Sample Data Base

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Sample Database

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What is this? This is a sample of a data base you could use to practice writing SQL queries. How could you attach it to your SQL server? 1- Open SQL server

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2- Click on the new query button

3- Copy the entire code in the boxes below ------------------------------------------------------------ Family sample database - CREATE --- this script will drop an existing Family database -- and create a fresh new installation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drop and Create Database USE master GO IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM SysDatabases WHERE NAME='Family') DROP DATABASE Family go -- This creates the database data file and log file on the default directories CREATE DATABASE Family go

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use Family go ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Create Tables, in order from primary to secondary CREATE TABLE dbo.Person ( PersonID INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED, LastName VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, FirstName VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, SrJr VARCHAR(3) NULL, MaidenName VARCHAR(15) NULL, Gender CHAR(1) NOT NULL, FatherID INT NULL, MotherID INT NULL, DateOfBirth DATETIME NULL, DateOfDeath DATETIME NULL ); go CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX IxPersonName ON dbo.Person (LastName, FirstName); ALTER TABLE dbo.Person ADD CONSTRAINT FK_Person_Father FOREIGN KEY (FatherID) REFERENCES dbo.Person (PersonID); ALTER TABLE dbo.Person ADD CONSTRAINT FK_Person_Mother FOREIGN KEY (MotherID) REFERENCES dbo.Person (PersonID); go CREATE TABLE dbo.Marriage ( MarriageID INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED, HusbandID INT NOT NULL FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES dbo.Person, WifeID INT NOT NULL FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES dbo.Person, DateOfWedding DATETIME NULL, DateOfDivorce DATETIME NULL ) go ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Custom Constraints CREATE TRIGGER Person_Parents ON Person AFTER INSERT, UPDATE AS -- check that if the parent is listed that the gender is correct IF UPDATE(FatherID) BEGIN -- Incorrect Father Gender IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM Person JOIN Inserted ON Inserted.FatherID = Person.PersonID WHERE Person.Gender = 'F') BEGIN ROLLBACK RAISERROR('Incorrect Gender for Father',14,1) RETURN

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END END -- Invalid Father Age -- Father Deceased IF UPDATE(MotherID) BEGIN -- Incorrect Mother Gender IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM Person JOIN Inserted ON Inserted.MotherID = Person.PersonID WHERE Person.Gender = 'M') BEGIN ROLLBACK RAISERROR('Incorrect Gender for Mother',14,1) RETURN END END -- Invalid Mother age

-- Mother Deceased RETURN go ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sample Data INSERT dbo.Person (PersonID, LastName, FirstName, MaidenName, Gender, FatherID, MotherID, DateOfBirth, DateOfDeath) VALUES(1, 'Halloway', 'Kelly', 'Russell', 'F', NULL, NULL, '2/7/1904','5/13/1987') INSERT dbo.Person (PersonID, LastName, FirstName, SrJr, Gender, FatherID, MotherID, DateOfBirth, DateOfDeath) VALUES(2, 'Halloway', 'James', '1', 'M', NULL, NULL, '4/12/1899','5/1/2001') INSERT dbo.Person (PersonID, LastName, FirstName, MaidenName, Gender, FatherID, MotherID, DateOfBirth, DateOfDeath) VALUES(3,'Miller', 'Karen', 'Conley', 'F', NULL, NULL, '9/11/1909','8/1/1974') INSERT dbo.Person (PersonID, LastName, FirstName, SrJr, Gender, FatherID, MotherID, DateOfBirth, DateOfDeath) VALUES(4, 'Miller', 'Bryan', NULL, 'M', NULL, NULL, '4/12/1902','4/16/1948') go INSERT dbo.Person (PersonID, LastName, FirstName, SrJr, Gender, FatherID, MotherID, DateOfBirth, DateOfDeath) VALUES(5, 'Halloway', 'James', '2', 'M', 2, 1, '5/19/1922','2/2/1992') INSERT dbo.Person (PersonID, LastName, FirstName, MaidenName, Gender, FatherID, MotherID, DateOfBirth, DateOfDeath) VALUES(6, 'Halloway', 'Audry', 'Ross', 'F', 4, 3, '8/5/1928','3/12/2002')

