Living Well | Spring 2025

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© Maxine Bridger


Welcome to our 12th edition of Living Well magazine. And most importantly our Spring edition – putting the colder, darker days behind us.

The last few months have seen a further increase in requests for our community magazine, more organisations asking for copies to use as a signposting tool to hand out to members of our local community looking for support or activities where they can join other likeminded people. Therefore, we are once again pleased to announce to have increased our print run to 5,000 copies – our largest yet.

As in previous editions, you will find an ever growing What’s On section, interesting editorial articles, important contact numbers and lots more to keep you busy and active this coming season. What’s inside?

This edition has lots of new activities added, from social groups, craft groups and carer support among other one-off events such as Easter activities and Carnivals in our local area.

We have an interesting article on Food bank v Food larder to help give you a better understanding of the differences between the support offered.

Carers Conversation has been updated – so drop by to page 34 to read all about groups available, and articles on other local small charities you may not have heard about!

We would love to hear from you!

If you wish to contribute to this publication, please contact via

Contributions can include upcoming events, experiences, photographs, articles or submissions for us to consider.

Thank you!

An extra special thank you once again goes out to Promedica24 Dorset & Hampshire for confirming they are offering sponsorship for a further year. This keeps us secure through to and including Spring 2026.

Thank you also goes to any organisation that has placed an advert in this edition and to those that stock our magazine so that the community can benefit from picking up their FREE copy of Living Well across their local town or village.

You are all helping us build an inclusive and knowledgeable community.

Best Regards

From the steering committee/publication partners

Front cover picture is of ‘Wimborne St Giles Jolly Days’ where In Jolly Good Company provide dementia friendly activities that are open to all. For more information visit or call 07884 33317.


Publication Partners:

Emma Regan

Douch Family Funeral Directors / Editor of Living well Magazine

Michael Deane Chair of Ferndown Dementia Friendly Town

Tracie Jackson

St Nicholas & St Hubert Church, Corfe Mullen

Sue Tipping

Chair of Wimborne Dementia Friendly Community

Lynne Morris Chair of West Moors Dementia Action Group

Mark Müller

Regional partner ProMedica 24


Production Manager

Ben Pulford |

Lead Designer

Louis Pulford |

Graphic Designer

Dexter Elliott |

Media Sales

Simon Thornton |

What is social prescribing?

Social prescribing, also sometimes known as community referral, is a means of enabling health professionals to refer to a range of local, non-clinical services. The referrals generally, but not exclusively, come from professionals working in primary care settings, for example, GPs or practice nurses.

“What matters to you?”

See P38 for contact details

Crane Valley PCN

Social prescribing team working with patients registered at The Barcellos Family Practice, The Cranborne Practice, The Verwood Surgery and West Moors Village Surgery.

Poole North PCN

Social prescribing team working with patients registered at The Hadleigh Practice, The Harvey Practice, Birchwood Practice and Canford Heath Group Practice.

Wimborne and Ferndown PCN

Social prescribing team working with patients registered at The Old Dispensary Surgery, Walford Mill Medical Centre, Quarterjack Surgery in Wimborne, Penny's Hill Surgery and Orchid House Surgery in Ferndown.

‘From Seed to Larder Project – Update’

You may remember back in our Summer 2024 edition we introduced you to our new ‘From Seed to Larder’ project. A partnership project between Ferndown Dementia Friendly Town, Douch Family Funeral Directors, Ferndown Community Support (FCS) featuring Ferndown Community Larder, Parley Place Care Home (Barcester Healthcare), Ferndown & Parley Rotary Club’.

Our concept came to life throughout 2024 growing on the FDFT plot and lots of produce was grown and passed through the FCS to those in need in the Ferndown and surrounding area.

FCS have secured an additional plot at the Longham Allotments and lots of our volunteers have been busy getting the plot ready for the upcoming 2025 season. Clearing of the plot, beds built and even a shed (work in progress) is going up!!

Lots more work to go but a huge thank you to all our partners & volunteers. Keep a look out for more updates in our summer edition in July.

Oh and let’s not forget – the FDFT committee have funded a fully serviced toilet again this Spring/ Summer to ensure visitors to our plots have the services they need.

How to broach the subject of care with someone you care about

How to approach someone you care about when you feel they have a memory problem or care need.

