Living Well | Summer 2023

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Corfe Mullen, Ferndown, West Moors, Wimborne Dementia Groups and the surrounding area

Welcome to the seventh edition of Living Well magazine. Is it summer already? Our allotments are blooming, thanks to the recent rain (although while reading this we may be back to a heatwave)! Produce is passed to local foodbanks, so a community allotment growing for & giving back to the local community.

Each edition includes articles on local activities in Corfe Mullen, Ferndown, West Moors & Wimborne. We also feature a ‘What’s on in the surrounding area’ section. If you know of or run a group that you would like added to these listings, please do get in touch. New groups are being added all the time – so do have a read through.

Each issue aims to give an insight into dementia and offers guidance and signposting. However, this magazine is not just for those affected by dementia. We hope that this publication will help anyone who wishes to live well, stay active and support an inclusive community. What’s inside?

Inside this summer issue, you will find articles dedicated to living well. In addition to our usual ‘What’s on’ we have our Carer’s Conversation spot providing information about the wonderful Chat Café Local, Oakley Friends and Stress Busters groups. New editorial from the Memory Assessment Services (MAS), Wimborne Model Town Village giving us an insight to their wonderful attraction, a great article thanks to ProMedica providing information of all the care options available to us and a Coronation to Celebrate from our West Moors partners.

We would love to hear from you!

If you wish to contribute to this publication, please contact via

Contributions can include upcoming events, experiences, photographs or articles. If you have any questions, please do get in touch.

Thank you!

We would like to thank our new Partner and Sponsor – ProMedica Dorset & Hampshire. ProMedica have offered sponsorship for this issue and future issues of Living Well, allowing us to get to print for our seventh edition and secure its future! We couldn’t be more grateful, thank you.

We need your help – without advertisers or sponsorship, this magazine wouldn’t be possible. If you are interested in supporting the magazine please do get in touch –

Thank you to everyone who allows this publication to be placed in their premises for distribution. You are helping us to build an inclusive and knowledgeable community.

Best Regards

From the steering committee/publication partners of this magazine.



Emma Regan

Douch Family Funeral Directors / GCC Secretary

Michael Deane

Chair of Ferndown Dementia Friendly Town

Peter Jones

Chair of Corfe Mullen

Dementia Friendly Community / Growing Compassionate Communities Charity

Sue Tipping

Chair of Wimborne Dementia Friendly Community

Lynne Morris

Chair of West Moors Dementia Action Group


Production Manager Ben Pulford

Lead Designer Louis Pulford

Graphic Designer Dexter Elliott

Media Sales Simon Thornton

3 Dementia Friendly Communities
4 Memory Assessment Services 6 In Jolly Good Company 8 Care Options for people living with Dementia 11 What’s on in
12 What’s on in West Moors 15-16 What’s on in Ferndown 18-21 What’s on in Wimborne 23-26 What’s on in Surrounding Area 29 Wimborne Model Town / Coronation to Celebration 30 What is social prescribing? 32-33 Carers Conversation 34 Ferndown Dementia Friendly Town 35 Wimborne Dementia Friendly Community 36 Corfe Mullen Dementia Friendly Community 37 West Moors Dementia action group 38 Important contacts Contents Welcome This publication is sponsored by
Corfe Mullen

Memory Assessment Services (MAS)

The Memory Assessment Services (known as MAS) provided by Dorset Healthcare NHS Trust are the county-wide start of the Dementia Pathway in Dorset. MAS operates in three parts, the assessment and diagnosis part of the pathway, then the care coordination section which overarches the rest of their care, and the Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) part.

Diagnosis and assessment happens in MAS and may include a referral for a brain scan to a local hospital. Assessments are mainly carried out by health professionals in clinic or as a home visit and will always include some formal cognitive testing and gathering of comprehensive and collateral information.

Once all the information has been collected and evaluated, and the tests have been scored, a diagnosing practitioner will review the information to decide if a diagnosis of any kind of dementia is likely or not. The person may be referred for more testing with clinical psychology if the information is not clear or for another type of brain scan.

Those who have a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Dementia and are eligible may be offered a medication trial and supported to have this prescribing handed over to their GP when they are stable on it.

All those with a diagnosis of any dementia will be referred to Dementia Coordinators and these are provided by our partner organisation Help & Care. They will contact you by phone usually within ten days of your diagnosis and they can provide phone or face-to-face

support and coordination of care for anyone with a diagnosed dementia (or their carer/family) for the lifetime of their dementia needs, if appropriate and wanted by them. They will do at the very least an annual check-in with the person or their family / carer and can facilitate other referrals for help or treatment as needed or signpost to relevant resources.

Also, if the person is able to attend and participate in a six-week group therapy course, they are referred for Cognitive Stimulation Therapy with our other partner organisation Age UK. This is a group therapy for people who have a dementia designed to help promote cognitive health.

So, if you think you (or someone close to you) has started to develop memory problems it is very helpful if you can give specific instances of:

• What has changed? How is it different?

• How long it has been going on for?

• What was the first thing you noticed?

• Any family history of any dementia in your immediate family (parents or siblings)

When you talk to someone about your concerns a GP or health professional should insist that you have a specific set of blood tests done within six months of referring to us, so they can rule

out causes of thinking changes that might be due to physical or other causes such as alcohol use, other mental health problems or neurodegenerative conditions. Remember, not everyone that comes to MAS has a dementia, we can often rule this out rather than diagnose it! Don’t be afraid of our services! In MAS you should expect to be treated with respect and courtesy at all times, taking your confidentiality into account and being mindful of your individual needs. We need to collect a lot of information, and the testing needs to be very accurate to ensure we make the right diagnosis, so getting through our service to a diagnosis can sometimes take months, rather than weeks. This is something we are constantly working on, to reduce the waiting times for assessment and diagnosis but as with all health services we have been affected negatively by the pandemic and our waiting times are longer than we’d like them to be. Please bear with us, because getting the right outcome is paramount in our service!

Information about our DHC services and the other parts of the pathway can be found at https://www.dorsethealthcare. our-services-hospitals/ mental-health/patients-andvisitors-our-services-hospitalsmental-health-dementia

4 Dementia Friendly Communities Community

In Jolly Good Company

In Jolly Good Company would like to thank and celebrate all our volunteers who help us make the Jolly Days such a joy for our guests and their families. Their skills, hard work, kindness and commitment means that our small team can support as many people as possible. We now enjoy the company of nearly one hundred guests twice a month, we can only work with this many people because of our volunteer team.

Jolly Volunteers often say that they get a huge amount of joy and satisfaction from helping us at our Jolly Days. From helping us to set up at our venues before guests arrive, to making sure that everyone feels included and welcome and enabling people to enjoy and join in with our activities. Volunteers are at the heart of all things Jolly.

