2 minute read

biogas plant

North Elevation

West Elevation East Elevation


South Elevation

The Historic Center of the city of Bogotá is declared a National Monument by the Decree 264 of 1963 for "representing the founding origin of the city and containing some of the oldest and most representative structures of periods of national history such as the Colony, the Republic and the modern age”. Also, since it has been the concentration node of central power for several centuries, various dynamics that include practices, knowledge and traditions are developed in it. Its proximity to the eastern hills makes it a unique landscape. However, since its declaration there has not been a continuity of public policies, coordination, implementation and management that allow its conservation.

According to the IDPC, this project reviewed the previous plans that have been formulated for the Center of Bogotá. Both the diagnosis and the delimitation of the area and formulation of programs and projects are based on the plans carried out in the last 20 years, which were reviewed as experiences and efforts advanced by the Administration. Specifically, it focused on reverse the low execution of the actions proposed by said plans, evidencing the need to include a management system that develops appropriate financing and monitoring mechanisms, responds to the changing reality of the Historic Center effectively through the inclusion of new prioritized actions and projects during their implementation.

Name: Special Management and Protection Plan for the historic center of Bogotá.

Project: Valuation sheets for urban norm.

Location: Bogotá D.C. - Colombia.

Members: Lina Marcela Moreno Roa.

Hernán David Aldana Carrasco.

Maria Alejandra Agudelo Briceño.

Project Director: Mauricio Uribe.

Project Level: Professional.

Date: 2018.

Military, residential, religious, institutional, commercial, industrial, transportation, architectural ensembles, engineering and infrastructure works.

Photography: Maria Alejandra Agudelo Briceño.

Keep its values

Applies to buildings inside a declared urban sector and are compatible with it, even when they do not meet representative architectural characteristics of volume, implantation or profile and materials.

The building must be preserved in its entirety due to its high heritage value

Must be preserved: heights, occupancy rates, blocks, front spaces, parks, profiles, squares, layouts and roads

Representative characteristics in: lot implantation, built volume, spatial organization, ornamental elements

Physical definition of the urban and architectural elements that support the values of the assets that will be declared heritage

Level 1

Integral conservation

Mitigate its risks Take advantage of potentialities

Preventive and corrective actions for its conservation

Conditions of the relationship between the CIAs and its environment to:

What a Special Management and Protection Plan is

Analysis of potentialities, threats and risks

Level 2

Architectural conservation

Level 3

Contextual conservation fftcede oz

Delimitation of the context close to the CIA to guarantee its recovery and sustainability

Conditions for maintenance

Mechanisms for recovery and sustainability


It’s a planning and management instrument for the conservation of a Cultural Interest Asset.

Strategies for appropriation by the community

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