWv F∂v ]d- ™ ptIƒ°mdp≠v. ]pXp-Xc- w-KsØ hn[n-°m≥ XpS-ßp-∂X - n-\p- ap≥]v, Cu Nn{Xß-fpsS Nne khn-ti-jX - I - f- n-eqsS H∂p IS-∂p-t]m-Imw. I≠n-cns° a\- n¬ ]Xn™ {]Y-a-Np-h-Sp-am-‰w, kq∏¿Xm-c-ß-fpsS A`m-h-amWv. tIc-fP - \ - X N¿®-sN-øp∂ Nn{X-ßf- n¬\n∂pw kq∏¿Xm-cß - ƒ A{]-Xy-£-am-bn-cn-°p-∂p. Pohn-X-tØmSv ASpØp \n¬°p-∂, hninjym a[y-h¿§, \K-ct- I-{µo-Ir-Xa- mb {]ta-bß - ƒ CØcw Nn{Xß-fn¬ ImWmw. ]pXp-apJ kwhn-[m-b-Itc! \∑-IƒsIm≠v kº∂-amb {Kma-߃°p-a∏ - pdw Hcp ae-bm-fn-Po-hn-Xa- p-s≠∂v Im´n-Ø∂Xn\p \µn!! \h-X-cwK kn\n-a-bpsS ap≥\n-c-bnepw ]n∂-Wn-bnepw bph, ]pXp-apJ {]Xn-`-Iƒ h∂p \nd-bp-∂p-≠v. ]pXp-Xc- w-Kk - n-\n-aI - ƒ kv{XoI-Ym-]m-{X-ßsf AS-bm-fs- ∏-Sp-Øp∂-Xn¬ Ah-ni - z-k\ - o-bamwhn[w amdn-°g- n-™n-cn-°p-∂p. k¿hw klI-fm-b, imeo-\k - p-µc- n-Iƒ HSp-hn¬ Xnc-io-eb - n¬\n-∂p-t]mepw A{]Xy-£-am-bn-cn-°-p∂p. \mb-I -I-Ym-]m-{X-ß-tf-°mƒ ss[cy-hpw, ssÿcy-hpw, apc-SX - zhpw Ch¿°v Ah-Im-is- ∏-Smw. hn\-bm-\zn-XI - fmb kXo-cX - v\ß - sf kv{Io\n¬ I≠v Biz-kn-®n-cp∂ a[y-h¿§-]pcp-jk - a- qlw C\n \ncm-ic- m-tI-≠n-hc- pw. A«o-e-Np-h-bp≈ kw`m-j-W-ß-fmWv kn\n-a-bpsS `mj-bn¬

h∂ {][m-\-amb am‰w. a[y-h-b p ]n∂n´ amXm-]n-Xm-°ƒ°v c‡k-Ω¿±w h¿≤n-°p-∂p-≠m-hpw Cu kw`m-j-W-߃ tIƒ°ptºmƒ. ]t£, Ch-cpsS Ip´n-Iƒ Xs∂-bmWv Cu akme Ie¿∂ `mj tI´v ssIø-Sn-°p-∂-sX∂v Hm¿°pI. Cu Ip´n-I-fm-Is´ sSIv à nßpw FwFw- F kpw a‰p- a mbn {]mb- s a- Ø pw- a p≥]v apXn¿∂t]mb Hcp Xe-ap-d-bpw. Ch-cpsS samss_¬ t^m¨, em]vtSm]v D≈-S° - ß - t- f-°mƒ k-`y-amb `mj-bmWv ]pXp-Xc- wK kn\na kwkm-cn-°p∂Xv. 2013 ¬ Cu Xcw-K-Øns‚ Nph-Sp-]n-Sn®v ]pd-Øn-d-ßnb {it≤b-amb \nc-h[n Nn{X-ß-fn-eqsS ap≥hn-[n-I-fn-√msX IS-∂p-t]mb-t∏mƒ, ]e-Im-c-W-߃ sIm≠pw {i≤-bm-I¿jn-®, a\- n-t\m-SSpØp \n¬°p∂ 3 Nn{X-ß-sf-∏‰n Hc¬]w A[n-I-{]-kw-K-amhmw F∂p tXm∂n.

Bta≥ Ip´n-Iƒ°v ]d-™p-sIm-Sp-°p∂ Hcp at\m-l-c-amb IYbpsS emfn-Xy-amWv Cu Nn{X-Øns‚ NmcpX. kwKo-Xhpw {]Wbhpw Ie-lhpw \nd-bp∂ \m´p-h-gn-tbm¿Ω-Iƒ DW¿Øp∂ Ipac-¶-cn. XnI™ Iø-S-°-tØmsS ÿe-˛-Ime ]cn-an-Xn-Isf kwhn[m-b-I≥ Cu Nn{X-Øn¬ adn-I-S-°p∂p≠v. H‰-t\m-´-Øn¬ Hcp Xpcp-Øp-t]mse tXm∂p-sa-¶nepw tIcfob kmwkvIm-cn-IP - o-hn-XØ - ns‚ ]cn-t—-Zw Ipa-c¶ - c- n-bn¬ \ap°p ImWmw. tIc-fob Pohn-XØ - ns‚ apJy-[m-cb - n¬ am{X-a√ Ipa-c¶ - c- nsb∂ HmWw-tI-dm-aq-e-bnepw ]Ww Xs∂-bmWv icn. ]Ww Xs‚ N´p-Iß - f- m-°p∂ hey-®\pw apX-em-fnbpw hma-\m-hX - m-cß - f- mb ChcpsS In¶-c∑-mcpw AXn-{]-_-e-∑m-cm-Ip∂ Ime-ØmWv kzX-{¥-Nn¥-bp-ambn Ipa-c¶ - c- n-bpsS c£-I≥, ht´m-fn-b® - ≥ FØp-∂X - v. C{µPnØv F∂ \Ss‚ AXn-lr-Zy-amb A`n-\bw Ahn-kva-c-Wo-b-amb 143

emfn-Xy-am¿∂ Cu Nn{X-Øn\p am‰p-Iq-´p-∂p-≠v. B[p\nI, BUw_-ck - w-Ko-XØ - n-\n-Sb - n¬ ad-hn-bn-em≠p t]mb ¢mc-s\‰v F∂ kwKotXm-]I - c- W - Ø - ns‚ Nph-Sp-]n-Sn®p hnI-kn-°p∂ IYm-X¥ - p. Bthi-P-\-I-amb ss¢am-Ivkn¬ AXns‚ ]q¿W-X-bn-se-Øp-∂p. km[m-cW - ° - m-cpsS Nn√-d\ - n-ba- ß - sf \ntj-[n-®p-sIm≠v Ipa-c¶-cn-bpsS kzmX-{¥y-hm-©sb sXm´p-W¿Øp-∂p≠v ht´m-fn-b®≥. B¿°n-tbm-fPn Un∏m¿´vsa‚mbn ]≈n-s]m-fn-®p-]-Wn-b-em-bn, IY Xncp-X-Ir-Xn-bmbn apt∂-dp-tºmƒ, sI.-Pn. tPm¿Pns‚ "]©-h-Sn∏mew' F∂ Ne-®n-{X-Øns‚ kmaq-lnI ]cn-k-c-Øp-\n∂p Hcn©p-t]mepw apt∂m-´p-t]m-Ip-hm≥ tIc-fob s]mXp-k-aq-l-Øn-\mbn-√t√m F∂ tJZw _m°n-bm-hp-∂p. BsI Hcm-izmkw am{Xw AZv`p-X-߃ Ah-km-\n-°p-∂n-√. sNdp-Øp-\n¬]ns‚ cmjv{Sobw ]d-bm≥ Hcp ]pWy-hm-s\-¶nepw tIc-f-Øn¬ hcpw!!

F_nknUn Xs‚ BZy-Nn-{X-amb s_Ãv BIvS-dn¬ \n∂pw {]Xym-im-h-lamb Hcp apt∂-‰-amWv am¿´n≥ {]°m´v F∂ kwhn-[m-b-I≥ F_nkn-Unbn¬ \S-Øn-bn-cn-°p-∂X - v. 80 cq] sIm≠v Hcp Znhkw C≥Uybn¬ Ign-®p-Iq´mw F∂ Bkq-{X-WI - Ω - o-js‚ ASn-ÿm-\c- l - n-Xhpw hnhm-Zh - p-amb ]cm-a¿i-Øn-\p≈ Hcp tIcf tamU¬ adp-]S- n-bm-Wv F_n-kn-Un. Aøm-bncw cq] sIm≠v Hcp amkw X≈n \ot°-≠n-hcp∂ c≠p \yq P\-td-j≥ {]Xn-\n-[nIƒ. Nn{X-Øns‚ G‰hpw lrZyamb A\p-`hw tImc Xs∂-bm-Wv. ]e-t∏mgpw Zmk-t\bpw hnP-bt\bpw ae-bmfna\- n-se-Øn-°m≥ tPm¨kv ˛ tImc tPmSn-Iƒ°v Ign-™p. \yq P\-td-j≥ Nn{X-ß-fn¬ Btcm-]n-X-amb Nne kz`m-h߃ Nne cwK-ßf- n¬ ]pe¿Øp-∂p-sh-∂Xv Hgn-®m¬ Hcp ckn-I≥ Nn{Xw Xs∂-bmWv F_n-kn-Un. kwhn-[m-bI - ≥, kwhn-[m-\a- n-Ih - ns‚ F_n-kn-Un ]Tn®p Ign-™n-cn-°p-∂p. kmº-Øn-I, kZm-Nm-c- [q¿Øv Ah-km-\n-∏n-°m≥ tPm¨kv ˛ tImcamcpsS c£n-Xm-°ƒ°v Ahsc tIc-f-Øn-te°v Ib-‰n-bbv°m≥ Ign-™p. tIc-f-Ønse \yqP\-td-js‚ c£n-Xm-°ƒ°v Xß-fpsS a°sf Fhn-sS-b-b®v kmº-ØnI A®-S°w ]Tn-∏n°m≥ Ign-bpw? am≤ya˛`cW KnΩn-°p-Iƒ hy‡-am-°p∂ Zriy-߃ Nn{XØns‚ s]mXp-P-\-k-ΩnXn h¿≤n-∏n-°pw. lotdm ]cn-thjw Ipd™ Cu \yqP-\-td-j≥ \mb-Is\ X√p-sIm-≈m-\pw, tXm‰pt]m- I p- h m\pw kwhn- [ m- b - I ≥ A\p- h - Z n- ° p- ∂ p- ≠ v . Nne- t ∏msgms° Hcp Ahn-iz-k-\o-bX Nn{X-Øn¬ \ap°v ImWm≥ Ignbpw. CXv Nn{X-Øns‚ sI´p-d-∏ns\ _m[n-°p-∂p≠v h√m-sX. Cu Nn{XsØ H‰-hm-°n¬ Cßs\ hne-bn-cpØmw ˛ tIcf cmjv{So-b, kmaq-lnI bmYm¿∞y-߃ DƒsIm-≈p∂ Hcp ^o¬ KpUv Nn{X-amWv F_n-kn-Un. Cu ASpØ ImeØv {]Xy£-amb cmjv{So-b, ssewKnI am\-


߃ DƒsIm-≈p∂ Nn{X-amWv Cu ASp-Ø-Im-e-Øv. Acp¨Ipam¿ Ac-hnµv F∂ kwhn-[m-b-I≥ Xs‚ Nn{X-ß-fn-eqsS X\n°v Hcp Ccn-∏nSw ae-bm-fk - n-\n-ab - n¬ Dd-∏n-®p-Ig- n-™p. At±-lØns‚ aq∂m-asØ Nn{X-amb se^v‰v ssd‰v se^v‰v AXns‚ cmjv{Sob hna¿i-\- kz-`mhwsIm≠v hnhm-Zß - f- n¬ s]´p-t]m-bn-cn-°p-∂p. tIc-fØ - nse IpSpw-_h - y-hÿ - b - nse kvt^mS-\m-flI - a- mb A¥co£w hfsc anI® coXn-bn¬ Nn{Xo-Ic- n-°p-hm≥ Ne-®n-{X-Øn\p Ign™n´p≠v. hnIm-cß - ƒ°v Xo]n-Sn-°p∂ A«o-ek - m-ln-Xy-Øn¬ apgpIn hnIm-ci - a- \w \S-tØ-≠n-hc- p∂ Akw-Xr-]vXc- mb bph-P\ - X-bn¬ hnhm-lnX Ahn-hm-ln-Xcpw Dƒs∏-´n-cn-°p-∂p- sh∂v Nn{Xw hy‡-am-°p-∂p. tIc-fØ - nse I]S-kZ- m-Nmc hnizm-kß - ƒ°v t\sc ]nSn® Hcp Nn{X-amWv CXv. ]pcpj tI{µo-Ir-X-amb IpSpw-_-k-¶¬]w, AXn¬s]´v Dgdp∂ kv{Xo h¿§w, ]c-]p-cp-j_ - ‘ - Ø - n-te°v \bn°-s∏-Sp-sa-∂mtWm Nn{Xw ]d™p hbv°p-∂Xv? IpSpw-_s- a∂ hyh-ÿsb shdp-Øp-sIm≠v Xs∂ AXns‚ kmaqlnI AwKo-Im-cØ - nepw I]-Sk - p-c£ - n-XX - z-Ønepw apgpIn Pohn-°m\m-Wv tIc-fØ - nse I]-Sk - Z- m-Nm-ch - m-Zn-Iƒ°v [rXn. IpSpw-_h - y-hÿ - bv°I - Øv AI-s∏-Sp∂ Hmtcm hy‡n-tbbpw hnd-sIm-≈n-°p-Ibpw izmkw-ap-´n-bv°p-Ibpw sNøp∂ A¥-co-£a- mWv IpSpw-_Ø - n-\I - Øv \ne-\n¬°p-∂s- X∂v ]d™p Xcp-∂p-≠.v kwhn-[m-bI - ≥ hy‡n PohnX-Øns‚ B{i-ba- mb IpSpw-_P - o-hn-XsØ A¬]-sa-¶nepw hmk-tbmKy-am-°m≥ _‘-ßf- psS Hcp ]p\-kw-LS- \ Bh-iy-am-sW∂v Nn{XØn-eqsS hy‡-am-Ip-∂p-≠v. Xnc-°n-\n-S-bn¬ ImWp-hm≥ Ah-kcw In´nb ]pXp-X-e-apd Nn{X-ß-fn¬ aqs∂Æw am{X-amWv ChnsS ]cm-a¿in-°-s∏-´-Xv. aebm-fk - n-\n-ab - nse \yqP-\t- d-j≥ XcwKw ]fl-cm-P≥, `c-X≥, taml≥ F∂o {]K-ev`-a-Xn-I-fn¬\n∂v Bcw-`n-®-XmWv F∂-XmWv hmkvXhw. kq∏¿Xm-cß - f- psS km∂n-[y-Ønepw Akm-∂n-[y-Ønepw anI® {it≤b cN-\-Iƒ \S-Ønb ae-bm-fn-a-\- n¬ ÿnc-{]-XnjvT t\Sm≥ Ch¿°v Ign-™n-´p-≠v. Bc-hw, {]bm-Ww, Xqhm-\-Øp-ºn-Iƒ, \hw-_-dns‚ \jvSw, tZim-S\ - ° - nfn Ic-bm-dn-√, Nma-cw, ImtXm-Sp-Im-tXm-cw Aßs\ F{Xtbm Ne-®n-{X-Im-hy-߃. Fgp-]X - p-If- pw, F¨]-Xp-Ifpw ae-bm-fn-a\ - - n¬ krjvSn® \h`m-hp-I-Xz-am-hmw. \yqP-\-td-j≥ kn\n-a-Iƒ \Ωƒ°v 2013 ¬ Xncn®p-Xc- p-∂X - v. A∂bpw dkq-epw, j´¿, {Snhm≥{Uw temUvPv, Sm XSnbm, Hgn-ap-dn, Abmfpw Rm\pw XΩn¬, ]∏n-entbm _p≤ Aßs\ At\Iw Nn{X-߃ ]pd-Øn-dß - nb h¿j-amWv 2013. I≠p-]g- I - nb Bkzm-Z\ - X - e - ß - sf XIn-Sw-ad- n-°p∂ Cu ]pXp-Xc- w-KØ - n¬ \n∂pw HØncn ]pXp-aI - ƒ°v ImØn-cn-°p-∂p˛ BImw-jtbmsS, {]Xo-£tbm-sS.

sh≈n-Øn-cbpw sh‰-dn-\dn tUmIvS¿amcpw tUm. Ac-hn-µ≥ h√-®nd \oemw-_cn, {ioe-£van-\K - ¿ sk°‚v kv{So‰v s\´n-t»cn ]n.-H., Xriq¿


‰-dn-\dn kb≥kv al-Ømb Hcp imkv{X-am-Wv. C≥Uybnse CXc sshZy-imkv{X imJ-I-tf-°mƒ temI-hym-]-I-ambn Gsd AwKo-Imcw t\Sm≥ arK-ssh-Zy-im-kv{X-Øn-\m-bn-´p-≠v. am\h NnIn¬k-bnse tamtU¨ saUn-kn≥ (Atem-∏Xn) Ign-™m¬ A¥¿t±-io-b-ambn hf-sc-tbsd AwKo-I-cn-°-s∏-Sp∂ H∂mWv sh‰-dn-\dn kb≥kv. Atem-∏Xn saUn-kn-\nse NnIn¬km coXnIfpw D]-I-c-W-ß-fpw Huj-[-ßfpw arK-Nn-In¬k-°mbn D]-tbmKn-°p-∂p-sh-∂-XmWv Cu AwKo-Im-c-Øn\v Imc-Ww. sshZy-imkv{X-Øns‚ ]ptcm-K-Xn-°mbn temI-sa-ºmSpw saUn-°¬-˛-sh-‰dn-\dn Kth-jW ÿm]-\-߃ kl-I-cn®v {]h¿Øn-°p-∂p. tUmIvS¿, F©n-\n-b¿, h°o¬ XpS-ßn-b-hsc IYm-]m-{Xß-fm°n Ht´sd kn\n-aI - ƒ hnhn[ `mj-If- n¬ \n¿Ωn-°s∏´n-´p-≠v. F∂m¬ sh‰-dn-\dn tUmIvS¿amsc IYm-]m-{X-ßf- m°n A[nIw kn\na-Iƒ ]pd-Øp-h-∂n-´n-√. ]e-Xcw arK-ßsf {]tbm-P-\-s∏-SpØn temI-Øns‚ hnhn[ `mK-ßf- n¬ [mcmfw Nn{X-߃ \n¿Ωn-°s- ∏-´n´p-≠v. Zn C≥ s{IUn-_nƒ tP¿Wn, 101 Um¬ta-jy≥kv, Ãph¿´v end-dn¬, lmYn tacm kmYn, tKmamXm F≥ Ipe-am-Xm, ImSns‚ a°ƒ, Im´p-ssa-\, B\-hf- ¿Ønb hm\-ºmSn apX-emb Nn{X-߃ Hm¿°p-I.

