BH Six & Seven | October 2022

Page 10

Your Local Community Magazine October 2022
2 Need some extra help and support at home? Our Care South at Home team offer caring and professional services that are completely reliable, flexible and individually tailored Contact our Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole team today for a free consultation 01202 394000 A trusted not-for-profit charity in the heart of your community Registered Charity No. 1014697

Mudeford RNLI Fundraising Crew

8. Mudeford RNLI Fundraising Crew

Only Use 10% of Our Brain?

12. Do We Only Use 10% of Our Brain?

Challenging Behaviour in Dogs

14. Challenging Behaviour in Dogs

Cunard ’s Queen Anne

Watching for all the Family


s Queen Anne

S6. Jigsaws for all the Family

Saving the Best for Best!

Pumpkin Cake the Month


Pier Lighthouse


S10. Stop Saving the Best for Best!

S14. Recipe: Pumpkin Cake

S18. Wine of the Month

S22. Roker Pier Lighthouse

Spanish Kitchen Recipe on at the Regent Centre

control but slowly become the norm without us ever realising it.



Secret Garden

S26. Spanish Kitchen Recipe

S28. What’s on at the Regent Centre

S30. Short Story

56. Winter Gardens

60. The Secret Garden

Smith 270100 or 07762 701271

As there are so very few things in life that are 100% certain, the article on page S20 entitled ‘Uncertainty’ suggests how we can embrace those changes rather than resist them.

Editor: Julie Smith

Tel: 01425 270100 or 07762 701271


Cover: David Trinks on Unsplash

October Front Cover: David Trinks on Unsplash

Cover: Olivia Hutcherson on Unsplash

Don’t pray for better days, pray for a better attitude to withstand uncertain days ” Mac Duke, The Strategist

Rivista Design

Press Printers

Best Wishes, Julie

November Front Cover: Olivia Hutcherson on Unsplash

Graphic Design: Rivista Design

Printed by Micro Press Printers

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7 KDL PLUMBING & HEATING 01202 374156 07475 128249 Immersion heaters • Cylinders Cold tanks • Ball valves • Taps Overflows • Showers • Bathrooms Radiator replacement Washing machine and dishwasher installation and much more Free estimates and advice given NO CALL OUT CHARGES ADDED


WithSummerinfullswing,and anew termjustaroundthecorner,nowis agreattimetotakestockboth athomeandatwork,tomake thosespacesworkharder andmakelifeeasierforyou.

StudioArkellcanhelpcreatethe spaceyoubothneedanddreamof, thatcanworkflexiblyforyou.

StudioArkellis afriendlyandapproachableChartered Architect’spractice,with atalentedandgrowingteamledby HannahArkell,inherhometownofChristchurch,Dorset.

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‘Designisindividualanduniqueinitsappealtoeachperson, Iaimtobringtheseelementstogethertogiveeachclient somethingbeautifulandpracticalthatmeetstheirownhopes andimaginings,whateverscaleorsizetheproject’ saysHannah

Ifyouarelookingfor alocalArchitectforadvice,Studio Arkellwouldbehappytohelpwiththesmallesthousehold reconfigurationrightuptolarge &innovativecommercialor investmentplans.

Havingsuccessfullydesignedandgainedplanningfor projectsrightacrosstheNewForestandSouthCoast,Studio Arkellhastheexperienceandcreativitytohelpbringyour visionofnewspacesandschemestolife.

To takeadvantageof alimitedofferof acomplimentary1-hour DesignConsultation –pleasegetintouchwithHannahorher TeamatStudioArkelltoday.

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The brain contains around 86 billion neurons but comes in weighing only 1.4kg. Each neuron connects via electrically-powered chemical signals with up to 1,000 of its neuron neighbours. Just like a machine, each neurone is like a tiny cog that has a job to do. However, unlike a machine it is constantly changing. Your brain has unimaginable potential to change and ‘learn’ with new connections forming every second.

A myth that persists is that we only use 10% of our brains. This theory derived from the 1800s has been disproved over and over. However, the notion refuses to disappear probably because it appeals to our longing to be better and smarter as a species, and our desire to outsmart those who came before us.

Ways to Improve Your Memory

We use every single brain cell, but different parts of our brain are used at different times depending on what we are doing. Buried deep in the temporal lobe of the brain is a structure called the hippocampus. This part of the brain is heavily involved in learning and memory and is an integral part of the limbic system. The limbic system is the gatekeeper to which memories are stored and which are discarded as insignificant and is heavily reliant upon your emotions, good and bad.

To increase the retention of information here are a few methods that may help.

1. Tell Stories

Everyone enjoys stories and this is a great way to encourage memories to be transferred to your long-term storage. Telling stories ties positive emotions to the anecdotes forming very strong memories

2. Create Rhymes

Creating rhymes or mnemonics creates associations between letters and numbers and the information you are trying to retain

For a special offer quote BH7EVEN.

3. Try Mind Maps

Mind maps create visual connections to the information that you want to learn. The more you explore a topic with connection, the more information you are likely to retain.

4. Keep a Diary

A diary is great for recording events as they happened close to the event. Over time our memories can become contaminated by emotions or patchy recollection.