Jolly Days are fun, and we enjoy live music, art, poetry, craft, gardening, yoga, dance and much more. Jolly volunteers are encouraged to grow and develop and to bring their own skills and creativity with them. No experience is necessary, as In Jolly Good Company offer training and support as well as an annual ‘Thank you’ day which gives the chance to meet fellow volunteers from all our different groups. Volunteering is not only a way to ‘give back’, but an opportunity to meet new friends and feel part of a community.

If you would like to find out more about Jolly volunteering please contact:

Sarah Rampton Mobile: 07884 333117 sarah@

6 Dementia Friendly Communities Community
7 Dementia Friendly Communities

Care options for people living with dementia

There are several care options available for someone living with dementia. The most appropriate option depends on the individual’s needs, the stage of dementia, and the level of support required. Here are some common care options:

Live-In home care: Live-in care enables people to stay in their own home and receive the support they need from specially selected and trained carers. It can include personal care assistance, medication management, meal preparation, companionship and support with daily activities. Live-in care is particularly good for couples who wish to remain together in their familiar environment while receiving the necessary support. This is suitable for people with a wide range of ailments including memory impairment, Parkinson’s etc or for people who may be frail and their safety is uncertain. Great for rehabilitation following hospital stays.

Domiciliary care: This involves receiving care at home in blocks of time from 15 minutes plus per visit. This can be great when a little help is required and the person does not require round the clock support. This provides assistance with specific tasks such as personal care, meals and medication and support with appointments. Visiting care occurs at specific times of day or night and is ideal if help is needed with particular elements of life.

Residential care homes: Care homes are residential facilities that provide an environment for individuals who would benefit from help and support with daily living needs, such as personal

care, meals and medication. The staff are on hand 24 hours per day. Some have organised activity programs. Some have specific areas exclusively supporting people with memory impairment and dementia.

Assisted living/wardencontrolled facilities: These facilities provide purpose built housing with a call system back up for the warden. Some run social programs and activities. Adult day care centres: Adult day care centres provide a structured and supervised environment during the day. They offer social activities, meals, and personal care assistance for individuals with dementia and other conditions, while allowing family caregivers to have some respite. Great for stimulation and a change of scene.

Respite care: Respite care offers short-term care and relief to primary caregivers. It can be provided in various settings, including live-in home care, adult day care centres, or residential care homes. Respite care allows caregivers to take a vital break while ensuring the safety and wellbeing of the person with dementia or other conditions.

Skilled nursing facilities: Skilled nursing facilities, also known as nursing homes, provide 24-hour care for individuals with more advanced stages of dementia or complex medical needs. These facilities have a medical nurse on site and trained staff, a good option if medical supervision and support is required. Great for medical rehabilitation if needed.

Food delivery: When meal preparation starts to become

difficult , one solution could be meals delivered to the door. These may be freshly prepared or frozen with a wide menu choice which supports good nutrition. This can provide peace of mind for family members.

It’s important to assess the individual’s needs, consult with healthcare professionals, and consider the specific services and support provided by each care option to determine the most suitable choice for someone living with dementia. Support needs will change and changing service to suit is essential, getting the right support at the right time will enhance quality of life for all parties. It may be as simple as a good meal delivered to your door once a day.

When choosing a care provider it is worth choosing a company which is CQC (Care Quality Commission) registered and regulated for peace of mind.

8 Dementia Friendly Communities

What’s on in Corfe Mullen

We are Crafty Befriending Group

A friendly social group for everyone who loves to knit & natter, craft or colour. Held on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month from 10am-12noon.

St Nicholas Church, Corfe Mullen. Supported and run by The Douch Family Funeral Directors

Carers Support Group

Run by Growing Compassionate Communities. An opportunity to meet other carers and share experiences and provide mutual support. 2nd Friday of every month, 10am –12noon. Corfe Mullen library.

Community allotment

Run by Growing Compassionate Communities. Open to all groups by arrangement. Located at Pardys Hill Allotment site, Corfe Mullen. Contact Peter Jones on 07715 940548 for further information.

Coffee @ St Nic’s

The kitchen and welcome area are open Saturdays at St Nicholas church, for coffee and cake from 10am – 12noon. An opportunity to meet friends, chat, relax and take 10 minutes out. No need to book – just turn up.

St Nicholas Church, Wareham Road, Corfe Mullen.

SING at St Nic’s

Dementia-friendly singing for fun. Open to all regardless of ability. £3 per session including refreshments. Held on the last Tuesday of each month, 10.45am – 11.45am at St Nicholas Church, Wareham Road, Corfe Mullen. For more details, contact the parish office on 01202 602948 or just turn up.

Wellbeing Drop-In.

Run by Growing Compassionate Communities. An opportunity to ask questions, get advice and support as well as signposting and information available. No need to book. Just turn up. You will be made very welcome. 4th Friday of every month from 10am – 12noon. Corfe Mullen Village Hall.

Douch Family Bereavement Support Group

Are you living with bereavement or struggling to move forwards due to a loss? If so, you are invited to join our support group open to the community who feel they could benefit from meeting others and seeking professional, friendly support. 1st Tuesday of each month, 10.30am – 12noon. Contact Lesley Shand Funeral Service on 01202 658833 to book your place.

Community Lunch

An affordable hot nutritious meal joining with others in your community. A good way to have a great value meal away from home.  A community lunch provides an opportunity to meet with others outside of the home, providing the opportunity for social contact and interaction with the local community, fostering wellbeing and encouraging participation in other activities. Meets at St Nicholas Church, Wareham Road, Corfe Mullen during term time, Thursday from 12.15pm.

11 Dementia Friendly Communities
What’s on

What’s on in West Moors

In West Moors

Activity Resource Box: Puzzles and other games

West Moors Group have a box of puzzles and games suitable for people with dementia. These can be borrowed for a few days or a few weeks, as needed. We would just need contact details. If you are interested in borrowing any item please contact our Social Prescribers Pip or Rachel at cranevalleysocialprescribers@ to arrange to look and choose.

Community Sing-a-long

A fun and very enjoyable morning. All are welcome. 1st and 3rd Thursday each month at St Martins URC, Station Road (corner of Moorlands Road) BH22 0JW. 10.30am. Contact: Maggie - 07837 691496

Knit and Natter

A friendly group enjoying time together knitting and chatting. At the library every Monday & Tuesday. Booking essential.

2pm – 3.30pm.

Contact : WM Library - 01202 873272.

Adult Colouring

Lovely way to relax, enjoy some colouring and a coffee, and meet others. Booking essential. At the library on 2nd and 4th Thursday each month. 10.30 a.m. – 12 noon

Contact : WM Library - 01202 873272

Stress Busters

Carers Support Group

Led by ladies from West Moors and Ferndown. See the ‘What’s on in Ferndown’ section for more information.


