Issue 18
Spring 2013
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Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council
Ferndown Neighbourcare (NeighbourCars)
supports local Animal Charity
Ferndown Neighbourcare was set up in 2008 with initial start up funding from Partnership for Older Peoples Projects (POPPS).It has also received financial support from Ferndown Town Council, Age UK,and Ferndown Neighbourhood Watch. It is now fully self funding. The scheme uses volunteer drivers to provide transport for over 55’s to hospital, doctors, dentist, shopping, social visits etc.
Due to the generosity of our clients Neighbourcare has already made donations to several local charities/ groups. We are now turning our support to animals and has made a donation of £1,000 to Waggytails – a local animal charity based in Ferndown. New volunteer drivers are needed in order to satisfy the increasing demand for our service. If you have a car and a few spare hours why not join our volunteer drivers. A mileage allowance is paid for all miles travelled.
For more information please contact Joyce on 01202 980839 Neighbourcare also supports the Friday Coffee Club which meets at the Barrington Centre (opposite Tescos) every Friday morning from 9.30am. Pop in, meet your friends, make new friends and enjoy a cup of tea/coffee and a home made cheese scone (£1.50). Contact Joyce on: 01202 980839
Waggytails, too, are in need of volunteers. Please contact 01202 875000
Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council
Meetings of the Town Council Details of the next three months’ meetings of the Town Council are given below. All meetings (except some Personnel Committee meetings) are open to members of the public. Most meetings start at 1930hrs (7.30pm) and normally finish at 2130hrs (9.30pm) at the latest.
2013 APRIL
KGV Management*
KGV Pavilion
Planning Committee
KGV Pavilion
Annual General Meeting
Middle School
Annual General Meeting
KGV Pavilion
Finance & GP Committee
KGV Pavilion
Planning Committee
KGV Pavilion
KGV Management
KGV Pavilion
Environment Committee
KGV Pavilion
Planning Committee
KGV Pavilion
KGV Committee
KGV Pavilion
Planning Committee
KGV Pavilion
Personnel Committee
KGV Pavilion
Finance & GP Committee
KGV Pavilion
Environment Committee
KGV Pavilion
Planning Committee
KGV Pavilion
KGV Management
KGV Pavilion
* Review of income and expenditure profile to date
Meetings, other than those of the Personnel Committee, are normally open to the public.
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Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council
Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council
Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council
llotments for all
22 Ferndown residents have been booting up and digging over their new allotments this Easter. New tenants received their agreements after a ballot in the Cedar Room at Haskins Garden Centre on 16th March. Councillors and members of the Ferndown Allotments Association presided over the draw and 17 new tenants received their first choice of plots. As competition for the largest plot was hot some ballotees had to make do with their second choices and others opted to wait until larger plots become available. Two “goody bags� stuffed with seeds and bulbs were raffled, courtesy of Andrew Stevens, Haskins Deputy Manager. Councillor Jean Read invited tenants to enter for a new prize from Ferndown in Bloom this year: best new allotment. The Town Council took over responsibility for the Allotment Site at Longham at the end of December following its purchase by the Town Council. Some work on improving pathways on the site and clearing areas has been carried out by contractors and Town Council staff over the past few months.
FORD LANE IMPROVEMENTS Despite the heavy rain over the winter period progress has been made on the construction of the BMX track and pathways around the site. A photograph of the BMX track appears below. There is likely to be a meeting of potential users of the BMX track in April / May before it is opened for public use. The assistance of Matt Reeks and his team from the East Dorset District Council Country Park team at Moors Valley has been appreciated. The Council has received some very positive comments on the facilities we are providing at Ford Lane. Further work on the football pitch will take place in April / May and it is hoped that football matches will start in September. It is likely that for an initial period competitive matches and training will be limited to 9 hours a week to allow the ground to stabilise.
