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Fa llingin Lov ew ithDavid Ag ain

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ar e y rew p

ar e y rew p

Shor tStory by Mark Laming

arol rushed astraygreyhairaway fro herfaceandsighed. hehadalways eensupporti eofherhus and utthis newin entionofhiswas withoutdou t thecra iestthinghe de erdrea tup. ta usedhertoseehi holdingupthe strangelookingapparatusthat rese leda powerdrillattachedtoano long o witha toilet rushfastenedtotheend.


a ids iledatherashepluggedthe leadintothesocketandtherefollowed agrindingsoundasthe otorgathered speed.

o ethenoisesheshouted hfor od ssake whatareyougoingtodowith thatthing a idsilencedthe eastandin ahurt oice replied a e alittlefaithin e won t you espent alot ofti eonthis. utitlookslikeyouroldpowerdrill sellotapedtoso ewood. tlooksridiculous al ostassillyasthatla pyoudesigned thatdidn tneed atteries. utitdidn tneed atteries. iswiferaisedhereyestotheceiling es ecauseithad aleadyoupluggedinto the ains. ouare issingthepoint itwasporta le with ahooktohangitanywhereandthe plugandleadfoldedoutofsightintothe ase. he entionofnot re uiring atteries wastoshowtherewasnoe trae pensein poweringit. ut atteries why entionthe atteries iftheyweren tneeded gi eup. hat s thisnewcontraption a idproudlyheldthede icetohis chest t sanelectrictoilet rushthathas detergentin aco part entontheside. t willpunishtheworstofloos. lectrictoilet rush areyou ad ou can tgostickingso ethingelectricinto waterandwhata outthesplash ack t willgoe erywhere. tsoundsdangerousto eand usti agineifit akes a esson theuser s athroo ceilingorworse. tand ack dear as a outtotestit. ereyesweredrawntotheendofthe achine. sthatthenewtoilet rush oughtlastweek eignoredherandtherewasanal ighty noiseasthe whirlingsoundsoon rese led a opedthrottlingtothedi yspeedsof twenty fivemilesanhour. oldingitinside the asinheengagedgear. arolwas right,thedesignwasflawedasthebrush eca ewedgedintheu endandwater wasthrownupwardsonto a id sface andclothes. estruggledtofreethe rush and arolcouldn thelp utlaugh. he crossedo ertowhereherhus andwas leaningo erthetoilet asin. twaslucky hehadn tpressedthedetergent uttonas itcouldha egoneinhiseyes. he uickly unpluggedtheelectrictoilet rush. arolthen reachedout ahandand pressedtheflushbuttononthetoiletand therewasanenor oussplurgeofwater thrownupwardsontoherhus and sface. oustupidwo an soaked. hydid youdothat ass e atowel. hepassedhi his athtowelratherthan herownone. oucouldha eelectrocuted eyou idiot. o, pulledouttheplugfirst. owdoyou seewhat astupidideaithas een. iswifesighed owa outyouin ent aco on sense achineyoustraponto yourheadeach orning. ow getthis essclearedup. hatnight arollayawakethinking ack toherhus and sin entionsandwondered ifhe’dfinallygotthemessagetogiveup onthosecra yideasofhis. hethought backtohispreviousefforts.Therewere theself closinggatestostopthepost an lea ingthe open. eigh ours reported seeingsparksco ingfro thehingesand wiresthatleadto acar attery. nd what a outtheinfa oustoolthatsupposedly ena ledtheusertostoreanironing oard onthe ackof adoorreadyto epulled down. hepro le wasthedoorhadto e intheclosedpositionandpre entedanyone enteringthe roo whileitwasdown. harda outwhatwouldpleaseand eof assistancetoher. nideasoonca eto hi whatsheneededwas apageturner forwhenshe read her ooksatnight. he mechanismwouldoperatewith afinely tunedspringandclipattachedto apage. sthe ookwaspartiallyclosedtheaction wouldkickintoturnthepage. rilliant ttookthreedaysoftrialanderrorto producetheperfectpresent. eeling pleasedwithhi selfhewrappeditupand put a owaroundso eold hrist as paper. hecardread hanksforputtingup withall yin entions youwere rightthey wereawful utthisoneisforyouandwill e ylastone. orei portantly lo eyou. arolapprehensi elyunwrappedthegift. t sapageturnerforwhenyou read darling. hes iledandthen read thecard. he was o ed ythe essageand regretted gi inghi such ahardti e. oddingshe thankedhi andtoldhi shealsolo ed hi . ellgoandgetyour ook. hedidn tha etheheartto re indhi she d eenusing a indle readingde ice foratleast ayear. hen arolwenttothe edroo shehidher indleinthewardro e andpickedupanoldpaper ack ook. ackinthelounge a idasse ledhis in entionandplacedtheclipon apageof herchoice. hede icewassurprisinglylight andturnedthepageseffortlessly. utting asidethethoughtthatso eoneelse ay alreadyha eco eupwiththisidea she congratulatedhi . hewasgenuinely i pressedand owedtoditchtheelectronic ook reader. he dgo ackto reading actual ooksandonceagaine periencethe thrillofowning feeling s ellingandlo ing a ook. hepassionfor readingwould e enhancedandshehadherhus andto thankforthat. hene t orning a id roseearly. e wasdeter inedtopro etohiswifethat hecoulddesignande ecuteso ething outstanding. utinthegardenshed thatser edashisworkshophethought sshekissedhischeekshewhispered potondarling. tfeltlikeshewasfallinginlo ewith a id allo eragain.

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