Community Lunch and Friendship Club

Advanced booking needed, ample parking, transport also available. Weekly on Wednesdays at St Anthony's RC Church Hall, Pinehurst Road (corner Woolslope Rd). 11.15am - 3.30 p.m. Contact : Sylvia - 01202 892902

Memories, Tea and Me

A sociable warm space to chat with others over a cuppa. Held at the West Moors Library on the first Tuesday of each month. From 2.30pm – 3.30pm. For further details please contact West Moors Library on 01202 873272.

Forget-me-not Services

Relaxed, friendly, short service followed by tea & cake in the hall. Held quarterly at St Mary’s Parish Church, West Moors. 3pm start. Next services are being held on the 17th September and 19th November. For further details please contact Rev’d Lynne Morris on 01425 477470

Dementia Awareness sessions

Dementia Friends Awareness sessions can be arranged specifically for your business, club, church or organisation. It takes approx 45 minutes and gives some basic information about dementia, equipping us to better understand and support others. If you would like to book a date for your organisationContact:- Revd Lynne Morris - 01425 477470

Community Café

A community café for all, held at St Martins URC Church (corner of Moorlands Road), West Moors. Held on the last Wednesday of the month between 10.30am and 12noon.

12 Dementia Friendly Communities
What’s on
there are lots of great
to stimulate the body, mind and spirit.
14 Dementia Friendly Communities

What’s on in Ferndown


Are you living with bereavement or struggling to move forwards due to a loss? If so, you are invited to join our support group open to the community who feel they could benefit from meeting others and seeking professional, friendly support. Being held at the The Sheila Kendrick Suite, A E Jolliffe & Son on the 1st Thursday of each month from 11am - 12.30pm. Plenty of onsite parking available. Contact A E Jolliffe & Son on 01202 872050 to book your place.

Knit ‘n’ Natter

Held at the Ferndown Library every 2nd Tuesday of the month from 10am – 11.30am. For further details phone 01202 874542.

Bits ’n’ bytes

A digital advice group: 2:30-4:00pm, every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month and is a drop in session. 1:1 sessions with the digital champion is a bookable 45 mins slot running from 9:30 – 11:30am. This is booked on 01202 874542. Or people can just pop into the library and book.

Memory Lane

Memory Lane groups are for people with dementia or memory loss (no need for a diagnosis of dementia) - everyone is welcome to attend. These group sessions include games, quizzes, reminiscing, and refreshments in a warm and friendly environment. To book your space call Allen Kirkbride on 07549 018942.

Tuesday & Wednesday from 2pm – 4 pm St Mary’s Church, Church Road, Ferndown, BH22 9EU

Ferndown Carers

Are you caring for a relative or friend? Would you like to meet people in a similar situation? Would you like to gather information and advice? Would you like some time for yourself? Come along to Ferndown Carers Support Group. To book your place phone Carol Davies on 07736 133445.

1st Thursday of the month from 10.30 am – 12 noon St Mary’s Church, Church Road, Ferndown, BH22 9EU

Chat Café Local

The easiest way to make a friend and relieve loneliness. Held every day at Haskins Garden Centre, Longham, Ferndown. 9am to 5pm. More information can be found at www. and within our ‘Carers Conversation’ section of this magazine.

Memory Lane Group

Pramalife memory lane group support people living with dementia or memory loss and their carers. Join us for a social afternoon of reminiscing, friendship and support, everyone is welcome. Held at the Ferndown Centre, Barns Road, Ferndown, BH22 8XH. Every Thursday from 2pm –4pm. For further information please contact Allen Kirkbride. / 075490 18942. Booking is essential

Open Doors

Join us for our weekly coffee morning and informal service. Starting with tea/coffee and biscuits then scone with butter & jam. Finishing with an informal service with a short talk, hymn, and prayers. No booking is required. Cost £2 per session. Mondays from 10.30am – 12 noon St Mary’s Church, Ferndown – main hall Continued on

15 Dementia Friendly Communities
What’s on

What’s on

What’s on in Ferndown continued from p15

Stress Busters Carers Support Group

For carers of those with varying degrees of Dementia/Parkinson’s and other health issues. Led by four ladies from West Moors & Ferndown. We offer a warm welcome, cup of tea/coffee and occasional guest speaker. We meet on the 4th Tuesday of every month in The Beacon, Room 1, St Mary’s Church, Ferndown. 2pm – 3.30pm.

For further information please phone either Janet on 01202 875495 or Kath on 01202 892518.

Age UK Meet and Eat Clubs

Come and make new friends, enjoy a 2-course meal and refreshments and participate in some activities, such as quizzes, games and much more at our Meet and Eat Clubs. Transport is provided (BH22 and BH24 only). If you live outside of these areas you will need to arrange your own transport. Every Thursday 11am – 2pm - The Barrington Centre, Penny’s Walk, Ferndown, BH22 9TH

For more information please call 01202 530530.

Carers Afternoon Tea

An afternoon tea for carers held at Parley Place Barchester Care Home, West Parley from 2pm3.30pm. Dates: 25th September, 27th November. To book please contact Rachel on 07462 521670 or email

PramaLIFE Ferndown Craft Group

Come and enjoy crafting, making new friends and learning something new. Have a go at different craft activities and projects or bring your own! 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month from 10am – 12noon. Held at the Ferndown Village Hall meeting room (not main hall), Church Road, Ferndown, BH22 9ET. Admission £5 to cover refreshments and basic craft materials. For more information, please contact Hazel on 01202 914127

PramaLIFE Otago Balance Class

A class to improve your strength and balance and prevent the risk of falls. Run by ‘Allsorts Rehab Fitness’. Every Monday from 12.45pm – 1.30pm. Held at St Marys Church Beacon Room, Church Road, Ferndown, BH22 9EU. £8 pay as you go or £6 pay in advance. To book, contact Jo on 07970 886393, email allsortsrehabfitness. Booking in advance is required.

Ecotherapy sessions

Dorset Mind will be running - ecotherapy sessions as part of their Eco In Mind service at Ferndown Growing Compassionate Communities allotment. Summer sessions are as follows: Every Monday - 10.30am -11.30am adults (Self-referral through the Dorset mind website or referral from a supporting service) Running through the summer. 11.30am-12.30pm & 1pm-2pm Family sessions (up to 4-5 members of one family including young people over the age of 11 years). At least one family member needs to be registered with Eco in Mind to support their mental wellbeing, with the additional benefit of spending time with family members growing vegetables, connecting with nature and engaging in naturebased art. July 24th, August 7th & 21st only. Additional criteria - please contact Eco in Mind for further details. Email:

Suggested £5 donation per session as the whole family will get to take away nature-based arts such as a positive pebble painting, sun catcher and stain glass window, terracotta pot and herb seeds and a mini milk bottle green house to grow lettuce at home.