C≥Uy≥ kn\n-a-bn¬ {]tXy-In®v ae-bmf kn\n-a-bn¬ sh‰-dn\dn tUmIvS¿amsc ]e-t∏mgpw A]-lm-ky-amb coXn-bn-emWv Ah-Xcn-∏n-°m-dp-≈-Xv. sh‰-dn-\dn s{]m^-js‚ alXzw DZvtLm-jn-°m≥ Bcpw {ian®p I≠n-´n-√. ]mh-s∏´ an≠m-{]m-Wn-If- psS Poh≥ c£n°p-∂h¿ ssZh-Xp-ey-cm-sW∂v ]d-bm-dp-≠v. AXp-]t- £, C≥Uy-bnse IY-bm-bn-cn-°m≥ hgn-bn-√. Fw. IrjvW≥ \mb¿ kwhn-[m\w sNbvXv 1968¬ {]Z¿i-\Ø - ns\-Ønb "C≥kvs]-IvS¿' F∂ Nn{X-Øn¬ ASq¿`mkn Hcp sh‰-dn\dn tUmIvSd- m-bn-´mWv thj-an-Sp-∂X - .v `mknsb t]mep≈ Hcp XmcsØ Cu IYm-]m-{XsØ Ah-Xc- n-∏n-°m≥ sXc-s™-Sp-ØX - n¬ kwhn[mbI≥ e£y-an-Sp-∂s- X-¥m-sW∂v \ap°v Duln-°mw. Nn{X-Øn-semcn-SØv tUmIvS¿ Hcp B\bv°v F\na sImSp-°p∂ Hcp cwK-ap-≠v. sNSn-Iƒ°v acp-∂S- n-°p∂ henb ]ºv D]-tbm-Kn-®mWv At±lw tcmKn°v F\na \¬Ip-∂X - v. Iuam-cI - m-eØv I≠ C≥kvs]-IvSd- nse B cwKw C∂pw hnkvar-Xn-bn-em≠p t]mImsX Fs‚ a\- n-ep-≠v. `mhn-bn¬ F\n-°p-samcp sh‰-dn-\dn tUmIvSd- m-Im≥ `mKy-ap-s≠∂ hn[nhn-lnXw sIm≠mImw Cu cwKw a\- n¬ ambmsX InS-∂X - v. 1982¬ taml≥ kwhn-[m\w sNbvX "Btemew' F∂ Nn{XØnse {][m\ IYm-]m-{Xhpw Hcp sh‰-dn-\dn tUmIvS-dm-Wv. `cXv 145

tKm]n-bmWv Cu IYm-]m-{XsØ Ah-X-cn-∏n-®-Xv. At±-l-Øns‚ kmXzn-Ibpw [¿Ωn-jvT-bp-amb `mcy-bmbn sI. B¿. hnPb thj-anSp-∂p. hfsc \√-h-\mb tUmIvS-dpsS IpSpw-_-Po-hnXw ]n∂oSv kwL¿j-`-cn-X-am-Ip-∂-XmWv Nn{X-Øns‚ {]ta-bw. CXn\v hgnsbm-cp-°p-∂Xv hn√≥ kz`m-h-am¿∂, kv{Xoe-º-S-\mb s\Sp-apSn thWp-hns‚ \ºq-Xn-cn-bm-Wv. Nn{X-Øn-sem-cn-SØpw tUmIvSsd tami-ambn Ah-X-cn-∏n-°m≥ kwhn-[m-b-I≥ {ian-°p-∂n√ F∂sXm-cm-izm-k-am-Wv. sXmÆq-dp-I-fn¬ sh‰-dn-\dn tUmIvS¿am¿ I-Ym-]m-{X-ß-fmb aq∂v Nn{X-߃ {]Z¿i-\Ø - n-s\-Øn. tUm. ]ip-]Xn (1990), h[p tUmIvSd- mWv (1994), N{µ-\p-Zn-°p∂ Zn°n¬ (1999) F∂n-h. CXn¬ tUm. ]ip-]X - n-bnse {][m\ IYm-]m-{X-amb tUmIvS¿ Hcp hymP-\mWv. lmky-\S- \ - mb C∂-k‚mWv hymP-tUm-Ivdmbn cwKØp hcp-∂X - v. t]m°-Ww-tImSv {Kma-Ønse P\-ßf- psS h¿j-ßf- m-bp≈ B{K-lamWv Hcp sh‰-dn-\dn tUmIvSsd \nb-an-°p-Is- b-∂X - v. ]©m-bØv {]kn-U‚pw a‰p-≈h - cpw {ian-®n´pw Ah-cpsS B{Klw bmYm¿∞yam-Ip-∂n-√. Cu Ak-µnKv[mh-ÿb - n-emWv tUm. ]ip-]X - n-sb-Øp-∂Xv. {Kma-Ønse sXmgn¬cln-Xc- mb bphm-°f- psS sshcm-Kyw, ]©mbØv {]kn-U‚ns‚ aI-fp-am-bp≈ {]W-bw, B`-cW - t- am-jWw F∂nh-sbms° XIr-Xn-bmbn \S-°p-∂X - n-\n-Sb - n-emWv Hcp \mƒ hymP tUmIvS¿ t]meokv ]nSn-em-Ip-∂X - v. Atem-∏Xn NnIn¬kmcwKØv [mcmfw hymP-tUm-IvS¿am¿ {]Xy-£s- ∏-Sm-dp-≠v. F∂m¬, sh‰-dn-\dn saUn-°¬ cwKØv Hcp hymP-tUm-IvS¿ Ah-Xc- n-°p-∂Xv A]q¿∆am-bn-cn-°mw. Cu A]q¿∆-Xb - psS kmaq-ly-]› - m-Øe - ß - fmWv kwhn[m-bI - \ - mb jmPn ssIemkv Cu Nn{X-Øn¬ A\m-hc- Ww sNøp∂Xv. sI.-sI. lcn-Zmkv kwhn-[m\w sNbvX "h[p tUmIvS-dmWv ' (1994), em¬ tPmkns‚ "N{µ-\p-Zn-°p∂ Zn°n¬' (1999) F∂o Nn{X-ß-fn¬ h\nX sh‰-dn-\dn tUmIvS¿am-cmWv IYm-]m-{X-ßfm-Ip∂Xv. BZysØ Nn{X-Øn¬ \mbn-I-bmbpw c≠m-asØ Nn{XØn¬ D]-I-Ym-]m-{X-ß-am-bpw. Pbdmw \mb-I-\mb ""h[p tUmIvSdmWv '' F∂ kn\n-a-bn¬ \mbn-I-bmb arK-tUm-IvS-dmbn \Zn-bmsam- b v X p- h mWv thjanSp- ∂ - X v . saUn- ° ¬ tUmIv S - d m- s W∂v sX‰n≤-cn®p Hcp sh‰-dn-\dn tUmIvSsd `mcy-bmbn kzoI-cn-t°≠n-h∂ Hcp sNdp-∏-°m-cs‚ "[¿a-k-¶-S-'ß-fmWv Cu Nn{Xw AhX-cn-∏n-°p-∂X - v. CXns‚ t]cn¬ Abmsf kplr-Øp-°ƒ ]cn-lk - n-°p∂ Nne cwK-ßfpw kn\n-a-bn-ep-≠v. Cu Nn{Xw I≠-Xn\ptijw Fs‚ a\ n¬ ine-bmbn Db¿∂p-\n∂ Nne kwi-b-ß-fp-≠m-bn-cp-∂p. Hcp s]¨Ip-´nsb s]Æp-Im-Wm≥ sN√p-tºmƒ tUmIvS-dm-sW∂v ]d™-bp-Ss\ saUn-°¬ tUmIvSd- m-sW∂v hniz-kn-°p∂ \mSmWv \ΩptS-sX∂v hniz-kn-°m≥ {]bm-k-am-Wv. s]Æp-Im-Wm≥ t]mb Bsc¶nepw GXp tImf-Pnem ]Tn-®Xv Fs∂-¶nepw At\z-jn-°mXn-cn-°p-tam? hnhm-lm-\¥ - cw `¿Xr-Kr-lØ - n¬ FØnb tUmIvSsd tXSn Nnesc-Øp-∂p. "e£van°p \√ kpJ-an√' F∂mWh¿ ]d-bp-∂Xv. ]n∂o-SmWv \ma-dn-bp-∂-Xv, AXp-t]mse \mb-I-\pw, e£van Hcp ]nSn-bm-\b - m-sW-∂v. B\sb ]cn-tim-[n-°p∂ kz¥w `mcysb I≠p \mb-I\v lrZ-bm-LmXw kw`-hn-°m-sX-bn-cp-∂Xv t{]£-I-cpsS `mKyw. CØ-cs- amcp IY sa\-s™-SpØ Xnc-°Y - m-Ir-Øn-s‚bpw AXp- Xn-c» - o-eb - n-eh - X - c- n-∏n® kwhn-[m-bI-s‚bpw `mh\ A]m-csa∂v ]d-bmsX høm. sI´m≥ t]mIp∂ s]Æns‚ Nmcn-{Xy-ip-≤n°v k¿´n-^n-°‰v Bhiy-s∏-Sp∂ Cu ImeØv Cß-s\-sbmcp IY \S-°p-sa∂v hniz-kn°m≥ t{]£-I¿ a≠∑-amc√t√m? N{µ-\p-Zn-°p∂ Zn°nse teUn sh‰-dn-\dn tUmIvS¿°v Nn{X-Øn¬ henb tdmsfm-∂p-an-√. C∂-k‚v Ah-Xc- n-∏n-°p∂ _m¶v Hm^o-k¿°v t_m[-£bap≠m-Ip-tºmƒ ]yq¨ hnfn-®p-sIm≠p hcp-∂Xv Cu sh‰-dn-\dn tUmIvSs- dbmWv. Xam146

i-bv°p-th≠n krjvSn® Hcp cwKw F∂-Xn¬ Ihn™v CXn-\p-he - nb {]m[m-\y-sam-∂p-an-√. k\-ens‚ "Ccp-h´w aW-hm´n' (2005)sb∂ Nn{X-Ønse \mbI-\mb sh‰-dn-\dn tUmIvS¿, k¿°m¿ tPmen-In´n IÆq-cn¬ tkh\w sNøm≥ FØp∂ bph-tUm-IvSd- m-Wv. Cu IYm-]m-{XsØ Ah-Xc- n∏n-°p-∂Xv Ip©mt°m t_m_\mWv. HutZym-Kn-I-ambn tUmIvS¿ A`n-ap-JoI-cn-°p∂ {]Xn-k-‘n-Ifpw hnlze a\- ns‚ Bizm-kØn-\mbn Is≠-Øp∂ {]W-b-hp-sams° CS-I-e-cp-∂-XmWv Cu Nn{Xw. s{]m^-j\v A`n-am-\-I-c-sa∂v ]d-bm-hp∂ bmsXm∂pw Cu Nn{X-Øn-ep-≠m-bn-cp-∂n-√. Hcp sh‰-dn-\dn tUmIvSsd IYm-]m-{X-ambn Ah-X-cn-∏n® Nn{XamWv `mcXn cmP-bpsS "16 hb-Xn-\nse' (1977). Hcp Ip{Km-a-ØnemWv Cu Nn{X-Ønse IY \S-°p-∂-Xv. {Kma-Ønse km[m-cW°mc\pw aµ-_p-≤n-bp-amb N∏mWn (I-a¬lm-k≥), hn√≥ IYm-]m{Xw (cP-\n-Im¥v), ]Xn-\mdpImcn-bmb \mbnI ({io-tZ-hn). Ch¿°n-S-bn-te-°mWv Hcp bph sh‰-dn-\dn tUmIvS-¿ IS-∂p-hcp-∂-Xv. X\n- {Km-ao-W-amb A¥-co-£-Øn¬ Cu \mep-t]-cpsS am\-kn-Im-h-ÿ-Iƒ hni-I-e\w sNøp-I-bmWv kwhn-[m-b-I≥. Xangv kn\n-a-bnse t`Z-s∏´ Hcp Nn{X-am-bn-cp∂p "16 hb-Xn-\nse'. C≥Uy≥ kn\n-a-bnse {]K¬` kwhn-[m-b-I-\mb iymw s_\K¬ Hcp-°nb anI-s®mcp Ne-®n-{X-amWv "aŸ≥' (1976) F∂ lnµn Nn{Xw. 1970 ¬ XpS°w Ipdn® [h-f-hn-π-hsØ {]ta-b-am°n \n¿Ωn® Nn{X-am-Wn-Xv. Akw-L-Sn-X-cmbn \ne-\n-∂n-cp∂ Hcp {KmaØnse £oc-I¿j-Isc Hcp tIm˛-Hm-∏-td-‰ohv skmssk-‰n°v Iogn¬ AWn-\n-cØn Ah¿°v sa®-s∏´ PohnX kml-Ncyw Is≠-Øm≥ ]cn-{i-an-°p∂ Hcp sh‰-dn-\dn tUmIvSdmWv Cu Nn{X-Ønse \mb-I≥. kwL-SnX i‡n-bn-eqsS Ah¿ {KmaØns‚ apJ-Omb Xncp-Øn-Ip-dn-°p-∂p. KpP-dmØv tIm˛-Hm-∏-td‰ohv an¬°v am¿°-‰nMv s^U-td-j≥ \n¿Ωn® Cu Nn{X-Øns‚ Xnc- ° Y Xøm- d m- ° n- b Xv s^U- t d- j s‚ kmc- Y n- b mb tUm. h¿Kokv Ipcy\pw iymw s_\-Kepw tN¿∂m-Wv. tUm. dmhp F∂ arK-tUm-IvSsd Kncojv I¿ÆmSv Ah-X-cn-∏n-®p. {]ikvX \Sn-bmb kvanXm-]m-´o-emWv Nn{X-Ønse \mbnI. 1976se anI® lnµn-Nn-{XØn\pw anI® Xnc-°Y (hnPbv sS≥Up¬°¿)bv°pap≈ tZiob Ahm¿Un\p aŸ≥ A¿l-ambn HmkvIm¿ Ahm¿Un¬ anI® hntZi- Nn-{X-ßf- psS a¬k-ch - n-`m-KØ - nse C≥Uy-bpsS HutZym-KnI F≥{Snbm-bn-cp∂p Cu Nn{Xw. hntZi Nn{X-߃ s]mXpsh t\m°n-bm¬ hntZi kn\n-a-Ifn¬ sh‰-dn-\dn tUmIvS¿amsc am\y-ambn Xs∂-bmWv Ah-X-cn∏n-°m-dp-≈-Xv. a\p-jy¿s°m∏w am\y-Xbpw ]Z-hnbpw arK-߃°p \¬Ip-∂-h-cmWv hntZ-io-b¿. Hcp Pohn-sbbpw sXcp-hnee-bm≥ Ah¿ A\p-h-Zn-°m-dn-√. arK-kw-c-£-W-\n-b-a-߃ I¿i-\-ambn ]cn-]m-en-°m≥ hntZi cmjv{S-߃ Xm¬]-cy-sa-Sp-°p-∂p. AXp-sIm≠p-Xs∂ Hcp saUn-°¬ tUmIvS¿°v In´p∂ A¥ pw am\yXbpw sh‰-dn-\dn tUmIvS¿°pw hntZ-i-ß-fn¬ e`n°p∂p. arK-tUm-IvS¿am¿ IYm-]m-{X-ß-fmbn \nc-h[n kn\n-a-I-fn¬ temI-Øns‚ hnhn[ `mK-ß-fn¬ ]nd-hn-sb-Sp-Øn-´p-≠v. F¶nepw IqSp-X¬ {it≤-bsa∂v tXm∂n-b, a\- n¬ Xßn-\n¬°p∂ GXm\pw Nn{X-ß-fmWv ChnsS ]cm-a¿in-°-s∏-Sp-∂-Xv. arK NnIn¬kmcwKØv h\nX tUmIvS¿am¿ A`n-ap-Jo-Ic- n-°p∂ sh√phn-fn-Iƒ°v adp-]S- n-bmWv sFdnkv (IRIS1- 986) F∂ tlmf≠v Nn{Xw. {]ikvX U®v Ne-®n-{X-Im-cn-bmb amUn kmIvkv (Mady Saks) BWv Cu Nn{X-Øns‚ kwhn-[m-bn-I. kmIvkns‚ c≠m-asØ ^o®¿ Nn{XamWv sFdn-kv. {]Xn-Iqe kml-N-cy-ß-tfmSv ]S-sh´n Pohn-X-Øn¬ hnPbn°p∂ h - \ - n-Xb - mWv sFdn-kv. Nn{X-Øn¬ Hcp ]ip-hns‚ {]kh-X-S w (Dystocia) ssIImcyw sNøp∂ Hcp cwK-ap-≠v. hfsc at\m-l-c-am-bn-´mWv kwhn-[m-bnI CXv Nn{Xo-I-cn-®n-cn-°p∂-Xv.

°p-∂-Xv. tamWn° hm≥Un-sh≥, tPm¨ {ImbvI¬^v, tdmP¿ hm≥lqX F∂n-h-cmWv Nn{X-Ønse {][m\ Xmc-߃. sFdnkmbn tamWn° hm≥Un-sh≥ thj-an-Sp-∂p. Ata-cn-°-bnse knbm‰n≥ ^nenw s^Ãn-h-en¬ anI® \Sn-°p≈ Ahm¿Uv Cu Nn{X-Øn-eqsS tamWn° Ic-ÿ-am-°n. {_bm≥ seh‚v kwhn-[m\w sNbvX _otYm-h-\mWv (1992) as‰mcp {it≤-b-amb Nn{Xw. _otYm-hs\∂v t]cp≈ Hcp sk‚v _¿\mUv \mb-bmWv Nn{X-Ønse {][m\ IYm-]m-{Xw.- C-hs\ cl-ky-ambn h[n-°m≥ \S-°p∂ Hcm-fp-≠v. Hcp sh‰-dn-\dn tUmIvS¿. Hcp an≠m-{]m-Wnsb c£n-°m≥ _m[y-ÿ-\mb Hcp sh‰-dn-\dn tUmIvS¿ Xs∂ AXns\ \in-∏n-°m≥ {ian°p∂ sshcp-≤y-amWv Cu Nn{X-sØ {it≤b-am-°p-∂-Xv. tPm¨ lKvkv, Aan tKm¿U≥ tPm¨kv F∂nh¿ tN¿∂v Xnc-°Y cNn® Cu Nn{X-Ønse {][m\ \So-\-S-∑m¿ Nmƒkv tKm¿U≥, t_mWn l≠v, Uo≥ tPm¨kv F∂n-h-cm-Wv. 1998 ¬ ]pd-Øp-h∂ hyXy-kvX-amb Hcp Ata-cn-°≥ tImaUn Nn{X-amWv "tUm. Up en-‰n¬' (Dr. Do Little). arK-ß-fp-ambn kwh-Zn°m≥ Ign-hp-s≠∂v Ah-Im-i-s∏-Sp∂ tUm. tPm¨ en‰n¬ F∂ sh‰-dn-\dn tUmIvSdmWv {][m\ IYm-]m{Xw. arK-ßfpw tUmIvSdpw XΩn-ep≈ kw`m-jWw AXn-`m-h-pIXzw Ie-cmsX Ie-m]-c-ambn Ah-X-cn-∏n-°m≥ kwhn-[m-b-I-\mb s_‰n tXmakv {ian-®n´p≠v. tUm. tPm¨ Upen‰n-embn {]ikvX tlmfn-hpUv \S≥ FÕn a¿^n cwK-Øp-h-cp-∂p. Cu Nn{X-Øns‚ c≠pw- aq∂pw `mK-߃ bYm-{Iaw 2001 epw 2004 epw ]pd-Øp-h-∂p. \memw `mK-amb tUm. Up en‰n¬ : sSbv¬ Sp Z No^v 2008 {]Z¿i-\Øns\Øn. Cu kocoknse

A©m-asØ Nn{X-amb tUm. Up en‰n¬ aney¨ tUmf¿ amØvkv t{]£-I¿°p ap∂n-se-Øp-∂Xv 2010 emWv. Hcp k¿°kv IqSm-c-Ønse _‘-\-ÿ-cmb arK-ß-sfbpw Ah A\p-`-hn-°p∂ ]oU-\-ß-sfbpw ]‰n ]Tn-°m≥ FØp∂ tP°_v F∂ sh‰-dn-\dn saUn-°¬ hnZym¿∞n-bpsS IY ]dbp∂ kn\n-a-bmWv "hm´¿ t^m¿ Fen-^‚v ' (2011). {^m≥knkv temd≥kv kwhn-[m\w sNbvX Cu Nn{Xw kmdm {Kqhs‚ 2006 ¬ cNn® CtX t]cn-ep≈ t\mh-ens‚ Ne-®n-{Xm-hn-jvIm-c-am-Wv. dn®m¿Uv em{Km- s h≥kmWv Xnc- ° Y cNn- ® - X v . dokv hnX≥kv]q¨, tdm_¿´v ]m‰n≥k¨, {IntÃm^v hmƒ´vkv, lm¬ tlmƒ{_q°v apX-em-b-h-cmWv Nn{X-Ønse A`n-t\-Xm-°ƒ. arK-ßsf kvt\ln-°p-I-sb-∂Xv Hcp \√ kwkvIm-c-Øns‚ `mK- a mWv . hnim- e - a mb Cu `qan- b n¬ a\p- j y- s c- t ∏mse arK߃°pw Pohn- ° m≥ Ah- I m- i - a p- s ≠∂ Xncn- ® - d n- h mWv BZyap≠m-tI-≠-Xv. Alnwk kn≤m-¥-Øns‚ Cu‰n-√-amb `mcX-Øn¬ arK-ßsf \nc-¥cw ]oUn-∏n-°p-∂p. F√m Pohn-X-ßfpw ssZh- Ø n\p ap∂n¬ Xpey- c m- s W∂ t_m[w Dƒs°m- ≈ m≥ \Ωfn\nbpw Xøm-dmbn´n-√. \ΩpsS ]mTy-]-≤-Xn-I-fnepw Zriy-am[y-a-ß-fnepw {]mapJyw \¬tI-≠Xv arK-kvt\-l-Øn-\m-sW∂v tXm∂p-∂p. A\n-a¬ πm\-‰p-t]m-ep≈ sSen-hn-j≥ Nm\-ep-I-fn¬ hntZ-in-Iƒ \ntXys\ kwt{]-jWw sNøp-∂Xv Icp-W-bpsS Z¿i\-ß-fm-Wv. C≥Uy-bnse GsX-¶nepw Nm\-ep-Iƒ CXn-\p-th≠n kabw Is≠-Øm-dpt≠m? \∑, kvt\lw, Zb F∂nh hm°p-Ifn-e-√, a\- n¬ P∑-sa-Sp-t°≠ hnIm-c-ß-fm-Wv. AXn-eqsS \ΩpsS cmPy-Øns‚ k\m-X-\- aq-ey-ß-fm-bn-cn°pw kwc-£n-°s∏-Sp-∂-Xv.

