Elegance of Magnolias By Sherry C. Nelson, MDA
Magnolias are such elegant flowers... Their size, the creamy colors, the wonderful leaves which may be a whole range of warm greens and cool, and - don’t forget the fabulous rusty ones! How beautifully they unify with the sienna stems and branches. Let’s face it, it’s hard to find anything not to like about this marvelous tree. I find that painting inside a tray bottom or a bowl is awkward. It forces me to hold my brush at a more vertical angle, one that makes it more difficult to apply the exact thickness of paint and blend it just to please me. Yet, I wanted so much to use this wonderful new galvanized tin tray from Painter’s Paradise. My personal solution is to cut a surface exactly the size of the tray bottom, prep it as desired, and do my painting on that. In addition, I then have the option of dropping in a Plexiglas oval on top of the finished piece for protection.