Middle Leadership Management (Post of Responsibility) Reviewed in 2023/24 Booklet updated October 2023
The information contained in this report is private & confidential.
MIDDLE LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT SCHEDULE OF POSTS (October 2023) As per Circular 0003/2018 Leadership & Management in Post Primary Schools, Coláiste Bríde is entitled to 9 API positions, 1 Programme Coordinator at API level and 10 APII positions. Underpinning the Circular is the Quality Framework for Leadership and Management, Looking At Our School 2016. All post holders will be supported in their role by the Senior Leadership Team of the Principal and Deputy Principals
Assistant Principal I Post Holder
Roles & Responsibilities
Link / Support EBL
Gillian Beere
Sallyann White
Attendance & Punctuality – Tracking / Monitoring Junior & Senior Attendance; Reporting to relevant bodies e.g Tusla. Whole school strategy to support improvement in attendance & punctuality. Year Head - see separate list of duties in the Staff Handbook
Karen Hopkins
Year Head - see separate list of duties in the Staff Handbook
Lorraine Farrell
Year Head - see separate list of duties in the Staff Handbook
Alanna Roche
Year Head - see separate list of duties in the Staff Handbook
Catherine Kelly
Awards, Rewards & Overall Motivation for student learning & Wellbeing. Overall promotion of student Awards, Reward systems on a whole school level and to motivate students in their learning and wellbeing in order to improve student outcomes.
Ursula Bracken
Year Head – see separate list of duties in the Staff Handbook
Orla Coughlan
The Whole School Inclusion / SEN Coordinator has overall responsibility for the SEN Department including EAL/Multicultural Department, Gifted Students Student & parent support re inclusion for learning. Promotion of CPD for teachers Teaching & Learning – Teachers, Students, Parents School Self Evaluation Teacher CPD, Mentoring, Subject Co-Ord Support
(Acting) Elaine Lawlor, Acting DP)
(Acting for Sonya Slattery on career break)
Paula Finnegan Sinéad Ward (Acting) on maternity leave (Claire Comerford on maternity leave)
Programme Coordinator at API Level Grace Lanigan
This post holder has overall responsibility for Programmes in our school. This includes LCA, TY, JCSP, LCVP. Linking with all coordinators and all staff in planning for the provision of all programmes in the school. The programme coordinator has particular responsibility for TY. Responsibilty for all work experience – LCA, LCVP, TY
Assistant Principal II Philip Kennedy
Website / PR CFES Programme Student Leadership, Voice, Student Council & Prefects Extra-curricular Coordinator Mock Examinations -timetabling, communicating with staff, students and parents, collection of fees, organisation of papers, setting deadlines for reporting, rooming, teacher supervision. Teacher Wellbeing New Teacher Induction & Support Teacher Mentor / Mentee Support Junior Cycle – CBA Planning / SLAR Facilitator Support Wellbeing Curriculum Planning JCPA – Collation of data – OAL’s
Deborah McArdle
Health & Safety Coordinator Student References – 6th year
Curriculum Planning – Subject Department Support / Co-ordinator support / Programme Support with curriculum planning documentation. Staff CPD Promotion and Support for Teaching & Learning Senior Cycle Review / Board of Studies LCVP Co-ordinator Policy Review
Nikita O’Reilly (Acting Acting) SW Acting Up MOK (Acting / Secondment)
LCA Coordinator
Conal Cuttle (Acting) (OC acting up)
Tracking of Academic Progress & Potential of Junior and Senior students – communicating with SEN Co-coordinator/ relevant teachers to identify gaps. Assessment & Reporting
Bernie Bishop
Louise Fallon
Kathryn Hennessy
Emma O’Gorman
Paula Finnegan Acting Up
VACANT Deirdre O’Connor (Acting – Career Break 23/24) AR Acting Up (GL Special)
Voluntary Posts ✓ Gintare Gontyte - TY Assistant ✓ Neasa Moloney – Traveller Coordinator ✓ Sarah-Jayne Carey – ICT Coordinator ✓ Emma O’Gorman – Multicultural Coordinator ✓ Lorraine McConkey - JCSP ✓ Junior Cycle Management Resource hours – EOG
Statement of Roles and Responsibilities Attendance & Punctuality The post of responsibility structure in schools is based on distributed leadership model, involving the establishment and facilitation of leadership teams with appropriately defined and shared responsibilities. Subject to the overall authority of the Board of Management, the post holder is accountable for the fulfillment of his/her role to the Principal of the school Name of Teacher:
Gillian Beere
Level of Post: AP1
1. Role, Responsibilities & Objectives The Role: Attendance & Punctuality Responsibility: This post holder has responsibility for the over promotion of attendance and punctuality to include tracking, monitoring and reporting to the relevant bodies. Objectives: • • • • • • • • •
Promoting the importance of attendance to the whole school community. Implementing an Attendance Strategy at a whole school level. Provide tutor / teacher support to ensure accurate VSWare record keeping on attendance Tracking students who are late and placing regular latecomers on detention. Sending relevant letters home to parents when their daughters have been absent from school stating that Tusla will be informed when their daughter has missed twenty school days. Completing the TESS returns for the Annual Absence Report and the Student Absence Report to Tusla. Liaising/Supporting students and parents who have poor attendance Linking with EWO, Sr.Gemma, School Refusal Link Teacher, SCP Co-Ordinator Being responsive to new and emerging needs relating to attendance and punctuality.
Assistant Principal will support best practice as set out in Looking at Our School 2016, the leadership and management structure in the school and those charged with its implementation and the principle of flexibility in the assignment of roles and responsibilities. The Assistant Principal will support and promote the school ethos, high quality in student care, learning and teaching and the development of student voice, participation and leadership. The Assistant Principal will collaborate with colleagues in ongoing review and critique of school policies in line with SSE principles and in promoting a culture of professional responsibility and accountability Please find attached document containing the statements from Looking at Our Schools that are linked with this Role and Responsibility 2. In consideration of the Teacher undertaking the roles and responsibilities assigned, the School shall authorize the Department of Education and Skills to pay the appropriate allowance for the level (AP1 OR AP2) of post from the schedule of salaries and allowances for teachers at the rate agreed from time to time in the Teachers’ Conciliation and Arbitration Scheme or such other Scheme as may replace same or be otherwise agreed from time to time, in addition to the Teacher’s scale salary.
