Ferndown Matters Autumn 2019

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Issue 44

New Councillor Ann Miller

Autumn 2019


New Councillor Krissy Stamp

Visit our website www.ferndown.gov.uk or like us on Facebook - Ferndown Town Council


Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council

Christmas Message from the Mayor of Ferndown Cllr Mrs Julie Robinson


ell, it’s Christmas time once again and it’s hard to believe that another year has almost past. The town’s Christmas lights switch-on is certainly the highlight in my festive calendar and I am truly looking forward to turning on the Christmas Lights this year and launch Ferndown into the festive season. I am delighted that the Town Council has continued to commit funding to the Christmas lights and Market this year. I would like to say a big thank you to Ferndown Chamber of Commence and Ferndown Rotary Club for their time and effort devoted to organising what will be a great afternoon of festivities for the whole community. I’m looking forward to meeting as many people as possible on the day. I have attended many local events since I became Mayor in May and the community spirit in Ferndown never ceases to

amaze me – the generosity, kindness and creativity of the individuals and communities I have seen makes me proud to be Mayor and Chair of the Council. I will continue to visit as many places and people as possible during the remainder of my term, to raise the profile of local charities and voluntary organisations, all of who work tirelessly to help others and make individuals lives just that much better and brighter. I would like to thank the people of Ferndown for the opportunity to represent them, and my colleagues at the Town Council for all their support. This time of year always brings reflection upon the year gone by. When I look back at 2019, I can say it has brought us some interesting developments and challenges. It was a milestone for Dorset’s local government arrangements with the end of East Dorset District Council and

the creation of a larger Dorset Council. The Town Council also agreed to take over the management of the Barrington Centre which secured the future of the centre as a vital hub for the community of Ferndown. Looking forward to 2020 with positivity, it’s clear that by working with our stakeholders and partners alike, real change can take place for all of us to benefit. Last, but by no means least, I’d like to bring the point home that Christmas is not only a time of joy and festivity, but also a time of year when we should look out for those who are alone, vulnerable, or without close family ties. On behalf of the town councillors and staff at Ferndown Town Council, the Deputy Town Mayor and myself, I’d like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.

Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council


New Councillors

Ann Miller

Krissy Stamp

nn moved to the area in 1963 from Lancashire with her parents and has lived in the area ever since. She is married to Alan and all her family live locally. Ann has had a career in finance most of her life and several small rewarding jobs that she fitted in and around her children whilst they were growing up, before refreshing her career and going back to work fulltime in finance. She enjoys most sports and now participates in Walking Football to keep fit and have fun. As a newly elected councillor for Links Ward, Ann will be working closely with the other two Councillors for the ward to resolve problems that may occur, with an aim to improving conditions for the future. She is also keen to keep the character of Ferndown as a green and pleasant town and will fight unwanted development and campaign for road improvements to keep it that way.

Krissy has lived on the Heatherlands Estate for over 11 years now, having previously moved from Eastleigh. She has a son who is 10 and Krissy herself enjoys dog walking, swimming and spending time with the family, especially at her favourite time of year - Christmas. She became a Councillor for the Ferndown Links Ward as she is passionate about the Heatherlands Estate being improved and seeing facilities being provided for the young people. She is keen to discuss and help resolve youth issues being faced in Ferndown and Krissy would like to see the play and recreation areas improved. She is looking forward to helping with the KGV face lift enabling more people to make use of the facilities and seeing young people getting greater use out of the play park and wheel park. She is also looking forward to helping with ‘Fete on the Field’. Going forward Krissy would like to see Ferndown Town facilities improved and is keen to see how the Town Regeneration Project develops.

– Links Ward

A 4

– Links Ward

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The Long Walk


his year saw another fundraising challenge for Ferndown Deputy Mayor, Councillor Harry Worth, who led 23 intrepid walkers along the Avon Valley Path starting from Salisbury Cathedral and finishing at Ringwood Car Park. The hikers were raising funds for eight local Dementia Friends groups in Dorset. The walk took about 10 hours and covered 24 miles across rivers, through fields and long pathways. No one was chased by a bull this time! The target of £3,000 was smashed with £3,765.50 being raised and with gift aid, the total raised was £4,051.63 – 126% of target. Here is the Dementia Friends sponsorship page if you wish to find out more: https://www.funeraldirector.co.uk/fundraiser/dementia-friends-2019/ Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council