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HYGIENIC CLEAN MEAT PRODUCTION DR. J. ABRAHAM M.V.Sc, Ph.D, D.F.H.V.P.H(Denmark) Director, Centre of Excellence in Meat Technology, Kerala Agricultural University.(Retd.), Patron, Indian Meat Science Association, Former Principal, International Training Centre on Meat Technology, Republic of Botswana.


ndia is endowed with the largest resource of livestock population in the world. The Indian Meat Industry is currently on the track of a remarkable leap forward. The global demand for Indian meat and meat products is increasing considerably during the past few years. We also have one of the largest domestic market for our meat and meat products. More than 65% of the Indian population consume meat and meat products. However, the quantity and frequency of meat consumption among the Indian population is considerably lower than others elsewhere. Kerala State is endowed with a highly literate population having basic knowledge on the nutritive requirements for growth and development. More than 95% of the Keralites consume meat and meat products. Taboos and sentiments do not have any influence on meat consumption in Kerala. However, the global competency of our products has not improved considerably in terms of quality and quantity. One of the major lacunae in this regard is lack of modern infrastructure for production of hygienic meat and for value addition. It is heartening to recognize the establishment of few modern abattoirs for large animals. New generation poultry processing units have also established modern automatic dressing lines. The worst scenario is seen in the case of Cattle & Hog slaughter houses. Kerala is the most ideal State in India for development of the meat sector. We have practically slaughter slabs, and slaughter houses in all Panchayats, Municipalities and Corporations. However, it is most disgusting that large majority of such slaughter houses do not have the basic infrastructure essential for clean meat production. Facilities for treatment and disposal of effluents and wastes are also absent. As such, the meat produced in such slaughter


houses is highly contaminated, and poor in quality. It is essential to protect and promote human health by providing hygienic meat to the consumers. Meat is highly nutritious and tasty and provide, protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Indian meat is low in fats, cholesterol, and chemically clean. Absence of Mad Cow disease among the Indian animals is advantageous. However, the major handicap is the poor quality and contamination of our meat. In order to achieve hygienic meat production and improve the quality of meat, we have to take in to consideration all aspects required for improving the quality and safety of meat. A holistic approach is required in implementing the mandatory requirements for hygienic meat production and for the treatment and disposal of wastes and effluents. 1. Healthy, disease free animals should be used for production of meat. (Cattle, buffaloe, goats, sheep, pigs, chicken, duck etc.) 2. All animals should be given rest and plenty of water before slaughter(Lairage). 3. Animals should be transported on trucks, and should be provided with water 4. Ante-mortem inspection should be done by qualified Veterinarian to discard diseased animals. 5. Slaughter houses should have the following facilities: Stunning pen/ Halalslaughter facility, Bleeding rails, blood collection facility, Overhead Rail System for dressing the animals on rails, Hock cutters, Hide pullers (in large slaughter houses)Brisket cutter, Evisceration facilities, splitters, carcass washing facility, Meat Inspection facility, Triperies,

store for head, feet, skin/hide, Chutes/conveyors for offals, by-products should be provided to ensure hygiene in slaughter houses. Pressure washers are essential for

cleaning up the slaughter houses. 6. It is essential to provide chillers and cold rooms – and cold chain for transport of meat to the stalls. 7. Bio-methanation plants 8. Rendering plants in all large slaughter houses for processing by-products and inedible parts of the animals. 9. Effluent treatment plant for treatment of effluents. 10. Change rooms for the workers & supervisors, rest rooms 11. Office for the Veterinary Doctor and for the Manager of the slaughter house. 12. Hide / skin should be removed from the slaughter house in separate containers and should not be kept in the same vehicle transporting meat. 13. Edible offals should be kept separate 14. In-edible offals should be disposed off safely in rendering plants. All slaughter houses should have water treatment facility for supply of potable water. Rendering plants will

ensure treatment of all by-products and inedible portions of carcasses without environmental pollution. In addition, the process would result in production of sterilized Meat cum bone meal and rendered fat. All workers should be trained in scientific slaughter operations. They should clean up themselves before and after the operation and should wear protective gadgets during slaughter operation. Meat Inspection should be carried out on all carcasses and only certified meat should be allowed to be sold in the market. It is understood that the Government of Kerala is intending to modernize all slaughter houses in Kerala. Govt. of India under Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Food Processing provides grants for modernization of slaughter houses. It would be ideal and advantageous to modernize and establish large slaughter houses at the borders of our State with all modern facilities including cold rooms and refrigerated transport facilities, instead of spending huge funds on modernization of all slaughter houses in Kerala. Hygienically processed carcasses could be transported to all places in reefer trucks, and ensure the supply of clean and safe meat to the consumers in Kerala. It would be feasible to establish large Rendering plants and Effluent treatment plants in such slaughter houses. No waste or contaminated offals will be transported to any Municipality or Corporation ensuring zero pollution to the environment if such facilities are established. Trained and skilled workers can be employed and all hygienic measures could be implemented. The present scenario of unhygienic processing of meat, cruelty to animals, contamination and pollution to environment can be completely prevented by establishing modern abattoirs at borders of our state integrating packing fresh and chilled meat and transporting to modern meat stalls. It is also essential to establish modern conveyorised poultry processing plants to provide clean, hygienic chicken in required quantities for the consumers.

Best compliments from :

Cheepunkal, Kumarakam Kottayam Dt., Kerala India Mob:+919447972836,9947370771 Tel: +914812524616 arayilcruise@hotmail.com


amen\y \n¿am¿P\w ^mapIfn¬ tUm. tPmk^v amXyp s{]m^- ¿ & slUv, Un∏m¿´vsa‚v Hm^v ssehv tÃm°v s{]mU-£≥ amt\-Pvsa‚v, tImtfPv Hm^v sh‰-dn-\dn B‚v A\n-a¬ kb≥k-kv, aÆp-Øn


sXmcp cmPy-Ønt‚bpw kar-≤nbpw sFiz-cyhpw \n¿Æbn-°p-∂Xv {]mY-anI taJ-e-bn¬ AXm-bXv Im¿jnI arK-kw-c£W taJ-e-bn¬ B cmPyw \¬Ip∂ {]m[m-\y-hpw, hnI-k-\{]-h¿Ø-\-ß-fp-am-W-v. hymh-km-bnI taJ-e-bv°p≈ Akw-kvIrX hkvXp-°-f-[n-Ihpw {]mY-anI taJ-e-bn¬\n-∂p≈ A[n-tIm¬]mZ-\-Øn¬ \n∂mWv e`n-°p-∂-Xv. IqSmsX Cu taJ-e-bn¬ H´-\h[n sXmgn¬ km[y-X-Ifpw \ne-\n¬°p-∂p. cmPy-Øns‚ \ne\n¬∏ns‚ Xs∂ ASn-ÿm-\-amb arK-kw-c-£W taJ-e-bn¬ {]h¿Øn-°p-∂-h¿°v A¿l-amb ]cn-K-W-\-bpw, t{]m’m-l\hpw e`n-°m-Ø-Xn-\m¬ ]ecpw Cu taJ-e-bn¬\n∂v ]n¥n-cnbp∂ Hc-h-ÿ-bmWv \ne-\n¬°p-∂-Xv. CXv \ΩpsS tZi-Øns‚ \ne-\n¬∏ns\Øs∂ _m[n-°p∂ Hcp {]iv\a- m-Wv. tIc-fØ - ns‚ B`y-¥-tcm¬]m-Z\Øns‚ ]Øp-i-X-am-\-Øn-tesd arK-kw-c-£W-ta-J-e-bn¬ \n∂p-am-Wv. GI-tZiw 33.96 e£w I∂p-Im-enIfpw 18.61 e£w BSp-Ifpw. CXp-ambn _‘-s∏´v arK-kw-c-£W-ta-J-e-bn¬ ]Wn-sb-Sp-°p∂ 23 e£-tØmfw I¿j-Icpw a‰p taJ- e - I - f mb ]∂n hf¿Ø¬, tImgn hf¿Ø¬, Xmdmhp hf¿Ø¬ apX-em-b-hbpw Ah-bn¬ \n∂p≈ D¬]-∂-ßfpw Dƒs∏-Sp∂ henb Hcp kmº-ØnI-˛-sXm-gn¬ irwJeXs∂ C∂v tIc-f-Øn¬ \ne-hn-ep-≠v. arK-kw-c-£-W-{]-h¿Ø-\-߃ ]cnÿnXn aen-\o-I-c-W-Øn\pw kmw{I-anI tcmK-߃°pw Imc-Wam-Ip-∂p- F-∂p≈ Hcp sX‰mb Nn¥m-KXn C∂v \ne-hn-ep-≠v. F∂m¬ imkv{Xo-b-ambn kwhn-[m\w sNbvX hrØnbpw shSn-∏pap≈ arK-kw-c-£W bqWn-‰p-Iƒ ]cn-k-c-a-en-\o-I-c-W-Øn\v ImcW-am-Ip∂ ssPh ]mgvhkvXp-°sf Imcy-£-a-ambn D]-tbm-Kn°p-∂-Xn-\p≈ G‰hpw efn-X-amb am¿§hpw H∏w A\-¥-amb sXmgn¬ km[y-Xbpw kmº-Øn-I-t\-´hpw Df-hm-°p∂ Hcp kwhn[m-\hpw IqSn-bm-Wv. arK-kw-c-£-W-ta-J-e-bn¬ \n∂-S-°-ap≈ F√m ssPhamen-\y-ß-fn-sebpw A[nI Pemw-i-amWv ]e-t∏mgpw Po¿Æ-Xbv°pw ]cn-ÿnXn aen-\o-I-c-W-Øn\pw Imc-W-am-Ip-∂Xv. shbn-e-Øp-W°n Pemwiw \o°w sNbvXm¬ ]e ssPh-amen-\y-ßfpw H∂m-¥cw hf-am-Wv. F√m arK-ß-fn¬\n-∂p-ap≈ 152

ssPh-am-en-\y-ßf- n¬\n∂pw ssPh-hm-XI πm‚p-]t- bm-Kn®v ]mN-IØn\pw shfn-®Ø - n\pw F¥n\v F©n≥ {]h¿Øn-°p-∂X - n\p-hs- cbp≈ C‘-\-ambn D]-tbm-Kn-°m-hp∂ ssPh-hm-XIw D¬]m-Zn-∏n°m-hp-∂X - m-Wv. ssPh-hm-XI πm‚n¬\n∂pw hcp∂ …dn H∂m-¥cw hf-am-Wv. ItºmÃv \n¿Ωm-Ww, ]∂n-h-f¿Ø¬, ao≥ hf¿Ø¬ F∂nh Dƒs∏-Sp∂ Hcp kwtbm-PnX Irjn]≤Xn F∂n-h ssPh-amen-\y-ßsf Imcy-£-a-ambn D]-tbm-Kn-°m-hp∂ kwhn-[m-\-ß-fm-Wv. A\-¥-amb sXmgn¬ km[y-X-bp≈ Cu taJ-e-bn-te°v IS-∂p-hcp∂ A`y-kvX-hn-Zy-cmb sNdp-∏-°m-scbpw sXmgn-e-t\z-j-I-scbpw th≠ t{]m’m-l\w \¬In Cu taJ-esb i‡n-s∏-Sp-tØ-≠Xv C∂ns‚ Bh-iy-am-Wv. Bb-Xn-\m¬ imkv{Xo-b-ambn kwhn-[m\w sNbvXp \S-∏n-em-°p∂ arK-kw-c-£W bqWn-‰p-Iƒ°v Hcp sh‰-dn\dn tUmIvSd- psS \n¿t±-i{- ]-Imcw Xt±i kzbw-`c- W ÿm]-\ß - ƒ Bh-iy-amb AwKo-Imcw \¬tI-≠Xpw kmº-ØnI ÿm]-\-߃ th≠ hmbv]m kwhn-[m\w sNbvXp-sIm-Sp-t°-≠X - p-am-Wv. C{]-Im-cap≈ imkv{Xo-ba- mb arK-kw-c£ - W bqWn-‰p-Iƒ kwhn-[m\w sNøp∂-Xn\v Bh-iy-amb Hcp am¿§-tc-J-bmWv CXn¬ Dƒs°m-≈n-®n-cn°p-∂-Xv. sh‰-dn-\dn tUmIvS¿am¿°pw Xt±-i-kz-bw-`-cW ÿm]-\ß-fnse DtZym-K-ÿ¿°pw Btcm-Ky-ta-J-e-bnse DtZym-K-ÿ¿°pw CXv {]tbm-P\w sNøp-sa∂v {]Xo-£n-°p-∂p. c≠m-bn-cØn ]{¥-≠nse tIcf ]©m-bØv cmPv (sse-hvtÃm°v) ^map-Iƒ°v ssek≥kv \¬I¬) N´-߃ {]Imcw 5 ]ip°ƒ, 20 BSp-Iƒ, 5 ]∂n-Iƒ, 25 apb¬, 100 tImgn-Iƒ F∂nhbv ° v apI- f n¬ FÆ- a p≈ ^map- I ƒ°v {Kma- ] - © m- b Øv ssek≥kv Bh-iy-am-Wv. IqSmsX I¿j-I-¿ Cu N´-ß-fn¬ ]d™n-cn-°p∂ \n¿t±-i-߃ ]men-t°-≠-Xm-Wv. Hmtcm hn`mKw arKß-fp-sSbpw FÆ-Øn-\-\p-k-cn®v ^map-Isf Bdp ¢m p-I-fmbn Xncn-®v, Hmtcm ¢m n\pw th≠ `qan-bpsS G‰hpw Ipd™ hnkvXrXn, amen-\y-߃ \o°w sNøp-∂Xn\v th≠ {Iao-I-c-W-߃ F∂nh NphsS tN¿°p-∂p.

Hcp ^man¬ hf¿Ø-s∏-Sp∂ arK-ß-fpsS, ]£n-I-fpsS

FÆsØ ASn-ÿm\am°n-bp≈ Xcw-Xn-cn-°¬ {Ia \º¿

^mans‚ I∂p-Im-en-Iƒ Xcw (¢m- v) (F-Æw)

BSp-Iƒ (F-Æw)

]∂n-Iƒ (F-Æw)

apb-ep-Iƒ (F-Æw)

]uƒ{Sn (F-Æw)












16 -50







51 -100







101-200 201-400






201-400 401-500




400 - ¬ IqSp-X¬

750 - ¬

400˛- ¬ 500˛- ¬ IqSp-X¬ IqSp-X¬ IqSp-X¬

1000˛- ¬


arK-ßf- psS/]£n-If- psS FÆ-Øn-\\ - p-kc- n®v th≠ `qan-bpsS G‰hpw Ipd™ hnkvXrXn {Ia \º¿







1 sk‚v




1 sk‚v




1 sk‚v




1 sk‚v




1 sk‚v

amen-\y-߃ \o°w-sN-øp-∂X - n\v G¿s∏-Sp-tØ≠ {Iao-Ic- W - ß - ƒ {Ia- ^mans‚ I∂p-Imen \-º¿ Xcw ^mw (¢m-kv) 1 I hf-°pgn tiJ-cWSm¶v, Itºm-Ãv Ipgn, ssPh-hm-XI πm‚v

BSv ^mw

]∂n ^mw

apb¬ ^mw

]uƒ{Sn ^mw

hf-°pgn hf-°pgn hf-°pgn hf-°pgn tiJ-cW tiJ-c-W-Sm¶v, Sm¶v Itºm-Ãv Ipgn ssPh-hm-XI πm‚v



hf-°pgn hf-°pgn tiJ-c-W-Sm¶v, tiJ-cW Itºm-Ã vIpgn, Sm¶v ssPh-hm-XI πm‚v

hf-°pgn hf-°pgn hf-°pgn tiJ-c-W-Sm¶v, Itºm-Ãv Ipgn, ssPh-hm-XI πm‚v



hf-°pgn hf-°pgn tiJ-c-W-Sm¶v, tiJ-cW Itºm-Ãv Ipgn, Sm¶v ssPh-hm-XI πm‚v

hf-°pgn tiJ-c-W hf-°pgn hf-°pgn Sm¶v Itºm-Ãv Ipgn, ssPh-hm-XI πm‚v



hf-°pgn hf-°pgn tiJ-c-W-Sm¶v, tiJ-cW Itºm-Ãv Ipgn, Sm¶v ssPh-hm-XI πm‚v

hf-°pgn hf-°pgn hf-°pgn tiJ-c-W-Sm¶v, Itºm-Ãv Ipgn, ssPh-hm-XI πm‚v



hf-°pgn hf-°pgn tiJ-c-W-Sm¶v, tiJ-cW Itºm-Ãv Ipgn, Sm¶v ssPh-hm-XI πm‚v

hf-°pgn hf-°pgn tiJ-c-W-Sm¶v, Itºm-Ãv Ipgn, ssPh-hm-XI πm‚v

hf-°pgn, PUw kwkv°-cn°p∂Ipgn



hf-°pgn hf-°pgn tiJ-c-W-Sm¶v, tiJ-cW Itºm-Ãv Ipgn, Sm¶v ssPh-hm-XI πm‚v

hf-°pgn hf-°pgn tiJ-c-W-Sm¶v, Itºm-Ãv Ipgn, ssPh-hm-XI πm‚v

hf-°pgn, PUw kwkv°-cn°p∂Ipgn

Ipdn∏v: (1) IV˛Dw, V˛Dw, VI˛Dw Xc-ß-fn¬ (¢m- p-I-fn¬)s∏´ ^map-I-fn¬ ÿm]n-°p∂ ssPh-hm-XI πm‚n\v 25 L\ao‰-dn¬ Ipd-bm-sXbpw a‰p-X-c-ß-fnteXn\v AXn¬ Ipdhpw D≈fhv D≠m- b n- c n- t °- ≠ - X m- W v . ssPh- h m- X I πm‚ n- t \mSv tN¿∂v , sk]v‰n°v Sm¶v, tkm°v ]n‰v, …dn H-gn-°p-∂-Xn-\p≈ kwhn-[m\w F∂nh D≠m-bn-cn-t°-≠-Xm-Wv. Ipdn∏v: (2) hf-°p-gn, ItºmÃv Ipgn, ssPh-hm-X-I-πm‚v F∂n-h-bn¬ \n∂v Zl-\-{]-{In-b-bv°p-tijw ]pd-¥-≈-s∏-Sp∂ Ah-injvSw Im¿jn-Im-h-iy-߃°m-bn, Imem-Im-e-ß-fn¬ \o°w sNø-s∏-tS-≠-Xm-Wv. Ipdn∏v: (3) Hcp kwtbm-PnX ^mans‚ Imcy-Øn¬ G¿s∏-SptØ≠ amen\y \n¿Ωm-¿÷\ kuI-cy-߃ arK-߃t°m ]£nIƒt°m th≠n-bp≈ AXm-Xp-Xcw (¢m-kv) ^map-Iƒ°v \n›bn-°-s∏-´n-´p≈ amen\y \n¿am¿÷\ kuI-cy-߃°v A\p-krX-am-bn-cn-t°-≠-Xm-Wv. a\p-tjym-]-tbm-K-Øn\v Pe-sa-Sp-°p∂ Hcp Pe-t{km-X- n\v kao]w GsX-¶nepw amen-\y-\n¿Ωm¿÷\ {Iao-I-cWw G¿s∏Sp-Øp-hmt\m ]cn-]m-en-°p-hmt\m ]mSp-≈-X-√. tZim-S\ ]£n-Iƒ Xßp∂ Pem-i-b-߃°mbn k¿°m¿ {]Jym-]n-®n-´p≈ ÿe-Øn\v \mep Intem-ao-‰¿ Np‰-f-hn-\p-≈n¬ bmsXm-cmfpw Hcp ]uƒ{Sn^mw \S-Øp-Itbm ]uƒ{Sn-bp-ambn _‘-s∏´ {]h¿Ø-\-ß-fn¬ G¿s∏-Sp-Itbm sNøp-hm≥ ]mSp≈-X-√. ^manse hkvXp-°-fn¬\n∂pw Xmsg ]d-bp∂ coXn-bn¬ Nne aqey-h¿≤nX D¬]-∂-߃ \n¿Ωn®v hn]-W\w \S-Øp-I-hgn I¿j-I-cpsS A‰m-Zmbw h¿≤n-∏n-°m-hp-∂-Xm-Wv. 1. ssPh-Ir-jn-bv°p≈ ]©-Khyw : "hnf-bn-√msX Imen-Ifn√ hnf-I-fn√'. aÆn\v Poh-t\-Ip-∂Xv Imen-I-fm-Wv. Poh-\p≈ aÆv ssPh-Ir-jn°v B[mcw. ASn-ÿm-\-]-c-ambn ]®-®m-W-Iw, tKmaq-{Xw, ]m¬, s\øv, ssXcv F∂nh \n¿t±-in-°-s∏´ coXnbn¬ tNcp-h-bm-°n-bmWv ]©-Khyw \n¿Ωn-°p-∂-Xv. CXns‚ Imcy-£-aX Iq´p-hm≥ Cf-\o¿, Icn-ºn≥ Pyqkv, \∂mbn ]gpØ ]gw F∂nh tN¿°m-dp-≠v. ]©-K-hy-Øn\v ssPh-Ir-jn-bn¬ A¤p-Xm-h-l-amb ^e-߃ krjvSn-°p-hm≥ Ign-bp-sa∂v ]co-£-W-߃ sXfn-bn-®n-´p-≠v. sNSn-Iƒ°m-h-iy-amb ss\{S-P≥, t^mkv^-d-kv, s]m´mkyw F∂nhbv°p ]pdsa ]Xn-aq-t∂mfw kq£va-aq-e-I-߃, hn‰m-an-\p-Iƒ, Aant\m Aæ-߃, hf¿®m Xzc-I-߃, KpW-I-c-amb kq£vaPo-hn-Iƒ F∂n-ßs\ H´-\-h[n kky-h-f¿®sb klm-bn-°p∂ LS-I-߃ ]©-K-hy-Øn-ep-≠v. hnf-I-fpsS hf¿® Iq´n hnfhv h¿≤n-∏n-°p∂ Hcp tlm¿tam-Wmbpw \ocq-‰n-°p-Sn-°p∂ IoSßsf \nb-{¥n®v IoS-tcm-K-{]-Xn-tcm-[-tijn h¿≤n-∏n-°p-∂-Xn\pw AXyp-Ø-a-amWv ]©-K-hyw. D]-tbm-Kn-t°≠coXn : s]mXpsh ]d-™m¬ aÆns‚ ssPh153

L-S-\-b-\p-k-cn®v 4˛30 an.-en. ]©-Khyw Hcp en‰¿ sh≈-Øn¬ ebn-∏n®v sNSn-Iƒ \\-bv°m≥ D]-tbm-Kn-°p-I. kvt{] sNøp-∂Xn\v 3% emb\n G‰hpw DØ-aw. aq∂v en‰¿ ]©-Khyw 100 en. sh≈-Øn¬ ebn-∏n®v kvt{] sNømw. ]Øv en‰¿ ]h¿ kvt{]b-dn¬ 300 an.-en. ]©-Khyw tN¿Øv kvt{] sNøm-hp-∂-Xm-Wv. kvt{]bnw-Kn\v D-]-tbm-Kn-°ptºmƒ emb\n Acn-t°-≠-Xm-Wv. Irjn-ÿew \\-bv°p-hm-\p≈ sh≈-Øn¬ Hcp G°-dn\v 200 en‰¿ ]©-Khyw F∂ IW-°n\v sh≈-Øn¬ tN¿°-Ww. hnØv-˛-ko-Un-enwKv {So‰vsa‚n\v 3% emb\n D]-tbm-Kn-°mw. a™ƒ, C©n hnØp-Iƒ 3 an\n‰v emb-\n-bn¬ ap°n-sh-°-Ww. 10-˛15 Znh-k-Øn-sem-cn-°¬ ]©-Khyw D]-tbm-Kn-°-Ww.