Teacher Date: ______________________
Acknowledgment of Receipt: _________________________ Principal
Statement of Roles and Responsibilities Year Head The post of responsibility structure in schools is based on distributed leadership model, involving the establishment and facilitation of leadership teams with appropriately defined and shared responsibilities. Subject to the overall authority of the Board of Management, the post holder is accountable for the fulfillment of his/her role to the Principal of the school Name of Teacher: LFarrell, KHopkins, SWhite, ARoche (Acting) & UBracken
Level of Post: AP1
1. Role, Responsibilities & Objectives Role: Year Head Responsibility: The Year Head has overall responsibility for the year group, maintaining an orderly, secure and healthy environment in a manner that demonstrates equality, fairness and justice. Objectives: • Behaviour management of year group – processing of dockets, red cards, issuing detentions, conduct sheets, class behaviour plans etc. • Rewarding students, well done cards, promoting of positive behaviour and creating a culture of kindness/positivity through themed assemblies, guest speakers. • Overall welfare of the year group. Monitoring of student wellbeing and communicate effectively with parents, students, pastoral care/guidance where appropriate etc • Promote a culture of improvement, collaboration and commitment to success. • Support students to reflect on their progress as learners and to develop ownership and responsibility for their learning. • Monitor and provide feedback on academic performance of students. • Maintain up-to –date records including tracking, monitoring and reporting. • Planning bonding days, wellbeing activities, year group events. • Being pre-emptive and responsive to emerging year group needs. The Assistant Principal will support best practice as set out in Looking at Our School 2016, the leadership and management structure in the school and those charged with its implementation and the principle of flexibility in the assignment of roles and responsibilities. The Assistant Principal will support and promote the school ethos, high quality in student care, learning and teaching and the development of student voice, participation and leadership. The Assistant Principal will collaborate with colleagues in ongoing review and critique of school policies in line with SSE principles and in promoting a culture of professional responsibility and accountability Please find attached document containing the statements from Looking at Our Schools that are linked with this Role and Responsibility 2. In consideration of the Teacher undertaking the roles and responsibilities assigned, the School shall authorize the Department of Education and Skills to pay the appropriate allowance for the level (AP1 OR AP2) of post from the schedule of salaries and allowances for teachers at the rate agreed from time to time in the Teachers’ Conciliation and Arbitration Scheme or such other Scheme as may replace same or be otherwise agreed from time to time, in addition to the Teacher’s scale salary. Signature:
Date: __________
Acknowledgment of Receipt: _________________________ Principal
Statement of Roles and Responsibilities Awards & Rewards Student Motivation for Learning & Wellbeing The post of responsibility structure in schools is based on distributed leadership model, involving the establishment and facilitation of leadership teams with appropriately defined and shared responsibilities. Subject to the overall authority of the Board of Management, the post holder is accountable for the fulfillment of his/her role to the Principal of the school Name of Teacher:
Catherine Kelly
Level of Post: AP1
1. Role, Responsibilities & Objectives Role: Awards & Rewards, Student Motivation for Learning & Wellbeing Responsibility: This post holder has responsibility for the over promotion of student Awards, Reward systems on a whole school level and to motivate students in their learning and wellbeing in order to improve student outcomes. Objectives: • • • • • • • •
Promotion of positive behaviour for learning with all year groups. Organisation and development of school Award systems Review of Award systems in consultation with whole school community Development of systems/supports to maximise student potential and achievement Promote good practice of student learning using student voice to inform practice Promote reward systems with teachers to ensure that student effort, hard work and dedication is acknowledged Showcase the various activities to the wider school community including parents Create effective ways to capture student achievement and celebrate this.
The Assistant Principal will support best practice as set out in Looking at Our School 2016, the leadership and management structure in the school and those charged with its implementation and the principle of flexibility in the assignment of roles and responsibilities. The Assistant Principal will support and promote the school ethos, high quality in student care, learning and teaching and the development of student voice, participation and leadership. The Assistant Principal will collaborate with colleagues in ongoing review and critique of school policies in line with SSE principles and in promoting a culture of professional responsibility and accountability Please find attached document containing the statements from Looking at Our Schools that are linked with this Role and Responsibility 2. In consideration of the Teacher undertaking the roles and responsibilities assigned, the School shall authorize the Department of Education and Skills to pay the appropriate allowance for the level (AP1 OR AP2) of post from the schedule of salaries and allowances for teachers at the rate agreed from time to time in the Teachers’ Conciliation and Arbitration Scheme or such other Scheme as may replace same or be otherwise agreed from time to time, in addition to the Teacher’s scale salary. Signature:
______________________________ Teacher
Date: ______________
Acknowledgment of Receipt: _________________________ Principal
Statement of Roles and Responsibilities Whole School Inclusion The post of responsibility structure in schools is based on distributed leadership model, involving the establishment and facilitation of leadership teams with appropriately defined and shared responsibilities. Subject to the overall authority of the Board of Management, the post holder is accountable for the fulfillment of his/her role to the Principal of the school Name of Teacher:
Orla Coughlan (Acting for SSL)
Level of Post: AP1
