Ferndown Matters Winter 2013

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Issue 17

Winter 2013


New Year to all our readers

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Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council


The following grants have recently been awarded by the Town Council to various Charitable / Voluntary bodies operating within the town:Bournemouth Sports Youth Football Team - £500 towards the cost of replacement kit. A large number of the team members come from the Ferndown area. Heatherlands Parent and Toddlers Group £450 towards the cost of engaging a musician to work with the group.

Dorset Blind Association - £250 towards the cost or providing a social club and home visiting / support service within Ferndown. Ferndown Phoenix Musical Society - £450 towards the costs associated with their production of a show in September 2013.

Ferndown Stroke Club - £240 towards the cost of hall hire for their meetings.

Heatherlands Youth Club - £150 towards the start up costs for a club to be based at the Heatherlands Centre.

Life Education Wessex - £296 towards the cost of age related health and drug awareness sessions in local schools.

Ferndown Jitsu Club - £500 towards the costs associated with participating in National Championships.

Ferndown Community Association - £6000 towards the costs associated with running the Barrington Centre.

1st Ferndown Scout Group - £500 towards ground rent costs for their headquarters.

Ferndown Sports Football Club - £140 towards the cost of training equipment. East Dorset Citizens Advice Bureau - £7000 towards the cost of providing advice facilities within the town. Heatherlands Community Association - £300 towards the cost of providing facilities within the Heatherlands area. Royal British Legion, Ferndown Branch – a further award of £1000 towards the cost of renovation of the War Memorial Garden in Church Road.

The Grants Committee now only meets once a year to make decisions for requests for financial support. Their next meeting will be in November 2013. Applications can be downloaded from the Town Council website www.ferndown.gov.uk or by telephoning the Council Offices on 01202 892249 for more information. The Town Council has set aside in its budget for 2013/14 the sum of £9000 to help support charitable / voluntary organisations operating within the town.


It is usual that we provide in our Winter edition details of the Town Council’s budget for the coming financial year, however, on this occasion details will not be available until the Spring edition. The reason for the delay is changes which are being introduced nationally will not be fully known until the middle of January. Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council


Meetings of the Town Council Details of the next three month’s meetings of the Town Council are given below. All meetings (except some Personnel Committee meetings) are open to members of the public. Most meetings start at 1930hrs (7.30pm) and normally finish at 2130hrs (9.30pm) at the latest.







KGV Management*

KGV Pavilion



Environment Committee

KGV Pavilion



Planning Committee

KGV Pavilion




KGV Pavilion



Personnel Committee

KGV Pavilion



Finance & GP Committee

KGV Pavilion



Planning Committee

KGV Pavilion



KGV Management

KGV Pavilion



Planning Committee

KGV Pavilion



Environment Committee

KGV Pavilion




KGV Pavilion



Personnel Committee

KGV Pavilion



Finance & GP Committee*

KGV Pavilion



Annual Town Meeting

To be confirmed



Planning Committee

KGV Pavilion



Grants Committee

KGV Pavilion



KGV Management*

KGV Pavilion

* Review of income and expenditure profile to date It is likely that an additional full Town Council Meeting will be held in late January or early February to determine the precept and budget for the Council for the 2013/14 year. Details will appear on Town Council noticeboards and on the web www.ferndown.gov.uk in due course. Meetings, other than those of the Personnel Committee, are normally open to the public.

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Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council

Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council



Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council

Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council





Activate1000 is a diverse programme of active outdoor sessions designed to get people from all walks of like back into exercise. Its hugely popular Health Walks have been running since February 2007 and have grown from strength to strength to now include walks from Moors Valley Country Park, Wimborne, West Moors, Verwood and most recently Ferndown.

n December 2011 / January 2012 the Town Council offices were refurbished and our old computer system was updated. The three old “Dell Computers,” which had been in use for some 7 years, were renewed together with our data storage system. Rather than scrap the old computers the data they contained was removed from their memories and they were sent on to Nairobi in Kenya where they are now in use at Bookshine High School. The air transport costs etc. of taking them to Kenya were met by Keyna Airways. We have received a letter of thanks from the Principal of the school, Mr Jack T Oyieko, which says “We really appreciate your donation to our school, for we believe that the computers will be of great help to our students, who have rarely had the opportunity of using a computer before.”

The Ferndown Health Walk runs every Tuesday from Ferndown Leisure Centre between 10.0011.00am and is completely FREE! The walks cover around 2.5 miles and are generally over flat ground, there is no need to pre-book, just turn up on the day.

We are pleased that the old computers could be used in this way.

For more information please call the Rangers on 01425 470721 or email activate1000@eastdorset. gov.uk

WORK AT FORD LANE RECREATION GROUND The new graded pitch at Ford Lane is being consolidated / bedded in and it is anticipated that football will be able to be played from September 2013.