Ferndown Christmas Market and Christmas Lights Switch On On Saturday November 30th, the Annual Christmas Market and Christmas Lights Switch On takes place in and around Penny’s Walk.


his traditional start to the festive season is jointly organised by Ferndown and Parley Rotary CIO, Ferndown Chamber of Commerce and Ferndown Town Council. From 1.00pm when Santa arrives there will be live entertainment and children’s rides all afternoon. Listen to and enjoy the various bands and singers and support the local organisation stalls. You will find lots of stalls selling seasonal items, food and hot drinks. The Barrington Centre will be offering their normal catering delights and no doubt some Christmas specials. Santa will be waiting to greet the little ones and they can be photographed with him and receive a goody bag for a very modest fee. After all the enjoyment of the afternoon the ‘Big Switch On’ will take place at 5.00pm. This year we are delighted to have our Mayor, Mrs Julie Robinson, and the very popular BBC reporter and weather presenter Sarah Farmer performing the switch on and bringing the event to an illuminating conclusion. The Christmas tree, Victoria Road and Penny’s Walk will be aglow with Christmas lights. Entrance to the Market is free and any profits will go to charity. The event would not be possible without the support of the vast number of volunteers who set up and perform and the generous support and sponsorship of Hearnes Estate Agents, Ferndown Town Council, Xerocad, Pulford Publicity and Mags for Dorset. It is a great way to start the Christmas celebrations.

South Ferndown Residents Association We are a campaigning group of local Ferndown residents who are seeking to improve the local environment around Ferndown.

We are a friendly group who welcome new members and are very interested in getting your opinion. Tell us how we can make this lovely part of rural England even better! If you would like to join us (or just find out some more information) please email us at southferndownra@gmail.com or alternatively look at our website - https://www. ferndownresidents.org.uk/. Although our title refers to the south side of Ferndown, we are passionate about all aspects of the Ferndown locality, so don’t be put off getting in touch. There are other residents associations in the local area, and we see ourselves as a complement to their vital activities. By working together, we can all make a marked difference to our life in and around Ferndown. Resident associations are not political parties, so you can be a member of as many as you like!

The objectives of the SFRA: • • • • •

Traffic and pollution reduction Managed and appropriate development Protecting the Greenbelt A supporting infrastructure Making Ferndown better for all

Chairman: Jim Bellamy Email: southferndownra@gmail.com

Come along and enjoy. 8

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Ferndown Remembers – 2019


n the year that has seen the 75th anniversary of D-Day and 101 years since the close of the First World War, Ferndown’s Remembrance Parade will take place on Sunday 10th November, starting from the KGV sports ground, marching to St. Mary’s Church at 2.30pm in time for the 3.00pm service. The parade will be led by the Poole Sea Cadet Band and again feature the drive-past of the Wessex Military Vehicles Group and a large contingent of our local Cadet units, Scouting and Guiding groups of all ages. It is a weekend of Remembrance throughout the area, opening with the service at West Parley on Saturday morning and closing with the Armistice Day Service in the Garden of Remembrance at the Royal British Legion in Church Road in Ferndown at 11.00am on Monday 11th November. The full timings for all our local services and parades are also shown.

REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY 10TH NOVEMBER: 9.45am: St. Michael’s, Verwood, Service & Parade 10.00am: All Saints’, Hampreston Church Service 10.25am: West Moors Parade & Service 10.45am: All Saints’, St. Ives, Church Service 2.00pm: Ferndown Parade - Peter Grant Way 3.00pm: Service - St. Mary’s Church, Ferndown MONDAY 11th NOVEMBER: ARMISTICE DAY SERVICE 10.45am: RBL Garden of Remembrance Church Road, Ferndown. Queries: Grant Parrott: 01202 897760 Wreaths: available from the Poppy Appeal Organiser at setchfield4@btinternet.com or via RBL on 01202 877706

‘At the going down of the sun And in the morning We Will Remember Them.’ 10

Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council

Litter picking

During the summer, a team of 15 volunteers including residents and town councillors worked with Dorset Council rangers to clear the overgrown Stour Valley Way footpath from The Bridge House to West Parley, as well as collecting litter along the way. So, if you feel like getting out this autumn, why not take a walk along this beautiful section of the river where you will see many birds including herons and egrets. Why not extend your walk and take a look around Longham Lakes, just follow the footpath opposite The Bridge House signposted ‘The Stour Valley Way’.