1. Role, Responsibilities & Objectives Role: Whole School Inclusion Responsibility: The SEN Co-ordinator has overall responsibility for the SEN Department including EAL/Multicultural Department. Objectives: • Co-Ordinate SEN Department- including the EAL/Multicultural department: Linking with the various CORE team members who have individually assigned areas which they oversee. • Responsible for the development of Whole School Inclusion Policy- overseeing its implementation • Assist in Co-ordination of SEN related assessment e.g Entrance Exams, PADEE testing, EAL assessments. • Assisting with linking with Primary school Leaders and Class teachers in advance of Incoming first years. • Preparation of relevant Supports and Timetables for students with additional needs/exemptions: Group Withdrawals, Co- Teaching and one to ones. • Liaising with all staff regarding support for students with AEN, gifted, EAL. • Preparation of and sharing of relevant support documents to staff in support of students with AEN. • Communication with parents regarding support for students with AEN • State Exams: Co-ordinator of RACE • Supporting the work of our team of SNAs. • Reports: Preparation of relevant student reports, and paperwork to access additional outside supports e.g SENO, SNA support, • Meet the emerging needs of students and put in place a plan of action. • Promotion of related CPD for teachers The Assistant Principal will support best practice as set out in Looking at Our School 2016, the leadership and management structure in the school and those charged with its implementation and the principle of flexibility in the assignment of roles and responsibilities. The Assistant Principal will support and promote the school ethos, high quality in student care, learning and teaching and the development of student voice, participation and leadership. The Assistant Principal will collaborate with colleagues in ongoing review and critique of school policies in line with SSE principles and in promoting a culture of professional responsibility and accountability Please find attached document containing the statements from Looking at Our Schools that are linked with this Role and Responsibility 2. In consideration of the Teacher undertaking the roles and responsibilities assigned, the School shall authorize the Department of Education and Skills to pay the appropriate allowance for the level (AP1 OR AP2) of post from the schedule of salaries and allowances for teachers at the rate agreed from time to time in the Teachers’ Conciliation and Arbitration Scheme or such other Scheme as may replace same or be otherwise agreed from time to time, in addition to the Teacher’s scale salary. Signature:
Date: _____________________
Acknowledgment of Receipt: _________________________ Principal
Statement of Roles and Responsibilities Teaching and Learning The post of responsibility structure in schools is based on distributed leadership model, involving the establishment and facilitation of leadership teams with appropriately defined and shared responsibilities. Subject to the overall authority of the Board of Management, the post holder is accountable for the fulfillment of his/her role to the Principal of the school Name of Teacher:
Level of Post: AP1
1. Role, Responsibilities & Objectives Role: Teaching and Learning Coordinator Responsibility: This post holder has responsibility for promoting best practice in teaching and learning to our staff and students Objectives: • Promotion of best practice in teaching, learning and assessment. Embed the good practice of group work, active teaching methodologies, AFL strategies etc. • Utilise staff noticeboard and online team site for shared resources. • Design / Plan / Deliver teacher CPD when relevant – Croke Park Days / Junior Cycle Days / Teach Meets. • Organise and deliver effective and consistent weekly lunch & learn schedule. • Design and deliver study skill workshops to all students that support the teaching methodologies in our classrooms. • Design and deliver relevant student skills workshops to parents to support their child’s education. • Work on relevant information for student journal and staff handbook in relation to T&L. • Design and create Teaching and Learning Handbook for staff for the beginning of the academic year. • Support the SSE process in ensuring school improvement plans are implemented effectively. Link with DP leading SSE to support, enhance and showcase / share best practice. • Subject Co-ordinator link person to support best practice planning. • Mentor/ Mentee link person to support best practice support. • Capture feedback to support planning forward in all areas assigned. • Design and create a bank of teaching and learning templates that support teachers in the classroom, students in their learning or parents supporting their child. • Collation of staff CPD to support their professional development. The Assistant Principal will support best practice as set out in Looking at Our School 2022-26, the leadership and management structure in the school and those charged with its implementation and the principle of flexibility in the assignment of roles and responsibilities. The Assistant Principal will support and promote the school ethos, high quality in student care, learning and teaching and the development of student voice, participation and leadership. The Assistant Principal will collaborate with colleagues in ongoing review and critique of school policies in line with SSE principles and in promoting a culture of professional responsibility and accountability Please find attached document containing the statements from Looking at Our Schools that are linked with this Role and Responsibility
2. In consideration of the Teacher undertaking the roles and responsibilities assigned, the School shall authorize the Department of Education and Skills to pay the appropriate allowance for the level (AP1 OR AP2) of post from the schedule of salaries and allowances for teachers at the rate agreed from time to time in the Teachers’ Conciliation and Arbitration Scheme or such other Scheme as may replace same or be otherwise agreed from time to time, in addition to the Teacher’s scale salary.
______________________________ Teacher Date: _________________
Acknowledgment of Receipt: _________________________ Principal
Statement of Roles and Responsibilities Programme Co-ordinator The post of responsibility structure in schools is based on distributed leadership model, involving the establishment and facilitation of leadership teams with appropriately defined and shared responsibilities. Subject to the overall authority of the Board of Management, the post holder is accountable for the fulfillment of his/her role to the Principal of the school Name of Teacher:
Grace Lanigan
Level of Post: AP1
1. Role, Responsibilities & Objectives Role: Programme Co-ordinator Responsibility: This post holder has overall responsibility for Programmes in our school. This includes LCA, TY, JCSP, LCVP. The programme co-ordinator has particular responsibility for TY and all work experience activities. Objectives: • • • • • • • • • •
Oversee and assist with relevant student/teacher supports within the programme areas of TY, LCA, LCVP, JCSP. Co-Ordination of TY - teacher timetables, class lists, modules, tutor groups Promotion of TY to 3rd Year students & their parents. Organise and oversee information sessions on TY, LCA, LCVP for incoming senior cycle students Develop curricular and co-curricular supports within the TY programme. Support for Teacher CPD and teacher engagement within the TY programme. Co-Ordination of Work Experience for TY, LCA, LCVP. Promotion of opportunities to enhance student experiences in each of the relevant programmes Ensuring Subject Department Plans & Programme Plans are up to date and reflect the relevant programmes. Co-ordinating student data collection and feedback for each programme to find out what is working well and what can be improved.
