@ the heart of the community
The Chained Library in the Minster Allendale launches new Society Lottery
Oct - Dec 2020, Issue 7
Minster Market @ the Allendale Welcome to new hirers
01202 887247 • info@theallendale.org www.theallendale.org • Hanham Road, Wimborne Minster, Dorset BH21 1AS
Wow, where have the last three months gone...
Contents 4
The Chained Library
New from the Minster
Wimborne in Bloom
Allen Valley News
A new Police Sergeant
Radio Wimborne
Thank you!
What’s On @ the Allendale 6
Café & Community Food
Minster Market
New Hirers
New Society Lottery
Here we are writing the editorial for issue 7 and while it seems like we only wrote the summer editorial last week – it also feels like it was in another time completely! As I write this the front doors of the Allendale Centre are wide open letting in the wonderful sunshine that remains with us still. The sound of children’s laughter fills the foyer from the activities in the Minster Hall and mixes with the chatter of gossip being shared in the Café. The phones are ringing, wobble machines are buzzing and staff and volunteers are making plans for upcoming bookings. Our wonderful community has once again breathed life into the Allendale Centre and we cannot thank them enough for putting their confidence, trust and belief in us during this time. The Allendale Centre is privileged to have an amazing team behind it and their commitment, dedication and support is what has got us through to this point. Ensuring that every person who enters the building feels safe and secure remains our aim, whether they are just popping in to get some milk or attending a meeting in the Hall. Every activity and booking has to be reviewed and planned, layouts tested and adjusted for social distancing, Covid-19 considerations discussed, one-way systems planned, marked and agreed, toilet blocks allocated, government guidelines checked and rechecked and most importantly, many, many discussions and meetings held with various committees and their members to ensure that everyone is comfortable and confident that their activity can proceed as safely as possible. Oh - and then the guidelines are changed and we start all over again! It is the same story for so many places and unfortunately some of them may not survive this storm. The journey to get here has been very tough and we are very aware that this is by no means the end of the challenge. It has not all been positive here by any means – we have had to make the difficult decision to permanently close our Little Otters Soft Play due to the additional restrictions now placed on such facilities. There is lots to be positive about though; the new Minster Market on Friday mornings is continuing to grow and we will be bringing back the very popular monthly Lunch Club in October. Plans are in process for a variety of Christmas events and activities in and around the centre and we have lots of exciting ideas which will hopefully bring some Christmas cheer to the town. Please keep an eye on our website and Facebook page for event updates. Who knows what we will be writing in the next editorial? But for now let’s enjoy the sun, the sounds of kids having fun, old friends catching up and live music filling the air on Friday evenings. Enjoy Wimborne coming alive again and rest assured we will continue to do everything we can to keep the heart of this wonderful community beating here at the Allendale Community Centre.
Tanya Cripps, Centre Manager
@ the heart of the community Editorial team Jane Sorrell Tanya Cripps
DESIGN, PRODUCTION AND SALES Production Manager Ben Pulford ben@pulfordpublicity.co.uk
Gary Cox
Lead Designer Louis Pulford louis@pulfordpublicity.co.uk
Cover image © Sarah Cowley
01202 887247 • info@theallendale.org
Media Sales
01202 941466
01202 893430 www.pulfordpublicity.co.uk
Chained Library at Wimborne Minster By Judith Monds – Librarian
Ascend a left-handed spiral staircase in the Minster to find yourself in the Chained Library, founded in 1686. It was one of the first public libraries in the country and is the second largest chained library; before the Reformation, this room housed the Minster Treasury. We call the Reverend William Stone, a former presbyter of the Minster and son of the local schoolmaster, the founder of our Library, after 90 books were sent at his express wish to Wimborne from his Estate. The books were all religious works, the founding fathers of Christianity, and they were in Latin, Greek and Hebrew. This meant that many of the people living in Wimborne in 1686 could not read them. It was another benefactor, Roger Gillingham, a Lawyer from the Middle Temple and a friend of William Stone, who gave a Gentleman's Library to the Church and he it was who suggested that the books should be chained and the Library ought to be free to anybody living in the town, providing they were "Shop Keepers or the better class of person". So in 1695, it became a Chained Library. Gillingham also gave the sum of £10 for the making and fixing of chains and I was told they did it with £8 but no one could tell me what happened to the two remaining pounds. A nice profit for someone! Works in English include Ramsey’s A Gentleman’s Companion in which the Author encourages friends not to marry a pretty woman in case one of his friends tries to take her away from him. He also declares that after five years of marriage and four children she will not look anything like she did before, so he would be better off marrying a plain woman to start with. 4|
He approved of Cricket and Rugby but thought Football was for the lower classes. He would not survive long in the present world, would he? He did marry, surprisingly, and I would love to have heard her appraisal of him. Sadly she never wrote a book but Ramsey did write another, about ten years after this one. In it he declares that he got it all wrong in his first book; according to him there is no difference between men and women - they are all awful. Our oldest book is the Regimen Animarum or Direction of Souls. It is handwritten on vellum or calf skin using a quill pen and handmade inks. It is written mainly in black with
illuminated highlights in red, and was finished in 1343. We believe three scribes were involved and it took them just one year to produce. It is beautifully done. The cover is not original but made of pigskin; you can tell this by the pattern of small holes where the bristles have been removed. We think this was Victorian. Sadly we are unable to open the Chained Library at the moment because of Covid 19 but we hope to welcome visitors again in the Spring of 2021. We will be displaying a new book on loan from Dorchester and also the Missale Romanum to represent the wonderful Music in the Minster.
Café @ The Allendale – Update Having been given the green light by the government to re-open in July, it was a pleasure for us to be able to welcome back many of our customers after nearly four months. Obviously, we have had to reduce our capacity in order to adhere to Covid distancing regulations and have introduced a one-way system to navigate around the café. We are fortunate in having a sizeable outside area for people to enjoy their refreshments and this has helped encourage back those who are not yet comfortable sitting inside hospitality premises. The weather has generally been on our side and at the time of writing we are hoping for a warm Autumn so customers can continue to use this facility. Additionally, since the latter part of August, we have been delighted to increase the number of picnic tables on the Green. One of the more exciting things to have happened are the new Friday night music events. A selection of local musicians have been only too happy to be able to perform in public again and the sessions have gradually grown in popularity. This provides a welcome sense of “normality” for people to be able to
sit outside with a wine, a beer or, indeed, a soft drink and enjoy some musical entertainment on a summer’s evening. The “Eat Out to Help Out” scheme provided by the government has also proved popular and it is hoped that any new customers drawn in by this
will have enjoyed the experience and will return in the future. Finally, the Café @ the Allendale would like to thank all those who have supported us through these difficult times and maintain the friendly, community atmosphere that we strive to provide. Please keep coming back.
