The Bulletin | January 2021

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Quick Reader

Suzy’smind was anywherebut on her supermarket shop as she kept going over the events of last Tuesdaynight’s creative writing course at the community centre. One of the members of their writing group, Simon, had shown his true colours and unleashed so much unhappiness. Like everyone at the meeting, she was staggered when it was his turntoread out his homework and those harsh words had slipped from his lips. He’d based his composition on their home town of Blackpool and named his fellow writers in the quirky tale.

Simon’sshort piecesaw them all trapped in the Blackpool Tower lift. The only problem was that he thought he was being terribly clever using their actual names and describing their personalities, warts and all. Throughout the encounter,hewas dismissive of any flair they may have had for story-telling and stitched them all into his fictional piece called ‘Quick Reader’.All hell had broken loose. Their mentor,Paul, wearing his redbow tieand the sternest of looks, had had words with Simon. Even after he had left, the rest of the group were still reelingfromhis acid remarks.

Suzy switched her attention to the weekly food shop and pushed the trolley with the dodgy front wheels in the direction of the pasta and sauces aisle. She stopped in her tracks on spotting Simon’swife, Jane, who looked like she had put on even more weight than the last time they met up at the Christmas party.Inavoice laced with sarcasm she called out, ‘Has your husband got stuck in any morelifts?’

Jane grimaced and whispered, ‘Oh, it’s you. I’ve already had someone from your writing class blank me in the street.’

‘And you wonder why –your husband’s homework is the talk of our group. What was he thinking about rubbishing us like that?’

‘I’m not defending what he did, but he’s really ashamed and upset.’

Waving her arms in frustration Suzy replied, ‘He’supset,hewasn’tthe onebeing pulled to bits.’

‘He always wanted to be awriter.’

Suzy was confused, ‘Now,holdonthere, what do you mean wanted to be awriter?

Photo: Fotografierende

He’spenned some of the best stuff in the group. It was just his last one that really offended us.’

Jane took adeepbreathand went for it. ‘But he didn’twrite Quick Reader –Idid and all his other stories, even the novel he tried to get published.’

‘You! Oh, my God. That doesn’tmake any sense. Youdon’t even come to the classes.’

‘My husband always wanted to write but, the truth is, he couldn’t. Even jotting down a note for the milkman was achallenge. So, in the end Idid all his homework and the more creative Ibecame, the moreI enjoyed it.’

With ashaking of her head Suzy said, ‘Tell me you arekidding that all those things he read outwereyours,theywere incredible. That explains why he objected to doing the class writing exercises –he just did his homework and all along it was your work he read out. Ihave to say,without anydoubt,webelieved he was the most talented out of us all but the credit should have gone to you.’

Jane looked embarrassed with the compliment and leant down to pick up a pack of long grain rice, muttering, ‘Oh, that’sgood, the sell by date is next year.’

‘So, if you wrote Quick Reader,how did you know so much about the rest of our members and why did you dream up something so cruel?’

Jane steadied herself against her trolley and took adeep breath beforeanswering. ‘I’m really sorry but you have to understand Iwas furious with Simon. For years I enjoyed creating those tales and longed to join your writing circle.’

‘This is all terribly sad, if only you’d joined our sessions and not him, it would have made sense. He had no right pretending. Youstill haven’tanswered my question –how did you know so much about us and what made you write such horrible things?’

Jane coughed nervously without covering her mouth. ‘I was content to stand in the wings knowing Iwas the writer and not him. Over the years he mentioned all of you in great detail and Ijust had to write this final piece.’

‘Had to?’

‘Yes, put an end to his dream of becoming an author.You see Idiscovered he’d been unfaithful and Ihad given him another chance but this was payback time.’

Suzy looked stunned and shook her head vigorously.‘Oh, Jane, that’sawful. Do you know who the other woman was?’

Jane started to fiddle with her supermarket ‘bag for life’ and said, ‘Nope, but Ihave my suspicions it was someone in his office.’

‘But why did you have to lash out at us all?’

‘That’seasy.Iwanted to make him squirm for all those times he took the credit for my writing. Reluctantly he agreed to read my story which Iknew would mean him being asked to leave the group and lose you all as friends.’