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go INSERT dbo.Person (PersonID, LastName, FirstName, SrJr, Gender, FatherID, MotherID, DateOfBirth, DateOfDeath) VALUES(7, 'Halloway', 'Corwin', NULL, 'M', 5, 6, '3/13/1961',NULL) INSERT dbo.Person (PersonID, LastName, FirstName, MaidenName, Gender, FatherID, MotherID, DateOfBirth, DateOfDeath) VALUES(8, 'Campbell', 'Melanie', 'Halloway', 'F', 5, 6, '8/19/1951','6/28/2009') INSERT dbo.Person (PersonID, LastName, FirstName, SrJr, Gender, FatherID, MotherID, DateOfBirth, DateOfDeath) VALUES(9, 'Halloway', 'Dara', NULL, 'F', 5, 6, '12/12/1958','4/14/2010') INSERT dbo.Person (PersonID, LastName, FirstName, SrJr, Gender, FatherID, MotherID, DateOfBirth, DateOfDeath) VALUES(10, 'Halloway', 'James', 3, 'M', 5, 6, '8/30/1953','11/30/2007') go INSERT dbo.Person (PersonID, LastName, FirstName, SrJr, Gender, FatherID, MotherID, DateOfBirth, DateOfDeath) VALUES(11, 'Kidd', 'Kimberly', NULL, 'F', NULL, NULL, '7/24/1963',NULL) INSERT dbo.Person (PersonID, LastName, FirstName, MaidenName, Gender, FatherID, MotherID, DateOfBirth, DateOfDeath) VALUES(12, 'Halloway', 'Alysia', 'Simmons', 'F', NULL, NULL, '3/5/1953',NULL) INSERT dbo.Person (PersonID, LastName, FirstName, SrJr, Gender, FatherID, MotherID, DateOfBirth, DateOfDeath) VALUES(13, 'Ramsey', 'Walter ', NULL, 'M', NULL, NULL, '9/30/1945',NULL) go INSERT dbo.Person (PersonID, LastName, FirstName, SrJr, Gender, FatherID, MotherID, DateOfBirth, DateOfDeath) VALUES(14, 'Halloway', 'Logan', NULL, 'M', 7, 11,'2/6/1994',NULL) INSERT dbo.Person (PersonID, LastName, FirstName, SrJr, Gender, FatherID, MotherID, DateOfBirth, DateOfDeath) VALUES(15, 'Ramsey', 'Shannon', NULL, 'F', 13, 8,'4/1/1970',NULL) INSERT dbo.Person (PersonID, LastName, FirstName, SrJr, Gender, FatherID, MotherID, DateOfBirth, DateOfDeath) VALUES(16, 'Ramsey', 'Jennifer', NULL, 'F', 13, 8,'6/1/1972','6/1/1972') INSERT dbo.Person (PersonID, LastName, FirstName, SrJr, Gender, FatherID, MotherID, DateOfBirth, DateOfDeath) VALUES(17, 'Halloway', 'Allie', NULL, 'F', 10, 12,'8/14/1979',NULL) INSERT dbo.Person (PersonID, LastName, FirstName, SrJr, Gender, FatherID, MotherID, DateOfBirth, DateOfDeath) VALUES(18, 'Halloway', 'Abbie', NULL, 'F', 10, 12,'8/14/1979',NULL) INSERT dbo.Person (PersonID, LastName, FirstName, SrJr, Gender, FatherID, MotherID, DateOfBirth, DateOfDeath) VALUES(19, 'Halloway', 'James', 4, 'M',10, 12,'5/24/1975',NULL) INSERT dbo.Person (PersonID, LastName, FirstName, MaidenName, Gender, FatherID, MotherID, DateOfBirth, DateOfDeath) VALUES(20, 'Halloway', 'Grace', 'Stranes', 'F', NULL, NULL,'11/1/1977',NULL) go INSERT dbo.Person (PersonID, LastName, FirstName, SrJr, Gender, FatherID, MotherID, DateOfBirth, DateOfDeath)