Allendale Community Food Facility The Café @ The Allendale is delighted to still be providing support to the town through the Community Food Facility. As society has gradually opened up it has meant a reduction in support both in terms of some of our volunteers returning to work and also in the establishments able to provide cooked and pre-packed food to the facility. Pubs, for instance, have re-opened and obviously are now preparing meals to be served on their own premises. Largely due to continued help from, primarily, the Friendly Food Club and Poole Food Exchange we are still providing over 500 meals a week as well 6|
as fresh and pre-packed food to those in need. We are also cooking some meals ourselves in order to keep the numbers up to those required. Most of the cooked meals are provided for the Town Council’s delivery scheme. In July, when the café re-opened, the Community Food Facility moved to the former Soft Play area, courtesy of the Allendale Centre but can now be found in the Gulliver Room at the rear of the centre. None of this could have been achieved without a group of wonderful volunteers who help man the collection “hatch” for the many
callers to collect items and those who help with deliveries around the town. Honourable mentions go to Anita, Liv, Liz, David, Jane, Julie, Steve and not forgetting Angela, who has now returned to her role as manager of Present Company. It is especially heart-warming to receive donations from individuals and in particular, thanks go to Linda at the Allendale Centre and also to Ian, one of our delivery “clients”, who regularly donates fruit and vegetables he has grown himself. All contributions are always welcome – you know where we are!
The Minster and its 900th Anniversary By Anthony Oliver, Publicity Officer July saw the re-opening of the Minster for two services on a Sunday morning, the 8.00am Holy Communion and the 9.30am Parish Eucharist, both with restricted numbers attending although no one has been turned away. September saw the return of Choral Evensong on a Sunday at 6.30pm. Other than that, at the time of going to print, the Minster is only open for Private Prayer on a Sunday and Wednesday from 12noon until 4.00pm. Information is available on the Minster’s website: www. wimborneminster.org.uk with details of other services available through Zoom Video Conferencing. Events which were planned to mark the Minster’s 900th Anniversary
this year have had to be cancelled or postponed. There was also the Minster Makes Music Appeal to raise funds to rebuild the organ. However all is not lost as local man Chris Slocock wants to mark the anniversary and raise funds for the Appeal. Inspired by others who have captured the public imagination, he has set himself a goal of walking 900 times around the Minster in celebration of its 900th anniversary. The Covid-19 pandemic has affected everyone and changed all our lives in so many ways – The Minster is a victim just like everyone else: a place of Worship, a Community Centre, and a Tourist Attraction locked down just like all of us and
desperately in need of financial support. So Chris asks that people give generously as he walks 900 times around the Minster (estimated as more than 4 marathons in distance). He would like to raise at least £900. Think of the many ways to be proud of the building. Remember those who gave their time and effort to build it, those who maintain it, the choir, choir master and organist, the bell ringers, the wardens, clergy, the administration and friends of the Minster. Think of what the building means to the Town of Wimborne Minster and everyone involved in the wider community. Let's be proud and celebrate our wonderful Minster and what it means to all of us! Come, walk, talk and celebrate with Chris for a few laps - starting Sunday 27th September. Support of Chris Slocock’s walk can be given by accessing:
www.justgiving.com/ fundraising/ 900timesaroundtheminster
Wimborne in Bloom By Anthony Oliver, Publicity Officer The continued effect of COVID-19 sadly meant the cancellation of the 21st Annual Wimborne in Bloom Duck Race at the end of August, with the Fashion Show to be given by M&Co on Friday 2nd October and our Pre-Christmas Coffee Morning on Saturday 21st November both being victims of the pandemic fallout. However the better news is that the Charities Fair scheduled to take place in the Allendale Centre on Saturday 14th November is hopefully going ahead.There will be fewer tables and we will use both the Main Hall and the Quarter Jack Hall along the lines of the Market currently being run by the Centre on a Friday. www.theallendale.org
It is hoped that the Public will support the event and spend generously in the lead up to Christmas, thereby helping the various Charities represented raise much needed funds to replace lost revenue during the Coronavirus Pandemic. Brian Salter, a local author who is also a volunteer at the Model Town, has produced a lovely book full of colour entitled ‘Blooming Wimborne’. Roads throughout the Town are shown at their best with overflowing hanging baskets and planters in full colour along with some of the gardens which
would have been open on Wimborne in Bloom Open Gardens Day which can be seen on the website: www.wimborneinbloom. org.uk The book, which
costs £4.95, is available from Wimborne in Bloom via Anthony Oliver on 01202 888703 with profits going to Wimborne in Bloom funds.
Ballroom, Latin American & Popular Sequence Dancing We are so pleased to announce that we are now back at The Allendale Centre every Monday Afternoon, at all times following the government Covid-19 guidelines.
Allen Valley Milk’s Cow of the Quarter Name: Mavis Breed: Holstein Friesian Age: 7 Average milk yield per day: 21 litres Mavis is an older lady in the herd; her average milk yield therefore is a little less than some of the younger girls. This does not mean she is any less important as a member of the herd.