\n¿Ωm-W-coXn : Ggp In.{Kmw. ]pXnb ]ip-hn≥ NmW-Iw, Hcp In.-{Kmw ]ip-hn≥ s\øv F∂nh tN¿Øv hrØn-bp≈ Hcp ]m{X-Øn¬ Ipg-®p-sh®v aq∂v Znhkw cmhn-sebpw sshIp-t∂chpw \∂mbn Cf°n shbv°p-I. AXn-\p-tijw 10 en‰¿ tKmaq{Xhpw 10 en‰¿ sh≈hpw tN¿Øv \∂mbn Cf°n 15 Znhkw cmhn-sebpw sshIp-t∂-chpw Cf°n sh°p-I. AXn-\p-tijw 3 en‰¿ ]ip-hn≥ ]m¬, 2 en‰¿ ssXcv, 3 en‰¿ Cf-\o¿, 3 In{Kmw i¿°-c, \√-Xp-t]mse ]gpØ 12 ]qh≥]gw F∂nh

tN¿Øv 30 Znhkw cmhntebpw sshIp-t∂-chpw \∂mbn Cf°n kq£n-°p-I. ]m{Xw sImXp-Ip-h-e-sIm≠v aqSn Cu® -I-S-°msX \√ XW-ep≈ ÿeØv hbv°p-I. Ct∏mƒ ]©-Khyw D]-tbmK-Øn\v Xøm¿.

- n¬\n-∂p≈ Iw{]kvUv ssPh-hfw : NmWIw 2. NmW-IØ DW-ßm≥ {]bm-ka- p≈ ImeØv ]®-®m-WIw πmÃnIv Nm°p-Ifn¬ (D-]t- bm-Kn® kna‚p Nm°p-]t- bm-Kn-°mw) \nd®v sI´n/hmbv Xbv®v H∂n\p apI-fn¬ H∂mbn A´n-bn´v shbv°p-I. a¿±waqew NmW-IØ - nse Pemwiw Du¿∂v t]mhp-Ibpw {ItaW AXv DWßnb ssPh-hf-ambn Xocp-Ibpw sNøp-∂p. A´n-bn-Sp-tºmƒ D≠mIp∂ NqSp-aqew D]-{Z-h-Im-cn-I-fmb AWp-°ƒ \in®p t]mIp∂p. Cu ssPh-hfw F√m-Xcw hnf-Iƒ°pw D]-tbm-Kn-°m-hp-∂Xm-Wv. £oc-I¿j-I-\mb tIm´bw \o≠q¿ kztZin {io. _nPp Cu kmt¶-Xn-I-hnZy D]-tbm-Kn®v hymh-km-bn-Im-Sn-ÿm-\-Øn¬ ssPh-hfw D¬]m-Zn-∏n®p hn]-W\w \S-Øp-∂p. 3. ]mbv°p sNbvX tKmaq{Xw : tKmaq{Xw t\cnt´m hrØnbp≈ Nm\-ep-I-fn¬ \nt∂m tiJ-cn®p \√-Xp-t]mse Acn®v Ip∏nbn-em°n \Kc {]tZ-i-ß-fn¬ Hm¿°nUv B¥q-dnbw Irjn-Iƒ°v hn]-W\w \S-Ømw. sh‰-dn-\dn k¿∆-Ie - m-ime ]©-Kh - yhpw tKmaq{Xhpw C{]-Imcw sNdnb tXmXn¬ I¿j-I¿°v hnX-cWw sNøp∂p-≠v.

Best Compliments from

St. John’s Diagnostic Centre ( A Parekadavil Concern) Opposite Government Hospital Junction, Changanachery Phone: 0481-317774 Mob: 9745724466


arKkwc£Ww@2030 tUm. km_n≥ tPm¿÷v Akn. s{]m^k¿, Un∏m¿´vsa‚v Hm^v ssehv tÃm°v s{]mU£≥ amt\Pvsa‚v tImtfPv Hm^v sh‰dn\dn B‚v B\na¬ kb≥kkv, aÆpØn


‰sØ sXmgpØpw sXmSnbn¬ HmSn°fn°p∂ ss]°nSmhpw ]dºn¬ Nn°nNnIbp∂ X≈t°mgnbpw Ip™pßfpw... {KmaoW ImgvNIfpsS KrlmXpckvacWIfpsS \ncapdnbmsX a\kn¬ \ne\n¬°s´. Im¿jnI {KmaoW kºZvhyhÿbpsS Ahn`mPy LSIamWv I∂pImen hf¿Ø¬. Irjn°v Du¿÷hpw, hfhpw \evIn, Im¿jnI Dt]mXv]∂ ßfn¬ \n∂pw AhinjvSßfn¬ \n∂pw Blmcw Is≠Øp∂ \m¬°menIƒ. ]m¬, ]mepev]∂߃, amwkw, ap´ XpSßn bhbpsS t{kmX mbn a\pjyPohnXØns‚ ta∑ Iq´p∂ tXmsSm∏w ]mhs∏´hs‚ D]Poh\Øns‚ AØmWnbmIm\pw hf¿ØparK߃°v Ignbp∂p. arKP\y DXv ] ∂ßfpsS Bhiyw 2050 BIptºmtg°pw Cc´nbm Ipsa∂v ]T\߃ kqNn∏n°p∂p. Cu sh√phnfn t\cnSm\mbn \mSns\ Hcp°m≥ tIcf k¿°m¿ Hcp kz]v\]≤XnbpsS ]Wn∏pcbnemWv. kwÿm\Øns‚ ka{KhnIk\w e£yam°n Zo¿Lho£W tØmsS Xømdm°p∂ Kerala Perspective Plan - 2030 Htc kabw Hcp Zm¿i\nI tcJbpw, I¿Ω ]cn]mSnIfpsS BteJ\hpamWv. {]kvXpX ]≤Xn tIcfØnse arKkwc£W, £ochnIk\ taJesb°pdn®v ]Tn°pIbpw \msfbpsS hnIk\ ]≤XnIsf°pdn®v {]h¿Ø\ N´°qSv Xømdm °pIbpw sNøp∂p. kwÿm\Øns‚ samØw Im¿jnI B`y¥c DXv]mZ\ Øns‚ 21.7 iXam\amWv arKkwc£WtaJe kw`mh\ sNøp∂Xv. kwÿm\Øp≈ 70 e£w IpSpw_ßfn¬ 5 e£w

IpSpw_߃ D]Poh\w Is≠Øp∂Xv arKkwc£W taJesb am{Xw B{ibn®mWv. thsdmcp 5 e£w IpSpw_߃ A[nI hcpam\Øn\mbn Cu taJesb D]tbmKn°p∂p. ct≠m aqt∂m ]ip°sf hf¿Øp∂hcmWv I∂pImen hf¿Øen¬ ]IpXnbne[nIhpw. Hcp ]iphns‚ kar≤nbn¬ Pohn°p∂h¿ 32 iXam\w hcpw. IpSpw_{io \S∏nem°p∂ D]Poh\ kwcw`ßfn¬ 60 iXam\hpw arKkwc£W taJebnemsW∂v IW°pIƒ kqNn∏n°p∂p. Zmcn{ZtcJbpsS {]m¥{]tZi ßfn¬ Pohn°p∂ 37 e£w kv{XoIfn¬ 70 iXam\Øns‚bpw B{ibw I∂pImen hf¿Ø¬ Xs∂. Cu taJebn¬ hcp∂ hnIk\Øns‚ KpWt`m‡m°ƒ kmaqly˛kmºØnI hyhÿbpsS hnfpºn¬ Pohn°p∂hcmsW∂v kmcw. arKkwc£W hIp∏v , £ochnIk\ hIp∏v , ]uƒ{Sn sUhe]vsa‚v tIm¿∏tdj≥, tIcf sh‰dn\dn B‚v B\na¬ kb≥kkv k¿∆Iemime, ssehv t Ãm°v sUhe]v s a‚ v t_m¿Uv XpSßn taJebpsS hnIk\ kmcYnIƒ \nc h[nbmWv. Ign™ A≥]Xne[nIw h¿j߃ sIm≠v arK kwc£WtaJebn¬ `cW, KthjW, hn⁄m\hym]\ ÿm] \ßfpsS hn]peamb Hcp iywJe krjvSn°m≥ k¿°mcpIƒ°v Ign™n´p≠v. arKkwc£WtaJebnse {]h¿Ø\߃°v Np°m≥ ]nSn°p∂ arKkwc£W hIp∏ns‚ Iogn¬ am{Xw 2698 ÿm]\ßfp≠v. arKkwc£WtaJebnse ]≤XnIƒ°v k¿°m¿ sNehgn°p∂ XpIbnepw Imcyamb ]ptcmKXn D≠mbn´p≠v. 155

k¿°m¿ [\Øns‚bpw ÿm]\ßfpsSbpw ]n≥XpW tbmsS Cu taJebn¬ D≠mb t\´ßfpw tIm´ßfpw ]cntim [n®psIm≠mWv Kerala Perspective Plan - 2030 s‚ IcSptcJ Bcw`n°p∂Xv. 2007 se I∂pImen sk≥kkv {]Imcw 1.7 Zie£tØmfw ]ip°fmWv tIcfØnep≈Xv . CXn¬ 1.6 Zie£w k¶cbn\w I∂pImenIfpsS FÆØn¬ 18 iXam\tØmfw Ipdhp≠mbn F∂v ImWmhp∂XmWv. Fcpa, ]∂n F∂nhbpsS FÆØn¬ bYm{Iaw 10.7, 22.3 iXam\w IpdhmWv D≠mbXv. AtXkabw BSv, tImgn F∂nhbpsS FÆØn¬ 42.5, 30.6 iXam\w h¿≤\bpap≠mbn. tIhew Hcp slIvSdn¬ Ipdhp am{Xw ÿew kz¥ambp≈ \maam{X I¿jIcmWv I∂pImenIfn¬ 87.7 iXam\tØbpw ]cn]men°p∂Xv . I∂pImenIfpsS FÆØns‚ ImcyØn¬ Iq∏pIpØnb \ΩpsS kwÿm\w AhbpsS KpWta∑bpsS ImcyØn¬ C¥ybn¬ ap≥\ncbnemWv. 2007 se sk≥kkv {]Imcw 94 iXam\w I∂pImenIfpw k¶ch¿KØn¬s∏´hbmWv. I∂p ImenIfpsS FÆØns\m∏w DXv]∂aqeyØnepw Cu Ime bfhn¬ Ipdhp≠mbn. ]m¬, ]mepXv]∂߃, amwkw, amwtkm Xv]∂߃ F∂nhbpsS hf¿®bn¬ Ipdhp≠mbn. 2000-˛01 Imebfhn¬ 2.52 Zie£w S¨ Bbncp∂ ]mepXv]mZ\w 2009˛10 ¬ 2.41 Zie£w S¨ Bbn Ipd™p. 2,044 Zie£w Bbncp∂ ap´bpXv ] mZ\w 1508 Zie£ambn. F∂m¬ AkwLSnXtaJe ta[mhnXzw ]pe¿Øp∂psh¶nepw amwtkm Xv ] mZ\Øn¬ C°mebfhn¬ h¿[\bp≠mbn. I∂pImen DXv ] ∂ßfpsS samØw aqeyØn¬ Ipdhp≠mbmepw DXv]mZ\£aXbpsS IW°n¬ tZiob icmicntb°mƒ \ΩpsS kwÿm\w ap∂nemWv. 2010˛11 ¬ CXv 69,294 cq]bmsW¶n¬ tZiob XeØn¬ CXv tIhew 9,872 cq] am{XamWv. Hmtcm ]©mbØnepw Hcp arKmip]{Xnsb∂ Akpe` t\´hpw tIcfw kz¥am°nbncn°p∂p. IqSmsX Hmtcm {KmaØnepw £oc klIcW kwLßfpw ÿm]n°s∏´ncn°p∂p. aebmfnbpsS Xo≥taibn¬ sshhn[yam¿∂ aqeytadnb Blmckm[\߃ ÿm\w ]nSn°pIbmWv . arKP\y DXv]∂amWv Chbn¬ Gsd {]nb¶cw. 1999˛2000 Imebfhn¬ ]mens‚ {]Xnio¿j D]tbmKw 37.7 Intem{Kmw Bbncp∂Xv 2009˛10 Bbt∏mtg°pw 40.2 Intem{Kmambn h¿≤n®p. ap´bpsS {]Xnio¿j D]t`mKw 30.4 ¬ \n∂v 42.1 Bbpw amwkØnt‚Xv 4.4 Intem{Kman¬ \n∂v 5.6 Bbpw h¿≤n®p. F∂m¬ Cu DXv]∂ßsfm∂pw BhiyØn\p XnIbpwhn[w \mw Dev]mZn∏n°p∂n√. ]t£ {i≤n°s∏tS≠ Hcp Imcyw a‰p Im¿jnIhnfIfpambn XmcXayw sNøptºmƒ arKP\y DXv ] ∂ßfpsS ImcyØn¬ \ΩpsS kzm{ibXzw Db¿∂ \nebnemWv. Bhiyap≈ ]mens‚ 11 iXam\w amwkØns‚ 27 iXam\w, ap´bpsS 28 iXam\w F∂ \nebnemWv \ΩpsS ]cm{ibXzw. \ΩpsS I∂pImenIfpsS FÆhpw, DXv]mZ\hpw Cu \nebn¬ t]mbm¬ kao]`mhnbn¬ \ΩpsS ]mepXv]mZ\w 1.96 Zie£w SÆmbn Npcpßpw. F∂m¬ BhiyØn\p≈ \b]cn]mSnIƒ \S∏nem°nbm¬ tIcfØn\v ]mepXv]mZ\

Øn¬ anI® kwÿm\amIm\p≈ `mhnbps≠∂v hnj≥ 2030 Nq≠n°m´p∂p. F∂m¬ ap´bpsS ImcyØn¬ kºq¿Æ kzbw]cym]v X X {]m]n°pI Ffp∏ambncn°n√msb∂pw tcJbn¬ ]dbp∂p. amwtkmXv]mZ\ taJebn¬ Ct∏mgp≈ hf¿® kpÿncambn \ne\n¿Ønbm¬ \qdpiXam\w kzm{ibXzw \ap°v ssIhcn°m≥ Ignbpw. arKkwc£W hnIk\Øns‚ BZyL´Øn¬ arKßfpsS h¿Kta∑ Ipdhp≈ kabamWv. Cu kabØv FÆw Iq´n Bhiyw \ndth‰m\mIpw {ian°p∂Xv. c≠mw L´Øn¬ h¿§ta∑ Iq´n DXv]mZ\h¿[\hn\mIpw {iaw. tIcfw Ct∏mƒ Cu L´ØnemWv. F∂m¬ hnIk\Øns‚ aq∂mw L´Øn¬ ]cn]me\Ønse Imcy£aXbneqsS kmºØnIt\´w sImøm\mIpw {iaw. tIcfw C\n hf¿®bpsS Cu aq∂mw L´Ønte°mWv \otß≠Xv. Imcy£ahpw, kpc£nXhpw, kpÿnchpamb I¿jIs‚ PohnXw sa®s∏SpØp∂ arKkwc£W taJebmWv Plan 2030 kz]v \ w ImWp∂Xv . tZiob, A¥¿tZiobXeØn¬ a’c £aamb, em`Icamb DXv]mZ\hyhÿ. imkv{Xkmt¶XnI hnZy Ifne[njvTnXamb DXv]mZ\ {iahpw kpc£nXhpw, KpWta∑ bp≈Xpamb hn]W\ kuIcyßfpw D≠mIWw. ]m¬, ]mepXv ]∂߃, amwkw F∂nhbpsS ImcyØn¬ B`y¥c Bhiy Øns‚ 80 iXam\Ønse¶nepw FØpI F∂ e£yamWv k¿°m¿ apt∂m´p hbv°p∂Xv. kzm{ibXzw am{Xw t]mcm {]XypX ]mepXv ] ∂߃, amwkw F∂nhbpsS Ib‰paXn hn]Wnbnepw 2030HmSp IqSn ÿm\w ]nSn°pI F∂ e£yhpap≠v. ta¬∏d™ e£y߃ ssIhcn°m\mbn ASpØ \mev ]©h’c]≤XnIfnembn \S∏nemt°≠ I¿Ω ]cn]mSnI fpsS N´°qSmWv Kerala Perspective Plan 2030 s‚ IcSptcJ aptºm´p hbv°p∂Xv. arKkwc£W taJebpsS hnIk\Øn\v aptºm´p hbv°p∂ kpÿnc ]≤Xn A©v {][m\ XqWpIfnemWv \nebpd∏nt°≠Xv . a’c£aX h¿≤n∏n°pI, G‰hpw anI® am\htijnsb Cu taJebnte°v BI¿jn°pI, kmaqlyt£aw Dd∏m°pI, P¥pt£aw ]cnKWn°pI, ]cnÿnXn kulrZXzw am\n°pI F∂nhbm Wnh. Hmtcm XqWnt\bpw \ne\n¿Øm\p≈ I¿Ω]cn]mSnIfpw hniZambn hnhcn°p∂p≠v . ssPh, kpÿnc coXnbnep≈ kwtbmPnX IrjncoXnIƒ°mWv ap≥KW\ \¬tI≠sX∂pw ]≤Xn hy‡am°p∂p. arKP\y amwky{][m\amb DXv]∂ßfpsS Bhiyw ASpØ Ccp]Xp h¿jØn\p≈n¬ henb coXnbn¬ h¿[n°pw. ]cnÿnXnbpsS \ne\n¬]n≥ta¬ henbcoXnbn¬ ]mZap{ZIƒ ]Xn∏n°mØ, F∂m¬ a¬kc£aamb kpÿnc, kwtbmPnX DXv ] mZ\ hyhÿIƒ cq]h¬°cn°s∏tS≠nbncn°p∂p. kmaqly t£ahpw arKt£ahpw ]cnKWn°s∏tS≠Xp≠v . DXv ] ∂KpWta∑bpw amen\ykwkv I cWhpw {][m\amIpw. ‘Made in Kerala’ ap{Zbp≈ {]tZinI DXv]∂ßfmhpw 2030 ¬ tIcf hn]Wnbn¬ Xmcßfmbn AS°n hmgp∂Xv.

Best Compliments from

Alembic Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Prime Corporate Park, 2nd Floor, Behind ITC Grand Maratha Sheraton, Sahar Road, Andheri East, Mumbai-99 Phone: 022-30611666/9829/9830/9832 156

“What good can you do, working with wildlife?” Dr. Sreejith Radhakrishnan Asst. Professor, KVASU centre for wildlife studies, Pookode


was asked this question by a senior veterinarian, at an impromptu gathering over drinks, when we ended up discussing the animal husbandry situation in Kerala and the role of the veterinary university in reviving it.Despite a healthy tone of criticism in the question (more effectively conveyed in Malayalam), it was posed without any malice or offence intended and none taken. Rather, it was a genuine question asked by a dedicated professional, one who had very little or no experience in dealing with wildlife issues, and thus never had the need to read up on the latest in wildlife conservation philosophies. Nonetheless, it continued to trouble me long after the effects of the drinks wore off. At the outset, the question has to be interpreted in the context of the discussions at that place and time, to mean “How can work with wildlife be of any good to the animal husbandry sector and farmers of Kerala?”It may also be extended to ask how this kind of work can benefit the general population of Kerala, and India. For me, the most troubling aspect of this question is not that it was asked by a professional colleague, or the lack of justifications for working with wildlife (I can think of at least half a dozen immediately). Rather, I realizing that despite having asked myself this question a long time ago, I am still seeking convincing answers.