The Assistant Principal will support best practice as set out in Looking at Our School 2016, the leadership and management structure in the school and those charged with its implementation and the principle of flexibility in the assignment of roles and responsibilities. The Assistant Principal will support and promote the school ethos, high quality in student care, learning and teaching and the development of student voice, participation and leadership. The Assistant Principal will collaborate with colleagues in ongoing review and critique of school policies in line with SSE principles and in promoting a culture of professional responsibility and accountability Please find attached document containing the statements from Looking at Our Schools that are linked with this Role and Responsibility 2. In consideration of the Teacher undertaking the roles and responsibilities assigned, the School shall authorize the Department of Education and Skills to pay the appropriate allowance for the level (AP1 OR AP2) of post from the schedule of salaries and allowances for teachers at the rate agreed from time to time in the Teachers’ Conciliation and Arbitration Scheme or such other Scheme as may replace same or be otherwise agreed from time to time, in addition to the Teacher’s scale salary. Signature:
______________________________ Teacher
Acknowledgment of Receipt: _________________________ Principal
Statement of Roles and Responsibilities PR Website The post of responsibility structure in schools is based on distributed leadership model, involving the establishment and facilitation of leadership teams with appropriately defined and shared responsibilities. Subject to the overall authority of the Board of Management, the post holder is accountable for the fulfillment of his/her role to the Principal of the school Name of Teacher:
Level of Post: AP2
1. Role, Responsibilities & Objectives
Role: PR & Website Responsibility: This post holder has responsibility for the updating, uploading and training teachers on our new website. Objectives: • • •
Training teachers who are interested in uploading content to the website Monitoring & Uploading content to the website when needed PR promotion of school related activities on website and social media platform when necessary
The Assistant Principal will support best practice as set out in Looking at Our School 2016, the leadership and management structure in the school and those charged with its implementation and the principle of flexibility in the assignment of roles and responsibilities. The Assistant Principal will support and promote the school ethos, high quality in student care, learning and teaching and the development of student voice, participation and leadership. The Assistant Principal will collaborate with colleagues in ongoing review and critique of school policies in line with SSE principles and in promoting a culture of professional responsibility and accountability Please find attached document containing the statements from Looking at Our Schools that are linked with this Role and Responsibility 2. In consideration of the Teacher undertaking the roles and responsibilities assigned, the School shall authorize the Department of Education and Skills to pay the appropriate allowance for the level (AP1 OR AP2) of post from the schedule of salaries and allowances for teachers at the rate agreed from time to time in the Teachers’ Conciliation and Arbitration Scheme or such other Scheme as may replace same or be otherwise agreed from time to time, in addition to the Teacher’s scale salary.
______________________________ Teacher
Acknowledgment of Receipt: _________________________ Principal
Date: ___________________
Statement of Roles and Responsibilities CFES Coordinator The post of responsibility structure in schools is based on distributed leadership model, involving the establishment and facilitation of leadership teams with appropriately defined and shared responsibilities. Subject to the overall authority of the Board of Management, the post holder is accountable for the fulfillment of his/her role to the Principal of the school Name of Teacher:
Philip Kennedy
Level of Post: AP2
1. Role, Responsibilities & Objectives Role: CFES Coordinator The
Responsibility: This post holder has responsibility for ensuring that our school is fully engaged with the CFES Programme Objectives: • • • • •
Promotion of specific CFES Activities to relevant student / year groups Responsibility for the coordinating of specific CFES Programmes. Data collection – whole school survey for teachers and students. Consent – gathering online consent for all incoming 1st Years. Promotion of staff CPD / Teach Meets / Staff Room Chats/ TA21 Mailer / Opportunities
Assistant Principal will support best practice as set out in Looking at Our School 2016, the leadership and management structure in the school and those charged with its implementation and the principle of flexibility in the assignment of roles and responsibilities. The Assistant Principal will support and promote the school ethos, high quality in student care, learning and teaching and the development of student voice, participation and leadership. The Assistant Principal will collaborate with colleagues in ongoing review and critique of school policies in line with SSE principles and in promoting a culture of professional responsibility and accountability Please find attached document containing the statements from Looking at Our Schools that are linked with this Role and Responsibility 2. In consideration of the Teacher undertaking the roles and responsibilities assigned, the School shall authorize the Department of Education and Skills to pay the appropriate allowance for the level (AP1 OR AP2) of post from the schedule of salaries and allowances for teachers at the rate agreed from time to time in the Teachers’ Conciliation and Arbitration Scheme or such other Scheme as may replace same or be otherwise agreed from time to time, in addition to the Teacher’s scale salary.
______________________________ Teacher Date: _________________
Acknowledgment of Receipt: _________________________ Principal
Statement of Roles and Responsibilities Student Leadership, Voice, Council & Prefects The post of responsibility structure in schools is based on distributed leadership model, involving the establishment and facilitation of leadership teams with appropriately defined and shared responsibilities. Subject to the overall authority of the Board of Management, the post holder is accountable for the fulfillment of his/her role to the Principal of the school Name of Teacher:
Level of Post: AP2
1. Role, Responsibilities & Objectives Role: Student Leadership, Voice, Council & Prefects Responsibility: This post holder has responsibility for promoting student voice in our school. The
Objectives: • • • •
Student Council – working in collaboration with Student Council throughout the year on student led initiatives/events Student Prefects – training of prefects, application process, assignment of prefects, monitoring work throughout the year Student Voice – gathering large scale student voice data on pertinent issues relating to the student body. Providing opportunities for students to become active member of their school community by using their voice.
Assistant Principal will support best practice as set out in Looking at Our School 2016, the leadership and management structure in the school and those charged with its implementation and the principle of flexibility in the assignment of roles and responsibilities. The Assistant Principal will support and promote the school ethos, high quality in student care, learning and teaching and the development of student voice, participation and leadership. The Assistant Principal will collaborate with colleagues in ongoing review and critique of school policies in line with SSE principles and in promoting a culture of professional responsibility and accountability Please find attached document containing the statements from Looking at Our Schools that are linked with this Role and Responsibility 2. In consideration of the Teacher undertaking the roles and responsibilities assigned, the School shall authorize the Department of Education and Skills to pay the appropriate allowance for the level (AP1 OR AP2) of post from the schedule of salaries and allowances for teachers at the rate agreed from time to time in the Teachers’ Conciliation and Arbitration Scheme or such other Scheme as may replace same or be otherwise agreed from time to time, in addition to the Teacher’s scale salary.