Address Aches and Pains

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Do we really only use 10% of our brain? 34 The Grove, Christchurch, BH23 2HB. 01202 031 220
13 Christchurch Foot Clinic to be incl hereLeaves are falling Autumn is calling Elodie BSc (HONS) in PodiatryMRCPod, HCPC registered 01202 477600 | 4 Wick Lane Christchurch BH23 1HX If you are embarrassed by your feet or nails, please don’t be. We have seen it all before (and more!) The time has come to start wrapping those feet in socks and shoes again. Don’t forget they still need care and attention even when you can’t see them! We have a lovely range of Bare Kind bamboo socks which will, with the thermoregulatory properties of bamboo, go a long way to keeping your feet warm or cool as appropriate. We provide a full range of foot health services. CHRISTCHURCH FOOT CLINIC Elodie Stewart BSc (HONS) in PodiatryMRCPod, HCPC registered 4 Wick Lane Christchurch, BH23 1HX Tel: 01202 477600 Email: We are here for all your footcare needs CHRISTCHURCH FOOT CLINIC Elodie Stewart BSc (HONS) in PodiatryMRCPod, HCPC registered 4 Wick Lane Christchurch, BH23 1HX Tel: 01202 477600 Email: We are here for all your footcare needs Gift Vouchers Available Love or hate your feet, they are key to you living life to the optimum and deserve to be looked after


Socialisation – New dog owners believe they have to socialise their dog with lots of other dogs, as well as having them saying hello to lots of people in order to prevent them from becoming aggressive... This approach is how your cute pup will likely turn into a fear aggressive dog or become over socialised and run over to every person or dog they see (over friendly dogs often cause many problems when let off lead). To socialise a dog correctly they need to be trained in multiple environments where dogs and people are present, however the engagement should be on their owner and you should be the most fun thing on the field, you should be able to keep them safe at all times, this approach will ensure you end up with a calm and balanced dog you can take anywhere.

Too much freedom - I cringe every time I see a puppy off lead in a public place as its likely to be one experience away from being attacked by another off lead dog (that shouldn’t be off lead either). I can't go for a walk these days without seeing multiple out of control dogs (aggressive and over friendly) off lead causing havoc with both other dogs and people. In the home pups and rescues are also given too much freedom, such as access to multiple rooms with very little boundaries and structure to follow. Simply by managing the dog until they can be trusted in and out of the home, will drastically reduce the risk of your dog developing unwanted behaviours.

Over loving your dog – The majority of the unwanted behaviours I see in dogs are driven by owners who over love their dog, who unknowingly reward the wrong behaviour at the wrong time, who set very little boundaries in and out of the home. I totally understand that you should love your dog however loving a dog is the easy part, training your dog every day and being a good leader is the hard part. Ask yourself....Although you love your dog could you love your dog better? Would your dog benefit from more training? Could you be a better leader? Being a great leader cultivates a calm and balanced dog who will give you all the love you deserve, without any behavioural problems.

We work a wide variety of behaviours including some of the most challenging dogs in Dorset...We have 100s of before and after videos plus 5* reviews on our website and social media channels, why not check us out...

We're passionate about feeding 100% natural food to our beloved canines. You will not find one single additive or preservative in any of our raw food, treats or chews. We sell a huge variety in our store however most of our customers buy our best selling variety boxes.


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*The industry may have a price increase in the coming months however just mention this advert and we'll honour these prices throughout October and November'22.

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Cunard’s Queen Anne

Launching in early 2024, Queen Anne will be an iconic addition to an already iconic line. Cunard’s 249th ship, she will make up a remarkable quartet with Queen Mary 2, Queen Victoria, and Queen Elizabeth, all of them taking the fleet into the future while continuing time-honoured traditions of world-class comfort, all-pervading calm and fabulous cuisine.

Queen Anne will depart for her maiden cruise from Southampton on January 4th 2024, sailing a 7 night voyage to Lisbon, with an overnight in port.

During her maiden season, Queen Anne will visit more than 30 unique ports, including Mediterranean cities, Caribbean islands and the picturesque fjords of Norway. Those who join these sailings will be part of the celebrations as she’s greeted in ports for the very first time, witnessing the ship’s captain and local harbour master make the traditional plaque exchange.

Queen Anne will offer pools, bars alfresco eateries and a wide open deck spaces that will invite you to connect with the great outdoors like never before, including

aft deck corners that extend out, offering unique views of the ship and waters.

The Pavilion

This clever two-deck space with its bespoke glass dome roof that retracts in warmer climes, inspired by lovely glasshouses, is a place to get lost in a book, take a dip in the pool by day and meet new friends for an evening drink. Its central stage and LED screen mean it can host open-air theatre, screenings, live music and more.

Panorama Pool Club

Set at the aft of the ship for killer views, this luxurious area has DJs and live bands and loungers arrayed around a monochrome-striped pool, with a canopied area ensuring shade. There’s full waiter service for alfresco nibbles and freshly shaken cocktails.

Grills Terrace

Exclusive to guests of Princess and Queens Grill suites, this tranquil space features two infinity hot tubs with views out to the horizon, plus waiter service for

A Fresh Look at

drinks and nibbles. It’s centrally located on the ship making it ideal both for post-lunch relaxation and evening drinks before or after getting ready for dinner.

Sky Bar and Observation Deck

At the forward of the ship, on deck 14, this all-day, multi-purpose space has some of the best views on the ship. Come for Cunard’s signature cocktails and deck games including a full-sized paddle tennis court, a putting green, a driving range, quoits and shuffleboard.