I am well aware that this sentiment is shared by innumerable individuals, vets and non-vets everywhere. Personally, I have no logical reasons for choosing to work with wild rather than domestic animals. I always had, and will continue to have a fascination for wildlife and the complex interrelationships in wild nature, the peace of mind I derive from the outdoors, and on a spiritual and philosophical plane, an urge to understand our place in this world. At a visceral level, I can never feel the same enthusiasm when working with livestock or pet animals, despite the social and financial incentives. However, I have never felt the need to try and convince myself, or anyone else of the reasons for doing what I do. That is unlikely to change. However, my passionate enthusiasm for wildlife conservation and wildlife medicine has been tempered over the period of my bachelors’ degree, two masters’ and most significantly, four years of government service. Over this period, I’ve found myself looking at the work done by those engaging with wildlife with a critical eye. This critical perspective has been moulded largely by a better understanding of India as a nation, of her people and the relationship between these people and her forests and wildlife. Such a perspective may often have hard-core


wildlife enthusiasts up in arms, proceeding to question the speaker’s bona fides and accusing him/her of persisting with wildlife work purely for personal gains rather than for the cause of wildlife. Another senior vet said just as much to me over another drinks session (I think I must stop having drinks with senior vets!!!), causing much pain and forcing me to dispassionately think about what drives me to work with wildlife now. So this article is as much about trying to bring some clarity to my own thoughts, as much as it is to try and adequately present the issue to professional, nonwildlife, veterinarians and others working with wildlife. As in the rest of the world, most ‘progressive’ people in Kerala, and India, have no direct relationship with or dependence on natural ecosystems. This is one of the results of the development paradigm adopted, where a large majority is reliant on the produce cultivated by a small minority. However in the case of India, this small minority is significantly larger than the ‘progressive’ population, and their lives are closely linked with natural cycles. As a largely consumerist state, Kerala might be considered an exception to this. Even so, a fair chunk of Kerala’s population still depends on rearing livestock, and increasingly rearing and marketing pet and exotic animals, as a source of income and livelihood. The professional veterinary community in Kerala, and India, therefore has an invaluable role to play in servicing this population. Indeed our very existence has been justified by catering to the demands of livestock owners, the population of which is unfortunately on the decline, at least in Kerala. The complicated question of whether this decline is to be expected or not, is one that cannot be answered by vets alone.The fact remains that India is still seen as an agrarian nation, and successive governments continue to encourage animal husbandry as a means of livelihood and a way to attain self-sufficiency in food security. Of course, no such concerns are raised about the pet animal industry that is growing disproportionate to the human population.This is best dealt with some other time. It is in this scenario that the handful of vets who choose to work with wildlife has to justify their existence and face such questions as I did, from professional colleagues and public alike. When one considers working conditions, wildlife vets as a professional group have the worst of the

medical and veterinary lot, with no exceptions (and sometimes even the non-veterinary wildlife fraternity, although that can be debated endlessly). These include frequently having to deal with dangerous animals (especially human beings!) of multiple species, orders and classes, with very little or no reliable background information, and then being expected to have all the answers (the nature of this multiplicity of species is poorly comprehended by the general veterinarian, let alone a layperson); unstructured and unpredictable work, often in difficult and unforgiving terrain for days on end, with the knowledge that it’s all going to end very badly;meager funds to work with in comparison with those dealing with domestic species; potential risk from a great diversity of zoonotic pathogens, most of which they’ve never been exposed to before and for which no vaccines are available; and very little or no financial incentives. If any wild animal’s life is on the line, it’s always the vet’s headache. And to top it all, those wildlife vets foolish enough to be completely dedicated to their work often risk having no families, being out of reach for varying periods and at the very least having to deal with unhappy spouses, children and relatives. Considering these hurdles, it’s amazing that there are still lots of vets crazy enough to commit to long-term wildlife work. Those wildlife vets who have no doubts about their roles will explain that 60% of emerging infectious diseases are zoonotic, that 43% are from wildlife reservoirs and the public health impacts of studying wildlife diseases; the major threat of diseases to endangered wildlife and even ecosystem health; how wildlife are involved in the epidemiology of livestock diseases like foot-and-mouth disease (FMD), rabies and brucellosis; how studies on the physiology of wildlife are providing clues to treating human conditions and solving environmental issues; growing human-wildlife conflict and the role of vets in ensuring safe capture and release etc. Prodded further, they’ll talk about how wild animals and plants are inextricable parts of nature; human life’s dependence on the well-being of the planet; how forests and mountains ensure uninterrupted supply of water and oxygen; the influence of natural ecosystems on the weather; the ethics of conserving nature’s biodiversity; the role of charismatic mega-fauna such as elephants, tigers,

Best Compliments from

K. F. Varghese Kallumadickal house Kurichy


lions etc. and lesser known species in taking the message of conservation to the public so as to garner popular support for unpopular legislation and funding for the thankless job of wildlife conservation and in the long run saving the planet and thus ourselves. Et cetera.Et cetera. Despite all this, the question will still stand ‘But how is all this going to help our farmers, provide livelihood and food security and be of any help to average citizens of the nation?’ And the truth is that there are NO direct or immediate answers to such questions.Because the lives of most people do not revolve around wild habitats and their inhabitants, and probably may never feature in their life’s priorities.Even when they are linked, the wild is increasingly seen as an unknown entity to be feared and avoided, whose existence is to be tolerated or exploited. Only those communities in India which directly depend on natural ecosystems and wildlife for their daily needs truly value these resources. For example, the tribals of the Niyamgiri hills in Odisha have been in the news recently for their rejection of proposals to mine in pristine, eco-sensitive wildlife habitats, which directly threatened their livelihoods. This is not to argue that we should all revert to a natural way of living and shun the benefits of modern science. But the uncomfortable fact is that wildlife, nature and the environment are no longer considered important enough to merit more than a passing discussion, except when a leopard or elephant wreaks havoc on human lives, another species goes extinct or a new wildlife reservoir for a zoonotic disease is discovered. Even among those eccentrics and unfortunates who, voluntarily or involuntarily, take up wildlife work as a profession, there is great disconnect between their aspirations and the demands of those communities most affected by the vagaries of nature and policies formulated to conserve nature and wildlife.The voices of this latter population usually never reach the general public, and even if they do, they get drowned out by the massive information overload that is characteristic of this technological era. So to attempt to answer the question.On a personal level, working with wildlife allows me to indulge my passion for wild creatures, nature and the outdoors. At the same time, I believe that it is imperative and possible to do meaningful work that combines the interests of both wildlife, and more significantly, local communities that are affected in different ways by their interactions with wildlife. What good one can do in working with wildlife in a diverse country like India,

with multiple, conflicting interests and human development issues will invariably depend on where that work is being carried out, and in what context. If the lives of both wildlife and people will be changed for the better by one’s efforts and this message is effectively conveyed, then there is immeasurable good to be done. This may be by reducing human-wildlife conflict (Wayanad, Valparai, Assam); preventing transmission of diseases to people (rabies, tuberculosis) and domestic species (FMD, avian influenza), or highlighting environmentally destructive practices that can then be mitigated or phased out(pesticide or antibiotic overuse). In the livestock health context, if one can produce scientific evidence for suspected links between wild animals and the current FMD outbreak present across much of South India, vets, wildlife professionals and policy makers may start working together to find common solutions that benefit the livestock owner, the state animal husbandry sector and wildlife.On the other hand if activities undertaken do not fit well, or are viewed to conflict with perceived needs or current development paradigms being adopted in that region, then those efforts will be ignored or even violently opposed. A case in point is the ruckus over the Madhav Gadgil report on protection of the Western Ghats, seen to jeopardize the lives of countless farmers and citizens in those regions,in the name of conservation. The constant effort to remain relevant, personally and professionally, in a fast changing world is something we all have to acknowledge and live with. In most cases, those who are serious about working with wildlife will often have to reconcile themselves to the fact that they may have, or will continue to be seen to have very little to contribute to people’s lives and overall regional or national development. Sometimes, this may be completely true! The little wildlife work that I did during my time at Periyar Tiger Reserve has only been regionally significant, and that too to a limited extent. This was not because of a lack of scope for making such contributions; rather it was due to insufficient insight as to how such lofty goals could be achieved. This does not belittle the need for such efforts. Instead, a lot more has to be done to make nature and wildlife an intrinsic part of the national consciousness, more so now than ever before. In successfully doing so, I believe that wildlife professionals and all those associated with this niche field will be able to quietly but confidently highlight their successes and the need to continue in such vein. What more could one ask for?

Best Compliments from

Seethal Medicals Kalachanda Junction Pampady, Kottayam 159

Fodder for thought....... Dr. Jayesh V Veterinary Surgeon, Veterinary Dispensary, Thariyode,Wayanad (Based on creative inputs from the GOI training at IGFRI under deputation from AHD,Kerala)

Livestock sector in Kerala has evolved into a major rural livelihood enterprise in the recent years. It has got still more potential to assure safe food security for the highly consumerist state of Kerala. Thanks to the multi pronged intervention strategies taking place in this sector in Kerala, all are working hard to stretch the production limits from our cross bred animals. This creates concomitant stresses, diseases and production ailments including affections of final product quality. At the same time the cost of production is leaping and farmers are unhappy over this. Hence any attempt to curtail the cost of production in our state is a welcome step. This can be newer technologies, adoption of existing knowledge and even our traditional wisdom.Fodder planning is a critical intervention in this direction. India as a country is unique in many ways. It is in her just 2% geographical area of the world, that 15% of world’s livestock is thriving. In India, during 2003, marginal farmer households(having less than or equal to 1.0 ha of land and constituted 48% of total rural households) owned more than 50% of cattle and buffalo combined, 2/3rd of small ruminants whereas their share of land was only 24%. Here income from the sale of milk is greater than the combined income from wheat and paddy. The Indian agricultural system is an integration of crops and livestock where the products from both complement each other for better productivity. This also ensures better resource utilisation. The agricultural production systems in India are based upon mixed farming in which two major enterprises are crops and livestock. As a key component of agriculture , livestock contributes 7% of our GDP and is a source of employment to about 70% of population in rural areas. This is very crucial since Governments are for prioritizing rural strengthening through various measures. The 27.8% urban population is poised to increase by over 58% by 2025. Urbanisation has brought a marked shift in the lifestyle of


people in feeding habits towards milk products, meat and eggs with resultant increase in the demand for livestock products. Fodder can be explained as any roughage having more than 18% crude fibre and less than 20% crude protein on dry matter basis. The milk production to a large extent depends upon the availability of good quality fodder. The livestock of India are being reared in a compromised manner since there has been a shift from fodder to feed for better production and increased body weight. With increase in urbanization, the issues such as pressure on land versus the carrying capacity of the soil is affecting our livestock(ICAR –DMR). In India, the area under fodder cultivation is about 4.9 to 5.1 % of the total land area and even this fraction is remaining static during the last decades(IGFRI 2013). Our net deficit percentages are 61.1% in green fodder, 21.9% in dry crop residues and 64% in concentrate feeds. We need to have an annual growth rate of about 3.2% in fodder crops to meet our requirement by the year 2025. Most of our cattle are fed with grasses, weeds, straws and their poor quality especially with reference to their low palatability, digestibility and anti- metabolites / toxic elements may be the reason for the poor productivity of our prized indigenous animals. Hence promoting fodder is not only a cost cutting tool for milk production, but also it aids in expressing the production potential in better ways. Forages are rich source of protein (8-10 % in nonlegumes and 18-22 % in legumes), vitamins(vitamin Acarotene), minerals (Ca - 1.5 to 3.0 % in legumes and 0.3 to 1.3 % in non-legumes; P- 0.28 to 0.65 % in legumes and 0.12 to 0.30 % in non-legumes), carbohydrates, micronutrients and having in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) between 55 to 75%. The beneficial effects of fodder is more than its palatability and nutrition.

It improves the health of the animal and also the functional integrity of rumen which accounts for the cardinal role of ruminants as feed recyclers. Latest research has proven the ever expanding role of fodder in areas as diverse as mitigation of climate change through various measures. Among them the major ones include biodiversity conservation, water conservation through minimising run off and retention of soil moisture , enhances Carbon sinking in arable and non arable lands,

soil cover in Kerala can be protected in many more ways and the greenery can be expanded more amidst the concrete jungles coming up. And the comparatively higher cost of cattle rearing here can be managed to have an optimal input cost using high quality fodder in a limited area. The data presented by Dairy Development Department assumes that the area cultivated with green fodder in Kerala is about 600 hectares (Planning board sector debate 2013). Hence as far as our animal husbandry

Table 1.Supply and demand scenario of forage and roughages (1995 - 2025) (in million tonnes) Year

2005 2010 2015 2020 2025

Supply of green fodder 389.9 395.2 400.6 405.9 411.3

Supply of dry fodder 443 451 466 473 488

Demand of green fodder 1025 1,061 1,097 1,134 1,170

Demand of dry fodder 569 589 609 630 650

Deficit as % of demand (as

Deficit as % of

actual deficit for green fodder)

(as actual deficit fodder for dry fodder)

635(61.96) 666 ( 62.76) 696 ( 63.50) 728 (64.21) 759 (64.87)

126(22.08) 138 (23.46) 143 ( 23.56) 157 (24.81) 162 (24.92)

Figure in parenthesis indicates actual deficit Source: Based on Xth Five Year Plan Document, Government of India soil erosion prevention and improving soil fertility. As far as Kerala is concerned, this is an eye opener for promoting fodder, whether we have cattle or not.

Why fodder? Fodder cultivation is not restricted to the plots of CO3 alone as we can see in many areas of Kerala. A scientific fodder cropping involves planting of trees, shrubs, grasses , legumes etc in a plot in order to establish the concept of agro -forestry or sylvi pasture. This is a part of the scientific studies like Evergreen agriculture, Conservation agriculture, Zero tillage cropping, Biodiversity conservation etc. Ultimately it is aimed at conservation of our soil and thereby our crops and thus our own health. It is the non arable land that is going to be significantly benefitted in a grass cultivation programme. Also concepts like crop rotation reduces the cost of fertilizers and insecticides. Newer interventions like planting legume fodders along with rice in paddy fields offers immense scope. Even the courtyards and premises of our own homes, which we prefer for paving tiles can be covered with suitable fodder crops. Bio fencing with fodder crops such as Hedge Lucerne further increases the scope of fodder cultivation.

Where do we stand? Keralites often feel proud about the richness of our flora and in train journeys, it is common to see people who stick their eyes to the windows to see the greenery and feel some nostalgic relief. But in realistic terms, the

sector is concerned and since we are supposed to be the main pillars of this segment, I feel the Veterinarians under Animal Husbandry Department have to have a pivotal stand in the fodder policy of the state. In almost all the pioneering AH departments of Indian states, there is a wing for expanding fodder with roles as varied as deciding on the fodder, assessing the performance of their varieties, fodder bank management and fodder seed production. For this agronomists, soil scientists and seed agencies work in tandem. But in Kerala, though I agree that there are space constraints, with a little more effort we can have a jump in the fodder crop production not only in its quantity but also in its quality. Take the significant case of goat rearing. It is well known that reduced tannin content can lead to severe parasitism in goats, which medicines alone can’t combat. We need tannin rich tree fodders for our goats to have better health and growth. Unfortunately even in Wayanad, people find it tough to replenish jackfruit leaves in the summer months. Why can’t we have a less space occupying variety like Stylosanthes , Desmanthes (Hedge lucerne) etc. No goat rearing schemes , whether of governments or NGOs harp on this area. Tree fodders like Ficus infectoria, Mulberry Hybrids, Anjan tree are also worthy of mention. The point I would like to emphasize here is that though the general picture of Kerala’s agricultural households, whether mono cropping or multi cropping, is one like an agro forestry plot, with a little more planning we can improve the fodder value of our land holding. Many works in KAU as well as other universities have proven the economic efficacy of fodder plots in comparison to most


of the cash crops, with little inputs for fertilization and pathogen control.

What we can attempt We need to have a fodder wing for our Animal Husbandry Department. We have to elucidate the points in areas like seed germination, post harvest technologies, fodder planning, soil management, sylvi pasture etc. This should be in consultation with premier institutes like IGFRI, NRC on Agro forestry and our own KLD Board. The persistent view point that legumes grow poorly in a highly acidic soil like ours, can be remedied using advances in crop sciences. We also need to have a fodder planning calendar and for this we have to make use of the medium range weather forecasting systems. Nutritional mapping of the soil in the fodder plots, of the fodder and also animal health studies using haematological and other analyses should be a regular

exercise. Newer varieties of fodder grasses and legumes should be available to the farmers in need. Let NGOs and SHGs take up this agribusiness ventures on various scales. In the last decade , Keralites have experimented with practices like fodder along the railway tracks, along canal bunds and even the costliest Hydroponics. There are many more technologies ready to arrive for us. Cost is not going to be the major constraint. To sum up, clean fodder ensures unadulterated feed and it helps maintain our animals in a state of health and thus we get clean animal products from them. And forage crop systems have the potential to mitigate climate changes and therefore is a technology for future but to be used today. * IGFRI-Indian Grasslands and Fodder Research Institute,Jhansi,UP *NRC AF-National Research Centre on Agro forestry * DMR-Directorate of maize Research,Pusa, New Delhi

The views expressed here are solely of the author . Comments may kindly be mailed to jayeshvet@gmail.com

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]m¬ F∂ A¤pXw! tUm. _n. APnXv _m_p A°mZanIv I¨kƒ´‚v, ]uƒ{Sn kb≥kv Un∏m¿´vsa‚v tIcf sh‰dn\dn k¿∆Iemime


\pjy\pw IgpXbpw XΩnep≈ kmaysØ°pdn®p≈ At\z£Ww Ahkm\n®Xv ]menemWv. a\pjys‚ ]m¬ AYhm ape∏ment\mSv G‰hpw LS\m]camb kmayap≈Xv IgpX∏m en\mWs{X! AXpsIm≠v Xs∂ ape∏men\v ]Icambn \hPmX inip°ƒ°v \¬Iphm≥ G‰hpw DØahpw IgpX∏m¬ Xs∂. ]mens\°pdn®p≈ IuXpIßfpw ]m¬ F∂ A¤pX hkvXp hns‚ IYIfpw ChnsS Xocp∂n√. ]m¬ F∂ ]Zw {]Xn\n[oIcn°p∂Xv apJyambpw ]iphn≥ ]mens\bmsW¶nepw a‰\h[n arKßfp¬∏mZn∏n°p∂ ]mepw temIØns‚ \m\m `mKßfn¬ a\pjy≥ D]tbmKn°p∂p. ]mens‚ IqSpX¬ hntijßfnte°v.

Ncn{Xw a\pjy≥ arKßsf CW°nhf¿Øphm≥ XpSßnb {]mNo\ ImetØmfw Xs∂ ]mens‚ Ncn{XØn\pw ]g°ap≠v . {InkvXphn\v 9000 h¿j߃°v apºv Cdm≥, A^vKm\nÿm≥ {]tZißfn¬ BSpIsfbpw 7000 h¿j߃°papºv S¿°n, B{^n° F∂o cmPyßfn¬ ]ip°sfbpw ]men\mbn hf¿Ønbncp∂Xmbn Ncn{Xw km£ys∏SpØp∂p. AXn\p tijamWv bqtdm∏n¬ ]mepw ]mep¬∏∂ßfpw D]tbmKn °m\mcw`n®Xv. F∂m¬ sshInbmsW¶nepw Atacn°bnte°v

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emsW¶nepw G‰hpw sNehp Ipd®v ]mep¬∏mZn∏n°p∂Xnepw IqSpX¬ I¿jI¿°v sXmgn¬ \¬Ip∂Xnepw \mw H∂mw ÿm\°m¿ Xs∂.