A photograph of some of the new allotment holders appears above Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council
Health Walks in Ferndown Running for almost 3 years the Ferndown Health and Wellness Walks have proved a huge success and have allowed hundreds of people the opportunity to get out and active in their local countryside. With the hour Health Walk running from Ferndown Leisure Centre on Tuesdays and the Wellness Walk from Corbin Avenue Surgery on Thursdays there is hopefully something for everyone! Not only that but every Wednesday we now have our new weekly Health Walk running from West Parley Sport and Social Club. All walks start from 10am and are completely free! For more information call 01425 470721.
”Beautiful Ferndown” Photography competition Here‘s your chance to take part in Ferndown in Bloom ,even if you haven’t got a garden, patio, hanging basket or anything with soil in it! We would like everyone to think how Ferndown in Bloom can help make Ferndown as attractive as possible. You could win a prize! (£50 Haskins vouchers available to be allocated, according to the quality and number of entries)! Simply supply us your best snap depicting Ferndown’s ‘Flora and Fauna’ in its best light show us how how Beautiful Ferndown can be! The photo can be printed on any kind of paper; the size must be between A6 (15cmx10.5cm) and A4 (29.7cmx21cm). We’ll be looking for the most creative ideas, especially anything a little unusual that inspires the Ferndown in Bloom committee with ideas for future competitions. Please attach your photo to an entry form (available from Haskins or Ferndown Matters magazine), having written the address or postcode where you took your photo on the back, or on a separate piece of paper. (Feel free to include any explanation of your photo as well.) Then drop in your entry, by the closing date 15th July 2013, to either Ferndown Town Council offices (near KGV Field and tennis courts) Or Xerocad shop (527 Ringwood Road in the town centre) If you really cannot choose your best snap we’ll accept up to 3 entries from the same person, but each entry must be accompanied by an entry form (available from Haskins). 3 maximum per person please, and each photo must have been taken in Ferndown. We will show some of the best at the FIB September presentation evening. Ps We cannot guarantee to return your pictures, especially if we receive a huge number. We will aim to have them at the September presentation evening, where they can be collected.
Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council
KING GEORGE’S FIELD CHARITY (FERNDOWN) We have received some enquiries from residents about the background to how the recreation ground came to be dedicated in memory of King George V. I have provided below some information which may be helpful. History
King George’s Field, formerly known as Ferndown Recreation Ground, owes its existence to the Recreation Grounds Act passed in 1859. Local landowner, Lord Wimborne, conveyed 60 acres of heathland to Trustees in 1910 for the purpose of establishing a recreation ground for the people of Hampreston and West Parley. By 1933, still nothing had been done to develop the site and the Charity Commissioner held a public meeting to decide its future. The site was made the responsibility of Wimborne and Cranborne Rural District Council, rather than Hampreston Parish Council. Finally, at a cost of £720, the fencing and preparation of 10 acres was carried out, but this work was not met by a charge on the parish councils, but by the sale to Dorset County Council of nine acres of land for educational purposes. The 1939/45 War intervened and all development ceased. However, in 1942 the Rural District Council purchased a piece of land to provide a second entrance to the recreation ground through Cherry Grove. In 1949 the Hampreston Parish Council bought the recreation ground for a nominal sum from the Rural District Council and from then on accepted responsibility for the development of it. Hampreston Parish Council then approached the King George V Playing Fields Trust with a request for a grant towards the cost. The Council prepared a scheme for development to be completed in three stages by 1962. The scheme was accepted and the recreation ground was formerly registered under the King George V Playing Fields Trust and work commenced in 1953. The first stage was to have the land drained, a road built and a Children’s Play Area laid out. In 1955 the second stage was completed when football pitches, hockey pitches and a
cricket square were laid out. Also, the ornamental gates were installed. In 1958 the building of the secondary school and the Pavilion began. When the school and the Pavilion were finished in 1959 the Council began the third stage of development. The Tennis Courts and Bowling Green were largely completed by 1961. In 1970 land was compulsory purchased by Dorset County Council to build Ferndown Upper School. It was hoped that another open space would be found to replace this land. This was not to be and after many years in 1994 a financial settlement was agreed. In 1974 Hampreston Parish Council became Ferndown Town Council. Over the years since then many enhancements and improvements have taken place to the field, the facilities and the pavilion. The Pavilion has been extended and improved continually. In the late 1970’s the football field was drained; in the late 1980’s the Children’s Playground was relocated and improved, in 1993 the Tennis Courts were increased from 4 courts to 6 courts, completely resurfaced and improved and the Bowling Green was re-laid in 1992. After many years seeking land to compensate for the land used for the building of the Ferndown Upper School and the Sports Centre, no suitable land could be identified. After long negotiations between the Town Council, Dorset County Council and East Dorset District Council, in 1994 a land exchange was agreed. This was a complicated arrangement that ultimately led to an amount of £279,000 being settled to the King George’s Field Charity and invested. In August 1995, in response to the Charities Act 1993, the Ferndown Town Council discovered that due to the decision of Hampreston Parish Council in 1953, when the King
George’s Trust was created to protect the gift of this open space in perpetuity, that all matters financial and administrative should be separated from the business of the Town Council. The Trustees adopted in September 1996 a Scheme of Regulation of the Charity, in accordance with the Charities Act 1993.
