Mother Nature Magazine

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Find the best organic and vegan free sun creams for those su ering with dry skin this Summer.

30 Mother Nature Page One (Emma).indd 2 30/03/2023 14:41

50ML (£22.95)

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5. P20 Sensitive Suncream SPF50 200ml (£23.99)

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How to cope with dry-skin in the Summer

FeatherLight UVA/UVB SPF 50 Sunscreen + Primer (£4.95)

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2. HYGGEE Vegan Sun Cream 3. Beauty Pie Super Healthy Skin™ 1. Scent Free Facial Sun CreamSPF30 4. Pai Skindcare British Summertime Sensitive Sun Cream 40ML
SKIN CARE Summer Skin Page One (Emma).indd 3 30/03/2023 14:41


Pattie Gonia and Wyn Wiley out of Drag is , A Drag Queen from Lincoln, Nebraska, but also an environmentalist, LGBTQ+ activist, social media influencer.

Pattie’s early career with this name, in 2018 was influenced and a joke of the American outdoor clothing company Patagonia. During their early career as Pattie Gonia posted outdoor activism short videos and images on her Instagram and TikTok, where she has recently gained 516 k followers on Instagram and TikTok with 2.5 Million Likes.

of his friends Teresa Baker and Jose Gonzalez of The Outdoorist Oath, An nonprofit organisation looking at the future of outdoors through education and diversity, Looking through their Instagram profile with the insta following 28, 300 follow ers for the organisation focuses on events such as hikes and races in woodland and nature in the United States.

The Outdoorist Oath looks at di versity through outdoors activities, whilst the activities only happen in the United States, any activist/ environmentalist can take the Oath themselves, wherever in the world they can support the Oath, linking to three principles: the planet, inclusion and adventure. The Outdoorist Oath don’t want to pressure individuals or give them answers to what they should do better. Which is a good approach to have within this community to be able to share what we are doing to battle these issues, but not to pressure people.


Their social media presence looks at climate change and sustainability, with a comedic tone posting memes of her in Drag and memes from the internet and holding government officials account-

Showing how you can still make a difference whilst having fun at the same time, This can be seen on her TikTok when she is hiking, skiing or hanging out with friends. She also posts about fast fashion companies reaching out to her and how she declines the offer, showing how active she is and will not be influencing her followers to buy fast fashion brands like SHIEN. Using her platform to inspire and encourage her followers to think before buying clothes from fast fashion companies.


An example of this more recently is for Halloween last year she dressed up as a Climate Disaster in Drag, her dress made by Zero Waste Daniel is made of sustainable fabric scraps and reworn wig and accessories.In her

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Wyn Wiley, 30 uses their Drag Experience as Pattie Gonia to fight for climate change and want a more diverse out doors. Pronouns: She/He/They. Pattie Gonia in a Halloween Climate Disaster Look in 2022.
PN MOTHER NATURE, SUMMER 2023 People .indd 2 27/03/2023 17:52
Wyn Wiley (Pattie Gonia) in Drag hiking gear.

dress, and Birds flying around under pollution coming from Airplanes and Factories. She uses something close to her Drag and Fashion to tackle a big topic around climate change and how scary it is so that it can fit in as a Halloween costume. More recently he has partnered with The North Face in 2020, teaming up with them to promote outdoor activities for summer. They have also been part of the Out100 list of 100 influential LGBTQ+ people and have been nominated for social media awards in the LGBTQ+ company.

Pattie helps to encourage people to care more about the environment with comedy either by recreating iconic movie scenes or creating looks that respond to issues close to Pattie’s heart. Allowing for a more personal connection about topics such as climate change and LGBTQ+ rights.


ism and environmental activities, allowing more people to be seen and heard from, creating a more diverse planet for change, this is what the outdoorish oath allows and wants to change the perception allowing for a more diverse community that all want a healthy environment.