CAREUK, Ferndown Manor Community Gardening Club

Do you have green fingers? We’d love you to join us for our monthly gardening club, working alongside the residents to help us manage and maintain our beautiful gardens at Ferndown Manor. It’s a great way to relax, keep active and meet others with the same passion for gardening. Complimentary drinks and cake will be available. Every second Thursday of the month from 1pm – 3.30pm. Held at Ferndown Manor Care Home, 110 Golf Links Road, Ferndown, BH22 8DA. To attend please call 01202 124861 or email

CAREUK, Ferndown Manor

‘Come dine with us’

Join us for a delicious meal, activities, entertainment and the chance to make new friends. In partnership with PramaLIFE, Care UK would like to invite members of the local community who feel isolated or alone for an afternoon of entertainment and afternoon tea. The last Thursday of each month from 12.15pm. Booking is essential so to attend please call 01202 124861 or email robin@careuk. com. Held at Ferndown Manor Care Home, 110 Golf Links Road, Ferndown, BH22 8DA.

16 Dementia Friendly Communities

What’s on in Wimborne

Step Outside

Allotment gardening group at Kingston Lacy

Allotments, BH21 4EG. 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month 2pm – 4pm, Contact Sarah Rampton on 07884 333117 or

Jolly Days at Wimborne St Giles

JOLLY DAYS are an opportunity to meet people and join in activities such as music, art and crafts. Refreshments included. First and third Mondays of the month at Wimborne St Giles Village Hall BH21 5LX 12 noon – 4pm.

Jolly Days at Wimborne

1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month in Museum of East Dorset, 23 – 29 High Street, Wimborne, BH21 1HR. 2pm-4pm. There is a voluntary contribution to cover the cost of refreshments and materials. Pre –booking essential, contact Sarah Rampton on 07884333117 or email

Craft and Chat Afternoon

Is a chance to meet people, be inspired to try a different craft and have a good natter. Museum of East Dorset, 23 – 29 High Street, Wimborne BH21 1HR on the 3rd Monday of the month, 2.30pm – 4pm. To book visit the website: or call 01202 886116

Memory Lane

Social time, activities, advice and support at Howell House, Middlehill Road, Colehill, Wimborne BH21 2EY. Thursdays from 2pm –4pm, £2 per session. Contact Carol Davies at PramaLife on 01202 207300 or 07736 133445

Strictly Come Tea Dancing

At the Allendale Centre Wimborne, 1st Wednesday of the month, 2.30pm Dancing to live music provided by the Soggy Biscuit Dance Band, who play Dance Tempo, Ballroom, Latin and ‘Oldtime’ numbers. Entrance fee: £7.50 per person / £5.00 per person for non-dancers / £2.50 per person for groups of 4+ from lunch clubs or care homes.

Film Club

The best of the old classic films, at the Allendale Centre, Hanham Road, Wimborne BH21 1AS. Contact 01202 887247 or visit the website:


Are you living with bereavement or struggling to move forwards due to a loss? If so, you are invited to join our support group open to the community who feel they could benefit from meeting others and seeking professional, friendly support. Being held at Merley Community Centre, Harrier Drive, Merley, Wimborne, BH21 1XE. Being held on the first Tuesday of each month from 1.30pm.

18 Dementia Friendly Communities What’s on
Continued on p21
19 Dementia Friendly Communities
20 Dementia Friendly Communities

What’s on in Wimborne continued from p18

Lunches and light refreshments

Lunch club at Harleston House

Come along and enjoy a delicious two course homecooked meal, meet new friends and catch up with old ones. Everyone is welcome and it is only £6 per session. Held every Thursday at 12pm. Harleston Villas, St Johns Hill, Wimborne, BH21 1DB. Book directly with a member of staff at Harleston House: 01202 882067.

Lunch and Chat

Church House Lounge, High Street Wimborne BH21 1HT. Fridays 12noon – 1.30pm. Contact Anne Pollard

Colehill Community Café

St Michael’s Church Centre, Colehill Lane, Wimborne BH21 7AB. Coffee and cake from 11am and light lunches served Wednesdays from 12noon – 1.30pm. Contact St Michael’s Church office 01202 841677

Methodist Church

Coffee Lounge - 4A King Street, Wimborne BH21 1DY. Monday – Friday 10am –12noon. Contact 01202 884474

Chat Café Local

The easiest way to make a friend and relieve loneliness. Held every day at The Café, Allendale Centre. 9am to 5pm. More information can be found at and within our ‘Carers Conversation’ section of this magazine.

Activities offered by Brendoncare

Wimborne Kurling

At the Community Learning and Resource Centre, 41-44 King Street, Wimborne BH21

1EB Wednesdays 10.30 – 12noon. Contact Brendoncare on 01962 852133

Carer support

Oakley Friends

A ten week free information course for those caring for someone with dementia, twice yearly starting April and September. Also meetings for friendly support last Wednesday of each month

10.30am – 12noon. Contact The Leonardo Trust on 01202 698325 or

Wimborne Carers’ Group

This is a monthly support group that provides informal chat over refreshments with regular guest speakers. It takes place at St John’s Church Hall, in partnership with Prama. Leigh Road, Wimborne, BH21 1AE. Held on the 3rd Friday of the month. 10.30am – 12noon. Further information please phone 07736 133445 or email to

Activity offered by Age UK

Cognitive Stimulation Therapy

Is a programme of themed activities carried out over a 14 week period in small groups. It is a brief treatment for people diagnosed with mild to moderate dementia, which is proven to initially slow its progress and improve quality of life. Details can be found at Held on Thursdays from 1.30pm – 3pm at St Catherines Church Hall, Wimborne. There is a “Maintaining” course on Tuesdays 1.30 – 3.30pm at the same venue.

21 Dementia Friendly Communities What’s on
22 Dementia Friendly Communities

What’s on in the Surrounding Area

Carers drop in advice surgery

Run by Growing Compassionate Communities. Open to all older people wanting information, support signposting or just want to pop in for a chat. 3rd Thursday of every month, 10am –12noon. Broadstone Library.