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F∂m¬ hn]Wnbnse ]ip / Fcpa∏m¬ IpØI XI¿ °m≥ t]mjI\nehmcØnepw KpWØnepw sh√phnfnbpambn a‰v arKßfpw cwKØp≠v. 2. sNΩcnbm´n≥ ]m¬ : t]mjIkar≤amb tSmWn°mbn D]tbmKn°p∂p. £oWhpw BtcmKy£bhpw _m[n® tcmKnIƒ°v tX≥ tN¿Øv \evIp∂Xv DØasa∂v Bbp¿thZw ]dbp∂p. £bw, aq{XmibtcmK߃, AanXhÆw, hbdp s]cp°w, hmXtcmK߃, ssewKnI tcmK߃ XpSßnbhbv°v NnIn¬k°mbn sNΩcnbm´n≥ ]m¬ D]tbmKn°p∂p. F∂m¬ I^hpw ]nØhpw h¿≤n∏n°p∂Xn\m¬ izmktImitcmKnIfpw t\{XtcmKßfp≈hcpw CXv h¿Pn°p∂XmWv \√sX∂ ap∂dnbn∏pap≠v. 3. B´n≥ ]m¬ : B´n≥ ]mens‚ {_m≥Uv Aw_mknU¿ almflmKm‘nb√msX a‰mcpa√. BSn\v ]mhßfpsS ]ip Fs∂mcp hnfnt∏cpap≠v. NcIkwlnXbn¬ BSnt\msSm∏w InS°pIbpw B´n≥]m¬ IpSn°pIbpw sNøp∂Xv £btcmKsØ t`Zam°pIbpw XSbpIbpw sNøpsa∂v hmZn°p∂p. BSns‚ ]m¬ Huj[KpWap≈XmsW∂v s]mXpth hnizkn°s∏Sp∂p. Xnf∏n® B´n≥]m¬ tX\pw GØ∏gw/ISe F∂nh tN¿Øv Znhtk\ cm{Xn Ign°p∂Xv {]talw, Bkva, ae_‘w, h‘yX, apSns°mgn®n¬, XethZ\ XpSßnb tcmKßfn¬ \n∂v Bizmkw \evIpw, c‡mXnkmc tcmKnIƒ°pw CXv KpW{]Zat{X. ]iphn≥ ]ment\mSv Ae¿Pnbp≈ Ip´nIƒ°v ]Icambn BSns\ B{ibn °mhp∂tXbp≈q. 4. IgpX∏m¬ : t\csØ kqNn∏n®ncp∂Xpt]mse ape∏men\v



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]Ic°mc≥. Ffp∏Øn¬ Zln°psa∂Xn\m¬ Ip´nIƒ°pw {]mbambh¿°pw G‰hpw tbmPyw. sNdnb D∏pckap≈ IgpX ∏m¬ lrZbØn\v DtØP\w \evIpsa∂pw Is≠Ønbn´p≠v. icocØnse I^sØ Ipdbv ° psa∂Xn\m¬ Npa ian ∏n°phm≥ D]Icn°psa∂v Bbp¿thZ hn[nIfn¬ ]dbp∂p. 5. H´I∏m¬ : acp`qanbnse I∏¬ am{Xa√ ]m¬°mc≥ IqSnbmWv H´Iw. hcƒ®bn¬ he™v a‰p arKßfpsS ]mep¬∏mZ\w \nebv°ptºmgpw H´I∏men\v £maap≠mIn√ F∂XmWv G‰hpw {it≤bw. a[pcap≈Xpw Zl\tijn IqSnbXpamb ]m¬ \evIpw. \o¿s°´v, Bkva, £bw, IpjvTw, A¿_pZw, A¿ikv, hnj_m[ XpSßnb tcmK߃s°Xnsc ^e{]ZamsW∂v Bbp¿thZØn¬ tcJs∏SpØnbncn°p∂p. 6. B\∏m¬ : B\bpsS hep∏w t]msebmWv ]mens‚ t]mjILS\bpw. ]iphn≥ ]menep≈Xns‚ Cc´nbntesd sImgp∏pw amwkyhpw ASßnbncn°p∂ B\∏m¬ a[pc ap≈Xpw t]io_ew h¿≤n∏n°p∂XpamWv. (9% sImgp∏pw 5% amwkyhpw ASßnbncn°p∂p) hÆw Iq´p∂Xn\pw _ehpw Du¿÷kzeXbpw Cc´n∏n°p∂Xn\papXIp∂ Cu ]m¬ Xs∂bmImw sImesIm√nIfpsS i‡n°p \nZm\w. 7. a\pjy∏m¬ (ape∏m¬) : a\pjys\ kw_‘n®nStØmfw a‰p arKßfpsS ]mepIsf°mƒ F{Xtbm DbcØn¬ kam\X IfnemØ D¬IrjvS Dev∏∂amWv ape∏m¬. ]meq´p∂XneqsS AΩbv ° pw Ip™n\pw e`n°p∂ am\knImtcmKyhpw kt¥mjhpw as‰mcp t__n^pUn\pw \evIm\mhn√ Xs∂. P\n®phogp∂ Ip™n\v AΩ ]meneqsS ]Icp∂Xv BPoh\m ¥w Ah\p≠mtI≠ tcmK{]Xntcm[tijn IqsSbmWv. ape∏m eneSßnbncn°p∂ emIvtSm_mkn√ F∂ an{X AWp°ƒ hb ‰n\p≈nep≠m°p∂ Aæ߃, tcmKtlXp°fmb AWp°fpsS hf¿® XSbpw. AΩbpsS ]men¬ \n∂p am{Xta Ccpºns‚

Awiw Ip™n\mhiyap≈ Afhn¬ e`n°pIbp≈q. AXmIs´ icocØn¬ c‡cq]oIcWØn\pw a‰v ASnÿm\ {]h¿Ø\߃°pw AXy¥mt]£nXhpw. Bbp¿thZØn¬ ]cma¿in°s∏Sp∂ [m{Xn k¶¬∏hpw WHO, UNICEF XpSßnb BtcmKy kwLS\IfpsS Blzm\ßfpw ape∏men\v ]Icw ape∏m¬ am{Xsa∂v DZvtLmjn°p∂p. imcocnItam a‰p ImcWßfmtem AΩbpsS ]m¬ Ip™n\p e`n°msX h∂m¬ ]Icw \evIp∂Xn\mbn ape∏m¬ _m¶pIƒ temIØns‚ hnhn[ `mKßfn¬ \nehn¬ hcm≥ CXv \nanØambn. BZyw hnb∂bnepw ]n∂oSv bqtdm∏v, Atacn°≥ \mSpIfnepw ape∏m¬ _m¶pIƒ Xpd∂p. 1989 ¬ apwss_bnse temIam\yXneIv Bip]{XnbnemWv C¥ybn¬ CØcØnsemcp ÿm]\w {]h¿Ø\amcw`n®Xv. \n¿`mKyhim¬ h≥ ]cky AIºSntbmsS IS∂ph∂ t__n ^pUv ˛ ^oUnwKv t_m´n¬ IS∂p Ib‰tØmsS CØcw _m¶pIƒ Ct∏mƒ kPoha√mXmbncn°p∂p. F¶nepw temIØnse G‰hpw hninjvS ]m¬ ape∏memsW∂ ImcyØn¬ c≠`n{]mban√. ape∏men\pw Huj[KpWßfp≈Xmbn Is≠Ønbn´p≠v. aq°neqsSbp≈ c‡{kmhØn\v aq°n\p≈ntes°mgn°p ∂Xn\pw t\{X tcmKßfp≈t∏mƒ IÆn¬ te]\w sNøp∂ Xn\pw CXv D]tbmKn°p∂p. IÆpIfpsS BtcmKyØn\mbn D]tbmKn°p∂ ARvP\Ønse apJyLSIhpw ape∏m¬ Xs∂. a\pjy\pƒs∏Sp∂ F√m PohPmeßfpsSbpw AΩam¿ NpcØp∂ ape∏m¬ Xs∂bmWv {]]©Ønse G‰hpw kºpjvShpw kºq¿Æhpamb `£Ww. hnhn[ ]mepIƒ XΩn¬ LS\m]camb A¥caps≠¶nepw Cu {]IrXnZØ D¬∏∂sØ ]n∂nem°m≥ as‰mcp hkvXphn\pw Ignbn√. ]m¬ ]m¬ Xs∂. Cuizc≥ XeapdIƒ°mbn ImØph® A¤pXw.


Nnd°Shv k¿hokv klIcW _m¶v ¢n]vXw \º¿. 2057 Nnd°Shv ]n. Hm., tIm´bw Pn√. (2012˛13 h¿jsØ amXrIm klIcW _m¶n\p≈ kwÿm\ Ahm¿Uv Icÿam°nb ÿm]\w. ¢mkv 1 kq∏¿ t{KUv _m¶v CS]mSpIfn¬ kpc£nXXzw, lrZyamb tkh\w slUv Hm^okv˛Nnd°Shv t^m¨: 230011 {_m©pIƒ: slUv Hm^okv (230752), Aºew (228652), ]gbnSw (262052), s]m≥Ip∂w (222652), aqeIp∂v (221652)


Rural Animal Husbandry Sector in India: an impending crisis? Dr. Arun Kurian Veterinary Dispensary, Mattukkatta


round 75% of the Indian population live in villages and depends on agriculture, animal husbandry and related activities for their livelihood. Reports of the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), reveals, 66% of rural poor and 33% of the urban poor in India, depends on livestock for their day-to-day living. The dairy and meat sector plays a very important sustainable role in livelihood for the rural population. The major limiting factors for sustainable and successful dairy and meat production in India till time are, the ever increasing feed cost and the low price for animal produces. The cost of production was curtailed to some extent by alternative ways and also through various farmer friendly packages. These initiatives served some utility to the farming community. But, in this era of increasing globalization, the animal husbandry segment, especially the dairy and meat sector will no longer serve as sustainable livelihood for the rural people due to very many reasons. The major impediment the sector will face in near future is the lack of assurance for safe and quality animal products for human consumption. The endemic nature of various diseases, especially zoonotic diseases, which are transmitted through milk, egg, meat and meat products, will be the major hurdle the sector has to come across. In today’s World, people are much more concerned about the quality and safety of food they consume. In this context, the absence of a proper surveillance system, poor diagnostic facilities, under reporting and improper measures for the control and eradication of endemic zoonotic diseases, leads to “UNSAFE� animal products for human consumption, and it will be the major issue, the sector is going to endure in near future. In India, approximately, forty zoonotic diseases that have been identified and many of them infect humans through contaminated or infected animal pro-


duces viz. meat, milk and eggs. India has the fifth place in endemic zoonoses prevalence and a few of the important endemic zoonotic diseases, that may pass through food from animals are Anthrax, Bovine Cysticercosis, Bovine Tuberculosis, Brucellosis, Campylobacteriosis, Coliforms, Foot and Mouth Disease (rare), Leptospirosis, Listeriosis, Porcine Cysticercosis, Salmonellosis and Toxoplasmosis. The much awaited entry of corporate giants and entrepreneurs to animal husbandry production sector is a welcoming sign for achieving self sufficiency in milk and meat production in India. Moreover, this may improve the chances of export of animal produces. But the corporates are going to compete with the rural livestock farmers for marketing their products in India. The introduction of highly mechanized and technologically advanced farms with most modern facilities and expertise on animal disease control, can easily achieve disease free status through scientific and systematic methods even for endemic zoonotic diseases. This assures pure, safe-to-eat and quality products from livestock. This 'clean, disease-free label' earmarked on their products, they intend to market, will definitely help in the easy capture of markets. The increasing trend of awareness and high demand for safe food, among the public creates a poor demand for unsafe animal products, eventually lead to the loss of market for the produces from the rural areas or less organized sectors. This will make animal husbandry sector totally, an unsustainable livelihood for the rural people of India. If this happens, India in near future will come across a very severe agrarian distress, especially in the rural areas, worse than the one, this country came across recently, and it will be very difficult to survive such a massive agrarian distress. A well structured plan of action, with proper disease surveillance, better diagnostic facilities, proper reporting and proper measures for the control and eradication of zoonotic diseases at local and national levels, is required to make animal husbandry a sustainable livelihood for the rural poor in India.

Veterinary Medical Education in Kerala-

The Need for a Roadmap Dr. Shibu Simon Assistant Professor, KVASU


ormal veterinary education had its inception in the Western world in the 1760s with the establishment of the earilest veterinary colleges at Lyon and Alfort in France both founded by Claude Bourgelat (Smithcors, 1957). These institutions were set up in an effort to stem the severe economic impact of animal diseases, particularly, rinderpest. The French were quick to establish institutions with well defined and concrete standards which produced well educated veterinarians who were very quick in addressing important animal health issues of concern and in no time the profession established itself as a respectable one held in high esteem. On the other side of the English Channel, the British established their first veterinary college in London in 1791 (Pattison, 1983). Though founded on high principles, standards were inadequate in the early periods of the college which resulted in incompetent professionals and low public esteem (Pritchard, 1994). Across the Atlantic the first Veterinary College in the American subcontinent was the New York Veterinary College established in 1857 and this was followed in quick succession by establishment of the Ontario Veterinary College in Canada in 1862 (Smithcors, 1963). However,

Veterinary Education in North America was of low standard until World War I, mainly due to the dominance of the private colleges in this sector. Veterinary education in the United States was consolidated in the land-grant colleges between the two world wars. The lack of public concern for the profession during this period led to its neglect and it was poorly supported. However the Second World War was a turning point and it ushered in a “Golden Age� for veterinary education and veterinary medicine. This period saw Veterinary Colleges adopting high standards of education and there was a stronger support for such institutions. Well-educated and trained veterinarians were instrumental in providing a wide variety of human needs as well. This led to a high level of public acceptance and the profession flourished as never before. In India, the first veterinary training school came into existence in 1862 (in Pune). In 1882 the first veterinary college was established at Lahore; this was followed by establishment of other colleges viz. Bombay in 1884,Bengal in 1893,Madras in 1902 and Bihar in 1930. At the time of independence there were 9 veterinary colleges in India . Through this article I do not intend to compare

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veterinary education in the country with that of the Western world. For this a strategic analysis of Veterinary medical education from a national perspective has to be conducted by experts ‘from the profession’. This analysis should be structured to provide an integrated and coherent perspective of the profession, its strengths, weaknesses, its modern role in society, the threats and opportunities and provide insight into the nature of forces that will shape veterinary medicine in the years ahead. One thing is certain, for a variety of reasons, including a rapidly growing world population, increasing urbanization and mounting concern about environmental deterioration, both domestic and wild, are becoming more important to people. The changing status of animals has a profound effect on the higher social status of the veterinary medical profession. Again, another important issue would be the relevance of discussing this matter at this point of time? Yes, the time is opportune when we consider the large number of discussions that are taking place with regard to doubling the number of students being admitted to the graduate programmes of the Veterinary Schools of the state. Let’s be open about that. In a recent article (Agrawal et al, 2013), an attempt to forecast the manpower requirements in the veterinary sector was made. The calculations were made on the basis

of one veterinarian per veterinary dispensary, 2 to 3 doctors per hospital and 8-10 doctors per poly clinic. Another norm adopted by the authors of this paper was that a veterinarian should be available to cater to the needs of 5000 bovine equivalents as per the recommendations of the National Commission on Agriculture, 1976. Here one bovine equal corresponds to two sheep /goats/ pigs, 10 small ruminants and 100 poultry. The study has forecasted an additional annual demand of about 5000 veterinary graduates and the authors conclude that the private sector needs to be encouraged in veterinary education. Well, back to Kerala, the second of the aforesaid norms- a vet per 5000 bovine equivalents - have already been met in most parts of the state. The posts in hospitals and poly clinics as given in the above cited article have never been sanctioned and sanctioning of additional posts may not be an easy task. Hence the proposed forecast may not hold good for the state. Though this is the case with the health care delivery system of the state, we still have a long way to go in the veterinary public health sector both in terms of creating new posts and in terms of filling them up and providing the badly needed services .This will however require a separate discussion. The argument that we could capitalize on the all India requirement for vets will not become a reality in view of the mandatory local language/nativity

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requirements that all states enforce while recruiting new employees both in hospitals and in universities. To top it all, one should not forget the ground reality in the state where after 2001 batch of graduates no one has got a permanent government job. Veterinary professionals just like their medical counterparts have few avenues of employment and opportunities matching to their ‘five year’ graduation. Against this, one has to introspect on whether there is an urgent need to drastically increase seats at the cost of quality. An answer to this question can be obtained only after an effective manpower requirement/assessment analysis. Another important issue is whether the present colleges can withstand/accommodate a doubling and whether there is enough permanent faculty to cope up with the increased needs. Do we have the infrastructure and hostel facilities for a five year ‘residential’ programme? Talking about the student faculty ratio, comparisons have to be made and lessons learnt from none other than the top hundred universities of the world. How are the

classrooms planned there? Universities like Edinburgh, Harvard, Oxford and Uppsala in Sweden all have a student faculty ratio ranging from 1: 3.57 to 1:7. It is also noteworthy to observe that universities like Harvard - with a mammoth land area of 5,076 Acres - advertise their superior quality by claiming rightfully that 81.2 per cent of their class rooms have fewer than 20 students, to ensure that maximum interaction between students and faculty take place. These are the standards that deserve consideration when we talk about quality education. During the 1980s, in a similar situation in the US, rumblings of concern about the future began to be heard with in the profession. Practitioners and professionals believed that this situation would create too many veterinarians and this would lead to unemployment as well as a loss of public esteem that the profession had. The strategy adopted by the American academia is worth studying at this juncture. Instead of making blind recommendations, American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) commissioned a manpower study that lent some support to that belief. Planning and rethinking is

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a continuous process and the latest discussions were a series of symposia sponsored by AVMA and AAVMC (Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges) to plan for the twenty first century. AVMA and AAVMC are organizations that have established themselves with regard to enforcing standards for quality of veterinary practice and education. AAVMC has an official publication- The Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. At the apex is NAVMEC (North American Veterinary Medical Education Consortium), a consortium, which worked to bring out a responsive, collaborative and flexible report and recommendations for veterinary medical education. Hitherto, I will confine my discussions to the NAVMEC recommendations on the roadmap for veterinary medical education in the 21st century. Why NAVMEC, because North America is that part of the world where the administration, the public and professionals have successfully demonstrated and proved their commitment to the enhancement of the veterinary profession. The crux of the NAVMEC recommendations was the four preambles of concepts which were deemed central to Veterinary Medical Education and they include: Core Competencies: The core competencies emphasise the fact that on the day of graduation, a veterinarian should be equipped with a wide spectrum of knowledge that would enable him or her to have the confidence to be productive in his/her chosen career. Further, veterinarians’ roles are deemed to continue to be diverse ranging from: health and welfare of food animals, companion animals; rural veterinary practice; food safety and food system security; biomedical research; equine medicine; wild life medicine and working at the intersection of animal, human and environmental health. (i.e., Career- ready, business-aware professionals at graduation, skilled in their business foundations.) Core prerequisites: A core of pre-veterinary academic requirements should be one that is developed to attract and retain the very best students. Identifying these ‘core entry requirements’ should include a test for aptitude in veterinary science. One Health: Veterinarians responsibly use their

knowledge and influence in collaboration with other professionals to advance the health and welfare of animals, people, their communities and the environment locally and globally. Professional competence: The fourth core concept emphasises the continuous and judicious use of communication, knowledge, technical skills, clinical reasoning, emotions, values and reflection in daily practice for the benefit of the individual and the community being served. The NAVMEC brought together the broadest spectrum of stakeholders in the Veterinary Medical Education scene (400 stakeholders) over the course of three national meetings in 2010, to discuss, identify and agree upon evolving societal needs for veterinary medicine, core competencies needed by every graduating veterinarian, cost-effective approaches to educating veterinarians and ways that accreditation and testing/licensure could best support the achieved core competencies. NAVMEC went on to elaborate on the five strategic goals of Veterinary Medical education which include measures that result in: § Graduate career ready veterinarians who are proficient in and have the confidence to use an agreed upon set of core competencies. § Ensure that admissions, curricula, accreditation and testing/licensure are competency driven. § Sharing of resources to ensure veterinary medical education is of the highest quality and maximally cost effective. § Promotion of an economically viable education system for both colleges of veterinary medicine and veterinary students. § Stimulate a profession-wide focus on innovation, flexibility and action. These recommendations were formed after painstaking discussions and deliberations. The AAVMC after receiving the draft report from the NAVMEC on 31.10.2010 ensued that it was made public by having it published on the website to seek feedback from all stakeholders. Over a six month period a broad cross section of the Veterinary Medical Profession provided comments.

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The NAVMEC board again carefully considered this feedback in creating its final report to the AAVMC. Through this discussion an attempt has been made to highlight the procedure that has been followed by fellow veterinarians in other countries to safeguard standards in the veterinary profession. I was trying to bring to the readers how meticulously people bring out recommendations. NAVMEC’s 65 page recommendations are available at their website. A glimpse of that report has been given above. Well, the onus is on the veterinary

medical education system of our country and state, Veterinary Council of India, the veterinary associations, other stakeholders, the government and the veterinary university to evolve strategic changes needed in the education system to face important challenges and opportunities that are increasing at an accelerated pace. Further, many agree that veterinary medical education and the profession urgently need to respond to this changing landscape in order to ensure that graduates continue to meet society’s needs.

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Low Back Pain An Overview Dr. Murukan Babu Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, HGM Hospital, Muttuchira, Kottayam


lmost everyone will experience low back pain at some point in their lives. This pain can vary from mild to severe. It can be short-lived or long-lasting. However it happens, low back pain can make many everyday activities difficult to do. Anatomy : Spine is made up of vertebrae, which are stacked on top of one another. Muscles, ligaments, nerves and intervertebral disks are additional parts of the spine. Vertebrae : These bones connect to create a canal that protects the spinal cord. The spinal column is made up of three sections that create three natural curves in your back: the curves of the neck area (cervical), chest area (thoracic), and lower back (lumbar). The lower section of the spine (sacrum and coccyx) is made up of vertebrae that are fused together. Spinal Cord and Nerves : These 'electrical cables' travel through the spinal canal carrying messages between your brain and muscles. Nerves branch out from the spinal cord through openings in the vertebrae. Muscles and Ligaments : These provide support and stability for your spine and upper body. Strong


ligaments connect the vertebrae and help keep the spinal column in position. Intervertebral Disks : When you walk or run, the disks act as shock absorbers and prevent the vertebrae from bumping against one another. They work with your facet joints to help your spine move, twist and bend. Intervertebral disks are flat and round, and about a half an inch thick. They are made up of two components. Annulus fibrosus : This is the tough, flexible outer ring of the disk. It helps connect to the vertebrae. Nucleus pulposus : This is the soft, jelly-like center of the annulus fibrosus. It gives the disk its shockabsorbing capabilities. There are many causes of low back pain. It sometimes occurs after a specific movement such as lifting or bending. Just getting older also plays a role in many back conditions. As we age, our spines age with us. Aging causes degenerative changes in the spine. These changes can start in our 30s or even younger and can make us prone to back pain, especially if we overdo our activities.