To do this, Pattie Gonia also hosts on airbnb allowing for people to stay in Oregon, USA and meet her and her drag friends for a ‘Get Outside with Pattie Gonia & Friends’ allowing for an outdoor safe space for members of the LGBTQ+ com munity and allies where they can connect with like minded individu als who care about the environment and are a part of this community to be out on a nature trail, place to share LGBTQ+ nature history, con versation in a safe place.


We hope that Pattie will inspire us and allow us to make change creatively and use our skills to help make a difference within our community, whether by fashion, drag or make up to help illustrate what we need to change to be able to fully understand issues like climate change. Pattie is not only a force for good but also shares a keen interest in the environment whether that is evenings out or hiking woodlands helps us fall back in love with

This is why at Mother Nature we have chosen Pattie Gonia for her inspiration and creativity and at Mother Nature we are inspired by Pattie and their efforts and want for change in links with climate change and look forward to seeing what Pattie does next with her positive change platform and the Outdoor-

Follow Pattie Gonia on her Socials, Instagram and TikTok: pattiegonia s

Pattie Gonia in Green Nature Look
SUMMER 2023, MOTHER NATURE PN People .indd 3 27/03/2023 17:52
Wyn Wiley enjoying a Hike
sustainable travel story 1 .indd 1 30/03/2023 12:18

1. Avoid flying to destinations.

There are some destinations which do not require flying and this is a great way to keep your carbon footprint low. The Eurostar is a great way to travel sustainably, as trains emit the lowest levels of greenhouse gases and other harmful pollutants. The Eurostar from London can take you to Paris Gare du Nord, Amsterdam, Brussels and Disneyland Paris. That is already four destinations in Europe you can travel without flying, with prices starting from just £39!

2. Fly to shorter destinations.

Being a young woman, you may be wanting to travel the world. This is completely understandable. However, planes are the mode of transport which release the most carbon emissions into the environment. To help your carbon footprint, if it can be avoided, then instead of flying to long-haul destinations, perhaps consider flying to shorter destinations and then travelling to further countries in other transport modes, such as train services or hiring an electric car.

3. Book destinations on eco-friendly booking sites

4. Sustainable packing

Packing sustainably is a great way to ensure that you do not cause any damage to environments that you will be travelling to. Pack a reusable water bottle to avoid using any unnecessary plastics and throwing it away. Avoid throwing away plastics by packing reusable bottles for shampoos and conditioners as well. Use the choice of a biodegradable toothbrush and bring a reusable silicone sanitary cup instead of disposable ones. Anything that you can bring which reduces the use of plastics to ensure you are helping to save the local natural environment of which you are travelling to.

5.Eating well while being away

Eating environmentally friendly food while being away is also a way to help the local environment. This can be done by eating more plant-based foods instead of more meats. Try not to waste your food as food waste is a big problem in environments; if you are not feeling hungry, just eat something small, or if in a restaurant make sure to take the food away to eat later on to avoid wasting foods.

Booking your trips through eco-friendly sites is a good way to make sure you are either travelling to a sustainable destination, or that your booking is helping the environment. For example, some eco-friendly sites such as, give the promise that with every booking they take, they will plant a tree to help reforestation and eco-diversity. Whilst other booking sites such as Ecobnb, will provide you with accommodation that uses renewable energy, uses the least power and material resources and is regenerative. There are also some sites such as, who are not necessarily a sustainable site but they do provide some hotels who attempt to help with sustainability, which could be another way to book sustainably through your favourite sites.