Friday Coffee Club at the Barrington Centre The Friday Coffee Club meets at the Barrington Centre every Friday from 9:30am – 11:30am. If you would like to taste some beautifully made cakes and drink some good old-fashioned tea and coffee with a friendly group of people, then why not come along and join in. We look forward to seeing you!

2019 Summer Reading Challenge

More than 7,000 children took part in this year's Summer Reading Challenge of which 266 took part at the Ferndown Town library. We've awarded 164 medals to children who have completed reading six books and we will be sending certificates to schools in the coming weeks. Congratulations to all our astronauts and aliens. Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council



Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council

2358 Squadron ATC (Ferndown) 2358 Squadron (Ferndown) ATC hold Open Evenings for new recruits periodically throughout the year. If you are 12 years old or over, and in year 8, and like the idea of flying, gliding, shooting, field craft and adventure training, then the Air Training Corps, part of the Royal Air Force may be of interest to you. And what a fantastic day our Cadets had recently one Sunday, flying with the Royal Air Force Air Cadets at 2AEF in the Grob Tutor. Our Cadets were given the opportunity to take the controls of the aircraft and perform aerobatics! A truly once in a lifetime experience. To register your interest, please send an email to mailbox@2358atc.org.uk and we will contact you with further information. On an Open Evening, you will spend time learning about life in the Cadets and see some of the activities we do, you’ll even get the chance to join in. We Parade all year round, breaking only for Bank Holidays and a Christmas stand-down, not bad for just £80 per year, we even provide the uniform for free. You can come on your own, with friends and/ or with parents, it’s really up to you. The Squadron delivers the following opportunities under the Officer Commanding Flt Lt Kevin Haywood: • • • • • • • • • • • •

Flying & Gliding Adventure Training Syllabus of Training in Aviation Subjects (BTEC) Armed Forces Service Engagement Shooting Sport & Physical Training Fieldcraft Leadership Training Camps Drill First Aid (DofE) Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council



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Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council


Poppy Explosion in Ferndown Town Centre!

The Royal British Legion and Ferndown Town Council are planning to launch the 2019 Poppy Appeal with a giant bang and community event on the morning of Saturday 26th October in the town centre precinct. Starting at 10.15am with the Mayor judging the ‘Best-Dressed Poppy’ competition at the clocktower, the children will then join the parade of Standards, Cadets, Scouts and Guides through the precinct to join the Bournemouth Youth Marching Band at the Barrington Square for the traditional centrepiece of ‘Last Post’ and Silence before the Poppy Explosion at 11.00. The Mayor, Mrs Julie Robinson, will present the winning Ferndown business ‘Best Window’ award and buy the first Poppy before the morning’s entertainment programme begins with the Band in concert, followed by the cast of the hit musical Blitz! singing extracts from the show and local choirs and singers. (Bad weather in the Barrington.) Come along and support a fabulous cause. The Poppy Appeal in 2018 raised over £47 million with Dorset’s total of £800,000, over 8% above the previous total, allowing the RBL to spend more than £1.7million every week to support serving and ex-services men, women and families whenever and wherever needed most.


Poppy Launch Programme: Saturday 26th October 10.15

Children’s ‘Best-Dressed Poppy’ judging at Clocktower

Cadets Parade Form-up

BYMB play in concert (at Barrington)


Cadets and Standards Parade through Precinct to Barrington Theatre


Mayor welcomes Guests and Public Mayor announces ‘Best Dressed Poppy’ winner.

Mayor announces ‘Best Dressed Window’ winner

10.57 BYMB – Last Post 11.00

Silence and Poppy explosion


Mayor buys the first poppy

BYMB in concert – 15 minutes


Local Singers Programme -- Blitz! cast

-- Local singers



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Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council