Over-activity : One of the more common causes of low back pain is muscle soreness from over-activity. Muscles and ligament fibers can be overstretched or injured. Disk Injury : Some people develop low back pain that does not go away within days. This may mean there is an injury to a disk. Disk tear : Small tears to the outer part of the disk (annulus) sometimes occur with aging. Some people with disk tears have no pain at all. Others can have pain that lasts for weeks, months, or even longer. A small number of people may develop constant pain that lasts for years and is quite disabling. Why some people have pain and others do not is not well understood. Disk herniation : Another common type of disk injury is a “slipped” or herniated disc. Herniated disk : A disk herniates when its jelly-like center (nucleus) pushes against its outer ring (annulus). If the disk is very worn or injured, the nucleus may squeeze all the way through. When the herniated disk bulges out toward the spinal canal, it puts pressure on the sensitive spinal nerves, causing pain. Because a herniated disk in the low back often puts pressure on the nerve root leading to the leg and foot, pain often occurs in the buttock and down the leg. This is sciatica. A herniated disk often occurs with lifting, pulling, bending or twisting movements. Disk Degeneration : With age, intevertebral disks begin to wear away and shrink. In some cases, they may collapse completely and cause the facet joints in the vertebrae to rub against one another. Pain and

stiffness result. This “wear and tear” on the facet joints is referred to as osteoarthritis. It can lead to further back problems, including spinal stenosis. Spinal Stenosis : Spinal stenosis occurs when the space around the spinal cord narrows and puts pressure on the cord and spinal nerves. Spinal stenosis : When intervertebral disks collapse and osteoarthritis develops, body may respond by growing new bone in your facet joints to help support the vertebrae. Over time, this bone overgrowth - called spurs - can lead to a narrowing of the spinal canal. Osteoarthritis can also cause the ligaments that connect vertebrae to thicken, which can narrow the spinal canal. Scoliosis : This is an abnormal curve of the spine that may develop in children, most often during their teenage years. It also may develop in older patients who have arthritis. This spinal deformity may cause back pain and possibly leg symptoms, if pressure on the nerves is involved. Additional Causes There are other causes of back pain, some of which can be serious. If you have vascular or arterial disease, a history of cancer, or pain that is always there despite your activity level or position, you should consult your primary care doctor. Symptoms Back pain varies. It may be sharp or stabbing. It can be dull, achy, or feel like a “charley horse” type cramp. The type of pain you have will depend on the underlying cause of your back pain.

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Ipdpº\mSw ]n. Hm., ]mea‰w t^m¨: 0481˛2472301, 9495471301 {]knU‚v: amXyp XcI≥ ]n. kn. sk{I´dn: XpfkoZmkv Pn. 175

People with low back pain may experience some of the following: · Back pain may be worse with bending and lifting. · Sitting may worsen pain. · Standing and walking may worsen pain · Back pain comes and goes, and often follows an up and down course with good days and bad days. · Pain may extend from the back into the buttock or outer hip area, but not down the leg. · Sciatica is common with a herniated disk. This includes buttock and leg pain, and even numbness, tingling or weakness that goes down to the foot. It is possible to have sciatica without back pain. Imaging Tests X-rays : Although they only visualize bones, simple Xrays can help determine if you have the most obvious causes of back pain. It will show broken bones, aging changes, curves, or deformities. X-rays do not show disks, muscles, or nerves. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): This study can create better images of soft tissues, such as muscles, nerves, and spinal disks. Conditions such as a herniated disk or an infection are more visible in an MRI scan. Computerized axial tomography (CAT) scans : If your doctor suspects a bone problem, he or she may suggest a CAT scan. This study is like a three-dimensional X-ray and focuses on the bones. Bone scan : A bone scan may be suggested if your doctor needs more information to evaluate your pain and to make sure that the pain is not from a rare problem like cancer or infection. Bone density test :If osteoporosis is a concern, your

doctor may order a bone density test. Osteoporosis weakens bone and makes it more likely to break. Osteoporosis by itself should not cause back pain, but spinal fractures due to osteoporosis can. Treatment In general, treatment for low back pain falls into one of three categories: medications, physical medicine, and surgery. Nonsurgical Treatment Medications : Several medications may be used to help relieve your pain. · Aspirin or acetaminophen can relieve pain with few sideeffects. · Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines like ibuprofen and naproxen reduce pain and swelling. · Narcotic pain medications, such as codeine or morphine, may help. · Steroids, taken either orally or injected into your spine, deliver a high dose of anti-inflammatory medicine. Physical medicine: Low back pain can be disabling. Medications and therapeutic treatments combined often relieve pain enough for you to do all the things you want to do. · Physical therapy can include passive modalities such as heat, ice, massage, ultrasound, and electrical stimulation. Active therapy consists of stretching, weight lifting, and cardiovascular exercises. Exercising to restore motion and strength to your lower back can be very helpful in relieving pain. · Braces are often used. The most common brace is a corset-type that can be wrapped around the back and stomach. Braces are not always helpful, but some


]p∂Øpd £otcm¬]mZI klIcW kwLw \º¿: sI 215 Un G‰pam\q¿

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people report feeling more comfortable and stable while wearing them. · Chiropractic or manipulation therapy is provided in many different forms. Some patients have relief from low back pain with these treatments. · Traction is often used, but without scientific evidence for effectiveness. · Other exercise-based programs, such as Pilates or yoga are helpful for some patients. Surgical Treatment Surgery for low back pain should only be considered when nonsurgical treatment options have been tried and have failed. It is best to try nonsurgical options for 6 months to a year before considering surgery. In addition, surgery should only be considered if you doctor can pinpoint the source of your pain. Surgery is not a last resort treatment option “when all else fails.” Some patients are not candidates for surgery, even though they have significant pain and other treatments have not worked. Some types of chronic low back pain simply can not be treated with surgery. Spinal Fusion. Spinal fusion eliminates motion between vertebral segments. It is an option when motion is the source of pain. For example,in spinal instability, a bad curvature (scoliosis), or severe degeneration of one or more of your disks. The theory is, if the painful spine segments do not move, they should not hurt. Fusion of the vertebrae in the lower back has been performed for decades. A variety of surgical techniques have evolved. In most cases, a bone graft is used to

fuse the vertebrae. Screws, rods, or a “cage” are used to keep your spine stable while the bone graft heals. The results of spinal fusion for low back pain vary. It can be very effective in eliminating pain, not work at all, and everything in between. Full recovery can take more than a year. Discectomy. Removing the prolapsed disc,which is constricting the nerve roots,may improve sciatic pain Disc Replacement. This procedure involves removing the disk and replacing it with artificial parts, similar to replacements of the hip or knee. The goal of disk replacement is to allow the spinal segment to keep some flexibility and maintain more normal motion. Prevention : It may not be possible to prevent low back pain. We cannot avoid the normal wear and tear on our spines that goes along with aging. But there are things we can do to lessen the impact of low back problems. Having a healthy lifestyle is a good start. Exercise : Combine aerobic exercise, like walking or swimming, with specific exercises to keep the muscles in your back and abdomen strong and flexible. Proper Lifting : Be sure to lift heavy items with your legs, not your back. Do not bend over to pick something up. Keep your back straight and bend at your knees. Weight : Maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight puts added stress on your lower back. Avoid Smoking : Both the smoke and the nicotine cause your spine to age faster than normal. Proper Posture : Good posture is important for avoiding future problems. A therapist can teach you how to safely Stand, sit and lift.

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M. K. Soman

AKHIL PHARMA Vayala, Kottayam 177

ssew Unkokv Hcp P¥p-P\ytcmKw tUm. ]n.sI. aplvkn≥, Xma-c-t»cn ap≥ AUo-j-W¬ Ub-d-IvS¿, arKkwc£W hIp∏v


¥y-bn-em-Zy-ambn hb-\m-´n¬ Hcp kv{Xo am≥sN-≈n¬ \n∂v ]I-cp∂ "ssew Unkokv ' aqew acn®Xmbn dnt∏m¿´v sNø-s∏-´p. aWn-∏m¬ saUn-°¬ tImtf-Pnse sshtdm-fPn hn`mKamWv c‡]cn-tim-[\bn-eqsS tcmK-\n¿Wbw \S-Øn-bXv. "s_mdo-enb _¿Kv tUm¿s^dn' F∂ HcpXcw kq£vamWp aqew D≠m-Ip∂ Hcp P¥p-P\y kmw{I-anI tcmK-amWv ssewtcmKw AYhm s_mdo-en-tbm-knkv. AWp-_m-[n-X-amb sN≈v ISn-°p∂-XneqsSbmWv Cu tcmKw a\p-jy-cn-te°v ]I-cp-∂-Xv. tcmKw BZy-ambn ImW-s∏-´Xv 1975 ¬ Ata-cn-°-bnse ssew F∂ ÿe-Øm-Wv. AXp-sIm-≠mWv tcmK-Øn\v Cu \ma-t[bw e`n-®Xv. a\p-jy¿°p ]pdta apJy-ambpw Ata-cn-°, P∏m≥, bqtdm-∏v, {_n´¨ F∂n-hn-S-ß-fnse h\y-ar-K-߃, \mb, IpXn-c, am≥, ]q® F∂n-h-bn-emWv tcmKw I≠ph-cp-∂-Xv. tcmKm-Wp-hm-l-Icmb kkvX-\n-I-fpsS c‡-Øn¬ Pohn°p∂ s_mdo-enb tcmKmWp c‡aq‰n-°p-Sn-°p-∂ sN≈p-I-fpsS Dan-\o-cn-se-Øp-Ibpw Ah a‰p Pohn-Isf ISn-°p-tºmƒ tcmKw ]I-cp-Ibpw sNøp-∂p. am\p-I-fn¬ ImWp∂ CIvtkmUkv dnkn\kv AYhm Unb¿ Sn°v BWv apJy-ambpw tcmKw ]c-Øp-∂-Xv. Xo{h-e-£-W-߃ ImWn-°p-tºmƒ akvXnjvI N¿Ωho°w, \mUo-hyq-l-Øns‚ XI-cm-dp-Iƒ, hnd-b¬, apJØv ac-hn-∏v, lrZ-

b-t]-io-ho-°w, thKw IqSnb lrZ-b-an-Sn-∏v, aXn-hn-{`aw F∂n-hbmWv a\p-jy-cn¬ ImWp∂ tcmK-e-£-W-߃. ]\n, BIp-e-X, N¿Ω-Øn-ep-≠m-Ip∂ XSn-∏v, £oWw, Xeth-Z-\, k‘n-th-Z-\, t]io-th-Z-\, sXm≠-th-Z-\, ac-hn∏v F∂n-hbmWv a‰p {][m\ e£-W-߃. ]q®-I-fn¬ ImWp∂ tcmK-e-£-W-߃ apS-¥v, ]\n, hni∏n-√m-bva, £oWw, Akzm-`m-hn-I-amb izk\w F∂n-h-bm-Wv. \mb-I-fn-em-hs´ hni-∏n-√m-bva, ]\n, k‘n-I-fn¬ amdn-amdn hcp∂ apS-¥v, £oWw, hr°-ØIcmdv, lrZ-b-kw-_-‘-amb tcmK߃, \mUo-hyq-l-Ø-I-cm-dp-Iƒ F∂nh I≠p-h-cp-∂p. I∂p-Im-en-I-fn¬ k‘n-ho-°w, thZ-\, apS-¥v, ]\n, emanss\-‰n-kv, AIn-Sp-ho°w, K¿`-—n-{Zw, icoc-`m-chpw ]mep¬]m-Z\hpw Ipd-b¬ F∂n-h-bmWv e£-W-߃. aq{XØnepw ]menepw tcmKm-Wp-°sf ImWmw. tcmK-\n-hm-c-W-Øn-\m-bn IoS-\m-in\n{]tbmKw \SØn sN≈pIsf D∑q-e\w sNø-Ww. arK-ßfpsS ico-c-Øn¬ ]‰n-∏n-Sn-®n-cn°p∂ sN≈p-Isf ]q¿W-ambn \o°-Ww. CØcw ÿe-ß-fn¬ CS]-g-Ip-∂-h¿ sN≈p-I-Sn-bn¬ \n∂v c£-s]-S-Ø° hkv{Xw [cn-t°-≠-Xp-am-Wv.

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PERIODONTAL DISEASE AND GENERAL HEALTH Dr. Winston George MDS Periodontist and oral implantologist


ad oral health can have a significant negative impact on people’s quality of life.People with untreated oral and dental diseases can experience severe pain, loss of sleep, inability to eat certain foods, time off work or school and embarrassment about their appearance. It can also affect the progress and severity of other illnesses that they may be suffering from. The oral disease most frequently associated with medical conditions is chronic periodontal disease, which is the result of inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tooth. In it’s most severe forms, periodontal disease can cause loss of the bone that supports the tooth, resulting in the tooth becoming loose. It can even cause tooth loss. It’s caused by a bacterial infection and other factors, such as smoking. The strength of the relationship between periodontal disease and general health varies with the medical condition under investigation.Recent evidence suggests that periodontal infections can adversely affect systemic health with manifestations such as coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes,preterm labor,low birth weight delivery and respiratory disease. Periodontal disease and Diabetes Mellitus Studies have confirmed that patients with diabetes (both type 1 and type 2) are more susceptible to periodontal disease. The extent of the risk relates to the duration and control of their diabetes.Essentially, research suggests the relationship between periodontal disease and diabetes goes both ways – not only do people with diabetes have more severe periodontal disease, but periodontal disease may make it more difficult for people who have diabetes to control the condition.Diabetes, leads to more rapid and severe progression of destructive periodontitis, increasing the risk of greater severity at least two fold.Periodontitis is considered as the sixth complication of diabetes mellitus

Periodontitis and heart disease The relationship between cardiovascular disease and periodontal disease has been more difficult to elucidate. Many studies found an association, but others have not. A recent review and meta-analysis of several studies for the US Preventive Services Task Force found that the presence of periodontal disease was a weak but independent risk factor for heart disease. Serum CRP and fibrinogen levels are often elivated in subjects with periodontitis compared with nonperiodontitis subjects. These acute- phase protiens may act as intermediary steps in the pathway of periodontal infection to cardiovascular disease. Thus periodontal diseases may have both direct effects on the major blood vessels (Eg. atheroma formation) as well as indirect effects that stimulate changes in the cardiovascular system. (Eg. elevation of systemic inflammatory responses) Perodontitis and stroke Epidemiologic and systematic reviews of the evidence suggest an approximate threefold risk of stroke in subjects with periodontitis.Periodontal infections may contribute directly to the thromboembolic events and furthermore it may stimulate a series of indirect systemic effects ,such as elevated production of fibrinogen and CRP,which serve to increase the risk of stroke . Periodontal Disease & Pregnancy Outcome Periodontitis is a gram negative infection that may have a negative impact on pregnancy outcome .Animal studies suggest that remote reservoir of gram negative organisms and their products may have a negative impact on pregnancy out come like preterm labour & low birth weight delivery. Periodontitis & Respiratory Disease Chronic obsrtuctive pulmonary disease( COPD) shares similar pathogenic mechanisms with periodontal


disease.Less is known about the clinical relationship between periodontal disease and COPD.Studies suggest that smoking may act as a major “ Effect Modifier’’ in the relationship between COPD & periodontal disease.Bacteria that reproduce in the mouth can also be carried into the airways in the throat & lungs, increasing the risk of respiratory disease such as pneumonia and worsening chronic lung disease like emphysema Treatments for Periodontal disease The dentist or periodontist will remove the plaque through a deep cleaning method called scaling and root planning which helps to remove bacteria that contribute the gum disease. Medications such as mouth rinses and oral antibiotics are used as an adjunct to the surgical and nonsurgical periodontal treatment. Surgical treatment might be necessary if the inflammation and deep pockets persist following the deep cleaning and medication.Periodontist may perform the flap surgery to remove the tartar deposits in deep pockets which involves lifting back the gums .Procedures like bone and tissue grafting will help to regenerate the lost tissues in extreme cases. Lasers in Gum Treatment Lasers are now widely used as an adjunct to routine periodontal therapy.LANAP or Laser- Assisted New Attachment Procedure came as a protocol for periodontal

treatment since 2004 Bloodless and bacterial free surgical field ,no requirement of scalpels and suturees, minimal painless treatment time and early recovery are considered to be the advantages of LANAP. Ways to Keep Teeth & Gums Healthy To keep teeth and gums healthy one has to brush his teeth twice a day,floss regularly to remove plaque from between teeth, eat a well balanced diet and avoid snacks between meals, visit dentist regularly and avoid smoking Acute Respiratory Infections like hospital acquired oropharyngeal pneumonia is caused by aspiration of oropharyngeal contents. The potential respiratory pathogens(PRP) may originate in the oral cavity ,with the dental plaque serving as a reservoir .PRP’s are more often isolated from supragingival plaque and buccal mucosa of patients in intensive care units.Furthermore ,anaerobic organisms from periodontal pockets may serve as there primary innoculam for suppurative respiratory diseases like pulmonary abscesses. Systematic reviews have concluded that interventions used to improve oral hygiene , such as mechanical tooth brushing and chemical antimicrobial rinses may have the potential to decrease the risk of nosocomial pneumonia in high- risk patient.

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Joby Medicals


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Matha Egger Nursery Pathamuttom Best Compliments from

Ozias Farm,Vakathanam 180

Are Veterinarians unknown or unrecognized in Kerala Prof. (Dr.) Rama Kumar V. Former Secretary, Veterinary Council of India

“Man the unknown” the famous book of a great biologists and surgeon Alexis Carrel, prompted me to choose this title. In 2002 when I returned to Kerala after a long spell of 39 years, I felt proud that I am landing amidst a large number of knowledgeable professionals who were brimming with enthusiasm to serve the animal kingdom. Today in an attempt to study human resource development and human resource management (HRD & HRM) I reviewed Govt. of India website on the 12 five year plans of India. Surprisingly the word “Veterinary service” could not be seen in any title or discussion in the govt. publications [except in the first plan detail where a ‘para’ described that PG diploma was offered by IVRI]. It is here that i realized that the commitment of a professional has to go beyond the mechanics of delivering veterinary service or the academic exercise of publishing research papers. Publishing papers enables science to grow. But that growth must be sustained by a statement of mission containing appropriate policies and strategies of the Profession. World would only recognize those who frame appropriate mission statements that make an economic, social or scientific impact on the community (palpable to common man). Such mission statement must match the community’s vision (expectation). Vets can treat animals or advice clients on animal rearing only when community seeks such service. The demand for the profession would depend on how the community recognizes the vivid role of animals to human life, welfare & development. The ground reality is that, in human welfare lies the acceptance of animals. The responsibility to establish the link between community and animals rests with the vety. profession. (Alexis Carrel is a Nobel Prize winning scientist. In "Man, The Unknown'' he puts forward his vision of society’s

optimal direction. Originally published in 1935, this is a fascinating insight into early 20 th century philosophy. Obligation to Dr. Ajith Maru Research Officer (Information) International Service for National Agricultural Research, The Netherlands. This role not be cash benefit alone. There are many noncash benefits like environmental and emotional gains) STANDARD NOMENCLATURE RELATED TO VETERINARY SERVICES First step towards establishing the link the profession with the public and public men is to apprise them about the nature and scope of vety service. The fact that the training of veterinarians is a five year professional program that requires human skill, sound knowledge of animal life system and an attitude of compassion for life is not often realized uniformly. Confusion exists over the terms like Animal husbandry (A.H) and Veterinary Science (V.Sc.). AH is a vocation or an avocation of those who rear animals for a living; a good majority of the stake holders of AH are poor. Veterinary service (Veterinary practice) deals with professional service rendered to all animals. Primary Veterinary service includes advice on proper rearing of livestock and avians, rearing & caring of domestic animals, animal health care (in health care, health promotion, preventive actions), clinical veterinary service (medical attendance), animal related technology (like the feed & animal product technology) and organizing community development programs through animal resources. Organizing & supporting compassionate animal experimentation, Veterinary public health, Animal welfare and conservation and development of animal resources are implied responsibilities of the profession (specified in the


veterinarians' oath and the code of ethics). Veterinarians are expected to advice on the care and well being of all animals including domestic, semidomestic, laboratory, feral, zoo and wild animals (*by animals we mean all animals and avians) Profession must also apprise the community of the immense potential of animal resources for human welfare and sustenance of nature. By neglecting to project the true role of animals, we neglect our profession’s goal and axe our prospects. Today, the common man can open a TV channels or a computer and know the scope of veterinary service anywhere in the world. The developed world constantly endeavors to attain professional perfection and raise the profession’s mission goal to a level that matches the vision of the community (expectation, dream or even fancy). In 1990’s the PEW’s Committee was appointed by Britain to recommend the plans to prepare developments by 2020. National Academy of science in US appointed a committee to report on the “National Needs for Research in Veterinary Science” by 2030. The committee observed that vets should discuss and realize that 10 out of 12 of germ warfare agents are zoonotic pathogens which only vets can address. Foreign animal disease that can pose serious threats when GATT comes into force, environment associated

diseases & experimentation in animals including the need for reducing, replacing and refining, generation of data on zoonotic diseases of companion animals, use uniform nomenclature for vety. Profession were identified priorities for the profession. Behavior problems was a serious concern in US as 13 million dogs and cats (10% of the population) meet with death each year due to behavior related issues. This being more than all infectious diseases in small animals put together, it stressed the need for research into canine behavior. Dogs bite four million people each year in US. The funding problems, lower preference for research were also identified as priorities. Though Kerala need not blindly emulate other countries or other states of India, some of the issues identified above can guide us on our future. PEW’s committee of Britain specially lauded the holistic approach of Asian countries like India where Animal husbandry remained an integral part of veterinary service. There are differences in national attitude to veterinary service. For example the USA determined the admission rate to Veterinary schools in terms of clients (ie. @10 admissions per every million population). In India the agriculture commission recommended one vet institution per 5000 “cattle heads” (the reality is that service to animals has to