The object of the Charity is the provision and maintenance of a public recreation ground for the benefit of all persons, without distinction of political, religious or other opinions with the object of improving the conditions of life for the said persons. The land shall be held upon trust for use for the object of the Charity. The land shall be maintained as a permanent memorial to King George V under the provisions of the King George’s Fields Foundation.
Governing Documents DECLARATION OF TRUST DATED 10 SEPTEMBER 1956 CONVEYANCE DATED 30 JULY 1953 SCHEMES DATED 12 JANUARY 1987 AND 7 MARCH 1997 The organisation was registered as a charity on 25 October 1962. The charity was established and is governed under its trust deed. The Trust Deed established the objects and powers of the charity. The charity has one sole trustee, Ferndown Town Council. Hence each councillor elected to serve on Ferndown Town Council is a member of the trustee acting as a corporate body. Using the powers conferred under the Local Government Act 1972 section 101 the trustee set up a Management Committee consisting of 12 members to oversee the management of the charity.
Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council
Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council
FERNDOWN TWINNING ASSOCIATION The Twinning Association is organising a visit to our twinned town of Segré in France from Friday 23rd to Tuesday 27th August 2013. Membership of the Association costs £6 for an individual, £10 for Family Membership and £25 for Associate Business Membership. It is likely that the cost of this year’s visit will be £110 with a discount for the under 18s. If you are interested in becoming a member and joining the group on this year’s visit please get in touch with the Secretary Marion Lock on 01202 896984 or the Treasurer John Hanlon on 01202 575228. The Committee also organise a number of fundraising events during the year. In the next 12 months the following have been arranged:• 13th April - Spring Social Evening - American Supper • Quiz and Raffle - News of our Trip to Segre. 7.30pm Guide Hall - £4.00 • 11th May - “Journey to Paris” - Concert of French Songs sung by Magdalena Atkinson with her backing Group - 7.30 pm at St Mary’s Church Hall - Tea/coffee & biscuits £6.50 per person. Tickets from Marion 01202 896984 • 8th June - Trip on the Watercress Line Steam Railway. Themed event - ‘War on the Line’ (Experience the sights and sounds of World War II - with military and civilian re-enactors, song, dance and merriment!) £16 adults, £9 children - family ticket £42. Book early as its very popular. Contact John Hanlon 01202 575228 • 6th July - Barbecue & Boules Match - Pre-visit Info. 7.30pm Guide Hall, £5. • 23rd-27th August - VISIT TO SEGRE! • 20th October - Talk - The True Story of the African Queen by Kevin Patience - Refreshments and a chance to reminisce about our trip to Segre and to show off our photos. • 16th November - Skittles Evening and American Supper -7.30 pm - Guide Hall. Bring your friends, children and grandchildren for a fun night! • Mid January 2014 - New Year Dinner - details to be announced.