Cabana Bar

Inspired by tropical beach bars, this enticing spot offers both rum based cocktails and other favourites, nibbles, both shaded and uncovered areas,

games including giant chess and two horizon telescopes to spot other ships or some ocean wildlife.

Deck Space

All the vessel’s outdoor decks have been architect designed to maximise the space and views, whether you want to socialise, read, take a morning jog or a starlit evening walk. Some also have classic and contemporary deck games.

To enquire about sailing on board

Queen Anne or any other cruise ships, get in touch. I have a wealth of cruise knowledge to share with you having cruised many times myself.

T: 01202 375150

M: 07929 626156






Most people know this spectacular bird of prey as the Osprey, but did you know it is also called a sea hawk, a river hawk, a fish hawk, (for obvious reasons) and it even has its own local name – mullet hawk. Ospreys dive feet first to catch fish that are near the surface of the water. This fish-eating raptor can reach more than 60 cm, nearly two feet, in length. The wingspan can reach 180 cm or 6 feet, the height of some humans and it can weigh around 2 kg (equivalent to a 2.2 kg bag of sugar).

Ospreys are protected in the UK under the Wildlife and Countryside Act, l981 and are on the UK Amber list for birds (2021) as numbers decreased due to illegal killing and low breeding. Scotland is a favourite breeding ground for Ospreys with around 300 pairs although some birds’ frequent sites in North East England. In 2001 breeding began in England at Bassenthwaite in Cumbria and Rutland Water. It is estimated that 200 to 250 pairs are breeding in the UK. There are four breeding pairs in Wales that can be viewed via a webcam. They can be seen around March to September where there is a large expanse of fresh water near where they breed. Their habitat is marine and intertidal wetland, hence the visits to Stanpit during autumn migration.

If you are one of the lucky ones and see the Osprey in flight, you may initially mistake it for a large gull. Not for long hopefully as you notice the size and observe the white or slightly mottled underparts. The ‘wrist’ on the long, angled wings has a black patch distinctive against the white wing linings. They have oily brown cream/buff white, feathers to preserve waterproofing.

Soon the Ospreys will be heading off on a 3,000 mile incredible journey (without a Satnav) for warmer climes joining others for migration to sub-Saharan Africa.

Thank you for your interest in joining CHOG or for renewing your membership. Your support makes a positive contribution to local conservation.

Benefits of Membership

• Free copy of the annual bird report, The Birds of Christchurch Harbour, which is over 120 pages and contains many colour photographs

• Free access to indoor meetings

• Free attendance at outdoor meetings

• Access to members-only resource CHOG Online

Membership Rates

Osprey by Scott Usher
Youth - 16-24 Free PDF copy of the Bird of Christchurch Harbour Single Adult £7.00 Two Adults £10.00 Two adults at same address Family £13.00 Two adults and unlimited under-16s at same address Single Life £175.00 Family Life £250.00 Two adults and unlimited under-16s at same address
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Jigsaws for all the family

With the long hot days of summer a way behind us it’s time to start thinking of colder, shorter days and keeping ourselves amused through the long winter months. So how about some colourful jigsaw puzzles to challenge the little grey cells?

Jigsaw puzzles enjoyed a resurgence of popularity during the Covid lockdowns, and their appeal has continued long afterwards for people of all ages, but what makes these so special is that they are of many of our favourite scenes in our local area!

Using designs from original paintings by local artist Wendy Brown, the 1000 piece puzzles have been manufactured in the UK using 100% recycled board. Each puzzle measures 50 x 66 cm (20 x 26”) and comes with a large fold-out image for you to follow.

The puzzles include a colourful scene of Hengistbury Head featuring the old Noddy Train, the Priory Quarter of Christchurch, The New Forest, and Poole Quay, plus other local images. Each one is very colourful and packed with quirky details, and just for an extra challenge there isn’t a straight line in sight! So trying to piece them together is very entertaining.

With Christmas fast approaching they would also make wonderful gifts for friends and family.

If you’re looking for gifts for little ones, there are also two children’s jigsaws in Wendy’s collection. Titled “Dinner Time” and “The Sweetshop”, they feature her traditional children’s illustrations of little animals in charming, vintage settings, and with just 48 pieces per puzzle make perfect gifts for children of three years old and above.

You can view all the jigsaw puzzles by going to Wendy Brown’s website and clicking on the Jigsaw Puzzles in the drop-down menu in the Shop section. They cost £17.00 for the 1000 piece puzzles and £14.00 for the children’s 48 piece puzzles, BUT - for the months of October and November 2022, you can claim 10% off these prices by entering the code PUZZLE10 at the checkout!

Whilst you are looking at Wendy’s website, do check out all the other gift items including porcelain mugs, coasters and table mats, tea towels, gift tins and more.


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Book Review

Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver, hardback £20 (our price £16) published 18th October

Demon’s story begins with his traumatic birth to a single mother in a single berth trailer, looking ‘like a little blue prizefighter.’ For the life ahead of him he will need all of that fighting spirit, along with buckets of charm, a quick wit, and some unexpected talents, legal and otherwise. In the southern Appalachian Mountains of Virginia, poverty isn’t an idea, it’s as natural as the grass grows. For a generation growing up in this world, at the heart of the modern opioid crisis, addiction isn’t an abstraction, it’s neighbours, parents, and friends. ‘Family’ could mean love, or reluctant foster care. For Demon, born on the wrong side of luck, the affection and safety he craves is as remote as the ocean he dreams of seeing one day. The wonder is in how far he’s willing to travel to try and get there.

