ISSUE 9 | Spring 2024 Corfe Mullen, Ferndown, West Moors, Wimborne Dementia Groups and the surrounding area Community Magazine Proudly sponsors Living Well Magazine Could you help Living Well Community Magazine? Contact us to become a stockist. © Brent Jones Live-in care Companionship | Support 01202 618400
Welcome to the 9th edition of Living Well magazine. Spring is upon us, albeit at the time of writing this the weather was telling us otherwise! With every edition we try to add and improve and hope you will find this edition better than ever. An ever expanding ‘What’s on Listing’ now presented by group type and other useful information, signposting you to help & support.
Each edition includes social & support groups in Corfe Mullen, Ferndown, West Moors, Wimborne & surrounding areas. If you know of or run a group that you would like added to these listings, please do get in touch. New groups are being added all the time –so do have a read through.
We hope that this publication will help anyone who wishes to live well, stay active and support an inclusive community. We look to ensure all activities listed are dementia friendly, but suitable and accessible for all.
What’s inside?
Inside this Spring issue, you will find articles dedicated to living well. In addition to our usual ‘What’s on’ we have our Carer’s Conversation spot, an allotment update, how this links to our local Foodbanks and much more.
We would love to hear from you!
If you wish to contribute to this publication, please contact via
Contributions can include upcoming events, experiences, photographs, articles or submissions to the letters page. If you have any questions, please do get in touch.
Thank you!
We would like to thank our Partner and Sponsor – ProMedica Dorset & Hampshire. ProMedica have offered sponsorship for this issue and future issues of Living Well, allowing us to get to print for our 9th edition and secure its future! We couldn’t be more grateful, thank you.
We need your help – without advertisers or sponsorship, this magazine wouldn’t be possible. If you are interested in supporting the magazine please do get in touch –
Thank you to everyone who allows this publication to be placed in their premises for distribution. You are helping us to build an inclusive and knowledgeable community.
Best Regards
From the steering committee/publication partners of this magazine.
NB: Front cover picture is of the ‘Step Outside’ allotments at Kingston Lacy, where In Jolly Good Company provide dementia friendly activities that are open to all. For more information visit or call 07884 333117
Publication Partners:
Emma Regan
Douch Family Funeral Directors / Editor of Living well Magazine
Michael Deane
Chair of Ferndown Dementia
Friendly Town
Peter Jones
Chair of Corfe Mullen Dementia
Friendly Community / Growing
Compassionate Communities Charity
Sue Tipping
Chair of Wimborne Dementia
Friendly Community
Lynne Morris
Chair of West Moors Dementia
Action Group
Mark Müller
Regional partner ProMedica 24
This publication is sponsored by
Production Manager
Ben Pulford |
Lead Designer
Louis Pulford |
Graphic Designer
Dexter Elliott |
Media Sales
Simon Thornton |
3 Dementia Friendly Communities
4 Allotment Fun 6 Making a difference in the community / Dementia Action Week 9 Do you need help with Care and Support 11-25 What’s on in the local area 25 What is social prescribing 26 Corfe Mullen / Ferndown dementia groups 28 West Moors / Wimborne dementia groups 30 Useful contacts
Allotment Fun
We would love to highlight 3 great community allotments we have access to that you can all benefit from and take part should you wish to. Here’s some information:
Gardening in Wimborne
Wimborne Dementia Friendly Community
The Step Outside Gardening Group meets at Kingston Lacy Allotments, Wimborne BH21 4EG on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month 2pm – 4pm. We are dementia friendly and open to all. Many of our guests enjoy gentle gardening activities or simply sitting and appreciating the view, the fresh air, and the company. It’s the perfect place to meet new friends in a beautiful outdoor space and take home some of the delicious produce and flowers grown during the season. An important part of our afternoon together is a chat with a cuppa and biscuits and now and then a very special cream tea. Our Jolly Team member Anni and a group of dedicated volunteers are getting the plots all ship shape for the reopening to guests on 22nd March. Anyone who would like to come along to take part or volunteer – please get in touch for more details with Sarah Rampton on 07884 333117 or sarah@injollygoodcompany. com. You would be very welcome at this informal, friendly group where no gardening experience or physical fitness are required.