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be delivered on people’s demand. The role of veterinary service in public health also appears to have been overlooked. We have infrastructure problems at multiple levels. Our equipments and infrastructure (including diagnostic ones), need updating. Constraints of funds have to be tackled by justifying purchase of current gadgets, “hands on training”, infrastructure and the optimal use of each equipment purchased for clinical and diagnostic purposes. For planning infrastructure we have to revisit a “location allocation principle” ie. locating a vety centre in a visible location easily accessible to clients, identifying the role of higher centers and establishing their linkage of facilities to primary centres. Opportunities, responsibilities and obligations in each institution/unit must provide varied but graded exposure to professionals to build their career on. The para-veterinary staff trained to assist professionals for community development, data collection, health promotion, drug delivery etc. is a very important link and working arm of vety practice. This is the gist of section 30(b) of IVC Act, 1984 which prescribes that they shall render minor veterinary service under the direction and supervision of registered veterinary practitioners and not independently. It is

amply clear that this legal provision prescribed by parliament is neither a license to do solo practice, nor a hindrance to perform their designated duties. Any attempt to do beyond what they are not trained for may create a catastrophic situation. Diagnosis during treatment is an entity of ‘public interest’ that prevents abuse of drugs, minimize hospitalization and reverse the loss of production. Unsupervised vety practice results in emergence of resistance strains of microbes. Unsupervised and unrecorded drug delivery or advice to do so disable the identification and recording of the occurrence or possible increase of diseases/deficiency or crisis in due course. In the absence of valid information on disease/deficiency or crisis may perpetuate a wrong message of wellness to public and public men and may slacken preparedness. This, therefore would invite legal actions under provisions of section 56 of the IVC Act, 1984 (52, of 1984) Bifurcation: Veterinary service is a victim of wrong planning and decision making. Bifurcating dept’s responsibilities and distributing them to boards, corporations or companies without establishing statutory linkages are as detrimental as wrong clubbing of vety education and research with depts. Where the training and responsibilities are neither similar nor interchangeable. Allocation of business, at central govt. level without role

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Clint Offset Press Erattupetta 183

identification and linkage too leaves room for misuse. Animal welfare concerns all animals; but is shifted from dept. to dept. (possibly) at the whims of some minister resulting in total lack of co-ordination. Establishment of army Dairy units outside the Remount Veterinary unit also reflects ignorance and non-recognition of the immense potential of vety service, education and research. A general concept among bureaucrats is that animal husbandry dept. is a development dept. This has often crippled the scope of veterinary service. For example our planning essentially sidelines pets. In fact in India we do not even have the census of pet & companion animals. ''Having a pet adds enormous value to the lives of our older citizens, providing companionship and opportunities for social interaction stimulus with neighbors and other community members. There are many health benefits which may lead them to staying longer in their homes than would otherwise occur'', said Australian Veterinary Association President, Dr. Barry Smyth. It has to be realised here that farm animals in India reared in backyards form part of the family. Animals motivate and encourage owners including seniors, to stay healthy and exercise. As longevity of life increases more and more people look forward to a long retirement, ongoing physical and mental health becomes increasingly important. In rural India individual farm animals hold the status of companion animals. Research has shown that one good way to improve wellbeing into old age is through regular interaction with animals ('therapy animals'). The use

of animals to activate the elderly living in retirement homes, senior citizen centres, day care centres and hospitals are now recognised especially for those living in a nursing homes for some form of assisted care. Reported health benefits include not mere physical motivation and lower cholesterol, but substantial benefits to mental well being. Late Prof. S. J. S ODENDAAL a behaviour specialist (Ethologist) identified a few physiological parameters during positive human-companion animal contact and found that trends established had been similar in both animals and humans. The implication was that since the physiological reactions were mutual, animals would experience the same psychological benefits from these neuro-physiological interactions with humans. The role of certain neuro-chemicals like Bendorphin, oxytocin, prolactin in both species (man and dogs in the present case) was recorded after positive interspecies interaction. During interactions corticosterol however decreased in the humans only. Positive interaction between dog lovers and dogs may contribute to a better understanding of the human-animal bond in veterinary practice. (Published in: The Veterinary Journal, 2003, Vol.165:296-301) Temporary elevation of dopamine levels often leads to an improvement in mood, alertness, libido, and perhaps even an enhancement in verbal fluency and creativity. Many birds and mammals share the brain systems and neurochemistry that underlies love in humans and all mammals have the hormone oxytocin, which is associated


t_mkvtIm saUn°¬kv Ihe, Ip∂¥m\w t^m¨: 0469˛2690343. F√mhn[ Cw•ojv, Bbp¿thZ. arKNnIn¬km acp∂pIƒ°v kao]n°pI.


DZb saUn°¬kv tIm´bw 184

with courtship and bonding (Bekoff, 2000). People who feel passionately in love have high levels pf phenlethylamine (PEA), which produces those 'tingling' sensations of excitement (same way as happens when a person you love walks into the room or holds your hand. It also helps produce high intensity and frequency of sexual desire) WILD ANIMALS: Wild animals and birds sustain our natural forests. They prey on plant parasites, generate carbondioxide for photosynthesis and help pollination, seed distribution etc. Herbivores limit imbalance of plants growth and carnivores limit herbivores that denude the plant kingdom. India has perhaps one of the richest wild animal biodiversity. The buffer zone between forests and domestic animal habitat forms a critical point where specialized veterinary service would be of immense benefit. ANIMAL FOR POWER AND ENERGY : Draught Animal Power (DAP) is the muscle power of Draught Animals (DA’s). In India seventy four million (m) Bullocks and 8 m. buffaloes make available 40 m. Hp, and energy worth Rs. 10,000 crores per year. DA’s plough 100 m. hectares of area sown (66%), and haul 25 billion ton kilometers of freight in 15 m. Animal Drawn Carts (ADCs). DAP annually saves six m. tons of petroleum, worth>Rs. 12,000 (now>20,000) crores, mostly in foreign exchange. Asset value of DAP system was>Rs.25,000 crores in 1999-2000. ANIMAL DRIVEN GENERATOR : 10th plan sub-committee on Draught animal power has considered an animal driven mini-generator that works a dynamo and with alternators and energy storage devices. Bullock driven Micro-

generators low in transmission cost and transmission losses may be highly useful in far flung areas that are denied development for want of power and communication. DOMESTIC & SOCIAL SECURITY AND POLICING: Animals play a key role as watch dogs, police dogs, tracking dogs. Horses, camels & dogs are used for riot control, chasing smugglers, industrial security etc. NASA had been using geese for alerting any intrusion into their high security areas. Animals provided mental diversion and an opportunity for and indulgence to soldiers recuperating from Kargil war. Animals convert organic waste to protein. Pigs and ducks do garbage clearing, providing earning opportunity and affordable protein to economically weak sections of the community. China uses pigs in community toilets for sanitation and waste utilisation. In India such a system is prevalent in some rural pockets old monasteries etc. There is scope to explore the role of animals and the use of animal waste management for sustainable sanitation through scientific veterinary intervention. Manure gas though not used widely now (0.3% & 0.1%) is a major source of energy of the future as an eco-friendly method. Animals are the cultural elements of a society; ancient literature describes a variety of animals in company with mythical personalities (God/incarnations/apostles?). Devendra or Indran with elephant and Jesus Christ with the sheep and Prophet Mohammed with the goat. Camel and the Yak have helped mankind to survive in deserts and snow deserts respectively, where cropping is virtually impossible.


acßm´p]n≈n k¿hokv klIcW _m¶v ¢n]vXw \º¿ 3556 slUv Hm^okv: acßm´p]n≈n t^m¨: 04822˛251040, 252440 imJIƒ: Ipcy\mSv (t^m¨: 230˛276), Ipdn®nØm\w (t^m¨: 251090), aÆbv°\mSv (t^m¨: 230645) \oXn saUn°¬ tÃm¿ (t^m¨: 252240)


XnS\mSv k¿hokv klIcW _m¶v ¢n]vXw \º¿ 3990 sNΩea‰w ]n. Hm. 686508, (¢mkv 1 kvs]j¬ t{KUv) slUv Hm^okv: sNΩea‰w 04828˛235224, 235297, 325345 www.thidanadscb.com, email: tscbank@gmail.com imJIƒ: XnS\mSv (t^m¨: 04828˛235224), XnS\mSv (t^m¨: 04828˛235317), ]nÆm°\mSv (t^m¨: 04828˛236224), Aºmd\nct∏¬ (t^m¨: 04822˛272017) BiwkItfmsS

e£van sUbdn ^mw sNºv, ssh°w 185

Historians consider ''Indus valley civilization'' unique among ancient civilizations in that it never had slavery as part of its life style. This, the historians believe was because the animal power supported human life as main work force. The human development report 1999, had been instrumental in changing the mindset of the world and accept the Grameen bank system of Professor Mh. Yunus as a tool for development. This system had a predecessor model initiated by the founder of NDDB and the man behind white revolution in India, Dr. Varghese Kurien who enabled the millions of small holders to “sell at will” the milk surplus to their need. He initiated a national Milk marketing network. But unfortunately NDDB could not carry this mission forward; with the result dairy co-operatives of India could not extend organized milk marketing beyond 15% (some claim it to be upto 27%) of the milk producing small holders. In Kerala co-operative system is adopted for horticulture units in the name “Kudumba shree” who shared the benefits of development in an equitable manner. But here again stagnation and diversion due to lack of vision is creeping in. The NDDB system did not percolate to other sectors of animal husbandry though the animal resources of India are equitably distributed and are important tool of human development.

When the veterinary profession considers professional efficiency development, the role of animal as a resource for sustainability, social security and human development need be fully explored in the local context of each locality of Kerala. The special role for the small holder in sustaining and conserving the bio-diversity of animal genetic resources in India has got a greater relevance when we weigh of the resultant benefit to the community as a whole through diverse animal resources. Here human development has to be differentiated from economic development where there is opulence of money and individual profiteering. Great economists and Nobel laureates like Dr. Amartya Sen and Dr. Muhammad Yunus, (of Bangla Desh) had recognized Human Development to be equitable and sustainable. The economic development has emphasis on commodity concept, where as Human development focuses on a community concept. While agriculture especially food grain production was the forerunner of India’s economic development and the benefits of green revolution could be harvested by the landed farmers, animal resource with 75% of its stake holders belonging to small holders and the landless can achieve equitable human development if recognized and suitably supported. Agreeably agriculture provides earning

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Similarly, the possibility of Animal husbandry practices without the need for adopting the grain based animal production of the west would need specialized professional support by way of tangible breeding policy, relevant reproduction technology and relevant feed technology. The existing P.G. programs could be revamped or scrapped on the basis of specific learning objectives. After a series of zonal meetings, surveys, seminars and workshops organized between 1996 to 1998 by VCI four front-line areas of were identified under a national HRD policy. They are:(a) Man power needed to man specialist service in Veterinary polyclinics, diagnostic laboratories, semen banks, biological products, Qlty. control, E.T.T. centres, Management of farms, sperm stations, semen banks, feed plants, meat plants, surveillance units etc. (b) Man power needed for the professional administration i.e persons with orientation on development and trained to monitor various projects and activities. (i.e. persons competent to plan and implement or suitably modify development activities under their charge and control). (c) Man power needed to handle the under graduate education at various teaching institutions as per Veterinary Council of India-(Minimum Standards of Veterinary Education-Degree Courses (B.V.Sc. & A.H.) regulation. (d) Man power needed to handle various higher education and research program PG DIPLOMA (1 year courses with 80% hands on training & 20% lecture) IDENTIFIED BY VCI IN their HRD POLICY to be implemented by states as per regional relevance and community need are,1. Clinical Vety. Medicine & Ambulatory Clinical practice. 2. Veterinary Gynecology and Obstetrics 3. Anaesthesiology &Veterinary Surgery 4. Vety. Radiology & Orthopedics 5. Animaì Reproduction Technology (A.I; E.T.T.) 6. Laboratory Diagnostic Technology 7. Veterinary Epidemiology & Preventive Medicine. 8. Veterinary Public-Health 9. Cattle Production and Management

10. Buffalo Production and Management 11. Sheep Production and Management 12. Goat Production and Management 13. Equine Production and Management 14. Swine Production and Management 15. Poultry Production and Management 16. Camel Production and Management 17. Lab.Animal Production and Management 18. Zoo and Wild Animal Health Care and Management 19. Meat and Meat Product Technology 20. Fodder and feed Technology 21. Ethnology and Animal Welfare, (Bio-ethics) 22. Vety. Public Relation and AH Extension CONCLUSION Veterinary profession has immense potential to serve humanity while safe guarding the welfare of animals and sustenance of nature. Stagnant ideas often impede both Human Resource Management (HRM) and Human Resource Develpment (HRD). Establishing a systematic Supply Support and Maintenance System (SSMS) in veterinary profession is a matter of public interest, since it enables animal owners to gain from the advancement of science, decrease the risk of animal rearing and control zoonosis. Together these actions would, enhance professional efficiency at all levels and enable the right to service to be enshrined in the citizen’s charter. This would be possible only (i) If public knows of the availability and advantage of specialists. (ii) If field veterinarians can identify diseases/deficiencies/ problems that can be diagnosed by specialist in time, (iii) If the unit is accessible and charges affodrable, (iv) If the postreference treatment is prompt, efficient and effective (ie. worth of expense be palpable) (v) If follow-up is prompt and effective. Veterinarians who know the scope of specialization do refer cases in time, enabling the unit or institution to confirm and manage the cases effectively. Many who did not know of the use and limitation of newer diagnostic tools (including imaging, digital monitoring or tele-therapy) need be brought in for awareness training to enable them to know when to avail this service.


PnØp saUn°¬kv tImX\√q¿, tIm´bw Pn√


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tUm. tdmP≥ ]n. Fw. Akn. s{]m^k¿ P\‰nIvkv Un∏m¿´vsa‚v sh‰dn\dn tImfPv , aÆpØn

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KERALA VETERINARY SERVICE ASSOCIATION MINUTES BOOKS-I Recognised As Per GOMS 267/AD dt. 6.09.69 of Public (services D) Department. 23.3.1969: General body meeting of veterinary surgeons and other officers of the Animal Husbandry Department belonging to the same cadre held on 23.03.1969 at Ernakulam.

MINUTES A meeting of the veterinary surgeons and other officers belonging to the same cadre employed in the Kerala Govt. Services was held on 23-03-1969 at International hotel, Ernakulam. Altogether 83 members from different parts of Kerala attended the meeting. The meeting commenced at 2 PM. Dr. K. Ramachandran, veterinary surgeon, District Livestock Farm, Trichur was elected as president of the meeting and he presided over the meeting. The meeting approved the following agenda:1. Welcome speech by the convenor of the organising committee. 2. Presidential address. 3. Speeches by representation of district. 4. Discussion and approval of constitution 5. Election of office bearers 6. Vote of thanks. Sri. C.P. Gopinatha Menon, convenor of the organising committee welcomed the gathering. He also explained the circumstances which forced the convening of a meeting of all veterinary surgeons in order to give shape to a new service association consisting of veterinary surgeons and other officers of the state govt.belonging to the same cadre. After the welcome speech the president requested the members to explain their opinion regarding the formation of the new association. In response to this, the members from different districts spoke at length. Afterwards, Sri. C.P. Gopinatha Menon, Extension officer (A.H.) Vyttila moved the following resolution:The general body extended to form a service association of the veterinary surgeons and other officers of the Animal Husbandary Department belonging to the same cadre, the name of the association being “Kerala Veterinary Service Association�. The motion was seconded by Sri. M.I. Alexander, Senior Associate Professor Veterinary College, Trichur. The meeting passed the resolution unanimously. By another motion, the general body authorised the following members to represent to the government for according recognition for the Kerala Veterinary Service Association :1. C.P. Gopinatha Menon, Proposed- K. Ramachandran, Seconded- M.T.Alexander 2. K.I. Kurian, Proposed -R. Rajagoplan, Seconded G. Madhavan Nair 3. C.T. Jose, Proposed-P.K. Naveen, Seconded K. Ramachandran 4. George Joseph, Proposed-Jacob Thomas, Seconded P.C. Thomas 200

5. K. Ramachandran, Proposed-Kumara Das, Seconded-P. Vijayan 6. A.V. Sreedharan, Proposed-V. Sankar, Seconded-E.P. Muralidharan 7. P.C. Thomas, Proposed- Sachidanandan, Seconded-Thomas Varghese After the resolutions were passed, the draft of the constitution prepared by this organising committee was discussed article by article. The constitution was then passed unanimously by the meeting. The next item conducted was the selection of office bearers of the newly constituted Kerala Veterinary Service Association. 1.President- Dr. K. Ramachandran, Veterinary Surgeon, Dist. Livestock Farm, Ollukkara, Trichur Proposed by- P. Vijayan, Veterinary Surgeon (Crangannore), Seconded by K.V. Viswanathan M.V.D. Ernakulam. 2. Vice President- Dr. Abraham Ommen, Veterinary Surgeon, Chavara Proposed by- C.P. Gopinatha Menon, EO(AH), Vyttila Seconded - Sachidandan, K.V.O. Cannanore as no other names were proposed, Dr. Abraham Ommen was declared selected as the Vice President of the Association 3. General Secretary 1. Dr. C.P. Gopinatha Menon, EO(AH), Vyttila Proposed by P. Vijayan, Technical Asst. Cannanore, Seconded by- K. E. Alias, V.S. Mattancherry, as no other names were proposed, Sri. C.P. Gopinatha Menon was declared elected as the General Secretary of the Association. 4. Joint Secretary 1. Dr. V. Sankaran, EO(AH), Marady Block, Proposed by- E.P. Muraleedhran, V.S. Malayattoor Seconded by- K. Kumara Das, A.R.O. Nutrition Dept. Veterinary College As no other names were proposed Sri. Sankaran was unanimously elected as the Joint Secretary of the Assoication. 5. Treasurer 1. Dr. Thomas Varghese, EO(AH), Vypeen Proposed by- R. Rajagopalan, V.S, Muvattupuzha Seconded - C.T. Jose, K.V.O, Pattambi. As there was no other proposals Thomas Varghese was declared elected as the treasurer of the Association. After the election of general office bearers of the Kerala Veteinary Services Association the following members were elected unanimously to the executive committee to represent each district. 1. Dr. K.I. Kurian, Veterinary Surgeon, S.P.C.A. Trivandrum- Trivandrum 2. Dr. V.N. Gopalakrishnan Nair, EOAH, N.E.S. Block, Chavara- Quilon 3. Dr. Jacob Thomas, V.S.Pulikizh, Via. Thiruvalla- Aleppy 4. Dr. Jacob Chacko, VS Adimali- Kottayam 5. Dr. R. Rajagopal, VS Muvattupuzha- Ernakulam 6. Dr. P.C. Thomas, M.Sc. Student- Kerala Veterinary College, Mannuthy, Trichur 7. C.T. Jose, K.V.O. Pattambi- Palghat 8. Dr. A.V. Sreedharan, T.A. to DVO- Kozhikode 9. Dr. K. Sasidharan, K.V.O. Cannanore- Cannanore After the election was over Dr. C.P. Gopinathan Menon, General Secretary proposed vote of thanks. Meeting came to a close at 5.30 PM. 201


Dr. Sreekumar C

Dr. Sajeev Kumar K. A

Dr. Justin Jacob Adhikarm

Dr. Shameem Abubaker

Dr. S. S. Giridhar


General Secretary

Vice President, S.Z.

Vice President, N.Z.

Jt. Secretary S.Z.

Dr. Beettu Joseph

Dr. Hari Narayanan P.M.

Dr. Boby S. Manuel

Dr. Zacharia Sebastian

Jt Secretary, N.Z.


Convenor, Legal Assistance

Bldg. Com. Member



Dr. E. K. Eswaran

Dr. Mohammad Haneefa

Dr. M. P. Girish Babu

Dr. Radhakrishna Pillai


General Secretary

Vice President, N. Z.

Vice President, S. Z.

Dr. P. Vinodkumar

Dr. Manoharan

Dr. Ommen P. Raj

Jt. Secretary, N.Z.

Jt. Secretary, S.Z.



Dr. K. R. Arunkumar

Dr. Kurian K. Jacob

Dr. K. C. Prasath

Dr. Satheeshan K. M.

Dr. Saira R.


General Secretary

Vice President, S. Z

Vice President, N. Z

Vice President (Lady)

Dr. Jyothymon P. B

Dr. P. N. Ajayakumar

Dr. Molly Varghese

Dr. L. Rajesh

Dr. Sajithkumar S.

Joint Secretary, S.Z.

Joint Secretary, N.Z.

Joint Secretary (Lady)


Bldg. Com. Member


Dr. George Thomas P.

Dr. L. J. Krishna Kishore



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