Agatha Christie: A Very Elusive Woman by Lucy Worsley, hardback £25 (our price £20)

As Lucy Worsley says, ‘Agatha was thrillingly, scintillatingly modern’. She went surfing in Hawaii, she loved fast cars, and she was intrigued by the new science of psychology, which helped her through devastating mental illness. So why - despite all the evidence to the contrary - did Agatha present herself as a retiring Edwardian lady of leisure? Lucy Worsley’s biography is not just of an internationally renowned bestselling writer. It’s also the story of a person who, despite the obstacles of class and gender, became an astonishingly successful working woman. With access to personal letters and papers that have rarely been seen, Lucy Worsley’s biography is both authoritative and entertaining and makes us realise what an extraordinary pioneer Agatha Christie was - truly a woman who wrote the twentieth century.

The Incredible Pop-Up Mummy: With 20 Flaps To Lift and Giant Pop Ups , hardback £25 (our price £20). 7-11 Year olds.

An intricate pop-up book to mark the centenary of Tutankhamun’s Tomb’s discovery in 1922. 100 years ago, Howard Carter and his team made an incredible find: the undisturbed tomb of an ancient Egyptian Pharaoh, buried for more than 3,000 years. Now you too can discover the treasures of Tutankhamun’s tomb, in this fascinating book all about ancient Egyptian mummies. Packed with multi-layered pop-ups and flaps to lift, this incredible feat of paper-engineering allows the reader to make their own finds, page after page. From the pyramids and tombs where mummified Pharaohs were buried, to the process of making a mummy, you’ll soon be an expert on the art of mummification and the amazing rituals involved.

Why not pop into the shop to have a browse and see lots of great Christmas present ideas for adults and children, as well as jigsaws, cards, advent calendars and gifts? Or you can contact us on 01202 418403, email or find us on social media @bh6booksandhome to place orders and discover all that we have to offer at BH6 Books and Home, 69 Southbourne Grove, BH6 3QU.

S9 01202 240 769 T3000 JS SEP 2022 Mudeford 73x210(1).indd 1 01/09/2022 10:35

Stop saving the best stuff for best.

Do you remember the days when we bought things for ‘best’? Yes, I do too. Your wardrobe would be full of wedding outfits, smart shoes and handbags – hardly ever worn. Your kitchen would be full of best china and there would be mementoes and memorabilia never touched, simply put away for special occasions. How crazy is that when you think about it? Today is your best day and this moment is the moment of your life. Saving things for best is like saying things aren’t great right now, but when they are better, I will bring them out/wear them!

I saw a sign in a pub many years ago, it was so great “Remember the good old days?” “These ARE the good old days.”

It made me laugh, how true. These are the good days. Every day is a good day (if you choose it to be). Every day is a chance to start again and to make those changes you want to make in your life. We tend to look towards the future whilst still

having a foot in the past. It really is all about the now, this moment, this second, this minute, this day. It is the only thing that is guaranteed, a sure thing.

In our wish to find the happiness we seek, we tend to wish for the time better than what we have now, but in truth, even if things are pretty rubbish right now, you still have a chance to turn things around. You still have time to change your negative thoughts, into positive.

Keeping things for best is such a waste of space. Use and love everything you have. If you keep things tucked away and never use them, you will feel more upset when the time comes to let go. Something worn and used is such a blessing and helps you let go with ease, recalling the precious memories.

I had a dress a few years ago, I kept it in my wardrobe, for best. I would look at it from time to time but that ‘best’ occasion never came. It was never quite right for this, that and the other. Finally, I sold it. It was so liberating, now I had space for something new and a bit of money in my bank account.

It’s all about living in the now and if you fancy using Grandma’s china that was left to you, then do it! Use it until it falls apart, it’s what it’s made for.

Love Beth, x

HelpingyoufindinnerharmonythroughDecluttering | 07932 945738 | #destinationhappygirl
Photo: Bruce Christianson ~ UnSplash







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Photo: Matheus

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Wine of the Month

Bodegas Pinuaga Tinto 2021


From La Mancha, South East of Madrid.

Made from organic grapes. 50% Garnarcha 50% Tempranillio

Light, purple, striking colour. Lively and fresh bursting with juicy red cherry and plum notes. Serve slightly chilled.

Works well with heavier fish dishes, (as I did at the Kings last month with Alex Aitkin) tapas or BBQs.


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Benjamin Franklin’s famous quote: ‘Nothing is certain except death and taxes’

Research has found that people vary in their ability to tolerate uncertainty. People who are intolerant of uncertainty worry incessantly and may exhibit certain behaviours aimed to remove all uncertainty in daily living. These behaviours may include: seeking reassurance from others, list making, double checking, difficulty delegating, even keeping busy may act to distract them from the uncertainty of life. Unfortunately, even spending time and energy on all these behaviours they DON’T WORK as it is impossible to get rid of uncertainty. The only way to manage uncertainty is to become more tolerant to it; build up your resilience so that you can COPE when things don’t go according to plan.