Gardening in Ferndown
Ferndown Dementia Friendly Town Allotment
Spring is now upon us and with the good weather hopefully to come, I welcome you all to our allotment. Located in Longham Allotment Gardens off the A348 Ringwood Road, our plot is open to all the community, local groups, and associations. Our plot has raised planters where a variety of bedding plants, flowers, and vegetables can be grown along with a summer house and portaloo which is suitable & available to all.
If you would like to actively run a group, volunteer your time to help with the maintenance of our allotment, visit, or financially donate to help with the upkeep of this community allotment please email me for more details at
Gardening in Corfe Mullen Growing Compassionate Communities Allotment
A recent innovation is the creation of a community allotment, that will be open to various groups, including those people with memory loss or additional needs.
The Growing Compassionate Communities allotment has 2 raised beds that are located at the Corfe Mullen allotments, just off Pardy’s Hill.
We are always looking for volunteers to help with this project. So, please get in touch through our Facebook page if you’re interested in being part of this community allotment scheme. You can Direct Message us on corfemullendfc or growingcompassionatecommunities/
Our vison statement is “Grown by the community for the community”. Therefore our produce is donated to the Corfe Mullen Community Foodbank.
“The love of gardening is a seed once sown that never dies.” – Gertrude Jekyll
“I always see gardening as escape, as peace really. If you are angry or troubled, nothing provides the same solace as nurturing the soil.” – Monty Don
4 Dementia Friendly Communities
Photos © Brent Jones
5 Dementia Friendly Communities
Outreach Reminiscence: Making a Difference in the Community
Thanks to a generous grant from Dorset Council, the Museum of East Dorset has been able to expand and enhance their outreach reminiscence programme, making a positive impact on the lives of many individuals in our community.
Members of the museum’s award-winning team of experienced volunteers visit day centres and care homes across East Dorset to run the sessions, taking along with them a carefully curated collection of memorabilia to evoke nostalgia, spark conversations and trigger memories.
The diary is filling up quickly and feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. The sessions run for about 45 minutes, there is no charge, but any donation amount is welcome and will contribute towards the project as part of the museum’s charitable status. If you are interested in finding out more or booking a session for your care home or setting, please contact Mary on reminiscence@
Dementia Action Week
13th – 19th May 2024
Dementia Action Week is an awareness raising campaign. Each year, Alzheimer’s Society works with individuals and organisations across the UK to encourage people to act on dementia.
The Living Well magazine are associated with many local Dementia Friends groups, including Corfe Mullen, Ferndown, West Moors and Wimborne. All of which will be raising awareness throughout DAW 24!
Can you spot our knitted forget-me-not post box toppers in your town?
Visit the Ferndown groups table of information outside the Beacon Café, St Mary’s Church, Ferndown throughout the week. Lots of signposting leaflets, giveaways, demonstration of a Magic Table and much more.
Keep an eye out for the West Moors representatives outside The Spar throughout the week.
Visit our Facebook pages prior and during DAW for further information.
Corfe Mullen - @corfemullendfc
Ferndown - @Ferndowndementiafriendlytown
West Moors - @WestMoorsDementiaActionGroup
Wimborne - @WimborneDFC
6 Dementia Friendly Communities
Do you need help with Care and Support!
There are many options available. Recognising when is different for everyone. We list some common possible solutions to consider.
Domiciliary care: This involves receiving care at home in blocks of time from 15 minutes + per visit. Ideal when help is required for specific tasks such as personal care, meals and medication. Visiting care occurs at pre-determined times.
Residential care homes: Environments for individuals who would benefit from help and support with daily living needs, personal care, meals and medication. Some have organised activity programs. Some have specific areas exclusively supporting people with memory impairment. Also a great option for respite/rehabilitation.
Live-In care: Enables people to remain in their own home and receive the 1-1 personalised support they need from a trained carer. It can include personal care, help with medication, meals & cooking, companionship & domestic help in the home. Ideal for individuals and particularly
good for couples who wish to remain together. Ideal for safety concerns day and night, also a great option for respite/ rehabilitation. Live in care should not be charged hourly.
Warden Assisted Living: Purpose built apartments with a call system, some have wardens on site. Communal lounge areas and gardens.
Adult day care centres: Providing a structured and supervised environment during the day. They offer social activities, meals, and personal care. Allowing family and caregivers to have some respite from providing care.