Carpet Bowls

Run by the charity – Growing Compassionate Communities. Come and join us for Carpet Bowls at the Broadstone War Memorial Hall. A much-loved event previously held at Corfe Mullen Village Hall pre pandemic, we are thrilled to be starting up again. Everybody welcome – fun and refreshments supplied! Being held on the 2nd Thursday of the month from 2pm - 4pm. For further information please contact Peter Jones on 07856 579750

Carers Afternoon Tea

Afternoon tea for carers being held at the Verwood Memorial Hall, Ringwood Road, BH31 7AA Being held on the following Mondays – 29th August, 23rd October, 18th December from 2pm - 3.30pm. To book please contact Rachel on 07462 521670 or email

Dementia Café

Join us at our monthly dementia café where we offer support and practical advice to carers, families and people living with dementia. Free hot drinks and biscuits. Held at The Potteries Care Home, Poole. The last Tuesday of each month from 2pm – 3.30pm. Booking essential so please call 01202 069792 or email caroline. to secure your place

Adult Colouring

A lovely social group being held at the Verwood Library, 1 Manor Road, Verwood BH31 6DS. On the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month from 2.15pm – 3.45pm. For further information please contact the Verwood Library on 01202 822972

Music for the Mind

4th Monday each month, 2pm - 3.30pm. Being held at St Michaels Church Meeting Room, Verwood, BH31 6DZ. For further details or how to book please contact email or check out the website

The Potteries Dog Cafe

Join us at our monthly dog cafe with your fourlegged friend and enjoy hot drinks and homemade cakes prepared by our talented chefs. Meet other dog owners in the local community and learn more about caring for your pet from our guest speakers. Special ‘pup-cake’ treats for all canine companions as well. Every second Wednesday of each month from 10.30am - 12noon. To attend call 01202 124885 or email

Knit & Natter

Please join us for a knit and natter at the Verwood Library, 1 Manor Road, Verwood BH31 6BS. Being held on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month from 2.15pm – 3.45pm. For further information please contact the Verwood Library on 01202 822972

Movie Club

2nd Wednesday each month at 2.30pm. Being held at St Michaels Church Meeting Room, Verwood, BH31 6DZ. For further details or how to book please contact email or check out the website

Ann’s Wednesday Work Out

For carers and those living with memory loss. Meet new friends and stay healthy at the same time Being held on the first Wednesday of each month. 11.00am for 45 minutes followed by refreshments. Being held at St Michael’s Church Meeting Room, Verwood, BH31 6DZ. For further details or how to book please contact email or check out the website

Workout for the Mind

Being held on the 3rd Wednesday each month 11am- 12.15pm at St Michaels Church Meeting Room, Verwood BH31 6DZ. For further details or how to book please contact email or check out the website

23 Dementia Friendly Communities What’s on
Continued on p24

What’s on in the surrounding area continued from p23

Dementia Friendly Church Services

A short traditional service at St Michael’s Parish Church in Verwood. Held quarterly on Wednesdays at 11am, followed by a shared lunch.

11th October – Harvest service.

13th December – Christmas service.

All Souls Service

A reflective service remembering loved ones we ‘see no longer’. St Michael’s Parish Church, Verwood. Saturday 4th November at 3pm. Followed by refreshments.

Cuppa and Company

A Perfect antidote to being alone or in need of company. A well attended, friendly group. Held at Verwood Library every Tuesday from 2.15pm – 4.15pm.

Age UK - Meet and Eat Clubs

Come and make new friends, enjoy a 2-course meal and refreshments and participate in some activities, such as quizzes, games and much more at our Meet and Eat Clubs. Transport is provided (BH22 and BH24 only). If you live outside of these areas you will need to arrange your own transport.Every Tuesday 11am – 2:30pm - Braeside Village Hall, Braeside Road, St Leonards, Ringwood, BH24 2PH. For more information please call 01202 530530.

From Brendoncare

People interested should call our club number on 01962 852133 or visit our website for more information

Bearwood Kurling Club

No two sessions are the same when you take part in this fun, accessible past-time! Kurling is an inclusive sport which can be played by people of all ages and abilities. As long as you enjoy making friends and having a good catch-up afterwards over a brew, you would be very welcome Monday 1.30pm – 3pm Bearwood Community Centre, King Johns Avenue,Bournemouth, Dorset BH11 9TF

Westbourne Pub Club

It’s easy to make new friendships at this Dorsetbased social club. A warm welcome is always on offer, along with plenty of tea and coffee, to everyone within the Westbourne Community. Our volunteers provide optional games and quizzes where fun is always on the agenda

Thursday 10.30 am – 12pm

The Westbourne Pub,45 Poole Road,Bournemouth Dorset BH4 9DN

Winton Friendship Group

There are always activities on offer at this lovely variety club, from team quizzes, bingo and beetle drive, to dancing, singing and local speakers. We truly offer something for everyone, including a very warm welcome and the chance to make new friends

Monday 2pm to 3.30pm

St Luke’s Church hall, St Luke’s Church, St Luke’s Road, Winton BH3 7LR

Blandford Kurling Club

No two sessions are the same when you take part in this fun, accessible past-time! Kurling is an inclusive sport which can be played by people of all ages and abilities. As long as you enjoy making friends and having a good catch-up afterwards over a brew, you would be very welcome

Wednesday 10.30 to 12 noon

Blandford Methodist Church

The Close, Blandford, DT11 7HA

Moordown Kurling Club

Would you like to do something more physical? This fun and friendly competition could be the club for you. No two sessions are the same when you take part in this fun, accessible past-time! Kurling is an inclusive sport which can be played by people of all ages and abilities. After the fun catch up with friends over refreshments

Saturdays 10.30-12 noon

Moordown Community Centre

21 Coronation Avenue BH9 1TW

Westbourne Kurling Club

Join us for a game of Kurling, fun and friendly this game can be played by all. Afterwards enjoy a catch up with friends over refreshments.

Saturday 1.30 – 3pm

West Cliff Baptist Church, Poole Road, Westbourne, Bournemouth, BH4 9DN

Get Together Southbourne

There are always activities on offer at this lovely variety club, from team quizzes, bingo and beetle drive, to dancing, singing and local speakers. We truly offer something for everyone, including a very warm welcome and the chance to make new friends over refreshments. Thursday from 1.30pm to 3pm

Immanuel Church Hall, 120 Southbourne Road, Southbourne, BH6 3QJ.

24 Dementia Friendly Communities What’s on
Continued on p26

From Prama

Parley Place Carers café

An opportunity for carers to meet at the Parley Place Barchester Care Home. Meeting on the 4th Thursday of the month from 10.30am – 12noon. Parley Place Care Home, 300 Christchurch Road, West Parley, BH22 8SL. For further details please contact Michelle Venn on 07423 635342.

Carers group - St Leonards.

Held at Moors Manor Care Home, 243 Ringwood Road, St Leonards, BH24 2DW 3rd Tuesday of each month from 10.30 am -12 noon. 01202 863610

Memory Lane Group

The Old Rope Walk, Blandford Rd, Hamworthy, BH15 4AU

Mondays Weekly £2

2 - 4pm Margaret Reeks - 07999 402155

Memory Lane Group

The Beacon Church, Mitchell Road, Canford Heath, BH17 8UE Wednesday Weekly £2 2 - 4pm Sue 07999 402162

Carers Support Group

St Dunstan’s Church Lounge, Poole Road, Upton, BH16 5JA Monthly - 4th Weds free 2 - 3.30pm Bridget - 01202 207310

Musical Memories

Sherrin Close, Oakdale, Poole BH15 3DZ

Thursday Weekly £2, 2 – 4pm Bridget - 01202 207310

Memory Lane Group

Alderney Community Centre, 287 Herbert Avenue, BH12 4HT Friday Weekly £2 2 - 4pm Diane –07999 402161

Memory Lane Group

Held every Tuesday from 2pm-4pm, at the Christchurch Creekmoor Church, 28 Northmead Drive, BH17 7XZ. £2 per session.