______________________________ Teacher Date: _________________
Acknowledgment of Receipt: _________________________ Principal
Statement of Roles and Responsibilities Extra-Curricular Coordinator The post of responsibility structure in schools is based on distributed leadership model, involving the establishment and facilitation of leadership teams with appropriately defined and shared responsibilities. Subject to the overall authority of the Board of Management, the post holder is accountable for the fulfillment of his/her role to the Principal of the school Name of Teacher:
Bernie Bishop
Level of Post: AP2
1. Role, Responsibilities & Objectives Role: Extra-Curricular Coordinator The
Responsibility: This post holder has responsibility for promoting extra-curricular activities to all year groups Objectives: • • • • •
Establish a list of activities and get up and running Recruit staff to undertake extra-curricular activities both sporting and non-sporting i.e. library, knitting, ukele clubs etc Organise Clubs and Society Day for students to enrol into activities Ensure extracurricular activities are broad and inclusive of all students Promote extra-curricular activities online, using the noticeboards, via email, intercom.
Assistant Principal will support best practice as set out in Looking at Our School 2016, the leadership and management structure in the school and those charged with its implementation and the principle of flexibility in the assignment of roles and responsibilities. The Assistant Principal will support and promote the school ethos, high quality in student care, learning and teaching and the development of student voice, participation and leadership. The Assistant Principal will collaborate with colleagues in ongoing review and critique of school policies in line with SSE principles and in promoting a culture of professional responsibility and accountability Please find attached document containing the statements from Looking at Our Schools that are linked with this Role and Responsibility 2. In consideration of the Teacher undertaking the roles and responsibilities assigned, the School shall authorize the Department of Education and Skills to pay the appropriate allowance for the level (AP1 OR AP2) of post from the schedule of salaries and allowances for teachers at the rate agreed from time to time in the Teachers’ Conciliation and Arbitration Scheme or such other Scheme as may replace same or be otherwise agreed from time to time, in addition to the Teacher’s scale salary.
______________________________ Teacher Date: _________________
Acknowledgment of Receipt: _________________________ Principal
Statement of Roles and Responsibilities Mock Examinations The post of responsibility structure in schools is based on distributed leadership model, involving the establishment and facilitation of leadership teams with appropriately defined and shared responsibilities. Subject to the overall authority of the Board of Management, the post holder is accountable for the fulfillment of his/her role to the Principal of the school Name of Teacher:
Level of Post:
1. Role, Responsibilities & Objectives Role: Mock Examinations The
Responsibility: This post holder has responsibility for organizing the mock examinations for 3rd & 6th year students in our school Objectives: • • • • •
Setting the mock timetables for both Junior and Leaving Certificate examinations. Organising online payments of money for the mock exam papers Distribution of exams during the mock examination period and preparation in advance Ensuring they are corrected and returned to teachers. Organising teacher supervision and the room changes to facilitate the smooth running of the mock examinations
Assistant Principal will support best practice as set out in Looking at Our School 2016, the leadership and management structure in the school and those charged with its implementation and the principle of flexibility in the assignment of roles and responsibilities. The Assistant Principal will support and promote the school ethos, high quality in student care, learning and teaching and the development of student voice, participation and leadership. The Assistant Principal will collaborate with colleagues in ongoing review and critique of school policies in line with SSE principles and in promoting a culture of professional responsibility and accountability Please find attached document containing the statements from Looking at Our Schools that are linked with this Role and Responsibility 2. In consideration of the Teacher undertaking the roles and responsibilities assigned, the School shall authorize the Department of Education and Skills to pay the appropriate allowance for the level (AP1 OR AP2) of post from the schedule of salaries and allowances for teachers at the rate agreed from time to time in the Teachers’ Conciliation and Arbitration Scheme or such other Scheme as may replace same or be otherwise agreed from time to time, in addition to the Teacher’s scale salary.
______________________________ Teacher Date: _________________
Acknowledgment of Receipt: _________________________ Principal
Statement of Roles and Responsibilities Teacher Wellbeing & Support The post of responsibility structure in schools is based on distributed leadership model, involving the establishment and facilitation of leadership teams with appropriately defined and shared responsibilities. Subject to the overall authority of the Board of Management, the post holder is accountable for the fulfillment of his/her role to the Principal of the school Name of Teacher:
Level of Post: AP2
1. Role, Responsibilities & Objectives Role: Teacher Wellbeing & Support The
Responsibility: This post holder has responsibility for promoting wellbeing and support of our teachers. Objectives: • • • • •
Teacher Wellbeing – promotion of teacher wellbeing events, activities, strategies that support teacher wellbeing practices Planning teacher timetable for Wellbeing Week Teacher Induction – Design and Implement New Teacher Induction Day. Follow up support with regular scheduled check ins with new teachers / PMEs Teacher Mentor Support – Support teacher mentors in their role, promote good practice, guidelines, reminders for mentor and mentee to establish a greater layer of support for new teachers.
Assistant Principal will support best practice as set out in Looking at Our School 2016, the leadership and management structure in the school and those charged with its implementation and the principle of flexibility in the assignment of roles and responsibilities. The Assistant Principal will support and promote the school ethos, high quality in student care, learning and teaching and the development of student voice, participation and leadership. The Assistant Principal will collaborate with colleagues in ongoing review and critique of school policies in line with SSE principles and in promoting a culture of professional responsibility and accountability Please find attached document containing the statements from Looking at Our Schools that are linked with this Role and Responsibility 2. In consideration of the Teacher undertaking the roles and responsibilities assigned, the School shall authorize the Department of Education and Skills to pay the appropriate allowance for the level (AP1 OR AP2) of post from the schedule of salaries and allowances for teachers at the rate agreed from time to time in the Teachers’ Conciliation and Arbitration Scheme or such other Scheme as may replace same or be otherwise agreed from time to time, in addition to the Teacher’s scale salary.
