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Work Experience
Since May
Escuela Tecnológica Instituto Técnico Central - ETITC (Central Technological Institute Technical School).
Bogotá D.C. - Colombia.
Position: Cultural Interest Building Management Architect.
Sept - Dec
2018 May - Aug
2018 Feb - May
Instituto Distrital de Patrimonio Cultural - IDPC (District Institute of Cultural Heritage).
Bogotá D.C. - Colombia.
Position: Valuation Sheets Architect
NVP Arquitectos (NVP Architects).
Bogotá D.C. - Colombia.
Position: Architect
Consorcio Restauración Bogotá (Bogota Restoration Consortium).
Bogotá D.C. - Colombia.
Position: Architect
April 2017
February 2018
Grupo de Protección del Patrimonio Cultural Inmueble (Cultural Heritage Protection Group)
Bogotá D.C. - Colombia.
Position: Research Assistant
August 2014
July 2015
Instituto Distrital de Patrimonio Cultural - IDPC (District Institute of Cultural Heritage).
Bogotá D.C. - Colombia.
Position: Intern
(IELTS 7.5 Overall)
The study of heritage in Colombia is a field that has not been deeply explored and covered by the different research groups in the country, however, the construction and technological part has a lesser degree of study.
The project of "Technical characterization and classification of Colombian heritage buildings " was proposed in order to focus an investigation approaching the constructive part of Colombian architecture. With the study of the different cases, the history of Colombian construction was contributed, since the characterization allowed a higher level of approximation and understanding of the construction system of these buildings. It started with the research in the district and national level that allowed the collection, interpretation, documentation and analysis of the selected buildings.
As a result of this research, there are characterization sheets, in which the different graphic resources such as photographs and plans constructed by the research assistants were recorded, also, as the construction of a historical review, which allows the understanding of the constructive evolution and interventions existing throughout the history of the buildings studied.
Name: Technical characterization and classification of Colombian heritage buildings.
Project: Cultural Heritage Protection Group of the National University of Colombia.
Location: La Candelaria, Bogotá - Colombia.
Members: David Ricardo Cortés Sánchez.
Daniela Ospina Betancur.
Juan José Bacca Guevara.
Maria Alejandra Agudelo Briceño.
Project Director: Angélica Chica Segovia.
Project Level: Academic research group.
Date: 2017 - 2018.


The Venados house is built on a middle lot made up today of three different volumes, the first (front volume) is the only part that remains of the original 19th century republican house. The original typology of the two-story building was a central patio with the development of spaces around it. Today its facade is composed by a plinth in stone ashlars, a central wooden door and 5 wooden windows on the first level and 4 wooden window-doors with wrought iron railings and 2 closed wooden balconies built into the walls of the second level.

Its structure is made up of a cyclopean footing in stone masonry a concrete subfloor plate and compacted fill material (recent intervention). Its walls are load-bearing and built in adobe masonry blocks with patches of rammed earth and some brick interventions. The mezzanine is made up of beams and wooden joists. The roof structure is gabled and made of rafters, collar ties, purlins and ridge beam that serve as support for the ceiling, on which the clay tile rests.
The floors on the first level are clay foor tile made, on the second level wooden joint slats. The walls of the entire house are plastered with lime and sand with lime paint, on the second level in the main room there is a border with mural paintings of deer figures. The carpentry of the house is made up of the main staircase, balconies, windows and doors. As non-structural elements, the wrought iron railings of the balconies, the metal railings and balusters, the plaster moldings and cornices stand out. The back of the building is a recent construction by the students of the Escuela Taller de Bogotá.
Photographic Restitution
Built: First stage: 1866 - 1878
Second stage: 1878 - 1882