Ferndown Town Plan Update Following the return and processing of approximately 3500 surveys, the committee is currently meeting fortnightly to analyse the results and create a summary report. So far we have completed two of the major sections - Transport and Road Links and also Housing. Over the coming weeks the committee hopes to complete the remaining sections covering Children and Young People’s Provisions, Shopping , Leisure and Recreation, Health and Social Care, Environment and Community, Crime and Safety. Once finalised the report will be made available for all to see and then the draft for the Town Plan will commence. If you would like to become part of the committee or have any comments or questions please contact the town clerk who will be happy to pass them on, or visit the Town Plan website
Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council
Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council
The following two Councillors have joined the Council since the last edition of Ferndown Matters. Councillor Mrs Lyn Ovens was elected as one of the Town Councillors representing the Longham Ward and Councillor Kevin Moore has been coopted as the member for Longham East Ward. Some background to the new Councillors is given below:-
Our countryside and Green Belt needs protection and any developments need to be mindful of “balance”. She is looking forward to the challenge of serving Ferndown and the Longham Ward residents as a Councillor
Mrs Lyn Ovens
Mr Kevin Moore
Lynda was born in Kinson and educated at Oakmeads School, Bournemouth. Following a period living in rural Essex, she emigrated to New Zealand, then Australia for 6 months, before returning to the UK in 1970 and eventually Dorset, where she has lived in her current home for over 30 years. She originally followed her passion for working with animals, which she did for several years before diversifying into retail and office administration. Her varied career has included working for the Media and a period of four years working as Credit Controller at Bournemouth International Airport. Now retired, she was elected unopposed to the Council in 2013. She has a keen interest in countryside and wildlife and includes, walking, archaeology and travel amongst her many interests. She is a member of several Horticultural and Plant Societies and a Committee Member on the Ferndown Allotments Association and Ferndown in Bloom. Her association with Ferndown goes back a long way; she remembers visiting Ferndown Zoo as a small child and riding out from Longham Stables in the school holidays, firstly delivering milk straight from the cows, through Longham as far as the Bridge House. Lynda has been a winner of Ferndown in Bloom several times since 2000. The garden raises money for charity opening for the National Gardens Scheme for the last 12 years. It’s an excellent way to meet people.
Kevin has lived in Ferndown for the past 15 years and has come to know and appreciate the area well. He has been a member of the Town Plan Steering group since its inception and is the current Chairman of that group. He has been previously served on social committees associated with Portcastrian Football Club, Wimborne Royal British Legion and Kingston Lacy Golf Club. He is a director of a local construction business. A more detailed background of Mr Moore will appear in the next edition.
We are sorry to report that Councillor Mrs Liz Norman, who was elected as a Town Councillor for the Central Ward on 2011, has decided to step down because of family commitments. We thank Liz for the hard work she has done over the past two years including help in organising the Queen’s Jubilee Celebrations of June 2012. Miss Janet Cary who has been the Mayor’s Secretary and Administration Officer at the Council Offices will be retiring at the end of April. We would like to take this opportunity of thanking her for her work and enthusiasm in helping residents with their enquiries over the past 4 years. We wish her a long and well deserved retirement. Mr Jordan Greener who has been an Apprentice Administration Officer with the Council for the past 18months left the Council at the end of March on completion of his contract. Jordan has been responsible for inputting onto the computer a large proportion of residents’ responses to the Town Plan Questionnaire issued in April last year. He has also produced some of the posters which have been used to advertise Town events such as the Queens Jubilee We wish him well for the future.
Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council
Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council
FERNDOWN SUNDAY MARKET Tony and Jan Randall have recently started a regular Sunday market at the Ferndown Village Hall in Church Road offering a wide variety of products and services.
The Market is open to the public from 0900 to 1230hrs (9.00am to 12.30pm). Refreshments and bacon rolls served. Warm, friendly atmosphere. Booking of a stall in advance is advisable. Interested?
This is a new venture and readers are encouraged to come along and support this either as a visitor or as a stallholder.