Uncertainty triggers a sense of threat in our bodies, creating an outpouring of threat hormones, adrenalin, and cortisol, which, in turn, target our body and mind preparing us for fight, flight or freeze. This response is a necessary one for survival to keep us safe if the threat is severe, but in some people this survival instinct is too sensitive and is triggered constantly by the unavoidable, daily uncertainty of living resulting in generalised anxiety. The brain struggles to work out how to keep you out of harm’s way, it looks at all possible scenarios and tries to prepare for every eventuality to eliminate uncertainty -an impossible task that results in constant anxiety. It is common for most people to be a bit uncomfortable with uncertainty, but for people who are very uncomfortable with uncertainty, it is a bit like the allergic response to pollen.

Even when you are exposed to a small amount you will sneeze, and your eyes will run and itch. For those intolerant to uncertainty, it triggers a strong reaction too: they will worry and do everything they can to get away from, avoid, or eliminate that uncertainty. By becoming more tolerant of uncertainty and not spending all that time and energy worrying, you get to realise that you can deal with things even when they don’t go according to plan.

What is happening psychologically?

Our brains can very simply be divided into two parts: the front logical brain that deals with cognition, reasoning and higher functions and the back primitive brain that deals with emotion and automatic responses to keep us safe. When a threat is recognised, this is detected by an area in the back brain called the amygdala which operates like a ‘smoke alarm’. The amygdala drives the stress response which spurs you to take any action you can, even if it is illogical. At the same time the back brain activity inhibits the activity of the front brain, hence ‘STRESS MAKES US STUPID’. In this anxious state we are unable to engage our front logical brain and our thinking is fixed, black and white, often illogical, and unhelpful.

If you want to improve your tolerance to uncertainty, then you need to practise small changes in behaviour in your everyday life. As you start acting ’as if’ you are comfortable with uncertainty it will become easier and easier to reduce the worrying thoughts and feelings and consequent stress response.

Peace is accepting today, releasing yesterday, and giving up the need to control tomorrow.


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Gleeson White

Anyone who’s commemorated with a blue plaque is worth a write-up. I quite fancy having one of these on my habitation. You know the kind of thing: ‘Val Roberts, a.k.a. ‘Mrs Steve’, immortalised in prose, better half of author Steve Roberts, lived here’. Gleeson White meanwhile is named on a Christchurch History Society Millennium Blue Plaque in the High Street. It’s outside the Regent Centre.

‘On this site until replaced by the Regent Cinema in 1931 stood Caxton House Bookshop, in which was born Gleeson White 1852-1898 artist, illustrator, author and first editor in 1895 of The Studio art magazine, who also traded here as a bookseller’. I can’t think of anything better than being born in a bookshop. That would make you a true bookworm. So, what else do we know about him?

Interestingly, although the plaque plumps for 1852 most Internet sources seem to coalesce on 1851 for when he was born as Joseph William Gleeson White. Educated in Christchurch,

Gleeson as he’s usually referred to, became a member of the Art Workers’ Guild, which had been established in 1884 by devotees of William Morris and the Arts and Crafts Movement. In 1890 Gleeson adventurously headed off to New York City where he presided over ‘The Art Amateur’ (1891-92) before returning to England in 1893.

White became the first serving editor of ‘The Studio’, an influential art magazine, established the year he returned. Under his stewardship it became one of the era’s most important art mags. It was devoted to fine and decorative arts and would continue to be published right up to 1964. The founder was Charles Holme who took over as editor in 1895 and would eventually die in Hampshire in 1923. Gleeson may have stepped down as editor but he continued contributing to the magazine’s pages, in fact, right up until when he died in 1898, aged around 46 or 47, from typhoid fever. It seems that White’s ousting as editor came about because of his open support for controversial figures such as black ink illustrator Aubrey Beardsley, a TB sufferer who once convalesced in Bournemouth, and writer Oscar Wilde, another frequenter of the resort.

White also acted as editor to a number of other magazines and publications, including: the ‘Ex Libris Series’; ‘Connoisseur Series’; the ‘Pageant’; and the ‘Cathedral Series’. His books included ‘Salisbury Cathedral’ (1896) and ‘Master Painters of Great Britain’ in four volumes (1897-98). You can’t always believe everything you read and one normally reputable website refers to Gleeson as a ‘poet’ (I’m not sure I’ve found any other evidence of this) and also as a ’New Zealander’. Well I never. I’m thinking perhaps I could plonk anything on my blue plaque: ‘… better half of author, poet and Kiwi Steve Roberts …

Gleeson White (author - Frederick Hollyer, source - ‘Die Kunst in der Photographie’, 1897)

Country Salad

Ingredients (for 4 people)

800g Small Salad Potatoes

2 Spring Onions

15 Cherry Tomatoes

1 Green Pepper

1 Red Pepper

4 Hard Boiled Eggs

2 Tins of Tuna in oil or natural, drained

20 Green or Black Olives

100g Extra Virgin Olive Oil

2 Tablespoons of Sherry Vinegar

30g Lemon Juice

Ground Black Pepper


Fresh Parsley (garnish)


Put the whole potatoes in a pot of cold, salted water. When the water starts to boil, add the eggs and cook for 10 minutes, remove, cool in ice water and peel. Leave the potatoes to cook until tender, drain them and leave to cool and cut in half.