Time marches on There is no denying that everyone has had a challenging summer, however life on the farm has been relatively normal. Cows still need feeding and milking every day despite what has been unfolding in the outside world. Our team have been hard at work keeping the cows happy as well as making sure the vending machines are filled to the brim with Allen Valley’s highly nutritious milk. Crops like maize continue to grow; the weather has been against it with little rain, but it is holding its own. The winter wheat harvest has carried on and the grain is now safely in the grain store; the straw is also baled and stored ready to be used for feed and bedding. As the autumn approaches, the nights will get cooler and we will start to prepare for when the cows need to come inside out of the wet and cold weather. Follow the Farm on Facebook and Instagram. Find us at Allen Valley Milk on Facebook and @allenvalleymilk on Instagram. 10 |
Did you know….ballroom dancing is the number 1 exercise for the over 60’s…..not only does it keep you physically fit….. it keeps your mind active and your heart happy DanceAway is now in its 19th year and is run by Carol Rodulfo, who is registered with both the Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing and the International Dance Teachers Association and is a fully qualified and insured Dance Teacher. The emphasis at DanceAway is on learning to dance socially in a very relaxed and friendly atmosphere. We normally offer a choice of three different teaching levels every Monday afternoon, from complete Beginners who have never danced a step, through to Intermediate dancers who can already dance confidently around the floor, but who wish to improve their technique and learn a few extra variations. During the classes we try to cover the most popular dances you may encounter at social dance events throughout the UK or whilst away on board cruise ships or dance weekends. The Waltz, Quickstep, Social and Slow Foxtrot, together with the Cha Cha Cha, Rumba and Jive are usually the most popular with our group, but we do sometimes include the Tango, Samba, Salsa and occasionally even the PasoDoble. We also regularly teach popular Sequence routines. Some of our members attend as couples, but many come along on their own. Our main aim is always to have fun; we are a very friendly group and we welcome new members. So, if you fancy learning a new skill, keeping fit and meeting new friends, why not give Carol a call to reserve a space. For full details of all classes offered at DanceAway, together with any forthcoming social afternoon Tea Dances and Saturday Evening Dances, please visit www.dance-away.co.uk or call Carol on 01202 572094 ALL CLASSES MUST BE RESERVED AT THE CURRENT TIME DUE TO COVID RESTRICTIONS www.theallendale.org
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Model railway group resumes meetings at the Allendale Since September the local Central Southern O Gauge Group of railway modellers have resumed their monthly meetings at the Allendale Centre. Although they normally have ‘track nights’, where members run their various locos and stock on their large test track, they felt it prudent to start back after the Covid 19 lockdown with an illustrated talk, where social distancing could be controlled more
effectively. The talk, titled ‘Classic Power - BR diesel and electric trains of the 70’s’ was presented by local film maker and CSGOG member Colin Hall. Colin’s slide show consisted of numerous black and white photographs taken in the 1970s and put together as a digital slide show, appropriately starting with a class 33 diesel shunting at Wimborne!
The CSGOG annual Model Railway Show, usually held in October at the Allendale Centre, has had to be cancelled for this year, but planning is already in hand for the 2021 show. We are pleased to note that our new logo is now displayed on the Allendale Centre website under Regular Monthly Events. Visitors of all ages and experience are welcome at our meetings, held on the second Wednesday evening each month at the Allendale. At the present time we are not sure when we’ll be able to resume ‘track nights’ but a quick check on our new revised website will give details when this happens. For further details of the Group visit: www.csgog.org or email: csgog@ outlook.com
Tourist Information Centre re-opens The relaunch of Wimborne’s Tourist Information Centre as the East Dorset Information Centre has been a great success with visitors and locals alike taking advantage of the revamped and improved facility. The High Street building now boasts a new entrance with easier access for all, modern facilities and a combined shop and visitor reception. Since it reopened in July, the information centre, which celebrates its 40th anniversary this year, has welcomed a steady stream of people both from the local area and further afield. www.theallendale.org
Run by a team of knowledgeable volunteers, this new hub offers a wealth of free local information about activities in East Dorset, local attractions, scenic destinations, shopping and dining. Visitors have also been snapping up the Dorsetsourced food and drink, handcrafted gifts and a wide variety of books and maps now available to buy in the new shop. The museum tea room and gardens, which also reopened to the public this summer, are likewise proving popular, especially for a socially-distanced catch up with friends and family over ice cream and
refreshments. The revamp of the East Dorset Information Centre is part of the £1.6million National Lottery supported Revival Project at the neighbouring Priest’s House Museum, which owns and operates the centre. Work on the project, which began over a year ago, is now
nearing completion and the countdown is on for the much-anticipated museum relaunch in October. To keep up to date with the latest news and events from the museum and information centre follow them on social media @PriestsHouse and @WimborneTIC. | 13
Wimborne is forever, not just for summer By Tammy Sleet, Manager, Wimborne BID
As I type, the rain is what Radio 4 presenters might call “squally” and that recent heatwave already seems a long way off. At this moment in time it won’t be long before the school holidays come to an end and we send children off with mixed feelings of anxiety about Covid-19 and relief that we can hand the teaching back to the professionals and our children can enjoy seeing their friends. It’s been a funny old time (funny peculiar, not funny haha) when we’ve all reflected on what’s important to us and what we value. Wimborne is incredibly lucky to have strong communities who have supported each other through the Covid-19 crisis; delivering food, checking on neighbours and following guidelines to keep the virus under control. Businesses in Wimborne have continued to function in whatever way they could. Essential businesses such as Fluffetts, Minster Greens, Keating’s Butchers and many others stayed open to provide your essentials when the supermarket shelves were bare and
many of our pubs and restaurants began to source wholesale foods to supply local demand. They also cooked meals for vulnerable people which were delivered by the volunteers and staff at Café @ The Allendale. The Green Man, Dacombes and other businesses offered to do odd jobs for anyone in lockdown who needed a hand and furloughed staff stepped up to volunteer to help others. Walking through town and seeing others during our exercise, we always had an encouraging smile for each other, even if we had to stay 2m apart. Wimborne is unique like that. We aren’t just a place, we are a home, a community and we truly are all in it together. We know lots of you have missed summer holidays this year, but hopefully now that swimming pools and tourist attractions and parks are open, you are re-discovering the beauty of this amazing town. The Eat Out to Help