A Season of Success for Ferndown Bowls Club


ell! Ferndown Bowls Club’s outdoor season has seen one of unparalleled success. Our men’s Saturday team, playing in the Bournemouth & District League has won its division by a margin of nearly three wins more than our competitors. Next season, we will be playing in Division 3, our first promotion for some time. In the B & D Saturday Triples League, where teams can be made up of both men and women, our A Team won Division 1, whilst our B Team retained their place in the same division. The C team narrowly missed promotion from its division. Ferndown also has two teams playing on Tuesday nights in the Bournemouth Evening Triples League and both teams have won their Divisions. Our lady members have competed in Local and County competitions with some individual successes. Inspired by Dorset Youth Academy we have started a youth group, and this has seen youngsters attending Sunday morning sessions overseen by our three qualified Bowls coaches. On a sunny Sunday in July, we hosted a match for our adult members against 14 members of Dorset Youth Academy aged from 10 to 17. Having seen them in action previously we were aware that they would be no pushover and so it transpired, the Academy won three of the four rinks allowing us only one in compensation. In April, we moved into the Kings Room at the refurbished Pavilion using it as our Clubroom for the summer and this has been well received by our members and visiting teams. We look forward to working with the Playing Fields Trustees in developing the future use of the new facilities. Lastly, our success has been greatly aided by having a well-kept and tended green to bowl on. Thanks to greenkeeper Keith and his team of Alan and Jim for providing us with one of the best local surfaces on which to play. Our outdoor season finished on September 21st, but we are already looking forward to 2020. Bowling starts in mid-April with practice sessions, open days and taster sessions. All will be welcome so please watch out for details next year on our new website or put a reminder in your diaries now. 20

Dorset Bowls Cobern Trophy

At the Ferndown King George V Playing Fields, the Ferndown Bowling Club hosted the preliminary and quarter finals of the Dorset Bowls Cobern Trophy. The singles competition consisted of 4 bowls 15 ends for lady officers in Dorset clubs. There were several close matches and the winners will have taken part in a semi-final and finals competitions in early September. The day in July was a great success and congratulations go to all the ladies who took part. Ferndown Bowls Club was represented by Ladies Captain, Trish Kilminster and Club President, Sue Aplin, both doing extremely well. Thanks goes to the club members who acted as Markers and to the Social Committee who must be congratulated on providing refreshments including, lunch and afternoon tea. Well done Ferndown Bowls Club!

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Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council



Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council

Ferndown Dementia Friendly Town Cake Concert

The 27th September witnessed an amazing afternoon put on for free. Three members of the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra gave a recital with tea, coffee and cakes available throughout the performance. Kate Keats, playing the cello, Eluned Pierce playing the harp and Owain Bailey the flute entertained a packed audience with music, some of which was recognisable from the radio and television. An encore was inevitable and shouts of ‘you must return’ echoed around the hall. Thanks, must go to Fernhill Care Home for the homemade cakes, A E Jolliffe & Son for the

refreshments and taking the bookings, St. Mary’s Church for the venue and members of Ferndown Dementia Friendly Town steering group for help on the day. To find out about more events that may be happening in your area, please look out for the new quarterly, Dementia

Friendly Communities magazine due for distribution this November in and around Ferndown, West Moors and Wimborne at public places and shops.

30mph speed limit on Ringwood Road extended

The new extended 30mph speed limit on Ringwood Road became effective on 20 September 2019. Correspondence from Dorset Highways Authority. The reduced speed limit was installed in response to concerns raised by Ferndown Town Council. The newly reduced section of 30mph limit was agreed owing to a continued history of injury collisions on this section of Ringwood Road, particularly at the junction with Glenmoor Road. As per Department for Transport guidance on setting speed limits, other speed management measures have been considered and introduced to prevent further collisions, including a speed

camera, however, collisions have continued. Speed limit reductions are typically used as a last resort to addressing collision problems. The section of Ringwood Road that has recently been reduced to 30mph was assessed as meeting the criteria for 30mph limits on urban roads. Dorset Highways Authority received several messages supporting the 30mph extension on Ringwood Road and no valid objections. They have however, received one piece of correspondence that suggested that the 30mph extension

was initiated by Dorset Police as a money-making exercise. Everyone can be reassured that the proposal was not initiated by the Police as a money-making exercise but is a genuine attempt to make the road safer for all its users by Dorset Council. The existing speed camera has been in place on Ringwood Road for many years and was installed to address speed related collision problems on Ringwood Road. Evidence shows that collision problems, whilst improved have remained, which is why the 30mph limit was progressed.

Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council


Advertising Feature

Hendy Kia team celebrate Kia successes The 30-strong team at Hendy Kia (formerly Westover) on Wimborne Road East in Ferndown are celebrating following recent statistics released by the SMMT (Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders) which highlight the success of the South Korean car brand during the first six months of 2019.


ccording to the latest figures from the SMMT, Kia was one of the UK’s top selling car brands during the first six months of 2019, selling almost 54,000 new vehicles, and the Kia Sportage proved a popular model during the same period, being listed as number 10 in the UK’s top best selling cars. Kia is synonymous with driving comfort, quality, reliability, technology, competitive pricing and the market-leading 7-year/100,000mile warranty. The Kia Sportage is a stylish SUV that has gained a number of accolades and recognitions so far this year – the Best Car for Towing Award in the Auto Trader New Car Awards, the Used Car of the Year for the fourth consecutive year in the Automotive Management Awards, and the Crossover of the Year Award in the Daily Telegraph’s Honest John Awards. The team at Hendy Kia not only aim to best represent the Kia brand by providing a first-class service to local motorists, but also look to raise awareness of the brand by supporting worthy initiatives. Initiatives supported by the dealership have included supplying branded club shirts to the Greenfields Under 10’s Football Team, which feature the club and Kia logo. Another initiative included encouraging the area’s football fans and players of all ages to visit the showroom and donate their used and unwanted football boots to help support it in its bid to gather as many as possible for the UEFA Foundation for Children charity. 24

Gary Clark, Brand Manager at Hendy Kia, said: “It’s a privilege to represent the Kia brand in Dorset and for the marque to be acknowledged as one of the UK’s best-selling so far this year. We endeavour to provide an excellent customer experience and are also proud to assist the brand in supporting worthy initiatives.” Hendy Kia offers the full range of new Kia models, as well as a large selection of used approved vehicles to choose from. It also hosts a purpose-built workshop, staffed by highly trained technicians, which is equipped with the latest diagnostic equipment.

Hendy Kia is part of the Hendy Group, part of the UK’s largest network of motor dealerships. For further information please telephone 01202 974039 or visit www.hendy.co.uk/kia/dealers/ dorset/ferndown/

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Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council


Meetings of the Town Council and King George’s Field Charity Meeting dates may be subject to change – IF YOU WISH TO ATTEND ANY MEETING, PLEASE CHECK THE DATE AND TIME on the agenda displayed on Council noticeboards or by telephoning the Council Office on 01202 892249








KGV Management





Full Council





Recreation, Leisure & Amenities Committee

Barrington Centre




Planning Consultative Committee

Barrington Centre




Finance & General Purposes Committee

Barrington Centre




Natural Environment Committee

Barrington Centre




Personnel Committee

Barrington Centre




Planning Consultative Committee

Barrington Centre




Planning Consultative Committee

Barrington Centre




Finance & General Purposes Committee

Barrington Centre




KGV Management

Barrington Centre




Full Council





Planning Consultative Committee


Meetings, other than those of the Personnel Committee, are normally open to the public.

Grants awarded by Ferndown Town Council

For the financial year starting 1st April 2019, the Town Council have given several grants to voluntary and/or charitable organisations based in Ferndown which have benefited the people of Ferndown.

Grants budget

Budget £4000


The John Thornton Young Achievers Trust

Raspberrry Pi Units


Ferndown Arts Society

Assist with room rent at Barrington Centre


Ferndown Drama Group

Entertainment for the local community


Ferndown Twinning Association

Twinning costs between Ferndown & Segre


1st Ferndown Scout Group

Scout group - rent


Hurting to Healing

Organisation costs


All Saints Church Hampreston

Churchyard maintenance


Brendoncare Clubs Dorset



The Mars Trust

Workshops in Ferndown


Community grants

Budget £4999


Ferndown Rotary Club

Fete on the Field & Xmas light switch


Forest Community Radio

Bring community radio to Ferndown


Ferndown 10K

Running costs



Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council

OCTOBER 2019 HAY FEVER – Ferndown Drama A houseful of drama waits to be ignited as misunderstanding and tempers flare Wednesday 23rd to Saturday 26th Show starts 7:45pm Bar open from 6:30pm DRACULA This Halloween come and watch this fun filled comedy hosted by Nasty Nick from EastEnders Thursday 31st Shows start @ 5:00pm & 7:30pm Bar open from 6:30pm

November 2019 MEET THE PRODUCERS GIN FEST – Rotary Club of Ferndown Back by popular demand, A Gin lovers’ extravaganza Friday 1st, Doors open 7:00pm SOIREE - RMDS A regular event here at the Barrington and one not to be missed Wednesday 13th till Saturday 23rd