How to travel sustainably in 2023
sustainable travel story 1 .indd 2 30/03/2023 12:18


In the words of the fashion icon Vivienne Westwood: “Buy less, choose well, make it last”. Fashion shouldn’t cost the earth, which is why we need to be more conscious of spending habits and where we buy clothes from. Here are a few ways you could still have a wardrobe you love, whilst also leaving a minimal carbon footprint.

sustainable wardrobe story DRAFT.indd 2 30/03/2023 14:49

People can get caught up buying more clothes from online fast fashion stores as soon as there’s a new trend- this can be detrimental to the environment. Did you know that some big fast fashion brands post thousands of new products on their website each day? But if you find a style that you love, you can make so many different outfits with the same few staple pieces in your wardrobe. The key is finding your perfect timeless style. There are hundreds of YouTube videos about capsule wardrobes you could watch if you need some inspiration on how to find your personal fashion style.

Related to the previous point, finding high quality items of clothing and looking after them properly can mean they can last a long time; if you love your clothes it won’t end up in landfill. Make sure you know which items need to be hand washed and look at the label before you use a tumble drier. If you’re good at sewing you could also try repairing clothes if they rip. If you want to invest more into your clothing, you could get some items tailored to increase the longevity and improve the fit.


Only buy new clothing when you genuinely need it- it cuts down on waste and saves you some money. A lot of us have found ourselves in a situation where we buy new clothes but they just sit there unused forever. When you’re shopping, ask yourself: “Will I use this all the time?”. If you love to shop, changing your mindset is definitely something that takes practice over time. The goal is to only go shopping when you have a specific item you need. And of course, treat yourself now and again if you think you look amazing in something.

My personal favourite is looking in charity shops first. You’re reusing clothes that would have otherwise been thrown away and it’s so much cheaper- you are also donating to a charity at the same time. All of my jeans are from charity shops. I even found some Levis which fit me perfectly and they were really cheap. It was heaven-sent after many unsuccessful trips raking through second hand garments.

If you decide to buy something and end up not liking it, you can just donate it back to the charity shop. People from all walks of life donate their old clothes- you could find some unique items you’ve never seen before or a beautiful vintage piece.Trust the process and keep looking. You will find something you love, guaranteed; even if it takes a few trips.

sustainable wardrobe story DRAFT.indd 3 30/03/2023 14:49


It was 1:30am and the glow of my phone screen filled part of my bedroom as I aimlessly scrolled through social media on a sleepless night. I discovered a blog post about someone going vegan for a month and they explained how energetic and happy they were by the end.

As an anxious hypochondriac, I’ve considered trying the vegan lifestyle to be healthy. But I do love eggs in the morning and anything with cheese. I honestly don’t think I can live without chocolate.

At that moment I decided things needed to change. We need to be more responsible for what we eat and how we look after our planet. As much as I wanted to try being completely vegan for a whole month, it’s just a bit unrealistic. So, I tried it for seven days. I was vegetarian for seven years for environmental reasons so I thought it would be pretty easy.

I used this week as a test to see if this can really fix my energy levels and mood. I did little research on some vegan recipes and made a budget for food. Here are my dishevelled thoughts I recorded from the whole week:


At the beginning of the week I felt pretty sluggish with little motivation to be productive, which is how

I feel most mornings in a normal week. Before I shopped for food I had peanut butter on toast for breakfast (which is the only thing I had to eat) and I scrolled through vegan meal ideas on social media. The food shop took a bit longer than usual. I scoured through all the ingredients on the supermarket food I bought to make sure it really is vegan. I was surprised at the amount of products with animal derived ingredients in it. I had mushrooms on toast with vegan sausages for lunch and a home made lentil dal with cauliflower for dinner.


Day two of the vegan challenge. I had exactly the same meal as the day before: mushrooms on toast with vegan sausages. My lunch was lentil soup and bread with popcorn as a snack. This may sound strange but I feel like I am struggling to feel ‘full’. With my busy schedule I don’t have time to think about a filling meal. I’m just grabbing anything in my house that’s technically vegan before I leave, which ended up being grapes and popcorn. I also have no idea if I’m eating healthily enough. My thought for the day is that to be vegan properly, you need to have a good level of organisation and cooking skill to make amazing looking meals.