Out scheme has been a brilliant way to try out new cafes and restaurants and since Wimborne has some of the best places to eat and drink in the county, we hope you managed to make the most of the scheme to enjoy as many as possible! Wimborne Model town will close on 1st November to give the team a chance to do some maintenance on mini-Wimborne, but real-life Wimborne is around all the time! So however normal life starts to feel, whether that be that we get used to doing things differently, or we can genuinely go back to our lives, please remember those places you’ve found and come to love. There’s a lot of doom and gloom about the High Street at the moment but if we all continue to support each other, it doesn’t have to be that way for us. We’re all in this together and together as a community we can move forward. Discover more about Wimborne at www.wimborne.info/
Independent vets opening near you Vetsmiths is a new independent small animal vets opening on West Borough, in the heart of Wimborne, in midNovember this year. Husband and wife team Chris and Sam Devlin are passionate about providing top notch care for pets and their owners too - it’s all about building those special relationships. “We established Vetsmiths with our fantastic team to give our clients and their animals the best experience. We’ve lived in the area for many years and wanted a vet that looks after the pets and supports the families of our local community,” says Chris Devlin MRCVS Director, Veterinary Surgeon. Chris and Sam believe that being independent is the only way to meet the inevitably high standards that pet 14 |
owners want. As a client you’ll see the same vet, making sure you get the right amount of time with them on each and every visit. You can find Vetsmiths at 14 West Borough, Wimborne BH21 1NF, with ample client parking and disabled access to the rear (entrance opposite The Olive Branch). To be one of the first to know Vetsmiths’ opening date, go to www.vetsmiths.co.uk and register your interest. www.theallendale.org
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Regular Clubs and Activities @ the Allendale
MONDAY Play Sportz (Term time only) Weekly 9.30am & 10.30am
Creating Musical Participation ** Weekly 10.30am - 11.30am
Gordon Fearn Tae Kwon Do ** Weekly 4.15pm
((Bounce)) ** Weekly 7.20pm - 8.25pm
TUESDAY FLexercise Over 50s Keep Fit Weekly 9.15am & 10.15am
Play Sportz (Term time only) Weekly 9.30am & 4pm
Happy Patchers** Weekly 1.30pm - 3.30pm
Dance Away (Adults) Weekly 1.45pm
Stagecoach ** Weekly 4.15pm
Wessex Astronomical Society Monthly 7.30pm
Gauge 0 Guild Monthly 7.15pm
WEDNESDAY Shining Stars ** Weekly 9.30am
Wimborne Guitars Weekly 2pm & 3pm
Strictly Tea Dance Monthly 2.30pm
((Bounce)) ** Weekly 7.20pm - 8.40pm
Dorset Youth Marching Band Weekly 7.30pm
Womenís Shaminican Drum Circle Monthly 7.30pm
THURSDAY Weight Watchers Weekly 9am
Zumba Fitness Weekly 10am
Pilates Weekly 10.30am - 11.30am
Wimborne Guitars Monthly 2pm
BEAT (Term time only) ** Weekly 4pm - 7.45pm
Wimborne Folk Night in the Cafe Weekly 8pm
Quakers weekly 10am - 12pm (Sunday)
Minster Market @ the Allendale Weekly 9am - 2pm **NEW TO THE ALLENDALE! For more information on our regular clubs and activities please use the contact number listed, call us at the Allendale on
01202 887247 or go online to www.theallendale.org All details correct at time of going to print. www.theallendale.org
We are pleased to announce the return of our Over 50s Lunch Club which will now be cooked on site at the Café at the Allendale. The first date in the diary is Wednesday 28th October and we are hoping to have a live band accompaniment. We are looking forward to welcoming you all back on that day! | 17
Good vibrations again at the Allendale
Wimborne U3A singing group The Wednesday afternoon Singing Group is one of the most popular groups in Wimborne U3A. As the convenors Alan and Steve always profess, it is not a choir but a group of people singing for their own fun and enjoyment - so no auditions or public performances - just an hour or so of hearty singing, laughter and friendship. Started in 2011, the resolute leaders have led the group through almost 300 songs from classical pieces and traditional folk tunes to popular standards and songs from the shows - and as a tribute to its success, many of those first members are still attending. Unfortunately, as singing is deemed to be a serious spreader of Covid 19, it will be some time before the group will be able to meet again as, no doubt, is the case for all Wimborne's singing groups and choirs. However, during the lockdown, members received an online "song for the week" with musical accompaniment, to keep all those voices active and well-tuned until normal service can be resumed. This was one of the songs sent out during lockdown. Applicable words penned by U3A member John Riley and set to the tune I Love Paris Verse: I no longer walk down ‘cos there’s no-one in town, The clothes shops and cafes are shuttered; The shelves have no pasta, the loo rolls go faster Than I can: I’m utterly gutted. Chorus: I must cope with the pandemic, Covid 19’s such a bane Here I sit, self-isolating, simply waiting, Just one hour of exercising; not surprising I don’t like corona virus: But not ev’rything’s a pain Spring’s here to cheer us. Sing out loud so others hear us We will be back again (repeat) Wimborne U3A is presently planning to run again from January 2021 but in the meantime you can read more about Wimborne U3A Singing Group and about the many other groups in the organisation, including our popular Social Bridge at the Allendale Centre: www.wimborneu3a.org.uk or Telephone 01202 880703 18 |
The Allendale Centre was extremely pleased to re-open the Wobble Room in August, obviously taking all the necessary precautions for members’ comfort and safety and following government guidelines. It’s a new arrangement with members signing in at Reception and no volunteer desk in the room; most members were very keen to return and seem happy with the new set up. For those who haven’t heard of the Wobble Room, it’s a space in the Allendale Centre with a number of whole body vibration machines. Members simply turn up, sign in and step onto a machine which vibrates at a preprogrammed level for 10 minutes before switching itself off. There is no need to book and no special clothes are required. The benefits of this whole body vibration (WBV) are many and include increased circulation, flexibility and mobility, increased bone density, muscle tone and strength, improved pelvic floor muscles and balance, better sleep quality and recovery from injury and surgery. WBV exercise causes an increased range of motion. If muscles, ligaments and tendons aren’t active they can stiffen up and reduce mobility. Regular WBV sessions have been proven to keep those important parts of the body active without the strains associated with traditional exercise. Furthermore, since it only requires ten minutes, three times a week, it is one of the safest and most effective ways to stimulate and strengthen the body. Another great benefit of WBV is the effect on hormones, especially human growth hormones responsible for the production of cells, bones, muscles and organs. Also affected are nerve delivery substances which show an increase in Serotonin to create a feeling of wellbeing. Furthermore testosterone, which increases energy levels and red blood cells increases and this is a key factor in various cognitive functions including attention and memory. Low levels of this hormone are related to Alzheimer’s and mood disorders. As well as all the benefits mentioned here, the Wobble Room is a hub of social interaction (socially distanced of course) and a great way to meet people, make new friends and enjoy a chat. Many people have commented on the wide range of subjects covered in the conversations in the Wobble Room and it’s just as effective as social media for local information and advice. Since there is no need to book and only requires 10 minutes, it is easy to fit into a daily routine whether members are working or not. For more information go to https://www.theallendale. org/wobble-room or to book a trial contact Jane at cro@theallendale.org. www.theallendale.org