Memory Lane Group

Museum Memories Group The Old Rope Walk, Blandford Rd, Hamworthy BH15 4AU Friday Weekly £2 2-4pm Sue Parsons 07999 402162

Sporting Memories Group

Alderney Community Centre, 287 Herbert Ave, BH12 4HT Alternate Saturdays free 10 - 12 noon Bridget01202 207310 Judith Bacon 07538 502740

Memory Lane Immanuel

Tuesday Weekly (not August) 2pm. £2.50, carers free Sally Nevitt 01202 419506

Carers Support Group Immanuel

Monthly – 1st Thursday 2pm Free Sally Nevitt 01202 419506

Memory Lane

St Marks, Talbot Village 3rd Tuesday 2pm-4pm Sally Nevitt 01202 419506

Memory Lane

Life Centre, Wimborne Road, BH9 2AU Wednesday Weekly 2pm-4pm £2 Tess 07912 272077

Memory Lane

Kinson Community Centre, BH10 7LH Thursday Weekly 2 - 4pm £2 Tess – 07912 272077

Memory Lane @ Pokesdown

St James Church Annexe, Pokesdown, BH7 6DW Monthly – 1st Saturday 10.30am – 12pm donations Ruth Crosland – 01202 474067


Would you be interested in a gentle walk with places to pause along the way? We are looking at possibly introducing some safe walks near Gullivers Farm Shop, West Moors and could enjoy a cuppa together after the walk. If you are interested please get in touch. Contact : Alex - 01202 894913

Avon Heath Country Park

A guided walk led by knowledgeable and friendly volunteers. Leave the visitor centre every Tuesday at 2pm. The walking trails are along hard gravel, hard dirt or sandy tracks – your walking shoes won’t get covered in mud! You have the choice to join a 30 minute or 1 hour session. For further information please contact Avon Heath Country Park. Both walks begin from the Visitor Centre. Walking is recognised as an ideal form of exercise for all ages and fitness levels who want to be more active. It can improve your immune system, reduce blood pressure and anxiety and improve mood. This is all being reflected locally by health professionals prescribing outdoor exercise through Active4Health. Come and join us. Give it a try. If this is your first time, or for more information: Contact: Avon Heath Country Park 01425 478082. For more walking and other outdoor activity information in surrounding areas, go to

26 Dementia Friendly Communities What’s on
What’s on in the surrounding area continued from p24
28 Dementia Friendly Communities

Wimborne Model Town Special!

Your entry ticket gives you unlimited visits for a whole year!

- advertising feature

Discover historic Wimborne as it was in the 1950s. Take a free quiz to guide you around this fascinating diorama, with over 100 miniature shops and businesses at 1/10 scale. Peek through the windows to see the hotel rooms, complete with televisions, see the goods for sale in the shop windows, and listen out for the telephone and flushing toilets! Don’t forget to look for the wedding taking place in the Minster. The model town is set in our lovely NGS listed gardens. New for this year, enjoy the scents, textures and beauty of our sensory gardens, and create your own music on our outdoor Musical Instruments.

Meet the Wareham Bears, who are always up to mischief. Drive a train in the Model Railways, discover “Life Before Lego” and wonder at the detail in the Beryl Dade Dolls’ House Collection. Play a game of Crazy Golf for a small charge!

Our tea room offers hot and cold drinks, delicious home-made cakes and lunches.

Accessible for wheelchairs, groups are welcome by arrangement.


Coronation to Celebration

The Coronation of King Charles III provided a dazzling opportunity for staff and residents of Moors Manor Care Home in St Leonards, Ringwood to raise some much needed funds for the local West Moors Dementia Action Group.

The Moors Manor challenge was to take part in a sponsored bike ride from St Leonards to Buckingham Palace, on a static bike. The event began at 5.30 a.m. and staff, supporters and relatives all took turns to cycle the 88 miles to London. Residents also joined in using the seated pedals and achieved a fair few miles between them.

Moors Manor Care Home raised a grand total of £420 by completing the challenge and a giant cheque was presented to Lynne Morris from the Dementia Action Group, with balloons in celebration being bounced around.

Jenna May, at Moors Manor Care Home, said: “Taking part in fundraising for our local Dementia Action Group has been a huge amount of fun and everyone at the home has been behind us all the

way. It’s for such an important cause and one very close to our hearts here at Moors Manor. We’re very glad to be able to do our bit to raise further awareness and money for this important community group.” Lynne said “The Dementia Action Group are absolutely thrilled and very grateful for the funds so desperately needed within the local community”.


What is social prescribing?

Crane Valley Primary Care Network Team

Crane Valley Primary Care Network has 3 Social Prescribers in post, Pip, Rachel & Seprina working with patients registered at The Barcellos family Practice, The Cranborne Practice, The Verwood Surgery and West Moors Village Surgery. You can make contact through the GP surgeries within the Crane Valley network.

The team work closely with the local voluntary run clubs and groups to offer patients a diverse array of activities to help people re-engage with the community and feel less isolated, lonely, anxious or depressed. The team are also able to offer signposting to organisations that could help people with debt, housing, care, bereavement, exercise, weight management etc..

Recognising that people’s health and wellbeing are determined mostly by a range of social, economic and environmental factors, social prescribing seeks to address people’s needs in a holistic way. It also aims to support individuals to take greater control of their own health.

Social prescribing is designed to support people with a wide range of social, emotional or practical needs, and many schemes are focused on improving mental health and physical wellbeing.

Schemes delivering social prescribing can involve a range of activities that are typically provided by voluntary and community sector organisations. Examples include volunteering, arts activities, group learning, gardening, befriending, cookery, healthy eating advice and a range of sports.

Social prescribing is about having a conversation about you to discover what matters to you.

For more information please visit personalisedcare/social-prescribing/

Poole North PCN

The Poole North social prescribing team can be contacted through the GP surgeries within the Poole North PCN. This includes The Hadleigh Practice, The Harvey Practice, Birchwood Practice and Canford Heath Group Practice.

Wimborne and Ferndown PCN

This PCN covers the Wimborne and Ferndown areas. The social prescribing team can be contacted via the GP surgeries including Old Dispensary Surgery, Walford Mill Medical Centre, Quarterjack Surgery in Wimborne, and Penny’s Hill Surgery and Orchid House Surgery in Ferndown.

30 Dementia Friendly Communities
Social prescribing, also sometimes known as community referral, is a means of enabling health professionals to refer people to a range of local, nonclinical services. The referrals generally, but not exclusively, come from professionals working in primary care settings, for example, GPs or practice nurses.
“What matters to you?”

The Herbert Protocol –Explained

The initiative is named after George Herbert, a war veteran of the Normandy landings, who lived with dementia. He died whilst ‘missing’, trying to find his childhood home.

