Dorset Business Focus March 2020

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March 2020 | Dorset Business Focus





Welcome to the March edition of Dorset Business Focus. As always, you’ll find this month’s magazine packed with local business news and articles covering topical issues impacting on businesses and economic growth in Dorset. An exciting development that is taking place across the region is the formation of the Great South West. This is a regional partnership of three Local Enterprise Partnerships, seven county and unitary authorities, six universities, major businesses and five accredited Chambers of Commerce – with the aim of raising the economic profile of the region at a national level and developing our ability to draw more funding in to the region for economic growth. We have some real challenges and strengths as a region; our wages are lower than the national average, 24% of our population are over 65 compared to 18% nationally, our productivity is lower than the national average and our skills levels are generally lower. Regarding strengths, our economy is almost double the size of Greater Manchester or West Midlands. We attract inward investors from across the world, and are home to many world-class businesses. We also have 700 miles of coastline, two national parks, and dozens of designated areas - attracting more visitors than anywhere outside London. The Great South West is an exciting development that is gathering pace. As the accredited Chamber for Dorset, we are fully supporting and working with the Great South West with the other four major Chambers of Commerce for the region as a partnership called the British Chambers of Commerce for the South West. I’ve written to all Dorset MP’s

informing them of our support for the Great South West. Closer to home, I’d like to briefly reflect on the very sad news regarding the department store Beales with its roots in Dorset. Clearly Beales and many high-street retailers are facing a huge range of challenges; on-line retail and changes in consumer behaviour, rent and rates, a declining environment due to empty units and increasing problems with homelessness, begging and anti-social behaviour. We were very sorry to hear of news of Beales. We’ve voiced our concerns at the long-term impact of declining town centres on the Dorset economy and we know local authorities and Business Improvement Districts are working closely together to tackle these challenges, none of which are easy to address. We have committed our support and are picking up the concerns around high business rates at a national level through our membership of the British Chambers of Commerce. We understand high streets need to change and will become a mix of retail, residential, other businesses, hospitality and leisure; our challenge as a county is to support their transition and re-vitalise our town centres. As always, if you’d like to discuss any of the issues above, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Ian Girling Chief Executive Dorset Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Contents 05 Making rural Dorset a Digital Place 09 President’s column 10 First winner from supporter awards 13 Why living in the clouds isn’t always a bad thing 14 Young Chamber 18 Bournemouth 7s festival goes next level for year 13 20 Enterprise Looking back - what does the past tell us?

22 Innovate your business with an apprentice

36 What are the disadvantages of dual citizenship?

25 New Faces, New Places

40 Dorset L EP will hold the first national One Health OH20: Aquaculture Expo

27 Affiliated Town Chambers 27 Member To Member Chamber Offers 30 New members

42 International trade 44 Common Ski Injuries 51 Driven - by Steve Bulley

33 Eddie Howe joins the Julia’s House HIIT Squad

53 - 54 Social

36 Putting Dorset on the 3D Map

56 - 62 Dorset Business Directory


54 Events and training

The future of full fibre networks Digital connectivity has become a hot button issue. Almost all major political parties have pushed it up their own agendas in the past year, recognising the importance of connectivity to the wider electorate.


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What’s all this I keep hearing about full fibre -

WHAT’S THE BIG DEAL…? Digital connectivity has become a hot button issue. Almost all major political parties have pushed it up their own agendas in the past year, recognising the importance of connectivity to the wider electorate. Yet despite headline grabbing soundbites, few seem to fully grasp what full fibre connectivity actually means. Currently much of the UK is using a copper-based legacy network. Some of this network dates back to the Victorian era, so you can see that it is well overdue an upgrade. At present only around 10% of the country has access to full fibre networks. These networks differ from what most of the country currently has in that they use fibre optic cables to connect the exchange directly to each premises. HOW IS FULL FIBRE REALLY ANY DIFFERENT? Full fibre connections can deliver gigabit-capable speeds. That’s a dramatic upgrade on what most people currently use and makes all sorts of tasks much easier in terms of speeds and data handling. For example, the gamers in the household will no longer have to wait hours for content to download, and when they are playing online, they will experience virtually no buffer or lag. It will make the whole process virtually seamless. What’s more, the benefit of full fibre networks is that they offer far greater reliability than copper-based networks and they are 4

March 2020 | Dorset Business Focus

cheaper to maintain and operate. Once the fibre’s in the ground, it’s in the ground for good and maintenance work is drastically reduced – a welcome relief for households. Full fibre networks are also much smarter than the average copper-based network. With those networks, there is a degree of trial and error in finding the fault and providing a solution. With a full fibre network, there is far greater visibility over the network and faults can be identified and solved in a fraction of the time. It means if you rely on your broadband for any reason, you will experience far less downtime when you upgrade to a full fibre network. IT’S NOT JUST A SPEED UPGRADE When you hear people say full fibre will simply allow people to watch Netflix more smoothly and with better quality, you can see how much they are underselling what it can really offer. Genuine full fibre networks offer genuinely transformative benefits. For example, having a full fibre connection could add a significant amount of value to people’s homes – up to £100m over a 15-year period in Bournemouth according to research from economic





With that kind of an upside, you can see why political parties are trying to put full fibre at the forefront of our national infrastructure upgrade. consultancy Regeneris. That is no surprise, with other research by Rightmove (of more than 3,000 users) which found that information on broadband connectivity was ranked as a more important feature when searching for property than transport links and nearby schools. So why is this new technology seen as such a breakthrough that both leading political parties have started to bang the full fibre drum? It’s likely because they can see how this technology will help to change almost every part of our society. From how we work, to the way we receive our medical care, right down to the way we interact with others - this is going to fundamentally change the way we work, rest and play. Just looking at the benefits for businesses alone you can begin to see the scale of the impact this is going to have. The Regeneris study predicts that full fibre in 100 towns and cities will generate huge economic benefits for businesses, in particular SMEs – with up to £2.2bn being generated in business productivity. The benefits will be felt up and down the country, with full fibre helping Bournemouth generate £15m in business productivity and innovation benefits and £13m from new business start-ups. With that kind of an upside, you can see why political parties are trying to put full fibre at the forefront of our national infrastructure upgrade. One of the other key talking points at the 2019 election was the NHS and its future. With technological advancements in video and software deployments, our research suggested £1.1bn could be unlocked in future healthcare applications at a national level, having a tremendous impact on the way we provision healthcare and ensure the most vulnerable in our communities have access to the services they need. There are also more hidden benefits full fibre networks deliver that aren’t quite as obvious. One of the other big technological breakthroughs of 2019 more news online -

was the launch of the UK’s 5G networks. Promising the fastest mobile data speeds yet, you could be forgiven for thinking with a mobile connection you do not need a fixed-line connection. However, the truth is that full fibre networks are playing an integral role in the deployment of 5G networks. Full fibre connectivity is being fed into mobile base stations that make up the patchwork of mobile connectivity. These base stations are dotted around towns and cities and you’ve probably seen them on tall buildings and masts before. Full fibre helps to ensure that these patchwork networks are knitted together seamlessly and, depending on the local geography, provide essential support in ensuring the quality of the 5G service. SOUNDS GREAT, WHEN CAN I GET IT? With a clear mandate from political circles, and people increasingly waking up to the potential full fibre offers, CityFibre is doing its part with its £2.5bn Gigabit City investment programme which aims to rollout full fibre networks to at least 20% of the UK market by 2025. Since launching the project, CityFibre has already mobilised across the UK, with network construction well underway, including in Bournemouth, creating 1,600 construction jobs, and Gigabit-speed services live in 10 cities with many more to come. When we are finished Bournemouth will be one of the best-connected places in the world.

It is an exciting time to be rolling out this game-changing technology and we look forward to seeing how people and businesses use the platform we are creating to flourish and prosper. 5


Making rural Dorset


Businesses do not yet have the fixed broadband or mobile connectivity they need, or people with the right digital skills, they told Dorset Council. The clear message came at a series of business breakfast consultations on the council’s emerging Economic Growth and Digital Place strategies. Both strategies would commit the council to improving access to full-fibre technology, especially in the remote and rural areas of the county and supporting digital skill development. Rural Dorset’s council and businesses value our beautiful environment and want clean, green economic growth – and a more digital economy will enable this. Today, 95% of Dorset businesses and residents can take a superfast broadband service of over 24Mbps. In rural areas, much of that access has been driven by

the council, as these areas were considered commercially unviable by service suppliers. Winning money from central government, the council has delivered access to superfast broadband speeds to over 87,000 premises. Businesses heard that access to full-fibre, gigabit capable technology is now the council’s focus. Full-fibre technology brings greater speed (up to 1000Mbps), less ‘lag’ and greater reliability. Over 3,700 premises have been provided with full-fibre connectivity already through the programme. These properties can get up to 300Mbps today and the technology is future-proofed: it’s capable of speeds of up to 1,000Mbps, ready for when that broadband package becomes available. A further 1,000 full-fibre connections are planned by the council by the end of the year,

with commercial deployment adding thousands more. Where businesses can’t currently take up a superfast or full-fibre service or are not in plans, they may be able to take advantage of the one of the Government’s Broadband Voucher schemes. The Government expects all premises to have access to full fibre connectivity by 2025 and is developing a programme to support this. Dorset Council will make sure Dorset benefits from this programme when details emerge. Improved mobile connectivity is also on the council’s radar as rural areas are often poorly served by commercial providers. The council led a consortium bid to the

Government’s Rural Connected Communities competition. If the bid is successful, rural Dorset will see trials to understand how 5G could be delivered cost-effectively and in an environmentally sensitive way. Test areas across the county would pilot the use of next generation connectivity for businesses to collaborate in product development, agri-tech, tourism and public safety along the coast. Keep up to date with the latest on connectivity, skills and all things digital by visiting the www. or follow @digitaldorset on Twitter.

Futurerproof your business with highly scalable gigabit connectivity and use the Gigabit voucher scheme towards the install costs! Less than 2 years after it’s launch the gigabit voucher scheme is reaching its funding limit. £67 million was initial placed in the pot and as at January 2020, around £58million is currently committed, with the expectation that the scheme will reach it’s limit around May 2020. There is still time to benefit, it takes approximately 10 days from the time an order is submitted, to receive a voucher. This secures the funding, we then have up to 12 months to deliver the circuit. Gigabit vouchers can be used by small businesses and the local communities surrounding them to contribute to the installation cost of a gigabit-capable connection. Businesses can claim up to £2,500 against the cost of connection either individually or as part of a group project. Residents can benefit from the scheme with a voucher worth £500 as part of a group project. The key criteria for receiving a voucher • The new connection must be gigabit capable • New connection must be a 100mbps minimum • The new connection would double your current broadband speed A mix between fibre being dug and deploying our fixed wireless network throughout Bournemouth and Poole can be used to deliver the service. This can reduce any expensive excess construction charges as the Fibre to the Mast (FTTM) works by installing a dish on the roof of the customers site and delivering the connection via microwave link. 6

March 2020 | Dorset Business Focus




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March 2020 | Dorset Business Focus





The President’s Column by Liz Willingham

We are living and working in an era where ‘doing the right thing’ has become more than just an expectation.

The opportunities for judgement and exposure, and for organisations to be held to account, are higher than ever. Social media has facilitated change like we’ve never seen before; building opinion and generating momentum is fast, cheap and effective. Therefore, businesses must listen and adapt, not just to their customers and their workforces, but also embrace their responsibilities to the communities in which they operate and to their impact on the planet. ‘Doing the right thing’ as a mantra in business right now, despite its hurdles, can only support our sustainability for the long game. Before too long the penalties for not doing so will become the norm. For some time I have watched the journey into sustainability and values-led policies taken by The Dolphin Shopping Centre in Poole. Initiatives started way before the true pressure of sustainability programmes became a ‘must do’. Back in 2012/2013, the centre’s ‘Don’t Drive Wednesdays’ campaign, working with the local authority and bus companies, raised awareness and encouraged the use of public transport. The spirit behind this and subsequent activities was driven from a place of wanting to do them for the right reasons. And its refurbishment programme in 2017/2018 created the opportunity to make huge sustainable improvements, including LED lighting which is dimmable throughout the centre. The Dolphin now works strictly within the GRESB accreditation (Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark), submitting quarterly sustainability reports, conducting energy surveys, monitoring its energy usage as well as water and waste. The centre wears its green stamp with pride and is constantly looking to further its efforts. Its social values are equally important and the introduction of the Eco Hub – the innovative use of an empty unit now used as a free community public space – was a key addition to its sustainability drive, winning a major international award for innovation and achievement in providing benefit to the centre’s catchment area and community. It is used for events, art exhibitions, public consultations, educational activities and more and has become an important aspect of the centre, which customers see as real added value. Consumers are now significantly more discerning and expect to see wastefulness managed and opportunities to give back to the community maximised. Their loyalty and engagement have become associated with it. The next stage for The Dolphin Shopping Centre is a consistent social value assessment with annual scoring which it hopes to beat year on year. Its initiatives are displayed on boards in the centre for customers to see, on which it receives great feedback. The centre management is passionate about the process which means they think about the sustainability impact of everything they do. In fact, if anyone is thinking of stepping up in the sustainability stakes, John Grinnell and his team are happy to share their knowledge and insight. They’ve learnt a lot along their journey and are happy to help others so feel free to reach out to John on LinkedIn. It’s doing the right thing! In our wider chamber world, 2020 is already racing by; we’ve had a busy start. We’ve seen the exciting addition of great new faces to our Ambassadors Group and Board, including a new Chair to council – a big welcome to Tony Brown, who as chair automatically joins the Board. It’s always great to see the energy which comes with new board members and ambassadors who voluntarily give their time to create the best environment possible for our members to thrive in their businesses. The topics on the agenda are critical to our future and I am proud to be a part of the discussions. There is a true hunger for fresh approaches which makes our chamber fit for the future. As always, we love your input. And if you’re not a member, for goodness sake talk to us and tell us why…..there might just be a relevant activity that we are doing and you may not be aware of. There is a lot going on! Now the true shakedown of Brexit is under way, I wish all our colleagues out there in business a good first quarter. We have a dedicated member of the team, Camilla, who can help you through the weeds of Brexit so do make the most of this resource. In the spirit of ‘doing the right thing’, ‘til next time…. Liz more news online -

International Trade Minister meets south west exporters as UK gears up to negotiate new trade deals Businesses in the South West should take advantage of the huge new trade opportunities opening up across the world after Brexit, International Trade Minister Conor Burns will tell businesses across the South West today. Minister Burns will join local exporters across Dorset and Somerset at a roundtable at Poole Harbour, hosted by the port of Poole and the Dorset Chamber to discuss how the Department for International Trade can create the right framework for businesses to export as it begins negotiations with some of our biggest trading partners in February. Currently, businesses in the South West export nearly £4 billion worth of goods each year to the US alone. UK small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are disproportionately impacted by regulatory barriers, because they are less able to employ economies of scale to overcome fixed costs. But by removing, lowering and simplifying trade barriers, a free trade agreement with the US will benefit the 30,000 SMEs that already export to the US and create opportunities for new SME exporters. One of the businesses ready to take advantage of this market is Beaminster-based Black Cow Vodka, which exports its vodka, made purely from the whole milk of grassgrazed cows, to 13 countries around the world, including the USA. And in 2019, Black Cow’s market access in Canada was significantly improved when the country modernised its regulations to allow vodka to be derived from agricultural matter other than potatoes and grains. This followed years of DIT Canada championing this change with Canadian government on behalf of Black Cow and other innovative UK spirit producers. The breakthrough forms part of DIT’s wider efforts to break down market access barriers which hinder UK exports, and which don’t require a free trade agreement to address. Also expanding their reach overseas are Yeovil-based Leonardo Helicopters, which supports the development of more than 500 helicopters which have been delivered to 26 countries globally, from the AW101 Norwegian All-Weather Search and Rescue (NAWSAR) helicopter to the UK Royal Navy’s AW159 Wildcat which recently supported an operation to uncover a £3.3m drugs set-up in Middle Eastern waters. Leonardo met with Minister Burns to discuss their successful export programme and future opportunities to build on this. International Trade Minister, Conor Burns MP said: “In just a week’s time, the UK will be free to sign new, mutually beneficial free trade deals around the world. That means opening up opportunities for great UK businesses to export, creating jobs and prosperity across the South West and the whole UK. “It’s been a pleasure to see first-hand the great work that businesses in the South West are doing to export and to take advantage of the opportunities to come. At every level in DIT we stand shoulder to shoulder with UK businesses to support them in delivering a truly Global Britain.” Geoff Munday, Managing Director of Leonardo Helicopters UK said: “It is great to host Conor Burns MP, the Minister of International Trade, at our helicopter manufacturing facility in Yeovil and demonstrate to him the way we build and design helicopters here in the South West for the international market. “The demonstration for the Minister of our AW101 Norwegian All-Weather Search and Rescue helicopter shows how it is at the cutting-edge of aeronautics and of system technology with its Osprey 30 active electronically-scanned array radar. “Helicopters built in Yeovil are today performing demanding missions in-service with the UK armed forces and overseas allies. This achievement reflects the close collaboration we have with the Department of International Trade. Together the UK Government and Leonardo in the UK are exporting solutions today with tomorrow’s technology.” Ian Girling, CEO of Dorset Chamber of said: “Today was a great opportunity to accompany the Minister and listen to businesses with regard to both the challenges and opportunities they face as we look to the future. In the last 12 months alone Dorset Chamber of Commerce has helped businesses export goods worth over £270 million. As a Chamber we will continue to work closely with our partners in helping businesses successfully develop international markets.” The Port of Poole is one of the one of the largest trust ports in the UK is a thriving freight port for commercial shipping, handling large volumes of commodities such as clay, steel, timber, grain, road stone, brick and fertiliser. In August, the Government announced it would establish new Freeports when we leave the EU, creating innovative hubs of global trade, which will help to level up the UK by benefiting communities around the UK. The Government is engaging with industry experts and economists to ensure we make Freeports a success, by developing an extremely ambitious and attractive offer to #GetBusinessDone businesses interested in investing in our Freeports. 9


First winner from supporter awards AFC Bournemouth confirm the first winner from the club’s supporter awards, supported by Vitality Eight-year-old Eden, who is a huge Cherries fan, will receive the Young Achiever award for her incredible efforts to raise money for charity. When a classmate’s sister was diagnosed with cancer and lost her hair, Eden approached her parents determined to help other youngsters going through the illness. With help from Little Princess Trust and support from family and friends, Eden donated her hair and raised over £250 for charity, going above and beyond for someone her age. The youngster earned the opportunity to meet Callum Wilson at Vitality Stadium after watching the team train, the England international gifting her signed boots and a £250 Amazon voucher, 10

March 2020 | Dorset Business Focus

kindly provided by Vitality. Her dad told “The reason I nominated Eden for the award is that I’m just immensely proud of her. She just loves to help other people; it is in her nature. “Raising that much money at that age, essentially through friends and family and trying to get the word out via social media, is quite impressive. “It’s great that Vitality and the club can come together to recognise people who may not be recognised otherwise, it’s a great idea by both parties and we’re so proud of Eden for her desire to help others in difficult times.” He added: “She’s a massive Cherries fan. /company/dorset-chamber/

Her first game was the pre-season friendly with Marseille and she’s on a win streak – she’s been to eight games and seen Bournemouth win all eight games. Her favourite player is Callum Wilson, without a doubt.” The club are currently taking nominations for February’s award, the inspirational family award. Nominations should be for a family who have endured a tough year but remain positive in all they do. Despite circumstances they continue to put others first and are an inspiration to those around them. The winning family will have shown strength and bravery as a family unit in the face of adversity. The club are currently taking nominations for their upcoming awards. Visit to submit your entry.