There is no one way to approach everyone, having spoken to some health professionals, people in the care industry and some people we know, we have listed below some ideas, suggestions that we hope will help you.

The first thing is allow a good amount of time to talk, do not rush.

Avoid a public space, it could be an emotional conversation for all, privacy and a comfortable space will help put everyone at ease.

Time of day, as a general rule we are better and brighter in the morning having slept well, it will help if you are both comfortable and relaxed.

Perhaps sit down over a cup of tea.

Do not rush into your concerns and worries.

Ask them is there anything they are worried about. Chances are the person knows something is not quite right. Be kind, be empathetic. If the conversation turns confrontational, just pause, you may even need to revisit another day.

Use open questions, “how would you feel about having someone support them around the house”. Avoid closed questions “do you need care” questions that have yes/no answers will not help you or them to tell you how you and they are feeling.

Ask yourself how you would like to be told someone is worried about your memory. Put yourself in their place, it is a very emotive subject.

It is not your job to put a label on what is happening, the words Dementia and Alzheimers do not need to form part of the conversation.

Perhaps a 3rd party example, someone you both know. Talk about yourself, perhaps forgetting names, where you put the keys, have they noticed the same.

Ask “How are you getting on?” Be patient and wait for an answer. People need time, 30 seconds may feel like a long time, but it is OK to wait and essential to allow them to answer in their own time and words.

Be honest, say you are worried

and concerned, if you have noticed changes, discuss. I have noticed, say the examples that have worried you.

“How are you, I have noticed and I am a bit concerned”

The fact is we try to protect ourselves, ignore, deny things are changing, put up a barrier. It may be as simple as someone has too much on their plate, but sadly it could be one of the many forms of memory impairment. Facing something like that can be earthshattering, but seeking help, putting things in place early will enable people to maintain their quality of life for as long as possible. Diagnosis is not the end of the line, it is a new path any of us may have to walk one day. Whatever the situation there are people and organisations who can help you and the person you are worried about.

Mark Muller Promedica 24 Dorset and Hampshire

Your Local Citizens Advice Is Here to Help

Citizens Advice offers free advice about a variety of different issues including, benefits, debt, housing and energy. Residents in Corfe Mullen, Ferndown, West Moors and Wimborne can contact Citizens Advice either by visiting a local drop-in session or visiting the Advice Bus which stops at locations in the area.

Energy Advice

Citizens Advice provide free energy advice to households across Dorset, including energy efficiency advice, resolving billing issues and meter problems. They can also help with supplier questions and prepayment meters, carbon monoxide awareness and provide free CO monitors. All advice is free and confidential.

An Energy Adviser is at The Elephant & Castle, West Moors, every Tuesday, 10am-12pm. To speak to an energy adviser, call the Energy Line on 01929 775500, leave a message and someone will return your call. Or email: energy@edpcitizensadvice. Or visit our website for more information: www.edpcitizensadvice.

Local Drop-In

Local drop-in is available at Ferndown Library, Tuesday & Friday 10am-12pm: The Centre, Ferndown, Thursday 10am-12pm and at our Wimborne office on a Monday & Wednesday 10am-12pm. No appointment is necessary. Advice is confidential and impartial. All outreaches and

drop-in locations can be found here www.edpcitizensadvice.

Advice Bus

The Advice Bus stops at different locations in the area where Advisers provide free support on different issues. The bus stops at West Moors every Tuesday at Park Way Car Park, 1pm-3pm and on a Wednesday in Corfe Mullen at The Dorset Soldier, 1pm-3pm. To find your nearest Advice Bus stop, visit our website www.edpcitizensadvice.

For more information about Citizens Advice services visit uk or to speak to an Adviser, call the Dorset Adviceline Freephone on 0800 144 8848, 10am-4pm weekdays.

The Digby Charity

A few years ago I drove behind a Vision Wimborne Dial-a-ride vehicle and read that it is supported financially by the Digby Charity. I assumed at the time that it meant that the support came from charitable funds from the distinguished Digby family in Minterne Magna, West Dorset. It didn’t; it referred to the Digby Charity, a relatively small Colehill/Wimborne charity set up from a bequest made by a Wimborne resident, Miss Digby, in the 1960s, specifically to assist elderly people in the parishes of St Michael’s Colehill, St John’s and the Minster, Wimborne (effectively Colehill/ Wimborne).