DECEMBER 2019 ONCE UPON A PRINCESS This Christmas Special, Come One, Come all, We will have a ball! Sunday 1st Shows start @ 10:00am, 1:00pm & 4pm COOL YULE – Tony Waller and his Prohibition Jazz Christmas Jazz night to get the party season started Friday 6th Show starts@ at 7:30pm Bar opens from 6:30pm

Penny’s Bookable Party Christmas Lunches Daily Christmas Lunches served in the bar, tables from 4 to 20 From Monday 2nd to Friday 20th NEW YEAR’S EVE - Black & White Party Come and celebrate the New Year in with The Barrington Tuesday 31st Doors open 8:00pm till 1:00am

JANUARY 2020 COUNTRY SUPERSTARS EXPERIENCE The Ultimate Country Music Concert Saturday 18th Show starts at 7:30pm Bar open from 6:30pm

FEBRUARY 2020 MARTY WILDE & THE WILD CATS A fantastic evening awaits as Marty and the band entertain you! Thursday 20th Show starts at 7:30pm Bar open from 6:30pm TOPLOADER “Dancing in the Moonlight” alternative rock band Friday 21st Show starts 7:30pm Bar open from 6:30pm

MAY 2020 ONLY FOOLS & BOYCIE “Only Fools & Horses” actor John Challis entertains Saturday 30th Show starts 7:30pm Bar open from 6:30pm

Box Office: 01202 89 48 58 Book Online @ www.ticketsource.co.uk/barringtontheatre

Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council


Outstanding results for a third year in a row at Ferndown Upper School • • •

Overall, 75% of students gained grades 9-4 (A** to C). 50% of students gained grades 9-5 (A** to B). 16% of students gained the highest grades 9-7 (A** to A).

Other subject highlights were 100% grades 9-4 in Engineering, Italian, Chinese, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Finance and Ethics - with French and Ethics having over half their students receiving the highest grades 9-7. Other highflying subjects were DT 89%, PE 87%, English 80% and Maths 74%. Other headline figures are an Attainment 8 score of 47 points, which means that on average Ferndown students achieved the challenging new grade 5, (an old B grade). Headteacher, Philip Jones commented, “I am very proud of the achievements of our students; they have received just reward for all their hard work. I would also like to thank our teachers for their hard work and support. The school’s progress score means students achieved 2/3’s of a grade better than predicted by the government and it now makes Ferndown the school of choice if you wish to overachieve. This is now the third year in a row of outstanding results and I am very proud to be the Headteacher of such a highly performing school. It is no surprise that we are oversubscribed in every year group”.

All of Ferndown’s students performed extremely well but a few of the top performers were: • • • • • • • • • • • •

Jonathan Moore with three grade 9’s and six grades 9-7. Emma Tompkins with two grade 9’s and sevens grade 9-7. Liam Underhill with two grade 9’s and six grades 9-7. Kanishka Sharma with two grade 9’s and six grades 9-7. Jenna Seton with a grade 9 and six grades 9-7 overall. Dominic Ayres with a grade 9 and seven grades 9-7. Darylan Kong with a grade 9 and five grades 9-7. Ethan Griffin with eight grades 9-7. Edward May with seven grades 9-7. Ellie Smith with seven grades 9-7. Jasmine Garner with seven grades 9-7. Alina Keyms-Burgess with six grades 9-7.

In addition, a special mention goes to the following students who all achieved over two grades per subject better than their government target, which really is exceptional: Liam Hughes, Josh Garner, Sophie Wiseman, Honey Andrews, Sophie Reis, Aimee O’Connell and Jack Burton.

Outstanding Results at Ferndown Upper


fter receiving the highest A Level results in Dorset for the last two years (combined A Level and Applied General value added scores), Ferndown Upper students have achieved another excellent set 28

of results. Congratulations to the students of Ferndown Upper School for their outstanding examination achievements, 35% of students received the top grades of A* or A and with

over 99% of students passing. It is therefore no surprise that we have some students who have done extremely well (please see list at the bottom of the page). The school is very pleased with the results for its

Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council

STEM subjects, particularly Mathematics, where 85% of students received grades A*-B, 100% for Further Maths. The Creative Arts results were again superb, with the highlight being 100% A*-B for Textiles and 90% for Fine Art. Other standout subjects were English Language and Literature, History, Music, Physics and Sociology, where

60% of the students received the top grades. Our vocational subjects also performed very highly (CACHE, Sport, Media and HSC), scoring a Value Added score of +0.70, which means every student performed almost a grade better than predicted by the government. Headteacher Philip Jones stated, “I would like to take this

opportunity to thank both the students and their teachers for all of their hard work and dedication. These results demonstrate that Ferndown Upper’s students are definitely leading the way. I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our students the very best for the future”.