Today I experienced that awkward scenario: having to tell someone that I’m vegan when we were deciding where to eat. I dreaded to know what they were thinking- it just seems to make things more complicated. But of course, more experienced vegans would be used to this situation and the awkwardness would have disappeared. Also, why should I feel awkward when I’m doing a good thing for the planet? We ended up going to Greggs for a vegan sausage roll and it tasted decent. It’s great to see many places serving more plantbased meals nowadays. I tried wok fried noodles with mushrooms and tofu from a vietnamese restaurant later that day and it was delicious.


I mixed things up with my daily porridge today by adding some peanut butter and I used almond milk instead of cow’s milk. I also found that dates are a great alternative to chocolate if I’m craving something sweet. I made 2 servings of a stir fry with lots of vegetables and chickpeas. Finally the effects of this diet are kicking in- I’m actually feeling more energised now. I’m definitely eating way more fruit and veg than normal- I feel like I’m getting my 5 a day everyday. Before this week I probably only got about 2 or 3 a day.

I’m definitely eating more fruit and veg than normal.
Vegan story draft (1).indd 4 30/03/2023 15:11
Columnist Charlotte Gager tried going vegan for a week to become healthier... but it was more difficult than imagined.


One thing that hasn’t left my mind all week is the stress that I’m lacking some nutrients. I had more porridge with a pear for breakfast and I tried the vegan burger at Burger King. I’ve had it before but I felt I needed a break from thinking of vegan meals for the evening. In terms of my mood I feel way more positively minded and I can do more work throughout the day without needing a nap.


It’s coming to the end of the week now and I feel pretty good but I’m actually looking forward to Monday. I ate leftovers from the week and used up the rest of the food in my fridge.


“How hard could it really be? It’s basically like being vegetarian again,” my friends would say.

It turns out it’s more difficult than I thought. I think it’s a great diet and really healthy, only if you do it correctly. My source of protein throughout the week was a lot of tofu, lentils and chickpeas. I also realised by the end of the week that I basically lived on mushrooms and grapes all week. Don’t get me wrong, they tasted great and it was easy to cook but I really missed having eggs in the morning and taking my omega 3 fish oil capsules. To be honest I was paranoid that I was malnourished all week. BUT I am glad I tried it.

The best outcome of the week is that my skin is almost completely clear of acne after just a week of not consuming cow’s milk. I know this isn’t a revelation but I was shocked at how quickly my skin changes after a shift in my diet.

In hindsight I probably should’ve been more prepared and looked up proper filling vegan recipes and it would have been way more successful. I’m excited to integrate some of these meals into my daily life, and maybe I will gradually become a vegan full-time.

Vegan story draft (1).indd 5 30/03/2023 15:11
I feel way more positively minded and I can do more work in the day.

Let’s meat half way

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Spread 1.indd 2 31/03/2023 12:35

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minctem escimporum volorectur?

Piscillore vellandis dolest, officima coriberro volupta quodiame sit, idis voluptat eum quam, que quam ut faccustio. Nam laccus.

Pis dia is repedio evelendi alitatum ex enducietur re dolorrovit voluptios eos dit eum quidita temquam dolupta quid estionectur am et untemod iorest autemque dolupti consect urepellum vel idelibus etur sunt exeriatur si isimusam que vellam quia samsci unt maximperitam volorehenis doluptas di aligeni millige ndenisto iducil ipsunte mquaspit a volor molori acepro blaci ut volendebis sitam landa cum la vel inciis ut eatempo ribus, aliquae dolorem olenda aut audi omnis doluptu restem que as ducius doluptatium assunt es dolore verundiciet etur, ne verios es minctem escimporum volorectur?