Additional trees for the Community Orchard will be planted shortly. The BMX track is under development and the aim is that it will be opened by the end of March 2013. This development is being overseen by Mr Matt Reeks form the Moors Valley Country Park. Hopefully a wooded walk will be constructed during the 2013/14 year. 8

Working in partnership with Dorset NHS, Activate1000 has recently introduced 30 minute instructor-led Wellness Walks that are designed for those who find an hour too much. They are now running from West Moors Group Practice, The Verwood Surgery and most recently Tricketts Cross Surgery in Ferndown. The Tricketts Cross Surgery Wellness Walk runs every Thursday between 10.00-10.30am and like all of our Health Walks is completely FREE!


The Committee of Management are working with Ferndown Tennis Club and British Tennis to see if floodlighting can be introduced to courts 1 and 2 before the end of March 2013. Planning Permission for the scheme had previously been given, but a new electricity supply will be required to support the lights and a grant aid application has been made to help meet the costs. If our bid for funding is successful then two courts will be able to operate during the winter period up to 2100hrs in the evening. Further details will be provided in our next issue.

Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council


Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council


Over the last couple of months or so we have been asked for some background information about Ferndown. The Town Plan document when it is published later in 2013 will provide some background information but in the meanwhile there are two books which may be of interest to readers. One is “Ferndown – A Pictorial History” by Roger Guttridge and Audrey Greenhalgh published by Phillimore & Co in 1997 at £13.99 (ISBN 1-86077-038-x) and another “Ferndown – the back of beyond” by Brian Davis at £11.95 published by Wayletts Books (ISBN 0-9529151-0-3)



ollowing the success of the Jubilee event in June 2012 Councillor Tony Brown is leading a working party which is aiming to hold a Pram Race and Family Fun Day within the town on Saturday 29th June 2013. A preliminary meeting of volunteers willing to help organise the event was held

on Tuesday 4th December and the group will meet again on Tuesday 22nd January 2013 at the King George V Pavilion in Peter Grant Way. If you are a member of a group or an individual interested in helping to bring this idea to fruition, please get in touch with the Town Council on 01202 892249 or email enquiries@ferndown. gov.uk.



The Town Council has appointed a working party to investigate the feasibility of providing a new burial site within the town including likely costs etc. If any reader knows of a suitable site which would be available for sale as a burial ground please will they contact the Town Council offices on 01202 892249. The working party has been asked to report back to the Environment Committee within 12 months.

It is hoped that two events will be held this Spring; a BMX at Easter and a Skatefest on the Saturday of the May Bank Holiday weekend. Further details will be announced later but in the meantime please contact the Town Council offices for futher information.

Town Council VACANCIES There remain two vacancies for Councillors to serve on the Town Council. An election has been called for the vacancy in respect of the Longham Ward and, if contested, then a poll will take place on Thursday 7th February 2013. The other vacancy for Longham East is to be filled by cooption and anyone interested in that vacancy should contact the Town Council Offices on 01202 892249. A formal advertisement for the vacancy appears elsewhere in this magazine.

Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council



Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council

Allotments at last for Ferndown!

Ferndown’s Town Councillors and the Ferndown Allotment Association members are celebrating as the Town Council became the new owners of Longham Allotment Gardens at the middle of December. There have been allotments here for many decades on land previously owned by the Canford Estate.

The Town Council and the Allotments Association plan to work in partnership to improve the site and make more plots available on areas which now lie vacant. Cllr Steve Lugg, Chairman of the Council’s Allotment working party explained “The first thing we will do is to hold a consultation meeting for existing tenants to talk about our plans and find out tenants’ views. In the New Year we will begin dividing uncultivated

From left: Peter Hendra, FTC Committee Clerk, David Edwards, Chairman FAA, Cllr Steve Lugg and Cllr Jean Read

areas into new plots. Smaller plots are popular nowadays and this means that more people can get digging. Ferndown residents will have priority.” Cllr Mrs Jean Read added: “There are over 100 people on our waiting list and it’s been a long wait for many of them. By no means all of them will be able to get an allotment at Longham, but we hope to have at least one more site ready with more plots by the end of

next year.” David Edwards, Chairman of the Ferndown Allotment Association told us: “I’m really pleased that some of our members will have a place at Longham for the growing season next year. We are looking forward to working with the Council to make this a great site. Once it’s in good shape the plan is for the Association to manage the allotment gardens on behalf of the Council.”

VOLUNTEERING IN FERNDOWN One of the initial findings from the examination of the responses to the Town Plan Questionnaire issued in April 2012 indicates that there is a desire from a large number of people living in Ferndown to volunteer.