Please contact Jan Randall on 07702872854 or email
SCOUTING IN FERNDOWN The following scout groups operate within Ferndown and welcome new members:1st Ferndown Scout Group Meet at Scout Headquarters, Cherry Grove, Ferndown Contact Make Parkes on 01202 861858
1st Heatherlands Scout Group Meet at Heatherlands Centre, Barnes Road, Ferndown. Contact Rob Coleman on 01202 895641
1st Longham Scout Group Meet at United Reformed Church Hall, Longham Contact John Goodliffe on 01202 894422
Pathfinder Scout Support Group Meets Monthly Contact Eric Stevenson on 01202 875316
FERNDOWN TENNIS CLUB The Ferndown Tennis Club will be holding an “Open Day” on Saturday 13th April from 1000 to 1300hrs (10am to 1pm). Children and Adults of all abilities welcome. Rackets and Refreshments provided. Mini touch tournament run by level 4 coach Chris Biddle. For more information on Ferndown Tennis Club activities or if you are interested in attending any of the coaching sessions held at the club please contact Chris Biddle on 07930569342.
FERNDOWN LIBRARY NEWS Dorset POPPs and Help & Care, in association with Ferndown Library have started a knit and natter group. It is held at the Library on the third Tuesday of every month starting at 1000hrs (10am). All are welcome. If you can’t knit or are a novice there will be people to teach and advise you. Bring your own knitting or knit for our project, Poole Special Babycare Unit. A friendly welcome awaits you whatever your age. This is a free event apart from cost of materials. Fit further details call the Ferndown Library on 01202 874542.
Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council
Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council
FERNDOWN FESTIVAL AND PRAM RACE (22nd – 29th June 2013).
Following the success of the Queen’s Jubilee event in 2012 organised by the Town Council and volunteers, and attended by some 2,000 people, the Town Council and Ferndown Chamber of Commerce are working together with other volunteers to organise an event which this time will be based on the centre of the town. During the week leading up to the Pram Race on 29th June 2013 there will be smaller events starting with a Strawberry Fayre at the Barrington Centre on Saturday 22nd June. Local restaurants within the town are being encouraged to hold a themed food evening and at the end of the week a French Market will operate on the pavement in Victoria Road. It is hoped that there will be other stalls within Penny’s Walk itself on the day of the race together with some street entertainment. The Pram Race in the afternoon of 29th June will start from the “Old Thatch” Public House in Wimborne Road and finish at the Barrington Centre. Further details about the week can be obtained from the Town Council Offices on 01202 892249. Fliers / posters for the event will be distributed shortly. Please give the event your support. Funds raised from the Pram Race event will be donated to the John Thornton Young Achievers Foundation and the King George’s Field Charity (Ferndown). Teams wishing to participate in the race should get in touch with the Race Director, Councillor T M Brown, on 01202 871618.
Last year the King George’s Field Charity (Ferndown) entered the fields and Harmont Wood in the Parks and Gardens Sections of the competition. We were awarded a Silver Award in respect of the Large Park of the year category for the Fields and a Silver Gilt award in respect of the Conservation Area for Harmont Wood. The feedback we received from the judges is being used as the basis for further improvements. This year it has been decided that the Town Council will enter the competition in the Large town category. We will have a visit from 2 judges in July and we hope that the information we receive at the awards ceremony will enable us to make improvements to the various displays within the town in 2014/15 year. We will be working with Ferndown in Bloom and the Ferndown Chamber of Commerce to ensure we provide a good display which will enhance the quality of the town and its facilities.
The Club invite you to their Open Day on Sunday 12th May from 1000 to 1600hrs (101m to 4pm). Come and have a go at bowls. Make new friends and have fun. Men and women of all ages welcome. Shoes and woods provided. No charges. Bowls England qualified coaches will be on hand to assist with coaching. Experienced players looking for a new club, give us a try. We are a very friendly club with 90 members. The Ladies teams play in the Bournemouth & District and Dorset Leagues. The men play in the same leagues plus the Percy Baker League which is for over 65s. We have fun competitions on a weekly basis, and our own Cup Competitions throughout the year. Our annual fay out to a bowls club outside Dorset is very popular. We have social functions in our clubhouse, and one of the best greens in the Bournemouth area. Free parking.