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March 2020 | Dorset Business Focus





Why living in the clouds isn’t always a bad thing It seems like “cloud” is such a hot topic at the moment. Every app, every piece of software is “in the cloud” – does that mean you should be too? The thing is, cloud isn’t just a buzzword – it’s quickly becoming the future of many technologies. While not every business application or solution suits the cloud, there are still plenty of reasons why your business should at least think about adopting cloud technology When you’re running your own business, we believe that you should concentrate on what you do best – and that’s managing the business. You shouldn’t let things like worrying about onsite hardware issues, wasting time with unnecessary downtime of systems, and remembering to check the

backups detract time from generating profit and improving your business. Cloud technology can help remove a lot of those burdens. It’s also important that every business considers the scalability of their IT when expanding their business. Cloud software gives you the ability to scale on a member-tomember basis, making it really easy to plan costs for expansion or even reducing staff during the less busy times. Working in the Cloud also allows your staff to Collaborate. Multiple people can work together from anywhere with an internet connection on the same document in real time at the same time. This is hugely powerful in enhancing cost savings and productivity. With more and more

When you’re running your own business, we believe that you should concentrate on what you do best – and that’s managing the business.

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businesses now requiring staff to access company data from a variety of locations from a number of devices anywhere, at any time, the days of accessing data just from within the office walls are over. Cloud apps let your business become agile and be dynamic, giving it the ability to respond to employee and client needs quicker than ever. Naturally security is an important aspect to a successful cloud solution so considerations towards data compliance, additional security features and the devices that access the applications is critical. Microsoft 365 offers a powerful suite of products to help with your cloud journey over an above what most people consider. Business owners have a very powerful set of tools at their disposal within their existing cloud subscriptions which are often left unutilised. Better yet, Microsoft’s recent reveal of its cloud-based phone system aptly titled “Business Voice” takes the 365 package to another level, allowing you to take control of your telecoms like never before. For more on Microsoft 365 Business voice visit or give our experts a call on 0333 344 2204.



Young Chamber Seeks Business Sponsors to Back Programme’s Dorset-Wide Focus Dorset Chamber’s Young Chamber programme which helped c.16,000 students with careers and employability skills support last academic year, is seeking sponsors to back the successful programme as it looks to its fifth year. The move is a response to a Dorset-wide need for business engagement with schools in line with Government policy; secondary schools must provide a careers programme for all students Year 7 to Year 13 each year – a step change from when Young Chamber launched in 2016. Dorset Chamber Chief Executive, Ian Girling, explains: “When Young Chamber launched, schools paid to become members giving them the support of the Young Chamber Coordinator plus all the benefits of Dorset Chamber membership. This developed as members of the business community interested in supporting the careers and employability skills agenda in schools stepped forward to sponsor schools’ memberships. “With the introduction of careers programmes as an Ofsted requirement in schools and the launch of the Dorset Careers Hub last year, we are strategically aligning Young Chamber with the Government’s programme for careers in schools, in particular where support from the business community plays an integral role.”


March 2020 | Dorset Business Focus

Young Chamber will build on the success of its programme, continuing to create, broaden and strengthen business engagement in schools for the long term through Dorset Chamber’s extensive network of business connections. It will also work even more closely with other members of the Collaboration for Careers Dorset*, a collective group of careers support organisations in Dorset. From 1 April 2020, school-specific sponsorship of Young Chamber will cease, replaced by sponsorship of the programme. This will release Young Chamber to work with even more schools, and specifically to help where employability skills and careers support is needed most, including working in disadvantaged areas and with organisations supporting young people with Special Educational Needs. Bournemouth University, sponsor of the Young Chamber programme since its launch has again committed its support as a headline sponsor. Meanwhile, the current school sponsors see supporting the new model as an obvious choice, as it will support even more students. Ian Jones, Head of External Engagement at Bournemouth University, said: “We have supported the work of Young Chamber since its launch in 2016, but this year in particular we have seen the true potential of the programme in terms of mobilising the 700+ strong Dorset Chamber membership to meet the careers and employability needs of schools in relation to Government requirements. “We are very fortunate that Dorset Chamber places value on having a dedicated resource solely for this purpose – not all chambers have a Young Chamber Coordinator. The progress the programme has made, particularly over the


last academic year, shows its ability to create and support long term relationships between schools and employers and to think creatively in its delivery. Our Schools Liaison Team is already working with Young Chamber on more projects this academic year to support Dorset LEP’s Careers Hub in the east of the county. I very much look forward to following their progress.” Organisations wishing to find out more about supporting Young Chamber through sponsorship and becoming involved with the programme can find out more by emailing joan. *C4DC comprises BCP Council; Careers & Enterprise Company; Dorset Council; Dorset LEP (Careers Hub); JP Morgan (sponsor of the Young Enterprise DASH Employability Programme); Young Apprenticeship Ambassador Network; Young Chamber and Young Enterprise.



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March 2020 | Dorset Business Focus





Wimborne health centre expands it holistic offerings Dorset’s oldest holistic centre, Alchemy Health Clinic, is expanding its services this year with the introduction of more health and well-being classes and therapies. The clinic is a multi-disciplinary practice, already offering a multitude of natural health treatments including chiropractic, homeopathy, physiotherapy, Reiki massage, hypnotherapy, meditation and a variety of counselling services. Adding to this holistic mix are new massage therapies as well as new yoga sessions and a series of special yoga workshops. Alchemy is delighted to welcome Yoga guru Neeraj Nautiyal all the way from Rishikesh

in India. He has spent over 10 years in the depth of Himalayas, studying and practicing under the guidance of some old Yogi Masters. In a series of unique workshops throughout the next four months, Neeraj will be sharing his understanding and experience of Yoga Philosophy, Asana, Pranayama, Mudras, Bandha’s & Ayurveda. He will also be holding weekly evening yoga classes every Thursday at Alchemy Health Clinic. These are ideal for beginners through to experienced yoga fans. Jemma Sandell has over 10 years experience in massage and beauty therapies and offers body treatments at the clinic twice a week on Monday and Fridays.

Whether you want to de-stress with a relaxing back and neck massage or enjoy a full-body treatment, Jemma’s healing hands await. Dr Nashir Karmali DC, who founded Alchemy 37 years ago said: “Alchemy is a holistic hub that offers natural healing for your body and mind under one roof. I’m delighted to welcome Jemma and Neeraj to our team. We are finding, in this pressurised world, that

more and more people are seeking alternative and natural health solutions to their physical and mental issues. It is a privilege for Alchemy to offer such resources and play a part in helping them find the answers. We are constantly working to grow the clinic and what it has to offer.” #GetBusinessDone

Businesses should beware of e-Ran A leading cyber-security expert is warning businesses to be on their guard following Iran’s threat to take revenge for the assassination of General Qassim Soleimani. The high profile Iranian general was taken out in a drone attack by the US – and businesses across the West could now be targeted in the anticipated reprisals. Matt Horan, security director of C3IA Solutions, said the rogue state’s tactics might include a scatter-gun approach with cyberattacks. In its attempt to disrupt the West’s advanced economies, the state could potentially target businesses in any sector. The attacks could take many forms and the thinking is that hitting supply chains will harm a country’s economy. And in turn that will affect the public’s confidence in its government, so the more firms it hits, the more effective its strategy. C3IA Solutions, based in Poole, Dorset, which was one of the first companies to be certified by the government’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), was founded by former members of the Royal Signals. It also employs a number of ex-military personnel who have worked in the intelligence and cyber operational environments, giving C3IA Solutions a rare understanding of the issues involved. more news online -

Matt said: “Iran has already sworn to retaliate following the assassination of General Qassim Soleimani. “With the UK being a close ally of the US and having partnered with them on operations in the Middle East it places us in their sights. “Iran’s priority through cyber-attacks will be to harm our Critical National Infrastructure (CNI) – things such as water, power, and transport. “It will then target FTSE 100 companies and the manufacturing sector, but we should not forget that some of the most successful state sponsored cyber-attacks have affected all manner of companies, of any size. “Iran knows that businesses and supply chains are critical to keeping the UK functioning. “In reaction to threats such as this, the UK has for a number of years been encouraging Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to take ownership of their own cyber defence. “All businesses can implement simple and basic steps that can mitigate against 80 per cent of common cyber-attacks. “The NCSC - the Government’s technical authority for cyber defence - recommends that businesses adopt practices to reduce their attack profiles and protect their critical systems

and services. “The ‘10 Steps to Cyber Security’, ‘Cyber Essentials’ and ‘Cyber Essentials-Plus’ schemes provide some simple and practicable advice and guidance that all organisations can follow to protect their IT systems. “They can be implemented reasonably quickly and at a low cost. “When in place they will provide a more robust cyber defence and make a business less attractive to internet-based attackers and less susceptible to the impacts of malicious software. “Companies delivering these services should have the appropriate certifications and qualifications under the NCSC Certified Consultancy partnership programme.”




Bournemouth 7s festival goes next level for year 13 It’s news that will have a lot of festival-goers chomping at the bit – Bournemouth 7s Festival is back and looking bigger than ever before. Though 2019’s event welcomed a mammoth 30,000 people to the stunning surroundings of Bournemouth Sports Club, this year’s festival looks set to be even bigger with new entertainment arenas, a brand-new campsite and an innovative Theatre of Teams sports hub all set to debut in May 2020. Never one to stand still, the Bournemouth 7s Team have been working tirelessly behind the scenes to enhance the festival experience for festival-goers and sports people alike with a host of new additions. The expanded Main Festival Arena will host brand new festival arenas, to be announced, whilst festival favourites – the Beer Tent, Bunker and Big Top return for another year! Meanwhile, the festival’s campsite and exclusive glamping area will be located right next to the arena offering immediate access to the festival tents and bars. Meanwhile, the all-new Theatre of Teams looks set to revolutionise the playing experience at the festival. With easy access next to the festival entrance, the sporting hub will move Bournemouth 7s rugby pitches into the centre of the sporting action, creating an all new atmosphere for the rugby and netball cups alike. Roger Woodall, Festival Founder, said “Since we closed the doors on 2019, we’ve been working hard to take the festival experience for all of our guests to the next level. From the exciting new party arenas in our much-improved festival arena to the Theatre of Teams, this looks like one not to 18

miss. We genuinely believe there is something for everyone at Bournemouth 7s.” Discussing the new sports arena, Woodall added: “Sports people have always been at the beating heart of the festival and, now, for the first time ever, we have created a dedicated area that will be the central hub for players. The Theatre of Teams will have its own dedicated seating, bars and exclusive activations. This one is genuinely #ForOurTeams.” The world’s largest sport and music festival returns this late May Bank Holiday at Bournemouth Sports Club, Chapel Gate. Renowned as the Sporting Glastonbury, Bournemouth 7s Festival has established a formidable reputation over the past 12 years amongst sports people and festival goers alike. By day, 400 Rugby, Netball, Hockey, Dodgeball and Volleyball teams compete in a range of elite and social sports tournaments across the 65-acre site – a wonderful sporting spectacle. By night, the festival offers 12 vibrantly themed festival areas hosted by an array of live acts and DJs. The Ultimate Ticket, an undoubted hit from 2019, will be back again for 2020 offering access to the exclusive surroundings of V.VIP and the celebrated VIP Colourseum – the festival’s official home of colour, banter and party games. Tickets are expected to sell out again in 2020. To become part of Bournemouth 7s in its 13th year, visit to secure your Ultimate, Weekend or Day ticket when they go on sale.

March 2020 | Dorset Business Focus

Transforming Healthcare with Virtual Reality Healthcare, a major adopter of VR technology, revolutionises medical training simulators, robotic surgery, pain management and treatment. VR has a multitude of healthcare applications – from the healthcare professional to the patient. Though seemingly an extravagant or expensive solution, VR is surprisingly affordable and accessible to the general public. Medical Training Simulators VR can transport surgeons into the operating theatre, allowing them to practice surgery in extreme conditions without putting the patient at risk, since they would not physically present. Being immersed in the environment enables skills to be honed quicker than through watching demonstrations. The virtual procedures are reproducible, and performances can be recorded and used for assessment or evaluation, enabling trainee surgeons to enhance skills through improving the retention of complex information and accuracy of intricate movements. Healthcare can benefit from VR training by; optimising cost, improving educational quality, allowing long and efficient sessions, and increasing overall patient safety. Robotic Surgery Robotic surgery is an innovation whereby surgery is performed using robotic devices controlled by human surgeons, signifying fewer risks of complications during surgery as well as a faster procedure. The robots are accurate, capable of smaller incisions – reducing blood loss and faster recovery. Developers can use a pressure-sensitive trigger on a joystick to teach robots how to control grasping and articulation speed for picking up objects. Through motion tracking technology in VR controllers, robots can analyse and learn various movement patterns. In this manner, robotics and VR can combine to develop applications that deliver enhanced performance. Pain Management When people are engaged in an immersive experience, they tune out other stimuli, including their body’s pain signals, because areas of the brain that are connected to feeling pain are less active when immersed in a VR scenario. For example, VR is used as a medication-free tool for women in labour to help them cope with the pain of childbirth. One study found that when women had access to pain medication on-demand, using VR helped them reduce the amount of medication they needed to control their pain. Treatment VR’s ability to transport you elsewhere can be used to create powerful simulations of scenarios in which psychological difficulties occur. VR can improve phobias by flooding the patient with their fear and providing a fuller sensory experience that helps build recovering behaviours. A 2018 Journal of Medical Internet Research review of published studies concluded that VR, especially when combined with other psychological interventions, showed “potential for a real positive behaviour change for a range of mental health conditions”. As VR becomes mainstream, it’ll help drive its use and effectiveness as therapy and treatment, far beyond simple virtual therapy visits. Despite clear progress and advanced techniques that virtual reality is bringing to the healthcare industry, it’s still in its infancy. VR is proving to enrich patients' lives worldwide, largely due to the enhancement in medical training simulators and robotic surgery which continues to progress. Persisting research and development into technology will be life changing to healthcare. For more information, visit





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Enterprise - Looking back - what does the past tell us? The surprising thing about businesses is that regardless of how much uncertainty and red tape is thrown at them, most show extraordinary resilience - but can that resilience be sustained? My involvement with Chambers of Commerce over 30 years, from Town Chamber to County, Regional and National Chambers, has involved holding senior positions in those Chambers including being on the board of the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC). Of particular interest to me is what affects SME’s (small to medium sized enterprises) a huge portion of our economy – often family businesses, paying their taxes and supporting communities. At the start of 2019 there were 5.82 million small businesses (with 0 to 49 employees). SMEs account for 99.9% of the business population, three fifths of the employment and around half of turnover in the UK private sector. The total employment in SMEs was 16.6 million (60% of the total), whilst turnover was estimated at £2.2 trillion (52%) of GDP – Statistics from the FSB. What is clear from the past is increasing demands for better

public services, but as previously with no proper debate about what we can afford as a nation and how it is to be achieved. All political parties trapped in the headlights, transfixed by the votes involved and the politicisation of the subject. Short term thinking based on the political cycle and political dogma obstructing long term planning and consensus – that must change if there is any chance of consistent economic stability. The financial demands of the NHS, Schools, Police, Social Services and all the other services can only be met by money obtained by government, in whatever tax structure exists and it cannot be denied that the ability to provide those funds depends on business success. Past political performance show inconsistencies with the economy swinging from boom to bust - can politicians ever get the balance right? What has changed dramatically over the last 30 years is

technological development and communication, with the revolution brought about by the internet and the World Wide Web. Change is likely to continue at a faster rate as we see affordable super computers, faster broadband and technology such as artificial intelligence (AI) and extended reality, virtual and augmented reality that will change marketing forever and what is known as connected Intelligent Enterprise. Sales on the web continue to rise every year, the burden of rent and rates on the high street more and more like a Mill Stone as competition increases, squeezing margins. Productivity and how to achieve it will become the big topic of discussion for all in business. If we learn only one thing from the past, it is that businesses and the individuals that drive them are capable of amazing things, but we need a collective understanding to encourage enterprise in the UK for the future. Overburdening tax demands

short term thinking by financiers and focus on short term gains has not been positive for business development. If we are ever to achieve long term stability for the economy to pay for the inevitable increasing wage demands and public services - we need consistency. Throughout the years, British Chambers of Commerce have been consistent in support for businesses and enterprise and there are 53 accredited County Chambers in the UK, Dorset Chamber being one of them. History tells us that it is highly questionable whether political parties will be able to agree a strategy and the consistency needed to support enterprise for the long term.. Chris Slocock BSc. (Hons), PHF, Past President Dorset Chamber #GetBusinessDone

Talbot Village Trust donated £2 million to causes Talbot Village Trust donated nearly £2 million to charitable causes and community projects in 2018 and 2019. The Trust is one of Dorset’s leading benefactors. It supports various causes by awarding grants to charities and organisations across Christchurch, Bournemouth, Poole, East Dorset and the Isle of Purbeck. The Trust welcomes applications of any size from charities, churches, education groups or youth organisations. In 2019 and 2018, Talbot Village Trust donated: More than £1 million to community projects such as the Shelley Theatre Trust, the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, Boscombe Lifeguards, Dorset Blind Association and many more. In excess of £470,000 to educational and youth organisations including Colehill 20

Scout Group, Malmesbury Park Primary School, Mudeford Community Infants School and Chestnut Nursery among others. More than £200,000 in grants to a large number of churches such as BH1 Elim Church, All Saints Church, Poole Methodist and many others. Russell Lucas-Rowe, Trustee at Talbot Village Trust, commented: “Our purpose is to support organisations in our community that are making changes for the better. The causes we have supported benefit many children, young people, adults and elderly people in our area. We welcome applications for small or large amounts and look forward to seeing the changes in Dorset as a result of them.”

March 2020 | Dorset Business Focus

Talbot Village Trust meets biannually and is accepting applications for funding from both previous and new applicants in the area before the Trustees meet in spring 2020. Please go to #GetBusinessDone for more information.




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Innovate your business with an apprentice Hiring an apprentice is a productive and effective way to bring value and energy to your work force, with 86% of employers saying Apprenticeships developed skills relevant to their organisation. Apprenticeships have come a long way from what they used to be. They now offer exciting opportunities for both apprentice and employer, providing a cost-effective way to fill skill gaps and grow talent within your business. Apprenticeships combine learning with onthe-job training, allowing apprentices to earn a wage, develop skills and gain a qualification. They are suitable for school leavers finishing their GCSEs and A Levels, those who are working and even people looking to start afresh in a new career. Hiring an apprentice is a successful way for businesses to build a motivated, skilled and qualified workforce. Apprenticeships are proven to improve productivity, with 78% of employers reporting increased productivity, as well as


March 2020 | Dorset Business Focus

helping businesses to stay ahead of the curve in an increasingly competitive environment. Most jobs and industries will have an Apprenticeship suitable for them. The choice available today means that Apprenticeships don’t just cover traditional trades, such as plumbing and brick-laying; they also cover emerging roles in Digital Marketing, Cyber Security and Electronic Engineering. Bournemouth & Poole College is the leading Apprenticeship provider in Dorset, working with over 2,000 businesses to find and train their perfect candidates. The College’s free tailored Apprenticeship support service, the BASE team, works with businesses to analyse their training needs, identify relevant Apprenticeships and the best way of delivering the most appropriate training. The dedicated Recruitment Team is on hand to help employers carefully select high-calibre and eager apprentices, as well as overseeing full


application management and support while an apprentice in studying. For 2020, Bournemouth & Poole College launched a range of new Apprenticeships; from Project Management and Business Administration to Software Development and Child Care. For more information about how Apprenticeships from Bournemouth & Poole College can bring real benefits to your business, please visit www.thecollege. or call 01202 2055000.



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March 2020 | Dorset Business Focus




New Faces, New Places Celebrating new roles being filled within the Members of the Dorset Chamber


Bournemouth IT services firm QuoStar grows with six new hires

Welcoming a new member to the Fireworx team

Fireworx have just hired a new team member. Charlotte Jewell has just joined as their new Account and Business Development Manager. “I’m looking forward to getting involved with everything we have planned for our clients this year, mostly I look forward to meeting and connecting with everyone at the different events coming up”

Deborah Fenton, a specialist conveyancing solicitor, joins Steele Raymond’s Residential Property team after five years at a local firm, where she held the position of Head of Conveyancing and led her team on a broad range of residential property and conveyancing matters. Prior to this, she spent seven years working for a Lexcel accredited legal 500 firm in Hertfordshire.