Piscillore vellandis dolest, officima coriberro volupta quodiame sit, idis voluptat eum quam, que quam ut faccustio. Nam laccus. Pis dia is repedio evelendi alitatum ex enducietur re dolorrovit voluptios eos dit eum quidita temquam dolupta quid estionectur am et untemod iorest autemque dolupti consect urepellum vel idelibus etur sunt exeria-

Piscillore vellandis dolest, officima coriberro volupta quodiame sit, idis voluptat eum quam, que quam ut faccustio. Nam laccus. Pis dia is repedio evelendi alitatum ex enducietur re dolorrovit voluptios eos dit eum quidita temquam dolupta quid estionectur am et untemod iorest autemque dolupti consect urepellum vel idelibus etur sunt exeriatur si isimusam que vellam quia samsci unt maximperitam volorehenis doluptas di aligeni millige ndenisto iducil ipsunte mquaspit a volor molori acepro blaci ut volendebis sitam landa cum la vel inciis ut eatempo ribus, aliquae dolorem olenda aut audi omnis doluptu restem que as ducius doluptatium assunt es dolore verundiciet etur, ne verios es minctem escimporum volorectur?

Piscillore vellandis dolest, officima coriberro volupta quodiame sit, idis voluptat eum quam, que quam ut faccustio. Nam laccus. Pis dia is repedio evelendi alitatum ex enducietur re dolorrovit voluptios eos dit eum quidita temquam dolupta quid estionectur am et untemod iorest autemque dolupti consect urepellum vel idelibus etur sunt exeriatur si isimusam que vellam quia samsci unt maximperitam volorehenis doluptas di aligeni millige ndenisto iducil ipsunte mquaspit a volor molori acepro blaci ut volendebis sitam landa cum la vel inciis ut eatempo ribus, aliquae dolorem olenda aut audi omnis doluptu restem que as ducius doluptatium assunt es dolore verundiciet etur, ne verios es minctem escimporum volorectur?

Piscillore vellandis dolest, officima coriberro volupta quodiame sit, idis voluptat eum quam, que quam ut faccustio. Nam laccus. Pis dia is repedio evelendi alitatum ex enducietur re dolorrovit voluptios eos dit eum

Spread 1.indd 3 31/03/2023 12:35
Cae iur atum escimpo renimus ut mod quiscip suntium atur, cus, te velendaecto optatiorrum que enietur sanisquis et odigenet am harum rem debitiis dest autem fuga.

4vegan options to make you say cheeeze 1

Usam quibusam, atque si con poritio omnihitatur

Sequi blabor ad millanditame nit autas volorro vitiand iorerior sunti o ciis num et imus pe quodit as ut quas incipid ustem. Itatatur as quaecus tincto te volorerum venet ommo te laut untur, aut eum natem. Faccuptat. Temped quo ma vendis re rerferiam, sit ideliquide molenim quam

Nullestio exces sequatur rerovitium

debissit labo. Tissin

Spread 2 NO template.indd 2 31/03/2023 12:32

Dam, cus sus evelessimus dol

Optatet lab int ate eaquia earibusam doluptatiae nobisim olliquia aliqui tem reperspid et es et volupic te peliquatur rerion repratiuntem harcimus a aut accae suntur siti nonsenimus eturepe ditiusdant alitini millore debit dollici 4

Culpa ipidelitas ni berro to cus essinci

Magnis archictotati sitibeaquam, occae. Udam as molesti none dolum volorat laborerepudi conet ad mi, eossed etur, conseque ipsapero delecernatem ium, ius, as maximet fugiame nihillam, que vendam, niam iumqui nos ut desed untis et facil excerup tatquatur soluptat aut imaionsequat venietur as ditior recti corro volore nist, consedit,

Num qui remporit quae. Omnimagnis aut labo. Qui blaut


Edit, solorro quatur, Antibus, sedit eosaperro eaquis iur ad moluptatur?

Volecepudis rest vit harum alit eaquam expliaturit dolorume sandi quo eatqui nit molupta nonsenda volut a cullaboribus eius in pe conse volupti re, omnistem asperep

Spread 2 NO template.indd 3 31/03/2023 12:32

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