Respite: Short-term care. It can be provided in various settings, including live-in home care, day care centres or residential care homes. Respite care allows caregivers to take a vital break while ensuring the safety and wellbeing of the person they support.
Nursing homes: Residential care for people who require access to a registered nurse at any point during the day or night. Great for rehabilitation if needed.
Meals: Food delivery, either hot or prepared meals that just need warming. Help to ensure good nutrition and help our general health.
There are also many groups in the area who have a wealth of knowledge and can share there experience. The right support will help you to remain independent for as long as possible, enable peace of mind for family and support your wellbeing. When choosing a care provider it is worth choosing a company that is CQC registered. For help and support please call 01202 618400, please quote Living Well Magazine.
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11 Dementia Friendly Communities What’s on
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20 Dementia Friendly Communities
21 Dementia Friendly Communities What’s on
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23 Dementia Friendly Communities What’s on
24 Dementia Friendly Communities
What is social prescribing?
Social prescribing, also sometimes known as community referral, is a means of enabling health professionals to refer people to a range of local, non-clinical services. The referrals generally, but not exclusively, come from professionals working in primary care settings, for example, GPs or practice nurses.
Recognising that people’s health and wellbeing are determined mostly by a range of social, economic and environmental factors, social prescribing seeks to address people’s needs in a holistic way. It also aims to support individuals to take greater control of their own health.
Social prescribing is designed to support people with a wide range of social, emotional or practical needs, and many schemes are focused on improving mental health and physical wellbeing.
Schemes delivering social prescribing can involve a range of activities that are typically provided by voluntary and community sector organisations. Examples include volunteering, arts activities, group learning, gardening, befriending, cookery, healthy eating advice and a range of sports.
Social prescribing is about having a conversation about you to discover what matters to you.
For more information please visit personalisedcare/social-prescribing/
Crane Valley Primary Care Network Team
Crane Valley Primary Care Network has 4 Social Prescribers in post, Kate, Dawn, Rachel & Seprina working with patients registered at The Barcellos family Practice, The Cranborne Practice, The Verwood Surgery and West Moors Village Surgery. You can make contact through the GP surgeries within the Crane Valley network.
The team work closely with the local voluntary run clubs and groups to offer patients a diverse array of activities to help people re-engage with the community and feel less isolated, lonely, anxious or depressed. The team are also able to offer signposting to organisations that could help people with debt, housing, care, bereavement, exercise, weight management etc..
Poole North PCN
The Poole North social prescribing team can be contacted through the GP surgeries within the Poole North PCN. This includes The Hadleigh Practice, The Harvey Practice, Birchwood Practice and Canford Heath Group Practice.
Wimborne and Ferndown PCN
This PCN covers the Wimborne and Ferndown areas. The social prescribing team can be contacted via the GP surgeries including Old Dispensary Surgery, Walford Mill Medical Centre, Quarterjack Surgery in Wimborne, and Penny’s Hill Surgery and Orchid House Surgery in Ferndown.
“What matters to you?”
25 Dementia Friendly Communities What’s on
Dear friends,
Since the launch and creation of Corfe Mullen Dementia Friendly Community we have come a long way since our first meeting some 10 years ago when we began to explore and produce action plans in relation to how we might grow Corfe Mullen as a dementia friendly community. It has been a long a journey, and often challenging, but these were our first steps towards that goal.
To that end I would like to appeal for your help in making this happen. If you feel you can contribute to this process, please do get back to me.
As a community we seek to journey with both the carer and the older person with dementia, allowing them to inform and shape a dementia friendly community, a community that is safe and non–stigmatising. Aims
• To raise awareness and understanding of Dementia in the Corfe Mullen Community.
• To create a safe and non-stigmatising community where older people with dementia can live well.
• To create an environment where the carer and or older person with dementia can seek appropriate help and support.
CMDFC subscribes to the Growing Compassionate Communities aim of growing compassionate inclusive communities. Contact Peter Jones - for further details.
Dementia is a disease that can affect anyone at any time, young and old.
The very minimum requirement of the Ferndown Dementia Friendly Town Steering group is to understand what it is like to live with dementia not only for those diagnosed, but for their carers too, and to try and help make life a little easier, or the services available more accessible.
It is essential to find out more from those with dementia, and their families and carers, about the experiences of living in our community, where they feel supported and where improvements can be made. This feedback can and will direct the actions of the steering group.