Bournemouth-based IT consultancy QuoStar has announced the appointment of six new hires following strong business growth in 2019. Oliver Gibberd-Thomas, Adam White and Tom Beck join as Service Desk Engineers where they will be the first point of contact for clients looking to troubleshoot technical issues. As a recent Bournemouth University graduate, Oliver has a close affiliation with the local area, having previously worked in a similar capacity at Bournemouth and Poole College. Adam brings over 6 years’ experience working at another managed services provider and will be providing tier two technical support. Tom Ratcliffe returns to QuoStar as a Service Desk Team Leader after a period developing technical experience within other organisations and obtaining ITIL and Prince2 qualifications. Austin Brannigan will work in a similar capacity within the Systems Management department and brings strong technical knowledge and a hands-on approach to the team. Finally, Mike Gibbs expands the Sales team as an Inside Sales Executive, where he will be working to consistently generate new, quality leads for the business and maintain QuoStar’s growth. Robert Rutherford, CEO, QuoStar comments: “We’re pleased that last year’s growth means we can bring new, talented people into our technical and sales teams. It’s also a massive bonus that we can work with local graduates to develop the tech expertise in Bournemouth’s economy. As we expand our work in the legal, manufacturing, recruitment and professional services sectors, QuoStar needs people who are as passionate about transformational tech as we are. All six of our new starters reflect our commitment to finding exceptional people and we’re even prouder to have found a few on our doorstep in Dorset.”

New Account Manager for ITEC

Managed Service Provider ITEC are proud to announce the appointment of their new Account Manager Adam Roy Kilvert who will be working out of their Dorset Office. Adam will be working directly with ITEC’s own Katie Clark getting know both the new and existing clients of the ITEC Dorset office.

Blake joins the Ocean Automotive Team

Chris Blake, has joined the Ocean Automotive Fleet Team working as a Business Development Manager for Poole Audi and Volvo. ‘If you need any assistance with looking for your next company vehicle or simply want to discuss the changes to Benefit in Kind coming up I’m always happy to help’

Dispute Resolution Expert joins Steele Raymond’s top-tier team

Leading Dorset commercial solicitors Steele Raymond LLP have continued their growth in 2020 with the appointment of another highly rated legal specialist into their Dispute Resolution Team. Associate Solicitor Amelia Williams further strengthens the Dispute Resolution Team bringing with her a wide range of property litigation and dispute resolution experience.

New Paraplanner for Strategic Solutions

Rachael joined Strategic Solutions in January 2020 as part of their ever-growing paraplanning team. She is working hard to obtain her Diploma in Regulated Financial Planning, with an eventual aim of achieving Chartered status in the next few years.

Insolvency Guru joins Frettens

Frettens are delighted to announce that Malcolm Niekirk has joined the firm as a partner. He will set up a new Insolvency and Restructuring team at the firm to work closely with the well-established commercial teams. Malcolm has some three decades of experience in insolvency and is regarded as one of the leading practitioners on the south coast.

Dorset law firm appoints new Residential Property solicitor

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March 2020 | Dorset Business Focus




Affiliated Town Chambers Dorchester Chamber for Business We play an active role helping to promote local business and enterprise, representing a wide range of businesses both large and small. Our priority is to help our members work together to boost trade. In addition, we are also working with community partners on our Retain & Retrain campaign to promote apprenticeships and similar initiatives to further enhance employability in Dorchester.

Ferndown Chamber For Business Ferndown Chamber For FERNDOWN CHAMBER FOR BUSINESS Business works tirelessly to make Ferndown a great place to do business. We work with the Town Council and local organisations such as the Rotary Club to put on events in the town to bring the public and businesses closer together whilst promoting the town in a positive way.

Gillingham Chamber of Commerce Gillingham Chamber of Commerce and Industry has been around since the 1930s and continues to have nearly 100 members. Many of our members come from outside the High Street where diversity encompasses old family firms, industrial estate Units and new modern work from home and digital businesses. We are very much involved in local initiatives and other groups such as Town Council, Gillingham School, Gillingham in Gear, Dementia Friends, Town Team in particular. We are becoming more visual within the town and host monthly networking happy hours where we often have local speakers talking to our members.

Shaftesbury Chamber of Commerce The Shaftesbury Chamber has around 100 members from its two business parks and independent High Street businesses. They hold monthly networking meetings and are very active in the development of the town’s economy. Unlike many other towns, Christmas lights and activities are entirely run and paid for by Chamber members.

Sherborne Chamber of Trade and Commerce The Sherborne Chamber of Commerce exists to promote its members’ businesses and the wider business community. It has a membership in excess of 150. The Chamber is involved in just about every event that takes place in the town, supporting the Sherborne community, attracting media interest and creating a memorable experience for visitors to the town.

Swanage & District Chamber of Trade Swanage Information Centre won another award in the South West England Tourism Excellence Awards and now holds a Gold and Bronze Award for Visitor Information Service of the Year. Swanage Town Council has funded and refurbished the Information Centre and four of the twelve toilet blocks in the town. It is great to see in this current climate investment in facilities that give a better visitor experience for people visiting Swanage.

Weymouth & Portland Chamber of Commerce The Chamber has been supporting firms in Weymouth and Portland for almost 90 years. We’ve helped many people to find their feet in the local business community, by providing an environment where they can connect with likeminded people. In recent years we’ve represented the concerns of businesses to the local councils, contributing to a significant cut in the cost of car parking charges.

Member To Member Chamber Offers

Member Discounts for ‘Meetings Simplified’ package at Hilton, Bournemouth Our MEETINGS SIMPLIFIED™ package is designed to make the booking process simple, quick and easy! Ideal for meetings up to 25 people, our flexible package offers features that streamline meeting planning. Prices from £30.00 per person based on a minimum of 10 delegates. more news online -

MEETINGS PACKAGES INCLUDE: • Room hire • Free Wi-Fi • Two course lunch • Two servings of tea/coffee • LCD projector and screen • Flipchart • Stationary • 24 hour cancellation As a special discount Hilton, Bournemouth would like to offer a 1 in 10 delegates complimentary.

Quote Chamber10 to obtain the delegate offer

01202 804775 27


The Spartans have arrived A digital content consultancy in the South has launched a new service for start-ups and micro businesses. Deep South Media will be supporting early-stage ventures which have ambitions to grow but don’t have the financial muscle of established firms to spend on all-important marketing. Named ‘The Spartans’, the agency’s latest division is led by highly experienced senior account directors James Tourgout and Ed Baker. Already a number of clients have signed up to professional content marketing, such as media releases, website input, social media expertise, photography, video and design. Deep South Media is the outsourced media partner to larger companies and organisations, saving them significant amounts of money on the cost of an in-house salaried equivalent – industry figures show that the average annual salary of a PR manager is £41,100. Ron Wain is the managing director of the company, now in its 22nd year. He said: “All mature businesses started out as rookies and their owners will know only too well of the blood, toil, tears and sweat that comes with building their brand – and they may well have fallen into the trap of working in, rather than

on, the business. “We wanted to offer our services to the brave people who run start-ups or micro businesses so that they can focus on what they do best rather than being side-tracked with DIY content generation, which can be a false economy. “Spartans pay a monthly subscription, which they can save up and spend on what is most appropriate to further their brand development, from media releases, website content, pictures, videos, social media to consultation and advice. “We chose the name because it resonates with courage in the face of adversity - in ancient Greek history the Spartans fought the massive Persian army with just 300 men. “Our message is that, even though the odds seem stacked against them, they have a loyal friend in Deep South Media, standing shoulderto-shoulder with them, as we do with our larger customers.” Figures show that 96% of businesses in the UK are classified as micro businesses with nine or less staff – 5.6 million of them. Other divisions of Deep South Media, which draws upon the expertise of 17 staff

and consultants, include visual (commercial photography/video) and design. Headquartered in Bournemouth, the consultancy comprises former business editors, editors and senior reporters from daily regional newspapers and a national news agency, as well as a former picture editor and designer. Deep South Media works across Dorset, Hampshire, Wiltshire and Sussex and also has customers in London, Devon, Cornwall, East Anglia, Essex, Hertfordshire, Kent and Surrey. #GetBusinessDone

More Bus certified for family-friendly WiFi More Bus owner Go-Ahead group’s provision of onboard WiFi has been certified for safety and family-friendly content The Wifi Friendly scheme was launched by David Cameron, in partnership with The UK Council for Child Internet Safety Free WiFi is available onboard Go Ahead buses and trains across the country including its Poole and Bournemouth based fleet. The certification means that internet services accessed through Go-Ahead’s onboard WiFi will

be family friendly and suitable for all ages. One of the UK’s largest public transport operators, Go-Ahead is committed to providing internet access on buses and trains across the country, and the free network will filter out inappropriate content, including indecent images and advertisements, providing confidence to parents that the service is safe for children to use. The certification was carried out by Friendly WiFi - the government-initiated safe certification

standard. Launched by David Cameron in 2013, the Friendly Wi-Fi logo tells customers that services meet agreed filtering standards. Katy Taylor, the Group’s Commercial and Customer Director said: “More and more of our customers rely on the free WiFi we provide to be able to stay connected – with news alerts, social media and messages. We know how important it is to stay connected for people of all ages, especially on the go. We’re very proud to be Friendly WiFi certified, providing further reassurance to parents and to all of our customers that children can browse safely online while they’re out and about.” David Heckles General Manager More Bus added “Anything that promotes the safeguarding for young people is a positive and at More Bus we are constantly exploring ways to ensure the online safely of our passengers.” John Carr - Secretary of the UK's Children's Charities' Coalition on Internet Safety (CHIS) said: “The Friendly Wi-Fi symbol was designed to help children, young people and adults recognise a service that assures them that the public Wi-Fi that they are accessing is filtered and safe. To parents, the symbol not only gives them confidence that the Wi-Fi is filtered and independently certified, but that the Wi-Fi that meets minimum standards goes a long way to ensuring no-one is unsafe or uncomfortable as they travel.”


March 2020 | Dorset Business Focus





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Dorset Chamber of Commerce & Industry welcomes our New Members

Arnold Accounting & Bookkeeping Services Ltd Unit 8 Basepoint Business Centre Enterprise Way Aviation Park West Hurn Christchurch Dorset BH23 6NX Contact 01202 331627 Offer a full accountancy and taxation service, while offering Management Accounting support for the growing business using Cloud Accounting and Taxation software.

Church House Investment Management

Finger on the Pulse Research Ltd

York House 6 Coldharbour Sherborne Dorset DT9 4JW Contact 01935 382620 Church House, an independent and private wealth management business, delivers peace of mind investing through a range of investment solutions for individuals, families, trusts and institutions including charities. We target the returns people expect without the shocks they fear.

One New Street Wells Somerset BA5 2LA Contact 01425 615024 Finger on the Pulse is a B2B Research company specialising in gathering feedback for a client from key stakeholder groups. Typically, these include Employees, Customers and Suppliers. We help clients to increase Customer Satisfaction and Retention, grow Employee Engagement, and build more effective and efficient Supply Chains.

Bowl Central

Soul Motion

Tech Tent LTD

Zentrade Services Limited

45-47 Westover Road Bournemouth Dorset BH1 2BZ Contact 01202 093000 Bournemouth's newest entertainment destination, combining Pins boutique bowl & urban bar and Prizes family entertainment venue. Pins our new addition is a six lane Ten Pin bowl & premium bar set in a moody industrial theme, specifically designed to appeal to the adult and corporate market.

Verwood Dorset BH31 6XA Contact 07957 805108 Soul Motion is a creative social media agency. Specialists in the tourism, arts & events sectors, we have major experience working with some of the UK’s most popular destinations, Tourism/Hospitality Brands, festivals and events as well as forward-thinking businesses.

7 Winchester Place North Street Poole Dorset BH15 1NX Contact 01202 676199 Tech Tent is about making the world more thoughtful and connecting loved ones. With our mobile apps and websites, PostSnap, PostaBloom and AfterSnap we make it easy to order photo cards, gifts, prints and flowers from a phone or computer.

47 Stirling Road Bournemouth Dorset BH3 7JH Contact 07903 237811 Zentrade provides import and export advice and practical support for businesses. We can help with queries or projects on subjects such as authorisations, AEO, duty mitigation, reliefs, classification, valuation, preference and preparing for Brexit. We offer a free initial consultation.


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March 2020 | Dorset Business Focus





Crisis on the high street Dorset’s leading business support organisation has called for radical ideas to save the high street. The Dorset Chamber – the county’s voice of business – has insisted that broader strategic thinking is required to breathe fresh life into the retail sector in town centres. Its rallying cry comes as part of its new ‘Revitalising the High Street’ campaign. A renewed focus has fallen on the high street after iconic Bournemouth-based department store chain Beales went into administration earlier this month as well as the closure of several other stores. Dorset Chamber chief executive Ian Girling said: “For some time now the high street has been hit by a perfect storm of changing consumer tastes and habits, the rise of online shopping and longstanding problems with business rates. “The sluggish economy, falling town centre footfall, out of town shopping and issues surrounding town centre antisocial behaviour, homelessness and begging problems have all also had a part

to play. “Many retailers have displayed great resilience, innovation and entrepreneurialism to adapt and keep the high street alive. However the high street needs greater support if it is to survive. “The face of retail is undoubtedly changing as we see different types of experiential businesses emerge and grow, such as tattooists, barbers and coffee shops. The high street is going through huge change.” Ian added: “The problems in the high street and town centres can’t be overlooked. “To date, there have been too many ‘sticking plaster’ solutions, not addressing the underlying issues. “As we look to the future, we need to be bolder with our thinking, and radical ideas and broader strategic thinking are required. “This includes the long overdue requirement for a radical overhaul of business rates and key organisations working more closely to from a strategic vision. “Decisive action is urgently needed to address the fundamental challenges facing

Beales demise proves businesses need to adapt and transform Walking through Bournemouth town centre in early 2020, it’s impossible not to be shocked at the site of numerous empty shops; even more so now with the demise of the 140-year-old Beales department store. Bournemouth town centre presents the grim reality of Retail a sector decimated by online competition and societal change. It’s easy to think about the Hotel, Travel and Taxi industries that have been changed forever by Digital “Disruption” and assume that it won’t happen to you. However, far more radical, intelligent and targeted change is coming. A study by MIT found that companies that have embraced some form of Digital Transformation are already 26 percent more profitable than their peers. The market for

Digital Transformation services is expected to grow at a CAGR of 22% over the next five years. So how will this affect you? Sectors that aren’t already being disrupted won’t have to wait long for their share of the digital wave, as organisations of all types look to develop their business models. The following critical elements have been identified: Flexible Working & Cultural Change: Buying the technology is the easy part. User adoption and appropriate use can be the big problem. Organisations must ensure that the culture of the business adapts as the environment evolves. Localism: Many businesses that adopt AWS or Azure are losing control of their data ownership and their cost base. This is a huge challenge for organisations

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the sector but also consider ways to harness new trends, capitalise on opportunities and stimulate growth.” “We are calling on local authorities, BIDs, chambers of commerce and other stakeholders to come together to focus on actions to address these various issues and develop a county wide town centre vision.” Mr Girling is set to write to Chancellor Sajid Javid and Dorset MPs but is also drafting in support from the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC). The Dorset Chamber, with more than 700 members representing 37,000 employees, has offered support to Beales through the British Chambers of Commerce, which has been campaigning on business rates at a national level. Dr Adam Marshall, director general of the BCC, said: “We

are fully supportive of the Dorset Chamber’s campaign to support the high street. “The Government has an early opportunity to demonstrate that it is listening to business communities at its Budget in March, and it needs to cut the crushing up-front costs that are holding so many firms back. “We will be pressing the case on behalf of the Dorset Chamber and others nationwide at the highest level for measures to give businesses the breathing room and support they need.”

struggling with resources and service complexity. There are however local businesses that offer Public cloud, but with localised support services and fixed prices. The rise of AI, Analytics and Algorithms: Developments in Analytics and AI have transformed speech analytics, voice-to-text transcription and has led to reduced claims pay-outs in the insurance sector. Sectors like Contact Centres have undergone massive change in recent years. Jake Eyre, Managing Director of The IT Department, a local IT Service Provider said “We should all take responsibility for our critical information. Global corporations are telling us that outsourcing responsibility for our infrastructure is the correct path in all instances, and I would challenge that. It is for this reason that we want to offer a local solution to local organisations; ensuring that our partners and customers retain control whilst realising the benefits that cloud adoption can provide.”

It’s a common misconception that Digital Transformation is about technology, when it is actually about putting your customers’ requirements at the heart of your business, whilst creating a future-proof, flexible, scalable and supportive environment for your employees.

Visit www.dorsetchamber. for more details and follow campaign on social media under #revitalisingthehighstreet. #GetBusinessDone

For further information please refer to www.the-it-department. #GetBusinessDone



March 2020 | Dorset Business Focus





James wins UK Fastest Growing Business Coaching Practice Award James Akin-Smith, has won the prestigious award for the UK Fastest Growing Business Coaching Practice of the Year 2019. With over 200 nationwide entrants this is a huge achievement for the Dorset Business Coach and a real testament to James, his long established trusted client relationships, his wealth of experience and expertise and the results that he has helped his clients achieve. For James there is nothing more rewarding than seeing a business owner succeed. “I am very proud to have won this award, as we all know success isn't an overnight achievement and I'm very honoured that my amazing clients and strategic partners trust and work with me, enabling me to guide them to achieve the success that they deserve!” This is not the first time James has won this award, having taken it home back in 2016, James Akin-Smith continues to set

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himself ahead of the competition and earn himself the reputation as a top ‘Super High-Performance’ Business Coach in the UK. James is passionate about business and helping business owners, leaders and entrepreneurs be successful, is what drives and motivates him. With over 30 years as a business owner, entrepreneur and coach, James has a wealth of experience to pull on, a vast range of proven tactics and strategies to share and the passion, infectious enthusiasm and commitment to help business leaders navigate their way to success, personally and professionally; and thrive. If you would like to find out more get in touch on 01202 946 330 Supporting you and your business to thrive Perspective: Energy: Growth: Freedom jamesakinsmith.




Putting Dorset on the 3D Map Dorset’s first ever immersive, virtual reality ‘map’ of business premises is under construction with the chance for Dorset Chamber members to get involved. Mudeford-based 3D virtual tours company Yooport is partnering with Dorset Chamber to add and showcase venues as it compiles a searchable online catalogue. The aim of the tie-up is to make it easy for member businesses, partners and customers to connect through realistic, interactive tours of offices, factories, development sites and other premises. Yooport features an all-in-one reality capture system that goes further than traditional video or 360° tours. It creates realistic 3D models of real-world spaces, named ‘Digital Twins’, with multiple view options and outputs in a range of formats. Users simply embed Yooport in their websites as they do with YouTube clips, for example, and can also add the models into Google searches and Google Maps. Tags and links are easily added to the tours giving extra information about what is on view. Yooport was founded by husband and wife team Richard and Krystyna Guppy, Technical and Marketing Directors respectively. Richard said: “Yooport offers realistic, interactive 3D and virtual reality experiences that make you feel like you are actually there. We’ve invested in the latest technology to provide a state-of-the-art service harnessing the power of immersive visual representation.” Krystyna said: “By creating a Dorset-wide ‘Digital Ecosystem’ of real-world locations, we aim to help companies and organisations connect and showcase their businesses online, so helping them attract more clients and investment and go for growth.” Yooport has origins in commercial property development with building professionals and property owners requiring specialist 3D views for construction and development projects as well as advertising, sales and marketing activities. As well as Dorset Chamber, early Dorset users include Sunseeker, Keeley Fox Interior Design, Parkstone Yacht Club, Morgan Sindall Construction, Talbot Heath School and the Holiday Inn in Bournemouth. Dorset Chamber Chief Executive Ian Girling said: “It’s increasingly important for businesses to look at forwardthinking, digital ways of connecting with their partners and customers, and we are delighted to work with Yooport on this exciting project.” Under the collaboration between Dorset Chamber and Yooport, Chamber members can benefit from discounted rates for Yooport services. For more #GetBusinessDone information, visit 36

March 2020 | Dorset Business Focus

Nick Fernyhough celebrates 35 years Nick Fernyhough celebrates 35 years at Saffery Champness Accountants Senior Partner Nick Fernyhough is celebrating 35 years at Saffery Champness Chartered Accounts. Nick trained with the firm, initially in London, moving to Bournemouth in 1993. He took up a partnership in 1994. Nick commented, “My journey with Saffery Champness has seen significant growth over the years. When I joined the Bournemouth office we had just 15 staff. We now have over 60 working in our audit, accounts and tax teams. “Saffery’s success in the region has been down to the partners believing in the strength of the Dorset economy. We have always been committed to growing

the office in this area and servicing the diverse and excellent mix of talent and innovative businesses in the region. “Our clients are very loyal and the business has grown primarily with them and through recommendations made to other potential clients. We are extremely proud of what we have achieved and the dynamic young team that we are building, which will ensure the success of the business for decades to come. “I would like to thank the other 5 partners in the Bournemouth office and all our staff for their outstanding commitment and dedication to the business.”