Jane smiled when she said, ‘I told him to read it quickly as therewould be fireworks, hence the title for my final homework –Quick Reader.’ In amatter-of-fact voice she quickly added, ‘Now,Ireally must finish my shopping so I’ll say goodbye.’

Suzy watched Simon’swife slowly push the trolley down the aisle and out of sight. The revelation that this woman had dreamt up all those wonderful stories Simon had read out as his own was too much to take in.

She told herself, it was lucky Jane didn’t know that she was the lady who’d stolen her husband’skisses. She wondered if Simon had any moresecrets.



So it’s aNew Year and you’ve decided to make afew changes at home, and you realize that you’re going to need abit of help. You begin looking for possible services and find that some professionals describe their work as interior design while others are interior stylists. Suddenly you’re faced with new questions, namely, “What’s the difference?” And more importantly, “Which one do Ineed?”

Interior design and interior styling are often mistaken as the same thing, but theterms are not completely interchangeable. There are many similarities between thetwo jobs—so many, in fact, that opinions vary on exactly where to draw the distinction. There are also more than afew differences between the professions— some subtle, some significant. As you decide whichkind of helpyou need when planning changes in your home, it will help to understand the differences between professional designers and stylists.

Interior Design

Interior design is aprofession that requires specific schooling and formal training. The work involved usually includes studyingcolourand fabric, computer-aided design (CAD) training, drawing, space planning, furniture design, architecture, and more. Upon graduating, designers often apprentice with aregistered and established interior designer before moving on to establish their own companies. Designers are comfortable with spatial planning and can help design and renovate interiors—from drawing up the initial floor plans to placing thelast decorative accent. Designers don’t just enhance the look; they also enhance the function of aroom. Interior designers often work closely with architects and builders to help achieve the look the client desires, whether that client is designing aresidential home, an office, ahotel, or any other interior space.

Before After

Interior Styling

To practice professionally, interior stylists don’t necessarily need to have formal training or schooling because they focus primarily on aesthetics and don’t participate in renovations or structural planning. Astylist comes into the picture after the structural planning and execution are completed to focus on the surface look of the space. Most of the interior images and ideas you will see in magazines, on-line interior shops and social media are curated by interior stylists.

Good stylists are skilled at coming into aroom and whippingitinto visual shape. For new spaces, they can help clients decide on astyle, choose a colour scheme, purchase furniture, and accessorise. They’re also often brought in to spruce up an existing space that needs to be updated or redone. Stylists don’t generally work with any contractors or architects since structural work is usually complete before they come on board. They do, however, work with furniture makers, upholsterers, and other industry professionals. Most often, though, they work directly with homeowners or business managers.

Should IHire aDesigneroraStylist?

Who you should hire depends on your needs? If structural changes are needed (such as removing awall, moving plumbingorwiring around,oradding new windows or doors), then generally an interior designer is the better choice. Designers can help plan for significant structural changes and help make them happen by working directly with architects and builders. On the other hand, if there are no structural changes needed but you need aesthetic help— deciding on astyle; choosing wallpaper, paint, and furnishings; picking window treatments, and choosing lighting and

accessories—an interior stylist will probably do the trick. Experienced stylists know what works together and can transform aroom to suit aclient’s needs anddesires.

In the end, however, choosing the right professional depends largely on the skills of the particular professional, not the job title. Agreat many designers with formal schooling spend most of their time doing work that can be best described as styling since it involves no renovation or structural work. And there are just as many professional stylists who, through long experience, are perfectly capable of working with builders in the same way as adesigner.

When hiring aprofessional,begin with clearly understanding yourown needs andlook for apro who has a proven reputation for meeting those needs, no matter what the formal job title. It’s generally true that designers are for space planning and structural execution, while stylists are for the final aesthetic decisions. But don’t be afraid to cross lines to hire astylist with areputation as agood designer, or a designer with aflair for styling, provided their skills are proven.

Forfurtherinformationcontact KarenatSouthCoastRevivalsforan informalchaton07818012658.

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Star Watching with RufusHenderson-Smith

As we progress into winter our view of Jupiter becomes aregular sight in the night sky.The supreme deity of the Romans, Jupiter,has amass300 timesthat of the Earth and is truly the giant of all the planets!

Consisting of mainly hydrogen, helium, methane and ammonia, the gas giant rotates fast; once in around 10 hours, its surface appearing turbulent and ever changing.