If you believe a person has gone missing and are concerned for their safety, call the police on 999 and tell the police operator that you have a Herbert Protocol.

We would like to be able to list what towns or villages have a ‘safe haven’ under the Herbert Protocol scheme. This is somewhere safe that has been agreed with the local police force. Somewhere to take the person to while the police are looking into locating a family member or home.

We are happy to confirm Corfe Mullen and Wimborne have a scheme in place. Does your town or village? Contact us and we can list in our next edition. Email community@ – we want to hear from you.

This information has been derived from the Dorset Police website - https://www.dorset. missing-person-withdementia/

31 Dementia Friendly Communities Community
The Herbert Protocol is a simple risk reduction tool to help the police in their search for people with dementia who go missing.  It encourages carers or family members of adults living with dementia to collate information on those who are vulnerable on to the Herbert Protocol form, which can be given to the police if they go missing.
When a person goes missing, it is very distressing for family and friends and can be even more worrying when the missing person has dementia.

Chat Cafe Local

Chatting and belonging is the answer to loneliness and at Chat Cafe Local that is what we want everyone to do and feel.

It’s been difficult isolating and returning to this awkward era of ‘awkward’ but at chat clubs there is none of that. We just do what is normal, have coffee with friends. Everyone is welcome to come and no one needs to worry about crossing the threshold because lovely local volunteers are looking out for you and will introduce themselves to you.  Sometimes there are five people, sometimes ten around the tables, but our most common denominator is everyone is lovely, interesting, friendly and we are chat clubbers who care.

There is no pressure to talk, some people just like having company, but by coming you are beginning to belong in Post Lockdown life.

There are 13 chat clubs in 7 towns to choose from and they run 6 days a week and once a month all 7 towns meet together for a nature day out.

Sometimes in chat club we have guest health/wellbeing and cancer prevention speakers, but if you need a bit of support and don’t know where to look, let us know and we will help find out for you.

Happy to Chat pin badges can be picked up at one of our 30 Chat Cafe Local cafes who care.  These help connect you with other members in the street or on the bus, but if you are not feeling confident enough for that,  don’t worry - you can sign up at, become a member and the newsletter and badge will be sent to you.

We are a charity that believes everyone can move from denial that they are lonely to taking action to relieve one’s loneliness problem.  We know there is no shame in loneliness, that began with Noah’s Ark setting a stereotype.

Life is meant to be lived, so let’s do that like the other earlier members who 90% state – “My mental health has improved since coming to chat club.”

Stress Busters

Stress Busters are four ladies from West Moors and Ferndown who met through our husband’s attending a local dementia group in Ferndown.

Our husbands then joined a new Memory Lane group run by Prama Life held in St Mary’s Church, Ferndown. The four of us met every Tuesday for coffee and a heartfelt chat when we can discuss our husband’s journey on this cruel disease. Over the past year we have helped each other with advice, support and practical solutions.

We were then approached by Prama Life to see if we could offer support and help to others just starting this long journey and of course we said “yes”.

We meet every fourth Tuesday 2pm to 3.30pm for coffee/tea in The Beacon, St Mary’s Church, Ferndown - Room 1 where we welcome new members to our group. We offer support and signpost them to appropriate support agencies and departments, leaning on the experiences we have all gone through which are changing daily. Our carers group is kindly funded by The Leonardo Trust.

We try to have a speaker every month but if not, we sit and talk to each other and offer much needed support on our ongoing issues. Just having someone to listen is sometimes all you need.

For a list of confirmed speakers please see What’s on in Ferndown, If you are a carer, come and join our very friendly group where you will be warmly welcomed by us all, but remember above all you are doing an amazing job so be kind to yourself and find time for you.

32 Dementia Friendly Communities Carers Conversation
The easiest way to make a friend and relieve loneliness | chatcafelocal_ | 07597, 859559.

Oakley Friends

Oakley Friends is a 10 week course for carers of those living with Dementia. Each week there is a speaker covering a range of topics such as Memory Assessment, Support Services, Equipment Available, Incontinence, Benefits and Legal Matters. Oakley Friends is funded by the Leonardo Trust, the local charity supporting carers, and the course is delivered by PramaLife. I am not a carer but, as Chair of Wimborne Dementia Friendly Community, I asked if I could attend the course.

Each week starts with coffee and biscuits and time to chat. This is invaluable as so many carers feel isolated and trapped. They discuss how things have been for them during the week and are given time to share their experiences. New friendships are made, and ideas shared. At the very first meeting I chatted to 2 ladies who had not seen Living Well magazine as they live in the Cranborne area. Hopefully we have resolved that for them. Everyone is made to feel so welcome. Sue Warr leads the sessions and at the first meeting she said that course members can leave their phones on, in case they are called away to an emergency. Nobody will mind if this happens. We will all understand. I could feel everyone relax when she said this, and it set the tone for the whole course.

Each week there are notices and information to share. One of the course members provided a “Tip of the week”. This is an idea she has used to help her manage her loved one and included such things as a “whoopsie bib” to wear at mealtimes and a blackboard with the plan for the day. She has now put all these ideas into a booklet which is available to all course members.

The course is extremely successful, and all participants were full of praise. The support it offers is invaluable. They help each other. Here are some of the comments I heard:

Thank God I found this group.

You are on your own when you are battling but you have to keep on battling.

This is the new normal.

You’ve got to just try to be strong and carry on.

It’s like having a young child.

You need to talk to someone about it.

I am constantly challenged by what I am doing. I have to accept the challenges and walk away.

I’ve learnt so much and made so many friends.

There are men as well as women who are carers. One man who lost his wife to dementia and now supports others described how he felt while caring for her:

It can be difficult for blokes to open up and find someone to talk to.

I look like a hard man but I was like marshmallow.

I was on alert 24 hours a day.

Men don’t naturally go to support groups.

The support does not end when the course is over. There are regular coffee mornings so carers can continue to meet up and there are visits to Care Homes. Many of the carers I spoke to were arranging to meet with other carers in their homes or in cafes.

I was so impressed with everything I heard and saw. Nobody needs to feel alone when they are caring for a loved one with Dementia. There is so much support out there. Take it!

33 Dementia Friendly Communities
“ “ “ “ Carers Conversation


Dementia is a disease that can affect anyone at any time, young and old.

The very minimum requirement of the Ferndown Dementia Friendly Town Steering group, which is part of the larger Growing Compassionate Community Group, is to understand what it is like to live with dementia not only for those diagnosed, but for their carers too, and to try and help make life a little easier, or the services available more accessible.