Megan Upton Crossley

Maths A*, Further Maths A and Physics A

Rowan Ford

Maths A*, Further Maths A and Physics B

Holly Smith

Fine Art A* and Textiles A*

Adam Clarke

Maths A*, Physics B and Sport Distinction*

Caitlin Moore

Fine Art A*, Sociology B and English Language B

Lynda Biles

Drama A, English Literature B and Textiles A

Harry Coburn

Sociology A*, Business A and Biology C

Rebecca Mills

Religious Studies A, English Language B and English Literature B

Max Harris

Maths A, Physics B and Music B

Ella Proudley

Maths A, Biology B and Chemistry B

Katya Metelsky

Sport Distinction* & Distinction* and Biology B

George Riddington

Sport Distinction* & Distinction* and Maths B

Bethany Fry

Sport Distinction*, Business B and Psychology B Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council


Your Town Council Acting Proper Officer - Tina Dudley The Barrington Centre, Penny’s Walk, Ferndown, BH22 9TH Tel: 01202 892249 Email: enquiries@ferndown.gov.uk

Your Ferndown Town Councillors Ameysford Ward: Cllr. J L Baxter

Greenacres, Angel Lane, Longham, Ferndown, Dorset BH22 9DZ

Tel: 01202 897884

Cllr. Mrs C A Lugg

34 Kingsway, Ferndown, Dorset BH22 9QW

Tel: 01202 927006

Cllr. L L R Wilson

163 Leeson Drive, Ferndown, Dorset BH22 9TL

Tel: 07793 440765

3 Humber Road, Ferndown, Dorset BH22 8XN 36 Dorset Avenue, Ferndown, Dorset BH22 8HW

Tel: 07958 054582 Tel: 01202 897297 Tel: 01202 861858

Cllr. I Flay

Monmouth Ash Farm, Horton Heath, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 7JS

Tel: 07836 284623

Cllr. H Worth

156 Leeson Drive, Ferndown, Dorset BH22 9QQ

Tel: 01202 895923

Cllr. P H Graham Cllr. M J Stickley

36 Portland Road, Bournemouth, Dorset BH9 1NQ 26 Coppins Close, Ferndown, Dorset BH22 8FA

Tel: 07939 501674 Tel: 07811 136741

Cllr. Mrs M Willis

c/o Ferndown Town Council, The Barrington Centre, Penny’s Walk, Ferndown, Dorset BH22 9TH

Tel: 07796 953428

Cllr. Miss K Stamp

c/o Ferndown Town Council, The Barrington Centre, Penny’s Walk, Ferndown, Dorset BH22 9TH

Tel: 01202 980013

Cllr. Mrs J Robinson

18 Medway Road, Ferndown, Dorset BH22 8UX

Tel: 07513 578177

Cllr. R Adkins

c/o Ferndown Town Council, The Barrington Centre, Penny’s Walk, Ferndown, Dorset BH22 9TH

Tel: 07401 693945

Cllr. T Cordery

79 Dorset Avenue, Ferndown, Dorset BH22 8HL

Tel: 01202 876293

36 Wimborne Road West, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 2DP

Tel: 01202 880705

Central Ward: Cllr. S Drinkall Cllr. S M Fleetham Cllr. M R Parkes

25 Victoria Gardens, Ferndown, Dorset BH22 9JQ

Central North Ward:

Hampreston & Longham Ward:

Links Ward:

Links South Ward:

Stapehill Ward: Cllr. N J Wellstead

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Visit our website www.ferndown.gov.uk Ferndown Town Council does not accept responsibilty for the content of advertisements, promises made, or the quality or reliability of the services offered in the advetisements in this publication. All purchases made through this publication are done so entirely at your own risk. Information about a service does not imply recommendation.


Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council

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