Easily viewed through binoculars it is possible to make out the dark north equatorial belt and south temperate belt separated by the Great Red Spot, avast storm constantly revolving. This angry cloud is 30,000 miles long and about 4times the size of the Earth.

Jupiter has 16 moons and although comparatively very small, 4ofthemare visible with binoculars or asmall telescope and sometimes with the naked eye! First observed by Galileo these moons dance around Jupiter providing adifferent view nightly.Io, the closet, has aconstantly

changing volcanic sulphurous surface, pushed and pulled by the huge gravitational forces of its mother planet. Europa is different and is covered in ice, perhaps hiding avastocean.Ganymede and Calisto are further away from Jupiter and have icy surfaces scarred with impact craters.

Keep alookout for Jupiter rising in the East and moving across the Southern half of the sky for an ever changing viewofthe largest planet in our Solar System.

North and south belts and greatred spot
Jupiter and its 4largest moons


Birds have captured the imagination for hundreds –possibly thousands of years. It is not surprising therefore that many nations have adopted aparticular species as their national bird.

Usually the chosen winged wonder is abird that is common locally or culturally important. The UK’s national bird, you will not be surprised to learn, is the beautiful European Robin, which graces our gardens and countryside all year round.

The Robin is deeply embedded in folklore. It is claimed, for example, that aRobin plucked athorn from the Crown of Thorns worn by Jesus before and during hiscrucifixion. A drop of Christ’s blood supposedly fell onto the Robin, turning its breast bright red, which is why this species is also known as Robin Redbreast.

The European Robinhas been immortalised in song,verse and literature. The Red, Red Robin (Comes Bob, Bob,Bobbin’ Along), a song penned in 1926, was ahit for several singers, including Al Jolson and Doris Day. The Robin wasoften depicted on Victorian Christmas cards carrying acard or letter in its beak.

Of the world’s 200orsonations, half have anational bird, although many of them have never been officially adopted or endorsed by agovernment. Some birds have been chosen by conservation bodies and others as aresult of public consultation exercises.

The oldest nationalbird is the USA’s Bald Eagle, which wasofficially adopted by Congress in 1782 despite the best efforts of Benjamin Franklin to have this status conferred on the Wild Turkey. Franklin was of the opinion that theBald Eagle was a bird of “bad moral character” and that the Wild Turkey was “a much more respectable” species!

Agood question for aquiz might be: which country is unique in having adopted an extinct species as its national bird? The answer is Mauritius and thespecies in question is the celebrated Dodo.

The most popular species as national birds are the mighty Andean Condor, which has been adopted by Bolivia, Colombia, Chile

PhotobyAlan Crockard

and Ecuador, and the African Fisheagle, which is the icon of Malawi, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

The oddest national bird is Guyana’s primeval-looking Hoatzin or Stinkbird, while themost beautiful in my view are Papua New Guinea’s Raggiana Bird-of-Paradise and Guatemala’s Resplendent Quetzal.

Some avian icons, like America’s Bald Eagle, have averyhigh profile, while many others are relatively poorly known as aresult of being littleused and inadequately promoted.

Ihope that more and more countries adopt anational bird and use whatever species they choose as an educational tool to make the children of today, who are the scientists and conservationists of tomorrow, aware of the plight that not only birds but many other species of wildlife face in abeautiful world increasingly being devalued and degraded by Homosapiens.

*National Birds of the World by Ron Toft (Bloomsbury, London, 2014).

*ChristchurchHarbour Ornithological Group:

PhotobyJackie Smith PhotobyPaul Turton PhotobyPaul Turton

January-Chilli Start?

Januarytends to have lots of cloud and rain, wind and storm, making indoors moreattractivethan outdoors.On occasion one hears the words‘Comfort Food”. Looking online reveals different definitions,but formeitmeans food that makes me feel warm and good.Inthis season comfortfood can mean hearty and warming; stews, soups,lentil dishes, lasagne,and spicyfoods forthose thatcan take it.Spices,including herbs can warm or cool.We’re all familiar with popular ones like Rosemary(reputed to clear the head), Thyme and Sage (for the chest). Mint, with its cooling properties,can, like fennel, be used to help digestion afteraheavy meal.Not much beats hot chocolate,for warming up though!