The gift was made before either Social Services or the NHS were as comprehensive and complex as they are today. The current trustees of the Digby Charity acknowledge that we do not have the expertise to make grants to individual elderly people in need of additional support, so we try to focus our financial support on assisting financially local voluntary organisations which provide valuable services to people in our specified geography and bring a little more joy into their lives.

From an income of between £10k and £15k a year we make grants to specialist groups (eg for the blind or for the terminally ill or for those living with dementia or meeting particular transport needs), community centres, churches, places providing winter warmth and welcome, community gardens/allotments, volunteer-led libraries. Most of the grants we make are in the low thousands, although we know from reports we receive that a grant of a few hundred pounds can provide an outing or special social occasion which meets our objectives of bringing additional enjoyment into the lives of sometimes isolated elderly people and some modest relief and support for those who care for them.

We have a straightforward application form completed by all organisations; all applications are then screened by the five trustees of the charity. It is not necessary for every organisation we support to focus all its work on Colehill/Wimborne

or on elderly people, but it is necessary for our charitable purposes that a significant number of elderly people from Colehill/Wimborne benefit from the organisation’s services.

We are particularly keen to hear from organisations which provide services that meet the criteria set out above and which:

• provide activities to limit the chances of the onset of dementia

• provide advice to people living with dementia and to their carers (especially family members) and help to prolong the prospects of a healthier and happier old age.

Rob Pearce

on behalf of the Digby Charity trustees

What is the difference between a Fridge, a Larder and a Foodbank?

“Not a lot” seems to be the standard response, but that is not the case. You might be surprised to learn that whatever your circumstance, you could benefit.

Community Fridges

Ever tried a new flavour of yoghurt, which you don’t like, but it is a pack of four. What do you do with the other three? You can drop them off at a Community Fridge, these are FREE to everyone, accessible by all. The amount and type of food will vary from day to day, and is dependent on perishable waste. So, don’t be afraid of picking up something when you drop off those nasty yoghurts!

Community Larders

A membership programme that provides access to surplus groceries (store cupboard items and fruit and

vegetables) at heavily subsidised rates. Organisations often work closely with FareShare to distribute surplus food from supermarkets and businesses. Membership is open to EVERYONE, usually within a certain postcode catchment. Sometimes there is a charge, or a minimum spend is required.


Provide emergency food (3-5 days’ worth) to people who find themselves in crisis, often via a referral system.

Community Food Suppliers / Social Supermarkets

Available for people in crises within a certain area to the provision. Registration is required and it is for those on low or no incomes. Open more frequently providing perishable foods and often used daily.

Community Fridges (Food Waste reduction)

Ferndown, Poole, West Howe, Bournemouth

Community Food Suppliers

Ferndown, Poole, Wimborne

Food Banks

Corfe Mullen, Ferndown, Wimborne, Verwood

Community Larders

West Moors, Ferndown

There is more detailed information for the above and where they are located at the helpandkindness website;


19TH – 25TH MAY

Dementia Action Week is all about raising awareness of Dementia, highlighting the need for diagnosis but also acceptance and support for those living with the condition, their families, friends and the wider community.

1 in 3 people with dementia do not have a diagnosis and it’s vital to obtaining the treatment and support that can make a difference. The annual initiative is run by The Alzheimer’s society who work with organisations across the UK to encourage people to act on Dementia. If you are worried about yourself or someone close to you then contact your GP, you can also visit the Alzheimer’s website www. or call their Dementia Support line on 0333 150 3456 for more help and guidance.

Locally the partners that make up the committees for our local dementia friendly towns and the wider supporters of the Living Well magazine are actively involved

in making sure people living with dementia and their loved ones in our area are supported.


To mark Dementia Action week there are a number of events both educational and fun going on across the region. Check out the what’s on guides to find out more or look on our Facebook page

Also keep a look out in your local area for our post box toppers which will be themed to support Dementia Action Week.

‘Written by Michelle Venn – Parley Place Care Home (Barcester Homes)’

Carers Conversation

Welcome to Carers Support, our pages designed to help you, as a carer, step out of your carer role and find time for yourself. Taking a break will help restore a bit of perspective, encourage your creativity and give you something new to talk about with the person for whom you care.