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A new face on the force in Wimborne After 10 years of dedicated service to East Dorset Neighbourhood Policing Team, Sgt Tim Travers has moved on to a role in Operational Planning. Sergeant Dave Bowler has taken over the team and comes with 10 years of experience across Neighbourhood Policing and emergency response having worked in the Metropolitan Police and Dorset Police. His most recent posting was as a Sergeant with Poole & Purbeck Response where he has worked responding to 999 calls for the last 3 years. Dave’s focus this summer has been on criminal exploitation by county lines, antisocial behaviour and tackling rural crime. He jumped right in at the deep end and has already made his first arrest! Sergeant Bowler says: “Thank you for the warm welcome to Wimborne and Colehill. Since joining the team in June I have enjoyed getting to know the area better and meeting such community spirited people. Our area is a beautiful and safe place to live and I am committed to keeping it that way. “These are very testing times. The changes caused by Covid-19 have forced us all to adapt to a new normal but I am encouraged by various groups working hard to look after the most vulnerable people in our community and the consideration shown for others in following public health advice. “The team have been working tirelessly with partner agencies in social care, community mental health teams, Dorset Council, various housing providers, schools and community groups to keep you safe. Whilst Covid-19 has increased the demands on my team we are still very much available for business as usual. To see what we have been doing, please follow us on social media – we have accounts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram which can be found by simply searching for ‘East Dorset Police’. You can also visit our website to see more information on our current priorities and how to contact us. www.dorset.police.uk/neighbourhoodpolicing/east-dorset-urban” www.theallendale.org
Radio Wimborne’s continued work in the community When in 2002 ‘The Radio Authority’ licensed the first few so-called Access Radio stations for a trial period of one year to test their feasibility, few could have predicted the creativity, diversity and skills that would be unleashed. 18 years on and they have proved their value and now there are over 300 Ofcom licensed community radio stations across the UK, not to mention the brilliant online stations who serve geographies and communities around the UK. Radio Wimborne is of course right now among the latter category – but not for long. Many people who would like to simply ‘listen in’ on the kitchen radio or in the car have been keeping up with our progress - but for those who aren’t aware, Radio Wimborne was granted an FM licence earlier this year to a huge cheer from our listeners, supporters and the dozens of dedicated volunteers involved over the last 6 years in making the achievement. We were all prepared for the fund raising and the technical work involved in order to go FM this year, but not prepared of course for the virus and so our plans for the switchover had to be put on hold until we can make the changeover, hopefully in the New Year. However, like so many other community stations throughout the UK we rose to the challenge during lockdown and have remained broadcasting great programmes and music throughout the crisis. Although difficult for our presenters our thanks must go to our fantastic technical team who have ensured shows have still gone out – some from the kitchen table! There are terrific regular programmes on RW - and I think I can say with authority from my time at the Tivoli Theatre that I know a good thing when I hear it, and what it takes to produce a great show. I’d like to mention them all in this column of course, but I’m short on space so can’t promote every production. However, I think it’s right to mention two new productions which have gone out during this present crisis. Throughout the lockdown, RW presenter Kelly Webb, who is a Wimborne Minster Town Councillor and former Mayor, broadcast ‘The Covid 19 Update programme’ on weekdays for the Wimborne and surrounding community from March right through to the end of May. These programmes included interviews too numerous to list with local people – many of them experts in their field and included amazing local children doing incredible things! Plus, interviews with MP Michael Tomlinson and Dorset Crime Commissioner Martyn Underhill and many more, bringing us the latest news and advice as it came in from around the county. Terrific, real community advice at your fingertip. It’s what local radio is all about! And here’s a first for Wimborne – and who knows, perhaps a new Guinness record. Our very own Pipp Hamilton (he with the velvet voice) has been treating us with stories from the nation’s favourite books, ranging from P.G. Wodehouse to Margery Allingham. These enjoyable readings have been keeping our listeners amused five days a week, Monday to Friday at 2pm. But here’s the thing - Pipp started at the beginning of lockdown and has recently passed a milestone with a hundred back-to-back recordings! But the station’s not just about the studio. Throughout the years you’ll also have seen us out and about in the town and local area supporting local charitable events with music, commentary and technology. You’ll particularly have seen us at Christmas supplying the sound for the Carols in the Cornmarket and with our own major event, The Wimborne Christmas Lumiere. This is a sound and light show on the Minster green which is loved by local families and is a free Christmas spectacular for the people of Wimborne Minster and beyond. As I’ve said in this article, there are so many more terrific programmes for our listeners to tune into, so if you haven’t yet, just give us a try. Simply go on line to www.radiowimborne.co.uk and take a look at the programme details. Or go to our ‘listen again’ page and choose a programme for yourself. Malcolm Angel
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Minster Market Friday @ the allendale every from 9am
Lovering Designs