Positivity brimming at Coleman Marine Insurance in 2020 following acquisition by Gallagher The acquisition of Coleman Marine Insurance by global insurance broking giant Gallagher in 2019 sees the business going into the New Year brimming with positivity and ambitions for the future. Coleman MD Steven Risk advised, “We have an exciting 2020 ahead of us as we continue to look after our much-valued clients and engage with prospective new clients throughout the year. “2020 will see our team attend all of the key marine events, both in the UK and oversees. We’ve got such a great team of people in place and feel very well positioned to continue the growth we have achieved over the last four years.” Coleman Marine Insurance is the specialist Marine Division of Gallagher



UK Retail, providing Insurance expertise and products across the Marine sector. Please call if you have a need of our Insurance expertise. Tel. +44(0)1202 497 410 or visit our Website for more information about our services www.



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March 2020 | Dorset Business Focus





Great South West partners target £45 billion economic boost

A powerful coalition of South West businesses, education leaders and local authorities has pledged to work in partnership with Government to make the Great South West the latest growth alliance to rebalance the UK economy. The Great South West partners are publishing a local growth prospectus that aims to deliver £45 billion of economic benefit and 190,000 new jobs over the next 15 years. The Great South West spans the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) areas of Cornwall & the Isles of Scilly, the Heart of the South West (which includes Devon, Plymouth, Torbay and Somerset), and Dorset. Its ambition is to sit alongside the Governmentbacked Northern Powerhouse, Midlands Engine and Western Gateway economic areas, and includes businesses, LEPs, universities, colleges and local government as a mechanism to attract additional investment into the area. At the heart of the growth prospectus is the ambition to make the Great South West the cleanest economy in England and the first to be net zero carbon. Its focus is on creating world-leading growth in the ‘green’ and ‘blue’ economies, backed by a wealth of natural assets on land and sea, groundbreaking companies and research expertise. The prospectus sets out how, with Government support, the Great South West can be a test bed for new thinking and new technologies to accelerate the move to a greener, more prosperous economy, and tackle shared challenges like poor connectivity, an ageing population, poor productivity and climate change. Specifically, it calls for: • Formal recognition of the Great South West as a growth alliance aimed at rebalancing the UK economy, with an identified Minister to link into Government. • £2 million over three years to build a business case for investment across a range of projects. • A Great South West Tourism Zone to help the industry become more productive, sustainable and adaptable. • An agreement to create a Rural Productivity Deal, addressing the specific needs of the rural economy. Publication of the prospectus follows a Downing Street summit in December between Great South West partners and Prime Minister Boris Johnson. The Prime Minister told the delegation at the time: “We want to address some of the infrastructure issues in the region, as well as other vital services. Because it is the mission of my Conservative Government to unite and level up the country, and the South West has potential in all sorts of areas - from the spaceport in Newquay to farming, fishing, tourism and technology. "I want to see improvements to infrastructure and technology, better rail and roads, more schools funding and investment in health services. We believe in a dynamic economy. The South West campaign is a great one and your region is an absolute priority to me. So I can assure you that we want to support and champion everything you do." Jim Stewart, Chair of Dorset LEP, said: “The Great South West is poised for a step change in productivity and prosperity, and supported by the government, more news online -

What are the disadvantages of dual citizenship? Dual nationality is not unusual these days. At first glance it’s a harmless exercise and many people have sound practical reasons for acquiring dual or more nationalities. However it’s worth a moment or two’s reflection before adding to ones nationality portfolio. Potential downsides include:

we can capitalise on opportunities presented by the Industrial Strategy, building momentum for a region that is of national and international significance. This prospectus clearly sets out our ambitions to become the leading region for the green and blue economy.” The Great South West prospectus will be formally submitted to Government shortly and has the backing of Sir Gary Streeter, Chair of the Great South West All Party Parliamentary Group and Conservative MP for South West Devon. Sir Gary said: “We are living in a new political landscape with a clear commitment from Government to a more regional focus from Whitehall, and that is a huge opportunity for the Great South West. What’s important is that we set out the scope of our ambition in a coherent and compelling way, and demonstrate broad support by speaking with one voice. The Great South West prospectus is a very important part of that.” Steve Hindley, Chair of the Great South West partnership, said: “Our aspiration is for the Government to recognise the enormous potential of the Great South West to model how the future economy will look, and to work with us to plan and deliver the changes that we need to launch an era of transformational change and become the greenest economy of the UK.” Mark Duddridge, Chair of the Cornwall & Isles of Scilly LEP, said: “The Government has committed to changing the economic geography of the UK and to putting the environment at the heart of its economic policy, and that’s a great opportunity for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. And by tackling shared agendas like transport and productivity at scale, we can reap the benefits of working together for all our communities.” Karl Tucker, Chair of the Heart of the South West LEP, said: “The Great South West has an unprecedented potential to increase its contribution to UK plc, in terms of economic performance and in helping to meet its Net Zero targets. We are stronger than the sum of our parts; and by working together we can strengthen our economic opportunities and make a real impact on a global stage. Our region has been historically underinvested in, and now is the time to re-dress the balance in partnership with Government to secure greater prosperity for all.” To download a copy of the Great South West prospectus please visit

dual nationality can sometimes have challenging implications if one requires Consular assistance. Witness the difficulties facing Chinese with dual nationality wanting to fly out of Wuhan to escape the coronavirus or Mrs Ratcliffe in Iran.

some nations don’t permit their nationals to hold dual nationality. Are you content for the grant of British nationality to revoke your nationality of origin?

Some nations require their citizens to perform National Service. Are you aware of any implications in your case?

We don’t advise on other countries nationality law but we can advise on the implications of being British so you can make a properly informed decision about naturalisation. Currently part of that advice will be that in terms of UK law, nationality and citizenship are not necessarily synonymous. This is for historical reasons related to the nature of the British constitution and the way our law has evolved. In that context it’s worth noting that being British is not actually a right; it’s something one acquires automatically through the operation of law in defined circumstances or the discretion of the Home Secretary. #GetBusinessDone



Dorset LEP will hold the first national One Health 20: Aquaculture Expo On 4th March 2020, Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership will hold the first national One Health 20: Aquaculture Expo at the historic conference centre and land-based college Kingston Maurward. Aquaculture, also known as aquafarming, is the farming of fish, crustaceans, molluscs, aquatic plants, algae and other organisms. One Health is about finding sustainable solutions to global problems, such as future food supply for a growing human population. Dorset is recognised by the Government as having a High Potential Opportunity (HPO) to build a significant sustainable aquaculture offer in England and to contribute to the UK’s lucrative industry. The excellent water quality of Dorset’s inshore waters has enabled a diversity of aquaculture to develop and there is significant potential for this sector to expand at sea and on land. The county is also home to Cefas (Centre for Environment Fisheries & Aquaculture Science), a world leader in marine science and technology. Aquaculture is the fastest-growing global food production sector. In 2030 it is estimated that nearly two-thirds of the global fish supply will be from farmed sources. Growing demand is due in


March 2020 | Dorset Business Focus

part to the promoted health benefits from eating fish, compounded by a rising middle class seeking more protein in their diets. Supply has struggled to keep up with a seemingly endless demand. However, accelerated developments in breeding programmes, system designs and feeding technologies has helped to make this a commercially viable sector. The UK is already one of Europe’s largest aquaculture producers (with most produced in Scotland). However, in the UK approximately 70% of the seafood value which enters the supply chain is imported from abroad or landed by foreign ships. This gap in imports to exports, associated with the good conditions for seafood production in the UK, has raised the interest in sustainable aquaculture. Accelerated, sustainable growth in our aquaculture offer could displace some of this market in favour of UK producers, bringing considerable local, regional and national benefits. The OH20: Aquaculture Expo will be a showcase for up to 50 companies from UK-based sustainable aquaculture (including from Dorset and the Great South West) to


market their products to an audience of other businesses, investors (such as the British Business Bank), buyers and other potential business collaborators from UK Government, including Cefas and national universities with an interest in aquaculture innovation. The OH20:Aquaculture Expo is supported by the Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership’s #DorsetAquaBites campaign. For more information and updates on the Expo, campaign and the Dorset Gateway’s One Health Accelerator, please follow #DorsetAquaBites on Social Media or visit




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Doing Business Worldwide Britain is still a world-class manufacturer. The label “Made In Britain” remains highly regarded around the world. Although traditional exporting requires careful strategic planning, hard work, travel and a willingness to learn about other cultures, overseas markets are generally keen to trade with us. International markets offer huge opportunities for UK businesses. Finding and developing new markets for products is a hugely valuable avenue for expansion and in some sectors in particular, global demand for British brands and products makes international trade an excellent means of growth. Dorset Chamber is encouraging companies to consider looking further afield and learning about International markets If you like further help in doing business throughout the world please get in touch as there are free country-specific publications available. 01202 714800

Dorset Chamber International Trade Training Date




Price (+VAT)



Intercoms 2020

09:30 - 16:30

Dorset Chamber of Commerce & Industry

Members £281.25, Non-Members £375.00

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Product Classification and Rules of Origin

09:30 - 16:30

Dorset Chamber of Commerce & Industry

Members £281.25, Non-Members £375.00

Dorset Chamber


Introduction to International Trade

09:30 - 16:30

Dorset Chamber of Commerce & Industry

Members £281.25 Non-Members £375.00

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NEW - Dangerous Goods by Road, Air and Sea

09:30 - 12:30

Dorset Chamber of Commerce & Industry

Members £138.75 Non-Members £185.00

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Custom Procedures and Export Documentation

09:30 - 16:30

Dorset Chamber of Commerce & Industry

Members £281.25 Non-Members £375.00

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How to Complete Customs Declarations

09:30 - 16:30

Dorset Chamber of Commerce & Industry

Members £280.00, Non-Members £350.00

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Special Customs Procedures and Customs Audit Preparations

09:30 - 16:30

Dorset Chamber of Commerce & Industry

Members £299.00, Non-Members £385.00

Dorset Chamber


NEW - Build your Export Strategy

09:30 - 16:30

Dorset Chamber of Commerce & Industry

Members £299.00, Non-Members £385.00

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March 2020 | Dorset Business Focus





Health-on-Line raise record amount for their two charities Health-on-Line have smashed previous records and raised an incredible £20,000 for their chosen charities Dorset Mind and Dorset Children’s Foundation. Events such as the Bournemouth Bay Run, Christmas raffles, bake sales and quiz nights have not only raised awareness but vital funds for both charities. The private medical insurer is also sponsoring the Dorset Children’s Foundation first ever FA-registered football team for children with disabilities. Fiona Carter, Brand and Marketing Manager, and member of the Charity Panel at Health-onLine, said: “We’re delighted to be able to donate £20,000 to charity as a result of our internal fundraising from employees throughout the last year. “The ‘Give’ strand of our internal health & wellbeing scheme is fundamental to the culture at Health-on-Line, and one that we would hope to continually develop. Selected by our staff, both Dorset Children’s Foundation and Dorset Mind do incredible work that we hope we have been able to contribute to in a small way”. 2019 saw a new approach in fundraising for the Bournemouth-based company, as they embarked on a charity challenge where they held internal events, as well as took over two Dorset Children’s Foundation charity shops, with two teams battling it out to raise the most money. Dorset Children’s Foundation was set up in 2013 to improve the lives of local sick and disabled children and since then have donated over £500,000 to local children. They are a small, independent charity and fund medical expenses, mobility equipment and therapies not covered by the NHS. They also grant life-enriching experiences, to create special memories that last longer than a lifetime. Dorset Mind are a pioneering local charity that educates, challenges mental health stigma and inequality, and promotes recovery by empowering individuals to develop resilience. They offer support groups, counselling and a befriending service across the county, as well as delivering educational wellbeing programmes in schools and workplaces. Health-on-Line are dedicated to investing back into the local community through their Corporate Social Responsibility programme and, over the past five years, have donated more than £50,000 to their nominated charities; which are chosen by their staff each year.


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Hendy honours top performers at 2019 Group Awards Colleagues from Hendy in Dorset have been honoured at the company’s Group Awards which also marked 160 years in business. For the first time, the group brought its sales and aftersales award ceremonies together for the Group Awards with more than 1,200 employees entertained in style at the Bournemouth International Centre by host, former rugby player and TV personality Matt Dawson. Awards were presented to colleagues from across the business which has more than 20 franchises and employs more than 2,000 people in Dorset, Hampshire, Wiltshire, Sussex, Surrey, Kent and Devon. Last year the group sold more than 56,000 vehicles and chief executive Paul Hendy said he was extremely proud of the contribution everyone makes to the success of the company. “2019 was a real milestone for Hendy with 160 years in business, the acquisition of Westover in Dorset and Wiltshire, the opening of the Dorset Car Store and the launch of Hendy Foundation,” he said. “These awards are a chance to reflect on the success of the year and we are delighted to mark this with our first ever Group Awards.” The key Hall of Fame award was presented to Andy Smith who joined Hendy straight from school 43 years ago. Paul said that Andy has been instrumental in the success of the group. He has been involved in key integration projects as Hendy has expanded over the years and is now director of Hendy Parts and Power. Andy said he was thrilled to win the award and paid tribute to all the colleagues he had worked with and who had helped him over the years. “The journey is not over yet,” he said. Awards were also presented to Zoe Hathaway who is based at Hendy, Hyundai and Renault in Poole. She was named aftersales advisor of the year. The new car sales advisor of the year award was presented to Stuart Hall who works at Jaguar Land Rover in Christchurch. #GetBusinessDone

Escape to the sun with Bournemouth Airport in 2020 Holidaymakers longing to escape to the sun have a huge choice of destinations on their doorstep with the launch of Bournemouth Airport’s annual destination guide. Fly Bournemouth 2020 features 32 destinations in 16 countries. New for 2020 are the stunning Greek islands of Skiathos, in the Aegean Sea, and Zante, in the Ionian Sea (pictured). And making a welcome return for winter 2020 is the Egyptian resort of Sharm El Sheikh. Countries reached directly from Bournemouth Airport include Cyprus (Paphos) , Czech Republic (Prague), Greek Islands (Corfu, Crete, Kefalonia, Rhodes, Skiathos and Zante), Ireland (Dublin), Italy (Bergamo), Malta, Norway (fly/cruise), Poland (Krakow), Portugal (Faro), Spain (Alicante, Girona, Malaga, Murcia), Spain – Balearics (Ibiza, Majorca, Menorca), Spain – Canaries (Gran Canaria, Lanzarote, Tenerife), Switzerland (Geneva) and Turkey (Antalya, Dalaman). There is also Caribbean fly/cruise through P&O Cruises, as well as short breaks or day trips to Lapland and the Northern Lights. Managing Director Stephen Gill said: “We’re delighted to be publishing the latest edition of Fly Bournemouth with a host of ideas and inspiration for discovering the world with Bournemouth Airport. “Whether it’s a fly-cruise, short break, summer sun, winter escapes or business links, our fantastic choice of direct flights including new destinations of Skiathos, Zante and the return of flights to Sharm El Sheikh makes the world readily accessible, all with the ease and convenience of flying from your local airport.” The start of the year is traditionally the busiest time for people to book their annual holiday. As well as the wide range of destinations, Fly Bournemouth 2020 showcases the benefits of flying local, including a quick journey to the airport, parking close to the terminal, short check-in and security times and total step-free access from the terminal entrance to flight boarding. Bournemouth Airport saw almost 709,000 passengers go through the terminal over the 12 months to March 31 2019. Carriers operating from Bournemouth include TUI, Ryanair and Easyjet. Bournemouth Airport is owned and operated by Regional & City Airports (RCA), part of Rigby Group plc. RCA is the UK’s leading regional airport operator in terms of scale and operation, and also owns and operates Exeter, Norwich and Coventry airports, and holds management contracts for Blackpool, City of Derry and Solent airports. In the year to March 2019, RCA welcomed 2.4m passengers and handled 227,000 flights, serving as gateway for the seven million people that live in the airports’ passenger catchment areas. For more information please visit




Common Ski Injuries Each year about 10,000 Britons are injured on the slopes, a significant amount, but hopfully that wont put you off!! Here are some of the more common injuries we see: Head Injuries/concussion: Sadly, head injuries are fairly common and can be potentially life threatening. Falling at speed and hitting your head on another skier, a rock or tree can have devastating consequences. Obvious injuries like cuts and bruises can be addressed quite easily but you should look out for any light-headedness, confusion, vomiting, drowsiness and loss of consciousness following any head injury as this can be a sign of something far more serious. We would strongly recommend that if you or one of your party has a head injury that you get to the local medical centre to be examined. Knee Injuries: Knee injuries equal approximately a 1/3 of all ski injuries and this is down to the fact that your foot is fixed in a boot so any twisting force that goes through the leg is usually centred on the knee. The most common knee injury is damage to the ACL. If you have a fall which causes a twist through the leg (can be low speed) and your binding doesn’t release, there is a good chance that your ACL is affected. You might feel a pop within the knee and get pain with fairly sudden swelling. Afterwards your knee might feel unstable. The knee on the inside of the knee, the MCL, is also at risk when skiing. If catch an edge or lose control the ski can move from underneath you, forcing the knee inwards and potentially stretching/tearing the ligament. Pain will be felt on the inside of the knee and it can be very painful to weight bear. Sometimes it is possible to ski after a knee injury but if you are unsure or have any of the symptoms mentioned you should seek medical advice whilst in the resort. Shoulder Injuries: Any time you land heavily onto your shoulder you are of course of risk of causing damage, especially if at speed. You can fall directly onto the shoulder or instinct might mean you put your hands out to take the brunt of the fall. Unfortunately, both mechanisms can put you at risk of shoulder dislocations, where the ball comes out of the socket and/or upper arm fractures. Both these injuries are very painful, and it is likely that you will need immediate medical attention. Hand and Wrist injuries: As we have already mentioned, when you fall it is a natural instinct to outstretch your arms and land on your hands/wrists. Unfortunately, the force of the entire body going through your wrists, at speed, can sometimes be too much and cause the bones in the wrist to break. There is also a condition known as skiers’ thumb, whereby during a fall the strap of the pole can force the back very suddenly, stretching the one of the ligaments that supports it. The injury can also occur if the thumb gets trapped in the snow and or in the hexagonal matting they use on dry ski slopes. With skiers’ thumb, if the injury isn’t too bad you might be able to ski on but a fractured wrist will need urgent medical assessment. Look out for our next skiing article on things you can do to prepare for your upcoming skiing holiday. Paul O’Connell Owner and Physiotherapist