Moving forward, over the coming months, part of the group’s objective is to raise money that will be spent locally in supporting carers and families of loved ones affected by this cruel disease. I am pleased to advise that we are working closely with a number of organisations and have set up a GoFundMe link and QR code on our FaceBook page where donations will be greatly appreciated. As always, many thanks to everyone for your support.
Please feel free to email me on michaeldeane1@ with any comments, concerns or questions you may have.
Michael Deane – Chairman Ferndown Dementia Steering Group
26 Dementia Friendly Communities
part of Growing Compassionate Communities Registered Charity Number 1176047 part of Growing Compassionate Communities Registered Charity Number 1176047
Scan here to donate to FDFT
We are delighted to announce the launch of our very own Jolly Days for West Moors. Starting on 27th March, then the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month, Jolly afternoons will provide fun and stimulation for people with memory loss. Delivered by the charity “In Jolly Good Company” with volunteers from West Moors village, there will be quizzes, gentle exercise, live music, singing and crafts.
To book call 07884 333117, Monday-Friday 10-5pm. Did you see our piece in the West Moors Directory for March?
Look for us on Facebook: West Moors Dementia Action Group
There will be more Dementia Action Group projects during National Dementia Awareness week in May (13th-19th), and at the Westival on 13th July where we hope to have information and activities to raise awareness and improve the lives of people living with dementia in our village.
Come and join us at our meetings every other month.
Jo Breen member of West Moors Dementia Action Group
part of Growing Compassionate Communities Registered Charity Number 1176047
The Wimborne Dementia Friendly Community (WDFC) has been raising awareness of Dementia across the town since 2013. We aim, as a Steering Group, to ensure that the voices of people living with Dementia, their carers and their families are heard. Since 2013 the Steering Group has grown and become even more active. We now have 16 members with representatives from In Jolly Good Company, Douch, Prama, Aster Connected Living, Streets Meadow, Oakley Friends, Wimborne businesses, Museum of East Dorset (MED) and Wimborne Minster.
There is a lot happening in Wimborne for those living with Dementia (see our What’s On page). The Step Outside project at Kingston Lacy, organised by In Jolly Good Company, will be starting up again very soon. WDFC have arranged 3 Dementia Awareness Training sessions during the year and the everpopular Oakley Friends Course takes place twice a year. The Reminiscence Sessions, run by MED, are a great success. We are also planning a Cake Concert
with members of the BSO in May. This is a great opportunity for people living with dementia and their carers to get together in a very relaxed setting to listen to familiar music and to eat cake!
WDFC can be contacted at:
28 Dementia Friendly Communities
For more information contact Jo on: 07960650611
29 Dementia Friendly Communities
30 Dementia Friendly Communities Corfe Mullen Dementia Friendly Community 07715 940548 Peter Jones/ East Dorset Good Neighbours 01202 804003 Ferndown Community Support CIC 01202 936121 Ferndown Dementia Friendly Community - @Ferndowndementiafriendlytown Growing Compassionate Communities 07715 940548 In Jolly Good Company 07884 333117 Oakley Friends - Carer Support – Charity No: 1047919 01202 698325 Pramalife 01202 804904 Reach & Care 07715 940548 Peter Jones/ West Moors Carers Group - Alison 01202 865800 West Moors Dementia Action Group 01425 477470 Lynne Morris West Moors Library 01202 873272 Wimborne Dementia Friendly Community - Reach & Care 07715 940548 Peter Jones/ Dial a ride Wimborne - Wimborne Neighbour Car 07912 273722 Age UK 0800 678 1174 Alzheimer’s Society - Carers Support Dorset 0800 368 8349 Crane Valley Network Social Prescribers - @castlemansocialprescribers Crisp 01202 128787 Dorset Mind 01202 551660 Dorset Open Door ‘Supporting Bereavement Together’ 01305 361361 East Dorset Citizens Advice 0344 245 1291 Help and Care 0300 111 3303 Help and Care Dementia Co-ordinator Service 0300 1231916 The Leonardo Trust – Charity No: 1086045 01202 698325 Livewell Dorset - Memory Support & Advisory Service 0300 1231916 National Dementia Helpline 0300 2221122 NHS Helpline (Health advice) 111
Community Contacts Transport
Help & Support lines Important contacts