______________________________ Teacher Date: _________________
Acknowledgment of Receipt: _________________________ Principal
Statement of Roles and Responsibilities Junior Cycle The post of responsibility structure in schools is based on distributed leadership model, involving the establishment and facilitation of leadership teams with appropriately defined and shared responsibilities. Subject to the overall authority of the Board of Management, the post holder is accountable for the fulfillment of his/her role to the Principal of the school Name of Teacher:
Emma O’Gorman
Level of Post: AP2
1. Role, Responsibilities & Objectives Role: Teaching and Learning Coordinator Responsibility: This post holder has responsibility for promoting best practice in teaching and learning to our staff and students Objectives: • CBA – Planning & Annual Calendar • SLAR - CPD Facilitator Promotion & Collect and file all SLAR Reports. • JCT CPD Promotion – Teacher Portal Online Registration. • Wellbeing Programme Planning – wellbeing core team planning meetings – one per term / planning templates / develop Wellbeing Team site for planning purposes. • Other Areas of Learning - JCPA • CBA Celebrations – end of year in conjunction with the relevant Year Head & Awards Post Holder
The Assistant Principal will support best practice as set out in Looking at Our School 2016, the leadership and management structure in the school and those charged with its implementation and the principle of flexibility in the assignment of roles and responsibilities. The Assistant Principal will support and promote the school ethos, high quality in student care, learning and teaching and the development of student voice, participation and leadership. The Assistant Principal will collaborate with colleagues in ongoing review and critique of school policies in line with SSE principles and in promoting a culture of professional responsibility and accountability Please find attached document containing the statements from Looking at Our Schools that are linked with this Role and Responsibility 2. In consideration of the Teacher undertaking the roles and responsibilities assigned, the School shall authorize the Department of Education and Skills to pay the appropriate allowance for the level (AP1 OR AP2) of post from the schedule of salaries and allowances for teachers at the rate agreed from time to time in the Teachers’ Conciliation and Arbitration Scheme or such other Scheme as may replace same or be otherwise agreed from time to time, in addition to the Teacher’s scale salary. Signature:
______________________________ Teacher Date: _________________
Acknowledgment of Receipt: _________________________ Principal
Statement of Roles and Responsibilities Health & Safety Coordinator The post of responsibility structure in schools is based on distributed leadership model, involving the establishment and facilitation of leadership teams with appropriately defined and shared responsibilities. Subject to the overall authority of the Board of Management, the post holder is accountable for the fulfillment of his/her role to the Principal of the school Name of Teacher:
Debbie McArdle
Level of Post: AP2
1. Role, Responsibilities & Objectives Role: Health & Safety Coordinator The
Responsibility: This post holder has responsibility for promoting health and safety throughout our school Objectives: • • • • • •
Ensuring First Aid packs & Fire Evacuation boxes are well stocked, defibrillator machines are functioning correctly Keeping up to date with Health & Safety legislation Ensuring adequate number of First Aid Responders (FAR) / Organising FAR Training/Refresher Course Communicating essential H&S information to staff e.g. Medical File, Medication Information Organising and chairing Health & Safety meetings (at least one per term), keeping minutes of same. Fire Drills – ensuring fire drills are implemented in a safe and orderly fashion. Making any necessary amendments to fire drills where improvements are needed / identified
Assistant Principal will support best practice as set out in Looking at Our School 2016, the leadership and management structure in the school and those charged with its implementation and the principle of flexibility in the assignment of roles and responsibilities. The Assistant Principal will support and promote the school ethos, high quality in student care, learning and teaching and the development of student voice, participation and leadership. The Assistant Principal will collaborate with colleagues in ongoing review and critique of school policies in line with SSE principles and in promoting a culture of professional responsibility and accountability Please find attached document containing the statements from Looking at Our Schools that are linked with this Role and Responsibility 2. In consideration of the Teacher undertaking the roles and responsibilities assigned, the School shall authorize the Department of Education and Skills to pay the appropriate allowance for the level (AP1 OR AP2) of post from the schedule of salaries and allowances for teachers at the rate agreed from time to time in the Teachers’ Conciliation and Arbitration Scheme or such other Scheme as may replace same or be otherwise agreed from time to time, in addition to the Teacher’s scale salary.
______________________________ Teacher Date: _________________
Acknowledgment of Receipt: _________________________ Principal
Statement of Roles and Responsibilities Student References The post of responsibility structure in schools is based on distributed leadership model, involving the establishment and facilitation of leadership teams with appropriately defined and shared responsibilities. Subject to the overall authority of the Board of Management, the post holder is accountable for the fulfillment of his/her role to the Principal of the school Name of Teacher:
Level of Post: AP2
1. Role, Responsibilities & Objectives Role: Student References The
Responsibility: This post holder has responsibility for providing 6th year students with a school related reference Objectives: • •
Provide student references for 6th Year students Set up a data gathering mechanism to ensure the reference reflects accurately to students’ time in Coláiste Bríde.
Assistant Principal will support best practice as set out in Looking at Our School 2016, the leadership and management structure in the school and those charged with its implementation and the principle of flexibility in the assignment of roles and responsibilities. The Assistant Principal will support and promote the school ethos, high quality in student care, learning and teaching and the development of student voice, participation and leadership. The Assistant Principal will collaborate with colleagues in ongoing review and critique of school policies in line with SSE principles and in promoting a culture of professional responsibility and accountability Please find attached document containing the statements from Looking at Our Schools that are linked with this Role and Responsibility 2. In consideration of the Teacher undertaking the roles and responsibilities assigned, the School shall authorize the Department of Education and Skills to pay the appropriate allowance for the level (AP1 OR AP2) of post from the schedule of salaries and allowances for teachers at the rate agreed from time to time in the Teachers’ Conciliation and Arbitration Scheme or such other Scheme as may replace same or be otherwise agreed from time to time, in addition to the Teacher’s scale salary.