Hello, my name is Anna and I'm a Wimborne-based Macramé Artist. This trendy textile is making a comeback! Macramé is the latest trend in the yarn world; it uses a combination of knots to create homewares, plant hangers, jewellery and even clothing. Who knew something as simple as a knot could be a thing of beauty? I love making macramé and have established my small business over the past year so I can sell my knotty creations. On Fridays from 9am to 2pm at Minster Market @ the Allendale, at my stall, Lovering Designs, you'll find all things macramé from the traditional plant hangers and wall hangings to the more modern jewellery and bags. I have also taken my inspiration further into painting and card designs. Although I've been inspired by the artists I've learnt the craft from, all my designs are original. Each creation is made from natural cotton rope, in a variety of different sizes and styles. Come along and have a gander for something 'knot' too shabby! 22 |
The Moggy Shop UK & Doggy Laceymay’s Dorset Shop ery sh Haberda LaceyMay’s Haberdashery is a family run, local business. We have been running for the last 5 years and are based within Seahorse Quilting in Canford Heath, Poole. We supply lots of tools for many crafts, including scissors, embroidery hoops, marker pens for fabrics, glues for fabrics, thimbles, pins, rulers, tape measures, irons, bobbins for sewing machines, sewing machine and hand needles. We can also try to get hold of items that you can’t see either at the shop or at the market. We attend as many local events as we can, bringing haberdashery tools to you; with so many shops closing down over the years we have found that people are struggling to locate even the simplest items. LaceyMay’s Haberdashery can be found at the Minster Market every Friday from 9am- 2pm. www.laceymays.co.uk/
My partner and I own and run both The Moggy and Doggy Shop. We sell cat and dog themed gifts to all those who love cats and dogs. We try to source products from small, independent UK based companies and artists or local people who hand make the items, making our products quite often quirky and unique. Not only do we cater for the cat and dog lover, but obviously our four legged furry companions too, so whether you require a collar, lead, bandanna, grooming products, toys, natural treats or food, we are your number one place to go. Plus, we can provide a free pet food delivery service within 5 miles of Wimborne Minster for a minimum spend of £20. Please do not hesitate to contact us to see if we can supply your brand. Come and visit us at Minster Market @ the Allendale on a Friday, contact Gilly & Michael on 07725 470744 or visit www. dorsetdoggyshop.co.uk or www. themoggyshop.uk
Pip Natural Skincare
Sue’s Pocket Money Toys
Sue's Pocket Money Toys is a small business that I’ve been running for a number of years, and I have over 30 years’ experience in this area. I focus purely on the lower priced toys for children aged 3 and up, such as painting/colouring kits, bouncing balls, children's jewellery and novelty purses as well as stocking and party bag fillers. Prices range from 15p to £2.50, so are affordable for every budget. I travel all over the local area to various fetes and events, as well as selling via my facebook page ' suespocketmoneytoys' which includes free delivery within the local Bournemouth, Poole, Christchurch and Wimborne areas. The stall has something for everyone and is always well stocked, with new items being added regularly. You can see me on Fridays at Minster Market @ the Allendale. Hope to see you soon!
Pip Natural Skincare creates quality products that really care for your skin and respect the environment. Anti-ageing moisturisers, intensive hand creams, beautiful palm oil free soaps and a range of face oils to suit different skin types are all crafted at home in Dorset. A lot of care has gone into choosing ingredients that are sustainable and ethically sourced, as well as using packaging that’s recyclable and plastic free. Kindness to you and to nature is very important - so is making skincare that’s affordable and really works! Do come and see me at Minster Market @ the Allendale on a Friday where you can try the products, take a sample home or choose a beautiful gift for a friend.
Antiques & Collectibles
What is an antique? An antique is usually defined as an item at least 100 years old and generally in good condition. There are many very good examples of genuine antiques available today from a vast array of objects ranging from quite small or miniature items to all kinds of furniture and even cars! All antiques have age and possibly a rarity value too, and many items are eagerly sought after by collectors, from hat pins to large refectory tables, from pocket watches to grandfather clocks! On Patrick’s Antiques & Collectibles table at Minster Market @ the Allendale you will find an interesting and comprehensive variety of the smaller items including figurines, woodwork tools, glass, china, copperware, small pictures, silverware, collectibles, unusual items etc. We look forward to welcoming you.
Minster Market every Friday from 9am
@ the allendale | 23
n w o d k c L Lingo
Coronacoaster - the ups and
downs of your mood during the pandemic. You’re loving lockdown one minute but suddenly weepy with anxiety the next. It truly is ‘an emotional coronacoaster’.
Quarantinis - experimental
cocktails mixed from whatever random ingredients you have left in the house. The boozy equivalent of a store cupboard supper. Southern Comfort and Ribena quarantini with a glacé cherry garnish, anyone? These are sipped at locktail hour which is wine o’clock during lockdown, which seemed to creep earlier with each passing week.
Blue Skype Thinking - a work
brainstorming session which takes place over a videoconferencing app. Such meetings might also be termed a ‘Zoomposium’. Naturally, they are to be avoided if at all possible.
Le Creuset Wrist - is the new
‘avocado hand’ – an aching arm after taking one’s best saucepan outside to bang during the weekly ‘clap for carers’. It might be heavy but is essential if you want to impress the neighbours with your high-quality kitchenware. 24 |
Coronials - as opposed to
millennials, this refers to the future generation of babies conceived or born during quarantine. They might also be known as ‘Generation C’ or, more spookily, ‘Children of the Quarn’.
Covidiot - one who ignores public
health advice or behaves with reckless disregard for the safety of others can be said to display ‘covidiocy’ or be ‘covidiotic’. Also called a ‘lockclown’.
Goutbreak - the sudden fear that Furlough Merlot - wine consumed in an attempt to relieve the frustration of not working. Also known as ‘boredeaux’ or ‘cabernet tedium’.
Coronadose - an overdose of bad news from consuming too much media during a time of crisis. Can result in a panicdemic.
you’ve consumed so much wine, cheese, home-made cake and Easter chocolate in lockdown that your ankles are swelling up like a medieval king’s.
Antisocial distancing - using
health precautions as an excuse for snubbing neighbours and generally ignoring people you find irritating.
Coughin Dodger - someone so The Elephant in the Zoom - the glaring issue during a videoconferencing call that nobody feels able to mention, e.g. someone has dramatically put on weight, suddenly sprouted terrible facial hair or has a worryingly messy house visible in the background.
Quentin Quarantino - an attention seeker using their time in lockdown to make amateur films which they’re convinced are funnier and cleverer than they actually are.
alarmed by an innocuous splutter or throat clear that they back away in terror.
Mask-ara - extra make-up applied
to ‘make one’s eyes pop’ before venturing out in public wearing a face mask.
Covid-10 - the 10lbs in weight that
we’re all gaining from comfort-eating and comfort-drinking. Also known as ‘fattening the curve’.