You might be feeling defined by your carer role, especially if you no longer work outside the home. Instead, try to think of yourself as ‘the person who...’ makes Dorset buttons, makes bird boxes or bakes biscuits, for example, some skill which can make you feel appreciated for something else and might even earn a little money for you or a charity.

For practical information as well as social opportunities, local care-providers such as CareUK and charities like The Leonardo Trust hold a variety of social and advice events in Broadstone, Corfe Mullen, Ferndown and Wimborne. Have a look at the Carer Support section of ‘What’s On’ which lists activities which encourage sharing of experience as well as being better informed. We have highlighted 3 local carer support groups below.

As well as activities outlined in the Carers’ Support section there are more events in the ‘What’s On’ section, so check those listings too.

Do you care for someone living with Dementia?

Oakley Friends runs a monthly support group for carers as well as a twice-yearly Carer information Course featuring ten top topics to help making caring easier. We will give you appropriate support and advice including: dementia awareness, memory assessment, continence, benefits and legal advice, aids and adaptations etc.

To book your place contact: Project Coordinator Keith Gubbins / 07999 402114 / 01202 804 914

Chitter Chatter Club

Founded by Anne Anderson post lock down this extremely successful programme now reaches over 2,000 people, with over 13,800 attendees to date. Guests can pop in whenever they like to one of the 7 cafes, pubs or care homes, ensuring there are always new faces and friendships to form. Current locations include Bournemouth, Canford Cliffs, Broadstone, Christchurch, Weymouth, Wimborne, Parley Cross, Ferndown, St Leonards and Canford. For more details or to sign up for a FREE monthly Newsletter contact / / 07986 323789

Carers Support Oakley Friends Stress Busters

A carers support group where you can meet like-minded people in a similar situation to you. Occasional guest speakers and friendly meetings. Fourth Tuesday of every month from 2pm – 3.30pm at St Mary’s Church, Ferndown. For details please phone Janet on 01202 875495 / Kath on 01202 892518

We are a registered charity, meeting on the first Saturday of the month (excluding January) at Ferndown Plus Day Centre, Pennys Walk, starting at 2pm with an hour’s entertainment followed by tea and cake.

We are a team of volunteers, our aim being to provide a friendly atmosphere, essentially to people living with arthritis, although we have recently extended our title to “and Friendship Club.”

Currently we have 40 plus guests, many of whom live alone, often having restricting mobility issues, but are able to enjoy a pleasant afternoon with newfound friends.

We have our own mini bus with rear hoist and are able to collect and return guests living within the Ferndown boundary. Currently, we are unable to accept wheelchairs however.

At present the mini bus is in high demand, but alternative transport can be arranged if necessary. If you can make your own way to our group that is also appreciated.

During the summer months we take guests on outings, usually involving food!  Trips into The New Forest or to The Coast. During July we enjoy a boat trip from Poole to Wareham on The Dolphin Boat culminating in fish and chips!

We ask for an annual donation currently of £30 payable in October.  Obviously reduced pro rata for guests joining during the year.  An entrance fee of £5 on arrival for meetings. No charge for first visit. We are nonprofit making, but donations are to cover our running costs. For further information please phone 0330 311 2793 or email

St Nicholas & St Hubert’s Church, Corfe Mullen

Our church praises itself on being a fully inclusive space for the community of Corfe Mullen and the surrounding area.

Our church is a hive of activity for many different groups. Groups such as social clubs, coffee mornings, community lunch, fusion Dementia Friendly choir, knit & natters and many more. All fully inclusive including Dementia Friendly.

Many of our activities can be found in the What’s on sections of this magazine, so please do have a read. For further information please contact Tracie on 01202 602948 /


part of Growing Compassionate Communities Registered Charity Number 1176047

Dementia is a disease that can affect anyone at any time, young and old.

The very minimum requirement of the Ferndown Dementia Friendly Town Steering group, is to understand what it is like to live with dementia not only for those diagnosed, but for their carers too, and to try and help make life a little easier, or the services available more accessible.

This can and does direct the actions of the steering group. Please feel free to email me on with any comments, concerns or questions you may have.