______________________________ Teacher Date: _________________
Acknowledgment of Receipt: _________________________ Principal
Statement of Roles and Responsibilities LCVP Coordinator The post of responsibility structure in schools is based on distributed leadership model, involving the establishment and facilitation of leadership teams with appropriately defined and shared responsibilities. Subject to the overall authority of the Board of Management, the post holder is accountable for the fulfillment of his/her role to the Principal of the school Name of Teacher:
Level of Post: AP1 or
1. Role, Responsibilities & Objectives Role: LCVP Coordinator The
Responsibility: This post holder has responsibility for the LCVP Programme in our school Objectives: • • • •
Chairing and planning for subject department meetings Ensuring all course content is completed in a timely manner and that the LCVP portfolio work is covered by subject teachers. Creating community links to enhance the LCVP Programme the deepens students’ knowledge and awareness of the world of work. Providing opportunities for students to gain real life experience within the work setting Organising the LCVP exam in May, allocating students to exam centres, ensuring P2 form is correctly completed and posted, ensuring safe postage of exam scripts.
Assistant Principal will support best practice as set out in Looking at Our School 2016, the leadership and management structure in the school and those charged with its implementation and the principle of flexibility in the assignment of roles and responsibilities. The Assistant Principal will support and promote the school ethos, high quality in student care, learning and teaching and the development of student voice, participation and leadership. The Assistant Principal will collaborate with colleagues in ongoing review and critique of school policies in line with SSE principles and in promoting a culture of professional responsibility and accountability Please find attached document containing the statements from Looking at Our Schools that are linked with this Role and Responsibility 2. In consideration of the Teacher undertaking the roles and responsibilities assigned, the School shall authorize the Department of Education and Skills to pay the appropriate allowance for the level (AP1 OR AP2) of post from the schedule of salaries and allowances for teachers at the rate agreed from time to time in the Teachers’ Conciliation and Arbitration Scheme or such other Scheme as may replace same or be otherwise agreed from time to time, in addition to the Teacher’s scale salary.
______________________________ Teacher Date: _________________
Acknowledgment of Receipt: _________________________ Principal
Statement of Roles and Responsibilities Policies Coordinator The post of responsibility structure in schools is based on distributed leadership model, involving the establishment and facilitation of leadership teams with appropriately defined and shared responsibilities. Subject to the overall authority of the Board of Management, the post holder is accountable for the fulfillment of his/her role to the Principal of the school Name of Teacher:
Level of Post: AP2
1. Role, Responsibilities & Objectives Role: Policies Coordinator The
Responsibility: This post holder has responsibility for ensuring that policies are up to date and reviewed regularly. Objectives: • • • • • •
Coordinated list of all Policies held, separated into mandatory and non- mandatory. Review date column included. Link with Principal and Bernie where relevant. Leading the review, linking with relevant post holder or team of relevant teachers, ensuring its set-in motion, timeframe outlined. Ensure relevant stakeholders are consulted and included in the review (where applicable) Communication piece to parents, staff re: new policy if applicable. Submitted to Board – where relevant. Upload/shared to relevant school sites where relevant e.g. Website, Teams site, Staff handbook or prospectus, Newsletter, twitter (if promotion is relevant)
Assistant Principal will support best practice as set out in Looking at Our School 2016, the leadership and management structure in the school and those charged with its implementation and the principle of flexibility in the assignment of roles and responsibilities. The Assistant Principal will support and promote the school ethos, high quality in student care, learning and teaching and the development of student voice, participation and leadership. The Assistant Principal will collaborate with colleagues in ongoing review and critique of school policies in line with SSE principles and in promoting a culture of professional responsibility and accountability Please find attached document containing the statements from Looking at Our Schools that are linked with this Role and Responsibility 2. In consideration of the Teacher undertaking the roles and responsibilities assigned, the School shall authorize the Department of Education and Skills to pay the appropriate allowance for the level (AP1 OR AP2) of post from the schedule of salaries and allowances for teachers at the rate agreed from time to time in the Teachers’ Conciliation and Arbitration Scheme or such other Scheme as may replace same or be otherwise agreed from time to time, in addition to the Teacher’s scale salary.
______________________________ Teacher Date: _________________
Acknowledgment of Receipt: _________________________ Principal
Statement of Roles and Responsibilities LCA Coordinator The post of responsibility structure in schools is based on distributed leadership model, involving the establishment and facilitation of leadership teams with appropriately defined and shared responsibilities. Subject to the overall authority of the Board of Management, the post holder is accountable for the fulfillment of his/her role to the Principal of the school Name of Teacher:
Level of Post: AP2
1. Role, Responsibilities & Objectives Role: LCA Coordinator The
Responsibility: This post holder has responsibility for Leaving Certificate Applied Programme in our school and liaising with both the students and staff engaged with LCA Objectives: • • • • • • •
Prepare Curriculum Framework for a 2 year cycle. Staff communication: start of year, mid-year programme meetings. All relevant updates for planning and deadlines. Encourage all relevant Staff CPD and training. Collation and collection of credits- linking to SEC for submitting of credits. Link to SEC for all relevant information and planning around exams, interviews and orals. Student support throughout the 2 year cycle. Motivation and encouragement for team of LCA teachers.
Assistant Principal will support best practice as set out in Looking at Our School 2016, the leadership and management structure in the school and those charged with its implementation and the principle of flexibility in the assignment of roles and responsibilities. The Assistant Principal will support and promote the school ethos, high quality in student care, learning and teaching and the development of student voice, participation and leadership. The Assistant Principal will collaborate with colleagues in ongoing review and critique of school policies in line with SSE principles and in promoting a culture of professional responsibility and accountability Please find attached document containing the statements from Looking at Our Schools that are linked with this Role and Responsibility 2. In consideration of the Teacher undertaking the roles and responsibilities assigned, the School shall authorize the Department of Education and Skills to pay the appropriate allowance for the level (AP1 OR AP2) of post from the schedule of salaries and allowances for teachers at the rate agreed from time to time in the Teachers’ Conciliation and Arbitration Scheme or such other Scheme as may replace same or be otherwise agreed from time to time, in addition to the Teacher’s scale salary.