Wash and dice the peppers, halve the tomatoes, finely chop the spring onions and halve the olives.

Place the potatoes and the above ingredients in a large bowl, season lightly with salt and pepper and mix.

For the vinaigrette, emulsify the oil with the vinegar, lemon juice and salt and pepper to taste.

Finally, place the drained tuna on top of the salad, add the quartered eggs and dress with the vinaigrette.


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THU 13 OCT: 19:30

Featuringmusic,filmandimagesfrompopsfinest decade,allperformedbythebrilliantOvertures.


FRI 14 OCT: 19:30



SUN 16 OCT: 14:00


TUE 18 OCT: 20:00


THU 20 OCT: 19:30


FRI 21 OCT: 19:30

Exhilaratingswingwithaward-winningjazzvocalist andRadio2presenterClareTeal, joinedbyher6-pieceband


SAT 22 OCT: 19:30


SUN 23 OCT: 14:00


SUN 23 OCT: 19:30

Hopper’sworkisthemostrecognizableartin America–popular,praised,andmysterious.


WED 27 OCT: 19:00 | THU 27 OCT: 14:00 & 19:00

EntertheworldofDrSeussinthisperfect musicalforthewholefamily.

PREDATOR (1987) [35MM] (18)

FRI 28 OCT: 20:00

PresentedbyDirtintheGateMovies,screening fromanoriginal35mmprint.


SUN 30 OCT: 19:00

AMITYVILLE 3-D (1983) [35MM] (15)

MON 31 OCT: 20:00

PresentedbyDirtintheGateMovies,screening fromanoriginal35mmprint.



THU 3 NOV: 19:00

EmiliaClarke(GameofThrones)makesherWestEnd debutinthis21stcenturyretellingofAntonChekhov’s tale of love and loneliness.


SAT 5 NOV: 19:30

CapturingtheuniqueABBAsoundandfeelwitha full cast and incredible live band


SUN 6 NOV: 19:00


THU 10 NOV: 19:30

JohnRobinsheadlinesNovember’sComedyClub withfullsupportingline-uptobeannounced.

BLUE VELVET (1986) [35MM] (18)

FRI 11 NOV: 20:00

PresentedbyDirtintheGateMovies,screening fromanoriginal35mmprint.


SAT 12 NOV: 19:30


SUN 13 NOV: 19:30

CommemorateRemembrancewithavery specialconcertbythefabulous 17-pieceSwingUnlimitedBigBand.


TUE 15 NOV: 19:30

The sweetest of all Matthew Bourne’s treats comes to cinemas for the first time.


WED 16 & THU 17 NOV: 19:30


SAT 19 NOV: 14:00


SUN 20 NOV: 14:30 & 19:30

PreparetobetakenonaspecialjourneythatisIrishin essencewiththataddedtouchofChristmasmagic.


FRI 25 NOV: 19:30

Experiencethemulti-awardwinningZootswiththeir smash70sshow,inallitspoptasticglory!

We are constantly adding new films. To see our upcoming titles, please visit our website or pick up a film list in-person.
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A Box of Gems

Another birthday beckons. This year, the eighty-fifth. In a few days I should have the usual texts. ‘What do you want for your birthday, Grandad?’ I like it that they like giving. My stock answer is don’t waste your money, I’d be delighted with a card but if that’s too difficult nowadays a friendly text would be enough.

Maybe this year I’ll surprise them; do something different. I don’t want to be churlish or dismissive but when you already have everything you need or desire, a dilemma is presented.

I know the answer. This year I’ll reverse the norm. I’ll travel backwards, make some gifts wrapped up in paper made from the leaves of my past. I don’t want to emulate Benjamin Button or become trapped in an age long gone. But if I search the inner recesses of my mind, I may find a few ageless sparkling gems of wisdom I can pass on to the grandchildren.

They can choose whether the gifts are worthwhile keeping, able to be fashioned into a talisman that could help them in their dark days, or be abandoned as relics of an irrelevant past, my past.

Trying to answer ‘what-if’ questions will be a fruitless exercise. Equally as wasteful will be to spend time re-living ‘if-only I’d done this instead of that,’ situations. We are where we are because we did what we did. I could reflect on opportunities missed, and pain that I may have caused someone, but history cannot be rewritten. Would that it could: imagine being able to eliminate war and poverty. Nothing can be changed but perhaps much can be learned.

The farther back I delve, things I then didn’t understand now have clarity. During the Blitz in WW2 my mother’s whispered words, as she scooped me into her arms and raced towards a shelter at the first sound of the Air Raid Warning, reassured me that all would be well. She sucked away any fear that I may have had.

Unbeknown to me then, her love, her optimism, her belief in better times to come stayed with me. Sometimes it can be dangerous to think the glass of life is half-full, particularly if reality is forsaken, but if you can, it is more enjoyable to always look on the bright side. If nothing else, others around you are happier. Maybe here I have excavated a sparkling gem to put in the box of gifts.

When I was about four, I was given a smiley toy clown made of tin, about three inches high… too big to swallow… which had a heavy semi-spherical base. Therein was its strength. No matter how much I tried it couldn’t be pushed over. It had bouncebackability. An attribute which I learned much later can be of huge value and is free. I think that should also go in the gift box.