The Town Council is aware that in some neighbouring parishes such as West Parley there are a large number of people who are willing to assist community groups. If you would be willing to be involved in any of the following activities please let the Town Council know:-

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Delivery of leaflets such as Ferndown Matters to those in your road Taking part in an organised litter pick as part of a “Tidy Towns” initiative probably held once a quarter Maintenance / watering of flower displays Helping other organisations in Ferndown such as Luncheon Clubs etc. Helping at Community events such as the “Jubilee event” held last June Helping with physical working parties caring for the environment

If you are interested in participating in any of these events please make contact with the Town Council offices on 01202 892249 or email: enquiries@ferndown.gov.uk Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council


Be a




The Town Council has been approached by the South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust to advertise the fact that they are looking to recruit volunteers in the local area. Interested volunteers would be trained up to become Community First Responders in February 2013. Volunteers do not need 14

to have any first aid training or experience before joining. An initial basic training course is provided by the Ambulance Service and on successful completion, volunteers would become operational as a Community First Responder. Details of the vacancies are given in the advertisement above.

Plant Life W

ild plant charity Plantlife (www. plantlife.org. uk), are hoping to reach out to many wild plant enthusiasts and nature lovers by inviting them to become wild plant ‘pioneers’ and subscribe to a free quarterly e-learning bulletin to learn more about our native wild plants via the ‘Wild About Plants’ project website - www. wildaboutplants.org.uk. The November e-bulletin is out now! The Wild About Plants project aims to help people reconnect with the outdoors and their local greenspaces. Working with schools, families and communities from all walks of life and with fantastic free downloadable resources, the team hope to engage people with the nature on their doorstep. In recent years subscribers have been asked to record the plant life in their local area and recount what they used to see/ pick and forage for. Wild About Plants is funded by Natural England through Access to Nature, as part of the Big Lottery Fund’s Changing Spaces programme. It is a partnership project involving partner organisations throughout the country.

Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council

“Plantlife” article

Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council


“Plantlife” article


Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council

Ferndown Matters is published by mags4dorset.co.uk on behalf of the Ferndown Town Council Editorial:

Ian Jones, Town Clerk, Ferndown Town Council, King George V Pavilion, Peter Grant Way, Ferndown, Dorset. BH22 9EN 01202 892249 email: ianjones@ferndown.gov.uk


mags4dorset, 1st Floor, King George V Pavilion, Peter Grant Way, Ferndown, Dorset BH22 9EN 07592 950992 email: sales@mags4dorset.co.uk


mags4dorset, 1st Floor, King George V Pavilion, Peter Grant Way, Ferndown, Dorset BH22 9EN 01202 870270 email: design@mags4dorset.co.uk

mags4dorset, 1st Floor, King George V Pavilion, Peter Grant Way, Ferndown, Dorset BH22 9EN 01202 870270 www.mags4dorset.co.uk Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council



Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council


This year the switching on event took place to co-incide with the Hollyberry Fayre which was held on Saturday 8th December 2012. The Town Council worked with the Chamber of Commerce in arranging the event with the appearance of

Richard Digance and Matt Black helping visitors and locals to participate in the festivities. A number of charitable / voluntary stalls were placed in Penny’s Walk and above are some of the photographs taken of the event.



n the last magazine details were given about the visit made by some residents of Segré to Ferndown in August when an Acer tree was presented to the town. In the Autumn a formal plaque to mark the planting of the tree was unveiled and a photograph below shows the autumn colours of the tree. Present at the unveiling were members of the Twinning Committee including Councillor Mrs Pauline Reynolds (Chairman), together with Mr Keith Wilcox, Head Groundsman of the King George’s Field Charity.

Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council


Staying safe this winter

Winter and the festive season can be full of dangers. Dorset Fire and Rescue Service is committed to keeping people safe at home. Please follow the advice below to ensure you reduce the dangers of fire or accident in your home or on the roads this year

If there is a fire § Make sure you have at least one working smoke alarm on each level of your house – test it once a week and replace the battery when necessary. § Discuss with your family, house mates and guests what you would do in the event of a fire. Plan an escape route and keep it clear. § Keep doors shut at night and know where all your door and window keys are. § Have a bedtime routine, always making sure heaters and other electrics are turned off, cigarettes and candles are out. § If there is a fire in your home – Get out, Stay out and Call the fire brigade out (999) Chimneys and Open Fires § If you have an open fire your chimney should be regularly cleaned by professional, registered sweeps. Even if your chimney is lined it needs sweeping at the beginning and end of the season (as a minimum). § Using dry and seasoned wood is important, as green wood or inappropriate fuel will accelerate build up of soot and combustible materials inside the chimney. § Stoves and fireplaces should not be overfilled: if the flames are extending above the flue opening, your fire is too large. Electric blankets § If you have an electric blanket, please ensure that it has been rolled and not folded when stored. § Make sure any electric blanket is tested each year before use, and replace it if there are any

frayed edges or wiring. § Most modern electric blankets have thermostats in them so will switch off when they reach the set temperature. But always make sure you turn an electric blanket off at the wall before going to sleep.

