TY Parent Information Night 2023/24
“You only get out of it what you put into it”
“You only get out of it what you put into it”
TY Co-Ordinator and Year Head: Ms. Lanigan
TY Assistant: Ms. Gontyte
TY Deputy Principal: Ms. N' O Brien
TY Tutors: Ms. Kelly (TY A)
Ms. O Donnell (TY B)
Mr. Conlon (TY C)
Ms. Lawlor (TY D)
Mr. Connell (TY E)
TY Module 1: August 31st- Friday 17th November (10 Weeks)
TY Module 2:Monday 20th November- Friday 9th February (11 Weeks)
TY Module 3: Monday 19th Feb- TUESDAY 21st May (11 Weeks)
Subjects that students will change after each module; (10/11 Weeks)
•European St./Sign Language/Development Ed/Agricultural Sci/Céilí
•Business/Economics/Accounting/LIFT Leadership Programme/Gardening
•History/ Politics & Society/ Spanish (ABC)
• Irish (ABC)
*Students will do THREE out of these FIVE modules.
*Module 1-Test results in Christmas report, Module 2&3-Test results in summer report.
• Holocaust Studies/Geography (TY D&E)
• Irish (TY D&E)
• English will swap every 6 weeks (5 modules)
Subjects that students will have for the entire year (NO CHANGE): (32 Weeks)
•Students dedicated subject- Music, Art, Home Ec, Science or Social Science.
•Maths, Religion, IT, Pastoral Care, PE, Health Ed, Spanish (D/E), Mini Company, Active Flag, French/Italian, Sound Engineering.
• Date to be confirmed- January 2024
• All TYs will be involved in the musical.
• 6 teachers involved- UMA, JW, RB, CGN, ECA, EF
• 2 hours a week- P3 Monday, P5 on Thursday.
• Rehearsals after school Monday & Thursday
• Auditions and workshops-Begin next week
• Students are NOT to miss classes for musical.
• After the musical, classes will resume to modular Art, Home Ec, Music, Forensic Science, Artistic Performance and Dance.
Having good attendance is a vital part of TY. If a student is absent, you must write a note in their journal for their tutor. If a student needs to leave school early, you must write a note in their journal AND phone the school.
Attendance on trips is compulsory. If a student is sick on the morning of a trip, you must message the teacher who is organising the trip on TEAMS. They also must have a note in her journal when they return to school.
Where possible medical appointments should be made outside of school hours.
Student's diary of her Transition Year.
They must write in it every day.
If they are absent, they note that in their logbook so their tutor knows why there is no entry for that day.
Students can decorate it with photos, bus tickets from trip, memorabilia collected on trips etc. (It is NOT a diary of their social events)
Work Experience Dates Term 1: Wednesday 6th SeptemberWednesday 6th December
Work Experience Dates Term 2: Wednesday 10th January-
Wednesday 8th May
*We also allow students out on block work experience*
NB: If a student is sick and cannot go to work experience, they must phone the employer and the school to inform us. A message should be left for their tutor. If they are unable to call the school- send private message to Ms. Lanigan & Tutor on TEAMS.
On the Wednesdays when there is no work experience, a trip will be organized or students will be in school for a workshop/activity. They are not days off.
• TY European Trip Provisional
• Date- still waiting on quotes.
• Cost- still waiting on quotes.
• Update via TEAMS and tutor as soon as we have more details.
TY TEAMS page is set up as part of their Outlook 365 school account. Please make sure that all TY students sign up to this team as we will be posting regular updates about all the various things happening in TY throughout the year. They can download the Teams app and have it on their phones.
TY Students (and Parents) are also encouraged to follow out Twitter page @tycolaistebride for regular TY updates and pictures from the year.
• TY induction and bonding: 28th and 29th of August. • 6th September- All TYs start work experience.
14th September- All TYs start work experience
25th September- School Closed
Trinity Access Programme/Bridge 21 – Talk from Trinity (Tues 5th Sept provisional) • 1st CodePlus Programme- 12th-15th Sept
End of Sept- TY Bonding trip
*TY trips: Permission slips (with a parent/guardian signature)will be needed for all TY trips. Students will take a photo of their permission slip and upload it to TEAMS as an assignment.
• TY- "You only get out of it what you put into it"...sign up, get involved, take part- so many new opportunities.
• Medical Condition- Inform tutor and get medical form- fill in at home and return to tutor.
• TYs in 4 days a week- every Wednesday on work experience. If they cannot find work experience, they come to school.
• 2 reports on VSware- Christmas and Summer
It is Ireland’s very own National Challenge Award, the country’s most prestigious and respected individual award programme, and a challenge from the President of Ireland, to your children… the nation’s future.
It works on the basis of a personal challenge set by the students themselves. They will set the challenge and agree it with a President’s Award leader (Miss G & Miss Roche). There is no competing with other participants, as each challenge is completely individual.
There are 4 different challenge areas. To earn an award, the student will need to participate in each of the 4 challenge areas. She might decide to build on an activity she has tried in the past. Each participant must participate in at least one new activity to earn an award.
15 euro to sign up.