I am extremely pleased and honoured to announce that we have been chosen by Fernhill Dementia Care Home as their Charity of the Year. Fernhill and their team will be fundraising throughout 2025 for Ferndown Dementia Friendly Town and we express our sincere thanks.

Michael Deane – Chairman Ferndown Dementia Steering Group


part of Growing Compassionate Communities Registered Charity Number 1176047

We are a thriving group and are engaging increasing numbers of businesses and organisations in helping the town to become more dementia-friendly. Events take place at a variety of venues around Wimborne. In January, Wimborne Methodist Church hosted a BSO Cake Concert. The concert was part of a BSO community project in which a trio of orchestral players, affectionately known as the Teatime Trio play a range of cameo classical pieces and twentiethcentury standards. The concert interval features tea and cake, always much appreciated. Lyrics were provided and everyone was encouraged to sing along, which they did! One audience member declared it was the best thing she had been to in months, while another praised the beautiful musical arrangements. Search for Cake Concerts on the BSO website www. for details of future concerts in the area. One is planned for Corfe Mullen on 9th May 2025, and in Ferndown in November (TBC).

Looking to the Spring, there will be the usual variety of social events, health workshops and craft groups going on. Look through the What’s On listings and follow up by visiting the websites of the venues and organisations for more details. The Allendale Centre will be holding some free Family Film Days in April. Find out more under ‘Regular Activities’ on the website. Memory and Reminiscence sessions and Craft & Chat afternoons are being offered at the Museum of East Dorset.

June brings the Folk Festival to the town and details of events, including a Saturday afternoon chilled acoustic concert in the Minster, will be on the WMFF website within the next few weeks. So stitch the bells to your trousers and paint your face and we’ll see you there!

WDFC can be contacted at


Despite the rain and wind at the ‘Carols on the Petwyn in December, a great community spirit was enjoyed by all.

Now into 2025 it occurs to me that it is exactly 10 years since our Group was formed with the help of our local council. We have a great team in the Action Group and there is always plenty to keep us busy in raising awareness of dementia, and finding ways to enable support and social activity for carers and those with dementia to live well. Perhaps you would like to be part of our active and enthusiastic team. The more we are, the more we can do.

Another area we are looking at is helping public facing businesses to have an easy way for their staff to know a few basics about dementia and how to respond. It is part of ‘How we can help people with dementia feel safe and valued.” We are producing laminated pocket sized cards with a few key pointers on each side as a handy reminder. We hope these will be in the process of being distributed by the time you receive this magazine. Enjoy the spring time.

For more information contact Lynne on 07485 294507 /

Important contacts

Help & Support lines

Access to Wellbeing

Age UK

0800 678 1174

Alzheimer’s Society -

Carers Support Dorset

Christians Against Poverty

0800 368 8349

07458 395740

Crisp 01202 128787

Citizens Advice 0800 1448848

Dorset Mind 01202 551660

Dorset Open Door

‘Supporting Bereavement Together’

Help and Care

01305 361361

0300 111 3303

Help and Care Dementia Co-ordinator Service 0300 1231916

The Leonardo Trust – Charity No: 1086045 01202 698325

Livewell Dorset -

Memory Support & Advisory Service

National Dementia Helpline

0300 1231916

0300 2221122

NHS Helpline (Health advice) 111

Community Contacts

Corfe Mullen Dementia Friendly Community

East Dorset Good Neighbours

Ferndown Community Support CIC

07715 940548 Peter Jones/

01202 804003

01202 936121

Ferndown Dementia Friendly Community 07900 898085 @Ferndowndementiafriendlytown

Growing Compassionate Communities

In Jolly Good Company

Oakley Friends - Carer Support

07715 940548

07884 333117

07999 402114 01202 804914

Pramalife 01202 804904

Reach & Care

07715 940548 Peter Jones/

West Moors Carers Group - Alison 01202 865800

West Moors Dementia Action Group 01425 477470 Lynne Morris

Wimborne Dementia

Friendly Community -

Social Prescribers

Crane Valley Network Poole North PCN

Wimborne and Ferndown PCN


Reach & Care

07715 940548 Peter Jones/

Dial a ride Wimborne -

Wimborne Neighbour Car

07912 273722

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