The grandchildren should travel their lives and pick what suits them best. Overburdening with gifts is never a good thing. But trawling back there is one more gem that I’ll put in the box. I could find examples in every decade and, hopefully any that may come. Every day I polish one. Again, despite its huge value it is free: never lose the curiosity of childhood.

© Colin Seager


A football loving resident from Wickmeads care home in Tuckton near Christchurch enjoyed a very special 100th birthday celebration with a VIP visit to AFC Bournemouth. Former professional footballer, Stan was treated to a guided tour at AFC Bournemouth’s Vitality Stadium with Assistant Club Secretary and Club Historian, Neil Vacher.

Stan played professional football in the 1940s and 1950s for clubs including Brockenhurst FC and Sway FC and both clubs sent their best wishes and gifts to mark his special day, including a picture of Stan and his Sway FC teammates winning the cup in 1947/48.

Staff and residents at Wickmeads joined in the celebrations, throwing a garden party for Stan at the home which was attended by many of his friends and family. Performer Steve Shappelle kept everyone entertained with jokes and songs, including some of Stan’s favourites. Particularly poignant was his rendition of

Dame Vera Lynn’s ‘We’ll meet again’ with which Stan happily joined in.

During the Second World War, Stan was lucky enough to meet Dame Vera Lynn whilst serving out in Myanmar (formerly Burma) and exchanged communication with her and her family in later years. Wickmeads Activities Coordinator, Hudson, who helped arrange the celebrations for Stan, was pleased to present him with a mounted display featuring their letters, as well as a newspaper clipping of Dame Vera’s visit to the troops and photos of her, which really brought a tear to his eye. Stan was also thrilled to receive a birthday card from the Queen.

Tracey Walker, Home Manager at Wickmeads, said: “Turning 100 is a real milestone birthday so we were delighted to help Stan celebrate his big day, firstly with the garden party and then a trip to the Vitality Stadium. He certainly lives life to the full, as do all the residents in our care at Wickmeads.”


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Coffee Time French

A Fun & Sociable Way To Learn French!

A Fun & Sociable Way To Learn French!

Coffee Time French

Autumn is the perfect time to visit France. If you’re heading off there anytime soon, we at Coffee Time French have put together some handy phrases that you can use whilst across the channel.

Autumn is the perfect time to visit France. If you’re heading off there anytime soon, we at Coffee Time French have put together some handy phrases that you can use whilst across the channel.

Coffee Time French is an alternative way to learn the language. We teach 10 x adult classes per week, from complete beginners, to advanced learners in BH6 coffee shops!

Coffee Time French is an alternative way to learn the language. We teach 10 x adult classes per week, from complete beginners, to advanced learners in BH6 coffee shops!

Daily French Phrases from AM to PM

Daily French Phrases from AM to PM

Bonjour /bon-jaw/ = Hello or Good day

Bonjour /bon-jaw/ = Hello or Good day

Salut /sa-loo/ = Hi (more informal)

Salut /sa-loo/ = Hi (more informal)

Ça va? /sa-va/ = How are you?

Ça va? /sa-va/ = How are you?

Ça va = Fine thanks

Ça va = Fine thanks

Pas mal /pa-mal/ = Not bad

Pas mal /pa-mal/ = Not bad

Pas bien /pa-beeyan/ = Not good, well

A Fun & Sociable Way To Learn French!

Pas bien /pa-beeyan/ = Not good, well

Bonne journée /bon jawnay/ = Havé a good day

Bonne journée /bon jawnay/ = Havé a good day

Bon après-midi /bon apray-midi/ = Good afternoon

Bon après-midi /bon apray-midi/ = Good afternoon

Je voudrais… /ju voo-dray/ = I would like…

Je voudrais… /ju voo-dray/ = I would like…

Autumn is the perfect time to visit France.

It’s a really fun and relaxed way to learn the language and we absolutely love teaching the people of Southbourne, Bournemouth.

It’s a really fun and relaxed way to learn the language and we absolutely love teaching the people of Southbourne, Bournemouth.

S’il vous plaît /sil-voo-play/ = Please

S’il vous plaît /sil-voo-play/ = Please

Voila! /vwa-la/ There you go!

Voila! /vwa-la/ There you go!

Merci /mur-see/ = Thank you

Daily French Phrases from AM to PM

Merci /mur-see/ = Thank you

Je vous en prie / ju vuzon pree/ = You’re welcome

Je vous en prie / ju vuzon pree/ = You’re welcome

We also run themed events where you can put into practise what you’ve been learning.

We also run themed events where you can put into practise what you’ve been learning.

Wine Time French, Pétanque Parties and Crêpes et Cidre evenings to name but a few.

Wine Time French, Pétanque Parties and Crêpes et Cidre evenings to name but a few.

if you prefer learning from the comforts of home, we also run fun online courses, following the same syllabus and ethos.

if you prefer learning from the comforts of home, we also run fun online courses, following the same syllabus and ethos.

If you’re heading off there anytime soon, we at Coffee Time French have put together some handy phrases that you can use whilst across the channel.

If you would like to join our friendly community, why not book a free trial lesson!

If you would like to join our friendly community, why not book a free trial lesson!

Coffee Time French is an alternative way to learn the language. We teach 10 x adult classes per week, from complete beginners, to advanced learners in BH6 coffee shops!

Excusez- moi /x-q-zay mwa/ Excuse me

Excusez- moi /x-q-zay mwa/ Excuse me

Où est… ? /oo-ay/ Where is…?