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New Hirers @ the allendale Discover your creative courage at Stagecoach Wimborne! This September Stagecoach Performing Arts opened their doors at the Allendale Centre! Stagecoach Wimborne are just going into their second year and are so excited to have the Allendale Centre as their new base. Stagecoach Wimborne is run by Principal Emily Edwards who said; “Lots of children have been affected by the events of this year. We can’t wait to help our students express themselves and resume building their confidence and releasing their creativity; the teachers and I have really missed our Stagecoach family and friends and we are thrilled to be back!” Stagecoach have been educating children for 30 years and its high standards, quality of teaching and student inclusion is the utmost priority. Stagecoach believe in instilling creative courage for life
Creating Musical Participation Many people have played the piano in the past, or regretted that they have not had the opportunity, so now is your chance to play some favourite pieces. Keeping the brain active through reading music and practising can aid healthy ageing as well as being a really enjoyable pastime and playing the keyboard can have a positive impact on mental health and emotional wellbeing. Caroline Pugh, an experienced musician and teacher and the founder of Creating Musical Participation, is passionate about people enjoying making music so, whether you have played a long time ago, or want to start, come and join our keyboard sessions, working at your own pace and with a specially arranged group piece each week too. With a maximum of 6 in each session, you can be assured of some expert advice. Keyboards provided for the first few sessions. 26 |
and, furthermore, students have the opportunity to make friends and have fun in an educational and stimulating atmosphere. Stagecoach Wimborne offer free visiting professional workshops and each term parents are invited to watch their children in action; either a performance in a theatre, a demonstration of classwork or a performance in the local community. Their performance at the Bournemouth Pavilion may have been postponed until next year but there is still a lot to look forward to including a performance at the Wimborne Folk Festival in June! Stagecoach offers weekly classes of Singing, Dancing and Drama with experienced teachers on a Tuesday after school, to students aged 4-16 years.
Contact Emily for more information at wimborne@stagecoach.co.uk or phone 01202 238810 to join a two week FREE trial!
BEAT coming to Wimborne! Founded in 2004 BEAT was the first street dance crew in Bournemouth. Streetdance is the umbrella term for hip hop, popping, locking, house, bboying, waacking and krump! Originally started in clubs, streets and parties it is social and improvisational but can also be choreographed. The classes which run at the Allendale Centre every Thursday work on developing students individually by building their confidence, self-esteem, teamwork, communication, social and dance skills in an atmosphere of good vibes, energy and enthusiasm. Since their start BEAT have made their mark by becoming the SDI South Coast Street Dance Champions and winning Best Dance School in ‘So You Think You Can Dance’.
They have performed in venues such as Her Majesty’s Theatre, Theatre Royal, Sadler’s Wells, Royal Albert Hall, Disneyland Paris, Camp Bestival, Indigo 02 and The Mayflower Theatre. Suitable for ages from reception upward; all levels are welcome. To find out more information and to book a class, visit their website www.beatcompany.com
((BOUNCE)) is a FUN, FRIENDLY and FIERCE mini trampoline fitness class suitable for all ages, abilities and fitness levels. Routines are performed to motivating music in a welcoming, supportive environment. ((BOUNCE)) is a great way to build your fitness levels and core strength quickly. It’s a full body workout where cardio and toning is included in every class. ((BOUNCE)) covers a huge range of benefits for the body including: -Low impact (making it softer on joints) -High intensity (improving your cardio fitness, burning up to 700 calories a class) -Three times more effective than floor based exercise due to gravity and g-force We offer three different class types including ((BOUNCE)) - our original workout, ((BOUNCE)) Blast which is our ((BOUNCE)) workout incorporating the use of optional hand-weights and ((BOUNCE)) Beats which is our percussion-based workout using slightly weighted drumsticks to really focus on toning the upper body. Classes are pay as you go at £6.95 for a single session, and are held at the Allendale Centre every Monday and Wednesday evening at 7.30pm. We can’t wait to welcome you to a class. Warning: it’s addictive!! For further information and booking go to bouncefitbody.com or search for ((BOUNCE)) Wimborne on Facebook.
Tae Kwon Do at the Allendale
New to the Allendale are Tae Kwon Do lessons which are run by Master Gordon Fearn, a 7th Degree Black Belt, England Team Coach and a Fitness and Nutrition Coach. The classes are held on Mondays for a variety of different levels and abilities. At 4.15pm Gordon takes Ninja Skillz which is for ages 3-6 years and encourages good behaviour, stranger awareness, anti-bullying, fitness and fun. At 5pm there is Family Tae Kwon Do and this is followed by an advanced class at 6pm. The study of Martial Arts is believed to benefit young people physically, mentally, emotionally and socially and Gordon likes to encourage fitness, confidence and self defence in a fun and friendly environment. Book a free trial class by emailing Gordon on info@gftkd.co.uk or, alternatively call 07749 954351 For more information visit the website www.gftkd.co.uk www.theallendale.org
Welcome to Happy Patchers Quilting Group which was established some 35 years ago and which has been quilting in and around the Wimborne area as a group ever since. They meet on the first Monday of every month, apart from Bank Holidays, from 1pm to 3.30pm in the Quarter Jack Hall at the Allendale Centre. With their own entrance and exit, every table socially distanced and chairs spaced out they ensure government guidelines are strictly adhered to. Everyone is required to wear a mask and use the gel supplied to cleanse hands. All members can bring their own refreshments or use The Café @ the Allendale on site. Members bring their own sewing to do during the meeting along with anything to show the group which has been completed or is in progress, unless there is a speaker or something has been planned like a mini workshop. In the past, sewing days have been organised where members can share their years of experience showing others how to make items or to work on other projects. The group work closely with The Project Linus Charity and have at least one or two sewing days for them during the year providing quilts for very sick children. They have several different challenges throughout the year and often organise coach trips to large events. The centre is close to public car parks and ramped access is available if required. If you would like to join them, you would be very welcome. Contact selina@laceymays.co.uk | 27
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! As with so many industries, businesses and individuals, the Wimborne & District Community Association charity and the Allendale Community Centre have been hugely affected by the events of this year. The centre was closed for almost 4 months and is still working under constantly changing Government guidelines to bring hirers and customers back to the centre. With nearly 90% of the charity’s income generated by room hire, it is clear to see just how much of an effect this has had, and still is having financially on the WDCA. We would not be here now if it were not for the continued support we have received since March from so many people and places. Every single penny counts, from a 50p donation popped into a collection box to the support we have received from the Government, and we would like to take this opportunity to say a massive thank you to everyone.