Twilight Walk for Women – Friday 7th June 2013. Following the success of last year’s Twilight Walk, which raised a fantastic £22,000 for the Jigsaw Appeal which is raising money for a brand new Women’s Health & Cancer Unit the date for the 2013 walk will be held on Friday 7th June at 2000hrs (8.00pm) from the Bournemouth Seafront. Last year saw over 350 people walking in pink supporting women across Dorset and this year the organisers are hoping to double the numbers and welcome everyone to participate: ladies, men, children, families, companies etc. There will be 1km, 5km and 10km fundraising walks with an entry fee of £15 per person (including T-shirt). The organisers have asked that participants should raise as much sponsorship as possible. For further information telephone: 01202704060 or e mail or book online at
Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council
Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council
Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council
Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council
Your Town Council Town Clerk - Mr Ian Jones King George V Pavilion, Peter Grant Way, Ferndown, BH22 9EN Tel: 01202 892249 Fax: 01202 877442 Email:
Your Ferndown Town Councillors Links Ward: Cllr. B Barnett Cllr. Ms P M Cooper Cllr. J A Muggleton Cllr. Ms M T Phillips Cllr. Mrs J Read Cllr. Mrs J Robinson Central Ward: Cllr. Mrs Q Comfort Cllr. J C Lewis Cllr. Mrs J Little Cllr. S Lugg Cllr. M R Parkes Vacancy
82 Carroll Avenue, FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 8BP Tel: 01202 855175 12 Corbin Avenue, FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 8AZ Tel: 01202 892249 (FTC Office) 292 Ringwood Road FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 9AS Tel: 01202 872975 12 Pickard Road, FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 8AX Tel: 01202 870063 288 Ringwood Road FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 9AS Tel: 01202 875926 18 Medway Road, FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 8UX Tel: 07874 082435 6 Pringles Drive FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 8BN Tel: 01202 873221 40 Martins Drive, FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 9SQ Tel: 01202 891659 17 Cherrett Court, 557 Ringwood Road, FERNDOWN BH22 9FE Tel: 01202 980839 34 Kingsway FERNDOWN Dorset BH22 9QW Tel: 01202 872066 330 Ringwood Road, FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 9AT Tel: 01202 861858
Longham Ward: Cllr Mrs L Ovens Cllr. P Lucas Cllr. T M Brown
357 Ringwood Road, Ferndown, Dorset, BH22 9AE Tel: 01202 896071 14 Landford Gardens, Throop, BOURNEMOUTH BH8 0PH Tel: 01202 533765 53 Casterbridge Road, FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 8LJ Tel: 01202 871618
Longham East Ward: Cllr. K Moore
470 Ringwood Road, Ferndown, Dorset, BH22 9AY
Stapehill Ward: Cllr. N J Wellstead Cllr. Mrs S Bird Cllr. P R Timberlake
36 Wimborne Road West, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 2DP Tel: 01202 880705 292 Ringwood Road, FERNDOWN Dorset BH22 9AS Tel: 01202 872975 8 Brierley Avenue, West Parley, FERNDOWN Dorset BH22 8PE Tel: 01202 573213
Ameysford Ward: Cllr. J L Baxter Cllr. Mrs C A Lugg Cllr. Mrs P Reynolds
Greenacres, Angel Lane, Longham, FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 9DZ Tel: 01202 897884 34 Kingsway FERNDOWN Dorset BH22 9QW Tel: 01202 872066 3 Clayford Avenue FERNDOWN Dorset BH22 9PQ Tel: 01202 892033
Links South Ward: Cllr. T Cordery
79 Dorset Avenue FERNDOWN BH22 8HL
Tel: 01202 871220
Tel: 01202 876293
We are keen to hear your comments Please feel free to contact us - we are listening!
Visit our website Ferndown Town Council does not accept responsibilty for the content of advertisements, promises made, or the quality or reliability of the services offered in the advetisements in this publication. All purchases made through this publication are done so entirely at your own risk. Information about a service does not imply recommendation.
Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council
Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council