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VALUES(21, 'Halloway', 'James', 5, 'M', 19, 20,'9/4/2007',NULL) INSERT dbo.Person (PersonID, LastName, FirstName, SrJr, Gender, FatherID, MotherID, DateOfBirth, DateOfDeath) VALUES(22, 'Halloway', 'Chris', NULL, 'M', 19, 20, '7/4/2003',NULL) go INSERT dbo.Person (PersonID, LastName, FirstName, SrJr, Gender, FatherID, MotherID, DateOfBirth, DateOfDeath) VALUES(23, 'Halloway', 'Joshua', NULL, 'M', NULL, 9,'6/25/1975',NULL) INSERT dbo.Person (PersonID, LastName, FirstName, SrJr, Gender, FatherID, MotherID, DateOfBirth, DateOfDeath) VALUES(24, 'Halloway', 'Laura', NULL, 'F', NULL, 9, '5/29/1977',NULL) INSERT dbo.Person (PersonID, LastName, FirstName, MaidenName, Gender, FatherID, MotherID, DateOfBirth, DateOfDeath) VALUES(25, 'Halloway', 'Katherine', 'Wood', 'F', NULL, NULL,'3/23/1996',NULL) INSERT dbo.Person (PersonID, LastName, FirstName, SrJr, Gender, FatherID, MotherID, DateOfBirth, DateOfDeath) VALUES(26, 'Campbell', 'Richard', NULL, 'M', NULL, NULL,'1/16/1941',NULL) go INSERT dbo.Person (PersonID, LastName, FirstName, SrJr, Gender, FatherID, MotherID, DateOfBirth, DateOfDeath) VALUES(29, 'Campbell', 'Adam', NULL, 'M', 26, 8,'1/30/1981',NULL) INSERT dbo.Person (PersonID, LastName, FirstName, MaidenName, Gender, FatherID, MotherID, DateOfBirth, DateOfDeath) VALUES(30, 'Campbell', 'Amy', 'Johnson', 'F', NULL, NULL,'2/27/1959',NULL) INSERT dbo.Person (PersonID, LastName, FirstName, MaidenName, Gender, FatherID, MotherID, DateOfBirth, DateOfDeath) VALUES(32, 'Campbell', 'Elizabeth', 'Straka', 'F', NULL, NULL, '6/24/1939','1/1/1972') go INSERT dbo.Person (PersonID, LastName, FirstName, SrJr, Gender, FatherID, MotherID, DateOfBirth, DateOfDeath) VALUES(27, 'Campbell', 'Alexia', NULL, 'F', 26 , 32, '8/12/1970','1/1/1972') INSERT dbo.Person (PersonID, LastName, FirstName, SrJr, Gender, FatherID, MotherID, DateOfBirth, DateOfDeath) VALUES(28, 'Campbell', 'Cameron', NULL, 'M', 26, 32,'3/13/1965',NULL) go INSERT dbo.Person (PersonID, LastName, FirstName, SrJr, Gender, FatherID, MotherID, DateOfBirth, DateOfDeath) VALUES(31, 'Campbell', 'William', NULL, 'M', 28, 30, '1/1/1987','6/30/1997') go INSERT dbo.Marriage(MarriageID, HusbandID, WifeID, DateOfWedding, DateOfDivorce) VALUES(1, 2, 1, '6/20/1920', NULL) INSERT dbo.Marriage(MarriageID, HusbandID, WifeID, DateOfWedding, DateOfDivorce) VALUES(2, 4, 3 , '4/14/1926', NULL) INSERT dbo.Marriage(MarriageID, HusbandID, WifeID, DateOfWedding, DateOfDivorce) VALUES(3, 5, 6, '12/1/1948', NULL)

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INSERT dbo.Marriage(MarriageID, HusbandID, WifeID, DateOfDivorce) VALUES(4, 10, 12 , '1/1/1975', NULL) INSERT dbo.Marriage(MarriageID, HusbandID, WifeID, DateOfDivorce) VALUES(5, 13, 8, '5/2/1968', '1/1/1974') INSERT dbo.Marriage(MarriageID, HusbandID, WifeID, DateOfDivorce) VALUES(6, 14, 25, '4/14/2018', NULL) INSERT dbo.Marriage(MarriageID, HusbandID, WifeID, DateOfDivorce) VALUES(7, 26, 8, '9/4/1977', NULL) INSERT dbo.Marriage(MarriageID, HusbandID, WifeID, DateOfDivorce) VALUES(8, 19, 20, '8/25/2000', '1/1/2007') INSERT dbo.Marriage(MarriageID, HusbandID, WifeID, DateOfDivorce) VALUES(9, 28, 30, '6/2/1984', NULL) INSERT dbo.Marriage(MarriageID, HusbandID, WifeID, DateOfDivorce) VALUES(10, 26, 32, '4/14/1963', NULL)

DateOfWedding, DateOfWedding, DateOfWedding, DateOfWedding, DateOfWedding, DateOfWedding, DateOfWedding,


4- Paste it in the empty new query window

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5- Select the entire query

6- Click on the execute button

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