Adding gratedfresh ginger in the cooking makes adish warming,adding some turmeric (alwayswith black pepper to activateit) is said to boost immunity, as is

garlic.Apparently if youcut the green bit out of the centre of the garlic the smell doesn’t linger...

ATanzanian friend introduced me to her delicious version of wintertea; she boils a tablespoon-full of thinly sliced fresh ginger root,black teaand water forten to fifteen minutes,and offers honey if youlike it sweet.Wonderful,when you’ve just come in from ablusterycold wind!

Afriend suffering from cold feet puts a pinch of chilli powder in her socks and claims it helps her staywarm.

Many people sit alot in winter, which puts pressureonveins in the back of the legs and can contributetovaricose veins and back pain. Aphysiotherapist Iknowrecommends sitting on an air cushion which encourages frequentsmall movements and relieves the pressure. Foot rollers help keep agood circulation in your feet while sitting,ifused afew minutes several times aday,but nothing beats going out forfresh air and awalk.

Do youtend to keep the windows firmly closed when it is cold out? A5minute airing of the home twicedaily clears stagnantair and energy,and doesn’t cost much energy loss,although perhaps not advisable during strong winds.

If you’re looking howtoappreciate January, youmightwanttoput on your favouritemusic,dancethrough your house,paint, knit,draw, write, play games,orwhatevergives youreal joy, and gratitude forwhatyou have in life!

©Marianne Thatcher Photo:ThandyYung
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TheEagle’s Nest

Admittedly,itwas quiteafew years ago when vegetarianism wasinits early days ,I was nevertheless alittlesurprised when seated formyfirst dinner in the Austrian hotel ,the waiter appeared nonplussed when Iasked for avegetarian meal.Hetook the menu from the table,quickly scanned it then obviously deciding thatthis particular request needed ahigher authorityhurried off to the kitchen. Iwaited with interest assuming thatthe chef would come up with the appropriate ingredients.The threeegg omeletteset in front of me wasa little daunting,Iadmit,but Iwas gracious enough to clear my platethanking the waiter when he returned.Itried not to showmydismaywhen the following evening another three egg omelettewas broughtto the table.

Maybe I’mabit tooaverse to hurting people’s feelings but almost succumbed on the third and fourth evenings when satinfront of yet another omelette.

Whydid Inot complain? Ineed to think about that. Looking at themenu it washeavily loaded with meatmeals all presentedinavarietyof formsleading me to the understanding that meatwas somehowrevered in this countryand must have been considered,odd,ungrateful perhaps,toturnmyback on their ‘gift’of meat. Thelocation on the shores of one of Austria’s lakes with aback cloth of amagnificent mountain range allowedthe daily egg meals to be incidental to the pleasures of the holiday, fortunately.

Afterafew days of walksaround the lakes taking in the viewsofthe majestic Austrian mountain ranges we decided to book acoach trip combining twodestinations.... Salzburg and the Eagles nest,Adolf Hitler’s hideaway. My memories of Salzburg arenow alittle vague,though abeautiful cityIwas pleased when the tourist guide ordered us back to the coach leaving the crowds of tourists flooding the streets .

Ihad no idea whattoexpectfromthe next stop knowing only thatthe Eagles Nest situated 2820 metres above sea level wasunassailable by the Führer’s enemies.The coachI was travelling in followedawinding mountainside road until reaching aplateau,avehicle park. Leaving the coachwemadeour waytoalift which would take us up to the hideaway. I never did discover whythe wallsofthe liftwere completely brass lined Wasitsimply Hitler’s wish to impress ?

Thedoors opened immediately into the interior of the grand house itself.The huge fireplacecaughtmyattention, afireplacewith Hitler standing alongside featured in much of his photographic memorabilia .I shuddered, as Iimagine manycurious visitors there, did, at actually being in the home of aman who wasresponsible forsomuch devastation. What terrible,inhuman decisions had been made within those four walls?Decisions,which would resonate through the years,leaving a legacyofloss through generations .

It wasa relief to go out to the adjoining restaurantlit by the afternoon’s sun.

My lasting memoryisofwalking along to the summit and gazing down with wonder at the peaks of the surrounding mountains. Howvividly Nature’svista contrasted with the horrors of the historyofthe house thatstood behind me.

Photo: DimitryAnikin ~Unsplash


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