Enhanced evolve brand position and website with Fireworx Enhanced have been established for over 25 years as the go-to business for companies who are looking for help in reaching their growth potential through better IT solutions. From their head office in Poole, Enhanced work with a large number of leading businesses across the UK.They deliver Microsoft IT systems and services and implement core changes helping maximise the productivity and financial benefits brought by improved technological solutions. This is backed by award winning support to deliver a personalised service, with a committed and friendly technical team. With their own ambitious growth plans, Enhanced turned to local full service agency Fireworx, to help support the next exciting phase of their strategic business plans. Fireworx who are ranked in the Drums Top 10 Independent Creative Agencies, are known for their unique methodology know as ‘Disruptive Thinking’, with visually impactful creative and value proposition-backed approach that focuses on why customers should choose one brand over another. Fireworx were selected as the ideal partner to help develop the Enhanced brand positioning, whilst also reviewing the marketing strategy and overarching digital approach aligned to the future direction of the business. The new look brand and approach is centered around 2 core values that embody everything Enhanced stands for. A leading technical knowhow which helps businesses benefit from the full potential of technology, and secondly their award winning customer centric dedication that puts clients at the centre of everything they do. Along with the bold new style, the messaging has also become more focused on the values Enhanced stands for and the benefits they provide to customers, reflecting the ambition, focus and trust that is fundamental to the businesses they support every day. As part of a planned marketing schedule, Enhanced has just launched a new look website with a revised structure, user experience, breaking down services into features and benefits with simplified language and an intuitive interface. Other activity planned includes supporting local publications, online advertising, social media, email marketing, direct mail and a series of events throughout the year. “From the very first brand workshop with Simon White, Enhanced CEO, and the wider team the passion and dedication from Enhanced was very apparent. Clearly having run a successful business for the past 25 years it’s been an exciting journey to help them evolve the brand and reflect the values and direction for the business into 2020 and beyond. Between our team and Enhanced's it’s been a collaboration that is based on embracing new and different ideas to communicate the value proposition and we’re all over the moon with the new look brand identity. Both myself and my team are looking forward to supporting Enhanced with their continued success.” - Daniel Smith, Fireworx Managing Director. #GetBusinessDone 44

March 2020 | Dorset Business Focus





Personal internet use at work - where do you stand? By Ellen Shipton, trainee solicitor at Ellis Jones Solicitors

It is extremely common for employees to use their work computers for personal reasons such as checking their personal email account, making online purchases and accessing social media. For employers, allowing employees personal use can cause issues such as unnecessary exposure to viruses and issues regards confidentiality and security. Below are a few different considerations for an employer when approaching personal internet use at work. Right to private life The right to a private life extends to the workplace and therefore employees have an expectation of privacy when at work. In fact, the Human Rights Act 1998 (“HRA”) suggests that employees have a right to undertake personal errands (such as making brief important telephone calls) throughout the day (so long as this is not impacting on the employee’s work). It is worth bearing in mind that the HRA only applies to public authorities, such as local authorities and publicly funded schools, and public or private bodies performing public functions. This could include private hospitals providing care on behalf of the NHS and privatised utility providers. Company policy A company policy regarding email and internet use at work is important. The policy should set out the disciplinary consequences of a breach which will: •

Ensure that employees have clear guidelines as to acceptable use;

Minimise the risk of the company becoming vicariously liable for the acts of employees; and

Ensure that the company can lawfully discipline employees for use in contravention with the policy. If the consequences of breaching the policy are not made clear to employees, the dismissal for internet-related offences could be unlawful.

the employee’s right to privacy because the employer had not forewarned of potential monitoring and potential access to the content of employees’ communications. Indeed, specifically, the ECtHR confirmed that any employee monitoring must be proportionate in achieving the aim of promoting and protecting the employer’s business. 2.Data protection legislation- the General Data Protection Regulations (“GDPR”) Monitoring employees at work involves processing personal data which is regulated by the GDPR. The Information Commissioner’s Office, which oversees the implementation of the GDPR, has published guidance to assist employers with meeting the requirements in the workplace. The Employment Practices Code, although does not prevent employers from monitoring employees in the workplace, recommends a number of steps be undertaken by employers to ensure compliance with the GDPR. These include: • Undertaking a Data Protection Impact Assessment which should identify the purpose of monitoring, any adverse impact and whether it is justified; • Considering and recording the legal grounds for processing the personal data; • Informing employees of potential monitoring by way of a policy; • Using information obtained for the purpose for which monitoring was undertaken; and • Ensuring personal data is secure.

What you can do as an employer When monitoring employees in the workplace, consideration should be given to both the Information Commissioner Office’s rules and the Human Rights Act 1998. In practice this means: •

You can monitor employees’ emails at work but this must be undertaken carefully and with consideration to both GDPR rules and the Human Rights Act 1998;

You should follow the recommendations of the ICO which suggest steps to be taken prior to undertaking monitoring;

It is recommended that you implement a company policy regarding personal use of the internet at work; and

If emails are personal, do not open them unless you either consider that there is a real risk of serious harm to the business or you have provided prior notice to the employee in advance that the content may be viewed.

If you require advice in respect of any business or employee related matter, please contact our experienced Employment Lawyers or Business Services Lawyers on 01202 525333.


Monitoring employees Enforcing a company policy on internet use can be difficult; the majority of employers therefore monitor employees’ use of the internet and their emails. This in turn creates a number of further considerations for employers. 1.European Court of Human Rights’ decisions In Copland v United Kingdom, a Welsh college had monitored an employee’s emails, internet usage and telephone calls over a prolonged length of time in the 1990s. It was held that the employer was in breach of the employee’s right to privacy and that even monitoring the date, length of telephone conversations and numbers dialled would give rise to a breach of privacy. In the more recent case of Barbulescu (2017), the employee was dismissed for breaching the company policy that work computers could not be used for personal reasons. The employer produced copies of this personal correspondence during the disciplinary procedure to evidence the dismissal. The European Court of Human Rights (“ECtHR”) held that the employer had breached more news online -



GDPR & Brexit now that we've left the EU With the UK having left the EU, I thought it would be useful to just recap what that means for GDPR compliance in 2020 and into the future. The short answer is that nothing changes in 2020, but there could be changes from next year once the transition period has ended. So, right now, even though we're now out of the EU, EU GDPR still applies as it has since it came into force in 2018; the UK's Data Protection Act 2018 and Privacy and Electronic Communication Regulations (PECR) remain unchanged as well. As you'll know, we're now in a transition period till the end of this year. During this period, in theory all the tricky legal, trade, etc. agreements will be sorted out, so it's possible that we will see proposals for GDPR posttransition. We're likely to have UK GDPR, which is the same as the current EU GDPR but implemented in UK law, so again, post-transition as far as general GDPR compliance is concerned, little is likely to change, so don't go thinking that from next year you won't need to worry about data protection anymore. From 2021 though, what happens will depend on what is sorted out during the transition period – if that is nothing, worst case scenario is that it will be like a no-deal Brexit: • • • • •

UK to EU data flows will be allowed to continue as they do pre-Brexit The UK is likely to have a UK GDPR which is basically the same as GDPR, so the GDPR compliance requirements are likely to continue as-is Little is likely to change if you operate in the UK only and don’t process and EU citizen data – you’ll still be answerable to the GDPR and the ICO in terms of enforcement If you process EU citizen data sent from the EU, then the EEA organisation will not be able to pass the data to you unless you have the EU’s standard contract clauses in place If you sell products or services into the EU from the UK, the EU GDPR will apply to you because GDPR has extra-territorial reach, plus you may need to appoint an EU representative (someone who represents you across the EU (but operates in one of the member states where you have customers) for GDPR matters) PECR will continue to apply as it does today

There is a possibility that some of this will be sorted out during the transition period and won’t apply from 2021. So, you'll need to keep an eye out for updates. In terms of preparations for your own compliance, you don’t need to change anything right now. There may be a point in 2020 when you may need to put things in place in preparation for the end of the transition period. What those things are may depend on the status of GDPR post-Brexit. I’d suggest holding fire for now until we know a little more about what might happen. You may want to consider coming up with a plan of action so you can pinpoint the latest time you need to start making plans for a “no-deal” GDPR transition. As always, if you have any worries about how this might affect you, or if you're being put under pressure by non-UK clients wanting you to sign agreements ahead of time, then my can help you digitalcompliancehub. Regardless of what happens, here's to a great 2020! 46

March 2020 | Dorset Business Focus


Innovative Hire taking on 2020 Event Hire Company Innovative Hire has gone from strength to strength in 2019, and this year is not looking likely to slow down! Kicking off 2019 by confirming hires with major events such as Cowes Week and CarFest North and South, as well as a repeat hire with Bournemouth 7s Festival, the season was looking busy before it had even begun. The White Box Structure was the key to winning the initial contract for CarFest, which was used as a VIP area for Chris Evans Friends and Family in 2019. Comprised of 2 x 20ft converted shipping containers, which have hydraulic arms, opening up a side of each container to create a second floor terrace area, it really is a stand-out structure. Amongst a number of private hires for events, weddings and parties alike, the hire company also partnered with the brand new London venue Magazine London, as well as the Tate Modern for numerous events where bars, furniture and theming/props were put to use to bring these events to life. Account Manager, Alex Poole commented “The uplift on enquiries this year has been immense. The efficiency of the team has had to increase and we are so pleased with how slick we are now operating across the board. A variety of new products to hire have come into stock and we are continually looking to evolve our range to keep things new, exciting and on trend for our clients.’ For 2020, a wide range of brand new stock has been added to their 26,000 sq ft of warehousing, including some awesome vintage bumper cars, cinema seats, a selection of rustic wooden furniture, and folding picnic benches which all make great features at any event. Moving into the New Year, Innovative Hire will also be progressing with an exciting development and launching sister company ‘Innovative Bars’. With many years of event design, production and bar management experience alongside operational management of fixed venues, the team and company will provide end-to-end bar management working closely with their clients to achieve the brief with absolute transparency. With a vast range of bars available to hire for your event/and or activation, including professional cocktail bars, rustic reclaimed wooden bars, themed bars, converted shipping container bars and more (even a caravan bar!) rental packages will be tailored to suit the customers’ specific requirements Founder and Director Simon Brooks has added ‘We are extremely pleased with the direction of Innovative Hire moving into the new year and we are very excited to see where we can take things with Innovative Bars. Having already worked closely with drinks brands such as Peroni, Whitley Neill Gin, Tequila Rose, Asahi and Double Dutch Gin on projects, this is a natural progression for the brand. We have the experience and we know that we can offer brands an exclusive service that they are looking for.’ The new website for Innovative Bars will be launching in due course, so keep your eyes peeled, and in the meantime, #GetBusinessDone please visit




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UKSV celebrate 17 years working on the NatWest everywoman awards For the 17th year running UKSV, an event and communication specialist based in Ringwood, has once again provided its services to one of the most prestigious business award ceremonies in the calendar - the NatWest everywoman Awards. The awards ceremony, which celebrates the female entrepreneurs transforming the face of business in the UK, was held on 3rd of December 2019 at the JW Marriott Grosvenor House in London. This high-profile affair, part of the offer of the global EverywomanNetwork, champions women in enterprise from all walks of life. In 2019 nominees came from industries ranging from art and social enterprises to wellness and beauty, each with her own inspiring story of success.

UKSV was there to shine the light on the winners – literally. Working in partnership with the everywoman Award’s in-house events team, they were tasked with ensuring the event looked and sounded fantastic for the 350 attendees, providing all the audiovisual elements. This included stage-side screens, the sound system, lighting, staging and sets, as well as a projector, laptops and film elements. Designed to impress, but mindful of a prudent budget for the event, the service was delivered with the best value for the client in mind. An on-site team also supported the smooth running of the luncheon event, on hand throughout to deliver technical support, and, as is the UKSV way, going above and beyond to step in with support to tackle other issues

that came up on the day. Uncommon in the events industry, UKSV has a relationship with everywoman which spans two decades and has worked in partnership with them on the NatWest everywoman Awards since their inception in 2003. This long-standing connection is the basis for true partnership working; UKSV are seen as an extension of the client’s team, rather than simply supplying a service. This is made possible by UKSV’s relentless focus on innovation and flexibility, which means they are able to consistently respond to and reflect the changing needs of the client. Katie Trice, Head of Event Operations at everywoman said: “We are proud of this important event which provides a high-profile

platform to celebrate the success of women entrepreneurs, and as such it’s very important to us that it has the right look and feel. “Having worked with UKSV on this for so many years, we know they work seamlessly with our own team. We trust implicitly them to deliver exactly what we need and to help ensure this is the fantastic event these worthy winners deserve.” The event was a resounding success, and once again is set to provide a springboard for the winners, bringing them a new investment, mentors and recognition. For more information about UKSV, please visit: #GetBusinessDone

Top 7 reasons to take your staff on a team away day 1. Staff integration and team-building Whether you’re merging teams, trying to improve communication across departments, or onboarding (integrating) new staff - team away days are proven to work. Break the corporate mould by avoiding building a bridge out of straws in a bland conference room (we’ve all been there!) and find new ways to make team-building memorable. 2. Build employee resilience, tenacity & independence Don’t just complain that “they don’t make em’ like they used to”. Build resilient, tenacious staff by investing in their development. Moving your employees out of their natural comfort zone is a great way to help them grow and thrive. They’ll thank you for it later. 3. An opportunity to assess potential Team away days can be tailored to meet any objective. Adventure activities provide a great platform for assessing leadership potential as well as other desirable workplace skills: communication, resilience, teamwork, independence etc. 48

March 2020 | Dorset Business Focus

4. Improve employee retention Team away days are a great way to recognise and celebrate your staff, they help foster teamwork and show you care about your employee’s work-life balance. If you invest in your staff and their happiness, they will reward you with loyalty.

6. Look after employee health - physical & mental There shouldn’t be a need to expand on this. The physical and mental health of your employees should be top of the priority list in any business. Your people are your greatest asset, so treat them like they are.

5. Create a culture you’re proud of & make sure your company stands out from the crowd Everyone wants to work for a company that looks after their employees. Everyone wants to work for a company who invests in their professional AND personal progression. Create a healthy workplace culture and you’ll be surprised how it can positively impact recruitment. After all, your vibe attracts your tribe…

7. Think outside the box Taking your team away from their normal working environment and into the great outdoors helps aid creative thinking. Adventurous team building gives employees permission to let their hair down and the opportunity to bounce ideas off each other in a new setting.






How to prepare for an Interview in 2020 It is a three-pronged approach…

Consultant joins Nuffield Health Bournemouth Hospital Nuffield Health Bournemouth Hospital has strengthened its highly-qualified network of consultants with the introduction of Dr Vivek Kodoth, a consultant interventional cardiologist. Dr Kodoth will work out of the hospital’s Cardiology Centre, Dorset’s first private cardiac centre to open in 2015, which offers patients a full cardiac service, including echocardiography and catheterisation laboratory, an outpatient diagnostic and interventional day case facility. Dr Kodoth trained in cardiology in Belfast and further specialised in coronary intervention with a two-year complex coronary intervention fellowship. He is one of the high volume percutaneous coronary intervention operators in the United Kingdom. He will run regular clinics at Nuffield Health Bournemouth Hospital for patients experiencing a range of cardiology problems such as chest pain, palpitations, breathlessness, heart disease and failure. His main area of interest is the management of angina and heart attacks. Dr Kodoth performs coronary angiograms to determine if coronary arteries are blocked or narrowed, and coronary angioplasty with stenting to widen blocked or narrowed arteries as well as complex coronary intervention to treat those with more advanced or complicated coronary disease. David McNair, hospital director at Nuffield Health Bournemouth Hospital, says: “Dr Vivek Kodoth is a welcome addition to the cardiology team. At Nuffield Health Bournemouth Hospital, our specialist team in our Cardiac Centre are equipped with the latest developments in cardiovascular science, focusing on diagnosis, prognosis and the latest in cardiovascular interventions. We look forward to working with Dr Kodoth in the years ahead.” Dr Kodoth adds: “It’s a privilege to have the opportunity to add my expertise to the cardiac team at the hospital’s Cardiology Centre. I will be running regularly clinics at the hospital for those concerned about cardiology issues. Appointments at these clinics can be booked by calling the hospital.” The hospital’s Cardiology Centre oversees the full patient pathway, from managing the initial consultation through to pre-admission assessment and caring for the patient on the day and following the procedure. A cardiac rehabilitation programme is also in place to help patients return to normal activities, while educating them on topics such as nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. To book an appointment please contact 01202 069287. #GetBusinessDone more news online -

So, here are the best all time interview tips to bring your ‘A’ game to secure your dream job. Oyster One The First Impression • There is clear research on the importance of making a great first impression, 33% of bosses know within the first 90 seconds of an interview whether they will hire someone. • Plan the perfect interview outfit and if you are not sure what to wear try to investigate further through contacts or pictures on social media. • General rule of thumb is better to be too smart but if the code is business or business casual keep your look basic and conservative for the first interview. It goes without saying that clean, pressed, tailored and modern is always a winner. • Then the little things, shiny shoes, loose hems, and do have smart manicure look fingernails, people do notice the small details. Do have that haircut, shave or new outfit …….do what makes you feel good and boosts your confidence. • You will need to take additional copies of your CV, notepad and two pens, an umbrella, plasters, small packet of tissues, hair brush or comb and breath mints. • Smile, look your interviewer in the eye and offer a firm handshake- these are key to the first 90 seconds. Oyster Two Know Your Audience • Research. Spend a few hours getting to know everything you can about the company, talk to contacts, read current news and press releases, and google them. • You want to see the positive being displayed on the website but also the fuller picture with any negative press. Look at the blog, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram and the tone of content on each of these will speak volumes. • If you are able, use the product or service before the interview. If you are successful you will be working with that product for the customers and it will give you invaluable insight. • Check Glassdoor for reviews from employees, however, these are only a guide do not always take them at face value. • Ensure you know the names of the people you are meeting and ideally their job titles. Then research them and see what they do in the company, what are they priorities likely to be when hiring and if you can who is the decision maker. • Checking with the recruiter or HR contact about the interview format ahead of time is totally fair game. And once you know, investing time to become familiar with this style can make a huge difference. Oyster Three Match your skills to the job • It is essential to consider what skills, accomplishments and abilities will be important for the job and aim to share them. • Research common interview questions and think about examples in your work that evidence your ability or strength in that area ‘Let me give you an example’ is a good phrase to use. • Have an answer ready for ‘Tell me about yourself’ as this is often the first question • Don't be thrown off by the classic, "What's your biggest weakness?" Think of something that you struggle with but that you’re working to improve. • Quote figures, percentages, increases or quotas that are important. These are vital for sales, marketing and various other disciplines like HR. • You will be asked why you are interested in the company and the role, cover both in your answer and match yourself to both. • Careful body language and posture - do not cross your legs and arms as it looks defensive. Try to reflect your interviewers’ position as this shows engagement. • Prepared a list of 10-12 well thought out questions ready for ‘Have you got any questions for us’. The idea is to ask 2-3 questions not already answered. • Smile, remember, YOU are awesome!




Big Changes to Benefit-In-Kind coming from 6th April 2020! As some of you may know, there have been some major changes throughout the motor industry over the last 2-3 years in the way that cars are tested for MPG's and CO2 emissions. This has been an extremely difficult time for most manufacturers, with nearly everyone suffering on new car sales due to factory stops, extended lead times due to delayed testing and confusing for potential customers looking to buy a new car with NEDC (New European Driving Cycle) and WLTP (Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicle Test Procedure) figures leaving customers baffled. (in short, the new test means that CO2 figures have increased and MPG figures have decreased due to the new ways that vehicles are now tested so in essence more true to life than they have ever been) Add on top of this Brexit and the recent election which has had both retail and business customers alike waiting to make decisions before purchasing, it really has been a rollercoaster of a ride. So now it is time for another change which is happening in April, which will affect nearly

every company car driver. The government gave us some clarity of benefit in kind back in July 2019 releasing the planned BIK rates for the next 3 years however any car registered from April 6th 2020 or after is going to be subject to the new WLTP CO2 figure which in some cases 'Fleet News' has reported that they have seen an increase of up to 30% (ouch) Due to this the demand for plug in hybrid and electric vehicles has never been stronger, along with the 0% for electric cars from April, businesses are quickly realising that electric cars in one form or the other really do make sense, not just from the drivers point of view but also from a business taxation point of view due to the 100% first year allowance which is eligible on cars with a CO2 limit under 50 g/km. Audi UK have just recently brought back the A3 Sportback 40 e-tron plug in hybrid with CO2 of just 45g/km, this joins the Q5 50 and 55 TFSI e plug in hybrid and we are soon to have the A6, A7 A8 and Q7 TFSI e plug in hybrids join the mix at some point early this year. These join forces with the amazing all electric e-tron which is available in both SUV and Sportback body styles. The comparisons I ran on the A3 Sportback base model petrol and diesel cars against the A3 Sportback e-tron will give you an idea of the changes that are happening however should anybody need any further information, have any questions or needs any advice then please do not hesitate to get in touch on 01202 775050.