Où est… ? /oo-ay/ Where is…?

Bonjour /bon-jaw/ = Hello or Good day

Pardon & désolé /des-o-lay/ = Sorry

Pardon & désolé /des-o-lay/ = Sorry

Répétez s’il vous plaît = Repeat that please

Répétez s’il vous plaît = Repeat that please

Bonsoir /bon-swar/ = Good-evening

Salut /sa-loo/ = Hi (more informal)

Bonsoir /bon-swar/ = Good-evening

Au revoir /o-rev-vwa/ = Goodbye

Au revoir /o-rev-vwa/ = Goodbye

À bientôt /a bee-en-tow/ = See you soon

À bientôt /a bee-en-tow/ = See you soon

Ça va? /sa-va/ = How are you?



Email: Call Chloé on: 0751 31 81 077


Ça va = Fine thanks

Call Chloé on: 0751 31 81 077

Pas mal /pa-mal/ = Not bad

Pas bien /pa-beeyan/ = Not good, well

Bonne journée /bon jawnay/ = Havé a good day

Bon après-midi /bon apray-midi/ = Good afternoon

54 Coffee Time French

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Winter Gardens

For Supporting Wildlife

Winter and Spring Plants





Cyclamen Ivy




Winter Jasmine

Evergreen Shrubs

Garden Features for Supporting Wildlife


Piles of Leaves

Gabions for Bugs

Bird Feeders

Small Ponds

Gardens can look a bit bleak during the winter months but with the right evergreen shrubs and early spring flowering bulbs there can still be plenty going on.

Adding some simple garden features such as metal gabions, vertical sleepers or posts, piles of logs and leaves can create interest and protection for wildlife such as hedgehogs.

Untidy Corners

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The Secret Garden

Autumn is here and the much needed rain for the soil! Also, fruit trees are now showering us with abundance. At ‘Grounded Community’ we get many kind donations from allotments and gardens in the area. We love this and so do those we supply food boxes too. This year we are looking to go a step further.

In October half term we are planning a Food Canteen Pilot. We have run zero waste meals before, but this is different. We will be offering 80-100 people from the local Boscombe area a meal, eat in or takeaway, 4 nights that week. This will be open to all but have a focus on those who can’t cook for themselves or can’t afford to at this time. People can donate between £1 and £4 for a meal. We can also take donations for a subsidised meal for someone.

This will be held at the New Food Bank Cafe at St Georges in Boscombe where we are employing a great head chef and a number of other volunteers that will help us cook up some amazing creative meals using food donated to us. We will of course be using some of our own garden produce grown by our volunteers at The Secret Garden. I know others like ‘Nourish Community’ at Hurn, will also donate produce too.

What we really want to see is people eating together and our community being able to feed itself with fresh healthy produce. Many schemes exist to help people cook, Like ‘The Friendly Food Club’ and ‘Food Bank’. This is fantastic and people need the skills, but we have built an individual and isolated approach to eating. Many cultures around the world cook and eat together, in fact one or two cooks may cook for 15-40 people every day. In our culture of waste, our canteen idea could really make a difference. Joining in with our meal will give those with low skill or low income a great meal four nights that week. This will reduce waste, food miles, packaging and increase connectedness, resourcefulness and nutrition for those fed.

People can help by joining in, preparing meals, donating food or funds or telling others who may benefit from this. Our hope is that after the pilot and evaluation many will be able to run these meals in their small communities. You could do this in your street. We hope we will be able to make this a regular food space for 50 people or more each evening. There will be great need, even food shortage in the coming years, so we need to reimagine, food, eating and community. Get growing and stay Grounded!

For more information, or to donate visit

Thanks, Michael

Visit us at The Secret Garden behind St Clements Church, Boscombe between 9am -1pm or call 07530 987349 W: E:

Alcohol Awareness Week 18 - 25th November 2022

Help to stop drinking with no waiting lists or referrals

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) has been helping alcoholics worldwide to recover from alcoholism since 1935. In 2022, AA Great Britain will celebrate its 75-year anniversary. During that time, AA has supported thousands of people to re-establish relationships with themselves and others.

The Theme of Alcohol Awareness Week from 18 - 25 November 2022 is ‘Change’. AA’s 2020 membership survey found that there are over 4.2 million attendances at AA meetings each year in the UK . For the first time, the majority of AA members, 55%, have been in the fellowship for over 10 years and current membership is 53% male and 47% female, the highest proportion of females recorded in an AA GB survey. The majority of AA members, 58%, are in full-time employment with 26% retired.

The 2020 survey results support the findings of

the Cochrane Report that AA is as effective, if not more so, than other established treatments.

AA is free, confidential and available to anyone who is worried about their drinking. Crucially, there are no waiting lists or referrals and local meetings take place daily in Bournemouth and the surrounding areas, as well as across Dorset and the rest of the UK. Using a proven recovery programme and the support of others who have stayed sober, AA is ready to help you or someone you may know who is experiencing problems with alcohol.

They can contact Alcoholics Anonymous today and speak to someone who has been where they are and is ready to help locally on 01202 296000 or the national helpline on 0800 917 7650. Or visit the AA website: www.alcoholics-anonymous. for more information about AA, the Chat Now service and how to find a meeting.

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*Source –,,,

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