It is essential to find out more from those with dementia, and their families and carers, about the experiences of living in our community, where they feel supported and where improvements can be made. This feedback can and will direct the actions of the steering group. Please feel free to email me on with any comments, concerns or questions you may have. Moving forward, over the coming months, part of the groups objective is to raise money that will be spent locally in supporting carers and family’s of loved ones affected by this cruel disease. We have a volunteer who is running on our behalf in the Bournemouth 10K run in October, along with a planned Christmas party for carers and families and are in the process of setting up a Go Fundme link and QR code on our FaceBook page where donations will be greatly appreciated. As always many thanks to everyone for your support.

34 Dementia Friendly Communities
Ferndown Dementia Friendly Town Steering Group
here to donate to FDFT


Wimborne Dementia Friendly Community (WDFC) was founded in 2013 with the aim of raising awareness of dementia across the town, and to ensure that the voices of people living with dementia, their carers and families are heard.

One of the first actions taken by WDFC was to visit every retail outlet in the town with an information pack to help their business become dementia friendly. We regularly arrange Dementia Awareness Training for businesses and organisations in the town so that their staff are aware of the needs of people living with dementia, have a better understanding of the condition and know how to support them and their carers.

WDFC supports three flagship

projects: firstly, the Step Outside gardening group at the Kingston Lacy allotments. WDFC funds an experienced facilitator which enables the group to meet twice monthly. The second project is Jolly Days, which now takes place in the Museum of East Dorset in Wimborne town centre, as well as in Wimborne St Giles. Jolly Days are an opportunity to meet people and join in activities, such as music, art and crafts in a safe and friendly environment. The third major initiative was to raise funds for the purchase of a Magic Table which offers a series of interactive light games for people with midto late-stage dementia. The Magic Table is based at Streets Meadow care home and is available for hire by community groups.

In May 2023 we had a

display and information table in the Allendale Centre and also outside Waitrose in Wimborne during Dementia Action Week. The aim was to raise awareness of dementia and to promote the activities that take place in the town. We also placed a knitted ”forget me not” cover on the post box in the centre of town, which instigated a lot of interest and conversation. We find that so many people in our town know someone who is living with dementia, but they do not always realise there is so much support available.

We take every opportunity to raise awareness of dementia among the local community and to do what we can to support those living with dementia and their carers.

35 Dementia Friendly Communities
Wimborne Dementia Friendly Community


Dear Friends,

Welcome to summer. I would like to share some reflections on Dementia action week in Corfe Mullen.

Dementia action week in Corfe Mullen culminated in the Bournemouth symphony Orchestra cake concert held at St Nicholas church. We had over 50 people attending the event. Following the concert, we asked for people to provide some feedback. We asked 2 questions.

How has coming to the concert benefitted you?

• I was able to leave my care home for the afternoon.

• Very uplifting

• Happy

• Very therapeutic lovely music by lovely musicians, lovely programme

• Enriched musical knowledge pleasure and experience.

How did the music make you feel?

• Calm and peaceful. I thought of fields.

• That we are not alone.

• Lovely music and fellowship

• Good company, kind helpful support, we are lucky to have BSO available.

• We feel we belong to the cake concert community.

• Because it was upbeat, it lifted the spirit and cheered me up To receive this sort of positive feedback is immensely encouraging to our team of volunteers and supporters. Comments like this not only shape our vision and mission but they are a deep source of hope. Hope is a core principle that underpins the Growing Compassionate Communities mission.

You can visualise hope rising in the hearts of the people. A community choir has been on our roadmap for some time. We are now seeking to collaborate with several people and communities to make this a reality. All are welcome to join the choir.

A quote to ponder:

“Hope is like the sun, which, as we journey toward it, casts the shadow of our burden behind us.” Samuel Smiles

Go well.

Dementia Friendly Community


Find Joy in Each Day

It may seem strange in August reflecting back to last Christmas, but my husband was given a mug as a gift with the words on it saying: FIND JOY IN EACH DAY. He has the mug in his study and I managed to rescue the box it came in with the same colourful words on it. That now sits in my study.

I find this a really positive statement and each time I glance at it, no matter what challenges or difficulties I may be facing, it helps me to look for something positive.

Some of our daily challenges and frustrations, whatever they are, can begin to overwhelm

us - so a pause to look at these words and reflect on them could help break that negative cycle. Whoever we are, and whatever our circumstances, we all need to be gentle on ourselves and look for a moment of joy in each day. A beautiful flower seen from our window, the help of someone who cares, a good book we are reading, a smile… Helping our communities become dementia friendly is what most people would want. And, if our communities are dementia friendly they are almost certainly going to be friendly to people’s other needs and disabilities as well. It is good for us all. A win-win situation.

The West Moors Group have recently reviewed and produced an updated generic leaflet for the community with the hope of helping to raise awareness of dementia and other needs. We hope to get these out and available to as many people as possible.

In West Moors we had very good support from the shops and businesses for National Dementia Action Week in May. They willingly displayed posters, for which we are very grateful. From the inception of the West Moors Group in 2015 we have aimed to create a community where people living with dementia feel safe, and where local shops, businesses and residents have a basic understanding of how dementia can affect people. We are constantly looking for ways to develop a high level of public awareness and understanding. Do get in touch if you have any ideas and/or are able to help in any way.

For all of us to live well, it certainly helps to be mixing with other people, and in contact with the wider community. There are many events and activities that are available. Do check out the ‘What’s On’ pages. Make the most of these summer months and try to get out as much as you are able. Enjoy !

37 Dementia Friendly Communities
West Moors Dementia Action Group

Important contacts

Help & Support lines

Community Contacts

38 Dementia Friendly Communities Age UK 0800 678 1174 Alzheimer’s Society - Carers Support Dorset 0800 368 8349 Crane Valley Network Social Prescribers - @castlemansocialprescribers Crisp 01202 128787 Dorset Mind 01202 551660 Dorset Open Door ‘Supporting Bereavement Together’ 01305 361 361 East Dorset Citizens Advice 0344 2451291 Help and Care 0300 111 3303 Help and Care Dementia Co-ordinator Service 0300 1231916 The Leonardo Trust – Charity No: 1086045 01202 698325 Livewell Dorset - Memory Support & Advisory Service 0300 1231916 National Dementia Helpline 0300 2221122 NHS Helpline (Covid advice) 119 NHS Helpline (Health advice) 111 Corfe Mullen Dementia Friendly Community 07715 940548 Peter Jones/ East Dorset Good Neighbours 07856 579750 Ferndown Community Support CIC 01202 936121 Ferndown Dementia Friendly Community - @Ferndowndementiafriendlytown Growing Compassionate Communities 07715 940548 Oakley Friends - Carer Support – Charity No: 1047919 01202 698325 Reach & Care 07715 940548 Peter Jones/ West Moors Carers Group - Alison 01202 865800 West Moors Dementia Action Group 01425 477470 Lynne Morris West Moors Library 01202 873272 Wimborne Dementia Friendly Community - Reach & Care 07715 940548 Peter Jones/ Dial a ride Wimborne - Wimborne Neighbour Car 07912 273722

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