Eddie Howe joins the Julia's House HIIT Squad AFC Bournemouth boss, Eddie Howe has teamed up with Martin Edwards, the CEO of children’s hospice charity Julia’s House, to take part in a gruelling 2-hour High-Intensity Interval Training fundraiser. Martin and Eddie, now known as the Julia’s House HIIT Squad, aim to raise £60,000 via JustGiving when they push their bodies to the extreme in a 2-hour HIIT workout at the AFC Bournemouth gym on 18 March. The ‘2 hours for 2 nurses’ workout will enable the Dorset and Wiltshire children’s hospice charity to raise money that will go towards funding two nurses for a year, and make a life-changing difference to the local families it supports. Joining Eddie and Martin in the AFC Bournemouth gym for their marathon HIIT workout will be business leaders from across Dorset and Wiltshire, with fitness instructors from BH Live putting them through their paces. Those taking up the ultimate HIIT challenge include Chris Symons 50

from BH Live, Jason Gault of TeamJobs, Jamie Wollen of JWA Consulting, Hugh Roper of Rockets & Rascals, Tim Brown of Superior Seals and Pip Woods and Peter Gordon of Rockley Watersports. This influential group of business people will help take the fundraising challenge to a different level, with the support of their staff and clients. BH Live will be holding their own 2 hour HIIT Squad challenge at Bournemouth’s Littledown Centre in March. Anyone aged 14 or over can sign up, start training and get sponsored through a dedicated JustGiving page linked to the HIIT Squad. BH Live staff will also be fundraising with all-day cycle challenges taking place at BH Live leisure centres across Bournemouth & Poole. Eddie Howe, who is a patron of Julia’s House, said: “When Martin asked me to take on the marathon HIIT challenge I didn’t hesitate, as I know what a difference two nurses will make to the children and

March 2020 | Dorset Business Focus

families Julia’s House looks after. It will be two of my toughest ever hours in the gym but I’ll be focusing on how much money we’re raising to support all the families at Julia’s House now and in the future.” Having a Julia’s House nurse on their side meant the world to Dan and Maiju when they discovered their daughter had suffered brain damage: “Nurse Alex came to see us while Elisa was in intensive care. Elisa had been in hospital for 101 days and we had hardly left her side,” explained Dan. “Alex was like a Fairy Godmother - she realised we needed support and organised care at the hospital so we could have a break. The Julia’s House team are not like nurses to us, they are like an extended part of the family.”



Martin Edwards adds: “The families that Julia’s House supports face a lot of challenges in their lives – not to mention worry, exhaustion and heartache. Our challenge is about being there for those families. So whether you are sponsoring me and Eddie or fellow HIIT Squad members, donating to BH Live staff in their cycle challenge or taking part in the evening HIIT Squad challenge at Littledown, your support will go towards funding nurses who are an absolute lifeline to local families.” To support Martin, Eddie and the HIIT Squad in their bid to fund two nurses for Julia’s House and to find out how to book onto the HIIT Squad workout at Littledown. visit julias-house-hiit-squad




DRIVEN Steve Bulley Head of Business Engagement at Dorset Chamber and car fanatic

Toyota Rav4 Petrol/Electric Hybrid

TOYOTA IS ON A CHARM OFFENSIVE TO ATTRACT YOUNGER FAMILY BUYERS AND HAVE WORKED HARD TO REVISE THEIR LONGSTANDING RAV4 SUV. I’m driving the latest RAV4, a selfcharging hybrid using technology from Toyota owned Lexus, from Hendy in Bournemouth. The 2.5-litre petrol engine/electric hybrid emits just 103g CO2 and in my hands delivered 43mpg in a mix of A and B roads and is available in 2WD and 4WD. The RAV4 has been a familiar sight on our roads since the mid 1990’s and Toyota have sold over 200,000 including

my own 2006 model. In Grey with black trim and wheels this RAV4 is designed to look smart in the city and it does. The driving position is elevated and visibility is good all round. The CVT auto box feels more refined but still revs when you try and drive it hard. It’s not fast, 0-62 takes 8.4 secs, but Toyota believes buyers are looking for practicality and economy not speed.

Inside the RAV4 the standard kit on this model is impressive and now includes the customary 8” touchscreen with Toyota Touch 2 Go Navigation, 6 speakers, DAB & Bluetooth & Reversing Camera. You also get Safety Sense 2 incl. Pre-collision with Cyclist Detection, Night-time Pedestrian Detection & Adaptive Cruise Control, a must for town driving. In the 13 years since my own RAV4 was built Toyota has moved on at a pace and with the diesel debate continuing this petrol/ electric hybrid makes a lot of sense. Don’t be fooled by the sporty looks this is a sedate SUV but that’s the whole point of it. It’s

another sensible economic tech filled and safe SUV. Which is what you expect from Toyota. For more information speak to Ben Drake at Hendy on 07393 230194 or drop in to Hendy Toyota Wallisdown Road, Bournemouth.

Bowl Central has arrived in central Bournemouth The new concept that is ‘Pins’ at Bowl Central, was formally opened in Westover Road at the end of last month. The brainchild of Tracy Standish, former owner of the well-known Bowlplex brand, Pins’ guests were wowed at the intimate urban bar with boutique style bowling area, complete with smart black walnut lanes and bowling balls fashioned on American pool balls. ‘Pins’, the bowling arm of the Bowl Central attraction, provides six state of the art lanes, the like of which Bournemouth has never seen before and, coupled with the urban cocktail bar, creates an exciting new destination providing a great place to meet friends and colleagues to relax and have some fun! During the party, Sarah McLellan from The Print Agency said: “This is just fantastic! It’s trendy but family friendly all at the same time. My teenagers love bowling so we’ll certainly be more news online -

returning with them very soon!” Another guest, Allan Tofield from Richmond Home Improvement said: “What a great place! A really lovely vibe and great to see so many people enjoying themselves in Bournemouth’s latest attraction.” Mr Standish saw an opportunity to bring an active and social entertainment destination to Central Bournemouth and bought the Fun Central venue situated directly opposite the Pavilion in Bournemouth’s Westover Road. “I’m delighted with the reception our new Pins attraction has received and look forward to welcoming everyone into the cocktail bar – whether that’s for a light lunch or dinner and/or a game or two on the lanes.” Mr Standish said. For more information on what Bowl Central has to offer, visit www. and follow them on social media.




Green light for new homes in Christchurch Ambitious plans for the future of a leading Dorset business have received a major boost with the green light for development of its site. John Reid & Sons Ltd (REIDsteel) obtained planning approval from BCP Council for up to 167 homes on its four-acre site off Fairmile Road in Christchurch. It paves the way for the 130-strong company to relocate to a state-of-the-art new facility proposed near Bournemouth Airport. BCP Council’s planning committee gave the go-ahead for the residential scheme, which will also include parking and access. Now REIDsteel will market the site for a developer to build the homes after it relocates. REIDsteel managing director Simon Boyd said: “This was a fantastic decision and a great start to 2020 for us. “It will unlock the other steps which we need to follow for our relocation to the new manufacturing facility near Bournemouth Airport. “The new site is absolutely vital for the future of our company and will allow us to significantly increase productivity, create more jobs and grow the business over the coming years while cutting our carbon footprint.” He added: “The housing development will leave a legacy of much-needed homes after we relocate. “It will allow for regeneration of a key site in Christchurch, remove heavy industry away from the town centre, cut heavy traffic movements, and reduce noise and disruption for neighbours.” The outline plans approved by the committee included a mix of two and three bedroom houses plus one and two bedroom flats plus car parking. As well as much-needed housing the scheme also includes, through its Section 106 planning agreement, financial contributions of nearly £1million towards a new country park at nearby Two Riversmeet and monitoring of heathland. REIDsteel will also fund signs and leaflets for the country park as well as a pedestrian crossing on Fairmile Road, a travel plan for local residents and road

markings and traffic orders. Councillors voted decisively in favour of the scheme despite opposition from a handful of members, including Cllr Peter Hall from the Christchurch ward. Mr Boyd said: “It was very disappointing to see Cllr Hall vote to refuse the application when we are probably the biggest employer in the town. “He clearly didn’t understand what was behind the application, namely the future of a company which does so much for the community in terms of jobs, spend in the local supply chain and support of local schools. “We have the community at heart and are committed to remaining in the Christchurch area where land prices are more expensive than other locations.” Mr Boyd added “My thanks go to the committee for their decision as well as our partners in this project including BrightSpace Architects, Ken Parke Planning Consultants Ltd, Malcolm Barber at Sturt & Co and John Newman of Tangent Chartered Surveyors.” Now REIDsteel – which celebrated its centenary last year – is to market the site for sale to a developer to take the project forward. Mr Boyd said: “While selling our site will go some way toward the new facility, it is very unlikely to meet more than 50 per cent of land and construction costs.” A separate planning application for the proposed new site near Bournemouth Airport has also been lodged with the council and is due to be decided. REIDsteel has the capacity to design, manufacture and supply entire steel buildings – including their cladding and glazing – anywhere in the UK, Europe and across the World. It has exported to more than 140 countries to date. The 130-strong company is a sponsor of the Dorset Chamber’s Young Chamber programme and the Dorset Business Awards. It also takes students on work experience from local schools.


Simon Hoare, MP pledges support for local childcare providers Simon Hoare MP has met with local childcare provider Cheryl Hadland of Tops Day Nurseries at Tops Gillingham Nursery and pledged his commitment to support local childcare providers. Simon Hoare MP joined Cheryl Hadland, Managing Director of Tops Day Nurseries, to discuss the crisis faced by Early Years providers at Tops Day Nurseries: Gillingham Nursery. Tops Day Nurseries is in its 30th year and is one of the Souths most successful nursery businesses, with a strong ethos in being socially responsible and environmentally sustainable. In 2017, Cheryl Hadland caught the attention of the national news by banning glitter from all Tops settings, tackling the issue of micro-plastics polluting our oceans and entering our food chain. Since then Tops Day Nurseries have become textbook examples for sustainability in practice, issuing a ban on OneUse Plastic products and working with their suppliers to switch to sustainable alternatives. Recently, Tops Day Nurseries were accredited by Surfers Against Sewage with Plastic Free Champion status, which encompasses every nursery setting within its family. Speaking after their meeting, Cheryl Hadland said: “I am delighted Simon Hoare, MP has pledged his support for childcare providers, families and children in Gillingham. “At Tops Day Nurseries we provide top-quality early education to our children, and we’re pleased that the Government’s rise in minimum wage means we are able to pay our staff closer to what they deserve for the amazing job they do. “However, with the 30 hours free funding for 3 and 4 year olds and the predicted minimal increase in funding, Tops, and the rest of the sector, are in crisis on how to remain sustainable. Tops already charge general extras for parents; come April 2020, we will have to raise our prices further, therefore, burdening parents with having to pay more towards their children’s education and care than any other parents in Europe. “We also want a healthier environment and future for our children and grandchildren. This is why I look forward to working with our local MP to campaign for a more sustainable future for childcare providers, parents and children,” Simon Hoare commented: “It was great to meet Cheryl Hadland, members of the team and, more importantly, my youngest constituents, at Tops Day Nurseries in Gillingham and hear about the fantastic work Tops does to give children the best start in life possible. I was particularly impressed at their commitment to achieve zero carbon emissions by 2025. “It was concerning to hear of some of the issues which our childcare industry is facing, and I will be making representations in Parliament and to the Government to help ensure that the funding deficiency is addressed to ensure that early year providers are able to keep delivering the high quality early education for the children in Gillingham.” Tops Day Nurseries offers care for children from 3 months – school age, as well as having an afterschool and holiday club for children up to the age of 8. Parents can benefit from extended opening hours of 6am-8pm subject to demand, for, 52 weeks a year including Bank Holidays. This is as well as the number of extra-curricular activities such as Forest School, which extend the experiences children have whilst at nursery. For more information, please call 0801 699650 or visit #GetBusinessDone


March 2020 | Dorset Business Focus




SIGNATURE LUNCH HALLMARK CARLTON BOURNEMOUTH Thursday 30th January Sponsored by Julie Hudson (Bournemouth Airport) Ian Girling (Dorset Chamber) Tim Etches (Bournemouth Airport) Keith Jewitt (Bournemouth Airport)

Kat Mieszkowska (Mploy Staffing Solutions Ltd), Nicky Busst (HSBC)

Kieran Graham (KSG Painting and Decorating Ltd) Jenny Lampski (JRL Coaching and Consulting)

Tony Williams (Wessex Ventures Limited) Rob Sowden (Business Cash Enabler), Morgan Leadbitter (Nunet Ltd)

Tim Etches (Bournemouth Airport)

Nicky Busst (HSBC) Richard Shaw (Savills)

Sharon Canning (Move On Sales and Letting) Russell Skinner (Blue Sky Financial Planning Ltd) Juliet Beardsley (Blue Sky Financial Planning Ltd)

Rob Jones (Investec Wealth & Investment) Katie Hedley (Hermitage Hotel & NEO Restaurant)

Chris Symons (BH Live) Matthew Fretten (Frettens LLP)

Helen Stacey (Aspire Jobs Ltd), Julia Cohen (Weymouth College), Brian Ford (Brian G Ford FCA)

Rebecca Newton (Primmer Olds B.A.S), Katharine Cleall (Travel Counsellors for Business)

Mark Higgins (Sense IT Support) Claire Hardy (Liz Lean PR)

Ian Girling (Dorset Chamber)


Kimberley Davies (Trethowans) Caroline Attreed (Julia’s House)

Jon Jones (Leaf Consulting), Elaine Wilkins (TRI Group)

Karen Summers (Bournemouth West Cliff Hotel) Martine Williams (The Holiday Inn Bournemouth)

Julia Calleja (Livewell Dorset), Lee Hamilton (Prestige Holidays)

Tuesday 4th February Sponsored by

Stephen Sellers (Grant Sellers) Sean O’Brien (WHIreland Wealth Management), Trevor Clarke (Chittak)

Tim Rainey (Homeline Mortgages Ltd), Tracey O’Connell (Law Point), Matt Piggin (Lewis & Co)

Steve Bulley (Dorset Chamber) Amanda Reuben (Bijou Recruitment) Sheena Dayman (YMCA) Alice Smee (Hoburne Ltd)

Pauline Jastrzebska (Frettens LLP), Alex McNiven (A-One Insurance Group), Sheena Dayman (YMCA)

Sally Turner (Arts by the Sea Festival), Suzannah Kennedy (Dorset Chamber), Andrea Francis (Arts by the Sea Festival)

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Steve Bulley (Dorset Chamber) Emma Pine (Prestige Holidays), Lee Hamilton (Prestige Holidays)

Tom Clark (Eazy Garden Ltd), Tony Brown (Y-Not Finance) Jamie Forster (

Emily Kutylowski (Village Hotel Bournemouth), Richard Tite (Greendale Construction Ltd), Jeff Jones (Enhanced), Nick Powter (Mortgage Explorer)

Louise Crook (British Liver Trust) Laura Hackett (Image Republic Ltd)

Liz Rodgers (Brittany Ferries) Juliet Beadsley (Blue Sky Financial Planning Ltd)


Mike Howell (IT Support Business) Jake Moore (ESET), Anne Warner (Dorset Chamber), Vikki Southern (ESET), Lee Dredge (IT Support Business), Steve Bulley (Dorset Chamber), Camilla Call (Dorset Chamber)


Lee Dredge (IT Support Business), Dan Warren (IT Support Business)

12th February 2020 In partnership with ESET & IT Support Business

Steve Connelly (ESET), Ian Clothier (ITEC Connect Ltd)

Steve Bulley (Dorset Chamber), Adam Parker (Suttle Stones Quarries), Anne Warner (Dorset Chamber)

Mike Howell (IT Support Business), Jake Moore (ESET), Paul Moss (Intergage)

Matthew Suttle (Suttle Stones Quarries), Tom Fuller (IT Support Business)

Danielle Slater (Lester Aldridge), Mark Gracey (Flavourfy Digital), Lee Dredge (IT Support Business)

Vikki Southern (ESET), Steve Connelly (ESET)

Lewis Bar (Frettens LLP), Jonathan Stedman (Jonathan Stedman Consultancy), Camilla Call (Dorset Chamber), Lewis Green (Enhanced)

Dorset Chamber Events and Training Diary Date




Price (+VAT)




March Meet the Chamber

16:00 - 18:00

Vitality Stadium



March Networking Buffet Lunch

12:00 - 14:30

Holiday Inn Bournemouth

Members: £24.00 Non-Members: £34.00


Health & Wellbeing Event

09:00 - 11:00

Hall & Woodhouse Brewery



March Business Breakfast

08:00 - 10:00

The Cliff

Member: £18.00 Non-Member: £28.00


Business Focus Expo – ATTENDEE

09:00 - 11:30

The Hub Talbot Heath School


Members Training Academy Date



AFCB Liberty Private Care Ouch Training Team and Hall & Woodhouse

For all event sponsorship opportunities, please contact Vicki Hailes on 01202 714802


Price (+VAT)


Training for Business Simple Steps and Tips to Successful Project 09:30 Delivery Deb Yiasoumi 07710 454065

Dorset Chamber



Working with Purpose Shirley Hensher 07990514537

The Cottonwood Hotel




March 2020 | Dorset Business Focus




Flexible Project Management

The Change Agent


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Accountants & Tax Advisors

Autoclave Pressure Vessels

Albert Goodman, Weymouth 01305 722458 Arnold Accounting & Bookkeeping Services Ltd, Christchurch 01202 331627 BKB Accountants, Poole 01202 950527 Certius Professional Services Limited, Poole 08006 890794 Filer Knapper LLP, Christchurch 01202 483341 Frost and Company, Dorchester 01202 840225 Grant Sellers Chartered Accountants, Verwood 01202 824500 Hill Osborne, Poole 01202 678555 Hixsons Business Enablers, Bournemouth 01202 520010 Inspire Professional Services Limited, Poole 01202 717867 Mazars LLP, Poole 01202 680777 Morris Lane, Poole 01202 715950 PKF Francis Clark, Poole 01202 663600 Saffery Champness LLP, Bournemouth 01202 204742 Schofields Chartered Accountants, Bournemouth 01202 555785 SJT Accounts Ltd, Bournemouth 07855 295280 Smith and Williamson Southampton, Southampton 02380 827600 Tragor Ltd, Poole 01202 680914 Ward Goodman Chartered Accountants, Wimborne 01202 875900

ASC Process Systems Limited, Poole 07919 276205

Architects Lionel Gregory Architects Ltd, Poole 01202 723157 QP Architecture, Christchurch 01202 484642 Western Design Architects, Blandford Forum 01258 830675

Artist Anne Evans - Artist, Bournemouth 07748 656093 EYECONART, Wimborne 01202 981293

Audio Visual Equipment Quad Vision Ltd, Wimborne 03300 419019


Aviation Bournemouth Airport, Christchurch 01202 364114 Cobham plc, Wimborne 01202 882020 DAeCO, Poole 01202 880302 FGP Systems ltd, Weymouth 01305 773638 Think Research, Poole 01202 765654

Banking HSBC, Bournemouth 03455 848056 J.P.Morgan, Bournemouth 01202 342000 Santander Corporate Banking, Bournemouth 05511 440251