______________________________ Teacher Date: _________________
Acknowledgment of Receipt: _________________________ Principal
Statement of Roles and Responsibilities Tracking Academic Progress The post of responsibility structure in schools is based on distributed leadership model, involving the establishment and facilitation of leadership teams with appropriately defined and shared responsibilities. Subject to the overall authority of the Board of Management, the post holder is accountable for the fulfillment of his/her role to the Principal of the school Name of Teacher:
Level of Post: AP2
1. Role, Responsibilities & Objectives Role: Tracking Academic Progress The
Responsibility: This post holder has responsibility for tracking the academic potential and progress of our students. Objectives: • • • • •
Tracking academic progress and potential of Junior and Senior Cycle students Communicating tracking system with year heads, teachers, students, parents Review and devise a system to monitor student progress. Bring identified students to SEN Team / Year Heads to discuss and plan forward. Plan in conjunction with the SEN Co-ordinator/ Year Heads interventions to address gaps where necessary
Assistant Principal will support best practice as set out in Looking at Our School 2016, the leadership and management structure in the school and those charged with its implementation and the principle of flexibility in the assignment of roles and responsibilities. The Assistant Principal will support and promote the school ethos, high quality in student care, learning and teaching and the development of student voice, participation and leadership. The Assistant Principal will collaborate with colleagues in ongoing review and critique of school policies in line with SSE principles and in promoting a culture of professional responsibility and accountability Please find attached document containing the statements from Looking at Our Schools that are linked with this Role and Responsibility 2. In consideration of the Teacher undertaking the roles and responsibilities assigned, the School shall authorize the Department of Education and Skills to pay the appropriate allowance for the level (AP1 OR AP2) of post from the schedule of salaries and allowances for teachers at the rate agreed from time to time in the Teachers’ Conciliation and Arbitration Scheme or such other Scheme as may replace same or be otherwise agreed from time to time, in addition to the Teacher’s scale salary.
______________________________ Teacher Date: _________________
Acknowledgment of Receipt: _________________________ Principal
Statement of Roles and Responsibilities Assessment & Reporting The post of responsibility structure in schools is based on distributed leadership model, involving the establishment and facilitation of leadership teams with appropriately defined and shared responsibilities. Subject to the overall authority of the Board of Management, the post holder is accountable for the fulfillment of his/her role to the Principal of the school Name of Teacher:
Level of Post: AP2
1. Role, Responsibilities & Objectives Role: Assessment & Reporting The
Responsibility: This post holder has responsibility for assessments and reporting on VSWare Objectives: • • • • • • •
Set deadlines for reporting windows on VSWare and communicate to teachers Update dropdown menus for comments to improve feedback for students Ensure CBA descriptors are inputted on to VSWare after SLAR takes place for 2nd & 3rd Year students Cross Tabulate all student reports to ensure they are completed with relevant grade/descriptor/teacher comment Communicate with all relevant teachers /admin team regarding the above. Update Assessment Policy when relevant and share with Teachers. Jump A Grade – be familiar with this feedback tool to support teachers
Assistant Principal will support best practice as set out in Looking at Our School 2016, the leadership and management structure in the school and those charged with its implementation and the principle of flexibility in the assignment of roles and responsibilities. The Assistant Principal will support and promote the school ethos, high quality in student care, learning and teaching and the development of student voice, participation and leadership. The Assistant Principal will collaborate with colleagues in ongoing review and critique of school policies in line with SSE principles and in promoting a culture of professional responsibility and accountability Please find attached document containing the statements from Looking at Our Schools that are linked with this Role and Responsibility 2. In consideration of the Teacher undertaking the roles and responsibilities assigned, the School shall authorize the Department of Education and Skills to pay the appropriate allowance for the level (AP1 OR AP2) of post from the schedule of salaries and allowances for teachers at the rate agreed from time to time in the Teachers’ Conciliation and Arbitration Scheme or such other Scheme as may replace same or be otherwise agreed from time to time, in addition to the Teacher’s scale salary.
______________________________ Teacher Date: _________________
Acknowledgment of Receipt: _________________________ Principal
Statement of Roles and Responsibilities ICT Coordinator (Voluntary) The post of responsibility structure in schools is based on distributed leadership model, involving the establishment and facilitation of leadership teams with appropriately defined and shared responsibilities. Subject to the overall authority of the Board of Management, the post holder is accountable for the fulfillment of his/her role to the Principal of the school Name of Teacher:
Level of Post: AP1 or
1. Role, Responsibilities & Objectives Role: ICT Coordinator Responsibility: This post holder has responsibility for supporting staff and students with ICT and that hardware and software are well maintained in our school Objectives: • • • • • • •
Managing all peripheral devices and upkeep of hardware such as server, Wi-Fi, networks. Staff CPD and support. Student CPD and support. Linking with Leadership on emerging items, costs, budgets. Whole school planning support e.g. CP days Events Planning e.g., Internet safety week. SSE: DLF
The Assistant Principal will support best practice as set out in Looking at Our School 2016, the leadership and management structure in the school and those charged with its implementation and the principle of flexibility in the assignment of roles and responsibilities. The Assistant Principal will support and promote the school ethos, high quality in student care, learning and teaching and the development of student voice, participation and leadership. The Assistant Principal will collaborate with colleagues in ongoing review and critique of school policies in line with SSE principles and in promoting a culture of professional responsibility and accountability Please find attached document containing the statements from Looking at Our Schools that are linked with this Role and Responsibility 2. In consideration of the Teacher undertaking the roles and responsibilities assigned, the School shall authorize the Department of Education and Skills to pay the appropriate allowance for the level (AP1 OR AP2) of post from the schedule of salaries and allowances for teachers at the rate agreed from time to time in the Teachers’ Conciliation and Arbitration Scheme or such other Scheme as may replace same or be otherwise agreed from time to time, in addition to the Teacher’s scale salary.
______________________________ Teacher Date: _________________
Acknowledgment of Receipt: _________________________ Principal
Coláiste Bríde Presentation Secondary School New Road, Clondalkin, Dublin 22 D22 C6Y2 Tel: (01) 459 1158 Email: info@colaistebride.com www.colaistebride.com @colaistebride