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iriusisonlyoutshonebyour un the oonand acoupleofour olar ystemneighbours enusand upiter. hisstar hichappearsinthe constellationof anis a or the reat Dog iseasilyspottedatthistimeof year ustabovethe outhernhori on moving astto Westbelo rion. he reeksbelievedthe reatDog andthe ittleDog anis inor ere assisting rion hilsthe ashunting.

o giveyouanideaofthemagnitude ofthisstar itis4 timesmore luminousthanour un butthefact thatitisnearly light yearsfrom arthaccountsforitscomparative smallsi e oursunlightonlytaking around minutestogethere.


hysicsonsuchdensestarsis incomprehensible somethingabout thesi eofthismaga ine ould eigh around1 tons anymythssurround irius theDog tar saidtoberesponsibleforthe orthernHemisphere’shot muggy DogDays’thatoccurin eptember. trisesaroundthesametimeasthe uninlate ummer originallythought togivethe unmoreenergyand armth he gyptiansusedthestarasa calendar realisingthat hen irius roseafterthe unitsignifiedthestart oftheannual oods. mportantfora nation hoseeconomyreliedchie y onagriculture. o ifyougetthechancetolookoutto seaon aclearnight tryandspotthe Dog tar placedintheskyby eusto celebratehisspeedinthehunt.

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