Bars & Restaurants Banana Wharf Poole, Poole 01202 665062 Rick Stein, Poole 01202 283000 The Cliff, Poole 01202 492921

Bathroom Design & Instalation Ocean Bathrooms, Bridport 01308 800511

Bookkeeping and Payroll CrystalPoint Accountancy Ltd, Poole 01202 878688 Milburn Finance, Bournemouth 01202 535399 Ookkee, Poole 01202 283214

Branding & Design Creative Coup, Bournemouth 02088 193553

Business Associations Bournemouth Property Association, Bournemouth 01202 786151 Poole Business Improvement District (BID), Poole 01202 308800 Wimborne BID, Wimborne Minster 01202 888992

Business Coaching/ Consultancy Action Coach - Simon Rigby, Tarrant Monkton 07590 673704 Amanda J Green Ltd, London WC1N 07976 613553

March 2020 | Dorset Business Focus

Aspirin Business Solutions Limited, Bournemouth 07388 488920 Bidbetter Ltd, Poole 07944 847014/01202 237506 Brian G Ford FCA, Ringwood 01425 472749, Business Coaching Dorset Ltd, Poole 07973 137470 Business Doctors, Bournemouth 07469 937793 Carlton Academy, Poole 01202 028014 DELTA Group, Broadstone 01202 690348 Dorset Business Mentoring, Poole 01202 607530 G W A, Ringwood 01425 489533, HANTEC SYSTEMS LIMITED, Eastleigh 023 8166 1995 Helen Gormley Wellbeing, Poole 07912 652240 J R L Coaching and Consulting, Bournemouth 07795 202982 KIMCO, Wimborne 01202 888549 Leaf Consulting, Wimborne 07960 653525 Mmm Thoughtful Business, Dorchester 07879 400072 Novus CX Consultancy, Bournemouth 07841 431407, Pidela Consulting Ltd, Dorchester 07866 360334 Profitable Conversation, Bournemouth 07790 484477 Quay Development Coaching, Poole 01202 690415 Raymond-Dance Business Solutions Limited, Bournemouth 07506 872231 Sheridan Lake Associates, Christchurch 07831 310613 SUCCESSMITH, Poole 07763 316763 The Arts Development Company, Dorchester 01305 224901 The Change Agent Ltd, Bournemouth 07990 514537 The DS Consortium Group Ltd, Swanage 07532 889488, Transitions Life Coaching, Ringwood 01425 472354 Wessex Ventures Limited, Ferndown 07768 703809

Business Recovery & Insolvency Leonard Curtis Business Solutions Group, Southampton 02382 022900



TRI Group, Bournemouth 01202 983358/07947 276222

Business Support Services BNI Dorset Ltd, Totton 07887 553242 Contemporary PA, Poole 01305 470021 CSW Group Ltd, Plymouth 08009 755111 Dorset Business Angels, Bournemouth 01202 706975 Evolve, Poole 07737 325514, Flavourfy Digital, Lytchett Matravers 07833 297193 Flexible Project Management, Broadstone 07710 454065 Gradient (Europe) Ltd, Bournemouth 07595 264368 IMSM - ISO Specialists, Wareham 07823 332895 Kirks Insolvency, Poole 01202 606400 Law Point, Bournemouth 01202 729444 Security and Fraud Experts (SAFE), Sherborne 01305 361199 The Passionate PA (UK) Ltd, Poole 01202 802863

Car Parking Britannia Parking Group LTD, Poole 01202 555888

Care Bluebird Care Bournemouth & Poole, Bournemouth 01202 283777 Coltoncare - Bourne View Nursing & Residential Care Home, Poole 01202 460900 Good Oaks Franchising Ltd, Poole 01202 757787

Catering & Catering Equipment Beales Gourmet Ltd , Poole 01202 700992 Comax Ltd, Ringwood 01202 684111 Guarantee Laundries Ltd, Stalbridge 01935 812118 Signature Catering, Ringwood 01425 477665

Chamber of Commerce Dorchester Chamber for Business, Dorchester 01305 360293 Dorset Chamber, Poole 01202 714800 Ferndown Chamber for Business, Ferndown 01202 912182


DORSET BUSINESS FOCUS / BUSINESS DIRECTORY Gillingham Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Gillingham 01747 823699 Shaftesbury & District Chamber of Commerce (SDCC), Shaftesbury 01747 850059/01747 853957 Sherborne Chamber of Trade & Commerce, Sherborne 07594-805013 Somerset Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Taunton 01823 444924 Swanage & District Chamber of Trade, Swanage 07966 462974 Weymouth & Portland Chamber of Commerce, Weymouth 01305 774629

Charity Ansbury, Poole 01202 677557 Autism Wessex, Christchurch 01202 483360 BCHA, Bournemouth 01202 410500 Bournemouth Hospital Charity, Bournemouth 01202 704060 Care South, Poole 01202 712400 Citizens Advice Bournemouth Christchurch and Poole, Bournemouth 01202 290967 Community Action Network, Poole 01202 682046 Diverse Abilities, Poole 01202 718266 Dorset Blind Association, Poole 01202 712864 Dorset Community Foundation, Poole 01202 670815 Dorset Mind, Bournemouth 07515 255625 Dorset Reclaim, Bournemouth 01202 773384 Dorset Wildlife Trust, Dorchester 01305 217987 Education Development Trust, Fareham 01329 559170 Faithworks Wessex, Bournemouth 01202 429037 Help and Care, Bournemouth 03001 113303 Home-Start North Dorset, Sturminster Newton 01258 473038 Hope HTS, Bournemouth 01202 312231 Julia’s House, Poole 01202 644220 Lighthouse Poole, Poole 01202 781 320

Marie Curie, Bristol 01179 420429 Pavilion Dance South West, Bournemouth 01202 203637 Pivotal Housing Association, Bournemouth 01202 306070 Poole Hospital Charity, Poole 01202 448449 Prama Foundation, Poole 01202 207300 Rotary Wessex, Wimborne 01202 882277 SafeWise, Bournemouth 01202 591330 Sexual Trauma and Recovery Services (STARS), Poole 01202 308840 Talbot Village Trust, Poole 01202 338551 The Fletcher Foundation, Ferndown 01202 873271 The Grove Hotel Bournemouth, Bournemouth 01202 552233 The Tank Museum, Bovington 01929 405096 Wessex Heartbeat, Southampton 02380 706095 Wessex Reserves Forces & Cadets Association, Taunton 01823 250110 WISE Ability Services Ltd, Bournemouth 07712 393719 YMCA Bournemouth, Bournemouth 01202 290451 Youth Cancer Trust, Bournemouth 01202 763591

Chemical Supply Analytical Services OEMAchem, Southampton 02380 707686

Cleaning Services AMS Cleaning Ltd, Broadstone 01202 600611 Domestic Angels, Bournemouth 01202 267350 Dorset Commercial Cleaning, Poole 01202 986700

Construction & Surveyors Acheson Construction Ltd, Dorchester 01305 267938 Align Property Consultants Limited, Poole 01202 695777 Building Options Ltd, Bournemouth 01202 798428 Colmar Construction Construction (Poole) Ltd, Poole 01202 611211 Composite Profiles UK Limited, Poole 01202 659237

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Cowling and West, Wimborne 01202 558262 ELM Planning Services, Bournemouth 07450 265805 Godsell Arnold Partnership Ltd, Broadstone 01202 600900 Graham Garner & Partners Ltd, Broadstone 01202 697341 Greendale Construction Ltd, Poole 01202 764551 Harry J Palmer Holdings Ltd, Wimborne 01202 842224 Mata Construction, Ferndown 01202 403133 MC Plan and Site Services Ltd, Poole 01202 744966 MEH Construction Management Ltd, Poole 01202 766732 Primmer Olds B.A.S Chartered Surveyors, Bournemouth 01202 013015 Savills, Wimborne 01202 856800 Sherborne Holdings Ltd, Bournemouth 01202 303585 Siteright Construction Supplies Ltd, Sturminster Marshall 01258 858028 Spetisbury Construction Ltd, Wimborne 01202 856685 T A Colbourne Projects Ltd, Poole 01202 716516 WFBA Consulting Civil and Structural Engineers, Romsey 01794 368241

Construction Design & Build All Build Developments, Ferndown 01202 070560 PDL Bournemouth LTD, Bournemouth 01202 554450 TWK Scaffolding Group, Ferndown 01202 537305

Consultancy - Compliance Risk Advisory Space Time Ltd, Christchurch 07780 877167

Corporate Gifts & Clothing Wessex Trophies Limited, Broadstone 01202 650444

Couriers & Freight Forwarding AOG Worldwide Ltd, Christchurch 01202 375702 E-Tel Express (UK), Ferndown 01202 874156 Kuehne & Nagel Ltd, Uxbridge 01159 438000 Schenker Ltd, Poole 01202 862150

Cyber Security ESET UK, Bournemouth 01202 405405

Day Nurseries Tops Day Nurseries, Bournemouth 01202 551553

Defence ATLAS ELEKTRONIK UK LTD, Dorchester 01305 212400

Digital Marketing Consultant New Life Social, Poole 07940 333001

Display & Storage Suppliers Shopfitting Warehouse, Wimborne 01258 859900

Distribution Clarendon Specialty Fasteners, Swindon 01793 439166 De Monchy Aromatics Ltd, Poole 01202 620888, Kong Company Ltd, Salisbury 01722 783211 Pam International, London WC2H 9JQ 07496 388327, Riverside Aromatics Ltd, Poole 01202 679532

Education Arts University Bournemouth, Poole 01202 533011 Aurora Boveridge College, Wimborne 01725 551247 boveridgecollege Bluestone College, Ferndown 01202 618355 Bournemouth and Poole College , Poole 01202 205831 Bournemouth University, Poole 01202 961961 Bright Scholar (BCS) Management Limited, Bournemouth 01202 423266 / 436578 Hooke Court Limited, Beaminster 01308 862260 Kingston Maurward Enterprises Ltd (KME), Dorchester 01305 215000 PETA Limited, Portsmouth 02392 538700 Skills & Learning - Adult Community Education., Poole 01202 262316 Solent University, Southampton 02382 013291 SWRAC, Wimborne 07841 784000 The Bournemouth English Book Centre, Poole 01202 712908 Weymouth College, Weymouth 01305 208919 Young Enterprise, Oxford 07918 564958



Electrical Services Drewlec Electrical Services, Bournemouth 01202 575757 Purewell Electrical, Bournemouth 01202 484411

Energy Efficiency Services Thermal & Acoustic Solutions Ltd, Christchurch 01202 487463 Utility Point Energy & Telecoms, Poole 03455 577878/03455 570055

Engineering A & M Defence & Marine Services Ltd, Wimborne 01202 828700 Aeronautical & General Instruments Ltd, Poole 01202 689022 Aish Technologies, Poole 01202 307082 Aviation & Defence Spares, Poole 01202 768667 Avonwood Developments Ltd, Wimborne 01202 868000 Chemring Technology Solutions Ltd, Poole 01202 628155 DB Engineering (Dorset) Limited, Poole 01202 678497, DBC Engineering , Ferndown 07767 628295 Downhole Tools International Ltd, Poole 01202 690001 G K D Technik Ltd, Wimborne 01202 861961 iec Ltd, Poole 01202 339559 IS-Rayfast Ltd, Swindon 01793 439136 Lab21 Healthcare Ltd, Bridport 01308 421829 Littlemore Scientific Engineering, Gillingham 01747 835550 Modulift UK Ltd, Poole 01202 621511 Moore International Ltd, Poole 01202 623393 Reidsteel, Christchurch 01202 483333 SAFI LTD, Poole 01202 624618 Smiths Metal Centres Ltd, Verwood 01202 893755 Spherea Test & Services Limited, Christchurch 01202 872800 Tides Marine International Ltd, Poole 01202 656773 Tods Defence Ltd, Portland 01305 820345 Ultra Electronics ENERGY, Wimborne 01202 850450


Event Management & Equipment BH Live, Bournemouth 01202 055555 Bournemouth Sevens Ltd, Poole 01202 545630 Brighter Productions Ltd, Wimborne 01202 737848 Innovative Hire Ltd, Poole 01202 941068 Marquee Elegance, Shillingstone 01202 746340/07971 781848 Sandpolo Ltd, Aldeburgh 07796 693796 Seventa Events, Poole 01202 237433 UKSV, Ringwood 01425 480444

Facilities Management Candour, Bournemouth 07766 397605/03330 115111

Financial Services Apex CB Financial Planning, Poole 01202 622223 Archway Financial Solutions LLP, RINGWOOD 01425 600616 Baggette Wealth Management Ltd, Poole 01202 676983 Bloom Finance Group CIC, Bournemouth 01202 914413, Blue Sky Financial Planning Ltd, Poole 01202 756560 Business Cash Enabler, Bournemouth 07732 627085 Church House Investment Management, Sherborne 01935 382620 Clark Financial Services, Christchurch 01202 486888 Continuum (Financial Services) LLP, Bournemouth 07738 206389 Creditplus, Poole 01202 684898 First Capital Finance Ltd, Bournemouth 01202 434000 GPFM Financial Planners, Poole 07702 215986 Homeline Mortgages Ltd, Poole 01202 937444 Ideal Financial Solutions, Poole 01202 916488 Investec Wealth & Investment Limited, Bournemouth 01202 208100 Lester Brunt Wealth Management, Wimborne Minster 01202 695801 Lewis & Co (Investments & Pensions) Limited, Poole 01202 718400

March 2020 | Dorset Business Focus

Life Matters, Poole 01202 025481 Moneycorp, South West London 02078 287000 Mortgage Squared Ltd, Bournemouth 01202 313182 Peter Harding Wealth Management, Poole 01202 830730 SG Financial Ltd, Poole 07775 710551 Strategic Solutions Chartered Financial Planners, Poole 01202 769890 Teachers Building Society, Wimborne 01202 843500 The Lewis Workplace Pension Trust, Poole 01202 738650 The Mortgage Explorer, New Milton 01425 627511 TheNonExec, Ringwood 01202 828266 Walker Wealth Management, Blandford Forum 01202 087499 WAY Group, Wimborne 01202 890895 WHIreland Wealth Management, Poole 01202 974111 Y-Not Finance, Ferndown 01202 912182

Food & Drink ABP Yetminster, Sherborne 01935 872777 BV Dairy, Shaftesbury 01747 851855 Cherry Picked Hampers & Events Bar, Blandford Forum 01305 307107/07773 166661 Dorset Food & Drink, Dorchester 01305 228217/01305 228239 Furleigh Estate, Bridport 01308 488991 Hall & Woodhouse Ltd, Blandford St Mary 01258 452141 Harlees Fish and Chips, Wimborne 01202 602524 Hincknowle Fruit Farm, Bridport 01308 488765, Organix Brands Ltd, Bournemouth 07458 022789 Rossi International Ltd, Wimborne 01258 857210 Table Mates, Bournemouth 01202 434 555 The Jordans & Ryvita Company, Dorchester 01305 751000

Funeral Services & Directors F C Douch & Son (Funerals), Wimborne 01202 882936 Nicholas O’Hara Funeral Directors Ltd, Wimborne 01202 882134,



Furniture Custom World Dorset Ltd, Ferndown 01202 896816 G P & J Baker Limited, Poole 01202 266999

Green Energy Voltalia UK PLC, London W6 07989 494455

Health Alchemy Health Clinic, Wimborne 01202 880136 Bioenergetics Systems Technology Group Ltd, Poole 01202 785888 Bridge Health & Wellbeing, Christchurch 01202 473800 BWT Physio, Poole 01202 749514 DDC Dolphin Limited, Poole 01202 731555 Dorset Heart Clinic, Bournemouth 01202 705454 Kestrel Medical Ltd, Broadstone 01202 658444 Lewis-Manning Hospice, Poole 01202 708470 Liberty Private Care, Christchurch 01202 800494 Livewell Dorset, Weymouth 01305 233105 Nuffield Health Bournemouth Hospital, Bournemouth 01202 702809

Health & Safety DoorTECH Safety Solutions , Ferndown 08458 385906 Immerse Medical, Poole 01202 800211 Wessex Safety Services LLP, Bournemouth 07850 030791

Holiday Parks Hoburne Ltd, Christchurch 01425 277661 Rockley Park (Bourne Leisure), Poole 01202 680691 West Dorset Leisure Holidays, Bridport 01308 422139

Home Improvements A.W. Boyce Home Improvements, Poole 01202 681564, KSG Painting and Decorating Ltd, Bournemouth 01202 540109

Home Technology Living Home Technology , Poole 01202 775133

Hotels & Conferencing Bournemouth Highcliff Marriott Hotel, Bournemouth 01202 557702


DORSET BUSINESS FOCUS / BUSINESS DIRECTORY Bournemouth West Cliff Hotel, Bournemouth 01202 751000 www.Bournemouthwestcliffhotel. Captains Club Hotel, Christchurch 01202 475111 Chewton Glen, New Milton 01425 275341 Christchurch Harbour Hotel & Spa, Christchurch 01202 483434 www.christchurch-harbour-hotel. Crown Hotel, Blandford Forum 01258 456626 Hallmark Hotels East Cliff Bournemouth, Bournemouth 03300 283411 Haynes International Motor Museum, Yeovil 01963 442796 Hermitage Hotel and NEO Restaurant, Bournemouth 01202 557363 Hotel Du Vin & Bistro Poole, Poole 01202 785570 Kingston Country Courtyard, Corfe Castle 01929 481066 www.kingstoncountrycourtyard. com Marsham Court Hotel, Bournemouth 01202 552111 Minterne Estate, Dorchester 01300 341370 New Forest Hotels Plc, Lyndhurst 02380 286 126 Norfolk Royale Hotel, Bournemouth 01202 551521 Oceana Hotels & Leisure, Bournemouth 01202 298350 RNLI, Poole 03003 007654 Royal Bath Hotel, Bournemouth 01202 204917 Summer Lodge Hotel, Dorchester 01935 482000 The Green House Hotel, Bournemouth 01202 498900 The Hilton Bournemouth, Bournemouth 01202 804775 The Holiday Inn Bournemouth, Bournemouth 01202 291266 The Kings Harbour Hotel, Christchurch 01202 588933 The Lulworth Estate, Wareham 01929 400352

Village Hotel Bournemouth , Bournemouth 01202 416147

HR Emphasis HR and Training, Romsey 01794 874232 Perfect HR, Bournemouth 0333 7721029 Purple HR Ltd, Bournemouth 01202 801047 Rely Ltd HR & Training Services, Dorchester 01305 889781 Trinity HR , Bournemouth 01202 798841 ViewHR Ltd, Ringwood 01425 205390

Import/Export Services EMONA PARTNERS LTD., Bournemouth 07961 094428 Integrated Marine Services Ltd, Southampton 02380 623789 International Safety Technology Ltd, Broadstone 01202 692775 International Trade Matters, Bampton 01398 332881 www.internationaltradematters. com Silverline Enterprises LTD, Poole 01202 725500 Zentrade, Bournemouth 07903 237811

Insurance A -One Insurance Group, Ringwood 01425 480700 Alan & Thomas Insurance Group, Poole 01202 754900 All Insure Services Ltd, Blandford Forum 01258 488879 Cornish Mutual, Truro 07970 224338/07814929262 Coversure Insurance Services (Poole & Weymouth), Poole 01202 929141/01305 457202 Finch Group Commercial Insurance Brokers, Poole 01202 759725 Gallagher Insurance Brokers, Bournemouth 08002 988707, Health-on-Line, Bournemouth 01202 057412 NFU Mutual Wessex, Wareham 01929 553472 Stackhouse Poland, Poole 01202 647400

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The Insurance Institute of Bournemouth, Bournemouth 01202 518242 Bournemouth UK Health Insurance, Poole 01202 756352

Interactive 3D & VR CentreVR Limited, Bournemouth 01202 878300 Yooport, Christchurch 07393 284204