Gas fires and electric heaters § Do not place clothes or other flammable materials over heaters. § Ensure that flammable materials are kept at least three feet away from these heaters and open fires. § Always turn them off before falling asleep.

Using the roads in winter § Make sure your vehicle is in good condition for winter driving: § Check the tyre depths (minimum tread is 1.60mm) and tyre pressure. § Check you have anti freeze in your radiator § Carry de-icer and a ice scraper in your vehicle. § Keep a warm coat in your vehicle in the event of a breakdown and if possible, carry a charged mobile phone. § Try not to make unnecessary journeys in bad weather conditions. § Be aware of the conditions as you drive, avoid unnecessary breaking in icy conditions and give other drivers room. § If you are walking or cycling, make sure you can be seen - wear bright clothing. § Make sure you have working lights on your bike and use them!! § Do not take unnecessary risks – remember drivers may not be able to see you as clearly.

If you want more information or for a FREE home safety check call 01305 252600 or log on to www.dorsetfire.gov.uk 20

Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council

Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council


Your Town Council Town Clerk - Mr Ian Jones King George V Pavilion, Peter Grant Way, Ferndown, BH22 9EN Tel: 01202 892249 Fax: 01202 877442 Email: enquiries@ferndown.gov.uk

Your Ferndown Town Councillors Links Ward: Cllr. B Barnett Cllr. Ms P M Cooper Cllr. J A Muggleton Cllr. Ms M T Phillips Cllr. Mrs J Read Cllr. Mrs J Robinson

82 Carroll Avenue, FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 8BP Tel: 01202 855175 12 Corbin Avenue, FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 8AZ Tel: 01202 892249 (FTC Office) 292 Ringwood Road FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 9AS Tel: 01202 872975 12 Pickard Road, FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 8AX Tel: 01202 870063 288 Ringwood Road FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 9AS Tel: 01202 875926 18 Medway Road, FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 8UX Tel: 07874 082435

Central Ward: Cllr. Mrs Q Comfort Cllr. J C Lewis Cllr. Mrs J Little Cllr. S Lugg Cllr. Mrs E J Norman Cllr. M R Parkes

6 Pringles Drive FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 8BN 40 Martins Drive, FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 9SQ 17 Cherrett Court, 557 Ringwood Road, FERNDOWN BH22 9FE 34 Kingsway FERNDOWN Dorset BH22 9QW Two Hoots, 1A Martins Drive, FERNDOWN Dorset BH22 9SG 330 Ringwood Road, FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 9AT

Tel: 01202 873221 Tel: 01202 891659 Tel: 01202 980839 Tel: 01202 872066 Tel: 01202 872133 Tel: 01202 861858

Longham Ward: 1 Vacancy Cllr. P Lucas Cllr. T M Brown

14 Landford Gardens, Throop, BOURNEMOUTH BH8 0PH 53 Casterbridge Road, FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 8LJ

Tel: 01202 533765 Tel: 01202 871618

Longham East Ward: 1 Vacancy Stapehill Ward: Cllr. N J Wellstead Cllr. Mrs S Bird Cllr. P R Timberlake

36 Wimborne Road West, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 2DP Tel: 01202 880705 292 Ringwood Road, FERNDOWN Dorset BH22 9AS Tel: 01202 872975 8 Brierley Avenue, West Parley, FERNDOWN Dorset BH22 8PE Tel: 01202 573213

Ameysford Ward: Cllr. J L Baxter Cllr. Mrs C A Lugg Cllr. Mrs P Reynolds

Greenacres, Angel Lane, Longham, FERNDOWN, Dorset BH22 9DZ 34 Kingsway FERNDOWN Dorset BH22 9QW 3 Clayford Avenue FERNDOWN Dorset BH22 9PQ

Tel: 01202 897884 Tel: 01202 872066 Tel: 01202 892033

Links South Ward: Cllr. T Cordery

79 Dorset Avenue FERNDOWN BH22 8HL

Tel: 01202 876293

We are keen to hear your comments Please feel free to contact us - we are listening!

Visit our website www.ferndown.gov.uk Ferndown Town Council does not accept responsibilty for the content of advertisements, promises made, or the quality or reliability of the services offered in the advetisements in this publication. All purchases made through this publication are done so entirely at your own risk. Information about a service does not imply recommendation.


Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council

Ferndown Matters - The Magazine of Ferndown Town Council


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