Support from our Community During the lockdown we set up a fundraising page so we could hopefully provide some security for the future of the community centre which has been such a vital part of Wimborne Minster for over 40 years now. Although we have not yet met our target of £10,000, we have received so many very generous donations, some accompanied by such heartfelt messages of support that we will admit a few tears have been shed! To every single person that has taken the time to visit our donations page, read our story and donated – thank you so very much. We have also received several very generous donations from local groups and organisations, both directly and through our fundraising page. Thank you to the following organisations for your continued support: • • • • • •
Rotary Club of Wimborne The Arts Society – Wimborne and Blandford Allendale Bridge Club (including numerous donations from their members) Wimborne Civic Society Central Southern Gauge 0 Group Wessex Astronomical Society
We can assure you that every single penny received will make a difference to the Allendale Centre and will allow the charity to provide community services once again, as well as the facilities that so many local groups and organisations rely on for their activities and meetings. Our fundraising page is still open and we will continue to be grateful for all and any support that you can provide.
Support from The National Lottery Community Fund We are also incredibly excited to announce that the Wimborne & District Community Association has been awarded a grant from the Coronavirus Community Support Fund, which is distributed by The National Lottery Community Fund. This funding provides security for the future of the Allendale Community Centre, allowing the team to focus on working with local community groups, clubs and organisations to ensure that they can continue to have a safe place to meet and provide the vital support structure to their members during these unpredictable times. Work has already begun on several projects that will be supported by this funding, including monthly Lunch and Film Clubs as well as Christmas events. All information regarding these and other Allendale Centre events can be found on our website – www.theallendale.org – or on notice boards within the centre. Thank you to the Government and The National Lottery Community Fund for making this possible.
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Frenetic Fox Theatre helping those with dementia Frenetic Fox Theatre is an awardnominated Dorset-based theatre company producing theatre and designing and facilitating community engagement projects. Our participatory work focuses on collaboration with members of the LGBTQIA+ community, adults with additional needs (learning disability) and the elderly (specifically those living with dementia, 65+). We are currently in the process of making a sensory story for residents living in care and residential settings with quite advanced dementia, called ‘Beside the Sea’. The sensory story will include audio and a pack of related sensory items for the resident to share with a carer or family. This activity will be soothing, evocative and there will be gentle, participatory moments scattered throughout. It’s an intimate 1-2-1 seaside experience. When developing previous dementia-
sensitive projects we were aware that those living with advanced dementia struggle to retain recent experiences in their short-term memory, which impedes on their ability to follow the basic thread of a storyline. We have taken this into consideration during the development of this project and the outcome reflects this. The pack will come with super clear instructions about how to use it for the carer/family member and we are planning how the items can be safely sanitised so they can be used by more than one resident and remain ‘Covid safe’. This won’t require any specialist kit in the care homes as we are working out ways of providing it in lots of different formats to suit what the care homes can manage. The audio will consist of a sound file, either available to download as an MP3 file or in CD format. The accompanying story kit can be sent via post or delivered to residential or
care settings. We are working alongside award-winning theatre maker and sound designer Gill Simmons whose company Brave Bold Drama secured Arts Council funding in 2019 to develop dementia-sensitive theatre show ‘Wonderland’, an adaptation of Lewis Carroll’s beloved classic ‘Alice in Wonderland’. At the time of writing it is planned that these kits will be delivered to the pilot settings in the latter half of September to coincide with Arts in Care Homes Day on 24th September and Alzheimers Month. We are keen for these packs to tour to additional settings throughout Dorset once the pilot settings have finished with the kits. If you work in a care or residential setting or know a location which would like to be in receipt of a ‘Beside The Sea’ sensory pack, on a loan basis, please email Paul on info@freneticfox. co.uk. As funding covers the creation and distribution of these kits, settings will not be charged for these packs. www.freneticfox.co.uk facebook.com/FreneticFoxTheatre/ @FreneticFoxProd
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Allendale Centre
Events Listing October
Cost / Information
Wednesday 7th
Strictly Tea Dance
Carol 01202 572094
Sunday 18th
Handmade Wimborne
10am - 4pm
Wednesday 21st
NHS National Blood Service
Visit blood.co.uk to register and book
Saturday 24th
20 to 1 Big Band
Sunday 25th
Wimborne Baby Show
10am - 2pm
Wednesday 28th
WDCA Over 50s Lunch
Tickets £7.50 from reception
Saturday 31st
Wimborne Rotary Club Craft Fair
10am - 4pm
Cost / Information
Wednesday 4th
Strictly Tea Dance
Carol 01202 572094
Saturday 7th
Dorset Team Winter Fair
10am - 4pm
Saturday 7th
Dance Away Social
Tickets £5 (£6 on door) from Carol 01202 572094
Saturday 14th
Wimborne in Bloom Charities Fair
10am - 3pm
Saturday 21st
WDCA Christmas Craft Fair
Wednesday 25th
WDCA Over 50s Lunch
Tickets £7.50 from reception
Saturday 28th
Handmade Arts & Crafts
10am - 4pm
Cost / Information
Wednesday 2nd
Strictly Tea Dance
Carol 01202 572094
Saturday 5th
Dorset Team Christmas Fair
10am - 4pm
Sunday 6th
Dorset Team Christmas Fair
10am - 4pm
Thursday 10th
WDCA Film Club
Tickets from reception or www.theallendale.org
Friday 11th
Handmade Wimborne
6pm - 8pm
Saturday 12th
Handmade Wimborne
10am - 4pm
Saturday 12th
Dance Away Social
Saturday 12th
Willow Workshop
10am - 4pm
Sunday 13th
WDCA Christmas Celebrations day
Wednesday 16th
WDCA Over 50s Lunch Club
Tickets from reception or www.theallendale.org
Wednesday 23rd
NHS National Blood Service
Visit blood.co.uk to register and book
Tickets £5 (£6 on door) from Carol 01202 572094 Nina - yanina.s.ys@gmail.com 07491 130423 Details to follow on www.allendale.org
For more information or to buy tickets please visit www.theallendale.org or come and see us at the Allendale Centre. All details correct at time of going to print. 30 |
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