IT A B S Computer Systems Ltd, Poole 01202 770900 Aura Technology Limited, Southampton 03333 208601 C3IA Solutions Limited, Poole 01202 721123 Chillblast, Poole 01202 068333 ENHANCED, Poole 01202 308000 Glitch IT Limited, Christchurch 01202 237996, Poole 07772 355726 IT Support Business Ltd, Bournemouth 03300 881 335 ITEC Connect Ltd, Wimborne 01202 848866 Juice Broadband, Poole 01202 332331 Just Add Tech, Bournemouth 01202 800629 Keyfort Ltd, Bournemouth 08448 014580 Kimcell Ltd, Bournemouth 01202 755300 Netriver Systems Limited, Weymouth 02087 060995 QuoStar Solutions Ltd, Bournemouth 0845 644 0331 Sense IT Support, Ringwood 01425 267267 Target IT Services, Bournemouth 01202 538488 TECHNEDs Investment LLP, Poole 03333 031047 The IT Department Solutions Ltd, Bournemouth 01202 316008

Kitchen Design Curiel Kitchen Designs, Ferndown 01202 897332/07834 228129

Landscape Services Eazy Garden Ltd, Ferndown 01202 978373

Landscape Supplies & Aggregates Suttle Stone Quarries, Swanage 01929 439444

Laundry Service & Equipment Tech2Serv Ltd, Bournemouth 07917 542246

Lifts Supply & Installation Bourne Lifts Ltd, Wimborne 01202 582923/07808 813804

Local Authority BCP Council, Bournemouth 01202 454630 Dorset Council, Dorchester 01305 221000 Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership , Poole 01202 962719

Manufacturing A & E Connock (Perfumery & Cosmetics) Ltd, Wimborne 01425 653367 A B Precision (Poole) Ltd, Poole 01202 665000 Abbey Supply Co Ltd, Poole 01202 623258 Ability Projects Ltd, Poole 01202 305800 AlfaTronix Ltd, Poole 01202 715517 Alltrista Plastics Limited, Christchurch 01202 483636 Altro Resin Systems, Dorchester 01300 320620 Ashland ASI ISP Microcaps UK Ltd, Poole 01202 627352, ASM Assembly Systems (Weymouth)., Weymouth 01305 760760 BEST Fittings Ltd, Gillingham 01747 312672 BOFA International Ltd, Poole 01202 699444 British Diamond Wire Die Co Ltd, Poole 01202 745104, C R Instruments ltd, Christchurch 01202 989822 C.C.Moore & Co Ltd, Sturminster Newton 01963 362234 Caleva Process Solutions Ltd, Sturminster Newton 01258 471122 Capricorn Labs, Ringwood 01425 461834 Carlisle Fluid Technologies UK Ltd, Bournemouth 01202 571111

Caterpillar Marine Power UK Ltd, Wimborne 01202 796000 CBD Health Foods Ltd, . 0203 198 6986 CBRNergetics Ltd, Poole 01202 800298 CDA Products Limited, Shaftesbury 01747 352999 Clark Handling, Bridport 01308 293052 Confex Technology Ltd, Poole 01202 881466 Cygnus Instruments Ltd, Dorchester 01305 265533 Darlena Ltd, Bournemouth 01202 302010 Denis Wick Products Ltd, Poole 01202 665100 Dometic Group Ltd, Blandford Forum 03446 260141 Electronic Technicians Ltd, Wimborne 01202 897722 Enovation Controls Ltd, Salisbury 01722 410055 Field International Limited, Poole 01202 676331 FireSTOP Manufacturing Ltd, Dorchester 01305 213112 Flowbird Transport Limited, Poole 01202 339339 Focal Point Fires, Christchurch 01202 499330 Get Fresh Cosmetics Ltd, Bournemouth 01202 859059 Greens Combustion, Poole 01202 607563 H/T Portland Ltd, Portland 01305 822828 Hamworthy Combustion Engineering Ltd, Poole 01202 662717, Hamworthy Heating Limited, Poole 01202 662500 Haystack Dryers Ltd, Ringwood 01202 890705 Heatric (Division of Meggitt (UK) Ltd), Poole 01202 627000 HFC Prestige International Operations, Bournemouth 01202 524141, Honeywell Analytics Ltd, Poole 01202 676161 Hydreco Hydraulics Limited, Poole 01202 627500


DORSET BUSINESS FOCUS / BUSINESS DIRECTORY Hyphose Ltd, Poole 01202 673333 I C B Waterproofing, Poole 01202 785200 I C Brindle & Co Ltd, Broadstone 01202 657814 Industrial Abrasives Ltd, Christchurch 01202 303362 Ishida Europe, Poole 01202 466300 Kallo Foods Ltd, Camberley 01276 609000 Kingpin Products Ltd, Poole 01202 662911, KVP Eu Ltd, Beaminster 01308 867020 Lillidale Ltd, Wimborne 01202 848456 Lotek UK Ltd, Wareham 01929 552992 Lush Manufacturing Ltd, Poole 01202 664040 Magicard Ltd, Weymouth 01305 470000 Magni Telescopic Handlers UK Ltd, Poole 01202 070279, Marden Edwards Ltd, Wimborne 01202 861200 MEGGITT PLC, Christchurch 01202 597597 Neal’s Yard Remedies, Gillingham 01747 834665 NETZSCH Pumps & Systems Ltd, Dorchester 01935 483900 Nexus Cooling Ltd, Poole 01202 250100 Nunet Ltd, Ringwood 01202 821572

S K C Ltd, Blandford Forum 01258 480188 Sargasso Worldwide Industrial Limited, Sturminster Newton 07743 877690, Senscient, Poole 01202 606460 Siemens Traffic Mobility, Poole 01202 782000 Sigma-Aldrich, Poole, * Solentim Ltd, Wimborne 01202 798510 Sontronics, Poole 01202 722583 Strouden Joinery, Poole 01202 696123 Sunseeker International, Poole 01202 382222 Superior Seals Limited, Wimborne 01202 854335 Thermal Spray Services Ltd, Bournemouth 07887 656521 Thompson Valves Ltd, Poole 01202 647827 Time & Data Systems International Ltd, Poole 01202 723535 Trimetals Limited, Blandford Forum 01258 459441 Vapormatic UK Limited, Exeter 01392 435461 Vectair Systems Ltd, Basingstoke 01256 319500 Wessex Filters Ltd, Poole 01202 671671, WRES Ltd, Poole 01202 674480 Wyndham Page Ltd, Poole 01202 734656


Packline Ltd, Poole 01202 307700

Actisense, Poole 01202 746682 Fireboy Xintex UK Operations Ltd., Poole 08453 899462 Pip Hare Ocean Racing, Poole 07787 427063

Physicool Ltd, Dorchester 07778 274265

Marketing PR & Web Developers

Oakmount Control Systems Ltd, Plymouth 07812 653583 Optimas Components, Poole 01202 865222

Polyhose (UK) Ltd, Christchurch 01202 478334 Precision Acoustics Ltd, Dorchester 01305 264669 Primetals Technologies Limited, Christchurch 01202 331000 R G S Precision Sheet Metal Work, Poole 01202 687220 R. Hamilton & Co. Ltd, Mere 01747 860088 Rowland Sandwith Ltd, Wimborne 01202 882323


Alight Media, London W1D 07801 845414 Aylesworth Fleming, Bournemouth 01202 295723 B4B Marketing, Poole 01202 684400 Bendell Publicity Consultants Ltd, Ferndown 07771 700394 www.bendell-publicity-consultants-limited. Caron Khan Consultancy, Bournemouth 07967 524578 Darren Northeast PR Ltd, Bournemouth 01202 676762

March 2020 | Dorset Business Focus

Digital Storm Limited, Bournemouth 01202 298392 Fireworx, Bournemouth 01202 559559 Insightful UX Ltd, Poole 01202 912760 Intergage Ltd, Poole 01202 684009 Key Digital Agency Ltd, Dorchester 01305 542000 Match Marketing Services Ltd, Bournemouth 07739 323753/01202 054241, Sturminster Newton 01258 807695 Triple Helix Ltd, Bournemouth 01202 437924 Uprated, Bournemouth 01202 559887 Veritas ABD, Ferndown 01202 894345 We Are 778 Ltd, Bournemouth 01202 778800 Wordcaster PR & Business News Service, Ferndown 01202 874079

Volvo Cars Poole, Poole 01202 065555

Media & Film

PHARMAQ Ltd, Fordinbridge 01425 656081

Global, Fareham 01489 587610 Global Brand Communications, Bournemouth 01202 727070 Image Republic Ltd, Wimborne 01202 820555 LoveLove Films Ltd, Bournemouth, 1202537858 Wave 105, Fareham 01489 481057

Mediation HBL Mediation, Poole 07944 669389,

Motoring Sales & Servicing Bionanovate Limited, Poole 01202 695999 Breeze Volkswagen, Poole 01202 713000 Dorset Sports Cars Ltd, Wimborne 01202 825911 E T S Truck & Van, Poole 01202 669339 Hendy Group, Eastleigh 023 8024 2616 i247 Group, Poole 01202 628282 OKO Global LLP, Tiverton 02078 703156 Poole Audi, Poole 01202 775050 Star Tech Ltd, Poole 01202 694758



Notary Services Paul Wintle Notary Public, Bournemouth 01202 267818

Office Equipment Suppliers Condor Office Solutions Ltd, Eastleigh 01202 537709 Logik Copying Systems Ltd, Wimborne 01202 873366

Office Furniture Osmond Ergonomics, Wimborne 01202 850550

Office Supplies Ace Office Environments Ltd, Bournemouth 01202 240000 Labelzone, Poole 01202 681311

Packing & Packaging Bayquest Packaging, Wimborne 01202 893473

Patents & Trademarks IP Consult, Swanage 01929 421925


Photographer Anna Klesse Photography, Poole 07873 251863 SKC Photography, Wareham 01929 551788 Studio Shotz Photography, Christchurch 01202 432234

Plumbing & Heating Roberts Plumbing & Heating, Ringwood 07511 749922,

Printing Services & Supplies C M P Printing Limited, Poole 01202 739993 The Minster Press, Wimborne 01202 882277 The Print Agency, Wimborne 01202 872777 Xerocad Limited, Ferndown 01202 897297

Procurement Ebit Intelligent Procurement, Dorchester 01305 230500

Property Management GH Property Management Ltd, Eastleigh 03453 080988

Property Sales and Rental ASN Capital, Bournemouth 01202 771441 Basepoint Centres Limited, Bourenmouth 01202 331700 D J Property, Weymouth 01305 778896


DORSET BUSINESS FOCUS / BUSINESS DIRECTORY Goadsby & Harding (Survey & Valuation) Ltd, Bournemouth 01202 550000 James Drewitt & Son Ltd, Bournemouth 01202 575757 Move On Sales and Lettings, Poole 01202 711169 Sibbett Gregory Wright and Coles Limited, Poole 01202 661177 Vantage Point, Poole 01202 619868

Property Tax Specialists E3 Consulting Ltd, Southampton 03452 306450

Public Relations & Marketing Consultants Deep South Media Ltd, Bournemouth 01202 534487 Finger on the Pulse Research Ltd, Wells 01425 615024 Liz Lean PR, Poole 01202 701828

Publications IMS Group, Bournemouth 01202 611100 Pulford Publicity Ltd (inc. Mags4Dorset & Brightbox Designs), Ferndown 01202 870270 The Daily Echo & Dorset Echo, Bournemouth 01202 554601

Recruitment Aspire Jobs Ltd, Ringwood 07974 429217 FTS Construction Recruitment, Bournemouth 01202 201225 Hardy Recruitment, Poole 01202 232520, Mploy Staffing Solutions Ltd, Poole 01202 668360 Oyster Recruitment Limited, Poole 03333 443034 Real Recruitment Solutions, Bournemouth 01202 530770 REED Specialist Recruitment, Bournemouth 01202 585585, Rubicon Recruitment Group, Poole 01202 680311 Sheridan Maine Recruitment Ltd, Bournemouth 01202 970970 South West Recruitment Ltd, Bournemouth 01202 292907 TeamJobs, Poole 01202 445700 The Work Shop, Poole 01202 748804

Recruitment & Software Gradhire (Direct Hiring Solutions Limited), Alresford 03333 312098

Recycling & Waste Eco-Sustainable Solutions Ltd, Christchurch 01202 593601 W & S Waste Management Ltd, Poole 01202 675564 Waste Management Facilities Ltd, Bournemouth 01202 535888

Removals & Storage Leatherbarrows Removals & Storage Ltd, Christchurch 01202 578581 Maidmans Moving and Storage Limited, Poole 01202 681 397 Store & Secure Self Storage, Bournemouth 01202 520220

Retail Beales, Bournemouth 01202 552022 Brewery Square, Dorchester 01305 267777 Dacombes of Wimborne, Wimborne 01202 882615 New Look Group Ltd, Weymouth 01305 765000 Tech Tent LTD, Poole 01202 676199 The Dolphin Shopping Centre, Poole 01202 673906 Watt to Wear Ltd, Wiveliscombe 01984 622010

Retail & Commercial Interiors Creative Retail Solutions, Poole 01202 233088 Kiwi Design, Verwood 01202 822634

Security Smart Homeworks, Bournemouth 01202 309503 Vanguard Security Services Ltd, Bournemouth 01202 523573

Serviced Offices Arena Business Centres Ltd, Wimborne 01202 862300 Bayside Business Centre Ltd, Poole 01202 282042 BizSpace Poole & Christchurch, Poole 01202 853100

Signage Signs Express Bournemouth, Christchurch 01202 797239 Bournemouth

Social Media Agency Soul Motion, Verwood 07957 805108

Bytes Ahead Ltd, Bournemouth 01202 377355 Chittak, Bournemouth 01202 611711 Communications Consultants Worldwide, Bournemouth 01202 318161 Dorset Creative, Bournemouth 01202 237899 KFA Connect, Ringwood 01425 484445 Provulo, Ringwood 07503 267160 Servana Managed Services Ltd, Bournemouth 01202 026522 Solweb Ltd, Ferndown Industrial Estate 01202 232846 Tiger Communications Plc, Ringwood 01425 891000 Tripleplay Services Ltd, Poole 08456 432057

Solar/Green Energy Daylight Energy, Poole 01202 800135

Solicitors Barker Brettell LLP, Southampton 02380 336970 Battens Solicitors Ltd, Dorchester 01305 250560 Coles Miller Solicitors LLP, Poole 01202 673011 Dutton Gregory Solicitors LLP, Bournemouth 01202 315005

AFC Bournemouth, Bournemouth 01202 726322 Bowl Central, Bournemouth 01202 093000 Dorset County Football Association, Poole 01202 682375 Grosvenor Casino Bournemouth, Bournemouth 01202 553790 Hoburne Golf, Verwood 01202 814088 Individuality Swimming Ltd, Poole 01202 031701 Land & Wave, Swanage 01929 423031 Muc-Off Ltd, Poole 01202 307790 Rock Reef (Bournemouth Pier), Bournemouth 01202 983983 Rockley Watersports Ltd, Poole 01202 677272 The West Hants Club, Bournemouth 01202 519455 Tower Park Leisure Complex, Poole 02077 472300 Weymouth and Portland National Sailing Academy, Portland 01305 866000

Stonemasons Hoare Banks Stonemasons, Bournemouth 01202 397231 Portman Stone Limited, Christchurch 01202 484340

Support Agencies

Ellis Jones Solicitors LLP, Bournemouth 01202 525333

EDAS, Poole 01202 612890

Frettens LLP, Christchurch 01202 499255

Team Building

Harold G Walker Solicitors, Wimborne 01202 881454 Humphries Kirk, Wareham 01305 251007 Laceys Solicitors LLP, Bournemouth 01202 557256 Lester Aldridge LLP, Bournemouth 01202 786161 M J P Law Ltd, Wimborne 01202 842929 Matthew and Matthew, Bournemouth 01202 437179 Preston Redman LLP, Bournemouth 01202 292424 Scott Walby LLP, Wimborne 01202 888300

Software/ Cloud Services

Steele Raymond LLP, Bournemouth 01202 204598

AMS Ltd, Poole 01202 652070

Trethowans, Bournemouth 01202 338585

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Sports & Leisure

Joseph Allnatt Centres LTD, Swanage 01929 421075

Telecommunications 4Com plc, Bournemouth 03304 444444 Buzz Networks Ltd, Poole 02034 888812 Citrus Telecommunications Ltd, Bournemouth 03451 939393 City Fibre Holding Ltd, Bournemouth 02035 100602 Crystal Clear Telecom Ltd, Bournemouth 01202 941040 EA Systems & Support Limited, Poole 01202 614061 Grapevine (Telecoms & IT), Poole 01202 644434 Phones 4 Business Limited, Bournemouth 01202 705030 Telesoft Technologies Ltd, Blandford 01258 480880


DORSET BUSINESS FOCUS / BUSINESS DIRECTORY Town & Country Communications, Bournemouth 01202 514444 VoIP Unlimited, Poole 01202 612000

The Care Trainer, Poole 07515 538513 Unicorn Training, Bournemouth 01202 306050

Town Planning Consultants

A1 Elite Courier Services LTD, Poole 01202 800539 Bournemouth Swanage Motor Road & Ferry Co, Swanage 01929 450203 Brittany Ferries, Poole 08712 440411 Channel Seaways Ltd, Poole 01481 723400 DPD Local, Wimborne 01202 828691 Freight Expections Ltd, Bournemouth 07908 742958 Heathside Travel Ltd , Ferndown 01202 892202 John Pipe Limited, Poole 01202 715888 More Bus / Excelsior Coaches, Poole 01202 338420 PHVC Minibus & Fleet Suppliers, Fareham 01489 580333 Poole Harbour Commissioners, Poole 01202 440210 Yellow Buses, Bournemouth 01202 636046

Chapman Lily Planning Ltd, Wareham 01929 553818 Intelligent Land, Ferndown 01202 570471

Training Arena4Finance, Wimborne 01202 849691 Aspire Training Team, Bournemouth 01202 551553 Aspire4Business, Poole 07802 322828 Beyond This - Motivational Speaker, Sturminster Newton 07884 946219 Exalt Training Ltd, Wareham 07889 502247 Locomotivation, Poole 01202 567204 Micro Nav Limited, Bournemouth 01202 764444 Ouch Training Team Ltd, Wimborne 01202 880999 Performance People Ltd, Poole 07968 416466

Transport & Logistics



Ally Case Travel Counsellors for Leisure., Bournemouth 01202 375180 Condor Ferries Ltd, Poole 03456 091030 Gilt Edged Travel (Chauffeur Services), Bournemouth 01202 528033 Katharine Cleall Travel Counsellors for Business., Ringwood 01202 802166 cleall Prestige Holidays, Ringwood 01425 484007 South Western Railway, London SE1 0345 6000650

Site Safety Limited, Wimborne 01202 870555


Poole High School (Sponsored by Intergage), Poole, 01202 666988

D&A Procurement Ltd, Bournemouth 07956 311336 Utilities 4 Less Ltd, Bournemouth 01202 800200

Vehicle Leasing Alternative Route Vehicle Leasing, Poole 01202 821354

Vehicle Rental

Tower Supplies, Poole 01202 718000

Young Chamber School Bournemouth School for Girls Sponsored by Lester Aldridge, Bournemouth 01202 526289 Highcliffe School Sponsered by Hoburne Ltd, Christchurch 01202 273381 Parkstone Grammar School (Sponsored by Coles Miller), Poole 01202 605605

Queen Elizabeth’s School sponsored by Blue Sky Financial Planning, Wimborne 01202 885233 St Edwards School Sponsered by Actisense, Poole 01202 740950

Abacus Vehicle Hire - Horton Commercials, Wimborne 01202 877790

The Grange School (Sponsored by Reid Steel), Christchurch 01202 486536

Windows & Double Glazing

Twynham School (Sponsored by Reid Steel), Christchurch 01202 486237,

Dorset Windows Ltd, Wimborne 01202 825225




March 2020 | Dorset Business Focus




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